TIIE OMATIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, IPO,",. 5 GOSSIP OF THE POLITICIANS Fonttitlle Oommoien If cortd by Btntegr Board in Present Campaifn. OLD LAWYERS SICK AT CLERK "FOR JUDGE Mlaht Well Promott Bailiffs Papreme Cnnrt to Brlirh aa Leslie t County Conrt. of The board of strategy of the Fontanelle club, composed of Tom Blackburn. R. B. Howell and John Weinberg, Is working like nailers for victory for the Mar chamber ticket put up exclusively by the Fontanelle rovernors and these men express confidence In landing McDonald In the sheriffs office and Leslie on the velvet cushion of the county bench without the aid or consent of the Insubordinate members of the tribe. A featherhead politician who Is disposed to make light of homaa' candidacy for the county Judgeship, tells this story: Once upon a time a number of New Eng land farmers who did not Indulge In any thing stronger than bottled elder, agreed to surprise one of their set, with a keg of cider, each man to furnish one bottle to fill the keg. The first Yankee thought It would do no harm to mix Just one bottle of water with the elder and acted accord ingly, but aa all the others were of the same mind, the keg, when delivered, was filled with water." and he added, "And that will be the way with our friend Thomas. When the ballot box Is emptied every fel low who Is expected to bring a bottle of cider may have contributed a bottle of water unbeknownst." "When a man fools you once, you are rot to blame. When he fools you the sec ond time, you are to blame; when you allow yourself to be fooled the third time, you ought to be kicked," exclaimed a Sixth ward stalwart." I helped elect Henry Ostrom twice as county commissioner. He made several breaks during the first term, but I excused him for lack of experience. Ills second term, however, was worse, particularly when it taled up with him acting as paid lobbyist for the bridge com bine at the state legislature. That Jarred me loose and I am for I're this trip, though I have never associated with him In ward politics." "I cannot understand for the life of me," declared one of the venerable lawyers with a bald spot on his cocbanut, how any man can expect the 16,000 republican voters of Douglas county to Jeopardise their success In a campaign by Jumping a clerk from a position at the desk In the county court to the county Judgeship, which Is not only a repository of sacred trust funds, but also should be presided over by a man of legal training and a Judicial mind; which, so far as I have ever heard, nobody has ever claimed for Mr. Leslie. It would have been Just as proper for the republican state con vention to have nominated the bailiff of the supreme court for a seat on the su preme bench." The prediction thnt Judge Dickinson will carry the Third ward this year as Gurloy did a year ago, appears to have staggered some good people. Hut there seems to be more truth than poetry In It. What Elmer Thomas will say when the returns are In has not been forecast. Hut, politics makes strange bedfellows, you know. "The fight for sherlfT has got down square between Fred lloyo and Johnny McDonald," said a supporter of the latter yesterday; "The foxy Fontanelle chiefs ore pursuing thelt usual tactics of trying to profit by a division among their oppo ntnts in sending them to Donahoe to make him believe everyoody is for him. It Is currently reported even thnt they have gone so far as to agree. Just to pull the wool over vhis eyes, that they will not put any McDonald workers In the Fifth ward and let Donahoe have the ward by himself. In the meantime they are carry ing on a gopher campaign from house to house In the Fifth ward for McDonald, so thut the men with the vest-pocket vote will come In and vote for McDonald, while the workers at the polls will be shouting for Donahue to divert as many votes as they can from Hoye, for It is well under stood, and thers Is no disguising the fact, that every vote for Donahoe will be half a vote for McDonald when the returns are brought in." "I see," says a member of the Douglas delegation to tke republican state conven tion, "that the seer of the local democratic organ quotes an alleged delegate to the re publican state convention as blaming Chairman Cowell of the Douglas county committee as responsible for Judge Duffle's defeat. This mythical delegate is made to day: " The trouble with us was we had Cowell for chairman of the steering committee. He did not know a soul out In the state and was In no position 'to do us a par tide of good." "The fact Is, as every real member of the delegation knew, Mr. Cowell