Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone K4.
"The man who plods
content to gain on step
at a time Is the man who
really makes the
most of life."
Vclour and Satin Pillow Tops In the moil beautiful colorings rer pro
duced. The velours rome In Oriental patterns, In rich red, green and gold com
binations. Price, $1.50 each.
The satins come In the softer shades and are as pretty as though hand
painted. The designs are floral and conventional. . Price, 75c each.
Pillow Cords, 25e and 60c each.
Y. M. 0. A. Building, Cor. 16th and Douglas.
retting from their homes. As far as knovn
no lives have been lost. Wires are down
and there are no trains Into the city. The
water covers the Santa Fe tracks to a
dep'h of six feet. e
LAWRENCE. Kan., Bept. 1.-Nearly
three Inches of rain Ml here last night
and It continued to rain today. The Kaw
Hver here rose steatllly durln the nlrrht
md Is still rlrlnc, causing; further damaijo
to railroads and other property !n the low
( tsar Maker the Host at a Meeting?
In Interest of I nloo
Made Good a.
Several hundred men, representing- various
labor organisations of the elty, accepted
the Invitation of the Clgnrmnkers' union
and assemhled at Labor temple Monday
night to hear addresses on the subject of
the ttnlon label and Its. use as a means of
promoting the welfare tit the unions. Speak
ers from a number of labor organizations
and from some of Omaha's publications had
places on the program.
Louis V. Guye, president of the Central
Labor union, urged the use of Union made
goods of all kinds. The boycott and the
Strike he mentioned as the old and un
couth weapons of the unions and spoke of
the union label as the weapon of the future.
He said union men should always ask for
the label. Mr. Guye paid a compliment to
the Clgarmakers' union aa the father of the
union label.
T. W. McCullough said the union label on
an article gave assurance to the purchaser
that It was not made In the penitentiary.
Union men should buy union goods, he said.
If for no other reason than that their rela
tions to the employers of organized labor
called for their patronage. He pointed out
the fact that union use of union labeled
goods made an Increased business for trio
makers of the goods anT consequently In
creased demand for union labor.
John Hogan of the Labor and Home In
dustry league told of the Inefficiency of the
boycott as formerly applied. Instead of ad
vertising by boycott the man who does not
employ union labor he advised a persistent
demand for the union label. Mr. Hogan said
the league is preparing a list of union made
articles sold In the city and the places
where they can be obtained.
C. F. Mlchaelson, secretary of the Street
Railway Mens anion, advised his hearers
to Instruct their wives and daughters on the
Subject of the union label and request them
to ask for the label as often as they mads a
purchase. ' ' - - .
, O. C. Martin. J. B. Wolfa, E. A. Glenn,
O. W. Banoha and WllnarV Wartltow rrutde
talks similnr In nature to other.
. Musical entertainment .'was furnished by
Letovsky's orchestra and by two boys, Her
man and 'Otto Fankafs, the former with
the cornet-and the latter with the violin.
The hosts had a plentiful supply of cigars
on hand.
Extra Conductor on Ames Avenne
Line Accused of Mistreating;
Glrl Taaaenrer.
. Albert Jones, a street car conductor,
working on the Ames avenue line, Is being
held at the station, on complaint of M.
Jensen, 3344 South Nlnteenth street, who
charges Jones with committing a criminal
assault on 6lna Mol'.er. Jensen, who la
married to the girl's sister, declare that
last evening the girl took Jones' car ask
ing him the. way to South Omaha. Jones
took her to the end of the car line. Here
he persuaded or compnllcd her to leave the
car, and enter a vacant lot, where Jensen
alleges the crime was committed. Jones is
a married man living near Thirtieth and
Fort streets, and has bem an extra man
at the carbarns for some time. When In
terviewed last night Jensen said he could
not state yet th full extent of the girl's
Injuries. . .
Ready for Work on Caultol.
PIERRE, 8. D.. Sept. l.8peelal Tele
gram.) C. Lepper, the contractor on the
capltol building, arrived from Minneapolis
this evening and arranged to begin the
flrst active work of construction tomorrow
Senator Piatt Better.
..8AN.r0RANCI8r0' 8oP "The condl
iuu ! oenmor i-iatt or New York, who
i. wi J Bl- rancia hotel, was
Piles Quickly
Cured at Home
Instant Relief, Permanent Cure.
Trial Package Mulled Free, to
All in Main WrapiK-r.
