The Omaha Daily Bee OAKS CROW FROM ACORNS BEE ADS BUILD BUSINESS BIG BUSINESS OR LITTLE BEE ADS WILL BOOST IT. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY M01INING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1003. SINGLE COPY Tlllt EE CENTS. T DIGGING MORE GOLD Frodaotioi in United Stttti inersascs Oti fisvsn Millions. CALIFORNIA GAINS ALMOST HALF OF THIS Comet Chleflj from Dredjiiij Operation! in the Streams. COLORADO IS THE HEAVIEST PRODUCER BiWer Prodsot Worth Ihirtj-Three and a Half killions. MONTANA AND UTAH ARE IN THE LEAD Total Value of the Two Metals Mined In the lulled States Reaches the Total of WASHINGTON. Sept. 11. Director of the Mint Roberts today mnile public; his etitl mate of the production of gold and silver In the L'nlted States for the calendar yer 1904. These figures show an Increased production over the calendar year 1M3 of t", 131.500 gold and 1. 41.000 fine ounces of silver. The larg est gold gain was by California, which In creased about 13,000,000 more than In the previous yesr, and a larger amount than In any year since the 'fiOe. "This gain." the director says, "came chiefly from dredging operations, and a further giiln Is expected during the current year and for some years to come. The California state mining bu reau estimates the possible output, of the dredges at $7,000,000 a year for thirty years. Colorado shows an Increase of nearly I'J.OOn, gold and 1.300,000 ounces of silver; Alaska a gain of $700,OM) gold; Montana a gain of 2, ounces of silver; I'tah a gain of 1,300.000 ounces of silver; Idaho a gain of 110. 0i) ounces of silver. Forty-elttht ier ent of the sliver was produced from lead ores. z DPr com irom coDncr ores ana me rest largely from ores which also carried gold." The following table shows the approxi mate distribution by producing states and territories : Silver. Fin Ouncs W 210.KO0 2.7t4.10 l.&tt.iiOO 14,331. KfM 1.5il 7.810,30 Oold. Value. Alabama I Z9.0 Alaska 9,034.iiO A i Izonn. 8.343.900 California 19.10H.no0 s ( lorano 24.3Hfi.3iiO - ' in K a Idaho Maryland Michigan Montana Nevada New Mexico North Carolina .. Oregon South Carolina ... forth Dakota .... Tennessee Texas I'tah Virginia "Washington Wyoming l.t03.7M) 2.4.0 S.iV.So6 4,037. 8" O 3M.Si0 K'3.W0 J,.3n9,9n0 Kl.KOO 7,024 tWO 4.300 2.i0 4, 21 5, Of O S.0 S27.of 16.400 127.800 14.608,100 2.' . 100 214.600 11.8011 133.200 50 irr.'o) fi!t.200 4W.6J10 12.44.300 6.700 149. 900 4.4O0 Total 180,723.200 67,786.100 TIia Irtlol Imniint nf irtM mam ' 8.904.986 ounces, and the commercial value -of fix; silver produced was US.61s.Kt8, mak ing the total value of the two metals $114.- 239,138. CO-OPERATIVES MAKE SHOWING Eighteenth Annual Festival of British Association Now In Progress la London. I.ONDON. Bept. 10. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) At the Crystal Palace the eighteenth co-operative festival has been attracting considerable attention. At the present time, according to M. Vivian, more than 2,000,000 households are supplied from co-operative stores. "Wherever you get the conditions that prevail in the Lancashire and Yorkshire towns, a largo working class population. with more or less fixed or Identical In terests, co-operation prospers," said Mr. kl'lvlan by way of explanation. "The con ditions la London are rather different, but In places like Woolwich and Stratford the conditions are mora favorable. There you have a large number of men engaged In rlmllar. regular employment, with a pros pect of remaining In town for a lifetime." The great example In oo -operation is the Leeds society, with a membership of M.OuO and a turnover of nearly $10,000,000 every year. The doings of the corporation of the city of London are not so keenly watched, nor by half so many people, as the doings of the commute of the Leeds Industrial "Co-Op." But the novel departure of co-operatjve housing la the thing that looms largest for the future. Tenant owners' societies are springing up under the guidance of t lie Co-Operative Housing council. Each so Clely buys land and erects real model dwellings on the "garden village" principle, and the co-operative tenant pays rent to the value of his house. He then owns, not the house Itself, but script in the society to the value of the house, the house being the property of ths co-operative society. establish coaling stations Oermauy Carries Into Effect Plan to gnpply Its Ships with Fa el. COLOGNE. Sept. 10. (8peclal Cablegram to the Uee. ) A scheme for establishing Gorman coaling station along the main ocean trade routes Is now being carlrd Into effect, and the actual working of the var ious depots will be complete In a very short time. According to the reports the moving spirits in the scheme are two great coal fiiuis In Westphalia, and the money Is being furnished by the SchafThausener bank, a Sister institution of the Dresdener bank. Besides these the Westphallan Coal syndicate, the Hamburg-American line, tht Norddeutscher-Lloyd, the Woermann line and several other minor German steam ship linos are said to b Interested in the plan. MONEY GOES TO THE DANCERS First Installment of German Loan to Morocco la Spent for Pleasar. TANGIER. Bept. 10.