Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Made from Grape Cream
Makes the perfect bread, biscuit, cake
Safeguards the food
agsdnst alum
Alum taken into the stomach is injurious
Pf . Schweitzer, Professor of Chemistry, University of Missouri,
says t " Careful analyses of bread risen with alum baking powder
shows a portion of the alum from the baking powder remaining
In the bread as such and unaltered."
Charge! Asked by iLtarior Grain Mai
' BiTinf Xw -&pdi lTlUble. .
Thoa Tm Refuse to Grant Demaade
) tome Little Tronbl la
. Feared JBefora, Crop
ia Moved.
Interior grain men who own elevatore In
the eitta are eempUlnlng that they do not
receive (air treatment on the . matter of
elevation charge and aa the railroad are
tadtf pat there la liable to be trouble
before the bumper crop la moved from the
Uta to .the market oC the world. Not
only elevator n, but buyers who load on
care, elairq they are entitled to an eleva
tion eharge In the atata, which would make
a third elevation on Nebraska grain billed
to tha brd.
-Aa tha altuatlon now stands. If a (rain
dealer an a common point In tha state
IHIJJ Ml freln to Omaha and if tha (train
gosa am aaat to have tha grain transferred
fram a western car to a oar of the Chicago
rCAda tha western roada ere willing to par
an, elevation to get their car back Into
aervlce. If sold her for the aeaboard tha
Omaha-Chicago Knee pay an elevation to
ge the ear back at Chicago. The rail
road control tha elevation and are willing
to pay to gat their care back to have them
In service again-
It la tha grain men in tha atate who have
oholoa of. two roada which are demanding
tha elevation charge. They claim they
artust be allowed the elevation before they
an compete with other dealers. They try
to force the road to grant an elevation
charge on the plea that they will ship by
the other roe4 If the charge 1 not allowed.
The rtllroada, however, are .standing pat
and none, I granting the allowance.
Anaael Meetlaa; Bevr1a Grand
I. O. 6. . and Patriarchs Militant.
Philadelphia. Pa.. Sept. If to 2J, 106.
Tha Chicago Great Western railway will
sell round trip tlekets to Philadelphia. Pa.,
account abor 'occasion at only one fare,
flu IX for . the round trip. Tickets on
sal Sept., 14. 11 and tf. For further In
formation apply te B. P. Parkhurst, 0n
ral A"t. 1MI Karnam fit., Omaha, Neb.
'. Bier Fifth Ward Meet.
The fifth Ward Republican club meet at
touagS ball. Sixteenth and Corby, at f
m. Friday, September la. Candldatea and
very body cordially Invited to attend this
floating. ' W. B. CHRISTT. Pres.
Naaaercker Plenlc at Krai,
Tha German Mannerchor held Ita annual
)lcnlo and concert at Krug park yesterday.
tf 5. - (
VV . M . Ale K A Y ;
In the evening the Mannerchor supple
mented the playing of the Royal Canadian
band with a concert. The Mannerchor
chorua of twenty voleea, assisted by Mr.
P. Lehmann, lenor soloist, rendered a
number of choruses. The committee In
charge of tha concert waa Professor
Charles Peterson, Philip Andrea; P. Palker,
A. Troubel and Charles Krelle, assisted by
Peter Iaux, president of the Mannerchor.
The concert was enjoyed by a large crowd
and the treasury of the Mannerchor wa
Increased considerably.
Iter. Gaebeleln of Sw York
tlatea on This Topic to
Lara Aoaltnrt,
Rev. A. C. Gaebeleln of New York City
addressed a largely attended meeting at
the First Congregational church Thursday
evening. He spoke from the text of Second
Corinthians vll, I: .- "The riches of the
Lord Jesus Christ are the riches of every
believer." He spoke of the wonderful
Christ who was rich In the possession of
eternal things and became poor, for man's
sake. Now he waa rich In possession. In
love and In the glory of God. The speaker
set down the riches of the material world
as the most miserable po-erty as compared
with the riches of eternal thins; In which
w were the Joint heirs with Christ.
"God was alwaya love, not yesterday,
but before the foundations of the world
and will be for eternity," said the preacher.
