Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1905, Page 4, Image 4
4 TIIE 0MA1IA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, -1005. TitE Omaiia Daily Bee E. ROBEWATER, EDITOR. PVBLLSHOT EVERT MORNING. TERMS OP SfHSCRIPTIOX. Pally Be 'without Sundav), nn year. M Pally Bee and Bundav, one ynr J'Jp Illustrated Bee, one year J Sunday Bee, one year Saturday Bee, one year 1-W nBLIVKRED BY CARRIER, pally Bee (without Sunday), per week...J2o Iwlly Bee (Including Hundny). per week . .1.1 Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week So Bvenlng Bra (with Sunday, per week... Mm Sunday Bee, per copy ba Address complaints of Irregularities in delivery to City Circulation iM-partnitnt. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Hall Building. Council bluffs lu Pearl street. Chicago 1640 T'nlty Building. New York 15"0 Homo Ufa Ins. Building. Washington 601 Fourteenth street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communlcatlona relating to news and ed itorial matter ahould be addressed: Omaha bee. Editorial Iepartment. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft. express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stampa received In payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accented. THE BEB PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, as.: George B. Tzschuck. treasurer of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, aye that the actual numbet ot full and Complete copies of The Iaily. Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of August. 1j6, waa as follows: 1 H,000 17 80,000 I SH.OHO 18 80.050 1 27.90 It 81,470 1 20.O4O 20 ifl,870 5 2T.aOO 21 i,.HO itO.OBO 22 30,000 f BO, (MO 2J 30.110 1 2tt,80O 24 30.100 I 89,030 25 80,110 10 Si1,H.( 26 Bl.TiW 11 80,050 27 20,0,10 11 31.810 28 3,1MU 13 aojJiM) 29 32,280 14 30,010 10 UO.TIO 15 20,MO 81 30,680 18 20.KHO Totals 030,250 Leas unsold copies 11,410 Net tout sales 018.(434 Dally average 2U.040 GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK, Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this Just day ot August, Woo. (Seal) U. B. HUNUATK, Notary Public WHEN OCT OF TOWN. nbaoribers leaving; the city teas poratlly ahoald have The Bee nailed t them. It la better than daily letter from home. Ad drea will be shasgtd as often as requested. Primary flection today. Registration day also today. All railroad tluio t'lirUs now lu forco ire subject to Uio approval of J. riuvlus. Half the victory at the election la gained by nominating a strong ticket at the primary. It looks as if the new gag franchise proposition did not contain enough can lie power to light up the city council. One of the Foutunelle candidates in running for a sixth term in bis office. Is this not coining pretty nenr the life tenure idea? If tnere In any good reason why Ed ward Brnlley should not be renominated nd re-elected as coroner It has not yet been advanced. If American fishermen continue to poach on the Canadian side of the lakes, President Roosevelt may find use for the big stick at home. The cnli'iular maker must hare mis placed his autumn equinox and then have made the bungle worse In trying to correct his mistake. Registration day and primary election day are one under the new law. By rotlng at the primary you will be reg istered at the same lline. If you want an honest mau as guar dian of the widows and orphans of Douglas county cast your vote at the primary for Charles W. Haller. It is, as much the duty of the good cltlten to participate in the primary that nominates the candidates as it is to vote at the election thnt comes later. Japanese paymasters seem to have studied occidental methods to their per sonal discomfiture, since three of them re under arrest for embezzlement. Tl) "anti-peace" party of Japan can with advantage to itself study the fate of the Antl-Imperlallstlc league of Amer ica before presenting Its legislative pro gram. The beautify Omaha campaign will have to be given an extra push to make good the loss of so many handsome trees that have succumbed to the windstorms of late. New York ollce are interested In an other "murder mystery.' If some of these mysteries are not solved soon It will become necessary to number them la series. In deporting the brother of Mme. TIiimlert to France, American Inspectors doubtless felt that there were already enough high financial practitioners In this country. With four theaters now continu ously running. Omnha will be entitled to be written in big letters on the theatrical map as compared with other cities of its population. Sir Thomas Upton has been thrown from a horse in Edinburgh while pa rading before the king. The baronet has better luck when he confines his advertising efforts to newspapers and the briny d.eep. Packers