Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone 604.
Life la m abort, bat
Ihfrt la alwaia
lime efionah
for roarlrif
Novel and artistic cffccts-St. Etleune
Band Trimming-.
.Our new Kail Importation of trim mine In the oholreHt trr- have ever had.
There are aomo rionurlftil things tit evening wear In rich ajpllnie trin
wlnga and separate rollnra. '
Ask to see our Ppangled and Lace Rot nnd Lnce Evening Jackets.
', Auk to see our Ileal Lace.
; The line of t.rnlils In both Novelties and Staple Is very complete.
'. Fancy trimmings rmi?e from i."c to $7-50 a yard.
Braid's from 5c a yard up.
Y. M. C. A. Building,
(Continued from First Page.)
John I.onit. Dundee Advertiser; M. PoknM
loff. Runnlnn minister to China; Mr. Har
vy. North American Review: Mr. Lord.
New York Sun; Mr. Hed-man, Pari Mn'ln;
Mr. Miller, New York Time: Mr. Cortesi,
Associated Press; Baron Srlillppenliarh,
Russian rnneu.1; ChleflRo; Mr. Lyman. New
York Trllnine; Mr Korostnwetz and Mr.
Merrill. New York World: Mr. Pulley, As
sociated Press; M. NalKikoff; Mr. Wil
liam. Associated Press; M. Pouvortne.
St. Petersburg- Novoe Vremya; Judne Mc
Lean; M. Hrtanchanlnoff, fit. Petersburg
Blovo; Mr. Johnson. Century Mnsnrlne; Mr.
Och, New York Times; M. de Lodyifn
sky, Russian consul general at New York;
Mr. Wright, New Y'ork Globe: Mr. Norris,
New York Times; Mr. Thompson, Asso
elated Press: General Yermoloff; Mr. Mar
tin. New York Tribune; Mr. Plancon: Mr.
Kloeler, Associated Press; M. Shlpoff; Mr.
Wardman, New York Press; Mr. Strauss,
New York Glob: Melville K. Stone, Jr.
Russians nt West Point.
WEST POINT, N. Y., Sept. ll.-The Rus
sian envoys, who arrived here from New
York this morning, were met at the West
Point landing by General Mills and his staff
and a detachment of ravalry. There was a
salute of nineteen guns and a review of the
corps cf cadeta. After being conducted
through the various buildings the Russians
again went aboard the yacht Corsair and
were conveyed to JWr. Morgan's country
seat at Highland Falls, where they had
Commander Takahlra and Colonel Taka
bana of the Japanese navy and army
visited West Point earlier In the day.
People Stop Work Because a. So
cialist Leader Was
WARSAW, Russian Poland, Sept. 11. In
consequence of the execution on Friday of
Ivan KRspshak, a socialist leader, Who was
condemned by a court-martial for Inciting
political murders, all the factories In War
saw struck today. Cossacks and Infantry
are patrolling the streets.
A large number of arrests were made In
a theater at LoHs last night. An Individual
In the gallery flooded the house with revo
lutionary documents, wheerupon the .police
surrounded the theater and arrested about
20 of the occupants.
Tsrlui and Knrda- Art Attain Plaa.
derlna; "Black Town." '
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 12.-4:80 a. m.
The laiest private telegram to be received
from Baku, Vepntjts tHat the situation there
Is growing worse;
Other unconfirmed dispatches assert that
the rioters are stubbornly continuing their
attacks and that the Tartars and Kurds
are plundering In the "Blacktown." dis
trict. The dispatches say that on Sunday
the soldiers fired Into a crowd of Russian
workmen killing seventeen.
A despatch to the Caucasus Oil company
from Baku says that the-flres In the oil
"" """
COFFEE accelerates and overworks the
This is how it stimulates and why such
stimulation is dangerous.
Over-work weakens and "runs down" a
Heart, just as it would a horse.
A Heart that is "run down" continually cries
out for more coffee and generally gets it till the
abnormal condition results in Heart-failure or
nervous prostration.
Nature sets the nace at which the Heart
should beat, just as the government Inspector sets
the safety-value on a steam boiler at the highest pressure which
it can safely carry.
Tampering with the "safety-valve" is risky.
"Coffee-heart" is the penalty for forcing, (with coffee), more
work from Heart and Nerves than food supports them in doing.
, And Coffee-heart now debars many people from getting life
insurance an onimous fact worth pondering over.
" Postum cures "Coffee-heart" and rebuilds Nerve tissue,
while having the rich flavor of fine old Government Java.
