The Omaha Sunday Bee EDITORIAL SECTION. PAGES 1 TO 8. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1S71. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1905. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. OM.H WET1lt:R FOR EC T how rn wllh Rlilm Ttninfit. PICTURE HRAMO SALE Furniture, Carpels, Etc. BENNETTS Extra f.reen Tend In Imp Kutirn r Ten Own Trading Stamp with Mack end II oid frames for photos. 1HC rftats compute Fifteen Green Trading Sumps with special : value mtal frames.'all shapes 2c and sixes . Twenty Grn Stamps with venwr frames, finish in hmv.-n and black. vrr mats a Hood 7;k- value T'Sc Pule price -eJV Tw-nty-flve Green Trading Stamps with Little Car l1. Ete. K Sn value Cupids. e ff nnw on sale m,JJ It ' value Carbons. 'y "?E now on sale mm, 4 O PVROCR trilt RRf. W R ATT1 I ntRitl VIIMUV. ,,Znm" 15c 'rV'OSc CANDY SECTION A Few Price on Regular IS B Oak. at 11 00 r.egular U Oak. at 13 S Regular 14 75 Oak. at 14 01 Regular U Oak. at S3 Ort Regular fl 9S Cobbler Snt Rocker, at II &. Rocker lor riondey. JVPT PFCFIVKP 1W PF.ATTlFt L AXV1NSTKR l.l 'IS. sir' fZ. ab 'iit 2S different pattens m ;..ral Htid oriental desii-ns. our r-rul-ir $-f i rugs. Mominv for tlie first time, at '' Regular I'.!, "xir ru for fcM. Regular 4t'c half wool earl els. at . 2c One Thousand Pounds of Fresh Made Vanilla Flavored Delici ous Chocolate Creams i I2c ,. look 05c 95c v uiove and TC-. : lucks Third Floor CURTAIN DEPARTMENT Third Floor per pound. . . . kerchief Boxes ' mm -f w , I" "' .1 nt'are'f S 1 Nut Bowls VCJW, l.anosonie metal irames in irif pr insi Closing cut this year s line of Porch Mats and Cushions at cost 10 Cuban grass mats. at. each 4e 15 Japanese mats. Bold for 4rc. each -ic 10 Japanese mull. old for 80c, each iUo I2c Per Pound. 12c Per Pound, 85c IT v wine pj n 1.69 Store closes 6 p. m. (except Saturday.) stvies. in macs, ana oia peoia. 39 c fl Woik Boxes I Outfit iKiuble Green TradinR Stamps on Picture Framing Monday The popular place for framing li Bennett's. Cool weather 1 here, irifts for the future, are complete now. c,et started on your Remember, stocks S00 yards Hotted Swiss, worth lfc special, per yard lOe 1 $20 Monday Snaps LADIES' NEW FALL SUITS. Our new fall styles are being opened daily we invite comparison as to style and values. For Monday we offer a number of special prices. $12.50 Ladies' Tailor Made Suits In mixtures and suitings, plain blacks and browns and blue cheviots jacket suits, fitted coats trimmed in stitching, skirts very f J? A full and pleated, all sizes lkJU $15 Redingote Suits In tweeds, very latest, mannish cut, coats are 4(5 in. long, &t P skirts are 19 gores price vpie $20 An Elegant Sample Line of Ladies' Suits All shades and textures, long and medium, effect strictly tailor made regular $30 to $37.50 value, all sizes, for. . . - COSTUMES PURCHASED FOR THE AK-SAR BEN FESTIVAL. From Gaildrands, an Imported Moire Antique Costume, Champagne Color "Waist is all over yoke with chiffon ruchings with an un deryoke of puff, baby blue trimmings and fancy pearl buttons, short sleeves, skirt is kilted effect, with puff at top of kilting price White and Pale Blue Voile Costumes White voile waist, made surplus style with all over embroidered front and bow knots of silk, knife-pleated skirt and silk Cfl drop price J m '3X3 Pale Blue Voile Costume "Waist trimmed with hand-made bertha, shirred sleeves, skirt pleated, with clusters of shirrings at the bottom of pleats Black All-Over Lace Dress With heavy silk applique yoke, short sleeves with chiffon trimmings, crushed girdle, skirt! is full with six-inch flounce and three large tucks above the .flounce, chiffon drop skirt ?fl over silk drop skirt price J m Jj $60 .