Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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Moral Law Wkich Bans Thrnjh World,
Appljiig to Every Word tad Act.
Caawlfiifc I the Point Where Msa
Sesaiblr Tonebea God and Learns
. RaJttf of ;o-rernlT
In his firm, lemon at Unity ctiureh alnoe
his Hammer Tc,tion. Sunday mornlr.g
Rev. Newton M. Mann said:
"Tha true basis for the religious senti
ment is In that moral law which runa
through the world and applies to every
word and to every art. In that we find
aomnthlng roal, demonstrable, something
Infinitely Inexpugnable profound, mysterl
oua, frvvHable, leading to the Innermost.
The conscience ia the point where man
sensibly- touches Ood.' becomee aware of
the reality of the governing power, and
the conscience ooncerna Itself with the
countlesa common affairs of everyday life.
Obeying the tlll, small voice" within
which enjotns uprightness of action, we
rlae to an adoration of the Ahaolute Right,
dwelllsg In light Inscrseslble. Thus, be
ginning In little things. In the simple duties
we owe to one asother and to all men, we
build out of these atones the temple of our
dolly lives, on whose altar la offered a
perpetual aacrince. In this way worship la
developed na tho natural unavoidable es
preaslon of the soul; and charity the moat
generoua becomes but an extension of the
well formed habitude of the aplrlt to deal
kindly and considerately.
"It la time to plead for the quickening of
conscience In Its application to common
everyday things. Our work for Ood. for
truth and right. Is not merely our church
work, our gathering here on Sunday, con
tributing for church ' expense and for
charities. Whatever work we do In our
several callings, if we have found our true
calling. Is done under God. He it is who
has set us the tasks, appointed us to do
them. So, In the fulfillment lies a re
ligious obligation. There ars pursulte which
are not legitimate, which contribute noth
ing to human well-being, which are car
ried on by deliberate overreaching and In
defiance of the equities pursuits Into
which good men will not enter, but any
honorable calling, high or humble, which
a person flnda by the proper teata to be his
own, ought to seem to him sacred. Ood
ippolnted, and requiring at his hands the
discharge of , Its duties religiously, con
scientiously. "It should seem to him his special field
wherein to manifest devotion to high prin
ciples; the opportunity to put Into visible
forma the lovely flowers of the spirit up
rightness, faithfulness, forbearance, pa
tience, honesty so making for him a
career In which, before all other gains, la
to be counted the development and main
tenance of character.
;"Your religion la not worth much unlesa
It arpllca to everything you do; unless it
rxarl Integrity at every turn."
Christian Duty Forma Theme of Rev.
Mr. McDowell's Sermon.
"The Work Which Is for Kach" was the
theme of Rev. P. H. McDowell's discourse
Sunday morning at Immanuel Baptist
church. Mr. McDowell said In part:
"A church member will say. "I give II each
Sunday to the church and I attend servlcea
once each Sunday.' That la good and I am
glad you do, but la that enough? 1 wonder
if that Is all Christ meant when He said,
"Follow Me' and 'Oo ye'?
"No, He meant more. There Is a work for
each. It Is true there are many things to
be taken Into consideration, among them
the matter of health, and I know that soma
are mors able physically for work than
others. But whether strong or weak, sick
or well, there Is a work which suits you
and a work which you suit.
"The work la different for the various
onea. Its nature depends on talent and
adaptability. What la a man's prominent
commendable trait? Let him use it for the
glory of Jesus Christ. Yonder Is a man of
whom It la said he has a great amount of
business sense, he la successful In busi
ness, la well-to-do and la looked on as a
man who can do things in the financial
i It coats, no mora to riprap with the wire
mat system than It doea to fence your farm.
2. It makea a nlca smooth bank with a
gradual slope.
3. Nature grows it to Cottonwood, wll
Iowa and underbrush.
4. It la the only system that high water.
Ice or neglect doea not affect once put in
It la permanent. -
Tatent allowed July M, 190&, serial No,
SS7.&D3. others pending.
EUREKA Rip rap CO.
Office 618 Bee Building, Omaha.
Candidate for renomination
as sheriff at the hands of the
democratic party. Primaries,
; . . . i
, . ' ; . - : ;
i'-- ' i
', i .