; Because Postum is made from theouter coats of Wheat, in
which are located the Phosphate of Potash that feeds Brain and
Nerve up to normal condition, so that they feel as good all day as
coffee makes them feel for a few minutes in the day.
These outer coats do not give up their full contents of Phos
phate of Potash, except by thorough boiling as in Postum.
"Coffee-heart," Dyspepsia, and Nervousness, generally dis
appear when "Postum" has displaced Coffee six weeks.
A ten-day trial will show marked improvement.
"There's a reason."
Bee, Pept. 11, 1005.
New Fall
Dress .Trimming
Hand, Ombre Velvet Baud and Side
Cor. 16th and Douglas.
fields are practically exhausted and that
the military authorities are stationing
guards In the district.
During the night the dispatch says, In
cendiaries tried to land at Biblenat from
small boats, but were driven off by volleys
from the Cossacks. They then attacked
steamers In which the employes of two
oil companies had taken refuge during the
uprising but the attack was repulsed. The
Incendiaries succeeded In setting fire to
three machine shops In the Volshky dis
trict, killing the proprietor of one.
In the "Black Town" district the patrol
fired a volley Into a crowd of Russian
workmen from which a shot was supposed
to have been fired, but the dispatch to the
Caucasus Oil company expressly states that
no one was killed Throughout the "Black
Town" district the patrols are acting en
ergetically In suppressing disorders.
After the conference of oil men here yes
terday, at which dispatches from the oil
regions were compared, the representatives
of the various companies summarised the
situation In the well district as follows:
Bord company Most of the tanks and
pumps of this company have been saved.
A few wells belonging to other English
companies have been saved.
Society of Baku A third of Its property
Nobel company Half of Its property de
stroyed. Cusplun company Its property completely
dest royed.
Other large companies, Including the
Caucasus, Rothschild, MatachefT, Sherbaleff
and Sobaloff, saved only small portions of
their propel t lea.
Contract Sara-eon Vaughn at Port
Crook Relieved from
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Sept. 11. (Special Tele
gramsContract Surgeon Milton- Vaughan
has been relieved from duty at Fort Crook
and will proceed to his home, Little Rock,
for annulment of contract.
Robert A. Recroft has been appointed
postmaster at Newport, Rock county, Ne
braska, vice C. P. Wlltse, removed.
George M. Place has been appointed reg
ular, II. A. Rose substitute rural carrier
for Route 2, at Smlthland, la.
The application of A. J. Cunningham, E.
P. Palmer, J. D. Richards, H. O. Hay and
A. H. Marble to organise the Wind River
National bank of Shoshone, Wyo., with
$23,000 capital, has been approved by the
comptroller of the currency.
Iowa Man Plea In Boston,
BOSTON, Sept. ll.-Deputy Chief of Po
lice ' Whlttemere of Osceola, la., 'died sud
denly In this city today. He was mken 111
while on a street car and died before an
ambulance could get him to the hospital.
Mra. Mary A. Feeny.
HASTINGS, Neb., Sept. 11 (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Mary A. Feeny of Hastings
died suddenly this morning while visiting
at the home of Mr. and -Mrs. Henry, near
Roseland. The deceased was one of the
early Bettlers In Adams county.
:.ii.iin i....i.:r
Don't trifle m
with the Safety
ofitfee ' .
Haw Fmident of Iqtritabla Makes Bpseoh
to Bocietj'i Agents.
Retrenchments to the Amonat of
K1.noO a Year Have Already
Been Made and More
NEW YORK, Sept. 11. President Paul
Morton outlined the policy of the new man
agement of the Equitable Ufe Insurance
society In an address which he delivered
at Manhattan Beach today to 750 agents
of the society who came from different
parts of the country.
The convention, which will close Wednes
day night, Is held In fulfillment of an an
nouncement made last December, when It
was promised that all agents who wrote
more than a stipulated amount of business
would be given an outing during the sum
mer. President Morton welcomed the
agenis at their first meeting this afternoon.
With him on the platform were Second
Vice President Gage E. Tarbell, Third Vice
President George E. Wilson, Comptroller
W. A. Day and other officers.
Mr. Morton's Addrraa,
After briefly reviewing recent events In
the Equitable. Mr. Morton said:
I sm going to say a few words to you on
your new administration. There will be
no attempt to make It daztllngly brilliant.
The effort will be to make It honest, cour
ageous and mnservative. There will be the
greatest con.ierallon shown for the policy
holders and at every turn their Interests
will be protected. All of the new directors
are policy holders. Businesslike methods
will prevail. The more economy of the
right sort we can Institute the more we
can save to the policy holders. Invest
ments will be of the highest character.
