Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Tie Omaiia Sunday Pes
pally Bs (without Sunday). one year. .84 00
rally Km and Sunday, one y-jnr 00
Illustrated Bee, on year 2 6"J
Sunday Be, on year X 6
Saturday Iiee, one year
Twentieth Century-Farmer, ona year... 1 Ou
Pally Hee (without Sunday), per cory... Jo
Pally Ha (without' Sunday), per week.. .120
I 'ally Bee (Including Sunday), per week..l7o
Evening Bee (without Sunday), put week 7o
Evening Be (Including- Sunday), per
week ., 125
Sunday Bee, per copy to
Complain I of Irregularities In delivery
heuld be addressed to City Circulation De
partment. offices.
Omaha The, Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building. Twen
ty-flfth and M street.
Council Bluffs-MO I'earl street..
Chicago 1640 Unity Building.
Naw York 1600 Home AJfe Insurance
Washington 601 Fourteenth street.
Communications relating to news and edi
torial matter should be addressed : Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The baa publishing Company.
Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of
mall aooounta. Personal checks, exc-pt on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
Slate of NubraMka, Douglas County, ss. :
(ieorae B. Tzanhuck, treasurer of The Heo
Publishing Company. tetn duly sworn,
eay that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday liee printed during the
month of August, 19u6, was as follows:
1 itNIMM) 1" SO.tMMI
I N,0,NO 18 8O.O50
I.; TJ.UHO W 81,470
4 g,4U 20 ,fc7t
I vu,;too a UU.MM)
3o,o5o 21
7 ao.o-io 23
I am, 2i 30,100
9 2U.05U 2a 30,110
10 2U.MO 26 31,70
11 30,050 27 2U.U30
12 31,310 28 30,100
13 aotXito nit au,i!5o
14 30,010 iJ UU.7IO
16 iw.umo ai 30.&SO
Total ; 0300
Less unsold copies 11,410
Net total salea D1&.S34
taily a vol age au.o-u
Subscribed In my presence aim sworn tu
betuis mv this lii'ol uay ot August, ituw.
toeaij &i. li. 11 u .sua in.,
Xoiury f uuuu.
aOaurtbcrs leavlntf tit tiiy tein
yutiiiii) suottld sate 'luv tteo
tuaiteu to Utsi. It la better tuau
tlaiiy letter (rum hoiua. Ad
ureas will be i'sasked k witau us :
. - '
1U a wise voter here in Uaialiu who
knows in wiiut voliut; precinct ho lives.
The report oi me ".u.i.'L'y comiulssiou
comes lu time to prexerve to Public
Printer l'uliuer all but his pay envelope.
Now that Auieiieit a' real ueroes arc aa
aembllng all thought of little wars can
jive pluce to furecusts. of the foot ball
result. . '
That accldeut ou the New York ele
vated railroad will probably cause a
rush , of business lu the subway until
the matter Is oi-gotte.v '
The Illness of Huron Komura should
warn enthuslaHtlc Orleutals of the dan
ger of "going up against" Occidental
banquets without previous training.
The easiest way to nettle the trouble
over naturalization with Turkey is for
all Turks recognized aa American clti
sens to remulu ou this side of the At
lantic. '
In spending part of ins latest loan
from Germany for Egyptian dancers
the sultan of Morocco doubtless desired
to find some one who could dance to hia
If Judge Duttie expects to take the
whole Douglas delegation to the repub
lican state convention he will have to
charter a special train and buy out A
cigar store.
Since Mexico has decided to bar lot
teries, people In that country with sport
ing blood In their veins will be com
pelled to resort to the Innocuous bull
fight for amusement.
Omaha still has Irresistible attractions
for Ueueral Manager Dickinson of the
Kansas City & Orient railway. No other
place affords him such excellent amuse
ment at a Sunday ball game.
Prof. Garner says that each word of
the monkey "language" he has learned
bag cost blra 11,000. As his vocabulary
is still deficient it la hardly probable thl
form of atudy will become popular, even
in Newport society.
Now that peace has been decided
upon Russia may be glad that there Is
but a, single track railroad between St
Petersburg and the far east, at least
until the exteut of "socialism" in the
army is determined.
lu Omaha J. E. Markt-1 wag content
with running one hotel and a chain of
railroad eating houses, but at Panama
he will be content with nothing else than
ten hotels and a chain of eating houses
alonf the "raging canal."
With more houses being built In
Omaha thla season than In any previous
year and Its population steadily grow
ing, the enrollment In the public schools
has not increased. What la the matter
with the trqant officer?