. Piles is a fearful disease, but easy to
cur if you go at It right.
Aa operation with the knife Is dangerous.
cruel, humiliating and unnecessary.
. There is just one other sure way to be
cured painless, safe and in the privacy of
your own home it is Pyramid Pile Cure.
We mall a trial package fre to all who
It will give you Instant relief, show you
the harmless, painless nature of this great
remedy and start you well on the way to
ward a perfect cure.
Then you should get a full-sized box from
any druggist for 60 cents, and ofUu one
box cures.
If the druggist tries to sell you some
thing Just as good, it Is because he makes
more money on the substitute.
Insist on having what you call for.
The cure begins at once and continues
rapidly until it is complete and permanent
Tou can go right ahead with your work
and be easy and comfortable all the lime.
It la well worth trying.
Just send your name and address to
Pyramid Pruar'Co.. .2671 Pyramid Building,
Marshall, Mich., and receive free by re
turn mail the trial package In a plain
Thousands have been cured in this easy,
paiulek snd Inexpensive may, In the pri
vacy of the home.
No knife and Its torture.
No doctor and his bills.
All druggists, M CsnU. Write today tut
a free package.
Be. rVptember It, 19.
Pillow Tops
Nicholas Innei a Call for a Second Confer
ence at The Hague.
Belief That Invitations t Were Seat
Oat geveral Days Ase and That
They Have Been Accepted.
BT. PETERSBURG, Sept. 18-Emperot
Nicholas today agflln appears before the
world as a promoter of universal peace.
No sooner is the Russo-Japanese war over,
and even before the peace treaty has been
ratified, than his majesty issues invitations
to a second peace conference at The
That the emperor has done so was
learned today from a source which leaves
no shadow of doubt as to Its authenticity.
The announcement created the greatest
surprise here, and that Russia should plan
a second conference, despite the steps al
ready taken by President Roosevelt, was
also heard with amazement. It Is clear
that the step could not be taken by Rus
sia without first reaching a complete un
derstanding with President Roosevelt. The
fact that President Roomvelt Is reported
as being entirely in sympathy with the
proposal, and that he Bald that to the In
itiator of the first The Hague should be
long the honor of convoking the second,
and readily and gladly accoded to the Rus
sian proposal. Is clear proof that the con
ference has already been called and that
President Roosevelt relinquished his part
In it to the emperor.
Invitations Already Accepted.
There is strong reason to believe that
the news even of the intention of the Rus
sian government would not be given out
unless Invitations had already been sent
to the powers and possibly their answers
had been received. In this connection an
interesting question arises aa to how the
Invitation was communicated to Japan, In
view of the lack of diplomatic relations
but the invitation may be delayed until
such relations have been resumed, or It
may have been forwarded through the
United States.
It was Impossible to learn tonight the
proposed date of the second conference, or
to gain even an approximate Idea regard
Ing it, but It probably will not be greatly
delayed. Russia, as the power convoking
the conference, will probably . submit an
rfnctal program,- the other powers .submit
ting suggestions.
Cur Will tUp Treaty.
The Associated Press was assured today
that the emperor's cruise will not Involve
delay In the signing of the peace treaty,
an official copy of which, with all docu
ments pertaining to the conferences Is on
the way here with, the members of the
peace commission, who arrived at Cher
bourg tonight. The treaty is expected to
be In St. Petersburg by Thursday or Fri
day next.
The full text of the treaty Is already
known to his majesty and his advisors,
having been cabled from Portsmouth, but
comparison and scrutiny of the copies, en
grossing and other clerical work will take
two or three days.
The completed treaty will be taken to
Petcrhof for signature, probably by Count
Wine's Party at Cherbourg;.
CHERBOURG, France, Sept. 18. The
Kaiser Wllhelm II arrived here this even
ing. Madame Witte, her daughter, Mme.
Narychklne, and the latter's husband,
Cyril Narychklne, secretary of the Russian
legation here, went on board the vessul
to meet M. Wltte. The party was driven
to a hotel and will leave early tomorrow
morning on a special train for Paris.
PLYMOUTH, England, Sept. 18. The
North German steamer Kaiser Wllhelm II.,
from New York, September 12, having on
board, M. Witte and colleagues, arrived
here today. The Russians, who were in
good health, went on to Cherbourg, where
they will land this evening.
