Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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' ' rwaawawnensaa.
It Levis fartles Btrj Urn Hundred
tkm T the FirH latUnaL .
1 . i
Mwk Pstna Haali at Deaele Its
. Pas?' Velee hew Men HeldlaST
' One-Third af Katlre
ftje da whereby the, St. Louis capitalists
and.- the jonal man Interested with them
fcave secured a large block of the stock of
the First National bank. Instead of or
ganising a new bank In thla city, has been
consummated. By the arrangement reached
President Ernest E. Hart of the First Na
tional bank dispose of 700 of the 1,300
share of stock ha hold In the bank.
J. W. Perry, who ha been her nego
tiating the deal, I president of the Hamil
ton Investment . compapy of St. Louts, an
InatHutlpn allied with the National Bank
of Commerce. His company receives 25i of
the 700 share of stock and the remaining 430
ar to be divided among the local men who
were -Interested In the organisation of the
new bank. It was stated yesterday after
noon that all of th stock had been sub
scribed for. . . .i
The deal Involves no change In the pres
ent officers of tba bank, but the directory
will be inoreased from seven to eleven, the
new Interests getting live of the directors.
While the deal has been consummated and
th community of Interest becomes effective
at once, It wilt' require several weeks to
complete all the details, of the reorganltn
tlon of the barik. The articles of Incor
poration, will have to be amended before J
tha number df directors can be Increased
and other detail will have to ba worked
Mr. Hart stated last evening that tha
stock which he had placed at tha disposal
of the St. I-ouls men and their associates
had been, oversubscribed for and that all
that now remained to clean up the deal
was the' allotment of the stock, among
thoae who had. subscribed, and this he
thought' would be accomplished this after
noon. The names f the men who will he
corrle Interested In -Ihe First National bank
through thla new deal will be made public
as toon as the stock I allotted,
Th capital stork of the First National
bank 1 .f200,6flO. divided Into 3,000 shares
of a. .pari value; of, lino. It 1 understood
that the-stock la worth now a share
and that Mr.' Hart receive $140,000 for his
709 share.
It Is stated that there' will be no Increase
of the capital stock, at least for the pres
ent, . but (ha surplus will be Increased to
I100.0SO. . . , - .
La Ad'ieon, Phot .an,d Killed ' by
"i - : rmtr weU. ,
Lea Addison waa shot and killed yester
day afternoon at Avoca by Elmer Newell,
blakrnltlhl ' The shooting taok rHno
. near the freight depot of th Rock Island
railway, and Addison was carried at pne
to the office of Dr. Bpaulding, where he
expired In a. few .minutes. In hi dying
gasps h succeeded In telling Dr. Spauldlntf
that Newell shot, him, but aspired before
ba could tell anything els.
Sheriff Canning, Coroner Treynor and
County Attorney Hess at 'one left for
Avoca on word being received her of tba
aurdec . j ...." .. - . ,
Objective Raised Against argentine
Tartar aa Aater)cae Machinery.
DES MOlNgg, Js,., Sept. 14.-At the re
quest of . Jowa Implement manufacturers,
I'nlted State Senator PolUver today wired
to Secretary Root at Washington suggest
ing (hat the United States enter protest
against proposed tariff legislation In Argen
tina sgulnst ggrnlsalon of American, repairs
for Industrial and farm machinery. E. I
Maytag of Union, la-, prominent farm Im
plement - manufacturer, waa - advised by
cabl today that Argentina I about to en
- act a 26 per cent duty on such Implements
'from , this country, which would seriously
Injure American farm Implement trade
with Argentina. - .
'. WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 -Th state de
partment received information by telegraph
qd puMI from a dosen points In this coun
trr- Where agricultural machinery Is manu-
featured proteatlBg against what the send
r declare to be blpw at, their interests
by! tha, Argentina, government, Imposing
prohibitive duties ob -parts of agricultural
machinery.- It appeara that American ma
ehnea are sold in Argentina, at a very low
Suture In consideration, of the fct that the
manufacturers made considerable profit
after the sal la supplying parts of th ma
chnea to replace those broken pr worn out
In use.
Trestees Ask. L,ailar far S3T,OtM)
CEDAR FALLS. la,., Sept. 14. (Special.)
.The trustee of th Iowa Btat Normal
school kavs adjourned after. two day
session in. which ti nead of th institu
tion for th coming two year w;er con
sidered, The growth and development of
tfie (ostltutiqa raulr Increased appro
Bviiation and the sum of t37.000 wag voted
to' be placed, befor the general assembly
t its sneaUnsj In January as neoeaaary for
th school. Th appropriation will b di
vided as follow:
For bul'ltng, repair and equlpn)ept. -10th
of a mill tas annually, beginning with the
sxplradoq uf the present mlllage ts; for
tochers' fund, adaittonal annually, llO.iX-0;
for summer term fund, additional annually,
tlfnu; fur library fund, additional annually,
ti.rOO; for librarian fund, additional sn
uJJy. U.MO; for paving aud iiiiproviug
graunda fur that next two years, ti.uu).
Tb reports of President Seerley, the aec
ea7 and treasurer, showed a surplus In
vry available fund gad U obligations
ad. New departments have been added,
tba teaching foroa Inoreaaed and the equlu
giant f tk school fraatly Improved- Tli
fa) tarut na apenad under moat favorable
IMSMUtloaa and th enrollment 1 unusually
le-Jwa, ...
