Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1905, Page 10, Image 10
TTTE OMATTA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1005. 1ft t ! ''II i . - I 1 I II HEAVY VOTE IS LOURED FOR Citj Cl.rk LttmtUi Hlf of All Will B. at PrinariM. . MO INSTRUCTIONS ON THE MACHINES , F.lkovrm Itowlarea II Will Pat UK Air One OlTerlaa; Aid to Voter WhlW la Booth. City CWk Klhourn estimates that more than 5" rr cent of th roistered voter will participate In the flrwt primaries held under the Iode lav Tuesday. Other poli tician aeree with him that the vote will be reasonably heavy, but others just a well versed In surh matters pay the ram pHirn has excited no (treat irenersl Interest that the of electors who bo to poll" will be comparatively email. The 'art, however, that the day is the Prat one for registration for the Rpneral election In November Is calculated to bring out a lot of men who otherwise might not take the trouble to appear to help select party candidates. Again, in the cltlea the poll ing place will be open from 8 In the morn ing until 9 at night, Instead of from noon onward, and there will be booths for every precinct Instead of for every wardas for merly. First Prlsnarr lor Democrats. Under the Dodge law the voters of Doug las county for the first time will be given an official opportunity to choose their own candidates on the tickets of the two dom inant parties. During the last two years the republican party In the county has ex tended the privilege to its members, but It will be the first time the democrats have tried the system. To participate In the primaries a voter must be registered In the books made last fall for the general election, or specially Qualified by affidavit of removal or regis tration, for which facilities were extended In the city clerk's office last week. He must vote the ticket of the party with which he allied himself at his last regis tratlon, but, before receiving his ballot must register again, this time for the gen eral November election and for the pri maries next year. If no party affiliation Is given he cannot participate. The socialists and the populists are not represented on the primary ballots. The former declined to pay the filing fees for candidates and has the question of the constitutionality of the Dodge law pend ing In the suproino court. Nothing Is left of the populist, faith In Douglas county. ; There are no other political organizations hero. Ko School for Voters. Although the new voting machines, which sav 111 be used for the first time at the No vember election, have been distributed to most of the polling places by order of the Board of County Commissioners, vot ers who uiiie to the primaries will not be taught how to work them. As soon as City Clerk Elhourn heard of this plan he set his foot down hard and declared it Illegal and Impossible. "The law requires the polling place clear of persons having no Immediate business there," said he. "The primary will be carried out under the rules for a general election, which means no bystanders within 100 feet. If any attempt is made to de monstrate the machines within the filing places I shall have the officer on duty ordered to clear the place and lock up the machine. Orders will be given to the eioc- tlnn boards in Omaha that the machine ' must be kept closed and locked and no attempt made to show how they work. "The election officers will be very busy 1 without trying to act as Instructors on the machines. With the combined registration and primary election every one of the three registrar-Judges and the two clerks, con stituting each board, will have more than , he can do In some precincts i predict . the entire vote cannot be handled and soma J may be shut out It will be a wise thing for a man who wants to vote to go as early ' as he can and perform the duty," Drexrl Agrees With Klboarn. County Clerk Drexel acquiesced with Mr. Elbourn after the two had a conversation on the telephone. The result will be locked and closed machines Tuesday, unless some body makes arrangements to have them ' removed to nearby cigar stores or con venient stores, provided the city and county officials