Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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Office, 10 Pwsrl St. Tel. 43.
Terflgwt Iti Bank i 111 the Wtj frtm
Sixth to Thirteenth 8treU.
nil Blows Don the Eleetrle Llkt
Tower Ilftr the Ftret Methodist
Charch sad It Falls la
the Mreet.
The storm of last evening was one of the
worst experienced In this city In years and.
as usual, Indian creek went, out of Its
tanks and flooded the western portion of
the city. The water came down In such
torrents from the hills, however, that the
overflow occurred much further up town
than usual and the damage, therefore, la
correspondingly greater, The creek over
flowed at Sixth street and from that point
to Thirteenth street, several blocks in
width, was a rushing torrent of water.
All the stores on the north side of Broad
way below Sixth street were flooded, and
In some of them a strong current of water
was running. At the Northwestern tracks
at the Broadway crossing the water was
fully knee deep and the depot platform was
under water.
In addition to the damage done by the
overflow of the creek the storm badly
washed the hill streets, and rellars In many
parts of the city were flooded.
During the heavy storm at 10:30 o'clock
last night the electric light tower on
Broadway near the Methodist church was
blown down. Fortunately, the tower, which
Is 150 feet high, fell out along the street
and not against any of the buildings In
the vicinity. Owing to the storm the street
was deserted and no one was injured.
About eight years afro the tower at the
corner of Eighth street and Broadway fell
(luring a heavy wind In the afternoon, but
as luck would have It no one was Injured,
as the tower fell on the big trees In front
of the True block.
The streets were badly flooded last night
and a stream eight Inches deep from the
water which poured down Vine street
flowed through the police patrol house.
son, M. Bartel, Qus Hlnrlchs, John Olson,
John Beck, William Williamson.
Judge Macy Overrules Demurrer of
Judge Mary In district court yesterday
handed down a decision In four tax fer
rets suits overruling the demurrers of the
defendants and holding that they be re
quired to pay the taxes demanded by the
county treasurer. The ruling Is an Im
portant one and it will have a bearing on a
number of other similar suits brought by
County Treasurer Conslgny and now pend
ing In the district court.
The defendants demurred on the grounds
that they did not have sufficient legal no
tice of the assessment of taxes on the
property which It was contended thai'
owned and which It was alleged had been
omitted or withheld from assessment.
Judge Macy, however, held that whereas
the defendants had appeared before the
county treasurer in response to his notice
that such assessment would be made and
that whernaa such hearing before the
treasurer was of a quasljudlclal character,
they must be held to have had sufficient
notice. The court at the same time said
that the law was of such a fragmentary
and unsatisfactory nature that the question
ought to be passed upon by the supreme
The defendants in the four cases decided
ytsterdsy, three of which were against the
estate of the late II. B. Knowles, were
given ten days In which to plead further.
ind it was stated by the attorneys for the
Insists, However, that Addlaoa Shot
and Killed Himself.
As the result of the Inquest held Thurs
day evening by Coroner Treynor at Avoca,
Elmer Newell was held on the charge of
shooting and killing Lee Addison. Newell
was plsced In the county Jail at Avoca to
await the action of the grand Jury, which
convenes there next week. He denied
shooting Addison and claimed that the dead
man eemmitted suicide. There were no
witnesses to the shooting, but Addison In
his dying statement accused Newell.
The evidence before the coroner's Jury
showed that Addison and Newell came to
Avoca Thursday morning from Oakland,
where Addison lived, and where Newell's
wife and child were visiting. Newell, how
ever, being a resident of Atlantic. Ad
dison and Newell were old acquaintances
and they had a number of drinks together.
About t o'clock In the afternoon they
walked to the Rock Island freight yards,
where they entered a coal shed. In a short
time the sound of a shot was hesrd and
Newell ran out, followed by Addison, who
was staggering snd who sank to the ground
after going a short distance.
Addison was taken to the office of Dr.