-(Speclal Cable gram to The Be. ) According to the local reports here the drat Installment of the much discussed loan which the sultan of Morocco raled from German bankers has been put to ridiculous uses. The sultan spent $S.t0 In Importing a party of Egypt Ian dancers, whom he proposes to Install In his palace at Fes. He sent a telegram to Alexandria ask, 114 t'.at the dancers should be sent by the first t int, oven going to the trouble of tele f rahinc U.0US to cover their xptDsa, DISORDERS CONTINUE AT BAKU Some Improvement in the ltua tloa Is oed, llorr. ei er. TTFLIS. Sept. 10.-The governor of Raku reports that firing continued last night and today, though on a smaller "rale, ani that few tyere killed or wounded. The troops a' .. ollce, he says, ate still engaged In P itlng Incendiarism and pillaging. The d I 7 t - I - or of the technological Institute at telegraphs, saying "We are starving lying" and Imploring the dispatch of si ties. worst news today comes from the ' exurskl district, where It Is reported many Armenian villages were wiped and hundreds of persons, killed. Help low In reaching there, owing to the ince from the military centers. The le of the Tartar population has risen has been Joined by 4.000 armed Kurds ...n the Persian banks of the Alas river. The viceroy has protected to the Tersian authorities. General Shlrlnkin has ordered the gov ernor of Ellsahethpol to Investigate the truth of accusations made against some of the Tartar police commissaries that they are co-operating with the insurgents. It is reported that the Armenians and Tartars In Bhushaha have become recon ciled, that the population has been dis armed and that the foreign residents have returned to their homes. General Takalsch wils telegraphB that the disorders are de creasing. ST. PETERSRT'RG. Sept. 10.-M. Pappke, the Bt. Petersburg representative of the Baku bourse, said to the Associated Tress today that the situation at Baku continued to show a distinct Improvement. Tele grams received by M. I'appke today report the steady arrival of troops, five further battalions having reached Baku, and the worst Is believed to be over, l.nter reports show that In addition to the refineries In the "Black Town" district, about 30 per cent of the oil property In the well diatrlct escaped. A lamentable feature of the situation, ac cording to M. Pappke. Is the condition of the workmen, many of whom are without sufficient clothing and utterly destitute. M. Pappke paid a high compliment to Fi nance Minister Kokovsoff for the energy with which he acted since the uprising. The minister vtalted the emperor twice to lay before him the gravity of the situation, as the result of which his majesty tale telegraphed the viceroy to spare no efforts to protect this Important Industry. It Is officially reported that all the Riitlsu residents of Baku are safe. The Riga & Orlov and the Baltic & Nikolai railroads have decided owing to the scarcity of naphtha to purchase largo quantities of English coal. POLICE OFFICIAL RESIGNS (General Belief Japanese Minister of Home Affairs Will Follow Bolt. TOKIO. Sept. 10-3 p. m.-Tsunayubl Ad achl, chief of the metropolitan police, has resigned, and Klynhlde Sakl of Nagano prefecture has been appointed as his succes sor. It Is believed that Viscount Voshi kawa. minister of home affairs, has ten dered his resignation, which It Is thought will be accepted'. Issburo Tatnagata, vt.w minister of the home department, will prob ably succeed Yoshtkawa. The resignations of the above named officials is the result f a week of turmoil. Yoshlkawa and Adachl attracted most of the popular dissatisfac tion on account of the closing of Hlblya park to public meetings. The suspension against the newspapers Nippon, Jlnmln, Yorodzu, NIroku and the Mlyako have been withdrawn, and they all have resumed publication. The Asahl and Nippon, published at Osaka, and the Kammon, published at Shlmonosekl .have been suspended. Tokio continues to he quiet. The antici pation of trouble in ttie Fukazawa district lust night was not realized. The total number of riot suspects In cus tody exceeds 1,630. It Is stated that formal charges have been made against 160. The remainder will probably be released. It Is expected that the government will take a lenient attitude toward those to be tried. General Sakuma and staff visited and In spected the guards throughout the city to day. The restaurants were reopened tonight and conditions are resuming a normal as pect. GENERALS ARRANGE ARMISTICE Oyama Sends Request to l.lnevlteh on Conclusion of Peace Agreement. GODZYADINI, Manchuria, Saturday Sept. 9. At 1 o'clock this afternoon a Jap anese messenger bearing a white flag and escorted by five soldiers, arrived at a post near the railway and handed to the Russian officers who went to meet hlin, a letter frorn Field Marshal Oyama to Gen eral Llnevltch. congratulating him on the conclusion of peace and asking him to ap point Rusklan plenipotentiaries to arrange an armistice. Field Marshal Oyama appointed General Fukushlma, as plenipotentiary for his side, the letter announced, and he suggested Chakhedia as the meeting place. GENERAL OKI'S HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIELD. Sept. 9-11 a. m.