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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1905)
The Omaha Daily Bee. OAKS GROW FROM ACORNS -DLE ADS BUILD BUSINESS BIG BUSINESS OR 17TIE BEE ADS WILL BOOST IT. ESTABLISHED JUNE ID,' 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING,' SEPTEMBER 15, 1P05-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. SCANDAL JN INDIANA But Aiditor Bierriek it BemoTtd from Office by the GoTernor. ILLEGAL USE OF THE STATE'S FUNDS Officer InTeiti Them ii Pritate Speculation and it TJaabla to Realize. EXECUTIVE DEMANDS A SETTLEMENT Shortage Amounti to $145,197.80, for Whiok State Geta Doubtful Securities. SHERRrCK FINALLY TENDERS RESIGNATION acts laid .Before Prosecuting At torney of Marlon County and Crlmlaal Proceedings Will Probably Follow. INDIANA rOLIS, Sept. 15. Detectives from the Indianapolis department at 1:30 this morning went to the home of the for mer auditor of state. David E. Sherrick, with the Intention of taking him to the Central police station to have served on him a warrant Issued by the county prose cutor. On account of masons not at this time clear they concluded not to bring him to the Central police station, but will re main on guard at his home and today he will be brought in and served with a war rant issued by the county prosecutor charg ing embetxlement. Following three demands for his resigna tion which was not forthcoming at noon. Governor J. Frank Hanley issued an order taking cognlrsnce of a vacancy In the of flce'of auditor of sfats, at the same time ippolntlng Warren Bigler of Wabash to succeed David F. Sherrick. who was in ffect summarily removed. Later in the. day Mr. Sherrick forwarded his resignation to the governor, which was Immediately accepted. Upon receipt of Mr. Blgler'a acceptance he was notified to ar range for his bond as soon as possible in order that be might take charge of the office at once. This was done and Mr. Bigler will become auditor of state to morrow morning. , In the order which resulted In the virtual rrYnoval of Sherrick Governor Hanley charged that the auditor had been guilty of a "plain and inexcusable violation of the law and a gross betrayal of a public trust" In Investing and loaning funds belonging to the state to the amount of $145,000. Chls sum, the governor alleges, waa mis used, having been Invested for private pur poses. No arrests have been made, but at a con ference tonight between Governor Hanley and Charles Benedict, prosecuting attorney for Marlon .county, the chief executive laid before the prosecuting attorney certain evi dence bearing on the case. Order (or Removal. Alleging that David F. Sherrick. auditor of state, was guilty of "a plain and Inexcusable , violation of the law and a gross betrayal of public trust," In -thai ' fie Invested funds hminmrinr tn the., state'- 4Aprvao affairs to- the ex tent of about 1H6,009, Governor Hanley today Issued an executive order In which he took cognizance, ot a vacancy In the of fice and appointed Warren Bigler of Wa has as his successor. This In effect amounts to a removal of Mr. Sherrick by the governor, though the official sta ement Is not made that way. The go krnor gave Sherrick until noon today to mke his settlement. This was not done a j the governor, after having asked for Si ff rick's resignation three times, effected the 'removal. Sherrick has not been ar rested as yet. and; In his statement Gov ernor Hanley does not say that such action was contemplated. Mr. Sherrick could not be seen at fioon today. Governor Make Statement. In a formal statement Issued relative to the matter the governor says he haa been Investigating the conditions In the auditor's office sinoe the last of August, having received information that Sherrick had not made the July settlement for the state's funds which had accumulated from January 1 to July 1, 195. He Immediately asked for a settlement, which waa made. This amount was about $236,000. In addi tion to this ampunt the auditor In his state ment to the governor admitted that he at that time waa chargeable with state funds paid In since the July settlement amount ing to I145.1S7.80, for which he fUed a rchedule enumerating the assets he had to meet this amount which he owed to the state. These items Include notes, stocks and securities amounting to $153,883.33, ot which, according to the governor's letter, only $37,355.01 could be realised on. Securities of Mttle Valae. At the time that his analysis of the as sets submitted rx Sherrick was made the governor formally requested Sherrick to resign. The resignation was not forth coming. The governor requested that Sher rick turn over to John E. Reed, the settle ment clerk tn the auditor's office, the se curities enumerated, and this was done. The governor also demanded that settle ment to the extent of $145.197. SO be made with the state by noon today, and on be ing advised by "persons whom he thought to be' In a position to know" that the set tlement could not be made he again sent a message, this time verbal, requesting Sherrick to resign. At noon the request had not been compiled with and It was re peated. Again not complied with, the gov ernor