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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER IP. MYED NOW IN OCR READY FOR NEW LOCUTION: South 16th St. Next to Howard St. The Number: 414-416-418. ' Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Company. BINISTEIS ARE ASSIGNED Fiho Hamilton Annoancei Station for Preacher in Coaferenaa. SEVERAL CHANGES IN THE DISTRICT One of the Moat Interesting and Lamely Attended Mfrtliii of Ike Holda Flaal Sesaloa at Albion. ALBION. Neb.. Sent. 18 (Special Tele gram.) The North Nebraska Methodist Episcopal conference which haa been In ses sion here the last week adjourned this morning. It will go to the history of the district aa one of the largest ever held. The attendance has been large from the i i .- . j .l.- i i .. beginning and the exercises have been of a most Interesting nature. Bishop Hamil ton haa delivered several masterly ad dresses and In his short stay here he has made a host of friends. Yesterday the attendance was the largest of the session, there being many visitors from neighboring towns. The visiting min isters are loud In their praise concerning their treatment by the people of Albion. Governor Mickey failed to be present last evening aa advertised, btt there was no difficulty in furnlahtng a most Interesting program, which was thoroughly enjoyed by the large audience. Appointments for Year. Appointments tor 1H6-1906 are as follows: Grand Island District H. H. Millard, pre siding elder; Columbus, A Ida H. A. Taylor; Archer. H. Treseona; Bartlett. John V. Henderson; Belgrade, A. J. Warne; Cairo and Hoelus, R. J. Cocking; Cednr Rapids. J. 8. Green; Central City, a. H. Main; Cen tral City circuit, J. H. McDonald: Clarks, W. E. Green; Columbus, L. R. DeWolfe; Fullerton, J. L. Vallow; Genoa and Mon roe. W. J. Brlent; Grand Island, First church, J. R. Gregor; Grand Island, Trinity churrh, K. , C Hum ; GreeiAr 8-' A. Bear; Maplewood and LeavfU, W. H. Gray; North Bend. E. B. King; Palmer, J. F. Webster; Primrose and Enfield, Arthur Atack: Purple Cane, C. E. Campbell; Richland. J. W. War field; St. Edward. J. L. Phillips; St Paul, W. H Tnderwood; Schuyler. W. W. Mc Kee; Scotia. M. M. Ixmg : Silver Creek, J. B. Roe; Wolbach and Cushlng. E. A. Smith; Wood River. J. J. Leedoin ; J B. Carnes. superintendent Btate Anti-Saloon league; J W. Robinson, missionary to the Black Hills. Nellgh District Thomas Bithel, presiding elder. Norfolk; Albion. E. T. George; Rattle Creek. R. J. Calloway; Buttle Creek circuit, to be supplied: Boone, O. Eggleston; Bruns wick, W. I. Smith; Chambers. J. E. Grif fith; Clearwater, H. W. Hummel: Creighton, E. C. Thorp; Delolt -and Goose Luke, Frank E. Sala; Elgin, to 1 supplied; Emerlck. H. P. Williams: Ewlng T. E. Smith; Inman. B. H. Murton: Lindsay, to be supplied: I.oretto, E. B. Koontx; Lynch and Highlands. H A. Horady; Merfdom- Grove. A. L.' Kellogg; Menowl, Alfred and Verdel, to be supplied; Neligh. Charles O. Trump; Newman Grove, L. A. "ook; Niobrara. A. W. Ahrendts; Oakdale. R. J. MiKenzle; O'Neill and Kden Valley, A Skin of Beauty la a Joy Forevor. DR. T. Folia Oouraud'a Oriontal Croam or Magioal Beeutifter. KvtnoTM Tan. rtnplM, Fracklaa, Moth I'.tcliea, Kaafl. and bkia Pwihi, ana every Diamias on bpaitv. ana as-' fla detection. It bu au4 tti. teat of 67 aeara. .lid n mo hanuieaa w taatr h la properly n.a'.a. A rc4 no couulrr fril of uniuftr twf. Ir. L. ha r. uid to a larfy of tbf baut too ia aatieut i : At you will IM llieoi. 1 racomaitrd Cearaaa"a Cream' M tb. (ml harmful of a. I lb. loo prvoaral uma F'T aal r-y all d'-nrr1 ' arwT- oc4 Draiar. la tha raliad aiaua, Cauida aad Euroua. (LUT.KQim ProK 37 Brett Jona Slnet ImTbiL Use the Best (GUY CUiFtlNTEE3 Tor any use where goo J coal li desired. , 1SUT $6.00 LUMP $6.25 All Grades of Hard and Soft Coal. KEYGTONE COAL AND SUPPLY CO., J. A Johnson. Proa. O. F. Bruckar. Treaa. J. T. Mjera. See jr. 1519 Faraam St Pne317 DR. McCREW SPECIALIST Diseases of Men Only as Tears Experience, i Tears In Omaha. T -w Blood P 1 kiua. L I Vex im. mi- it at. arioocele etxirtum. I'olaon. vteea- Lkiuk froe. Omos. r.i B. Oiaal s, a. COAL N in NEW STORE BUSINESS. G. F. Mead: Osmond. R. F. Sharkloek: Paddock. Michael Miller: Page and Mux field, W C. Kelly: Pierce. E J. T. Con nelly; plalnview, J ft. Yost: Plalnvlew cir cuit, J. G. Calloway; Royal. O. B. D. Woods; Spencer. Brlstow and Grosa; Mad ison Combe: Tllden. J. N. Oortner; Rh E. Mitchell, without appointment to attend school. Norfolk restrict D. K. Tlndall, presiding elder; Allen, W. A. Romlnger; Bancroft, J. H. Smith; Beemer and Wisner, C. P. W. Wlllherly; Rloomfleld. E E. Carter; Carroll and Sholes, C. H. Moore; Coleridge and Belden. H. H. St. Louis; Creston and Humphrey, W. R Warren; Dakota City. E. E. Shafer: Decatur. W. G. Fowler; Emerson. R W. Wilcox ; Harrington, F. M. Drullna-er: Homer, C. E. Carroll; Laurel, S A. Drals, Lee. D. A. Knn; Lvons. A. L. Mlckel; Madison, J M. both well: Norfolk. J. F. Pou'-her; Norfolk circuit, W. R. Peters; Pender and Thurston. C. S. Hughes; Pllger, Robert P. Hlsey; Ponca and Water hurv. H. G. Langley; Randolph, F. A. High: St. James and Central. C. H. Turner; Stanton, C. N. Dawson; Scrlhner, C. F. Kruse; South Sioux City. J. H. Hard; Wakefield and Pleasant alley, Amos Fetxcr: Wausa. E. T. Anlril; Wayne. T. J. Wright; Winelde R. J. Corking; L. M. ' Hussy and Kex Moe. without appointment to att end school Omah District William Gorst. presid ing elder; Arizona. N. H. Somervllle; Arlington. G. M. Coffer; Blair. J. G. Shlck; Craig