Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Wheat and Corn Both Clow a Liitl
j Easier.
Critical Potat Is Forelga gltaatloa la
Exteat of Raeefaa Bhlpaaeate
Oata Am Steady, with Good
Export Inqalry.
OMAHA, Sept. S,
'T 'nt wa strong during the greater
pwri ot me ncMlon, but closed a lift i
lower. Th: recent change In sentiment and
tha resulting coveting and buying for long
account were enough to overcome the In
fluence of fine .uii, weak northwestern
markets and the Indifferent cable response
t' the markets in thin country yesterday.
The critical point In the situation abroad
I the extent of the Russian shipments.
September cloned at Soltc December at
tiW- and May at R.)c.
Corn was quiet and In the end a little
easier. Receipt ran about as expected,
but it Is said tha volume will fall oft soon.
Tha country la selling nothing. September
closed at 68H old September at 634c. De
cember at vsic, old December at 45c and
May at 43ic.
Oats were quiet and steady. Early there
wa some weakness on the heavy overrun
In Chicago receipts, but thla was In a largo
measure recovered. Export Inquiries con
tinue good. September finished at 25'5c,
December at JTc and May at 29Hc
Liverpool closed unchanged to Sd lower
on wheat and unchanged to Hd lower on
Iondon statistics say France will have to
Import bushels of wheat and the
Indian crop Is M. 000, 000 bushels short.
Primary wheat receipts were 913,000 bueh
1b and shipments 4WI,0o0 bushels, against
receipts last yar of 918,000 bushels and
shipments of lll,O)0 bushels. Corn receipts
were 097.000 bushels and shipments 803,(mO
sushels, against receipts last year of 997, OK)
jluehels and shipments of 1. 16.00 bushels.
Clearances were 92.0O0 bushels of wheat,
iS.floO barrels of flour, 144.000 bushels of corn
and 199.000 bushels of oats.
The world s wheat shipments for Monday
ire estimated at about S.(no.nipO bushels, of
which quantity Europe will take about
LoiO.Oiin bushels. There probably will be a
lair decrease of breadstuffs on passage.
Australian wheat shipments this week were
2.000 bushels, against 400,000 bushels last
A round lot of 10.000 tons of flour was sold
It Minneapolis yesterday to go to China.
ill tne leading markets reported large
iaes of flour, Kansas City selling t.OoO
tarrels. Export sales of wheat In all po
ttlnns yesterday were 700,000 bushels. They
ncluded 160,000 bushels at Kansas City to
to out by way of the gulf, exporters there
lelng short and having to fill sales made
n June for September shipment. The At
intlo seaboard sold 48.00U bushels No. 2
ed and 844,000 bushels Manlurba, (or ex
ert. One of the largest cash houi In the
yon n wear wired: "ins nortnwest move-
Trtxve Deen completely swatppea wnn aurutn
h'tifai ana nave naa to reauce ins price
tieaiiny. ix inia luiiuweu vy a minimi
eeluge of spring wheat, we really do not
now where to look for a market for It
tonlaht. The eastern mills are very In
different. The Canadian crop will take our
market all fall, and we are almost on a
delivering basis with New York options
and will probably get there before long.
We will have heavy carrying charges this
whole year against the wheat bull."
Oanaha Cash galea.
WHEAT No. S hard. 1 car. 76Uc; 1 car.
76Uc: No. 4 hard. 1 car. 75c: no arade. 1
(air. fiic; i car, boo.
OATS No grade, 1 car. 21o.
Omaha Csia Prices.
WHEAT No. I hard, 7fVa79cj No. t hard,
f6Vc; No. 4 hard, 76c; No. I spilng, 78c;
Do grade, UjfiTo.
CORN-No. 2, 49c; No. 8, 494c; No. 4.
He; no grade, 42g4"c: No. 2 yellow, 49 Vc;
No. 1 yellow, 49fcc; No. 1 while, 44c; No.
I white. 49V.
OATS No. I mixed, 24Hc; No. 8 mixed,
24c; No. 4 mixed, 23Hc; No. 2 white, 240;
No. I white, Hc; No. 4 white, 24c; lau
dard, 24c.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 39 469 S36
Kansas City 292 61
Minneapolis 42S
Omaha 63 00 28
Duluth 42
St. Louis 61 68 82
.Minneapolis Grain Market.
Superior quotations for Minneapolis de
livery. The range of prices, as reported by
the Edwards-Wood company, llO-lLl Board
of Trade building, waa:
Artloles.1 Open. I Hlgh.l Low. I Close. Yes 7
Wheat i '
Sept... 80S 81 804 804 R1U
Deo.... 80S 814 8041 S04 81 il
May... 84V 844 83T 844
Fair la tha Prediction, Despite Ap
pearance. OMAHA, Sept. t, 1906.
Showers occurred at oolnta in th nnnA
Missouri valley within the last twenty-four
iiours, uui generally lair weather pre
vailed throughout the upper valleys and
northwest. Heavy rains continued la
Texas and rain la falling In southern Kan
sas this morning.
g temperature changes have been alight
land unimportant in all sections since the
HlHst report and will probably be alight In
TVie central valleys tonight and Sunday.
umana record ot temperature and
precipitation, compared with the corre
sponding day of the last tnree years:
19u6. 1904. 19oS. 1902.
Minimum temperature.... 60 61 63 144
Precipitation 00 .00 . 43 . 00
Normal temperature for today, 68 de
Deficiency In precipitation .since March L
7.02 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding certod in laot.
146 inches.
Excess corresponding period In 1103,
4.07 Inches.
. , TemD. Rain.
Stations. Max. Mln. Inches.
Ashland, Neo id M
Auburn, Neb..... 79 66
Columbus, Neb.. 80 66
Falrbury, Neb.... 60 64
Pt. cloudy
Fairmont, Neb... 78 67
Or. Island. Neb.. 77
Hartlngton. Neb. 78 '
Oakdale, Neb 78
Omaha, Neb 76
Tekamah, Neb... 79
Carroll, la........ 74
ClarlndA. Ia 78
Sibley, la 74
Sioux Ctty, la.... 74
Storm Lake, la.. 72
Pt. cloudy
n. cloudy
Ne. of Temn Rain.
Central. Btaiton. Max. Mln. Inches.
Chicago. III...
Columbus, O
Des Moines, Ia...
Indianapolis, Did.
Kansas City. Mo.
Louisville. Ky....
Omaha, Neb......
HI. Louis, Mo....
L. A. WEtUTt
Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau.
t. Leala General Market.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. .-WHEAT-Strong
JNO. 1 rea rain, elevator, si4
664c; September, 74c; December,
vator. 81V,j4Vc; track.
, usc; No.
1 bard. hlE6c
CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 62c; track. 63c;
September, 6oc; December, 41c.
OATS-Steady; No. 2 ranh, 284c; track,
r84c; September, 254c; December, 26c; No.
i white &u.3f4o.
FliOLR Firm: red winter patents, 14.16
fj4 35, extra fancy and straight, 13.t2.fl4 06.
clear. SO.
SKKI Tlmolhv, steady, 33 033.45.
C'OKNMEAL Steady at 32 a).
URAN Steady ; sacked, east track. SS'st
HAY Steady; timothy, tSOOttfltOO; prai
rie. (7 5A.Kja 60.
' PMOVISIONS Pork. steady; lobbing.
816 10. Lard, firm: prime steam, 37.90. Dry
salt meats, steady: boxed extra shorts,
14624; clear ribs, 19 00; short clears, 19 26.
Uacon. steady; boxed extra shorts, ts.Go;
clear ribs. 19 75: short clear. 110 irt
1 ijv.
e POULTRY Firm; chickens, 104c; springs.
iurs, w-c; aucas, ujc. geese.
dairy. 14.nl7c
IXkJS Steady at 164c. case count.
rlecelpta. enlpments
Flour, bbls.
Wheat, bu..
Cora, bu
Oats, bu
11 lk(il
62.UU0 ( 0.0
Ux'ti 14. CO
UouO 4
Pklladelpkla Pradaeo Market.
Quiet, steady; egtra western creamery. Sic;
extra nearby prints, tZe.
