THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER" 12, ltHJo." at it GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Feature of iU Trad U ft letter Prloa for Wbetu GOVERNMENT MONTHLY REPORT ISSUED la Vary Bfarlih oh Cora, bat Con sidered a Stand-Oft Other Gratae Estimate of tha Russian Crop. OMAHA, Sept It, 19"5. The government monthly report came out today. It wit decidedly bearish on corn, forecasting a crop of 2,6:4,ouo bushels. Some traders considered the wheat report slightly bumsn. but the majority said It was a stand-ofT. Spring wheat was made (.Ow.OO busnels less than last month, corn HOmtMJ bushels more and oats 6,imi,upQ buaheis less. It had the effect of making the wheat mar ket strong. Liecern tier wheat was up lc. Valentine hub a ion line ot wheat and no great de cline Is looKvd for until he lets loosu. oeptemoer closed at 824c, Decern bar at 834o Corn was tirm. September finished 634c, old September at L3ic. Dirrml.r 43y434o, oid December at 4&4c and May at 434c. Oats showed a little higher tendency after the government report. September closed at 26c, December at 274i724o and May at 4o. Liverpool closed 44d lower on wheat and unchanged to 4d higher on corn. The market had reports of continued heavy exports from Russia and beneficial 'rains i . e Punjab and Rajputana dlstiiots of i rimary receipts or wheat today were 1.410.UJO bushels, and shipments 617,0(0 ousneis, against receipts last year of 1.7M.0IO bushels and shipments of 615.00 bushels. Corn receipts today were 7360 Dusneis and shipments 513,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 954,000 bushels ewm snipm-nts or 49,f" bushels. Clear ar.ces were 20,000 bushels of wheat, 71.000 bushels of corn, 96,000 bushels of oats, and ,v"i Darreia or flour. Worlds wheat shipments for the week were 10.088,000 bushels, against 9.664.J uusneis the we'k before. Corn shipments were 4,i6,(iO bushels, against 4.256 C"i bush els the week lefore. Wheat on passage is J2.S68.000 bushels, a decrease of 1.728.0uO bushels. Corn on passage Is 19.266,000 bush els, a decrease of 600,000 bushels. Broom ha 11 gives the following prelimi nary estimate of the Russian crop: Winter wheat, 192,000,000 bushels, against 294.oou.0n0 bushels last year; spring wheat, 33(i.000,0)0 bushels, against 46O.0O.0uo bushels last year; rye, 621,0"O,000 bushels, against 'J0,0fO,m bushels iast year; barley, 272,400.000 hush Is, against 328.O0fl.0OO bushels Inst year. Crowe, of Winnipeg estimates the wheat crop of the Canadian northwest at R6.0no.oo0 buaheis. which is (. 600.000 bushels under the estimate of the Manitoba grain dealers. Advices from the northwest tell of In creased receipts of wheat at Interior points and of large estimated movement with favorable weather. Receipts at Mln . neapolls and Duluth for the week were J.434 cars, compared with 1.968 cars, the previous week and 1,977 cars last year. A few of the elevators In the southwest and Kansas are beginning to ship their surplus to make room for future receipts. This condition Is not general, as other elevators are moderately stocked. Receipts at Kansas City and St. Ixniis for the week were 160.000 bushels less than the previous week, but 90,000 bushels more than last year. Omaha Cash Kales, WHEAT No. S hard. 1 car, 75Vg: 1 car, 74c. CORN No. yellow, 2 cars, 494c; No. 3, 1 car, 49 Vic. Omaha Cash Prices, WHEAT-No S hard. 77fiV; No. I hard. TP'fTnc; No. 4 hard, Ttxij74c; No. 3 spring. 78c. CORN-No. 2. 494c; No. 8. 494e; No. 4. 4c; No. 1 yellow, 44c; No. 3 yellow, 494c; No. 3 white, 494c; No. 3 white, 494c; no grade, 42-f?46c. OATS No. 2. 244c; No. S. 24c: No. 4. tic; ' No-. 2. white. 244c; No 3 white. 244c; stand ard, 24Vo. C'arlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. 4fl 114d. "futures, quiet; September, 4s94d; December, 494d; January, 4a 34d. CHICAGO GRAI1 ASD PROVIMOS. Prices ota Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Sent. 11. Official announce ment of a big shortage of wheat In Russia strengthened the wheat market here tod.iy. The December delivery closed nraetloallv lc up. Corn up 4lJ4c. Oats are practically unchanged. Provisions are down 2c to 124c 1 he wheat market orened firm and after early trading advanced, additional strength developed. At the last the December op tion was unchanged to 4c higher at 824c to 2c. Tit traders and commission houses were fairly active bidders The demand was due largely to a report made by a statistical committee appointed by the Rus sian government which showed a shortage of 12.Hf.ooO bushels In winter wheat as compared with last year's total. In spring wheat the deficiency was estimated at 12-1.-".Ou0 bushels. The effect of these figures was to completely offset the depressing Influence of lower quotations at Liverpool and neutralise the market effect of clear weather northwest. Another bullish factor was a report from New York claiming that a fair amount of wheat for export had tieen taken. The government report was as about had been generally expected. The market closed strong with prices at the highest point of the day. Elnal quotations on December were at 834c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 3"6,(i0 bushels. The amount on passage decreased 1.72s,ooo bushels, and the visible supply in creased 497.01-0 bushels. Primary receipts were 1,210.000 bushels, compared with 1.199. 000 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 714 cars, against 128 cars a year ago. The corn market was a trifle easier early In the session as a result of clear weather throughout the corn belt. Liberal local re ceipts was an additional bearish influence. Later In the day shorts covered moderately on the upturn In wheat, causing a slight advance. The market closed firm with f rices at the highest point of the day. ecember opened 4c lower at 4"t"se. sold between 43fj434c Rnrt 434-!?4.14c, and closed at 4a4?.4c I,ocal receipts were S2 cars, with 4-9 cars of contract grade. Oats were steady in sympathy with other grain A good export demand was snother Important factor. December, opened 4c lower at 274c, sold tip to 27 and closed at 27t4-&274e. Ixcal receipts Tere 471 cars. Trading In provisions was of extremely small volume. Sentiment In the pit was somewhat bearish following a 6-cent de cline In the price of live hogs. Leading ongs were credited with some selling of lard. At the close January pork was off 24o at $12,324 Lard wss down 6o at 16.824. Ribs were 10c3124c lower at 36 40. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 83 cars; corn, 727 cars; oats, 391 cars; hogs, .ono head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Chicago 64 m 471 Kansas City 316 63 13 Minneapolis 666 ... ... Omaha 26 48 4 Duluth 96 6t. Loula 106 67 110 Minneapolis Grain Market. Euperlor quotations for Minneapolis de livery. The range of prices, as reported br the Edwards-Wood company, 110-111 Hoard of Trade building, was: Artlcles.l Open. I High.l Low. Close.) Safy. Wheat I I Sept.-. 04 81 I 04 8fl 804 Dec... f4 81 804 81' 8n4 May.. .63434' 644I 834 344 34 Articles ! Open. Hlgn. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat Pept. Dec. May Corn tSept. )8ept. tDec. tDec. May Oats Sept. Dec. May Pork Sept. Oct. Jan. Lard Jan. Sept. Oct. Nov. R lbs Sept. Oct. Jan. 814 824-V 854'tf 4344; 264 274 361 634 534'3"4 6341 634 44441 46'' !'V43Va 434 26 274 814) 4 j, 804 8241 8341 8.'4 864 854fcSt;S54fc4 I I 15341 6341 6341 634l 44V! 454! 434 ru , 43VS'4 5.34 634 294S4 234 ""m" ii'65' 13 274 12 324 85 6 83 7'65-' "j'is" 7 474 7 474 "8 '674 "'624 3 36 6 40 434 431 2B41 2fi 274i274g4l 2941 V4j 15 00 14 or. 12 324 6 824 7 614 7 64, 7 45 8 85 8 K24 40 14 56 12 274 824 7 574 7 424! 8 65 6 35 45 434 434 254 274 294 15 00 14 75 12 35 7 Go 7 70 7 60 6 874 8 85 8 624 6 40 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Eemaioi Under the Ehadow of th koiej Bitiation. BANK OF GERMANY ADVANCES RATES Contest of Forelga Banks for Fasti Affects Trading; on Wall Street Valaea Are Generally bower. NEW YORK, Sept. 11. -The stock market remained under the shadow of the money situation today. The principal event of the day In the world' market was the absence of the official discount rate of the Imperial Rank of (icrniany from 3 to 4 per cent. It was generally expected that after the rise in the Hank of Kngland rate, the Ger man institution would raise the rate, but the advance of a full 1 per cent was not fully expected. The Incident Is a movement In the in ternational contest for funds now develop ing among the worlds money markets. Th great foreign banks seem to desire to accumulate reserves in preparation for large government and other loans to be floated. It Is clear that they will have to contend with pressure from New York to obtain additional fnnds in order to do this. Probably the action of the English and the Oerman banks Is partly a defensive measure against New York's demand. It did not prevent a further Quite violent In foreign exclanige rates here In York, which carried the tirlce nf sterling within measureable distance of the rate at which gold could be engaged for import at a profit. It is expected that before that rate is touched furth er nbstn- cles will be Interposed in foreign markets. The price of gold was advanced in the Ixmdon market as one such obstacle. Opinions In the banking community differ aa to the likelihood of an early Inward movement of gold. The unprecedented loan contraction re vealed by Saturday's bank statement con tinued the subject of Interested discussion and the field was Industriously canvassed to discover special operations which may be held to account for the astonishing figures. It Is believed that holdings by an underwriting syndicate of railroad bonds hnve been transferred In large volume abroad either for delivery to purchasers or to hold with funds borrowed In foreign markets. The week opens with a further large absorption by the suhtreasury. and all re ports point to the activity of business In all lines and the enormous movement of grain and merchandise over the rails. The drain of currency to the interior is cer tain, therefore, to continue for several weeks yet. It was this discouraging pros pect which carried prices downwards through early dealings today. The lack of urgency In the selling and some very large Individual buying of a few stocks of an impressive character held the bears in check and the market set about a dull re covery about midway of the session. The government crop report had its part In this, the condition both of corn and spring wheat being regarded aa fully holding the firevlous promise. Some positive strength n Canadian Pacific. St. Paul and Smelting and a notable absorption of Krle had a strong sympathetic effect on the recovery. Prices were carried very generally above Saturday night, and the closing, while Bllghtly Irregular, was at a higher level. Honds were easy. Total sales par value. $1,625,000. Vnited States bonds were all un changed on call. The following was the range Of prices on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. High. Low. Close. were very firm. Jspan U.-4 were quoted at I164. Imperial 6a of WEATHER IX TTIE GIIAIX BELT Fair and the Cooler ehedole. OMAHA, Sept. 11, 1905. Showers occurred within the last twenty four hours in the lower Missouri, middle and lower Mississippi valleys and west gulf states, and rains were general In the Ohio valley and Lake region, and continue In the lower lake region and eastern states tiila morning. The weather Is generally clear In the central valleys this morning and la fair throughout the west. Temperatures are higher in the Missouri valley and west, but are lower In the north west and will be lower in the central val leys by Tuesday. omena retort! ot temperature and precipitation, compared with the corre sponding day ot the laat three years: . 1906. 1904. I. 1902. Minimum temperature.... 62 60 67 60 Precipitation 00 . 48 . 02 . 00 Normal temperature for today, 65 de ' trees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 7.23 inches. iMiiLienc-y corresponding period In 1904. I.ta incnes. hlvcvKS corresponding period 4.30 Incbaa. OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp Rain. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches, In 1903, Ashland, Neb. Auburn, Neb.... Columbus, Neb.. Falrbury, Neb... Fairmont. Neb.. Ga. Island, Neb. 81 64 S3 M 81 80 Hartlngton. Neb,. 80 Oakdale, Neb "8 Omaha. Neb M Tekamah, Neb... 83 Carroll. Ia 78 tlarlnda. la...... 86 Sibley, la 80 ' Sioux City, la ... w Storm Lake, la.. 80 DISTRICT 68 66 67 65 67 00 68 6K 65 66 M 66 62 61 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 AVERAGES. No. of -Temp 8luttons. Max. Mln. Sky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Foggy Clear Clear Clear Central. Chicago. Ill 29 72 ti Cvlunibus,' 0 1 70 62 Dee Moines, la... 14 is M Indianapolis. Ind.. 11 73 62 Kansas City, Mo.. 14 . SO 63 Minneapolis. Minn 2? 84 66 Omaha, Neb 18 82 66 ft. LviUa Mo II 78 62 1 .- - ". 1 . J Jbecal Forecaster. Rain. Inches .28 MO .01 l.'U .04 T .00 .30 L. A. WELSH, Weather Bureau. No. J. tOld. JNew. Cash ouotntlons were as follows: FLOUR Firm: winter patents. $3.803 4.20; atralghts, $38Oi4.10: spring patents. $4.6if 8.25: straights. $3 oCrtH.lS; bakers'. $2. 4Wi 3 .30. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 88'u9uc; No. 3, 85ft 87c; No. 2 red. 814SS2Vc CORN No. 2. 53Vc; No. 2 yellow, 64c. OATS No. 2. 2tic; No. 2 white, 28r29c; No. 3 white. 5Vffl284c. RYE No. 2. 62c. BARLEV-Good feeding, 373740; fair to ciMiii-e mailing, iitji inc. SEEDS-Flax No. 1. $165; No. 1 north em. $1.10. Clover, contract grade. $11.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $14.95-ff in. tw. ijira, per 100 ins., i .614. sides (looset, $s 56f8.80. Short (boxed). $8.759.00. Articles. - Receipts. Flour, bbls 22.200 Wheat, bu 66.000 Corn, bu 496.400 Oats, bu 5O7.0X) Rye. bu g.or-o Barley, bu 70.ono On the Produce exchange todav the butter market was firm; creameries, 17fe2o4c; dairies. 164G184C: eggs Arm at mark, cases Included. 164n; firsts. 18c: nrlma firsts, 20c; extras, 22c; cheese, firm, 11612c. Short rlhs clear sides Shipments. 