I't ' ,
V' : ; f )
wnrld Tet at the same lime, while there
are many such men In the world, what
church la there that la not suffering for the
want of Just such men to take charge of
Its affairs and place them on a good biisl-
nesa basis? Oh. It la a aad truth that the
men of business sense are aneless to the
needs of the church. There la a woman
whose prominent trait la sociability. She Is
pleasing of person, she la winsome, has a
happy smile and a cordial handshake.
Where can she use the talent of her socia
bility to any better advantage than In the
church, where can she do more good with
her winning smile than In the work of the
Lord Jesus Christ T '
"With whatever gifts nrt has endowed
you, may you strive to do the work which
He meant for you. Your record will face
you In eternity, and a glory t 5'" ,0
Ood will be the work done and a shame to
you the work left undone. May e-ery one
see that hla own doorstep la awept, his own
prayer said, hla own snng sung, his own
word spoken and his own work done. Every
ons has his own work."
Bishop Keane Will Begin Services for
Sunday afternoon at S o'clock Rlshop
Keana of f'heyenne, Wyo., concluded the
first seven daya of a two weeks' mission at
the Church of the Sacred Heart, Twenty
first and Rlnney streets. Monday morning
the last week of the mission beglna.
The bishop who la conducting the mission,
Father Judge, the assisting priests are
very much pleased with the large number
who have "made the mission," as the
churrh term haa It.
Spiritual and material grace are empha
sised In these missions, because of the
stringent regulatlona that the Holy Church
provides. The task Impoaed to properly
"make a mission" la not by any means
The men's mission begins at 5 o'clock this
morning at Sacred Heart church and
Rlshop Keane will be the principal official
at all services.
Horribly Burned
was C. Rlvenbark of Norfolk, Va., but
Rucklen's Arnica Salve healed his burns
without a scar. Heals cuts, too. 26c. For
sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
F.n force Criminal Law.
To the Editor of The Bee: The "Convo
cation of Laramie," so called. Is made up
of workers of the Protestant Episcopal
church In the western two-thlrda of the
area of Nebraska and the eastern half of
the atate of Wyoming. Within these llmlta
aid under Bishop Graves of Kearney we
have at work now thirty rectors and rols-
alonarles and we are holding services regu
larly, with greater or leas frequency, at
ninety-six different points. Our annual con
ference or convocation was held thla week
at Cheyenne, Wyo. Our topic which ex
cited a most earnest discussion was "The
Administration of our Criminal Law." A
committee consisting of Rev. P. B. Pea
body and Hon. Richard II. Scott was ap
pointed to report on this subject. This
committee moved the following resolutions
which were duly approved and adopted by
the convocation and which would seem to
be of some general interest. Yours very
truly, LOriS A. ARTHUR.
Secretary Convocation of Laramie.
Resolutions passed by the Convocation of
Laramie In session at Cheyenne, Wyo.,
September 12, 1906:
Resolved: That the members of this con
vocation desire tu record their profound
belief, that the foundations of a Christian
state are Imperilled, whenever our criminal
procedure la Interfered with and execution
of formal aentenco deferred by either the
mere technicalities of legal process, or an
untimely and maudlin sympathy with the
Resolved: That the members of thla eon-
vocation, made up as It la of parts of the
states of Nebraxka and Wyoming, desire
to represent most respectfully to the chief
executive!! or tnese great commonwealths
our firm conviction, that In the solemn exer
cise of the functions of the hlnh office.
aucn executives can in notninif more as
suredly advance the welfure of all the
peonle. than by Btandlug firmly for the in
exorable and Impersonal execution of our
Resolved: That the clergv of this district
be requested to preach upon thla toulc at
an einiy uay to eucn congregation in their
Resolved: That conies of these reeolu
Hons be duly transmitted to the goveruora
or rseDrasaa anu Wyoming.
Keaoivea: inai me piimic press within
the llmlta of this convocation, so far aa it
may be disposed to take cognizance of
these resolutions, be Invited by us. In ita
discussion of any future specifics exercise
of the pardoning power, to devote at least
as much space to considering the effect of
aucn executive clemency on the community
at large, aa on the welfare and personal
interests oi tne convicted criminal.
Try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and you will never wish
to be without It in your home. It haa saved
many lives.
t. Paul and lttara
$12 60.
and return
lit 50.
and return
via The Northweatern Line.
