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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1905)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1005. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET All Cereili Opn the Week Lower Prices. nth CJDRN SUFFERS THE LARGEST DECLINE Rallr Bring Wheat Hock Atmont to Batnrday'a Close Balls Are Regie-alna- to Wortf Over Inerrtt. In- VUlble Supply. OMAHA, Sept. 11, 190S. The feature of the market mas the break In corn. It opened a trine higher than Saturday's close, hut Boon fell off. Sep tember at the lowest point was 2c below Saturday, liecember was down 'v-'- Sep tember closed at 62o, old September at 62V, December at 44'o, old December at 46c. and May at 46Sc. Wheat was weaker. A rally at the last left liecember. only a split lower. Larger receipts and dally additions to the visibly supply are beginning to worry the owners of wheat. Although the flour trade at Minneapolis is expected to bo more than moderate, there Is no indication of it yet and the wheat pouring Into the northwest markets will have to rind an outlet or de cline and effect prices at other market. Minneapolis had 776 cars todav. Heavy movement of the Canadian crop and limited storage room causes Canadian wheat to sell abroad for what the market offers. This makes a poor propect for the export of American wheat at present prices. September closed at MSc, December at 84'c and May at W4j'i8tc. September oats finished at. 2714c, Decem ber at 2842Sc and May at 3oH'(i3u'c. Liverpool closed at Hd higher on wheat nd H?ld higher on corn. United King dom supplies of wheat are comparatively small. The prohibition of exports con tinues In Roumanln. Clearances were 32,000 bushels of wheat. IfiS.ono bushels of corn, 306,000 bushels of osts and 6.0)0 bushels of Hour. Primary wheat receipts were 1.608,000 bushels and shipments 678.000 bushels, against receipts of l,86,0fX bushels a year ago and ship ments of 066.OHO bushels. Corn recelnts were 792.000 bushels and shipments 1.07u,0(i0 bushels, against receipts last year of 679 000 imsneis ana snipmcnts of l.nx.ono bushels. Amount of wheat on passage decreased 500,000 bushels and corn bushels. The world s shipments of wheat for the week wore 12,644.000 bushels, an Increase of nearly 200.000 bushels over the week before. World's shipments of corn for the week were 8,566,000 bushels, a decrease of 751,000 ousnels over the previous week. The visi ble rupply of wheat increased 710.000 bush els for the week, corn 861,000 bushels and oats 2037.000 bushels. A New York exnorter wired that h English oats crop is disappointing on the grace ana quality very poor. Omaha Cash Sales. WHIT. ATX.I. I h!F,l 1 n. 70o. .... 77c; 1 car, &oc; 1 car,' 76c; 'l car, 78c; i CORN No. 3. 2 cars, i&c Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 778W: No. 8 hard. Wile; No. 4. 70375c; No. 3 spring, 79c; no grade, 661730. CORN No. 2, 49Hc; No. 8, 48H'3'9c; No. 4 '"jbw; o. i yeiiow. 4vtooc; No. I yel low. 4!e; No. 8 white, 4?Vc. OATS-No. 2 mixed, 26c; No. 8 mixed. 24.V Nn 4 m1vH 91 xn ,v,l. 97.. No. 3 white, 28V4ifi26c;'No. '4 white, 'iowi Carlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oats, Chicago 120 334 441 Kansas City 71 Minneapolis 776 Omaha 21 Duluth w St. Louis 137 30 a C3 '49 84 WEATHER I5 TUB GRAIN BELT Threatening: with Showers and Cooler Tuesday Fair. OMAHA. Rent lit IV Thunderstorm conditions continue general in inn cemrai vaiieys ana neavy and ex. ces-dve rains have continued in the Mis eourl and upper Mississippi valleys since Saturday. The weather will continue show ery and unsettled In the central valleys todav and tonight, but will probably be followed by fair Tuesday, with cooler to night and Tuesday. The temperature Is very much lower In the west and north west, and light to heavy frosts occurred In Aioniana, Wyoming, Idaho and Nevada.. Omaha record of temperature and precipitation compared wHh -..(he- ponding day of the last three years: ... . 1906. 1904. 1903. 1903. minimum temperature.... 64 07 43 64 l-recipltatlon 48 .00 .00 .00 normal temperature for today, 65 de grees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 4.92 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1904, 4.19 Inches. Excess corresponding period In 1903, v.m incurs. OMAHA DISTRICT. TemD. Rain. Stations. Max. Slln. Inches. Skv. Ashland, Neb..... 78 Auburn, Neb 78 Columbus, Neb.. 81 Falrbury, Neb.... 89 Fairmont, Neb... 87 Or. Islund, Neb.. 79 Hartlngton. Neb. 72 63 .99 Cloudy Raining Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Raining Raining Raining Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy 66 60 69 67 60 60 67 64 62 68 4 60 68 69 .09 .68 .66 .67 1.60 .60 2.44 .48 .43 .(A .09 .47 3.22 1.03 Oakdale, Neb. 71 79 78 77 82 79 74 72 Omaha, Neb Tekamah. Neb.. Carroll, la Clarlnda, la Sibley, la Sioux City, la... Storm Lake. Ia. Raining DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Tamil.-- Ruin Central. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches Chicago. Ill 3o Columbus. 0 16 Des Moines. Ia... 13 Indianapolis, Ind. 11 Kansas City. Mo. 7 Louisville Ky.... 19 Minneapolis ...... 26 Omaha, Neb 15 60 80 63 64 62 64 64 66 66 60 76 83 81 86 74 78 L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. St. I.onla General Market. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 18. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 red cash, elevator, SSvj'fiWie; track, 8VlS87c; December, Si'c; May, WAfibSc; No. 2 hard. KVjf(.tc. CORN Higher; No. I cash. 63c; track, Hc; December, 42'c; May, 42Hc. OAT9 Steady; No. t cash. 26c; track, J7V,p27c; December, 27o; May, 2fc; No. 1 white. 2!c. FLOl'R Firm: red winter patents. $4 10i 4 40; extra fancy and straight, I3.704i4.06; clear. 32 9MT3.15. SEED Timothy, steadv: $3.253.50. CORNMEAL Steady ; $2.60. BRAN Steady; sacked east track, 63a 66c. HAY-Steady; timothy. .0012.50; prairie, J7.0o8.. IRON COTTON TIES-89C. HEMP TWINE-yc. RAOtllNil 8e. PKOVISIONS-Pork. higher; Jobbing, $16 60. IatJ. higher; prime steam, $7.3& 1. 32 ! salt meats, lower; boxed extra shorts, $SS7. Clear ribs. $.76; short clears, $9 12. Racon. lower; boxed extra shorts, .10: clear rib. $:i.7t: short clear, $9.87. ' POULTRY Dull; chickens. I1V-; springs. 11c; turkeys, 15c; ducks, &gec; geese, aVrt'ltv BUTTER-Steady; dairy. 144il7c. creamery, 16g22c; EOGS Firm at 16c, case count. KMCelpts Shipments Flour, bbla. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. . Oats. bu. .. 8.010 U,t0 ". 81. OHO 34,000 ....137.0i) 49.0iO .... S9.0U) Kansas City (irala and Provlaloas. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 18 WHEAT Sep tember, 7ic: December. 75V: May, 77Mf 77c: cash. No. $ hard, T7i Co; No. S, TStf Sic: No. t red. 83c; No. 3. it(i82c. CORN September, 49c; December. S9c: May, 39".,c; cash. No. 3 mixed. 5Of?50'io; No. t white, 524120: No. 3, 62-frS?Vic. OATS Slow; No. 3 white, 2aK; No. 1 mixed. 26n27e. ECiiS Firm: Missouri and Kansas new No. I whltewood cases Included, lse; case count 15c; cases returned c less. RUTTER Creamery. lo: packing. 