"Hla love Is not to be compared with
earthly love. The love of God and the
glory of God surpasses all human compre
hension, yet God gave His only begotten
son that we might share in this great love
and glory, Christ was miserably poor In
his young manhood. He tolled as did the
poorest of mankind. He had nowhere to
iV. W. MACE-Breakios: the.Speed Limit
of Tartar
rest his head, and he endured alt these
privations for your sake and mine. His
poverty could not save a soul from death
or wash away a sin, Christ Is now the
heir of all things, and we are Joint belr
with Him. With Hlra the work of redemp
tton was completed. He became poor that
you might become rich and share with
Him the eternal love and glory of God."
Rev. Gaebeleln will preach at the noon
day meeting at the Young Men's Christian
association today, and will speak again at
the Congregational church this evening on
"The Second Coming of Christ."
Crtlt Law Unit Donlrixl.
The supreme court, the people, ha de-
ciaea mm ur. mnii new uisoovery wins
against coughs and colds. 60 cent and )1.
For sale by Sherman sc McConnell Drug.
an. BO TO T. I'All, m AllNflEAPOLIfl
Aad Retara Via Chlene Great West
ern Railway.
$18.50 to Duluth, Superior and Ashland.
Tlcketa on sale till September 30th. Final
return limit October Jlst. For further In
formation apply to S. D. Parkhuret. General
Agent, 1511 Fa mam St., Omaha,. Neb.
GERLANP Rev. H. J? C, son-in-law ef
Jienry r . nsmann. oiea Beptember t, ISO,
at Tuehlo. Colo.
Funeral Friday afternoon at t o'clock at
znia i.eavenwortn street, Omaha, Neb.; at
t; o'clock at German Lutheran church.
Twentieth and Mason streets.
WALLACE Mary Grant, wife of William
Wallace. 2420 Harney street, at I o'clock
this (Thursday) morning. September 14,
1903, aged 63 years and 11 days.
Funeral from tne residence at 1:30 O'clock
Saturday afternoon. September 1, 1S06. In
terment private. No flowers.
Offioe Beakera and Triendi Bsgiinlng to
Bit Up and Take Neiio.
Thlak Voting; Devleea Will Hart
TstsiB n as ner oi I sepseitt Csa
dldatea Keep Down Soma
Political Pever.
With the near approach of the prlmarlea
there Is beginning to be some lively
atepplng done by aspiring candldatea.
From the basement of the court house,
where two voting machines are act up
and under constant examination by a mob
of curious men, little groups radiate out
Into the different corridors and onto the
four sets of steps at the entrances. Here
they sit In comfort and discuss candidates
and the chances for their favorites at the
On the democratic side John Power ap
pears to be chosen favorite of a majority
of the talkera. One man aald on this
"The old man Is. a winner because he
plays fair all around tha line. Tom Flynn
1 a young man and a good fellow, but
the party needs Its strongest man at this
time for every office. We expect to have
our county committee nil In vacancies,
where no candidate has filed, but In order
to get our very best men to run we must
have a nucleus of strong leaders for the
ticket. These we figure to give the people
in John Power, John Prexel and Mr. Wood
rough for county Judge. At this time we
cannot afford to take many chances, even
for friendship's sake, and Tom Flynn haa
year enough coming to afford to wait."
"These machines are going to work
against the democratic candidates In cer
tain wards and precincts," said an ob
server after he had watched their mnnlpu-
latlon by an expert in the office of Super
intendent McCaffrey of the court house.
"Why, a man with half a mind for figures
can see that If the Judges of election un
dertake to operate the machines as often
as they were compelled to mark ballots in
the other years they are not going to have
time to do anything else. In the end the
machines may prove a good thing, but at
the Jump o(T the democrats are certainly
going to suffer."
One feature that detracts In large meas
ure from making the pre-prlmary cam
paign a bit less exciting than it otherwise
would be Is that there are so many unop
posed candidates. Naturally, the men who
have no opposition for the nomination they
seek are laying on their oars until after the
primaries have been held. They want to
reserve their ammunition until the lines of
battle are made up, when they will frame
ap their campaign with a view to making
the very best of their opportunities.
Among those exempt from a primary
eampalgn are County Treasurer Fink.
County Clerk Prexel, William Fleming and
J. w. Woodrough, for treasurer and Judge
on the democratlo t'eket, and Messrs. Solo
mon and Tiacy, for county commissioner
on the rtpuolleen and democratic tickets,
respectively. In the Third commissioner dis
trict. On the Justice of the peace ballot In
Omaha there la but one democratic candi
date, as against thirteen republicans, with
only six to be elected.
