Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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i i
Alteration cf Eelijioni Views Held to Be
Hatural Derelopmenti
fa tilt t Tnankfnlnses to Prorlaencs
law Mercies BmIowiI G Thins;
' tn CnltlTSts, Sara Rav.
Dr. Br4lck.
"The time le coming when on can pre
dict under Just what circumstances anyone
may be converted. Tou may be converted
st.thls hour, enter th kingdom of Ood and
be at your home at 12 If you will only
rotnply with the Immutable provisions of
God In the matter."
Tbeae were the word of Rev. F. S.
Bteln, D. D., of Unrnln, In hi wrmon
Sunday morning at Bt. Mary's Avenue Con
gregational church on "The Conditions of
Spiritual Growth or Character Building."
The first aewrtlon waa made In the light
of the apeaker'f dlscunflon of what he
called a progressive change In man'a In
terpretation of religion. He said:
"Wo frequently hear people eay: "How
rellglsn ha changed; we no longer hear
the same aort of sermons we used to hear."
WeTl. what of It? We ought to change our
vlewa In religion aa well aa In other thlqga.
High, achoola and collegea abound In this
age and our minds are trained to think
more clearly, logically and accurately. The
mytha of material life have been banished
and our llbrarlea are encumbered with out-of-date
booka In biology, chemistry and
geology. The aclencea themeelvea have not
changnd, but we have changed In our
knowledge and Interpretation of them. Ho
religion hasn't changed, but we have dif
ferent Interpretations of It.
"Knowledge, faith, temperance and good
habits of thought are requisites of spiritual
growth," said Mr. fTtetn. "Speaking of
habits of thought, you eay "I cannot keep
bad thought out of my mind; there are
those from which I shrink.' Very well, then
they ara not your thoughts. You are an
situated In your citadel of modern life that
whoever will may knock, but none may
get In" unless you permit. Christ may
knock at the front door and enter. A tramp
may knck again and again at the back
door, but you do not need to let Him In.
"The spiritual tramps are the "bad
thoughts from which you shrink. When
you, by predilection, read booka of a
skeptical nature, you have only yourself
to blame if you become a confirmed skeptic.
If In the greed for money getting your
continued habit of thought has destroyed
your religious life, you have yourself to
blame. It comes from Jiablts of thought.
Habits, I say, because no man ever became
a thief -or a libertine In an hour. Waste
no sympathy on the man who suddenly
falls Into the mire. He does not fan sua
denly, but because his habit of thought has
grown on him until he falls. As a man
thinketh. so Is be, and evil thoughts will
tell in evil deeds." .
Br Constant Application Gratefulness
May Be Made Habltnal.
Rev. Newman Hall Burdlck of the Sec
ond Presbyterian church apoke Sunday
morning from the text, Thessalonlana I
chapter V. The theme was Thankfulness."
He said In part:
"In everything let us give thanks, for'
this Is the will of God, the will of God In
Jesus Christ. Thankfulness, by constant
application, becomes a habit and one that
we should cultivate. ' Thankfulness can be
divided under sis heads: by Joy, by prayer,
by thankfulness, by watchfulness, by
Judiciousness and by consecration. The
TMlmj ore a virtual expression of thanks
pn the part of David, and may be classed
nd three heads: Rejolcclng In God,
prayer tq Ood, and praise to God. In our
pwn life these, may be divided under still
different heads: Those for the common
and the uncommon' mercies of life. In
every life there Is abundant occasion for
praises for Providential Interposition, for
the granting of spiritual salvation sanctl
flratlon and victory, and for the glad
ness of earth for which we, with the birds,
should sing new notes of praise, and for
our Increase of faith and trust In God.
We should be thankful for specially
answered piayer, for a sanctified spirit and
g quickened hope and glimpse of the glory
beyond;, for a new vision of God, who Is
the personification of love, tenderness, pity
and compassion..
