THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1D05. r SPECIAL NOTICES! for Ihn eolasaas itll ia m. for the will be taken (Ion, These ailrf rtlirmrata ran taairratlTrlf, Advertisers, by rrqaestlna- a anm brrfd rhrrk, ran it anawrr ad dressed to a nambrrrd letter In rart of The Her. Answers an addressed will be delivered oa prraratalloa of check. MISCELLANEOUS THE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Is now open day and night. Yet It Is not too lata to enter. Begin now and get that mental drill and discipline that will double your earning capacity, liuslness, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, normal and Eng lish, catalogue free. Adnress h. b. Boyles, I'res., Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. R 313 QTnVB;R'P',"(i' Omaha Plating Co., O 1 J V CO 1608 Harney St. Tel. 2635. CITY 8AVLNQ8 BANK pays per cent. R 927 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3530. K 2& ANTI-Monopoly Oar bags Co., $21 Tel. 1779. N. R- 1fh. -829 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM 211 8. 11th St. Telephone 264. R-930 CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. a. Phllbln. lit Farnam. 'Phone 74. R-ftil OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. Q. Andreeu. Prop., 102 g. loth St. R M3 THE OMAHA FOUNDRY" Iron and brass castings. 902 Jackson. TeL 2432. R 934 SIGN PAINTINO, S. 1L Cole, 1303 Douglas. Rr-9Jo BAD IRONS renlatcd. 20c: three for IV-e. Omaha Plating Co.. 1ft Harney. Tel. 2535. i or k -smith Ke" nd look"' c-l- lVJ-wIomi 1 n lieflln, 217 South 14th. HOLLOW BUILDING Slat1"- quality. Cheapest price. Wentworth, 61i Pax-eon block. "Phone 16T3. R 651 MEDICAL i'uH Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pills, for -ueiayea periods, absolutely rename, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no inter ference witn work; reller brought to thou sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all that have used them. By mall, 32. Dr. U. U. Raymond Remedy Co.. room 36. 64 Adams St.. Chicago. 111. 102 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address with stamp. Dr. Pries, lMlVi Dodgu St., umana. mm PEN'-TAN-OOT Prompt regulator for la ities; never rails; 2 postpaid. Bherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 104 RUPTURH CURED No knlfs, no Injec tions, tun or write lor booklet, iuick Cure Rupture Co.. 611 W. O. W. Bldg., umana. in FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PULLEYS AND COUNTER SHAFTS AT 30 pulleys, from t Inches to 48 Inches In diameter; 1 counter shafts, complete. These are all In flrst-class condition. W. H. Bridges, engineer, liee UlUg. (4113 run balu-'iwo lire scnoiarsbips on Omaha business colleges. Address Dwlght Williams, Omaha Bee, Omaha, nea w 12 1 I 1 Hll 1 FOR SALE, about fifty feet ornamental galvanised iron, cornice and ornamental Iron posts, suitanie ror snow window. Ap ply supef iiiieuuejii ikq xiiug. i aifl-ti FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tubles, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Senct for catalogue, Brunswick-liulke-Collender. 407 S. 10th St., umana. 4 bj COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago f urniture lu,, iuo Dodge. Tel. vrny. y rto tD-H AND safe cheap, nam. Derlght, 1119 Fnr- W-4MI EH ER WIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman & Mcuonnell Drug Co., umana. y w 6-BURNKK gas stove, witn two ovens, sec ond-hand; also $:i5 phonograph, cheap, at 3510 mrayoue Ave. w ai2io ix CHEAP chiclflrn fence, long fir timbers and telephone poles. 901 Douglas. Q 944 MILCH COWS on easy terms. 43d and Center. W 533 'land seekers' cheap excursion, private parties, to Aoeraeen, u. !., Tues day, 26th. Good terms, best car to be bad; room for eighteen. Address A 63 The Uee, at once. q 864 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you taant a bargain in steam fittings call ana took over tne toiiowing auppues; 1.8-inch Austin borlsontal separator. 1.8-lncli Austin's horisonlal sepuratur. 1.4-inch Austin's vertical separator. These have buen taken out on account of changes in our steam plant and are In good condition. Aunrvss Lies uulldlng Co.. or see w. 11. Linages, engineer, Hue iiidg., Umana. Q 633 FOR SALE One large Supreme hot blast stove; good aa new; cheap. Address Bee. Q-282 18x FOR SALE Stoves, carpets, beds and all household furnishings. MRS. CARROLL. 1504 Park Ave. q-M245 20 BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU want to buy. sell rent or exchange rel estate or business QL' ICK see Coinp- tun-Watts Co., 6oi U6 Paxton Plk. X6 PARTY owning a large and rapidly growing Dusiness or years siaiiuiug 111 iuir cuy desires to place some of his slock on guar antee of 1 oer cent dividend pur annum. payable semi-annually . Address 109. He. Y sua nniHDlNQ house at a bargain. 13 rooms. close in. Owner leaving city. 611 N. ltu. Y M5J0 S13x WE have run two of the most successful general stores In southeastern Neb. for several years, with stocks staple, clean and well kepi in fact, the largest stores and sales In either town, with lllieril lroflts. After a recent sickness of 90 dttvs and other business plans, we will sell either or both stores for cash, or not over H cavh, bal. clear Neb. land. Stocks will Invoice about $12,000 each. There are safe, well paying Investments for llv business man. Address 134. Bee. Y FOR St.. SALE Bakery. Council Bluffs. Address R, 10 Pearl Y-6S7 FOR SALE Cash meat market on the South Side; complete flxturca. Ineludi"? barn, brick amoke house; rent only $10 a month; for quick sale will take $lon. .Arnlv at 2416 So Ititn Bt. Y-2S3 lx FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad in and you will soon get it- Z-4sI FOR EXCHANGE. Stock of hardware and residence property in eastern Nebraska for farm or small ranch In central Nebraska. Stock general merchandise, store building and residence in eastern Nebraska, for farm or ranch In Nebraska. Address A. J Yarrlngton. Wahno. Nh Z Mfr.7 18 PRINTING PRINTING LVNGSTAD MEMORIAL CARDS; ar tistic designs. S. E. Cor. 1U SU uj Capllut Ave. -lis ""fcevenlnsr edition ml antll p. m. for j Hate 1 1-ise a word farat Ineertlon, ( SJf a word thereafter. Nothing Ultra for Iraa than 2n for the flrat laser- mt ba WANTED MALE HELP FALL TEHM OMAHA COMMERCIAL, COLLEGE Opens September 4 In new building. Nineteenth and Farnam All business branches Shorthand. Typewriting. Tele graphy, ln Art, Cartooning. Night sehoot starts now. Write for catalogue. Address ROHRHOUG1I BROS. WANTED FOR U. B ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 21 una Si. citizens of United Stales, of rood character and temperate hahlta, who rend and speak English. 