unday Bee NEWS SECTION. PAGES 1 TO 8. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1H03-FOUR SECTIONS-TlinJTY-FOUR PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. The Omaha ( FAMINE GRIPS SPAIN Prefent Condition Worst Em Experienced in the fiUtarr of the Kingdom. STARVING PEOPLE ROAM THE COUNTRY Tumi Ire Sacked by Men and Women Who Tike Animals. - WEALTHIER FAMILIES GO TO CITIES Deipit e rolioe laaueea reopia xorto Their Way Into Towna. PUBLIC WORKS TO RELIEVE DISTRESS Minister of Finance Levies Tax l Start Work, but Money la Slow In Co mix to Treaeury. MADRID. Sept. 1. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The famine In Spain i believed to' be the worst in the history of the king dom. Telegrams are arriving; from all parts of Andalusia giving most alarming- accounts of the disorders arising from the famine. Great excitement has followed the dispatch of troops to Ostina, where anarchy is re ported to prevail. Starving men and women are roaming over the country sacking- the farms and carrying off sheep and cattle. Th6 wealthier families are flocking Into Seville and Cordova for protection. At Ecija. V'trera and Carmona the prisons are crowded. In spite of the efforts of the police new bands of hungry peasants have forced their way Into Malaga. The minister of finance has accorded a credit of 30,000,ono for public works In An dalusia to relieve the distress of the peasants, but money Is slow In coming. Meanwhile Immense throngs of emaciated men and women are encamped In the open around all of the towns, and at Osuna a crowd of 4,000 strong threatens to storm the houses of the richer classes. The proprie tors, accompanied by deputies of the prov ince, have visited the prefect of 8evllle. de manding protection. Nearly all of the sheep are disappearing and are being openly sold upon the streets at a penny a pound, for the thieves declare that they are only too glad to go to prison, where they will have something to eat. ' Troops are being sent to every town, but the prefect hesitates to Issue rigorous or ders in view of the desperate condition of the peasants. The minister of agriculture has Issued an appeal to managers of railways and other industrial concerns In Andalusia urging them to give as much work as possible to the starving population. He will ask for till further government credits to relieve the distress. Rlos at Malaga. A telegram from Malaga states that riots re occurring at Teba, where the employers ' and landowners have suspended the assist ance they have been giving to the Inhabi tants. ' According to one estimate there are 200,000 men out of work In Andalusia alone and $10,000,000 will not be sufficient to relieve the terrible situation caused by the famine. Blame Is laid upon the government, which for centurtea has neglected the agricultural Inhabitants of the provinces. The Intense drouth this year has brought things to a crisis Ufttfiarhlla mn ttfmnt la H1ns. m a Am tn relieve the distress by an abundant distri bution of victuals. The archbishop of Seville has opened a public subscription list. Reports from Arcos state that the work less Inhabitants have reached such a stste of debility that they are unable to masti cate the bread which Is charitably sent to i them. As far as possible they are being S kept alive with beef tea and wine. Three thousand people belonging to the V villages of Casarobonela, Junquera, Ptsara and Alosalna have made a piteous appeal to the government for food. The local treasuries are exhausted and no more as sistance can be given by the authorities. The town of Trebujena Is In a state of riot owing to the construction of a high way having been discontinued and hundreds of men thrown out of work. In Bujalanc. near Cordova, the principal square Is Ailed all day with Starving people, who He In the sun and look like living skele tons. The town council Is at the end of Its resources and Is In three months' debt to Its employes. No grant has yet been made at this particular place by the government. In many places both cows and goats are fall Ing to give milk for want of food. Throughout the former fertile valley of Andalusia children are living on fir cones and the fruit of the wild cactus. The Jails are crowded with persons who have com mitted no offenses, but who have given themselves up to the police on the pretense of having committed a crime In order to get shelter and food. Hunger riots are of dally occurrence. It Is Impossible to main tain order because of the government's In- action. It la reported that somceoup kitchens have finally been opened In the worst stricken villages. Droath la Mai it Plaees. The cause of this extreme condition Is i thAt ,nto to pnytat them from lnterfer due to the fact that not a drop of rain un tht, cantonal elections One can has fallen In many of the provinces since B;ncerf.,r hope that the government will March. There has been no work for the , K,ve the Kh(!tne a falr chance, though the labortng peasant because of the extreme j mnn) liberal of the Russians acknowledge drouth. It Is feared that the winter months , that p,tfaii, tB the way of constitutional during the coming sesson will be periods development In Russia are necessarily nu- ot great aunenng irom iac oi worn ana rood. The peasant of the Interior plateau