EKiS Steady, moderate demand; nearby
fresh. So, loss off; nearby freah, tia, at
mark: weatern freeh, 2l() 22c, at mark.
CliEEtiiii-rirmi New Xvrk XuU creauu.
2? 78 68
17 80 61
11 7 6
11 82 64
17 1 ft
1 81 6
29 1 62
16 73 64
U 78 64
fancy, 12vc; choice, ll312c; fair to good,
11 V ii VrC.
restores f the. rradlag Closla
1'rlres aa Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Sept. . near weather In the
northwest was the ctnrf reasons for a
somewhat t-asy lone in the wtieal market
here, today. At the close wneat for Dec-ember
delivery was off Vc. Corn is oft
V- Oats ape practically unchanged, Pro
visions are a shade lower to TSu""-' higher.
The wheat market opened easier, with
December off a shade to Vgc. Dry
weather throughout Minnesota and the l'a
koiaa was the main cause of the initial de
clines. As a I'-suit of Improved weather
conditions It was claimed that arrivals of
new wneat at Minneapolis on Wednesday
would show an enormous Increase. Coin-
mission hounes later became quite active
purchasers. In consequence the markcj, f or
a time showed considerable firmness. De
cember advanced to Mc. The principal
source of strength lay In large export bus
iness reported at the seaboard. Another
bullish influence was continued demand
from millers for cash wheat. The market
Suon yielded to persistent offerings from
pit traders, prices selling bark to about the
opening level. The Michigan crop report
wa a bearish factor In the reaction. The
wheat yield of that state Is estimated at
lS.orO.OOO bushels, as aralnst .0oii)0 bushels
last year. The market closed easy, with
December at 82Hc. Clearances of wheat
and flour were equal to 335.000 bushels. Pri
mary receipts were 91S.(i0 bushels, com
pared with 91R.00O bushels a year ago. Min
neapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re
ceipts of 5" cars, against 469 cars last
week and 332 cars a tear ago.
Sentiment In the corn pit was bearish as
a result largely of the excellent weather
for the maturing of the crop. Trading was
very quiet. At the close prices were at the
lowest point of the day. December opened
unchanged to c lower at 4S'Q4.T'c. sold
off to 4So and closed at the bottom. Iocal
receipts were 4j9 cars, with 2o6 cars of con
tract grade.
A liberal Increase In local receipts caused
some weakness In the oats market. Mod
erate purchases of May by a prominent
commission house prevented any material
decline In prices. December opened MiW'mC
lower to 27',fi 27c, sold up to 27c and
closed at 27. Local receipts were 336
Provisions were steady on a Re advance
In the prices of live hogs; offerings were
small. At the close October pork was up
Re at 110 45. I-ard was a shade lower at
$7 70 Ribs were 7WS-10C higher at U.ftv
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat,
S3 cars; corn, 617 cars; oats, 375 cars; hogs,
2Smo head.
The range of prices was as follows:
Articles. I Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yesy.
Wheat I
Sent. Rl
oT4 Wi
Dec. IWS'H1
82H S'-'H1
tSept. '5r,-4H
JSepl. 63-'a'4jl
IDec. I 45H
43 Vi
t Dec.
Sept. Dec.
Sept. Oct:
27 V,
29 V, 4
16 00
14 70
12 36
7 GS
7 724
7 474
6 86
8 624
8 624
6 40
14 70
14 76
12 27H
12 il
T 7B
7 60
6 90
1 75
7 60
6 90
8 67H
8 fl6
S 42HI 6 42H1
No. I. tOld. JNew.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Firm; winter patents, I3.8OW4.20;
straights, $3.80"a4.10; spring patents. (4 trft
625; straights. $3.50(?f4 75; bakers-, 2.4tvo3 30.
WHEAT No. I, 8a7c: No. J tea, o:4?y
corn no. z, 63SR: ro. yenow, mc
OAT8 No. 2. 27.c; No. 2 white, 23tt
29c; No. 3 White, 2S4528c.
RYK NO. Z, tiZC.
BARLEY Good feeding. 874c; fair to
choice malting. 42r48e.
SEEDS No. 1 flax, Jl.07; No. 1 northwest
ern, 11.11. Clover, contract grade, lll.oo.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 614.98
451S.O0. iArd, per 100 lbs., 17.66. Short ribs
sides (loose). $8 563'.60; short clear sides
(boxed, 8.7Ti(ff?.09.
Receipts and shipments of grain and flour
were as follows:
Receipts, shipments.
Flour, bbls..
40.KW 41,
Wheat, bu..
Corn, bu
. 41,900
. lino
Oats, bu
348. 7t
Rye. bu '.
Barley, bu..
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creamery, 17(ff20c;
dairy. 164fM8c. Eggs, firm; at mark, cases
Included. lt4c: firsts, isc; prime firsts, 20c;
extras, 22c. Cheese, firm, 11(8 12o.
Qaotatloos of the Day oa Varloas
NEW TORK, Sept. . FLOUR Recelnts.
30,138 bblB.; exports, 14,484 bbls.; market
qultt and steady; winter patents, 34.26a
4 76; winter straights. 14.0CK54.16; Minnesota
patents,'go.w; winter extras, KbotuSM;
Minnesota bakers, 13.60ii4.00: winter low
grades, 12.75.-p3. 30. Rye flour, steady; fair to
good. 13. 60$ 4.25, spot and to arrive; choice
to fancy, 33.754p1.40. spot and to arrive.
COR NMEAL Quiet; fine white and yel
low, i. coarse, si.14bi.i; kiln dried,
RYE Quiet; No. 2 western, 644c, 0. 1. f.
new 1 oik.
RARLKY Steady; feeding, 384c, c L f,
WHEAT Receipts, 20,0n0 bu.; exports, 20,-
im ou. opoi maraet steady; iso. I red, r&ic,
elevator; No. 2 red, 8840, f. o. b. afloat; No
1 northern Duluth. 90Vo, to arrive f. o. b
afloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba, S9Sc, to
arrive f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern
arrlve f. o. b. afloat. The options mar
ket was Irregular, opening lower on account
of beurlsh cables and good weather. On
subsequent strong bull support It rallied
ana cioeea sieaay at a partial 40 net de
cllne. May, 8489 13-16c, closed at 89Hc
September. 87ya874o, closed at 87Sc; De-
cenior, bi'vumd-ik, ciosea at ka4c.
CORN Receipts, 76.226 bu.; exports, 68 1(58
bu. Spot market steady; No. 2. 604c, ele
vator, and 604c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow,
6vc; No. 3 white, 61c. Option market was
without transactions, closing net un
changed. May closed at 49Vc; September,
OATS Receipts, 247,600 bu.: exports. 13
72 bu. Spot market quiet; mixed, 26 to SI
lbs., 80Hf304e; natural white, 20 to 32 lbs., 31
4j82o; clipped white. M to 40 lbs., MtfXo.
HAY Quiet ; shipping, SOtlOc; good to
cnoice, io'Bmc,
HOPS Quiet: state common to choice
1906. 304r25c: 1904. 17a23c: olds. 104il2c: PJ
clflc ooaat. 1904. 16022c: 19u8. nominal: aM.
itior-s Bteaay: tiaiveston. 20 to s lh
0c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 194c; Texas
ary, id vj ii., ioc,
LHAT HER Firm: acid. 24S2c..
PROVISIONS Reef, firm; family, 11150
612.00; mess, 19 60tf 10.00; beef hams, ISl.Omit
21.60; packet, 110.5OU.0O; city, extra Indii
mess, IU.OOq2i9.OO. Cut meats, steady; pick-
iea .tiiiri, 9B.auii.wi pif-Kip snoulilers,
r.004i7.26: pickled hams. lll.0K.12.oa T.arrf
steady; western steamed, 38; refined, steady!
continent. 1836; South America. IX: com.
pound, 15.874ti.0O. Pork dull; family, 117 50
W'.S.OO, short clear, 114.6uai6.60; mess, 316.609
16 60.
TALLOW Steady; city, 4Sc; country. 44
RICE Quiet; domestlo, fair to extra,
iwoiv: japan, nominal.
BUTTER Steady; receipts, 8.3 pkgs
street prlco, extra creamery. 204n?lc: offl
rial price, creamery, 2oc; renovated, com
mon to extra. 15tfl94c.