1-or further n- formatlon apnlv to Recruiting; Officer 13th and Douglas Bin.. Omaha,: Lincoln, rseo., co CO" Sioux City, la. B-s.S TllRKH men of rood appearance; steady employment. C. F. Adams Co., 1019 Howard DRUO stores bought and sold. Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, 624 N. Y. L. 13 902 THREE bright active men capable of earnrr.g $3o weekly ror traveling position. Apply after 10 a, m. and 4 p. m. Manager, I Ware Blk. B M2n5 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing trade: great demand for graduates. day; many complete course two months; Frartuates admitted to union ana waster lumbers' association. Coyne Pros. Co. Plumbing Schools, New York, Cincinnati and St. Louis. (Day and night class.) For free catalogue address 23 10th Ave., New York. B 850 HARNESS MAKERS AND COLLAR CUT TERS WANTED For both .light and heavy work. Experienced men only. Run full time the year round. Steady employ ment, good wages. Come at once or write Marshall-Wells Hardware Co., Duluth, Minn. B M 715 23 A POSITION guaranteed or no pay. If you are In need of a position, call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B 2S BOILERMAKERS WANTED Contract and repair work; come to stay as want steady men. uttumwa .ttoiier ors, Ottumwa. Ia. B 874 19 WANTED Experienced candy maker for retail confectionery store; good wages to right party. Apply at Lincoln Candy Kitchen. RM-S80 18 WANTED First-class porter (white) for B-P13- saloon. 723 8. 9th Bt. PRINTERS WANTED Non-union; high wages. Address Eugene saenger, nmux Falls. S. D. B-M967 IS I WANT several male stenographers at 15000 to 175.00. Must be reiiahif rapid and accurate. Can you fill the bill? Pollcltor and collector for Insurance. Window trimmer, out of city, good salary. Representatives for Gen. Md.e. Co., salary or commiHion. Manager for mining store (Investment), salary 11.2mm. HART. 401 N. Y. LIFE. B-MP90 20 BARBER wanted, young man, $10 to 315 a week: steady lob; no bum need apply. Wire at my expense. H. J. Eastman, Os borne, Kan. w M1S2 isx INTELLIGENT, active young man to learn drug business, w. A. Plei, istn ana Farnam. B M227 MOI.ER Barber College, lllfi Farnam St., wants Vi men to teacn Darner traae ana take positions waiting graduates; few weeks completes; can nearly earn ex penses before finishing; qualified teachers, careful examinations, practical experi ence. Call or write. B M276 22x WANTED Thoroughly experienced window sign writer. Apply J. L,. wranaeis Hons. B-303 19 WANTED FEMALE HELP 0 working girls. Canadian office. Dodge. 15th and C 963 WANTED Competent nurse girl; small C 643 family. 1117 B. 3'tn Ave. COMPETENT girl or woman; general housework: must be good cook; no wash ing. 1248 S. 10th St. C 854 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; four, in family; good wages; references required. IX S. 30th. C 873 19x COMPETENT girl for general housework. 636 S. 29th Bt. C 972 18X WANTED A cook at The HlllBlde. 102 N. 18th St. cQtn irx GIRL for general housework. Mrs. F. D. Wead, 502 S. 40th. Tel. Ash 4S071. C M212 19 MOI.ER COLLEGE 1114 Farnam St., wants Indies to learn nalrdressing. manl c'Tlng. facial massage, chiropody and electrolysis (removing hair by electric ity). Few weeks completes by our method; careful examinations, qualified teachers, practical experience. Call or write. C-M24 22x WANTED Good girl for chambermaid and dining room work. 1818 Capitol Ave. C-M231 18 COOK nnd second girl for small family. Mrs. M. Tvy, 2017 Dodge St. C M16 20 SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED Matron or house keeper for hotel or private house. Neat refined widow, 64 years old. First-class references. No objection to leaving city. Address 1641 Georgia ave. A M928 19x WHEN In need of office help give me a call. I have several first-class book keepers and general office men. These are thoroughly reliable. I have aeveral flrat-closs experienced lady stenographers and good otllce girls and caxhlers. I supply these free of charge to Employers and can guarantee all of them. Give me a call. HART. 401 N. Y. LIFE. A M989 20 AGENTS WANTED A RESIDENCE agent In each county, can easily make 35 per day. For particulars, address. The Farmers Friend. Holdrege, Neb. J MISS ibx FOR SALE FARMS 160 acres, Improved, four miles west of South omuba, inw an acre. HARRISON & MORTON. 912-913 N. Y. Life. "Tel. 314. N.-E8CT 19 FOR SALE 1.960 acres of fins land ly ing in snanow water ousm, in f inney county, Kansas; 1,1m acres airaira laud water rrom o to id reel rrom suriace; about 2t feel to water; land all clear of encumbrance; good soil; abundance of good water; price, 313 per acre. Address Lock Box S3, Spencer. Neb. -635 20 FOR SALE A fine farm of 146 acres; all fine corn land except 20 acres of pasture; J miles from a good market and miles from Missouri Valley, la. Good improve ments. Will consider $3,0o0 In good In come Omaha property. Price $65,110 per ere. Address Lock Box 675, Missouri Valley, la. too THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 60,006 hemes of farmers and stock raisers, so it you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The coat of an advertisement Is sinull 2 cents per word ui small type, or $J S per inch If set in large type. FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS GOOD hand-nutde gardener's wagon, near. ly pew- $5. Top delivery wagon $23. Leather-top carriage $40. Two fine traps Rur.ubouts and top buggies. Rubber-tired phbeton $25. DKUMMUND CARRIAGE CO, 18th and Harney. P 187 830 ELEGANT Stanhope, with rubber tires, at h,lf price. Also wire wheel runabout, with cushion tires and ball bearings. A big snap for someone. Johnson A Dan tuith, b. W. Cor. loili and Jones Sts. P FINE, big work mare; ness on good terms. heavy Concord har 43d St. and Center. P MO LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORN E V 8 everywhere. The New Snow. Church Co.. main fl.. N. Y. Lite. Phone Ui. 13 . U. UacfarWiid, 3o4 N. Y. Ls Bldg. Tel. 1552. An Assurance Is what you gtt when yu FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RFNT Nicely em. 21:21 Douglas. furnished room: mod E M955 IS FOR RENT Nicely S. 25th Ave. furnished rooms 110 E MW1 18x FURNISHED room at 2224 Chicago Bt.. strictly modern, with 'phone. Phone Douglas. 