During the voyage a charity concert,
under the patronage of M. Wltte, was
given on the Kaiser Wllhelm II. Reply
ing to a toast to his health, the 'Russian
statesman said:
"I crave your permission to say that
the meed of praise which you think la
due me In reality belongs to my august
sovereign. - whose will 1 was merely In
strumental in carrying out. What was
well done In that historic transaction re
cently completed at Portsmouth was
planned by his majesty and executed by
me aa his servant.
"I should like to draw attention to the
fact that Blnce we left the hospitable
shores of the United Elates ws have been
sailing under the German flag and to all
Intents and purposes living on a plecs of
German floating territory, and I need not
remind you that the august ruler of that
empire Is a warm friend of the Russian
emperor and of President Roosevelt. I
am sure, therefure. that I am the expo
nent of your on wishes when I propose
that we rise to the honor of his majesty
Emperor William II."
South Dakota I Diversity Opeas.
VERMILION,, S. D., Sept. 18. tBpe
clal.) The State university opened Its
doors today for the year 1j6-. Registra
tion will continue through Wednesday and
regular studl-s commence on Thursday.
Faculty members 'are on hand to meet the,
old and new students and assign them
their work in the various classes. The
teaching force will be practically the same
as last year. The university grounds and
buildings have been given a thorough over
hauling during the summer.
The understanding is that President Gar
rett Droppers will remain at the head of
the Institution until January I, and will
then give way to Dr. Chalmera of Brook
ings. It has been hinted that Droppers
would stay the year out, but the regents
have made no such announcement. Mr.
Chalmers has rented a home here.
Matllated hy the Cars.
8IOUX CITV, la.. Sept. l.-Speclal Tele
gram.) Don H. Forbes of Gramvllle. la.,
wae Ml led In the railroad yards here this
evening while crossing the tracks. Both
arms and both last were severed from his
body. He was nut found until some mlnut-s
afterward by a pasaerby. Ha was lying In
the rain and was dying. He died In the
ambulance on the way to the morgue.
Plaoei Where ta Register and Vote at
Frimtriej Today.
Voters of Douglas County Will Today
Choose Candidates to Be Voted
On at the Election la
Voters of Douglas county of both republi
can and democratic faith will take part In
the primaries to be held today under the
provisions of the Dodge law. The primaries
will be held at the registration booths In
connection with the registration of voters.
As the voter registers and declares his
party affiliation, he will be furnished with
a ballot of the party he designates and be
given an opportunity to vote for candidates
for office to be placed on the ticket at the
election In November. In Omaha and South
Omaha the booths will be open from 8
o'clock In the morning until e o'clock at
The registration and voting places in
Omaha are:
First District 1118 Soutn Hixth street,
becond District WU buutn Tenth Street,
'mint District ImJ Soutn Tentn street.
Fourth District Si9 Unncrofl street.
First District 415 Georgia avenue.
Second District itftu bourn Twenty-fourth
Tnlrd District 15ni Vinton street,
fourth District lnHI Vinton street,
ill in District M South eixleenlu street.
First District 161R Webster street.
Second District KCo Harney street.
Third District 3u North rifleentn street.
Fourth District 4MVi South Thirteenth
Fifth District 1417 Jackson street.
First District IBM Capitol avenue.
Second District 22 South, Eighteenth
Tl'lrd District T18 South Sixteenth street.
Fourth District 3W South Twentieth
Fifth District 29)7 Davenport street.
First District 320 Sherman avenue.
Second District 225 Sherman avenue.
Third District 20ol Sherman avenue
Fourth District 1848 Sherman avenue
Fifth District 1156 North Sixteenth street.
First District 2307 North Twenty-fourth
Second District 1710 North Twenty-fourth
Third District 20U4 North Twenty-eighth
Fourth District 2218 Military avenue (up
statrsj. SEVENTH WARD.
First District 271J Leavenworth street
Second District 1525 Georgia avenue
(bam rear).
Third District 1338 Park avenue.
Fourth District 21Utt South Thirty-third
First Dlstrlct-1318 North Twenty-fourth
Second District 1721 Cuming street.
Third District 612 North Sixteenth street.
Fourth District 24STCuming street.
First District 20i3 Cuming street.
Second District Tent at Thirty-third and
Cuming streets.
Third District 3304 Davenport street
Fourth District 211 South Thirty-sixth
Fifth District 281 Farnam street.
First District 1018 South Tenth street.
Second District-1523 Leavenworth street.