entered an executive order finding the existence of a vacancy and appointing Bigler. Sherrlest Resigns. At I o'clock Bhertick aent his resignation to Governor Hanley, who accepted It and entered an order appointing Warren Big ler of Wabash to the office of state auditor. Bigler accepted by telegraph. David F. Sherrlck's bond on file tn the secretary of state' office la for $100,000 and Is furnished by the American Surety com pany. LIGHTNING STRIKES ART HALL Two People Are Killed and Fifteen lajared on Fair Cronada at Helton, Mo. B ELTON, Mo.. Sept. 14 -Lightning struck the old art hall and live stock sheds of the belton Fair association today while they were packed with people seeking shelter from the storm, killing two per sons, seriously Injuring about fifteen others, some fatally, and set fir to the buildings. The dead: JOHN L. POST, a prominent retired fanner. MK8 CI KVEIAND. a negro woman. W. O. Plummer of Peculiar, Mo , was Irubauly fatally Injured. The others seriously hurt are: JBn Theaton. Wlnny Moore. Pleasant pill. Mo; Riley Nicholas. Jr., William kunlty and W. N. Kevins of ticlteo, V DEPOPULATES TWO PARISHES Yellow Fever Klahtera Would Move People from Affected Districts. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 14. Report of yellow fever situation to $ p. m.: New cases .' 49 Total to date 1.4S2 Deaths . Total to date S2' '-, ,.! 15 i under treatment SI ."" larged 1.S17 r :h steps In progress to depopulate both Z- ilah and Lake Providence as much as ' Ible, and with an ample fever force at J K at both places, the country shows J e Improvement as to yellow fever. Out 'orty squares In Tallulah, thirty-six are feted, many of the victims being people prominence and some being desperately Former Naval Officer J. B. Snyder Is long the late cases. The first suicide due to yellow fever has en reported. Antonio Congelo, an Italian, Mas racked hy the disease. In his delirium he got out of teed, secured a revolver and blew his brains out. He leaves a widow and two Infant children. There was nothing new In the local situ ation beyond the Increase In the number of new cases and deaths. In the country, the situation at Tallulah Is Improving. Other country reports were: pHtterson. 2 cases, 5 deaths. Kenncr, S cases, 2 deaths. 8t. Rose, 2 cases. RHrrntnrla, 2 cases. Clarke Chenlere, 1 death. Sarpy, 2 cases. Berirk. 1 death. Houma, 3 cases. FOUR KILLED BY LIGHTNING Tent at Fair at Indlanola, Iowa, Struck and Five Others Injured. INDIANOLA. la.. Sept. 14 Four men were killed, six were seriously Injured and a dozen more were stunned by a bolt of lightning which wrecked a crowded poultry exhibition tent at the county fair here this morning The tent was crowded at that time by people who had gone In to escape the rain, which was responsible for the large loss of life in the disaster. The lightning bolt struck the tent and split It wide open, the lightning radiating over the tent and tearing It Into shreds. Four of the occupants were Instantly killed, half a dozen others burned, perhaps fa tally, and a dozen men, women and chil dren were stunned. Thousands of chickens In the coops were killed Rescuing parties m'ent at work at once and cleared the wreckage of human bodies The dead were removed at once to the undertaking "par lors and those dying to the hospitals. Phy sicians were called and sent from Des Moines. At almost the same hour lightning struck a livery barn and seriously Injured Charles Slmmeron. , Trm dead: RAY ANDERSON. CARL PETERSON A THEODORE YOl'NO. all of Indlanola. BLA1N WRIGHT. Pleasantvllle. The seriously Injured: Dr. Carpenter. J. McOranahan. E. W. Freel. Earl Barker. C. Shellherger. all ot Indlanola. - CHOLERA CASES - IN PRUSSIA Administrative District of Koealgas horsj la Declared Free from the Asiatic Disease. KOENIG8BORG. Bast Prussia, Sept. 14. This administrative district Is now declared officially to be free from cholera. MAR1ENWKRDER. West Prussia, Sept. 14. Three n'ew cholera cases, three sus pected deaths and one death were reported In this district today. BROM BERG, Prussia, Sept. 14. Two new cases of cholera and one death were re ported today. - BERLIN, Sept. 14. The official bulletin iaaSjed today announced nine fresh cases of cholera and two deaths during the twenty-four hours ending at noon, making a total of 183 cases and sixty-six deaths. Five cases previously reported as cholera were not cholera. The new cases are one each In Stargard, Wongrowix, Bromberg and Colmar, two at Schubtn and three at Marlenwerder. ST. PETERSBURG. Sept 14. It Is offi cially announced that the governments of Courland and Volhynla are menaced by cholera, and the authorities have taken precautions to prevent an Invssion of the disease. GUGGENHEIM SUCCEEDS NASH I America Smelting: and Redoing Com- pans- Dlreetors Cbooaa New President for Company. NEW YORK, Sept. 14 The directors cf the American Smelting And Refining com- I pany declared a quarterly dividend of l ' per cent on the common atock. This is an advance of to 1 pe cent over the last previous rate and Increases the dividend rate from to 7 per cent. The regular quarterly dividend of l on the preferred stock was also declared. Daniel Guggenheim was elected president of the company, succeeding the late Ed ward W. Nash. The chairmanship of the board previously held by Mr. Guggenheim was abolished. Mr. Guggenheim also succeed the late Mr. Nash as president of the American Smelting Securities company. Edward Brush, secretary of the smelting company, was elected assistant to President Guggen heim. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Postmasters - Are Blamed hy Depart meat for Towns In Iowa nnd W jomiag, (From a Staff Correspondent ) WASHINGTON. Sept. 14. (Special Tele gram.) Postmasters appointed: Iowa Downey. Cedar county, Edward G. Hinch liffe, vice A. C. Halloway. resigned; Homer, Hamilton county, William H. Harrison, vice W. H. Johnson, removed. Wyoming Grover, Uinta county, William W. Astle, vice John Miles, resigned; 8hoshone Agency, Fremont county. William II Dick inson, vice A. D. Lane, resigned. HERZIG STORY A FABRICATION Coroner of Ward Coaaly Says Alleged Snleld and Confession of Marder la a Fake, ST. PACL. 8rpt. 14 An afternoon paper her prints telegrams from Governor BVarle of North Dakota and Coroner J. D. Wlndel of Ward county, North Dakota, tending to show that the sensational story sent from Mtnol. N. D., about the suicide and confes sion of murder by Charles Hersig were fabrications. Both Uovernor Searles and the coroner say tkt no report ot ths Her sig story had been received. Markel contract stands President Approei Report on the E object Made to Eim by Mr. Shouts. RIVALS HAVE NO REASON FOR COMPLAINT One Firm Raises Bid Becaaae ot Misunderstanding of Speelflra tlons While Omaha Mam Stands Pat. OYSTER BAY. L. I.. Sept. 14 A contract for the hotel and subsistence concession on the Panama canal zone, awarded to Jacob R Markel of Omaha, Neb'., by Presi dent Theodore P. Shonts of the Panama Railroad company will stand. This, in effect, is the decision of President Roosevelt,, who today approved a report on the subject made to him by Mr. Shonts. The contract amounts, In the aggregate, to many millions of dollars, but Mr. Shonts' report Indicates that It may be abrogated at the. will of the government, which ac tually will own the permanent plant used by Mr. Markel In filling the terms of his contract. The president today authorized the pub lication of a report he had received from Mr. Shonts as president of the Panama Railroad company, regarding the protest received by him from Hurlglns St Dumas and H. Balfe of New York against the award of the contract to Mr. Markel. The protest forwarded to the president by Hudglns-A Dumas and H. Balfe alleged that they had not been accorded fair treat ment by President Shonts and that through a leak In Mr. Shonts- office Mr. Markel had been Informed of the nature of their proposal and had been enabled thereby to Incorporate In his bid the menu which Hudglns A Oumas had submitted. In this letter to the president Mr. Shonts says that on his arrival at the Isthmus on July 2 he found a most pressing neces sity for Immediate arrangements for feed ing the employes and that It was deter mined by Governor Magoon. Mr. Stevens and himself that this matter should be handled by the Panama railroad and not by the Isthmian Canal commission, as the commissary department mas already In charge of the railroad company, that com pany operating one hotel at Colon. Mr. Shonts' Explanation. Continuing, he says: I found Jacob E. Markel on the Isthmus, he having gone down at the Instance of Mr Wallace to studv the situation. It was decided while on the isthmus that the railroad company .should furnish the plant. Including the building and equipment; that It should maintain the buildings and the contractor the equipment, so that In the event of It becoming necessary for the railroad to cancel the contract we could control the entire plant. When our gen eral purchasing officer, Mr. Ross, and I returned to the states we immediately be gan the preparation of such specifications as we thought necessary to enable us to properly receive proposals for the feeding privilege. Before Mr. Markel left the Isthmus we had told him we expected to take this step on our return and would like to have him make a proposal v.-hen we got ready to submit specifications. We later received communication from Messrs. Hudglns St Dumas and Mr. Balfe asking for opportunity to make proposals. As soon as the specifications were drsfted we mailed to Mr Markel, to Hudglns & Dumas and Mr. Balfe a copy In the same form and Invited proposals. We did not adver tise because It waa a railroad matter and because of the urgency of the case. I have had several cablegrams from Mr. Stevens since my return, asking me to expedite the arrangement, as existing conditions were very bad. After we had mailed the specifi cations to the firms named I came to New York and met all these parties. I ex plained to them that I was not a hotel man; that we had done the best we could as to the specifications, hut would be glad to receive any suggestions from them as to the form of the specifications. Our specifications. It appeared, hail Included a general menu. In order to establish a standard, hut when Messrs. Hudglns A Dumas attended the conference referred