TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1905. KENNEDY ON THE PRIMARIES ConfreHniai from the 8cond Addrei i C t- Large Metting in Eiith Wird i V'- VOTERS TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TICKET rarr Faction Should Disappear In ''me of Direct hole aa4 DIN ftmm Should Cad at the Primary. CTles of "What's the matter with Ken nedy for senator?'- mingled with the ap plause at the close of Congressman John 1 Kennedy's feech at a crowded meeting of the Sixth Ward Republican league Id Idlewlld hall last night. In part Congresa man Kennedy said: I ronelder It a duty to take part In every republican campaign when called upon to do ho. Whatever candidates are nomin ated thin fall I will be at all time at the call of the chairman of the committee and earn candidate can depend upon me to do all In my power to elect him. I have never known a county campaign In I'ouKlas when the republican had such good material to select from an It has thla full, j here in no possibility that any man will bf nominated for any of the office who will not be a credit to republicanism. A week from tomorrow we are golnu Into the llrst genlune direct primary that we ever had. The candidates who are asklnir for the suffrage of the party are going before the people and tle voters them selves will have an opportunity under of ficial and statutory provisions to expresa I reference at the poll. 1 have always be lieved In primary nominations. 1 think that most of the trouble we have had In th imrtr. and the democrat party as well. came about from the old system of nomin ating our candidates. People Are Responsible. The people pf this county ouuht to coma out and express themselves, and If they don't do It It Is their own fault. If they do not nominate (food candidates they will bo to blame. If good candidates are not nomi nated they should hold their-peace. It makes no difference whether the primary law le held temporarily Invalid, becausa the primary luw Is here to stay, and no republican or democrat should want a nomination unless a majority of his party wants him on the ticket. Rome reference was made tonight by Chairman Morearly that we have some factional differences and that the, club does not recognise them. It was the old style rotintv conventions wlwre delegates acted otherwise than they were elected to do, and traded one office for another, and no man stood upon his merits that brought thla condition. This Is a Popular government and th nearer we et to the tieople the better we will he governed and the less corruption we will kave in high places. y Judgment Is that the oirrerences grew rom causs that have ceased, it tne ause hava ceased the difference should cruse, too. jsvery good repuoucan snouia stand by the men nominated as the at clared full and free expression of the pop- uiar will. Let us forget we nave naa an-ferences. We are going Into a campaign thla fall ' not only with good candidates but with unusually good general conditions. The country was never more prosperous. The state of Nebraska today 1b a creditor In stead of a debtor. I will admit that there are certain elements of our people that are to prosperous. Large aggregations of capital have appropriated to themselves more business than Is their share. It Is . your duty and mine to see that they are limited so they will not get more than their ; share. V should o frame our laws and KJ so administer them so as to give every man en equal chance. One of the great facts about President Roosevelt that I have ad mired Is that he has always stood by the common people, lie has been ana la what the country needs. M ork Before ' CoBarrcas, I think that the coming session of con gress will be one of the most Important and Interesting that this country has ever known. Theru Is the question of railway legulatlon that I presume will be pushed to the front. I believe that however we may differ as to details that any measure that la Introduced and passed on that sub ject, we all agree that the government has the right to regulate railways. I believe that the creature can never be greater than the creator. Another of the Important Questions that Is llkey 10"Oixne 'before congress la that of the revision of the tariff. The house la pretty nearly equally divided on this point, but the west stands for a moderate revision of the tariff. Not that the principle of protection should be tampered with, but that no tariff made eight years ago can be suitable ror conditions that exist today. The Urn'! to discuss the tariff in now, when the biiHlness of the country will stand It Mt Judgment Is that the people of the west are anxious to have thla question settled so as to give proper and reasonable pro tectlon where It la needed, and so as not to give certain Interests a chance to profit more than is right and reasonable. The gratest figure In the world's eye is I neodore rtoosevelt. It Is not luck but pluck that has made him. Every propo sition he has undertaken he has carried through. lie reached out his hand and In the face of disbelief he brought iieace to the warring eastern nations a peace that I think Is permanent and stands for the progress of that section of the world. The1 president stands today ereat not onlv for what he has done but for the poslb!"'