City Offices 1401-1403
Fa mam Street.
Dlr Fifth Ward Meeting;.
The Fifth Ward Republican club meeta at
Young'a hall, 16th and Corby atreeta at
I p. m. Monday. September 18. Candldatea
and everyone Invited to attend thla meeting.
Come. W. B. CHRISTY, Pree.
BEN J. STONE, Sec'y.
Greatly Reduced Rates
Wabash R. R. .
Sold November i0 Account Home Visitor
Excursions Call at Wabash city office or
address Harry E. Moores, O. A. P. D
Omaha. Neb.
Harry B Davis, undertaker. Tel. 121
The "Peggy from Paris" company la re.
Isiered at the Her Grand.
The St. Joseph base ball team registered
Sunday noon at the Millard.
Dr. Frank Powell of Cody, Colonel Cody's
financial man. ia at the Merchant a hotel.
A. 1'. Dann of Kearney and W. H. Clem
mons of Fremont are Nebraska arrivals at
the Paiton
E. Bendle of Hooper and W. B. Martin
of North Platte stopped at the Her Grand
hotel yesterday
Dr. I. Luklna of Tekamah. John Miller of
Lincoln and J. Schroeder of Humboldt
were guesta at the Merchants yesterday.
Tom Parmalee of Plattsmouth. formerly
mayor of the Casa countv metropolis and
now a prominent Duaimsa man there, wu
seen yesterday
ny at the Henshaw.
Mra. Josle A. Hop, proprietress of the
Arcade hotel, and brother, E. Clute, re
turned Saturday evening from Arapahoe,
where Thursday afternoon Mrs. Hope's
mother waa burled. Mra. Hope a husband
recently died at the Arcade.
T. C. Brunner. who has been In a South
Omaha hospital, where he underwent a
aurgical operation, is now convalescent,
and haa been removed to hla home, 1414
North Nineteenth street, where he will be
pleased to meet hla frlenda.
The following atate arrivals were reg
istered yeeterday at the Murray hotel: W.
C. Schurts. Fremont; T. J. Hltle. Lincoln;
W. L. Mote, ilalnvlesv; John bugan,
Papllllon: O. H Adam and wife, Ne
braska Cly; C. McDonald. North Platte.
Among the arrivals at the Millard yester
day were noticed E. J. Bhumway and H P.
Shumway and family. Wakefield; Walter
Divan and O. W. Walter. Wahoo; R. J.
Tate, an Insurance man, Plalnvlew; Kent
Cunningham, E. E. BauresMe and J V
Humphrey of IJncoln; O. M. Qcar. Sidney
ad i ted Fuller. JAlUertou ?
PrcptratioDi for 6t Jamei' O-pbititgs
Eenefit Osiog Ahead Buocetsfilly.
Featlral la to Be Conducted on Broad
Basis on XnatrrtsrUslini, Ad
mining All to Par.
Preparations for the fair to be held at
the Auditorium for the aid of St. James'
Orphanage are going forward In a manner
that seems to Insure a great success for
the enterprise. The prominent buslneaa
men on the board of directors, In commit
tees, have been working with a will on the
arrangementa for the fair, assisted by the
women and clergy nf every Catholic parish
In the city. The effort to have the benefit
nonsectarlan in character la succeeding and
persons of all religious beliefs are lending
a hand. The fair or"ns October U. and
closes the 2dth. The board of dlrectora ia aa
F. A. Nash, J. A. Crelghton, Joseph Hay
den. W. J. C. Kenvon, A. J. Beaton, F.
J. Rurkley F. D. Wead. P. C. Heafey. J.
Rush. A. D. Brandeia, Dr. O. L. Miller.
V. Rosewater, O. M. Hitchcock. D. J.
O'Rrlen, Dr. J. W. McCrann. O. Galvln,
J. F. Coad, T. C. Ryrne, Q. W. Wattlea,
T. P. Redmond, B. H. Melle. E. A. Cudahy,
C. C. Belden. F. Furay, J. O'Hern, C. J.
Bmyth, J. Organ. C. H. Ilcklna. E. P. Peck,
J. D. Crelghton. T. J. Mahoney, M. R. Mur
phy, E. A. Benson, Dr. A. W. Riley, T. J.