By the time Colonel Bryau baa driven
from the party all of the "traitors" and
lienry Watteraou has enforced all ' his
edicts up the Bryau following, what Is
left of the democratic party will no
doubt be able to drop all of its fads and
It must have been fate playing into
the hands, of Uncle Sam which placed a
man named O'Farrell at the head of
Cubau rolgu affairs when Great
Britain attempted to secure a treaty giv
ing It greater privileges on the Island
than ihoeo enjoyed by the fulled. States
According to the official , estimate of
the production of gold and stiver In the
I'nlted States last year, the value of the
two metals computed In gold was $114,
2.W.13S, of which ),T23,2oO represents
gold and $33,515,938 the commercial
value of silver mined. The lending gold
producing states are credited as follows:
. 19,109.n0
. . 7.024, S00
. 4.115,000
. 6,
. 4,087.800
California ....
South Dakota
Idaho 1,514.700
The territory of Alaska Is credited
with 10,034.200 and Arizona with 3,343,-
lX), or an aggregate for these states and
territories of f TT.T61.1MK), which would
h'ave a trifle loss than $3,000,000 to be
credited to all the other states.'!
The grain of Nebraska for the year
1945, as computed by expert grain men
1h as follows:
Grain. Bushels.- Value.
Corn 275,000.000 8123,750,008
Wheat 50.000.000 37,800,000
Oats 60,000,000 16.000.OOJ
Rye 10,000,000 8.600,000
Barley 6,000,000 ' l,r,00
Total , 1183,730,000
Those figures are computed on the
basis of October prices In Omaha with
orn nt 47e, wheat at 7.V, oats 2.1c, rye
55c, barley 33c. Deducting from the
aggregate amount freight charges and
dealers' profits on the basis of 25 per
cent of the market price and we have
$45,032,500 to take out which would
uinke the net value on the farm of the
grain harvest $137,707,500. Computing
the price ' of corn on the farm at 30c,
wheat C5c, oats 18c, rye at 45c and
arley at 25c we have the following
table, of the value of the net output of
grain on the farm:
Corn ".....8 S2.500.00O
Wheat 83,500.000
Oats 10.800,000
Rye T 4,500,000
Barley 2.100,000
Total :.. 132.40O,OO0
These figures strikingly exhibit the
magnitude of Nebraska's wealth pro
ducing power. Just think of the aggre
gate value of Nebraska's grain com
puted at the lowest estimate to be from
$14,000,000 to $10,000,000 greater than
the aggregate value' of all the gold
and silver mined In the United States
during the most prosperous mining' year.
The aggregate value of the corn crop of
Nebraska on the farm la greater by
several million dollars than the aggre
gate value of the output of all the gold
mines in the United States.
The value of this year's wheat crop
of Nebraska on the farm is within half
a million dollars of the value of all the
silver mined within the United States
during the last year and delivered at
Omaha the value of the wheat crop of
Nebraska would be 50 per cent greater
than the value of all the silver product
of the United States. '
A comparison of Nebraska's golden
hnrvest with the mining atatea affords
an even more advantageous aspect of
Nebraska's capacity for wealth produc
tion. The mines of Colorado, uw the
greatest of the gold producing states
of the union yield only $24,81)5,300 worth
of precious metal or less than one-third
of the value of Nebraska's corn crop on
the farm while California with Its $20,-
T32.100 of gold production equaled only
one-fourth of the value of Nebraska's
corn crop and slightly more than one
half of the value of Nebraska's wheat
crop on the farm.' ' All the gold and
silver of the Rocky mountain states with
Alaska thrown In aggregated only $T5,-
000,000 as against $52,500,000 the sell
ing price for Nebraska's corn crop at
the farm.
When It Is borne In mind that Ne
braska's hay and potato crop, and the
product of the poultry yard and dairy
will yield at the lowest estimate $25,000,
000, the stream of gold which will pour
Into Nebraska during the coming year
In exchange for Its agricultural products
almost borders on the fabulous.
When the Jefferla rules, providing for
the nomination of candidates by direct
vote instead of by delegate conventions
were adopted by the republican county
couventlou two years ago, the leaders of
the self-styled ''anti-machine faction"
proclaimed from the housetops that they
were opposed to boss rule, packed con
ventioua aud nomination by barter and
trade. The proposed reform was very
popular and met with .the hearty ap
proval of the rank and file of the repub
lican party, regardless of faction. Tak
lug advantage of thla sentiment, "the
Fontanelle club endorsed the direct prl
mary law, framed by Representative
Dodge, and the act waa made a para
mount issue.
At the very first opportunity that pre
sented Itself for a full test of the law
the Foutanelle governors, whose battle
cry always has been "Smash the Ma
chine," arrogated to themselves not only
the dictatorship of the members of the
club, but of the whole party. Members
of the club who were disposed to be
come candidates were summarily turned
down and ruled off and a ticket was
made up In star chamber by half a
doxen governors ten days before the
date set by the law for filing nouotua
tlona bad expired. . , ...