Spaulding, where, on being Informed he
had not lrng to live, he asked that Newell
be not allowed to escape as he had shot
him. This was In direct contradiction of
the statement of Addison while being car
ried to the doctor's office wljen, in answer
to inquiries, he said Newell had not shot
Newell denied that he shot Addison and
insisted that Addison shot himself. His
story was to the effect that after having
had several drinks together they started
toward the railroad yards and on their way
there Addison borrowed his (Newell's) re
volver. They went into the coal shed, so
j Newell asserted, at Addison's suggestion.
and were barely Inside the door when Ad
dison made some remark about a young
woman said to have been his sweetheart
and then shot himself.
The post-mortem examination held by
Coroner Treynor, however, tended to dis
credit Newell's story. It wss shown that
there wss an entire absence of powder
burns on Addison's neck and the wound
was on the left side and of such a char
acter that it could scarcely have been
Both Addison; and Newell belong to well
known families and both formerly lived In
Avoca. Following the Inquest Addison's
body was taken to Oakland.
Coroner Treynor and County Attorney
Hess were delayed at Avoca Thursday
night by a wreck east of that town and
did not reach Council Bluffs until 1 o'clock
yesterday morning.
pair shops of the Northwestern road. Wa-
made a partial confession. The road
has been robbed of thousands or dollars
In brasses during last year. Offlopra have
been unable to detect the thief.
Golden Wedding Anniversary.
MAGNOLIA, la. Sept. lS.-(8peclal.
William Tovey and wife celebrated the
fiftieth anniversary of their marriage here
last Saturday. Mr. Tovey was born in
Terth, Canada, on May 14, 132. and his
wife was born September 29. 1R34, at Cork,
Ireland. They were married September 9.
185ft. at Shellsburg. Wis. All their chil
dren,, one son and four daughters, live near
Magnolia and were present with their chil
dren at the golden wedding.
Coat of Soldiers Relief.
LOO AN, la., Sept. IS (Special.) The
Board of Supervisors of Harrison county
at their last meeting appointed H. P. Kid
der of Little Sioux as a member of the
Soldiers' Relief commission. During the
year ending August U the commission dis
bursed tl.IM.T5.
Burglars at Ionia.
CHARLES CITY. la.. Sept. 15 (Special.)
Burglars entered the store of P. L. Kep
ple at Ionia and secured 170 in cash. The
postofflre In the same building was not
Real Kstate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee,
September 15, by the Title Guaranty aV
Trust company of Council Bluffs:
Richard E. Rodd and wife to Nettle J.
Hunt, w of lot 8, In block 14. In
Mill addition to Council Bluffs, la.,
w. d 11.450
J. D. Fdmundson and wife and Sarah
H. Hart to F. H. Ashley, lot 12, In
sub. of John Johnson's addition to
Council Bluffs, la., w. d 475
John 'Watts and wife to Peter Mad
een. part of lot Jl. In Thomas Elder's
addition to Council Bluffs, la., w. d. Z.400
Three transfers, total f 4,375
The Larky Si umber 1075.
The drawing at Leffert'g Friday afternoon
was witnessed by a very large crowd bf
people, which goes to show the popularity
and fair dealings at Leffert's store Is ap
preciated. The drawing wa conducted by
H. A. Quinn and H. W. Binder. The pres
ent given away was a beautiful five-piece
silver tea set and the lucky number was
defense that the matter would be taken 1.975. The party holding this number is re
to the aupr-fino court on appeal from the . quested to present it at .Ieffert'i, Jeweler
Mrs. Dudley Anderson.
TECVMBEH, Neb.. Sept. 15 (Sperlal Tel
egram.) Mrs. Dudley Anderson, wife of a
farmer, who lives southeast of this city,
died very suddenly at the home of a
brother, Otis Reason, in this city this even
ing. She was aged 15 years and leaves two
small children. At the hour of death the
husband was detained from reaching his
wife's bedside (swing to the high water In
the Nemaha liver.