What promises to be an Interesting con
test at the republican primaries Is in the
Fifth commissioner district, where Wil
liam O. Ure and Henry Ostrom are striving
for the nomination. "' fntll County Clerk
Prexel accepted the Irdvlce of the county
attorney and decided ,to place the names
of these candidates on the official primary
ballot little Interest was shown In the
fight outside of the court, as many voters
were In doubt as to the matter coming
before the primaries. Now that the pre
liminary contest has ended with victory
for the presumptive candidates, the voters
are beginning to "take notice."
One of the little matters that Is causing
the bile to rise In . certain democratic
breasts Is the fact that William Fleming,
who la unopposed for county treasurer on
the democratic ticket, la not using the
words "Pemocratlc candidate" In his liter
ature. On the I -a hor day program cir
culated at Cnurtland Beach, Mr. Fleming
contented himself with saying that he waa
a candidate on his record, without any
mention of party affiliation. The old Bour
bons and their radical descendants will not
stand for this. "He is either a democrat
or he Is not," they say. "Let him come
out flat-footed If he wanta our support.
This Cleveland-Parker trick is no good and
never will be."
At the meeting of the Real Estate ex
change Wednesday the following resolu
tion was adopted by unanimous vote:
Whereas. One of ous members, William
O. Ure, Is a candidate for the office of
county commissioner and.
Whereas, Our association with him war
rants an expression from us. herefor
be It
Resolved, That w do hereby express our
unqualified confidence In his Integrity and
recognise him aa one possessed of peculiar
qualifications to perform the duties of
said office.
The Sixth Ward Republican league held
a meeting last night at which the league
endorsed the candidacy of Frank Handle
for clerk, Ponahue for sheriff. Bodwell for
superintendent, Herman Beal for surveyor,
Bralley for coroner, Bryce Crawford for
police Judge and Bachman and Foster for
justices of the peace.
The republicans of the Tenth ward will
meet Saturday. September 11 In Mets hall,
114 South Thirteenth street, at I p. m.
The principal speakers will be Congress
man John L. Kennedy and Harry C.
- Candidates for the psrty nominations ad
dressed the Eleventh Ward Republican club
at Its meeting last night at Fortieth and
Hamilton Streets. Those who spoke were:
B. P. Bralley, candidate for coroner; A. K.
Clarendon and K. J. Bodwell, candidates
for county superintendent; Bryre Craw
ford and W. B. Ten Eyck, candldatea for
police Judge; W. A. Foster, W. W. East
man and S. F. Moore, candldatea for Jus
tices of the peace, and F. W. McGlnnls
and Mr. Wlckeraham, candldatea for con
stable. The elub planned to attend the
meeting ef the South End Eleventh Ward
club at Washington hall Friday night.
Soma of the policemen who have been
plugging for John McDonald for several
weeka under special Instructions have been
ruled from political aervlce and reaumM
their uniforms to allay the feeling engen
dered by their pernicious activity In poli
tics, and It le currently reported a new set
of plain-clothes policemen has been set
In motion to keep people who are under
police surveillance In line for the business
partner of Police Commtasloner Broatch,
"If all the men end all the corporations
that B. P. Thomas claim are behind his
back a candidate for the county Judgeship
make good he ought te win out hands
down," said a Sixth ward politician. "Mr.
Thomas feels confident that he will have
the support of all the Shrtnera, Knights
Templar, Modern Woodmen and members
of several other, fraternities. He also
counts on the firemen, for whom he pushed
the twelve-hour shift bill through the sen
ste. Then he confidently looks to the po
tential Influence of Manager Kenyan of
aa slock yards and the managers of the
South Omaha parking houses, the Bur
lington railroad eontlngent and the other
railway and public utility corporations
whom he had obligated last winter. Last,
but not least, come also the brewers, whom
he assisted In knocking out several bills
that ware Inimical to their Interest, and
to make the bushel measure overflow he
also counts on a very large bunch of col
ored voters, whom he favored In police
court when they were In trouble. But the
white man la very uncertain, as they say,
and the colored man more so.
l nvelllna; of Matae at Forest Uwa
to Be Observed Next
Tho Ladies Union Veteran Monument as
sociation met In the city hall last night to
lay plans for the unveiling nnd dedication
ceremonies in connection with the pre
sentation of the monument erected and
given by this society to the members of
the Grand Army of the Republic, which
will be held at Forest Lawn cemetery on
Thursday afternoon, September 21.