6726. K MD62 18x NICELY furnished parlor, with piano, sleeping room adjoining; large room on 21 floor, with stationary bowl. 220 N. lUth. Tel. Red-liX. E M963 3 NICE rooms, all modern, Including heat, from car. 2K E 909 11U. good location; H block Grant St. FURNISHED rooms, light housekeeping single or en suite for 808 8. 21st Ht E M208 19x ' LARGE nicely furnished front room and alcove; alo single room. Ill N. 2oth St. 'Phone 2.-32. E-2J-4 19x HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ground floor, some suitable for men. 1712 Jackson. E M294 19x 17T7 CALIFORNIA, one housekeeping. room for light E 200 lHx TWO rooms, single or ensulte; all con- venlences. 221o California Bt. E 28S 19x LARGE parlor room, with alcove; all con veniences. 2C16 California. E 2S9 19x NICELY furnished, large front room; also front parlor and two small bedrooms; modern. 1015 Douglas. Telephone AitSl. E 292 19x FURNISHED room for gentleman, private family. 31 N. 18th St. E-442 2?x ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th A cfJc' DEWEY European hotel, 13th & Farnam. fc 968 VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. E WO ROOMS and good board. 35 up. Call 1517 Chicago St. per week and E 961 Tel. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks E M554 NICELY furnished room for two gentle men, modern. 116 N. 2&th. E 411 fcx SUITE OF 4 large modern rooms; tnree furnished; one block from car on ouuio vard; fine location; no children; refer ence. 2(04 N. lHtri E - FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave.; board; verandas, ample lawns, ininj trees.z-tuBtlc seats; home cooking; hot and cold water; reasonable rates. F 963 Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks F M566 FURNISHED room for gentleman, private family. 310 N. lath Bt. rvtc CENTRE HOTEL, 210 N. 17th St., adjoining rooms with board, per weea aim up wards. Tel. B 2547. F M926 lSx PLEASANT east room for married couple or two gentlemen; laniuy tame. Aooiess B 24, Bee. F M225 19x NEWLY' furnished room, with board; modern; In private lamuy; nome cooa ing. 309 N. 26lh St. F-296 19x FURNISHED rooms and board; modern house; first class table Doara. ins capi tol Ave. ErMl?2l UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR rooms, modern, parlor floor. VJl?,8 28th St. , , un! FOR RENT HOUSES HOI ICPn ' all parts of the city. R nUUaiiOt, peters A Co., Alee Bldg. D-tl THE Omaha Van A Storage Co. pack, move and store 11. 11. goous. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Oltlce, 1511 Vs Farnam. lei. 1559. D m VL MOVE pUinos. age Co. Tel. 1496. Maggard Van 4 Stor Gthce. 1713 Webster St. ii 663 UDI ICCC In all parts of the city. iheO. nUUDCJ t, Davis Co., 60S Bee Bldg. Dto4 HOUSES, insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. ROOMS, houses, stores. Xlxard, 220 N. 234, D MtJO PIANO moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1626, Bcnmoller A Mueller. Le-937 2614 SU Mary's Ave., modern; $40. DM9S8 6-ROOM house, modern, good repairs, $11 82d and Wright Sts. 'Phone 623. D 117 FOR RENT 7-room and 8-room houses, all modern, near high school and Crelgh ton college; $30 and $32.60. Inquire at H07 N. 19th St. D 411 1641 8. 29TH AVE., modern. 2-story brick dwelling, rooms, facing Hanscom Park; rent $10. Inquire 1115 8. 324 BL J. N. Richards. D 623 FOR RENT 4 1521 N. 18th St. Paxton Blk. nice' rooms; "city water ;! 512. c. M. Bacnman. 436 D-8S9 WEST PARNAM district. 7 rooms, recep tion hall; best of plumbing; all modern. 3520 Dodge St.; $40 per month. Forgan Haskell Co.. 315 N. Y. Life. D M-932 FOR RENT. $25 00 per month fur 6-room modern flat, 1615 Howard St. $2600 per month for 8-room. all modern house, 2i24 Caldwell St. $a no per month for 12-room modern house, 7o9 S. 29th St. GEORGE A CO., 1801 Farnam St. D M100 19 -ROOM house, modern, furnace and barn, $26. 1314 8. 27th. D-M9X5 19 NEW cottages. W blk. south of 20th and Vinton; every convenience; finished about Uct 1; is. uoiu m FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 3i r trsi 111 uuik mug. 1-116 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office which rents for $10.00 per month. Price Includes heat, light, water and Janitor service. It Is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and 1 just the thing for anyone wanting a nice little office In the best office building In town. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents. ground floor, Bee nidg. 1 id FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT. BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This uulldlng is 22, 136 feet, four stories and basement. The basement is ZlxUi feet, Is cemented. The celling over the baement has a brick vault and Iro-i beam construction, makelng the basement rire- f,roof. The first floor has a marble floor In rout and granolithic floor In rear. There is a large burglar-proof vault and a power elevator. The upper floors have windows on three sides. Address, The Bee Building Co., C. C. Rosewaler, Secretary, Room 100 Bee Blag. 1 su IF you apply at once w can give anyone desiring a large office space almost any arrangement they desire. This space Is on the sixth floor of The Bee building, w'th north light. R. C. Peters 4 CO, rental agents, grouna nuor, cue uiag. - 1-771 DANCING ACADEMY MORANPl adult rlaases are now open; lessons Tues. and Frl. (. n. m.: 12 lessons. lad:s, $6; gentlemen, $7: former and hlL'h school pupils and college students. 