Mrs. Mary M. Llnberar.
WOODBINE. la.. Sept. 15 (Special.)
Mrs. Mary M. Llnberg, wife of Benjamin
Llnberg. died on her farm .home near
Woodbine and was Interred at the Blgler
Grove cemetery. Rev. J. O. Smith de
livered the funeral address. Sbe was born
September 15, 1845, at Montreal, Canada;
was married June 77, 1KS0, and was the
mother of twelve children, six of whom
survive her.
C. M. Avery.
News hss been received In Omsha of
the death of C. M. Avery, president of the
Avery Manufacturing company, at Peoria,
at 6 o'clock Friday morning. Mr. Avery
was 57 years of age. H. L. Jones, local
manager for the Avery company, may go
to Peoria for the funeral. Mr. Avery had
many staunch friends In Omaha, where he
owned a great deal of property-;
Clifford Bush.
Clifford, the 2-year-old son of Deputy
State Labor Commissioner and Mrs. Bush,
died this morning of meningitis after two
weeks' illness, originating from an injury.
Mr. Bush himself has Just recovered from
a siege of rheumatism.
Lieutenant R. B McConnell.
SUPERIOR, Neb.. Sept. 16. (Special.)
A dispatch from the war department to his
parents, residents here, received, tonight,
announces the death of Lieutenant B. R.
McConnell at Manila, where he waa on
duty with his regiment.
ruling of Judge Macy on the demurrers.
The suits In question grew out of the
Investigations of F. M. Cunningham of
Sullivan, Ind., who waa working In this
county a few years ago under a tax ferret
contract with the supervisors.
Fred J. Barter, a farmer living near tbe
Iowa School for the Deaf, was granted a
temporary injunction restraining County
Bupervisor Baker and Robert Morris, fore
man of the road gang, from further grad
ing of the road running east from the in
stitution. He contends that the grade is
not steep enough to warrant cutting It
down and that to do so will deprive him
of easy- access to his premises. The hear
ing for a permanent injunction is set for
October 14.
Divorces were granted to the following:
Emma Du Prat from Joseph Du Prat and
Bessie N. Norton from Arthur J. Norton.
On orders from Judge Oreen , yesterday
the following additional Jurors were drawn
for the September term of district court
at Avoca i J. R. Sloan, Carson: Josh Davis,
Avoca; J. E. rat ton, Macedonia; J. N.
Frum. Shelby; Charles Rockwell. Orlawoid;
C. A. Johnson, Avoca.
Light Guards Do Honor to Man Whose
Kaaso rnHf Bears.
Despite the storm there waa a very good
attendance at the reception tendered Gen
eral O. M. Dodge by the Dodge Light
Guards at their new armory last night. Fol
lowing the reception Captain Rutherford
put tbe company through an exhibition drill
which elicited a htgh compliment from
General Dodge. While there was no set
program short Informal talks were made
by Captain Rutherford, Hon. Emmet Tlnley
and General Dodge, who expressed the
pleasure and pride It had been to him to
assist in providing a home for the com
pany which bore his name. A program of
dances brought the evening to a close. In
and optician, 4u9 West Broadway.
Stove Given Away Free.
Today at 4 o'clock sharp the stove will be
given away. Be there with your ticket. P.
C. DeVol Hardware company, 504 Broadway.
Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby 4 Son.
Drs. Woodbury, dentists, 30 Pearl street.
Woodring-Schmldt, undertakers. Tel. 839.
Leffert's improved torlo lenses give satis
faction Scnool paints, brushes and papers. Alex
ander's. 833 Broadway.
O. F. Richards returned yesterday from
a hunting trip to Rollinsvllle. Colo.
Night school Western Iowa college opens
September IS. Office open evenings.
Farms for sale, all sixes, easy terms.
Squire A Annis, Council Bluffs, la.
Fryer Printing Co., S3 Main. Trl. 206. Let
us figure on your next order of printing.