-iDe. layed in Transmission.) General Fuku shlma left Kalyuan today for the north to meet the Russian generals and arrange the details of an armistice. General Fuku shlma positively refused to allow press correspondents to accompany him. The correspondents are still kept thirty miles in the rear of the army, which has not yet been Informed of the signing of a peace treaty. The terms of the treaty will prob ably prove to lie unpopular, but no demon stration is feared. DEADLOCK ON NATURALIZATION Turkey Inwlllluv to Recoanlse Papers Issued In the I nlted States. CONSTANTINOPLE. Sept. .-(L layed In transmission.) Mr. Lelshmun. the American minister, hsd a long interview Friday with tewflk Pasha, the Turkish foreign min uter, with reference to the question of principle Involved In the cases of Ghirkls Vartanlan. claiming to be a naturalized American, who It Is alleged shot and kill ed Aplk Undjlan. a prominent Armenian, on August '.'. and of another Armenian, also said to be a naturalized American, who was arrested for connection with the at tempt on the life of the sultan on J'ily 21. The porte persists in Its refusal to rt cog. nlae foreign . naturalization of Ottoman subjects who return to Turkey and the American minister adheres to the stipula tions of the treaty of 1G2 which does not make distinctions as regards citizens of the republic. In the absence of a Turco-Ame-l-cau na tuiaJlMlion treaty It Is antuult to see bow the matter, can be settled except by references of the question to arbitration. NO 1I0RE BODIES ARE FOUND Searchers Find Only ia angled Portions of Ken in Bums of Powder KilL TOTAL DEATH LIST NUMBERS NINETEEN Man Who Fires at Mart Says It Wm In Finishing Room nod Was Prob ably tunned by Friction of Machinery. CONN EI. LEVI LLE, Pa., Sept. 10-Tlie scene of complete devastation In the vicin ity of the site of the Band powder works, which were destroyed by an explosion yes terday, beggars description. Men were at work today plowing over and digging In the debris in the hope of finding more bodies, but only an arm, shoulder, foot or por tion of charred bone could be found now and then, and it Is likely that the bodies of the six rntsMng will never be identified. The dead bodies now recognized num ber twelve, wiijle there are six unldentilied, and adding the little child who was killed by a wagon the death list numbers nine teen. A revised list of the Identified dead shows the following: CLYDE Wood, stenographer. ;i; IKGE LEWELLEN CHARLES KARTLETT. ALBERT WuolH. KliKH WAT Kit ST RAW, JR. HARRY I'NDERWonD. HoMKR lit M I'll REY. iji; UiiK MARTIN. ELMER 111 -il.ES. WILLIAM M I NT Y R E. JAMES URKAKlRoN. GILBERT Mill HELL, killed while car rying Ins father s dinner to the works. A child of Isaac Matthews of Eeith was run over by a wngon on its way to the scene of the explosion and killed. The mislng are: Frink Rycland. William Lewellen. Charles Ellifritz. Fred Waters! raw. Sr. Isaac Med'Taft. Homer Swaney. The lHidics were viewed today by Coroner A. 8. Hagan and the Jury Impanelled by him. The Inquest will be held later. One of the night employes who was at his home on the side of the mountain and could look down on the mill, says the fire started In tho southeast corner of the plant, in the finishing mill, and he thinks It was caused by friction of machinery. garner talks of simians Has Discovered a nmher of Snoods to Which Monkeys At tach Moaning. IiONDON, Sept. 10. tSpecial Cablegram to the Bee.) Prof. Garner, the American naturalist, who Is well known in connection with his studies ' of monkey language, Is leaving Liverpool for West Africa with the Intention, of renewing his observations In the forest primeval with tile aid of a gramophone. The story of Prof. Garner's adventures Is full of ro mance and strange Incident. He was first attracted to the study of the Simian tongue by the strange conduct of some mon keys who were caged with a savage red nosed balloon, and he determined to try to interpret the sounds they uttered. ( From that time he spent much pains- and money on the subject and has passed many soli tary hours In the African Jungle, ensconsed in an Iron-latticed cage. He claims to have obtained some valuable scientific, results and to have established the fact that monkeys communicate by words, not by signs. In a letter to his brother at Sydney recently he wrote: "Here are a few spelt phonetically: Achru,' meaning water, rain cold; 'kukcha,' meaning sun, tire, warmth, etc; 'goshku,' meaning food, the act of eating, etc. Y'ou will see that this is a very primitive lan guage; there are perhaps not more than twenty or thirty words in It that I have rot ulreudy got." He has been studying the monkeys In Cross' menagerie and declares that there Is a wide difference between anlmaja In I captivity and those In the forest. There Is no common language he states, and there are as many varieties of the Simian tongue as there are of the human tongue. FORTY-EIGHT JOURS TO SIGN Chicago . Freight Handlers Make Demands on Railroad Manaarera. CHICAGO, Sept. 10 Unless some sort of a compromise Is reached within the next two days between the freight handlers of Chicago and vicinity and the railroads en tering Chicago there will In all probability be a general strike of the men. Ever since j luKt June when the working contructs of I i tne freight handlers