indicted at Chicago make the point that the federal grand Jury was Improperly drawn. It will not be diffi cult to convince every man indicted at the same time that this Is true, but It required larger attorneys' fees than the ordinary offender can pay to discover Xa irregularity. .49 TO TARIFF RKVlilOS Perhaps a majority of the American people feel thut there Is uo more im portant question to be determined by the next congress than that of tariff revision. It is a question which touches vitally tho Industrial and commercial welfare of the nation, not alone for the time being, but for the future. For ten years the United States has had a tariff under which the general welfare has grown with a rapid ity without precedent in our national history. There has been during these years an enormous industrial and com mercial development We have wit nessed not only this, but also a remark able gain in the benefits to labor and the accumulation of the gains of labor. All along the line there has been prog ress, a steady and normal advance, la which every class of our people has shared. It is now proposed by some to make a more or less radical departure from the policy which has admittedly been so potent an influence In building up the United States to the ositlon it now oc cupies among the industrial nations of the world. There Is a prevalent belief that this must be done in order to enable this country to retain what foreign trade It has got and expand our commerce. It is urged that unless this is done we will Inevitably lose a great deal of the trado that has been won and inevitably be driven to a lower place among the great commercial nations. It is declared that we must reduce our tariff or submit to a material loss of trade, since our Industrial and commercial competitors in the markets of the world are putting forth every effort to take trado away from us. This is not a new proposition. We have been hearing it for years and never more vigorously or persistently than since the enactment of the present tariff law. It was declared when that measure was under consideration that if enacted Into law it would have results disas trous to our commerce. Events have shown the fallacy of the prediction. We have grown constantly and rapidly in home development and in the foreign commerce. Instead of the Dingley law being a drawback It has been a most powerful help to our International com merce. Whereas before the enactment of that law our business with foreign nations was not growing, there has since been witnessed a great progress In our foreign trade, which is still increasing. There Is hot a single fact to show that the existing tariff law has done otherwise than to contribute to the general well lelng of the American people and to keep ihe United States In the path ot industrial progress. What bettor evidence could le desired to show thnt the economic policy under which this nation Is living Is an emi nently wise policy, that should be stead ily and conspicuously pursued, what ever may be thought In Individual cases. In other words, the essential thing is to maintain the protective principle and It can very confidently be predicted that this will be the view of the majority In the Fifty-ninth congress. Newspapers and some prominent men In certain con spicuous protection sections are urging that the time is at hand for tariff revi sion by the party of protection; that no harm can come to the business of the country If revision shall be at once made by the party thot can be depended upon to take such action with a due re gard for the national Industries. There Is unquestionably some plausibility In this, but It is doubtful If any movement can be made for changing tho tariff that would not result In unsettling and dis turbing to some extent the Industrial and commercial affairs of the country and thus necessarily putting a check upon our now growing prosperity. THE OHIO CAMPAlGX. Although an off year in Ohio politics, the campaign in that state is attracting very general attention, perhaps due to the feeling that the result may have a more or less Important bearing upon the chances of one or two of the prominent men of that state in the national repub lican convention of 1908. It appears to be quite generally understood that Secre tary Tuft is among the possible candi dates of the republican party three years hence for the presidency and unquestion ably he Is regarded by republicans gen erally as a man whose availability as a presidential candidate Is Inferior to none. He has a very strong hold upon the re publicans of Ohio, who appreciate his great ability and high personal char acter. But If the Buckeye state should go against the republican party next November, the chances ,of a candidate for the presidency lelng taken