This monument has been purchased and
erected on a plot of ground In Foreat Lawn
cemetery at a considerable cost and the
ceremonies Incidental to the presentation
and dedication are looked forward to with
considerable interest by those concerned.
The plot on which the monument Is erected
Is In a conspicuous place In the cemetery
and covers an area of about 130 feet In
The ritualistic ceremonies connected with
the dedication and unveiling of the monu
ment was the chief topic of discussion at
last night's meeting, and a committee of
three was appointed to look after this work.
This committee Is: T. A. Crelgh. Pr.
Spauldlng and Charles llarpster. The com
mittee selected the following to assist In
carrying out the ritual: Commander of
the day, Pr. Spauldlng; senior vice com
ajmnder, C. M. Harpster; adjutant, B, R.
Ball; officer of the day, T. L. Hull; Junior
vice commander, T. A. Crelgh; officer of
the guard, E. W. Johnson. Miss Emma
Feenan will do the honors In unveiling the
monument, and Judge Fawcett will deliver
the dedicatory address. '
The services will take plae at Foreat
Lawn cemetery at Z:S0 o'clock next Thurs
day afternoon.
Think Coanty Commissioners Do Not
Safflrlentlr Contribute to En.
forcing; Dipsomaniac Law.
The police department bellevea It does not
have the support It should have from the
county commissioners In the matter of rid
ding the community of dipsomaniacs In ac
cordance with the dipsomaniac law enacted
by the last legislature.
The law provides that the county shall
advance the state I5 for each prisoner sent
to the state asylum to be treated" for hab
itual drunkenness or drug habits, aa the
cases might be. There seemt to be some
hitch on the part of the county commis
sioners in advancing this money, the result
being that many dipsomaniacs against
whom the police have had complaints Hied
have not been sent to the asylum as the
police think they should have been.
Police Judge Berka and City Prosecutor
Lee are going before the county commis
sioners at their next meeting and present
this matter In a way that It la believed will
show the commissioners tnat It will be a
real eavlog to both city and county, to say
nothing of the moral effect, to send the
dipsomaniacs to Lincoln as expeditiously
a possible.
There are many drug victims who are
continually being arrested by the police on
various petty charges. The police say It Is
a foregone conclusion that a cocaine victim
will steal when he haa no money and wanta
the "coke." The case In point that has
brought this matter up again Is the arrest
of A. R. Lasalee Wednesday afternoon.
Lasalle was arrested on a charge of petit
larceny, it being charged he stole $1 and a
rubber coat from Oeorge Puncan, a colored
man, and apent the money for cocaine.
When searched at the station he had a good
supply of cocaine.
Announcement of the Theaters.
"The Tenderfoot" has three snore per
formances at the Boyd to complete Its en
gagement. Including a matinee on Saturday
afternoon. It will be followed by one of
the newest of musical comedies, "His
Highness the Bey." which comes direct
from its successful run at the La Balls
theater, Chicago, which haa become famous
as a producing home ef successful musical
plays. In this a quaint story of eastern life
le told, with a smattering of international
politics, a good deal of love making and an
unlimited amount of fun, dainty music,
pretty girls, and the hit of the eeason In
Chicago, the dance of all nations. The
company la a strong one, with an experi
ence of four months at the IBalle back
of it. Its stay In Omaha begins on Sunday
matinee and evening, and continues until
after Wednesday evening.
Seats for the nrst week of the Woodward
Stock company at the Burwood theater
were rapidly purchased all day yesterday,
and every sign points to a busy time duwn
there when the first bill Is put on. As
every seat In the house Is reserved, those
purchasing tickets will be sure of being
comfortably located, no mailer at what per
formance they attend. The policy of giving
four matinees each week will accommodate
many of the ahopplng ladies. A dresa and
light rehearsal will be held at the theater
this evening to make absolutely sure that
all Is In readiness for the opening perform
ance on Saturday night.
An extra event 'that has been arranged
specially for school children is announced
to take place at the matinee at the Or
rheum Saturday. After the performance
Shepp'e dogs and ponies will hold a recep
tion for the children, who are Invited te
come upon the stage and make friends with
the pretty and clever animals. The bill
this week Includes a number of features
nicely calculated for the entertainment of
the Juvenile and woiaao.
