Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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will Join the English speaking conference,
for the dominie can preach as well In Eng
lish as In life German language.
i . i.. T.'. fgl.S (:!! S ff'it-ei.1
m j tram mii5tot
If we can present to you a plan whereby you can secure perfect
health and be started on the road to it at our risk will you consider-it?
We have no remedy to exploit no drugs to prescribe. Our plan is
sane, sensible, scientific diet. And, mind you. our way to health is a
pleasant one. You do not sacrifice the good things of life.
Let us tell you about it. Let us send you the advance sheets of our
book, "The Battle Creek Idea." It gives in clear, simple language the
history of the great dietetic work done at the greatest health institution
in the world. It tells how you whether ailing or only half well can
be restored to vigorous, abounding life.
Write for the book today. Every day of perfect health you miss is
gone forever. And every day without perfect health means opportuni
ties lost, pleasures lost, business lost. You know this 1
And remember we prove to you the truth of our claim. So write
today. Next week you may be on the road to abiding health.
The Battle
Dept. C.
Hundred of Brethren .J tbe Three
Links Afrlve for Sovereign
Grand Lodge Meeting;.
PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 17. Hundreds of
members of the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows and many of their friends contin
ued to arrive here today from all sections
of the country to attend the annunr com
munication of the sovereign grand lodge,
which will be formally opened tomorrow
morning. . .
Robert E. Wright of Allentown. Pa.,
grand sire of the sovereign lodge,-' arrived
tonight and was enthusiastically welcomed
by a large delegation of brother members
of the order. A large contingent of Cali
fornia members also reached here tonight.
Religious services fur the benefit of the
visitors were held this morning and after
noon and were largely attended. The
services In the forenoon were held at the
Arch Street Methodist Episcopal church,
where the Rex. George It. Blckley, Ph. D.,
preached. The afternoon services were held
on the. lawn of the Odd Fellows' home In
the northwestern section of the city. The
principal speaker was the Rey. Dr. Russell
Conwell, pastor of Grace Baptist church,
this city.
Vigorous Health Is the Great Source of
tbe Power to Inspire and Encourage
All Women Should deelt It.
One of the most noted, successful and
richest men of this century, iu a recent
article, has said, " Whatever I am and
whatever success I have attained in
this world I owe all to my wife. From
the day I first knew her she has been
an inspiration, and the greatest help
mate of my life."
To be auch a successful wife, to re
tain the love and admiration of her
husband, to Inspire him to make the
most of himself, should be a woman's
constant study.
If a woman finds that her energies
are fiafrg-ing-, that she gets easily tired,
dark shadows appear under her eyes,
she has backache, headaches, beariog
down pains, nervousness, whites, irreg
ularities or the blues, she should start
at once to build up her system by a
tonic with specific powers, such as
Lydia E. l'inkham'a Vegetable Com
pound. Following- we publish by request a
letter from a young' wife :
Dear Mrs. Pinkhaui:
" Ever since my child was born I bar suf
fered, as I hope few women ever have, with iu
flfuuumtiou, female weakness, bearing-down
pains, backache an. I wretched headaches. It
auectej my sumiacu so i could not enjoy my
meals, aud half mv time v. as stmnt !
als, aud half mv time v. as spnut in bed.
' Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Compound
made mea well woman, and I feel so grateful
that I am gutd to wnu and tell you of my
marvelous reoovery. It broiiglit rue health,
new life and vitality." Mrs. Bwsie Ainsler.
Oil South lith Htroet. Taoma, Wash.
What Lydia K. PinUham s Vegetable
Coiiiiound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will
do for every sick and ailing- woman.
If you have symptoms you don't un
derktand -write-to Mrs. I'inUham, at
Lynn, Mas. Her advice is tree aud
alsy helpful
f jttirj. Bessi tins ley J
Creek Sanitarium Co., Ltd,
Battle Creek,
"Ills Highness the Bey" at the Boyd.
Without too rudely shocking familiar tra
ditions of simple musical satires, the two
Chicago university students who produced
"His Highness the Bey" have given to the
public a most amusing and laughable Uttle
affair. The piece was given In Omaha for
the first time yesterday afternoon and
evening at the Boyd and falr-slied au
diences greeted it. The continuous roar of
laughter and rounds of applause was com
ment enough as to the popularity of the
play with those who saw It. The little play
has been introduced as typically Chlcagoan
and perhaps that Is It. The Hey bears
many Chicago earmarks, chief of which is
his classical name, Mr. Louie Wurtzle
heimer. His highness must not be blamed
for wearing the purple, for the honors were
thrust on him, he being caught In an un
guarded moment In some remote corner of
the orient where a bey had Just been lost
and whose royal pipe, crown, robe and
other little perquisites of Turkish, sov
ereignly were fairly pining for a master.