Tabar Callage Opened.
. , TABOR. Is-, Sept. 14.-(Speclal.)-Tabor
lofleg spanad this wesk with a program In
Adams ball Addresses wsr glvea by th
new member of th fsculty. Pr. William
AUn and Merrill Blackburn, and by Rev.
K, Hint f Creston, who spok on
"Modern lntararataton of th American
Callage," gliag spaniel attention la ths
advantage of toe small oolleges. A large
nu4)ane af students and cltlaens war In
kttaaaaaua. , Aluaao . Unstoa. clerk la ths
Fir NsUaaal p-ok Of Drosba sine 1M,
Is the new Held secretary, and Merrill
Bkjokbura . ef Cheyenne, Wyo., ths new
prhtclpal of the aoadsmy, while William O.
Allen. f Mw Tor takes the chair 8(
peaXgwajj and philosophy and Miss Marts
ShaaeJeit. sate of Parte, will teach vocai.
AH, CMoa aifhiy reoo (amended and a proe
Pnaa paw yeas, seem te t at hand.
Tyaheid less gldaeg.
IIQNCT. Ia.. .Bept- 1B ism fcU--Thar
an half doawa cease f typhoid fever la
tk epunV7 saUaav nan went of avwa.
ajt an, rawa - gsaav WWtasa Si or. n4
18. has died ef Us SI anas. Fas ahyawasas
bav not aa yet been able to locate th
num of the Infection hut expect to he
Sole ta da e hoi Four 4 1 (Tare nt families
have member whe ara sick.
arthar Wtkk Kill ftrbeol Teacher
aad Sbeots Himself.
IAVFNPORT. la..' Sept. 14.-Meddl
Darby, a achool teacher, wa Shot and lu
stanttly killed near WUton, , la., today at
the country achool house which ahc taught.
Arthur Wabb. who had lrn paying at
tention to bar, perpetrated, the deed be
cauae aha would not marry him. Webb u
chased by, a posse, and o tfcrape rapture
committed suicide by shooting himself In
the head.
Leasee of Maoleaglltles Sleets.
BURLINGTON, la., Sept. It. The league
of Iowa Municipalities today elected th
following officers: '
President, J. 8. Oastsr of Burlington; vie
president, R. 8. McNutt of Muscatine; secretary-treasurer,
JVC. Fierce of Marshall
town. Des Moines waa selected as tha nest
place of meeting. Resolutions were passed
asking the state legislature to amend the
present law so as tq tax the property of
railroad, telephone, telegraph and express
companies according to the value of their
property within city limit.
Car-Breaker raaght.
SIDNEY, - Ia., Sept. H. (Special.) Jesse
Williams of Peraval was brought to this
city Tuesday tjy Sheriff Kent, he having
been taken Into cuetody at Auburn, Neb.
Williams was Indicted by the grand Jury
here about a year ago on the charge of
breaking Into a freight car at Peraval. He
took himself to parts unknown and has
up until the present time managed to es
cape arrest. He gave bonds In the sum of
I&00 and his case was Jald over until next
term of court. He returned without requi
sition papers.
Want Juvenile Law Enforced.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Sept. 14. (Special
Telegram.) The Women's club of Cedar
Rapids threatens suit against the county
to compel .compliance with the Juvenile law
by building separate compartments for
children in th county Jail. The board's
ttentlun was called to the matter three
times, but nothing has yet been done.
Woman Withdraw Charges.
LOO AN. Ia., Sept. 14 (Special Telegrsm.)
Annie Chrlstensen of Missouri Valley,
who recently sued Oeorge W. Egan, a Logan
attorney, for 110,000 for criminal assault.
through her next friend, Mrs. 8. w. Soren-
son, today dismissed the case end slleged
that the charges were falBe and that she
was forced to sign the original petition.
Child Dies from. Barns.
CEDAR RAPIDS, - la., Sept. 14. (Special
Telegram.) Llllle . Ka)la,p, who, was seri
ously burned, by her . clothes taking Are
while playing with matches Wednesday,
died at the hospital today. Her mother Is
also In the hospital from burns received
In rescuing the child.
F.leetrlcal Storm at Red Oak.
RED OAK. Ia.. Sept. 14 (Speclal.)-A
sever electrical storm, accompanied by a
heavy rainfall, visited this section early
this morning. Lightning struck the Chi
cago, Burlington V Qulncy water tank,
damaging It slightly.
Pirate Abandoned.
LOGAN, la., Sppt. 14. (Special.) Th
picnic which was to have been held her
by the Modern Woodmen of America and
tha Royal Neighbors of America was not
held here today on account of ths rain,
and will not occur this year.
Commercial Company Secnre Conees.
slva for LandljSaT Yoka
. hanaa and Shanghai.
NEW TORK, Sept. 14. Through Amer
ican' enterprise, the way has been won to
connect the western continent by direct
submarine telegraphic lines with the em
pires of Japan and China. Clarence H.
Mackay, president of the Commercial Paci
fic Cable company, today made the an
nouncement that his company has secured
the necessary concessions to enter Yoko
hama, Japan and Shanghai, China. Mr.