- that are yet within him. I believe tht event wui so snupe inemseivca mat nu 1U be forced to be a candidate fur presi dent again. Candidate Who Spoke. Before Congressman Kennedy spoke I large nuriiber of candidates launched their appeals to the voters. They were Intro duced by Chairman Morearty with ten minutes of Infinitely encouraging and dl plomntio talk about each. Those who thus beseeched votes were: Councilman Fred Huye and Tony Donahue for sheriff; Charles I-esll, C. W. Haller and B. F Thomas fur oounty Judge; B. J. Rodwell for county attorney; K. F. Bralley for cor oner; Bryce Crawford and W. B. TenEyck for police Judge; H. E. Ostrom for county commissioner; Frank Bandle for county clerk; Candidates W. A. Foster, Kubat Altotadt and Moore for Justice of the peace THE L1QHT OP OTHER DAYS. Kot Tory tuany years ago alcohol was" s4 tor LfUlliuj la combination with , other fluids under -JL! - the name oi "Cani' m.fZl rhen. hut It suf fered banishment 3r-tr ' I because It was too J f dano-erous. r, ' ' Alcohol Is fener- - ally harmful when V W 1t.n In Ida form fW ("m tf of medicine, espe cially toa delicate yitem. Dr. Vtre's tU- tue-ntnAitUma and fuitctitm-atrtngtbenimQ plan of treatment is louowing alter xaturt $ plan. He uses, natural remedies, that U estiva medicinal roots, prepared by process wrought out by the aiDeodlture ef much time tod money, without the use of alco hol, and by sklllfuj combination In the niott exact proportion. Used m one of the aotive Ingredients of Dr. Pierce's OoMen Medical Discovery, lacs cuunui specially exert lis Influence In cases of lung and bronchial troubles, and this rae bt Is, there- tore, g sovereign remedy ler bronchi tit, laryngitis chronic soughs, oaiarra and kindred. allmealA 1 naevH thsmaHntnltngrvHenU of this werkj f ameui remedy are: Oo)lsn heal root, Queen's root, btooa rout, black CherryWk, lUoodroet tad Mau- urace reow I asve had such a wonderful sjtperieooe with Ir PtMoe' eoldeaTaloalca. looery that I do net heeltaie to reouar.aieod It. be llevtng it to o a wtmnertul meOlclne bull 4 ud tii Hssuee of Ue ayskMSk orltea Him beasi Browa. SfnitiT Emersoa Literary &aociauun, 4H KenasA Avceue, AplMM. wis. "Worry abd aerroms ueuates had conv luetely run-down str health end strength ; Lad no appetite, slept badly, and was la a state of nerrvas outiiaee. 1 took twelve bottles In all. and. .i week, knew that I ws getUng better and suotifwr. on til anally a as well and stroug as I had ever been, tare the isuut faith and conldenoe In your nteoirute. sad truta to thank yua for nty guwd healUi. which Is a te easing to anyone." Kor 11 one-cent stamp to cover coat of uiuiuug, you can get a tree ropy oi tne "Common Sense Medtoal Adviser, paper- covers ; or ciota-bound lor 81 uun. Auareet in. K. v. neroe, UtKTalo, . Y. Dr. Fierce'! Pleasant Pellets should be ut."! Uh "Golden Medical Discoterj Bitouetac a laxAWTO h rvuixeo. OMAHA MEN AND CILVELES HARDING Churning, Churning, Churning. and Candidates Ilensel and Wlckersham for constable. FIRE AND POLICE MATTERS Board Will Assist Water Board to Making; Test of Hydrant Pressare. At the meeting of the Board of Fire and Police commissioners last night permission was given to the Water board to use men and paraphernalia from the fire depart ment to test the pressure of the water company, at a time to be selected by the city engineer. The board took up the ease ef Policeman Thomas O'Connor, who was charged with being negligent in the discharge of hia duties as a police officer. The charges set forth that Officer O'Connor was within a block of the' place where Officer A. E. Hel ler was having trouble with a man who became violently Insane from being over heated on the afternoon of August 7, and that he made no attempt to assist his fel low officer, although he knew something of the trouble. The board found him guilty and fined him five weeks' pay. A petition was received signed by aboVit 100 members of the fire department asking that each fireman be given twenty-four hours oft duty every six days. The petition was turned over to the fire chief and will be acted on- at a futare meeting. The applications of Mrs. J. II. Kirk and Miss Catherine Btlllwell for the position of matron at the city Jail were received and placed on file. The resignations of Patrolmen A. F. Lam bert and Howard Sawyer, who resign to enter other fields, were received and ac cepted. A communication was received from King Ak-Sar-Ben asking that members of the fire and police