The institution will not be run as an ad
junct to any one or several banking houses.
Every owner of securities will have a
chance to deal with us and our aim will be
to buy the very best at the very lowest
prices. The cheaper this society can be
Iiroperly administered the better we can
Invest our earnings and the better showing
we can make the easier It will be for
agents to sell our Insurance. I want to see
the Insurance buslncua removed as far as
possible from politics.
Insurance a sacred Trout.
I believe In the proper laws safeguarding
the sacred trusta of Insurance, and 1 will
co-operate In the enactment of any neces
sary laws with that end in view. We shall
all work to put the business of life insur
ance on the elevated plane it ought to
The new irfanaaement of the Equitable
will Insist on an annual audit of Its affairs
by an unbiased and Independent account
ant. There will be no attempt to deceive
anybody, not even ourselves.
Retrenchments are the order of the
day In the Equitable, They already amount
to over IiKiO.uoO per year which Is equal to
4 per cent on an Investment of $15,ii0,000.
They will amount to a much larger sum
before we are through and I am sure that
we will satiRfy not only our own policy
holders and our own agents, but the many
who will buy what we have to sell.
(Continued from First Puge.)
were taken Into custody. At a preliminary
hearing this afternoon all the men waived
Two versions of the cause of the wreck
were told to the coroner. One of these was
that the switchman had set the tracks for
a Sixth avenue train and when he saw his
mistake had attempted to rectify it while
the train was 'on the curve, the change
throwing the second, third and fourth cars
off the track.
The switchman, however, declares the
wrecked train had Sixth avenue signals set
and he expected It to slow down to take
the curve. Instead It maintained the speed
usual with Ninth avenue trains -on the
direct line.
The curve at Fifty-third street Is a sharp
one and Is practically unbanked, according
to statements made today. It Is Intended
to be taken slowly and Is not constructed
for a higher rate of speed than six miles
an hour.
Condnetor'a Statement.
Conductor Johnson this afternoon made a
detailed statement to Police Inspector
Flood. He said:
I was on the first platform of the second
car. We had Just left Thlrtv-nlnth street
and were going at a fair rate of speed, as
It Is a long run to Fiftieth street. The car
was pretty well crowded. There were a
number of men on the platform and In the
aisle of the second car. There were a
number of shop girls, who were laughing
and joking. ,
When we reached the curve the first car
went on and the second nnd third cars
went together like a jackknife, aticking
light up in the air and practically clusing
against each other. In consequence, from
where I was on the trout platform of the
second car at the start I was dropped to
the rear platform of the first car. Then
the second cur dropped to the street. I
held on to the Iron rail like death and was
straight up In the air. I saw girls and
women climbing over the seats of the cur
that they might escape.
Relng an old railroader I pulled out mv
watch and looked at It. It was exactly 7:08
a. ni. The hIkduIs were set wrong. That
was the trouble. They were set green and
yellow, which Is lor a Sixth avenue train.
Hull was accepted for all the railroad
man under arrest late tonight.
Policeman Tell of Accident.
Policeman Edward Moron, who was In
jured, was standing beneath the structure
when the accident happened. He leaped
when he heard the crash overhead and
escaped death.
"I turned around and saw the car coming
to the street," he. said. "It fell with a
crash on its forward end. The bottom
crushed and the aides shivered and opened
out. The people were Jampvd forward,
holding to the straps and mixed up to
gether. 'When the sides broke out they were
scattered all over the street. These were
the lucky ones. Those, who could not get
out were the worst Injured.
"I saw tht re was awful work ahead, so I
ran to Fifty-first street and turned In an
alarm. Then I sent in a call for all the
ambulances and asked for police reservea.
"As I ran back I called for help from
wagons of all sorts. When I got back the
atreet was strewn with injured people. We
lifted them Into grocery wagon, trucks,
anything handy and hurried them to Roose
velt hospital. Many of them were women.
They had fainted and It looked as if nearly
all were dead.
"When the firemen came they began
dragging people out of the car. The
further down they got Into the mass of
humanity the slower the work became and
tha more serious were the wounda of
those rescued.
"Finally axes had to be used to get
the people Irom under the wreckage. At
that stage they begun to pull out the
Motorman Aasanlted,
The excitement among those In tha de
railed cars on the structure as they real
ised whit happened became Intense.
In the forward car the men. deeming the
motorman was responsible for the wreck,
attacked him And tried to beat him. Ite
was dragged from his seat, but ha
shouted for fair play and convinced the
crowd that It was the switchman and not
he that was responsible.