Takahira, tha Japanese minister to ths
United States, affixed hta signature to
Japan's agreement with the Commercial
Pacific Cable company for landing rights at
Yokohama yesterday. An agreement for
landing rights at Shanghai was signed by
China several weeks ago.
When these new'' cables sre completed,
Mr. Mackay said, their length added to
other cables already laid and about to be
laid, will form part of g system. which ex
tends two-thirds of the distance around ths
globe. ' . :
Tha cable connections with both Japan
and China . will ba mads by extending ths
present lines of the company, which run
from San Francisco through ths stations
of . Honolulu, Midway and Guam and
Manila. - Japan will be. reached by laying a
cable from Guam In ths Pacific ocean
direct to Yokohama, Tha cable to China
will be laid from Manila, to, Shanghai.
President (lark of the I'nlted Sorjrty
Makes Report af Progress
Throng ha4 World,
BOSTON. Sent 14. Tha auarterlv miuwI
on tha work of ths Christian Endeavor
movement by Rev. Francis E. Clark, presi
dent of ths United Society of Christian
Endeavor, which was made public today,
records advancement in Christian endeavor
throughput ths world. There are now 7,
Ouf affiliated societies, s? Increase of Ml
sine the as convention held In Baltimore
In July.
Th executive committee of the board of
trustees of the I'nlted societies has ap
pointed an International oommlttee to take
Charge of ths plana for celebrating th
liver anniversary of th . Christian Kn
deavor movement. This will take th form
of lbs creation af special fund for ex
tending young people's work in all parts
of tbs world, and ths erection of an Inter
national headquarter's building in honor ot
President Clark the founder of the society.
Dr. Samuel B. Capen of Boston, Is chair
man and ths membership Includes former
Governor John L. Bate ef Massachusetts,
Henry B. F. MacParland, commissioner of
Washington, D. C; John Willis Baer of
New York, and over fifty uthera.
Eaaaleyes af Aasrriraa ('Iran
Freaee Rears) New Yerk
Afte Tree Me.
NEW YORK. Bept. 14.-A number of th
member of th McCaddon circus, which
waa recently stranded at Grenoble, In
southern France, arrived here on ths
steamer Roma today. - Four of th party
war cabin passengers, among whom waa
C. M. McLeod. advance agent of the circus.
The rest cam over la th steerage. - Mc
Leod said ths troupe had numbered abeut
K persons and that when t ,was stranded
because of a collection lor rent levied by
a Freneh flnsncutl Institution on th re
ceipt of the shqw. 14) of the member err
left destitute. The American consul at
Qrenoble; Charles p. H. Naon, cared for
them. .
Many ""members of tha tircua are til at
Qrenubl er Parts, e destitute that they
depend for support upon privM subscrip
tion ef money.
The monthly business meeting of the local
Woman's Christian Temperanoe union held
Wednesday afternoon In the Toting
Woman's Christian association rooms was
long and spirited, but a great deal of busi
ness was transacted. Mrs. E. 1. Wood was
elected delegate to the state convention to
be h,eld at Grand Island this month, Mrs.
Adelaide Rood, the local president, tq be
th other representative of th local union.
A lively discussion was precipitated by a
motion that the union pay the expenses of
department superintendents to state and
county conventions. As ths number of
superintendents Is something In excess of a
doten, the Inexpediency of the plan was
evident, although some of the members
contended that as the superintendents do
the work, they should be sent to the con
ventions. Others held that It was the
privilege of the union to elect as Its dele
gates whom it liked and the business ef
the rest of the members to accept the de
cision of the majority. The plan did not
A decided veto was put upon the constsnt
drain upon the' onion's treasury by state
workers, local members snd others who,
because the union has a regular Income
from the High- school lunch, have not been
altogether considerate In their demands,
by refusing to pay the expenses of a South
Omaha contestant In the grand gold medal
contest that will be a part of the program
of the state meeting. The rules of the con
test provide that not less then six shall
compete for the medal. In order that the
full number might he secured, the stste
superintendent of contest work requested
the Douglas county superintendent to sup
ply threa of these. The local union agreed
to pay the expenses of one, the contestant
to be-selected by the county superintendent,
who Is a member of the local union. Upon
request of a member of the South Omaha
union, the superintendent appointed a
South Omaha boy, but when she reported
the fact to the local union the members re
fused to sustain the appointment on ths
ground that the South Omaha union, being
much the larger organisation, could afford
to take care of Its own and that the Omaha
organization could not be expected to pay
the expenses of out of town contestants at
the expense of leaving Its own work with
out representation. During; the discussion
It was suggested that too much was ex
pected of the local union In the way of
financial aid. While It Is perhaps better off
financially than any other union In the
state, the members feel that ths local de
mands are greater here than any place
else and that as their funds come from
Omaha they should be devoted to local de
mands, at least In fair proportion.
Fifteen dollars a month was voted for
the maintenance of th temperance and In
dustrial classes at Tenth Street Mission,
the term extending from September te May.
Miss Magee reP01" the opening of the
temperance class with an attendance that
will necessitate the separation of the
children Into three classes. Nearly half of
the children In the mission this year are
new children. Tpe sewing classes have gn
attendance of fifty but Miss Magee has an
able corps of assistants who have volun
teered from some of the churches. How
ever, It will be necessary to restrict or
limit the attendance at the Industrial
classes as there is not sufficient support
guaranteed to carry on the work" for all.