departments be given an opportunity to participate In the daylight parade during the fall festivities. The com munication was referred to Chief Donahue of the police department and Chief Salter of the fire department, and these men will arrange for the participation of their de partments The following firemen were given their annual leaves of absence: George Ander son, William Bohan, Oeorge Hill, Oliver Morrell, Robert Oliver and Zena Smith. Jailer Glover and Officer Goodrich of the police department were granted their an nual leaves. The meeting adjourned until 11 o'clock. when the question of the financial condition of the two departments will be taken up. KRAUSES PLEAD FOR TRIAL Convicted Land Fencers' Attorneys Argue for Kew Hrsrlog Before Jodie Manner. The arguments for a new trlgl In the case of the Krause brothers, who recently were tonvlcted of fencing public lands contrary to law, were concluded before Judge Mun ger In the I'nlted States district court Fri day evening. Judge Munger has taken the matter under advisement and will hand down his decision In a few days. The motion for a new trial was argued by Attorneys R. C. Noleman and C. C. Barker of Alliance, attorneys for the Krause brothers. Their chief contention is the alleged unreliability of the principal witnesses, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Osborn, upon whose testimony the accused was chiefly convicted. Affidavits wrere filed Im peaching the character of these witnesses. Special District Attorney Rush, represent ing the government, argued against granting the motion on the ground that the con viction of the accused was complete, after a long and fair trial, and that the attempt to Impeach the testimony of the Osborne at this time came too lata. The tim to Impeach their evidence was during the trial and not dow. He further held that even was the testimony of the Osborns completely eliminated, sufficient evidence had been produced from other witnesses to warrant the verdict of conviction as ren dered by the Jury. Announcements of the Tbeatera. One of the merriest and quaintest ot all Richard Carle's conceits was Prof. Pettl bone. who wanders down Into Texas and thereby furnishes the theme for "Th Ten derfoot." Pettlbones Isn't all there la to the show, for Sergoant Bill Barker and the three Ranger captains have a great deal to do with It: also the women fair, the Chi nes cook and tV mule. Miss Ruth White Is singing the leading soprano role with th company this season and Oscar Flginan Is playing the part of the professor. The rest of the cast is of equal strength and the production Is entirely new. "The Ten derfoot" will begin an engagement of four performances at the Boyd on Thursday evening. A matinee will be played on Saturday. In ftome Politics. Mayor King of Nome. Ahuka. Is In Omaha ylHiiing his wife and daughter. Mrs. H U. Mclntyre. at their home, 4-J8 Harney street. Mr. King left Omaha four n ago and lias made g'od In Nome politics. His present trip to the I'nlted States is at the direction ot the Nome government and for th purpose of making arrangement f-r lb puriha and installation of a waterworks system la th northern luw a. THEIR HOBBIES DREXEL REFUSES TO ACT Comtj Clerk Will Not Pat Dra ud Ostrom tn Ballot. SAYS HE IS WITHOUT AUTHORITY Places Solomon and Tracy on Ticket, and b,e Other Two Men Decide to Besort to Man damus. I County Clerk Drexel Insists he will not place the names of William Q. Ure and Henry Ostrom on the official primary ballot for the office of county commissioner. "I cannot do It," said the county clerk to Mr. Ostrom. "No court will attempt te compel a man to do an Impossible thing, as 1 view It. There Is no Fifth district defined In this county, as the law requires, and I am going to stick close to the terms of the law In this matter. If you, Mr. Ostrom, or Mr. Ure, want to go on thla primary ticket you must get an order from the proper authority." A to Messrs. Solomon aod Tracy, the republican, and democratic candidates Id the Third district, the county clerk said: "I will put the names of these two men on the primary ballot, because I know the district in which they live and where they must run. In the case of the Fifth district there will be no candidates for county commissioner so far as this office Is con cerned. I feel that all my duty was dis charged when I notified the county com missioners by letter that It would be Im possible for me to make up the ballot prop erly unless they redlstrlcted to comply with the rearrangement of wards under the new charter." Some Hot Words. Chairman Kennard of the county board and Mr. Ostrom had some heated argu ment about the failure of the board to redistrlct, and Mr. Ostrom denounced the failure to act as unwarranted. Mr. Kennard took exception to this statement and presented a imp of the districts to show that his own district was the only one tampered