from that state in 1008 would be greatly les sened arid Mr. Taft would be relegated to a rear position among possible presi dential candidates. It is tMs which gives more than ordi nary significance to the present year's campaign In that state and Is stimulat ing the republicans to extraordinary ef forts. It Is announced that besides the local leaders some of the most prom inent republicans In the country will take part in the campaign and that the canvass will be characterized by ex traordinary energy on the part of the republicans, who will probably conduct their flghf largely on national Issues. There has developed an exceedingly strong opposition to the re-election of Governor Herrick, whose administra tion. It appears, has given great offense to many Influential republicans. These charge him with havtpg been unfaithful to his pledges when elected governor two years ago and with having done things inimical not only to the interests of his rarty, but also to the public wel- fare. It seems that his course has cre ated a factional contest in the repub lican ranks and those of hla party who are antagonizing him are men of more than ordinary Influence. In spite of this the probability is that the repub licans will win, since normally that party has a majority of about 50,000, but it will require extraordinary efforts to achieve victory. So far as can be Judged from report the Herrick lead ershlp is not especially able and lndlca- f t Ions are not wanting that there are some of the leaders who would not re gret the defeat of the republican guber natorial candidate. A SACKED (JUAHDlASSHir. The time Is at hand when the lid must be taken off the county court depository, which for six years has probated the estates of more than '1,'2 deceased per sons, whose aggregate wealth must have amounted to from $.",0(X,000 to $10,000, 000. It is anticipated that the estates of some of the wealthiest residents of Omaha and I)ouglas county, who have passed the a Doted three score and ten, will have to be probated by the next county Judge, and hundreds of families of moderate means will also bo subject to the same guardianship. Under our system In force by law, the citizens of Douglas county will be com pelled to decide for themselves at to morrow's primary in whose hands they are willing to place this sacred trust. As the democrats have but one candi date on the official primary ballot, mem bers of that party have no other choice, but republicans are privileged to choose between one of four candidates for county Judge, viz: Charles Leslie, chief clerk of Judge Vlusonhaler, the present Incumbent, whose administration is shrouded in deep mystery. Charles T. Dickinson, whose record lu tho same position In Burt county was somewhat clouded. B. F. Thomas, whose career In the late legislature showed him to be shifty and unreliable. Charles W. Holier, who is reputed to be an able lawyer of unquestioned in tegrity, although never before a candi date for office by reason of his adher ence to his professional labors. Before entering the booth tomorrow every thoughtful republican voter should ask himself these questions: .Suppose you knew you were to die wifiiln the next two years, would you be willing to place your wife and family and those dependent upon your savings in the hands of any man 'whom you could not Implicitly trust? If you have no prop erty and have nobody dependent upon you. would you consider It Just and proper to foist into the office of probate Judge an untrustworthy man and by your vote help to place the widows and orphans of Douglas county at the mercy of any man of doubtful Integrity? . It Is so hard to get un honest man to run for office that men who want good government should rejoice when an op portunity presents Itself now and then to secure the nomination of an honest man. For thut reason Charles W. Hal ler, who has never sought office and only reluctantly, after much urging, con sented to allow his name to be used as a candidate for county Judge, should receive the active and earnest support of every republican who desires to ele vate the standard of our Judiciary and place the. heritage of Douglas county widows and orphans beyond the reach of speculators or grafters. The office of police magistrate should be filled by a lawyer of known ability. The attempt of the Fontauelle club to foist William B. Ten Eyck on the citi zens of Omaha for Judge of the police court. In view of his notorious lack of ca pacity and his peculiar record In the leg islature, caps the climax. As between Ten Eyck and his competitor, Bryce Crawford, comparisons would be odious. Bryce Crawford has experience on the bench, both as a Justice of the pence and as acting police Judge, while Ten Eyck has absolutely no experience as a Judicial