Miss Magee expressed the request that the
mission children be organized In a Loyal
Temperance Legion and asked the co-
operation pf ths union.
Naturally clubwomen expect much from
Denver, the horns of the national president
and the metropolis of a state where women
have equal lights. With, men, but the In
genuity of the Denver club woman seems
tq be of a particularly high order and the
fearlessness with which she launches an
Innovation is a Joy to the progressive even
though It does some times take the breath
of the more conservative. The annual con
vention of the Colorado Federation of
Women's clubs will be entertained at Den
ver September 25 and the program la char
acteristic, If such an assertion is per
missible from an outsider, pf the Colorado
women, one of the features being particu
larly unqu. On of the evening esaiqns
will be devoted to men's views of women's
work. All the speakers will be men of
prominence and the following are some
of the subjects that will be dis
cussed: "Our-81ster-ln-Law,'' W. T. Gab
bert of Denver; "A Drop of Ink," I. N.
Stevens of Pueblo; "Help the Women,"
David Utter of Denver; "Talk Business,"
ex-Oovernor Alva Adams; "Get Thee to a
Nunnery," ' J. H, Pershing. Denver. A
strong educational program has been ar
ranged with the presidents of a dosen col
leges and the state superintendents of
schools as speakers. Mrs, Decker will pre
side at on of-In sessions, conducting a
round table on general club topic- The
following are some pf tlis topics to bs dis
cussed: "Elimination of Clutter from Club
Programs," ''Practical Business Methods
for Club 8tudy," "The Paid Speakrr vs.
Home Talent." There la something alto
gether practical and Immensely interesting
about these topics and they give en the
Idea that club work in Colorado I of a
particularly broad order.
Ths annual fall opening session of the
Young Women's Christian association will
be held In tha rooms October - The class
work will all begin according to schedule,
October 10. The opening gospel meeting
has been announced for Sunday afternoon,
Beptember 24. The educatlpnal sours Is
especially promising this year and th en
tertainment course equally so.
Whites Attaek Gaasj af 5egro Work
men and Enipleyec 1 s
Hit by ghat.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 14 -A special to tbs
Post-Dispatch from New Madrid, Mo., says
that Information has reached her that
last night a mob of whites attacked Owen
Delaney and his negro workmen at Hen.
derson Mound and a pitched battle ensued,
in which about seventy-five shot were
fired and th fide of th house In which
Delaney was sleeping was shot to pieces.
Deianey was wounded In ths hand and
It la thought Some of th mob war hit.
Delaney cam to New Madrid today and
bought all th rifle In town, declaring he
Is going tq kep th negroes at work in
spits of any resistance. The anti-negro
element hss reinforced nd further trouble
1 ei peeled tonight. It I stated that
troops will ba asked for.
JEFFERSON CITY. Mi... Spt. li-Act-Ing
Oovernor Mchvlnley received Informa
tion today of rioting between whites am)
negro workmen at Henderson Mound, Mo.,
and Immediately telegraphed Robert Rut
ledge, prosecuting attorney of New Madrid
county, and Sheriff T. E. Henry Instructing
them to tak prompt measures ta protect
life and prunerty. ,
V t. Panl aad ftelgrp
tit 60.
and return
d4 return
via Th Northwestern Lin.
City (Mcii )4ll lgj
Farbam Street.
Oitj AtUrnej Qivsi Opinita en Dodge
City Clerk Deleged vrlth Letters Irons
Coafneed Voters W ho Kaow Less
the leaner They gtady
the Thlnsr.
Numerous Inquiries St the city clerk's
office regarding the niatter of registration
under th Dodge primary law prompted
City Clerk Gtllln to ask th city attorney
for a written opinion, and In reply Mr.
Lambert and his assistant, Mr. Winter,
Igned the following:
. "It Is our opinion that the registration
provided for on primary day pertains solely
to primary registration snd that ths three
usual registrations have been n no wis
changed by this act.
"That first voters snd those coming Into
the city subsequent to the Isst registration
may vote upon tha registration of the prl
piary day. Thai those whq were entitled
to register pt th last registration, but
failed to do so for any reason are not en
titled to vote at the coming primaries;
that those who registered their party affili
ations at the earning registration pn pri
mary day are not entitled to vote at ths
coming primaries; that you are suthoiixed
under the law to Issue certificates of trans
fer where removals have been made and
where the other legal qualifications are
present to entitle the applicant for a certifi
cate to vote In th changed place of resi
dence. "That no person, whether registered at the
last registration of not, Is entitled to vote
st the coming primary unless he Is duly
registered on that day.
"We will not bother you with our reasons
for the conclusions herein reached. Ws
have arrived at them after a very careful
and thorough examination of the law and
after more or less consultation with ths
county attorney and the city attorney of
Omaha. We do not mean to say that
either of said officers agree In toto with the
opinion above glven, but believe that In
the main there Is a substantial agreement
on points of differences If there be any.
Ws believe we are right, and accordingly
so adytse. We believe further that the
above covers the points Involved In your
Club Picnic Tonlabt.
Members of the Highland Park Improve
ment club will enjoy a picnic this fvenlng
at Highland park, and every member with
hl family Is Invited. A basket dinner will
be enjoyed from t o'clock until 7:80, whn
James H. Van pusen will rtP for order
and tell something of th progress of ths
Club during the past year and what It will
do In the future. County Attorney 81a
baugh and K. A. Benson will speak, and
a quartet comprising the Misses Barr and
Porterfleld and Messrs. Guild and Haver
stock will sing. A large platform will be
provided for the occasion.