W. C. Joh ison, a passenger on tha train,
said of the accident:
I was sitting on the second car of the
train reading a raper when all of a eud
den the lights went out and svervoiis
was thrown to one side. The next tiling
I knew I was thrown out of tha door and In the street, striking against
woman. This probably saved my life.
During tha coroner's preliminary exam
ination. Conductor J- W. Johnson said: ,
C'oroirr. vuu i&a 84 up on the elevated
road at Forty-thud au-eet and Ninth ave
f ' and see f r yourself. - You will find
' ', ctenal is jvlluw and giten, muku
means that the Southbound Mnth aenut
train has the right-of-way and a clear
Eleren Rod lea RceoTered.
Eleven bodies of those killed In the wreck
were tsken to the Forty-seventh street
police station and laid oat In a row on tha
floor of the back room, and as fast as
persons who could convince the police that
they could make positive Identifications
reached the station house they wort ad
mitted. As the news spread the crowd In
front of the station hoi increased until
there was danger of a fatal crush, and ex
tra police were ordered frqm adjacent pre
cincts to aid In clearing the street.
The head which was found detached from
the body was that of Solomon Nugast. He
had been sitting at tbe front end of the car
which Jumped Into the street when a sharp
piece of board or metal aevered his head
from his body as though done with an ax.
Both head and body were, found on the
tracks several yards apart.
"I am satisfied that tha whole accident
was due to the neglect of the switchman,"
said Coroner Scholer. "'In the first place,
he made a mistake In turning the Ninth
avenue train Into Fifty-third street, and
then added to his blander by turning the
switch back again In an attempt to divert
the train Into Ninth avenue again. The
last mistake caused the terrible accident
and loss of life."
Joseph Bach, the policeman, died of In
juries after having been taken to Roose
velt hospital .
Switchman Is Arrested.
Cornelius A. Jscklnson, the swltehmarf.
who was blamed for causing the disaster,
was arrested at ills homa In West Twenty-,
second street. He maintained that he had
set the switch right. ' '
General Manager Hedlejr of the Inter
borough Rapid Transit company explained
the wreck as follows:
The wrecked train was a Ninth avenue
train, southbound. The signals In the
switch tower were set for open track for
the Sixth avenue, southbound. The train
went down Ninth avenue at a rapid pace
and struck the switch. The curve at this
point Is not banked. The train took the
switch, and at a rapid speed, and the first
car held to the rails simply through the
weight of the cars belilud. The strain was
so great that when naif way around the
curve the coupling broke between the first
and seconds oars and the second can's front
trucks Jammed the rails. There was noth
ing lert to guide the second car and It
kept on In a straight line without turning
and went over the side of the structure
falling to the ground dtrectlv In front of
the southeast corner of Fifty-third street
and Ninth avenue. . It was a physical Im
possibility for the switchman to have
turned the switch while the train was
moving rapidly over It. Statements to that
enoct are absolutely incorrect.
Fatal Wreck In Illinois.
KANKAKEE, III.,, Sept.- 11. A rear-end
collision between two Chicago bound stock
trains on the Illinois Central early this
morning near Chawvllla. on the Springfield
division of the Illinois Central, resulted In
the death of one stockman, the Injuring of
five others, besides an engineer and fire
man and the killing -of two carloads of
horses. The caboose and ten cars of the
train run Intp were destroyed together with
the engine of the second train. The acci
dent was due to the bursting of an air hose
followed by the breaking In two of the
second train which was closely following
the first. A heavy fog prevailed at the
time. The dead:
W. H. GREER, Blue Mound, 111.
The Injured:
W. 11. Thompson, Barclay, 111.4 vertebra
A. C. Thompson, Barclay, 111.; fractured
ribs; seal n wound. v'
J. T. Clerno, Farmer City, 111.; Injured
on right side of neck; not serious.
A. Rothschild, Petersburg, 111.; compound
fracture of left leg. r
Another stockman; left the scene before
hls name could be learned.
Engineer W. E. Ellwood of No. 54, slightly
The stockmen were, caught In the caboose
and pinioned under the wreckage.
On Man Killed and Several Injared
. In Collision, imr Nebraska
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb. Sept. U.-(SpeclaI
Telegram.) A fatal wreck occurred on the
Council Bluffs & Kaiisas City railroad, one-
half mile south of Nebraska City Junction,
la., at 6 o'clock this morning. The dead:
Joseph. Mo.
Severely Injured:
A. W; Stewart, colored, St. Joseph,
Mo., internal Injuries.
George Johnson,' St. Joseph, Mo., broken
ribs and bruises on the head and body.