liv ing upon the rocks defies hardship. He scorns the voluptuousness of the mild, soft regions below. Ill-clad, with tattered gar ments fluttering In the biting cold wind, men, women and children present a stern face to their lot. Their stoicism Is only equaled by that of the rock upon which they toll. They are lean vtsaged, with com plexions like leather. They go about their work ii thouah centuries of toll welihoH heavily upon them. Even the beautiful black-haired Andaluslan girls wear a mel- ,ne lr,,n """.guage was now oeing laugnt In ancholy expression that seems unnatural I M0 achool throughout Ireland. The coun upon their oval faces. j try w" saving Its language, publishing Its It Is said that the country of Soaln la , literature, reviving Its music and bringing especially well adapted to the growing of : wheat. If the government would only Irrt ate the lar.d la the wheat growing regions 7, It would tiot be necessary to buy wheat from beyond the borders. In 10J there rat comparatively ' no rain. The recent tread rtute are the results of the drouth. Irrigation would not be difficult for the rivers, swollen by the melting of the snows from the mountain ranges, flow full banked throughout the dry season. The drouths deprive the laborers of the opportunity to am even the small wages to which they are accustomed leas than to cents a day. The suffering of the Spanish peasantry was never greater than It la today, thuugh 4wUaud oa Second fag! RUSSIAN SOLDIERS IN DISTRESS J Wouaded Rftnrnlnc from War Are I'orofd to Hr( on trerta. ST. PETICRSRI-Ra. Sept. 1. (Speclu Cablegram to The Bee.) There Is a great and growing Indignation in St. Petersburg over the unpardonable indifference shown by the Russian government towards those of tl.e wounded and crippled soldiers who have already re turned from the east. In nearly everv street one sees soldiers with an arm or leg, or both limbs, missing. Others stretch out hand In pitiable appeal for alms. Some wear on their breasts the cross of St. George, which la only given In a case of .great personal bravery. Un doubtedly all of these unhappy cripples have a right ffb be f.-d by the state and to receive a sma.l pension. Ask them why tly beg and the answer is Invariably the old story of wholesale peculations amonj the officials. Some of the Instances related by these soldiers are horrifying In the extreme. Wounded In battle they have been obliged to lay months m the hospitals, and they have then been compelled to suffer In credible privations on the long Journey home, even the money appropriated for their food having been stolen by the offi cials. For weeks they have starved on a diet of water and a little bread given by people at stations slong the line of the Siberian railway. When they arrived at their native villages they reported them selves to the local authorities and claimed the pensions promised to them. But after the first installments, and sometimes even before the first installments, no money was forthcoming and the wounded soldiers, un able to work, nave dragged themselves into St. Petersburg, there to expose th.'lr wounds to their fellow countrymen. As a general thing they come here believing ! that ' The Little Father" would see Justice done to them. But the multitude of officials employed In the distribution of pensions kept them back with promises In true Rus sian fashion, and when they became more pressing sent them away with a few shillings. If they returned after that they were roughly turned out of the offices. Now that a bad crop Is In view, now that the taxes cannot be paid, the pensions of all of the soldiers are likely to be held back to make up the deficits. POST CARDS FLOOD THE MAILS French Poatofflre Finds Itself I'nable to Properly Handle the Little Menientoea. PARIS, Sept. 16. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Public complaints are loud against the postofflce here, which Is accused of pursuing a skinflint policy by undermannlng Its service and consequently overworking Its men, with the result that masses of correspondence are delayed and that It Is sometimes advisable when you have a pressing letter for an address In town to walk across Paris with It yourself rather than confide It to the post. That there Is some Just ground for criticism Is proved by the postmaster general's Inten tion, announced at the last cabinet council, of applying to Parliament for additional supplies In order to Increase his staff very considerably. On the other hand, there Is something to be said on the side of the postofflce. The picture card erase In par ticular threatens to become a social danger. The following case Is said to be typical during the summer season: From a micro scopic seaside resort close to Boulogne with a few hundred permanent Inhabitants, actu ally 80,000 picture post cards were sent out In thirty days. The local postmistress was at her wit's end, and local half-penny stamps gave out long before the demand for postage for the cards ceased. Boulogne could not spare her postmistress any stamps, and consequently postage stamps of a higher denomination were used. What the daily send-off of picture cards from places like Boulogne Itself must be one can hardly Imagine. Madame Hofer, the can tlnlere who won $300,000 In the lottery, her self Is keeping the local postofflce where she resides busy. Her average of letters, nearly all of them proposals of marriage, has now reached l.ono per day. Most of them are Insufficiently stamped. It Is need less to say that the cantlnlere declines to pay the additional postage and the love letters fall into the hands of some fourth class postal clerks. PEASANTS WAY BE IN CONTROL Will Have Strong; Representation and Possibly Majority at New Rnaslan Damt, ST. PETERSBCRO, Sent. 15. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) X careful study of the new electoral system discloses that the peasants are morally certain to return ISO of the 412 members of the Puma from the fifty-one provinces hitherto Included !n the plan, and are likely to have ZJ. This result would be regarded as not unnatural In a country so largely agricultural If it were not feared that the police and other local representatives of the government will dictate the elections. It Is notorious that the cantonal chiefs have arbitrary power over the cantona ! wh,ch hold the P'lntary elections. They ! may "Pn fln and sentences of arrest .appeal. i .... .......i.r ... ine in terior naa puojisneu a circular purporting to curtail the powers of the village aut-- crmta, and the nationalist press explains D1er0us at best. GROWTH OF GAELIC TONGUE Speaker at I.eagae Meeting 8ay Officials Try to Control Stady In Ireland. Dl'BLIN, Sept. 16 (Special Cablegram to The Bee. Speaking at the "Olreachtas," or festival of the Gaelic league, Dr. Douglas Hyd- Prlrt" f th lesue, said that back Its games. The British treasury, working through the commissioners of national education. ' w" attaching in. jri.n language, not for j ke of nilaerable .0uu a year, but to Inaert a weuge Detween tne irlah people and Irish education. He warned the people of Ireland that if they allowed the treasury olerks to decide what was to be taught In Ireland they would be betraying the cause of their country. In the name of 400. OuO of the Gaelic leaguers be called on the na tional board, on the school managers and on tha nation to resist, by every means In (hair power, this attempt to remove Irian education from Irish control and to bring Ireland more than aver under the heel of ff.ngllaa official. p2 JT W JjlSSULA - x No-- s .aen Agree Upon Amicable ermi of Separation. BRIEF OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT MADE It Btatei That Negotiation! Will Eoon Be Brought to Definite Result. COMPROMISE ON SUBJECT OF FORTS Mutual Concession! to Avoid Wounding Sensibilities of Either Nation. CONFERENCE WILL MEET AGAIN TODAY Rumor that Powers Were to Inter vena One to Offer of Good Offices by Three Katlona. KARLSTAD. Sept. 16.-The first official announcement Indicating that the. delegates of Norway and Sweden were approaching an understanding In their effort to establish a modus vlvendl for the countries as sep arate governments was given out tonight at the close of the Joint session of the dele gates. This announcement rends: The probabilities are that in the nar fu ture the negotiations can be brought to a uriniue reHllll. This somewhat cryptic announcement is accepted as Indicating that the negotiations have finally reached a stage where agree ment Is In sight and a resort to arms, which nilght have Involved other powers, mar safely be considered to be out of the ques tion. At this hour delegates decline to throw further light on the discussions, which will be resumed tomorrow. It Is taken for granted, however, that a compro mise has been reached on the subject of fortifications, which has been the crux of the situation from the start, and that the main questions will be arbitrated. Mntoal Conceaslons Made. It Is stated here that considerable Influ ence was brought to bear on both sides looking to concessions by which the wounding of the sensibilities of the people of either nation might be avoided and an entente between the Scandinavian peo ple secured. Owing to the silence of the delegates and the carefulness vith which Informed persons on roth a .e fco.ird the secrets of the conference It would he un wise to sperulate on the proceedings which led to the decision which caused the Is suance of the official announcement to night. It Is expected the exact terms have been drawn up and approved by both sides. The Indeflnlteness of the official announce ment, coupled with the resumption of the sessions of the delegations tomorrow. ' led to the Inference that only the broad terms on which Sweden will consent to a dissolu tion of the union were settled. Both sides up to this morning appeared firm In their demands regarding the fortresses and there Is good reason to suppose that mutual con cessions were made. Pre ml era' Conference. Prior to the assembling of the conference, a few minutes before o'clock tonight. Premiers Lundberg and Mlchelsen, respect ively of Sweden and Norway were In con ference alone. The lateness of the hour of adjournment made It Impossible to obtain the result of the conference from the dele gates, but a better feeling prevails, and It Is expected that the next few days will see an amicable ending of the conference. The report that the powers tisd made representation to Sweden was based on the fact that Great Britain, France and Ger many offered their services If they became necessary. Intense Relief at Both Capitals. STOCKHOLM, Sept. 1.