"How may we cultivate the habit of
thanksgiving? We , are too careless of
God's goodness to us, for our health, pros
perity and material needs. Faith Is stlmu
lated by thanksgiving, and thanksgiving
by faith. Ood never denies the supplies
lion of a faithful heart. Though you may
come to Him ten thousand times, yet your
fast supplication la as welcome aa the first
His net blessing Is always better than
the last. The triumph of life Is to look
Into the face of advrrslty with a smile.
Evil vanishes In the Incandescent atmos
phere Of love. Trust In Ood for the future
as you have In the past. The eye hath
not seen nor the ear heard what God hath
prepared - for thenv that love and obey
Dr. ' Center yi lareeii Means
Master Dlsrourasrement.
Rev,. John. W. Conley spoke to a large
congregation at the First Baptist church
last night on the subject, "A Discouraged
;.Prophet." Last night waa the first Sun
day. evening sermon since the dlscontlnu
anca of the evening services for the hot
weather, aod a large and Interested con
greratlon was present at the meeting.
. The drirt or nr. Coniey s talk was to
tha efect that too few people In the world
i are : unable to overcome the disappoint
mejits which come In the ordinary run of
. life, and that In order to be successful one
, must, roe t and master discouragement
and' disappointments.
' Another phas upon whlrh he dwelt at
length Is the fact that people are toq apt
ta look upon their superiors In the wrong
',llght and to underestimate their worth.
"The great .error of scientists of the, pres" he said. "Is the fact that they
are Inclined te depreciate and undervalue
tha work dona by others before they came
Into the fit-Id . of science. Those people
t who are satisfied with themselves and with
their work' and are not always striving'
for better things and better conditions are
.disloyal to themselves and to their God."
andevllle at the CrelaMon-Orphenm.
Testrrday the season at the Orpheum
opened and the crowds that assembled
fternoon and evening certainly evinced a
cnnllnustlon of the popularity of this house
nd Its style of entertainment. It Is a well
rrsnged bill, too, and was very well re
ceived. Comedv predominates: In fact.
othlng really serious Is offered, and the
performers are all clever. Rert I.eslle and
Robert Dnlley. with the asslstartee of Miss
Emery and Mr. M"Wrey, easily prove the
prominence given them In the advertising
well bestowed. Leslie Is Immensely funny
nd the others make the act ro very well.
rtle Fowler scores heavily with her
little torle and her Imitations, and Talbot
nd Rogers were given a cordial reception.
Freilo and Dare have a good musical act.
which quite a hit of good comedy has
been Intermixed, and the Knight brothers
nd MLss Sawtelle won a hearty recall by
hrlr dancing. They have put together al
most an entire new act since their visit
ast season, flrhepp's dogs and ponies do
some very entertaining work, that of King,
the dog, being very mystifying. These nnl-
mals are wonderfully well trained. The
DeKoe trio, described on the hill as "won
derful European athletes," make good on
he promise. Their work la extremely dlffl-
ult, but Is done very gracefully and so
ulckly as to exalte general comment and
murh applause for their agility. One of
he features Is a head-to-head balance In
which a French poodle Is located between
wo men. This Is a novel feature. The
klnodrome pictures are new and amusing.
"SnHan of nln' at the Km.
After four seasons there Is still a lot of
money In "The Sultan of Fnlu," and this
statement was attested Sunday when peo
ple who wanted to see the show were
turned awnjr from the Krug at two per
formances. The songs and, the fun, with
new bits of each added here and there, are
Just as good as of old. but time has worked
some havoc In the satire, which was so
keen Just after we began to run things In
he Fhlllpplnes. Manager Corley has gotten
together a bright nnd attractive lot of
players and the entertainment Is well worth
sitting through. The choruses can sing and
the girls are pretty.