Frank Nlcoll and Will Sehwenger left
yesterday for a three weeks trip to Colo
rado and Pacific coast points.
" On the ground floor. Morehouse & Co.,
printers and hinders, are In their new
building now, 18 North Main St.
We take contracts for paper hanging
and house painting: all work guaranteed.
11. Borwlck, 211 8. Main. Phone 63.
Coroner Treynor announced yesterday
that the inquest over Engineer Fick, who
was killed at Neola, will be held this morn
ing. County Treasurer Conslgny turned over
yesterday to City Treasurer True the fol
lowing lax collections for August: Regular,
12. ?6e.7; special, 97 6S. School Treasurer
McUee received I2.444.G2.
Geurge Smith and George Bennett will
have a hearing In police court this morning
on the charge of maliciously destroying
two awnings and a gum slot machine on
South Main street a few nlglils ago.
E. ' R. Stewart, charged with securing
ti"0 from Thomas Hopkins on an alleged
valueless railroad bond, secured his release
from the city Jail yesterday on bonds fur
nished by relatives in Van Buren county.
Compilations made from the returns of
the assessors by County Auditor Cheyne
Another Cattlemrn Engaged.
RAPID CITY, S. D., Sept. 15.-(Special.)
Now that the engagement of Harris Frank
lin of Deadwood has been announced, peo
ple will be Interested In knowing that the
engagement of a well known cattleman
of Rapid City is an assured fact. Corbln
Morse, than whom there Is not a more
widely known cattleman In the west. Is
the fortunate individual, and he, too. has
selected a. wealthy widow, Mrs. Sarah E.
Holcomb by name, and also of Rapid City.
Although this has been taken for granted
for a long time, the public has not been
taken Into their confidence as did Mr
Franklin. Now, however, Mrs. Holcomh
has acknowledged to her friends that the
engagement is one of long standing. Mrs.
Holcomb is the owner of the 6L brand of
horses and cattle ranging on White river,
and since the death of her first husband,
also a well known cattleman' of the Hills.
Mr. Morse has been her confidential ad
viser. . I
Temperance Women to Meet.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D Sept. 15. (Special )
Final arrangements are being perfected
for the annual convention of the 8outh Da
kota Women's Christian Temperance union,
which is to be held In Sioux Falls, com
mencing on the morning of September 21
and closing on the evening of September 24.
Reduced rates have been granted by the
railroads and a good attendance is looked
for. The finishing touches are now being
put on the program, which will be made
public within the next few days.
show thai there ara in Pottawattamie
the receiving line were Captain Rutherford, county 7,422 persons subject to military
General Dodge. Colonel E..J. Abbott of Abe ?lll In Council Bluffs the number sub-
Lincoln post. Grand Army of the Republic,
and Colonel L. Sherwood of the I'nlon Vet
eran legion. The armory was handsomely
decorated for the occasion.
Frederick W. R rimer Dead.
Frederick W.'Relmer died at his home,
HI Scott street, at an early hour yesterday
morning from cancer of the liver, lie was
M years of age and Is survived by his wife
and two sons, Walter and Carl Relmer.
Mr. Relmer. who for many years has been
city salesman for the Groneweg &
Bchoentgen company, had been a resident
of Council lUufTs for about twenty years,
lie was a member of the Ancient Order
Of United Workmen. Modern Woodmen of
America and Woodmen of the World. The
funeral will be held this afternoon at 4
O'clock from the family residence on Scott
street. Rev. Otterbeln O, Smith, pastor of
tts First Congregational church, will eon
duct the services.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. S50. Night, Lett.
Retailers Elect OIBrere.
At the annual meeting yesterday of the
Council Bluffs Retail Grocers' and Butch
ers' association these officers were elected
for the ensuing year: President. John T.
ilulqueen; vice president. John R. Toller;
treasurer, R. E. Ianiel; secretary. R. II.
Hunting ton, board of directors. II. C. Peter-
Jet t to military duty is l.VO.
