THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, REFTEMBEIt 12, 1005. 10 Manufacturer's Loom End Sale JO S1I nUNDRED MILES DOWN This Muck of Oritmt Boad it Laid and in Operation. THOUSAND BY ATRIL, SAYS DICKINSON Tie PrHt of fltllwcll Ha4 MetH nia Family and Ral ! ! frnm Omaha , J' . Kaaaaa Cltr. "W hare mlln of track laid anil In operation and will hava l,mo mllra by April 1." tald Edward nioklnimn, general manager and vim prfldnt of tha Stllwell Orlont road. "Our bualnM la proarnoalna with trfct mifitfui." Mr. DlrkJnaon la hra arramrtni the re moval of hla houaohcid affaire from the old family reeldenoe on Park avenue to Kanaaa City, which will be hla home. It wa two yeara ago that he severed hla con nection with the Union Pacific as general manager, with which road he hart apent about thirty-three yeara, and leaving Omaha aeema to the Dickinsons a good Val like tearing life cord. Mr. Dlcklnaon wae aaked hy a friend how he liked Kaneaa City. "Very wen, what I have eeen of It," he replied, "hut my work for the two yeara I have been with the Orient haa kept me out on the road moat of the time, ao there la a great deal about Kanaaa City that I do not know." It will be recalled that Mr. Dickinson was urged for a long time by Arthur E. Stll well to accept the position with the Orient, but that ho hesitated, feeling a reluctance In laying down hla work with the Union Pacific, at that ilme In tho throea of a aovere labor light. He did. however, In the fall of 1903, after the strike had been set tled In June, hand In his resignation only two waeks or less prior to the time he left the company. On learning that he had succeeded In getting Mr. IUcklnson, George Gould sent a pergonal telcgmm cordially congratulating Mr. Btllwell upon his tri umph In getting such a man to manage hla new road. Gould pronounced Dickinson the best man In the country for the place and repeated what his distinguished father. Jay Gould, had often said In praise of Dickinson as a coming power In the rail road world Crowds Hauled by Bnrllnsrton. "I can't aee why some Denver people Insist on belittling the number of people who were hauled Into Denver during the period of cheap rates," sajd a prominent Burlington official. "We have nothing to gain at this time by giving out false re ports, but here Is the exact statement of the conductors who ' had charge of the trains. There were seventy-nine trains from the east and north which hauled 29.363 people. Add to this list the Ing-wood-Lyons eleven trains, with an average of 200 to a train, and you have a grand total of 31,653 passengers, according to the exact revised figures from the conductors report. "The operation of the trains, the making up of trains In the station was nearly perfection. The universal report Is that the visitors had nothing but praise for Denver and that the arrangements for car ing for the crowd were ample." Norfolk and Freight Rates. President K. M Robertson and a com mittee of the Norfolk Commercial club conferred with General Manager Bldwell of the Northwestern Monday regarding the relations of the road with the mercantile Interests of their city and the tributary territory. "The committee was In my office only a short time and no definite matters were submitted or brought up," aald Mr. Bid well. It waa understood on the outside that what the committee took the trouble to come down from Norfolk for was to make a protest on certain freight rates of the Northwestern applying to Norfolk and Nor folk territory. Railway Notes and Personals. General Manager Mohler of the Union Pacific returned from the north Monday. J. A. Munroe, traffic manager of the Union Pacific, and wife returned from the east Sunday. General Superintendent Park of the Union Pacific returned from the wea.t Mon day morning. W. H. McKeen, Jr., superintendent of mo tive power of the Union Pacific, and wife went to