was not chair man of the steering committee nor even a member of that committee. His only offi cial position In that convention was chair man of the Douglas county committee, and in announcing the vole he only followed the Instructions of the steering committee, or, rather, a majority of It." If It takes a wise child to know Ita own father It will take a wiser child yet to know what will b the outcome of that Third ward ballot liox next -Tuesday night when the votes are counted, so far as the county Judgeship and the police Judgeship are con cerned. The secret service workers of Po lice Commissioner Broateh are plugging hard for Ten Eyck and Thomas. Why for Thomaa can be explained only by the fact W . M . McKAY, CANDIDATE FOR CtUNTY, CORONER REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. DR. McCREW SPECIALIST Diseases of Men Only W Tears' Experience. M Years in Omaha, Varicocele. Uulciure. blood Poison. Weak ness. Book free. Box T64. Office. H5 B. ) Attention Republican Voter Stand By the Regular Organization When marking your ballot at the primary Tuesday, put a cross mark after the names of the following candidates for committeeman in your respective precincts. The names of candidates for committeemen in each district will be printed at the bottom of the ballot. City of Omaha. FIRST WARD. First Precinct William Hutton Second Precinct James Henderson Third Precinct Henry Ehrenpfort Fourth Precinct Joseph Mlsloveo SECOND WARD. First Precinct John Kowalewskl Pecond Precinct B. p. Hoff Third Precinct George S.VNicklas Fourth Precinct Michael Iee Fifth Precinct Melchior Lels THIRD WARD. First Precinct Oeorge Wicks Second Precinct R. H. Johnson Third Precinct Theo. Brown Fourth Precinct H. B. Zlmmun Fifth Precinct W. II. Slmop FOI'RTH WARD. First Precinct H. S. Mann Second Precinct J. K. Boyle Third rreclnct C. W. Hrltt Fourth Precinct F. W. Filch Fifth Precinct 8. C. Barnes FIFTH WARD. First Precinct J. T. Craig Second Precinct Cyrus E. Watson Third Precinct George A. Sargent Fourth Precinct T. J. Wiley J'ifih Precinct Frsnk E. Stone SIXTH WARD. First Precinct K. F. Morearty Second Precinct Charles Hansen Third Precinct E. L. Roberts Fourth Precinct H. C. Tlmme SEVENTH WARD. First Precinct John Grant Second Precinct.... Joseph E. Thatcher Third Precinct Hans P. Peterson Fourth Precinct F. Q. Davie EIGHTH WARD. First Precinct Guy C. Fleming Second Precinct Joseph Scheldt Third Pruinct Julius Helphand Fourth Precinct NINTH WARD. First Precinct M. O. Cunningham Second Precinct Jas. E. Van Gilder Third Precinct John 8. Helgrwn Fourth Precinct Frank H. Gaines Fifth Precinct Robert D. Duncan that Police Commissioner Lee Spratlln Is with Broateh for Johnny McDonald, and as a matter of reciprocity the Broateh contin gent Is enlisted for Thomas, to whom the Burlington Is under lasting obligations for last winter's work In the legislature. As a counter-irritant It Is an open secret that Tom Dennlson Is for Dickinson on account of some decision that was rendered In his favor, while Dickinson was on the bench. "There Is one trait about Tom," said a Third warder, "and that Is that he never goes back on a man who has obligated him." The youngest delegate to the republican state convention was Charles M. Kearney of Stanton, who had Just turned his twenty first birthday. He Is a student at the State university and his friends at home compli mented him In this way. An outline map of the new wards and precincts will be printed In the Monday Evening Bee. Like Bnratf hk. When you head feels like bursting. Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly cure the cause, constipation. 26c. For sale by Sher man & McConpell Drug Co. When planning a business or pleasure trip from Chicago to Buffalo, New York, Boston or any eastern point, you should Investigate the satisfactory service afforded by any of the three express trains operated by the Nickel Plate road. Colored porters are In charge of coaches, whose duties are to look after the comfort of passengers while enroute. Special attention shown la dies and children, as well as elderly people, traveling alone. No excess fare charged on any train on the Nickel Plate road. American club meals, from 35 cents to 11.00, served In Nickel Plate dining cars. One trial will result to your satisfaction. All trains leave from La Salle Street station, only depot In Chicago on f. Elevated Rail road Loop. Call on or address John Y. Calahan, General Agent, 113 Adams St., Room, 2'J8, Chicago. n-U wedding lings. Edholm. Jeweler. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. iloya With Bad Dollar. Four boys came near to grief Sunday as the result of an evening's frolic. After ridlm around town for several houm orlv in the evening, they attempted to buy a. package of cruck-a-Jack from the Greek who sells In front of the Krug theater, of fering In payment a counterfeit dollar. The Greek detected It and told the boys It was cracked. He wanted his crack-a-Jaek back, but the boys Insisted that he give them the change for the dollar. The Greek whose name is Gus Sotter, called an officer, and three of the boys tiuiTicd away, but one stood his ground with the dollar. He was taken to the station, but was released after OMAHA MEN AND COUNT CliEIGHTOX s TENTH WARD. First Precinct Bert C. Miner Second Precinct E. F. Grime Third Precinct John C. Lynch Fourth Precinct William O. Nerkel Fifth Precinct John F. Behm ELEVENTH WARD. First Precinct L. C. Hutchinson Second Pwlnct August Carstens Third Precinct Will Browne Fourth Precinct William F. Gerke TWELFTH WARD. First Precinct o. C. Rcdlck Scnnd Precinct John T. Dillon Third Precinct Dcury W. Alsmnn Fourth Precinct William J. Hunter City of anth Omaha, FIRST WARD. First Precinct Frank E. Jones Second Precinct 1 C. Gibson SECOND WARD. First Preclnrt Frank Fanferletc Second Precinct O. Lepteln THIRD WARD. First Precinct George Seater Second pTeclnet Oeorge M. Johnson FOURTH WARD. First Precinct Harry Rotholl Second Precinct T. Q. Irwin FIFTH WARD. First Precinct Tom Koslal Second Precinct Mike Hanna SIXTH WARD. First Precinct Charles L. Hendrlck Second Precinct John C. Troutan Country Precincts. Benson Dr. H. F. McCoy Chicago Charles Wltte Clontarf Douglas WIUlHm Clements Dundee John O. Yelser East Omaha Claude Perkins Elkhorn J. W. Shimaker Florence J. W. Simpson Jefferson Peter Mangold McArdlo Henrv Schnmer Millard William Von Dohren Platte Valley E. Collen I nlon C. C. Curtis Waterloo Smith Brown having convinced the officers that he had had no part In I he matter. THREE MEN ROB "GROCERY Store of A. Fredrlckson, 22.15 Sooth Twentieth Street, Entered Through Front Window. A call was sent to the police station at midnight by A. Fredrlckson that his gro cery store at Z235 South Twentieth street! nna Deen nroken Into and that three men had carried off some goods through a hole In the front window. He said he had a good Idea who It was. Officers Baldwin and Fit. responded and as they were passing the drug store at 2S22 South Sixteenth street they saw a man between the screen and the door. Thinking his actions suspicious they picked him up and took him with them to Twentieth street. There Fredrlckson and Mis. H. Nelson, who lives across the street at EM South Twentieth, declared that he was the man who had broken the window. The man received considerable punishment before submitting to arrest. At the station he gave his name as Jim Cavanaugh and his residence as 1814 Martha street. Several cans of fruit and about eight cans of coin were taken. The man denied stoutly I're become a candidate for county com that he had had anything to do with the ' mlnslOner. In this office his ability and robbery. He said he was attempting to ! Integrity will count for much In conducting enter the drug store In order to use the : Douglas county affairs with buslncssllko telephone. Mrs. Nelson said the man was well known In the neighborhood and that she could not bo mistaken. He was held on a charge of buiplary. rostnl Card Uuatneas. Germany used 1,161,000.000 postal cards last year. The I'nlted States comes sec ond vlth 770,500,000, and Great Britain third with 613,000,000. The free use of the picture postal card for all sorts of pur poses In Germany accounts for that coun try's big lead. In the matter of letters there Is a different story to tell. In 1903 the number posted In the United States was 4,lCi.OOO,onO; Germany came third with 1 64f .Cm.OtO following Great Britain which has a record of 2.59T.CUO.O0O. LOCAL RREVITIES Fred Smith, of lut'9 Cuming street, was lodged In the city jail early laHt evening. The man Is charged with having- stolen five I aouars iroin 01 ire c narringcon wno re ! Wr" at lw boutn tt-leventn street. Sunday afternoon tne twrM or Clifford county commissioner. I believe his desire Bush, son of Bert Bush, deputy labor com- . , . , , ... mlKsioner, was held from the house, 2a32 tor fflc 18 the result of his investigations Decatur street. Rev. Dr. Herbert Mills then. Mr. Vrf, I think, showed to our Km U!nhdcom,rir1a nT of Light" and "Paradise." Friends of the j public affairs, his figures not only on taxa fttinllv had flooded the little casket with ; tlon. but on the expenditure of the Dublio beautiful (lowers, set pieces with affection- was held at ForeKt Lawn cemetery. THEIR HOBBIES - riajing "Santa Claus." PRIMARY ELECTION FORUM. Doesn't Want Leslie. OMAHA. Sept. l.