Repairing; the Washouts.
Quite a force of men was busy yester
day repairing washouts In various parta of
ths city. Major Knutsky is giving the
repairing considerable personal super
vision and the wofk Is going pn well, al
though It will probably require several
days to complete the necessary repairs
In fact. In some places the rains have, done
so much damage that they will have to
be fenced In and left temporarily. The
rains of Wednesday-and Thursday morn
ings, It Is said, were the most damaging
since the June freshets. ,
Mnat RepaU City Jail.
The pity authorities are becoming im
pressed with the need of either a new Jail
or repairs to the- present Jail. Just now
ths Jail Is In such condition as to hardly
be capable of accommodating many pris
oners at one time, and as th time for cold
weather approaches there Is som fear that
It wpuld have to be abandoned unless re
pairs were made In due time. The plumb
ing Is badly disorganised, and the Jail Is
not strong any more than It la commodious.
Those In authority sre looking Into ths
matter mors seriously and it Is believed
ths Jail will be fixed.
Floater Foand la River.
Some fishermen found ths body of an un
identified man In th river near Vesta
Springs. There was nothing on the person
of the floater to Indicate his Identity. The
body had evidently been In ths water n th
neighborhood of a month. H was taken to
the Brewer undertaking rooms.
Magie City GoB,
Attorney H. B. Fleharty haa returned
from a trip to Bonesteel, S. D.
Men. F. J. Mead of Cresco, Ia., I visiting
her brother, J. W. Ballard and family.
A daughter waa burn Thursday to Mr
and Mrs. W. B. Daly, North Thirteenth
Th dinner at th home of J. B. WatKlns
last evening, under ths auspices of St. Mar
tin's guild, was well sttended.
Rose, th 11 year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Hannon, underwent an operation
for appendicitis yesterday t the City hos
pital. Mesdames Ralph snd Albert Ivlts and
Mrs. Daniel Sexton pf Carlanvllle, III , art
the guests of Mrs. H. Ackrold, 223 North
Twenty-third street. (
The funeral of John Klnholm, who was
drowned In the river Tuesday, was held
from the Brewer undertaking rooms yester
day forenoon, Rev. B. L. Wheeler officiat
ing Mrs. H. C. Richmond left yesterday for
Cedar Falls, Ia., to visit the Normal school
there before returning to her position In
the new Stat Normal at Kearney Septem
ber !0. '
Warns People to Be am Geerd Acainst
Corporation Scheme,
HURON. 8. D-. Sept. 4.-(Bpeclal.) Hon.
Coe I. Crawford gddressed a larga crowd
In th opera house here thl afternoon.
Th address had been promised for som
week, and many attendant at th stai
fair remained over ia har t. Th ad
dress wag carefully prepared Snd delivered
with Mr. Crawford's acoustomed eloquence
and earnestness. Mr. Crawford said:
The vital question confronting us Is
whether or not the average man has an
opportunity to be heard fn ths selsction
of public officers who are supposed to rep
resent him. po they represent lilin In truth
rnd fact, or do they represent Interests
list are opposed to his? No reasunabi
Iierson desire tq niaks wsr upon corpora
ions ss such. They sre a necessity snd
ndlspensable n the conduct of vast af
alrs requiring more capital than any una
ndlvldual possesses.
Ths trouble begins When eombinatna of
thes corporations, having destroyed com.
petition, Stubbernly- oppose ths enaetment
of laws to prevent extortion and to plate
them under regulation and control; when
for this purpose t"y enter Into polul.s
and capture party organisations and con
trol tha making of ptatforma and the nom
ination of candidates, so that they may
claim Immunity, a protest Is heard from
ins peopi. rtueq souse exist everywhere
1 ne popular uprisings so frequent prove It.
I desli to, sound a not of warning. A
pnrwwu s kbi" pierru anq i si-
feady In procs of execution to entrap
he people into a feeling of security by th
eft-repeated statements of the machine
paper that our delegation In oosgitss
favors the recommendation ef tk sreai,
dent, while at the same time ths sain
rswspaper publish long editorial and bu
reau press articles for th purpose ef con
vincing the publlo that tke president i
wrong in in rmiuon n ha taken for
rate .revision. The vast power of in ma-
ehlne and the corporations
win be
o pack the caucuses and conventions and
to eUct delegates who will suppri any
expression in th pisiform endorsing th
rosltlou of th president unon. this point
f troMg enough it will dsclare against
rate revision and then Insist that ths con
gressional delegation must stand upon lb
giachlna-mad pis t form..
Chamberlain's Cotte, Cpetsra and Diar
rhoea Remedy eures diarrhoea and dysen
tery Is all tufiot m4 I ftU gtf as. t hkr
I re for f'oanty f omsalssloaer.
OMAHA, Sept. 14.-To th Editor of Th
Bee: 1 note that Congressman Kennedy
In his Sixth ward speech Is reported to hav
said that there never was a greater abun
dance of good material for candidates thsqJ
there I this vstr, snd that If tha people
did not go to the primaries and select th
best men they would have themselves to
blame. This is the sentiment of all good
clt liens.