61.400 67.COO 2SS.7 O 203.2O0 8.000 4.W Hew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 21,-MONEY-On call steady, 24U3 per cent; cluing bid. 24 per cent; offered at 24 P?r cent Time loans, steady; sixty day bills, 3$j4 per cent; ninety days. 4iy4' per cent, six months, 44J4 rr cent. TTtlME MERCANTILE PAPER 44S44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak with ac tual business in bankers' bills at $4,852"; 4 86 IS for demand and at $4 .'& 4 for sixty day bills; posted rates, $4 83414.84 and $48641.4. Commercial bills, $4 824514 824- SILVER Par. '.'c; Mexican dollars, 4.0. HONDS Government steady; railroad bonds easy. Closing quotations en bonds were as fol lows: V. t. rf Is rag.... 1044 o 14 series 4 do coupon L N. unified 4 .14 l' 8 ref 4 kUnhitttn e. (old 10114 do coupon It Mi. Central 4t 81 U. g. nw 4 rs dn lit Isr ii do coupon iui Minn a St. 1 M . "t 4 reg. Adams Express Amal. Copper 42.500 Am. Car & Foundry 2.0(0 300 .. 30 2'10 ..26.2O0 , 2.200 81 4 364 101 794 35 1004 484 1124 127 1224 1374 10.14 JOS4 894 1044 1624 111 474 1114 i2 SEW YORK flKHEIIAl MARKET Quotations on Varlona of the Day Commodities. NEW YORK. Sept. 11 FTrI'TtPeceir,t- 43.361 bbls.; exports. 7.30O bbls.: market quiet and about steady; winter patents, $4.254.75; winter straights, $4.0or(i-4.15; Min nesota patents, $4.7f&6.26; winter extras, 32.85S 35: Minnesota bakers, 33.tloii4.00; win ter low grades, $Z.753 30. Rye Hour, steadv; fair to good, $3.SOa4 26, jpot and to arrive; choice to fancy, $3.754.40, spot and to ar rive. RYE Firm; No. 2 western, 6D4c, c. I. f. 4 c w 1 urn. nnL.r.i oteaay; teeding. 34c, c. WHEAT Receipts, 3.000 bu- exports, 7.999 bu.; spot market Arm; No t red, 74c elevator; No. 2 red, 894c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 9l5,c to ar rive f. o. b. afloat. The market was gen erally firm all day. mainly on bull support from Chicago, which offset the big western receipts, easy cables, bearlxh government report and fine weather west. The clime showed 4tflc net advance. Mav. 894g904c closed 84c; September. 87 6-l:'(jS.Sc. closed 68c; December, 874'QS8c, closed at 884e CORN-Recelpts, 121.475 bu.: exports, ' 66. 699 bu.; spot market steadv; No. 2 elevntor 6i4c and 604c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 vellow aoe; No. 2 white, 61c. Option market was quiet but steady, with wheat closing partly 4c net higher. May 494j494c. closed at 494c; September closed at 694c; December 5146520. closed at 62c. OATS Receipts. 410,000 bu ; spot market steady; mixed oats, i to 8? pounds 3n "4c; natural white, 30 to 32 pounds' si S2c; clipped white, 36 to 40 pounds, 34a35c fiAi- iviet; snipping, ontitiuc; good . 8"0 . 200 . l',306 27,200 100 400 2,40 200 'soO GuO 600 '306 ..109,600 2.8"0 2,100 MO 300 1.2O0 200 64 36 214 1774 884 99 'i 42 274 404 182 2174 844 424 61 83 764 180 91 1764 204 80 137 994 184 8Ni 104 161 1104 6T-4 1684 634 Choice. 75v24c. to St. Lonla General Market. ST. LOUIS. Sept; 11. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red. cash, elevator, 82ft84c; on track, r44584c; September, 79c: December, 8141 814c; No. 2 hard, aJSoSc. CORN Higher; No. i cash. 624c; on track. 634o; December. 414x1414c; May. 41So. OAT8 Higher; No. 2 cash. 26c; on track. fc4f(27c; Decemher, 364c; May. 284c; No. 2 white, Iyn294c. FLOUR Vju let; red . winter patents. $4 10 &; extra fancy and straight. $3.66-jj4 0E; clear. $3.1tpS.So. SEED Timothy, steady: $3,003 .46. CORNMEL Steady, 2.0. BRAN tjulet; sacked east track. 36c. HAY-Study; timothy. $o.0txa-Vi.60; prairie, 16 tiiti 60. IRON COTTON TIES-990. BAGGING 84c. HEMP TWINK-84C. - PROVISIONS Pork Steady ; Jobbing. f;!10. I-srd: Istffr; pflin im, 7 41.4. Dry salt meats: Steady: boxed extras, shorts, $824; clear ribs, $0 00; Short clears, $ 26. Racon: Steadv; boxed extra shorts, $9.50; clear ribs, $7; short clear, $10,00. POl'LTRY-Firmers turkeys, 134c; chick ens. 104c; springs, 12c; ducks. &u9c; geese, $oc. Bl'TTFR Steady; ' creamery, lf32?e; dairv. 14lTc. EGGS Firm; l4c. case count Receipts. Shipments. ,, 13." 16(J U4 (") 86.0KJ , 7.ti SA.On'O 1U.0UO $.0U Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. . Oats, bu. . Toledo teed Market. TOLEDO. O.. Sept. 11 SEEDS Clover. October, $6 60 asked; December. $"60; Jan- $6624. Prima alsike, $... aaaoq uary, $6 624- Prime prime timothy. $1.7u. LlyrsMul ti rain Market. LIVER POO fl Bepu. 11 WH EAT 8 pot, steadv; No. 1 red steri winter. 41. Futures, oulet; September. 6i4J. Decem ber is 7V1. CORN Spt quiet; American mixed. HOPS Quiet; stste common to choice 1906. 2xtf25c; 1904. 17"f33r; olds. KxfflV Pa. cine coast, 19t4. 16fi22c; 19u3, nomlnal;'olds 10i?12c, . HIDES Quiet: Galveston. 20 to '5 lbs 20c; California. 21 to 25 lbs.. l4c: Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs.. 184c. ' " LEATHER Firm; acid. !4'526c. PROVI8IONS-Hef, firm; family 111 Hft fi'12 00: mess. $9 50.J10.00; beef hams. $31 rtVfr 22.60: packet, $!0.5vjjJJ.uO; elty. extra IndU iness. 18.uC0l9.on. Cut meats, steady nick led bellies, $9.26310.75; pickled shoulders $7.00-7.26; pickled hams. $11. Lard' steady; western steamed, $8; refined, steadv; continent $8 40: South America, JS.Oic com- round, t5.C244ji6.7S, Pork steadv; family I7.fx"il8 on; short clear, $14 5jj1o 60- mesa! $15 6(116.60. TALLOW-Steady; city, 44c; country, 44 44c. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra t4'04f: Japan, nominal. lll'TTER-t-FIrm; receipts. 7.599 pkgs Street price, extra creamery, 2tip214c. Oflt clal prices: Creamery, common to extra. l"1Tic: renovated, common to extra. 16.1 too; western factory, common to extra lR'tfKVc; western Imitation creamery, ex tras 194c; western firsts. 18tfl84c. CHEESE Firm; stste, full cream, small white, fajicy. 12c; state, fair to choice 1143114c; state colored, fancy, 12c; state fair to choice. U44Uc; state, large white and colored, fancy. 12c. EGGS Firm; , state. Pennsylvania and near by, fancv selected, white. 26ifi27c; state, choice, JfeS-Kc; state, mixed, extra, 24c; western, extra firsts, 21 & 22c; firsts. IOC. POl'LTRT Alive, firm; western chick ens, 14c; fowls. 144c; turkeys. 4c. Dressed Irregular; western chUkens. 12'813c; fowls) l&414c; spring turkeys, ligSSc. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. ll.-BCTTER-Flrm. 4'yle higher; extra western creamery 214'tic. extra nearby prints 23c. EGGS Steady, nearby fresh, loss off 23c; nearby fresh 22 at market; western fresh 214i.'2c at mark. CHEESE Firm. New York full cream 114iS4c. " Peorta Market. PEORIA. 111.. Sept. ll.-CORN-Steady; No. t yellow. 634c; No. t. 634c; No. 4. 624c: no grade. 61 4"- OATS-Strong; No. t white, 27c; No. 4 white. Sf.S.fjitc. . WHISKY On the basis of II 29 for fin ished goods. do pfd Atner. Cotton Oil. do pfd , American Express Amer. H. & L. pfd..... 800 8&4 8 Airier. Ice , Amer. Linseed Oil do pfd Amer. Locomotive do pfd Amer. S. A R. .... do pfd Amer. Bug. Refng... 3,500 Am. Toh. pfd ctf 400 Anaconda Mln. Co.... 800 Atchison IO.300 do pfd 2"0 Atlantic Coast Line.. 1.8no Baltimore & Ohio 4.4O0 do pfd Brooklyn R. T 12.400 6 Canadian Pac 15,2i0 165 Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago & Alton.:. do pfd Chicago & O. W... Chicago & N. W... C, M. & St. Paul... Chi. Ter. & Trans. do pfd , C, C, C. & St. L. Col. Fuel & Iron... Colo. & Southern.