and Alden Grove, A. E. Fowler: Fremont, H. S. Sanderson; Florence and le Roto, to be supplied; Gretna and Spring Grove. R. N. Throckmorton; Herman cir cuit. Francis P. Cook: Hooper and Bethel, G. B. Warren: K nnnrd and Elk City. T S. Watson; Nlckerson. R. J. Robinson; Oakland. C. P. Iving; Omaha, city mis sion, to be supplied; Dickey chapel. J. M. Ijeldy; First church, E. Comble Smith; Hatiscom I'ark. C. C. Clssel; First Memo rial. William Esplin; MoCate. J. M. Mc Donald: North Twenty-fourth Street. G A. Luce: Seward Street. J. B. Priest; South Tenth Street. D. W. McGregor: Southwest, to be supplied; Trinity, J. R. Smith; Wal nut Hill, E. E. Hosmond; Paplllion and Flkhorn. C. W. S. Becker; Richland Vnlon. to be supplied: South Omaha, First church. F. M. Sisson: South Omaha. Lefr Memorial. W. D. Stallbaugh: Springfield and Platford, H. A. Chappell; Tekamah, John Kruse; Valley, W. L. Elliott. Jesse W. Jenning. manager Kansas City Department Book Concern; F. W. Bross, missionary to Wyoming; H. L. Powers and T. ". Webster, conference evangelists: E. E. Wilson, missionary to Porto Rico; D. C. Winshlp. field secretary of North Nebraska Conference Claimants' association. CAMPERS HAVE CLOSE CALL, Caught Island In Bine River by Rising Water. BEATRICE, Neb., Sept. 18. (Special Tele gram.) George Mlchela and Lou. Davis, who reside at Harmon, Neb., had a thrill ing experience which they are not likely to forget. The young men purchased a camp tng and fishing outfit in this city and pitched their tent on an Island in the Blue river near the mouth of Bear creek. The downpour of Thursday night caused such a rise In the river they were awakened by the rushing of water around their camp. The night being very dark, it was with difficulty they succeeded In climbing a tree where they were held prisoners for forty eight hours without food or sleep. Not being able to attract attention from either shore on account of the noise caused by the rushing waters they finally con cluded their only show was to swim ashore, which they did with great difficulty, nearly losing their Uvea. They came to this city today, having lost their entire outfit, and they aay they think they will return home. Saloon Man Paniabed. BLAIR, Neb., Sept. 18. (Special.) The saloon of Alex Finlayson was closed this morning by order of Mayor Williams for violating the Sunday closing law. An or dinance passed by the council last spring allowed the proprietor of each saloon to have from 7 to a. m. and S to p. m. for the purpose of cleaning up and fixing fires In the winter. The saloon men were called before the council and agreed to the above before they were granted a license. Finlayson, It ia allged, has vio lated this ordinance In one or two In stances before and m-as notified by tha mayor that It must not occur again. Five of the six councilmen stood pat with the mayor and the saloon will be closed for two days In lieu of a fine and the matter will not be brought Into court. Friends of Finlayson are loud In their' denuncia tion of the closing act. claiming that the other six saloons are guilty of the same offense. Mayor Williams aaka for the proof and aaya. he will give them the same discipline if the evidence la produced. Prlae Corn front Blair. BLAIR, Neb.. Sept. 18 ( Special. ) The finest bunch of corn, counting height of stalks, size of ears and distance of ears from ground, that has yet been produced In this county was brought In today by J. W. Jacobs, living five miles north of Blair on the large ranr owned by Judge W. C. Walton of this city, and was shipped to Omaha tonight for exhibition. The six stalks, with seven large ears of corn on them, average fifteen feet In height and the blirlieet ear Is about elgnt feet from the ground. Mr. Jacobs says he has ISO acres of and estimates rhat It will go over eighty bushels to the acre. D.dse C'oantr Democratic Ticket. FEEMeiNT, Neb.. Sept. 18. (Special Tvle-gra-n The democratic county convention met at the diatrict court room this after noon. The following ticket was nominated: Clerk. C. O. Boe; treasurer, John Knoell; sheriff. Wallace Wilson: Judge, C. R. Schaeffer; county aurveyor. G. W. D. Rey nolds, all of Fremont; county superintend ent. M. G. French, of Borlbner: coroner. Dr. T. Wtgglesworth. of Hooper. Twenty-three delegates were elected to the state con vention. The populists held no cenvention and have no organisation In the county. Aa Encaartnax Daet.r uses .gentle means, such as Electric Bit ters. . in curing dangerous diseases. Ilka bihouaneaa dyspepsia, etc. Uc For sals by Vjifrman & McConnell Drug Co. luwii.rn In Cripple Creek. CRIPFLE CREEK. Colo.. Bept U Sev eral Inchee of anow fell here today. The anowlall aa preceded by a high nlnd that blew do u several buildings, iDoludlu a lara lcabeiaan, GRAIN MEN FAIL TO APPEAR Owicj to Abseura of WitietsM T Tfiti monj ii Taken in Grain Can. DEFENDANTS DEMUR TO THE ACTION Mat Offlrlala Snt Only RHira B rrea a" paaaea. nnt Ala All fo.r. tealee Kitr.dH Thru, by Cor pern t Ion a. II. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Sept. IS. (Special. No deposi tions were taken today In the grain case be cause, owing to the rains, none of the wit nesses reached Lincoln. Attorney General Norrls Brown. Tom Worrall and Attorney Howell and the attorneys for the grain men were here, but could do nothing In the matter as the witnesses were shaent. The attorneys for the grain mn filed In each case a demurrer and with the exception of the Nye-Schneider-Fowler company all were Identical. .This latter company claimed the Injunction was asked for under the Junkln law and that Information of the alleged transactions of the grain men before that law was enacted Is not germane. In Its motion this onmpany alleges the petition of the state Is framed as a suit In equity under the Junkln act. which took effect July 1, 1906, and no other law previously enacted or now In force will support such an action In equity. It Is alleged that the Junkln act. If It Is nw enforced at all. and applicable to this case, repealed by Implication all prior statutes on this subject, hence all acts oc curring prior to July 1. I!n5. are immaterial and should not be permitted to be pleaded. This defendant therefore moves to strike from the petition the words "for the last three years," and If the plaintiff desires to substitute any other time therefor to limit such time to a date not prior to July 1, 1906. In the alternative If the foregoing be over ruled then to vacate the restraining order. The demurrer of the other grain men al leges: First That the court Is without Jurisdic tion over the subject matter. Second Thst the court Is without Juris diction over the person of this defendant Thlrd-That there Is a misjoinder of causes of action. Fourth That there Is a misjoinder of par ties defendant. Fifth And for the further reason that said application and petition falls to state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of ac tion In favor of the state of Nebraska and against this defendant. All Courtesies Returned. It has Just come to light this mo-nlng that when Governor Mickey, Attorney Gen- eral Norrls Brown. Superintendent McBrlen , T ,, r- jr.. a their passes to the railroads, thej- also sent back Pullman passes, telegraph franks and express franks. When asked regarding these matters McBrlen and Eaton said they had returned everything which could pos sibly be construed as free transnortatlon, while Governor Mickey and Norrls Brown said they had made a clean sweep of every thing. Next Friday members of the Roard of Public Lands and Buildings will pay rail- road fare to Norfolk to take a look at the asylum. Deputy Land Commissioner Fhive ley paid his railroad fare to the west end of the state today to look after some state business. Of course. Mr. Shlvelev and other state officers will turn their expense ac count In to the state, consequently to be without passes will not be a death blow to them, notwithstanding the humiliation they may suffer by having to travel like ordinary citizens and ray their own way when traveling for personal reasons. , Snpreme Judaea Conanlt. The Judges of the supreme court met In consultation today preparatory to the open ing of the session tomorrow. The calendar is unusually long, and It Is probable that on their own motion the Judges will con tinue several caaes. Attorney General Brown has seventeen cases on the call and Is ready for trial In all of them, but It Is understood that In several caaes a con tinuance will be asked by the other side. Chief Justice Holoomb, against the advice of his friends and family, came to the state house this afternoon to participate In the consultation of the Judges. Judge Holcomb has never missed a session of the court since his election, and notwithstanding his very severe 111 health, his appearance at the state house created little surprise. A number of sttorneys who are here are urg ing Judge Holcomb to keep off the bench until his health Is Improved. Aaka Stay for Haddlx. John Wall is In Lincoln trying to get a stay of execution of the sentence of W. 8. Haddix, convicted of murder In the second degree and sentenced to twelve years la the penitentiary. Haddlx was convicted of the murder of Melvln Butler of Custer county. Delegatea to Immigration Conference. .The following delegates were appointed by Governor John H. Mickey to represent the state of Nebraska at the national con ference of Immigration, to be held in New York City December ( and 7, 1905. under the auspices of the National Civic Federation; Sophus Noble, Omaha, Pioneer building; Peter Jansen. Jansen; B. V. Kohout. Wll ber; S. F. Nichols, Beatrice; John Roslcky, Omaha; F. C. Hanson, Fremont; Rev. J. E. Nordllng, Swede Home; Paul Getzsch mann, Omaha, 1 South Tenth street; Henry Wehn, Lincoln, editor Frele Press. Looking; 1 p Legislative Records. Mambera of the late legislature who are candidates for re-election will have to face the records they made In that session dur ing the coming campaign. A well-known politician who has had much to do with the agitation against the railroad domination iu politics was at the state house this morning to secure a copy of the house Journal from which he desired to take the record on railroad legislation of every mem ber of the house. The house Journals, for some reason or other, are not yet publlahed. and this man wondered If there was any reason for this delay, and he intimated that Inasmuch as the railroads were al ready busy selecting candidates for the legislature, that the book, were being held back until everything was set. He said: "The member of the legislature who re fused to commit himself on railroad legisla tion, or who was a railroad tool during the last session will have hard sledding getting Into the next session. The record of every member will be published In the county papers In the county In which he is a can didate, and Dothing will be left undone to show such members up in their true light to the people