Herr Wurtslnheliner, originally from Kan
kakee after coining from Germany, re
luctantly yields to the pressure of Interna
tional solicitation to ascend the throne and
he does so with uneven tread until his eyes
chance to fall upon about eighteen of the
most beautiful heritages wTilch the missing
ruler has left to him. Then he comes to
and adjusts himself to these soothing sur
roundings with amazing aptitude. Inci
dentally Mr. Wnrttlchelmer takes his new
friends Into a little domestic secret which
he had been treasuring up In his mind for
his, own. He had originally married the
snake charmer in a side show, so no one Is
surprised at his magnanimity In consenting
to preside over the social end political af
fairs of a Turkish province.
rhll W. Teters is the bey and he keeps
his audience laughing all the time and that
is the purpose of the play. He Is backd
up well by Al Denier as the Russian am
bassador and Justin J. Cooper as caliph of
Harran. The bevy of girls Is as attractive
as those of their pretended functions might
be supposed. Cora Reach Turner as an
American heiress. Mahlo MeCane as a
southern belle ensnared In the harem and
V. H. Thompson as a war correspondent
display good talents as vocalists. The en
tire company does good work.
Vaudeville at the Crelarhton Orphenm.
The second week's bill at the Orpheum
Is a trifle more varied than Its predeces
sor, and is made up of turns that please.
The opening act Introduces three colored
entertainers of more than common ability
Miss Harper. Mr. Desmond and Miss
Bailey according to the bill; one fat, one
lean and one quite black, all good. They
made a hit for fair last night. Another
act that weit like wildfire with the Sunday
evening audience was the Messenger Boys'
Trio, or rather one end of It. Willie How
ard Is a comedian of ability already, and
should develop Into a top-liner. His Imi
tation of Joe Welch is better than Welch.
The others sing well. I-ew Wells has some
new Jokes In his "talk," and plays the i
saxaphone very well. The Wilton brothers
are clever athletes, doing soma fine work
on the horizontal bars, with a lot of funny
acrobatics mixed In. Eatellta doesn't sing
as good2as she looks, ajid she sings well, too.
Her Spanish dance is a trtfle too languor
ous for the Sunday attendance, but It Is
mm f 1 1 inH Inknli'lnij In n m .. - U . . 1 i I
e - - --.iu uuuiu
mane a nit oerore tne week is ended. 8.
Miller Kent comes to vaudeville with all
the faults that marked his career as a I
leading man and a soon-extinguished star. I
He overacts badly at all times and falls I pegree of Honor district convention which
far short of convincing anyone at any has been In session here during th past
time. Ills act Is a weU-ooncelved one. J Wl.ek. closed Friday night, with a public
prsetirally a monologue, but his talent is entertainment In MeCnnell s ball, which
hardly up to the author's requirements. 1 waa largely atlended. Grand Chief of
The bill closes with a series of artistic . Honor Mrs. Mary Latky of Ixlngton was
poses under the direction of Mine. Henri- ; present during the session, alsu all the
etta de Serrla, which are very well done ' district offlcera. The streets were beautl
In every way. Klght subjects are chosen, 1 fully, decorated and Illuminated In honor
and each sfford.i splendid opportunities for of the occasion,
effective groupings. The men and women I .
who make up the groups are fine physical If you have anything to trade, advertise
aiieclmens. aud readily lend themselves to It In the "For Exchange" column On The
the artist's purpose, giving to each set
the warmth of life with the immobility
of marble. This Is one of the finest exhibi
tions of the sort ever given al the Or
pheum. The Klnodrome pictures ore good.
Both performances yesterday were at
tended by large crowds and the turns were
well received.
"Pea-try from Paris" at the Krnit,
"Peggy From Paris" the third Oeorge
Ade production to play In Omaha within
a week opened at the Krug theater yester
day to two big audiences. The musical
comedy scored well and continues to hold
Its own as a maker of laughter and en
cores. Two things about the present com
pany force their way to the front. The
first Is Clara Martin, who has the part of
Lutle Plummer, and the second Is the
chorus, which Is munificent In good looks
and vivacity and wears nico, bright clothes.
