THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1003. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Best Piano Bargains in Omaha Over 200 instruments to select from. Evty one fully guar anteed ns represented or your rnoney back. Upright Pianos, $00.00 and up. Spuare Pianos, $13.00 and up. Organs, all makes jnd styles, $8.00 and up. Here is an opportunity of a life-time to get a fine instrument nt your own price. Old English Upright t 65 J P. Halo Cprlght 106 rouehard Co.. Ebony Cape CI Arlon, French Walnut finish 123 Terms $10.00 cash SQIL TAKE runham, Walnut Case Hoard man & Oray .113 . 12 OKOANS. Prince A Co. Melodian Mason & Hamlin. Rood tone Chicago Cot lane. Nino stops Kimball. high top ....$12 On Square Pianos and organs we accept 50c weekly pav inents and give a bill of exchange. We make a specialty of tenting new, high grade pianos and offer special inducements to music students and teachers. Six months' rental allowed if purchased. SchmoIler& Mueller Piano Co. Temporary Location 1407 Harney St. Tel. 1625. Piano Manufacturers and "Wholesale and Ketail Dealers. Established 1850. Q-278 17 . SPECIAL SALE ON S.H. MACHINES These machines hare all been thor oughly overhauled and are the In test thing that the different manufactories produce. They are complete with at tachments and are guaranteed to be In first-class condition. The following la a list of machines we hare on band: Singer, 6-drawer, drop head $20 Da via, 6-drawer, drop head 17 Darls, T-drawer, drop head 20 Standard Automatic Grand 25 . White. 6-drawer, drop head 15 Domestic, B-drawer, drop head. , 20 Second-hand machines, box top, of every make, from $5 to $10. These bp complete with attachments and will give you good service. We rent machines 75e per week. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 'Phone 1665. Corner Fifteenth and Harney 625 North 24th St, Bouth Omaha. 834 Broadway, Council Bluffs. AUTOMOBILE SNAPS $3,300 Royal Tourist, with top corn- Plata equipment, do n. p., almost new $1,800 $3,000-Four-Cyllnder Wlnton, aide en trance, 1905, 36 h. p., new $2,250 $2.600 Two-Cylinder Wlnton, new, car ried over from last year. 11,750 $2.300 White Steamer, top, baskets, four lamps, first-class shape $1,200 $1,000 Shelby, 3 or 4-puhsenger, full equipment, new U h. p $ 760 $ 50 Model A, Cadillac removable ton- neau, second-hand, good shape... $ 400 $1,000 National Electric, with top, slightly used $ 350 $ 760 Steam Locomobile, second-hand, good shape $ 300 $ 760 Model E Rambler, second-hand, good shape $ 326 $ 700 Pope Tribune, 2-paBsenger, al most new, first-class shape $ 390 $ 426 Orient Buckboard, new, 2-passenger (can be run up the hilis)..$ 326 AH models of 1106 Cadillacs In stock. H. E. FREDR1CKSON. 15th and Capitol Ave. The Old Stand. , Q 14-FOOT oak wall case, with 18 drawers and sliding glass doors. 416 S. 16th St. W- FOR SALE I have some bargains in pure bred poultry, all leading varieties, at sacrifice prices. Write today before too lata. J. W. Miller, Box A, Freeport, 111. ' Q- PULLEYB AND COUNTER SHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. $0 pulleys, from 6 Inches to 48 Inches In diameter; I counter shafts, complete. These are all In first-class condition. W. H. bridges, engineer, Bee Bldg. Q 112 FOR eALE-Two life scholarships on Omaha business colleges. Address ' Dwlght Williams, Omaha, Bee, Omaha, Neb. , Q-2 FOR 8ALE, about fifty feet ornamental galvanised Iron cornice and ornamental iron posts, suitable for show window. Ap ply superintendent Bee Bldg. Vl Mh-'b FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. Brunswick-Balke-Collender, 4o7 S. 10th St., Omaha. Q 939 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1U0 Dodxe. Tel. m. v w FURNITURE, CARPETS, DRAPERIES, stoves and everything to furnish the home. Oood, honest, reliable merchandise, fully ,26 below Installment store prices. The " best stock In Omaha. Terms: $25.00 worth, $1.00 a week. DM AHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., Between 12lh and 13th on Farnam St. M-997 17 ID-HAND safe cheap, nam. Derlght. 1119 Far-Q-Wl -SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Sherman c McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q-913 8-BURNER gas stove, with two ovens, sec '. ond-hand; also $35 phonograph, cheap at SblO Lafayette Ave. g M210 18x !CHEAP chicken fence, long flr timbers and telephone poles. 901 Douglas. QU .MILCH COWS . Center. on easy terms. 43d an,l J-5J LAND SEEKERS' CHEAP EXCURSION. Srlvate parties, to Aberdeen, 8. D., Tues ay, IKth. Oood terms, best car to be bad; room for eighteen. Address A 65 The Bee, at once. Q SG4 " SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOH SALE If you want a bargain in steam fittings call and luok over the following supplies; .I 8-inch Austin horlxontal separator. 18 inch Austin's horixunlal separator. 14-inch Austin's vertical separator. These have been taken out on account of caangee in our steam plant and are In good condition. Addriws B Building Co.. or see W. 11. uninn, engineer, Hue Bldg., Omaha. U-632 FOR SALE Best restaurant in Laramie, Wyo; hotel connected; good terms for right party. For particulars address P. . O. Bos 7bi, Laramie, Wyo. QM S&l 16 x " BONDS FOR SALE! $1000 worth of bonds of the village of Ans lry, Nebraska, drawing 5 per cent. 20 , years' $1,14) denominations, asessed valu ation tl.mO. Address for further particu lars, F. M. Eimonds, village clerk. Ans '. ley, Nebraska. Q MSai 16 BUSINESS COIJ.EOE scholarship for sale at big reduction. Address B 1!, care Bee. Q-Ml 17x FOR BALE A new piano and cabinet sew ing machine, fur cash al sacithre. Ad dress B Z3, Bee. Q 211 I7x MANTEL bookcase, iron bed and springs, chiffonier, chairs, etc., fur sale. Call Haiullua ayrtsnsnt, flat 11 ltrh and 147 190 2M and $5.00 per month. PIANOS. Ifnllott ft Davis 23 I United States Makers 36 Kstey, fine condition M Beethoven, with looking glass Jt Burdette, Chapel, line tone X New Organs, all makes. 