with the railroads ' expired the men have been trying to get j : the roads to sign a new ugreement but I j have been unsuccessful. i Today a meeting was held for the pur i pose of considering bringing the question before the general managers. It was de cided to allow the employers but forty eight hours longer in whlcji to come to some sort of agreement. Tomorrow all the railroads Interested will be notified by the union that unless they agree to arbitrate the difficulty, agree to meet with repre sentatives of the union or concedo part of the demands of the men, a referendum vote to call a general strike will he taken. SIXTEEN -THOUSAND IN LINE Rainy Weather lias No Terrors for Members of the Central Vereln. CINCINNATI. Sept. 10-Not withstanding the rain. Itt.fiiO persons marched this after noon in the annual parade of the Central Vetein on the opening day of the golden Jubilee of the national organization. Mgr. Falconlo celebrated pontifical high mass at Holy Trinity church during the morn- lug, and tonight a mass meeting was held at Mualo hall, presided over by Archbishop J liberal measure of autonomy to the unlver Moeller. Addresses of welcome were de- sltles, pending the elaboration of permanent livered by Henry Doerger of the local so- regulations along the same lines. This Is clrty, Acting Major Gordon and Governor considered here as Insuring the opening of J Herrlck of the state of Ohio. Among the syettsers 01 wie evening ere liisnop Mi- Faul of Trenton. N. J ; Rev. P. Ronuven- tura of Berlin, Germany, and Mr. Condo P. Pallon of New York. The business sessions begin tomorrow. STATISTICS OF RUSSIAN CROPS Figures Presented from Seventy. Two l'ruvluers of the Empire. ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. ll.-The central statistical committee this morning publishes an estimate of tha crops in seventy-two Russian governments. The figures are In poods and represent the anticipated yield: Winter wheat prin wheat ;.vt,iii..) Winter rye l,!7,t'tu.t t-pring !' 23 ii(0 tt.n ley S7"i ..., , Buckwheat wm.vi1 Millet a. ,.. .... , 77,0uu,uw) GERMAN PASTORS ASSIGNED Appointments Made for Methodist Charges In. eraaka and Neighboring States. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept 10 (Ppcrlal Telegram. The west conference of the German Methodist Episcopal church closed Its three days' session at the First German Methodist Episcopal church today with the reading of the pastoral appointments to the U0 pastorates In the conference. The west conference consists of four districts and comprises Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Oklahoma and Western Missouri. The Ne braska appointments are as follows: Nebraska district: Presiding elder. J. Jacob Steiningcr, livtS C street. Lincoln, Neb.; rice and Janson, Neb., Edward Beck, Centervllle and Highland. Neb , John Schaum; Clatonia. Neb., John Kracher; Cortlsnd. Neb.. William C. Staatz; Cosby nnd Orahnni, Mo, to be supplied by C. Steinel: Cullertson, Neb., Benjamin F. Elsenman: Humboldt, Neb., H. A Hochcn wald; Kramer and Zlon. Neb., H. A. Slek mann; Lincoln. Neb.. Charles Harms; Ma con and Oxford. Neb., John Lauei ; Oregon, Mo., William Tonat ; SI Joseph. Mo., Ous tav Becker; Sterling, Neb., Otto ". Ponath; Wathena, Kan.. P. W. Mttthaet; White Cloud. Kan.. E. T. Asllng H. O. I,elst. professor at German college. Mount Pleas- nt. Ia . and members of Lincoln quarterly ' conference. North Nebraska and Polorndo district: Presiding elder, John U. I.elst. 1740 C street. Lincoln. Neb; Arlington, Neb, H". C. Woerner; Berlin, Neb.. A. J. Ross; Boelus, Sclota and Ansley, Neb., Adam W. Worst; renver. Colo . First church. Frledrlch Hausser: Second church, Matthaus Herr mann; West Twenty-seventh avenue, W. K. F'rlcke; Iluncan and Columbus, Neb. Bernhard Johanson; Euslls. John M. Zwlnk; Friend. Neb , Edward Gruen: Grand Island and Palmer. Neb, O J. Mueller; Hampton. Neb.. Martin H. Keiirk; Kalama zoo and Fairvlew. Neb., P. O Madison to be supplied: Omshn. Neb.. Edward Sallen baoh; Osceola. Neb , F. H Schnltz; Papil llon nnd Portal, Neb., H. C. Elfcldt: Platts mouth, Neb., G. J. Keller; Pueblo. Colo., Willlnm R. Volte: Rushvllle nnd Georgia, Neb., to be supplied; South Omaha, Neb., to tie supplied; Waco nnd Seward, Neb., it. H. Hackiiiann, Western and Swanton, I Neb., O. G. Grassmueck: West Point and Pcrlbner, Neb., Charles H. Sudbrock. Trustees for the various colleges and educational Institutions o'er which the west conference has Jurisdiction were sp- r minted as follows: Central Wesleyan col ege. Rev. J. J. Stelnlnger, Lincoln, Neb.; Rev. n. w. Smith. Kansas city. Kan.; Rev. H. A. Hohenwnld. Humboldt, Neb. Mount Pleasant German college. Rev. W. F. Frlcke. Orphans' home. Warrenton, Mo., Rev. J. G. Nest. Lincoln, Neb. FEVER DEAT-' "ATE HIGHER Only Alarming; V u. Cm Mnnlfested Ann tiny In the sltaotlono at New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 10.