Chios go Sunday. The Rock Island will bring In two cars of the men for the signal corps for Fort Omaha Tuesday. These come from Fort - Myer. Hal Buckingham, chief clerk In the freight department of the Burlington, has returned from a drive with Live Stock Agent Eyler through Wyoming. According to the latest advices received by friends in this city, Mr. and Mrs. H. 3. Burt are scheduled to sail from Dover October ft. Nothing definite is known as to the plans of Mr. and Mrs. Hurt after their arrival in New York. At last accounts they were In Austria. F1NLANDER GOES TO THE BAD Tonrlst from the North Gets Too , Ilaoa Aboard and Disturbs the Atmosphere, A Finlander lent eclat to the atmosphere at tha Union station, Monday morning by driving away dull care with a number of nips of bad whisky. Special Officer Flem ing had the citizen from the far north sent to the. police station for safe keeping until his train left. At police headquarters the Finn was registered at "John Due No. 1' . owing to the inability of the police to un derstand Jhe Finnish language, which Is one of the few languages not spoken on tho police force. When Mr. Doe realized his predicament he soon sobered up and waa allowed to proceed to his destination, Ban Francisco. He came direct from Fin land, to Omaha, Mr. Doe refused to talk for public, print on the political situation In Finland or even the Russo-Japanese affair, Intimating that was a "closed In cident," diplomatically speaking. . A. A 11 1 J I il j" t un account ui ine immense crowas ana ine 01 ICC enormous stock we did not have room to show all our finest Carpets and Rugs today. IN mmm. LOU S and Mg More Extraordinary Bargains Tuesday in the Greatest Sale of EVER HELD IN OMAHA HERE ARE SOME OF THE EXCEPTIONAL OFFERS: All the Ingrain Art Squares from this purchase, including all the largest sizes, will go at, each All the Reversible Smyrna Rugs 7 OR for the first time tomorrow at, each All the Double Faced Smyrna Rua In extra heavy quality, beautiful Oriental designs, in 9x12 size all absolutely sound and per-. j) letij iuc arc wuitu fu ituu (u at, catu, ( OMtlM WFATHFB rORFCT Tnesdar Fair an Cooler. I J Store closes 6 p. m. (except Saturday.) y 222 Our Sunday Ad Couldn't mt down loiti Monday, con Id nu f font Tnrwdny. Capture Mmf of those line bargains In Ilry (ioorin. Visit (lonk Department, are the atnnnlna; eostn'mea for 4k-Sar-Ren. Visit the . "Ilk Counter, are the heantlfnl new styles for fall. Prices need not concern yon a hit, they are way down. Another marina; barftaln spot Is the Plnno Section on the third floor. Prices rat mormon! t easy payments at that. Rousing Specials ia All . Departments The Greatest Bargain Event of the Season Don't Miss Tuesday's Bargains Loom of Tn We l.lni'n. 1,'vni KinM "f TwMIiir. T.onm Kml of r"'-ri"la. Loom KntN of 'lliialmnis. bmm KmH of nit kirvlH of While Oomls. F!:uirlr1 lis, Pilots. Ktr . AT IIAI.K H l '. H ' I .A K I'Kli 4 '!--, rrr van! for nil Vim! of Tor. linn. "2W Vnl and Nnttlns iKluim I. n' , ter vnrd for nil Loom Knda of wol thl 1 fine Vnl niul F:inov W ash litres. fie to 2'ir ter yard. pon't nit. it. lOr" r,f'r Var'l f"r Loom K.ii'l f j 7 A t' ' r' '"''' f,,r n" Loom Kmls of 1 Corset Cover Kmhrolilery, worth; 8 V iin Nottingham and Oriental Vo per yard i t.nre. liV llinnii Hooks and F.yes. 1 C i "" " '"" """1', 3C 5c Aluminum Thlnilile... Iril'"' Kltie Comlis. v nt hi- Spool Silk. at 5e Machine Thread. at at s 1 fio Crorlirt Silks. I nt C98 R, I8 Is" 9x12 Rugs-15 All the absolutely sound and perfect Axminster, moquette and other highest class rugs, in floral and Oriental pat terns, that ehduld be seen to be appreciated a f C thf " !T' at the H ff pi 113 nenal pi ). ..f each S.! Rvgs958 In this lot are all the 9x12 Smyrna rugs in good, substantial quality all eound Ov CIQ and per- VyllO fect: at, . If each WAIT FOR BEN NETT'S GREAT FALL MILLIN ERY