17o. HAY-trong. higher. Choice timothy, 9 oMi'W: choice Prairie. $7.0n4j7.60. n 1 1. Steady; tuc Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. .. Oats. bu. . ....24f..noo 197 iXO .... 62. ft 87. .... 19.000 14,01V Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 18 WH EAT Sep tember, bie; December. 81Vc; May, 4'9 He; No. 1 hard. 844c; No. 1 northern, c; No. 1 northern. 77t7te. FLOl'R -First patents. $5.0o15.10: second patents. $4K3 4 90; eecoud clears, $50uy5 6o; Second clears. $2.5f44!.i!5. BRAN Dull, $11 vOO 1116. lslk. npnlr of Grata. VOr.K iiept. 14, The visible eup ply of gram Saturday, September la, at c.nninl.d by "the Fiiduc enchange. ' follows: Wheat, 13.3S6ai bushels; Increase 1.119'joO bushcla. Corn. t.Tlftf.tMJ bushsls; in creaae, tl lav busbvla. tutta 16.ina.uuu bus') 'a. Increase, !,0J0,0ut bunela. Rye, stiOC-' bushels; Increase. IS.rW) bushels Hurley. 1.87s,.0M bushels; Increase, 676.UUO bushels. CHICAGO GRAM ASD PROVISIONS Featoree of the Trading; and Closing Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO Bent 18 rnnrtnnnl artlnmente of wheat by Black sea ports had a weaken ing men on the wheat market today. Heavy rslns In the American northwest helped offset, however, the effect of the news from Russia. At the close wheat for December delivery was off only Sc. Corn Is down He oats show a loss of Vilc. Provisions are practically unchanged. In the wheat pit at the start the Decem ber option wss shade lower to Sa'Vc higher at M-MV- Continued rain In the northwest Induced general buying dur ing me nrst irnur. As a result the market was quite firm, December touching MHc Weekly statistics, however, were extremely bearish. Probably the most Important fea ture was the heavy shipment of wheat dur ing the past week from Rlark rwirts the total movement from that locality being 0.J28.IP0O bu. ss against . 192, 009 bu. the cor responding time last veer. Despite unfav orable weather conditions receipts today at m miit npiMm ana l'uiutn were i.ijfi cars, against 971 cars a year ago. Toward noon the absence of any apparent support from the leading bulls Inspired confidence In the minds of bears and caused Increased sell ing pressure. Yielding to this tendency the Ieceniber dellverv ernriuallv aoM ,ff to Kiltc. Covering by shorts caused a moder ate rally nut the market closed with De cember at M'&MHe. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 69.000 bu. The amount on passage decreased 63X000 bu. Minneapolis, Duluth snd Chicago reported receipts of 841 cars, against 716 cars last weea ana 1.147 cars a year ago. For a time the corn market was quite firm as a result of an active demand due to rains In many sections of the corn belt. later the market weakened under heavy sales by a prominent commission house. Liberal local receipts helped to create bear ish sentiment. The market closed weak wun prices at the lowest point. December ' opened Vlc higher at 45Vu451ic, sold off ' iu ana ciosea at me ootiom. ixcai receipts were 634 cars with 262 of contract grade. Sentiment In the oat pit was bearish. Longs and cash houses were active sellers. Offerings were taken mainly by commission nouses, i ne Dasis or the easier undertone was an absence of exnort. The market closed at about the lowest point of the duy. December opened unchanged to tjc lower at 2tu,mSc. sold off to 2xV,c and closed at 2(V28Sc. Local receipts were 441 cars. rrovieions were steady on scattered de mand. The Volume of husincHii mm iimnll. offerings being light. At the close January pora was up 60 at 112.42'. I.nrd was a shade higher at $6,6688.87H. Ribs were up 24'! at 16.60. Estimated recelnts for tomorrow 64 cars; corn, 672 cars; Oats, 832 cars; hogs. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yesy. Wheat Sept. Pec. Mav 84 83V 831 84 84 i84VJ''i MViflt. 84H1 83 Corn tSept. iSept. tDec. $Dec. May t'eo. May Pork Oct. Jan. Lard Oct. Nov. Jan. Ribs Oct. Jan. 64 64V, 64' 46s 4' 44 V 61 62 45N, 52H,, 64 64 46 45 43 28 .s 30 15 45 12 37 7 67 7 4.' 6 86 8 60 6 47 64H! 46 '4 6. 4iV 44H 43H, 44 Vs 7a44, 43 I 27 27V 28V2Re,tiS an,so,5v4 15 00 14 90 14 95 12 47V4 12 421 12 42 7 72 7 80 7 46 7 72 7 40 C 66 t 60 6 47 7 42; 6 7V4 8 72H 6 62 6 86 8 ft) 6 60 No. I tOld. JNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR1 8teady; winter patents. $3.804.20; straights. $3,5044.10; soring patents, M.OO-ft 5.26; straights. $3.KKcT4.75; bakers', $2.403.30. WHEAT No. 3, 0486c; No. 2 red, 833 (4c. CORN-No. 2, 62c; No. 3 yellow, 62c. OATS No. 2. 27c; No. 2 white, 2930; No. 8 white, 87i8c. RYE No. 8, 67S69C. BARLEY Good feeding, 3Gg37c; fair to choice malting, 42rg'46c. SHEDS No. 1 flaxseed. 92c; No. 1 north western, 980. Prime timothy, $3.26. Clo ver, contract grade. $11.75'il2.10. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl $15 00 616.50. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7.67. Short ribs sides (loose), 18.608.66. Short clear sides (boxed), $8.759.00. . WHISKY-Basls of high wines, $1.29. The following were the receipts and ship ments or flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 31.700 35.4"0 Wheat, bu 92.000 68,400 Corn, bu 445. 0rt0 862,5)0 Oats, bu 433.600 288,400 Ryo. bu 13,000 9.600 Bariey. bu 120,800 9.6u) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easier; creameries. 17 20c; dairies, 16l8c. Eggs steady at mark, cases Included, 17c; firsts, 18c; prime firsts, 2oo; extra, 22p. Cheese, nrm at ll'u'llc NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaotatloaa of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Sept. 18 FLOUR Re ceipts, 11,566 bbls.; exports, 7,669 bbls.; mar ket quiet but firmly held; Minnesota pat ents, $4.752i6.2&; Minnesota bakers, $3.6t 4.00; winter patents. $4.2564.76; winter straights, $4.004.15; winter extras, $2.86 8 36; winter low grades, $2.753.30. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, $3.604.15; choice to fancy, $3.8&4.S6, both spot and to ar rive. Buckwheat flour, steady; J2.2US2.60 asked to arrive. CORNMEAL Steady ; fine white and yel low, $1.251.30; choice, J1.H&1.16; kiln dried, $3 06(33.10. RYE Steady; No. S western, 67c, o. I. f., isew xork. BARLEY Firm: feeding. 89c. c. I. f.. Buffalo; malting, 4&a02c, c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 168. 600 bu. : exports. 23.(92 bu.; spot easier: No. 2 red, 87Vc: ele vator, 89c, f. o. b, afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 91o to arrive, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 Northern Manitoba, 89o to arrive, f. o. b., afloat. Options opened steadier on Arm cables, bad weather news, western bull support and covering. Wheat turned weak at noon under big receipts, bearish weekly statistics and liquidation. Later It rallied on export demand and closed only c net lower; May, (0 13-ltawr, closer! at soc; September. 88a88c, closed at fcoc; Decem ber. 88HiC9c, closed at 880. CORN Receipts. 79.560 bu.; exports, 162, 639 bu. ; spot market easier; No. 2, 6o elevatsr and 60c t. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, else; No. 1 white, 61c. There was a break tn September corn under heavy manipulation and weakness, otherwise on prospects for clearing weather. The close showed ViC to lc net loss. May closed at 49c: September, 6vtf80c, closed at 69c; December closed at 63c. OATS Receipts. 