Miss Martin's voice Is like a dew-drop In
the desert, presuming the desert to be the
result produced by managers who hire
first for beauty and second for song, In
recruiting. Besides singing Miss Martin
manages to keep one anxious to have her
appear again.
Arthur Deagon is still Reglnall Hlckey,
the useful boy, and is the main comedy
prop, having grafted In some new ones on
the old trunk. Julia West, the Peggy, was
hampered by a bad cold. She Is fair to the
sight and manages a trailing skirt with
great dexterity. Percy Bronson has a
good tenor voice hut does not appear to
overwork It. Eva Bennett, as the chorus
lady who has issued from an alley. Is sweet
and attractive and not tough enough by
half. As the grotesque wife of the angel
banker Minnie Olton does all that reason
can ask. One Is forced to wonder where
Olivette Hnynes studied German dialect.
It fiys the track pretty often, but she made
good with her "Henny" song.
E. H. O'Connor, hardly forces the tears
Of hilarious laughter to the eyes as Captain
Alonzo Plummer. But he enunciates the
words of topical songs plainly. Care Is
ur.ed In staging the piece aud the chorus
In Its color, prettiness and linger covers a
multitude of small blank spaces.
"The Girl 1 Left Uelilnd Me" at the
Two capacity audiences were present at
the Burwood yesterday to witness the pre
sentation of "The Girl I Left Behind Me"
by the Woodward Slock Company. The
play moved very smoothly and was much
enjoyed by the audiences. The manage
ment has determined to make the Tuesday
matinees at the Burv.ood "professional,"
and will open the doors of the theater on
that afternoon to all members of the pro
fession who may be sojourning In Omaha.
This ought to prove a popular thing, for
Omaha Is quite a center for actor folks
nowadays, nd the Burwood will be a
pleasant place for them to spend an after
noon. Cracksmen I adrr Arrest.
TABLE ROCK. Neb., Sept. 17. (Special.)
Early this morning the marshal arrested
two men at the depot on the charge of
gambling. When he returned from the fire
which destroyed Tlllotson's store he found
other members of the party for whom he
had been looking. In the city Jail talking
with the prisoners through1 the bars. He
I rlaced them under arrest. A few mlniit
i.t hnv cm. into the tail .
age, which he said a colored woman had
asked him to deliver to the prisoners. It
was opened and found to contain nitro
glycerine. Search was at onre made for
the woman and she was also arrested. In
two grips she had with her a full set of
burglar tools. Including saws, drills, fuse
ana aaric lantern
The officer thinks he
hss made an Important rapture.
nearer of Honor Convention.
m cook Neb.. Sent. 17 -iHnecial iTh.
, Bee aaut ad
Result of Eepublican 8t! ConTention
LetTfS Thm Adrift.
One Ronrhon War Horse Would as
Soon Vote for Antl-rorporntlon
Republicans as t online
to Vote for Popallats.
(From a Start Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. IT. (Special.) The dem
ocrats will hold their convention Tuesday
to name a county ticket and select dele
gates to the state Convention to be held the
day following. A number of the wards held
caucuses last night, and In the Seventh
resolutions were adopted commending the
republicans of the state for adopting reso
lutions demanding the regulation of rill
roads, and claiming the same has always
been a populist contention. It Is likely
the populists of this county will not go to
the trouble of holding a county convention,
as It would be Impossible for them, without
the old reliable Tibbies, to get a corporal's
guard to attend such a convention.
That the democratic state convention will
follow the example cited and endorse the
republican state platform and go It one
better by endorsing the republican candi
dates Is possible, but, of course, not proba
ble. A Lincoln democrat who Is really
sincere in desiring the regulation
of the railroads of the state, said the
best thing the democratic state convention
could do would be to commend Governor
Mickey and Treasurer Mortersen for their
work ns members of the state board of
assessment, and to cemmend Norrls Brown
for his work as attorney general, and to
top It all off by condemning the Union Pa
cific and Burlington railroad for not pay
ing their taxes. Then, by endorsing Com
missioner Letton and the candidates for
regents nominated by the republicans, a
real movement for reform would have
been accomplished by both parties, and
the fight would be the people, united,
against the corporations. He thought that
after voting for populists so long the dem
ocrats could not do better than vote this
year for the antl-corporatlon candidates In
the persons of the republican nominees.