Men's Cravenette
Rain Coats. j ()
A Special line at 11VU
- Today we will offer the most stylish rain coats that a ten
dollar note ever bought before.. .In the making, lining and trim
ming, they are eminently superior to the average $15 coat. They
are made absolutely rain-proof, by one of the best systems in the
world the "Priestley system.". .Made of cassimeres cheviots
homespuns elegant garments with self -retaining fronts.. Un
mistakably the biggest value ever crowded into a coat at this
price $10.00
lfcKeen'i Car Makes Fifty-Two Vilei an
Hoar from 7 alley.
Eathnalnetlc Over In Ion Parlde In
vention by laperlntrndent of
Motive Power, Who They
Say Haa "Hit It."
Motor car No. 1, the new gasoline motor
of the Union Pacific railroad, made a trial
trip to Valley Thursday and did remarkable
stunts before a critical crowd of caatcrn
railroad representatlvea that had been In
vited by W. R. McKeen. Jr., the builder,
to witness the real performance of his
latest creation.
Mr. McKeen was Justly proud of the car
and it performance, and It took flfty-aeven
people from Omaha to Valley and return
without mishap, the return trip being
mode in Just six minutes less time than the
time given to the Overland Limited, the
fast train of the road. The trip to Valley
was not made with any speoisl regard to
speed, .because no precaution had been
taken to have a clear track and several
trains were In ths road.
The car hauled Ita load over the Elkhorn
hill at a rate of over thirty-two miles an
hour, and on the return trip over fifty-two
miles an hour was made In places. This
splendid time was mad on the part of the
Union Pacific road that Is the most hilly
of any of the road between the Missouri
river and Cheyenne, the steepest of any of
the whole system except the Sherman hill.
No. 1 pn Experiment.
Motor car No. 1 was a sort of an ex
periment, but this Is the real car. No. 1
had but four wheels with one truck, while
this car has a double truck. It was unsafe
to run the old csr around the curve of
the line near Millard more than thirty
miles an hour, while this new car held the
tracks while going as fast as the wheels
could turn. This is the first all-steel pas
senger car to be put In regular service by
any road and Is much lighter and stronger
than any wooden. car ever built. Its weight
s 58,009 pounds, the lightest steel car ever
built. The New York subway haa some
steel cars which weigh over 78.000 pounds
and are not all steel either. This car Is
supplied with all of the latest Improved
ventilating devleea, with the subdued light
ing effects and all othsr modern con
veniences. Motor car No. 1 probably will be sent to
the Kearney branch, as 'Motor car No. 1,
now doing service there, Is proving itself
entirely too small to handle the Increasing
business. Complaint Is coming from the
liverymen that they no longer get the ao
customed drives of the traveling men be
cause of the preference for the motor car,
which Is so light and airy and free from
Word failed the eastern representatives
when asked as to their opinion of Mr. Mo
Keen's, Invention. They simply said he
had solved the problem and that the motor
HOnT "Ca-a-M
Kidney Diseases Prey Upon Muscles, Brain and
Nerves Keep You Weak, Languid and Nervous
-Doan's Kidney Pills Cure Sick Kidneys.
A man or woman may be. to all outward
appearances, perfectly well, and yet feel
weak, nervous and below the mark; may
lack ambition and suffer touches of back
ache and urinary disorders. That person
is not well st all. Very likely the kidneys
are sick, for the first effect of sick kidneys
is congestion and Impure blood, which
cause nervousness, backache and head
aches. A second effect is uric poisoning,
which brings rheumatic pains, sedlmsnt in
the urine, gravel, atone In the kidney, gout,
etc. An advanced atage of kidney trouble
la marked by dally loas of albumen through
the urine and consequent failure of energy,
weight and appetite.
Examine the urine. - If It le too red or too
pale. If there la a bad odor or' a deposit of
sediment, and If paasagea are too frequent
or acanty. It's time to treat the kidneys.
Use poan's Kidney Pills, a kidney remedy
that has cured many a stubborn case
among your own townspeople.
1 Sold by alt tfrugslaU. Price, Ms. Foater-Mllbura Co., Buffalo, N. Y., Prop's,
car was no longer In an experimental state
but an established fact.