Nolan. W. M. Bushman. E. Strauss. O. E.
McCune, J. A. Connor, C. Chase, E. Slmeral,
F. T. Pturgesa, I V. Ouye. R. C .Howe,
F. J. Morlarrtv, E. J. McAdama, C. B. Dug
dale. Dr. H. Glfford. H. Cohn. J. E. Baum.
The ofneera of the fair are: F..A. Nash,
president; W. Bushman, vice president; E.
A. Renson. vice president; W. McNamnra,
secretary; B. H. Melle, treasurer.
This board haa appointed the following
committees: Amusement committee, D. J.
O'Brien, chairman; program committee, E.
Strauss, chairman; soliciting committee, F.
J. Burkley, chairman; press committee,
C J. Smyth, chairman: booth committee,
E. Strauss, chairman; ticket committee, J.
A. C. Kennedy, chairman.
Something; aa to Costa,
The original coat of the land and build
ings of the orphanage at Benson was ins,-
000, but Improvementa cost 10,000, bring
ing the total Investment up to about 175,000.
Of this sum HO, 000 waa borrowed and a
mortgage to secure tha payment given on
the property. One-half of tha debt haa
been paid off, leaving the encumbrance
$30,000. The Interest on tha mortgage an
nually la a aum large enough to care for
several children, and the management la
anxlom to clear away all such expenaea
ao aa to render the Institution capable of
greater good.
The asylum, which occupies fifteen acres,
waa founded In 1890 by the Blatera of
Mercy during the administration of Mother
Pier. The purpose la to care for children
who have no parents, children whose
parents refuse to csre for them and chil
dren whose parents are willing to pay
for the aervlce, but who, for various rea
sons, desire tho little onea placed In the
orphanage. About one-third pay nothing,
one-third something and the remaining
third bring a fixed rate of IX a month
for one child, $15 for two, $21 for three and
$25 for four.
Children of All Faiths.
Children of all religious faiths are taken
without discrimination. They are required
to conform to a simple religious ceremony,
but no effort whatever Is made to change
the religious faith of any child. It la the
policy of . the Institution not to permit a
child to change from the faith of Its
parents, on the ground that the child la
not old enough to decide for Itself.
Male children are retained until thay
are IS yeara old and glrla until they are
14 yeara of age. They are received from 1
year In age upwards. It IS hoped that
when the debt haa been paid and the re
sources of the Institution permit, ' Infants
of the tandereat age will be cared for.
In Ita fifteen yeara of life the orphanage
haa cared for 1.300 children. During the
laat year 18T children were received. At
preaent there are "ninety children In the
orphanage, the Bma;8t number for aoma
time, but it la expected that tha fall and
winter months will bring an Increase, as
many children are sent to parenta or rela
tives for the aumnier. Thirty of the In
mates are non-Cathullca; the others are of
that faith.
Opposition Encountered by tho Inde
pendent Seems Strange to
A. B. Hunt.
"It seem a atrange-to me," aald A. B.
Hunt, who la one of the group of men
aeeklng a telephone franchise for an Inde
pendent company In Omaha, "thtt we
ahould be met at every step with such
atrong competition, without any good or
BBfflcient reaaon being offered why auch a
franchise ahould not be granted.
"Thla new company la to be an Omaha
and Nebraska concern, backed by Ne
braaka capital. We stand willing to give
any aort of guaranty that It la not a sell
out proposition.
"Here are our buslneaa organlaatlona
spending large auma of money and much
valuable time to draw trade and attract
friendship to Omaha; now, when we offer
to put In operation a powerful lnatru
mentallty for that very purpoae, we are
hindered and blocked In every possible way
by the monopoly which happens at preaent
to have control of the local field.
"We have made the moat liberal offer for
a public, franchise aver made In the city.
It ia In line with the beat development of
municipal government. And we aak simply
that tha people be given a chance to vote
on the proposition. What possible argu
ment can councilmea preaent against that
proposition T
"For several years I have stood ready
to take auch a franchise, and our first at
tempt to secure It "resulted In a material
reduction In tha rate charged for houae
telephonee by the Nebraska Telephone
"Now. we want to appeal directly to the
people on a plain, straight proposition, and
we think the people buslneaa man and
workman alike should Insist that wa be
given that privilege."