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do pfd Delaware & Hudson Del., U & West.... Denver & R. G do pfd Distillers' Securities Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central . Inter. Paper .... do pfd Inter. Pump ... do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd SO 64 I-ouls. & Nash 3,9ii0 1464 Manhattan L 5"0 164 Met. Securities 1,8' 4 Met. Street Ry 700 1274 Mexican Central .... 9u0 234 Minn. St. Ixiuls M., St. P. & B. S. M. 100 1354 1354 do pfd Missouri Pacific .... 8 800 1034 1024 Mo.. Kan. & Texas. 2,3m 344 S.14 do prd ' 7i's n4 National Lead l.nflO 46 454 N. R. R. of M , pfd. 1"0 34 3"4 N Y. Central 4.6m0 1464 1454 N. Y.. Ont. W.... 3.0-10 634 624 Norfolk & Western. 2 2"0 844 83 do pfd IM 9? p? North American .... 3'rt 974 974 PaclAo Mall 12"0 444 434 Pennsylvania 89.91 142 I404 People's Gas l.&m ln24 1014 Pitts.. C. C. & St. L. 200 81 84 Pressed Steel Car .. 400 424 42 do pfd KM 954 954 Pnllmnn Pal. car... Reading do 1st pfa do 2d pfd Republic Steel 4 2"4 204 di pfd 4"0 84 88 Rock Island Co 6.4) 32 314 do r'd ' '87 W Rubber Goods riii tifd St. L. & 8. F. td pfd St. L. Southwestern do nfd pacinc .... 240 804 a:4 lf4 28 904 225 36 27 17 89 4$4 liz 1244 1264 1214 rsi 20i 175" 884 99 41 274 34 182 215"' 34 414 484 814 74 180 90 1754 20 80 64 1444 1634 81 4 126 234 v a. oid do coupon Am. Tob. 4a cert. . do 4a cert Atrhlaon sen. 4 do adj. 4a Atlantic Coaat U B O. 4a do SHs Cent, ot Oa. t... do lat Inc.. do td Inc. Chra ft U. 4v,a .. I hu alo r A. 141 C , B. A Q. D. 4a f.. B. I. F. I do col. fia t o: t II L 1 t'hlcaso Tar. 4a. Colo. Midland 4a Colo. Southern 4a. Cuba 4a cert P a H O 4a Motilicra' Brrurlllta. Eria prior HcrK4a... do fen. 4a Ft. W. D C. la . Hurting Vallfjr 4Wa. Japan Ca t:ert Japan ta td aarlca. do 4t cert Offered. If4 M , K A T. 4s H'4 ...ins do la ... 7SH N R. R of M. c. 4a 14 ...114 N Y Central f. Ha P4 ...104'4N. J Central f. aa..1lS ... N. Paclc 4a 14 4a 1"1S do it V ...106 Nor. a Waat. e 4e. ..101VC ... t Orr.on 8 U rrg a. 7 14V Pcnn conr. St& ... Readlnf Ran. 4a lot ... aa st. 1. 4 1 M c (a 117H ...10TH Rt. L. 8 K. ff 4a. 4k ... ! St L a. W r 4a ... ...I0JS Seaboard Air Line 4a. a.) a.. 434 8. Paclftc 4a b4 ... 3 8. Raima; 6e lMaj 41.103 do lat 4a cert 17 ...49 Triae A P.cinc la ...124 ...IS T, St. L. W. to.. M 34 Vnlon PecWe 4a 106H 10F,k, do com. 4a 1J1W 101 V. R Hteal id ta H Wanaah la llH do deb. R fi Wratern Md. 4a 1U4 W & L K 4a.. Ill Wla Central 4a . 101 C0I1. Ind. ia, eet do aet B 0l .lia . 714 . raw . tn . 4, . 7S .. 70 Boston Storks and Bonds. BOSTON., Sept. 11 Call loans. 34(74 cent; time loans, 4'(44 per cent. Clos ? notations on stocks and bonds ollows: Atrhlaon ad). 4a... II (Allnuri do 4a 1024 Amalgamated . Vet Central 4a.... 7H eAmer. Zinc ... Atrhlaon 'H ! Atlantic dn pfd Wi lllngham mgr Hnaton Albanr..l&6 Boston A Maine 171 Horton Eletated ....IMS Meitcan Central ... IS 14 N Y., N. H. A H....tWI t'nloo PaclBo l! Amor. Arge. Cham.. 2i4 do pfd 4 Amer. Pneu. Tuba Amer. 8ugar do pfd A mar. Tel. A Amer. Woolen do pfd Dom. Iron A B Edison Eleo. A (leu. Electric . Maaa. Elec do pfd Maaa. uaa t'nlted fruit Vnited Shoe Macs.. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Weatlnghouaa com.. Adventure . Asked. "Bid Cahimrt A llecla. Centennial Copper Ranga Pair Weal dominion Ceal ... Franklla Oranbr lala Roral IW Maaa. Mlnlnx lliH'Mlrhlgan 137 Mohawk Tel. ...140 Montana C. A C... ISH oid Dominion .... 102 Oaoeola 30 (Parrot I11..JM Qulncy 171 .Shannon 16 Tamarark M jTrlnlty MUj'l'nlted Copper .... .101 I'. 8. Mining . TH V 8 Oil . lit Ctah . J6sj Victoria .102', Winona t M iWoifarlna . 4l .. " .. UN .. !1 .. SlUj . ,so -.243 .. 474 .. 74 .. 11 .. IH .. lt .. I .. aS .. 14 .. 36 .. H .. 2.H, ..101 .. 1 ..117 .. 4 .. li .. 441 .. 44 .. 101 ..li4 Londos) Closing Stocks, LONDON. Sept. 11. Closing quotations on the mock exchange were aa follows Conaola. money.. do account .... Anaconda AtcQlaon do pfd . , Bait. & Ohio .... Canadian Pacific (has A Ohio..,. Chi. Ot. West... C, M A 8t. P.. I)-Beers Den. A R. G ... do pfd Erlo do lat pfd do 2d pfd III. Central Loula. A N U.. K. A T M 1-16N. Y. Central ... ..! 15-11 Nor. A Weat.... bl do pfd II1 Ontario A West.. 1071 Pennartvanla .... 114 iRand Mlnea ....US Reading I" U1 .. 211 ..1811 .. 17'4 .. S41 .. II .. fOH .. H .. 71 ..I'll ..160, 4 do lat pfd .. do 2d pfd .. 3. Railway .. do pfd Union Pacific do pfd V. 8. Steel .. do pfd Wahaah did fli dpautah 4a . . .no '4 .. 41 .. (41 .. 721 .. 1 .. 401 .. 4T .. 47 .. 55 ..103 ..1324 .. Ml ..1061 .. 211 .. 421 .. 121 73.900 1184 1164 2"0 2ofi 7 2") l'rt 4. So) 100 4.9f 6U 24 6. , 664 1194 .V4 14 8ta. 364 234' 64 -'4 ll4 344 lornl 24 364 Dalath Grain Market. PUUTH.' Sept. 11 WH EAT On track. No. 1 northern. Sc: No. 2 northern. 81c; t arrive. No. 1 northern, 4c) No. 2 northern, 794c: Sptemtr old, 62c; Septeiiibt-r new. 78c: Decriiiber. 774c. OAT-Xu arrive and on track, M49 Southern do pfd Southern Ry do pfd Tenn. Coal and Iron. Texas A Pacific Tol , St. U & West. do pfd Vnlon Iaeinc , do pfd TT. 8 FXpress 1. H. Realty I'. S. Rubber do pfd V. 8. P'eel do nfd Va.-Caro. Chemical. do pfd Wsbash do pfd Wells-Fsrgo Em.... Westlnehouse Elec. Western Cnlon Vriieeiing A L. B.... W's. Central do pfd Northern Psrlflc .... Central leather .... do tM ginsa.phefaeld KT-dlvldend. Total sales of the day. 961.400 shares. 1374 p 1084 894 IO44 161 1117, 97 67 1654 2u6 634 86 78 21 210 1764 17 384 99 'a 41 274 60 40 1814 10 46 215 430 36 884 414 6O4 824 744 179 91 1754 20 794 26 82 26 64 2'-4 64 146 164 79 126', 234 69 131 1654 I034 344 71 44 37 1464 634 9)4 97 444 1414 l'24 80 474 9-.iJ 246 118 91 94 2(4 8S4 114 7 334 101 . 604 Z4 604 64 1194 33 104 844 364 SILVKR Bar. steadv. 28.d rer os. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 241524 per centi three months bills, 244I-4 per cent. tt York Mining- Stocks. NEW YORK, Sept. 11. Closing quotations on mining stocKS weie ns inuows: Adama Con. Alice Breeee Brunawlck Con... Comatork Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn Bllrer .... Iron Silver Leadvllle Con.... It 44 41 J ... 7 ...110 ...174 ...200 .... t Utile Chief Ontario , Ophlr I Potoel Baraga Sierra Nevada Kmell Hopea . Standard ... (2 ...200 ...67f ... I ... 16 ... 44 ... 31 ... 30 ...111 364 100 68 58 67 ,. 78.700 130 1284 1294 9 122 87 TOO 49 474 484 200 118 I." 107 44 110 364 34 JS4 22.209 109.4 1014 IO24 f,cn 294 284 294 no 1164 1054 log 800 2V4 S04 204 TOO 404 40 404 ro 16 944 944 944 V 17 17 IT ton 11 804 jraj f 694 I4 1.1O0 t"3 74 3074 1,900 414 40 404 20rt J044 1"4 1044 T'U 934 924 934 Farelga Flnaaelal. LONDON. Sept. 11 Money was In fair demand in the market today. Discounts were steady. Trading on the stock ex change was fairly cheerful In places al though dealings were meager, the mining settlement absorbing attention. The move, ments were Irregular. Consols and kindred securities were affected by the Increase la the Berlin bank rate, but recovered a frac tion at the close. Americans dropped gen erally on tbe monetary outlook in New York, became Inactive ana closed weak. Grand Trunk was buoyant on the trarBo IniTease. largely exceeding the estimates. Foreigners mostly were neglected. Japan ewe had a better tone and were houeM on the more peaceful news from Toklo Kaffirs bad 4 Lardanlos ttiuliir,i;jt, nhir-.ii, Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Sept. 11 Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the gen erul fund exclusive of the 3150.000,000 gold reserve snows: Available cash balance. 