to they suggested the insertion of a weekly menu in the spoiflcatlnns Instead of a gen eral one. I asked them for a form of weekly menu. When they brought It to me I examlneu it, and, considering It an excellent suggestion, 1 asked Mr. Ross to have It Inserted as a part of our speci fications, applicable to all alike, so that all could make proposals on the same basis. All were notified of our amended specifica tions and all submitted proposals on that basis. Of course there is nothing original In the menu, but by Inserting it in our specifications It satisfied Hudglns A Dumas and Mr. Balfe. as well as ourselves, and It placed all parties on an eouallt.w Hnrferlna A nomas Raise Rid. It was not until after this that the three proposals were submitted. All proposals vere ,made upon precisely the same form of specification. When the proposals were received I found Mr. Balfe was 50 per cent higher than Mr. Markers In some items and that Hudglns A Dumus were so much under the others that I feared there was some misunderstanding on their parts as to the meaning of the specifications. I thereupon wrote them a letter amplifying the specifi cations, trolng more into detail and partic ularly calling their attention to two things first, that the privilege in regard to un cooked food and other things might have to be withdrawn because of our treaty agree ments with the Republic of Panama (In case local prices for the Panama merchants were again reduced to a reasonable basis! and, second, that the low rates of freight we had made via our steamship line and I railroad and also for cold storage were I limited absolutely to food supplies to be I used by our employes: and I gave them an opportunity (if they did not understand the specifications! to amend their proposal. Thev Immediately amended their proposal. nl.i. I Kali- nHl .n n,- Itoma a .- t,V, ' per cent, and when they brought the amended proposal 'to my office they thanked me for having given them the additional In formation and for calling attention to points above mentioned, also stating that they had not thoroughly understood the situation be fore and had made their prices on cooked meals at cost or lower, expecting to make their profits on the sale of other goods. Markel Stands Pat. "Simultaneously, after writing this letter to Hudglns A Dumas, I wrote exactly the same letter to Mr. Markel, so that If he had labored under any misapprehension he also could amend his proposal. Mr. Markel replied that, having a thor ough knowledge of the altuatinn on the Isthmus, he had considered these matters In making his proposal and stated he stood pat'" on the same. I did not write Mr. Balfe because his prices were so high that It waa not necessary to longer consider him In the matter. When these amended proposals were re ceived it was found that In every Item ex cept one that Mr. Markel was as low or lower than Messrs. Hudglns A Dumas. Experience of Bidders. In making the award I took into consid eration not only the prices but the experi ence of the bidders, and the organisation for the business that they now have. I found thai Messrs. Hudglns and Dumas have had no experience in this business ex cept a three years' contract on Ellis Isl and, a purely local proposition; that Mr. Markel has had thirty years' experience in this special field of operating railroad hotels and construction camps on the Union Pacini:, Illinois Central, Chicago, Burling ton A Qulncy. Kansas City Southern and other roads; that he now has large camps on two or three of these roads; that lie has such a large force that he can with draw from it sufficient help to promptly equip the hotels we have constructed, and will also be in a position ilf the climate affects his staff) to keep supplying new men from his force tn the United States as exigency demands and letting those on the iMhnius return here to recuperate, thus having a constant chain of fresh employes going to the isthmus. Market's Prices Lowest. In view of the fact that Mr. Markel has been doing for thirty years exactly this kind of work In the states that he will have to do In the Isthmus, It seems to nit that even if his price had been somewhat higher, ths company could well afford to pay something for his wide experience in this lue i. f' work as against two young men who have had but a local experience (CuuUnued ea Second Pagej FIGHT AGAINST PRINTERS Xamher of Independent Concerns In Chicago Join with Typothetae In Opposing; FlnM-Honr Mot. . CHICAGO. Sept. 14 Concerted action be tween the members of the Chicago Typo tbetae and a number of big independent employers of printers was decided on to day In sn effort to oppose the demands of the union Job printers of Chicago. The Typographical union today filed demnnds on independent Job and book publishing houses for an eight-hour day and union conditions after January 1. After the union had ordered out 100 men In eight of these houses for refusal to grant the request of the union, the Chicago Typothetae, whose members are already Involved In a strike. Invited the Independent master printers to meet the members of the Typo thetae In an effort to devise means of fight ing the union