officer. The repuMican state convention en dorsed direct primary nominations and the eyes of the state will be on Omaha as it makes its first experiment under the new direct primary law. Direct pri maries are looked to give the people a chance to make their own selections of party nominations, but If It should work out in Omaha that direct primaries mean simply the usurpation of the power to nominate candidates by a little star chamber coterie of Fontanelle chiefs, the cause of the direct primaries will likely suffer a decided setback. Primary election officers aro up against a long day's work. The polls will not close until 9 o'clock at nluht. and then must come tho counting and the completion of the records. But they will get even at the regular election, when all they will have to do will be to unlock the registering device of the vot ing machine and copy off the returns, all tabulated and verified. Odd Fellows find a decrease In the membership of their uniformed degree. This may not mean that the people of the United States are changing their ap preciation of gold lace so much as that It comes easier to get the decoration from some other source. It Is reported that Turkish troops sold arms to the enemy In order to secure food. Under the same circumstances an American army would have done some hard fighting and ended by having- both food and arms. Reports from Missouri siiy that Jeffer son City U Isolated. As the legislature Is not in session and lobbyists are on a vacation It Is difficult to see what differ ence isolation can make to the town. Omaha "tieuds" can "smoke up" If they can roll their own cigarettes, but as they have always leen able to do this. Judge Day's decision Is chiefly in teresting for what It does not say. In taking advantage of the Russian mutiny to fortify the Bosphorus, Turkey may not have acted on the advice of Great Britain, but the effect is Just as satisfactory at London. Stand by the regular republican or ganisation that has done all the work for republican success in recent elections by voting for the regular candidates for membership In the county committee In your precinct. The names of these can didates for the various districts respec tively are to be found elsewhere in this paper. rilnalnar to Old Landmarks. Chlrago Record-Herald. Thirty thousand of Iowa's people may have moved away, but the census shows no sign that the Iowa idea Is proposing to emigrate. Westward, Hot Baltimore American. A great exodus of hungry politicians may be expected to set In from other sections of the country towards the west. A golden plum has been evolved there." Imagine the shaking of the tree! Oar Tronblea Vanish. Washington Post. Nebraska may now settle down to a real enjoyment of her blessings. Frost has removed danger of a yellow fever Invasion and Mr. Bryan Is preparing to go away for a couple of years. Common Sense Points the Way. Springfield Republican. Common sense can be counted on In the negotiations between Sweden and Norway to prevent a break over such a matter as a few old land fortresses. The two coun tries are expected to start off on their in dependent lareera with" an arbitration treaty, which will go far to prevent future wars, and therefore they will not need fortresses frowning across the frontier. Karnes of All Colors. New Tork Tribune. There are coincidences In the names of the United States marine hospital service surgeons who have been sent to New Or leans to fight yellow fever. Dr. White Is In charge of the work and his chief as sistant Is rr. Rupert Blue. Pr. Lavendar and Dr. Green are at work In the wards. There Is a Dr. Brown In the service, but he has not yet been ordered to New Or leans. In discussing the fever situation a few days ago Dr. White remarked: "You can hardly expect us to stamp out fever before frost comes." A few hours later Dr. Frost arrived from Washington and went to work In the stricken city. Preserve the Indian Names. Washington Star. The suggestion has been made that when Indian territory shall become a state or part of a state the new state shall be called Sequoyah, In memory of the half-breed Cherokee who Invented the syllable alpha bet of the Cherokee language and who performed other noteworthy services for his people. Whether the suggestion Is good or bad Is not now to be determined, but certain It Is that a conspicuous argument against the adoption of the name Is un sound. It Is argued that it Is an Indian name and hard to pronounce. Mercy! A citizen of the Vnlted States to urge this as a reason against a geographical name In the United States! If there Is anything In the power of precedent or the force of example this Is not an objection to but an argument for the name Sequoyah. For nearly 100 years we have been saying Massachusetts, Connecticut