Northbound passenger train No, 23,
broken ribs and bruises on the head and
body, will recover.
Northbound passenger train No. 3,
crashed Into the rear end of freight train
No. 71, which was 'standing on the main
line. A heavy fog : prevailed at the time
and the passenger train was running at
full speed when It -struck the freight
train. The engineer and fireman of the
passenger train Jumped and were not In
jured.1 Conductor Newburn was asleep
In tha freight caboose and waa going, to
Omaha where he had been assigned to
duty. He was pot in charge of either
train. The Injured men were asleep in
the construction car, which constituted
a part of the freight train. The passen
ger train did not leave the rails and only
a few of Its passengers were slightly In
jured. The Injured were brought to this city
and taken to St'Ajary's hospital. They
are restlujg easily and will probably re
Convention of American Federation
Transferred from New Orleana to
City of Ike Erie.
CINCINNATI. Sept, ll.-At an executive
session of the National .Board of the Amer
ican Federation of Cathbllc Societies, held
here today, it was decided to hold the next
national meeting at Buffalo either next
spring or next winter. A committee com
posed of Archbishop Mesamer of Mil
waukee, Rishon McFaul of Trenton and
Antony Matre of St. Louis was named
to confer with the bishop of Buffalo as
to a suitable time. This convention waa
originally anndlimed to be held In New
Orleans In October next, l.ut was called off
on account of the yellow fever epidemic.
Miners Appeal to Httrnrll.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Sept. ll.-A com
mittee appointed at a mass meeting of
machine miners of coal In the Chicago
and Alton suhdlstrlct to protest sgsinst
action of the state executive board of the
I'nlted Mine Workers of America In sign
ing an agreement with operators that no
shot flrers be employed In machine mines
dent John Mitchell at Indianapolis ap
pealing from the decision of the slste ex
eeutlve board. The telegram asks that
President Mitchell render a decision Ih the
A 8kln of Beauty la Joy 'ortvor.
rr. t.
Folia Oouraud'a Orlantal
J c
raam or Magical Baautlflor.
Kwaovss Turn, PIsiplM,
flMklM, uu
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Sm Hood tM I
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Is pr'fttrty mut.
A oetst ma devoir r-
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MM. t. L. A.
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A yon Walt
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I rtownnetd
kwmful f til u
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TtiU.i Siulaa. ud EtUtJL.
a T. aft., a a
iu3. T.hcrm riot, v e.ui sin i ii
ak-Sar-bens bright throne
MtDj Lojal Knighti Bow Before tha
Qanial Monarch Again.
Many Mew Members Make Their
Peace with Sum wo n and Board of
Governors lines Some
The Ak-Sar-Ben Initiations at the den
are drawing to a close amid a blase of
light and glory, to say nothing of the $10
bills being turned In for membership cards.
Samson says there are yet some cards left,
that the time la getting short and that It
behooves every loyal cltlsen to get busy
and present himself at the den next Mon
day evening, when the last Initiation of
the season will be given. The total paid
membership to date Is 971.
Last evening's session was marked with
unusual eclat, which was contributed to
not only by the Initiation crews, but by
the Initiates and the speakers of the even
ing. It was a fitting occasion for one of the
closing evenings of the year at the den.
George F. Bldwell, manager of the Nebraska-Wyoming
division of the Northwest
ern railroad, acted as grand mufti on the
speakers' stand and offered some interest
ing statistics In connection with his talk
showing the rapid strides made In recent
years by Omaha and the state. He said
Nebraska will have the largest wheat, corn
and oat crop this season that It has had
for many years, and added that every cltl
len of the Antelope state has Just cause
for feeling glad he came to Nebraska.
Mr. Bldwell was followed by T. W. Mc
Cullough. of The Bee. Colonel MeCullough
spoke of the present substantial growth of
the city, the standing of the state from
the various material standpoints and of
fered words of praise for the work being
done by Ak-Sar-Ben. "With the passing
years I feel prouder each succeeding time
I meet our friends from rut In the state,"
said Mr. MeCullough.
BnlldlngT I p of Omaha.
Hon. G. W. Llnlnger spoke earnestly of
the need of additional Jobbing facilities for
Omaha, citing the growth of the machin
ery business as the result of his efforts
In the early days to seefcre competition for
the pioneer houss of which he Is the head.
From one house wholesaling machinery, It
has come to be that Omaha and Council
Bluffs form the greatest center of the
agricultural machinery and Implements
business In thepnlon, and what " Is
true In this line should be true In all lines.
Not a line Is overdone, he said, and he
urged efforts to secure more.