64. lei. 1041. Private isssous 011. -i3 Ol of a Sale for What You Have use Dee Want Ads They reach the buyers and make sales A TRIAL, WILL CONVINCE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR 8 ALE. 320-acre farm. Improved, close to town. Dodge Co., Neb. A bargain at $60. ISO acres. Improved. Lancaster Co., 4 -miles from town, good land, very cheap, at $56. 240 acres, best Improved fsrm In l'olk Co., Neb. A decided bargain at $65. 80 acres, fine land and good Improvements, Hamilton Co., near Aurora. This a fine home; $75. Some good farms in Hamilton and Clay counties at $50. Nuckolls and Webster county farms at $30 to $45. A. J. Yarrlngton, Wahoo, Neb. RE-M960 18 A BARGAIN New J-story, 7-room house, strictly mod ern, never been occupied. lHth and Bur dette, corner lot, boxi3i, permanent slde walk, specials paid. Telephone A -841 6 RE M219 13x WRITE for illustrated pamphet describ ing two ranches In the corn and alfalfa belt. Willis Caldwell. Broken Bow, Neb. RE 977 THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY'S abstracts of title are the best. Our customers are protected by a $10 000 surety bond against loss by errors. When you buy or sell real estate, demand a "Midland ' abstract. 1614 Farnam St., N. Y., Life Bldg. N. P. DODGE. JR., PRESIDUNT. RE 974 LAND DEEP. RICH. BLACK soil, gently rolling. Big crops of alfulfa, corn, small grain and tame grass; good as lows; in central South Dakota; homestead relinquish ments, $i0 each; deeded land from $4 to $12; terms easy: act quick for homestead. O. P. Bunnell. 722 N. 19th St., Omaha. RE M958 17 CHAS. Williamson Co.u- RE 980 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R,, Omaha. Neb.. Dept. "A. RE 979 GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES Wholesale and Retail. BURGESS - GRANDEN CO., Formerly P. M. RUSSELL FIXTURE CO. Ill SouUi 16th Bt. Telephone 681. R1C 97s FOR SALE Large house, two barns and two full lots, on North 18th St.. only $4.6u0. This Is a bargain. THOMAS BKENNAN. Room L New York Life Bldg. RK M169 FOR SALE Beautiful 12-room home near West 40th St. Address 120, care Bee. RE MS91 WE are putting rn the market one of the best uwn prorcrtlec In the Creek Nation, I. T. ; terms, time or cash; whether you seek an investment or aacney, inform us and wc wdl mail you full Information. Trtnton Realty Co., Trenton, I. T. KE-1I U WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE . FARMS, RANCHES AND CITY REAL ESTATE. WEBSTER & MILLER, OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BLDG. RE 96U3 $2,000. An almost new 6-room house, modern except heat, in Bemls park. Reception hall, open stairway; rooms are large, with high ceilings; lot 61x140; high and sightly. 11. A. BTKAVENSON. Board of Trade. Tel., Black 6SS9, RE-M304 20 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. EASY TO GET. EASY TO PAY. WHEN YOU WANT MONEY Why not go where vou can srat It eheaneat and from an old established firm who handles their own money. Establish a credit with them that will be of value to you In the future. We loan on furniture. pianos iivs stock and salaries. Small WEEKLY or MONTHLY PAYMENTS, which are suspended in case of sickness or out of employment. Facts are. w want your business. Established 1889. Duff Green Loan Co. and 9 Barker Block. TEL. 4051. X451 Our Money is loaned on furniture, pianos, live stock and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. Our rates are as low as any; our service is quick and quiet, and we never charge fur making papers or notary fees. We want your business if you ever borrow money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 30$ South ICth Street. Tel. 229C 119 Boaid of Trade Bldg. (Established 1392.) X-10 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE AND PIANOS, AT LOWEST RATES. UCICK K.ST SERVICE AN O MOST CONFI DENTIAL TREATMENT. The annoyance of owing bills In sevnra.1 places may be eliminated by obtaining enough money of us to pay all your debts and at the same time establishing credit with 'an old, reliable firm, where you can obtain money whenever vot need it. Lib. eral rebate if paid sooner than agreed. Pri vate interviewing room. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. $07-8 Paxton Blk. X 30$ LOANS! L0ANS1! LOANS!!! ON FURNITl RlC PIANOS AND SAL ARIES. AT THE LOWEST RATES ' TI1E WESTERN LOAN CO.. $13-$14 Neville Blk., Cor. ltith A Harnoy Sts. A.-S24 CHATTEL LOANS. we nave money to loan at a reasonable rate on diamonds, pianos, household lurniiure or oinei guoa criattei securi ties to parties whose position in life re quire mat such transactions be made and held In strict confidence. Union lxxtn ana inveiuuvut v. v., la let. 2Vo4. X-lls BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on fueni, ture, pUnos, horses, cows. Plain note If sieauuy tmiiiuj cu. ,m 4. j. &4iia. x-m MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices in cms principal coies. iuiinun, room 714. New York Life Bldg. X-J14 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew- eiry, norses, ouoa, cic k,. r . neea, ait B 13. X-lll CHATTEL and SALARY LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. TeL 745. 632-$ Paxton Block. x-aos CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans Foley Loan Co.. 15c4 Farnam St. X 19 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X-UO MONEY loaned on . furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates Dr. Prlblie now, room 214. at 2o9 8. 15th St. Tel. B-94. X MUM) DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co.. $00 Douglas Blk. -954 MISS day. BROWN does dressmaking Tel. 6390. by the -T71 IN FAMILIES, Miss Sturdy. 'Phone Am . 