Among all the Important offices tt b
fllied this fall ptrhaps none Is mar tm-
rirtant than that of county commissioner.
ndr the new Isw thrse commissioners
not only vote to levy snd expend something
like f2.0U,om during their term of office, but
also pass upon th equalisation of ait prop
erty In th city on which the city and
school taxf are to be collected. Douglas
county alone Is valued at something like
llfAOno.Oiio-about one-seventh of the entire
value of the state.
Is It not Strang that ' th people ef
Douglas county, who are the stockholders
of the county, should be Indifferent ss to
Who shall b th commissioners, Whq kf
practically the directors or The corporation,
to conduct It business? Any stockholder
In any corporation of similar magnitude
would feel it his duty to see that hood
men were selected as the directors. Why
should, not every citizen feel the same ob
llgstion In reference to the selection of
commissioners. The primary law is ni
tended not only tq allow the people to vote
for rsndldates, but also to select th ran
dldatts by direct vote.
Among the candidates that are mentioned
I wish to speak a word for Mr. W. Q. Ure,
who has consented to run for commjssioner.
I know him very intimately and hav been
associated with him for Several years In
seeking to bring about the equalisation of
taxes In Omaha, Douglas county snd the
stste. Mr. Ure hss been the secretary of
the committee of th Real Estnte exchange,
and ss such he has been the foremost man
In the work of tax reform. It was he who,
with pthers. went to Lincoln snd by a re
duction of the state levy on Douglas county
saved the county 7B.ono In one year, ft
also was the main support of Mr. Mcintosh,
who made a Aght before the legislature for
the taxation of the Omaha terminals. He
Is well Informed not only on questions of
taxation, but also upon the finances of the
county, having given special attention to
this when It was proposed tq bond th
county a large sum of money to pay the
county's Indebtedness snd current expenses.
He was opposed tq tt)ee bonds and It wns
through his efforts that they were defeated,.
While he is anti-corporation, beis a con
servative man and would not vote to Injure
any property! but would Insist that all be
treated alike. Mr. Ure will have a strong
endorsement If the people understand who
he Is snd what he stands for. '
Call for Clarendon.
OMAHA, Sept. 14. To the Editor of Ths
Bee: Through chance, want of opposition
and shrewd political manipulation the pres
ent county superintendent of schools has
contrived to retain his position fbr Ave cpn
secutive terms. Although so long a period
In office Is not only unrepubllean, but un
amsrican, he I still greedy for more. For
tunately there Is another In the field, A. E.
Clarendon, a gentleman qf scholarly attain
ments and of large experience In the In
struction and the management of schools.
He Is well known In Iowa and Nebraska;
In the latter Btat he has Instructed or lec
tured before the teachers' institutes of
thirty-three counties. His ability s gn ed
ucator warrants ths statement that he cap
modernise the schools of Douglss cQUnty
snd place them In the front rank of prog.
ress. .) ...4- t- O.
Proposition Argued by A I torn T
Bai at gait Against
tba City.
Attorney Charles E. Clapp, In an ap
pealed damage case In district court,
George W, Forbes against the elty, has
raised the legal question that on May $1.
1906, there was no nsw city shsrtar in
existence In the city of Omaha. Mr. CInpp
sets up that g copy of ths new law did
not reach tho office of City Comptroller
Lobeck until August and that the Session
Laws of 1906 wers not published until gome
time later. Consequently, he says, his
client waa unable to ascertain the pro
visions of tha new charter and was com
pelled to follow the law as It had existed
for many years and filed an appeal bond
with City Comptroller Lobeck In due ac
cordance with th law ag t stood at the
It Is further set up that If a motion te
dismiss filed by the city sttorney should
be sustained It would deprive plaintiff pf
his right to hav the action decided on its
nartaa. Iowa., gfpt. 12-10. lOOB,
Th Chicago Great Western Railway will
sell round trip tickets to Harlan st enly
on far plus one-third for th round trip.
Ticket on sals September 11th to 16th. For
further Information apply to E. D. Park'
hurst. General Agent, 1511 Parnam St.,
pmana, Nfo.
If you have anything to trade, advertlsf
t In the "For Exchange" column on Th
Bee want d page.
Omaha thief Market.
dam Smith, en ef th eldest settlers
n th Rosebud country and a substantial
land owner and farmer of that section. Is
visiting friends In Omaha. The occasion
uf his visit at this time Is to buy fall
fupplles and to have conaultstkin with
r. Palmer J. Lit regarding th health
vi a granason. would very mucn ilk
lo remain ror in Aa-nar-rien festivities,
said Mr. Smith, "but unfortunately I can
not. Omaha has for great many year
been our urlnrloal Point far tradtne- In tha
fall and spring. V generally bring up ft
bunrn of cattle, sometimes several car,
and wc find that we ran do as well here,
if not better, than at any other point,
pr. Little is one Omaha physician thst we
know out In our country, and we always
extend him an Invitation-te cams out our
way for the fail hunting and to bring hi
Jsksisa'i . Head Cat.
Charles Johnson a farmer frprn Mrlford,
la., was the victim of an assault while
standing lo front of a saloon at Ninth snd
podge streets last Rlgtit, aad as result h
Is now aufferlng from a sever cut in tn
pack of the bead. Johnson says he wss
standing on the curbstone In front of the
taloon whep som on suddenly cam up be.