301,500 bu.; exports, 301. 863 bu. Spot market steady; mixed oats, 26 to 32 pounds, 31r32c; natural white, SO to 82 pounds, 32ir33c; clipped white, 8 to pounds, 35''a,37c. HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice, 1906. 19f23c; 1904, lii2o; olds, IWIlc; iV clfic coast, 19u. 160'Wc; 19o4. 15ir21c; olds, 8ti!lc. HIDES Steady: Oalveston, 30 to 26 pounds. 80c; California, 21 to 25 pounds, lSUhc; Texas, dry, 24 to 30 pounds. lSWc. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, $11 ffr$ 1100: mess. $9 5V310 OH;- beef bams. 21j22c; racket, $11.5oj1I.0o; city, extra India mess, 18 O(Vfl'19.0O. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, $9 26iM0 62; pickled shoulders, $7 OiW.M; pickled hams. $10.50fll ft). Lard, steady; western steamed. $7 90; refined, steady; continent. $S20; South America, $8: compound. $3.62H6 75. Pork, steads family. $lT.6Mtl8.0rt; short clear, $14 5i'(t 16 V: mess. $'6 &"ftl 50. TALLOW-Stesdy; city ($2 00 per pkg). ic; country (pkgs free). tS'fSHc. RICK Firm; domestic, 14C16c; Japan nominal. , BUTTER Steady; street price, extra creamery. 21'n21c. Official prices, cream ery common to extra. lTfrJle; state dairy common to extra, 16'd20c; western Imitation creamery extras. lc; western firsts. 17ft!8c: renovated common to ex tra. M?: western factory common to extra. 15174o. CHEESE Firm; state full cream, small white fancy, 12c: state fslr to choice. HVfl colored fancy, 12c; state fair to choice. uvfinc; state large colored fanev. 12c: state white, 12c; state fair to choice. Ilr1le. EOOS Steady, stale. Pennsvlvanla near hv fancv selected white. 27g2c; state choice. 2air2e; stale mixed, extra, 24c. weern extra flrsts, S!c: westerns first, TOlitJlC. POULTRY Dressed unsettled: western o-ickens, 13c; fowls, 14c; spring turkeys. 14W Mllwaakra Grain Market. MIT.WArKEE. Sept. 1S WHKAT Mar ket stesdv: No 1 northern. 96c: No. north ern. 8SHS5n: Decwivr, We bid. RYS-F'rm: No U frvc, W4RI.ET t'nehanaed. No. t. 65c; sample, 8rfc2c. CORN Unchanged ; May, USc bid. Toledo lard Market. TOLFDO. O , Sept 13 -SEED Clover sh, 7 124: December. 7 17. January T ". Frims alsika, 7.j. Frtiue tliuullij . net 302 14 90 13 46 7 72 7 45 B7K 8 65 6 47 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Advancing Tended fYnlaef Developed Last Week Continue. MONEY MARKET CONTINUES EASIER New York F.sehanae Rise to Par at Chicago, Indicating- a Lesaea. In Demand for Carreney la the laterlor. NEW YORK, Sent. 18. The advancing tendency of prices which held through last week was continued In today'e stock mar ket The movement did not persist In full vigor throuKhout the day as It was Inter rupted by occasional halts and re-actlons, but there was no actual reversal of the course of prices. The dny was without special Incident, but advices fmm all quarters were corro borative of the extraordinary prosperity prevailing in all parts of the country and in alt lines of business. The money mar ket continued to work closer, but In so grsdual'a way as to causa little actual disturbance of rates and as to offer no ef fective obstacle to the operation of the fao tors of strength In the general situation. Immediate conditions In the money mar ket showed some relaxation, however, to day. The sub-treasury's withdrawal from the market was less than In the correspond ing period of last week and New York exchange at Chicago rose to par, Indicating the lessened demand upon New York from the Interior. At the same time sterling exchange fell away to a lower level and local banking houses were In active nego tiation to secure In the open market In London some part of the Incoming supplies of gold. These negotiations were r L s"'-- cessful as the arrival of gold from Inn was reserved against India currency. The price of gold was marked up In the London market and discounts there and In Berlin hardened an additional fraction. The Ixm don market Is looking forward to further rise in the Hank of England rate and specu lative operations there were consequently restrained. At one time during the day It was definitely reported at the Stock ex change that more gold had been secured In London for shipment for New York. The momentary strengthening effect on stocks necessarily gave place to some reselling when tre rumor was found to be Incorrect. The unbridled manner of the first spurt In Reading had a disturbing effect on specu lation. The movement In Canadian Pacllla was regarded as coming from the same sources as that In Reading. Its sympa thetic effect on Its subsidiary stock. Min neapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie was aided by the latter s annual report. Call money was not held at the maximum level of Friday, but ruled above last week's average level. Sterling exchange moved up from the low level In the afternoon. The closing tone of stocks was Irregular. Honda were irregular. Total sales par value. 3?.670,OOO. I'nlted States bonds were all unchanged on call. The following were the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. High. Low. Close. Adams Ex A ma! Copper Am. Car & F do pfd Am. Cotton Oil ... do pfd Am. Ex Am. H. & L. pfd.. Am. Ice Am. Linseed Oil .. do pfd Am. Locomotive .. 240 22.500 4.400 83 82 36 82 so 99 28 90 225 S3 K 17 39 64 1.500 S3 82 200 17,900 40 40 61 Si 64 do pfd 1.600 116 114 115 Am. Smelt. & R 26,200 128 126-14 127 122 122 do pfd Am. Sugar Refng.... Am. Tob. pfd rtf Anaconda M. Co..,.. Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line. Bait. Ohio do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific 300 123 3,900 139 138 139 400 M0 100 1(0 600 116 US 114 70 91 90 90 600 106 104 104 2,100 17 166 lOt'.'i 11,700 113 112 113 97 . 6.200 69 69 69 . 60,300 174 172 174 213 . 35.100 '69V, '68 69 200 36 36 86 78 . 4,700 22 21 21 .. 900 216 214 216 . 27.200 180 17U14 ISO 00 18 18 17 39 200 101 100 100 Central of N. J.... Ches. & Ohio Chi. & Alton do pfd Chi. Gt. Western Chi. & N. W C . M. & St. P Chi. Term. & T do pfd C, C, C. & St. L Colo. Fuel & Iron Colo. & Southern .... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do pfd Del. & Hudson D. . L. W a, iw 4 . 1,800 28 500 62 . 3.W0 43 900 183 . 3,6i0 11 700 60 . 1.800 219 43 43 28 61 If 42 183 10 217' 28 Vi 6214 43V, 183 1044 48 217H 460 36 89't 41 Den. A Rio Grande... do ofd flno 8"0 4f) 36 9J 42 614 82 80 Distillers" Securities.. Erie 32.2O0 61 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump , do pfd , Iowa Central do pfd , K. C. Southern do pfd , Louis. & Nashville.. Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Rv Mex. Central Minn. & St. Louis... M.. St. P. & S. 8. M. do pfd Missouri Paclflo M.. K. A T 01 01 82Z 82U 74l 744 61 i l,2f0 600 10 600 183 183 isjh 92U 6.700 1824 180 ISO" 1974 78 25 82 28 66 25H 3.1O0 ?o 194 300 78H 100 100 100 2SVS 66V? 27 2SU 661? 