Other democrats, however, will Insist on
going through the formality of nominating
party candidates and adopting a platform
with more rhetoric than that adopted by
the republicans.
Echoes of State ConTention.
Lancaster county republicans have not
yet "come out" of It. but are still flghttna
over their scrap pulled off In the late re
publican state convention. C. S. Allen, a
member of the Board of Regents of the
State university, came out first In a signed
communication in which he took the people
of Lincoln to task for not standing by John
H. Ames In better form when the latter
was before the convention as a candidate
for supreme Judge. This morning Dr. Fin
ney, one of the delegates, retaliated over
his own signature by taking Judge Ames
to task for trying to vote the delegation
for a corporation candidate, after he laid
down in the fight. Dr. Finney thinks the
action of the delegation In splitting up In a
fight was the best thing that could have
happened and that It will prevent In the
future the naming of delegates who can be
pitched over Into some other camp like so
many cnttle when a local candidate Is
through with them.
Another Democrat for Governor.
A number of democrats In Lancaster
county are busy Just now In running P. E.
McKlUlp of Humphrey for governor, even
though the convention Is a year from now.
They are talking McKlUlp because of tho
splendid showing he made against Con
gressman McCarthy last year and of the
fact that he secured all but three votes in
his home precinct against his opponent. It
Is understood here that McKlUlp would
prefer this time to take a throw at the
governor's chair than to tackle the con
gressional fight a second time. It Is said he
can have the latter nomination without op
position, but bis friends are going to Insist
that he make the race for governor.
It Is claimed that Fred' Abbott of Colum
bus, nominated for regent of the univer
sity by tbe republicans, will secure more
democratic votes than any republican nomi
nee. This because Mr. Abbott Is an old
university boy and the editor of a news
paper. A democratic newspaper man was
tn Lincoln many weeks before the repub
lican state convention urging the nomina
tion of Abbott and he Is authority for the
statement that Abbott will receive much
democratic support. Whether the demo
cratic editors will be strong enough to get
the democratic stnte convention to endorse
him is another question.
Testimony tn Grain Case,
Attorney General Norrls Brown will take
testimony tomorrow In the senate chamber
In the grain case, preparatory to making
his argument for a permanent injunction
against the operation of the alleged trust
the following day Jn the supreme court.
The attorney general has scads of testi
mony In support of his contention. In get
ting which he has been materially assisted
by the independent elevator "men.
Supreme court will meet Tuesday for tho
first time since the adjournment last Julv.
All of tho Judges have been out of the state
on their vacations and with the exception 1
of Chief Justice Holcomb will get back Into
the harness In fine fettle. Judge Holcomb
had a severe setbuck upon his roturn home
from the coast and Is still 'In very bad
A change has been made In the offices and
court room during the vacation by Clerk
Lindsay which will be appreciated by the
Judges and attorneys. The clerk's room
has been moved across the corridor Into
the consultation room and the court will
use Judge Holcomb's office for a place In
which to consult. The cases will be argued
In the usual room, but It has been refitted
with new paint and, carpets and is Hot
recognizable. The brief room has been
ritted up with tables and chairs for the ac
commodation of attorneys.
tnlnvested School Money,
Of the permanent school fund there re
mains in the hands of Treasurer Morten
sen, $126,000 not Invested. Mr. Mortensen
expects, however, to find a place for this
money In a short time as he la taking up
state warrants to the amount of $6,000 to
$10,000 a day end he has In sight many
more thousands of dollars worth. He Is
Investing the money of all the trust funds
In these warrants
Typhoid In Lincoln.
The city of Lincoln Is up again, tho
typhoid fever proposition, but Just how
badly Is not known for In this little city, it Is
not compulsory for physicians to report such
things to the health commissioner. City
Phlclan Rlattery believes there are at
least 100 rases of the fever here and he
asked the mayor to request physicians to
report the same to the health officer. The
health officer lately has been fighting diph
theria which secured a foothold in the Rus
sian colony He has this disease about un
der control now and does not expect it to
Osceola Pastor neslsns.
OSCEOLA. .Neb.. Sept. 17. (Special.)
iRev. O. O Ponath, who has been the pas
tor of the Oerrnsn Methodist Episcopal
churches of this county for the past two
years, was transferred by the bishop to
Sterling. Colo. He thinks that a place like
Sterling Is not large enough to support him
and his family of seven and so he has sent
In bia resignation to bis presiding elder sod
Hepnhlleans and Faalnnlata Nominal
Tickets ntnrday.
