f I SPECIAL NOTICES will tab til 1 m. torn th rmi( dltla aaa asitU B . an. ! tb raorBlm aa liidar dittos. BMM 1 1-4 a wora Mrat laaartlan, la a word latnafttr. Nothlna; takes fr thu So for tha flrst laser. tlav. Thrie ad vrllavesnat saast b raa eoanaoatlrrlr. itiTtrtlirrt, by raetleT a mam hered ohrrk, raa have ad draaaad to a aaraharrd latter la ear of Th Raa. Aaawara o addrraaad wU b delivered oa areeeatatla al rhaak. MISCELLANEOUS ' THE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Is now openday and nlgbt. Yet It la tint too lata to enter. Begin now and get that mental drill and discipline that will double your earning oapaclty. Business, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, normal and Eng lish.', Catalogue free. Address H. B, BoylM, pres., boy lea Bldg., Omaha.; Net.. t R 311 CTfiVE C RepnaLad. Omaha Plating Co., blUVCOiioi, liarney Bt. Tal. 25.t" K-C28 ClTx" SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. It 927 TRX KELLT'8 TOWEL. SUPPLY, Tel. r.30. . v R-93S ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co., 821 N. lth. TeJ. 177. R-829 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM .111 8. Uth Bt. Telephone ZA. R-30 CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln. 16u Farnam. 'Phone 7tt4. R 831 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doora and safes. U. Andreeo, Prop., Iu2 S. luth St. R 833 THE OMAHAOUNDKY- Iron and brass costings. 802 Jackson. Tel. 2432. K 834 SlliN PAINTING. 8. H. Cole, 101 Douglas. K 8Ja SAD IRONS replated, 20c; three for Wo. Omaha Plating Co., 1608 Harney. Tel. 2u35. R 836 LOCKSMITH Hen"n. 217 'South 14th. K-937 HOLLOW BUILDING 11' quality. Cheapest price. Wentworth, 618 Paxton block. 'Phone 1672. R 651 CHICAGO tailor, ladles' and gentlemen's high class work. Tel. 3611. illiKVi Kama in. R M876 12 WANTED FEMALE HELP SO working girls. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C 453 WANTED Competent nurse girl; small family. Hl7 S. 20th Ave. C 643 WANTED Two experienced fitters. Apply ladles' cloak depurtinent, Hayden Bros. I C-M308 WANTKD Marker and sorter. Bluff City Laundry, Council Bluffs, la, C 46 CLOAK and suit saleslady. 2 good salesladies for city work. I-aly for alteration room. Call or write promptly for complete list or vacancies. WESTERN KEF. A IIOND ASS N. (Inc.), Dept. 11, 441-842 N. Y. Life. C-27 11 WANTED-Good girl at once at Clarkson , hospltnl. C M626 X WANTED Good cook for family of three. Apply B. Kendla, Nebruska Clothing Co. C 609 14x COMPETENT girl for general housework. Two In family. No washing. References required. Apply Mrs. Charles E. Clapp, 119 South 84th St. C 616 Hx WANTED A lady demonstrator. Apply at grwrry u?p in oir.iii, nnyurl' ros. C-623 13 WANTED Experienced makers and pre parers. Apply Monday 8 a. m., millinery Department, jiayuen tiros. c 610 llx GIRL for- general housework. Mrs. B. , Ruaewalcr, 1.11 Douglas St. C 613 WANTED Ladles to learn hair dresalns-. manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or electrolysis; top wages paid grnduatea; few weeks completes by our method of constant practice ana expert lnstrurtins. Call nr write.- Moler College. 1114 Far nam St. . C Mttto 16x WANTED Oood girl for general house- worx. Appiy sri worm ma t. C-641 llx GOOD pay for competent girl for general noueewom; mimu laniuy. onu leaven worth. C 640 llx WANTED Competent rook or girl, general housework; small family; good waives; no waening. M.i (.ass ai. c at l?x WANTED German girl for general house work; wages $T. 1707 Park avenue. C MHOS 1J WANTED Experienced dry a-onda sales ladles;, only those with thorough experi ence as saleslady In large dry goods store neea appiy. j. l nranneis Hons. C M811 12x WANTED At once, experienced cashier for alcmk department. None other need PPiy." feopies ritore. C 47 WANTED Two good girls: cook and house maid. . Mrs. Arthur Remington. 4oS So 40th at. C tO 14 FOR i A, JEVELRY STORE An energetic young laay ot good appearance, with re finement and good taste. Must be of goort family and well recommended. A, m nee. u-su COMPETFNT girl or woman; general nousewors: must re good cook; no weh lng, 1248 g. 10th St. C 85 4 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. W. - W 64 MOKEY TO LOAN-Payna Investment Co. W S65 GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam. City loan: at lowest rates; no delay; get our terms W tto "jwwt rates, city property; b P. C. on larms in eastern Neb. liemls, Paxton Flk W 867 BHILDINQ, loans pn residence property; t yvi tcuu , ij. jueiaie, iamge miock. W A PRIVATK money. F. D. Wead. 16 Douglas ll.Ono.ONO TO LOAN on business and rest lence preperey In Omaha; lowest rates; no ticiay. momaa iireniian, u. 1, N. Y. l.lfe W-870 WANTED-Cltr loans. R. C. Peters ft Co, . W 871 FARM and city loans: lowest rates. W. H 1-nomaa, 1st Nat I Bank Bldg. Tel. 1618. w-:2 I.OANS on Omaha Improved property, or roouuawitn; can pay it nam in monthly payments. Hastings k Heyaen, J':'j Far . nam ru. w 973 WANTED TC RENT WANTED Two or three furnished rooms with board In refined private family, by family, of three; no objection to distance; r"fi tncoa exchanged.- Address A 47. cure Bee- K 612 13x WANTFJV-To rent, suite of or 1 unfur nlshod rooms, prefer private family, west of southwest part of city. A 4(1. care bee. K-M73J llx TRAVELING man. with wife and child, desires room a with board: must be pleas ant and clean. Address A U, Bee. . ' '...,. K-62T 15x WANTED Two or three rooms. Furnished or unf urnlshed In modern house for house keeping, by gentlemen and wife. Afl'lteaj J WjcareBee; K MvJ : :: ' WANTED TO BUY WAKTFTV-Typewriter; gnod eondltton; vaiue tow ft caab urice, 4 Ba. N-48 Ul WANTED MALE HELP FALL TERM OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLBOB" i Opens penternbeT 4 In new ' balldlitg, NlneteentU and Farrjam. All business branches. Shorthand. Typewriting, Tele graphy, Pen Art, Cartooning. Night school starts now. Write for catalogue. Address ROHRBOCGH BROS. WANTED FOR U. B. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of Zl and 15. citlsena of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who read and speak English. For further in formation apniv to Kecrumng vjnu'r, 13th and Douglas 8ts., Omaha; Lincoln, Nb.. or Bloux City. la. u e.s THREE men of food appearance; steady employment. C. F. Adams Co.. 1618 Howard DRUO atorea bought and sold. Drug clerk wan lea. r. . ivnieei, m r. . B 861 I OOOD salesmen, city. let-class bookkeeper. Young man for lank messenger. Good bank teller. Apply promptly. Stenographer. ' Good salary. Call or write for complete 11st of vacan cies. W I. STERN REF. A BOND ASS N. Una), Dept. 11, 841-842 N. . Ue. ... . ... B-C2611 THREE bright, active men capable of earning 3o weekly for traveling position. ' Apply-after -k) at m. and, 4 p, m. Manager, buu ware Hit. acnr WANTEIv-General agent for Nebraska atid 10w,-flimglst -preterrea; win raase a good contract with right party; 3u0 required. Address 211, Bee. B-M21 81 2x WANTED Experienced young man sten nsranher and office assistant: references. Ml. Bee office. B MJ3.1 WANTED Traveling salesman In Ne braska for wholesale saddlery. Address A 17, care ,Omaha Bee. B 472 II WANTED Experienced pumpman to take care or pump nusmess ana neip in store; must be married and speak German.' References required. State age. Llnd Hardware company, Llnd, Wash. V B 478 13x WANTED A good butcher for outside .work; ateadv employment ana gooa wages; only good butcher and' sober man need apply. W. Mlnko, Ord, Neb. B 668 13x WANTED Experienced butcher. Central Grocery and Meat Mantel, sw to vn w. Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED-Prlnter; hustler; all-round man; married; permanent jod; tou to atari. a dress A37, Bee. B 693 WANTED A thoroughly experienced and capable bookkeeper; must do accurate and able to get trial balanoe promptly. Address A 44. care Bee. B 589 11 WANTED Two boys with wheels for nignt worn, regular eamry. nimi nvo boys for day work. A. D. T. Co., 213 S. 13th street. B-602 11 BANK teller with city experience; first class position for right man. Call us by 'phone and. make an appoint ment. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS N. (Inc.), Dept. B, 840-841 N. Y. Lire. .-. ' B-26 11 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes; positions guaranteea; top wages paid graduates; can earn ex penses before finishing. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. B M664 15x WANTED First -class barber; steady job. Box 244, Be ward, Neb. JBM.oi llx WANTED First class steam specialty salesman In Omaha and vicinity to sell Morehend Steam Traps and other steam specialties manufactured by the More head Mfg. Co., DetroM, Mich. Address, with references, S. E. Thomas, Bec'y,' General Delivery, Omaha. B M740 llx WANTED Harness maker. Frank Feldler, utivia v ity, net.. i m no 10 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing trade; great nemann rnr graduates, i-V day; many complete course two months; graduates admitted to union and Master Plumbers' association. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools, New York, Cincinnati and St. Iouls. (Day nnd hlgTit Iass.) For free catalogue address 239 lOfh-Ave., New York. - -B 950 ALL AROUND PRINTER wanted for good country shop. Must be able to do ad and job work, handle presses and gasoline engine. Marbled man preferred, and will not tolerate boorpr or cigarette fiend Man who can qualify will be given good wages. State particulars, Inehidlng wages expected In flrBt letter. Drawer 159. Te cumneh, Neb. B M 717 11 HARNESS MAKFRS AND COLLAR CUT TERS WANTED For, both light and heavy work. Experienced men only. Run full time the year round. Steady employ ment, good wages Come at once or write Marshall-Wens Hardware Co., Duluth, Minn. B M-715 23 I WANT at once, five male stenographers, with experience and ability: part for R. R. and pert for wholesale house; first- class wages. If you are any good, call and see me, and I will put you to work. HART. 401 N. Y. LIFE. B-633 11 YOUNG man to learn trade. Wlr Works, 611 B. lfith St. B-137 11 A POSITION guaranteed or no pay. If vou are In need of a position, call and have a "henrt-to-heart" talk with HART THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B-828 WANTED Experienced dry goods sales men; do not apply unless you have had thorough experience In selling dry good In a large city store. J. L. Brn ridels & Sons. R MS10 12x WANTED First class watch-maker and engraver; permanent position for right man. Reply by letter at once. Address A 63 Bee. B 846 14 REPRESENTATIVE gas light salesman; one used to house to house work can make big mony. Greatest natural gas llKht in the world. Wllrtow Light Co., Buffalo, New York. B 835 12x WANTED a tinner and furnace man at once. Johnson Bros., Kewanee. III. B 837 12 WANTED Any person to distribute our samples: (18 00 weekly, steady. Mgr. Empire" 4 Wells St., Chicago, 111. B-837 12x EI-DERLY man to do chores about hous and barn. 43rd st. ar.d Center B 841 SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN WANTED. WANTEl Experienced salesmen to Bell new, useful article to hardware dealers; good side line, sells at sight, big money for hustlers. Address HART SA8H HOLDER CO., Lexington, Mo. M-714 12x AGENTS WANTED J A PAN-RUSSIAN war, complete official history. Bonanza for oonvasaers. Ex tra terms; Outfit free; general agents wanted on ealary. Zlegler, Co., Phila delphia. J 838 12x MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CHATELAINE SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES CPPNPHufcKMAN- Bl'ANlKH. r INC 11 -n Davldge lildg.. lath at Farnam 974 ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES. In Krencn, Spanish or German; learn to speak In 25 lessons, business correspond ence 50, to read literature 65 GUARAN TEED. F. Peltier. 