133 and up. Arcllan Self-Playing Organ, big bargain FOR SALE One large Supreme hot blast stove; good as new; cheap. Address Pee. Q-2S2 IPX NEW PIANOS for rent. $3, $4, $5 per month; elx months' rent allowed If purchased. Tel. It'u. Schmoller & Mueller, piano makers. Temporary location, 1407 Harney St. Q 20 17 A NO. 1 Jersey cow for sale at 1634 Bouth 27th St. Q-241 17x FOR SALE Stoves, carpels, beds and all household furnishings. MRS. CARROLL. 15"9 Park Ave. Q-M245 20 FOR RENT HOUSES 44th and Dodge St., 8 rooms, modern 119.00. BEMIS, Paxton Block. D HMI iccv: In all parts of the city. R meters & Co., Bee Bidg. 1 ll THE Omaha Van ft Storage Co. pack, move and store 11. II. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. lath. Office, 1611 W Farnam. Tel. lbbU. DWi WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor Office, 171ft Webster St. U J age Co. Tel. 11!J. HlliKF In all parts of the city. The O. Davis Co.. 608 Bea Bide. U Uk4 HOUSES, insurance, Ringwait, Barker Blk. JJ-lkw ROOMS, bouses, stores. Tlaard, 220 N. 234. D M4K5 THE NEW HOUSE FURNISHINGS are ready to show. We carry the largest stock In Omaha. We don't charge Install ment prices. This means a big saving to you. Terms: $26.00 worth, $1.0 a week. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., Between 12th and 18th on Farnam St. D 994 17 PIANO moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1C2&, Schmoller St Mueller. i 987 2614 SI Mary's Ave., modern; $40. D M988 C-ROOM house, modern, good repairs, $11 82d and Wright Sts. 'Phone 623. D 137 FOR RENT 7-room and 8-room houses, ail modern, near high school and Crelgh ton college; $30 and $32.60. Inquire at Wl N. 19th St. D 411 1641 S. 29TH AVE., modern. 2-story brick dwelling, 9 rooms, facing Hanscom Park; rent. $40. Inquire 1115 S. 32d St. J. N. Richards. D 623 FOR RENT 4 nice rooms; olty water; K.21 N. lHth St. $1$. C. M. Bachman, 434 Paxton Blk. D-889 WEST FARNAM district, 7 rooms, recep tion hall; best of plumbing; all modern. 8620 Dodge St.: $40 per month. Forgan Ilaskell Co., 816 N. Y. Life. D M-933 FOR RENT October 1, a nine-room modern house, on newly paved sweet; pleasant surroundings. Lakelawn, 21st and Lake Sts. D 675 17x HOUSE, 2637 Davenport St.. all modern, oak finish; perfect repair; $40. "Phone Ash 62551. D-968 17x FOR RENT. 3519 Hawthorne Ave., 9 rooms, hot water heat, $40. 2603 Poppleton Ave.. 8 rooms, modern, $35. 209 8. 2m h Ave., 8 rooms, modern except furnace, $25. 4oK4 Nicholas St., 7 rooms, modern except furnace, barn, $22.60. S20H Cuming St.. 7 rooms, atrlctly modern, very tine, $32.50. 4013 N. 26th St.. 6 rooms, sewer, water, gas, first-class repair, $18. 4012 N. 25th St., city water, gas and barn, ;i5. 1012 Dorcas St., 6 rooms, water, gas and sewer, $13. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. First Floor N. Y. U Bldg. Tel. 17S1. D 991 17 HOUSES FOR RENT. 3&JD Dodge, K-r.. modern. ...$40 Harnev, 9 rooms, modern $5 4024 Nicholas. 7 rooms, bath 20 29 Lake, 6 rooms, bath 10 9)14 Ames Ave, 6-room flat 10 2015 N. 17th Ave.. 9-r.. bath, barn 25 QARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. D 1C5 17 FOR RENT. $25 00 per month for 6-room modern flat, 1615 Howard St. $26 0i) per month for 8-room, all modern j house, 2024 Caldwell St. $S0O per month for 12-room modern house, . "18 8. 2!th St. UEORGK Sc CO., 1601 Farnam 8t. D Ml 00 19 HAMILTON. 6 rooms-12.50. 223 Harney. 8 rooms-$17.00. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD P. O. D 983 17 7-ROOM house, modern, furnace and barn. For Rent 3048 California. 8 rooms, modern, 1 acre ground, only $26. South Omaha 1021 N. 21st, 6 rooms, modern except heat. 613 N. V. L.' SWEET ft BE8T. TEL. 1471 D-214 17 HOUSES. HOUSES. J041 So. 18th Ave.. 3-r., city water, nice shape; $7. 2210 So. 2ih. cosy -r. all modern cottage; 50. 16-7 Mason St., two 6-r. apartments, nice shape, city water Inside; reduced to tit. 303 So. mh, -r., city water Inside, good barn; $15. a:' Davenport, -r., city water, nice shape; $16. 1546-48 80. 27th, two good 7-r. strictly mod ern houses, all in fine order; only $26. 2613 Parker, 7-r.. strictly modern except furnace, good barn, everything In good Shane: $27.50. 2202 Farnam. ne $36. T-r., atrlctly modern flat; C Farnam, 8-r., strictly modern, good burn: $36. fine lot. 3214 Emmett, k-r.. city water; a bargain at $16; look It up. Un at loan. Bargains In real estate. Money to PAYNE. BOSTWICK ft CO.. Jl-8 N. Y. Life. D 230 17 FOR RENT In Bemls park, new. strictly modern s-room house; $). M. Sorensen, t2v6 Lincoln boulevard. D 214 17 x TO LET Two new high-grade houses in choice part of West Farnam district: will be ready fer eeeupaaey soon. W. Fsrnam Bmntl k Co., 130 Farnam St. D-te 17 Erbe A Co., Oak Case Krsnlch Bach, fine bargain. Voee ft Bonn, Oak Case Fine S'eger. Cabinet Grand, only Beautiful I.VH1 Emerson, only FOR RENT HOUSES 8-R. FLAT, atl modern, close In; $M7.G". lo-r. house, modern; $.). 11-r. house, mod ern; $26. 9-t. modem house; $30. ANSON CO., 4-6 I'axton Block. D-6S5 17x SEVEN-ROOM house, paved street, bath, gas. Barlght, Arlington Block. D 23'', 17 HOUSES FOR RENT. $3B-rS Bo. 2Mb. St.; 6 roojns; modern ex cept furnace. $:!" 1814 So. 27th St.; 6 rooms; modern. $20 1913 So. 84th St.; 4 rooms; modern ex cert furnace. $182801 Bo. S2d: rooms; modern. Inquire R. C. Peters ft Co., ground floor, Pee Bids. D 220 17 1063, St. Louts. Mo. 2TJJ 17x HOI'S F.8 TO LET. 1102 8. I2d, 9 rooms, modern, barn $4fl no 1537 Park Ave., 9 rooms, modern 37 60 1!14 N. 27th, 8 rooms, partly modern 17.50 M7 8. 