O'NEILL. Neb., Sept. IT i Special.) Re
publican ticket: R. K. Chlttlclt, treasurer;
W. P. Sltnar. clerk; C. E. Hall, sheriff; C.
J. Malone, county Judge; Florence Zlnk,
county superintendent; Ir. E. J. RiM. coro
ner, and G. H. Frady, surveyor.
Fusion ticket: J. P. Mullen, treasurer;
James Hiscock, clerk; William Purdy,
sheriff; -Sheridan Simmons, county Judge;
Margaret Hurley, county superintendent;
Ir. J. P. Flynn, coroner, and J. L. Norton,
The above tickets are now before the
people ht Holt county and are entering one
of the hardest fought campaigns to be
waged in the state.
The republican convention was harmon
ious throughout and practically all of the
candidates were nominated by acclamation
after a few good natured contests had been
settled. The republican convention was the
most representative convention In some re
spects, ever held In Holt county and people
of all parties concede the ticket to be a
On the other hand the fuslonlsts had a
hard time to name a ticket at all and the
sore snots will not heal up for many moons.
The pop convention and the democrat con
vention each named conferences committees
after a long drawn out contest and the
democrat part wanted half of the officers
and this started the ball to rolling.
They reported back to their convention
recommending that there be no fusion un
less they get half of the officers, but the
convention had cooled off during the recess
and promptly turned.,down the report and
began doing business without conference
committees with the above result. There Is
said to be four pops and four democrats
on the fusion ticket, but no one seems to
know which Is which.
FAIRBURY, Neb., Sept. 17. (Special. )
At the democratic county convention
held this afternoon the following nomina
tions were made: For county treasurer,
John Simpson; sheriff, Jud Clark; superin
tendent public Instruction, Mrs. Olive V.
True; surveyor, W. W. Watson. No nomi
nations were made for county clerk or
county Judge.
ST. PAl'L, Neb.. Sept. IT. (Special.)
The populist and democratic county con
ventions were held here "this afternoon and,
as usual, fusion was effected on the county
ticket. The nominations were: County
treasurer, D. A. Gell (pop.); county clerk,
John Wysockl (dem.); county Judge, M. D.
Smith (dem.); sheriff. W. C. Alexander
(pop ); county superintendent, J. A. Zlegler
(pop.); coroner. Dr. Morrow (dem.). Dele
gations were also elected to the state con
ventions. Resolutions were adopted scoring
the republican administration, and affirm
ing the usual opposition Issues.
LEXINGTON. Neb., Sept. 17. (Special.)
The Dawson county populist county con
vention convened at the court house In this
city Saturday afternoon and organized with
E. B. Smith as chairman, and Markwood
Holmes as secretary. The following
nominations were made: County clerk,
Famuel K. Hewitt; treasurer, J. V.
Hodgson; Judge, Robert Scott; county
superintendent, Mrs. J. M. Wells; coroner.
Dr. Hugh Mantor; surveyor, Robert
Smith; commissioner, Thlllp Mutchle.
The following delegates were elected to the
state convention: Markwood Holmes, D. E.
Lincoln, B. F. Davis, J. T. Costln, Jacob
I User. J. H. Donahue. J. T. Roberts, O. K.
Jones, E. R. Kennedy, J. T. Moore, R. M.
Scott, Charles McCabe.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., 8ept. 17. Si-t-clal.)
The republicans and fuslonlsts iave
now the following tickets In tho field: For
county clerk, John Schaupp (rep.), present
incumbent, and George Poell (fus ); county
Judge, J. h. Mullln (fus.), present Incum
bent, and T. O. C. Harrison (rep.); sheriff,
J. W. Eby (rep.), present Incumbent, and
James Dunkel (fus.); treasurer, W. R. King
(rep.), and J. J. Lorentzen (fus.); superin
tendent. Miss Margaret Brown (rep.), and
James O. Kunz (fus.); coroner. Dr. J. Lue
Sutherland (rep.), present Incumbent, and
Dr. Andrew Buker (fus.); surveyor, C. A.
Baldwin and Jay Kingsbury.
A INS WORTH, Neb., Sept. 17.-(Speclal.)