CHEE9E--F1rin; state full cream small
white fancy. 12c; state fair to choice. &
llSc: state colored fancy, 12c: state fair
to choice, UVullSc; state large white
fancy. 12c; state colored, 12c.
EGOS Steady: state, Pennsylvania and
nearby fncy selected white 2lrtf27c; state
choice. H4.r2ac: state mixed extra. 24c
western extra first, 2122c; western firsts,
POULTRY Alive, firm; western chick
ens, fowls and turkeys. 14c. Dressed, weak:
western chickens, 12'fl34c; fowls, li'a1;
spring turkeys. 15Q3ac.
Minneapolis rioar Market.
r stents, 3S.OnC6.10; second patents, 14
90; first clears, 33.ii0(fi3.90; second clears.
32 66172.65.
BKAN'-In bulk, 311 00i1l.26: short In
bulk. 111001126; flour middlings. In bulk.
Dnlatk Grata Market.
DULUTH. Sept. t WHEAT To arrive
first half of September, No. 1 northern.
834c; No. 2 northern, Soc; to arrive No. 1
northern, 62c: No. 2 northern, iK'c; Sep
tamber, old. 8lc; September, new, 774c
December, 764c
OATS To arrive and on track, 260.
Mllwaakea Grain Market.
Steady; No. 1 northern, WWc: No. I north
ern, .884c; Iiecember, ;4az4c bid.
RYE Steady; No. 1, Z4.
1) AKLLY Steady; No. X 6uc: sample.
CuiU flleady; May. 4340 bid.
, 16 00
14 60 14 75
12 25 12 85
7 B
7 70 7 70
7 47H t-BO
6 87H 6 874
8 55 8 65
8 60 8 624
6 40 6 40 I
Beef Steeri Strong and Cowl Lower for
the Week.
Hoc Trade for the Week Ten Cents
Lower Sheep a Qnarter and
Lambs a Quarter to Forty
t ents Loner for Week.
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 9. 1905.
RerelDts were:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
... ti.-V 2.9 '2 12.4ol
Official Monaxy ....
Ordeal Tuesday ..
Official Wednesday
Official Thursday ..
Official Frtdav ....
Official Saturday ..
... 6,4il 4.713
... 7.41 1 6,64
... 3.065 5,il3
... 1.277 7.7:.3
... 875 6.100
14. KM
Total this week 27.354 83.S25
Total last week 29.
Same week before 22.0M 2S.n-)
Same three weeks aao..21.1:f3 4i.ii7
Same four weeks ago. . . .1,1.V7 33 4.19 14
Same week last year....M,438 29.9rt3 4.1. 4
The following vable shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, comparing with last yeart
lu3. 19A. Inc.
Cattle fiio.099 Wi3.lV2 4.4!7
Hogs 1,7W.."23 l.tiKl.V'O 84.d
Sheep 1,14,272 9a,6!S7 124,io
'ilia following table shows tin average
price of hogs at Houtii Omaha for the last
several dayi, with comparisons:
Date. I hMo. 11901. 1900.ISM.
"t. IS... I I tl; ( Oil i 26 4 6S I 771 4 7 4 44
Aug. li... a i C2,' ! ! 77 4 4 U
Aug. 17 ... 1 6 b,'v 4 W11 6 20i i S3I 6 0V 4 !M)
Aug. 18... ( 931 4 i ii. CI 4 961 4 47
AUg. J. .
Aug. 20..
Alii i..
Aug. 22..
Aug. 22..
Auk. 24..
( S 6 10 5 11 6 72 6 K! 4
I 6 12 A 1 7V 6 IM UX -
I 84 I ; 6 3 a 6 i3 i 1 4 l
6 8.1S ( 02 6 301 6 67 i Oil 3
6 914, Ufj ( S 6 911 4 9i 4 41
6 9i4i 6 04 1 6 461 16 i 6 02 4 4
6 664, 6 131 6 44 7 10 t 06 4 40
0 iy, a ail 1 tui f 97 4 s
; S i4j 5 2-' 7 2V! 00 4 981
1 sov. 1 PL as T itti 1 oil S 02 4 40
Aug. 26..
Aug. M..
Aug. V7..
Aug. 29..
Aug. 29... I 6 834 6 31 6 32 7 is, 02 I 02 4 42
tug. aw... d 114-1 0 in 1 I zo 0 11. o "u;
Aug. 31
. I 72
.1 6 oZ
.( 6 4i
6 17 R t I 6 121 S 06l 4 7 1.
Sept. 2.
Sept. .
Sept. 4.
he it. .
Sept. 6.
6 13; 6 i3 7 32) I 6 04 4 0
6 2V 6 201 7 42 Hi I 4 14
6 331 5 291 7 36 6 071 5 021
6 46 5 411 7 33 ; 6 151 6 Mi 4 19
I 6 4dSl 6 76i 6 toi 7 4(i 0 i, a ii 4 ii
.1 6 6 24 7 44 ( 34 5 06 1 4 23
6 ill Vai 6 i!l 6 44 " B il D m 4 OU
S 3641 6 So 6 60( 7 46 6 10. 4 30
.1 6 38 6 44 7 5l 1 3d;
4 29
Indicates 8unday.
The official numher of cars nf stock
brought In today by ea?h road waa:
C, M. St. P l .. 1
w abash I
Mo. I'ac 4
Union Pacltlc system. 4 20 6
C. & N. W .. 6
F.. E. A M. V. R. R 23
C, St. P., M. & 0 11
. M 23 1 .. 2
C, B. &. Q
C R. I. A. P., east 1
Illinois Central 1
Chicago Great Wstrn .. I ..
Total receipts 27 71 5 3
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, eao.i buyer purcnaslng tne num
ber of head indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co,
bwut and Company b4
Cudahy Packing Company. ..
Armour St Company 1
W. 1. Stephen 7
Hill 4 Son 17
Ktugan tc Co
Baker Packing Co
Other buyers 3
Total 92
CAII1.K-As usual on the last uay of me
Week there was noliiing ot any Importance
on the sale, me maraet being piauiiuauy
pare 01 supplies 01 all Kinds.
This has urea a, week of large receipts,
the total fur the six days looting uu
6,748 head more than last week and 10,9iv
head in excess 01 tne recoid tor tne cor
responding week a year ago. While the
big end of the receipts has consisted 01
western rangers as usual at this season,
there has been uuite a sprinkling of cattle
trom tue feed, lots and pastures 01' tne corn
The market on beef steers has been in
very sailatactory condition all the week.
Corn fed steers ot desirable quality have
been auoted as at least steady every day
this week and occasionally strong. Good
weit-nnisned loads nave sold up to fu.w.
While range steers were quoted a little
slow and weak one day the market was
stronger again, and at the close of the
week it would not be an easy matter to
point out any material difference -between
prices now prevailing and Uione 01 a week
The tendency ot the market on cows and
heifers has been toward a lower basis,
still the changes in the market from day
to day have not been very noticeable. On
Monday the market was quoted as weak
to lower, on Tuesday strong, on Wednesday
and Thursday easier and 011 Friday steady.
Taking the week as a wnoie tne market is
not oyer 10.15c lower.
There has been good active demand all
the week for feeders having weight and
good flesh and good to choice cuttle of
that description have been steady to strong
every day. On the other hand cattle, even
if good, but lacking flesh and light and
thin, as well as common stockers and feed
ers have been slow sale and are 204j30o
lower than a week ago.
Representative sales:
W. L. Lambert North Platte.
2 cows 1770 2 46 6 feeders.. 636 3 19
U cows 794 2 46 1 feeder... 810 3 30
3 COWS 1170 I 46 1 COW 111M1 3 46
HOGS Today's trade on hogs was a good
deal like yesterday's markui, that is it
opened up a utile Deuer, witn prospects
for a hlgner market and then turned out a
disappointment. As waa the case yesterday
morning ouyers picaeu out ine light loads
paying prices that looked a litliu higher
dot the trade was not active and it waa
slow work unloading. After the belter loads
were disposed of tne market slowed dowu
and became very dull and weak on heavy
packing hogs. As a whole the market did
nut enow much change, the hogs selling In
about the same notches as yesterday.
