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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1905)
TIIE OMATIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1G, 1005. lj r tr r a -av 11 A p U JLl JUL Jti il Vv Ji II llil W la , Women's New Tailor Made Suits for Saturday WOMEN'S NEW TAILOR MADE SUITS- Made up in the new 27-inch coat style, also 45-inch long swell coat suits, la ran cheviots and handsome mixtures have the new pleated Bklrts, well made and perfect fitting. A H C Special value, at fe SMART 45-INCH NEW FALL SUITS - Made of fine broadcloths, pan cheviots and Scotch tweeds, in the new mannish fitted styles, elegantly tailored and lined, will compare wlthany $30.00 suit In the city. Special yy Cfl 1 Saturday t03 WOMEN'S HIGH GRADE SUITS AT $29.75-N We are offering some exceptional values in women's swell tailor made suits at this price. Including about fifty samples, one suit of a kind bought at one-third off. all made up In the . very latest fashion, of the newest materials suits that would sell at $35.00 and $45.00, go on sale Saturday at Fall Styles Are Ready ARE YOU? Get in Line and Wear an "Asbury'' 4i Women's New Skirts WOMEN'S NEW WALKING SKIRTS Made of excellent materials, Panamas, cheviots, broadcloths and mixtures, all new and up-to-date styles, well tailored and per- A Qfl feet fitting, worth $7.50 Saturday TWU WOMEN'S STYLISH WALKING SKIRTS AT $7.90-We are offering the largest assortment ever shown in Omaha at this price, in new broadcloths and fine chiffon Panamas, in the most popular fall styles skirts that sell elsewhere for $10.00 Saturday ". i ii emu it m ft S U II JFM II f ' ff 1 7.90 m&' In I I BIN .ijnn inn BanTa i 2.50 0: If you want a stylish, depend able hat, wear an "Asbury." They are strictly up-to-date. In the end you'll profit by it. In every detail the "Asbury" is a $3.50 hat, except in price which is always If You Want Finer Headwear, then we'll please you with a famous "Stetson" hat. The Stetson hats we sell can stand comparison with other hat ter's $5.00 hats and bo their equal in every thing except prioe- which is only Try a "Nebraska Special" at . $1.50 We can "top" you off with a fac-simile of any well known hat or in one of our own exclusive styles. Full line of derby and soft, in new . fall models. Of course you can get the same quality hats elsewhere, but not under $2.50, while the price ' mark on ours is only 3.50 L50 The First Real SkowieM of Fall Clothes for THE SWELLEST OF AUTUMN TOP COATS, STYLES THE MOST ADVANCED IN FALL SUITS, THE LATEST IN TROUSERS, THE NEWEST IN RAIN COATS, FRESHEST FADS IN F A NO Y VESTS-ALL HERE NOW. Men who invest in appearence and place a high value on the reputa tion of being well dressed, will welcome this announcement. No high prices here to discourage your desire to be the first to exploit new styles. MOST GENTEEL AND DISTINGUISHED LOOKING THE COR RECT MODES IN MEN'S ATTIRE ARE HERE FOR YOUR SELEC TION. This is what will be worn this season and we are showing them in abundance. Fine imported .English cheviots, a second term of gray ef fects, continued popularity of the blues, a looming up of the green mix tures, fancy worsted fabrics in distinct narrow plaids, soft face woolens in pronounced overplaids. These are the . general impressions one gleans from a glance through our broad and generous assortment. From $8 to $35 will be the range of prices both for the new fall suits and over garments of all kinds. ( Men J8 Boys' Knee Pants Free Today With every "Special Boy's Suit." "SpcciaJ Boys Suits" are $3 and $4 Saturday we are going to give the mothers of Omaha an exceptional opportunity to buy the best boys' clothes in the world at the two most popular prices. With every "Special " Boys' Suit at this price we will give you absolutely free an extra pair of boys' pants to match suit, that retail at 65c and 85c. The "Special" Boys Suits we offer at this price are wonderful values. They are worth $4 and $5 and are being sold at that price in every first-class, up-to-date clothes store in America. Notwithstanding the extremely low price we have marked on these suits, we will give absolutely free an extra pair of boys' knee pants to match suit. Saturday only. All Styles, all sites, 6 to 16. Saturday is a good time to fit the boys out. Extra sales people will be here to servo you quickly. TRAMWAY IN KMBAB PLAIN PUb to Make Aooeiiiblo a Wonderland of