Normal rates have been reatored by all
lines between Chicago, Buffalo, New Tork
Boston and other eastern points, and the
Nickel Plata road Is still prepared to fur
nleh strictly first-class aervlce between Chi
cago and the east in their three daily
through trains to New Tork and Boston
at rates aa low aa obtain by any other Una.
Meala aerved aa you Ilka, In tha dining car,
either a la carte, club or table da hota,
but In no case will a meal cost more than
one dollar. Our rates will be of Interest to
you, and Information cheerfully given by
1 - vi ... . . .
i . . , ,, t , . "
Ing John Y. 'wlahan, General Agent, No.
lli Adams St , Room Z9S, Chicago
Aa EBtfaalaaT Doctor
uses gentle means, such as Elsotrlo Bit
ters, In curing dangerous dleeaaea. Ilka
biliousness, dyspepala, etc tyOc. For sale
by Sherman at McConnell Drug Co.
Cloalas; at Km Fark.
Krug Park'a most successful season waa
brought to a triumphal close laat evening.
Never was there aaaembled In tha park
a better behaved or better mannered
uuirnce. umi 10 ins wina tne "War
balloon waa omitted.
The drilling of the Gatllna Gun nnii
of tha Omaha Guards and the dlaplay of
fireworks In "Storming the Old Mill' ware
me oesi of ine ski.
Manager Cote haa striven hard to nlns
the amusement loving people of Omaha and
rnons nve nren appreciates not only
from an artistic atanUiu but iftMU a
ii nan bis i vue aa wsu.
Veterans Monument Association.
The final detalla for the dedication and
unveiling of the handsome monument
erected to the memory of the ex-soldlera
and sailors of Douglas county, serving In
the union army during the war of lSI-5.
were completed at the meeting of the
Ladlea t'nlon Veteran Monument associa
tion, Thursday evening. T. A. Crelgh. Dr.
S. K. Spalding and Chnrlea M Harpster
were arpolnteH a committee to arrange for
the ceremonies. The unveiling of the monu
ment will be in accord with the Grand
Army ritual. Dr. 8. K. Spalding will l"
commander of the day and will be assisted
by C. M. Harpster as senior vice com
mander; Thomaa L. Crelgh. as Junior vice
commander; R. R. Ball, adjutant; T. L.
Hull, officer of the day; E. W. Johnson, of
ficer of the guard. The reremony of un
veiling the monument will be performed by
Mlsa .Clara Feenan. secretary of the monu
ment aasoclatlon. Judge Jacob Fnwcett will
deliver the dedicatory address The cer
monlee will be participated In by all the
posts. Women's Relief corps and Ladles of
the Grand Army of the Republic of this
erty and will be full of Impressive inter
est. Carryalla will be found at the end of
the afreet car line to convv such aa desire
from the osrs to Forest Lawn cemetery,
where the ceremonies will take place at
8:30 In the afternoon.
Woodmen of the World.
Alpha camp No. 1 held one of the most
largely attended meetings In Its recent his
tory Tuesday night.. Five new applications
were received and twe candldatea Initiate!.
A committee was appointed on entertain
ment, to provide for an especially attrac
tive meeting for the last meeting night of
each month' during the winter. The fjrst of
theae meetlnga will be held September IS.
and the program will comprise music, dan
cing and other attractive numbers. These
meetings will be Invitation affalra and a
sufficient number of Invitations were or
dered printed and will be placed In the
handa of members of the camp at the meet
ing next Tuesday evening, bo that they can
Invite their frlenda to be present.
Omaha-Seymour camp No. 18 haa a num
ber of engagementa on hand for the fall
and winter. About the middle of Octobers
fraternal visit will be made to Council
camp of Owned Rluffa, when the champion
degree team will exemplify the work. A
memorial aervlce In honor of deceased mem
bers will be held In October and will be
addressed by out-of-town apeakera. The
entertainment committee la arranging a
aeries of social affalra and a program of
philosophical and scientific lectures, to be
Interspereed during the fall and wlntei
Bankers Tnlon of the World.