27 6ft 1494 15oV 165 165 8144 mtt 127V 127U 23S 23 Si 13.100 151 900 16S 8.10 82 3,000 128 1,700 24 72 1.300 143 141H 140Si 1.000 1674 167 166' 14.600 1064 10744 do pfd 1,700 71 71 National Lead 600 46 46 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central 22.600 151 149 N. Y., O. A W 2.0i 63 64 iMorioiK x vestern.. st do pfd North American .... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P., C, C. A St. L.... Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Reading ..101,600 122 do 1st pfd do 2d I'M Republic Steel do pfd 'Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Ooods do pfd Bt. I A S. F. 2d pfd. St. lxuls 8. W do pfd S. Pacific do pfd S. Railway do pfd Term. Coal A Tron.... Texts & Paclflo T.. St. I.. & W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd 1 S. F.x r. S. Rubber do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Va. -Carolina Chera... do pfd Wabash do pfd V.'ells-Fargo Ex Westtniihoiise Elec... Western I'nlon W. A U K Wis. Central do pfd N. Pacific C. Leather do pf-1 121 57 11,400 68'4 1.7'0 114H 62. 37 W 664 113 1124 87 1044 86'4 U.0i)0 lo44 104'4 I'D 114 31. 214 ins 23'4 44"4 2"0 T,bJ 4J0 14 23 44S 241 40 169 944 h 211 H lOO'I 80 $00 1.2' 94'4 82 61 6o74 211 41 S 103 1.900 212 4-0 4? 611O lrtl'i Sloas-Shefflold l.S"0 93 Total sales for the day, tal.t'O shares. London Closlna Stocks, LONDON. Sept. 18. Closing quotations on the eiiock exenange were as follows: Conaola. monar. . . .11 t-ll N T Cantral mt, do account Norfolk A W th Anaconda 4 do pfd 46 At'hiann MUj Ontario A Waaler.. ti do pfd I1 Panntylvanta T4 naltlmurs a u .. . .. .iia nana Mlnea I Canadian Pacific ....17s, Heading StU Chee A Ohio Cnu-ato O. W .. CM A St. P.. IfReera V A Rio Granda da pfd rna do lat pfd do id pfd llllnola Central . Loulavllle N... V.. K. A T a'V ao lat pro. 47 21-' do id pfd 47 "o Ra'lvar (7, 17 V Pfd K'3 7'4 So. Pacific joi Valon Paella lH'a, UV do pfd tk. at. , V. S. Steel 77 i do pfd 107 S lta1 Waah ti Iff do pfd 461( Spaalan 4a );w SILVER Bar, firm; 2SS1 Pr ounce. int . i. ' 141 1 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 2,4ttr t 15-1 per cent; for short bills. 1 per cent. Bank tlearlaas. OMAHA. Sept. IS Hank clearings for to day Mia 31.r3o.2n4 27 and for the oorre spondlng date in at year 31. 441.910 14. Bank of Utnaaay tatrnaeat. BERLIN. Sept. 18. The weekly statement of the Imperial Bar.k of Germany shpms the ftlluaUig chaises; Cash ia tikod, tie- 1074 84H 71S 45H 38 1614 64'4 86 8ftT4 90 984 98 46 45 143V 1444 1034 103I 81 81. 45 45 95 96 246 1194 li0 4O0 984 60 464 60,700 1 44S 1.9"0 104U 100 81 2.100 40 400 96 91 94 T.90 234 2? 23 B.lxiO 94 93t W 16, 6' O 344 834 334 2X) 80 80 794 2,1 36 844 354 200 104 104 104 674 300 214 25 25 1.000 63 6:'4 63 17.300 ( 67T 6S14 41 120H 120 12i'4 6.9O0 36H 36 3'. S'O 1014 1014 101U T.FW 874 K7 87 2.700 S3 364 S64 J8' MV 47.800 1.134 1324 13?i or. creased 76.onorn; treasury notes. Increased "''in: other securities. Increased. 1'Vt ft". CX'm; notes In circulation. Increased 1.V60",-000m. Ifew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 18. M N EV On call, firm at IVi!1! per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent: offered, 2 rer cent. Time loans. Steady; 60 days, per rent; 90 davs. 4 per cent: 4 months. 4V!i4, per cent. PRIME MERl'A.' M1LB PAPER-4J6 per cent. STB:RLIN(1 EXCHANOE Easv. closed steadier, with actual business In bsnkers' bills st 14 84! and I4 86 for demand and st 14 8236-54 04n for sixty-day bills; posted rates. II 83fl4.l4 and $4.My4.86; commei clal bills. S4.82. SILVER liar. Cc; Mexican dollars. 47V, 0. BONDS Government, Irregular. steady; railroad, Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows: C S. rof. la, rat 60 coupon ....... V. ta rat do coupon V. 8. haw 4a, rag do coupon V. old 4a. rat do couDnn ..lnt1 to M series . dn 4Sa tutri. ..104 I M Mrles . .1041 1 1, ft N. on!. 4 . "4 . 104 ..l4 Minhtttsn e. s 4...14 ..m MrtUtn Central 4a.. ! ..If1 ilo lrt Ine 244 .los'i Minn, a Pt. L 4n.... X'i Amer. Tob 4a oart. 7H 1 do a. ctra 114 Mo.. K. 4k T. 4....1": Ho la 8" Atrhlsnn tan. ....ll4 N. R. B. ot M. C. 4a M do ad). ... f4 N. T. Central (. IHa Atlantlo Coaat L. ta.I'Mvt N. J c. fta IM Bal. A Ohio 4a 1''. No Pacific 4a l"t do lv,a M do at 77 Central of Ca. B..114HN w. c 4a l"S do lat Ino MS O 8. U rfdt 4a.... 9 Id Ine M"i Penn ennr ma l'-H Chra. a Ohio!4 Railn n.'t Chlrato A A. IHa. ... ! St. I.. A 1. M c. 6 11T4, C , B A Q. n. 4a ...lot St. L A g F. ft. 4a 1 C, R. I. A P. 4a... 14 St. h. S. v. c. do eol. Beabnird Air L. 4a. ft CCC. A St L. 4a..ie4 So. rarlflc 4a i Chlrato Tar. 4a t ! do lat 4a rtt 7 folo. Mid. 4a 7S4 So Rallwar f 15m Colo. A Southern 4a M Teiaa A raclflc la . 124V Colo. Ind. (a sat A. 7i4 T.. St. L. A W. 4a.. t do sat B 7i Vnlon Pacific 4s ln.'-t CAlba ba, cart. lOii do conr. 4a I.i5 D A R. Q 4a 101 V. S eteal Id Sa... 1 PHtlllnra" Sec. Ca ! IWahaah la lli prior lien 4a....llV do deb. B 7v, n 4a M1 Wfrtem Md 4a JSH Ft. V-A D. C. la. 114 IW. A U E. 4 fl Hock. Valley dHs.-llttiWIa. Central 4a So Japan (a, cert 10l Offered. Boston Storks and Dnndi BOSTON, Sept. 18. Call loans, cent; time loans, 4'316 per cent. ?uotatlons on stocks and bonds ollowe: Atchlton adj. 4a II (Advantura .... do 4s 103Allou- Mai. Central 4a... II Amalsamatrd . Atrblaon H Aminciu zinc 4s pfd 10JH Atlai.tlo Boaton A A Jif H Blniham Boaton A Mlna....lT"HtClumet A H. Boaton Eleaatad ..ltI;Centennlal .... FHihburt pfd I4SH! Copper Hants HaiUan Cantral Daly Waat ... N. T., N. H. A H..I11H Pomlnlon Coal Tara Marquatta ....101 Franalla Vnlon Paclflo 131 n Oranbjr Amar. Anja. Cham., it lil Horal ... do pfd MVIlMaaa. Mining . Amar. Pneu. Tuba.. Michltan 3TT4 pr Official ... ... IS ... aii ... ... 4n t4'4 H la 74 lit 1a It" a , 12H oi Coke., t 24 4 2v 10U 74 lis la 4S , io 11 Amar. Sutar 1 Mohawk do pfd 1SJ Amar. Tal. A Tel.. 1st Amar. Woolen U do pfd 1014 Dotn. Iron A Steal.. (1 dlaon JClec. A 111. . 240 uenaral Electric Maaa. Electric 14 do pfd a Maaa. Oaa (04 L'nlted Bhoa Mach.. 7 do pfd lm V. S. Steal ai do pfd IW-a Waatlnchouaa com... 4 Asked. "Bid. Mont. Coal A Old Dominion Osceola Parrot Qulncr Shannon Tamarack .... Trinity Vnltad Copper V. S. Minlnf V. 8. Oil Utah Victoria Winona w0ierina .... a New York Mlntnaj Stocks. NEW YORK, Sept. 18. Closing quotations on mining stocks were as follows: Adama Con 16 Alira at Braeca 4T Brunawlck Con II Little Chief I OnUrlo ir.0 Ophlr 6124 rhocnli 1 Comatock Tunnel .... f Con. Cal. A Vs. ......Ill Horn Sllrer, ai-dl 110 Iron Sliver IM Laadrllla Con Potual Savage Sierra Nevada .... IS .... H 11 Small Hopea .... 