-The tidings from Karlstad were received here with general satisfaction and were a relief to the strain of the last few days. CHRISTIANIA. Sept. 1.-The official communication lasued at Karlstad was re ceived here at 10:45 tonight, and was im mediately spread on bulletin boards to be read by the crowds waiting quietly but eagerly In the vicinity of the newspaper offices. The communication Is Interpreted as confirming the optimistic reports pub lished ihls morning and It has resulted In a feeling of Intense relief. MEAT FAMINE IN GERMANY Leather Follewa Tendency of Cnttle and Hogcs and Complaints Become Stronger, BERLIN, Sept. HS.-(Speelal Cablegram to The Bee.) The meat famine In Germany Is exciting the entire country. "Open the frontier to Russian pork" Is the cry now being raised by all classes, but above all by the laborers, whose staple article of food Is pork. The price haa already risen more than per sent, making Its purchase by the poorer classes almost Impossible. The man chiefly responsible for the exist ing prohibitive prices Is Herr von Podhlel skl. the Prussian minister of agriculture. He is the most unpopular man In all Ger many nowadays. He It was who proposed that the frontier should remain closed to foreign meats, though all of the other mem bers of the Prussian cabinet favored changes In this particular. Beef Is today much higher In price owing to last year's drouth, which caused a re duction In the number of cattle. As meat la so dear consumers are naturally looking for some substitutes, such as fish and poul try, and the Increaaed demand has caused the prices of these commodities to rise, too. Even horse meat Is affected and Is now about a penny a pound dearer. Germany Is, therefore, practically facing a famine, though Herr von Podbielskl calls it merely a period of high prices. The proba bility Is that these high prices will spread to other necessities. The shoemakers, for example, and other trades using leather are already complaining of the high prices for leather, resulting from th scarcity of hides. Indignation meetings are being held over the whole of Germany and ra attended by all classes. Even the rioh protest, for they perceive that th obstinacy of the minister of agriculture Is bound to help in swelling the ranks of the social democratic party to a very large extent. CHOLERA CASES IN PRUSSIA Marleawerdev Makes Worst Re pert fraas Infected District far Past Twtstr-rosf Hoar. MARIEJTWERDER, Wea'. rrussla, Sept. 14. Four new case of cholera and nine deaths have been reported In this district. BRE8LAIT, Prussia, Sept. 11 One fresh case of cholera has occurred In this dis trict. DIQTHAU, Prussia, Sept. 11 One new oas of ohoiera and ona daala have oc curred, ieUU datxlob PRIMARY ELECTION TUESDAY, A primary election to nominate candidates for rnnnty o filers on both democratic mid republican tickets will take placf next Tues day, September 19. The election will be conducted by regular election ofllcers and a registration of votera for the No vember election will le had at the same time and places. The polling place which have been deslTiatctl In each voting district will be opened as follows: In Omaha H a. m. to 0 p. in. In South Omaha ..8 a. m. to 9 p. in. In country 'irecinct 12 noon to 9 p. m. Separate official ballots for re publicans and democrats will be furnished at eHh voting place, each duly registered voter being entitled to a re:ibllcp.n or demo cratic ballot, according as he de clared his party affiliations as re publican or democratic at the last registration. The names on the official ballot under the respective heading will be rotated In their order, so that each name will appear at the top on successive ballots in turn. This will reulre special care on the part of the voters and the reading of each name before making the X mark. . Voters who cannot read may have their tickets marked ac cording, to their directions by the election officer. The candidates receiving a plurality of the voieB cast by those affiliating with the s?.me political party will be the nominees of their respective parties for the offices to which they are aspiring. BREAK IN THE TYPOTHETAE Chicago I nlon Trlntera ay Membera of .Master's Organisation Have Signed Scale. CHICAGO, Sept. 16 Desertions from the ranks of the Chicago Typothetae In Its first fight against the establishment of the eight-hour day In book and Job offices were reported today by union officials, who de clared that several members of the maRter printers' organization have signed the union agreement providing for a shorter workday January 1, 1906. A report compiled by strike loaders to--filght shows thut 112 printing houses have agreed to grant the union demands. In cluded In this list. It Is declared, are Arms that have heretofore employed non-union printers exclusively. The signatures of twelve additional "oncerns were secured to the union agreer ent today and no more strikes were ca'l -d. It Is said by union officials that tl eight-hour day has al ready been esta! ' 'lied for 1.400 union print ers In book an , offices throughout the city. Firms en ylng 700 printers are still to be heard fr e In the face t. rse claims by the union officials thfjw r of the Chicago Typo-thetae'iie'v-'aTe titaii f;gM bis Just be gun, and that ti.e smaller printers who have signed the union agreement will even tually be governed by the principles which prevail In the Typothetae. ST. IXH'IS, Mo.. Sept. l.