8 TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1905. v Lin F? shewing is distinctly the most import ant style event of the year. A brilliant assemblage of ladies' costumes, wraps and dress suits, designed by the leading fashion experts of Europe and America Ladies' Evening Costumes and Dinner Gowns Opera Coats Dress Waists Horse Shot) Apparel Party Dresses Demi Costumes Elegant Tailored Suits Costume Skirts Children's Dresses The Newest Autumn Models in Ladies' Stunning Tailored Suits Complete In every detail Is our assemblage of ladles' ultra fashion able suits every new Idea Is shown In this season's varied styles that are stamped with fashion's approval. The elegant long 46-ln. and BO-ln. Chesterfields, swagger 24-ln. and 26-ln. Iussars, the very stylish new model Etons, the overblouse and Bhort coat effects. The new styles of skirts range from a 13-gored kilt pleated skirt to the very elaborately tucked, fold trimmed and cluster pleated styles broadcloths, cashmeres, worsteds, novelty " suitings season's most popular new colors prices $14.85 ? $98 Beautiful Dress and Walking Skirts Ladies Exquisite Evening Gowns and Demi-Costumes Exquisite original models beautifully fashioned in drop cTete, veilings, messalines, laces, nets, crepe de cfyines, etc many of these are copies of C T ff C?i ffK C imported vwMs by fleer, Paquin, Worth, Redfern and lMnicet; specially Q T''J j vD II designed for reception gowns, party dresses, operacostvmes and dresses for in- ' , y jr 10 ' II - Mr 1 11 formal occasions; dainty light pastel shades a range of prices front Ladies Opera Coats, Evening Coats and Wraps A rare assemblage of the beautiful new long loose outergarments, in white and light colors for reception and opera wear these coats are doeskin, silk and all laceoraceful .. . range oj prices 4 to 52 inches lona broadcloths . - - . . ucaiiio cr empire, napoieon una mantle sriapes-a from $29 $150 Ladies' Dress and Evening Waists A correct showing of the new separate waists, In stunning silks, lacy effects and extremely smart tailored woolens. The new styles show the long cuff sleeves, the high collars and fullness of bust width all are handsomely made a range of prices from '. 3.98 1 $25 Showing of the New Neck Furs .9.98 1! $175 The most complete and authentic showing ever attempted by a western house. Autumn's newest style features voiles, veilings, chiffons, broadcloths, chiffon pomonas, serges, tweeds, etc. extremely modish grays, plaids I and stripes i from , 6.98-47.50 HIGH ART IN AUTUMN DRESS GOODS All previous displays are overshadowed by this mag nificent showing of ultra stylish dress fabrics. These are most conveniently arranged for your inspection. The variety is ample and the weaves and colors extremely attractive. Tamise and Batiste Shadow and plaid effects, in solid colors all new tints in fine foreign goods the same grades selling in New York at $1 and $1.25 a yard at, yard French and Irish Poplin All new tones, purple, bordeaux, green, navy, etc., at, yard '. . w Gray Cloth Suitings Very fashionable we offer excellent spe cials also high class gray worsteds in new tailoring styles, just received yard , riaids Neat small juvenile plaids and elegant r m silk and wool plaids, at, if a yard JJKs Henrietta Autumn's favorite fabrics. We are sole agents for the famous Valencia Henriettas also the 6-ln. silk finished Henrietta regular 11.00 grade. at, yard Broadcloths Superior worsted warps shade a regular 1.25 quality at, yard 800 Piecea of Newest Goods Panamas, Henriettas, Serges, Drap d'ete 64-ln. fancy shirt waist suitings of M m f best worsteds ON BARGAIN SQUARE f,C"0C 60c Quality Waistings In most desirable styles Scotch flannel waistings, kimono cloths, etc., at, yard 89c 85c llent spe- 49c-69c-85c -62-lnch cloths, every 75c $1 25c Millinery Opening Exhibit Our brilliant Style Show is the Chief Topic of Feminine Interest. We have gathered our finest, richest fur pieces for an early display. It Is the most charming display of the higher class scarfs ever pre sented to Omaha women genuine Ermine, Russian Sable, Ko linsky, Mink, White Fox, Chinchilla and Siberian Squirrel, plain and blended styles are the Zaza, vic-i torlne, Tippet, Fantana and Andrea, with long sachet muffs prices.... For Children and Little Misses Most complete and stylish lines of Juvenile apparel to be found In Omaha. Little suits for school and dress wear Peter Thomp sons. Buddy Tuckers, Russian Blouses and Empire Coats Includ ing swell rough mixtures, kerseys, cheviots, QQ Jrt CI 1 etc. dress and suit prices range from I, JO XO tlJ hToT.Zl.rr?. 3.98 to 24.50 First Showing Blankets and Comforts Our lines of blankets and comforts are now complete. Buying these goods in extraordinary large quantities before the great rise in the price of cotton and wool, we are enabled to offer some extraordinary bargains in blankets and comforts. 