Third District 2121 I-avenworth street.
Fourth District 1424 South Sixteenth
Fifth District 13:3 William street.
. First District 400S Hamilton street.
Second . District Tent . at Fortieth and
Farnam streets.
Tblrd District 3424 Leavenworth street.
Fourth District 116 Bouth Twenty-seventh
First District 4314 North Twenty-fourth
Second District 3524 Ames avenue.
Third District 2H18 North Thirtieth street
Fourth District 3102 North Twenty-fourth
Have you heard of the telephone automo
bile? No? Well, then, look out for it to
morrow with Vance Lane as chauffeur.
Vance has his fighting Jacket on and he
proposes to electrocute Hoye and smash
the machine at the rate of fifty miles an
hour, regardless of the city ordinances.
The motor power behind the young law
yers' uprising In behalf of the candidacy
of Judge Vlnsonhaler's chief clerk for the
Impending vacancy on the county bench
Is C. G. McDonald, but the motive Is not
altogether out of benevolent devotion to
the widows and orphans. An Inspection of
the records In the county court shows that
McDonald has been special guardian for
about one-fourth of the estates that have
required an appointive administrator at the
hands of the court. Why McDonald, who
Is not known to be overburdened with
wealth, should have been given preference
over all other people will be explained
some of these days.
A spilt ticket Is being circulated which
should be scanned carefully by the voters.
One of Its peculiarities Is that It omits en
tirely the county Judge.
Prof. Bodwell seems to have treated the
candidacy of Prof. Clarendon with supreme
I Indifference. He feels confident that the
people who voted for him five times In
succession will do It once more without
If sll the people on whom B. F. Tbomaa
has smiled within the last twenty days
That's All HUM Bat What Is It T
A ladv teacher In South Dakota savs:
I was compelled to give Vp teaching for
nearly four years because of what the
physicians called ' nervous dyspepsia." Nor
was I of any use in the household economy
I was in many respects a wreck.
"I had numerous physicians, . one after
another, and took many different kinds of
medicine, but they did me no good.
"Finally, live years ago, I began to use
Grape-Nuts food. I grew stronger in
very short time on the hew diet and was
soon able to resume and am still teaching.
I no longer use drugs of any kind, my dye
pepsla has disappeared and I am a hearty
woman thanks to Grape-Nuts." Name
given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich
There's a reason. Brain work and worry
take strengtn rroin the stomacn and bow
els. They become too weak to handle the
fried meat, eggs, bacon, coffee and whit
bread; so, partly digested, they decay and
cause all sorts of trouble, which will be
come chronic if continued. Then the nerves
and brain grow weary, for they are de
prived of the rebuilding elements the food
must furnish to replace the soft, gra
filling of nerve centers and brain which is
partly used up each day.
Now comes tha mission of Grape-Nuts to
supply the "Reason." Made in a pcculla
and scientific way of the selected parts of
Wheat and Barley, this famous food con
tains natural phosphate of potash with al
bumen, which combines with water In the
body and makes that gray matter quickly
and surely. Then when nerves and bral
feel the power of new made and properly
made oella. the strength returns to storo
ach as well as other' parts. "There's
reason-" Anyon can prove It.
See the little book. "The Road to Well
Attention Republican Voters
Stand By the Regular Organization
"When marking your ballot at the primary Tuesday, put
a cross mark after the names of the following candidates for
eommitteeman in your respective precincts. The names of
candidates for committeemen in each district will be printed
at the bottom, of the ballot.
City of Omaha.
First Precinct William Hutton
Second Precinct James Henderson
Third Precinct... Henry Ehrenpfort
Fourth Precinct Joseph Misloveo
First Precinct John Kowalewakl
Second Precinct S. O. Holt
Third Precinct.. Qeorge 8. Nlcklas
Fourth 1'recln.ct Michael Lee
Fifth Precinct Melchlor Lets
First Precinct George W Icks
Second Precinct R. H. Johnson
Third Precinct Theo. Brown
Fourth Precinct H. B. Zlmman
Fifth Precinct W. H. Snoop
First Precinct H. S. Mann
Second Precinct J- K. lloyle
Third Precinct C. W. Hrltt
Fourth Precinct.... F. W. Fitch
Fifth Precinct 8. C. Barnee
First Precinct J Y. Craig
Second Precinct Cyrus E. Watson
Third Precinct George A. Sargent
Fourth Precinct T. J. Hey
Fifth Precinct Frank E. Stone
First Precinct K. F. Morearty
Second 1'reclnct Charles Hansen
Third Precinct.- E. L. Roberts
Fourth Precinct H. C. Tlmina
First Precinct John Grant
Second Precinct Joseph E. Thatcher
Third Precinct Hans P. Peterson
Fourth Precinct F. U. Davlo
First Precinct.' Guy C. Fleming
Second Precinct Joseph Scheldt
Third Precinct Julius Helphand
Fourth Precinct,
First Precinct M. O. Cunningham
Second Precinct.... Jas. E. Van Glider
Third Precinct John S. Helgren
Fourth Precinct Frank H. Gaines
Fifth Precinct Robert D. Duncan
vote for hlra, he Is sure of the nomination
to the coveted county Judgeship. Thomas
Is a good smller. whose temper Is never
ru filed by diversities.