demands. Nearly 100 Inde pendents attended the meeting A motion was unanimously adopted to have a com mittee of twelve appointed to arrange for the formation of an Organization of Inde pendent master printers to resist the eight hour day plan. Pledges were made by most of the Independents present that they would temporarily affiliate themselves with the Chicago Typothetae In the struggle against the union. During the day more than fifty small Independent establishments upon which the union made demands' ac ceded to the proposals presented by Ihe union. NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Sept. 14. Forty five printer, who have been employed at various book and Job printing establish ments In this city, are out cm strike today on account of the refusal by the master printers of the union's demand for an eight hour working day and Increase of the piecework price from J74 cents per thou sands ems to 4ft cents.- Five firms are affected. It Is said that an effort will be made to secure nonunion men to take the places of the strikers. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 14,-The threatened strike for an eight-hour day In Job print ing offices by members of the St. Louis branch of the International Typographical union was begun here today. Printers In eight printing offices were called out by President Joseph Tackson of local Typo graphical union No. 8. President Jackson said thst about 175 printers stopped work. He also stated that out of the lf printing firms In St. Louis sixty signed the eight hour scale today. The officers of the union would say nothing more concerning ths situation. C. M. Skinner, chairman of the execu tive board of the St.' Louis branch of the International Typothetae. said today that the members of the typothetae whose men have walked out have not as yet attempted to replace the strikers. Mr. Skinner said: ' We will wal a' day or two and seer how things are then. As yet there has been no meeting of the, executive committee, of which I sm chairman. So far not all of our members have been affected. There are between twenty-five and thirty mem bers of the typothtse In St. Iouls. TOPEKA, Kan.. Sept. 14 The union Job printers of this city were called out today on a strike for an elght-hmir day. Two of the five offices, those of two weekly news papers, which are members of the National Typothetae. surrendered at once to the de mends of the union. The othr offices went Into conference with the. onion printers. ., MEDICINE MEN ME AFFECTED Preparations - Containing; Cndne Q.nnntly of Llqnnr Will Hits to Pay Special Tat, WASHINGTON. Sept. 14 The commis sioner of Internal revenue today rendered a decision that will seriously affect a num ber of patent medicines composed largely of distilled liquors. He has reversed a rul ing of his department, made many years ago and now decides that the manufactur ers of these medicines must take out li censes as rectifiers and liquor dealers and that druggists and others handling . them will have to pay the usual retail liquor dealers' license. The commissioner In a letter of Instruc tion to the collectors of Internal revenue says that there are a number of compounds on the market going under the names of medicines that are composed chiefly of dis tilled spirits, without the addition of drugs or medicines In sufficient quantities to change materially the character of the whisky. He authorizes collectors to Impose the special tax on manufacturers of every compound composed of distilled spirits even though drugs are declared to have been added thereto, "when their presence Is not discoverable by chemical analysis, or It la found that the quantity of drugs In tha preparation Is so small as to have no ap preciable effect on the liquor." "The same ruling." declares the commis sioner, "applies to every alcoholic com pound labelled as a remedy for diseases and containing In addition to distilled spirits, only substances or Ingredients which, however large their quantity, are not of a character to Impart any medicinal quality to the compound." To prevent Injustice being done, the rul ing will not be put Into effect until Decem ber 1. 1906. Some of the medicines are said to have Immense sales In prohibition communities, figures collected in Massachusetts recently showing. It Is stated, that one such adver tised compound with a high percentage of whisky had been bought to the extent of 300.000 bottles in one year tn prohibition communities of one New England state. RAILROAD DEAL IN PROGRESS anta Fe Dealrea to Secnro a Mis souri I. In of the Rock Island. KANSAS CITY. Sept. I4.-H. I. Mudge, second vice president of the Rock Island system. In passing through Kansas City, Is quoted as having confirmed the report that the Atchison, Topeka dt Santa Fe railway Is endeavoring to purchase the Rock Island's St. Louis-Kansas City line. Mr. Mudge said that he presumed that the conference regarding the sale would be resumed In Chicago within a few weeks, as soon as Robert Mather, chairman of the executive board of the Rock Island, who was called to Europe by the Illness of his wife, returns to that city. MINISTERS ATTEND MATINEE Thousand Churchmen Wltaees Special Performance of First Play Ever Written by Prraeber. CHICAGO, Sept. 14.