While the men who were affiliated
with the so-called machine faction were
entirely untrammeled in their choice,
the anti-machine la aeeklng to ram its
own choice down the throats of repub
licans, who are expected to swallow the
dose without wincing. The natural ef
feet of the attempt of the Fontanelle
governors to nullify the direct primary
law will bo a combination against com
bination. The candidates who were
stigmatized aa "machine" men will be
coinpellfd as a matter of self-defense
to combine their strength, and If the
direct primary law becomes a dead let
ter It will be beceus- It was put to
death in the house of Its . pretended
South Ouiaoa will sell $!0j-n of gen-
eriUUi'iKiiljjes bvuds Uiia week which
simply means that several annual over
laps will be transformed Into a perma
nent debt to be saddled upon Greater
Omaha when the merger comes.
No nation shows greater energy In
promoting Its forelgu trade than Ger
many and none is meeting with greater
success. What Germany has accom
plished during the last twenty years In
building up her Industries and com
merce has been surpassed by no other
country, with the possible exception
of the United States, and in some direc
tions, notably In the South American
trade, we have been outstripped by our
European competitor. The manufactur
ers and merchants of Germany are
awake to every opportunity that pre
sents itself for expanding their trade
and quick to take advantage of It.
They have made remarkable progress
in China during the last few years and
It Is said that German trade grows more
rapidly there than that of any other
country. Statistics show that the com
merce of Germany with the countries
of South America, which ranks second
in amount to that of England, la stead
ily growing, the German flag being
almost as frequently seen In the south
ern ports as is the British flag. German
capital Is now being Invested In the
construction of railroads in Brazil,
where there is a large German popula
tion, while In some of the other South
American countries the genius for busi
ness of the people of Germany Is being
conspicuously shown. A recent report
from Berlin notes a scheme for estab
lishing German coaling stations along
the' main ocean trade routes, one ob
ject of this new development being to
help the German shipping trade, which
is now being so rapidly pushed In all
parts of the world. It will also aid the
German coal Industry and make ship
pers Independent of British coal sup
piles. In time of war these stations will
give Germany great advantages over
other countries.
Germany has built up and maintains
a merchant marine second in extent
only to that of England and it is to this
that she. largely owes the progress of
her foreign commerce. German ships
are on all seas and carry the products
of that country to all ports of the world.
In this Hhe has pretty conclusively dem
onstrated that trade follows the flag
and her example in this particular is
certainly worthy of the thoughtful con
sideration of the. American people. It
Germany finds profit and advantage in
her merchant marine, in transporting
her products under her own flag, why
should not the United States also find
that policy advantageous. Americans
are Justly celebrated for their energy
and enterprise in seeking trade, but the
Germans are not behind them in this
respect and some of their methods are
decidedly superior to ours, one thing be
ing that they study more carefully than
Americans the requirements of certain
foreign markets. In the struggle for
trade that Is becoming more and more
eager every year it Is not to be doubted
that German energy and enterprise will
secure a large ahare.
Republicans of Douglas county who
intend to- participate in the coming
primary flection next week ahould re
member that the county Judge is also
Judge of probate and supervisor of the
estates of all deceased persons within
his Jurisdiction. Every thoughtful voter
should ask himself these questions be
fore he makes his choice from among
the candidates who present themselves
for his support:
Who among the men presenting them
selves for your suffrage Is the most
trustworthy and reliable, as well as
competent to fulfill the duties of the
Suppose that you knew you were to
die any time during the next two years,
whom would you be willing to entrust
with the guardianship of your wife and
children, or your mother, father, or
mluor sisters and brothers, who would
Inherit what you have accumulated?
Would you be willing to allow your
estate to be administered by a man who
has been schooled in manipulating and
covering up the disposition made of the
trust funds and the distributions of
heirship properties by the county court?
Would you be willing to place your
wife or family, dependent upon your
savings. In the bands of any man who
has proved himself to be a sldestepper
or boodler, or the associate of a side-
stepper or boodlers?
If you have no property and have no
body dependent upou you, would you
consider It Just and proper to foist into
this office an untrustworthy man and by
your vote help to place the widows and
orphans of Douglas county at the mercy
of any man of questionable integrity?
These questions are rtinent and
come home not only to the men who are
aged and to thousands of women and
children who are already widowed and
orphaned, but to every thinking voter
who conscientiously desires to do his
duty toward his neighbors and the whole
It Is In accord with the eternal fit
ness of things that a bunch of 2-year
olds of the Omaha bar should organise
themselves Into a booster's club to force
the nomination for county Judge of the
amateur lawyer, who has been acting
aa chief clerk for Judge Vlnsonbaler
for the past six years. The young grass
feds apparently do not want a county
Judge who knows any law. If they
were young school teachers they would
root for a student In a commercial col
lege, or a bookkeeper for the position
of superintendent of public Instruction.