The hog market lias Deen decidedly un
satisfactory this week and still the change
in nrloea has been very small. On Tuesday
ami Wednesday the market waa quoted
generally 6c lower for each day and every
other day of the week It was slow and
easier. In fact dullness has been the chluf
feature of the market for some days bank
and still at the close of the week prices are
on an average, only about 10a lower than
they were at the close of last week. Heavy
nacklna hots have been the hardest to sell
and have been neglected to such an extent
on some days that It waa almost Impossible
for holders to unload. Late arrivals at the
yards have been especially hard to sell as
the market waa closed dull and easier al
most every day and anything arriving late
was almost certain to sell lower than tha
early market.
No. At. sx. Pr. No. At. Ik. FT.
tl 40 I M 44 tT M I J74
M tfl 140 I SO 44 til 40 I ITe
M. t&7 M IH U !47 4 ISIv,
12. 171 110 1 10 66 Ml ... t 74
41 t 40 I 1K4 ht 2H 0 i list
ir, iu ... I 62 41 ui 1(0 41714
01 til 10 4 2 '1 74 "7 10 I 40
47 t'l ... I 624 71 m ... I 40
M 844 ... I 71 ... I 40
tl 241 140 S tl', 44 24 M 6 40
44 tit M 4 Si. 72 !i ... I 40
41 270 40 S M '5 lit 40 I 40
41 HOt ... S it 44 111.4 ... I 40
41a. til 0 III 44 Ill 10 I 40
44 271 0 I IS li ia 1 10 6 40
17 2(7 10 I II 74 l' 40 ( 40
47 2M 144 I 24 It ill 1W I 4
II 241 40 I II 71 Ill 110 t 40
12 240 ... I 94 7 Ill 10 I 40
4 241 ... S U tl 211 IK I U
47 244 40 14 71 221 40 I 40
II iW ... 6 at 14 245 140 6 40
II .211 ... Ill 4 217 140 I 40
II J.M ... S U II 141 ... 14
46 271 ... It It 2I 10 6 40
47 244 M I It 41. 121 10 I 40
71. 241 ... Ill II 141 40 I 40
II 10 10 I 14 44 231 40 I M
61 241 ... I 34 44 t7l Sue I 40
14 211 M 6 I7VI tO Ill 40 1 424
14 2SI M 111 M Iu4 ... 6 42
II lul 4 I 11 71 Ill ... 4 4i4j
14 lilt 40 I 17l 14 Ill 40 142
40 2)1 10 4 11V, CI 24 40 44
II 264 40 I 17., 100 Ill ... 44
44 144 10 I 174 117 ... 141
16 ! ... 6 17 II tit ... 44
40 tfl ... 117 IS 1 40 I 44
14 240 140 4 lit, U Ii'l 140 I 44
li, U4 10 6 17 17 tit ... let
SHEEP There were only Ave cars here
this morning and one of them was direct
to a packer, so that there' was not enouxh
of any one thing on sale to make a teat
of the market or eatablish quotations.
Receipts of sheep have been large this
week, over 50.uu0 head having arrived at
the yards during the sis days, as will be
noted from the table of comparative
figures. In round numbers this Is a gain
over last week of 12. mO head and a gain
over a year ago of IO.iuO head.
The market this week has not been
exactly to the liking of sellers, for the
very good reason that price hav ben on
the down grade. The market started out
on Monday steady, but on Tueaday there
was a weakening all along the line. On
Wednesday la market received iu black
eye. After twenty-four hours of steady
rain the sheep arrived thoroughly wet and
In no shape t.. sell So thst the market
as the ouilest and deail.-sl that It has
been ai this point In a long time, In ad
dition to being lower, t n Thursday and
Friday values remained Just about steady
t the decline. Now, st the close of the
week, sheep are all of 2o lower than they
were a week ago and lambs are 214400
lower. Otoer markets have s iffcred In
about the same proportion, the break In
prices not being confined to this point by
any means
Feeding sheep and lambs at the close of
the week are l.n-oc lower than a week ago,
the decline being due to the hresl on fat
stuff. With prices on feeders so high, It
Is only natural that the market should
follow down the fat sheep market. While
there Is a oierv large dcinnnd for feeders,
buyers feel that thev are pmlng high
prices and so long as they fe. that w.v
they may be depended upon to take anv
advantage of favorable conditions to force
values to a lower level.
VJuolatlons on fat sheep and lamhs; Oood
to choice lambs. J'i 50',i ;.o; good to choice
yearling wethers. ..mrSO; good to choice,
old weihers. 24 6f.i4 90; good to choice ewes,
H Vd4.75.
Cuotntlons on feeder sheep and lambs:
Oood feeding lambs, $R S Ij l .HI : good fending
Vent'llngs, M rrvhtVOO; good ferd,ng wethers.
4.5ofr4 16: feeriine- ewes. 13 ri (ft t ft! - hrlm
1 ' xepreeenmiive sates
A v.
. 152
. 108
. 92
. 68
3 00
3 75
6 25
6 75
20 Wyomlnr hurra
19t Wyoming ewes ,
HO Idaho yearlings
29 Idaho lambs
Cattle Steady Hogs Fire to Ten Cents
Higher Sheep and Lam ha Steady,
CHICAGO. Pept. 9 -'-CATTLE Receipts,
300 head; market steady; beeves. 33 K5fr 50'
cows, 11. 3fM,4 50: heifers. 12 l.Vjif, no; good to
&rfi 35 t54l"'" W: Por to medium.
IIOGS--Recelpts. 6.0O0 head: market B-S10c
higher; heavy 95 .i6.95; rough. 3i.3ti'i SO;
mixed, 25 4015.93; light. 15 4',tiv, .90; pigs. 1179
i5 6n; bulk of sales, 35 Wr,j'5 sn
SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts. 2 000
head; market stendv ;naflves, 13 iWx2.;
westerns, 11.305 25; yearlings, 15.(Kku6.76;
lambs. 35.75r7.00.
Kansas Cltr 1 1 v Stork Market.
KANSAS CITY. Sept 9 CATTLE Re-Jrir!"-.
M h"a1- Including 360 Southerns.
Market unchanreri: choice Tnnri
dressed beef steers, 36.2511.10: fair to good, t
.......... w. nmitriH itii-i'ii., t.(i a ; siock-
et-s and feeders. 3I.Ovg4.26; southern steers,
32.6011.3.1; southern cows, 11. 75 2.70; native
cows, Sl.76ff3.6i; native heifers, 12.5r(f5.rt0;
bulls. S2.0uw3.26: calves, 13.01X1 0.26; receipts
for the week, 8O.10O.
HO(S Receipts. 4,000 head. Market
steady; top. 15.66; bulk of sales, 15.30d6.5O;
heavy, 15.255 40; packers. 15 306.56; pias
and lights, 8o.3(vg6.60; receipts for the wetk,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. mono
(mostly feeders!. Market nominally steady:
native lambs. S57fi'i7 80: western Inmbs
88 7Mr7S0; fed ewes and yearlings. 14 2576. 50;
western yearlings,; western sheep,
14.25Ti5.10; stockers and feeders, 13.75ii4.75.
Receipts for the week, 47,100.
Ffevr York Lire .tock Market.
NEW YORK. 8rnt. 9 REEVES Recetnts
l.Offl head No trading: market feeling
stetdy. Dressed beef steady at ii4TI!c per
pound for natives sides. Exports, 910 head
beeves and 5,750 quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts, 77 head; market fettl
ing steady. Veals sold at Sn 60'u9.oo per loll
pounds; city dressed veals, steady at 941f
134c per pound: country dressed, slow at
8 124c
hogs Receipts, 1.729 head: none on sale:
market feeling sternly.
HHKKP and LAM US Receipts. 3.K73 head:
sheep market slow and unchanged: choice
lambs almost nominal and steady Common
and medium lambs in over supply and not
wanted. A few sheep sold at 33. 5; ordinary
to prime lambs at !6.6V(K.lO; Canada lambs
at 17.40. Dressed mutton steady at 8'dlflc
per pound; dressed lambs slow at 10?134o.