are willing to let them stand open to the use or abuse of whoever wants to experiment upon them. The city, however on :nan arrangements to exniDIt one machine in every ward for three weeks, before the general election. This may be done at the registration places, also on the other days of registration. At the polling places having small rooms only dummy working models have been sent out. The difficulty regarding registrars and clerks Is being cleared away by vigorous work by Mayor Moorea and Clerk Elbourn At noon today only thirty-four registrars were short. A special meeting of the coun cil waa held Monday afternoon to appoint men to All vacancies caused on various pretexts. All the polling places have been equipped with furniture and stationery is being de tiverea -iw inn election omcers. It was found the county .fficlu!s had engaged the rear of a saloon at 1421 South Fourth street for the polling place In the First district of the First ward. As soon as this was discovered City Clerk Elbourn had the place changed to 1111 South Sixth, where the law will not bs violated. HAD AX AWKl'L TIME), Bat Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aad Diarrhoea Remedy Cared film. It Is with pleasure that I give you this unsolicited testimonial. About a year ago wnen I ftac a severe case of measles I got ciught out In a ha:d rain and the measles eitied In my stomach and bowels. 1 had an awful time-and hud it not been for the Use ( Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Dturrlieeo, Remedy I could not have possi bly lived but a few hours longer, but thanks to this remedy I am now strong and well. I have written the above through simple gtatitude and I shall always speak a good .word for this remedy. Sum 11. Owin, (rav eling salesman for Concord Nursery, Con- ord, Qa Jtgtntg Men'! k X J rj 3T'j;r-h Peel ft, Co. Agents Rogers- Clothing Big Sale of Cups and Saucers $1 CUPS AND SAUCERS AT 10C French China German China Austrian China Bavarian China High and medium grade odd cups and naueern. Including after dinner, tea, coffee, chocolate and bouillon Bhapen, decorated In various color combinations. These cups and saucers are in beautiful designs, but are mismatched. Many are hand- JT painted. They have been admired j in the window by thousands who re mark. "Why do they sell them for 10c? They could get 60c just as easily." All go on sale Tuesday on big bargain squares. Worth up to $1 we sell them at, for Cup and Saucer High Class Embroideries at 71c 15c New lots of finest embroideries now shown for the first time handsome new patterns, up to 16 inches wide, many suitable for corset covers, fresh and crisp 71 from the importer, worth up to 35c yd., at. . . LmiJ- Ribbons 5c, 10c, 15c All kinds of all silk ribbon for girdles, dress trimminge, neck wear, sashes, etc. all colors, all widths up to 8 in. worth 5c.10c.15c Ladies' Neckwear Finest wash neckwear and silk ties In all the newest fall shapes and colors, silk embrold ed, all lace black spangled, etc., worth up to 60c each, at, each a-'2' u it ii n a kih.ii a aw i zr . sc . ev -if- aa wm. an m mi Tr r-a FALL OPENING STYLE SHOW LADIES' APPAREL The brilliancy of thi fashionable showing is the talk of Omaha. The most talented designers of Europe and America have fashioned these exclusive models. It is a revelation of autumn's choicest modes, right before Ah Sar-Ben and Horse Show time. Ladies' Elegant Evening Costumes Dinner Gowns Opera Coats Horse Show Apparel Party Dresses Demi Costumes Elegant Tailored Suits Costume Skirts Dress Waists We wish you to consider this announcement a personal inWafon to tnsptd this fashionable display. " OMA.H WKTHF.R FORF.C. ST Tuesday MinnfM and Cooler. I We manufacture our own trunks, traveling; bags and suit cases. We make them of the best material. Our workman ship is unexcelled. We sell them for less than Inferior grades would cost you elsewhere. If you buy of us you will get the best you will save money you will be better satisfied. Leather Bound Matting; Bult Cases, 3.50, $3.75 and (4.00. We do repairing. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 Farnam Street. To the Democracy of Douglas County: Gentlemen As the time la now at hand when you will be called upon to express your preference for the demo cratic nomination of sheriff of this county, and as I am one of the aspirants for that honor. It may not be out of place for me to make known to you why I am a candidate, and, to be brief, it is for the following reasons: I consider myself competent to fulfill the duties of that office In a manner that would be creditable to myself, the party to which I belonj, and satisfactory to all law-abiding citizens. I consider that my opponent, who la now finishing his third terra in that office, has been treated very well by the democracy of this county and that he should now willingly give some other democrat a chance, and. lastly, because, if nominated, I have every reason to believe I can be elected. I desire to take this opportunity of expressing my sin cere thanks to many good friends who at their own ex pense have rendered and are etill rendering such valuable assistance to me during thla contest, and whose efforU, 1 am confident, are about to be crowned with success. To those who differ with me and favor my opponent, I respect their honesty of purpose and assure them I have nothing but the kindliest feeling toward them. I hope that democrats generally will come to the polls and express their preference, and I sincerely hope no friend of mine will become so enthusiastic as to say or do any thing that will endanger democratic success In November. In conclusion, I warn all democrats to pay no attention to any reporta of me withdrawing from the race, or any other last hour reports. I am in to stay until the democ racy by their votes shall declare whether Mr. Power or my self shall be their nominee for sheriff. Very respectfully, THOMAS J. FLYNH. r Mr. 3 Mrs. Morand's Glasses The "Royal Mitltoht" Hotel Is modern in every respect and contains all the attributes found In a Hrst-clans hotel. Lighted by electricity; hot and cold water In every room; pure drinking water and perfect sanitation; one thousand feet above the sea level, In the midst of a romantic and primeval world. Full particulars of how to reach It, to gether with beautifully colored descriptive booklet, can be obtained from Geo. W Vaux. A. O. P. and T. A., Orand Trunk Hallway System, 135 Adams EL. Chicago. Body Held for Relatives. The Cole-McKay Undertaking company Is holding the body of David Pinksom Wade 74 years of age. who died Sunday at the county hospital from heart trouble and eld age. So fsr as can be learned Mr. Wade had no relatives In this part of the country. It Is understood a daughter re ' in Indianapolis. The old man was crnflned at the i ountv hospital one and a half years and wotked for a while at the coopering trade In Huuth Omaha. It Is re Quested that anyone knowing anything of toe anUoHlen' of tit man communicate Willi the undertakers at once. like nersirag. WM. jroa bead frelt like bursting. Dr. King's Ne-v Life PiU qukk! cure the ause, conUna-ion. Ko For sa-'e by finer- it MsCoantU Diuf Co, lN.saa i I Dancing and Physical Culture Will reopen for children at "The Nnrmandle." Park avenue and Paclrto street. Friday, October 6th, 4.15 p. m 12 lessons, $i. Hall, Ames avenue and Twenty fourth street, Mnnduy. October 2nd children, 4:15 p. m; adults, 8 p. m' 12 lessons, Crelshton Thut.r RntMIn Ha, ,, .,.. September Id'nh; children beginners, id a. m ; advance. 3 p. rn. Telephone lu41 for terms and particulars DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L. RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S- CITV VF.TER1X ARI A". Office and Infirmary, ISth an Mason Sts , OMAHA, NEB. Telephone US. SCHOOLS AD rol.I KC.ES. YOUR BOY'S PROGRESS tafWSfa a'fc upo fcl. enmfnrt and aplDa W t.m to u.k our box ktppy. briiuiua li.ui ,Bt ft"- K"1 iiU..hi nh mnirtor mfm Jttr"' .C',V1!,,"), ''' wl .otr.l rmll io k routtnl.ed. u4 nkilc tritium lo lalr L.iuor r."i''T,'"'r"T0". 