Hoye In Sonth Omaha.
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. I8.-T0 the Editor
f The Bee: There, has never been an In
tance'when Fred. Hoye, In his capacity
as member of the Omaha city council, has
not stood ready to aid South Omaha in
any undertaking .beneficial to the city and
its Inhabitants. Not only has Mr. Hoye
looked after South Omaha Interests that
came before the Omaha council, but he
has put In much valuable time seeing to It
that such interests were brought to a suc
cessful termination. Ills latest achieve
ment In this direction was the condemning
of a certain strip of land tbat prevented
the connecting of Twenty-fifth street with
the boulevard, ah" object sought for a num
ber of years arid which will prove of
great benefit to the Maglo City. South
Omaha generally remembers its friends
and Mr. Hoye will undoubtedly have oc
casion to feel proud of the endorsement
he will receive at the hands of South
Omaha republicans' Tuesday.
Why Benl Slmnld Oe Nominated.
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 18,-To the Editor
of, The J5ee: The only candidate from
South Omaha Is Herman Beal, who is seek
ing the nomination for county surveyor.
It seems to me If ve expect success at the
polls this fall South Omaha should be rep
resented on the ticket. It is a foregone
conclusion that if we expect to get men
out to vote they must have some Induce
ment. South Omaha asks this place on the
ticket, as it feels it Is entitled to repre
sentation. That Mr. Beal Is competent Is
Ithout question, having located 500 miles
of the present railroad system -of the Bur
lington In Nebiaska, Wyoming. South Da
kato and Colorado, constructed the only
railroad tunnel In Nebraska and success
fully filled the office of city engineer for
the city of South Omaha for the last
twelve years. This should be a sufficient
guarantee of his ability. During his long
residence In Bouth Omaha he has made a
host of friends who are ready to testify to
his, character aa a citizen and neighbor.
Having been a life-long republican and al
ways ready to work for the good of the
party, he la sorely entitled to recognition
at this time.
A Question of Bridges.
OMAHA. Sept. 18 To the Editor of The
Bee: I wish to call the attention of the
voters to the building of the bridge over
the Elkhorn. near Elk City. Its building
was authorised January 19, 1901. It was
to be 200 feet long, was to rest on flfty-
four-lnch tubes, twenty-eight feet song. The
price for the bridge complete was to be
tlS,868. I-ater when the Itemized bill wae
rendered It contained this Item:
112 feet tubing, at IS 12.800
The bill was allowed. The report In Its
favor was signed by Ostrom, Connelly,
Hoetor, Harte and Hofeldt.
In IPOS when the bridge began to fall
down two experts examined It. They re
ported under date of September fO, 190S.
They reported the east tube piers out of
place at the top and bottom, the super
structure not properly anchored to the
piers. Although the bridge was less than
two years built, the plans and specifica
tions had been lost, that the tube piers
had no proper foundation and that the
piers themselves were twenty feet short
of the length that the county commis
sioners paid R. Z. Drake ef the Standard
P.ridge company, for.
In this connection I want to state that
the bridge over the Elkhorn near Waterloo,
1O0 feet longer than the Elk City brldre,
cost 14.600.
The Standard Bridge company built
the Elk City bridge and many
other bridges at that time. When Henry
E. Ostrom went off the county board In
1902 he went into the employ of the Stan
dard Bridge company, which bad enjoyed
these fat contracts. In The Bee of October
S, 19"3. this paragraph appears:
"Mr. Ostrom's work on boards of equal!
cation, as county commissioner, and his
employment during the last session of the
legislature as a lobbyist for the bridge
company that has created so much scandal
in this slate, leaves him open to attack
and would make bis election very diffi
Poee thle have reference to Henry Os
trom, who Is now a candidate for county
commissioner for a third term?