-To the Editor of The Bee: Of all the republican candidates to be selected for county offices next Tuesday noneehould be more worthy of the sup port 6f every voter on November 7 than the randldate for county Judge. IJe should he a man who can fulfill every test of In tegrity as a man. and ability as a lawyer. Large estates are entrusted to his super vision and property Interests raging in value up to II. POO and Involving complex legal questions are constantly being liti gated before him. We repeat then that the office calls for ability and character of the hlrhest order. Four candidates are before republican voters for the nomination and no voter should make a choice until he has familiar ised himself with the record and qualifica tions of each of them. They are all more or less well-known. Mr. Haller, Mr. Thomas and Judge Dickinson are well known lawyers and Mr. Leslie Is well known also, not as a lawyer, however, but as Judge Vinsonhaler's clerk. Either of the (list three named candidates would, 1 believe, make a creditable county Judge but the last named candidate, Mr. Leslie, could not, I verily belle-e, perform the duties of a county Judge for the simple reason that he Is altogether lacking In legal ability. Mr. Leslie Is not known as a lawyer, never was and probably never will be. Ills whole training has been aa a court bailiff and In the ltne of clerical work and his candidacy for the republican nom ination for county Judge Is nothing short of monumental nerve on his part and monu mental rashness on the part of his pro moters. It may be safely asserted that never be fore in the history of Douglas county has any one so poorly qualified for the office of county Judge aspired to It. Out In some frontier county that is as barren of legal ability as Mr. Leslie It might be Justifiable to nominate and elect such a man to the county Judgeship, but In Douglas county where plenty of capable men are available, It would be altogether unjustifiable. One of the ugliest reproaches populism has to bear is that It took men from the plow and put them on the, bench where In their single terms of blundering they worked In calculable mischief. Does the republican party of Douglas county In the year of our Lord, 1H05, want to merit a like re proach T p. it, I're for Commissioner. OMAHA, Neb.. Sept 16.-Greater equality In the assessment for taxes has been ac complished after several years of con certed effort. Now, more economical administration of public affairs, thereby lessening taxes, Is desired by all, Including those over-as sensed as well as those formerly under assessed and who have stood a raise. To the splendid efforts of W. G. I're are largely due the amount of success attained In equalisation of assessments. To this cause he has devoted many months of time and made many personal sacrifices without remuneration. This perseverance and personal sacrifice was due to his keen sense of Justice and to bring about "a square deol," In the language of the presi dent. The same motive now Inspires him to continue and become a candidate for county commissioner, In which office he could do more effective work In reducing taxation, and those most closely Identified I with tax reform are pleased to have Mr. methods. After Intimate association with him for several year It Is my opinion that there Is no man in the county better qualified to fill that position than he. I think In our public-officials wo should re quire, first, honesty; second, ability; third, fidelity. I am sure In these things he will not disappoint us. Douglas county Is to be congratulated on having a man of this character and ability willing to serve In that office, and I hope he will receive such a large vote as to be an encouragement to our best men to stand for public office. F. D. WEAD. I re sad the Tax Fliit. OMAHA. Sept. 15. 