Mr. F. G. Snyder, of Louisville, Ky.,
made a hit by telling of how favorably he1
is Impressed with Omaha and Us possibili
ties and closed by prophesying that Omaha
would become the New Y'ork of the west.
Hon. John L. Webster, following the key
note of the evening, pointed out the achlve
ments wrought by little Japan, and then
asked If anyone could comprehend the
limitless possibilities of Nebraska, when its
resources have been properly developed,
when water and steam power are turning
the raw products of the fields Into addi
tional wealth by manufacturing them for
further uses. He asserted that Omaha
would then surely become to the central
west what New York Is to the oast,
J, W. Woodruff spoke pleasantly of what
Ak-Sar-Ben had done for Omaha In pro
moting sociability and the lighter thing
of life as well as for the material pro
gress of the community. "We know a
, busy man down town," he said, "but we
do not know If he has a heart or a laugh
n him. We bring him out here, take him
over the trail, and we find he has both." '
About seventy Omaha membera went
through last evening, while the out-of-town
visitors numbered forty. The at
tendance of former members waa generous.
Work on Parade Fund.
At the meeting of the Board of Governors
of the Kalghts of Ak-Sar-Ben, held last
evening at the Omaha club. It was decided
to hold a meeting of the board at noon
today at the Commercial club, the purpose
being to divide Into committees and meet
the merchants of the city who have not
contributed to the parade fund. It has
been stated that whatever the Omaha
business men subscribe toward the float
fund will be used to entertain tbe fall vis
itor. "Ak-Sar-Ben needs the money, and the
matter Is up to the merchants," said one
of the governors last evening in summing
up the situation.
The ball committee reported that this
year's grand ball will be a function that
will aurpaaa anything of the kind yet at
tempted by Ak-Sar-Ben. The ball will be
held along new lines, which will not be
divulged Just now, It waa stated. The
music committee reported that It wants an
appropriation for eleven bands for the
afternoon parade and electrical parades.
The matter of music was left open for an
other week.
Director W. 8. Jardlne addressed those
present at the den last evening and called
for volunteers who will ride on horses with
the floats and for men to ride on the floats.
Eighty horsemen will be needed between
the floats and about ninety men on the
floats. Some of the lodges will furnish
men for the floats, but a number of re
cruits are needed. Samson would like to
have he names of all volunteers at the
earliest possible moment.
Danes Are Preparing.
An entertainment committee of the Dan
ish Brotherhood Is making arrangements
to take cure of all the Danish visitors to
Omaha during the fall festivities. The
committee has already sent out 7.0o0 circu
lars to the eighty Danish lodges within
, i0 miles of Omaha, setting forth the en
tertainment that will be offered them by
the local lodge. Headquarters will be main
tained at Washington hall, where on the
evening of October i, afterMhe daylight
parade, a grand free entertainment will
be given for the visiting Dunes.
Blc Faraltare Firm Said to Be Con
templating; Establishment of
Omaha Braack.
It Is rumored that the May-Stern com
pany of Cincinnati, a furniture firm with
branches in several larga cities, is coming
to Omaha. They are known to have been
considering the proposition and are said to
have a deal on to lease the quarters In the
Continental block which Orchard & W1L
helm ar about to lea,ve. Several other
firms have been after the place, but the
agent for the building aays It has not been
leased as yet.
Identity or Mrnaarer.
John Bernhart, the stranger who was
klil-d In the railroad yards near Ttkainah
yesterday morning. Is thought to have b-en
known In Omaha, although his Identity hn
not yet been determined The man told
some of the train crew oefrfre he died Hint
he had Just been discharged from an Omaha
lioaplial. but the records of the hospital
here have failed to reveal his Identity. He
slo said that he had a sister living In
Bioiix Cilv. but she has not yet been
located. Officials at the police station are
endeavoring to locale his relative.
I.ewl In Jull Aa-ala.
Oeorge !ei. who was released from
tha city Jail late yesterday afternoon, foun t
himself In the loll again yesterday evening
when he wa takn Into custody by De
tective Davis end Mitchell with a very
tipenajve camera In hi poelon Lewi
waa arrested about a week iro with a very
fine leather traveling bag in hi possession,
and nitu th owner ut lb ban turned up
Iwls asserted he had bought It from a
stranger 4n Sixteenth street. He admits
bavins stolen the camera, but oan (live
no definite description of the place where
he got It. He says he entered a house in
the neighborhood of Nineteenth and Chi
cago street, but sn Investigation In this
heighltorhood failed to reveal the owner.
The camera 1 worth about TJ.
Several Civil Case Are Transferred
front District to lalted
state Jndaea.