and Delaware and for a long time have been pronouncing Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, etc. REQIKSTS TO BE HONORED. Effect of the Chinese Boycott on t American Goods. Brooklyn .Eagle. Secretary Taft; went to China primarily to see what could be done to smooth away the difficulties created by the native boy cott on. American goods. To that end he has had several conferences with Chinese merchants. - Naturally a price was demanded for the concession he asked. Unexpectedly the price was moderate. The Chinese are not disposed to be vindictive. The secretary- was requested to secure a more re stricted definition of the word laborer In the exclusion act, to have the law, or the Interpretation of It, so modified that the term In question could not be stretched to cover commercial assistants who come here In the Interest of Chinese Arms or to enter the employ of Chinese merchants already established In our cities. Also, an assur ance was required that certificates granted by American consuls In China to emigrat ing Chinese should be considered final and should not be subject to revision here. Also, a more liberal treatment was re quested for Chinese holding passports, and the secretary was urged to Improve the travesty on accommodations now provided at some ports of entry for immigrants. All of these requests have been approved by Mr. Taft, who will submit them to the president. Most of them can be honored by executive order alone and without an appeal to congress. But should the sanc tion of that body be needed to secure full compliance with the wishes of the Chinese merchants we have little doubt that the lesson so recently administered through the commercial guilds will exercise a most compelling effect. When the American pocket nerve Is touched nothing Is allowed long to stand In the way of relief. The agony Is too acute to be Indefinitely pro longed. Congress will be made fully aware ot Its responsibility In the premises. DIVORCE I CANADA. Remarriage of Divorced Persona For bidden by Episcopal Church. Chicago Record-Herald. The Episcopal church In Canada has set tied the question of the remarriage ot di vorced persons by absolutely forbidding Its clergy to remarry any divorced person while the former husband or wife Is still living. This Is naturally taken aa an en couraging symptom by the advocates of a similar reform In the church in this coun try. If Canada can set so high a standard, why not the United States? When one compares the conditions which confront the churches In the two coun tries, however, the answer will not seem so simple. Fortunately, official statistics for Canada published by the Dominion gov ernment are available. In the year 1904 five divorces In Ontario and one In Quebec were granted by act of Parliament. In three other provinces thirteen Judicial di vorces were granted. The total for all Canada In 1804 was nineteen. In the thlrty S"en years. 1868 to Inclusive, the total number of divorces of all kinds granted in Canada was In addition to these a total of nine Judicial separations and "de crees nisi" were granted In that period. The number of divorced men and women, both natives and Immigrants, living In Canada In 1901 was Ml, or, as the statis tical year book carefully points out, 12. 3 In every 100,000 of the population. . There la hardly a judge In the most re mote county of the United States who does not grant as many divorces a year aa all the parliaments and Judges of all Can ada. We have no figures of annual di vorces granted, but our last census showed 19.6 divorced persons living In the coun try, and this figure takes no account of the divorced persons already remarried. The figure Just given would be on the basis of luO In the 100.000. If Canada had ever acquired the divorce habit of the American states no church would be able to establish so vigorous a rule against remarriage with so little trouble. The pressure on the clergy of twenty applicants for remarriage a year Is not to be compared with the pressure of tens of thousands. 'Bonn ABOIT HEW YORK. Ripples On the Cnrrent of Life In the Metropolis. A heart-touching Instance of heroic devo tion of a girl of 18 to her brother and sister was brought to the notice of a court In Brooklyn last week. At the Instance of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Chil dren, Mamie Fllzpatrlck was brought be fore the court, where she told, In answer to questions, a simple, unaffected story of how she was supporting herself and the younger brother and sister on an Income of .1.Sn a week. Small for her age, neatly dressed, and looking plump and healthy, her story could hardly be believed, but It was confirmed by Mrs. Maggie Jones. In whose home the children had a room. The mother died three