1905. To the Editor of The Bee: A couple of years ago I had the honor of being a member of a tax com mittee which was appointed as the result of a mass meeting In the city hall. We held a great many meetltfgs and were much helped by Information from the Real Estate exchange, and especially from Mr. 1 w. G. Ure. who Is now a candidate for j money, presented a crying need for capable and honest men In office. As a result of Investigations, I understand, certain bridges formerly costing $14,000 are now ; being put in for $6,000 and certain contracts ' are also being enforced, saving upward of i CO per cent to the taxpayers. I believe Mr. ure 10 De an auaoiuieiy inaepenaeni nuvo. It makes no difference to him whether he Is elected or cot. If elected the taxpayers may congratulate themselves and Mr. Ure will deserve our sympathy, but the fraud ulent contractor and tax evader will light no bonfires. DAVID COLE. Example of Servo. OMAHA, Sept. 15. To the Editor of The Bee: I want to ask you If you do not think it takes nerve for a man to seek a republican nomination now who, the last time he ran for office, after be was fairly beaten out Id the republican convention, bobbed up as the democratic nominee? When a man is after office so hard that be does not c&re whether he runs as a republican or a democrat, he Is a good man to steer clear off. We have a candi date who con-esponds to this picture, ask ing for the republican nomination for one of the best offices on the ticket. Repub licans should cot be allowed to forget bis political ommersault of two years ago. STALWART. Bandle for County Cleric OMAHA, Sept. I6.-T0 the Editor of The Bee: One of the Important offices the voters will be called upon to fill at thu present election Is that of county clerk. This official Is secretary of the great cor poration of Douglas county, with all Ita business transactions of every kind passing through bis office. He must have special talent and adaptability to fulfill the re quirements of a successful administration of the office. I believe that Frank V. Bandle Is such a man. He la a long-time resident of Omaha, has been well known ana universally esteemed here for more than twenty years and has never held public office. His record as a business man la such as to commend him to the voters, and those who know bim have no hesitancy in promising him their support for the office at the primaries. A vote for Bundle Is a vote for a clean, honest administration In county affairs.' J. H. W. Commends D. M. Haverly. OMAHA. Sept. 14. To the Editor of The Bee: For nineteen years I have known Pavtd M. Haverly, who Is a candidate for the republican nomination for the office of County clerk. I wish to testify that be U upright In every relation In life. Ha la, by nature and long experience, a flrst-rate clerical or office man. is courteous and ae- crp n of last night caused innumerable losses to plate glass, Plate lass insurance indemnifies against such losses We are also adjusting today numerous s YOMAD LOSSES caused by last night s storm. You should carry Tornado Insurance, if you arc not already doing so. Call up telephone 29 and let us tell you about it. Fo3 ani-9-3-4-R 1 0 W B mm W I W WSWIIMSISiW msswssms mw m mm mm frlni II il II ! Pld'1 " 11 1 WIS H jiiisii sn.y llklWlilnuiwwewi a" msu mmmmmmwmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmr mmm iii.i.i.i " -''rrisY'-'r li'il sf'-inri'-i. im iii'ii-.lni iiitir m m ' 11 . commodatlng and will observe the letter and spirit of the law relating to his du ties, without fear or favor and without graft. lie als- belongs to the fast vanishing number of those who did valiant service for their country In the civil war. Other things being equal, such ought to have the pre ference In the choice of candidates for public office. CHARLES A. GOSS. McDonald for Sheriff. OMAHA, Sept. 17-To the Editor of The Bee: John W. McDonald Is a candidate for the republican nomination of sho-llf. He is of Scottish parentage and has resided In Omaha since 1870. For many years ho was a bollermaker In the employ of the V'nion Pacific Railroad company. During the last fifteen years he has owned and operated with his brother a brass n-il iron foundry and has other mercantile intereiH here. in .sw ne was e.ecieu ..i ..uB.a. county ana neia cne oin.-e .r 10... ,-..,.. Ke refused to be a candidate o el.eriff for another term and since tli"n bis devoted h'i energies to his private business During his administration as sheriff his office was repeatedly check- d n;i by demo cratic officials and was finilly checked by an expert for Douglas countv and hi uc counts were all found absolutely correct In every detail. During his term of office ho pail Into ?he county treasury about J'sOrO in cash, aiter meeting all expenses InclJeiual to the sheriff's office. Mr. McDonj'4 is tho only sheriff who ever turned a dolHr Into the copnty treasury as a surpl is from the effico cf thetiff. The criminal laws of the ftafe wer vigorously and conscientiously executed during his incumbency o' the .1kt. of sheriff. Mr. McDonald was elected for his second term of office by a majority of over 2,100 votes, showing his popularity and apprecia tion by the voters of Douglas county. It was only at the earnest soll-?!tition