21st, 5 rooms, modern except fur nace 20 fO 2127 Willis Ave.. 4 rooms, first floor W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., 1320 Farnam. I) 234 17 2 NEW cottages. 4 blk. south of 2th arid Vinton; every convenience; finished about Oct. 1; $18. D -M238 lux FOR RENT. Six-room modern house, near car, $3n.on. Two 5-room new cottages, modern except heat; well located. $17. On. Seven-tooni all modern, W. Farnam dis trict, $40.00. I N. HAMMOND. SHIMER ft CHASE CO.. Itii9 Farnam St. D-27 17 F. D. WEAD 4-room cottage, good repairs, 356S Leavenworth $12.60 6-rooin cottage, modern, with barn 119 8. 29th St 20.00 6- room cottage, modern except fur nace, 3617 N. 20th 20.00 -room cottage, modern, with porce lain bath. 2Bl Charles 18.00 8-room house, modern except furnace, 3.119 Lafayette Ave 18.00 7- room house, modern except furnace, 3660 Far nam 25.00 8- room house, modern except furnace, 2629 Seward 20.00 8-room house, modern, with good fur nace and bartv. 950 N. 2Sth 8t 25.00 8-room house, modern except furnace, 2W1 Farnam 20.00 8-room house, modern except furnace, l MO R 91 t A v. 9H VI 9-room house, modern, with furnace, 626 a. 26th Ave 32.50 F. D, WEAD 1524 DouKlas. D-250 17 FOR RENT. 8-room flat, modern, 2""1 N. 20th. $1.30. 3- room fat, modern, isi3 Mason, $HMW. 4- room flat, modern, 1002 S. ISth. $15.00. 6-room house, modern, 2124 Douglas. 6- room house, 2n S. 13th. 7- room house, 3239 Evans. J. H. PARROTTE, Paxton Block. D-249 17 . BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU want to buy, sell rent or exchange real estate or business QUICK see Comp-ton-Watts Co., 535 Paxton Blk. Y 94t PARTY owning a large and rapidly growing business of 20 years standing iti this city desires to place some of his slock on guar antee of 7 per cent dividend per annum, payable semi-annually. Address b9. Kee. Y-805 BOARDING house at a bargain. 13 rooms, close In. Owner leaving city. 511 N. ldtli. Y M520 SUx WE have run two of the most successful general stores In southeastern Neb. for several years, with stocks staple, clean and well kept in fact, the larwest stores and sales in either town, with liberal profits. After a recent sickness of 90 days and other business plans, we will sell either or both stores for cash, or not over 4 caeh. bal. clear Neb. land. Stocks will Invoice about $12,000 each. These are safe, well paying Investments for live business man. Address 135. Bee. Y "At BLACKSMITH shop In Omaha, partly equipped with new tools, for rent at $5. Address B 13, Bea. Y M954 17x FOR SALE By owner at Ord, Neb., a good building and best location, with bar fixtures therein; now renting for $30 per month. Addresa PostofUce Box 211. Lnng mont, Colo. Y 538 17x FOR SALE-Bakery. St.. Council Bluffs. Address R, 10 Pearl Y-6S7 GUM VENDING MACHINES Your for tune and love letter; small Investment, big returns; exclusive territory. J. W. Livingston, 1720 Dodge St., Omaha. Y-M-923 ! CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency. D 312, Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 1 BLUE BOOK OF PATENTS and list of in ventions wanted, free to any address. Patents secured or fee returned. Geo. S. Vashon A Co., 934 F St., Washington. D. C. Y- YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L. Brandels & Sons, Bankers, 16th and Douslar 8ts. Assets over $00,00.00. Y PATENTS SECURED. OR FEE RETURNED. Illustrated Guide Book and List. of Inventions Wanted, free to any address. Patents secured by us advertised free in World's Progress, gam pie copy frea. EVANS, WILKINS ft CO., 688 F ST., N. w., w'abhinqtonT D. C. Y MY FREE BOOK I5nce"fidn How Monev Grows." and tells: How to tell a good Investment; bow to Invest small sums; how you can convert $100 Into $:iVt3; how to guard against poor Investments, etc., etc. If you are able to save $10 or more a month from your income, you should not fail to own a copy. Not an advertisement of any Invest ment, but full to the brim with information that every one should possess before they Invest a dollar. Ask for It on a postal and I'll send It FREE by return mall. W. M. OSTKANDRK. 727 North American Bldg., Philadelphia. Y- FOR SALE A first-class hotel, with good business, in southweKtern Iowa; a snap for someone. Address O. M. Porter, Box 663. Plattsmouth, Neb. Y FOR SALE A first-class hotel, with good business. In southwestern Iowa: a snap for some one. Address CI. M. Porter, box C63, Plattsmouth, Neb. Y FARM Implements, bungles and wagons, up-to-date stock invoicing $4,0n0. Annual business $15,(iu0 to $18.0fti. This Is In a good Nebraska town of 30,000 population. Will discount slightly for cash or take some good real estate in exchange. D. V.- Sholes Co. 723 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. Y-lll 17 MANAGER Branch offlcs Omaha, and other elites, and enterprise we believe will Drove greatest money-earning and wealth producing business proposition ever presented to American putilic. Com pany will forever own all powers, ad vantages and every source of prollt In a modern city, under unity of ownership. Buiwrlor to any co-operative colonization plan ever formed. Representatives should . earn $3,000 to $5,000 first year and continue to Increase. Small amount of cash re quired. Our booklet. "The Powers and Advantages of Industrial Concentration." and full Information mailed free. IN VENTORS' AND FINANCE COMPANY (Kep. Dept.) Hoboken. N. J. Y VH 17x I HAVE lust concluded arrangements through which I shall be able to let my friends and customers In on a proposition the equal of which I have never seen. It is an exceptional opportunity for large profit without risk. Particulars upon re quest. C. F. Seslnger. Dealer In Unlisted Securities. North American Bldg.. Phila delphia, Pa. Y-198 17 x WANTED Strictly high-grade man as state