1st. I.ools Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Bert. 9. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 800 head. Inoludlng 700 Texans. Mar
ket, natives, steady; lexans, strong; na
tive shipping and export steers, 13 8..4. 9";
dressed beef and butcher steers. S3 OOffi 4.25;
steers under 1.0.10 pounds. 13.nocn3.96; Block
ers and feeders, 12.00iii3.Mi; cows and
heifers. 12.00i7f 4.75: canners. Sl.50fi2.10: bulls.
Sl,90rg2.90; calves, 33.Ooih77.O0; Texans and In
dian steers, J2.Wii3.tio. cows ana neirers.
t. I . AAA 1 a Jk
steady; pigs and lights, S5.40'(i5.75; packers,
65.006.70; butchers and best heavy, 35.5C(I
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3X nead.
Market steady; native muttons, S3.oOfi5.nO;
lunibs, S4.OOft7.00; culls and bucks, 13.00 4 00;
stockers, 13.654.25;. Texans, 33.504.26.
St. Joseph Live Stork Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Sept. 9.-CAT-
TLE Receipts 106 head. Market steady;
natives, 13.76fo.00; cows and heifers, S1.50iiJ
6.75; stockers and feeders, 13 004(4.25.
HOGS Receipts, z,8t neao. wiiiraei
steady to weak: light. S8.S57t6.50; medium
no heavy, . 10.40; ouia, o. wait. 40.
SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts. 233.
Market steady; lambs, 37.00.
long City Live Stock Market.
fiTOTTX CITT. Ta.. Sept. . CSpeclal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 100 head; mar
ket steady; beeves. S3. 756. 65; cows, bulls
and mixed, S2.25tl4.00; stockers and feeders,
12.75(54.00: calves and yearlings, S2.50irt3.25.
HOGS Receipts. 1.7O0 head; market 5o
higher, selling at 15.246.56; bulk of sales,
Stock la Sight.
Receipts of live-stock at the six principal
western markets yesterday:
came. nogs, uneep.
South Omaha
Sioux City ....
Kansas city .
St. Joseph ....
St. Louis
.2,680 22,616 13.7X3
vaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts.
APPLES Market unchanged, with common
to good quoted at 44160, prime at 74c,
choice at i4c and fancy at 8e.
CALIFORNIA 1)1 IKI) fnl ITS Prunes
are quiet and unchanged, with quotations
ranging from 44c to 74c according to
grade. Apricots also are quiet, with prices
unrhanged at 84c for choice, E4l5,ic for
extra choice and f4fi10c for fancy. Peaches
remain In very limited supply on spot, with
fancy firmly neio at li'-fcc. naisins are
said to be very high on the coast, hut
prices are beyond the views of most east
ern buyers and trade consequently Is quiet.
1 muscatels are ouoted at 5ti7Hc.
seeded raisins at (4664c and London layers
at 1.00l.lo.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Sept. . COTTON-Futtires
closed dull; September, 10.38c; October,
10.52c; November, 10.52c; December, 10.60c;
January. 10.66c; February, 10.69c; March.
10.73c; April. 10.75c; May. 10 78c. Spot closed
quiet; middling uplands, 10.85c; middling
gulf, ll.loc: sales, none. .
ST. LOUIS. Sept. .-COTTON-LQulet:
middling, 1040; sales, 50 bales; receipts. d
hales; shipments, 360 bales; stock, 9,733
sales, 350 bales; ordinary, 7 7-16c;
low middling. 94c: middling, 104c; good
middling. 104c; middling fair, 10 2-16c; re
ceipts, 2,096 bales; stock. 44.723 bales.
Co tree Market.
NEW YORK. Sept. 9 COFFEE-Market
futures opened steady at unchanged prlcvs
to a decline of five points which was con
sidered a very good showing Id view of the
dtnapiolntlng cables. There was little
change and free offerings from Wall street
sources late In the session caused pro
nounced weakness with the market closing
weak at a net decline of 15 to So points, the
maximum loss being on the spot month. In
which it appears a small long Interest still
exists. Sales were 42.760 bags, including
September st & vvsT7.flO; December. S7.2f
7 30; March. S7.36'ri7.50; May, S7.6oa7.60; June.
37.70(27. 76 and July at 87 70. Spot, steady.
No. 7 Rio. Invoice, 8c. Mild, steady.
Cordova. 101 3c.
Wool Market.
NEW YORK. Sept. 9 -WOOIMarket.
firm; domestic fleece. STlSOe.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 9. WOOL Steadv: me
dium grades, combing and clothing. 2i'.fi731c;
light fine. 211 26c; heavy fine, lvg22c; tub
washed. 32342c.
LONDON, Sept. WOOIThe arrivals
of wool for the fifth series of auction sales
amount to 84.R25 bales. Including 24,000 bales
forwarded direct to spinners. The imports
this week were: New South Wales, 2 4f77
bales; Queensland. 2,601; Victoria, l.?0:
South Australia, 41(: New Zealand. 3I1:
Cape of Good Hope .and Natal, 21u; China,
634; various. 422.
MerekaaaUso Bad Specie.
NEW YORK, Sept. 9 -The total Imports
Of merchandise and drjr goods at the port
of New York for the week ending toUuy
were SU.080.2ye. The total Imports of specie
at the port of New York for the week
ending today were 344,667 silver and S 471
gold. Total exports of siiecle from the
ort of New York for the week ending
today were S876.a'i silver and 82TS.u gold.
Metal Market.
markets were all quite and more or less
nominal in the absence of Important busi
ness, lake and electrolytic copper were
quoted at 316.Ou4ili.aO aud vtfl"f 4
K26. Spot tin Is quiet at 831 !W0.flO. I.end
Is quoted at S4 vt4 ' and spelter at 35. 754.1
6.86. Iron remains Arm at recent prices.
' OMAHA nilOl.hni.i. MARKET.
Condition of Trade aad Mnotatlons oa
Staple and Fancy rrodare.
EOGS Receipts, fair; market steadv;
candled stork. 17c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens, 9'to; roosters, in
c; turkeys. Kft1?c; dicks, 8c; spring duck.
i,, K chickens. 13c.
BUTTER Market firm; pseklng stock.
154c; choice to f.mrv ''iiry. lS19c; cream
ery, TlW.'I'tc: prists, 214.
SUGAR Standnid Ki.inulated, In bbls.,
S'vrti per r ;.; cules. 8" 40 per cwt.; cut loaf,
S'i.So per cwt.; No. 6 extra C. SO 40 ner cwt ;
No M extra C, SA 25 per cwt ; To. 13 vellow.
35.20 per cwt.: XXXX powc.-ered, So. 30 per
FRESH FISH-Troilt. He; halibut. He;
buffalo (dressed). Jr. pickerel (dressed). c:
white bass (dr-.sed. Uc; snnflsh. 6c; perclt
(scaled and dressed). So: pike. 11c: catfish,
if-c; red snapper. 10c; salmon. Uc; cropoles,
12c; eels, 15c: bullheads. 11c; black boss, VBc:
whlteflsh. lie; frpg l-gs. per don., 30.P; lob
sters, green. 27e boiled lobsters. Soc; shad
roe, 45c; blueflsh. c.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Hav Dealers' association: No. 1 upland.
St'f1: medium. J6 8of'fi00; coarse, 36.
BRAN Per ton. S'8.
ORANGES Valencia, all sixes, 35 00(175.50.
LlUMtNri lmonieie. rxtia fancy, 240
size, SS 00; 300 and 300 Sixes. S 60ft 9 00.
DATES Per box of SO 1-tb. pkgs., 35;
H.illowe'en, In 70-Ib. boxes, per lb., 5c.
FIGS California, per 10-rb. carton. TtTJ
H5c: Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 12c; 6
rrown, Kc.
HAN ANAS Per mrdlum-slxed unch, 31.75
62.26; Jumbos, 12 50 33. 00.
PEARS Colorado Hartlett. per 50-lb. box,
12 S5; Utah Bartlett, 12 50; Flemish Kt-auty,
I LUMS-Utnh and Colorado, per 4-hasket
crite, Sl.2.VJ1.60; Italian prunes, Sl.2tVul.4Q.