The democrats of BrowrKcounty met here
In the courthouse Saturday afternoon and
nominated the following candidates to be
voted for at the coming election this fall:
Clerk, H. Krisenbeek of AInsworth; treas
urer, Charles O. Murphy of AInsworth:
Judge, Charles Potter of AInsworth; sheriff,
J. D. Cook of AInsworth; county superin
tendent. Miss Florence Johnson of AIns
worth; surveyor, I'rlah Hallpeter; coroner.
Dr. H. C. Cameron of Johnstown.
BEAVER CITY, Neb.. Sert. 17.-(Spee!al
Telegram.) The populist county convention
yesterday was sllmly attended, some pre
cincts being unrepresented. All of the old
officials were renominated without refer
ence to the democrats, who are unrepre
sented on the ticket. The democrats have
colled a eonx-entlon for next week, when It
Is claimed another ticket will be placed In
News of Nebraska.
HVMBOLDT J. R. Curry and Mrs. M A
Combs, both residents of the east part of
the county, went tn Missouri this week and
were married. They will live on a farm
near Verdon.
Hr:itiOLDT The reoent heavy rains here
and toward the north have brought the
Nemaha out of Its banks here, and unless
the precipitation is stopped the entire val
ley will be flooded as all tributaries are
running hank full.
PLATTSMOl'TH I. Pearlman, who has
for many years been engaged in the furni
ture business here, has disposed of his busi
ness to Fred Ostertag of Harvard. Neb.,
receiving therefor the title to a fine 400
acre farm in Antelope county, valued at
TECT'MSEH Chaplain P. C- Johnson of
the Nebraska penitentiary has bought two
bloodhound pups of Mr. J. E. Chubbuck of
this city and taken them to the prison.
The authorities there want to train the
dogs to follow the trail, and will keep them
fur use In rase of escaped prisoners.
TECV'MSEH Kelm ft Co. of this city will
go Into the manufacturing of cement build
ing block business. They have bought a
machtn and will buy a suitable building
for their shop. They expect to work at
the business all winter, and are hopeful
that the enterprise will warrant the keep
ing at work of a. large force of rr:n.
PLATTSMOl'TH Several months ago D.
Heran came to Pl&tlamouth for the pur
pose of making arrangements for holding a
piano contest. He succeeded In interesting
fourteen business men In the project and
the deal was started. It now transpires
that about li. 000,000 votes, claimed to have
been stolen from the agent's satchel, are In
circulation. The business men Interested
have since held several meetings, resulting
In their determination to call the old con
test off and start over again.
PLATT8MOCTH The Burlington's local
shops are now turning out an average of
twenty-five coaches and M0 freight cars per
month. It Is the intention to Increase the
number of coaches to thirtv-five uer month
as soon as s sufficient number of men can
be secured. Work is now In progress on a
fine special car for J. P. Phelan. general
superintendent of the Wymore division of
the Burlington.
TECl'MSKH-Rural Mall Carrier Pohl
man of Johnson Is confined to his bed with a
broken leg. He was In attendance at a
ball game in that town and was seated In
a buggy. A fly ball came near his rig and
he Jumped out to catch It. A player run
ning for (lie ball collided with Mr. Pohl
man and both men went down In a heap.
Mr. Pnhlman's leg virnken, but the
player was not severely Injured.
Ht'MBOLDT The stock show and car
nival closed last evening, being practically
a failure throughout on account of wet
weather. Pair sized crowds were In at
tendance a portion of the time, but the
rain had so Interfered with the plans of the
committee that even those who were here
were not furnished entertainment aside
from a few free street shows The flower
parade, which promised to be the feature
of the carnival was not given, and although
the balloon man was here no attempt was
made to have an ascension either night
owing to the wind wr lit threatening
Tho only high grado
Balling Powder sold at a
moderate price. Com
plies with the pure food
laws of all states.
Sewer Bond Proportion to Go Before City
(Jouecu lonigbt.
Plan Novr la to Include Whole System
in One Election and Ask
Voters to -Authorise
tbe Honda.
This evening when the city council meets
the sewer matter will aga.ln be taken up
The ordinance accepting the plans of An
drew Rosewater will be passed, and it is
expected that a general sewer ordinance
will be introduced. This ordinance must
define the sewers It is proposed to build,
specifying the streets and alleys as nearly
as possible. There Is to be no attempt
made to vote on a portion of the sewers,
but the whole Issue of bonds allowed by
law, $260,000 will he brought before the
people. By doing this the city authorities
think that there will be less opposition
from those who consider that the packers
and stock yards should build the Mud creek
sewer. With an enlarged sewer system
which will practically effect the entire city
the chances are that opposition which was j
so manifest at one time will be nearly If
not Quite overcome.