of numerous friends throughout Douglas county that Mr. McDonald finally consented to be a candidate for the office of sheriff. It U extremely seldom In polltlei! life that a man of such recognized Integrity, BtaMllty and splendid qualifications cnn.be found for a public office. Mr. McDonald made an Ideal sheriff and the people will find In him an able, energetic and conscientious puhlle official as sheriff of Douglas countv. J. JAY FOSTER, '617 Davenport Street. tVh J Support Vostf OMAHA, Sept. 16. To the Editor of The Bee: The following are good reasons why republicans should vote for A. N. Yost for Justice of the peace at tho primaries next Tuesday. Ho has been a resident of Ne braska for more than half a century, during which time he has been an active, republi can worker. In former years he satisfac torily served as Justice of the peace and practiced In the local courts for a number of years. He has a fair knowledge of law and Justice, and Is known as a conscientious and upright citizen. I liuve known him for forty-flva years. F. W. WOLCOTT. Likes HfKsr for Coroner. OMAHA. Sept. 16. To the Editor of The Bee: I desire to avail myself of the op portunity extended to your readers for which I, for one, thank you In the name of the public, as It Is a courtesy extended that is worth something. As is the case with many, I have several friends personal who are now candidates for nomination and as friends, we are apt to be biased. I want to be understood, how ever, that In supporting a man for public office, I' believe he should be supported on his worth and particular ability for the office he seeks, not because he Is a per- l A HO- llSlCAKT III 1 mL. pAKi.m3 i'i,Vl t -if: 'j; -l . " too J ww?i N rva (5 fat Merchants flatinnal sonal friend. That Is how a man Is gov- erned In seeking an employe for his own affairs. The city, county, tate or nation Is the employer, and we as Individuals com posing It, should consider ourselves as such. Having therefore stated my belief, 1 pro pose to support for the effice of county coroner, W. M. McKay, because, he Is a young man of ability and character. He has the confidence and esteem of all who come Into business or social relations with him. He has "proven himself an honest, upright, steady republican, loyal Jo his porty, and well deserves the office he Is seeking. A man diligent and conscientious In business. He should be supported by all. regardless of party, and especially by the rank and file of the party with which he Is affiliated. Allow me nlso to say a few words re garding Charles Leslie. Without doubt there Is no one In Douglas county better fitted for the office of county Judge thnn Ch,rIrs ,,,, For Bnout , . . . h, , . k . ,h county Judge, and as such the people should place him In the chair as a well-earned and much deserved promotion. His tem- perment, education, character and ex perience all mark him worthy of the office he seeks, and a worthy people will support a worthy man. C. H. JANSSEN. Ilooat for Thomas. OMAHA, 8ept. 16. To the Editor of The Bee: I notice you are opening your col umns for correspondence lelatlve to the fitness of various candidates for office and It seems to me thnt this is a most excellent plan to obtain the views of the general rrubllc and one that ought to be appre ciated. If the primary election law Is to be a success In obtaining good men for office. It can only be accomplished by having an in telligent voto from the public, and from the fact that but few men who aspire for office are known by the average voter, It Is of the highest Importance that public Information from a reliable source be given in regard to the various candidates. I may be In error, but my own observation has taught me that we should not entrust positions of responsibility to a man who has not had experience In dealing largely with the affairs of men. A man may be very successful In his own line of business and an utter failure In a political office, be cause he Is unacquainted with the methods and subterfuges brought to bear to accom plish selfish ends In connection with the public office. ,' My thought In this matter seems to me peculiarly applicable to the office of county Judge, Inasmuch as this is a position in which selfish Interests are continually at tempting to gain Us ends and one In which the real parties In Interest are often help less to assert their own rights. My own choice for the position of county Judge Is Benjamin F. Thomas, because he has been tried in the school of experience and has demonstrated his ability to brish aside the cobwebs and get at the merit of a case. Mr. Thomas