30 Standard ltu Foreign Financial. LONDON, Sept. 18. Money was In quiet demand In the market today. Discounts were firm owing to the condition of foreign exchanges and the continued withdrawal of gold for foreign purposes. About 33.OOO.0oO from India wus set aside In connection wun me inaian paper s currency reserve. Prices on the stock exchange were gen erally firm and dealings were moderate though fears of dear money checked trad ing In home securities, consols were easier, but rallied fractionally later. Home rails were dull. Americans opened firm, sup- orted from New York, tho New York ank statement, being more favorable than anticipated. They moved generally to over parity. Canadian Pacific. Ontario A West ern and Southern Pacific were the fea tures. Prices closed easier. Grand Trunk advanced on the traffic Increase. Foreign ers were firm, particularly Continentals and South Americans. Japanese were In iair request. Japanese Imperial 6s of 1904 were quoted at 106. BERLN, Sept. 18. Internationals stif fened on the Bourse today. Monev' rates caused speculators to hesitate, and the volume of transactions was quite limited There were few fluctuations. PARIS. Sept. 18. Prices on the Bourse opened firm, but later the market was dull and depressed owing to reports that the Franco-German negotiation over Mo rocco had taken an unfavorable turn. At the close prices were heavy. Russian Im perial 4s were quoted at 94.76 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 516.00. The private rate of discount was l per cent. Treasnry Statement. WinnmnTOM on 10 -r ..... ment of the treasury balnnres In the gen- iuiiu, c-A'.iuBivo 01 me aiou.ijJU.Mio gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance. 1133,913.760; gold coin and bullion, 157.196,140; gold certificates, 342,378,080. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 18 COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 10.75c; mid dling gulf, lie- sales, 346 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 18 COTTON Quiet; sales, 1.126 bales; ordinary, 7Hc; good ordinary, 8 9-16c; low middling 9 7-16c; middling, 10 11-lc; good middling. 10 5-16c; middling fair. 1144c; receipts, 2,264 bales; stock. 67.766 bales. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 18-COTTON-Spot In moderate demand; prices 1 point per cent: American middling fair. 6.91d; goid middling. 6.67d; middling. 6. Bid; low mid dling, 6 35d; good ordinary, 6.17d; ordinary, 6 Old. The sales of the day were 7.000 bales, of which 600 bales were for speculation and export and Included 6,600 hales Amer ican. Receipts, 4.0J0 bales, Including 3,8u0 bales American. ST. LOl IS Mo.. Sept. 18 COTTON Quiet; middling, lotc; receipts. 76 bales shipments, i bales; stock, 8,567 bales. laaar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Sept. 18. SI 'OA R Raw, nominal; fair refining, 34c; centrifugal. 96 test, S4e; molasses supar, l'74c; refined dull; No. 6. 4.70c; No. 7. 4 66c; No. 8. 4.66c; No . 4.60c; No. 10, 4.46c; No. 11, 4.35c; No. 12 ,4 30c; No. 13. 4 40c; No. 14, 4 15c; confec tloners' A. 5.16c; mould A, S65c; cut loaf, crushed. 6c; powdered. 6.40c; granulated, 6 fc: cubes. 6.66c. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans, open kettle good to choice, 2t:6c. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 18 SVOAR Vnsettled: open kettle centrifugal. 4tJ 4V; centrifugal whites. 4 16-16-ije l-16c; yel lows. 4'0'4So; seconds. 214SC3c. 20c; centrifugal. 6iil4c.. SYRl'P 26-jj 30c. Oils and rtosln. OIL, CITY, Pa.. Sept. 18.-OILCredlt balances 11 33; certificates, no bid. Ship ments, 142.067: avcra, 79.187. Runs 11H.782 average. 63,670. Shipments. Lima. 158 644 average. 69.612. Run: Lima, 94.424; aver age. 46.600. SAVANNAH. Bept. l.-OIL-Turpentlne; flr"i. 63. ROSIN Firm. Quote: A. B. C. 13 36 D 1170: V. II 1 V 14 S- fl Ulil. u nil, 1 14 60: K. 34 55; M. 34.60;' N,' $4 66;' W," O, tfi lo' t , . , ao.uv. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 18.-COFFEE Mar ket for futures was steady at an advance of 64710 points, In response to higher Eu ropean cables and reports of a better spot demand. Offerings became a little heavier after midday, however, and the market toward the close eased off under realizing being finally quiet, net unchanged to 10 points higher. Sales were reported of 24 OoO nags. Including December at 7.76-37 20c January. 7.26c; March, 7. 3otl7.4c; May 7 40 4j7.46c Spot quiet: No. 1 Rio. ic. Philadelphia Prodaeo Mnrket. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 18 BUTTEP Flrm; extra western creamery, 22c; extra nearby prints, 23c. EGGS One cent lower; nearby fresh loss off. 22c: nearby fresh. 2lc at mark western fresh. Srr2)c at mark. CHEESE Quiet; New York full crearr. Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL. Sept. ll.-WHEAT-Soot steaHy: No. f red western winter, 6s 4 VI Futures, quiet; December, 6d; Man r. ta 7Vd. CORN-pot. steady; American mlx-d 4s ltHd. Futuree, steady: December, talod; January. 4s 4d; March, 4a Sd. Kra-ta. Hatter Market. ELOrW, 11L, Bept. II BTjTTEiR Firf.1 Uo,- ttaUa tor Ue week, Jv7,0w lba. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Western tod Satire Steeri Steady, witk Cewi Stronger. HOG TRADE ACTIVE AND VALUES HIGHER Receipts ot $brep and Iambi Heaviest of Season, with Most ot Offer lata Feeders and Market Loner All Around. SOITH OMAHA. Sept 18. 1905. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Onioal Monday 6. 00 Same day last week 4.973 Same week before e,23 Same three weeks ago.. .;os Same four weeks ago... 6.1W Same day last vear ,524 3J 3 2.4ii6 4.061 22.(00 12'l 9.190 19,210 2.4t 2.630 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hoas and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, comparing with last 'ar: 19-16. 1904. Inc. ,a,"o 643.821 586,520 67,il la l.;65,9; 1.719.047 46 Sheep 1.146,91 J 1.0O7.743 139,177 lim following table shows tne averse price of hoKs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date I 19. 1904. 11903. il902.il9Ol.19O0.189. IS, t S3j 7 lb J I 04 4 iO i 27 B 20, 7 42 111 4 14 6 4J, 0 !9 1 3b, t vi I 0 (U - Ml I B 41 I S3, 15 5 oe; 4 it , 40, a 62i 6 lbl 4 U 6 431 5 7A 5 t. 6 361 6 24 I 6 37U fi 211 E 44 7 44 34) t 05 4 23 i. Obi 4 0 15 IO; 4 30 5 30! 6 30j 6 50 : 7 46 Kept. 9.. DM j 5 3S, b 44, 7 51 6 S61 14 29 Sept 10... I 5 66; 7 46, 6 44 6 Hi bept. 11 1 g 35 5 631 7 K: 8 39 , 5 221 4 23 5 32V 5 61 B u4 7 55 t 3Si B 201 4 23 Sept. 13.. ot. 14.. Sept. 16.. Sept. 16.. Sept. 17.. Sept. 18.. 5 21 j 5 fill t 54! 7 55, t 46 5 08 4 25 5 14 1 6 OS B ai' 6l! 5 00. 4 30 6 6 56 1 5 63: 7 67) v 4 S3 5 29 I 5 6ft 5 63 7 56 6 67' 4 84 I 5 otij 5 64 7 43 i 62' 6 13 I I 5 63, 7 37! 6 751 6 13 4 82 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: . Cattle.Hogs.8ii p. H'ses. C. M & Pt. P. Ry 2 Mo. la Ry 1 Union I'acltlc sys 70 15 67 39 C. & N. V. Ry g F E. & M. V. R. R 76 15 18 1 C. St. V., M. & O. Ry... 8 3 B. &. M. Ry 103 14 J0 1 C, 11. & g Ry 2 C. R. . . i'. Ry west 1 C. U. W 1 1 Total receipts 268 63 85 49 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, eac.i buyer purcnasmg tns num- wi lima lnaicaiea Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co . Swift and Company Armour Packing Co Cuduhy Packing Co Vansant & com Sept. 1...I ( a Sept. 8...S47 Bept. S... a Sept 4... 'pt. 5... Sept. 6... St-pt. 7... oept. 8 266 476 6S2 620 919 2,3s5 738 767 1.838 692 1,006 1,792 102 3i2 313 308 195 134 9 126 90 149 373 .... 