It Is not expected that any members of
the council will be opposed to having the
people vote the entire amount at once.
These officials declare that with the mat
ter disposed of the money will be available
at any time and that the work of .build
ing larger sewers enn he pushed rlRht
along. Besides the big sewer to the river,
a sewer to Jetter's brewery and Corrlgan's
place Is proposed, also a sewer to reach
the river through Missouri avenue Some
of the present storm water and sanitary
sewers are to be enlarged providing the
people vote In favor of the bond Issue.
These bonds. f Issued are to hear In
terest at the rate of 5 per cent and will
run for twenty years with' the usual five
year's option.
Commercial flnb Matters.
Tor some time past Interest In the South
Omaha Commercial club has been on the
wane. Dr. W. J. McOrnnn, presidents of
the club has prepared an address to the
business men of the city calling upon them
to again take hold and stir things up. "Not
elnce the organ'xstlon of theelty," says
Dr. McCrann. "has the want of public
spirited mm been so manifest as at the
present. What we want Is boosters, not
knockers. Never In the history of South
Omaha has there been a time when pushers
In public Improvements me-nt so much for
municipal development as now. W!th the
population of South Omaha we ought to
have a commercial club of not less thsn
l.onn members. Iet every man take hold,
not only the business and professional man.
but the packers and commission dealers at
the yards. By united action a great deal
of (rood can be accomplished."
Trouble Cleared Last Jflurht.
Manager Carter of the telephone com
pany said last evening that by working
a force of linemen all day Sunday tho
trouble on the wires caused by the storm
was cleared. This morning all of the
telephones In the city will be In wording
order. A great deal of work was made
necessary by the burning out" of cahles
carrying a large number of wires. New
cables had to be hoisted to replace the
burned out ones and connections made.
While complaints were rumerous, patrons,
of the telephone company seemed to un
derstand under what difficulties the line
men were working and abided by the de
lay with more than ordinary patience.
Subscribers are being consoled with the
knowledge that It will not be long before
the bulk of the wires are placed under
ground and after that there will be little
trouble on the wires during storms.
Hla-hland Park Clnb Picnic.
The Highland Park Improvement club
will hold its annual picnic at Highland
park on Wednesday evening If It does not
rain. The original date was for last Fri
day evening, but a postponement was nec
essary on account of the storm. The same
program as previously announced will be
gone through with. In addition. Jack
Buchanan has consented to render a few
selections on his bagpipe. A baskt dinner
will be served In the early rart of the
evening and at 7:S0 o'clock the speech
making Is to commence. If the weather
Is pleasant there Is sure to be a large
attendance of club members and their
Prisoners Are Expensive.
A bill for feeding city prisoners for the
month of August was filed lste Saturday
with the city clerk. This bill calls for I71H
and means that 751 meals were served to
prisoners In one month. This Is at the rate
cf about twenty-five prisoners a dy. Most
of the prisoners were tramps, who v e: e dis
charged after being held twelve or fifteen
hours. Only a small number of the totil
were sentenced to work on the weed cutting
gang. Several months ago the city pur
chased two cars of ruble, but not a pris
oner has been put to work on this rock pile
sine the stone was dumped in the rear of
I the city hall building. Had the stone been
I broken It would come In handy soon for the
filling of washouts on unpaved streets. As
It Is now the wushouts will le filled with
dirt and the next heavy rain will wash
these fills out and so the endless task of
filling holes goes on.
Educating; the Voters,
Several voting machines have been lo
cated In stores where election booths will
be located In order that the voters may be
come familiar with the machines. It Is the
Intention of the city authorities to send
out ss many of these machines as possible
before election, but only voting plsces
where the location Is permanent will be
favored with machines. The voters seem to
be grasping the Idea readily and It only
takes a few lessons to teach the ordinary
voter how to cast a straight or spilt ballot,
sfaate City Gossip.
Wednesday afternoon the Ladles' Aid so.
cietv of the Presbyterian church will meet
Trust Baking Powders sen for 45 or
50 cents per prund and may be iden
tified by this exorbitant prlco.