The progress of Albert Mahar, the Kl-
Ram, In the esteem of the audience was
peculiar. His "Smiling Isle" song went
flat, even thouph a spanking new -erse
had been added to bring It up-to-date and
Include the Equitable, and "Remorse" did
not bring the flutter of a hand. But when
Kl-Ram paused on the brink of "Since I
First Met You" his stock began to climb
rapidly. Then he did wonders with "Manis
tee." After that the style of "Convict 47"
seemed to be Just about what Mr. Mahar
loved to tackle, and he finished In a blase
of glory. Intentional or otherwise, the
shirting of emphasis was not a bad sort of
E. Colt Albertson pleased with his tenor
voice and F. J. McCartley was good aa
Hadji. Mlgnon Demarest is bountifully
provided with good looks and Inches and
sings beautifully, especially "Carmena," a
waits song. Nellie V. Nichols Is a vivacious
Chlqutta. The others are well up to the re
"The Sultan of Sulu" remains for the first
half of the week.
Antii Admit Farinf Mock Better Thin
The j Expected or Deterred.
Facta as to Selection . of l.leotenent
Governor Mrftllton Instead of
- Senator Sheldon to Preside
Over State Convention.
"The delegates selected by the county
committee to go to Lincoln taken alto-
after January 1 was considered and adopted.
Practically no changes were made except In
the hours."
Omaha Committee Outlines IVeeds of
the Work for the Coming
Cold Weather.
The Omaha committee on Associated
Charities, Consisting of Rev. T. J. Mackay,
County Attorney Blabaugh, Thomas F.
Bturgess and E. H. Packard, has Issued the
following appeal, preparatory to the work
of succor to be done during the fall and
winter: ,
The first chill of the north winds causes
those engaged in caring for the destitute
to complete their plans and gather their re
sources in advance of the coming of King
Winter. The practical methoda of the As
sociated Charities have already worked
greai gooa lor umana in tne matter ol car
Wyoming Prelate Dwells on Spiritual
Illness of Man and Ills eed
of Help.
Bishop Keane of Cheyenne opened a two
weeks' special mission at the Sacred Heart
church Sunday morning by preaching a
strong sermon. A solemn high mass was
celebrated to Inaugurate the period of
evangelism and repentance.
"Human history," said the bishop, who
In some ways bears a resemblance to Sir
HnrV TfVlnir ' " I - lr,v mrtr-A rf ...rnw
gether make a more- representative dele- j dlw,ppolntmf.nt an pan f)ne of the .,:
.".'mi 1 1 in ii nits mt-t-ii r , t 1 1 i j ct . ,u...iv m.
state convention from this county In a long
time," declared 4 well-known antl discuss
ing the work of Saturday's meeting. "Don't
quote me by name, though, or I'll get In
trouble. I believe In giving the devil his
due, however, and I do not hesitate to say
that the antls have been much more gen
erously treated and have tared much bet
ter than the machlnd would have fared had
we had the say so. Chairman Cowell hit
the nail on the head when he asked the
spokesman of our Fontanelle club what the
machine might expect If the antls were in
majority In the committee and got only a
shrug of the shoulders In reply. And yet
Harry Rrome. J. P. Breen, Ralph Brecken
ridge, Bob Houghton, Henry Clarke. A. W.
JefTerls, Charlie Wlrth. John Butler, C. O.
McDonald, E. M. Martin and a doxen other
lesser lights of the antls have been hon
ored with places on the delegation and
happen to know that the Fontanelles had
made up a list of delegates to be commis
sioned In case by hook or crook they should
have managed to pull out a majority of
the members present at the committee
meeting and that not a single man was
on It who waa not a dyed-ln-the-wool antl,
I say it was lucky they got no chance to
aprlng one little list, but It was there Just
the same In somebody's Inside pocket.
Judge Duffle Is naturally highly gratified
at having the assurance of the undivided
support of his home delegation In the state
convention. iJouglas county has 123 dele
gates, which is a little more than one-tenth
of the whole number of votes to be cast,
and any candidate with such a starter is
bound to command a favorable position.