-R port of the yellow fever situation up to 8 p. m. : New cases Total cases to date Ieaths today Total deaths to date New feci 27 2.2VO 7 sr. li i Cases under treatment 201 Cases discharged.. .. v 1.B77 The unfavorable part of the Sunday re port Is the unusually large number of deaths. Another distinguished member of the Roman Catholic clergy Is In the list. Father L. W. Green of the Jesuit college. He died at 4 o'clock this afternoon after being 111 a wek. There la not an Italian name among the deaths. This afternoon the famous old French market was fumigated. The building being an open one and extending four blocks from St. Ann street to lTrsu iwescnted a dif ficult problem , for f mutation. Assistant Surgeon Berry, with half a carload of sul phur, staVted the fumes working, the fumes ascending In a dense cloud to the domes, and thousands of bats and myriads of In sects of all kinds, not to mention flies and mosquitoes, were killed. There was little news from the country today. The most Important was that from the health officer of 1 La Fourche parish reporting four cases at La Fourche Cross ing. There were two deaths In that parish Sunday, one at La Ross and one midway between Cut-Oft and Leeville. Other reports were: Patterson, seven cases, two deaths; Kenner, two cases, one death; Anson City, four cases; Dondson ville. two cases; St. Roue, two cases; Pe- i can Grove, one death. Mississippi: Gulfport, one case; Vlcksburg, four cases; Natchez, one cas. LOTTERIES UNDER THE BAN Mexican KoTernment Derides to S press National and AH Such Concerns. GUADALAJARA, Sept. 10. Word has been received here that notice has been sent out from Mexico that all lotteries must be suppressed. The suppression will follow the expiration of the franchises held by the Loterla' Beneflcla Publica. This franchise was granted for twenty-five years and has a year to run. The federal gov ernment will set an example by suppress ing the national lottery, which is under government control, and the states which conduct lotteries will. It Is claimed, follow suit. The lotteries conducted by private concerns will be given a certain period in which to close up their business. The ac tion will be in line with the efforts of the Mexican government to suppress gambling in every form. The federal district authorities continue their war against gamblers, foreign and native, and since the last of last month gamblers have been unable to secure licenses. The police break up immediately clandestine gambling as fast as discovered. Many gamblers boasted they would open up again In Tacubaya, a prominent suburb of this city, but they found that the of ficers were ready to arrest them. One prop osition is to establish in one of the Inner states a great gambling concern, modeled aft r Monte Carlo, but It Is not probable that this will be allowed. GRANTS STUDENTS' DEMANDS I Csnr Publishee a. 1'kaan ftlvlaa- Autonomy to the I nl versifies. ST. PETERSBURG. Bept. 11 An Imperial 1 ukase Is published this morning granting a ! tn" universities September 14 and the r- i "iijjihii ui ruuL-auunai inr ui iui, 1 which. has been at a standstill with all stu- , dents and professors In the higher schools on strike since February The ukase places the election of rectors and deans of the universities, who have hitherto teen appointed by the minister of education and were regarded as represen tatives of the hated bureaucratic classes, In the hands of- the professors, thereby making these officials truly representative of university life. The ukase fails to give the right of as sembly or to grant the other political de mands for whlcji the students have been agitating, but the placing of the govern ment of the universities In the bands of the professors meets the principal grievance of the students In regard to purely academic conditions, as the faculties and students are thoroughly In sympathy with each other because of their common efforla to I rcn.edy the grievances. CUBANS DO NOT LIKE TREATY Hold Contention with England is Inimical to Uni'ed States. AMERICA BEST FRIEND AND CUSTOMER Senate Ak Opinion of Commerelal Bodies on the Treaty and They Condemn It Without Hritri nt Ion. HAVANA. Sept. 10. Two of the principal commercial economic associations, respond ing to a confidential request made by thu foreign relations committee of the senate for advice as to whether the pending treaty between 'Gieat Britain and Cuba ought to be ratified, declared emphatically against ratification. The principal reason given is that Cuba's interests are too in evitably bound to Its great customer, the United States, to permit of granting for ten years such privileges to British ships and citizens as those named In the treaty. Another reason given Is that the adoption of the treaty would allow privileges to British warships as well ns merchantmen, not warranted by the relations between Cuba and Great Britain and not permissi ble In view of the relations between Cuba and the United States. The latter reason Is considered the most potent on account cf the suspicion that the treaty, while ostensibly one of commerce, navigation and amity, would In reality give to British warships greater privileges In Cuban ports than those given to the United States by the cession of two naval stations. l'nlted States' Ohjert. The treaty was signed in May last after the definite favored nation clause had been eliminated in consequence of representa tions made by Mr. Squlors, the American minister. The United States government, on receipt of a report regarding the al leged objectionable feature, made a per emptory representation