manager large corporation, established 21 years, doing business every state In union: salary $2,100 for lot months per year and commissions; minimum Invest ment $l.uu0 In company and highest refer ences required. Supt. Agencies. Wilbur Stock Fuod Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Y-170 17x MAGAZINE "Investing for Profit." FREE It shows how money Is mad and how It grows Into fortunes; how to Invest Judi ciously. It Inspire til love of financial Independence; Informs regarding Invest ments: hlrhly profitable, yet safe, and I indispensable to all before Investing a dol lar, and thos who can save tbiu or more monthly. Write and I will send It O.VK YEAR FREE-. Editor Gregory. Or. at NM-tharu Bio-.. Chwaao. Jf-4H 11 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Cash meat market on the South Side; complete fixtures, Including barn, brick smoke house; rent only $10 a month; for quick sale will take $3"0. Apply at 2416 So. 16th St. Y 23 Ux ATTENTION Investors: One of the best oil propositions on the market; new field; unlimited possibilities. For particulars address The Mutual Oil Co., Jo4 Broadway, Fort Madison, la. Y 11 l7x FOR SALE Dairy creamery; cows. Splendid opportunity. 10 acres; J00 Trice, $,0"0- invest lgate. Address Robertson. ft'1 Main Houston, Tex. X 243 17x FOR 8A LE In town of Wyoming of 6.000 fmpulatlon, soda fountain, stock of con ectlonery, candy making tools, etc.; doing kiiou oueiness. Address juox iw. snennan, yo. Y-157 17 $3 GI'ARA NTEE8 six winners; Inside race track Information; three horses tele, graphed daily. August $25 won $3ti. fcrudler, 25 East 14th St., New York. Y-118 17X CAPITAL FI'RNISH ED. We wish communication with a first-class proposition with or without services of In vestor. Ioans on book accounts, ware house certificates, pig Iron certificates or Al securities. The Capital Co., 35 Nassau St., New York. Y 192 17x WOl'LD you Invest In stock absolutely cer tain to advance 1X per cent In 90 dayst For particulars address M. M. Carpenter, 419 W'est 115th St., New York. Y-lfa 17x WALL Street Traders Lifetime opportun ity; remit us $1 for siwclal TRIAL LET TER containing listed rsilroud stock now 9 which will advance in strides to par. Flyer proving sorvlce. Welles Bulletin. 18 Broadway, New York. Y 1S9 17x TONOPAH and Ooldfleld Illustrated, mailed free. Investigate Bullfrog AJax; market letter mailed weekly to clients. Jus. J. Rutherford & Son, Public Ledrer Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Y" 180 17x HARDWARE and harness stock In prosper ous Iowa town of ft"; onlv harness shop In town. About $,0ii required. Ill-health reason for selling. Address B 18. care Bee. Y 1X4 17x HAVE the finest building and location In Kansas for hardware store; 25 miles from St. Joseph; splendid country town. Ad dress Box 8, Bendena, Kan. Y 137 17x PLVMBKR WANTED I hnve an opening lor a good all-around man in plumbing, steam and hot water heating, windmills and pumps In a town In Nebraska. Prop erty consists of a two-story and basement building, located on corner of court bouse square, pipe, tools, etc. Will sell or make suitable lease to right parties. Particulars by mall. Address, M 17 rare Bee. Y-2"0 17 LAUNDRY FOR SALE. Old established and profitable laundry business. Work at present average $J:0 per week Machinery up-to-date and In good order, part of It new. Price. $4,000. Reasonable terms. Sholes-Armstrong Company. 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. T-110 17 BI1 MONEY $10 buys puts or calls upon ln.rtin bushels wheat: no further risk; movement of 6 cents makes you il; write for circular. The Standard Grain Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. Y 179 17x WANTED Jewish young man with ll.St.J as partner In the wholesale and retail liquor buHlness In Minnesota or Illinois; ''fcrences. Address Box I08, Sioux City, la. Y 122 17x NOTICE FOR sale stock of drugs and fixtures In good business town of wia popolr.tlon. Reason for selling nnd full particulars on application, adores- jt once B 9, care of Bee. Y 128 17 SOUTHWESTERN SUCCKHS California magazine beautifully Illustrated, free for six months, together with a copy of our valuable booklet "The Kiss of Oold'- provided you send 11 cents to help pay postage. Address Southwestern Success Company, E. W Los Angeles. Cal. Hellman Building-, Y-163 if FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 314 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 1-116 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small ofTlce which rents for $10.00 per month. Price Includes heat, light, water nnd Janitor service. It is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and is just the thing for anyone wanting a nice little office In the best office building In town. R. C. Peters ft Co., rental agents, ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1771 FOUR-STORi AND BASEMENT, BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building Is 22, 1S5 feet, four stories and basement. The battement is !UxU'i feet, is cemented. The celling over the basement has a brick vault and Iro': beam const ruction, makelng the basement firs- Froof. The first floor has a marble floor in rent and granolithic floor in rear. There is a large buiglar-proof vault and a power elevator. The upper floors have windows un three sides. Address. The Bee Building Co., C. C. Rosewatcr, Secretary, Room 100 Bee Bids. I-6UU IF you apply at once we can give anyone desiring a large office space almost any arrangement they desire. This space Is on the sixth floor of The Bee building, with north light. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1-773 IJ. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Fine offices for rent. We are situated Just half way between the wholesale and re tail districts. Have one especially fine, large room on ground floor. Call and see us. Chas. E. Williamson Co. Ground Floor U. S. Nat l Bank Bldg. 1-207 17 THREE new up-to-date storerooms, 8. E. corner of yth and Farnam Sts. lYice $C0 to $75 per month each. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. 1-214 IT FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad in and you will soon get it. Z st TO EXCHANGE for stock range, $10,000 business block, central location, paved street, gas, electricity, furnace, sewer, bath, etc ; best physical condition; net Income, $"f,0 per annum. Write RX., Beatrice. Neb. Z M-929 17 1 FOR EXCHANGE. Stock of hardware and residence property In eastern Nebraska for farm or small runch In central Nebraska. Stock general merchandise, store building and residence in eastern Nebraska, for farm or ranch In Nebraska. Address A. J. Yarrlngton. Wahoo, Neb. Z M957 18 FOR SALE OR TRADE Stock In a manu facturing plant, also in a gilt-edge Colorado Mining company, also In a pro ducing Oil romnany, all of these are first-class: want reai estate anywhere in west. Address, B. B. Wheeler, Muskocoe, Ind. Territory. Z 160 17x IF YOU want to buy or exchange for land send Me for Farm Buyers' Guide, which contains discretions of 2J fnrms for sale or exchange with owner's address. Want farms to sell. Horace Grant, Kansaa City. Mo. Z 120 17 PREFER to sell, but would exchange good drug business In eastern Nebraska town ef 1.2u population for good eastern or central Nebraska land. Address R 353, Frank St., Council Bluffs Z 151 17x WILL exchange beautiful upright piano, choice of ten makes, for driving or draft horse. Tel. Mlf Schmoller ft Mueller Piano Co., 14u7 Harney Bt. Z 2S1 17 TlfHKK fifty-foot residence lots which I will trade for gasoline sum; value $125. Ralph Barney, Kearney. Neb. Z 273 17x TO EXCHANGE New stock shoes, fur nlslihig s,m1. clothing, hats. etc.. Invoic ing about $6.5oO medium-priced goods for clear farm hind or city property. J. C. Au.tln. 323 Felix St.. St. Joseph. Mo. Z 273 17 X DANCING ACADEMY MORAND'S adult classes ar now open: laasons Tuea and Ft1. P- m.; 13 lessons, ladies. $e: gentlemen. $7: former and hist) school pupils and colleg students, $4. ImL Utl. Vilva.1 Ussrnia 4Ul.ri 01 PERSONAL Typewri ters These Machines are all In first-class condition and the best bargains ever offered. Bllckenaderfer, No. 7 $20.00 Callgrnph $10.00 Densmore $27X0 Remington, No. 6 $.15.00 Oliver, No. 2 $3T.00 Smith Premier, No. 2 $50.00 Smith rremier. No. 4 $r5.00 Remington. No. 0 (aa good as new) $70.00 Fox (new) $40.00 I'nderwood, No. 4 (new) $75.00 NEB. CYCLE CO. GEO. E M1CKEL, Mgr. v Phonographs Edison and Victor. Largest stock of Records and Supplies in the West. Cash or Payments. Write for Catalogues. NEB. CYCLE CO. GEO. E. MICKEL, Mgr. Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. u- ACCOKDION snl SUNBURST PLKATING. RUCH1NG, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLtAUNG CO 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 1936. U-PV4 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. THOSE 3VW. V-VA "PHONB 701 and a man win call and tune your piano, $2. Perfield Piano Co., Mil Farnam. U 993 MAGNFTirtreatment bi baths. Mme. 2d fl.. r .8. . U-360 IF YOU OFT SOAKED at the Installment stores the blame is all your own. A com parison with our prices will convince you we sell at least 25 cheaper. Terms: $5.00 worth, $1.00 a week. OMAHA FIRMTI'RK AND CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th on Farnam Pt. U-096 17 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 6. 13th. U-9H3 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at iowesi rates for relisble service. 1 el. 10.0. Schmoller ft Mueller, piano makers. U-905 Accordion AND Sunburst PLEATING COMPLETE GARMENTS A SPECIALTY. TAILOR MADE BUTTONS. RUCH1NG GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 DOUGLA8 BLK.. OPPOSITE HAYDEN BROS. TEL. 1836. U- LARSON ft JOHNSON-Cut rates to all points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. 1935. Member American Ticket Brokers' association. U-9 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1.00 weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perfteld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. U-H97 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th Bt., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call. U 611 PRIVATE noma during confinement; ba blee boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell 2216 Charles. Tel. 631L U-W8 WE RENT sewing machines, 76c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663, Cor. 16th and Harney. U 998 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramce Blk. U 1000 MALLETT'S Cereal Coffee. healthful, nourishing; best thing for Indigestion 15c per pkg. all grocers. U M204 LADY agents to sell DENTA-BLEACH, finest tooth preparation In the world; for sale at all druggists or sent postpaid on receipt of 60c. Eureka Chemical Co. (In corporated), Omaha. Neb. U 901 TWO NIGHT SCHOOL scholarships for sale cheap. Address B 13, care Bee. U-942 17x MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine hahlt myself cured; will Inform you vt harmless permanent home cure. Mary Buluwin, Box 1212, Chicago. U WEALTHY young lady, attractive, affec tionate, worth over $25.0u0 and 160-aere farm, desires Immediately loving hus band. Adlress Mrs. W., C97 Fulton St., Chicago. U OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufactures pur flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. J621. FACE and acalp massage and manicuring treatment. 808 N. 21st St. Mrs. HarrUon. YOU are cordially Invited to attend Mor and'a Wednesday Assemblies. Admission 2fic; dancing from 8 p. m. Lessons every Tuesday and Friday, 8 p. m. U 201 17x ttti t " t.