$35 in Dry Goods NEW LADIES' JACKETS. Covert Cloths, Meltons. Kerseys, Tweeds, Pebble Cheviots and French Cloth. Ladies' Novelty Redingote Coats -o2 in. long, body satin lined, velvet collar, C A new sleeve, all sizes smiesJvr Gray Diagonal Coat Strap seams, very nobbv, body satin lined, loose , C back "and front 4IJ Covert Cloth Jacket 4S-in. long, loose back, stitched seams, satin lined to f A H C waist, new sleeve J An Immense Line of Imported Long Coats in the latest shades and styles some are half fitting and loose back. Paddock Coats, Empire Effects and all the Latest Imported Fads. CHILDREN'S BONNETS. Nearly one thousand Children's Bonnets the entire stock of the Levi Simson Factory, 539 Broadway, New York, on sale Monday. See window display. Silk Bonnets Fur trimmed, lace trimmed and plain values up to $1.50 H C all at CORSETS. "We call particular attention to our Corset Department. It contains most of the best models of the R. & G. Corset Co., W. B. Corset Co., Kabo Corset Company, P. N. Corset Com pany, United States Corset Company, Thomp son's Glove Fitting Corsets and the Ferris Good Sense Waists. Our regular Corsets are 6old at same prices as, made in New York. Special sales every week at very low prices. Opera. Glasses Standard Makes Spectacles and Eyeglasses 20 year gold filled spectacles, best imported lenses regular price $5, special Monday, pair $3.48 10 year gold fined Spectacles and Eyeglasses, regular $3.00 value, special, pair $1.48 MAIN FLOOR- Newfall Dress Goods Are Here in an Endless Variety Of All the Newest European and American Manufacturers' Art. 68-lnch new mannish Covert Cloths, In the pretty fall colorings, very stjlish for street suits 100 special value Monday per ard 1UU 4C to 5s-inch new Panamas, pretty Mohairs. Scotch Mixtures, Fancy Worsteds, Invisible plaids fl ff and checks, all go Monday per yard l.lU All the latest n.annish suitings for the long coat sjU, including all the latest craze in pretty Cfl grays prices per yard, $2.50 to JuC BLACK DRESS GOODS New Black Broadcloths, in lifiht, niediuni and heavy weights, 54 to 58 inches wide, prices, 100 yard, 5.00 to l.UU 00 pieces new Black Goods, in all the latest tex tures, from the lightest to heaviest weights Cfl prices per yard, $ 3.00 to JUC NEW FALL SILKS. New Peau de Chamois We have Imported this popu lar silk in all the street and evening shades new finish 24 inches wide cheap at $1.39 per ff yard our special price per yard is l.UU A special of new Plain and Fancy Silks for dresses, in all the new colors and pretty patterns, CQ values are 90c yard Monday DZJC SALE OF BLACK SILKS 36-inch Black Guaranteed Taffeta, regular fl Q $1.50 values Monday yard lei. 27-inch Black Peau de Sole regular $1.39 fl (( value Monday per yard 1UU 36-inch guaranteed Lining Satins all 100 shades per yard 1UU NEW FALL WAISTINGS Monday we put on sale the most complete line of Fall Waistings, both in cotton and wool, in new flannels, pretty plaids, new broadcloths prices, f g T&c, 50c, 35c, 25c and IDC NEW FALL TABLE LINENS Kretih from Hie lonis of Ireland and Scotland. 60 and 70-inch Bleached and Half Bit-ached Table Damask our &9c value Monday per 7 C yard I DC 60 and 64-inch Bleached and Unbleached Table Linens worth C9c per yard Monday per Cf yard JVC 20x20-inc.h Napkins all linen, fall bleached worth $1.95 Monday per f g doren 1. 3J SALE OF BED COMFORTS Extra large sired Cotaforta both sewed and tied pretty patterva our $1.88 quality fl ( Monday each , 13U Full siie 11-4 Cotton Blankets extra heavy worth $1.75 Monday per pair ItmmD NEW LACES In Bands, Wide and Narrow Flouncings, Medal lion Allover to match In all the new baby, Irish and Princess patterns the assortment is so large and va ried .that it is impossible to describe them. Be sure and stop at this department when in the store. Sec ond aisle, main floor. Fruit! Fruit! FRUIT! Another car of fancy California yellow freestone Peaches to arrive Monday morning and go on sale at, per ftP box ZDC