years ago, and the father, William Fltzpatrtck. married again last spring, and In May left Mamie, Thomas, aged 14. and Alice, aged 11, to shift for themselves. Mamie was working In a canning factory for $3.50 a week, and on this Income she made a home for her charges. For $1.80 a week she rented a room from Mrs. Jones, and on the other $2 the family lived. How they did It Mamie could not tell herself last night, but It was buns and milk In the morning, and there was rfot much change In the diet at night. Thomas and Alice went to school In the spring, and they always looked neat, for on Saturday Alice did the family wash ing. And they were always at church on Sunday. Naturally Mamie did not take a vacation this summer, hut during the evenings would sit in front of their home A 938 At lantic avenue mending the clothes of the little ones, sometimes walking with them to Prospect park and sometimes hoping they would have money enough to take a trip to Coney Island, Patrolman Helsterhagen of the East Twenty-second street police station saw a crowd at Third avenue and Twenty-fifth street, gathered about what he thought was an Indian who stood half a head taller than those In the crowd. When the patrolman got Into the throng he was as tonished to discover that the person In the center was a woman who equaled his own height of six feet one Inch. She was ap parently excited, and her clothing so dis arranged that the policeman thought It best to arrest her. He got a surprise right there. The woman picked him up as If he had been a pigmy, and was shaking him, con siderably to the delight of the onlookers, when Patrolman Ryan happened along. Ryan Is no baby In else, and he went to the rescue. It was all one, however, to the tall woman. She took a firm grip on Helster hagen with one hand and grabbed Ryan by the neck with the other. Then she bumped them around and mussed up their hair before she decided she had had fun enough for a little while and agreed to go to the station. With the two policemen as escorts, and a bystander assisting, she went about two blocks. Then she suddenly plied Helster hagen and Ryan and their citizen aid In a heap. She waited for them to get up and said she was ready to resume her walk. A wagon came along and she rode to the station house. She gave her name as Mary Little and her home as Virginia. She said she had been visiting a brother In New York City. Coney Island is to have a Mardl Gras a fete of electric lights, flowers, floats and femininity that Is to take rank with the famous festivals of the same kind lu Rome, Nice, Paris and New Orleans. It la to last five days, and It will cost $50,000 to carry it out, according to the present plana. The festival is to open on the evening of Sepember 19 and lsst five days, until Sep tember 24. For artistic and business rea sons the greatest spectacles, the parades, will take place every evening. Electric displays are to play a prominent part both In the parade and in the decorations. After all we have heard of the brutality of the Gotham motormen It is pleasant to record a little Incident that occurred re cently on a Twenty-third street car In that city. The car came to a sudden and dis concerting standstill, and when the pas sengers had recovered their equilibrium they were surprised to see the motorman dismounted and stroking the feathers of a mother dove that had perched near the trolley slofln front of the car with a little dove snuggled under her wing. "I've never taken a life yet," said the motorman as he climbed back after having put the dis turbers of traffic out of harm's way, "and I'm not going to start with a tame dove." Signs of building are on every side of the citizen of the metropolis, and yet, aa a rule, he little realizes at what a tremeu dous pace the new structures are going up. As a matter of fact, a house Is built every fifty-one minutes. In the whole city last year 10,122 buildings of various descriptions were erected, of which 1,402 were built In Manhattan. 1.671 In The Bronx, 6,79$ in Brooklyn, 919 In Queens and $37 In Btaten Island. Yet, although Manhattan fell be hind The Bronx and Brooklyn In the num ber of Uul'dlngs constructed, It spent more than all the other boroughs put together. The people of all New York spend $4.65 a second for new buildings, and of this sum $2.40 comes out of the pockets of Manhat tanltes. In the last year In Manhattan the bill for buildings amounted to $74,932,000, while that for The Bronx was $23. 