- vnr'q itt trail By .wearing Medicated Pure Para Rubber, made to order garments, worn ny society women of Newport with positive results; no medicine, no dieting, no discomfiture; excellent for headaches and rheumatism. Only rational method. Booklet mailed. Dlssolvene Company, Astor Court, New York City. U 185 17x SOUVENIR PO8TAL CLUB You will re ceive souvenir postal cards from all parts of the world. Bend 10c for two beautiful cards and club plan. Box 325, Yonkers, N. Y. U 18S 17x YOUR fortune told; send nam and ad dress with I-cent stamp and date of birth and I will send a pen-picture of your llf from the cradle to the grave. Prof. Io Amxl. Dept. A 63, Bridgeport, Conn. U 181 17x MARRIAGE paper, 10c, sealed: results as sured or money refunded; 500 marriages consummated; many wealthy. R. K. Love, Jacobson Bldg., Denver. Colo. U-160 17x YOUNG man who is too bashful and timid to marry, desires th acquaintance of woman like himself, or any woman who will write him to call and see hr. B 8, car Bee. U 158 17x DOLLAR GAB. let us have It. Shirts sr still ic up. collars 2c, cuffs e. Follett Laundry. 1618 Capitol Ave. and 108 Ieav enworth. V 218 17x PERSONAL Any person seeing accident to old lady on So. Omaha car at 14th and Dodge on evening of Sunday. Aug. 13, pleas communicate with B 25. Pee. U-237 17x WELL! WELL! WELL! Who ever beard of such prices? Pants pressed. 6c; suits. 25c. Th Omaha Dress Club (two offices. 1618 Capitol Ave.. 11J ' Leavenworth) announce these prices for on week only. September la to 23. after which our usual low prices will prevail. Most careful attention given to small details and perfect work guaranteed In cleaning, pressing and repairing. Get la on thos low Lirlc; Uiy ar good for vnly ft wk. laUJ II SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES OMAHA Seymour Camp No. 18 will meet at Myrtle Hall, commencing Wednesday evening, Oc tober 4th. 1S5. M. H. REDFIELD, Consul Commander. J.vp. N. CRAWFORD. Cletk. PERSONAL DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 ft 3, 1506 Farnam. L luO Beware of bogus Instruments. New Steln wav pianos are onlv sold bv the SCHMO!. I.ER ft MUELLER PIANO CO., the only Stelnwav representatives In Nebraska. Temporary Location 1407 HAHSEY. U-27S 17 MARRY wenlth and beauty: marriage di rectory free; pay when married; eutlrelv new plan; stad no monev. Address It. A. Horton, Dept. 297 Tekonshs. Mich. U-2-2 17x WEALTHY young lady wishes gentlemen correstKindents; object early marriage; de. tells by letter. Address Marl Schulti, 3150 Calumet Ave., Chicago. U 277 17x FREE Your fortune told by America's famous, marvelous, gltted astrologlst. oc cult scientist, clalrvoysnt and life reader. Prof. Hall. 96 6th Ave., Chicago; send birth date, 3 2-cunl stamps. I 275 17x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED-City loans and warrants. W Farnam Smith ft Co., 1330 Farnam St. W 64 MONEY TO LOAN-Payn Investment Co. W 866 GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; no delay; get our terms. W-866 LOWEST rates, city property; 6 P. C. on farms In eastern Neb. Bemls, Paxton Blk. W-S.7 BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Block. W-D68 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. W M9 $1.CO0.fiO TO LOAN on business and resl. dence properey In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan. R. 1, N. Y. Lire. W70 W ANTED Cltr loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W-971 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H.' Thomas. 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1618. W 872 LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or to build with; can pay It back in monthly pavinents. Hastings & Heyden. lOO!". Far nam St. W 973 Low Rates. Private Money, $100 and Up. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. W WANTED TC RENT WANTED TO RENT Two rooms single or en-suite light house keeping If de sired. 204 S. 20th St. K-8S6 17x WANTED Furnished rooms with board in private family, by man, wife and young lady daughter. 'Phone 8191 or Inquire at Room 813, Ramge bldg. K M956 WANTED Board and room nar Crelghton college for boy; would like to do some chores In part payment. Address B 10. Be. K-121 17x WANTED To rent, furnished house for winter, 7 or 8 rooms; respectable party. 'Phone Red 6162, or address A SO. Bee. K-1.16 17x WE ARE turning away fifty people a day who are looking for nouses to rent; our central location rents houses easily; list your houses with us. N. P. Dodge ft Co., 1614 Farnam. K-222 17 WANTED Pleasant furnished room with large closets, 'or a suit of rooms at reasonable price, for two young men. Address Omaha Postofflce, Box 473. K-264 17x WANTED Board and room In private fam ily for the winter, by man and wife. References exchanged. Address B 1, Omaha Bee. K 240 17x WANTED To rent at once or October 1. a Ave or six-room modern dwelling In respectable neighborhood; best of refer ences. Address B 26, Bee. Kr242 J7x PRINTING PDlNTINin MEMORIAL CARDS; ar rKirIIP4J tMic designs. S. E. Cor. LYNGSTADl6th St- an(1 CapltolAve. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION TENTH AND H1RCT. t'nloa Paelsle. Leava. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:18 pm California Express a 4:10 rm a 8:30 am California ft Oregon Ex. a 4:30 pm a 8:10 pm North Piatt Local a 7:60 am a 6:20 pm Fast Mail a 8:56 am a 8:30 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:44 am Beatrice Local b 8:15 cm b 1:80 pm watiia. St. Louis Expresa 8:80 pm I: Bt. iouls Local (from Cour.cM Bluffs) : am 10: Shenandoah Local (from Council Bluffs) I cm S: Chicago, Hook Islanft Pa en fie 10 am 80 pm 30 pin EAST. Chicago Limited a $:SS am Chicago Express a 7:36 am a 7: :1 am :60 pm JO pm :60 am :56 pro :15 pm :30 am :6o pm :40 am :24 am 00 pm .10 pm :36 am a 8 a 4 oil Chicago Ex.. Local bll:4fl am Des Moln:s Express.. ..a 4:30 pm Des Moines Local Chicago Fast Express.. a 1:40 pm WEMT. Rocky Mountain Lim'd..a 7:10 am Colorado Express a 1:80 pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex. a 4:80 pm Colorado Night Ex.... a 8:66 cm a 1 a 8 a 4 all a 7 Chicago, Milwaukee Bt. Paa8. Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7: am all Callforr.ia-oregon Ex. ..a 1:46 pin Overland Limited a 8:35 pm a 3 a 7 llliuols Central. Chicago Expresa a 7:36 am alO:3S pro Chicago Limited a 7:6u pm a :06 am Minn ft Bt. Paul Ex....b 7:26 am ulo.35 pro Minn, ft 6U Paul Ltd. ..a 7:60 put a piu Missouri Pacta. St. Louis Express 8:00 am a 6.30 am K. C. ft Bt. L. Ex ,all:U pin a 6 u0 pin Chicago ft Norlawstara. Local Chicago aJl-JOam 1:46 pm Fast Mall a :A pm :3C am Dalllil Su Paul .... a 7.0T un 10:00 pm Daylight Chlcag a :ia am 11.60 pm Limited Chicago a :38 pm :1J am Local Carroll a 4.w im t.fcj ni Fast St. Paul a (r.piu 7:06 am Local Sioux C. ft St. V. 0 3:60 pm $.16 am Fast Mall 3:60 pro Chicago Express a, 6:f pm a V:3u am Norfolk ft Bonesteel ....a 1:40 41a it Si am Lincoln ft Long Pin 7:10 am KI:S6 pro Casper ft Wyoming .... 3 50 pm s:16 pin Dead wood ft Lliiooia ....a 2. bL pit. 6.15 pm Hasiings-Alblou b 2.50 pm 6:16 pm Des U. ft Okobojl Ex.. .a Lie am a 3.30 pm llalcaito Great Wastersu BU Paul ft Minn a 30 pro a 7:18 am 6U Paul ft Miuu a C4 am a t:U pm Chicago Limned a t:uo pm alow am Ciacu b-iyia a .u sou a Jt.ju pia BURLINGTON iTATION X4JTU ft MASON BurlinKloa. Leav. Denver ft California. a 4.10 pm Northwest Express ....11:10 p Nebraska pointa a i bo i Lincoln Fast Mall.. .....6 $ 67 pm Ft. Crook ft Plaltarc th h 8 61 pm bellevue & Plallsiu to. .a 7 .5j pm Hellvu ft Pac. Junc....al3::6 pm Bellevu 4k Pac June. ...a 3 Jv am Denver Limned Chicago Special a T:36 am Chicago ixpress a 4 W pm Chicago Flyer a 8:u6 pm Iowa Local a 8:16 am Bt Louis Express a 4:44 pin Kansas City ft L Jo, all). 46 pm Kansas City ft St. Jo.. a :1 am Kansas City c St. Jo.. a 4:46 pm Arrive, a 8 30 pm 1 8.08 pm a 7:w pm aU.ui pa, al') ti am b :iu 4m a'V'ioam a'i:66"p'ro a 7:26 pm alO:6J pm all :3D am a 8:46 am a t:u ptn WEB8TER IIKPOT 1STII ft WEfllTEH Mlaaoarl Paelfte. Nebraska Local, via Leav. Arrive, Weeping Water b I -bo pm bl2 .30 pm Chicago, at. PaaL Miaaaapolla ft Oaiaka, Twin City Passenger Sioux City Passenger Oakland Local ..b 8:80 am ..a t.oo pm ,.D S HIl . .0 8.46 am b :1 pm all. 30 am t 8:10 am c t.OO pm tmcrtun Local a dally, b dally xopt 8)uiy 1 dailr xcepl Saturday, fluuda( tmly, dally CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Jobbers Eaj thi Beaton is Eatiifac'ory wi h lien. WEEK'S BUSINESS BEATS LAST YEAR There la Prospect of Hlaher Price In Susjar Spot Coffee Slightly Lower Shoe Salesuiea Are oa the Hoad. jonnera report Dusiness for the week as having a bigger volume than the corre sponding weeK of last year The dry goods men are still very busy and the grocer are doing a big trade. Fall trade Is open ing up rapidly with the shoe and hard ware people. The main feature of the market Is the sligbt easiness In coffee and the prospects for an Increase In the price vt sugar early next month. (talesmen are on the road now for the shoe houses and thev reimrt a good busi ness, leather Is firm. The hide market shows no weakness whatever, except In heavy weight sole leather stock. All raw material for use In upper lvuther, Including light hide .and calfskins, are Arm with attempted advance, which buvers stoutly resist. Receipts of cattle at slaughtering points are Increasing with a corresponding Increase In the hide take off. but titer seems to be no corresponding ease In the prlc of hides, and while th Imports of hides from South America show Increase over lsst year, they are still below the Imports of 1303. The markets of the world are higher and everything points to a continued high market throughout tha fall and winter. C'offe aad Sugar. Just now the hiarket Is a llttl up on Coffee options, but spot goods are ViO easier. Vet there Is not enough decline to warrant heavy buying by the wholesalers, even considering the fact that freight rates on coffee and sugar are scheduled to advance. Receipt of Rio and Santos ant from 40,000 to 6u,000 bags less each weuk than a year ago. Sugars, both raw and refined, remain un changed. The demand Is heavy. Rates were adjusted satisfactorily by the rail roads concerned at a meeting last week. The new schedule will not go Into effect until October 7. It will advance prices at Missouri river points 24c a hundred pounds. Cheese holds about the same prlc. Thoro is a good demand fur this article. There Is a strong undertone In th rlca market and business Is fairly active. A few parcels of the new crop have been, received on the Atlantic coast and en larged offerings are expected during the week. The market at New Orleans Is strong and active. Rough rice is held at higher prices. Japan rice Is slightly easier. Continued Improvement is shown In the demand for molasses as cool weather ad vances. Prices are practically unchanged. The market Is about th same on flh. Holland herring has settled to a steady oasis and lower prices are not expected. salt mackerel is a little firmer. rot.,... .. 