alio trusted them." I rains Special geaalon. Governor Mickey Is still receiving numer ous requests to call a special session, gome are anxious that he wait until be sees what action the railroads will take on their Its taxes, while others desire the seaalon called Immediately after election. One man at the state house today said that he had re ceived information from a merchant at Grand Island that in ordering a car of sugar 1 from California, it was necessary for him to pay freight rates from Omaha to Grand Island even though the train reached Grarul Island before It did Omaha and tha sugar was never In Omaha. He also said that In buying sugar manufactured In Grand Island the merchants had to pay tha added freight rates from Grand fsland to Omaha and back, even though the sugar was never more than a mile from the mer chant s place of business. It Is such Instances as these that are be ing called to the attention of the governor as a reason for the apeclal session of the legislature. The governor hesitates to call a special session because the members who wretUd. owu-iw u did Uxtuing; ea Uiejr had the 'opportunity and may repeat the performance. Inakrri of Lealaletnre Resign. N. r. Jackson, member of the house from Antelope county, and E. A. Tucker, member Of the senate from Richardson county, have tendered their resignations. The former Is now a supreme court commissioner and the latter holda a Judicial position in Arizona. area Jadsre'a Embarrassment. It la common talk around the state house that considerable embarrassment haa been saved some one by the defeat of Commis sioners E. R. Duffle and Ames for the re publican candidate for supreme Judge. Had either been made the nominee It Is said not less than three men would have Journeyed to Lincoln, each with a promise In his pocket for the place made vacant In the commission by the elevation to the bench of the commissioner. The men whose names are connected with the place are Judge Hamer of Kearney, who made a speech In favor of McGUton for chairman; Abbott of Grand Island and "Jack" Martin of Central City. Marries Despite Protest. James McGulre. a Western t'nlon opera tor, son of Captain McGulre of the police department, and Miss Winifred Yule hied themselves to Council Bluffs yesterday over the opposition of relatives of the girl and returned at midnight Mr. and Mrs. Mc Gulre. The bride Is a sister of the laundry men of her name and they opposed the wedding to such an extent that they sent her to Omaha a month ago. McGulre fol lowed yesterday, was mat at tba Omaha station by his sweetheart and the two then went to Council Bluffs. The objection to the union was based on the youth of the couple, the groom being Just 21. Nebraska Soldiers vielt Lincoln. Captain W. H. Oury of the Twenty fourth infantry. U. 8. A., and Lieutenant Clarence C. Culver of the Third cavalry. U. S. A., are In the city the guests of Ad jutant General Culver. The two officers are stationed at Fort Asslnlbolne, Montana, and will depart soon with their regiments to colony stations. Captain Oury's regiment will go to Alaska and Lieutenant Culver's to the Philippine Islands. Captain Oury Is a graduate of the Stats university and vaa nromotad to the rmlir m-v,u - I i .w. ... . i.i rim ." regiment during the Philippine war. Lieutenant Cul- rer Is the son of General Culver and during I the Spanish war was a member of Grlgsby's rough riders, later enlisting In the United States volunteers. Both officers secured their regular army commissions for dis- tinmi.kui i tingulshed bravery on the field of action and both have served In the Philippines. ESTIMATE DAMAGES AT BfRWEU Conservative Estimate Plaeea Loss at Fifty Thoaaand. BVRWELL, Neb., Sept. 18 (Special.) Conservative men who have estimated the damage done by the tornado place the loss at fcAOno. There are twenty-six buildings damaged from partial to total losa. Three business buildings were completely de stroyed and the general merchandise stock of Mike Saba Is a total wreck. The storm came down the Calamus valley from the northwest and struck Burwell i3u!,t 111,01,1 o'clock Saturday evening. The funeral of Mrs. E. B. McKlnney was held from the Methodist Episcopal church yesterday and was attended by nearly the entire town. There are four other parties that were seriously hurt, but they are all reported as doing well and undoubtedly will recover. A special excursion was run on the Bur lington yesterday and hundreds of people came to view the wreckage. Mews of nearnaka. SHELBY Wheat threshing from the stack has stopped because of the continued heavr rains. BEATRICR Burglars visited tha home of Mrs. Walton Saturday eight but secured nothing of value. SHELBY The Shelby school started" up this morning. Instead of two weeks ago. Diphtheria caused the delay. TEKAMAH It has been raining here since lata last night and at present there are no signs of its clearing up. TABLE ROCK The eighty-sixth birthday of Mrs Margaret Jones was celebrated here yesterday at her residence, a reception be ing held for her. GENEVA A storm of wind and rain raged in the night, with thunder and llKhtning. Over half an Inch of water fell and rain still threatens. BEATRICE It is said that the Burling ton is short of trainmen at Wymore. Twenty-seven new firemen were on duty on the southern division at last report. HARVARD Mrs. Etta 8. Burns, wife of Rev. Charles Burns of the Methodist Epis copal church of this city, died a little be fore 7 o'clock this morning at her home. ALBION Another