PEACHES California freestones, per box,
SI 15; Elberlas, Si 20; California Salways,
CANTALOUPES Trxs,s. per crate. S.OU.
Texas, Rocky Ford seed, S--50.
WATERMELONS AlHhama Sweets. 163
25c each; crated, lc per lb.
APPLES Dutchess, Wealthy and Cobb
ripplns. In 3-bu. bbls., 12.75U3.0O; in bu.
baskets. SI W.
BLUEBERRIES Sixteen qts., 32.28.
WAX BEANS Per 4 -bu. bnsket, 2633Sci
String beans, per 4-bU. box, 2o'ii36c.
POTATOES New, per bu.. 25(j35c.
BEANS Navy, per bu., 32 JO.
CUCUMBERS Per dos.. 25c.
TOMATOES Home grown. 4-bu. baskets,
85147 0OC.
CABBAGE Home-grown, In crates, per
lb.. IV
ONIONS Home-grown, yellow, red and
white, per bu , 60c.
BEETS New. per bu.,
CELER Y Kalamaroo, per dos., 25c.
SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per 8-bu.
bbl.. S3 26.
TOM ATOESPer basket. 4n.7550c.
CHEESE Swiss, new. 15c: Wisconsin
brick. 13c; Wisconsin llmberger, 15c; twins A
12c; voung Americas, 124c.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new
. li. V. 4 .hllB .... IK 1f.
I I op, pl lu., luvi 11.1 1 u Bitiiin, 1 a.,, .w..
No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c: No. 1 hard
shells, per lb., 12c. Pecans, largo, per lb.,
12c; small, per 10., 10c. t eanuis, per 10., ic;
roasted, per lb., 8c. Chili walnuts, per lb.,
12C 184c. Almonds, soft shells, per In., 17c;
hard shells, per lb., 15c. Shellhark hickory
nuts, per bu., 31.75' large hickory nuts, per
bu.. 31.50.
HIDES No. 1 green, 9c; No 2 green, 8c:
No. 1 salted. K4c; No. 2 salted, !4c: No. 1
veal calf, 11c; No. 2 veal calf. 9c; dry salted,
7fal4c; sheep pens. 25c'aSl 00; horse hMos,
Knnana City Grain and Provisions.
ceipts, 2.S8 cars; September, 744c; December.
74-4c; Mav. 77fl774c; cash. No. 2 hard. 771T
804c :' No. 3. 75&'8c; No. 2 red, 804c; No. 3,
CORN September. 484c; December, 3ff
37ko; Mav. itkntTc; cash. io. t mixed,
494'&5oe; No. 2 white, 504'n61c.
OATS No. 2 white, 27(fic; No. 2 mixed,
HAY Steady; choice timothy, S9.006il 60;
ehn ce nra r e. 10 wil.W.
EGGS Higher; Missouri and Kansas, new
No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 174c; case
count, 15c; cases returned, 4c less.
BUTTER Firm; creamery, 194c; packing
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 2Nt 00O 5W0
Corn, bu , 67 000 GS.0W
Oats, bu '. 11,000 4,000
The range of prices paid in Kansas City
as reported by the Edwards-Wood com
pany, 110-111 Board or rraue punning, was
Articles. 1 Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close. Tes'y.
Wheat I
Sept... 744 74M, 74, 74 714
Dec... 7441 S 744 74l 744 74'.
May... 774 774 774! 774 T74
Corn I I
Pept... 4S4 4S 49
Dec... 8S 3S 89
May... S.14 884 3.S4 884 MU'i
Sept... 2i 26
Dec... 2441 . 244 24 4 244 24
May... 264 26 204 26 254
Sept... 14 85 14 95 14 85 . 14 95
Oct.... 1160 14 fi5 14 47 14 65 14 0
Jan.,.. 12 27 12 80 12 25 12 27 1 2 26
Oct.... 7 70 7 70 7 5 7 67 7 5
Jan.... 6 82 ( 82 8 82- C 82 (67
Sept... 8 61 8 62
Oct.... 860 860 86S 8 57 8 67
agar and Molaaates.
NEW YORK. Sept. 9-SUGAR-Raw.
nominal; fair refining. 34e; centrifugal. 96
test, 34e;
1 . . V .
molasses sugar, 3C. Refined,
quiet; No. 6, 4.47c: No. 7. 4.65c; No. 8 4.55
4 toc; No. s 4.55c;
No. 9. 4.50c: No. 10. 4.45c; No. 11. 4.35c; No.
12. 4.3oe; No. 13, 4.20c; No. 14. 4.15o; confec
tioners' A. 6.16c; mould A, 6.65c; cutloaf, 6c;
crushed, 6c; powdered, 6.40c; granulated,
6.30c; cubes, 5.65e.
MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans, Open
kettle, good to choice, 2!ftS5c.
kettle, centrifugal, 44&44c; centrifugal
whites, 4 16-lftlG4e.
MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 13
25c: centrifugal. Rftltc.
SYRUP Nominal, 26480c.
Oils and Hontn.
NEW YORK, Sept. 3.-OIL8 Cottonseed,
quiet: prime crude, nominal; prime yellow,
I9c. petroleum, quiet; refined. New York,
3690; Philadelphia and Baltimore. 16. H6;
Philadelphia and Baltimore In bulk. S3.M.
Turpentine, firm, &;4jt;S4c.
ROSIN -Steady : strained, common to
good. $3.75.
UlL. til I, r.epi. . jiLr . ream Dai
ances, 31.27; certificates, no bid; rut f 06,559
bbls.; average, 61,07 mils. ; shipment! 90.824
bbls.: sversge. 86.833 bids.: runs, t.lma.
60,130 bbls.; average, 42.618 bbls.; shipments.
Lama, sam oois. ; average, i.j.4 upia.
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA, Sept. 9. Bank clearings-for to
day were 31.426.632.87 and for th corre
sponding date last year ii.xob.frtv.xy.
Monday ....
Tuesday ,..
Thursday .
.. Holiday.
. ivS9. 802.84
; f41S.701.99
. J. 279.723. 70
. 1,425.632.37
rlday ....
Saturday ..
Total .
17,604,921.81 S6,973,6.2
8706, 456.66.
Clearing House Averages.
NEW YORK. Sept. 9 The statement of
averages rf the clearing house bunks of
this city for the five days this week
shows: .lxans. Sl,106,6,3 500: decrease. 330..
237.300. 'Deposits, 31,125.422 60O; decrease, 341,-
165.100. Circulation. &3.7iB.4ou; Increase,
Si06 9'iO. Legal tenders, S78. 714,000; decrease,
S4 644.000. 8pecle. S:?7 472.400; decrease. S -
314 8'i0. Reserve. S2S6.187.0nO; decrease 310,.
958 800. Reserve required. S2Xl.3f6.KO; de
crease, S10.2M.275. Surplus. 64.831.360; de
crease 3067.626. Ex-United States deposits,
S6.909.475; decrease, S667.6..
Liverpool Grata Market.
Steady; No. 3 red. western. 6a 44d. Fu
tures steady; September, 6s 94d; Decem
ber. 6s 7d.
CORN Snot, steady: American mixed. Ra
4d. Futures, quiet; September, 4s 94d;.
iw-nirwr, mm ?tu.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, Bent. .CORN Steady ; No. I
yellow. 534c; No. 3, 634c; No. 4, 624c; tiu
grade. 614C ,
OATS Higher: No. 1 white, S644'26fco:
No. 4 white. 2614 C
Aaaaal Mectlagr goverelga Qraaa
I. O. O. F. and Patriarchs Militant.
Philadelphia. Pa.. Sept. 16 to 23 ISOt.
The Chicago Great Western railway will
sell round trip tickets to Philadelphia, Pa.,
account above occasion at only one fare,
plus 32. for the round trip. Tickets on
sale Bept. 14. 18 and 14. For further In
formation apply to B. D. Parkhurst, Gen
eral Agent, 1612 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Be Want Ada are tha
00 (alter.
Beat Business
Fort Riley.
FORT R1I KY. Knn . Scot. 9 ( Special.