the. Roathweat. LIES JUST BEYOND GRANI CANYON Region of Surpnealna Grandeur Alone h Boundary I-Ino of Vtnh nd Arlaona Stories Told 17 Explorers. To reach American most wonderful table land by wire tram from the depths of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado Is the plan of a corporation, the engineers of which have already the ground for the under taking. On the north' side of the great gorge, Its own cliff sides rising sheer above the surrounding desert, the Kaibab plateau lifts high toward Arizona's cloudless eky. In accessible, abounding tn game, the plateau remains a land of mysteries In the midst of the baked alkali plains. Tears ago In a company which Included John W. Young, son of Brlgham Young, a promoter of the Shipbuilding Trust, Colonel William F. Cody visited the plateau and he saw Its wonders. His horse walked ankle deep In the flowers that cover Its grassy stretches. The old scout stood on Point Sublime and looked out over the Canyon of the Colorado. Ue spent two weeks on the upland's floor. He was the first to advance the proposition of making a national park from Kalbab plateau. The place la so situated that It would be necessary to run a wire fence around It for several miles, and game could not leave nor could other animals come Into It. Buffalo Bill" and John W. Young talked of this plan. Now a movement has been begun, and a petition will come from Utah and Arlsona asking that this Improvement be brought about. With the establishment of the aerial tramway and the opening of this wonderland to men who could neves reach It people realise that Its game and other treasures muBt be protected. Heretofore only a few men from the cities have come to the place. To reach It they have Journeyed across miles Of desert. And at the Journey's end they have ought out canyon mouths, entering which they have been able to penetrate Into the Interior of the tableland. But to do this has always required old guides. Without some one who knew the country they -would soon suffer for water and be lost. They might wander for days and come within a few feet of the hidden springs without knowing of their presence. Aeroaa the Grand Canyon. This desert Journey Is more than a day In length. And jet from the railroad across the gorge to the south you can see Point Rubllme at the plateau's southern edge. Between you and the promontory, how ever, stretch the awful depths of the Orand Canyon. By throwing a cable across this the Journey will be accomplished In a few minutes. That Journey In Itself will show things that have never been seen before by man. Stretching straight across the lower gorge, at the foot of Bright Angel trail, the tram way will cross directly above the lashing river. A short trail will lead to another tram, which will carry men and women along the face of sheer cliffs and over narrow canyons which reach seemingly into the bowels of the earth to a trail In the upper canyon. And this trail reaches the Kaibab plateau. In the views of the Orand Canyon ob tained from points accessible from rail roads men have seen nothing of the gorge Itself, They have not seen the river only the silent depths that lead to It. In this crossing by ropes of steel they will look straight down upon the mighty stream and will have revealed before them depths hitherto hidden from all men. The tramway proposition has been financed and the route has been surveyed. With its establishment the effort to have a national park made from the Kalbab plateau will be pushed In congress. v The Buckskin plateau Is one of Amer ica' strangest corners. It Is a bit of the old west. In the midst of the new west, which has pushed Its way even over the deserts about It. . Remote, lnaccesslhle. It has been left alone by cattlemen and sheep herders. As a consequence it Is as wild today aa It was centuries ago, when the Indiana named It "Kalbab" for the deerhide they got from It. It Ilea like an enormous hand. Its open flutters stretching out over the edge of the monstrous gorge of the Colorado. With the lofty painted walls of this canyon at Ita southern edge and its own cliffs rising sheer from the silent desert, the upland can be reached only through Its canyons. These radiate from Its center like spokes to the rim of a wheel. They are level floored and their slope Is gentle and even. Up their bottoms a bicyclist could easily ride. Must ana" Deareadaata. Wild horses