954 PERSONAL ACCORDION anl SUNBURST PLHATING. ruching, buttons AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THb GOLDMAN PLtAlING CO v DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 1M1 L 9l TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE $ .30. U 901 'PHONE 701 and your piano, $2, Farnam. man will call and tune Perlleld Piano Co., VU1 U-992 M AGN F TIP1' eatment A baths. Mme. mTiVJM C 1 I'watrlUi, 118 N. 15, 3d fl . r.3 U 3) TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 18th. U-9K3 F ACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1625. Bcnmoller & Mueller, piano makers. U-99S LARSON A JOHNSON-Cut rates to all points. 140$ Farnam. Tl. 1935. Member American Ticket Brokers' association. U-99J PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once. ll.Ou weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. 1'erfleid Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. U-997 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th t.. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call phone 4136 and wagon will call. U 511 FRIVATE home during confinement; . ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Uardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. 6311. U-9i WE RENT sewing machines. 75c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines. $1 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663. Cor. 16th and Harney. U 99S OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. L 1000 MALLETT'8 Cereal Coffee, healthful, nourishing; best thing for indigestion 16c per pkg. all grocers. U Ml' I.ADY agents to sell DENTA -BLEACH, finest tooth preparation In the world; for sale at all druggists or sent postpaid on receipt of 5oc. Eureka Chemical Co. (In corporated). Omaha. Neb. U 901 DR. ROY, Chiropody. R. 2 4 3, 1506 Farnam. u 100 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans .and warrants. W. Farnam Smith St Co.. 1320 Farnam St. W 9ti4 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. W-905 GARVIN BROS.. 1004 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; 110 delay; get our terms. W 906 LOWEST rales, city property; 6 P. C. on farms in eastern Neb. Bemls, Paxton Blk. W 9ti7 BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per ceit. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Block. W 963 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Douglas. W 909 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence properey in Omaha; lowest rates, no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W 970 WANTED-Cltv loans. R. C. Peters Sc Co. W-971 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas. 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. ltsis. W-072 LOANS on. Omaha Improved property, or 10 buna witn; can pay 11 oncx in mommy payments. Hastings A Heyden. 1609H Far nam St W 973 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CHATELAINE SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES PR PrO P H GERMAN. SPANISH. ritl LB Davldge Bldg., 18th & Fsrnnii 974 E. D. KECK, Voice Teacher, Miss Joy Keck, assistant and teacher of piano. Studio, Davldge Bldg., 18tn and Farnam. 8'JS 82; KENT-Volce specialist. Wlthnell Bldg. -579 Tel. L647I. ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES. in French, Spanish or German; learn to speak In 25 lessons, business correspond ence 50, to read literature fill GUARAN TEED. F Peltier. 115 South 2"th. 832-Oct1?x THE DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR GET premium lists and entry blanks for tne iuir at uougias rnnting company, 1608 Howard street. Premiums Increased In Textile and Canned Goods Depart ments. Fair September 27 to October 7. For particulars address G. W. Hervey, secretary, Twentloth Century Farmer. 919 IS OSTEOPATHY Johnson 1664. Institute. 614 N. Y. hl47 Tl ' -117 'A MRS. JOHN R MUSICK., Osteopathy phy- slclan; office, Neville Blk. Tel. 223. -lit LOST AND FOUND LOST In Council Bluff or on csr between Council Bluffs and Omaha, gold watch fob attached. Reward for return to 816 3rd Ave., Council Bluffs. Lost 302 lSx CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 So. 10th St.. upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. S-04T PATENTS H. A. 8TURGES. registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. 517 N. Y. Life. Omaha. -957 FLORISTS HESS A 8WOB0DA. 1416 Farnam. -120 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. TeL 1268. -481 COVER 3 MEAT NOTICE! UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF Agriculture, office of the Secretary.-September 11, 19u4. Notice Is hereby given that the Secretary ot Agriculture has under au thority conferred by law Issued an amend ment, described ss amendment number one. to rule two. To prevent the spread of scabies In cattle. This amendment with draws from quarantine the following area: The states of Washington snd Oregon; all that part of the state of Kansas lying east of the western boundary lines of the ruuitles of Smith, Osborne. Russell Bar ton. Stafford, Pratt and Barber, all that part of the state of Colorado lying west of the summit of the Medicine Bow ranre of mountains In Larimer county, the west line or tiouiaer, unpin, jenrerson, Teller, Custer, Huerfano, and Ias Animas counties, and also that part of Colorado lying west of the Ninth Guide Merldan west In Fremont county: the counties of His Horn Vi-Amn Sweetwater and Uinta In the state of Wyoming; all -that part of the state of Texas lying east or tne lmtn merldan of longitude west of Greenwich and north of the 29th parallel of north latitude; the counties of Ban Juan, nio Arriba, Taos, McKlnley. Bernalillo. Santa Fe. Valencia, 6ocorro, Lincoln, Grant, Sierra, Luna. Donna Ana, and Otero In the territory of New Mexico, and all of the territory of Oklahoma except the counties of Wood ward and Beaver. Tha quarantine plured 1 bv Rule 3 upon the abovs-descrlld terrl- I . . . -.11 . , v.- .er.lve n u ..a .r,.. i"i j 1 1 1 " - - - 1 September 16. 