heavy rain fell last night and the clouds Indicate that there is more to follow. A rain has fallen almost every night for the past week, and the ground la thoroughly filled. Corn Is matur- H "How are you coming onT" a prominent man Inquired about the movement for In dustrial Peace. It's not exactly an easy Job to stop strikes. Insure steady work In the fac tories or prevent interference with electrto and railway transportation, but a practi cal working plan has been discovered and is now being applied In town after town. Tea. it works, and works In a sturdy, de pendable and result-producing way. The actual operation Is worth more than a hay wagon full of theories. Step by step the conditions were met and the prob lems solved. The labor unions" assumed the form of trusts for the sale of labor. They seek better conditions for workmen, but axe generally managed by men for personal money-getting and these men hold their power by forcing up wages as high aa the public will stand. That In a way Is right enough, but the methods are oppressive. They use persuasion, threats. Intimida tion, assaults, violence and various means to force workmen to Join the trust, for large membership means power and large incomes to these manipulators. Then when these trusts became powerful enough the common people were treated to a most exteordlnery displsy of oppression and tyranny. Industries have been stopped, causing loss of literally hundreds of millions of dollars to owners, work people and the community. Property has been burned, blown up and wrecked In other ways, Tens of thousands of American citizens have been aaaaulted and hundreds have been murdered by these labor trusts In their bloodthirsty efforts to force all the rest of humanity to Implicitly obey their "orders." These outrages havs been from 10 to 100 times the volume of the overt acts toward he negro that brought on the Civil War. We spent money enough to almost bank rupt the nation and the precious lives of fathers, brothers, eons and husbands enough to people It In that struggle to avenge the wrongs and Insure the liberty of the blsck man. But the white slave of the labor trust what about him? What about the losaes. abuae, tyranny, assaults and murders? What about the thousands of decent white men and women, tied hand and foot, unable to work, move or act ex- rent by contribution to and with consent i before the local "Industrial Jury," made of the trust? Human liberty and consti- up of eqjal numbers of workmen and em tutlonal rights of aa American citizen are ! ployers. The findings are made public, denied them. It got so bad peopls were and thus the voice of the people Is ex afreld to openly trotest against the tyran- I pressed, carrying with It publlo opinion. ing nlcelv and fall grain Is golng ln In fins shape The prospect for a heavy crop of corn was never better. RrRWElJ The populists held their convention Rnturday and nominated a full county ticket sod elected delegates to the state convention. No resolutions were passed. WEST POINT-Prof V. Posplsll. In structor of the West Point Cadet band, returned Sxti.rday from visit to his birth place In Bohemia, extending over several months. RI.A1R A heavy cold rain has been falling all this afternoon. Corn is badly blown down over nvist of this county owing to the et ground and heavy weight of the ears SCHUYLER The republican central committee met last Saturday afternoon and after Considerable discussion decided to hold the county convention at Oark- son October 6. WEST POINT-John Oerdes and Miss Alvlna Loh.Ung were united in marriage at St. Paul s German Lutheran churrh in West Tolnt. Rev. A. R. E. Of lschlaeger. pastor, officiating. BEATRICE N. E. Jones has sold his drug sture to F. Shaffer of Stockton. Ksn., who took possession today. Mr Jones will locate on a ranch near Stockton for the benefit of his health. LEIGH A heavy rain fell here last night and Is continuing at lntrvals during the morning. The bottom land Is overflowed and considerable damage Is being done to hay and stacked grain. BEATRICE Lightning struck the farm house of Rush Hartieil. four miles east of Plckerell. The buildiiig caught fire and burned to the ground with all Its contents. Loss ll.5. partially Insured. FREMONT The heavy rain of last night was followed hy another soaker this after noon which will make some of the country mads almost Impassable. Trains are run ning alow on both railroads. TEKAMAH William Adair plead guilty Saturday before Judge S ars to the charge of selling liquor without a licens. In the village of Iecatur. Judge Soars sentenced him to six weeks In the county Jail. TEKAMAH J. 8. Crue has commenced removing dirt for the purpose of putting up a large feed mill. When the plant is completed Mr. Crue will enter into the wholesale as well as the retail business. HARVARD Close to 1.26 Inches of water feii since last night, the rain being ac companied by heavy wind, thunder and sharp lightning Indications are that the rain will continue at Intervals during the day. GENEVA Harry Richard of Martland was arrested Saturday night while at the Northwestern depot with his wife, whom he threatened with a knife after filling up on booze. He is enjoying solitary con finement at present. WEST POINT Rev. Charles H. Sud- vr.l, -,.,, f ,h. r.