Fraternal lodge No. S entertained Ita
members and frlenda Thursday evening
Tablee were prepared to Beat the large
number of membera and visitors who had
come to enjoy the hospitality of the even
ing. Ice cream and cake were served by
the entertainment committee. Following
the refreahmenta dancing waa indulged in
until a late hour and all present pronounce
the affair a most delightful one.
Royal Neighbors of America.
Wednesday afternoon the O. O. T. O- club
of Pansy camp met' with Mrs. T. M. Stuart
at Fifteenth and Corby streets and re
ported regarding the pleasing success of
the picnic given the Saturday afternoon
prevloua by the club. Arrangements are
being made for a social dance to be Riven
by the club on the evening of Sepmber 30
at Ancient Order of United Workmen hall.
Fourteenth and Dodge streeta. Friends cf
the order are cordially Invited.
- ; vl v
Old, Deaf and Indigent Man ia Struck
by Loaomotlye and Seriously
Because he waa old and deaf and needy
Nicholas Shlnerth, a poor German, who
has for several yeara lived In a little shack
at Seventh and Jonea atreeta, la suffering
from serloua If not fatal Injuries at the
Clarkson hospital. Sunday mornlnr at
11:46. aa he waa picking up coal on the
tracks near hla hovel, he waa atruck by
yard engine No. 1804, hauling a string of
freight care. After the train had passed
he was found lying beside the rails by
Union Pacific Detectives Tlghe and Gor
man. At the police station he was at
tended by Dra. Seymore Smith of the
Union Pacific City Pliyalclan Ralph and
Police Surgeon Cox. Several of his rlba
were found to be broken, by which one
of bis lungs waa thought to be punctured.
He also had contusions of the scalp on
each . aide of the head. During the ex
amination and temporary dreaalng of hla
wounds he seemed to sink ao alarmingly
that a priest waa summoned. Believing
him to be dying, Rev. James Stenson of
St. Phllomena's cathedral administered
the extreme unction of the Catholic rituals.
Later he rallied sufficiently to be removed
to the hospital. He aeema to have no rela
tives at all .and no one knows the detalla
of his lonely hermit life. At laat reports
he was resting comfortably, and little
doubt la entertained by the hospital corps
as to hla recovery.'
' The cadet battalion Thureday received
preliminary Instructions from Command
ant Btogsdale relative to the active re
sumption of drill next Tuesday. He es
pecially urged that as many aa poaalble
of the old cadeta procure new sulta for
the coming yea rln order that the battalion
may have a tidy appearance. All new
cadets were Instructed to have measure
rnents taken immediately for the regula
tlon uniform. All cadets must also pro
vide themselves with the new regulation
cap. Thla cap la very similar to the one
worn by the cadeta at West Point. The
benefits to be derived from military drill
were particularly emphasized by Captain
Btogsdale in his brief address to the boys.
The cadet band will this year be In better
condition than formerly. New Instruments
are to be procured by the Board of Edu
cation. The following promotions were
announced under order of Captain Stoga
dals: First lieutenant and adjutant. Ken
net t Patterson; first lieutenant quartermas
ter, Clement Chase; first lieutenant com
mlssary. Rollln Andrews; captain Company
A, cadet, first sergeant. Claude Peake;
captain Company B cadet, first aergeant,
HarrvKoch; Captain Company C cadet,
flat sergeant, Arthur Potter: captain Corn
pay D, cadet first aergeant, John Mr
Logue; captain Company E. cadet, first
sergeant. Ware Hall; captain Company F,
cadet, first aergeant. 6am Millard. The
relative rank of these ofneera will be de
termlned upon later. Cadet Sergeant
Bret MeOullough ia promoted to cadet
first lieutenant hand.
Every day after school one may witness
a score of boys In hard training on the
weat side of the campus for posltlona on
the foot ball team. Thus far all those par
ticipating display a remarkable fitness to
play foot ball. Burnett has charge of the
training at present and Is very proficient
In his duties. Others who by reason of
proficiency are likely to be on the team
are Delameter, Neville. Paxton. Shields and
Cramer. The team this year hex a very
Rood outlook of being heavy. When this
i coupled with apeed and endurance after
sufficient training, there Is no rrsson to
doubt that the team will excel on the grid
Iron this year.