1 1 I . I . this year's goods being up 15c to Kc dozen and 2(w a gallon on bulk. Certain sixes are very scarce, and It Is predicted there will be no decline this season. Good sized packages of 20c to 25c olives in glass are exceedingly hard to obtain. Tomato News I nfa vorable. The reports from tomato growing dis tricts are In the main more unfavorable than they were lat week. It now seem probable that Missouri packers will make unlivery 111 kuuui w lu w vein, f.'iiiu will deliver 76 per cent, but It Is believed mere are enoiign lower to arag oown 1 lie average neiow M Der cent. 1 nere is no definite report of the situation In In dlana, but during; the week the market has been lorced up from voc to 31 i.o.d., tiani more, with transactions at the dollar mark. On the face of this comes Information of a reliable character, indicating that toma toes are coining in to the cannula mora plentifully and that the market for the raw stuff has declined 10c to 15c per bushel. Everyone knows there Is a strong clique operating In tomatoes, but does not know iust where they are going to tear the inar :et. Well posted operators think they have already gone too far and that they will hav difficulty In unloading on lh basis of the present market; that Is $1 f.o.b, Baltimore. If the Jobbers bought In Baltimore at $1, the cost In Omaha would be fl.l7V. Of course, tomatoes hava moved on such a basis of cost, but not In the last three years. In corn the situation Is without material change, packers reporting a yield as a rula slightly less than last year, so that many of them are not filling as many cans a they anticipated. However, from the pre sent outlook, corn prices will be no higher. Heavy Trade In Salmon. The low prices that have been ruling on Red Alaska salmon hav stimulated tha trade wonderfully. Everyone realizes that these prices are very low and that thera are Ave chances for an advance against ona chance of a decline. On domestic sardines, the market IS lather heavy, particularly on quarter oils. On gallon apples the market Is higher, showing an advance of 35c within the last two weeks. There Is a tendency In all gallon pie fruit to advance, Including gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries and. California fruits. There Is no particular change to note In th dried fruit situation. As deliveries pre being made on peaches and apricots, it becomes more and mora apparent that there will be a comparatively small residue of these goods unsold, probably none of any consequence left in the growers' hands. Prunes are very strong at th present advance, both on Italians and California. Pears are In exceedingly ngnt supplies, practically none of them available at a popular price. No prices have yet been named on raisins by the association, but these are expected from day to day. Raspberries are very closely cleaned up. The price today is 4c per pound higher than the opening price. No change to report !n the currant situation, the market being milto firm at the present prices, and very little prospect of any lower prices In the near future. The amount of currents available is con siderably less than was In sight at this time last season. Dry Goods Situation. Business with the dry goods Jobbers, though not as active as It was a few weeks ago. is still keeping everybody busy. The distribution extends to all departments. Sales for the season of blankets, under wear, cloaks, and In fact all fall specialties have been abnormally large. The demand still continues for cotton goods. New prices are looked for on some staple lines of cotton goods, which have not yet lieen advanced. Amoskeag checked ginghams and kindred lines are looked upon as being cheap and American prints are Uc cheaper than they were a year ago. Well Informed men, both wholesalers and retailers, aro carrying full stocks ot gxos anu "" Burnt rs are buying fall goods freely. Som lines of soring samples have already been sent on the road and a few goods orders taken. In spring goods most buyers are following th vogue et abroad and sheer fabrics hold that place. Demand for Building Hardware. The last week has not materially changed the business situation or the outlook ex cept, as a result of the progress of th season, somewhat to Increase the volums of business and at the same tlm ) strengthen the confidence with which IUS chants and manufacturers are conducting their Interests In anticipation of large and profitable trade. The assurance of great crops Is regarded as giving a solid founda tion for prosperous conditions. The activ ity of and other large consumers of Iron and their enterprise In contracting for their future requirements are indica tions of the spirit which prevails. Th strength of the Iron market is a natural result. The effect of this Influence is felt In manufactured products In the Iron and hardware lines, which are generally held with decided firmness. The volume of trad Is large and some manufacturers are filled up with orders. The amount of building In progress is a marked feature of the situa tion. In practically every part of the country there Is activity In the erection of structures both for residence and business purposes This is causing a heavy demand for hardware, as well ss for th heavier material which enters Into their construc tion Tools also feel the stimulating Influ ence Lest week's advance on wire and nails of 6 rents Is being maintained and a further advance of from 6 cents to 10 cents is expected at any moment. Merchandise and fcperle. NEW YORK. Sept. 16 Total Imports of merchandise end dry good at the port of New York f r the week ending today were valued st $ll,sfe4. Total liniHirts of specie at th port of New York for the week ending today wire $ir7 !)S1 sliver and $li.' gold. Total ex port of specie from the port of New York for the wifk ending today were $1,43.475 silver and $4 M) gold. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Supt. 16-Hl'TTER Vnchanged: western creamery, 22c; extra nearbv prints. 23c. EliS-Hteadv: nearby fresh, loss off 2$ nearby fresh 22c at mark; western fresh, 21".':'o at mark. CHEESE Unchanged; New Tork full cream fancy, 12c; do cboto U&iIOi X fair to a,'!,