4 di-i.lin at tt. kinbt Mll J..itl la, b.4.l "i" io KkAaNil MiUIAkl Af AOthU. atAMntr. ! YV JV1 1 o If A V vv 4 l a m 'w 4 er-am m f CANDIDATE FOR CUNTY CORONER REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. G. A. LINDQUESTCO. MERCUANT TAILORS MAKE BEST CLOTHE PALL gKLlSCTIO! ROW 1. gas-as Pastoa Block. Ts' 1MI 6.xW.ai3 and (Vr'tan . i Green Trading Stamp Booth -Main Floor mm mm i n Li Jl , Peaches Peaxhcs Peaches 375 boxes of extra large fancy California yellow 7Qp Freestone and Colorado Elberta Peaches, per box. B Jry Fancy Blue J-lums, per Hflr basket..." .jj UySK 'Extra large fancy Keifer rfars, 1 fiC per box Fancy Concord Grapes, per 1 Cp basket IJW Grand Fall Millinery Tuesday TI ESDAY. THE FIRST DAY Product of the Georgette, Suaanne Blum. Verot Rabeaux and other lamous aosinners in i arm. and Bertha Kvnnsitlon of New York's world-famous houses: Nlles, Burley, Waters and otners. Lichtenstein, . - , - ...IfoKlo trf tlnr.o ShflW beautiful laC iarge Mats ior uirm wai, . - - hats, embellishments of. fur or exquisite ostrich many with dainty touches of gold and silver. A superb line of large pressed shapes with velvet under-brlm or contrasting colors modteh and novel. A dainty line of mushroom shapes. A charming display of extreme high side effects. It is a characteristic of Fall styles that nearly every hat shown- has a very short rronu The Polo, so great a rage during spring and summer, Is super ceded by the Tommy Jones. The Tommy Jones Is the most daring and Jaunty Millinery conceit or tne nour, vrri Tira niroxt imnnrtotlnnn from France. French. Millinery jewelry, the most exquisite and dainty that money can buy. J ' Second Floor. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY BARGAIN'S GAIX3RE IN THE POPULAR DEPARTMENT. QUALITIES THE BEST. Jos. Tetlejr & Co.'s Famous Ceylon Teas. Sixty Green Trading Stamps with pound can Sunflower Rfl ,. brand k vvv Thirty green Trading Stamps with half-pound can 8unflower LQq Brand Fifty Green Trading Stamps with pound can Green Label W' Twenty-five Green Trading Stamps with half pound can Green T f Label - f Forty Green Trading Stamps with pound can Yellow Af Label UUI Twenty Green Trading Stamps with half-pound can Yellow 'Xfl Label lV 'They Are Beautiful Patterns of Cut Glass we a re showing-. New style Vases Berry Howls, Pon B on Dishes, Sugars and Creamers, Peppers and Sal ts any of these would make a handsome wedding gift. S pend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1S1( Dou-ls Street. No Smoke No Smell w.,Ur, vr.ii VA m tn he rid of both forever? You will when you get a. Moore's Range Just a slight pull' en the chain and op comes the Hinged Top, forming a hood which 'draws all smoke or odor back into the range, thus pre venting their asrape into the room. This Is the handy way to broil, toast or fix the fits. It u Moore's Patent and can be had only on Moore's Ranges. Then there is Accurate Oven Thennosseterj iwi,iitl. Ii do r il jufii.nj and makes hikli.g tod Ktttiff bolutelyiure. Mixtfe's ItanKts el Steel and tbcttos. Thty are llmolBariuwuui. t.F Otniit fuel wonderfully and nve l.i lonnr mat IMF aaaaity rapar - MOOD'S Are you pUnnlnt t .,.m eilhtr S cool;ig r healinc OIUIVC3 uct Be auia to ate Mooir a XlwBVB eoenplna line the Uiel iha """v soil ia, preed-lhs beat lor all teaSfl puipeaea. Nebraska Furnltun and Carpet Co. 41S-41S Merth ttkt Street, IOITH OMtHi. Ljaaa-J. '.Tit Meore' An Elegant Display of Ladies' Suil$ for Fall jand Winter mm - mBMAatyti treiaiB. See Our Magnificent Display of Imported Gowns a Silks for Horse Show Gowns The richest of Tarlftsn stvl In n elshorate display of hsndiwtne wnvci and daintiest colorlnas We are slinwlng an rlpusnt line of silks in California r-d, with tinted white flukes. In both chiffon and mcKsallne rffocts-YF.KY IDPL'UR FOH A HOUSE SHOW UOWN9. FKK TIIKM. 'w. A Few Special Tuesday Values Elejrnrtt Brocaded Putin. Urocnrtod Taffc?r. Mosaallnes, Chiffons. Moussellns. Oren- , sdlnos. etc. -in all nowest sliadPS at S3 V. !:"'. I 04 $2 SO and ' Handsome Crepe de Chines. Crcpo KKvptiss. Toffr-tris and Chiffon Taf- Rflri fetns-ln plain and two-tone effects, at l .. .2R. l 00, ft',e and vw PI. AID 811, K will be very p.-ipnlar for wnlsts this season We are showing a com. plete line of handsome weaves at immateriality low prices fSOc yard. $2.50. 