115 South 2uth. K3 K'X E. D. KECK. Voice Teacher, Miss Joy Keck, asKistant and teacher of piano Studio. Davldge Bldg., Win and Farnam. b.'7 VOCAL lessons; Italian method. Telephone B2653, of mornings. MJ66 8x , KENT-Volce specialist. Wlthnell BMg. Tel. L6472. -679 MABF.L C. HIGC.INS. teacher of violin. Residence. 2103 Ujthrop si. Tel. 1112. . Ik! 10 DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co.. Douglas Fl!k. . . SOS IN FAMILIES. Miss .Sturdy. 'Phone A270S. WISH FROWN, dtxs dnMUiaKUig by ths dy. 'IL iXX). . M lis. TTTE " CTMAITA An Assurance i Ii whai yu gti whenyov FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROT AX. HOTEU European, ietb A Chicago DB7WE7T EuropMn . hotal, Uth A Farnfm VIENNA Hotel; prtmt dlnlnf rooms, enfe. ROOMS and rood board, 16 pr wek nnd up. ati ioi i vaiooao ou Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks E M504 IS, 18, tit -621 South 26th Avenue. Close in. Nlos neighborhood. Modern. e. nx NICELY furnished room Tor two gentle man, modern.. HI N. 26th. B 411 25x I'URNISHED rooms; reasonable rates; modern convenlenoea. 2234 Farnam. Flat 4. E $78 15x SUITE of elegantly furnished rooms for two gentlemen; best location In city. 10T N. luth. Phone 6318. E Mb 12x TWO or I rooms for housekeeping, ground floor: also sleeping rooms. 17iz jacsson. E 817 12x FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Six room furnished flat; entire furnishings for sale CHEAP. Mra. Carroll. 15- Park avenue. B M801 IS NICELY FURNISHED prlr. with piano; sleeping room adjoining. Large room on second floor with stationary bowl. 220 N. 18th. Tel. Red lo8. E 688 12x PLEASANT room, private family. 624 S. 26th Ave. E 61 S 12x NICELY furnished large- front room. Phone 4112; 714 8. 17th Ave. E 614 12x FURNISHED ROOM, all modern, With 'phone. 624 South 2"th Bt. E M774 12 x FURNISHED room for gentleman, in pri vate home. West Farnam district; full firlvlleges of the home; modern conven ences: references exchanged. Address Box 264, care Bee. E 620 1"X FOR RENT Two modern furnished rooms. 2C28 Capitol Ave. E M 762 12 FOR SALE Second-hand phaeton and ex tension top carriage; Simpson make; cheap for cash. Albert Cahn, 1322 Farnam E 84S 13 CENTER HOTEL, 210 N. 17th St., 2 rooms suitable for four young men at $1 each per week; transients, 50 cents to 81 rer day; free bath. Tel. B 2E47. E-853-14. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave.; board; verandas, ample lawns, stately trees, rustic seats; home cooking; hot and cold water; reasonable rates. F 963 Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks F M555 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney- St., nicely fur nished rooms, with good board: rates rea sonable. Tr 480 S15x NICELY funlshed rooms with board; steam heat. 316 B. 26th St. F 454-11 LARGE, pleasant, southeast front room and board for four gentlemen, 24 per week. 808 8. 21st St. F-611 12x FURNISHED room for gentleman, private family. 316 N. 18th Bt. F-42 20x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR basement rooms; take washing and Ironing for rent. 711 B. lth Bt. G M343 TWO rooms In a cottage; also two base ment rooms. 1120 North 17th Bt. . . G 608 12x FOR RENT HOUSES' H CM I5Pi a" Parts of the city. R "uu3tJ C. Peters & Co.. Bee Bldg. I) 8a 1 THE Omaha Van &. Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 18th, Office, 1611V, Fariiam. Tel. 1558. D-982 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tol. I486. Office, 17U Webster St. 1 8&3 HDIKP? In all parU of the city. The O. nuJtJ y. Davla Co., 608 Bee Bldg. l-!4 HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. ROOMS, houses, stores. Tlxard, 220 N. 234. L M4US PIANO moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1620, Bchmoller & Mueller. D 887 2614 St. Mary' Ave., modern; 140. D M988 8126 MARCY ST., 8-room modern house, porcelain bath, new furnace, all In choice condition; stable, nice lawn and shade; vacant Sept. 1; 130 and water. 1340 8. 27th St., 8-room house, modern ex cept furnace; In first-class order; 833. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM BT. D M810 8-ROOM house, modern, good repairs, $11 32d and Wright Sts. 'Phone 623. D 127 FOR RENT 7 -room and 8-room houses, all modern, near high school and Crelgh ton college; 830 and 832.50. Inquire at X7 N. 19th 8t. D 411 SEPT. 68 rooms and bath, hot water heat, steel range; owner pays water rent; first-class tenant may apply; rent 830. 810 North 33d. Inquire In rear. V 464 14x 1641 B. 29TH AVE., modern. 2-story brick dwelling, 9 rooms, facing Hanscom Park; rent 840. Inquire 1116 S. 82d Bt. J. N. Richards. D 623 OCTOBER 16, modern house of seven rooms and reception hall, 112 8. 36th St ; rent 840 and water. W. A. Smith, U. 8. Bank Bldg. Tel. 8486. D M670 14 HOUSE to rent, H block front Walnut Hill ear line; will sell furniture. Tel. Har ney 2214. D M575 llx t-ROOM flat, modern except furnace; to be newly papered, 814. 1718 Georgia Ave. D-833 lx DESIRABLE 8-room house; large barn; fine yard; 8128 Chicago street. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker block. D 601 11 LARGE two-story barn, 27th and Leaven worth Sts. N. P. Dodge & Co, 1M4 Far nam St. D 583 llx 1322 So. 25th Ave., seven-room house, bath; stable. 