with In the 1! Tun ing resolution, which the board refused to pass on Saturday. The argument ended In nothing, definite, but Mr. Ostrom then turned to the county clerk and insisted that he should put th two names on at large, as running for county commissioner In the Fifth district. This Mr. Drexel flatly refused to do, and again announced that unless served with an order of court he will put no "names on for commissioner In the Fifth district. Messrs. Ostrom and L're have decided to go into court and ask Judge Redlck for a mandamus to compel the county clerk to place their names on ' the primary ballot as candidates for the commissioner nom ination In the Fifth district. Great Law Salt Decided. The supreme court, the tx-oDle. has de cided that Dr. King's New Discovery wins against coughs and colds. 60 cents and $1. For sale by Sherman A McConnell Drug. Co. Interesting" to students. The schools and colleges will soon open for the fall term and there will be many self-reliant young men and women who will be looking for a good way to earn their expenses. The Four-Track News, the great Illustrated monthly magaxine of travel and education, appeals to Intelligent readers and Btudents will find It easy to se cure subscriptions for It, The terms to per sons soliciting subscriptions are extremely liberal and offer a very generous mnrgln of profit. It will pay any one Interested to write to the publisher, Geoig? H. Daniels, 7 East Forty-second street. New York, for full particulars. Cheap Rates To (tfr Lake and Retarn. VIA CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAIL. ' WAT. Tickets on sale every Saturday. Final return limit the following Monday. Good Halilng, boating, bathing. Reasonable hotel rates. For further Information apply to 8. D. PARKHL'RST. General Agent. 1612. Farnam St.. Omaha Nb. New York and Philadelphia cannot be more pleasantly or conveniently reached than by the Grand Trunk-Lehigh Valley Double Track Route via Niagara Falls. Solid through trains, magnificent scenery. Descriptive literature aent free on appli cation to Geo. W. Vaux. A. O. P. A T. A.. Grand Trunk Railway System,. 116 Adams St., Chicago, Boy- Head Cat. George Laheed. a 10-year-old boy living at soum inirteentn street, received a severe cut on th head yesterday afternoon while fighting with some other boys. He wss sttended by Police Surgeons Langdon and Cox and removed to hia home. He was unable to tall who hurt hlin. LOCAL BREVITIES: The Italian-American Pleasure club met at t 't oft s hall last evening and listened to tklk from various republican oaadl-ds.Ua, AFFAIRS AT SOUTH 0MA11A Oonioil Openi Bids on Two Mora Small Bud lutes. BIG PREMIUMS OFFERED BY FIVE FIRMS Desirability of Local Seenritles hewn by the Propoeajs Made by Brokers for tbe Bonds Mow for Sale. Bids for the sale of 160,000 general Indebt edness bonds and ICO.onO Intersection paving bonds were opened by the city council last night. These bonds are to be Issued to pay the cost of repaying Twenty-fourth street from A to Q street. Five bids were re ceived as follows: Hoehler Cummlngs, Toledo, a premium of $16 and accrued In terest on in0.0O0 and $272 premium of the 120,000. Well. Roth A Co., Cincinnati, offered a premium of ll.TSO on the $,00i) and I) premium on the $20,000. W. R. Todd A Co.. Cincinnati, bid a pre mium 1360 on the general bonds and $12 premium on the Intersection Issue. W. J. Hayes & Sons, Cleveland, offered premium and accrued Interest for the $00,000 and $308 premium on the smaller Issue; to print the bonds free of cost to tbe city. The Security Savings Bank & Trust com pany, Toledo, offered a premium of $301 for the general Issue and a premium of $151 for the Intersection bonds. While the bid of Weil. Roth A Co. was the highest, the bid did not mention the five years' option as did the others and It was Inferred by the council that this option was not taken Into consideration by the bidders. Clerk Glllln will wire Well, Roth A Co. today on this matter. Owing to the desire to communicate with the Well people the council adjourned until Wednesday evening, deferring action on the bids until that time. The first step towards presenting the proposition to construct a new sewer sys tem was taken by the Introduction of an ordinance accepting the sewer plans drawn by Hnglneer Andrew Rosewater last spring. This ordinance went to the Judiciary com mittee for consideration. An ordinance was read for the third time and passed changing the grade on Twenty-third street from D to F street. Councilman Queenan secured the passage of a motion directing the mayor to put more men to work on the street force and put the streets In good condition at once. Queenan said that he had heard a great many complaints lately about the condi tion of the streets and he thought that re pairs ought to be made at once. The mayor said the matter would be attended to. Klewlt