against the treaty. The copy was sent to Washington, since which time, according to a statement made to the Associated Press by Secretary of State O Farrlll, the United States govern ment has ceased Its representations . re garding It. It Is known, however, that In Washington the treaty Is regarded as In imical to the Interests of the l'nlted States, not. perhaps, In a commercial sense, because It d ies not contain any tariff con cessions, but In the broader political sig nificance of allowing British warships equal rights In. Cuban ports with those of Cuban wnrships. tinder plea of stress of weather or accident, thus giving to Great Britain greater privileges than those grant ed to the United States. The senate committee to which the treaty was referred confided It first to the Havana Chamber of Commerce and afterward to the Central Economic association. The former reported to the effect that while the. privileges and immunities granted appeared to be mutual they did not confer any real benefits on Cuba, which had few mercan tile ships and no warships, while the ex tension of Its shipping might be hampered by granting equal privileges to British ships. The chamber emphntlcally advised that Cuba do not concede that In cases of stress of weather or accident both British merchant and British warships shall have J the right of "abesterlcerse and pertre eharae," Spanish words signifying respec tively to supply with provisions and with war supplies and munitions. The chamber considered this to be Inimical to Cuban In terests, especially as no reservation was made respecting the laws of international neutrality. Action Is 1'nvrlse. The chamber also considered that It was unwise to conclude such a treaty with an over-sea power while no such treaty existed with the l'nlted States, especially when changes In the reciprocity treaty are advo cated, which may Include provisions for special reciprocal tariff privileges regarding goods carried In American and Cuban ships. The other association has not submitted Its formaj report, but It strongly holds that the treaty Is Inimical to the interests ' ot Cub ar"' th Tn"d States. Secretary of state o fr arrtll, on tne con trary, declares to the Associated Press that the treaty contains nothing Inimical to the interests of the United States, and some other person who are close to the govern ment contend that suspicion In regard to the treaty is unwarranted. 'EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS CONTINUE Little More Damnge Done, bnt Popu lation Kept In a. State of Terror. ROME. Sept. 10. Further slight earth quake shocks today caused additional ter ror among the inhabitants of Calabria. The damage., however, was inslgnllicant, although the disturbances afftted a more extended area, reaching Regglo and Naples. The activity of Mount Vesuvius Increased, while the violent eruption of the ancient crater on the island of Stromboll is still In progress. Minister of Public Works Ferraris Is making a minute personal Investigation of the disaster, visiting even the small ham lets, and carrying funds and material for the Immediate relief of the starving and Ill-clad people. Everywhere he is met by crowds who appeal to him for aid. Everywhere In the disturbed area' the people are sleeping In the open air, even in places where the houses are aafe. The population appears to have been stupefied necessary In the search for victims, as the walls are continually falling. Soldiers, citi zens and doctors are working heroically but they have to be frequently relieved because of nervous breakdown resulting from the horrible sights encountered by them. TANGIER SUBURBS INSECURE Americana and Europeans Warned to Move Into the City Proper. TANGIERS. Sept. 10.-8amusl R. Gum mere, the American minister, and a num ber of European inhabitants, have aban doned their residences In the suburbs and removed to the center of the town at the request of the Moroccan authorities, who hiu mey weie uuuuie in uniiur ineir security owing to the disturbed condition of the surrounding districts. Severe fighting continues between Rals 11 U s and other tribes. Fands for Irish land Pnrebase. I-ONDON. Sept. 11 Walter Hume Ixmg. chief secretary for Ireland, announces that the treasury hat agreed to provide addi tional funds amounting to fl0.tai0.0iO before the end of the year, together with such an mount of stock during the year 19o6 as will produce f0 ( cash, to facilitate the i operations of the Irish land act and to rem- edy the recent stoppage of sales of land through inability to advance the purchase money owing to lack. of fuads. 'Nebraska weather forecast Fair Monday Tuesday. and Tneadayi Cooler Temperature at lininha Yrsterdayi Ilonr. Peg. Ilonr. Ilea. fin. m lt I p. m T a. m (Kit 8 p. m Tl T a. m,.,,l, tin ,1 p. m TT 8 a. m . . . . . . 