The Fontanelle braves must have been
so hypnotized by the dramatic oratory of
R. Reecher Howell and Thomas Want-it-all
Rlackburn, that1 they forgot all about
the resolution they were going to Introduce
to bind everybody In advance to accept
the results If Mr. Dodge's September pri
mary law should be declared null and void
by the courts and all proceedings under It
of no avail. There' might have been no
opposition to the) resolution had It been
forthcoming, but It seems to have got
entirely lost in the shuffle.
"I see I am being charged In some of the
public prints with "throwing down" Sen
ator Sheldon of Cass county In his aspira
tions to be temporary chairman of the
state convention the filling of which place
waa relegated to the executive committee
of which I am a member and to which
Lieutenant Governor McOllton has been
chairman," says Victor Rosewater, of the
republican state committee. "That would be
Important If true, but the fact la I never
knew Mr. McOllton's name was being
proposed In that connection until I read of
his selection. At the last meeting of the
state committee, the committeeman from
Cass county, Bryan Clark suggested Sen
ator Sheldon for chairman and no com
petitor appearing, advised appointing him
then and there. It was thought better,
however, tq follow the established rule that
sends such matters to the executive com
mittee and later I understood the votes of
a majority of the executive committee were
registered by mall for Sheldon at least
mine was so registered." I was surprised
therefore to receive a note laat week of
a meeting called at Lincoln to select a tem
porary chairman ana wrote nairman
Burgess at once that other engagements
would prevent me from attending, but If
my wishes were to be considered, I wanted
to be recorded as favoring Senator Shel-
I had talked with Mr. McOllton
Ing pictures of human misery Is presented
In the gospel in the account of the ten
lepers who appealed to the compassion of
the I.ord. Grouped In Isolation, they wan
dered In misery from place to place, com
pelled by law to keep persons from them.
The Jews regarded the leper aa an Illus
tration in tangible' form of the invisible
ravages of sin, and the Ixrd accepted
that Interpretation. He came, and for the
first time in history men spoke with confi
dence, saying: 'Master, have mercy on
lis.' The lepers bad heard In the distance
the story of 3esus' nvrcy. At once, we
know not how. they realized they were
whole. One returned, to give thanks.
"The picture of that morning long will
stand against the skies. Brethren, we are
all wounded; we are all sick. The proudest
boaster feels a want. He protests against
the voice In the wilderness, crying: 'Do
penance, for the kingdom of God is at
hand," and yet he ran never leave the
question alone. It rises In his solemn mo
ments, one of which Is worth a lifetime
when a man looks Into himself and hears
a voice that Is never false speaking the
truth that makes him realize the limita
tions of the human mind.
"In these moments of deepest thought
and most Intense Illumination there Is not
one of us but bides his face and feels the
consciousness of guilt. Then we see life
In its truth. Tou have some standard of
right, let It be what it may. Look Into
your life for a single day and Inquire If
you have lived up to It during that short
period. Face to face with realities you
will realize that you have not. There Is
a consciousness of defect In the best things
we have done and how much left undone!
"Our greatest general defect Is a want
of light. We want to know. That Is one
of man's miseries. The wisest Is crying
for more knowledge. Only the Infinite will
satisfy any.of us, from the Illiterate to the
philosopher, from the child to the old man.
"Twenty centuries .afterwards He who
first gave hope to man Is still ready to
extend His aid and comfort. He appeals
to you specially and directly In the mission."
This it J. E. Kfarkel'i answer to Charges
Regarding Panama Contract.
Heart rend In a-.
was the state of A. C. Stlckel's daughter,
Miletus, W. Va., with a leg sore. Rurklen's
Arnica Salve cured her. 28 cents. For sale
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Harlan, Iovra., Sept. 12-JA, 1JXJS.
The Chicago Great Western Railway will
sell round trip tickets to Harlan at only
one fare plus one-third for the round trip.
Tickets on sale September 11th to 16th. For
further Information apply to S. D. Park
hurst, General Agent, 1612 Farnam St.,
Omaha, Neb.