dwell on the plateau, the de scendants of the old mustangs, along with mixed blood which recruits from the ranches to the east and south have brought They run over the open pastures of this up land and through Its forest shades. In variably a great stallion guards each herd AM IKIOWEST BL3 can only be produced In the good old German way from fine malting barley ad Imported Bohemian hops. r I tm M JS-VIT aW M ' iaw" anw BEER. "THE BEST III THE WEST" haa been brewed thta way for orer half a century. Peerless lg produced under GOUTS NATURAL PROCESS. Thla account for It being awarded the GOLD MEDAL at St. Louie World'a Fair. In open competition with all Amer ica'a best beers. Those who admire a really fine beer should telephone us to day and have a raae delivered at home at once. Peerless is thoroughly aged and bottled only at the brewery. JOHN CUND DREWINC CO., La Crosse. Wis. W. C. Heydea. Mgr. Oruaha Branch. 205 8. 13th St Phone 2344. Omaha, Xeb. W. P. llttckaer, Mgr. K. C. Itranth, 1004-06 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Both Phones, 612. and at the approach of man such a guard will always lift Its head, snuffing the tainted breeie, and whinny an alarm. Then the herd gallops off Into the next canyon. Heavy forests cover the plateau. Oak and pine trees grow to enormous size here. Be tween tne woods are open pastures. It Is a typical park countrv. the r,rt nt ... love. In the center of the nr.ianH er where all the canyons that reach the pla teau's edges converse. Is Demott nark tt I. a sort of depression. In the roof of this giant meea. springs are found here and It Is an excellent place for camp. Flowers grow thick In early summer In all parts of the region. They are not the flowers Of the desert Which nrrmmH. tk.m They are mountain' blossoms, harebells, wua roses ana thin petolled lilies. In the month of June, when you ride through these woods and meadows, your horses step ankle deep In a carpet of primroses pink, rosy, white and light blue and the fragrance that rises from the bruised and stirred blossoms fills the air. Kanab Is always the point of departure for those who visit the place. It lies a few miles north of Utah's southern boundary, a little old Mormon town, founded years and years ago by order of Brigham Young. It Is In the center of a land of mystery. Miles from the railroads, with the strange natural bridge country and the canyons and gorges of unexplored mountain ranges opening to the west and north. It frequently sees the departure of such expeditions aa that which recently visited the Kalbab plateau. In and near the old town of Kanab you will find some of the few surviving mem bers of Brigham Young's Danltes. They sought out this southern retreat when United States troops and United Btates ue,,uiy marsnais came into evidence In Utah. Thev still live th.r-n.i..i.j i .... - - - - - o v. , uruwu old plainsmen, hard of speech and hard of nmo. i-Tontier oeace officer, ..rr.. ,i with records of men killed, th.v h. i. pllclt faith In the efficacy of praye'r and be- e in personal revelations the word of Ood coming to them In the wilderness. The Mormon's Prayer, It was on of these old Mormons who when lost with a party of Bait Lake City men. dropped on his knees to, pray for water. Ha said: "Ob, Lord, we era lost and there Is no water. We are in a tight place and this Is a case where there can t be any fooling. It Isn't for myself I care, oh Lord, but I've got a couple of tenderfeet with me and they're liable to play out 'moat any time." He had hardly done with his' prayer when one of the party who had gone on ahead returned with news of a big spring. This man oi me oeaert waa not surprised. He naa Known rrom the time he dropped on his knees that water was golna to com. In hla revelation ,at any rate to forgive the the tenderfeet In the party had faith enough reference to themuelvee and their plight. Boutn of Kanab there la a fort which these old Mormons built by order of Brig ham Young. It lies In a little oasis called Pipe Springs. The limitless, silent desert surrounds It. It was for years the last outpost to the southward of the whits race. In those days- the Navajo Indians used to sweep out across the desert and drive before them all the cattle they could stam pede. "When hard pressed they would turn the galloping herd's head toward Kaibao plateau. Running them , up one of the canyons, they would soon have