3131, 9.526; gold coin and bu Ion. 356.698.174 gold certificates, 337,499,760. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Sept. 11. Bank clearinsrs for to. day were 11,655.481.80. and for the corre sponding day last year. 31,422,370.10. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, SEPT. 11-WHKAT-Sep-tember, 764c: December, 754'(j754c: Mav 774c; cash. No. 3 hard. 77Walc: No. ' 76a7ic: No. 2 red. 8lc: No. 3. ,9wc. CORN September. 4S4'u4h4c; December, 884c: May. 38c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 494c; 284c; No. 2 mixed timothy, $9.00a).50; No. 2 white, 604t51c. OATS No. 2 white. 26ftj27c. MAi-nrm; choice prairie. 38.75W7.00. ttxt bleady at 60c. FXJG8 Firm: Missouri and Kinm now No. 2 whltewood cases Included. 17V.C case count, lhc; cases returned. 4c less. bill tn-r Irm; creamery. l9Wc! nanic. .. Recclpts.Shlnments Wheat, bu 440.000 . 2(17,0110 Corn, bu 65,fK 126 nOO Oats, bu 19.000 14!ooa OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beit Bttf 8teert Faily Bttt.T, Others Ltwer. rith HOGS SELL AT AI.UT STEADY PRICES Receipts of gheep sad l.aiubs Hearleet I Season, wltk KM ttvfl Dime to Fifteen (eats Lower ana Feeders tha Samo. SOVTH OMAHA, Sept. 9, It. Recefnta ur. .-itiw 1 nee flhi,n Ofhcial .Monday b.wio ..oO ma) swine uay last week 6.W4 U.vil bailie woek beiore 6,caj s.ui WiNt tniee weeks ago.. 6,i40 4.W.1 19.0 Same lour weens ago.... b.ili 4.U16 4.444 Same day last year i.ii 2,lo4 20,114 RKCElPi S FOrt THtC VICAR TO DAI K. ihe following utble shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dte, comparing with last year; ,. .., 1906. 1"4. Inc. tattle t,i.658 O6J.740 6i.91 Hogs 1 7;Ju 1KsSSt.ll hA.Ljk Sheep !i;o74.B67 '9-,ui 144. f) tha following laltl iiu.wa i:,a averuae Price Of hoSS at South Omaha f.lf the last several Uayt, with oomparisons: Date. I 116. Il9u4.il9u3.1902., 1901. 11900.11899. Aug. IS ... I i 4 6 011 I 36 4 68 I 77) 4 97 s mi a Aug. Aug. Aug. AUg. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. AU. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Brpl. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 6ept. etepl. Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. it. 17. 1.. 19.. 30.. 21.. 2.. 33.. 24.. 2a.. it... 28... 29... So... 81... 1... 2... I 3... 4... . sji,, 02, 14 4 01 ? , e m, t 811 I 001 4 44 4 31 4 3 4 41 4 60 6 921 4 Ml 6 Hi I 7J 4 He 6 894 6 10 i 111 T2i I 89 6 12; 6 If. I 79 S Ml I 08 5 4 I ' ioi ), 0 IS1 0 V-l 1 t W4l 02 6 3wi 6 67 1 i Oil 4 42 2 (1 6 914i 6 Oa! I 9S i Kit 4 H'l 4 41 t 914, 6 Mi 5 461 s 911 5 02i 4 42 6 80? 6 13 6 441 7 10 16 05 4 40 i iwsi 6 2 S 32 1 au t 97 I 4 3 S 14, 5 22, 7 W !" ' I 8O4! 5 82 7 261 00 I 02 , 4 40 6 83W! t 31 6 33, 7 IS W, 6 U2 4 43 6 764( 6 ibi I 7 2ii 6 11; 6 00 4 40 t 72 6 17 6 S3 6 12 6 05 4 17 6 62 I 6 13, 6 23 7 32 i 6 Ml 4 20 o 4 ... . . . 8... 9... 10.. 11.. 6 46 I 6 4.14 1 6 76i I 6 3641 6 24 I 6 3. 4- 6 21! I 6 3t4i 6 30! I 6 38 1 6 S 6 111 I 4 14 6 071 6 021 ( 16 6 O01 4 19 a 0 10 4 31 34i 6 05 1 4 23 6 i, 6 08 4 M I 6 10, 4 30 6 36: , 4 29 5 661 7 46i 6 44 6 I61 6 63 7 601 6 39 6 22 4 23 5 271 6 201 7 4 6 33. 6 2a, 7 36, 6 41 7 33, 6 bo, 7 4o: 7 44 5 44 6 60; 7 46 6 44 7 61 Indicates Sunday. Tile uftlcial number nt ears nf atoclc brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs Sh p.H ses. Ry C. M. &. St. P. Mo. Pac. Ry .. c. A is. W L'nion Pacific sis C. St. P.. M. A. I). C. B. A O. Kast ... C. li. dc w- West ., C. R. 1. at. P. Ry. Total ry 6 .. 3 ..166 .. 65 .. S .. 56 .. 1 .290 1 1 18 21 63 13 67 78 CO The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, eacn buyer rjurcnaslnar tne num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Swift and Co Omaha Packing Co. .. t uaany pacKing Co. Armour & Co Carey A P.enton Vansunt & Co tubman dfc Co McCreacry & Carey . W. I. Stephen Hill A Son Huston A Son H. F. Hamilton Klngan A Co U Wolf Mike Haggerty Sol Degan Delghton & Co J. R. Root & Co J. H. Rulla Other Buyers , ..1.286 . . 6.10 ..1.33 ..1,U.9 .. 232 .. 101 .. 244 .. 50 .. Ill .. 116 .. 24 .. 346 '473 3 .. 23 242 .. 14 .. 843 ..6,754 6-4 , 914 431 1,126 2,86 1.44 1.238 2.UIU 361 137 8,803 The range of prices paid In Kansas Cltv as reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trade building, wus: Artlcles.l Open. I High.l Low. Close. Safy. WheaT j j Sept... 744 754 744 754 744, Dec... 74414 754 744 754 714 May... 77 774 77 774 774 Corn (I 1 Sept... 484) 401 4,sa- Dec... 384) 4 S8 ?."4 s! 3v" May... 384 8a4 SS4 884 384 Oats Dec... 244 24 4 24 24 244 May... 264 254 264 264 254 Pork Oct.... 14 55 1 4 55 1 4 45 14 55 14 65 Jan.... 12 17 12 22 11 17 12 22 12 27 Lard Oct.... 7 60 7 60 7 52 7 62 700 Jan.... 680 ( 80 (77 (77 ( 92 Rlos Sept... 3 53 3 62 1 62 Oct.... 8 62 3 62 8 50 1 62 8 57 Jan. ... ( 30 ( 32 6 30 ( 32 ( 35 Total 6,754 1.793 16,965 CATTLE There was a good run here for a Monday, about 261 cars being on sale. 'ihe receipts were just about as heavy aa last Monday and about 1U9 cars heavier than the corresponding day lust year, me general quality or the ofTerlncs was good. There were not many '.torn-feds received today and buyers were not overly anxious ior native cattle, prices on these kinds, unless the cattle were very good, wero Just about a nickel lower, with the best grades steady. The warmed up and hair fat natives that come in competition with the western rangers suffered most and trading was draggy. The western caul on sale were of good quality and there was a fairly good call tor supplies. The best kinds were fully steady and there was considerable life to the trade, but on the common kinds the market ruled dun and weak and prices were lower. Reports from the east were discouraging, nut tins tact aid not aneel prices hero to any extent and the general steer trade, could be quoted best kinds steady, others weak and lower. The cow and heifer trade was In good shspe today, although some sales looked a trlflo lower. Common stuff was in poor demand and like the poorer grades of steers, were slow sale and prices were a little lower. Corn-fed cows were lower and there was little life to the trade. Oood westerns were wanted and prices held about steady. Bulls, veal calves and stags were slow sale and prices were lower. There was a good supply of stockers and feeders here and the good strong demand noted for some time continued In force today. There were plenty of orders to be rilled and trading was active. Prices on good heavy feeders were stronger while the lighter weights and common kinds were fully steady. Representative sales: 6KEF BTEER3. A. Pr. Ni. 434 4 44 Is 114 t 14 4IS 1174 4 it ti 4 44 41 cowa. I M 4 HEIFERS. I to 10 I 66 CALVES. 4 40 NEBRASKA. No. 4... to... 41... II... I... to... 18. ..1340 ..1004 1st . .12H . .1243 ..lt4 ..14(4 Pr. 4 40 I 4 4 M 4 70 20 t ll ltO IN 25 cows. . 6 cows. . 1 cow... ti cows.. 11 cows.. 21 cows.. 8 cows.. 3 cows 933 16 cows 1230 18 cows 1M 16 cows 1U1S .1048 . 966 . 940 . 8X0 .1096 ,. 