It la propoeed to have all aocletlea begin
the work of reorganisation next Friday
afternoon. An announcement to thla effect
will be made during the coming week. Aa
heretofore, the earns rulea will remain in
effect that exiated laat year. The aocletlea
will meet every two weki on Friday
afternoon from Ml to I .So One-fourth
point credit will be given to each member
of a society who by his Interest in the
society demonstrates that he la entitled to
auch credit and the faculty will be appor
tioned among the'varioua aocletlea to ex
erclee a general supervision. The assign
ments of tha various teachers to the node
ties wtu be auutouAcea dud of Uie coming
, week.
Ralph B. Kitohsn Think. Bt Paul Man
Right on Ethics.
Veteran Omaha Hotel Keener Thtnke
Manaaer of Hoatelry Should
Kot Re Sociable With
Hla t.oests.
I j. S Boardman of St. Paul, Minn., editor
of a hotel publication, recently read an In
teresting paper before a meeting of hotel
men. "Is It or la It not advisable to be
sociable to the guests of a hotel?" asks
Mr. Bonrdman In the opening of his pnper.
He answers the question himself by say
ing. "In the flbstrhct. no."
Continuing. Mr.. Boardman says:
Thla does not 'mean, however, that you
are not to be formally so. tt goes without
saving that to be polite and courteous to
(he guests Is an Indispensable factor of 'lie
successful management of any public plnce
My personal observation (s that the most
successful hotel man Is he who, while 1 say
Is polite and courteous .In a formal way.
holds to that formality which does not
border on sociability or friendship.
Speaking along this line of thought yes
terday afternoon. Ralph R. Kitchen, man
ager of the Taxton hotel, said:
"From my twenty years' experience In th
hotel business I can say that. Mr. Board
man has the right Idea. A hotel proprie
tor who aspires to run a first-class hostelry
csnnot afford to be sociable with his guests.
I have seen more than one hotel man go to
the" wall on 'account of a mistaken notion
that he must needs 'mix' with his guests to
hold their goodwill. I always have held
that a hotel manager must set Wie ex
ample for his employes and must maintain
strict discipline in order to expect good
servlcea from his clerks and other employes
and to hold the best patronage. Suppose I
would consent to drink or play cards with
John Jones, Tom Smith and the rest, what
could I expect from my Btaff? And what
would become of me If I allowed myself to
be a good fellow every time the oppor
tunity presented Itself? I and my business
would go to pieces.
"It Is the policy of mysetf and othera who
try to operate a high-class hotel to atay In
the background, aa it were, from the gueata
and aee that those In attendance give the
guests every service they are entitled to.
A hotel man cannot afford to compromise
with anything that Bmncka of Intimacy
with guests. Patrons do not come to a
hotel to see the manager or proprietor, but
rather because the particular hotel may
ault them in one or more respects. There
are, of course, many who want to be so
ciable with the manager or proprietor, but
I. have learned that moat of this class
usually wants some special privilege or
favor. Let the guests mix and be sociable
with themselves to their hearts' content: It
Is the business of the hotel man to Bee that
the hotel Is operated on strictly flret-ctass
"The Buccessful hotel man ahould ever be
mindful that while the guest Is at his hotel
he la 'at home,' In one sense of the word,
nnd should, through his clerks and serv
ants, see that the guest's comforts are
catered to to every reasonable extent."
Many other hotel men of the city voice
the opinions held by Mr. Kitchen, while
others do not wish to commit themselves on
the aubject.
Man's Rail In Demand.
A Sioux City traveling man told yesterday
at the Merchanta hotel of how a Sioux City
business man recently wanted one of hla
debtor's gall.
"At a recent meeting of the Sioux City
Business Men's association, of which I am
a member," began the traveling man, "one
of our number told this story, which I will
try to tell In my own language. A certain
buslneaa man failed in business and called
his creditors together for the supposed pur
pose of making some sort of a settlement.
The creditors having assembled the defunct
business man explained that he had sold
all the goods he obtained on time and then
spent the receipts, having not a cent left
with which to liquidate. One of the credi
tors then made the suggestion that the
debtor be cut up Into pieces and the pieces
distributed among the creditors. '.
"At this Juncture a small man In the
rear of the room arose and said that If the
debtor was cut up he wanted to speak
ahead for one part, and on being asked
what part that might be, he promptly re
plied that he would like to have that man's
But Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him.