OPENING "Sinclair" has just re turned, millinery fall busi ness will now begin with Bennett's Fall Millinery Opening. ALL THE CARPETS From this immense purchase, including the best grades of Savonnenes, Axminsters, Velvets, and Body B russels These are worth from $1 to $2 yd., most of them sound and perfect. They go in two lots, per yard, at '. BRUSSELS RUGS AT 39c EACH In this lot are Brussels Rugs 27x54 size, wortty 98c. As long as they last they go at, each, . . Crosses and Chains ar worn very much these days. We are showing them In gold, gold filled and sliver. We also have a nice line of lockets and chains, and while you are In the store ask to see our Signet Rings. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 161C Doul 8trt. 59c-69c Make tha fcalf llalit and "ally. Steps ttcalnf Instantly. G-OING-l GOINGU GONE lit NEWBRO'S smit HERPICtOE. CUUHUL WILL WEIT 100! tB( tnjW rssistfy "last It the iasff fersu" DONT BLAME YOUR MIRROR Many ladles oompel their mirror to bear silent witness to nesdlees hair destruction. Day after day they see beauty and attraotlveneaa despoiled by Jy diseased hair that could be saved. If your mirror could talk It would plead: with you to "save your hair not tha combings. It can b don with Newbro's Herpiclds which kflla the microbe that causes dull, brittle and lustnrless hair, also dandruff and falling hair. Destroy tha germ and the hair's natural lustar and abundance will return. Marvelous results. An exquisite hair dressing. rag Msns. ILS., tasfl We Suae te nmClOE CO., Dcst- . Mnll. Kick, fw s tsasls. SHERMAN & McCONINELL DRUG CO.. Slpeolal Ajrnt. APPLICATIONS A.T PROMINENT BARBER SHOPS. llinnii i i i aBwiswajsjssauiiiwiiJUlaagWMBMn LATErOIluEBPklBl IB 1 PFcjl I Bennett's Big Grocery TRAPR WINNERS-BEST VALUES FKESH EST (.KM IDS. 10 Orppn Trading Stamps with O'J,-. pint bottle A It C Catsup OS 10 Urpcn Trailing Stamps with pint bottle Diamond "S'' Salad OCin Dresalng ArcW 20 5rptn Trnding Stamps with O-. lb. chii HiitHvia fancy Salmon. 10 Green Trading Stamps with OA- 2 Jars Dltimonil "8" Preservps. VW BO Green . Trading Stamps with C(li qt. hot. Hlood of the Grape. ... 40 Grepn Trading Stamps with 2ic qt. can Armour's Soups, ass't 20 Grepn Trading Stamps with 12 aC package Gusto 10 Green Trading Stamps with f ()r" package Marslimiillow Dainties. 2n Green Trading Stamps with 'lflp pt. bot. Goilney s Chill Sauce..."" 10 Green Trading Stamps with 2 pkKS. H. S. V. V. Salt -'' 10 Green Trading Stamps with fC 2 packages Btvklng Soda 10 Green Trading Stamps with pint large Imported Olives 20 Green Trading Stamps with OQg pound Muinster Cheese .v A huge grocery sensation coming! M-lnch rirndfnrd Mohnlrs. In all colors. not the kind tint othpr housps are ad vertising, but the ptire Imported article, regular price $1 fi yarf), 'I Sir1 at. yard OO. 36-Inch line Henriettas, Sfi-lnrh (.ranlte Cloth, r.t-lnch Mohnlrs, 3"i-lnch Ftamlnes, i and about SO) i ces of Dress Goods. t worth from b'.ic to $1 U0 yard, i at, yard ACJV. We manufacture our own trunks, traveling bags and suit cases. We make them of the best material. Our workman ship Is unexcelled. We sell them for Icrs than Inferior grades would cost you elsewhere. If you buy of us you will get the best you will save money you will be better satisfied. leather Bound Matting Suit Cases, 1.50, $3.75 and H.UO. We do repairing. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 Farnam Streat. attractiveness deapouiru by beauty and at the removal of great combfulls of sllgh S-IC wedding rings. Edholm, Jeweler. Marriage Ureases. The follomlng marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. John H. Johnson. Omaha 28 Sigrld Nelson, Omaha Frank N. Wlvlnis, Omaha 32 Mary L. Thompson, Omaha , 31 Elmer A. Ranking Omaha g I-aura B. limits, Omaha $7 James Tvonlcek, South Omaha 2t Julia Veverkrva, South Omaha ;o Arxtrew W. Mark, Omaha Aople Iartrn, Omaha. rtavld B. Carlson, Omaha n Mary Henderson, Omaha is CONTEMPT CASE GOES OVER fire Coantilmen Pltad Not Qnilty and Will Appear Wedneiday. DEFENDANTS' LAWYER ASKS FOR TIME Back, Dyball, Evan, llnatlngton and Schroeder Are la Coart and Released WUhont G1t ing Bonds. Br. Lyon's PERFECT TooiIiPov;dor Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purines the breath. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Very convenient for tourists. Councllmen Back, Dyball, Evans, Hunt ington and Schroeder appeared before Judge Sutton, Monday morning at 10 o'clock to plead to a charge of contempt of court. The reading of the Information waa waived, also the issuance of summons, warrants or citation. A plea of not guilty was formally entered and the five city fathers were released without bond to appear at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning- When Judge Sutton took his seat on the bench County Attorney Slabaugh an nounced himself In readiness to proceed" at once. He offered the Information ordered by the court and outlined. Its contents. He said It simply charged disobedience of the order of the court, regularly Issued and served and said that all necessary details had been complied with. Attorney W. J. Connell, acting for the accused officials said they would waive appearance at this time, as he wanted a reasonable time In which to l'jok over he complalut and frame a special pleading, or answer. H thought he could be ready by' Wednesday morning. The county attorney and the court In sisted that the defendants ought to be In court, so that all formalities might be compiled with. After some sparring back and forth, a messenger was sent to notify Ihe five councllmen, who soon appeared Their presence put an end to the hearing for the day, because the court, after cau tioning , them to be present Wednesday morning, at once took an adjournment to that tlmo. Desast at 1235 South Nineteenth street and stealing a watch, chain and six razors, which plunder waa found on the men when arrested. PREPARED y BENSON GIVES WRONG VIEW Civic Reform Candidate for Mayor and County Clerk Differ oa Changing Voting Place, In connection with the matter of pre cinct voting places County Clerk Drexel said: "A, speaker at a political meeting the other night. In talking of change of loca tion of a voting booth, perhaps gave a wrong Impression. We have changed no voting booth location without a good and sufficient reason and I think there have been only four changes In the entire list. These were made either because It was shown that the location was away off at one edge of the precinct or because the location first suggested could not be se cured for one reason or another." The speaker who made this boast was E. A. BetfRon, perennial candidate for mayor on the .civic reform ticket. County Clerk Drexel has made up his list of booths for the carpenter who Is to erect these for the primary election. The apportionment of booths Indicates very strongly that the number of voters In cer tain precincts far exceeds the number in some other districts of the same ward. For instance, the Third precinct of the First ward will have twelve stalls, or booths, for tolers, while two other precincts in the same ward will have but six booths, and one pfectnet only four. ! In the Fifth precinct of the Fourth ward there will be ten voting booths and the same number will be required In the Fourth precinct of the Twelfth ward. In the other precincts of these two wards the number of booths will range from three to six. The heaviest registration is the Third ward, but the vote la quite evenly divided, compared with the wards mentioned. The same is true of the Fifth ward, which comes second in registration. Anti-Bunion Shoe For Men and . Women This shoe is so made that even though you have bunions you can wear it with comfort and comfort In four feet means everything to you. he. narrow Instep and wide sole, snug D , Ittlng yet plenty of room Just where H irou need 11 the most, in lace oniy, in ill sizes and widths. Soft kid stock ;lth -Bpeclally prepared soles. Drexel Shoe Co. ' K-y 7- ?U: .tea. 1 J. K- .. ... 