Ind him and struck him a violent blow on
the back of the head. Hi asaailant mad
hi escape, but Jolicaon wa able to give a
tood description of him and the police srs
oklng for him. Johnson r attended by
Police Surgeons Langdon snd Cos, who
took three stitches a h lsa-oupd-
Deacla Ceaaty Apple Wla.
County Clerk Drexsl ha received from
the efheer ef Ik Sc Luul anositen a
diploma for Dougla county apVles. The
lucaj efflclela had long sge mad; ue tntl?
minds that everything InMhe line of diplo
mas had been received, but Thursday morn
ing Mr. Drexel and Commissioner Mufeldt
recalled aeveral exhibit from thla county
hai may yet draw alphuBH. The gwai)
committee of tit expusiUon ba ea ens ay
monthf behind, wit it work frtna ii
. i ' ' '
' Oat at Demr Hears,
Mike Kearn and Tom Myers, arrested
while prowling in one of the residence por
tion ef th city at th hour of I a. m., were
arralgatd Thursday morning us lure Poilc
Juris berk on charge of vaarensy.
Myers, who is also known to the pulice as
Tom Carter, waa sentenced thirty daya,
while Kearn was given two hours by ths
Judge In which to eve town, ynder a aus
penBed aeatenoS ef thirty . days. 'Kearn
pretuised to lave f instant, Ha
was release frata the eaunlf iait last
Tskis SmjstH Hsu TUn to rTlop
Eoai and rr1gn Trade.
Conservative Oraalstln Prepared
to Take Advantage of Bad af
War J I'ash Basle
la Asia.
TOKIO, Sept 141 p m. tn spit of
th ttrong undercurrent uf indignation pre
vading ill classes pvrr th term pf prscs
srranged with Russia, typical business men
hers sre following a wiser course, without
repining pver an accomplished fact. An
Important organisation, representing
elfhty-ons leading business Interests, has
been formed under the presidency of
M. I wade, - a mlllenalre, whteh alius to
work for the development of home In
dustries and foreign trade with redoubled
energy. A slgntfirent feature of the organ
isation Is that It consists of a wealthy and
conservgtlve element, representing an
enormous combination of capital. Its In
terests and energy will be principally
directed toward the exploitation of trade
With Corea and China.
The organisation I prepared to co
operate In this ' direction wltK foreign
capitalists. I
i;S0 p m. Eleven peers, hesded by
Prince NIJo, memorialised the government
today, criticising Its failure to prevent
the recent disturbance, where Ihe emperor
resides, and asking why the chief of ths
metropolltsn police should have been de- '
graded,' while the home minister. his
superior, Is permitted to retsln his post.
' French Mlalster Reports.
PA fUS, Sept. Hr-The Foreign office has
received a dispatch from the French min
ister nt Tnklo snyng that calm Is bMng
re-eetnbllshfd, but the legation a a pre
cautionary measure continues under mili
tary guard.
Ths minister does not mention the ru
mored attack on the family of liaron Kn
murs. which Is construed by the offirlils
here as showing that the report was unfounded-
It Is the present Intention to postpone
msklng public the text of the new trenty
betweep Great Britain end Japan. The
officials here advised that the first plan was
to be made public In I.ondon and Toklo
lsst Monday, but Japan asked for further
time, probably on sccount of the Internal
disorders, and It was thereupon arranged
to let th publication go over for a month,
when It Is expected the texts of the treaty
of alliance, and. of Ihe Portsmouth trenty
will be officially communicated to the pub
lic at tt)c same time as the two documents
ar expected to counterbalance each other
With the Japanese public. However, It Is
possible that action of the Japanese Diet
upon the treaties may lead to a postpone
ment of th publication of their text be
yond a month. In the meantime It I said
thst the new Anglo-Japanese alliance does
not contain surprises outside of the mnln
features summarized In these dispatches
September T, hut thst In addition the agree
ment cover secret clauses known only to
ths contracting parties snd which, will not
be mad publlo. ,
. ftalet wt Yokohama.
YOKOHAMA, Bept. 14. The city Is quiet
today under military occupation. There
Two Grateful Letters from Women Who Avoided
Serious Operations. Many Women Suffering
from Like Conditions Will Be Interested.
WJiao) g ptvnloUa tells a woman, snf
feriof from ovarian or womb trouble,
thai a.a operation Is peoesiary it, of
course, frightens her.
TUs Tary thoatrht of trig operating'
table and the knife strikes terror to
her hoaorV As pn woman expressed
It, when told by her physician that she
mm nndartro no operation, she felt
that her death Unell had sonndod-
Our hospitals r full of women
wild gr ther tW OVftrias) or womb
It Is qoita era that these) trembles
may resell a stage whure an operation
U tha only raanurq), bat snpb eeeeg ge
mush rarer thgp, is gerpgratly supposed,
baoans) a groat many women hare
been cured by Irdia C Finkhara's
Vegetable Compound after the doctors
had said at) operation must be per
fortae'. In foot, up to tha pojnt where
h) knife must ba nsed tn seoura instant
relief, this medicine is certain to help.
Th strong-eat and most gratefuj
gtatMmraui ptiaaibl to make ovma from
worn a who, by taking Lydia E. f Ink
nam a vefretabia itiiupouaa, nrc
escaped serious operations.