8:3 .710 2 45 2 60 2 25 2 35 3 40 2 30 2 ?5 2 26 3 70 2 76 t 80 .1015 21 steers. 34 feeders.. 4 feeders. . 8 feeders.. 32 feeders.. 2 fevders.. 82 feeders. . 2 cows 11 feeders.. 863 1 stag loo 1 bull 1020 16 feeders.. .817 t feeders... 812 6 feeders... 750 27 feeders.. 1234 8 calves. ... 260 1 calves. ... 160 1 steer 1280 COLORADO. 3 20 32 steer.... 978 I 20 WESTERNS. Theodore James Neb, 2 25 3 35 1 60 2 40 8 20 2 75 3 10 3 66 6 t 6 60 3 25 996 820 850 726 799 725 T'i6 3 25 3 25 2 65 3 10 2 75 t 30 1 cow. 2 cows. 1 cow.. 1 cow.. 1 cow.. 1 feeder.. .1120 . 675 . 9 . 9r0 .10,0 7iK) James Nelson & Bros Oelrlchs, S. 10 cows., 2 bulls. 1 bull.. 14 cows 1 cow.. 60 cows Metal Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 11. METALS The London tin market was firmer, closing at 146 7s 6d for spot and 145 16a for futures Locally demand continued light but the tone was steady In sympathy with the Lon don advance and spot was quoted at 132 Xr& 82 124. Copper was alao higher abroad, closing at C9 7s (d for spot and at 69 6s for futures. Locally the market was dull and nominally unchanged with lake and electrolytic minted at 11A.00a?'16 tA a . , tng at 116.76616 26. Lead was quiet at 14.359 I 11 fe,rtr 4 90 In the local market but advanced to 15 cows... 14 In lndon. Spelter was unchanged at 24 In London, while the Iocs) market was firm and a shade higher at 15 8ij6 90. The Iron market also was easier. Standard foundry was quoted at 47s 3d and Middles boro at 4a 441. Locally a good demand Is reported and prices are firmly held No 1 foundry northern Is quoted st 116 50a17 J5: No. 2 foundry northern. II OOJ16.76; No i foundry southern. 116 254jN(.7i; No. 2 foundry southern, 115 75&1 26. ST. ini'IS. a-pt. ll.-METALB Iad, fins, 14 77 4434 30; spelter, strong, Ia.fkv36.774. 23 steers.... 953 2 steers.... 953 7C6 2 45 2 45 2 45 2 () 2 60 2 75 D. 3 2 76 Wool Market. LONDON. 8ept. U. WOOL The arrivals of wool for the fifth series of auction sales closed today with the following amounts New South Wales, 16.415 ijales: Queensland 14.961 bales; Victoria. 3,(55 bales; bout h Aus tralia. 68 bales; West Australia, 1863 bales Tasmania, 129 bales: New Zealand, 36 19$ bales; Cape of Oood Hope, and Natal. 14 HO bales; 15,0O bales Australasian and 10 OuO Cope of Good Hope and Natal were for warded dlrect to spinners, making the net available for the sales 74,968 bales, includ ing 11. m bales held over from the fourth series. Visible tapply of Oral a. NEW TOKK, Sept, 11. Tha visible supply of grain Saturday, September 9, as cum. Pried by the New York produoe exchange U as follows: Wheal, 13.137,000 bashato; Increase, 97 0t) bushads. Corn, 4, 93. fat) bushels; increase, 12. OuO bushels. . Oata, 18.429.Uu0 bushels: In creas, LOoAumO bushel Rye. 939. uu bushels; Increase. ULuuO bushels. Barley, lilml ila3aia aWW PWVtias. 16 feeders.. 13 feeders.. 114 feeders. 93 steers.. 880 940 ..1061 .1069 .1033 9.18 2 60 .10.5 I 25 .1190 2 00 J. Somet S. D. .1031 2 25 35 feeJers. . ) 2 25 . 976 2 65 16 feeders.. 964 10m ftioseir a. v. 24 feeders.. 99 3 65 1 feeder.. 8 fueders..l'8 I 66 ( cows luno 2 65 5 cows..., W. H. Jones-8. D. 10 feeders.. 1177 3 90 W. B. Tire 8. D. 1076 3 90 10 feeders.. 1252 m 2 60 7 feeders.. 871 B. weidon H. D. 990 I 60 6 cows... J. W. Grimes Nb. 770 3 45 17 feeders. Benton Bros Wyo. 943 8 60 21 feeders. M. Kalilher. 1179 I 60 Wusner Bros.. Wyo. 19 feeders.. 948 3 60 7 steers. ..1292 J. McDermott. 8. D. 21 cows 1119 2 66 1 cow 1160 t cows 900 2 46 1 stag 1640 C. C. Wetsell, Neb. 17 cows rt 2 60 8 feeders., hi 1 cow." uiu 1 WJ z feeders.. 690 . M 4t I Heifers... buO Tom Bell. Wyo. 1338 3 26 36 cows 1071 A. Mosier s. D. .1025 1 65 2 rows 885 C. hi. Shaw, Wyoming. 46 feeders.. 1157 3 85 41 feeders.. 1230 C. A. Hcator. Colorado. 30 cows 991 2 8U 16 Co.. 11W 36 cows 872 I 00 Red Bank Cattle Company. Wyoming. 71 feeJers.1164 3 75 42 feeders.. 992 ( 65 George Turner, Nebraska. 19 feeders 12S5 3 90 R. Dunn. South DakVita. X feeders. 1074 4k70 Laird A W., Nebraska. 77 feeders.. 1.49 3 76 Western Ranches. Ltd., South Dakota. 40 h"ifers... 29 3 30 I ji tha in A C, South Dakota. 21 feeders.. 118 4 G C. Hyaliam, South Dakota. 12 feeders . 921 3 Mavcroft 4V Co. Wyo. n steers.... 9 4 3 36 25 steers... .1115 160 It r.tcn....UiU 4M 1 calf 63 steers.. 28 cows..., 1 46 8 40 1 65 t 05 I 90 1 40 2 55 I 85 t 65 t 65 2 46 t 60 3 20 t 75 2 26 3 06 I 00 I 86 1 60 R. L. Eaton Colo. 103 rows.... 97 I 66 . Ed Miller . L. 13 steers... .1156 3 66 Oeorre A. Rose H. V. 10 steers. ...1169 3 90 13 cows 961 2 Maple Pros. 8. D. 13 steers . .1210 3 58 13 steers.. ..1406 4 66 ADD NEBRASKA , 16 cows 9o7 1 66 ' Job Pettlptee Neb. 30 feeders. . 9S8 3 26 HDIlrt There were nnlv sbout fifty-three cars of bogs on sale today al ratfter light run even for a Monday. Despite discour aging reports from the east prices here held in good shape end the general maraei was Just about steady. Ruers were out early and there was a good, active demand for supplies. There w ere a few -trains bsck at a late hour In the forenoon, but the stuff thst arrived was picked up in good season. Inferior light stuff and coarse packing grades were poor sellers all through the morning and brought bottom prices. The Milk of the lings sold at n.iiiiti .', wnn a few loads at 15.4-4 and a top of IS 4n. There whs a weaker feeling on the close, which was 5c lower. Representative sales: No. (4 . 70 . 40. . 61 . 40.. IV. te . 40.. 67.. 81 . . TI . It.. 14 . 41.. 74. . 41. . 71. . SO. . 61 . tl.. to. .241 . ,T IT5 .140 .437 ill 244 .140 .180 .114 .116 .126 !l . 3.11 . : .107 ..tot . t91 . lit Tt s. Pr, 144 t 10 120 4 10 ... I 40 I 90 I 95 I IS 4 IS I 14 t i;v I 17V, I 40 I 40 I 40 4 40 I 424 4 41 I 44 I 10 ItO I 90 I M I 16 140 44 40 40 ItO lao 40 40 Na. 7t.. II . 71. . 74 . 47.. t . II . 44.. 4 . 41 . a . 71.. II . 77.. TO . 70. . 41 Tl , 71 . 71 . AT. 114 141 XI ...136 141 ... tu 170 114 .... 2.-.0 .... f60 tl J54 ai'l 121 t'l .... 946 t?J 241 H7 110 ..III Pr. 4 II 4 .44 4 N I 91 I II I 94 4 91 I II I as t aa I st I itv, 4 :7e I 17 I 37 4 174 40 4 17 .. 1314 40 I 40 I 40 I 40 k. 120 0 0 40 10 140 40 0 120 10 It '40 40 40 SHEEP There were about eighty cars on sale today, the havlest run received here since the range season opened. The stuff was of good quality and was well mixed, there being a good supply of both fat and feeder sheep. With big runs at all points snd discouraging rerotts from the east, buyers took advantage of the opportunity to pound the market, and there was a wenk tone to the trade all through the morning. Prices have been high here for some time and buyers are anxious to get them lower. Trading was slow and dull and S rices were lower all around. A couplo of oubles of good lambs sold esrly at ab.Mit steady rrlces. but on the general run of fat stuff the market was off about a dime and In some cases 16o. I-ambs, In extreme cases, were off about a quarter. The feeder trade was In fair shape today ami there were plenty of orders to be filled. There was considerable stuff to pick from, but while the demand was good buy ers were a little slow In taking hold and were asking concessions. The market was l(K&15e lower, with trading slow snd dull. Quotations on fat sheep and lambs: Oood to choice lambs, 16 &vg6 90; good to choice yearling wethers. I4 9"65 26; good to choice old wethers, 34.