With Nebraska crops exceeding In
value the total gold and ellvec pnxluo
tlon' of the United States, the yellow
metal will have to take a back seat for
the yellow grain among those who know
a good Investment when they aee It
If resolution before' county conven
lloua uitaii aiij'Uilttf the gusseugcr de
partments of Nebraska railroads can
look with pleasure upon the coming
state convention, but they can hardly
expect to declare an extra dividend
until after this year.
Another man with a mission has come
to the front with a Nebraska newspaper
exclusively devoted to the extermination
of cat house. The task of educating
the people of Nebraska to boycott Chi
cago and St. Louis mall order concerns
will, however, prove almost as difficult
as the suppression of the popular crav
ing for tainted money. .
Tax Commissioner Fleming will be
no less surprised to learn through the
official demo-pop organ that he is run
ning for county clerk, than County Clerk
Drexel, who has been laboring under
the impression that he was to have a
walkaway for the democratic nomina
tion. The basso profundo candidate for po
lice Judge seems to be running several
laps ahead of Judge Back-Salary Gor
don on the democratic race track. At
least, he occupies top column, front
page, next to reading matter, of the
senior yellow.
Here's Hplna-.
Portland Oregonlan.
It Is to be hoped that next winter, when
hs is wrestling with grave domestic ques
tions. President Roosevelt will have as
much Influence with the t'nlted States sen
ate as he had with the emperors of Japan
and Russia.
Good Services t BSrrrtlnrd,
Indianapolis News.
But surely the 1600 a year life insurance
clerk who accommodatingly signed notes
for millions of dollars In order to help his
employers out of an embarrassing position
would be justified In placing a higher valua
on fals services.
I'nrle San Is On,
Cleveland Leader. .
If the contractor who sells gloves to the
War department really thought he could
cheat Uncle Sam he waa foolish. It has
become an exceedingly difficult thing to do,
as a number of men now behind prison
bars can testify.
Royal Paternalism. '
Philadelphia Record.
The "Little Father" graciously tells his
trustful and affectionate children thaht he
would rather give up the half of Sakhalin
than further expose them to the horrors of
war. How paternal in the csar, who would
rather have sent hundreds of thousands of
his children to an inglorious death than
pay a money Indemnity for peace!
Recalling a Pipe Dream.
Baltimore American. .
Is the horseless age already dawning?
In Scotland an agricultural automobile has
been put upon the market. It will draw a
gang plow, cultivator, harrow or a wheat
reaper. It will pull a wheat drill geared
behind a smoothing harrow, thus preparing
the ground and seeding at one operation.
When not engaged In field work the motor
can be harnessed to a threshing machine,
corn sheller or wood saw, or will draw the
loaded wagon to the- railroad station; in
fact. It seems to take the place, pretty
completely, of the farmer's best friend, the
horse'. .....
Chance for Piatt to Make Good.
Bah Prartdsco Chronicle.
Mae Catherine Wood, the authoress of
"The Love Letters of a Boss," may be tell
ing the truth about Senator Piatt, and that
worthy may deserve to have it told about
him, but that Is no good reason why Mae
Catherine should be permitted to practice
the art of the blackmailer with Impunity.
Unless matters, have been grossly misrep
resented, she has been trying to extort
money from ths senator. In most states
attempts of this kind are offenses against
the law. Flatt must be aware of this, and
if he does not Invoke protection ha has
himself to blame for his trouble.
Critics of the Administration Ridi
culed by tho Record.
New Tork Tribune.
The report of the Commissioner of Pen
sions for the fiscal year 1904-06 will
scarcely prove palatable reading to the
statesmen and economists who twelve
months ago were working themselves Into
a frenxy over President Roosevelt's age
disability order known popularly as the
Ware order, or aa Order No. 78. The
Parker Constitution club of New Tork
City, then In ths heyday of Ita publlo use
fulness, was constructing masterly argu
ments to show not only that the order
aforesaid waa an "executive usurpation,"
null, void and Impotent ab Initio, but also
that If some self-sacrificing patriot did not
enjoin the secretary of the treasury from
paying the pensions granted under it the
government would be put to a ruinous
extra-legal expense. It waa estimated that
If nobody stepped Into the breach and
mandamused the treasury the annual ex
penditure for pensions would be swollen
some ten or twenty millions. But no one
subscribed to a relief fund, and the In
junction theory was never tested.