The following rases have been trans
ferred from the district court of Douglas
county to the I'nlted State circuit court:
John Rogers against the Chicago. Burling
ton Qulncy railroad; suit for $l.Vui)0 dam
ages for personal Injuries sustained by being
run down by a ttaln while crossing the
tracks of the defendant road at Gibson on
April 21. 1!, whereby his arm was crushed
and he was otherwise permanently Injured.
Silvester Terry, a minor, by his next best
friend. Lulu Wilson, sgalnst the Cudahy
Packing company; damages Ifi.fcm for per
sonal Injuries occasioned by .falling from a
truck belonging to the defendant In South
Thomas A. Whlttaker against A. R. Smith;
suit for enforcement of contract and dam
ages In the amount of PV0O0. Plaintiff al
leges that he contracted for the purchase
of 120 shares' of the capital stock of the
Smith Troduee company of Redfleld, la.,
and that he has not as yet realised any
thing from the proceeds of such stock, and
Is otherwise damaged In the amount named
and asks Judgment therefor.
Guy C. Barton, et aJ, against the Cudahy
Packing company, the Swift Packing com
pany and the Jetter Brewing company of
South Omaha; suit to restrain the de
fendants from polluting Stink creek, a
stream running through Sarpy and Douglas
counties past the establishments of the
defendants and through the premises of
the plaintiffs. The pollution it Is alleged,
by permitting refuse from the packing
houses and brewery to flow Into the stream,
which Is a natural water way. and from
which the live atock of the plaintiffs Is
watered, the pollution thereby causing
aerlous dsmage to plaintiffs property.
Henry Eckhart, administrator of the es
tate of Henry Eckhart, deceased, vs. the
I'nlon Pacific, Is the title of a suit trans
ferred from Lancaster county and Is speci
fically for $2,nnn, though originally brought
for tf.OOO. Henry Eckhart Is the son of the
plaintiff and was a child of 6 years of age.
On April 4, 19"G, while on Its way to school
the child was run over by a train of tha
defendant on E street, In the city of Lin
coln. The child's arm was mangled and
It was otherwise Injured by being ground
beneath the wheels, nnd died In a short
while after the accident. Ordinarily tho
statutory damages In the case of death
from railroad accident Is $S,0n0, but In this
petition the plaintiff declares that he will
walvo $3,000 of the damages, claiming but
A fine question of law is Involved In the
case. In that tbe Jurisdictional amount for
which a suit may he brought In the federal
courts Is "exceeding J2.000." and In this In
stance as the amount Is but $2,000, no more
nor less, there appears to be a fine point
of law Involved.
Voting; Devices Will Be Sent to
Polling Placea and Offlcera
The new voting machines ror the city and
county were freighted to the city hall
Monday morning and most of them stored
In the basement. They will be sent out
this week to the primary election polling
places, so as tobe placed on exhibition, that
voters may learn how to use them. If
practicable the machines will be left at
the polling places until election day and
will be on exhibition all the time. It this
cannot be arranged they will be shown at
nearby shops and stores.
The registrars and primary clerks will be
called together this week to attend a school
of Instruction In the use of the machines.
The school will be held In the head Janitor'
rooms at the court house and will be In
charge of S. C. Hamilton, sales agent, and
A. C. Powers, Nebraska agent, for the
United State Standard Voting Machine
company. Sessions will be held on Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday, beginning at
10 o'clock in the morning, I In vthe after
noon and 8 In the evening.
The South Omaha machines already have
been sent to their destination.
Lone Pendlnar Controversy Over Tax
ation al Indian Fonda Takea
Under Advisement.
The Indian heirship land case was sub
mitted on argument before Judge Munger
In the I'nlted States district court Monday
morning. The suit is brought by the gov
ernment through I'nlted States District At
torney Baxter to restrain the county treas
urer of Thurston county from taxing about
$70,000 of Indian funds on deposit m th
Security National bank of Sioux City. The
contention of the government 1 that the
fund, being a trust fund resulting from
the sale of Indian lands belonging to tha
Omaha and Winnebago tribe. Is not amen
able to taxation.
The authortiea of .Thurston county,
through County Attorney V. E. Whitcomb,
Thomas L. Sloan and Attorney Corbett of
Sioux City, hold a contrary view In that
there la no cause fur action and have
demurrer to the petition of the district
attorney. This demurrer wa filed Septem
ber 4. The demurrer contends that by th
An interesting case that has reoently at.
traoted a great deal of comment I that ef
Mr. L. A. Darrow of the Salvation Army,
who suffered from a cancer th als of a
llvr dollar undr her ear.