R. Hudspeth of Newport. Ia.. a guest at
the Grand hotel, fell near the corner of
Broadway and Pearl street about midnight
Thursday and suffered a fracture of the
shoulder. He is ftl years of age und this
makes his Injury the more turtous. His
daughter arrived here yesterday and ac
companied him home.
The South Side Improvement club has
elected these officers (or the ensuing yeai :
President. Frank Lisle: vice president.
Flfin ward, U. H. Cafe, vice president.
Fourth ward, James Smith- secretary, A.
J. Jorgensou: treasure!, Soren Wilson;
executive commltti-e. E. Joraensen. C.
Clemeiion, Slack 1'eterson, James t'arlin,
T. A. Brewiik. li. Lund. 11 E. Sandwlg.
A marriage license was issued yesterday
to C. K. Akgaou, aged 22. and Llxxie M.
Clayton, cd 23. both of Macedonia, la.
The groom la assistant cashier of the
Macedonia bank, and the bride ia a weii
k no u young woman of the same town.
The marriage ceremony was performed by
Kev. li. w. Suydir. pastor of St. Johns
English Lutheran church, in the parlors of
II. e Klt-1 hotel, last evening, in the pres
ence of a few intimate friends of the
couple. Mr. and Mrs. Aggson will leave
this morning for a wedding trip to Colorado
points, and on their return will make their
uume in Macedonia.
Held for Shootln Neighbor.
PIEDMONT, S. D., Sept. 15. Special )
William Foley, who resides on Elk Creek,
and is well known throughout Meade
county, has been arrested on a charge of
hooting with Intent to kill, the complain
ant and Intended victim being John Cos
tello, who r.lso resides on Elk Creek. Foley
had his preliminary hearing at Sturgls, the
county seat, and was bound over to the
next term of the circuit court In the sum
of II. OX), for which amount, he gave a bond.
Troops on Practice March.
FORT MEADE. 8. D , Sept. 15. (Special.)
Troops E. F. G and H. comprlsong the
Second squadron of the Sixth cavalry at
this post, left yesterday for a practice
march to the Devil's Tower country. They
will be gone about ten days.
Brass Thief t'aptared.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. Sept. 15.-48peclal
Telegram The arrest of J. M. Mitchell
with a sack of railroad brasses may eal
to an investigation that will develop a
systemstlc of the Northwestern
road. Mitchell admitted buying trasses of
James Wallace, foreman ol tLe car re-
Conference Is Brief.
KARSTAD. Bweden. Sept. 15. The meet
ing thla morning of the delegates of Nor
way and Bweden, who are discussing the
dissolution of she union of Norway and
Sweden, was postponed for an hour at the
request of the Norwegians. Subsequently
the delegstes met at noon and adjourned
at t p. m. until 6 o'clock. Swedish military
experts attended today's session.
The Norwegian premier, M. Mlchelsen,
one of the delegates of Norway at the con
ference here, says he knows nothing con
firmatory of the report that Great Britain,
France and Germany have made represen
tations to Sweden on the subject of the
crisis. Tbe Swedish representative! declare
the rumor Is ridiculous.
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle $25.00
Spokane and Eastern Washington $22.50
Butte, Helena and Salt Lalto City $20.00
Cody, Wyo., (Big Horn Basin) 16.75
Daily tourist sleepers and through car service Omaha to Montana and Puget
Sound points. Daily through tourist sleepers Omaha to California, via Denver.
Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City and Southern Pacific. Tourist sleepers from
Omaha Thursdays and Fridays are personally conducted.
Daily through tourist sleeping car service from Omaha to Los Angeles via
Denver, scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City, thence to Southern California over the
San Pedro Route.
Through tourist sleepers from Omaha every Saturday night for Southern
California via Kansas City and the Santa Fe Route.
These tourist sleepers provide high grade facilities at half the rates for
standard sleepers. The cost of double berth Omaha, or from Nebraska points, to
the Coast is but $.75".