them safe from any pursuit. The fort was built to stop thla. It was surrounded by a stockade and Its thick log aldea had nariow loopholes. Here a Utile band of the old Mormons lived with no company save themselves and the des. ert. Twice Indians swept down on the place and massacred Its garrison, caught unawares. Each time pew defenders took the places of the old and the fort still stood, a menace to wandering banda of savages. It still stands, weather beaten, picturesque, the last building you will see on your Journey to the plateau. One rldea out Into the heat of the Arl sona desert. In places forests of giant cacti stretch gaunt branches upward toward a pitiless, brasen sky. Again you look away for miles where the palpted mesas lUt aides, whose shadowy tints change as mysteriously as do the tints of the ocean on a summer day. It Is never the same, this desert country. Its colors and Its limitless vistas are always shifting their tints and outlines. The Wall on the Banda, And as you ride to the southward you see rising a low wall. Its height increases to your right. It seems to uplift right out of the alkali sands and point upward. You can see It half a, day ahead. It Is the wall of the Kaibab plateau. Like a gash 1p the face of the cliff a can yon opens. You travel up this to reach your goal. There rs a peculiar feature about these canyons. If you be on the plateau and are lost you are sure to strike one of them. To try to d"scend to the bed Is futile. The walls are too steep. It would be hours' work. But follow the general direction of the canyon's rim and sooner or later your pony brings you to Pe Mott park, the center of the plateau. Traveling up one of these canyons you do not notice much rise. In fact, you have noticed no rl" since you left Kanab, though' you climbed hundreds of feet out there on the desert. The floor of the can yon Is covered with springy turf. It is ievel and hard. It I no exaggeration to say that a men could easily ride a blcvclo tiD It. And thus, ascending Imperceptibly, you climb up. up until you finally reach the floor of the plateau. Oreat promontories stretch out Into the Orand canyon of the Colorado. Point Sublime is the largest of these. This Is the point whence the aerlnl tramway Is to be built. It reaches out, out until It nar rows down like the point of a wedge, and standing on Its point you have but a few Inches of soil beneath your feet if you be courageous enough to stand. Most people lie flat and look over. Looking thus you see things which those who have come by railroad to the other edge, twelve miles away, never see. You have a view that seems limitless. To this point they purpose to run their tramway from a point far below. Another wire will bs thrown from the other side, where the Blight Angel trail runs down. It will cross the granite gorge. By these means, for the trams will carry huge bucketlike cars, passengers are to be car. rled across the gorge; then up to this promontory. Point Sublime. In winter time they will be thus lifted from hot sunshine Into snow and Ice. In summer they will travel from the scorching heat of the desert Into the cool shades of mountain oaks and pines. And if the parking project shall be approved by the government they will go Into a wonderland or Dig game ana rare flowers such as no national park today knows. From Point Culmer. at the southwest corner of this Kalbab plateau, comes the famous view; men claim they can see with good glasses Into. California from this promontory. Far to" the westward stretches mesa after mesa and pinnacle after pin nacle, their painted tope showing bright tn the sunshine, their sides losing' them selves In the murky shadows of the can yon's depths. These stretch one after the other with wonderful colored and tinted vistas between until seemingly at the very world's rim they lose themselves In shad owy dun gray shapes, whose fantastlo out lines change before your eyes. It Is the longest stretclt of the Colorado's canyon that can be seen from any place yet reached by man. By establishing In the wonderland a na tional park its beauties will be preserved. It will remain forever a part of the wild and rugged west of early days. New York Herald. CIS. VlMSLOft'S S03TKIXQ SYRUP a bees esed br Klltloas of Hotter tvr the piuiar.a wbii. TevuiJuc fur over Fifty Twl U auwiMe Mm eauX extras She sma.. eilja au v a. cur. wil eulkt -j to i la'ItVI.tlli