Gordoa for Folic Ja4s.
OMAHA. Neb., Sept. It. To the Editor
of The Bee: In bis country's darkest hour,
when the fat of the nation hung in the
balance, when the bravest shuddered In
contemplation of what the result might
be. what did this old veteran dot Whan
Abraham Lincoln said in his proclamation.
"Your rountry la In peril. We must have
men to go down to the front. Yes, and
face the enemy on the battlefield. Will
City of Omaha.
First Precinct Bert C. Miner
Second Precinct K. F. Grime
Third Precinct John C. Lynch
Fourth Precinct William . Neckel
Fifth Precinct John F. Behm
First rrecinct L. C. Hutchinson
Second Precinct August Cnrstens
Third Precinct Will Browne
Fourth Precinct William F. Gerke
First Proclnr-t (. C. Redlck
Second Preoiaet John T. Dillon
Third Precinct Doury W. Alstnan
Fourth Precinct William J. Hunter
City of "oath Omaha.
First Precinct Frank E. Jones
Second Precinct U C. Gibson
First Treclnct Frank Fanferlek
Second Precinct O. Lepteln
First Treclnct George Seater
Second Precinct Oeorg M. Johnson
First Precinct Harry Rothols
Second Precinct T. U. Irwin
First Treclnct Tom Koslal
Second Precinct Mike llitnna
First Precinct Charles L. Hendrlck
Second Precinct John C. Troutan
Country Precincts.
Benson Dr. H. F. McCoy
Chicago Charles Wltte
DoimMas William Clements
Dundee John O. Yelser
East Omaha Claude Perkins
F.lkhorn J. W. Shumaker
Florence J. W. Simpson
Jefferson Peter Mangold
McArdle Henry Bclmnier
Millard William Von Dnhren
Platte Valley E. Collen
Cnlnn C. C. Curtis
Waterloo Smith Brown
you go?" 8. I. Gordon, though but 17
years of age, said: "Yes; let me sign that
roll. This nation must endure and the
honor of the flag must be maintained."
He left his home, friends and school
mates to do and die. If necessary, In de
fense of the old flag. He was engaged
In fifteen battles during the rebellion, and
no doubt met with many very warm re-,
With no thought or desire to detract
from the merits of any other candidate,
he respectfully solicits a vote at the pri
mary election on tomorrow.
ED. 8. SHAW.
Why Beal Should Be Nominated.
OMAHA, Sept. I8.-T0 the Editor of The
Boe: Taxation without representation has
never been very popular in this country.
Our forefathers fought against this and wc
republicans of Douglas county should cer
tainly not attempt to force it down the
political throats of the people of 8011th
Omaha. Without representation on the re
publican ticket South Omaha has as llttla
Interest In the success of that ticket aa
Council Bluffs.
If the old convention system were In
vogue, Instead of the new primary law.
South Omaha could demand In open con
vention at least one place on the republican
ticket, and this demand would be readily
granted. . In the history of republican
triumphs In Douglas county every winning
ticket has had a representative from South
Omaha. In the coming primary election
South Omaha has asked that Its place on
the ticket be given to Herman Beal as
county surveyor. The republicans of Omaha
will do the wise thing If they vote for Mr.
Beal at the primaries and grant the request
of South Omaha for representation on the
South Omaha had several candidates on
the political horizon during the first few
weeks of the primary campaign. Chief
Brlggs of the police force, a very efficient
officer, by the way, had his plans all laid
for the nomination of sheriff. G. H. Brewer,
the well known undertaker and one of the
most popular men In South Omaha, had a
coronerlal bee In his bonnet. Both of these
men could have made a strong fight for the
respective offices. But In accordance with
the unwritten law of republican success of
one county office to South Omaha, they
withdrew In favor of Herman Beal.
Herman Beal has for twelve years been
city engineer of South Omaha. When a
stalwart republican as Mr. Beal Is can go
through the changing complexion of South
Omaha politics and hold his position for
twelve years, it certainly shows that he Is
a man among men. Mr. Beal is an engineer
of more than local reputation. For nearly
twelve years Mr. Beal was constructing en
gineer for the Burlington system, and his
letters, testimonials and offers of positions
from this system are certainly exceedingly
flattering. W. J. JOHNSTON.