-Four addi tional local printing houses today signed the eight-hour working day contract, ac cording to Information furnished at the headquarters of Typographical Union No. 8. This brings the total of firms complying with the. demands of the printers to ninety-nine, and It Is estimated that to night there are only about 180 men Idle on account of the strike. ALBANY, N. T., Sept. 16 The Brandow Printing Company, which holds both the state legislative and departmental printing contracts, today signed the eight-hour with the striking employes. WINNIPEG. Man., Sept. 16 One hun dred and thirty Job printers walked out to day in conformity with the eight-hour movement The proprietors of five offices have agreed with the men. SUICIDE OF PRODIGAL SON Georgia Yoini Man Who Wastee Hla Allowance In Rlotooa Living; Hangs Himself at New York. NEW YORK, Sept. 16. The body of the suicide who ended his life by hanging at Mamaronerk, near this city, was positively Identified today as that of a young man who had represented hlmself'to be William A. King, the son of a wealthy cotton mill owner of Augusta, Ga. The Identification was made by Mrs. George E. Jardine, at whose house young King stopped for nhel ter last Monday during the height of a severe storm. The Identification was confirmed by Mrs. Jardlne's son. Young King had told Jardine that he was penniless, having spent all of the allowance from his father. He had been warned by the latter that If he over lived hla Income he would have to shift for himself until the next Installment was due. King said he had met a number of women while stopping In New York and had squan dered his money on them. It was at first reported the suicide was Paul Kelly, motorman of the elevated rail road train which was wrecked recently a 1th a lofs of twelve lives. CONFERENCE VER FEVER Governor! ef Twelve Statea Slgrn Call for a Meetlaa- In November. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 16. Report of yel low fever situation to 6 p. m. Saturday: New caes (5 Total to date .i!!l,547 I'eaina Total as5 New foci 7 1'nder treatment J4j Cases discharged 1.873 The situation today showed practically no change from conditions which have existed for several days. CHATTANOOGA. Tenn., Sept IS. A call for a conference of southern representa tives to be held In this city In November to discuss, among other things, the beat methods of dealing with yellow fever was Issued today. It was signed by twelve gov ernors and the officials of chambers of commerce of several cities. CINCINNATI. Sept. l.-rour more of the people who came here yesterday from Tal lulah and New Provldenoe, La,, to escape the yellow fever were taken to the hospital today, having developed symptoms of yel low fever. Snecesefal Raid oa Uateh. THE HAOl'E, Sept. 11-An official dis patch reports a successful raid made by the pretender, Sonnebalt, of the Timor archipelago, who recently Invaded Dutch territory, killed thirty-two peraona od uarited alt aUU-lfu ttSfUves. ARMISTICE IN EFFECT Pic sets Retire from Neutral Zona and OutpaiU riy White Flag. FEELING OF RELIEF AMONG NATIVES General Hopa that China Will Send Stronj Kan to Take Charge. IMPORTANT CHANGE IN JAPANESE CABINET Resignation of Minister of Interior ii Accepted by the Emperor. BARON YIY0URA SUCCEEDS TO OFFICE Mlnlater of Agriculture and Com merce Will Perform Dotlea of Second Office In Addi tion to Ilia Own. GODZIYADANI. Manchuria, Sept. 16 An order by General Ltnevltch putting Into elTeet the stipulations of the armistice arranged by Generals Ovanovskl and Fukushlma has been prepared and dis tributed to the army. The order directs the immediate cessation of hostilities; the retirement of pickets from the neutral tone and the establishment of a poet of communication. It . forbids all other com munication between the armies. Kntlvea Welcome Pence. OrNSHC PASS. Sept. 16.-A a result of the armistice, which Is effective today, the outposts of the main positions on botu sides will move back about two-thirds of a mile and hereafter will display white flage. There Is now one fast traiD daily on the railway. There has been a consider able advance In the value of both native and Russian money. The natives welcome peace and hope the Peking government will send a strong man, like Yuan Shal Kal, to Manchuria to re-establish native control and to prevent anarchy during the evacuation of the Russian and Japanese armies. The people fear the outlnws, who, in large numbers, are armed with Russian and Japanese rifles. A report of the Red Cross administra tion shows that altogether 30,000 beds and twenty trains were supplied and lll.0ilo.nfi0 were expended during the war. Minor Red Cross organizations are already leang for home, and with the consummation of peace the entire society will be relieved, the empress' hospitals leaving last, (hinge In Japnnese Cabinet. TOKIO, Sept. 16. 2 p. m. The resignation of Viscount Yoshikawa as minister of the Interior has been accepted. Baron Ylyoura, minister of agriculture and commerce, suc ceeds Viscount Yoshikawa as minister of the Interior, while retaining his original post. Taft at Yokohama. YOKOHAMA, Sept. 16 Secretary of War William H. Taft has arrived here and to day received visits from distinguished cltt sena of Toklo, a large number of local Japanese and foreign residents. 