The new book, entliled " i he Arnii lloixc
shoer." written ny the Instructors In the
training school for farriers and horsephoei .
went to the binders ThumUv uixl will ne
ready f ir distribution 111 xt week The book
Is published and ronvrlsnted by the school
of application for caralrr and field artil
lery. 11 nd the printing has been done In the
School prlhtltik office. It Is bound In clot h
Slid contains about 100 pncs of text, pro
fusely Illustrated with full-pnge engravings
which at anliicullv portray eiv su r in loe
art of hoi st shoeing, tin utniei standing of
which Is very issentlal to soldiers of the
ravalrv and ti-ld artillery arms of the serv
ice. It contains charters on the anatomy
and phsology of th horse's foot, liorse-
snoers tools and their uses, snoeing tne
sound foot, shoeing to alter or correct
faults in gait, diseases of the foot und
pnlholoplcftl shoeing, nnd miscellaneous
filrts. The book has been prepared for use
only as a textbook In the training sclx'ol
for farriers and horseshoers and the offi
cers' classes In hot sesnoelng, and Will not
be placed upon the market for Sale.
Second l.leutei.ant John Symington, r.iev-
enth cavalry, wrs rrli"ved Tuesday f.s
frlson and recruiting officer, and Second
.leutenant E. A. Buchanan, Ninth cavalry,
detailed In his stend.
All duties except the necessary gtinrd.
stable and polite, were suspended at (his
post on l-abnr day
Private Holge '
ge Thus. Troop M, r.ieventn
cavalry, has been relieved front special
duty as clerk In the' office of the adjutant
of the cavalry stibpost and detailed on sim
ilar duty in the prison office.
Becond Lieutenant c r.. namaway, mnm
cavalry, was detailed Tuesday as a mem-
ber of the garrison court -martini, relieving
Second Lieutenant W. G. Meade, Eleventh
Orders have been issued from the head
quarters of the Ninth cavalry here, reliev
Ing Second Lieutenant Andrew H Smith
from duty as squadron quartermaster and
commissary of the Second squadron, and
assigning lilm to Troop E. Second I.lenten
ant William N. Haskell Is appointed to (ill
the position thus vacated. ine Mecona
squadron Is stationed at Fort Leavenworth.
Private Will O Barnhlli. Nineteenth bat
tery, field artillery, a prisoner In the bat
tery guardhouse, secured some liquor In a
manner unknown last week and while under
Its Influence was taken to the mess tent
for dinner, tin the wav he made an unpro
voked assault op another soldier and loudly
demanded an (ipportunlty to fight anyone
or everyone. When ordered to be quiet he
threw a coffee bowl at First Seigeant Aug
ust Stratn-mn, Nineteenth battery, breaking
the sergeant's Jaw and cutting a bad gash
the full length of his face. Barnhlli also
abused and threatened his battery com
mander and then assaulted one of his
guards, who knocked him down nnd put him
In Irons. It was necessary to gag mm to
stop his vile language, and he was not very
drunk either. He Is now confined In (he
mnln guardhouse, awaiting trial by general
Thirteen carloads of new field artillery
armament were received from the Rock
Island arsenal Monday. The guns are be
ing assigned to the different hnttorles and
will be put into use for drill pura.aes at
Mrs. Short, wife of Captain W. C. Short.
Thirteenth cavalry, returned Tuesday from
Lexington, Va., where she went to place her
son, Ted, In school at the Virginia Mllltury
Institute. Ted will remain there a year or
Colonel E. S. Godfrey, Ninth cavalry,
commandant, went to Omaha Tuesday,
where he will he on duty commanding the
llpnnrtnipnt nf the Missouri durlnr the fib-
sence of General Wint. Colonel Sydney W. J
Taylor, artillery corps, Is- commanding offi
cer of the post and acting commandant of
the school of application during Colonel
Godfrey's absence.
Corporal Dunstan, Twenty-ninth bnttery.
field artillery, who came here from Fort
Leavenworth with hla organization In July,
purchnsed his discharge last week. He hns
gone to San Francisco, whore he hns se
cured a lucrative position In commercial
Sergeant H. M. Hoffman, Fifth cavalry,
has gone to Rock Island. 111., where he will
spend a four months' furlough visiting his
brother and other relatives.
Second Lieutenant W. G. Meade, Eleventh
cavalry. Is-recovering from sickness which
Confined him to quarters for over a week.
Private Rupe, Twentieth battery, field
artillery, left the hospital this week, where
he has been for some time recovering from
an operation for appendicitis.
The duties of post llhrartiin, heretofore
performed by Second Lieutenant E. I
timber, artillery corps, have been assumed
by Chaplain Oliver C. Miller, Thirteenth
The wife and son of C. 8. West, clerk and
librarian of the school of application for
cavalry and field artillery, are recovering
from a severe attack of malarial fever,
which, during Its early stages, was sup
posed to be typhoid.
Edward 8. Taylor of New York City is
visiting nis Droiner. colonel svdney vv.
Taylor, artillery corps, ana ramny.
Church call will hereafter be sounded at
7:30 Instead of 8:30 p. m. on Sundays and
The post exchange Is expected to soon
begin paying dividends. Its business during
August was the largest In its history.
First IJeutenant F. M. Jones, Ninth
cavalry, has been assigned for duty with
the detachment of farriers and horseshoers
In addition to his other regular duties. He
will assist Captain Short with the admlnis-
tratlon work of the detachment.
A musical composition entitled "The
United States Army, or Soldier's Duty
Through the Day," composed by Chief
ngel o
Muslclan Carl 8. Gu
f the Ninth
cavalry, evoked much favorable comment
when Introduced by the band Into its pro
gram for the first time this week.
Mrs. Pratt, mother of Second IJeutenant
John Symington, Eleventh cavalry, has
returned to nor home In New York City,
after a visit nf several weeks with her
son and his family.
The post exchango council for the month
of September Is composed of Captain J. C.
W. Brooks of the artillery corps, Captain
Limning Parsons of the Ninth cavalry and
First Lieutenant W. II. Westmorelund of
the Eleventh cavalry.
For violation of the twentieth article of
war by dlsretipectful conduct toward his
battery commander Corporal Thomas H.
Matthews of the Seventh battery of field
artillery has been reduced and sentenced
by general court-martial to three months'
confinement and to forfeit 330 of his pay.
Samples of the new bit Invented by Cap
tain H. A. Sleveit of the Ninth cavalry
have been rOcelved and will be tested by
the cavalry and the field artillery boards
to determine the practicability of the bit
for use In the mounted service.
Squadron Sergeant Major Wilbur R. Mor
gan this week resumed his duties us ser
geant major of the cavalry subpout after
four months spent on furlough.
While the Sixth battery was passing over
some rough ground at drill last week Pri
vate Zlne was thrown) from the caisson on
which he was riding and sustained a very
fiainful compound fracture of one of his
egs, the wheel passing over It Just above
the ankle.
The program for field day, September 23.
was announced this week to consist of a
mounted relay race, rescue race for cavalry
only, mounted tug-of-Wur for urtlllery only,
hurdle race mounted, mounted wrestling
and a base ball game. Various prizes will
be offered by the post exchange.
Thirty-five recruits arrived at the post
this week and were assigned to troops of
the First squadron of the Eleventh cavalry.
Mrs. Westmoreland, wife of First Lieu
tenant W. H. Westmoreland. Eleventh
cavaLry, has returned to the post after an
extended trip east. '
Captain William Laaslter. artillery corps,
a member of the field artillery drill regula
tions board, has moved from the artillery
aubpoat to the camp of the first provi
sional regiment. He lm been appointed
an additional member of the staff of the
regimental commander and instructor In
the new regulations.
Private Harry Matterson, Troop B. Thir
teenth cavalry, who lias been on duty for
soma time as a clerk In the office of the
poet adjutant, waa discharged this week by
expiration of his term of enlistment. He
left for St. Louis, where he has secured a
position with the First National bank of
that city.
The following promotions are announced:
To be sergeant Corporal Anderson E.
Clower. Sixth baHery, field artillery. To
be corpoials Privates William 11. Oliver
and William Smith, band. Ninth cavalry:
Privates Ray Cecil. Joseph H. Fuson and
William H. Kooa, Sixth battery, field ar
tillery, and Private Lindsey F. Beach.