1906. on and after which date this amendment, shall become and be ef fective until otherwise ordered. Notice is also given that the Secretary GOVERNMENT NOTICES I of Ast leiilTu. f das issuer) mm a in"ii.lment. described as amendment numl"r one, 10 the regulations of tne Secretary ot Agri culture covering the Inspection, ills 11 fectlon. certification, treatment, handling, and method ard manner of delivery and shipment of Hock which Is the sub ject of Interstate rommeice. This amend ment modifies Regulation 10. J9. 20. .1. 21 1 and 24 Copiea of Ih- amendment to Rule 2. and copies of the anientlment to the regulation" msv bo obtained from the Chief of the Bureau of Animal industry. f-whose addrss Is Wusl Inaton. D C W M. Ilavs. Acting Secretary oT Agrlculturo. sl5-l-18-19m. CHIEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE. Omaha. Nebraska. Sept. 5. l!lfi. Scale proposals, in triplicate, subject to the conditions, will be received here until it, a. m.. central standard time, Sept. 20 ft, for the construction of one st quarters for Serccnnt Hospital Corps, at Fort Rob inson. Nebraska Full Information fur nished on application to this office, wherA rlans snd specifications may be seen, or to he O. M. Fort Robinson. Nebraska. K.n velopes containing proposals to be marked "Proposals for Hospital sergeant s yuar tars," and addressed to Thos. Swobe. A. t. J. M. eepiB-i -B-y-in-i RAILWAY TIME CARD nilll STATION TRKTII AXD II ARC Y. Colon Pacific. Leave. Overland Limited 9:40 am California Express a 4:10 pm California A Oregon Ex a 4 20 pm North Platte Local a 7 (V am Fast Mall a 1:65 am Colorado Special a 7:46 am Beatrice Local b 1:15 cm WlMIB, Arrive, a S:lt pm a 9 30 am a ft 10 pm a 8 20 pm a 8.30 pm a 7:44 am b 1:30 pm 1:20 are 10:30 pm St. Louis Express Bt. iouls Local (from CouncM Bluffs) Shenandoah I. '.! (from Council Bluffs). JO pm 9:15 am 6:43 cm 1:30 pm Cblcnso, Hook Island e. Pa ci fie KA8T. Chicago Limited a 1:33 am a 7:10 ara a 8 .80 pm a i:30 pm bl1:.V urn s, 9:55 pm a 1:15 pm Chicago F.xpres a 7:36 am Chicago Ex., Local bll:4o am Pes Moines h- l ress. . . .a 4 .30 pm Des Moines Loral Chicago Fast Express, .a 5:40 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain IJm'd..a 7:20 am Colorado Express a 1:30 pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex. a 4:30 pm Colorado Night Ex.... .a 8:56 cm a t .M are a 4:6a pm all -4') am a 7:35 aro Chicago, Milwaukee 4s St. Paal. Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7:5 am all 00 pm Califori la-tlieno.i fc.x...a fc: pm Overland Limited a :5 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:25 am Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm Minn & St. Paul Ex....b 7:25 am Minn. A St. Paul Ltd... a 7:60 pm Missouri raclne. St. Louis Express a 9:00 am K. C. 4 St. L. Ex all. 16 pm Cblcatto A Nortancsiera. 8:10 pm a 7:35 am al0:35 pro S:W am olv i.'i pm a a:05 pui a 6:30 are a (:U pm Local Chicago all.uO am Fast Mail a 8:2a pm Da Wis at Si Paul ... a i:bc vn Dayllgut Chlca t:iA.ain Ltuilled Cnicago a 8:3a pm Local Carroll l. 'n Fust St. Paul a :.:. pro Local Sioux C & St. P. o 3:60 put Fast Mail Chicago Express t, i:6o pm Norfolk & Bonesteel ....a 7:40 xin Lincoln 4c Long Pin ...o 7:lo am Casper at Wyoming ....e 2 6t pin Deadwood 1 Llnoolu ...a 2:5C pn. Hastings-Albion a t.i) piu Des M A Okobojl t.x...a 1:5s aar. 3 45 pm 6:3C am 10.00 pm II.60 pm 9.16 am 9:60 am 7:05 am t: am 2:60 put a :Jo am 10 a am 10: Jo pm a 6:15 pin 6:15 pm 6:16 pm a :ju piu a 7:16 am a 7 u6 pm alu:ju am a 3: J0 pm cUlcsis Great Western. Bt. Paul at Mtun.. St. Paul At Minn . Chicago Limned . Chicago Lxpress . .a :30 pm .a 7.4u urn .a 6:'JV pin .a 6.05 am BtRLtSGTOSi STATIOJI-IOTU 1IA80) Uurlinitton, Leave. Arrive. Denver A California a 4:10 pm a 3:20 pro Northwest Express (....all:10 p. :o pm NeBiaska points a 8:50 an a 7:0 pre Lincoln Fast Mail.... ...b 2:67 pm al2:u6 pm Ft- Crook et riattsrr.'tli b 2 53 pm aw w am u-iiovue A Plattsin'th..a i:50 pm b 8:a Bellevue & Fac Junc....al2:15 pm Believue 4 Pac. June. ...a 3 J am Denver Limited a 7:10 am Chicago Special a 7:25 am Chicago Express a 4:00 pm a 3:66 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:1-3 urn a 7:25 pm Iowa Local a 9:16 am ul0:53tm St. Louis Express a 4:45 pm all:30Tim Kansas City A Bt. Joe..al0:46 pm a 0:45 am Kansas City & St. Joe. .a 9:15 am a 6:06 pm Kansas City 4 St. Joe..a 4:46 pin WEBSTER DEPOT 1 fJTH A WEBITUR Mlasonrl racllte. Nebraska Local, la Leave. Arrive. Weeping Water b 3:50 pm bl2:30 pm CIiIchko, St. rani, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Paasengei ...b 6:30 am b 9:10 pro Sioux City Passenger. ..a z:00 pm all:20 am Oakland Jyocal o 6:5 nm b 9:10 am Emerson Local c 8:45 am c 6:00 pm a dally, ouuiiy except hunn-iy 1 o i.iy except Saturday, c Sunday only, except Monday. e dally ARMY NEWS AND 63SSIP. Fort Meade, S. D. FORT MEADE , S. D.. Sept. 17. (Spe cial.) Thursday Mr. Ilelknsp, who has been the guest of IJeutenant W. O. Reed for some weeks, left for his home In Louisville, Ky. , Major and Mrs. Hunter entertained Cap- -tain and Mrs. Cole. CaDtain and Mrs. Loft and Mrs. Mercur at dinner on Thurs- day evening. September Friday afternoon, September 8, Mrs. Weaver gave a euchre party to the ladles of the garrison. The prizes' were won by Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Hunter und Mrs. Free land. The same evening Lieutenant arid Mrs. B. A. Read gave a dinner. The guests were Major McCulloch. Drs. Siler und Brooks, the Misses Mercur and Mixs Fylpaa. buitirday afternoon, September 9. Mrs. Cole gave a card party to the ladles of the post. Euchre was played and the prizes were won by Mrs. Lott, Mrs. Dodge and Mrs. Read. Monday, September 11, Captain Henry It. Dixon, paymaster, arrived on me morn ing train, ana alter paving tne iro. left for Omaha on the evening train. Monday evening there was an olllcers' hop held In the post hull. There was an unusually large attendance and a most de lightful evening was spent by all. Tuesday evening. September 12, the en listed men gave a dance In the post gym nasium. A great many from hturgis were present and a very pleasant evening was spent by everyone. The Misses Hunter