Perhaps It was Just aa well for the re
putations of the constitutionalists of the
Parker club that their proposal to tie up
the treasury never got beyond the pamph
lets stage. How far askew their Ideas
about "executive usurpation" were we
shall never know officially. But to see
how lamentably beside the mark were
their estimates of the cost of the age order
wa need only turn to the Pension commis
sioner's report for the first full year under
the new ruling. Order No. 78 was issued on
March 16, 1904. It did not become effective
however, until April IS, 1904, so that It was
in force for only two months and a half
In 1903-04. The sum paid for pensions In
that year was tl41.ut3.s71. But the amount
paid for pension In 1SU4-05, with the new
order In full force was only 8141,142,861 an
Increase of 849,000.
During 1904-06, 6I.US claims affected by
Order No. 78 were allowed by the Commis
sioner of Pension. But the affect of these
allowances on the business ot the bureau
waa Infinitesimal. No Jump In pension ex
penditures of 830.0oe.0oo. or 810.000,000, or even
86,000,000, occurred. As we argued at the
time, the lowering ot the age limit at which
disability might be presumed Involved no
reckless broadening of the pension system.
It was a step taken as much to simplify
administration as to liberalise the terms oo
which a disability claim might be admitted.
The modification of previous orders au
thorised by President Roosevelt was Justi
fied on grounds of common sense and by
the pension office's accumulated experience.
In practice ths Dew rule seems to have
worked to the satisfaction both of the
government and of the pensioner. It has
disappointed only Its overhasty and over
partisan rrillca. Within a rear the presi
dent's much misrepresented pension policy
has been fully vindicated. In this Instance,
as In so many other Instances, time has
corrected the mlsjudgments of the ad
ministration's critics. As the president
well -put It In his letter of acceptance last
September, these erltlca have boon la the
main convincing only when jhey have
auaeiaUd ur nut ;onclve4 the facta,
Present Era ot Prosperity Sever
Before Equalled,.
Unprecedented prosperity Is the present
lot of the United States. A grester pros
perity Is the promise ot the Immediate
Statistics compiled and published by the
Chicago Record-Herald warrant the state
ment of fact and promise. Already ths
year, with over three months to go on, has
smashed records right and left. The
figures are stupendous and there Is not
a cloud on the horlson to shadow their
slse. Here are a few.
Bank clearings In the United States for
August, although only a trifle larger than
those for July, exceeded those for the same
month In any previous year, while for the
flrt eight months of 195 the clearings
footed up 92,29M70,OOo, as against K-'.TStf-409.2IS
for the ssme period In the preced
ing years. This Is one Instance where
figures are at command to tell the story.
The storks and bonds barometer of Wall
street makes a showing of 98.S72.300 more
shares of stocks traded In for the first eight
months of 1905 than during the correspond
ing months of 19O-lS.3."00 more than the
total number of sales recorded for the pre
vious year's period while the sale ot
bonds aggregate J749, 480,000, an Increase of
Increase in building for the first eight
months of the year has been enormous. In
New Tork City alone operations up to
September 1 aggregate $10,44.226, an In
crease of 842,106,066 over the corresponding
period In 1904. Chicago next In rank
presents nn outlay for building during the
eight months of $40,387,865, an Incrcaso of
813.293,496 over the 1904 period.
Could the totals of billions pertaining to
speclfio branches of Industry be brought
within grasp and held in the Imagination
they would give to the reader a more vivid
conception of contemporaneous conditions.
In the Iron and steel Industry, for exam
plethe greatest In all Its branches of any
of the country's Interests the figures are
so stupendous that It would require the
work of a national census to present them
even approximately. But there Is the tan
gible fact that the demand on the Iron and
steel mills Is beyond their capacity, and
the further fact that preparations are being
made for the greatest year in their history
lying Just ahead.
Business has been forging ahead by such
leapa and bounds that the carriers have
been caught short of equipment with which
to move products. Railroads, striving to do
the best within their power, have bewild
ered the manufacturers with their orders
for more rolling stock. The Pennsylvsnla
road alone within a week has ordered 16,000
steel cars,, and that Is only a sample of the
demand generally, especially aa to western
The steel rail output of many large mills
for niext year practically has been sold In
advance. In the last ten days 650.000 tons
of rails have been ordered, and the orders
break records.
It Is the same story In other lines of in
dustryIn hides and leather, dry goods,
furniture, clothing, and In fact everything
that pertains to the needs and luxuries of
man. Experts say the consuming millions
never had so much money to spend, and
they are spending It freely. The leather
trade, which Is one of the greatest next to
Iron and steer, will have the biggest year
with the close of 1906 that it ever has
Leather goods, like hardwarefl are stples
to a large extent, but automobiles cannot
as yet be classed as such. As a side light
on prosperity, therefore something show
ing the ability of the American people to
purchase things that are not necessities In
this era of bounty It may bo stated that
IfAOOO.flOO Is an estimate of the money that
will potir into the coffers of the automobile
manufacturers of the country for the year
Real estate and building affords another
opportunity to gauge prosperity with
figures and statistics, and the activity In
the building trades forms the complement
of the demands of the railroads for the
great boom In Iron and steel.