Cul. J. C. Addle, of the Kansas City
Salvation Army, had heard a great deal
Concerning the many marvelous cures of
Cancer being performed by Dr. Bye. and
determined to bring Mrs. Darrow to
Kansas City for treatment and what
th reault would be. Instead of operating
on Mr. Darrow, Dr. By ued th famous
Combination Oil Treatment, which I mild
but wonderfully affective. Till case wa
watched with a great deal of intareat, a
It wa really a test rase to prove th
doctor' clalma. Dr. Bye said that a cur
would reault and he waa right, for Mra.
Darrow returned to her home a well and
happy w-oman. Th Combination Oil Treat
ment had done all that Dr. By had
claimed for It. and Col. Addl realised that
his efforts In th behalf of on of th
Army had not been In vain
All who uffr from Cancr Tumor or
piles should write at one for Dr. br
This book fully explain th koine treat
ment that ha cured hundred of case In
every slat In- the Union. Be ur aad
write today. Address Dr. aty aA at,
aft of the rovornment selling the trust
land and paying the Indians portion of
the proceeds the fact of trusteeship ends,
nd the money realised from the sale pf
the lands Is the peronnl property of the
Indians and Is available for taxation Just
as any other funds realised from the sale
of property of other iltliens. The fact thst
the government trostechlp was to rvin for
twenty-five year ha been alienated. It la
held by the attorneys for Thurston county.
In the act of paying any portion of th
funds over to the Indians before the term
of trusteeship has expired.
The entire morning was spent In arguing
the demurrer of the defendants and upon
the conclusion of the argument at noon
Judge Munger took the case under advise
ment s1 may not hand down his decision
for several days.
Make your work i Pleasart MzKa iur
Washing and Cleanin. and Scrubbing
and Scouring a dellghtfnl pastime
ay tha ass f -
It is so interesting and d
liglitful to see dirt disappear
if bj magic to see everything
Lake on a clean, bright, new,
fresh, beautiful shining appear
iince from the marvelous opera
tions of this -wonder-worker, this
labor saver, this household de
light. Your clothing, your liaeij, your
iloors, furniture, dishes, bath
tubs everything that ought to
be clean will become clean
marvelously so with little ef
fort on your part by the use of
the now famous 20th Century
Such lovely bands, too these
will be your reward for 20th
Century Soap leaves them soft,
white and smooth beyond be
lief. No injurious lye or acids;
no offensive animal greases
just pure, sweet, penetrating
vegetable oils that leave fresh
ness .nd cleanliness and purity
wherever they go.
All Dealers Full Pound Cant, 10 events
Delicate enough for the softest
win, and yet efficacious in removing
any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect
condition. In the bath gives all the
desirable afler-effeC's of a .Turkish
bath. It should be oa every wash
Every Voman
la i n tATud umI ahonlrl know
aiMuvtn wonamm
MARVEL whirling Spray
ia new viftssl Srrist sire,
lum asi ayrtwu. Uet-8t
-Kmi t orvalut.
klMseillklsl M.
If be nsnnul tupply th
tlhuiimied bnok-MW It (It
f nil mtrtlculari and ttreettnni tn-
Vkluabl to U'llrt. MSHVri. CO.,
4 c aaa t., aatv tuaa.
For Sale by
Cor. ICth and Doafe St.. Omaha.
... m.ii.ti
Mtn ana women.
tOBUlkS. I CnBif aferaaiSrl
.IklfcAl tlKUrsM,taMllM.
I mh.i1 inltetteM 1 alMrstkea
PIb1m. mmA a4 SMrtB.
( EMBSCMMBM 0. feat r
atoM a atraca-taia,
' r mml I rltla
Vf 1ST4M, pel. la
IS, er mws e..
ctrealaf a
BOYD'S B0uP..Mgr3
W. P. Culleo Presents the Operatla
Bv Richard Carle and H. I.. Heart.
Pritfea 2to to 11 W. Matinee, 26c to tL
Beats on gale.
f'rli'ea 16c. c, Uc, 76o.
Sun Mm. lue. 26c, 6vo.
Wednesday and Satur
day Mat. All Beat 26a.
Geo. Ade's Musical Comedy Success
Starting next Sunday Matinee. Mad
ison Corey Offrm (Iro Ade
'Phost 404.
Every Nlnt Mits.- Thur.. Sat , Bun.
AND POMES and the KlNODBwMli
Prices : 10c, Ztc, 60c.
Sept. 10, 11. 12.
Monday, Sept. 11, Ladies'. Day
Game- Called 3(46, "
"WV. il VI V IB