-r-man Mothnril.t Episcopal church, has been retained In his present charge for the ensuing year to the great satisfaction of his parishioners and the people of the town. TEKAMAH Grand Master Melville R. Hopewell of this city, left this morning for Seward. Neh.. to take part in the laying i oi ine cornerFione oi me new cyuri nouse liujidlng: the ceremonies being conducted I by the Masonic fraternity GENEVA-Testerday Rev. W. H. Moor of Omaha held services In Trinity Eplsco pal church at " So and also at 11, when he baptized five Infant boys, one being from St. Edward and one from Blue Hill. ALBION The Boone county fair will open tomorrow with the brightest prospects In Its history. I'nless the weather, which is now threstening. interferes, the exhibits will far outstrip former years. There will be more speed horses entered, and faster races than ever before. TABLE ROCK The Nemaha is out of Its banks and higher than It has been for some time. Many of the corn fields are under water. The rural route men were unable to get over their routes yesterday snd no one from east of the river was able to get across Into town. OSCEOLA The Polk County Fair asso ciation over which Grant T. Ray presides as secretary, begins its twenty-eighth an nual fair tomorrow, the Ifth, and It con tinues for three days. The management has spared no pains or expense to make this the most successful fair that has ever been held In the county. BEATRICE The Cnion Pacific put an extra force of men to work Sunday morning and succeeded in getting its track repaired near Holniesvllle, which was washed out by the high water a few days ago. The first train to cross Sunday was the one pull ing Sells & Downs shows, which appeared at Wahoo Saturday and which were en route to Wamego, Kan., where the appeared today. BEATRICE Fred Cook and Bud Grimes, two sportsmen of Beatrice, purchased three fine bird dors of a man named Mason, who lives In Missouri. They paid the price asked and yesterday the animals arrivea and with them an extra C. O. D. charge of Si6. They refused to pay the amount and had Constable Mack replevin the dogs. The case is Bet for hearing Tuesday In Judge Inman's court. LEIGH A real estate deal was made here yesterday that shows how the values of farm land are increasing In this vicinity. Henry Frank, sr.. sold his l-acre farm to Lowle Robert for 175 per acre. This farm is located two miles east of town. Is broken and badly cut up by a creek, and la not very elaborately Improved. Five years ago t per acre would have been a big price for this farm. COZAD A terrific hall and rain storm visited this locality about midnight do ing considerable damage. Almost all the windows facing west are broken. The hall stones ranged from the size of marbles to that of a goose egg Corn was too well matured to suffer much damage, although the fodder was destroyed. The course of the storm was from southwest to north east and not very wide. NORFOLK Northern Nebraska was drenched by another downpour of rain which started at midnight and continued A A nles because of the "black hand" style of far-reaching acts that made life a misery i or wiped out the Individual altogether. Then it dawned on some of us that the people the 780 out of every 800 were not members of the labor trust, but really had to bear the oppression of the minority and be ruled by them. There are only about 20 union members In ever' "00 citizens. But the compact organisation of the few made It possible for the labor 'trust In many cases to force their tyranny on the unorganized majority. The next natural thought was organize the people for their own protection. That was an Inspired thought So, to put It into practical operation, a big convention In Chicago two years ago formed the Citizens' Industrial Association of America. It progressed slowly, for, however badly hurt, people do not quickly understand practical reforms. But one after another towns organized Associa tions for protection, and found they got It. In July, this year, thf National Association headquarters was moved to New York, and the work has been growing rspidly. Many more organisers are needed that the operations be rapidly extended. But any town or city can set up a good, practical Association by some one man who has the interest of his town st heart calling a few property owners together. Elect tem porary officers, send to the National As sociation for constitution, by-laws and de tailed Instructions, then have a larger meeting and permanently organize. Se lect a good working official who can Inter est others and build up the Association. The cost Is practically nothing if the active man will give his time, although It has been found best to pay a salaried man who will do things. Every merchant be comes interested, because he prospers best when the factories are going Every clerk, doctor, lawyer, manufacturer, team ster and independent workman likewise. Even the thrifty, law-abiding union men mill help in enforcing Industrial peace and maintaining the law. If they can be as sured freedom from union punishment, snd the Citizens' Association can In a practical way Insure that How do we prevent strikes? Each local Citizens" Association Is thor oughly In earnest in demanding that no strikes occur, but all differences be placed J E R V 0 US PR 0 STRATI 0 U Leonard WHnhHmcr, Who Was About to Collate from Nervous Prostration, la Brought I lack to Complete Health and Htrenjrth In Three Month by Puffi'a Pure .Malt Whisker. mm LEONARD WEINHEIMER. For more than flftv veara Duffr's Pure doctora and used in over two thousand leading hospitals as the greatest tonlc-stlmu-lant and health builder known to medical science. It Is endorsed by the clergy and