A Word for Dickinson.
OMAHA. Sept. 18. To the Editor of The
Bee: In accordance with your offer to
publish communications pertaining to the
candidates for the various offices to be
voted for at tomorrow's primary election,
I desire to be heard. Your editorial on the
105'A Sept. 27
m.. Mfc asiis""."
w JspS- WW
JLL-LII I r M l fl I Ml 1st -"ll sail! "ll m ' III I lllsUl t" -''
Great Day
Kompofd of m
Komblnattoi of
Huto Kaperv,
Sum Cenao and
Sum Hnonccn:
primary election lsw has been read by
mnny with much Interest, and as you av,
each voter can go to the polls snd vote
for the candidate of his choice, and that
each voter should carefully consider the
sevtral cndlditcs and cast his ballot for
the one best qualified for the position.
It will lie necessary for the voter to ex
press by his vote his choice for county
Judge the most Important office In Ioualas
county and should be held by s man of ex
perience, ability and well known Integrity.
Judge Charles T. Dickinson "meets all
these requirements. As every one knoms
he served ss district Judee for eight years -and
Rave universal satisfaction by his In
terpretation of the lsw and his treatment
of litigants. He was not controlled In any
way by any person or corporation but was
rontented only by his desire to do Justice
to all. Judge Dickinson in all his talks
to the republican clubs in and about our
city, has snld that If elected to the office
of county Judge, he will account to all per
sons, entitled to trust funds In his hands,
of the county court, for all Interest accumu
lated on same, and will be perfectly satis-
fled with the salary of the office, a matter
you have been contending for, for years,
and which Is conceded by nil to be the
only honest way to care for the money
trusts and Interests of the widows and
orphans. None of us can tell how soon
our estates may be put Into the hands
of the probate county Judge and I know of
no office or trust more sacred than the
one that Is empowered to handle the line
blood of our dead ones left to the cold
charities of an unfriendly world. Judge
Dickinson has been tried nnd not found
wanting. No one has ever accused him
of betraying any public trust. His In
tegrity of character and his ability as on
honest Judge has never been questioned.
I trust those who may exercise their right
tomorrow to the polls will bear his name
and the office he seeks In mind, when they
come to cast their votes.
Antone elle.
-Antone- Selzle, for many years a con
tractor and builder, died Sunday of old age
at hls "home, 2404 Poppleton avenue. Mr.
Selile built the old' St. Mary Magdelene
church on Dorglas street snd many other
early buildings. He was born at Demln
gen. Wurtenberg, Germany. February 29,
1832, and came to Omaha In 1?K. Since
that time he was a ree'.Sent of Omaha.
He Is survived by a wife and the following
children: Jacob. Jr.; Philip H., Sebastian,
Peter J., Mrs. Frank Hots, all of Omaha,
and Mrs. Albert Klein of Fort Crook. The
funeral will be held Tuesday morning, with
burial in St. Mary's cemetery.
Fnnernl of Patrick Collins.
BOSTON, Sept. 18. Funeral services over
the body of the late mayor, Patrick Col
lins, were' held at the Roman Catholic
Cathedral of the Holy Cross today. Busi
ness generally was suspended throughout
the city during the period of the services,
while the municipal offices, courts and
schools were closed for the day. The city
buildings and many private business struc
tures were draped in black and flags were
hung at half-mast all over the city and
shipping In the harbor.
C. A. Wetherell.
TEKAMAH. Neb., Sept. 18. A telegram
announcing the death of C. A. Wetherell
In New York state was received here last
night. Mr. Wetherell had been a resident
of this county for a number of years and
owned one of the best farms In this vicin
ity. The deceased had been troubled with
a cancer of the Jaw for some time, and
after trying all the remedies In this part
of the country, went to a specialist In New
York, with the above result.
F. W, Berermeler.
ST. PAUL, Sept. 18. F. W. Bergmeier,
aged 1 years, general manager and secre
tary and treasurer of the Volks Zeltung
Printing company, which publishes the
Volks Zeltung. the only dally German news
paper In the Twin cities, died this morning
at his residence In this city.
(ienernl Isaac J. Wlster.
PHILADELPHIA, Spt. 18 General
Isaac J. Wlster of this city, philanthropist
and scientist, died at Claymont, Del., after
an Illness of t ne day. He was 78 years old.