Let me send you folders about these colonist rates and our through service.
Describe to me your trip and let me advise you the least cost and the best
way to make, it.
J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam St., Omaha.
Icduitrial, Commercial gad Agricultural
Progress Continue Eatis.'tctory.
Maay Factories Have Their Facilities
Engaged Well Into Nest Year
Collections Contlnae to
Be Prompt.
NEW TORK. Sept. 1S.-R. O. Dun Co.'s
Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will
Industrial, commercial and agricultural
progress continues satisfactory. Nothing
has occurred to weaken confidence, the dis
position being to extend plans further into
the future, and many plants have their
facilities engaged well lino next year. As
demand broadens there Is a natural ten
dency to enlarge capacity, which adds to
the already exceptional structural activity.
Jobbers have secured much more forward
business than at this date last year, espe
cially in dry goods, and the frequent re
minders of autumn temperature stimulate
retail distribution of wearing apparel.
Thus far the weather has not been cold
enough to harm the crops that remain to
be harvested, and another week of favor
able conditions should assure an unprece
dented yield of corn.
Krveral settlements maintain labor dis
putes at the minimum and mercantile col
lections continue prompt. A few complaints
of Inadequate transporting facilities from
manufacturing centers are attributed to the
grain movement. Hallway earnings thus
far reported for September were X.7 per
cent larger than last year's, while foreign
commerce at thla port for the laat week
ahowed gaina of tit.lS0 in value of ex
ports and 17, Ml in Imports as compared
with 194. The official report f exports of
staple products from all ports of the United
btates In August exhibited a gain of tis,
fcas.isJl over the same moMfe last year, or
more than G per cent.
Each week brings better news from the
Iron and steel industry, demand broadening
and production keeping pace. One of the
bett features is the business improvement
abroad, which Is calculated to increase still
more the already heavy export demand for
steel shapes.
l-aie exports of packer hides are re
ported, but ou heavy Texas steers small
concesslona were made, although the lim
ited offerings In other sections of the mar
ket maintained the average prices at the
highest point. Purchases of leather are not
as yet as liberal as they will be later in
the season, as shoe manufacturers are op
erating moderatsly, but the tone Is very
nrm and a lainy large export movement
gives support.
Failures this week numbered 14 In the
United fitatea. against 214 last year, and -
in Canada, compare with 11 a year ago.
generally are good for this seaaon of the
year, despite the fact that retail trade in
the agricultural reglone Is still retarded
by active farming operations. Uusiness
being handled by the railways Is of large
proportions, despite the lighter than ex
pected grain movement, due to farmers' in
disposition to take current prices for their
roducts. Gross earnings fur Autjusl were
per cent In excess of a year ago, when
the preferit wave if activity first mani
fested Itself, marking a continuing pro
gressive gain for that month in every
Quarter since 1SW.
Features of note this week are the state
ments from Chicago that the present fall
trade has never been equalled belore and
that rail mills and car builders have a
yeur's business booked. At New York dry
goods Jobbing business Is less active than
last year, but It Is lvited that spring sales
of dress goods are of good volume. At
Boston dry goods are active and spring
orders In shoes are liberal.
The copper market la an exception to the
general strength of metals, the export de
mand having fallen off and domestic de
mand being less. Hardware shows marked
activity and building material of all kinds
Is higher In price.
Business failures In the United States for
the week ending September 14 number 1S8,
against 137 last week. lt7 In the like wek
of 1104. 170 In 1M, 182 in 1902 and If in
1901. In Canada failures for the week num
ber 92. as against 26 last week and 29 la
this week a year ago.