professional nurses and recommended by all schools of medicine ss a positive cure for pneumonia, consumption, grip, dvspeps'la. Indigestion, nervous prostration, all dis eases of the throad and lungs and everv form of stomach trouble, malaria, chilis. fever and all run down, weakened conditions Of the mind ana ooay. it is a near tonic, blood purifier and promoter of health and long life; makes the old young and keeps the young strong. Duffy s Pure Malt Whiskey contains no fusel oil and It Is the only whiskey recognized by the gov ernment as a medicine. There is but one Iuffy's Pure Malt Whisker. Insist on having the penn ing and refuse cheap substitutes and imitations, which are placed on the market for profit only and which are positively harmful to both body and brain. Look for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist," on the label, and be sure the seal on the bottle Is unbroken. Sold In sealed bottles only; never In bulk. All reliable druggists and grocers, or direct. $1 on a bottle. Advice and medical booklet free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.. Rochester. N. Y. throughout the day. At Pierce a heavy hailstorm did much damage. ieaa spar rows, killed by the hall stones, were picked up from under the trees this morn ing by the bushel. East of Pierce corn was damaged and nine miles east sheds, cora crlbs snd other outbuildings were blown down In a small twister. SCHUYLER A heavy rain started this morning ahd continued until late this sft ernoon. About .56 Inch of water fell. During the past six days 8.2 inches of water have fallen here, according to the gauge at the Burlington station. The sur face water from the country west of town Is flowing through the streets to the ditch east of town. West Vine street resembles a creek, while the lowlands In the Third ward are all under water. The flooded condition of the streets emphasizes the need of a ditch west of town, such as the Ehrnberger drainage ditch will be. CONDITION OF CORN CROP Some Swimmings In Water, net Bright Weather Will Save It All. "Some of the corn Is swlmtmng along the creeks and river bottoms, but aa a rule the corn Is all right. To reach the bumper crop, however, we need a week of good hot weather to bring out aome of the later corn," said Charles J. Janes,, first assistant general freight agent of the Vnlon Pacific. "Another week and all corn will be out of danger of frost. The light frosts did not damage it any and the crop la sure to be great, but to reach the limit we need a little more good weather. We have had no reports of any damage from this reoent rain. How can you damage com that Is as far along as that Jul.sburg corn?" Try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will never wish to be without It n your home. It baa saved many lives. Evldenee Against Edwarit, Detectives at the city Jail are securing additional evidence against Charles Ed wards, alias Joseph Doe, charged with forging the name of the Baum Iron com pany, per O. P. B., to a number of checks said to have been passed on half a dozen , saloons snout town. Borne or txiwara s victims are said to have been C. T. Per kins, 111 North Sixteenth street; George Hyte, Sixteenth and Davenport streets; Herman Sehaefer. Thirteenth and Harney streets, and Henry Kuhl, E2 North Six teenth street. Deputy County Attorney Fitch Is now preparing complaints against A HI M "tV that greatest of all powers In this country. You should see the results. Do ths working people want steady work and j steady wages? Do the merchants, clerks lawyers and teamsters, as well aa other citizens? Do the manufacturers appreciate steady peace? Do the rallroa downers care to have each town on the line hum ming along day by day and the railroad employes living In satisfied peace? Is it worth while for people in a community to enjoy a steady flow of prosperity In place of the badly broken condition of Industrial warfare now and then fixed on many com munities? To produce effective work the National Association must have financial means to carry the clerical force and em ploy a small army of competent organ izers In the field. Some prominent men, keen to detect the practical workings, have contributed liberally. Manufacturers can afford to contribute from 1100.00 to 110.000.00 each. "A strike Is as bad as a fire," snd this is simply a very easy and certain form of strike Insurance. Merchants can well afford to expend 85.00 to 8X00 a year toward the work. Philanthropic people with a motive for helping their fellows can Invest their "public good" funds In no mare practical way, and the working man and common citizen of small means mho feels a desire to do his little share towards a great national movement for Industrial peace can send $1 .00, fifty cents of which makes him a member at large of the National Citizens' Industrial Asso ciation and the other 60c pays for the "Square Deal." the monthly Magazine da voted to the work. The Square Deal tells In plain words what a square deal Is and applies that principle to everything It prints. Each month the current ques tions of the day are treated and com mented on. analysed and clarified, so thst the "Common Man" may get facts! facts'! facts'!! The rank mental poison spread among workmen and the public generally by tha yellow Journal and the violent labor papers seems to rot the mind of the steady reader until It has about as much capacity to think sanely as a worn out rubber shoe. Anarchy and la breaking Is being taught by theae