Colonel Wallace C: Taylor and Miss Maud
II. Miller of Chicago were married in Can
ton, China, September IS. A cablegram to
this effect has Just been received by the
parents of Coloneb Taylor.
L Saved by Missing; Indictments.
PIERRE. S. D.. Sept. 18. (Special Tele
gram.) Judge Oaffy, who heard the argu
ments In the Kelly case at Huron, today
announced his decision, ruling against the
motion of the state to proceed to trial
on the indictments returned against Kelly
by the Beadle county grand Jury last
spring on account of the indictments be
ing missing, they having been abstracted
from the records of the clerk of courts
of Beadle county.
Pioneer Iowa Child.
LITTLE SIOUX, la.. Sept. 18. (Special.)
L. M. Condit, a merchant of Malta, Idaho,
who is now visiting at Little Sioux, Is now
recognised aa the first white child born In
Harrison couuty. He waa born January i,
1S0O. at Fontalnbleau. a settlement made by
a French trader,. Charles IPonteur, the
town's name soon after being changed to
Little Sioux.
Oct. 7 IssMu
Grind Elactfle
Night Octobir
Brilliant Blazo ef
Bewildering Baauty.
You Will Not Be Able to
Believe Your Own Eyes 1
wben you ee the wonderful way ll
which dirt disappears nnd everything be
comes resplendent In its rleniilineaa and
brightness and freshness under the ruajr.
velott li'rtuenee of
Tour furniture, your woodwork, yovir
hardwood floors, your pots, pnns. dishes,
enrtlieuware,, ennmeltvare,
porcelain bath nil will shine In a man
ner tf dazzle you- they will, surely If
you use this household wonder-worker la
all your cleaning and Hoonring and acruu
biiiK. Your laundry, too, your lltion, ymir
HiiRerle, your Ince oui'tnlns, everything
will bronnie faultless In their elontiliness
and freshness and purity all by the Ut
of this household delight.
Your bands will bo htippy, for 20th
Century Soap leaves them soft,
smooth, while nnd good to look upon.
There is no lye In It to ronnhen nnd red
den nnd no Abominable animal irrenHes
only pure, sweet, penetrating vegetable)
oils. You Just can't help using It all the
time when once you get started.
It ensures an enjoyable, Invigor
ating bath ; makes every pore
respond, removes dead skin,
starts the circulation, and leaves a
flow equal to a Turkish bath.
. x
Charles W. HaJler,
Republican Candidate
for Coemty Judge, Promises:
1 A satisfactory public accounting of all
moneys entrusted to him. He will keep no
Interest and will take no profit therefrom
2 Not to sacrifice matters of estate or of
guardianship to favorites, but to let the
Interest of the estate or of the wards be
the primary consideration.
J To eliminate graft In every form.
Prices 2Sc to J1.60; Matinee, SSc to $1.00.
Thursday. Friday BLANCH B WALSH.
Telephone 1&".
In the Great Military Drama
Prlcea Nlglit and Sunday Matinees,
c and 26c; Tuesday, Thursday, 8atur-
J.... U.,ln0. llk. And 2(JC.
Frlces lie, 2fe, Wo, -Vfco
bun. Mat. 10c, ioc, too
Wednesday ami Satur
day Mat. all ttuaia to
Madison ''J' V " Musical Comedy
Fretty tllrle, i atdiy Kongs, Funny
'Hie most elaborate antoiiiime ' ever
presented. A new spectacle with Its clowns,
baliis and dazzling scenery. I'ruduClion un-
""counrTg Florence Bindley in The Belle of
the West.
Every Night-Matinees Thursday, Batur
dy and Sunday.
Henrietta De Serrls. Living Statuary:
Wilton Bros.; Messenger Boys' Trio; Es
telllta; Harper, Desmond 4- Bailey; Lew
Wells; the Klnodromc, and an extra attrac
tion 8 Miller Kent A Co.
PRICES 10c, tto. 60c.
r) n on? OAS I
E AW& T3 Km I lVsa Eaai
Omaha vs St. Joseph
September 17, 18. 19. 20,
21, 22. 23 and 24 (
Two games Sunday, September 17. First
called at i ).
Too games September 23. First called
Two games September 31. Firs .called
at '
Monday. September H, Ladles' t'ay.
Friday, September Zt. Laatee' Day
Qim C.IUd 3s4S
. k a It
villa. In each pkg,