1 10c Nickeled Nursing Fins, i at 3iC 3ic Four Unmatchable Bargains Tuesday surprises In the Main Wool Goods and Wash Goods Departments. Arnold's celebrated Worsted Kffects, sola the world over at 2Rc yard, best 10 goods made, at, yard liJV 350 pieces of Worsted Kfferts. In doubla fold plaids, for children s school dresses, worth lfio yard. E,-, at, yard lJ Bargains You'll Appreciate Furnishing Goods specials which have no equals for high quality and low prices, Ladles' 39c Vests and Pants, full 1Qr weights, all sizes, at Misses' and Children's Vests and Pants, full weights, worth 20c, 15c Men's Underwear, heavy ribbed or '1 7 AC fleece lined, worth fi9c, at " Men's Hose, In plain and fancy 12 if! colors, worth up to 60c, at Ladles' 1Sc Fast Black Hose, great Qc snap Tuesday, at Children's Heavy Hibbed Hose, Qc regular 19o quality, at MEN'S ALL-WOOL UNDERWEAR In broken lots, garments worth regularly fQr up to $2.00, at, choice In the Fresh Fruit Department Peaches Peaches THE LAST WEEK TO CAN THIS DELICIOUS FnUIT. Ou California Peaches arrived in splendid condition, and we are body a chance to can this delicious fruit. Tomorrow we win sale, at, per crate No Commission Houses, Stores or Brokers sold at this price. Crapes Crapes Peaches I r last car of Fancy v I a going to give every- r I 11 place them on QQq e- I ce. Crapes I Large baskets Home Grown Grapes, per basket Bartlett Pear Sale Large market baskets of Fancy Bartlett Peara, per basket mm J1m 15c I 65c . j a 2L "V. JOHN POWER Candidate for renomination as sheriff at the hands of the democratic party. Primaries, September 19. 1905. 1419 Farnam St. New Fall Catalogue now ready TWO MEN HELD FOR THEFT Black and White Prisoners Boaad Over oa Chance of Day. , light Breaking. Holly Bugg, colored, and I-eon Kennedy, white, arrested last Saturday by Detective Johnny Dunn at South Omaha on a charge of daylight bieaklng and entering, were arraigned in police court Monday morning and bound over to the district court In the sum of t&OO each. The prisoner stood, pre liminary examination and were found guilty by Acting Police Judge Foster on the evi dence offered. Bugg And Kennedy were charged with aatorlof tht horn oX Pc!r GRADE MEETINGS TO BE HELD Sessions with tha Teachers aad Superintendent to Cnltlvate Mataal Acquaintance. In order to com closely In touch with his staff of teachers and more intimately direct and supervise their work Superin tendent Davidson will hold grade meetings at the city hall at 4 o'clock every after noon this week. Tha instructors will be grouped according to the grade they work In. Hairy fl. Davis, under UJt sr. Tsl IZA. I CRAIG GIVES HIMSELF UP Assistant City Engineer Returns from Minnesota, Where He Ha Been ta Hiding. ' Assistant City ' Engineer Craig Is back from a vacation trip of ten days, during which ,aven his closest friends did not know where he was. He rested up for a few days and fished at Deerwood. Minn., and then visited Duluth, Minneapolis and St. Paul In search of information about municipal work and comparison with Omaha. "These cities all' envy Omaha in its municipal asphalt repair plant," aays the assistant engineer. "Minneapolis haa got so disgusted with contract repairs that much of 'the asphalt is being allowed to go to ruin. . , . ' "These three Minnesota cities are going strong on public Improvements and ar spending much more money than Omaha for such things. Duluth, with about half our population, haa an appropriation larger than ours for the engineering de partment. Aside from this is a board of public works. None of the three is so stingy as Omaha with the engineering