144.500; Brooklyn, $39,872,740; Queens. I7.9SJ.437 and Elaten Island, !96.241. As much money is spent In buildings In five days In Man hattan as on Staten Island In all the year. Some weeks ago a woman entered a New York hotel and deliberately shot a stenog rapher In the back, with the obvious In tention of killing her. The cause Is a minor point, but It was evidently the Jeal ousy generated between two women over one of the women's husband. The woman who was Bhot recovered, and on Friday a New York police Justice took up the case. He found that the lawyers for the two women had reached an agreement as to the deposition of the prisoner, accused of attempted murder. The victim had agreed not to make a complaint and the would be murderess had agreed to leave the state at once and go to Minnesota to live. The strangest phase of the affair Is that hU honor accepted this extraordinary arrange ment, which might be called a ladies' agreement for the promotion of assaults with Intent to kill, and dismissed the case. In many of New York's busiest streets are shop windows that look like miniature Industrial exhibitions, so varied are the trades represented there. This does not mean that the proprietor of the shop la a syndicate of business enterprises; It simply means that other tradesmen have rented space In his window for the purpose of dis playing their goods. The combinations thus effected are often novel, even Incongruous. Jewels of an Inferior grade twinkle at the foot of ready-made "pants" In tailors' win dows, lengths of accordion-pleated silk dan gle above rows of heavy-soled shoes, while In one Columbus avenue shop bird cages and dressmakers' supplies divide the spaoe squally. The demand for window space la small shops exceeds the supply, slnos many tradesmen whose stores are located on aide streets where the passers-by are compara tively few, find It to their advantage to display their goods In more conspicuous plate. Fifty Ycara 5 l??ro v (DIE AM HD A F'TTTM, MM A Groam of Tartar Powder Pilado From Grapes No Alum PERSONAL SOTF..1. China discriminates shamelessly In th- boycott matter. Shanghai liars are work ng overtime to supply the demand. The shah of Persia Is said to be a victim of acute melancholia. The shah Is the most plurally married man In the world. A copy of the will of Joseph Jefferson was filed In Baltimore on the Hth. Ho leaves his best fishing reel to Grover Cleve land. Mr. Rockefeller Is quoted as saying that patience and courage underlie his success. The burning of considerable mtd-nlght oil counted, too. The discovery of a pot of money burled In a town lot In North Carolina suggests to people hereabouts the wisdom of per sistent digging. It Is gratifying to national pride, to learn that the American congressional delega tion, while visiting Peking, wasn't curious enough to ask, "How old Is An?" Congressman Calderhead, of Kansas, when a young man moved onto a piece of government land in that state and built, with his own hands, a cabin 10 by 14. mak ing all of the furniture except the stove. Some Canadian papers express amazement that Lord Mlnto has been named to suc ceed Lord Curson as viceroy of India. They consider that he Is not big enough for the place. One paper declares that his lordship was barely up to the governorship of Can ada, "an office of purely nominal functions which any school boy could fill." Prof. Theodore A. Schurr, who has Just died In Baltimore, was a pioneer In the crusade against killing birds for hat adornment. He had a collection of birds and butterflies representing 50,000 speci mens, valued at about $100,000. He had In his possession more than 1,200 personal letters and testimonials from presidents of universities and colleges regarding his ex hibit. At times the German emperor, always very saving of his money, pushes his economy to the verge of niggardliness. When he visited Constantinople some time ago he was magnificently received and was loaded down with handsome presents. Dur ing his stay he instructed an aid to dis tribute the usual presents among the Turk ish servants attached to his persons, but carefully limited the total amount. When the aid offered a dollar to the head coach man the latter said with perfect respect: "No, tbank you, I am not thirsty." IS IT PROSPERITY t" Information Offered ,n Inquisitive Politician. Philadelphia Press. This is the question which Colonel Bryan asks in the Commoner. It is a natural question for Colonel Bryan to ask, for Just nine years ago he was predicting that If his way waa not followed disaster would come to the masses. The most enthusiastic advocate of a gold standard, however, can not in hla wildest dreams ever expect the prosperity which has come to the masses since then. One simple taste of prosperity passes all others. This Is the amount of food eaten, the beverages drunk and of clothing worn. In the nature ot things' no rich man can eat more than so much though some man age to drink a good deal, or wear more than so much of the ordinary range of clothing. This Is a contrast between the per capita consumption