Ing for the dependents who are In Its midst.
The motto of thrt Associated Charities is I rtnn
"W.ln tin iwnnla f 11 ha n Hum cjaI , a- Thl. i
Is not a benevoieni plafitude; Kt tha actual rver.I times during the last rortnignt out
plan of oprratioh. That it Is efficient can never a word from him about presiding
be seen in the record of 1.163 cases handled I vr the convention and had I not already
St. Pant ana rtetnrn
and return
,' 16.60
and return
. H8.7S
via The North-Western Line
City OfllOM H01-14C
Feraam Street
Business Will tome to from Five to
Seven Instead of Fifty Millions
as Stated from New ,
"Oh, I suppose some rival contractors
who didn't land the Job are sore. That's
the only explanation I know of for those
charges. Every detail of the entire trans
action was open and above board and all
the papers are on file In New Tork, where
they may be examined by the public at any
time. There wasn't the suggestion of un
fairness or dishonesty connected with the
affair from beginning to end and any state
ment to the contrary Is absurdly and ma
liciously false."
Thus spoke J. E. Markel over the long
distance telephone to The Ree Sunday
afternoon, In reference to hjs success In
securing the commissary contract on the
Panama canal for the laborers and salaried
employes In the construction of the canal
and the charges of rival and unsuccessful
bidders that Mr. Market's success was due
to a leak In the canal commission. Mr.
Markel was at hie farm near DeSoto. where
he went Immediately upon his arrival In
Omaha from New Tork yesterday morning.
He will be In Omaha this morning.
"All that talk In the press reports about
It being a t'Vri.ono contract Is bosh,"
added Mr. Markel. confirming The Bee's
anticipation In a previous editorial. "The
contract will amount to about $lfWV a
month, or from t1.0W.0O0 to $1.6fl.nno a year
for five years. That Is the life of the con
tract. So you see the reports on the amount
alone, to say nothing of that yarn about
unfairness, are far from correct Just about
one-tenth correct.
Most Hare Ten Hotels.
"I must have ten hotels, each of which
must feed from 160 to 260 persons. I will
have about' 1,600 white men and 5.000 colored
laborers to supply. The rontrnct does not
call for the construction of the hotel build
ings by me. That will be done by the rail
road company. Two hotels are built and
now In operation and three or four mote
will be In operation within the next two
"I will be in Omaha Monday and will be
glad to give The Bee anything furtner It
may desire to know on this matter. There
Is no reason why the public should not
know all about It In every detail, for there
certainly could be nothing to cover up. I
shall be In Omaha until September J5, when
I shall leave for Panama. I can't tell now
how long I shall be down there this next
time, but I will be there off and on right
along. I will take with me some of my
superintendents from along the Rio Grande,
Kansas City Southern and Illinois Central
railroads. My headquarters will be In New
York, room 319 State street."
mm aai.uiLi a-ronR.
send ron
orn spkcial
I0O.VO6 Clothing
Copyright 1905 by
Hart Schaftner & Man
While Attending the Great
Don't forgot to oxnmine our stock
of Now Fall Clothing.
The Dressiest of Dressy Suits nro
the Hart ShatTner & Marx hand
tailorcd garments for which we are
sole agents in Omaha.
The Style is Right,
The Fabric is Right,
We've Priced Them Right
Those Double-ttreasted 'Varsity,
illustrated here, is one of the most
popular styles for fall and winter,
Let us fit you in one of them
you'll wear it away.
We carry a complete line of all
styles in prices from
$12.50 to $25
We will st-ll for this special sale only,
48-pound sacks Fancy High Patent Min
nesota Flour. This Is a fine flour f '"ICS
for family use, per sack
10 bars best brands Itumliy Soap 2fic
6 pounds best Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Rarley
or Farina for 25e
6 pounds choice .Iflpon Rice 2!c
6 pounds best Rulk Laundry Slnrch 2,"c
2 pound cans best Sweet Suar Corn 5c
3-pound can Boston Raked Reans THd
1-pound can fancy Alaska Salmon 9o
The best Soda Crackers, per pound. ...Ko
Fresh, crisp Ginger Snaps, per pound. ,.4io
Xcelo. Malta Vita. ERg-O-Pee or Pr.