820. Inquire next door. D 604 15x 1712 Charles Bt., six rooms; modern. $25. E. J. Sullivan. 323 8. 13th Bt. D 606 SEVEN-ROOM, all modern, brick house, long No. 29th St., $30. Good and warm. Turklngton. 602 Bee Bldg. D M605 12 FOR RENT 8-room modern house. 1060 Georgia Ave. 140.00. 8-ro jm modern house and barn, 2310 8. 32d Ave. -127.60. JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 1801 FARNAM ST. D M731 14 FOR RENT Cottage, t rooms, modern ex cept furnace. 1641 N. IStn St., 120. D-62 llx TWO COTTAGES and ona 8-room house for rent. 844-846-848 S. 17th. D-M761 12 DANCING ACADEMY MORAND'8 adult classes are now open: lessons Tues. and Frt. 8. p. m. : 12 lessons, ladles, $6; gentlemen, 17; former and high school pupils and college students, $4. Tel 1041 Private lessons dall- 242 Ol 'CLAIRVOYANTS Palmist M ME BUDDH A-Clalnroyant located over 114 lttn. upataira. neauit ful predictions guaranteed FOR EXCHANGE IF TOl' de not find what you want m this column, put au ad La and you will soon est lu v - - DAILY TiEE: TT7ESTXXT, SETTEMBTH VI, 1P0SL of a Sole for What You Have aae Bee Want Ait They reach the bujira tvnd make aalca A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Large house, two barns and two full lota, on North Uth Bt.. only 14,500. This is a bargain. THOMA8 BUKNNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE M168 A PECULIAR AD. Am here to sell qUK for ti.500 cash, the best section of land near Middle Branch 1. O.; level, finely Improved, all fenced, spring stream and fine well; will cut 350 tone of hay now; also corn, blue graxs, orchard, timothy and clover; fine groves. O. B. Manville, Orchard, Neb. RE M781 llx FOR SALE New modern C 7 and 8-room houses. See owner, M. Borenaen, 3206 Lin coln Boulevard. 'Phone Red W28. RE 43 llx GOOD HOUSES REASONABLE PRCIES. 13, 2C0 8-room brick, modern, good repair, well arranged, comfortable, corner lot, 60x06, paved street, barn, north part of city. 13,200 8-room, modern, near Davenport and Cenf al boulevard, near high school, walking distance from business. $1,600 6-room modern cottage, In fine con dition, 2 blork. from Crelghton uni versity, 1 blocks from high school, $5oO cash, balance monthly. Bargain. Wallace, Brown Block. RE 829 13 THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY'S abstracts of title are the best, our customers are protected by a $10,1100 surety bond against loss by errors. When you buy or sell real estate, demand a "Midland'-' abHtract, 1614 Farnam St., N. Y., Life Bldg. N. P. DODGE. JR., PRESIDENT. RE 976 WRITE for Illustrated pamphet describ ing two ranches In the corn and alfalfa belt. Willis Caldwell. Broken Bow, Neb. RE 977 Williamson Co.u- RE 980 . Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R.p Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." RE-978 GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES Wholesale and Retail. BURGESS - GRANDEN CO., Formerly F. M. RUSSELL FIXTURE CO. 813 South 15th Bt. , Telephone 68L RE 878 FOR SALE Beautiful 12-room home near West 40th St. Address 120, care Bee. RE M891 WE are putting r-n the market one of the best tewn proi crtlee in the Creek Nation, I. T.; terms, time or cuali; whether1 you seek an li. vestment or agency, lntorui us and we wll 11..11I you full Information. Trtnton Realty Co., Trenton, I. T. . RE 831 18x FOR SALE Large modern house and barn, No. 2519 Chicago St.; Inspection In vited from 2 to 4 p. m.; arrangements for selling by aRents may be made by applying to W. H. Griffith at above ad dress. RE 651 12 x TWO nloely furntohed rooms for light housekeeping, $12.00. 2018 Davenport R E-852-14 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS SALARY LOANS? CHATTEL LOANS. EASY TO GET. EASY TO PAY. WHEN TOU WANT MONEY Wrhy not go where yoti can get It cheapest and from an old, established firm who handles their own money. Establish a credit with them ffint will be of value to you in the future. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock arid salaries. Small WEEKLY or MONTHLY PAYMENTS, which are suspended In case of sickness or out of employment. Facts are, we want your business. Established 18S9. Duff .Green Loan Co. I and 8 Barker Block- TEL. 4031 X451 Our Money Is loaned on furniture, planoa, live stock and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. Our rates are as low us any; our service Is quick and quiut, and we never charge for making papers or notary fees. We want your business If you ever borrow money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 306 South 16th Street. Tel. 35. us Board of Trade Bldg. (Established 1892.) X-106 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE AND PIANOS, AT LOWEST KA'lES; yUlCK EfciT SERVICE 'AND MOST CONF1 J'ENTIAL TREATMENT. The annoyance of owing bills In several places may be eliminated by obtaining enough money of us to pay all your debts and at the same time establishing credit with an old, reliable firm, where you oan obtain money whenever you need it. Lib eral rebate if paid sooner than agreed. Pri vate Interviewing room. RELIABLE CREDIT CO, 107-8 Paxton Blk. X 304 LOANS1 LOANSI1 LOANSII1 ON FURNITl RJO. PIANOS AND HAL ARIES. AT THE LOWEST HATES. THK WESTERN LOAN CO., 318-314 Neville Blk.. Cor. 16th It Harnoy Sts. X 834 CHATTEL LOANS. We have money t loan at a reasonable rate on diamonds, pianos, household furniture or other good chattel securi ties to parties whose position in life re quire taut such rr&muicUuns be made and held In strict confidence. Union Loan and Investment Co., 212 Bee. Tel. M. X 116 BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cows. Plain note if steadily employed.) .703 fi. TC. Life. X 111 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In 53 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-J14 MONEY loaded op pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horse, cows, etc C. F. Reed. 3l9 S 13. X-113 CHATTEL and SALARY LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Tel. 746. 