Nineteenth battery, field artillery.
First Lieutenant A. S. Odell, squadron
adlutant. Eleventh cavalry, who has been
absent on sick leave for several weeks, re
turned to the post Monday, much improved
in health. He has been attached to Troop
A. Eleventh cavnlry, for temporary duty.
Fort Meade,
FORT MEADE. B. D., Sept. .-(Ppeclal.)
Thursdsy afternoon. Aukubi 31. Mrs.
Heiberg entertained the ladies of the gar
rison at a card party. Six-handed eucnre
was played and the prizes were won by
Mrs. Freeland. who carried off the first
prize, Mlas Sands taking the second and
the booby prize was won bv Mrs. Mereur.
Friday afternoon, September 1. a four
handed -euchre party waa given to the
ladles or the post by Mrs. Sklles, mother
of Mis Byram. The prizes were won by
Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Heiberg
and Mrs. Turner.
Frio y evening the regular weekly offi
cers' hop was held in the post hall. As
usual a most enjoyable evening was spent
by all.
Saturday evening, , September t. the
Mlasee aUrcur, Dr. tlroulu. Lieutenauu
Fol". Griffith and Carter dined with Majot
and Mrs Hunter
Motility, S'p'eniber 4. the first snisrtron,
U'-.ier the command of Captain George H.
funis. 11. turned to the po-t after spend
ing ten das on a prnctl.-e march to Devil
loner. Wyo.. anil return, covering in all
over 2'tO miles.
Tuesday evening. September 6. Colonel
snl Mrs. St.intm toiK n party of thirty
from the (H'st to the Gentry Bros' cltucl
In St'itK-iv. The circus w is ery good
and thoroughly enjoyed b everyone. The
party returned to the ) ost about l.vjo rtd
parlook of a most delicious course sup
per. Wednesday evening. Peptemher , the
bachelors living at "" gnvo a very en
joyable dance in lite post hall to the offi
cers nnd soldiers of the girrison.
WedtieMla v afternoon. September n, Mrs.
Freeland gave a euchre party to tho
ladles of tne post The pvlxea were won
bv Miss Mercur, Mrs. Dodge and Mrs.
Wednesday. August 90, fifty-three re
cruits, under command of Captain Edwin
M. Suplee, arrived from Jefferson br
racks, Missouri.
Fort Msrkrnlle,
(Special. --( in August 30 the keys nf the
new gymnHslum were given over to tit
commanding officers and In a short while
the gymnasium will be open for the sol
dlers. Lieutenant Henry S. Terrell, who has
been detailed on recruiting services, has
started on hts southern Journey. He will
not go directly to his headquarters at
Clarksvllle Tenn., but before entering
tiwn his duties will take advantage of the
furlough granted hltn to make several
tops on bis route.
Monday Ih Ing a holiday, only the men n
gaged on the cement walks and electrle
lights were at work at the post, the others
Inking advantage of the day for rest and
pleasure; but on Tuesday morning very
thing waa again in motion and work waa
On Monday morning Major Rlstchforrt,
commanding officer. Issued an order that '
no private horses are to be kept on tho
reservation. There were a number of resU
dents of (he post who owned horses and
Were keeping them at the fort.
Mrs. Aside Telia gome, of Her
pertencea with Party front
DENVER. 8rpt. 7.-To the Editor of The '
Bee- Our party Joined the Woman's Relict
corps official train over the Union Paclflo
on Monday evening. We were nearly two
hours late In starting from Omaha, thus
making us behind time all the way, and
so had to ulve the right of way to all
returning trains. Our train had seven
teen coaches filled more than full by tha
time we reached Kearney with over 104
passengers, and made such poor headway
that at Julesbetg our train was cut In
iwo sections. We arrived st Denver Tues
day evening at 4 o'clock, eight hours be
hind time. Luckily a friend had secured
rooms for us opposite the city hnll In ad
vance or we should have been left.
Well at Denver. How can I describe thl
lovely city in gala attire to greet the
Grand Army of the Republic and Wom
an's Relief corps? I thought I had
seen lovely decorations before, but I must
confess I nrver saw any city equal to
Denver. It seemed as If all the bunting
and flags In the United States were used,
nnd all the arches and buildings wers
lighted tip with red, white and blue elec
tric lights. And Nebraska's headquarters,
the Albany, excelled them all except the
state capltnl. On Wednesday the Grand
Army parade begnn at 10 o'clock sharp.'
The waiting thousands ' of spectators
greeted over forty bands and drum corps,
', and over a hundred thousand comrades
1 passed tho grandstand between the hours
of 10 a. in. and 3 p. m., Colorado and
Wyoming having the largest delegations,
over 30.000. Kansas, hearing their memora
ble sunflowers, cume next, and Nebraska
and Illinois ranked third and fourth. Gov
ernor Mickey of Nebraska was the only
governor who inarched with his comrades,
the rest being In carriages. The enttro
fire department of Denver mads the run
down Fourteenth street from Stout to Cur
tis, which was the grandest sight I ever
aw, as encli engine sent forth red, while '
and blue electrlo lights and fireworks-
The reception given by the department
of Nebraska la honor of her candidate (or
national president ,. Mrs. Alible A.. Adams
- , - ..
UI D"1,"1' v.....,-l .u uy,
Thursday the convention of the Grand
Army of the Republic and Woman's Re
lief corps began a busy session. At
its cIohc we, with thousands of others, took
the famous Georgetown loop to Silver
Plume, where among some of the finest
J scenery In Colorado we took dinner 9.17
i fp(.t above sea level. We had as our guest
. , , , ,
' our rion,u dinner Chaplnin Wilson of
. Thomas Post, Chicago. Never have I ex-
perlenced such pure, invigorating air and
water as here. Each train contained nine
cars and two engines. We made tC stop ot
two hours and secured many specimens.
Has Sold Thousand of Dottles of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and "
Diarrhoea Remedy and Kever Had a
Dissatisfied Caatomer.
Mr. E. E Eubanks, proprietor of th4
Corner Drug Store. Johnston City, HI., gays:
"I have been continuously engaged In the
retail drug business since April, 1R88, and
have sold during that time thousands of
bottles of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. I can truthfully say
that I have never been asked to refund a
customer's money who was dissatisfied with
this remedy. I take pleasure Id recom
mending It to all of my customers who are
In need of such a medicine." AH druggists
are authorized to refund the money to any
customer who Is not satisfied after using
this remedy.
When planning a business or "pleasure
trip from Chicago to Uuffulo, New York,
Boston or any eastern point, you should
Investigate the satisfactory service afforded
by any of the three express trains operated
by the Nickel Plate road. Colored porters
are In charge of conches, whose duties are
to look after the comfort of passenger
while enroute. Special attention shown la
dles and children, as well as elderly people,
traveling alone. No excess far charged
on any train on tho Nickel Plate road.
American club meals, from 35 rent to 81.00,
served In Nickel Piute dining car. On
trial will result to your satisfaction. All
trains leave from La Salle Street station,
only depot In Chicago on ly i Elevated Rail
road Iop. Call on or address John T. .
Calahan, General Agent, 113 Adam St,
Room, 298, Chicago.
Chicago to Philadelphia and Retarn
Via Pennsylvania Short Line. Ticked
on sal September 16-14-17th. Oood return
ing until September 25th. Tickets may be
extended good returning until , October 6th
on payment of one dollar and depositing
ticket with Joint agent Philadelphia Im
mediately on arrival there. For detail
address Thos. H. Thorp, T. P. A., 24 U. 9.
bank building, Omaha. v
Wlad MrecU Circa Teat.
TULSA, I. T.. Sept. 10. A severe wind
snd thunderstorm struck Tulsa tonight.
The large tent of a wild west show, which
waa giving a performance, waa blown
down and four persons were seriously In
jured. Many women and children were
trampled upon In the stampede that fol
lowed the falling of the tent.
Mala OCleei Fifth aad Heherta Itreet.
Dealers la
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
Ship Your Grain to Uo
Braaek Olneo, HO-111 Board ( Trad
Hltlg.. Omaha, Neb. Telephoae 8014.
X12-214 Exchange Bldg., South Omaha.
BU 'Pheue 311 Independent 'fnon ,