'AH Is quiet here. Aid for Japanese Prtsonera. ST. rETERSBt RO, Sept. 16.-The Amer ican embassy has received from the Japa nese legation at Berlin $30,000 to be devoted to the relief of 1,716 Japanese prisoners now at M' dvid, province of Novgorod. Charge d'Affalres Eddy will go to Medvid nxt week to make arrangements for the dis tribution of the money. The prisoners will be released as soon as the signed ponce treaties are executed. With the Japanese aie several Americans and Englishmen found on 'board captured Japanese t'i.ns ports. These foreigners will probably be released before the Japanese. Japaneae Official Talks of Riots, WASHINGTON. P. C, Sept. 16.-An offi cial report concerning the recent anti treaty riot In Toklo was today received by the Japanese legation. On the basis of this report, Mr. Hloki, charge d'affaires of Japan, said today. My advices from Toklo do not attempt to minimize the importance of affairs as the:- existed. The Immediate provocation of the riotous outbreak was the action of the police, who sought to prevent a political mass meeting and not the slightest feeling of hostility toward foreigners In general, or Americans In particular, entered Into the spirit of the mob. Of course, there are many Japanese who are disappointed a the terms of the peace treaty and it is natural that they should express their disappointment, but the majority of the thinking class of my country deprcrate the riotous action and re gret the injurious Impression created by these disturbance, wnlch apparently led some people to regard them as an Indication of a feeling of hostility on the part of the Japanese toward the I'nlted States. I am authorized to say that notwithstanding what differences of opinion may exist in Japan over the terms of peace, there Is a strong, united and friendly feeling toward the I'nlted States, and deep appreciation of the earnest. Impartial and sincere effort of the president. DOUBT THE POWER OF WITTE Jewish Paper at St. Petersburg Say lie Cannot Help the Jew. ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 18-(Speclal Cablegram to The Bee.) The well known Jewish dally. Per Fralnd, notes a num ber of exceptions to the effort of Jewish financiers in America who visited Ports mouth, N. H., during the peace conference to Interest M. Wltte in their co-religion-lata. Per Friand says, among other things: In splte-of the fact that you live In free America and we have only begun to hear of freedom in the course of the last few months, we can tell you that we are not orphans whom It Is neceaaary to take un der protection. Thousands of Jews long ago broke with the system of begging and they do not wish that other people should go on in the old way on their behalf. We have taken off the yellow badge: we are sick of begging of high DersonaKes. and 1 we ask our American co-religionists to desist irom doing so in our name. We de mand our lights, but we do not beg any more. What we demand M. Wltte knows full well. He was president of the committee of ministers and in that capacity he ha r-ad hundreds of communications In which th Jewish population have told him every thing plainly, fall of dignity of self-con-sclcusnesa, and have informed him much plainer and better than it la possible for you Americans. It is nectsaary to demand and warn, not beg, and we who can de mand ran only do tills ourselves; others, even our nearest kin. cannot take this from u. Whether M. Wltte ha the good will to satisfy our demands we do not know; but even with ttie bent will lie has not the power, for here It la not a matter of a personal wish, but of a change of a whole system. Thoae who have the power to al ter this system do not desire to do it. We do not bVg any more, and we protect against others taking that course In our nam. Corean to Entertain Americana. FEOl'L Sept. 11 Miss Alice Roosevelt. Major General Corbln and Rear Admiral Train and party are expected U arrive here Tuesday next. The emperor Is preparing to welcome them with high honors. The traveler will remain a few day In Cores, whence they will go to Japan by way of fustian. THE BEE BULLETIN Forecast for Sebruekn Showera Sun day and Vlnndnyi Cooler Monday in West Portion. Pa are. 1 pnln in the Grip of Famine. Peace in Scandinavian Penlnanln. trmUflre in F.ITect In Far F.:ist. Kaw Hlier Again on the llampnge. 2 (iulckeat Method to nnilil (anal. Roy Amateur Onlf Champion. Opening of ew Hnrwood Theater. 3 rwa from All Parts of Mehraaka. Former Omaha Man Is Murdered. 4 Prlrea for Hrnntlfjlng the City, ft Spnrtlna Kventa of the nay. 0 Paat Week In Omaha Society. Colore of Horse Show In F.vlrtenee. T Council Bluff and losa New. EDITORIAL SF.CTIO EIGHT PAGK. 1 some Feature of School Work. 2 Editorial. 8 Gossip AmonR Politicians. Condition of Omnha'a Trade. T Financial and Commercial. HALFTOXK 8F.CTIO. 1 Kiplolta of Sherlock Holme. 8 Playa, Players and the Playhooaea, 4 Some Contestants In Golf Tourney. ebrnka'a Flaht for Mra. Adams, ft King of the Flower Palntrra. Amerlcnna Rack Cuban F.nte rprlaea 6 In the Domain of Woman. T Sporting; Qoaslp of the Week. H Progress la Electrical Field, COLOR SECTION EIGHT PAGES. 