'ip HE graceful beauty of the accepted styles for fall an I thi brilliant autvmn shades and combinations conspire tomaks our wonlerful gallery of millinery art all the more delightful. Scores of exquisite Fr3nn pittsrii are hir3 to charm the eye, while hundreds of models from gifted dwigmrs of Nio Y rk ai Lititn are scarcely less attractive Our own exclusive models fashioned to m'set the re fined tastes of Omaha twomen rank very high among the season's first creations Elaborate Dress Hats at $10 Stunning confections that offer such a variety in style, color schema and clever trimming as to adapt themselves quickly to the individ ual tastes of all. Many of the original models in the dainty evening shades have all the brilliant beauty of the most expansive Paris patterns special at.t , '. Br&ndeis Special II a. t at $5 More genuinely smart style, mora artful work manship and more exesllencs of materials than ever before combined in hats to sell at popular price every fashionably popular idea skillfully wrought specially priced at Imported Parisian Designs An assemblage that cannot be surpassed for beauty and artistlo taste in any of the old world salons many exclusive designs ari coplei from old works of art from the brush of Corot, Rubens and Correggio these importations show a' great diversity of shape and modeling Brandeis' C f $ $ f" f &T f variety is entirely adequate to show the trend of for- m Mm J" JtF J J no $5 13' Smart Suit Hats and Street Hats at $2.50 A very spe cial number designed In our own work- tm. y room by capable artists all the newest P 111 shapes in Sailors, Autumn Turbans, etc.;"-av v Feathers and Millinery Trimmings Aigrettes, Wings, Breasts, Pompoms, Tips, toe stunning Wll low Plumes, Ornaments, Jets, large Roses, etc. -at a range of moderate prices. HIGH CLASS SILKS Novelties for Mors Show Costumes and the Ball. The (rreatest gathering of handsome silk fabrics imported direct from the fashionable centers of Europe. A style show of the most brilliant nature at Brandeis. Many exclusive patterns, many orig inal novelties. Exclusive Robes and Patterns Silk moussellnes, grenadines, fancy nets, chiffon cloth, crepe chiffon, etc. some In beautiful printed designs some embroidered, appllqued and many with handsome medallion designs one pattern of each kind, will go at Elegant Broche Pousse Noveltlesr Elaborate designs for horse show and theatre wraps some embroidered with threads of gold others with designs of velvet applique, at, yard , 15.95$50 show .$5 Dress Silks The new Radium Silk, Crepe d'Autleul, Printed Crepe de Chines, Plain and Chameleon Chiffon Taffetas, T C 1 1 C Chiffon Velvets, Panne and Paon Velvets, at 150 165 per yard . . . Swell Silk Fur 50 Inches wide, fancy curl, silver tipped fox, plucked marten, 98to1 750 etc., at, yard. . Satin Daphne, new Moire Silks, etc., at, yard Latest Plaids Every late hue, pattern and combination of ul tra fashionable silk platds. In cluding new pompadour and medallion f plaids, at. Yard Wide Drews Silk worth $1.60, at, yard rT. 98c 27-ln. Dlack Guaranteed 7Qt Taffetaa, $1 quality, yd 'C New Fall Silks on bargain square for Monday's sale latest novel ties also beautiful plain silks at, per yard . 49c-59c69c Liaen Specials for Monday 5c 3ic We have a full line of Wool Blankets In white, gray and 3-984-5)5-550-598 We have a full line of Cotton Blankets ranging In price from, pair 39c to 1.50 tan at. A full and complete line of comforters that were manu factured expressly for us, and are longer and wider than any other comforters at the QQ 4 L CA same price. "We have them, each . . J O C 10 O U These are all very much less in price than they would have been had we not taken advantage and bought heavily when the prices were low. Jap Novelties A? ARCADE A Thouusd Dainty Inexpensive Novelties from Japan. Optical Dept. IN ARCADE In charge of J. II. Phillips PRACTICAL OPTICIAN Imported Lace Curtains NEW ARRIVALS THIS FALL. We show 01 of the largest and most complete lines of Imported Lace Curtains, bought' direct from St.' Gall, Switzerland many of these new fall atyles are shown for the first time in Omaha. Brussels Net. Irish Point, Cluny and jH the very latest delslgns that are our own lmportatlon--60 t QQ Inches wide and 3 H yards long, at, pair. . . . , . J JO Arabian, Brussels Net, Irish Point and CUjny A CI ft all our own Importation, at, pair nfJO Some of the very finest novelties of the season such aa hand made Arabian, Cluny, Brussels and Irlslt J Point, will go Monday at, your choice, pair. , , JU We are showing for the first time in Omaha exclusive designs of our own Importation 'of-Saxony Brussels, Real Arabian Rennalssance. Battenburg.Cf f ' JIT also the new Rococo Brussels, pr. from. : 85c bleached and cream table dammk, measured from bolt at, 4 yard IOW SI bleached and silver bleached table, damask, extra special, 6QC 11.80 quality t-yard wide extra fine Irish and Scotch satin table QU damask special, yard VOW (c Turkish wash cloths, each lc 10c hemmed hurk towels at. each 8c hlsarhtd twilled towel Inn, yard 60c hemstitched Grt-lnch scarfs and 30-lnch sqtmres at, OSi,-. each AOfc. SI and SI 25 Imported apachtel scarfs and squares, 5S)C tetter than any other shoo in the "mar- a . " i llf"T tor anywhere near the price. Our own special line. The Brandeis' $3 shoe for ladies, in every kind of leather, in every toe or heel, in every weight of Bole, hand turn or Goodyear welt. I'M Men's Fall Clothes I Brandeis' is headquarters for the highest grades of men's hand-made suits and overcoats in America. The famous Hog-ers-Peet Co.'s perfect fitting clothing, in all the newest fall patterns; correct fall styles In single and double-breasted ef fects, at $15 to $30 MEN'S TUXEDO AND FULL EVENING DRESS SUITS Every man needs one nowadays en Joy the satisfaction of being w.-ll dressed at evening- affairs you pay half the tailor's price ami set per fect style, fit and satisfaction-prices JOPlMDEis,. ionnMnEi. jmnnrmns. WW ..Z ,n jam ivc cons Loimwsis toi4WrtK"fe "i.3ur"jz.Du amm