Wheat. Including flour, exports for the
week ending September 14 are 1.6.s2.44 bu.,
against 1.194. 21& last week, 935, S34 this week
last year. 1,909.09 in 1SJ and 4.135.323 In
19u2. From Jult 1 to date the exports sre
11.783.373 bu.. agslnst 16.399.117 last year,
13.164.131 In ISfiJ and ftS.932.W6 in 1W2.
Corn exports for the week are 1.226,00
bu.. against 1.404.652 last week. 429.16 a
year ago, 797, 17 in 19 and 49,608 In 1901
From July 1 to date the exiorts of corn
are ll.S5)i.54I bu.. against ,179 Wtl In 1904,
ie.62K.021 In 19"3 and 914.776 in 1912.
Demands Immediate Release of Sab
Ject of Kins; Held by Of-
rlala of China.
SHANGHAI. Bept. U.-The British vice,
consul has gone to Quintan to Insist on the
Immediate release ef a British subject now
in confinement.
This British subject Is an employe of tho
Bhanghal-Nankln railway of Chinese de
scent. He is alleged to have been tor
tured some time ago by a Chinese magis
trate at Qulnsan, near Shanghai, who in
turn was imprisoned for his act. Subse
quently It waa reported that the man had
been removed to Boo Chow despite the
protest 'of the British consul at Shanghai.
Com mitt ee of Lowtr Home ef Jupgness
Legislature Looking Into Eioting.
IatereetlaaT f tadenta.
The schools and colleges will soon open
for the fall terra and there will be many
self-reliant young men and -women who
will be looking for a good way to earn
their expenses. The Four-Track News, the
great Illustrated monthly mageslne of
travel and education, appeals to Intelligent
readers and students will find It easy to se
cure subscriptions for it. The terms to per
sons soliciting subscriptions are extremely
liberal and offer a very generous margin of
profit. It will pay any one Interested to
write to the publisher, George H. Daniels.
T East Forty-second street, New York, for
full particulars.
Like Barstraaj.
When you head feels like bursting. Dr.
King's New Life pills quickly cure the
cause, constipation. 26c. For sale by Sher
man & McConnell Drug Co.
Bee Want Ads are the ret Bjalneas
Business Contlaoes Remarkably
Arllve la Kearlr All Lines.
NEW YORK. Sept. 16. Bradatreet g to
morrow will say:
Trade and Industry continue remarkably
active In nearly all lln a. Kail distribution
is in full awing and In portions of the weat
Is of unprecedented volume, interior mer
chants are still greatly in evidence In many
primary markets, three-fourths of the corn
crop la out of danger of frost. Iron and
steel are In exceptionally good demand,
with outputs heavily sold ahead and prices
tending upward and building and building
material are apparently as active as at
any preceding period this year. Ibor
seems to be very well employed, though a
few strikes, notably In tbe printing and
building trades, disturb the otherwise very
quiet appearance of the industrial season.
Only st the south and there only because
of fever quarantines, and not owing to
real lack of business, is there any appear
ance of irregularity of demand. Collections
tnd similar diseases irr their
worst forms 'can be promptlj
eured by
It ncrer fails. '
69 years the leading remedy. .
Ill druggist, bell it.
Brltala May Mediate.
LONDON, Sept. 16. The Swedish minis
ter. Baron de Blldt. paid a lengthy visit
to Sir Thomas Sanderson, permanent
under secretary of state for foreign af
fairs, ct the Foreign office this afternoon,
on the aubject of the Norwegian-Swedish
Crisis. It Is thought possible that Fnrslgn
Secretary Lansdowne may be asked to
mediate In the event that delegates of the
Karlstad conference sre eventually unable
to settle their differences.
Bar Association Is Memorlallsina
Conference oa the Subject
Conference with Premier
TOKIO, Sept. 18. : p. m. The com
mittee of the lower house of the Diet,
which has been Investigating the recent
disturbances, will liave an interview with
Premier Katsura tomorrow on which oc
casion the committee will demand the
abolition of martial law and will also or
ganise a special committee of inquiry into
police outrages.
The Bar association is inemorallxtng the
government for the abolition of martial
The president and vice president of the
lowor house of the Diet will go to Yoko
hama tomorrow to meet Secretary Taft.