All over the country the building records
reflect the prosperous conditlpns. The ex
traordinary fact to be noted Is that every
month of the present year has shown an
increase over the corresponding period one
year ago.
Building experts who have watched con
ditions closety say they believe the present
activity will contiuue for a long time.
Twenty-seven cities shew an increase in
building for August of 2,628 buildings and
tn.10D.988 in cost, or 48 per cent over the
same month a yea.' ago. During the month
permits were taken out, according to offi
cial reports to Construction News, for the
construction of 11,640 buildings, aggregat
ing (52.320,811, against 8.912 buildings, in
volving 835,210,823 for the corresponding
month a year ago. Every month of tne
year has shown an increase over the cor
responding period a year ago. The record
Is, therefore, unusual. The figures In de
tail are as follows:
1904. Pet.
No. Cost. On.
243 $ (.637,816 163
717 6.6.245 26
No. Cost.
4!3 116.833.453
New Tork..
Brooklyn ...
Baltimore ...
.1.19 7.1. 66
6. 401. 150
3.648. 2W 80
2,117.480 81
2.87B.200 1,168
2.012.717 ...
ft. Louis
1.414. R21
i,r 1
1,487.008 V5
1,56.68 t
610.210 26
1.182,111 18
723.10ft 30
1.228.645 8
12.fril 44
6,870 23
726.35 2
635.880 28
461.5J5 14
390.626 20
S23. 1(6 81
2MI.&M t
185,357 67
195.870 6
246.600 tit
289,li 240
San Francisco 2K7 '
Kansas City,
Los Angeles..
Pittsburg ....
Louisville ....
Milwaukee ..
Cincinnati ...
Columbus ....
St. Paul
Allegheny ....
New Orleans.
MS. 373
746 7S5
614 821
425, 9N6
206.470 167
18 610
Total ....11.640 862.320.811 8,912 835,210 823 43
Including Manhattan and the Bronx.
Indicated yields of grain, according to
ths government crop report for Auguat,
were far greater totals than ever before
produced in this country In a single year.
According to the Auguat figures, ths
present wheat crop has been exceeded only
once, in 1892, while corn Is likely to out
strip all records by 70,000,000 bushels.
The following table shows the probable
yields of principal grains aa Indicated by
the last official report:
1W6. bu. 1904. bu.
Wheat 691.478 WO 662.400,000
Corn 2.63.0W.WO 2.467,481.000
Oats 8n.478.ona 891.3MWO
Rye '. 27.OU7.OO0 27.500.WJO
Barley 132.WO.0WJ 136.000.000
..4.8'-'4,OI8.( 4.074,736,000
.. 249.283,000
If all the live stock, poultry and dairy
products grown In this country and turned
Into cash from time to tlms through the
year, as well as the various vegetable,
grain, seed and hay crops not named above
were enumerated In the government re
ports the totals would be almost beyond
Ths crops shown In the above table alone,
roughly reduced to dollars and cents on a
very low basis of prices In Chicago, would
figure out roughly as follows:
Corn crop, 60c per bu
Wriest crop. 0c per bu 6.S6.0UU.W4
Oats crop ztic rr bti t 2ju.(j0O
Rye crop, tioc per bu ' l(,2).0u0
barley crop, 60c per bu 62.6u0,0u0
TotrU 82,102.000.000
Thla would figure out about t6 per cap
ita for the nresent population, estimated
by the treasury d-..iriiii.-nl ot the United
States at U 4S ) peonlo. The preoeiit
w sill el mousy ta cucuiauvn u ui-w-
Gasoline Motor Core Steadily Comln
Into lit.
Philadelphia Tress.
It took nearly fifteen years for the trolley
to expel the horse, a task not wholly com
pleted even jet In backward city like
New Tork. It may prove that a much less
period is required to expel the trolley by
the gasoline or steam motor car. England
Is at this point In advance of this country.
Railroads there have promptly seised the
advantages offered by the motor car, both
on the track and omnibuses. The auto
motor car prows on the railroad line to be
cheaper, more efficient and more easily
managed than the train made up of loco
motives and csrs for light passenger ser
vice. On the Northwestern railway In
England the Increase in passengers on Its
motor cars In a year was 460,000, against
190,000 on the trains.
The Union Pacific has begun the use of
these csrs for its suburban service outside
of Omaha, a number of English railroads
have adopted the ssme system, finding thst
on those trains, familiar on every road,
which have to be run for public conveni
ence, but on which travel Is small, that an
auto car carrying passengers and a little
haggage Is Just as convenient for the pas
senger and far more economical for the
railroad than a train. The Taff Valley line
for instance, reports that a train costs
SO cents a train mils and steam motor car 11.