called the attention of the council to the necessity for the water and gas com panies to lay service pipes to the curb lines on Missouri avenue and on Twenty fourth street, so as to avoid tearing up the pavement when laid. The clerk will send a copy of the motion to the companies men tioned. The finance committee reported In favor of the bid of Johnson & Skow of Omaha for the building of the new fire department building. Johnson A Skow's bid was for $1S,6S0. Mayor Koutsky and Clerk Glllln were Instructed to enter Into a contract with the successful bidders for this build ing. The mayor and clerk were Instructed to Issue certificates of indebtedness to the Vnlted States Standard Voting Machine company In the sum of $5,200 In payment for eight voting machines. Schools Open with I.arae Attendance. The South Omaha public" schools opened yesterday with an attendance of 4,068. This Is over 200 more than the first day of last year. Four teachers were absent. Miss Eva O'Sullivan, Miss Penny, Miss Reld and Miss Ollis. These teachers have notified Superintendent McLean that they will be In attendance In a day or two. Prof. Bos well, the new teacher of Ger man, and Prof. Holcomb, teacher of physics another newcomer, were both on hand and were well received by the pupils of the high school. , The attendance at the various schools ls as follows: High school Central Hawthorne . Jungmann .. Brown Park Madison .... Highland .... West Side Corrlgan .. Lowell .... Lincoln .... Field Whlttler .. 4Xt 2 21S 6.1S 27 S3 ...4fHi ...6,-fl ...336 ...601 ...Jno ...Z Opening attendance on first days for fonr years: Nineteen hundred and two, S.509; 190.1. $,749: 1904, 1,(167: 1905, 4.088. Five grades at the Madison school are now attending school In the Washington building, In Brown Park, which now stands four feet In the air on Jack screws. This Is the annex building moved from Twenty sixth and M streets. The course of study has been completely revised as to arithmetic, language and his tory and the changes Inserted tn the "Blue Book." Christie Bros, secured the contract for furnishing the schools with Walnut block screened lump at $l.M per ton and Crosby, Kopelts A Casey were given the slack con tract at $2.26 per ton. The Watklns Lum ber company furnishes kindling at $4.60 per cord. The board of education of 81oux Falls, S. D. sent a representative to the meeting to request the loan of the blue prints of the High school building a slmlllar structure Is contemplated there. Margaret Conrey and Gertrude Holmes was given an Increase In salary to $70 per month. Permanent substitutes will be paid $76 a month. Library Board Meeting;. At the regular monthly meeting of the South Omaha Library board last night It was decided to place a memorial tablet In the wall of the lobby commemorative to the munificence of Mr. Andrew Carnegie In donating the $60,000 building to the city. Bills for August were allowed and the chairman of the house committee was In structed to secure bids for mine run and screened lump coal. Miss Jane Abbott, the librarian reported the unusually large patronage of th library during the month of August and now haa two new apprentices. Miss Mabel Cheek and Mrs. W. B. Myers. Over 100 new books were placed on the shelves last month. New Republican Club, A Swedish-Norwegian republican club was organized Sunday and the following of ficers were chosen: Julius Carlson, presi dent; 8 wan Johnson, vice president; George M. Johnson, secretary; peter Olson, treas urer. Theodore Johnson of Omaha attended the meeting and made an address which was appreciated by all those present. The efub starts out with a membership of thirty. Another meeting of the club will be held at 406 North Twenty-Fourth street on Wednesday evening. ' Another Damage flalsn. Through her attorney Henry C. Murphy, Annie Kelly has filed wth the city clerk a personal Injury claim for $6,0u0. It Is alleged In the document that while driv ing at Eighteenth andj O streets on Aug ust 14. the wagon dropped Into a bad wash out. The rig was damaged and tbe plaintiff alleges permanent Injuries. The claim been referred to the legal department for Investigation. Maal City Cesalp. Mr. E. l. UeLanney returned Monday m ira vkji lur in loioraao Wilbur F. Chase, 1430 North Twenty- ii!iru iimL rauufii ili ri i r r i tir a ..n I Mr, and Mr. L. Blount t( Palisade, Our "Special" Boys' School Suits at $3 A TypicaJ School Suit Better in style, fit, material and workmanship than we have ever been able to offer at $3 and you know we hold the record on producing the best suit at this price. We urge you to examine this suit before deciding on any other, as there is every probability that it will prevent you from paying more than $3 or give you a better suit at $3 if you have decided on that price. Girls' School Caps. "S.eciar xt 29c Worth 75c. 2L to Pacifi $2.00 from Omaha or Council Bluffs one-way tickets on sale daily, September If to October 31, 1905. Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle choose your route. Stop-overs of five days anywhere west of cer tain points in Arizona, Nevada or North -Dakota, and in California, except at Los Angeles and San Francisco. You can go through New Mexico or through Colorado. The Rock Island runs improved tourist sleepers daily via both routes through from both Chicago and St Louis. Via El Paso Short Line, the Rock Island maintains faster Tourist serrico to California than any other road or route. F. Neb., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Oar- ratt. The remains of Miss Ella Miller were In terred at Uailey cemetery Monday after noon. A inn was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Alois Oorlg, Twenty-ninth and G streets. Bruce MoCulloch and son, Hugh, leave today for Sheridan, Wyo to spend a couple of weeks hunting and fishing. Rev. Mr. McDowell of Omaha Is to preach this evening at the Baptist services at the tent, Twenty-fifth and L streets. The receipts of sheep and lamb at the yards here Monday were the heaviest so far this year, au.uuu neaa Deing yaraea. Thursday evening 8t. Martin's guild will give a New England dinner at the borne of Colonel and Mrs. J. U. watklns. Arthur C. Pancoast leaves today for Col orado, where he expects to spend several days looking after bustness matters. Miss Mabel Rich Is reported to be quite sick at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rich, 10U North Twenty-second street. Mr. and Mrs. John Raab. Twenty-first and H streets, have returned from Eprlngfleld. ill., where tney spent a couple ot weeks with relatives. Members of the Baptist church will hold meetings every evening this, week at the tent. Twenty-fifth and L streets. Rev. George Van Winkle 1b In charge. On Friday evening the Magic City brass band will plve a concert and lawn social at the home of David McBeth. Th pro ceeds will go toward buying uniforms. Society Event. Earah Berks took Electric Bitters for headache and can now meet her social en gagements. 60 cents. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. FROM LISiCOI.. TO ROOSEVELT. Story of ('stoaa In the White House for Eleven Administrations. That custom, despite the strenuous trend of the times, Is not dead In th I'nlted State Is proven by one of the collection of tales out of school Just published by Cap tain Pendel, chief doorkeeper and usher, and oldest employe of the White House. H cite a singular coincidence In which all the ten presidents whose habits he knew so well were of on mind. This I a story of the one thing besides soap and water which all the presidents used In common. It was a little thing but It Is just such trifles that impress uaon us the fact that great men are but human, it was a toilet article. There have always been many rivals of this particular article, but, curiously enough, all th presidents from Lincoln to Roose velt have had an Identical Idea concerning the brand of their- choice. The presidents' of thirty years ago and their successors used It. as did all persons of refinement In their time. Reference la mads to Dr. Lyon's Perfect tooth powder. Today, as though th habit were presldentlally Inherited, one of the faml'.lar blue enamel boxes contain ing the powder stands beside every tooth brush In the bedchambers of the Roosevelt family. As the package Is metal It will not break, and , It bai.i patent telescoplo measuring tube It Is always corked, and la, therefore, a convenience tn toilet bags of travelers aa well as a luxury In the bou doirs of stay-at-homes. General Grant car ried it with him on his tour around the world. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. C. W. Fetterman of South Dakota Is visit ing his brother. A. D. Fetterman. of the World-Herald. The former has been mak ing a long trip through the west. W. U McKay, a cltlsen of Phoenix. Arts., and uncle of W W. McKay of this city, is visiting Omaha for a few weeks. lis eif-erts to remain for the Ak-Bar-Ben fes tivities A W. Brown, president of the Are and police commission of Grand Rapids. Mich., was In Omaha yesterday. He was piloted through the city hall snd to various places and persons of Interest by Health, Commis sioner Rlio. aw.lfcCjeKadf Lm 2 ttn M k test "Write today for our illustrated Tourist folder, giving details of Bock Island through service, with map and full information. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. 