They nro a tnenaco to public health,
as food prcpnred from them con
tains larco quantities of Rochclle
alts, a d&ogoroui caih&rtie drug.
wirt) Mrs. R. I,. Wheeler. Officers will be
.T. Johnson. Twenty-third nnd M streets,
rerorts the birth of a daughter.
The police were not called upon to make
an arrest Saturday night or Sunday.
Mrs. James Carter. Twenty-fifth and J
streets, has returned from a stav of several
weeks at Sioux City.
This evening the Magic City Brass band
will give a concert and social at Twenty
third and C streets.
This evening members of the Lotus clu
will meet at the office of Colonel J. B. Wst
lUns. Twentieth and O streets, and organize
for the winter.
The Ideal club has elected these officers
for the winter: Charles F. Mann, president:
Walker Clark, vice piesldent; Dr. W. A.
Cox, secretary and treasurer; Frank O.
Sherwood. A. C. Roy, John Laughlln and
Gall Hiimil, executive committee.
Printers Strike at Rochester.
ROCHESTER. N. T.. Sept. 17. Composi
tors In eight book and Job printing estab
lishments quit work Saturday night to en
force their demand for an eight-hour day.
It Is estimated that 150 men In this city
have gone out and as many more are ex
pected to Join them tomorrow. A num
ber of the Independent flrma have signed
the eight-hour sgreement.
President Attends Chorch.
OYSTER BAY, N. Y., Sept. 17.-After at
tending morning service at Christ church,
accompanied by Mrs. Roosevelt and the
children, the president passed the remainder
of the day In and about Sagamore Hill. No
visitors were received.
Don't you give your heart the same chanex
you do the other organs?
Why? Because when any other organ Is
In trouble It refuses to work, and you
hasten to repair It.
The heart, the ever faithful servant,
never refuses, as long as It has power to
move, but continues to do tho hest it can,
getting weaker and weaker, until It Is past
repair, and then stops. It Is Just as sick
as the other organs, but because It will
work you let It.
However. It. Is not too late for a "chango
of heart," so remember
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
will give you heart strength and vitality
to overcome Dizziness, Palpitation. Short
Breath, Faint Spells Pains In Heart ami
Hide, and all other Heart aches and diffi
culties. "My heart would ache and palpitate ter
ribly and at times I could hardly breathe.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure has restored me to
perfect health and I am very grateful."
No. 1 Sill St.. Water-town, N. Y.
The first bottle will benefit; If not, the
druggist will return your money.
Prices ISC. 2c, 60c, 75e
Sun. Mat. 10c, 26c, 6oo
Wednesday and Satur
day Mat. all Seals 2io
TOXIG1IT eiild.
Madison Corey Offers
Oeorge Ade's Musical Comedy
Pretty Girls, Catchy Songs, Funny
The most elaborate pantomime ever
presented. A new spectacle with its clowns,
ballets and dazxllng scenery. Production un
surpassed. Coming Florence Bindley n The Bella of
the West.
NEW ClmilUUU Hurgess.ngrs
Telephone 15ofi.
Professional Matinee Tuesdnv Night
and all week. Matinees Tuesduy,
Thursday and Saturday.
Ill the Great Military Drama
Prices Night and Sundav Matinees,
10c and 2Sc; Tuesday, Thursday, Satur
day Matinees. 10c and 2"c.
Tonight, Tuesday and Wednesduy,
Matinee Wednesday,
60 PEOPLE 60
Prices 26c to ll.U); Matlneo, 2Cc to J1.00.
Thursday, Friday BLANCH 10 WALSH.
Phone 4M
Every Night Matinees Thursday. Satur
day and Sunday
Henrietta Ie Berrix. Living Statuary;
Wilton Bros.; Msenger Boys' Trio; K
telllta; Harper, Desmond Bailey: Lew
Weils; the Klnodrome, and an extra attrac
tion. 8. Miller Kent & Co.
PRICES lc. 2,'c. 60c.
Omaha vs St. Joseph
September 17. 18. 19. 20.
21, 22. 23 and 24
Two games Sunday, September 17. First
""Two 'g'amf's September 23. First called
st 2)
Two' games September U. First called
Vtondnv. September 11. Ladles' Day.
Friday! September 22. Ladle Day.
Cams Called 3:45.
Alamito Dairy Farm Milk
in Bottles a.t
il -'-