This, however, la only a beginning. The
Northeastern railway. In England, has
procured legislation permitting it to run
gasoline auto motor omnibuses from Its
stations In the neighborhood of Newcastle
and other centers of population. These run
In connection with suburban trains in
tended to meet the need of the commuters.
They bring passengers In in the morning.
They take them out at night. They add to
the region which can be reached by a man
returning to the city every day for his
work, a wide area which theae auto cars
can cover without the cost of a track and
with no special charter.
The rural trolley will not last long under
this competition If it comes here. The
gasoline engine only costs for power whlla
It Is In operation. The capital on the track
Is all saved. Questions of right-of-way are
avoided. Sparse travel can be gathered
profitably and economically by this method.
In London the omnibus companies are
substituting the auto car on streets where
It was expected to Introduce the trolley.
The advantage of the auto car Is obvious.
It can drop its passengers on the sidewalk.
It calls for no track. ' It dispenses with
wire. It requires no power plant. -Above
all, instead of requiring a constant stream
of electricity, fuel is consumed only when
It is actually used.
Democracy Groplna- In the Dark for
a Live lasac.
Washington Post.
What Is the dmocratlc party going to doT
What Issue will It tender? The political
history of the past forty years demonstrates
that to succeed a party must be assertive.
It must take the Initiative. There was a
time when the democratic party could be
depended on to lead. It deatroyed the
United States bank; it paid the national
debt: It distributed the surplus among the
states; it annexed Texas; If fought the
Mexican war; it enacted free trade; It took
from Mexico an empire spoil of victory on
the field of battle; It developed California;
it created a magnificent merchant marine;
it admitted great and flourishing states Into
the sisterhood. When It was at Its senlth
the decade 1850-60 the relative Increase of
material wealth was greater than any like
period of our history before or since.
That was when the democratic party
believed something and was faithful to Its
convictions. II was not then a mere party
of negation, to camp tonight where Its
adversary camped last night. The act of
1853 put the country on a practical gold
basis a democratic measure fashioned by
Robert M. T. Hunter of Virginia. The
party waa true to Its traditions as late 'as
1862 and voted solidly against the flat, rag
money greenback; but In 1868 it proposed to
print enough rag money to pay the national
debt. Since that date it has Just been
"slashing around" and clutching at all the
financial heresies It could lay hold on.
Tllden got hold of It, put some democracy
into it, and retaught It the art of victory,
Cleveland twice led It ott of the wilderness,
but it scampered back again at the invita
tion of frenzied statesmen of the west.
The democratic party must And some
thing to believe, and then believe it with
fanatic seal. It has never yet, and it never
will, believe this "blue law" democracy Mr.
Bryan thinks he believes In. Whenever the
people want "blue law" statesmanship they
know where to get it. The democratic party
will gain victories when it again plants it
self on the constitution of the United States
and sound democratic Interpretations of
that Instrument.
Until then it will wander in the wilder
Horrible Example In Polities.
New Tork Sun.
The reappearance of Pettlgrew as a
would-be factor in publlo affairs need cause
no uneasiness. He calls himself now an
anti-Roosevelt republican." Mr. Roose
velt Is to be congratulated. Pettlgrew will
sink again Into the obscurity of opulence
soon. While he remains active he will
serve admirably aa a horrible example in
politics. Even thla consideration, however,
may not reconcile the state of South Da
kota to Its fate aa the homo of Pettlgrew.
Generous Qonsolntiosi Parse.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Parker's 2100.000 legal Job proves that It Is
better to have run and lost than never to
have run at all.
Sixty years of experience with' Ayer's Sarsa
ptrilla! Think of that! Think of the millions
of people who have been cured by this medicine 1
If despondent, down-hearted, discouraged, and
almost ready to give up, this splendid old family
medicine will prove the silver ' lining to your
dark and dismal cloud. Ask your doctor.
F ss . C.
m.w am m
Alii 111 i V;C,,.U 'L
Alt 8) UUUttT CruAir- eeggna,
The centonnry of the Frankfurt n 1
Wiener saiisnges lias Just been i-HIm r
In Germany.
The recent death of Wltllam Ki-t f
New Jersey recalls his peculiar di.virv:-.
It was he who gave the lie to nil
comic weeklies by marrying hl n. ,;.
James J. Hill, the railroad ningii,vy
will celebrate Ills 7th birthday Pejiic : ,,
16, on which orraKlon a bamiuot win -.,
given In his honor by representative -.. -of
Minneapolis. Mr. Hill was bom i
Otielph, Ont.