riot-breeding papers to such an extent that any thoughtful man would be startled to know the facts The condition of unrest is cultivated by the yellow and labor papers, constantly teaching the wage earner to hate every man nho owns a t.ouse or hss saved a dollar. The out bursts of r Kiting and violent taJk ag "1 never felt so well aa I have alnee I began Its use, and I rrx-oniniend it as the greatest tonlo In the world." "I tried many different remedi's in the effort to bii'ld up my system, mhtch had become nervous and run iis ti from over work, worry, loss of projT rest and un reasonable hours, but nothing seemed to help me. so began to take Duffy s Pin e Malt Whlekey ( me bottle of your medi cine almost cured me. and In thre months I waa a healthy, strong man. Heally. I have never felt so strong and well ns I have since 1 lagan Its use I cheerfully recommend Duffy's Pure MhH Whiskey h the best health builder and t"ntc-sltmulant in the world " LEONARD WV.1N. HE1MKR, 13ns 8 3d St.. St. Louis. Mo. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Malt Whiskey has been preacrlbed by Edwards, who will be arraigned In police court Tuesdsy morning. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Today anal Tomorrow in Re braaka nnd Sonth Dakota Warmer Tomorrow. WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 Forecast of the weather for Tuesday and Wednesday: For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair Tuesday and Wednesday; warmer Wednes day. For Iowa Fair and cooler Tuesday; Wednesday, fair and warmer. For Missouri Fair Tuesday, preceded by showers and cooler In the east and south portions; Wednesday, fair. For Kansas, Wyoming, Utah and Colo rado Fair and warmer Tuesday and Wednesday. For Montana Fair and warmer Tuesday; Wednesday, fair. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEA TITER BtTREATT, OMAHA, Sept. 18. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1W6. llrfM l!H8 1902 Maximum temperature.... 74 SO rW fW Minimum temperature..... 54 57 43 4(1 Mean temperature 64 CS 66 54 Precipitation 61 .00 .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal at Omaba stnee March L and comparison with the last two year-. Normal temperature (5 Deficiency fur the day 1 Total excess since March 1. 1B06 149 Normal precipitation .10 Inch Excess for the day 51 Inch Total precipitation since Mar. 1. .K.15 Inches Deficiency since March 1 4 41 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1S04... S.29 Inches Excess for cor. period, 1903.. .. 5.3 Inches Reports from Stations 'at T P. M. Station and State Tem. Max. Raln- of Weather. 7 p.m. Bismarck, clear W Chevenne. clear 62 Chicago, pt. cloudy SO Davenport, cloudy K2 Denver, clear r Havre, pt. cloudy t4 Helena, pt. cloudy 66 Tem. fall. 68 ' .00 66 .00 86 . T M .00 62 .04 64 .00 .W .10 h .46 74 .13 M .01 74 .06 62 .fft 62 .02 64 .00 Kansas City, pt. cloudy... .66 timaha. cloudy , 66 St. Louis, clear SU- Paul, raining 66 Bait Lake City, clear 6i Valentine, cloudy rV Wllliston. clear 58 "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. police protection, the civil courts and all officers and laws that exist for the pro tection of tha common people shows plainly the tendency towards Socialism and An archy, which will grow like weeds In an uncared-for garden. Men who have re gard for the sacred mantle of liberty fought for. won and handed down to us are patriots enough to stand together and save this fair America from the chaos hinted at by the lawbreakers But they cannot give force to their views acting aa Individuals. Organization must meet pres ent organization with superior force. When the citizens are organized they do tha work and Insure Industrial paace. It Is the business of the National Citizens' As sociation to organise local A Hnociatlons In every community. Experience has taught the way and the results show how prac tical the methods are. Are you a patriot? Do you believe in steady Industry? Do yon want the common people to have the or ganization and power to rule, notwith standing the "orders" and manipulations of the labor trust or any other trust? Do you believe In maintaining the law and Insuring Industrial peace? If so, be you merchant, workman, clerk, lawyer, team ster or railroad president. Join the Citi zens' Industrial Association. It costs you 56 rents to be a member at large and 50 cents for the monthly publication, the "Square Deal," which keeps you alive as to facts. Send tl Oil bill In envelope; It s safe, almost without fall. If you have any doubt send money order. Do your little share, and If your further Interests sre worth Insuring send In sddltion a prop erly computed sum for the work. If you are big enough mentally to build a big business, you have mental caliber suffi cient to tell you what to do Will the money be honestly handled? The Aaaoclatlon put the writer at the wheel to steer the ship, and I am "most always around." and do not hesitate to give my personal guarantee that when the finance committee makes the semi annual Inspection we will, like I'ncle Abe IJneoln when he kept jwistonVe up at Salem, have projrly receipted bills and the balance of the money to a cent "In the sock." I receive no salary or other compensation and expert none. Now. then, the practical working miu-.ln ry for In dustrial peace Is placed liefnre you. Some good men are furnishing fuel to run it moderately. By liberal support It can be made a national power for general peace. 1 C. W. POST. Preaiflent. u Jemee Bide, is York.