432-1 Paxton Block. X-208 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE BTAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLK. X-lu8 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., Ioo4 Farnam Bt. X 108 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X-110 PATENTS H. A. BTUROES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful, 617 N. Y. Ufa, Omaha. -867 FLORISTS HESS SWOBODA, 1411 Farnam. 120 L HENDERSON. IU Faruaro. Tel. 1268. -Hi PERSONAL ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLhATING. KUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRHT-CLA88 DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THb OOLUMAN PLLAllMJ CO 200 DPUGLAB BLOCK. TEL. 193. L 4 TRY KELLET 8 LAUNDRY. 'PHONE fM. V 8H1 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $3. Perlield Tlano Co., ltill t arnam. U 892 MACiN P Tftrtm,nt. A baths. Mme - ' - - . . Smith, U N. li. fet fi , r 3. U sso TUB, vapor and alcohol batha. 720 a 13th. U-8VB FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1628. Bchmoller Mueller, piano makers. U 996 LARSOtf A JOHNSON Cut rates to all points. 14u Farnam. Tel. 1936. Member American Ticket Brokers' association. U 896 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, il.ou weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. pertield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam Bt. Li I' THB Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in fact, anytnlng you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4i3o ana wagon will call. Li -fall PRIVATE home during conlinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardull, 3316 Charles. Tel. 63il. U 8W WE RENT sewing machines, 76c week. We repair all makes of machines; seuond hand machines, $5 to 110. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1661, Cor. loth and Harney. U 998 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Blk. U low DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 8, 1506 Farnam. U 100 MALLETTS Cereal Coffee, healthful, nourishing; best thing for indigestion 15o per pkg. all grocers. U M304 INFORMATION wanted concerning where abouts of Martin Quick; last heard from in Omaha. Address Nell Erikson, 230 Wahsatch Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. U 692 12 OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufactures pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. 4521. U WONDERFUL DISCOVERY You can have the secret; money maker; don't fail, investigate. 636 Paxton Block. - U S44 12 x MEDICAL FOR Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pills, for delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no Inter ference with work ; relief brought to thou sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all that have used them. By mall, $3. Dr. G. G. Raymond Remedy Co., room 35, 84 Adams bt., Chicago, 111. 102 LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for parUvulara, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; exnerienced and reliable. Address with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1611Vi Dodge St., Omaha. 103 PEN .TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for la dles: never fails; 12 postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 104 DRUNKENNESS AND DRUO HABITS CURED to stay cured in the shortest length of time under a positive guarantee. For full particulars write the Ensor Remedy Co., South Omaha, Neb. Incorporated In 1892. -247 814 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha 109 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 814 First Nat l Bank Bldg. 1-116 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office which rents for $10.00 per month. Price Includes heat, light, water and Janitor service. It Is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and Is Just the thing for anyone wanting a nice little office In the best office building in town. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1771 FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT. BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building is 22, 185 feet, four stories nd basement. The basement Is 23x132 feet, is cemented. The celling over the basement has a brick vault and Iron beam construction, makelng the basement fire proof. The first floor has a marble floor In front and granolithic floor In rear. There Is a large burglar-proof vault and a power elevator. The upper floors have windows on three sides. Address, The Bee Building Co., C. C. Rosewater, Secretary, Room 100 Bee Bldg. 1-6 IF you apply at once we can give anyone desiring a large office space almost any arrangement they desire. This apace la on the sixth floor of The Bee building, with north light. R. C. Peters A Co., rental agents, ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1-772 FOR SALE FARMS TWENTY-TWO ACRES. Improved farm, 2 miles northwest of - Florence, near Ponca church. Price $2,500. Call at place or address Jacob J. Cham bers, Florence, Neb. M741 llx FOR BALE 1.960 acres of flne land ly. ing In shallow water basin, In Finney county, Kansas; l.luO acres alfalfa land, water from 6 to 15 feet from surface; baf about 22 feet to water; land all clear of encumbrance; good soil; abundance of good water; price, $13 per acre. Address Lock Box 3$v Spencer, Neb. -635 20 FOR SALE A fine farm of 146 acres; all flne corn land except 20 acres of pasture; 8 miles from a good market and f mllns from Missouri Valley, la. Good Improve ments. Will consider $3,000 In good In come Omaha property. Price 165 00 per acre. Address Lock Box 675, Missouri Va U e y. la. 6o0 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS GOOD hand-made gardener's wagon, near ly new 16. Top delivery wagon $25. leather-top carriage $40. Two fine traps. ' Runabouts and top buggies. Rubber-tired phfceton $25 DRUMMOND CARRIAGE CO.. 18th and Harney. P 187 830 ELEGANT Stanhope, with rubber Urea, at half price. Also wire wheel runabout, with cushion tires and ball bearings. A big snap for someone. Johnson Sc Dan forth. 