Rnaslaa Late at Meeting.
OUNSHt PASS, Manchuria, Thuraday.
Sept. 14. Owing to the variance between
Rusalan and Japanese time, and also the
fact that the exact spot for the meeting
of the Russian and Japanese representa
tives had not been defined, Major General
Ovanovsky, representing General Linevltch,
was the last to arrive yesterday morning
at the place for the armistice conference.
General Fukuahlma, representing Field
Marshal Oyama, with Colonel Tanaka and
Captain Tanaka, two professor of Inter
national law, Arlga and Boysl, and a guard
of fifty men, had already arrived under a
flag of truce.
Ovanovsky and Fukushlma dismounted
and in the plain near Shahotsu, after an
exchange of greetings, the two generals
at 19 a. m. began the discussion of the
conditions of tbe armistice, frequently re
tiring for the purpose of consultation. All
tbe houses on the spot having been de
stroyed, the conference waa held In th
open, the officers sitting on the grass.
After nine consecutive hours of negotia
tions the srmlstlce was signed at 7 p. m.
It takes effect September 18, agrees to the
abolition of all hostile or inimical acts,
establishes a neutral tone of four kilo
meters wide between the two armies, of
which Shahotsu on the railway Is the ren
ter. Maps showing the sons are to be ex
changed. Only civilians will be allowed
within the territory and communication be
tween the two armies is to be only by tha
Shahotzu road.
Special naval envoys are to meet neat
Vladivostok with one ship for each na
tion to confer and establish an armlstlc
and a neutral sone at sea.
An armistice on the borders of Corea li
to be arranged by separate negotiation!
between the local commanders and on
terms similar to those agreed upon In Manchuria.
Elsbt Caaea and Three Deaths Re
ported for Laat Tweaty
Foar Hoar.
DIRSCHAf. Prussia, Sept. 15 One fresh
case of cholera was reported here today.
BERLIN. 8ept. 16. The official bulletin
Issued today announces eight new cases of
cholera and three deatha In twenty-four
hours ending at noon, making a total of
190 cases and sixty-eight deaths. The new
cases are one each in the Dlrschau, Bres
lau, Stuhm and Konelgsberg districts and
two each in the Grandeni and Flatow districts.
fonnt de Brain.
PARIS. Sept. 15 The minister ef the
colonies received a cable dispatch from the
governor of French West Africa, announc
ing the death of Count de Braxsa. the ex
plorer, whose serious Illness at Dakar waa
announced in these dispatches yesterday.
The minister notified Countess de Brasza,
saying that France had lost one of its
most glorious cltlsens. Prealdent Loubet
also telegraphed his condolences to tha
countess. Count de Braisa was returning
from a special mission to Central Africa
to Investigate charges of cruelty against
natives when he was attacked by acuta
dysentery, which was aggravated by tbe
fatigues of the voyage.
Lord Roberts Postpones Visit.
LONDON, Sept. 15.-Fleld Marshal Lord
Roberts' visit to America has been post
poned snd will not be made this year.
He received an Invitation to address the
annual meeting of the board of trade while
In New York, to which be replied regretting
that he Is compelled to postpone his visit
on account of official and other engage
ments not permitting him to leave at tha
time he expected to cross the Atlantic
hip Commanded by Flaa.
COPENHAGEN, Sept. 16. The com
mander of the British steamer John Graf
ton, which wss sunk by its crew September
10 after landing arms and ammunition on
a barren Island In the Gulf of Bothnia,
according to the Polltiken, waa a brother
of Eugene Echaumann. the asussln of Gen
eral Uobrlkoff, governor general of Finland.
Proposed Meetiaar for Algerlraa.
BERLIN, Sept. 15. The German govern-
1 ment has proposed to France and to the
sultaa of Morocco that the Moroccan con
! ferenre be held at Algeclras. Spain, Instead
of at Madrid, as Premier Rouvler desires,
or at Tangier, as the sultan wishes.
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