6,084 131 168 86 64 Carey & Benton Lobman & R MoCreary & Carey . W. I. Stephen Hill & Son Hamilton L. F. Husz Kingan A com Wolf Other Buyers Lleghton Root & Co J. H. Bulla M. Haggerty Total 6.229 3.3o8 12.781 CA 1 rLL There was a liberal run of cat tle here today, about 230 loads being on sale. The receipts were some sixty-three cars lighter than last Monday and Some twenty eight cars lighter than the corresponding day last year. The general quality of the cattle was good. Beef steers constituted the big end of the receipts today and conditions favored sell ing Interests. There was a fair sprinkling of native cattle here and the market on them was fully steady. They are getting scarcer and scarcer, but common grades are hard to sell. The western beef steer offered were in good shape and there was a good call for them from all sources. Trad ing was fairly active and the stuff was picked up right along. The market on western beef was fully steady and the de mand was equal to the supply. There was a very small supply of cows and heifers on sale, hardly enough to arouse much Interest. There was a good, strong feeling, however, and a good call for she stun, so that a good market resulted and the stuff was cleaned up early. Some of the commoner grades were only about steady, but the general market could best be quoted stronger. Bulls, veal calves and stags were In fairly good demand at Just about steady prices. There was onlv a moderate run of stock ers and feeders here snd there was a good, strong demand both from yard traders and country buyers. Good heavy, fleshy feeders ruled stronger, but the other grades were very hard to move, buyers being extremely Indifferent on them. Representative sals: BEEF 8TEERS. No. v. Pr. Kg. at. Pt. 1 CI 4 00 4 1244 I 49. 18 1241 4 75 10 1,; to . NEBRASKA. 10 heifers... 77 2 60 1 feeder. ..1280 2 25 13 feeders. . 670 2 96 1 cow lOiO 2 60 42 feeders. .1064 3 80 6 feeders. . 996 3 80 1 feeder... low 3 00 12 heifers. .. 910 2 85 10 cows 1030 2 30 6 cows 960 1 9i) 2 cowe 960 2 36 40 cows. . . . 6 heifers. 16 cows 2 cows 20 cow s 6 cows .1013 2 60 . 645 2 40 IDAHO. .970 2 70 14 calves... 266 3 130 . 960 2 40 28 steers.... 772 t 6") . 915 2 25 )1 heifers... 666 2 50 . 960 1 90 1 cow 1220 2 75 MONTANA. 43 feeders.. 910 3 40 4 feeders.. 762 $00 WYOMING. MacKensle A MacKenzle Wyo. 48 feeders.. 992 3 46 WESTERNS. J. L. Norwell Colo. 110 feeders. 10C7 3 70 6 feeders. .1067 3 00 VV. Hume Neb. 87 feeders.. 910 3 70 5 feeders. . 810 3 00 A. C. Donoldson Neb. f feeders.. 760 3 20 4 cows 1017 2 60 6 feeders.. 662 3 20 2 cows 1000 2 60 2 feeders.. 74 8 20- Scows 740 2 60 Brogan Bros Neb. 81 feeders.. 955 8 .15 8 cows 993 $ 70 70 feeders.. 967 8 35 4 cows 9'2 2 70 10 feeders.. 716 3 00 2 cows 1040 2 70 R. B. Brooks Wyo. 24 feeders.. ln74 4 10 Scows 718 2 40 46 feeders.. 1067 4 05 88 cows. .. .1024 $10 deal A Harris Wyo. 63 feeders.. SI'S 8 70 9 cows 975 2 95 14 feeders.. 9.10 3 45 Brooks Hudson Co. Wyo. 42 feeders.. Io90 4 00 1 feeder. . .Io90 5 85 6 cow s looo 2 85 Harvey & Thompson Neb. Scows 994 2 85 1 bull 1130 165 7 feeders.. 892 3 35 1 cow 810 1 66 1 feeder... S70 3 00 1 cow 900 2 00 8 feeders.. 658 3 35 1 cow 930 3 65 1 feeder... 750 2 75 1 feeder. .. 620 3 36 Charles Miller-Neb. 27 cows... 20 cows. . . 886 2 T5 18 cows... 831 2 35 IS feeders 8; 2 70 90 3 40 23 feeders. 911 3 40 25 feeders lull HOGS There was onlv a ilar lit run hr about forty-five loads being on sale. There was a better feeling in the hog yards today and conditions favored selling interest The market opened early and there was considerable life to the trade. There was a good demand for the hogs and the early arrivals were cleaned up in good time. Light hogs were picked up first at prices ruling strong to 6c higher, although some sales did not show as much advance as this There wss a little weakness to the trade on heavy hogs, still prices held up In good shape. The bulk of the hogs sold at .- 6.3iJv with several loads at $5 35. while tops reached 16 40. After the more urgent orders were filled the trade on heavy hogs eased off aomewhat. Representative sales: No, At. 8h. Pr No. At 47 3' SO I mi 7 SM m 3:0 ... iTk is 137 70 in so 1 rn ( in 43 271 10 I tTv, 6t. 161 4 264 ... I 17 1 Sa 140 47 Ill 4 I 30 70 is 71 tH 10 t 30 30 tS6 Mt ... f 14 44 J,0 47 ttt ... f M 113 12J 4! J. ... I 10 TO 220 at 26 M 6 tn 71 J-J 4 m t0 I JO 44 Ji7 11 131 SO I 10 74 !l 71 Hi ... t 10 W 1 at i ... i la 41 n o no ao so 14 m it Ml ... I to H in It 24 ... I 0 a5 l1 6 2.11 M I 1H 7 2i 1 127 M t JiSa iS al h. Pr. ao e :4 M i i 40 I 10 t t:v, 4U I 121 av I 2 ... li:it ... i 12 K 12 4 at ... (35 M III 10 I X 10 I M ... I SS ... (II ... I IS 4 I J7U tso 1 ao ... a 17 ... 40 SHEEP Today was banner day of the year in the big barn as far as receipts were concerned, there being about elghtv cars In the yards by 9 o'clock This Is the heaviest run here so far this season snd If.e quality of the stuff whs very good Lambs made up the hU'gest part of the receipts and about two-thirds of the offer ings were feeders. With the heavy re. relpts here and at other centers and re ports from Chicago coming sharply lower there was a weak tone to the trade and lie market was slow and lower all around. There was very little done early, as It wns some time before buyers and sellers could ;et together. Buyers fe-l tnat bottom rices have not yet been reached and nre earing the market whenever the oppor 'in'ty presents Itself. There were several oada of fat sheep and laml a sold on the ooanlns that brouabt jut about ateaily prices, but the general trade wss lower. Quotations on fst sheep and Ismbs: Good to choirs Ismbs. 6 fcv,,.-, ;b good to choice yearlinss wethera, 4 6ti4 90; good to choice old wethers, 14 26 U 4 50; good to choice ewes, 34 40114.:. Quotations on feeder sheep and Ismbs: Good feeding Ismbs, li.76lfa.10; good feed ing jesrllnss. 4 764f4 90; good feeding Oth ers. t4 2w4 40; feeding ewes, t3 26i)3.76; lit-eeuing ewes. 14.204 60. No. 12 Idiho cull ewes m Idaho ewes 239 ids ho ewes 271 Wyoming wethers Av. . 84 . 92 . 94 . 79 Tr. 2 r 8 76 t 80 6 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MtBKKT Cattle steady to ("low, Hoars Steady to Lower Sheep and Lambs Weak. CHICAGO, Pept. 18. CATTLE Receipts. 3O.0H0 head. Prime, stesdv- otlurs slow, about 6c lower- steers, 33.75V 6 5; cows and canners fI.754jo.2U; bulls, f2 iii4 00; stock ers and feed-rs. 32 359-4.25; heifers, tif 6.60; cslves, 32.507.26. HOGS Receipts, 28.000 head. Mnrket steady to lower; shipping snd collecting. fn.BedjfS.GK; mixed and heavy packing, to.lOif 6 624; light, 35 lieu. 66; pigs and rough, fi n""! 4. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 43. (V0 head. Slow snd weak; sheep, 2.60igH.fO; lambs, ft.75ia7.66. New York Live Stork Mnrket. NEW YORK. Sept. 18 -BEEVES Re ceipts. 8.089 bead: market moderately ac tive; steers stesdv; top grades a trifle firm; bulls, 10c higher; cows, firm; steers, to. 90 6 80; bulls. 32.607 3 76; cows, ti 50i3.76; ex ports tomorrow, estimated, 1.160 head cattle, a,"! quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 2.f2 hesd: veals, steady and slow: grassers and buttermilks, easier; veals, f5.6ofty.36; few tops. ti 50; throw-outs, 4.orvjJ6.00; buttermilks and gras sers. f300ra3.50; no westerns. Dressed, steady; city veals, 9134c; few choice, 14c; country, 8yifl2e. HOOS Receipts, 13.176 head: msrket steady: state and Pennsylvania, f.".90fl6 06. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, 11.411 head; sheep, steady; lambs, active: good lambs, 2M736C higher, some sales 50c higher; sheep. f3.CKKn6 .00; culls, f2.OOIT2.76; lambs, f5 SO j7.75; culls, f4.OttS5.0O; Canada lambs, f7.C01l 7.75. Kansas City l.tve Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Pept. 18. CATTLE Receipts, 13.000 head, Including 3.000 south ern. Msrket stesdy to 10c lower; close strong. Choice export and dressed beef steers, f8.2Mrtl.oO; fair to good, f4.0oifi6.25; western steers, flon-gu) 66; stockers snd feeders, f2. 6004.15: southern steers, f23'"'ir 3. : southern cows. SLeSrofi-fS; native cows, 31.6VU3.90; native heifers. 32.5056.35; bulls t2.0tvfi.125; calves, f3.0OS-6 50. HOOS Receipts. 4.01W head. Market strong to 6e higher. Top. 35 .40; bulk of sales f5..1"((i6 45; heavv. f5 .(&5 45: packers. f6.80tf 5 45; plrs and light, ft 6"H6.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. 8 ono head. Market steady, Native lambs, f5.2.VfJ 7.00; western lambs. t5,2677.00; fed ewes and yearlings. f4.15flS.25; western yearlings, 34 .9065.25: western sheep, f4. 256.00; stockers and feeders, f3.50tff4.60. St. iouls Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 18 CATTLE Recelnts. 2.5H0 head. Including 900 head Texans; mar ket strong: native shipping and export steers, I4.rvofi5.90; dressed beef and butcher steers, f.1 006.40; steers under 1.000 lbs., f3.00 (fi 4.50; stockers and feeders, f2.OOtf4.Oi: cows nd heifers. f2.rtVfi4.75; canners, 1.7fyff225; bulls, f2.30fi3.75; calves, 33 CVfin.BO; Texas and Indian steers. 82.0041 3.30: cows and heifers. $2,00415.85. HOOS Receipts, head: market nrm; pigs and lights, to. 104,5.66: packers, fB.Wff 5.40; butchers and best heavy. t5.3.Vo.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.800 head; market steadv; native muttons, t4 0O-f 4 80; lambs, $ 7.25; culls and bucks. f.l.Oixa 4.00; stockers, f3.26fi4.50; Texans, f3.OtXfl4.0O. St. Joseph LIto Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Sept. 18 CATTLE Receipts. 2,64 head. Market steady. Feed ers, P"y 15c lower: natives, cows and heifers, fl4ikfi4.75; stockers and feeders, f2.754j4.00. HOtlS-Receints. 2.010 head. Market higher. . Light. f5.30-5ii.4B; medWm and heavy. 4o.254j6.40; bulk of sales, f5.35y 6.42'.4. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpla, 6.IC0 head. Market weak to loc lower. Slooa City Mve Stork. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Sept. 18 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 2.4O0 head; mar ket on cows 10c lower; stockers, luc higher; beeves. 33 wtjo 60; cows, hulls and mixed, 32.264i3.50; stockers and feeders, f3.0044.10; calves and yearlings, l2.2Mi-3.60. huus- Keceipts, 1.000 neaa; maraei oc hlaher. selllna at t6.20tae.36: bulk of sales. f5.254S.30. Stork In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six princi pal western markets yesteraay: Hogs. Sheep. 3,500 22.500 1,000 4.000 3.0110 2,010 6.025 S.OiJO l.S'KJ 28,0Oi 45,OuO 41,510 77,325 South Omaha Sioux City Ksnsns City . St. Joseph .... St. Louis Chicago ... 6.8O0 ... 2.4'J ...13,t0 ... 2.6o4 ... 2.500 . ..30.0U0 Totuls 56,304 OMAHA WHOLESALE, 31AUKET. Condition ot Trade and ((notations on Staple and Fancy Prodnoe. EOGS Receipts, fair; market steady; candled stock, 17c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 8I0c; roos ters, 6c; turkeys. 12ijl6c; ducket 8&9c; spring rhlckens. HHc. BUTTER Packing stock, 16c; choice to fancy dairy, lSjjlsic; creamery, 21(6214c; prints, 21ic. SUGAR Standard granulated. In bbls., to 66 per cwt.; cubes, $6 40 per cwt.; cut loaf, $6.85 per cwt.; No. 6 extra C, t6.4fl per cwt.; No. 10 extra C, 35.26 per cwt..; tv. 15 yellow. f5.20 per cwt.; XXXX powdered, fi.?0 per C FRESH FI9H-""rut. lie; halibut, lie; buffalo (dressed?, tc; pickerel dressed), 9c; white bass (dressed), 12o; sunhVi. 6c; perch (scaled and dressed), 8c; pike, lie; catfish, 15c; red snapper, 10c; salmon. 11c; croppies, 12c; eels, 15c; bullheads, lie; black pass, 26c; whltellHh, 11c; frog legs, per doc, 35o; lob sters, green, 27c; boiled lobsters, 30c: shad roe, 45c; blueflsh, 6c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholessls Hay Dealers' association: No. 1 upland, $6.60; medium, $6.606.00; coarse, $6. BRAN Per ton. f i. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES Valencia, all sixes. $0 0086.50. LEMONS Lemoniera, extra fancy 240 Size, $7.00; 300 and 360 sizes, $7.nO8.U0. DATES Per box of 36 1-fb. pkgs.. $!; Hallowe'en, in 70-fb. boxes, per lb., 60. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, 7M $6c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 12c; i crua n. lfc. BANANAS-rPer medlum-stzed bunch, 31.7J Q2.26; Jumbos. 12 501:3.00 FRUITS ANU MELONS. PEARS Colorudo lartieil. per 60-lb. box, $2.2&fl2 bu; Utah Bartleu, $2 26; Flemish Beauty, $2.00. PLUMS Utah and Colorado, per 4-baaket crate. 11.26: Italian prunes. $124. PEACHES California freestones, par box. 90c; fcioertas, 11. :u; coioraao, tie size, soc. CANTALOUPES Texas, pel crate. $2.W Texas. Rockv Ford seed. $2.60. WATERMELONS Alabama Sweets, 1$9 iLa each: crated, lo per lb. APPLES Dutchess. :oalthy and Cobb Pippins, In 3-bu. buu.. ; In bu. baskets, 11.00; California Belledowers, $1.60. RLI'EBERRIES Sixteen OH.. 32.26. HUCKLEBERRIES Sixteen Qts.. $1,508 1.75 GRAPES Home grown Concords, per $- lb. basket. 2t,c; MalagaE And Muscats, per t-basket crate, $1.60: Tokay, per 4-baaket crate, ijoo. QUINCES California, per box, $1.7i. VEGETABLES. WAX BEANS Per -bu. basket. 254330c; firing ueans, per "i-ou. 001, wuioo. POTATOES New, per bu., ioUSjc. BEANS Navy, per bu., $2(0. CUCUMBERS Per doz.. 26o. TOMATOES Home grown, -bu. baskets, $51i5oc. CABBAGE Homo-grown, In crates, per lb;. l'c. ONiuNS Home-grown, yellow, red and White, per bu., 60c ; bpanish, per crate, $1.35. BEt; 1 je, per uu.. c. CELERY Kalamaioo. per doz.. 25o. SWEET POTATOES-Virginia, per $-bu. doi., ad ro. TOM ATOES Per basket. a&fiSOc. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New, per 24 lus.. $3.00. CHEESE-SmIss, new, 15c; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wisconsin llmberger, 15c; twine, U'c: young Americas, 12c. IS LT8 Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, tier lb., Ibc; hard Shells, per lb.. 13c No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c. Pecans, large, per lb., lc; small, per lb., 10c. Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb.. 1213Vc. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17o; held shells, per lb.. 15c. Shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., Il.V large hickory nuts, per UU , Jl Ml. HIDES No. t green, tc: No 2 green, tc No. 1 salted. lOUc: No. 2 salted. 9'.c: No. ! veal calf, lit.; No. 2 veal calf tc; dry aalted, 7jlc; sheep peits. zoci$l uu; bursa JnMes, Evaporated Aapla aad Dried Frails. NEW YORK, Bept. 18 EVAPORATED APPLES Considered to be In a strong posi- 11011, uui ine iew arrivals iroin ti,e new crop have not shown a favorable qualltv and have sold at a shade under regular quo tations; common to good are quoted st 4c; prime. 