8. W. Cor. loth and Jones Sts. -- P-fca6 FOR SALE Fine saddle horse. Inquire Rome Miller, Her Grand hotel. P 690 U FINE big work mare; heavy Concord har ness on good terms. 43d Bt. and Center. P 81 PRINTING PPINTtWn MEMORIAL CARDS; ar rKlINIliNU II. tic designs, 8. E. Cor. LYNGSTAD11 8t ud c',u'LlJ' BUSINESS CHANCES WORTH $f.,uv-Wlth $1, additional rx peits will near $3,vJv annuwny; investi gate this. Box (, York, Neb. Y-M709 1$ IF YOU want to buy, sell rent or exchangs real estate or busmnas QUICK see Com p-ton- atta Co., Ut I an ton Blk. Y Ho PARTY owning a large and rapidly growing business of in yeais standing In tills rlty doslres to place some ol i.im stock on guai- r. t , .r ,-,if r1tvlilr,i rr annum payalue semi-annually. Addieas I'N, Bee. M-ROOM boarding house f ir sale: desirable location. Addiess 13U, care Bee. Y-M1A8 H12 BOARDING house at a bargain, 11 rooms, close In. Owner vlng city. 61) N. lth. 1 M5A 61JX WE have run two of the most successful general stores In southeastern Neb. for several years, with storks staple, clen and well kept in fact, thu largest stores and sales In either town, with llbernl profits. After a recent sickness ol 90 days and other business plans, we will sell either or both stores for rash, or not over H cash, bal. clear Neb. land. Stocks will Invoice about $12,00( each. These are safe, well paying Investments for live business man. Address 131, !-. Y-348 FOR BALES Restaurant and confectionery In good town of about 850; good lunch counter In connection. A snap if taken at one. Address A 18 care Be. Y 471 11 FOR SALE A first class Jewelry and sta tionery slock In a good northeastern Ne braska town that has 2.000 Inhabitants. Will be sold cheap for cash If taken at once. For further particulars write to J. P. Falter, Plattsmouth, Neb. Y 40 13 FOR SALE Old established book, station ery and news business, In tnrlvmg town In southwest Iowa; a bargain If taken In thirty dava. Address Beecher A Miller, Creston. la. Y 6S8 13 BLACKSMITH SHOP for sale in eastern Nebraska. Leading shop In town; mod ern; two set of tools; gasoline engine nnd trip hammer; doing good business. For sale cheap If taken soon; tired of busi ness. Address A 23, care Bee. Y 612 12 FOR 8ALE Cheap, my butcher shop and fixtures, or fixtures alone; everything as ?:ood ss new and first-class; a good pay ng business, but haven't got the lime to devote to it. Address A 61, Bee. Y S30 13x FOR SALE By owner at Ord, Neb., a good building and best location, with bar fixtures therein; now renting for $30 per month. Address Postofflce Box 211, Ivong mont, Colo. Y 538 17x FURNISHED aHOTEL, modern Improve ments for sale or rent. Bevlns & Reese, Corning, la. Y M645 14 DENTAL office partner wanted; good prop osition to the right man with a little money. A f3, care Bee. Y 619 llx FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PULLEYS AND COUNTER SHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 20 pulleys, from 6 Inches to 48 Inches in diameter; 3 counter shafts, complete. These are all In first-class condition. W. H. Bridges, engineer,' Bee Bldg. Q 113 FOR BALE Two life scholarships on Omaha business colleges. Address Dwlght Williams, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. Q-839 FOR SALE, about fifty feet ornamental galvanized Iron cornice and ornamental Iron posts, suitable for show window. Ap ply superintendent Bee Bldg. y M83S FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 8. loth St., Omaha. Q 939 COMPLETE line new and Id-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q 840 2D-HAND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Far nam. Q 041 $350 BUYS good runabout automobile, guar anteed In good running order; original cost $350. Address 1407 Harney Bt. Q-942 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Sherman St McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 943 CHEAP chtcksm fence, long fir timbers and telephone poles. 901 Douglas. Q 944 MTLCH COWS on easy terms. 43d and Center. Q 633 SFCOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain in steam fittings call and look over the following supplies: 1.8-Inch Austin horizontal separator. 1.8-Inch Austin's horizontal separator. 1 4-Inch Austin's vertical separator. These have been taken out on account of changes In our steam plant and are in good condition. Address Bee Building Co.. or see W. H. Bridges, engineer, Boe Bldg., Omaha. Q 632 FOR SALE One large sldeboe.rd. 14U Sherwood Ave. Q 607 11 FOR SALE Marsh Motorcyle In first-class running condition; a bargain, $50. Gus Gocke, York, Neb. Q 45 14x LOST AND FOUND BLACK cow, white face; suitable reward If returned to 2616 Poppleton Ave. Lost 653 PI BETA PHI fraternity pin. (arrow). Kate Heacock, (name on back), Friday on Georgia Ave. Please return to 1136 Geor gia Ave. Valuelaaa except to owner. Lost 733 llx LOST Near corner 19th and Harney pair nose eyeglasses. Please telephone L. E. Best, No. 1748 or No. 120S. Lost MS31 12x LOST Ladles' gold watch; Initial C. Ixst between Fnrnam and Cuming on lilth. Return to 1903 Farnam. 