rrvvra a mvwt SEEKING NEW FORTUNE AT 78 Senator Stewart Brglna Asaln at the Foot of Fortujie'a Ladder tn Nevada, Broken In fortune at an age when most men are preparing to die. Senator William M. Stewart, the indomitable veteran of the senate has Just completed a house In the modest town of Rbyollte. Nev., where he says he will "begin life all over again." He haa won and lost several fortunes and was at one tints accounted among the rich est men In Washington. A correspondent of the Philadelphia North American writes about the change; Since his retirement from public life last March, after a service In the upper branch of congress covering more than forty years, the world has heard little of Sen ator Stewart, The newspapers published dispatches to the effect that he waa ones more a poor man and that he would make his residence In the wes. Then they for got all about him. To lose a fortune Is a serious enough misfortune at any period of life, and at Senator Btewart's age (78) it is almost without exception a crushing blow. The fact that It has not proved so In his case may be becauae he is used to losing for tunes and making them, or It may be be cause he Is not like other men. Senator Stewart, the title will always stick to him ejipeets to move Into his new home In a few days. When he started to build It, down in the Bullfrog district, the townspeople, who knew his record for gaiety In the east, said: We're glad to have you with us. Sen ator; but what are you doing way down here in this lonely place?" 'Oh, I'm Just going to get back among the boys for a while," answered the old man, straightening his six feet of stature and throwing back his broad shoulders. "This air makes me feel Ilka a 4-year-old. There's no place like Nevada, I tell you, and I figure that I'll be doing a big law business hers before long. Better to wear out than to rust out, you know." His new house cost 120,000. That Is more than he was believed to have saved out of the wreck wtlen the model dairy farm in Virginia put the last touches on a finan cial ruin that waa begun when ha tried to force a real estate boom in the direc tion of "Stewart's Palace," the gorgeous structure ha put up In Washington at a time when hs was ons of the wealthiest men there. When you see him laughing, boisterous and boyish, taking the keenest pleasure In all his poor possessions, and seemingly giving never a thought to those that he has lost in ils old age, you have to rub your eyes and say to yourself: "Can this really be Senator William M. Stewart, who has had the world at his feet time and again, the man who, as leading counsel for the Falr-iFlood-Mackay syndicate on the famous Comstock lode, received in oae fee )2o0,0U0, then the largest fee ever received by any lawyer In the world In a single fee; the man who was in his prime when President Lincoln was assassinated, and who la the only living person who saw the oath administered to Andrew Jackson In the Klrkwood bouse; Jhe man who will always be remembered In New York cafes as 'the gayest old Santa Claus that ever lived;' the man Whose political career has bad more crooks and turns than a Boston street; the man who controlled he state of Nevada absolutely; the man who has not even great piety or overscrupulous Integrity to oheer him In misfortune and to enable hlin to look back over a pathway of good deeds and noble endeavors can It be that this happy, vigor oui," hopeful septuagenarian is aotually Senator Stewart 7 The Inhabitants of Bhyollte have accepted him at face value and. knowing his cour age ss they do, they aee nothing anomalous In hla declaration that be Is now ready to begin all over again. is too subtle, too Unexpected, too delicate, and, above all, too wicked. I heard yester day a French witticism that exemplifies well the Gallic qualities of subtlety, deli cacy and wlokedness. Two clubmen meet and the first says: "What Is the matter, CharlesT You ook blue. . Has your wife caught you kissing that pretty governess of yours V Charles groaned. 'Worse than that, he replied. 