1 9 $150, $1.2R. $1.00, Wo and v w Wool Dress Goods Specials 1(1 pieces of all wool ilhellne, all black. ISO pieces of Arnold s broadcloth, all eol. regular 75c goods at. 10 o' clock OIO Tuesday. . yard 25 pieces of M5-inch dress flannels. Or extra welarht at a vard Vf 600 pieces of double fold flannelettes, perfectly fast colors, all I'crslan and jap designs; Tuesday, yard. ors and also printed effects, yard 50 pieces Arnold's celebrated worsted rnccis. jarn. 52c 12ic 9c BOYS' "STEEL SHOD" SHOES Drexel s special "Bteel Shod" shoes for boys can't be beat for wear. The soles and uppers are made or the beet real leather thst money can buy they aSe as near waterproof as a shoe can be made. No rubbers needed with these shoes. Boys' sixes 2Vto 6 f J Youths' sires 1 io 2 - Little Oents' sizes 10 to lSt. .. .... $2 00 Just the kind of shoes that the boys want for tills weather. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. New fall and winter eatalofue now Three Interesting Hour Specials FROM TIM, 10 A. M LADIES' O I' T I N H FUNNEL GOWNS Made very long and fill! of very heavy outing flannel, In pretty pat terns, garments worth 7Kc for one hour, limit 10 to a customer at, choice 1r each OOt FROM 10 TIM, 11 A. M. MENS CNDKRWKAR- Heavy ribbed or fleece lined garments t h It t would sell regularly up to 75c limit of four garments to a customer; Tuesday Bt, Sf per garment aiJW FROM 11 A. M TIM, 12 M. CMII.PRKN S H F. A V V RIHHF.P HUSK Just the " thing for school wear, worth In a regular way up to 9r per pair a great snap Tuesday for an hour at. pair No Ilealers Supplied. PLUMS! PLUMS! PLUMS! PLUMS! Large crate of Fanoy Rlue riums for canning per crate ; Single Baskets each, 2.c. THE LAST OF THE PEACHES We received today 175 crstes of Fancy Colorado Klberta Teaches for can- nine as long as tney last we win sen mem per craie FLOUR! FLCUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! We have contracted with one of the largesst flour mills in the country for ten cars Fancy High I'atent f lour mane rrom me nesi ilea i uraey iiHra inter neai. There Is no finer flour than this made. Our tlrst car ts In. For family use there Is nothing finer. For this grand opening sale we will sell It at per f OS sack , a.OO Flour Is going to be much higher. B uy now. jj UNION PACIFIC U EVERY DAY To October 31, 1905, S25 I j ' SHORT LINE FAST TRAINS NO DELAYS I J Be sure your tickets read over this IK I Inquire at ft CTTY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST. 'Phone 316. J Jr 95c 80o Q)0 eauu niill.111- ismji i in 1111,11.1 isi.i iiu m m limn a aisnil I'lHfllll lsalni i JiBa'aaTqaV REDUCTION HI THE PRICE OF GAS After October 1st, 1805, the price of gas will be $1.25 net After Octobor 1st, 1808, the price of gas will be 51.15 net The Omaha Gas Company begs to announce that the price of gas will be reduced to all consumers ten cents per one thousand cubic feet onall bills contracted after October 1st, 1905, and payable on or before the 10th of the following months. Bills will be rendered at - - - $135 Per M. With a discount of 10c per M - - .10 Per M. Making the net price $1-25 Per M. A further reduction of ten cents per one thousand cubio feet will be made on all bills contracted after October 1st, 1906, payable on or before the 10th of the following months. Bills will be rendered at - - - $1.25 Per M. With a discount of 10c per M - - .10Per M. Making the net price $1.15 Per M. These reductions are made in accordance with the policy of this company in its endeavor to give to its patrons the best service at the lowest price. OMAHA GAS COMPANY s astou asjsww 1 "FOLLOW THE FLAG U Just One Chance Nov. 30th is the day the Wabash will sell round trip tickets to many points in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Ken tucky, West Virginia, Western New York and Pennsylvania, at Greatly Reduced Rates The line with free reclining chair cars, rock ballast, solid road-bed. All information call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Farnam St., or address HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D., Omaha, lleb. 211 J MACB nd COMPORT in " to com to tho ho moh A FIRST-CLASS CIGAR MADE OF A FIKE QUALITY HAYAKA TOBACCO