Price's Rreakfaat Food, per package. .70
This makes our fourth car In two
weeks, peaches are higher, but we are
going to sell this car at same price as
the others. They are extra fancy and as
long aa they last we will sell ClS-
hem. at. ner crate .2-w
Be.. Philip Davidson and 11 ta Choir
Inanajarat Gooa Work.
The first of the Sunday afternoon re
ligious services arranged by the board of
visitors for the children In the Detention
home was bala yesterday afternoon at 4
p'ejock. aUns half an hour. It waa m
charge of Rev. Philip Davidson of Bt.
Alathlaa church, who was assisted by part
of his choir. , The services consisted of
.music, prayer, scripture readings and a
'short ' talk by Rev. Davidson about the
i.rooeaa of creation aa Illustrated In flowers
to meet the necessities of which P1b have
Deen contributed anq expended, this figure
covering the entire cost of the work. By
guarantees covering rent, groceries, coal
and drugs. Individuals have been encour
aged to meet their own obligations; employ
ment secured and positions paying lurger
salaries procured, have made it possible for
mem to Keep rait 11 with us; visits to the
home and suggestions made have In many
cases resulted in economy of househould
expenditure and increased comfort to the
The Associated Charities has. bv the use
of existing organizations, been able to pre-
veiu uiijMii-niMni 111 ugHncies ana reduced
the expense to all. ,
The charities endorsement committee, ap
pointed Jointly by tne Commercial (m.. and
the Associated Charities, and for which the
Associated Charities Is the official Investi
gating body, Is of great importance to the
business and professional public, who for
their own protection and for the protection
of legitimate charities, ought to demand
from nil solicitors the cardlued by this
The Western Passenger association has
recognized the Associated Charities as piar
tlcully the only source from which they will
honor requests for transportation at charity
rates. The present arrangement with re
gard to transportation reduces the cost to
tne community ana protects the community
against the outside cities and towns which
In the past have dumped their dependents
upon Omaha.
The system of records and methods of In
vestigation places at the command of tha
charitably disposed a record of the profes
sional dependents and results In ultimately
causing them to go to work or leave the
Out of tha experience of the last winter
there was born a need of two-fold phase:
The first of these is the Inability of women
with small children or delicate health to
earn anything becauae of the children or of
their health. They want work and not
alma and are willing and able to support
themselves. Accordingly, we sre aolnir to
establish an industrial room and day room,
where the women can leave their children
during the day with a caretaker, and work
In the Industrial room at' plain sewing and
family Mushing, for which they will be paid
per piece In cash. The children will be un
der best Influences, the women can pur
chase what they need where they please
wim money uiev nave earnea. warm
lunches at cost will be provided at the noon
The other phase Is the "Give me a dime
for a lodging'' fellow. He Is always with
us and to give him a fair chance a wood
yard will be established where he can earn
his lodging and meals, and a little extra If
he wants to. '
After the first cost Is provided, these de
partments of the work will he self-supporting,
mendicancy will be robbed of Its ex
ruses and selfrespect advanced by self-
support on the part of applicants. The
committee has made the Omaha system a
composite of the best methods now In use
in cities foremost In associated charity
work, and the visit of Superintendent Mor
ris to the National Conference of Chari
ties at Portland resulted In bringing the
cream of auccessful plans to our use.
For this work which now Is and Is des
tined to continue to be. most Important In
Its benefit to the city and to legitimate ex
isting charities, the committee needs for
the coming year:
' Four thousand dollars for equipment and
emergency relief.