(04.86; good to choice ewag, J4.401T4 G5. Quotations on feeder sheep and lambs: Good feeding lambs, SA.faVfi6.26; good teeding yearlings. 4.6ifi 4.90; good feeding wethers, 8460-34.75; feeding ewes. 83.6ofi4.00; breeding ewes, J4.25a4.75 Representative No. 60 Wyoming cull ewes 250 Wyoming ewes 62 I'tah ewes 124 Wyoming yearling wethers.. 826 Wyoming yearling wethers.. 471 T'tah lambs.. 117 Idaho feeder ewes 387 Idaho ewes 17,9 Idaho ewes 5 Wyoming ewes 4ii0 Wyoming ewes 186 Idaho yearllnRS 74 Wyoming yearlings 811 Idaho lambs 234 Wyoming lambs 53 Idaho cull ewes 1564 Idaho feeder lambs 230 Idaho yearlings 4u0 Idaho lambs Av. Pr. 91 3 75 .95 4 40 , 132 4 65 ,98 4 85 ,98 4 85 ,74 6 75 ,89 8 86 . 17 4 10 .98 4 40 ,111 4 60 ,99 4 65 .99 6 10 ,90 6 Jo ,62 6 40 .65 (75 ,98 3 65 ,68 4 75 ,85 4 76 ,54 (60 CHICAGO II VK STOCK MARKET Cattle Ten to Fifteen Cents Loirer Hogs and Sheep Lower. CHICAGO. Sept. ll.-CATTLE Receipts, 35.000 head: market 104jl5c lower; steers, $3.60ifj'6.3O; stoukers and feeders, 12 25i4.25; cows and canners, 11.50i&4.75; bulls I2.0o 6.26; heifers, 12 25ffu.40; calves, J2.5u37.60. HOGS Receipts, 31,000 liead; market 6 74c lower; shipping and selected, SC. 70$ '6.90; mixed and heavy, packing, S.Vvgf 674; light, 15 45(55 85; pigs and roughs, S2.tAXuo.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 60,taJ head; market 10ff25c lower: sheep, 83.0tXjJ 6.25; lambs, 35.(4(1.50. -few York l.lve Stock Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 11. BEEVES Re ceipts, 4,417 head. Market for medium and good steers firm and 10c higher; common, steady; bulls, firmer on lightweights; good bulls, slow; cows, steady to strong; steers, 14.0076.60; oxen and stags, S4. 254.40; bulls. 2.2f,4(; cows, Sl.6o-u3.36. Cables quoted live cattle drni at ltKul24c per lb., dressed weight. Exports tomorrow, 1,008 cattle and 3,2ii quarters of beef, CALVES-Receipts, 3,003 head. Market firm to 25c higher on top grades; others no more than steady; grassers and butter milks, 25'nfntc lower; veals, t5.00tf9.26; few selected, I9 60; thrownut, S4.O0-jj4.60; but termilks and grassers. !3.50i(4 40; dressed calves, steady; city dressed veals, 94'U34a per lb.; country dressed. W-gi24c. HOGS Receipts. 1.015 head. Market steady; state and Pennsylvania hogs, 36.00 ffcfl 90, including pigs; common mixed hogs, 35 3". SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 16.973 head. Market for sheep, about steady; for lambs. fatc-frSl.OO lower; sheep, S3.oti6.00; culls, S2 0O-&3 00; lambs. If Oiv)7.26; few cars prime to choice, 37.374(47.70; general top price, 17 ; culls, S4.00dj4.50; Canada lambs. SOWaO. Kansas C'ltr l.lve Mock Market. van-has CITY. Mo.. Sent. 11. CATTLE Receints. 20.700. nend including i,2ou soutn- erns; market steady to 10c lower; stockers strong: choice export and dressed pest ateers. Ij !ii6.i"J tair to gooa,; western steers,'fx-: stocaers ana feeders. S2.50-ft-i.26; southern steers, l2.Wii a6S: southern cows. ll.6o-iKi.6o: native cows, Sl.G5fr3.75; nstlve heifers, S2.50taS.00; bulls. 12 (nVM 25 : ca ves. S3 Oofte.riO. HOGS Receipts, .uii neua: niaraei n-giiic lower: top. S5 45; bulk of sales, So.26j6 40; heavy. S5.25-ii6.40; packers, 15.3ofi6.46; pigs un,1 lirt.te tJvl5tf54l. SHEEP AND 1-AMH8 Receipts, 13,tw head: market 10fi20c lower; native lambs, S5.50-ir7.15: western lambs, S5 603'7.16: fed ewes and venrllngs, 84.20-&5.30; western yearlings. SS.OU-iiSIW: western sheep. 34. 25 6.00; stockers and feeders, 13.5ut1H.50. St. Loots Live gtock Market. ST. LOP 18. Mo . Sept. 11 CATTLE-Re celntR. 6.500 head, including 2.4'1 Texans: market lower; native ana snipping ana ex- ort steers. S4.i!Jl 75; dressed beef and utcher steers. 83 .0 .i?-4. 10 ; steers under 1,000 potinos. ti.(iir3Wi; stocgers and feeders, 32 WVa3 60; cows and heifers. 82.0wu4.60; can ners. i) 10; nuns. iz.&ru 10; calves. S.l.oo-Mal.75: Texas and Indian steers. S2.0O4 1 60; cows and heifers. 2.ui'a3.oo. HOGS Receipts, 5.5"0 head: market 6WIO0 lower; pigs and lights. ...ou-u'3.65; packers 85 0u-i(5.5i; butchers and best heavy. 15.4" 6.7U. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 2,000 head; market irxuloc lower; native muttons. S3 .00414.90; lambs. 14.00-96.76; culls and bucks 13 (X&4.00; stockers. S-I.5u-44.10; Texans, S3.00 (B-4 a. 10 TM; middling gulf. 11.00c; sales. (18 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 11 COTTON Quiet; sales, 725 bales, ordinary, 7 7-lcj good ordinary, S4c; low middling, 941 middling, li'4c; g.xd middling, bc; nod dling fair, l-.i I1-16C. Receipts. 2.6KJ bales; Stock. 49,316 bales. ST. l HIS. Mo, Sept. 11 COTTON Uulet: middling. 14C Hecelpts. 1W bales; Shipments, 453 bales; stock, 9.4) bales.. OM H A W IIOl.KSAI S, MARKET. Condition ot Trade and Qaetatlena oa Maple and Fancy Prodaee. . EOG8 Receipts, fair; market steady! candled stock, 17c. LIVE I-Ol l.TRY-IIens. 9410c; rocs ters. 6c: turkeys. Ujl5c; ducks, 8Uc; spring chickens. U4. BUTTER Packing stock. 16c; choice to fancy dairy, lol9c; creamery, 212B4c; prints. 2140. SUGAR Standard granulated. In bbls., 5 66 per cel.; cules, 9 40 per cwt.; cut loaf, 16. S8 per cwt.; No. ( extra tl, 96 40 per cwt.; No. 10 extra C, S5 26 it cwt : ro. is yellow. 35.20 per cwt.; XX XX powdered, 36.30 per FRESH FISH-Treut. lie; halibut, lloj buffalo (dressed, ic. pickerel (dreesedl, fc; white bass (dressed), 12c; sunflsh, (c: perolt (scaled and dressed). 8c: pike, 11c; catfish, 10c; red snapper. 10c; salmon, lie; croppies, lie; eels. 15c; bullheads, lie: black base. 3Te; whlteflsh, lVc: frtg legs, per dos., S5c; lob. sters, green. 27o boiled I betera, 10c; shad roe, 45c; blueflsh, 8c. HAY-Prlces quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: No. 1 upland, 16 5"; medium, 5 60f6 00; coarse, 85. BRAN Per ton. SlS. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES Valencia, all sises, JS OrvfJaJ Kn. LEMONS liemonlera, extra faney It Blgo, 7.oo; 300 and 360 sises, 37.60S ). DATES Per box of 80 1-tb pkgs., S! Hallowe'en, In TO-lt. boxes, per 7b. , 6c FIGS Cillfornlu, per 10-rb. carton, 78J9 85c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 10 ; 6 crown, 12c. BANANAS Per medlum-slsed bunch. SJ 71 C2 25; Jumbos, 12.60-3 00 FRUITS AND MELONS. PEARS Colorado Bartlett, per 60-lb. bc-g, 32.26(12 60; Utah Bartlett, S3.26; FlemisH Beauty, S3 00. PLUMS i:tah and Colorado. rr 4-basket crate, $1 25; Itnllsn prunes, f 1.25. PEACHES California freestones, per bog, 90c; Elbertas, 31 ; Colorado, log slse, 80c. CANTALOUPES Texas, per crate, 10.00; Texas, Rocky Ford seed, 82 50. WATERM ELON8 Alabama Sweets, 169 26c each; crated, lc per lb. AiTi,.b Luicnesc, weaitny ana t.0011 rinnlns. In 3-bu bills.. S2.764f3(0: in bu. baskets, SI .00; California Helleflowere, 11.60. BLUEBERRIES Blgteen qts.. 11.36. HUCKLEBERRIES Sixteen CIS.. 31.603 1.75. GRAPES Home grown Concords, per 8- lb. basket, 2t'c; Malagas and Muscats, per 4-basket crate, SI. 60; Tokay, per 4-basket crate, l2.0-. QUINCES California, per bog, 11.78. VEGETABLES. WAX BEANS Per H-bu. basket. 