1323 Farnam Ctroot, Omaha, Neb. WOMAN IN CLUB AND CHARITY An Invitation has been extended to the Iowa Federation of Women's clubs by the Woman's club of Oskaloosa to hold the next state biennial In Oskaloosa. The In vitation comes through the club president. Mrs. II. L. Spencer, who departed recently to spend the winter In Japan. Mrs. Gertrude Nash of Audubon, corre sponding secretary of th Iowa federation, has returned to her home after an outing at Okobojl, and others of the state execu tives are back from their summer outings, and In a short time th work will be well under way for the coming biennial period. At a recent preliminary meeting of the Council Bluffs Woman's club an innova tion was adopted In the way of club ex tension. A musical department was or ganised, and the privileges of that de partment, as well aa of the art depart ment, were extended to men, a fee of 13 being set for the same. There la certainly no more practical or more eertaln way of enlisting the Interest of men In the women's work than to enlighten them re garding It. Of cours th majority of men think they know what It la all about, but the fart remains. Seeing is believing, and as no man can deny that music and art are eminently ladylike Interests, the ele ment of prejudice, which Is one of the greatest obstacles to enlighten them re garding women's work. Is eliminated, and as there Is usually a fair proportion of men in each community who are Interested In music and art, those branches ought to serve well aa mediums through which to reach them. The election of Mrs. Abble Adams of Su perior to the presidency of the National Woman's Relief corps at Denver last week gives another honor to Nebraska. This Is the first time that the office has ever come to the state, and members of trie order appreciate it accordingly. Mrs. Adams, however. Is not unknown In the national ' work. Resides holding prominent offices n the state organisation sh has had a more or less conspicuous part In the national at different times for a number of years. It was In this work that her ex ceptional executive ability became known, and the honor conferred upon her St Denver last week was not wholly without a realisa Wire Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little sufferinp, as numbers have testified and said, "it is worth its weight in gold." .oo per bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. u win tiouioa co., auu &. Boys' School Cp, tit 45c. Worth 75c tion of what her leadership would mean to the organization. The following characteristic story of Mrs. Decker, president of the General Federa tion of Women's clubs, Is going the round of the press and ought to carry with It more than one hint to club women: Recently the president of one of th musical clubs In the federatlor wrote to Mrs. Decker, saying: "I come to you for help and suggestion. My club Is apparently loxlng Interest and disintegrating. W hn.v tudled just enough parliamentary law to know how to quarrel; and we have sung to ourselves until we are tired and bured. What shall we do?" The letter reached Mrs. Decker when she was very busy, and she. therefore, answered: "Try to sing to others. My fuay day. Excuse brevity." She ant this etter, feeling; sure that sh had no time to really help the woman. To her great surprise, she receive i a letter afterwards from this same club president, saying: "Tour letter wss an Inspiration. As an experiment, I divided my club into five sections, and sent them Out Into the schools, hospitals, missions, and poorer districts to sing to others, and the result Is simply piarvellous. Aside from the pleasure we have given, our club Is growing In Interest and numbers, and better still, we are now worth while.' The Nebraska organisation of Daughters of the American Revolution will hold lta second annual meeting at Falrbury, Octo ber IT and 18. Mrs. C. S. Langworthy or Seward, state regent, haa Issued the call and great preparation Is being mad for tha gathering. The Woman's Club of the Railway Mall Service has called a meeting for 9 o'clock Wednesday morqlng at th postofflce, for the study of civil service. Special Iu4f Rates to Great Wee, era Park, Maaalag, low. Only one far for th round trip. Tickets on sal every Sunday to and including Sunday, September 17. For further Infor mation apply to S. D. Parkhurst, general agent. Kit Farnam street, Omaha. Nt. Hotel Clerks Association.. The Omaha Hotel Clerks' association was entertained by Clerk Cory of the Millard hotel last night at a banquet In the cafe of the MUlaid after the regular business session of th association. At th meeting last night a letter of con dolence was voted to be written and se,-,t to Mrs. Hope, wife of the late proprietor of the Arcade hotel, who died recently. Steps will likely be taken In the near fu ture to make a state organisation of th association, and already there has been considerable printed matter sent out to hotel men outside of Omaha. Th next meeting of the association will be held at -the Henshaw on Septernler 1i. Is to love, children, and home can be completely happy without them, yet th ordeal through which the ex pectant mother must pass usually is so full of suffering, danger and fear that she looks forward to the critical hour with apprehension and dread.