Already urgent demands are being made
upon the resources of the committee. In
order to meet these, and to relieve the con
tributing public of a long-drawn-nut and
often recurring plea for funds. It Is urged
that contributions be sent at once to any
member of this committee.
given a promise for Senator Sheldon, I
would surely have favored a man from my
own county."
The official registration notice to be
published by City Clerk Elbourn In The
Pee the day before the coming primary
will Include an outline map of the new
ward and precinct lines of the city. This
la by special order of the council to re
lieve the confusion of following the changes
In the boundarlea.
Printers Decide Only to Enforce the
' present Arrangement I'ntll
At a largely attended meeting of the
Omaha Typographical union, Sunday, the
question 'of the eight-hour movement, In
augurated at St. Louis last year and reaf
firmed, at Toronto, was taken up.
At the conclusion of the meeting K. 8.
Flshe t" president of the union, said:
lu 'Aew of the fact that an agreement
exists between Omaha Typographical union
and the local Typothetae, which does not
expire until October 6, nothing was done In
the matter except to pass a resolution In
sisting that the terms of the agreement be
compiled with as long aa It shall remain In
"The local eight-hour scale to be enforced
Normal rates have been restored by all
lines between Chicago. Buffalo, New York,
Boaton and other eastern points, and the
Nickel Plate road Is still prepared to fur
nish strictly first-class service between Chi
cago and the east in their three dally
through trains to New York and Boston
at rates as low as obtain by any other line.
Meals served as you like, In the dining car,
either a la carte, club or table de hote,
but In no case will a meal cost more than
one dollar. Our rates will be of Interest to
you, and Information cheerfully given by
calling at No. Ill Adams street or address
ing John Y. fajahan. General Agent, No.
113 Adams St , Room, 298, Chicago.
Fnneral of Dr. Park Tuesday.
Tha funeral of the late Dr. Frank Park
will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the residence, 3603 North Twenty
fourth street, with interment at Forest
Lawn cemetery. Rev. John Randolph Smith,
pastor of Trinity Methodist church, will
conduct the services.
At the request of his colleagues in the
medical profession the remains may be
seen on Monday at the home between 2 and
i o'clock.
10.2S Chicago and Philadelphia and
Michigan Central, "The Niagara Falls
Route." good going Sept. 15, ltt and 17, 1D0S.
Particulars, L. T. Heusner, General West
ern Passenger Agent, 119 Adams St., Chicago.
Harry B. Davis, undertaxer. Tel. 1221
Attorney Flantter, Home from Trip to
Cheyenne filves Champion
Attorney Charles Elgutter returned Sun
day from Cheyenne. Wyo., where he went
to attend the Frontier Days' celebration.
"It was a great treat to me," said Mr.
Elgutter. "Outside of a wild west show
one probably could not witness the same
sights anywhere. The celebration drew
a very large number of people and the
Cheyenne folks took good care of them.
There were easterners aa well as weatern
ers, and the entertainment offered was
varied enough to suit all tastes.
'The broncho riding contests furnished
the spectacular feature. They were numer
ous and exciting. The animals supplied for
the tests were sure enough bufkers, and
some were more so. They could not only
hump their backs until they appeared to
be about to breaJt their spinal columns,
but some of them could sit on their
haunches and box like a kangaroo. If Jef
fries wants a renl test of his reserve met
tle before old age overtakes him, he should
go Into a corral with one of those bucking,
boxing, biting bronchos. I'll bet on the
"The spirit of the whole celebration was
western to tha core, and quite Instruc
tive' withal. I saw several Omaha people
among the crowds and found many sub
stantial and Influential men who have
only good words for this city. I should
Judge our merchants stand at the top In
reputation among the business men of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy cures diarrhoea and dysen
tery In all formr and In all stages. It nver
And Retnrn Via Chicago Great West
era Railway.
114.50 to Duluth. Superior and Ashland.
Tickets on sale till SepremDer loth. Final
return limit October 81st. For further In
formation apply to 8. D. Parkhurst, General
Agent. 1512 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Congressman Kennedy to Talk.