7i7Sc; choice. 74"; fsncv, 8c. CAI.H-X-iRN'IA DRIED KRIITS-Prunes are unchanged, with quotations ranging from 4,c to 7c, according to grade. Apr cols remain quiet, with choice quoted at tH 8c; extra choice. K)li': fsncr. neei Peaches are In verv light supply on spot with fancy quoted St US'" Opening nrlcei have been received on one brand of seeded and blea-hed Siiltsna rnlalns, but the fig ures were considered high snd 8ttracti1 little attention. The genersl spot sltustlnn Is unchanged, w ith loose Mictel quoted si m'n7Hc; Nmdon layers. 31 0rii l.lii seed raisins. 6,4t8'c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 18 -METALS The t-ondon tin mnrket broke shsrply undsl speculative orders and closed with spot quoted at 1 46 ?s 6d and futures at C144 7s 6d. Locslly the msrket was unsettled bt the declines closing easy at VI-VM, 3190. Copper wns a shade higher at 68 154 for spot and 63 12s9d for futures In the Ixmdon market. Locally the situation wat unchanged and prices sre more or less nom inal In the absence of complete business. I.-tke snd elertrolvtlc sre quoted st $16.00$ 16 25 end casting at tl6.7W1s.0n. Id ttnehnnged st t4S.V.I4 In the locsl markets snd at 15 17s6d in IxMidon. flpelter wss firm In both marketsj with spot closing si 26 6s In London and at ff 8.M.96 tn New York. The foreign Iron markets were some what Irregular, with standard tounory cio- rhat Irregular, with standard rounory cios ng st 47s Id and Mlddleslx.rough at 48s 3d. X)cally the market la reported firm, with A ood demand. No. 1 foundry northern la Ing 1 Loc a quoted at tl6.7f.4i 17 26; No. 2 foundry north- $16.264317.00; No. 2 foundry southern, I16.7&J '"sr. I1T1B, Pept IS -METALS Lead, steady, f4.774j. Spelter, f5 76. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo . Sept. lR.-WOpi-Stesdy; medium grades, combing and cloth ing. 26Vfl"30c; light fine. Zl tftfir ; heavy fine, 18-7 2?c; tub washed. SSitttc. NEW YORK, Sent 18-WOOL Steady; domestlo fleece. 36iiS9c. Pnlnth (irnla Market. DULUTH. Pept. 18-WHEAT-To arrival No. I northern, 81,c; No. 2 northern, Tr-Hc. On track: No. 1 northern, 8lSe: No. 2 north ern, 79'4c; December. 774c: May, 810. OATS To arrive and on track, 27ic. HITCHCOCK CASE BEFORE JURY World-llernld's Attempt to Prerent Dee'a Claim Is Reins Gone Over, Judge Redlck and a Jury are engaged In trying the case wherein the World Publish ing company Is trying to prevent The Bea from recovering the sum of 312.018, due for the publication of the scavenger tax sale notice during July and August, 1904. The ense is up on appeal by The Bee Publishing company from the action of the old Board of County Commissioners In disallowing the claim on account of the World Herald's protest. A Jury was secured within an hour, but the case threatens to drag through several days because of the line of campaign the World-Herald'a attorney appears to have laid out. He objects to everything, seeming to see In every move of Mr. Connell for the appellant a big chance to lose the case. Official documents even are not acceptable to the World-Herald lawyer and at one point he went to the extreme of saying that the court was presuming In allowing oertaln questions to be asked. Judge Red lck stopped that play right quick and with some sharpne: . County Treasurer Fink was the only wit ness examined and he Is still to finish his testimony on direct examination. He told of getting extra clerks from the county board In the spring for the purpose of pre paring the Hat, and also how the board had neglected to designate a paper In which to publish the same. This neglect continued up to the very last hour of the limit al lowed for the filing ot the petition, and he then, as empowered by the law. (lied the petition. Next morning, July 2, he desig nated Tho Evening Bee as the papr nJ the designation was accepted In formal manner. The copy was at once taken In hand and the work was done aa contem plated by the law. Afterward the World Herald stepped In and protested, askjng for the sum of flO.OOO as "the profits of the work," In the language of Us protest. Ite attorney Is also setting up that the county board acted In time and did designate the democratic orgun. Mr. Fink made Investi gation and found out the board had not acted. It was only after the members learned of The Bee designation by the county treasurer that the three democratic. members got together and passed a resolu tion. Notice of this action was not re ceived by Mr. Fink until after he had acted and delivered the "copy" to The Bee. The case will continue Tuesday morning. but Judge Redlck Intimated he will excuse the Jury at noon, so they can vote at the primaries. All the remaining Jurymen on the panel have been excused until Wednes day morning. BUILDING STILL GOING ON Tvent-One-Thonsnnd-Dollar RaMaV derice by Mrs. Ilarbaek largest New Oaa. Mrs. J. A. Harbach has taken out a per mit from the city for a $21,000 Trame resi dence at 110 North Thirty-second avenue and Charles McLaughlin has secured a permit for a new residence to cost $19,000 at Thirty-eighth street and Dewey ave nue. It Is said that several ether large and expenslves homes are under contem plation and permits for them will be taken out within a few days. Other permits Issued are to Luclnda C. Mack for a $3,600 frame dwelling at 636 Park avenue and to E. R. Smith for a $1,00 frame dwelling at Twenty-third and lioulevard. Architect J. B. Mason has let the con tract for the erection of a $2,200 residence for Mrs. Catherine Heelan at Twenty eighth and Hickory streets. W. P. Blrkhouscr Is building a brick and atone double house at Twenty-fifth avenue and Dodge streets. It will cost about $8.(Xr). The American Radiator company Is now In Its new four-story building at Tenth and Howard streets. Delay In building, caused by scarcity of bricklayers and building timbers, hus kept the company out of the new home about two months longer than was expected. GAS FIGHT ISSUE IN SPRING Mlcharlaen Thinks That la tho Plaa of Cleveland Parties aad Local Frleads. In the opinion of Councilman Nicholson the Cleveland gas syndicate's represen tatives, who left Omaha Saturday, have not given up the Idea of getting a franchise In Omaha, but Intend to come back and make another effort "My Impression Is they Intend to make the matter an Issue In the spring muni cipal campaign." said the councilman from the Fourth. "Personally I think It would be a good Issue. It would give the people a chance to express themselves about $1 gas and the franchise It is necessary to grant to get It. Opportunities will be presented to get the Issue squarely before the people, and If they are favorable they can elect men to the council to carry out their wishes. "For the present I think the $1 gas franchise matter is a dead one " EDWARDS-WOOD CO. (Incorporated) 1 Mala OaTleoi Fifth aad Roberts Streets, T. PAIL, Mi:. Dealers la Stocks, Grain. Provisions Ship Your Qraln to Us Brli ufflee. llO-lll Board af Trade Bid.. Onaaha. Neh. Telephone 8014. 2r?-214 Exchange Uldg.. South OmUia Bell Thooe $14. iieiyeadeal 'jtvae i 1 i I, ti .! I 1