15 reward. Lost S 42 12x LOST iOG, small white poodle, male; an swers to nnme of "Babe;" strayed from Orpheum theater Monday afternoon; re ward for return or any Information. Bchepb, Orpheum theater. LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co., main fl., N. Y. Life. Phone 133. 9X9 J. M. Macfarland, 304 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1652. 9 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 616 N. Y. bldg. TeL 1664. -117 MRS. JOHN R MU8ICK., Osteopathy Phy sician; office, Neville Blk. Tel. 2hiJ. -Ill GOVERftMEST NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR RESURVEYS AND surveys in Rock and Brown Counties, Ne braska Department of the Interior, Auguat 26, lis. Sealed propoaals will lie received at the General Land Otflce, Washington. D. C, until 2 o'clock p. 111 on Saturday, October 14, 19uu, for reaurveylng and mak ing in accordance with the requirements of the Manual of Surveying Instructions of 190.', by suitable monuments the stundard, meander, township and section lines, as also for surveying and marking the metes and bounds of any and all bona fide claims of present owners and school sectiona in 32 full townships situate In the Counties of Itock and brown, In the State of Ne bruska, as authorised by the act of Con fciva approved March 3. 1! (33 Statea. pt. 1. p. 107), which reads as follows: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the United States of Amer ica in Congress Aaaembled: That the Sec retary of the Interior be and and la hereby authorized to cause to, be made a resurvey of townahips twenty-five, twenty-alx. twenty-seven and twenty-eight north, range seventeen; townships twenty-five, twenl six, twenty-seven and twenty-eight north, range eighteen, townahlpa twenty-five, twenty-alx, twenty-seven and twenty-eight north, range nineteen; townahlpa twenty five, twenty-alx. twenty-seven and twenty eight north, range twenty; townships twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven and twenty-eight north; range twenty-one; townships, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty reven and twenty-eight north, range twenty-two; townships twenty-five, twenty-six. twenty-seven and twenty-eight north, range twenty-three, and townships twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven and twenty-eight north, range twenty-four west of the sixth prlncliial meridian, situated In the Counties of Rock and Brown, in the State of Ne braska; and all rules and regulations of the Interior Department requiring peti tion from all settlers Of said counties, ak Ing for resurveys and agreement to abide by the result of tha same so far as these lands are ooncerned, are hsrsby abrogated. GOVERNMENT NOTICES Provided, that nothing heietn riitiilnr. shall b s construed as to In i nr ti e present bona fide rlnlm of any a. iual o,-. rupent of any of mi1 landa s "-.-'ipird. Provided, further. tht before an v irvey Is ordr d It shall he made t.. an,. ,,r (;( the Secretary r.f the Interior that u,,. f,,r. mr omrlal survey of snld land , u. accurate or obliterated as to rr ske It neces sary to survey the land, and onlv sum parts of the land where the survey Ij Inac-urate or obliterated shall l e ? 1, . yeved Th" ren,mlte reurve, nnd sur veva of -neteti and bo-.md. of nil eisitp claims of actual occupants, together mtii the mr'ea and hiund of Si-h,... sections, to I executed In compliance with speclM ration and Inst r-jct 1'tia and exlpttng of!l rlnl surveying regulations. Pro'.ioanlB for xrutlng the . reaurveys and Hiire.s of llrta ft j.wlatln -1 I n a nin.t b . . , "' - - - ........ r,.-W UlLlUllf 1 In the rstea j-r mlie the pn-parntion of the plata of the resurveys in tr'ptlc.ite and tha I field notes In duplicate, the metes and tM'iinrtN or claims and school secMon. and their Intersections with the line, of rraiir vey, to be Indicated on the plats and u. scribed In the field notes The rates (,f rioc:ie to l allowed for the field and ofll e work will not h In excess of Ji p. r mile for standard and meander lines. $7 for township lines and $5 for section lilies Including lines of claims and connections Cotiles of the specifications relative to th resurveys and survey of lines of existing rlalms will 1e furnished bidders on appli cation to the Commissioner of the General I jrnl I V -..-,.... Tt l 1-.. .1. " " - ' " "I-1"'!. V 1-CII ('I I posal must tie accompanied by a certldc 1 check for $..nn. Proposals will be consld ered only from practical and experienced surveyors of acknowlede.'-d ability and In tegrlty, evidences of which from responsi ble parties must be submit If A with re spective bids The party or parties to whom the contract or contracts may b awarded will he required to execute the wora in his tor theirl own proper ners n or persons." with such assistance as rosy oe neressary. t'roposnis must he enclosed In envelopes and marked "Proposals for resurveys and surveys In Rock and Brown counties. In the State of Nebraska." and addressed to "The Commissioner of tho General Land Office. City of Washington. . C." The right to relect anv and ail bids Is reserved. J. II. FIMPLE. Actln-t Commissioner. 8 7-8-13-14-16-19 PROPOSALS FOR BUILDINOS.