Material for five more care are under way
and the cars will now be rushed to a
speedy finish, since the demonstration of
the entire practicability of the gasoline
motor car. The new car is fifty-five feet
long, or twice the length of No. 1. but the
superstructure Is of the same pattern.
Mrs. Clara Thoinae Under Arrest
(or Ill-Treatlna Her
Mrs. Clara Thomas, a colored woman liv
ing at llsil Mason street, waa arrested last
night on complaint of several neighbors on
a charge of cruelty to children. Mrs.
Thomas, It Is said, so soverely punished her
6-year-old daughter, Elsie, that the people
In ths vicinity were afraid that the child
would die. Both Mrs. Thomas and her
daughter were taken to the police station,
where Surgeons Ijjngdon and Cox made an
examination of the child and found that
nearly all of her body waa covered With
large welts and scratches, where she had
been struck. The woman Is now confined
In a cell at the city jail, while the child Is
being cared for by Matron Anderson.
Mrs. Thomas admits having punished the
child and tha only excuse given Is that
when her daughter came home from school
she would stop outside of the house and
play with mine neighbor children for a
while before going Into her own home.
Wife of Vice President of Omaha
National Bank Plea at Har.
ney Street Home.
After an illness of three weeks Mary
Grant Wallace, wife of William Wallace,
vice president of the Omaha National bank,
died at S o'clock Thursday morning at the
family realdence, U2Q Harney street. Mrs.
Wallace waa 61 years of age and lived In
Omaha thirty-nine yeara. She Is survived
by her husband, two daughters. Misses
Janet Munroe and Mary Reynolds Wallace
ef this city, and one son, James Q. Wallace
of Salt Lake City.
The funeral aervlce will be conducted at
the home Saturday afternoon at 2:80 o'clock,
Rev. Newton Mann., minister of the Unity
church, officiating. The burial will he pri
vate. The family requests that friends d
not send flowers.
Harry B. Davis, undertaker, Tel. 1S&
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths have been
reported to the Board of Health during the
twenty-four houra ending at noon Thurs
day: Blrthe James W. Pavles 87S Marcy, bovj
Albert Stephens, 1210 South Kleventn. bov;
W. E. Moore, 1101 Locust street, girl: Panii-;
Lerke, 4725 North Fortieth avenue, boy; P.
Klnir. 700 North Forty-first, girl; J. W.
8. Bloss, SS1R Sherman avenue, girl.
Peaths Carrie Greenfield, Fortieth and
poppleton avenue. BO; William rigolt, Yank
ton, S. P., If: Verna Ay res, 403 Bancroft, it
Master Cyrus S. Bowman, son ef'MV. Kikl
Mrs. F. P. Wead, fiol South Fortieth street
leaves Friday night to enter Phillips
academy, Andnver, Mass., to enter on a
preparatory course before entering the Mas
sachusetts Institute of Technology next
Hon. Ira E. Rider, whose letter la
published below, Is Member of Con
gress for the Fourteenth New Tork
Plstrlct. He lives In New Tork City,
Is associated with the well known law
firm, Lexow, MaeKeilar, Guy A Wells,
and was secretary of the Borough of
Manhattan for four years.
Many of our legislators at Washing
ton have learned the merit of Poan's
Kidney Pills through personal use and
heartily recomend them. Mr. Rider
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.
Gentlemen: Your remedy, Poan's
Kidney Pills, deserves the gratitude of
all who suffer from kidney and blad
der troubles. I waa relieved and
cured of kidney trouble by Poan's
Kltjney Pills, experiencing marked re
lief the second day.
The urinary trouble, pain and drag
ging sensation were almost entirely
gone and a continuation of tha m4
:lne resulted, In a short time. In com
plete recovery. Youre truly,
(Signed) I. E. RIDER.
Omaha Testimony
F. B. Klngsbery of 1S23 Dorcas 'street,
carpenter by trade, says: "Doan's Kidney
Pills are a good medicine and I can recom
mend them. I had an attack of kidney
trouble for two months, and for two weeks
before I got Poen a Kidney Pills I tould
not work on account of my back.. . I. com
menced using the remedy and soon noticed
lie beneficial effect. The pain In my back
left me and the-Irregularity with the kid
ney secretions was corrected. I consider
Poan's Kidney Pills the beat kidney and
Urinary medicine ever used."
A TRIAL FREE To prove what Poan a
Kidney Pills will do for you we will mall
a trial box free on application. Addres
Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.