of food In 1896 and 1904: 1S9 1904. Increase. Wheat 4 59 bu. 6.33 bu. 1 74 bu. Corn 17.18 bu. 26 74 bu. 9.M bu. Sugar 63 4 lbs. 76 S lbs. 1 19 lbs. Coffee 9.33 lbs. 11.76 lbs. 2 42 lbs. Spirits 1.14 gal. 1 48 gal. 84 gal. Malt liquors. ...15 13 gal. 18.28 gal. 3.15 gal. Wine . .28 gal. .53 gal. 25 gal. Raw cotton 22.75 lbs. 28 28 lbs. 2.53 lbs. These are the most eloquent figures we know. We commend them to Colonel Bryan. Of course, if we told him that th wealth of the country had gained one-third, or money in circulation one-half. There are no teen remedies family medicine. we might mention yellow dock root, """ W WssgsmjaMi i I thorn bark, senna leaves, burdock root, cimi- cifuga root, cinchona bark, Phytolacca root. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is genuine medicine, a doctor's medicine. SUae y she I. O. are Oe., leweU, Uses. III of ittt'l lint YlfX For tks Ulr. aTER'S PILLS Tor eonstleetloa. ' CMaJOtY I-llCTOILaL Vuteoarat. AYaH'S ACiUtt CCk-B ti nHuria ami iril. (hp Standard! fa or bank clearings double, or freight car ried nearly double, or pig iron production risen three-quarters, ho would tell us that Ills added to the wealth of corporators. Hut when the amount of wheat consumed rises by one-third, so that there Is actually In this year of grace one-third more bread per iuad being eaten than was eaten per head when Colonel Bryan was telling the world that the poor would all starve if his silver standard was not adopted, there Is no answer to the argument. It Is a clean knock-down. So with the figures In the amount of sugar, which has risen by another fifth. The wildest desires of monopoly and the money bug cannot tutu a man mure man so roucn sugar or so much coffee. If there Is a fifth more J being used now than ten years ago PrJ head It means that a great many people ,,w vuuiu iioi nnura ineir nil or conee ana sugsr then are now having both to their heart's content and desire. If Colonel Bryan will turn his attention away from the corporations and monopo lies and look upon the family table of his fellow-citizens and see how much bigger Is the general loaf, how much fuller the sugar bowl and how much more coffee there Is In the pot, and how much mora cotton there Is belne tmerl In xlnthlnir will have an answer which cannot be gain- said to his question, "Is It prosperity 7" PASS IX (J PLEASANTRIES. Mistress Why did you leave your last place? The Coole-The kitchen didn't have any felicities Chicago Hecord-Herald. .LMr Co1'"" I though you said I held the first place In your heart. Miss Uldd.-iy So you do; but the first place, of course, la down at the bottom. The latest tenant Is always at the top. Percy How did Mabel like the Idea of your starting a mustache? Reggle-Oh, she was tickled! Boston Post. She fon shipboard) Is the moon up dear? He If It isn't it's lonesome Harper's Basar. "What do you think of the trust prob lem?" "It Is becoming more difficult than ever." answered Senator Sorghum, with a ting.' of sadness In his tone. "The trusts are growing so arrogant that there Is no tell ing whom they will put off the pay roll next." Washington Star. - . "You here James!" exclaimed the slum worker, visiting the Jail. "Yes'ro," replied the new prisoner, who was In for burglary. "Well, well, I certainly am surprised." "So was I, ma'am, or I wouldn't be here." Philadelphia Press. Maudle Lucy Wellon Is going to mftrrv Widower Skimp, is she? I wonder what she sees In him that she fancies? Mayme A husband Chicago Tribune. "While he was under 30 his parents had too much sense to let him marry." "Yes." "While he was under 60 he had too much sense to wed." "I see." "Now that he's 85-' "Well?" "He's going to take a wife." Louisville Courier-Journal. THE CASH ACCOIXT. Louisville Courier-Journal. I cannot make the thing come out. Though I have thought and thought and thought, And tried to make a careful note Of everything that I have bought. The more 1 think and think and think, Tho more In vain my brain ferments. Confound the pesky cash account! , Where did I s:end that thirty cent? Ten cents for care fares that's all right! Three dollars for a new strsw hat. For luncheon, fifty; shoe shine, five Oh. hang It! Yes, I've got all that! Considering the scant supply, The treasury has too manv vents. It's outgo, outgo all the time Where did I spend that thirty cents' CIsars. four-fifty; grape Juice, ten (I think it had some foam on top) Bleachers and peanuts, thirty-five. And ten cents more for ginger pop. But still that haunting deficit My deep perplexity augments. What was It for? Oh, well, here goes! "For foreign missions, thirty cents!" less than in this standard Among them sarsaparilla root, stillingia root, buck certainly a medicine, t. ,, iilm. r .i.-.3 ... -. ' - ! I I a V 11 1 n ;