1 Busier Drown and the Auto. 2 Living; on a Million a Year. From rar and Far. 3 Case of Seeming Resurrection. 4 Make Youraelf Tail or Short. Women na Opera Star Managera. ft Explosion of the Octopus, Thratera Nearly 2.IXK) Iran Old. O Keepa Beauty by Washing Clothea. T The Haunted Picture Story. Concerning Caviare In Verae. H Artlata In Speaking; Rolea. Temperature at Omaha Yeaterdayi Hour ft a. m , 1 fl a. lu. , 7 a. m . Ha m . , f a. m . . IO a. in . . It a. m. . IX m Ieg. . . tta . . 12 . . K2 . . 3 . . 41.1 . . 64 . . tM . . 71 Honr. 1 p. m . 2 p. m , 8 p. m . 4 p. m. ft p. m , 8 p, m, 7 p. m. Den. . . T4 . . 7t . . TU . . 70 . . 7l . . Tft .. 71 OFFICERS ARE RE-ELECTED Congregational Mission Board Make Five Changes In the Pru dential Committee. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 16.-The Ameri can Board of Commissioners of Foreign Mission today re-elected all of the officers of the past year for the ensuing term. Five changes were made In the personnel of the prudential committee, the Rev. F. J. Van Horn being chosen to fill out the unexpired term of a member who dl.nl during last year and the following being j elected to serve until 190S: Rev. Edward C. Moore. Samuel C. Parting. Frederick Fosdlck and Arthur H. Wellman. The meeting of the board la now pm. tlcally over. This nftornoon the memoetu enjoyed the hospitality of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, taking a cruise on the sound and visiting the Puget sound navy yard. Tomorrow most of the pulpits of the churches of the city will be occupied by the visiting members of the board. NAN PATTERSON IS MARRIED Former Show Girl Reromea Wife of Leon (i. Martin, from Whom She Waa Divorced. WASHINGTON. V. C, Sept. lS.-MIss Nan Patterson, who was tried twice in New York for the murder of Caesar Young, the well-known bookmaker, was re-marrled at noon here today to her former husband, Ion O. Martin. The ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Oeorge F. Pusty of St. Stephen's Episcopal church, occurred at the Patterson home and was witnessed only by the member of the family and a few Intimate friends. The couple left In the afternoon for New York where they will reside. Miss Patterson and Martin were divorced three years ago. ODD FELLOWS ARE MEETING Delegate from I'nlted State, Canadn and Mexico Are Assembling; at Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 16 -Owing to a lack of a quorum of the Orand Council of Patriarchs Militant the uniformed rank of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the meeting of that body, which was to take place today, was postponed until Monday. Following the meeting of the grand council the eighty-first annual communication of the sovereign grand lodge will be formally opened. The only other event today wn the exemplification of Rebekah degree by Theresa lodge No. 147, mhlch was held to night In the auditorium of Odd Fellows' temple. Odd Fellows from every section of the I'nlted States, Canada and Mexico, to the number of GO.OuO, will participate In the ceremonies Incident to the communication. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Several Rural Carrier Are Appointed for Routes in Iowa and Nebraska. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Sept. 16.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska Prague, route t, Frank Secor carrier, Mr. I Mary Secor substitute; Rulo. route !, Lyman J. Carpenter carrier, Leonard E. Simon substitute. Iowa Montrose, route 3, C. A. Smith carrier. Ben Strange substitute! Movement of Oceaa Veaael Sept. 1. At New York Arrived: L Touralno, from Havre. Sailed: Etrurla. for Liver pool: Patricia, for Hamburg; Mlnnetonka Iror ixmaorx; 01. uouls. for Southampton; Kroonland. for Antwerp; Furnessla, for Glasgow. , At Cherbourg Arrived: Bluecher, from r.ew iorK. Bailed: si. Paul, for New York. A: Liverpool Arrived: Lucanla, from New York; Victorian, from New York? Sailed: I'mbrla, for New York. New York. Sailed: Hamburg, for New York. At Ant wero Sailed : Finland, for New yorx. At Havre Railed: la Oa.acn?n for Vao, York. At Queenstown Sailed: Teutonic, for New York. At Rotterdam Sailed: P.yndam. for New York. At Naples Arrived: Slcilla, from New York. At Mamillea Arrived: Algeria, from New York. At Southampton Arrived: New York, from New York. At MovlUe- tiailed: Astoria, for New York. At tidon Bailed: Minneapolis, for N York. RAW OUT OF BANKS Rirer It Rising Rapidly Above Topeka end Great Daraace Is reared. RAILWAY BRIDGES ARE WASHED AWAY Union Pacific and Ruck Island Using Santa fe Tracks to K&isai (itj. HIGH WATER MARK OF 1903 REACHED Boy and Horse Drown When Bridge Aoross Soldier Creek Goes Out. SIX INCHES OF RAIN AT NEBRASKA CITY Long Stretches of Missouri Parlfle and nnrllnaton Track a and several Ilrldaea Are Washed Out. TflrF.K A Km, Sept. 1. The flood situ ation here tonight is more serious. The levees protecting the farming lands along Soldier creek have hroken and thousands of acres ol cornfields nre under water. A wagon hrlrigp across Soldier creek went out at 4 o'clock this afternoon, carrying eight boys and a horse and buggy down with It. Seven of the boys have been res cued, but one Is still reported missing. The horse was drowned. The