It Is with pleasure that I give you thla
unsolicited teatlmonlal. About a year ago
when I had a tevere case of measles I got
caught out In a hard rain and the measles
settled In my stomach and bowels. I had
an awful time end had it not been for ihe
use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy I could not have possi
bly lived but a few hours longer, but thanks
to this remedy I am now atrong and well.
I have written the above through aimpla
gratitude and I ahall always apeak a good
word for thla remedy. Sam H. Gwln. trav
eling aaleaman for Concord Nursery, Con
ord, Ga.
Aad Return Via Chicago Great Weat.
era Railway.
tls.60 to DuJuth. Superior and Aahland
Ticketa on sale till September 30th. Final
return limit October Slat. For further In
formation apply to 8. D. Farkhurst. General
Agent, 1612 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Vote W. G. Ure, Co. commissioner. Adv.
Opening; of Brownell Hall.
Brownell hall will open this week, and
the enrollment 1b expected to be the largest
In the history of the achool. The atudenta
will enter Tucaday and work will begin
Wednesday morning at 8:56.
The formal opening services of the aohool
will be held In the church at St. Matthlaa
at 11 o'clock Sunday morning, September
The equal of any
beer brewed; so
pronounced byconnoiS'
sears. Try
Tel 420 CJ
Surprising Val
ues in New
Wool Dress
Goods Monday
aitat RtMsai.k siuna.
Is alwavx Hssuroil if you lmy
your suit at Hayden Bros. Our
clothing possesses an attractive
dressiness and distinctiveness
unequalled except in tlie better
class of custom made garments.
Let us show you how one of
our Hand Tailored Suits will
look on you the perfection of
fit, the exclusive style, the ele
gance of fabric, the excellence of
workmanship then tell you the
exceedingly attractive price.
You'll wear the suit away.
The Three-Button Round Cut
Sack Suit shown in eirt is only
one of the many splendid styles
shown for semi-dress and busi
ness wear.
It will pay you to look over
our stock before you buy. Do so
Hand Tailored Suits
$10, $15, $18 up to $25
fabric, at $5, $.75, $7.30, !(W.."iO nnd
Sole Omaha 8lHnn Agents for
Peaches! Peaches!
Shipped by express and will be here Monday morning. Four hun
dred eases of Extra Fancy Large Elberta Free- jf
stone Peaches we will sell them as long as iha fl O
they last per crate
Number 12.
It leaves Omaha 8:05 p. m.
It arrives Chicago 9:03 a. m.
Number 6.
It leaves Omaha
It arrives Chicago ,
Number 2.
It leaves Omaha 4:00 p. m.
It arrives Chicago 720 a, m.
Tickets, berths, folders, rates and information at
City Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam St.
The Right Road to Portland
J Choice of routes, going or returning, via
Yellowstone Park, Canadian Rockies or Lake
J For full information apply to City Ticket Office,
1512 Farnam Street, Omaha.
Ask for "Hinti on Travel."
Hotel Marlborough
Broadway, Stub and 37th Street?. ,
Herald Square. New York.
nnrtrn DiTfO
Rate, for Rooms. $1.S and upward; 'ixn and upward with bath. Parlor
rroru snd bath $3.5). 4. and V Pr Jay- l'rr. two liedrooms mi
brtTlS W. l-00 and per day. 1.0 extra where two person, occupy
.in nous. Wrl or ENBX.XIEli.VEy HOTEL COMPANY.
Taffeta Day
Monday in
Our Great
Silk Departm't
Copyright ' I
Hart Schsffher
5 bf
Hand Tailored Overcoats
$10, $15, $18 up to $35
almost unlimited variety of style and
Hart, Schaffnor At Marx Hand Tailored
. . .725 a. m.
. .8:45 p. m.
ery 1. lift.
Completely RENOVATED and TRANS
i'OKMKl) lu evwy department.
The lurtifxt ami moat attsattlvg Lobby-
and Hotunda In the city.
Two beautiful new PINING ROOMfi
every diiy from tt to 9 P. M.
Broadway's chief attraction for BpedaJ
I'tMid Iihl:e. I'opulur Music
Better iliau erer before.
400 room a. auo BATIIH
teT I 'p r II I II rif U t Out'ltg.