Mars-rite Ryan. Treasurer ef Rt An
draw's Soolaty, Hotel English, Ipdian-
Dear Mrs Plttkbsjsr-
I cannot ttrtd ai hs snipsss mv thanks
for the gout Lydia B. Pinknam's VeeetoLls
(Josnpmind did . TPS dpevar said I could
nut est wel unlet I bad aa operation for
r4 Ian and fnntai troubles. I knew 1 could
wot stand th strain of an operation and mad
up my mma i wonia ba an Invgjtd lor life.
The Janitor service in The" Bee
Building is as near perfect as it can
be. remembering that, janitors are
human. Offices from $10 to $4 J
per monthwseveral desirable ones
from which to choose
were several rowdy outbreak during last
night, but no damage was Sons ThlHn
arrests were nwilr. Consul General Miller
Is i of ti e opinion that there will be no
demonstration against Americans
The Taft party Is expected to arriva hers
on Saturday.
Revolutionists Hefase to Permit
Priests to Hold Servlees Over
Antllakhos-rl' Body.
T1KI.19. Caunasls. ept. ll-The body of
General Prince Amllukhnvrl, formerly gov
ernor of Baku, was brought Into this city
by troops tixl.iy and was burled without
disorder occurring.
The late prlnre wns regarded with bitter
hatred owing lo tho harsh measures which
he adopted alien he wns etHit on a special
mission te pacify th Caucasus. Th re
volutionist threatened th local priests with
death If they attempted to offer prayer
over th body and no one. dared te ap
proach the house. Troop were eventually
dispatched to bring lb body to TIBIs and
It was fesred that disorders would occur
at the funeral.
fven Rnsslan Officers May Rot Bay
Them Without Order,
ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 14.-A procla
mation has been posted throughout St.
Petersburg again prohibiting the sale of
revolvers or ammunition to the public gen
erally and also forbidding army officers ta
purchase revolvers or ammunition without
the permission of their superiors. Th
orders recently Issued forbidding th sale
of. arms or ammunition In the open mar- '
ket were partly Ignored yesterday and th
authorities searched the markets, con
fiscated all the arm and ammunition which '
were for sale snd fined the dealers.
Russian Admiral Will Stay In Japaa
Until Peace Treaty Is HatlSed.
ST. PKTERBBUHU. Sept. 14 A Isttsr
received here from Japan says Vies Admiral
Rojestvensky hss completely recovered
from the wound which he sustained st
the battle of the Sen of Japan, but that
he will not come home until th peace
treaty is rat I dud
Tlelelans and French Active..
ANTWERP. Sept. 14. Tha Metropol to
day says th Belgian minister t Peking
has been directed tQ co-operats with th
French minister In making representation .
to China to the effect that the Peklng
llankow railroad concession gives Franco
Belgian Interests priority to bul(j od op
erate the line after the withdrawal of the
Count de Brassa III,
PARIS, Sept. 14. The minister of the
colonies has rec'ld a dpatth from;
Dakar, a seaport of Franch West Africa,
saying that th condltiun ef Oouaf ds
Brasza, the explorer. If grv, but net se
rious. The count is suffering from dys
entery. Private Conference at Karlstad.
KARI.STAI), Sweden, Sept. H.Tbe dele, -gate
of Norway snd Sweden appointed te
discuss the dissolution of the union of the
two countries spent the morning in private
conference. There wa no Joint session.
After a short Joint aesslon In the after
noon ths delegates adjourned until tomor-
) -
Hearing how Lydia E. PJDkham's VegsasMg
Compound had saved other woman trust
serious operations I decided t cry fa, gttd in
lees than four months I wag sntfrely cussdi
and words fail ta express mr thankfulness."
Miss Margret Werkley ef! S
Street, VUwankee, W'lsv, write
Dear Mr. Prnxham:
Loss of strength. eTtreime nsn-roasnesa,
severe sftoouug pains through the pelvic
organs, cramps, bearing down pains, and
extreme Irrttuliqu compelled m ta aeek
medical advii. The doctor, after maklnd
an xnminatiou, said that i had ovarian crow
bis and ulceration, and advised aa operation
as my only hone. To this 1 su-anxly ok touted
and I decided as a last reaurs te try jUa
II, PinUugni's Vagatabia Cera pound.
" To my surprusj ths uloarat4ua hessed, IJ
tha bad sympunni duappenred, and I aauino
inafs Strang, vlguross aud waif; and I sen
not express my thanks for what to hag deua
Orarign and womb troubles ars)
atadUy on the innrwaaa awpng weman
and before submitting to an opera
tiqn every woms-n slipuld try Lydia H.
Pinkhaiu'g Vgwtaalg torn pound. Mid
write Mrs. Pinkuata at Lynn, Maa
tor advice.
for thirty year Lydia E. Pjnkhaw'g
Vegetable Compound has besp curing
th worst forms e female omnlaiaU,
all ovarian troubles, inflarainaUon, ul
ceration, falling aad displacement of
tha womb. 1 uoorr bin, irregularities.
Indigestion, and nervous prostration.
Any woman who eould read the snaay
grateful letters on file in Mrs. fink
ham's offloe would be convinced of the
effloieucy pf her advioe and Lydia A.
rinuntrnt vegetable Votrpouo.d,'