'The pretty governess caught me kissing my wife.' MILLIONS IN THE POSTAL FAD Makers of Tarda Working? Overtime to Snpply the Demand Proflta of the Business. Europe originated the picture postal cards, although in a different form from what it -now takes on the American news stand or store. Aix-les-Bains, or some other famous watering place, was responsible for the beginning of the cards, for among the first on record are some bearing the pic tures of hotels at these resorts. Then came the world's expositions, with their demand for souvenirs to moll to the loved ones at borne, and what could be so suitable aa a picture postal card? And now It Is a poor city or a poor summer resort that hasn't Its souvenir postal cards for sale to visitors. Still, so long as the picture was onfy a sou venir, made and for sale at different points of interest, Its circulation was never ef na tional Importance. But the Idea was taken and Improved upon. Why, If people liked to mall cards to their friends bearing, the picture of a hotel where they were visiting, why wouldn't they like to mall them cards con taining other pictures and mottoes? It was a new field. "Hustler" saw the possibilities in it, and the result is the picture postal card fad. Tho manufacturers of these little novelties have closed their presses to every thing else and are turning them out by the million. Million Is the word, for one Arm, one of the originators of the manufacture in America, has up to date manufactured this number and they declare that the fad has Just seen Its birth. The extent to which the fad already has spread may be Judged by a walk down any street where stationery or novelty stores are to be found. Where formerly books, periodicals and pictures filled the windows French Wit. Clyde Fitch was dtscussUig French wit. JThe wit of France." he said, "won't bear transplanting. We shouldn't like It here. It everything has now been cleared away to make place for an exhibition of picture postal cards. There have even been stores started, usually by manufacturers or their agents, exclusively for the sale of the cards. A stock of picture cards would seem to the casual observer a slim stock upon which to start a store, but the fact that the stores exist and make money testifies further to the extent of the picture card -fad. Also, a complete stock of cards is no small affair, for the eagerness with which the public has taken to them la only ex ceeded by the great variety and assortment which manufacturers turn out to cateh the fickle fancy. One thousand different cards Is not an unusual number for a store to have in stock. When a few scores are car ried of each kind the total runs up close to 100,000, and 100,0f4 cards make a respectable bundle. In cost the cards range from the com mon "two for Ave" card of one or two colors to the elaborate, tinseled and Im ported affair that sells for 26 cents. The "two for Ave" and the 8-cent cards are the popular ones. The proAt derived from the sale of these oards la a substantial ons, especially when a manufacturer puts out a card that catches the popular fancy, as Ithe cost of making diminishes greatly with the In creased number. hat many of the cards sold for 5 cents could be sold for half that amount Is a fact, but the public always has to pay well for Its fads. Storekeepers prob ably profit fully aa much aa the makers In this line, and with a good location and a good line many a small stationery store is reaping a golden harvest of nickels front the latest of small American erases. Chi cago Tribune. N Tallin the Tim. Three boys were told to go and take the exact time by the town clock. The first came back and said: "It Is IS o'clock." He became In after life a bookseller. The sec ond was mora exact. He said It waa threa minutes after U. Ha became a doctor. The third looked at the clock, found out how long It took him to walk back to Uie house, returned to the clock, then added the time of his walk to the time shown, and re ported the result thus: "It Is at this mo ment 12 hours, 10 minutes and 15 seconds." That boy came to distinction aa Helmbola, the scientist. -nr. liQifeiirlii a? - -. ' - CFront Factory to 70a tkroagt oar cLela of 53 Store wo sell Clothing for Men. Womea and Children on Credit at Casts Store Price. Yob are entitled to Credit here. LADIES' SUITS We want every worsen to see the beauti ful Styles in Long Coat Suits which are at tracting the admiration cf all womea in terested in correct dress. Hundreds of women are coming bare daily to inspect the Fall Styles ia Suit, Coats, Skirts and Millinery. BOYS' SUITS Another bunch of Boys' School Suite di rect from our Factory $2.00 op 1508 SawlarsTenanai JiiiejIia aaawtaqsp srswejasJV aBesFnsanWBaMBjas-c- .. hp mmrmumtmmmm eWnntaaw.