-A ministerial mati nee waa keld at McVkker's theater here to day by the Invitation of William A. Brady and Joseph R. Grlsmer,' for ths members of all denominations to witness a perform ance of "As Ys Sow," written by Rev. John Snyder, and ths first play written by a minister ever presented on an American stage. There were over 1.000 ministers at tha matinee, which was given exclusively for them, ths theater being closed to the paying public. The (lay uaa warmly received. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE CHARLES B. LETTON OF FAIRBURY. FIGHT AGAINST TAINTED COIN Question Ealied by Dr. (Midden to Come Up lefore Mission Board. SENTIMENT ADVERSE TO HIS POSITION Chairman of Prudential Committee Bnyk Deficit for the Year Is Abont Hundred and Fifty Thousand. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 14. A strong sentiment, has been expressed among the members of the American Board of Com missioners for Foreign Missions of the Con gregational church, now In session In this city, against the resolution that has been prepared by . Dr. Washington Gladden to present to the convention In his .fight agalnat "tainted money," Tbe discusstqn has not. been presented to the cpnventkm, but -the general sentiment among the members is that the resolution will be lost by an overwhelming niajorltj If presented. .' Dr. Gladden has not reached this clt yet although the New. England party, J9, strong, arrived In Seattle this morning. The most prominent among the New Eng landers who arrived this morning Is F. Henry Whltcomb, chairman of the Pru dential committee, to which the question ol "tainted money" was referred some weeks ago. In outlining his position on the question, Mr. Whltcomb made the following state ment: I do not know what Dr. Gladden proposes to do. The Incident is really closea al though the question can be brought up under the head of new business or can be Interjected at almost any time. We are bound to-consider anv matter that Is pro posed, no matter how radical or how ab surd It might be. The Pruilentlal committee cannot be placed to the position of looking up a man's history and his family record whenever he offers money to carry on the work of the church. Dr. Oladden's resolution would make It necessary for the board to weigh the standing of every man and to put the committee in the position of censoring every donation. That cannot be done, a no I do not believe the board will suggest It. Facing; Big; Deficit. Most of the time of the board during the j convention In this city will be taken up witn . tne consideration or tne uueetion oi maintenance of foreign missions. Accord ing to the statement of Mr. Whltcomb, there was a deficit at the end of the last fiscal year of 150,000 and the question of maintaining the GOO missions, the board has declared, will be the most Important matte.- to consider. The annual review of the work of the board dealt with Japan, Turkey, India and Ceylon, China, Papal lands and Africa. i It says In part: The Japanese mission has assumed new Importance from the events of the last year. The Japanese alone can understand the characteristics of the Coreans and tlm Chlneae. The Chinese language presents no Insuperable burrlers and to he Ciiiiiu- i man the little Japanese Is not a "foreign j devil." Already i0,tKi Chinese students are ! said to be In the schools of Japan and Chli-a is rapidly tilling with Japanese pro fessors and teachers and schools of lower grade and Japanese editors are connected with Chinese Journals. A peaceful con quest of China by Japan la already In full operation. Speaking of China, the report says: More changes axe taking place this year in the opinions. Judgments and purpoaes of the leaders of China than have trans pired there during the last century. China Is beginning to observe and think In terms of modern national life. It Is beginning to move under the Impulse of modern na tional aspirations. Opening; of Convention. SEATTLE. Wash., 8ept. 14 The ninety sixth annual meeting of the American Board of Commissioners for Missions of the Congregational church opened here this afternoon In Plymouth Congregational church. The visitors were greeted at the opening session by Rev. A. M. Fret-Ian. for years Identified with the churches of the Paciuc coast, and response was made by Dr. Samuel B. Capen of Boston, the president of the board. The mlautes of the last meeting of com missioners were read by Rev. Henry A. Slluison. D. D., of New York, the recording u,.ta-i' etr which President Candn aD- j pointed the customary committees. T Treasurer Frank H. Wlggln read the re port of the treasury dis;artinent and the report of the auditors of the board was then submitted. FIRE RECORD. Chicago Foundry. CHICAGO, Sept. 14 Fire did 1150.000 dam age to the Featherslone Foundry and Ma chine company plant today. The fire drove fifteen employee cf the foundry to the roof of the building. For a time It looked aa though all would perish, but they were Anally, rescued, with great difficulty, by firemen witn ladders. FOR SUPREME JUDGE. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Friday nnd Saturday, Except showers In Southeast Portion Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! Hour. Deg, Hour. Dear. " m s 1 p. m TT flu. m an 2 p. m TT T n. m s p. m TT m AT 4 p. m Tie a. ra ft ft p. m SO in n. m T3 6 p. m T 11 T3 T p. m TO 13 78 H p. m 711 f p. m T3 BAD STORM VISITS BEATRICE Four Inches of Mater Falls and Low lands and Basements Are Flooded. BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept. 15.-(Specla! Tele gram ) One of the worst rainstorms in the history of this city occurred tonight. It commenced raining about 8 o'clock and continued until midnight. It Is estimated the rainfall, Is between three and four inches. The rain waa accompanied by hail of large slse and many windows and sky lights were broken. The lowlands are flooded and the people who live In that section have been com pelled to move out. In the business and better residence districts cellars and base ments are flooded and the damage from this source alone will be heavy. The Plus river at this hour (1 o'clock) has risen four feet and It Is still coming up. In dicating the storm was also heavy to the north of the city. It Is Impossible at this hour to learn how much damage has been done at other places or even secure any de tailed account of the losses In the city. It Is certain, however, to amount to many thousand dollars. Corn Is too nearly ma tured to be Injured much by the hall. At this hour relief" parties are busy assisting those who live In the lowlands to move their belongings to higher ground, as there Is no telling how much'more the river may rise. BRYAN SUGGESTS A PLAN Sebraakan Asks President to Take InlllatlTe In Movement Looking; Toward Permanent Peace. LINCOLN. Neb.. Sept. 14.-A letter ad dressed to President Roosevelt from W. J. Bryan, In which a plan for permanent peace la suggested, was made public here this evening. Mr. Bryan congratulates the president on his success In bringing Russia and Japan together and says: . h?l n,ot, "k crires8 for authority to a i. mlt all international questions (when an agreement cannot be reached by parties Interested) to an Impartial board for" In vestigation and report? Investigation wilt In nearly every case remove the cause of complaint and reconcile the parties. Ques tions which a nation might be unwilling v . arimrauon in advance could be settled by Investigation by an impartial ii'i lias li tiucxi B7t.sfI.IU. It was a glorious thing to end the war between the Russ and the Jap, but It would have been more glorious to have prevented the war and saved the frightful loss of life. The moral prestige which ..ur nation now enjoys would In all probability enable it to lead a successful peace move ment. The congratulations which you hava received from the hcada of European gov ernments strengthen the chances of suc cess. If the leading nations of the world " "im agreement to Join In the creation of such a board and pleilgo themselves to submit all disputes to the board for Investigation before declaring war the danger of war would be reduced ; ... u.iiiiiiiuiu. rrw men nave naa it In their power to do so much for humanity j u nujiuc ine upponunny r W. J. BRYAN. ARMISTICE PROTOCOL SIGNED Japanese and Russian Army Offices Affix BiaTuaturra to Document on Wednesday Evening. GCNSHC PASS. Manchuria. Sept. 14 Major General Ovanofski and his suite re turned from Koarhln at S o'clock this morn ing At 7 o'clock last evening Ovanofski and Oeneral Fukushlnia signed an armistice In the plain near Shaktndt-s, after negotiations had been conducted for. nine consecutive hours. Movements of Ocean Vessel. a I1 At New York-Arrived: Rhine, from Rre. men; T'eutschiaml. from Hamburg; Baltic from Liverpool, Loinhardla. from Naples' Sallnd: Bremen, for Hiemen: Multke. fur Hamburg ; La Hretagru, for llavie At Havre Arrived: I .a Lorraine, from New York. At Patras-Salled New York. Cltta dl Brine, for At Hamburg Arrived from New York Pennsylvania, At Queenstown-i-Arrlved: Republic, from Boston. Sailed. Ilaverford, for Philadel phia. At Liverpool Arrived: Caledonian, from boston. Railed: Parisian, for New York. At Genoa bailed: Llguya. for New York. At bieinsu Arrived; Caksell, from Baltimore. LETTON FOR LEADER Fairburj Van Receive Nemlnatien for Bipreme Judge on Third Ballot. LOOKED BRIGHT FOR DUFFIE IN THE THIRD Actually Had Majority, but Astion of Senator Barken Changed It. RAILROADS FIGURE IN THE PROCEEDINGS Mix in tha Fight for Chairman and Bain the Chances of Duffie. ABBOTT AND LYFOPD NAMED FiR REGENTS Douglas County Delegation Wade the Chairman of ft; ate Committee. WARNER OF DAKOTA MANAGES CAMPAIGN Resolutions Strongly Endorse Rooae veil's Administration and Declare Against Railroad Passes fog Officials. For Supreme Judge CHARLES B LETTON of Falrbury For Regents of I'nlverslty FRED ABBOTT of Columbus W. G LYFORD of Falls City Chairman State Committee WILLIAM P. WARNER, Dakota City (From a Stiff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Sept. 14.