-DE-partment of the Interior, office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C. August 21, l sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for Office Buildings, Pine Ridge and Clieyennj River Agencies, 8. D.," and addressed to the commissioner of Indian affairs, Wash ington, D. C, will be received at the In dian office until 2 o'clock p. m. of Septem ber 28. l:06. for furnishing materials and labor required to construct and complete an agency office building at Pine Ridge Agencv, S. D., and at Cheyenne River Agency, d. D., In strict accordance with the plant, specifications and Instructions to bidders, which may be examined at this office, the offices of the "Improvement Buletln," Minneapolis, Minn.; the "Bee," Omaha. Neb.; the "Nebraska State Journal," Un coln. Neb.; the "Argus-Leader," Sioux Fails. 8. D.; at the U. 8. Indian warehouses, 23 South Canal street, Chicago, 111.; in Wooster street. New York City: 602 South Seventh street. St Louis, Mo.; 8!5 Howard street, Omaha. Neb., and 23 Washington street, San Francisco, Cal.; the Builders' and Traders' exchanges at Minneapolis. Minn.; St. Paul, Minn.; Milwaukee, Wis.; Omaha, Neb.: Duluth, Minn., and Fargo, S. D. ; tho Northwestern Manufacturers association, St. Paul, Minn., and at tho agencies. For further Information apply to John R. Brennan, U. 8. Indian Agent, Pine Ridge. S. D . and to Ira A. Hatch, U. 8. Indian Agent, Cheyenne Agency, 8. D. C. F. Larrabee, Acting Commissioner. Aug24-29-Sl-Sept2--7--12-14 RAILWAY TIME CARD VNIOIf STATION TENTH AND MARCY. Caloa Pa el a e. Leave. Anire. Overland Limited a 8:40 am a 818 pm California Express a 4:10 rm 9:80 am California A Oregon Ex.a 4:20 pm a S 10 pm North Platte Local a 7:60 am a 6:20 pm Fast Mall a 8:86 am a 1:20 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7:44 am Beatrice Local b 1:15 era b 1:10 pm WlMIS, St. Louis Express 4:30 pm 1:20 am Bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) 1:18 era 10:30 pm Shenandoah Local (from Council Bluffs) 6:46 pm 110 pra Chicago, Haok Ialaa ractflo. BAST. Chicago Limited a 1:18 arn a 7:18 am Chicago Express a 7:36 am a 8 60 pm Chicago Ex., Local bll:40 am a 4:30 pm Dps Moines Express. ...a 4.30 pm bll:50am Des Moines Local 4 t:Si pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:40 pra a 1:16 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Llm'd. a 7:24 am a I SO am Colorado Express a 1M pm a 4:6a pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex.a 4:30 pm all:40 am Colorado Night Ex....-. 1:66 am a 7:26 am Chicago, Milwaukee It. Paml. Chicago Daylight Ex... a 76 am all:00 pra California-Oregon Ex. ..a 6:46 pm a 8:10 pm Overland Limited a 8:1a pm a 1:36 am llllnola Central. Chicago Express a 7:26 am al0:36 pm Chicago Limited a 7:60 pra . :M am Minn. A St. Paul EX....D 7:36 am ol6:83 pm Minn. A Bt. Paul Ltd... a 7:60 pm a 8.U5 pm Mtesoart Paella. St, Louis Express a 8:00 am a f .10 am K. C. & St. L. Ex ,all:16 pm a 6.VU pm Chicago at Nortavstvatersx, Local Chicago ail:30 am 1 pm Fast Moil .-.a :2a pm i:K am Daylight St. Paul a J;6r vo 10:00 pm Daylight Chicago a 8:tA.am 11. W pm Limited Chicago a 8:38 pm 9:16 am Local Carroll a 4:au -m 1:60 am Fast St. Paul a s:Z!.pm 7:06 am Local Sioux C. A St- P. o 3:60 pm 1:36 am Kaat Mali 1:60 pm Chicago Express a, 6 :60 pm a 7:30 am Norfolk A Boueateel ....a 1M im 10:86 am Lincoln A Long Pin ...l 7:10 am 10:86 pm Casper A Wyoming 2:66 pin 6:16 put Dead wood A Llnoolu ....a 1:6C pm 6:16 pm Hastings-Albion b 2:60 pm 6:16 put Des M. A Okobojl fcx... 7:56 am a M put Chicago Great WOatersu St. Paul Minn.. a 8:80 pm a 7:18 am St Paul at ainiu a am a. i: put f-hlcaxo Limited a :UB pm alu:) am CuiuatfO Impress a 6:06 am a 1.83 pm Bt'RLIKQTON STATION IOTH A MASOt UnrllaatSB, Leave. ' Arrive. Denver A California a 4:10 pm a 1:80 pm Northwest Express ....all:10pm a :08 pm Nebraska points a 8:60 am a 7:0 pm Lincoln Fast Mall.......b 2:57 pm a 12.1 pm Ft. Crook & Flattsrr. th.h I 61 pm alV ftu am Bellevue Piatum'th..a 7:60 pm b 1:3. .n Bellevue A Pac. Juno....al2:15 pm Bellevue Pac. June. ..a am ........... Denver Limrted .-'i "-' 7:10 Chicago Special a 7: am Chicago Expreaa a 4:u0 pm a 1:66 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm a 7:26 pm Iowa Local -ls " 18 Pm Ht Louis Express a 4:4 pm ail JO am Kanaaa City A St. Joe..al0:46 pin a 6:46 am Kansas City St. Joe..a 8:15 am a :06 pm Kansas City St. Joe. a 4:46 pm WEBSTER DEPOT-UTH at WE BITE It Missouri Facia. Nebraska Local, via ueava. Arrive. WwlnV Water b 10 pm bl2:50 pm Chicago, St. rasl, Mlaaeapolls A Omaha Twin City Passenger. ..b 1:10 am b 8:10 pm Sioux City Pasaenger...a 1:00 pm all:20am Oakland Local o s:4 pm b 8.10 am Emerson Local c 8:45 am c 8:00 pm a dally b dally except hunay 1 daily except Saturday, o Sunday only, dally except Monday. OCEAN STEALERS ALLAN LIK1 ROT AL MAIL STBAMIRS MONTREAL to LIVBRPOOL, WatSly sailings St. Lawr.nca kouia. Shortest. imooihtH and moat pMarMrjua. NEW FAST TI UBINK TRIPLE SCREW KTfcAMEAS Victorias" nl "Vlrglnlaa"-It WW tona aaca. TWIN SCREW OTKAMEKS Tualalan" aad "Batartan" luo W11 aaca. Appir to aur " snt. ' ALLAN CO.. 174 JACkON BLVD.. CHICAGO. ALL RIGHT BUT THE FACTS Vara Pmbllshed by Omaha Sheet De nied by Chief of Deteo tlvea Duaa. Referring to a story that appeared In one of the Omaha Sunday papers regarding a demand made on the Bchlanke Bros, for 1' 000. Chief of Detectives Dunn of tha f police station denied that he was given lha money to hold, that he made it known In certain quarters that the money, would ba on hand at a roadhouse In Council Bluffs and that he placed a cordon of detectives around the said resort for the purpose of apprehending th alleged blackmailers. Chief Dunn says he had a few detectives In the vicinity of tha roadhoua at tha tlin of the recent Pt Crow excitement, but took no cogntcane whateVaf 4tX lbs -call holdup Utter. i