4 p. m S t a. m l II p, in HO 1 a. m 414 H p. nt TH II a. n A7 T p. m 7H 13 m '....7.1 p. ni 74 0 p. m 7S FLEET HELPS CELEBRATION Rhode Islanders Do Honor to the Name of Commodore Perry. NEWPORT, R. I., Sept. 10 The coast squadron of the North Atlantic fleet. In command of Rear Admiral Francis W. Dickens,, consisting of the flaitshlp Texas and the monitors Nevada. Arkansas and Florida, arrived here today to participate In the "Old Home" week exercises which began tonight with services in all the churches. The city Is thronged with visitors. The chief feature tonight was a special service In the First Baptist church. The soldiers, marines and bluejackets from the forts, training and torpedo stations were In at tendance. The service was prenched by Dr. Edward Johnson, whose theme was "Commodore Terry, Rhode Island s Gallant Son." The church was handsomely decorated. Special seats were reserved for Perry Bel mont, a descendant of the commodore, and Mrs. Belmont. Mr. Belmont today made public a letter sent to him by Baron Kaneko, who was unnble to be present at the celebration to morrow. Baron Kaneko wrote: "Ton know what a keen Interest Japan ese people take In that connected with the name of Perry. It was another Commodore Perry whose able service so closely cemented the relations between this great govern ment and Japan, and particularly you know what a unique privilege I had In connection with the monument which was erected at Kurlhama In token of our grateful ap preciation of the commodore's service to our empire. Therefore, you can well Im agine my disappointment when I found that the engagement at Oyster Bay pre vents nie from having the pleasure to ac cept the Invitation." PRINTERS' STRIKE TO SPREAD Men Are l.lkely to Go On In Cincinnati and Louis, t Tuesday SI. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sept. I0.-From In formation given out last night by James M. Lynch, president of the International Typographical union, a strike of union printers employed In typothetae shops In St. IOtils and Cincinnati may occur tomor row and within a few days at least 100 cities throughout the United States may be Involved. "I have received a telegram from St. I-ouls stating that 1,000 printers In that city today agreed to demand the eight hour day. Information from Cincinnati Indicates that s. strike may be called to morrow. Of course I am unable to say that printers In these two cities will strike un til It Is seen what action the typothetae In these cities will take. In all cities throughout the l'nlted States where there Is not an existing agreement extending be yond January 1. 19oJ, and In which the typothetae refuses to grant the demand, a strike will occur. At this time It looks as though a strike will occur. Should It occur It will be one of 'the most notable In recent years. "The question hss been brought on nt this early date by the action of the typoth etae at Chicago and Detroit and by the decision of the National Typothetae. I went to Niagara Falls during the meeting of the National Typothetae and proposed a conference between the Typothetae and the Typographical union on any proposi tion that might lead to a settlement of the question. My proposition was refused." M. WITTE VISITS THE CAPITAL Russian Enroy Spends Day In Wash ington Before Halllnar for Home. WASHINGTON, Sept 10.-M. Wltte and Baron Rosen, the Russian peace plenipo tentiaries, accompanied by five members of the former's suite, spent Sunday In Wash ington. They arrived here at an early hour this morning and spent the entire day visiting the historic points In and about the city and left again late this afternoon for New Tork. from which place M. Wltte. will sail for Hamburg next Tuesday. While here they were In charge of Acting Secre tary Lonmls of the State department and Major Charles McCawley of the marine corps, who, at the special request of the president, acted as their escorts to tha various places visited. Beginning at the White House the party in turn went to the Russian embassy, the capttol, the congres sional library. Mount Vernon, Arlington and Rock Creek park. As he left for New York M. Wltte ex pressed to Mr. Loomls his keen apprecia tion of th pleasure which his brief stay In the American capital had given him. It had been, he said, very Interesting and very Instructive, and he had been well repaid for the trip. The unique character of Wash ington, In that it was made up largely of government buildings and private resi dences. Impressed him very much, and he frequently made reference to the many beautiful parks, with their weajth of trees and flowers. The weather was very pleas ant throughout the day. TEAMSTERS IN0PEN REVOLT Three Chicaao I nlons Practically Serede from National Body. CHICAGO. Sept. 10 Open revolt against the International Brotherhood of Team sters, which practically amounts to seces sion, came today when three of the best or' ganlsed local unions in Chicago, the Ice wagon drivers, van teamsters and brick. sana ana terra cotta teamsters, voted to ; repudiate the election of officers at the In- tei national convention at Philadelphia, adopt the referendum and withhold sup port from President Shea and the executive board. The unions which defied Shea and his colleagues have a total memliershlp of l.uo0. Movements of Ocean Vessels sept. HI. At New York Arrived: I .a Bretague. from Havre: Moltke. from Hamburg. At Liverpool Arrived: Celtic, New York via Queeiiktown; I'mbria, via Queenstown. At !uirton Arrived: Minnesota, from Philadelphia. At Moville Sailed: Calendonia for Glas gow and New York. At Q'jeensiQwn balled: Cam l ma. for 4 Raw York. FAVOR FOR AMERICA Cr of Russia Orders Ohang f Policy in Regard to Imports. NEW ORDER COMMUNICATED TO PRESIIENT Americans to fay Sains Bate of Duty ai Other Nations. HAVE 8EEN DISCRIMINATED AGAINST 0p:ns Door for Larger Trade in Manu factured Goods. FIRST RESULT OF BRINGING ABOUT PEACE M. Wltte and Baron Rosen On t Waahlnaton for Day and I.iMter Will Sail for Horn 1 on Tuesday. OYSTER BAT. L. I Sept. 10.