-Speelal Telegram V The above Is the ticket nominated by the republican state convention held here today after one of the most tumultuous and ex citing sessions of recent years. The resulte of today's proceedings so far as Douglas county la concerned has been to make a chairman of the convention and lose 1ta candidate for supreme Judge. Ae a matter of fact Judge Duffle waa at one time ac tually nominated and would have been the nominee without question except for eev. eral vital mistakes made by some of those who professed to be trying to help him. To understand the action of the conven tion It Is necessary to go back and review the steps leading up to today's denouement. It may aa well be recognised that the rail road contingent which haa regularly sought to dominate republican politics In Nebraska started out to make John H. Ames of Lan caster county a candidate for supreme Judge. Ames' previous partnership with Judge Kelly of the Union Paclflo law de partment Insured to him the Union Paclflo strength and the Lancaster delegation, which Is acknowledged Burlington ground, waa likewise Instructed for him. The Im pression was general that Ames would be the etrong man and that the fight might be properly described aa the field against Ames. - Railroads Mia In. It soon developed upon the advent of tha advance guard of delegates, following the reports from the numeroue county conven tions that adopted strongly antl-rallroad resolutions, that notwithstanding the. rail" road eombtrmtton In favor of Aniea tt would be Impossible to make him, It devolved upon the railroad manipulators to make' a ' choice between the other candldatea and they quickly came to the conclusion that Duffle would be, preferable to Letton and was the only one Who might by any possi bility beat Letton. Not content, however, with pushing along the Duffle band wagon, the railroad tax agents and lobbyietg and pass distributors Insisted on taking a hand In the management of his campaign and at the same time to work several other Irons they had In the fire regardless .of the consequences to him. They had gone down to the atate committee and forced the temporary chairmanship upon Lieu tenant Governor McGllton. not eO much because they wanted McGllton as because they wanted to get even with Senator Sheldon of Cass county, who was In line for the place and was In disfavor on ac count of his Independence of their dicta tion In the legislature. They Insisted upon following this up hy turning Senator Shel don down for the position of permanent chairman, for which his friends were push ing him, and making McGllton permanent chairman aa welt as temporary chairman. The situation was discussed openly tn the meeting of the Douglas delegation at noon before the delegation assembled and Harry Brome, echoing what he referred to as the railroad forces, insisted fhat tha Douglas delegation stand by McGllton for permanent chairman In consideration of promises of railroad support for Duffle. Victor Rosewater expressed himself as of directly opposite view. He said he could not see what either Mr. McGllton or Judge Duffle had to gain by shutting Senator Sheldon out of the honor of serving as permanent chairman and that lie was sat isfied that It was advisable to ask the convention for nothing except the candi date whom Douglas county would present. He said that there was nothing that would take the railroad vote to Judge. Letton, whether McGllton was continued aa chair man or not. while to put Senator Sheldon in the chair would win frlenda in places where they were badly needed. Tries for Too Much. The delegation decided to leave the de cision to the steering committee, and the steering committee decided to keep Douglas county entirely out of any contest between Lieutenant Governor McGllton ana nenator Sheldon by passing on the roll call and voting finally for the one who ahould hava a majority of the votes of the other dele gates. When this question was sprung, however, at the very outset of the con vention, although McGllton plainly had the requisite votes without Douglas county, the steering committee was persuaded, over the protests of Its chairman, to throw the Douglas county vots Into the balance to make sure thst the motion to make the temporary organisation permanent should prevail. This was followed up by an at tempt to take the secretaryship of the convention for Douglas county, v.hlch also claimed the position of reading clerk, with the result that after gathering In the bouquets the substantial prixe could not be reached. Trouble on Third Ballot. The crisis of the convention came on the third ballot, when Duffle was the high man and practically nominated, and an effort was made to transfer the Lancaster county delegation from . Ames to Duffie. Judge Holmes, who was chairman, undertook to cast the entire sixty-six votes of Lancaster county for Judge Duffle under an alleged agreement by which Judge Ames was to de clde for whom I-ancaster county's vots should be recorded after he was satisfied he himself could not be nominated. A call was entered at once for a poll of the delegation and on reading the names for individual re sponses only sixteen answered for Duffle and twenty-three for Letton. Delegates surged around the seata ot the Ijincaster delegation and motions and eoun-ter-nulluns and points tf order were raised before Uie polling took plaoe aud eve ad