Kow river Is rising rapidly at this point, and a repitlon of the disastrous flood of 11K3 Is feared. Railroad communi cation between Tnpeka and Kansas City on the north .iile of the river has been completely cut off. Communication with St. Joseph over the Rock Island Is still cut ofT. The I'nlon Pacific has two bridges out west of Topeka and Is using the tracks of the Rock Island. Both the L'nlon Pa clllc and Rock Island are using the Santa Fn tracks between Topeka and Kansas City. It Is expected that communication west over the Rock Island will be cut off some time tonight. The town of Rossvllle, eighteen miles west of Topeka, on the north bank of the Kaw, is having trouble with high water. The streets were sub merged for the greater part of "the day, but the water fell considerably this after noon. The country from the state reform school to Rossvllle. a distance, of over fifteen miles, Is entirely submerged The water has also cut off communication between Topeka and the reform school and that institution was completely isolated this afternoon. The water at the reform school at & o'clock to night touched the high water mark reached during the flood of 1"3. Telegrams Just received here state that the Kaw Is rising rapidly at all points above Topeka. Many people living In the low district of North Topeka are preparing to move out. A telephone communication from Shoney. a suburb of North Topeka, state that the streets are submerged and the water la rapidly rising. Kaw Still Rlla at Midnight. At midnight the Kaw river waa atlll rVirik ..-urti'y a this point and at all points above Topeka. Alarm at North Topeka is Increasing. The streets ar flooded with three feet of water. At Meno ken. a village ten miles west of North Topeka, about l' persons have been driven from their homes by the water, which Is rushing through the streets. The Rock Island road has succeeded In getting a train through to the north over Its St. Joseph line. It Is now known that Guy Blace, a 10-year-old boy who was on the Soldier creek bridge which washed out, was drowned. Tracks Waahed Out at Xebraaka City. NEBRASKA CITY. Sept. 16 (Special Telegram.) One of the most severe rain and electric storms In many years visited this city last night. Great damage was done to railroad tracks by the heavy vol umes of water that rushed down the small streams. Over six Inches of rain has fallen since 9 o'clock last night and a heavy rain is falling today. The Missouri Pacific reports long stretches of track washed out, hotli north and south of this city, and the Burlington tracks west and south of the city are entirely uni"r water. Several bridges ar reported washed out. Train service on both roads ha been abandoned for today. The large dam at the Morton Greg son packing plant went out and the water did considerable damage to property In that vicinity. The water undermined the boilers at the gas plant and practically ruined that portion of the works. Lightning struck in several places, doing the most damuge at the Overland Country club house and the Burlington railroad bridge which spans the Missouri river. The approach to the bridge was damaged, but trains are crossing. Reports from out In the county Indicate that the storm was more severe than It was here. At Burr exceptionally large hall tone fell and the damage will be great. The government rain guage show that over six Inches of water fell during tha night. Al'Bl'RN, Neb., Sept. 16-(Speclal.)-It has been raining nearly continually for three days and nights. The Nemaha river Is higher than It has been at any time this eason. The entire bottoms east and north of town are completely covered, rulntng hundreds of acres of nearly matured corn, and families and stock have been forred to hunt higher quarters. The Missouri Pacific railroad is completely tied up, no trains having either arrived or left town since yesterday afternoon. Passenger and freights crowd the yards and traffic 1 at a complete standstill. There are washout both ways, compelling the trains that ar rived yesterday to remain. It will no doubt be some time before traffic will resume It natural course a It Is still raining and th river Is rising higher every hour. Severe Hall la Adams. HASTINGS, Neb.. Sept. 16. (Special Tele gram.) A disastrous hallstoim hit th northeast corner of Adam county at 4:S0 this morning and did much damage. For near!- thirty minutes there was a hard rain of hail and the atones were of unusual slxe and weight. Trees were badly beaten and cut and many were mowed down. Corn was also badly damaged However, th hall did not hurt the winter wheat, as It has Just utartrd to shoot out of the ground. The storm took In Hansen, Trumbull an4 Inland, and came within two miles of th eastern corporate limits of Hastings. Th Burlington track seemed to be the boundary" line on the south. B PATRICK. Neb.. Sept. 1 (Special Tel egram') The Bu:'ll:.fciuii, Rock Uland and l'nlon Pacific were uriohle to get their llns open fur traffic earn and south of this city today on ac-oui.t of washouts by th flood of Thursday night. Large gangs of men aie at work repairing the tracks and traffic on ttuse linen will not be resumed betote Tuesday. FREMONT. Neb.. Spt 1. (Special. A heavy shower of rain fell last night, ac coiu,ui4 by a aevei a lad, which flayed. 1