-At tha conferences Inst night between President Roosevelt and the Russian peace envoys, Mr. Wltte, by direction of the emperor of Russia, presented the following commu nication: Some years ago In consequence of mis understanding in the Interpretation of tha most favored nation clause, there were established In Russia on several articles of American production customs on a higher scale than those levied on the same articles when imported from other coun tries. His majesty, the emperor of Russia, has commanded me to Infortn the president of the l'nlted States that he has been pleased to order the discontinuance of the levying of such higher duties on American pro ducts In order that henceforth the Ameri can manufacturers should pay the same duties ns Importers from other countries. Articles Which Are F.ffeeted. WASHINGTON. Sept. 10 As understood here the customs duties referred to by M. Wltte In his communication to the presi dent, and which by the direction of the rxar have been discontinued, grew out of the Imposition In the early part of lfol by this government of a differential duty on Russian sugar Imported Into tha l'nlted States. Following this action of the l'nlted States was the issuance In retaliation of an order of the Russian minister of flnnnee, which became effective Msrch 9. 1901, Im posing maximum duties on certain Amer ican articles, the Increases ranging from 20 to SO per cent. Generally stated these articles were cast Iron wares, manufac tures of Iron and steel, Iron and steel hollers, tanks, bridges, pipes, etc., ma chinery, sewing machines, motors, dyna mos, portable engines, locomotives and locomotive cars, locomobiles and fire en gines. The controversy with Russia which In volved the Imposition by the l'nlted States of a countervailing duty on Russian sugar grew out of the allegation by producers that Russia was paying a bounty to Ita sugar producers. BARON KOMURA SERIOUSLY ILL Japanese Envoy Confined to His Apartments In Sew Tork Hotel. NEW TORK. Sept. 10. Baron Komura Is III In his apartments In the Waldorf-Astoria hotel and all the social engagements of the Japanese envoys today were either can celled or Indefinitely postponed. Mr. Sato, spokesman for the Japanese party, said Baron Komura became slightly 111 Saturday night nnd Dr. William B. Prttchard was called In attendance. The senior envoy of the Japanese emperor Is suffering from intestinal trouble. His high temperature of last night, however, was considerably reduced today. While the UlnessV la not regarded ns serious. Bnron Komura has been told he must rest for a few days. The Japanese envoys were to have been the guests of General Stewart L. Wood ford at dlhner tonight and were to have visited Governor's Island tomorrow and dined with General Frederick D. Grant. The Japanese had planned to leave New York next Thursday for Seattle, Wash., whence they will sail direct for home. Mr. Sato today added the denial of the Japanese envoys to that of the Russians made yesterday that a. secret treaty of peace had been agreed upon by the em perors of Japan and Russia. ENJOINS THE OIL COMPANIES Attorney General of Missouri Takes New Tack In I Itlaa tlon. ST. LOVIS, Sept. 10-A special to the Re public from Jefferson City, Mo., saya At torney General Hadley filed a suit for In junction In the circuit court of Jackson county yesterday against the Standard Oil company, the Waters-Pierce company, the Republic Oil company, H. C. Orenner. doing; business under the firm name of the In ternational Oil works, and H. A. William' son. doing business under the Arm name Of H. A. Williamson & Co. The temporary Injunction, or restraining order, was granted by Judge Park of the Kansas City circuit court and the case will come up for final heating on September 2S. on which date the writ Is made returnable. , The allegations In the petition for In junction are similar to those In the ouster stilt filed by the attorney general In the supreme court against the oil companies several months ago, but the Individuals cannot be proceeded against by quo war ranto, and therefore the Injunction suit was tiled. INSPECTING GERMAN LINER - Ko Steerace Passengers Carried Acconnt of holer. Cnse. NEW YORK. Sept 10,-The Hamburg American line steamer Moltke, arrived to day from Hamburg, Dover and Boulogne, with ti cabin passengers. No steerage passengers were hrougnt. A case ot cholera broke out among Russian emigrants at Hamburg and all of the steerage passen gers of the Moltke were disembarked and held for observation. There was no ill ness on board during the passage. TWO KILLED BY A TORNADO Storm MrlLes Country t South of Ijintun, Okla homa. that LAWTON. Okl.. Sept. 10.-A small tor. i nado pased over ttie vicinity of Walter, twenty miles south of here, last night. killing two persons and severely Injuring nine. The di ad: MRS. F. M. CH1LPERS. JOHN ROSS. Beveral Louses wtre blows dawf