The Sixth Ward Republican league will
hold a rousing meeting Monday evening at
Idlewlld hall. Twenty-fourth and Grant
streets. Congressman Kennedy is slated
for a talk, and candidates are Invited to
be present and address the voters. Re
freshments will be served.
Determined Yonng Lover,
FREDERICK, Md.. Sept. 10. Because
his 16-year-old sweetheart persisted In her
refusal to marry him and had dismissed
him, Weddle, 17 years old. Is dead by
his own lianl; tha sweethear.. Nellie Elchel
berger. Is suffering from pistol shot
wounds that may prove fatal and her
friend and companion, Maud Davis, has a
bullet wound through her arm. Weddle
was the son of a prominent builder and
contractor of Tnurmont. this county, at
which place the tragedy took place last
Bt. James Orphans Pair.
and plants. It I. tb. tnt.n.lon Mb. board h. n.rh.l'r'rS
10 nave ciwis,uwt . . ...
' work aa they can be secured to do so. Be
sides lbs twenty children la tne boms a
number of neighboring residents attended
fStindaj af tsrnoon, '
srUa rings, tdhalra, Jswalas
completed arrangements. The fair Is to be
held at the imiaha Auditorium October 1$ to
IX. with the object of raising mwney to pav
off an Indebtedness of f'.D.os) on the or
phanage. F. A. Nash Is chairman of the
committee In charge, with E. A. Benson
and W. U. Hush man as vice chairmen. The
full committee consists of fifty men ana is
pnnsarts ni n ta alnruua .
Taste the Test
UNIFORMLY good taste is the infallible sign of
well-brewed beer!
It demonstrates the use of the very best Barley
Malt, highest grade Bohemian Hops, special culture
Yeast and thoroughly filtered Water. The best
tasting beer is
CarSeS v Ttm Csssss
It always tastes the same.
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n
St. Louis, U. S. A.
Orders Promptly Filled by
Geo. Krai, Mir. AnheuserRusch Branch Omaha Neb.
Number 12.
It lea
It arrives Chicago t 9:03 a. m.
Number 6.
It leaves Omaha 7:25 a, m.
It arrives Chicago 8:45 p. m.
Number 2.
It leaves Omaha 4:00 p. m.
It arrives Cliicago 7:20 a. m.
Tickets, berths, folders, rates and information at
City Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam St.
JJ'll'S umi in i'
Established 1899.
'' '" . 1 " ' ' , IHITM "'.t1.' ' l'.JIH l I H,
?.:.' ; :.V.v
.v'v-I'f.,' i-
". .
f 4 'vtiA.
;" i- ''r ; : t ' ---rr. -4 v----r " - ;
A school of the hlithest rrade for boy
age. Organized on the military plan, but s
tlonal neods. Most complete ana elaborate
ed at a cost of over tX.000. Main building
pletely furnished. Perfect sanitary arran
covering thousand acres, with lakes and w
pletely equipped gymnasium with swlmmln
ally large capable faculty. Bhool recognlz
Etate Governments. Tuition. tOOOOO no x
For Catalogue and ful
s of good character above twelve year o
criciiy aaapung military wors m muw
equipment In the Central States, establish
absolutely fireproof. Single rooms, coin-
gements. Fine climate. Keautlful grounds
ooded hills. Large athletic field. Com-
nnl A li.nHu nn. Ilmlt IT V (e nt I fin
ed and Inspected by both the National and
I Information address
General F. W. V. BLEES. President, 1B7 Fort Blees, Macon, Missouri,
b 1.
Military academy
016l and Ursot In Mi141 Wast.
1 1 i-tii wrov mo.
Advertise In The Bee.
From Omaha. U the
Lewis and Clark Exposition
Portland, Oregon
Is now open, but closes October 15, 1905. 1
Two train dally. Through sleeping and
dining car service. (Julket Time.
Illustrated Guide to the Kzponltlon sent free on request.
'Phone 3 It.