entertained Miss Sands. Miss Pearson. Miss Jones, Lieu tenant Jones, Lieutenant Griffith and Lieu tenant Strong at dinner on Tuesday even ing. September 12. The same evening Cap tain and Mrs. Furlong gave a dinner. The guests were the Minscs Mercur, Miss Sturtevant. Dr. Slier Dr. Brooks and Lieu tenant Foley. Wednesday, September 13, the second squadron of the Sixth cavalry, under the command of Major B. H. Cheever. left on a practice march to bo gone ten days. They will go to Devil s Tower, Wyo. They will make the fame march as was made by the first squadron the week before. Lieutenant and Mrs. Glover, with their two children, returned to tne post on Mon day. September 11. Lieutenant Glover has been away on a four months' leave of ab sence. They have been visiting their rela tives In Alabama. Sunday. September 10, Mrs. Sterrett, wife of Lleutenunt Robert Sterrett. Ninth cav alry, arrived. She will remain for several weeks with her father and mother, Major and Mrs. Hunter. Fort MacKensle, Wyo. FORT MACKENZIE. Wyo., Sept. 17. (Special.) There are at present eight men in the post hospital, five Infantrymen and three ravalrymen. All are convalescent. Sunday afternoon while In Sheridan, Private George De Mar of Troop G, being under the Influence o' Honor. " - trouble with some one, he cannot tell who, and as a result De Mai ,1 . . u .. the left side, near the heart. He was con veyed to the post hoNpltal, where he Is yet under treatmtnt. The electrician who has charge of the electric lights to be constructed In. tills fort was the guest of Captain Parker a few days last week. ' Sergeant Charles C. Cooper of the hos pital corps. Is now being examined for Steward of the hospital. His examination began on Monday. September 11. at the office of the hospital, and is being con ducted by Dr. V. E. 8eazey, post phy sician. During the Inspector general's visit to this fort he condemned fourteen horses. Vhlch will be sold at public auction Sat urday, September 23. 19ou. The suction will begin at 10 a. m. and continue until all the horses ae sold. While out on a practice march In the month of August one of the soldiers of recruit, not being so inr and sitting sist.ilned Injuries tntion to be por- (i tin tl. if l.e would iiiitiniinii his phystoi al', mis us a. soliiicr. He tefo.scd to tin iIitkii the operntlon. nn-i hi-m-c he was re cently ills, barged from the army as being unfit for further iluilis as a soldier. Thursday. September It. was pay day at Fort M.i 1 Kensie. and Lieutenant N V. Fins, for the first time since becoming quartermaster, had the opportunity f ex. cnlslng his authority tis paymaster, ' Fort Hlley. Hnn. FORT RILEY. Kan, Sept. M Special ) Tlo annual r;.orl ot Colonel Edward S, Godfrey. Ninth cavalry, as commandant or the Hcoi.ol of spplleailon for cavalry and field artillery, made Its apiearanee from the school printing office today. It Is a vol uminous document, forming, with Its ap- Isral order sire. It covers, In a thorough, technical and detailed manner, the work of tho school during the fiscal year ended August .'M. and contains the annual reports of the directors of the school of field artil lery, the school of cavalry, the training school for farriers and horseahoers, and the training school for bakers and cooks. In summarising the needs of the school. the commandant recommends the building of two new riding-halls, one single set of barracks for the detachment of bakers and cooks, one dormitory for subalterns, and a bridge across the Kansas river to replace the one carried away In the flood of 19H3. He also recommends that one officer from each cavalry regiment In the United Slates be detailed annually for a seven-month's tour of Instruction In equitation and horse, training, hlppology, and horseshoeing at the school; that, for the next detail of enlisted men to the training school for farriers and horseMioei'S, organisation commanders be railed upon to report the number of grad uates present and the actual needs of the organizations; that, whenever possible, re rnllsted men Instead of recruits be sent to the training schools; and that the school of application be grunted an Increased al lotment of funds. In conclusion, the 00m tnxn.lHnt records his appreciation of the painstaking and conscientious work of the Instructors and of the acceptance by the w ir department In the past of recommenda tions made bv the school boerd. Captain Robert D. Walsh, Ninth cavalry, stationed at Fort Leavenworth, visited his regimental headquarters at Fort Riley this week. Corporal Clayton C. Daggett and Privates Ix-e and Mctiinnis. of the hospital corps, left here this week for Fort Mclowell, Cal., where they will be on duty for a short time preparatory to service In the Philip pines. Cisik J. W. Gilbert, troop A, Thir teenth cavalry, has been transferred to the hospital cotps and will fill the vacancy created by the departure of Corporal Dag gett. I. II Masters, general secretary of the fiost Young Men's Christian association, 1.1s resigned the position and this week left for Ottawa, Kan., to enter the university. It is his intention to agnjn enter the Army Young Men's Christian association work af ter graduating from college. Mr. Masters came here a little more than a year agor when the association wits established, and, und.