made a most excellent city prosecutor, was vigorous in the enforce ment of the law, coupled with humanity when humanity was called for. As state senator, he was effective and contributed more than any other one senator In passing laws of benefit to our business and political system. His negotiable Instrument bill has met the approval of every business man and I have yet to hear a criticism upon the voting machine bill of which he Is the author, and I think that his ability, which he has demonstrated to bring these things to a head, Is exactly what la needed In the office of county Judge, and as long as we can obtain a man for that position who has proven himself able to accomplish di rect results. I do not think we ought to try any experiments." A WARD FRIEND. Regain Health A sure, rapid Recovery from disease increased Strength and healthy Appetite result from the use of pHEUSER - This Perfect tonic builds Flesh and makes Rich Red Blood It is a Predigested food acceptable to the weakest stomach. At all druggists and grocers. Prepared by Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis. U. S. Aa nte Rank Bldn. EXTENSION OF NORTHWESTERN Work of Constructing New I.lae Into the Dlaek Hills Being mined Rapidly. PIERRE, T.. Sept. 17. fSpeclal Tele gram.) H. H. Decker of the chief en gineers' department of the Northwestern road Is In this city with a corps of sur veyors to take charge of the work on tho Northwestern extension west from here. The Indications are that the first active construction will be from the Rapid City end of the line with the Intention of get ting to Cheyonne river this fall, allowing I work on both the bridge here and on that stream for the winter. HURON. S. D., Sept. 17. (Speclal.)--Ar.y rumor concerning railroad building In thin state commands attention, but none has awakened deeper Interest than thnt con cerning the extension of the Chicago & Northwestern from Pierre Into tho Black Hills. As to the matter Inquiry at the office of O. H. McCarty of this city, superintend ent of the Dakota central division of tho Ciucni;f oc nuiiiinQvirui tauwaj, LMfJUKUl this reply: You mnv state, with a fair degree of cer tainty. Hint within the year the Chicago A Northwestern company will have trains running across the Missouri river In 8011! h Dakota, and In another year stockmen liv ing on the ranges can ship their stock direct to Chicago. The bridge will be a wagon and foot bridge as well as a railroad bridge, and for Us construction loo.ono tons of steel has al ready been purchased. ' The old Pierre Xi Rapid City railway grade, out of Rapid City for a distance of eighteen or twenty miles, has been purchased by a newly In corporated company, with headquarters In this city. Among the Incorporators are O. H. MeCnrty, division superintendent of the Chicago & Northwestern, and R. W. Stew art, attorney for the same company, and both residents of Huron. Others Interested In tho company are well known Chicago & Northwestern officials, and It is understood that when all preliminaries are arranged the whole concern will be transferred to the Northwestern company. The extension con templated la about 170 miles and is known aa "the Bad River route," surveyed a dozen or more years ago. This portion of the state Is intensely Interested In the proposed road and furthor developments are anxiously awaited. Sonth Dakota Anti-Saloon Leavoe. MITCHELL. S D.. 8ept. 17. (Special.) Tho state convention of the Anti-Saloon League will be held In this city Tuesday, September 26, which will be attended by four delegates from each church In the state. Rev. W. W. Ravens, who has beon superintendent of the league for the past yeur or two, has tendered his resignation and will depart October 1 for the terri tories of Arizona and New Mexico, and his headquarters will bti.at Alburquerque. Mr. Havens has been successful In his work. Two or three candidates a"e mentioned aa his possible successor, although no niius are given out for publication. Wool Sells for Good Prices. DOI'GLAS. Wyo.. Sept. 17. (Special. )-W. F. Hamilton, one of the leading wpol grow ers of this section, has sold his 19o6 clip of wool for 20 cents. Another large wool grower sold for 21 cents, and several deals are on In this section for. next year's clips at prices ranging from 17 to 22 cent. It la believed that more than 22 cents will be offered before the close of the present month. The buyers are anxious to contract for next year's clip, and this anxiety on their part has had the effect of delaying sales, the growers believing they see the possi bility of still further advances. BUSCr TRADE MARK. S