During the recent soujourn of tie '',
of Persia in Paris one of Ms t; ,
amusements Is said to have been hivr
his secretary read to him the oddest ;
the begging letters, of which vast r.u-t-beta
were sent to him dally.
Having played the part of host in a
royal manner to the members of .
American Tress Humorists' sssneinti :i.
whose target he has often been, Mr. lto. k
feller may yet have, the pleasure of , n.
tertalnlng Mr. Lawson or Miss TarKi!
Numerous anecdotes of the rhlldh.vii
days of the Oerman crown prince bn
been unearthed since his recent marrlnc
According to one of these, his tutor t. .1
him that all mankind are sinners. M
father may be a sinner." he replied hotly.
iy D a sinner, ne repnea notiy,
iow my mother Is nou"
lome painting of Jolf V Carll
received by the Y.W Mty Hlsto-.
ty and placed In .iS hlstnrl al
"but I know my mother Is not
A handsome
has been received
leal eoclet)
rooms at Frankfort alongside of pletutu
of the former governors and dlstlngulshel
Kentucklans. The painting Is life slie It
was painted in 1893 while Mr. Carllnln
was secretary of the treasury, by II.
First Lieutenant Henry L. Hsrris aivl
Second Lieutenant Mortoii 'oasell, both of
the Twenty-second Unltedr ,-s Infantrv.
have resigned their commissions and will
enter the Chinese army. They are to re
ceive the rank of colonel and major, re
spectively, at I7.0ii0 and 86,000 a year, anl
will devote themselves to Introducing west
ern military methods in the army oi
"Tea, she's married to a real estats
agent and a good, honest fellow, too."
"My gracious! Bigamy!" Chicago Tri
bune. Grindstone How was that divorce case
finally settled?
Klljordsn The Judge decided that both
parties deserved the severest punishment
possible and he put them under heavy
bonds to continue to live together. Chicago
"There's a fellow who makes light ot his
flnnncial troubles."
"How's that?" .
"Why, when his bills come in he burns
them." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"How's your brother doing In the govern
ment service?"
"Oh, he's way in the background," an
swered Farmer Corntossel. "lie never gets
nobody to take any notice of him. Hen
worked for the government for ten years
and nobody has said a word about Investi
gating him." Washington Star.
"so you're a veteran of the rebellion?''
said the young man, admiringly. "The war
clouds were thick about you when you
were a youth, weren't they?"
"Yes, replied the veteran, as he in
dorsed the pension voucher he wished to
have cashed: "but they all had their silver
lining." Philadelphia Ledger.
"But, John," complained his wife, "we
have not coat-of-arms!"
"No," said he, "but I guess we can get
along without it now that we bava fallen
into a mllllonl There was a time when we
didn't have a coat of any kind!" Detroit
Free Press.
Amusement Manager You wish to go on
the stage, do you? May I ask what your
qualifications are? Have you had any ex
perience? Fair Applicant Tee, sir. Of course I've
never been divorced, but I - have.' been In
three or four of the most terrible auto
mobile accidents you ever heard of. Chi
cago Tribune.
"I aaw a plumber today waiting for a
street car."
"And he looked ridiculously contented."
'f wnnH., whvf"
"The car waa behind time." Rochester
S. W. Oilman In Baltimore American.
When down at Cleveland t'other day ths
Jesters went to see
The butt of Ida Tarbell's roast (and eke
Tom Lawson's), we
Ware treated to the privilege of taking by
. the hand
The very richest chap of this or any other
Ha seised us by the luncheon hooks and
earnestly proclaimed
His wondrous Joy at seeing those whi
pnundlv hn.4 fmMl
The Standard and Its magnate In so man:
caustic ways-
Such coajs of fire upon our heads has left
us in a daxe.
He led us (aa a priest his flock) from
flower bed to tree.
He named each little bush's age and eke
Its pedigree;
He told us Just how many pocks of worms
he had obtained
Prom one small patch of velvet sward our
alien feet dlstalned;
He handed posies to us In exchange for
former roasts
Our oasts rose up and smote us like a lot
of shaming ghosts.
He Jested like a mountebank, he smiled on
each and all
The time we went to Forest Hill to mak
our little call.
But never once It struck us strange did
Coal Oil Johnny say:
"Come In and have a million bones apiece
with me today;
I'm wearied of your chaffing and I'd put
you out of bis
By making each of you as rich as Tommy
Lawson Is.
I'll make each man a millionaire, then you
won't be so rude
As to bemean me when I next advance the
prlco of crude."
Not once did John forget himself and even
start to aay
Such things when we went calling at his
home the other day.
Ares C.. tawell, "t-i
iswi-sy ef
TlEB'8 eoastlasrlae.
At' AGU CU-at atfJana aadagnn.
'. - JT