-r his leadership, It has been brought up from nothing to a flrmly-establlshed In stitution. He made many warm and last ing friendships here. A benefit entertain ment was given him last week at the athletic park, which netted a Bum sufficient to be of material assistance In completing ( his college course. His successor has not vet been appointed, and" In the meantime. Private Harry Stlmpel, troop D. Thirteenth cavalry, Is In charge of the association rooms. Mrs. Talbot, sister-in-law of Signal Ser geant Karigan. who has been visiting here for several weeks, has returned to Havana, Cuba. The Twenty-ninth battery baseball team went to Manhattan .Wednesday, where they crossed hats with the Manhattan team. Major tJranger Adams, artillery corps. Is recovering from sickness which confined him to quarters for a part of the week. The trooim of this command wore paid last Saturday by Captain John M. Slgworlh, paymaster, stationed at Kansas City. Private Stanley Begos has been trans ferred from company K, Eleventh infantry, at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., to troop B, Eleventh cavnlry, at tills post. Work Is progressing rapidly on the new hny shed. The grndlng and the foundations lire finished, and work on the superstruc ture was begun this week. A number of officers went to Forf Leaven worth last Saturday to participate In and I witness the polo games between teams from 1 Fort Riley and Fort Leavenworth and the Kansns City Hunt and Polo club. Recent rains hnd rendered the field so muddy that the tournament had to be called off. First Lieutenant George Steunenberg, I Thirteenth cavnlry. will leave next month ror Moscow, inn., ne naving neen netauea on detached service at that place as instruc tor In military science and tactics In the University of Idaho. Football Is beginning to engage the at tention of those Interested In athletics here, snd several teums are about to be organ ised. First Lieutenant Basil N. Rntenhouse, Eleventh cavalry, has been ordered to Hot Springs L Ark., for treatment in the United , States General hospital nt that place. Contrary to expectations. Veterinarian John Tempany. Ninth cavalry, who has been on leave of absence visiting his family ' at Walla Walla. Wash., for some time, will not return to duty as an Instructor In the training school for farriers and horseshoers here in the near future. He has been de tailed on duty at Fori Walla Walla, to look after the mounts left by the Fourth cavalry when that regiment started for the Philippines last month. Delay In the receipt of the new field artil lery armament has rendered It advisable for the first provisional regiment not to en ter upon the 2u0-mllc practice mnicii which It was under orders to make this fall, which orders have, therefore, been revoked. The delay in receiving the armament has so Interfered with the pro gram laid down that the regiment has now 011 hund work of ntore importance than the practice march, and it Is thought that the dally marches on the reservation will con stitute a sufllcient test of the new equip ment. Private David Allen, of the Ninth cavalry band, has purchased his discharge from the Service. A concrete sight-testing platform, to be i used by the field batteries after their re- j turn from camp to the post. Is to be con- striicted between the Nlnteenth and the j Twentieth battery gunsheds In the artll I Icry subpost. The survey for the plat I form has been made by Captain George H. ' Cameron, Fourth cavalry, who also selected 1 a sito for and superintended the making of - a temporary platform at the artillery camp this week. j Sergeant Miller, of troop D, Ninth ' cavalry, ls offering a reward of twenly i five dollars for the return of a gold watch stolen from his locker last week. 1 The new electric fire-alarm system ls ! now completely Installed and In working : order. It connects the new guard-house with a gong In each section of Carr hall one in the qiiHrtcrmasler's storehouse, and one at the corral. Private Hornsduy, of the Twentieth field battery, recently came into possession of . about $2.501 as his share of his) ' lather's estate. He returned last week from a nine-day's absence, very tired snd looking much the worse for wear. Fortunately, the greater part of his legacy h so ;laed that he cannot spend it St once In riotous living. Sergeant Harris, of the Nlnteenth field battery, recently discharged, has re-enllsted for tho Second infantry, at Fort Logan, Colo. Second Lieutenant J. P. Terrell, artlllery corps, having completed his three-yeer't tour of duty at the school of field artil lery here, will, at the conclusion of the crtlllery encampment, leave for Fort Wash ington, Md., for duty with the coast artll- ' lery. Private Smith, of company M, Second In fantry, stationed at Fort Logan, Colo., spent a few days visiting friends at this post this week. He was stationed here last year as a member of the Nlnteenth battery, field artillery. Veterinarian Charles H Jewell. Thirteenth cavalry, has been granted leave of absence for one month, end has gone east to visit relatives and friends Sergeant Clayton T. Seventh battery, field artillery, and Miss Jessie 8. Sherman, of Fort Riley, were married last week by Chaplain Miller. Sergeant Lee was dis charged by expiration of his term of en listment on the following day, and the couple have gone to Ht Joseph. MoM where the groom has secured a position as fire man on the Missouri Iiclflc railway. Fort Riley was flooded with visitors dur ing the week, ss a result of the annual meeting of the Kansas State Firemen's as sociation held In Junction City, and tha annual street fair and carnival of the town, both of which occurred this week. The new bridge across One Mile creek, la nearlng completion, and will be opened for t raffle the first of October. A detachment of the signal corps, con sisting of Corpoial Taylor Wooton and two enlisted men, are Here from Fort Leaven worth for duty with the provisional field irllllerv regiment, to assist in, developing the system of fire control. The second squadron 01 tne jvintn cavalry, consisting of -troops E, F, O and H. 1 ft Fort I.venworth, Wednesday tu march to this post. The organization con tains 250 enlisted men and ten officers, un der Major James B Erwln, and Is accom panied on the march by a pack-train of twenty-nine mules and nine wagons. A s'op of one. day will le' made at Atchison, Kan., slid the souadron is expected at Fort Riley about September 23rd. The troops will .-.lay here about a week. A polo tournament will be he'd at this post next month, to be partlctpAed In by teams from Kansas City, Fort Ieavta wurth. Junction City and Fwrt R1U. the Tenth cavalry, a accustomed to tiding In Pic stiodle so lu. wt ieli required an 01 a