department, proportionately speaking." S.HO to Clear Like and Return Via Chicago Great Western Railway. Tickets on sale every Friday and Satur day. Final return limit the following Mon day. Good fishing, boating, bathing and other outdoor sports. Reasonable Hotel rates. Tourist sleeping cars run on Satur day night train. For further Information apply to S. D. Park hurst, O. A., 1512 Far nam street, Omaha, Neb. St. James Orphanage Fair. The executive committee to have charge of the St. James' orphanage fair has about completed arrangements. The fair is to be held at the Omaha Auditorium October 19 to 28. with the object of raising money to pay oh an Indebtedness of IX.oftO on the or phanage. F. A. Nash Is chairman of the committee In charge, with E. A. Benson and W. M. Bushman as vice chairmen- The full committee consists of fifty waa and in nnmSMtAJPia ! .h.r,,l.. BOOKKEEPER WANTED. WANTED First class bookkeeper and ledger man, with at least five years' ex perience. Position will be permanent and connection will be with one of the leading houses of Omaha. All replies will be treated as strictly confidential. State ago, experience and salary desired for a starter. Address, A 62, Care Bee. 0 No Smoke No Smell Wouldn't you like to be rid of both forever? You will when you get a Moore's Rane Just a slight pull on the chain and up comes Ilia Hinged Top, forming a hood which diawa all smoke or odors back into tha range, thus pre venting their escapo into the room. This Is the handy way to broil, toast or fix the fire. It is Moore's P.-.tcnt and can be had only on Moore' Ranges. Then there is Moore's A ecu rut e Oven Thermometer) 1UM Iry It ont eana lou will nrer be iibut it. It doci siv wuh ur.!.irg and makes baking aud roasting absnlutrly sure. Moore's Pangea ire made of Steel and aebestos. 7 hey ar alna inlal rii-liKU hS i4n omire fuel woncitrfully and ve in to many yt they actually repay their coit in a alutt time. MOOrOS Are you planning to buy C.-wa ithrr coo'tiim r heat. it OIOVC9 atovc? Be sure to ace M.-oit a Alwnvf comp fte line (he latest trie J Hinst most imiTO'.ed liii bc&t forail pufpoca. Nebraska Furniture and Carpst Co. 41H-1I-1 North 24th Street, . SOI Til OMAHA. DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN, H. 1. RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S- CITY VKTKHHARIAM. Offle and Infirmary, 2Sth and Mason Sts , OUiHa. KEtt. Tcleplioo Hi. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! We wish to announce to the ladies of Omaha the receipt of a large and elegant stock of Imported Robes and Gowns from A. FELIX BREVETE and RAUD NITZ & CO. Exquisite Parisian Creations of surpassing beauty of style and elegance of material. You are cordially invited to inspect these offerings which we consider the best ever shown in Omaha. HAYDEN BROS. ajiia lian. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, Wentvorth Military Academy Oldest and Largest Military School In tbi Middle Wwl. Send for catalogue. LEXINGTON. MO. Gf A. LINDQUEST CO. MERCHANT TAILORS MAKE BEST CLOTHES FA 1.1. ELETIOS OW 1W. 235-2.16 Pal ton ninrk. Thone 18S1. Sixteenth and Farnam Sts. YOUR BOY'S PROGRESS epD.ii murh upon hia onrofort and hnpplnwi aim in mHk our bmi happy, 'rmttnu tham .Dl plrHiMnt, I'ttrHoii'tl i-eltttinimhip with inntriH tori, sir) th-ni merv iinortinny to If urn flf-ontrol rthr thun be control IM, hi.i whtl'- irunting to ih1r hoimr malniRin timtrurtioo aod rllctplin of the blut or-1r Thi w hnlM thu r(f-r4llnnt. mnnljf chBrMr tr. riimate unequIIM for hfultlif"ilntt loo at, I o eufrily uottiani l)li. Htad for booklet "A" to KEARNEY MILITARY ACADEMY. KEARNEY. NE& The children can't keep posted on the life and works of Buster Brown unless you get the Sunday Bee for them every week. PEACE and COMPORT r auro to'eom to thoaa who amok IS L... - A riRST-CUS8 CIGAR MAITE OF A FWE QUALITY HAYAKA TOBACCO THY TUB J