26413601 String beans, per 4-bu. box, 23'(j36c yoi A rue." JNew, per ou., agxa. BEANS Navy, jer bu.. 12.00. CUCUMBERS Per dox., 26c. TOMATOES Home grown, 4-bu. baskets. SfiJjSOC. C A B B AO ET Home-grown, In crates, per lb. 1V.C. . ONIONS Home-grown, yellow, red ana white, per bu., 60c; Spanish, per crate, IK26, HKKJB New, per ou., ic. CELERY Kalamnioo, per dox., 25o. SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per l-bo, bbl.. S3 2S. TOM ATOES Per basket. 4(if00O. MISCELLANEOUS. IIONEY-Npw, per 24 lbs.. 33.00. CHEESIQ Swiss, new. 15c: Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wisconsin limberger, 15o; twins, 124c; young Americas, 124o. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 16c; hard shells, per lb., 13c: No. 2 soft shells, per ".. 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c. Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.. 10c. Peanuts, per lb., Tol roasted, per lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12t'134c. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; Bard sneus, per id., 10c. Bneuoara niosory nuts, rer bu.. 31.75: large hickory nuts, per bu., S1.50. t tl tur.a 1 o. i green, c; c o. s green, aci No. 1 salted, 104c; No. 2 salted. 940; No. I veal calf lie; No. 2 veal calf. 9c; dry salted. 7(al4c; sheep pelts. 25C&41.00; horse blues, Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. Sept. ll.-EVAPORATED APPLES Market shows rather a firmer tone, with sales of prime fruit for future delivery etesdv. Choice was quoted at 74o. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes were steady, a greater shortage was re ported In the crop than previously esti mated. Buvers are still holding off and the local spot market Is quiet at quota tions ransifiar from 4V.P to 7"c Apricots are ' unchanged, with choice quoted at 8- 84c: extra choice, 4ffl84c; rancy. svj-aiuc. peaches are In very light supply on spot, and fancy is about the only grade avail nhle, with holders firm at 114e. Raisins show no fresh feature. Loose Muscatel are quoted at 6440; seeded raisins, 6 4 t84c; London layers, lagar and Molasses. INr-iW 1 1 WV , Dept. 1 1 - L 'J" " V lin " , nominal: fair refining. 34c; centrifugal. 96 est, 8' a; molasses sugar, sc. ttennea, let- Nt 6. 4.47c: No. 7. 4 65c: No. 8. 4.65c: K 9 tfiOe: No. 10. 4.45c: No. 11. 4.36c: No. 12, 4.30c; No. 18, 4.20c: No. 14. 4.16c; confec tioners' A. 6.15c; mould A. 5.66c; cutloftf, 6cj crushed 6c; powdered, 6.40c; granulated. 6.0e ; cubes. 6.66c. MOLASSES Firm: New -Orleans apen kettle, good to choice, 25i6c. NEW OHIEAINo. oept. ll.-ouuiin- Qulet. Open kettle centrifugal 44e; cen trifugal whites, 4.15-16fi6.U-16c; yellows :' '""ds 24?V. .. ,. MOIABBKH Nominal; open aeme oi 26c; centrifugal, 6314c. BYRUP Nominal, Z6-J3.30. t. Joseph l.lve "took Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Sept. 11 -CATTLE-Recelpts. 4.350 hnad: market sternly to 10o lower; natives, 13.75-36 10; cows and heifers tl604t4.7fi; stockers and feeders, 83 00-6 4 25. HOGS Receipts. 2.295 head; market 5o lower: light, S5.3"T6 4i; medium 'and heavy, 35 20f!6 4: bulk. S3 3u4i6 374. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9,784 neuu; marget uun; lower. Sloax City l.lve Stock Market, SIOUX CITY, Sept 11-fBpeclal Telegram ) CATTLE Hecelpts. S.Jf-O head; market l"o lower; stockers. l5-a2So lower; beeves 33.76? .oo; cows. Dims and mixed, I2.25fa4.00 stockers and ferlrg, S2.7ta4.0O; calves and yearlings, li M'03 a. HOGS Receipts, 1 600 head: market 60 lower; selling at ia,aat.4b; bulk of sslus, S6,2ta5.3S. BflAJtlr 1m aik Receipts of live-stock at the six principal arestern markets yesterdiy: 110 South Omaha Sioux City .. Kansas City St. Joseph .. St. Louis .... Chicago Totals ... Cattle 6,200 30.7(10 4.350 6.5oO 36. OuO 3 200 1.6'rt (oca) 2 5.60 31. OuO Coffee Market. . tt-tt' srcitjw Onnt 11 fOFFFPt Market for futures opened strong at an advance of 10(515 points and sold 10-520 points net higher on a net demand Inspired by Euro pean cables, moderate receipts and jp parent absence of further September liquidation. Trading was active during the afternoon, but prices were well maintained snd tne maraei ciusea nru v vance of 10"20 points. Sales were reported of 49.T60 bags, Including December at .30 ?. 36c; March. 7.6oc; May, 7.Kai.66c; June, f66c; July. 7.70o. Spot, steady; No. 1 In voice, 84c. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept 1L-WHBAT-Pteady; No. 1 northern, 86c; No. 1 northern, 83-frWc; Iiecember. 8340 asked. RYI?!-Steadv; No. Y (2-S6240. B A RLEY Steady ; No. 2, 616620 aVaUnpIa, 85-rifilC. , M CORN Quiet; May, 484c asked. . Elgin Rotter Market. ELGIN. 111., Sept. 11. BUTTER Firm at lie- same price as last week. Baves for the week, 711,000 pounds. The Cakewalk FoneraL Big. hearty, 19-year-old black Bertha, In the Middle West, was from the country, snd on her Thursday afternoon out cama home very early from a church funeral sli had gone to attend. "Why, Berths," said the lady of tha house, "what brought you back so SoonT You didn't go to the funeral, did youT" "Yessutn, I dona went," replied big Bertha, "but I come home. Dem o'l town fun'rlls li ag'ln' my conshuns. Win dat brass ban" play, all dem chu'eh nlggaht) dey done de cake-walk down de aisles ob de chu'eh an' thoo de streets all de way to de buryln'-groun' an' w'en de brass ban play at de grave, dem nlggahs dey hop an' day pranrh up an' down right 'Ipngslds da co'pae. Dey did so, Miss Clara, an' I dona lit out an' comes home. Dem ol" case walk fun'rlls Is atr'ln' my conshuns, Miss CUrg, dey sho' ix." Emma Carlton In Llp-plncott's. Sheen 2O.0JO 13.001) 9.7M 2,000 60. UO 49.496 7i784 Oils and Roala. OIL CITY, Sept. 11 Credit balances 1127: certificates no bid. Shipments 138 589 barrels; averages; 83.3-6. Runs 121.137; average 60.972. Shipments, Lima. 126. luT; svrte 65,4X1, runs, Lima 96.071; average 43 8" f.KW YORK. Bep't. 11 OUM Cotton seej. quiet; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow. 284c. Petroleum, qultt; refined. New York S7 f: Philadelphia and Balti more. 6 '45: Philadelphia and Baltimore In bu'k. 14'; turpentine, firm. 654?j&4e R'-SIN Steady ; strained, common to i,d fi. 75. rottosi Market. NEW YORK Sept 11. COTTON-Closed quiet, 11a poiau lew or; aiUiliDg urlaods, Model Dairy Farad. Two brothers, Albert and Harry Fhni stock. have a model dairy farm at Quaker Bottom Valley, In Baltimore county, anl the other day they had the members of the Baltimore Btork exchange out to' look at It. The visitors were driven over the (50 seres In wagons drawn by teams of eight nicely matched gray Percheron horses and they found the dairymen and the sta blemen all neatly uniformed. It Is also re ported that they found a scene of "unusual pastoral beauty " There are hills, valleys and tumbling, splashing waters on the big farm, and the keynote of the management Is organisation and system. The result Is success EDWARDS-WOOD CO. (Incorporated) Mala Offleai Flftk and Roberta Itreeta, 6T. PAIL, MI.W Healers laa Stocks, Grain. Provisions 6hlp Your Grain to Ut Braack OfMea. tlO-111 Dosrd of Trad Kldar.. Oaisks, Has. Teleukoae S534. 212-214 Exchengs Rldg., South Omaha. Bell 'Phone 2il ladsaiendsrit 'fbons a,