Also 4o baskets (lerman. Ital ian and blue Plums, per basket JJ Buy these Plums for preserv ingon sale as long as they last. Fancy homo grown Concord (irapes, per basket I 2 SPECIALS IN HARDWARE MONDAY TIIE BIG LINE OF RANGES THE PENINSULAR The best 'Jt CO line made, up from 3J3 Ten Green Trading Stamps with 1Q Stove Brush IOC Forty Green Trading Stamps with Wash Boiler, prices up QA from Thirty Green Trading Stamps f?. with Lanterns, 98c and OC Forty Green Trading Stamps with Set Mrs. Pott's Sad Irons, Oft fl.24, 1.08 and .OC Ten Green Trading Sumps with 1 8-inch Wire Soup Strainer. . . T'C Ten Green Trading Stamps with A 7-inch Wire Soup 8tralner. . . UC Ten Green Trading Stamps with fl 6-inch Wire Soup Strainer 10C Ikiuble Green Trading Stamps on all Paints Monday. lon't forget we ore headquarters on Ja;iabic. Monday Shoe argains B Torpedo Cap Toe, new this season Men's Patent Pong Colt Button, Ed Clapp's Torpedo Cap Toe, 4 A A the swellest shoe made UU Knox Specials Men's Gun Metal Calf, Button, Ed Clapp's 3.50 Knox Specials Men's Gun Metal Calf Bluchers, on the Varsity cap, drop toe.. Knox Specials Men's Doctor Packard's Cushion sole, easy Shoes for tender feet, on sev- A AA eral lasts, tip or plain toea U U Best Boys' and Girls' School Shoes, guaranteed 3.50 1.50 One More Niagara in Crockery Sunburst Art Tumblers, the very finest glass, pretty bell shaped tumblers, Monday, fg each mirnjC One hundred green trading stamps with each dozen. Heavy Crystal Table Tumblers, 60 doien for Monday selling, regular BOc per dofcen, yours fl per doren JVC New lot of German Bowls on our 10c table. Values up to 25c. You want to Bee what we A offer at IVfC New shipment of English Rock Teapots, rood M shapes, 38c and J4mG Twenty green trading stamps with each. Bridesmaid Rosa Pattern Dlnnerware. This is a beauty, pink roses decorated on the finest Bav arlan China, sold in sets or separate pieces. To Interest you in this pattern, Monday a discount of 20 per cent, 100 piece sets. 17 98 Japanese Salt and Peppers, the Red Satsuma ware, it sells on sight, "J P ea-:h mmtDG Bennett's Big Grocery Coffee roasted fresh every day; fresh, full flavored and fine drinking. Forty Green Trading Stamps with two-pound A fin can Bennett's Breakfast Coffee T"Ol Thirty Green Trading Stamps with pound Tea, O nv kind OOC Fifty Green Trading Stamps with sack Ben nett's Excelsior Flour Twenty Green Trading Stamps with pound can Batavla fancy Salmos Diamond "C" Soap, ten bars.s. Ten Green Trading Stamps with package Marsh- mallow Dainties t Ten Green Trading Stamps with three-pound can tncie bam Baked Beans 1.75 23c 25c 10c 10c Ten Green Trading Stamps with three cans Early June Peas Ten Green Trading Stamps with three cans IP Tomatoes. . mm JC Ten Green Trading Stamps w ith five-pound sack A Worcester Salt 1UC Ten Green Trading Stamps with two packages O Bakinc Soda OC Ahamo Scouring Soap, bar Ten Green Trading Stamps with package Gusto Breakfast Food Fifty Green Trading Stamps with quart bottle Blood of the Grape. .'. 5c 121c 50c PIANO B APAIMQ For Monday, TW day a.nd Wednesday All $350 Pianos for $275 All $325 Pianos for $245 All $300 Pianos for $223 All $275 Pianos for $205 All $250 Pianos for $130 A few second-hand Upright Pianos for $110, $87, $61 and $4-9 Easy Payments. Third Floor. An Umbrella. SaJe Five hundred "2G and 2-icch S.iU en Glace Umbrellas, steel roil. Paragon frame, patent spring holder and natural Congo wood handles. This is a decided bar gain, at 1.00 LdWUlC Dry Goods Main Floor. LN01M NOT FOR THIS POST Isfeitigitios of Army Arsenals list Ex pected to L elide Omaha Depet. DISTRIBUTING AND HOT BUYING PUCE local QstrttrBftiirr's Sialics Sever llaa Meea babjet-l of Com. plalat or Scandal, Saia li V Ulcer. Ann officials flf-.-Ure th-r Is no prob ability ct the wtHi.. I invt-ntigatiun of sovernmrnt arsenal txiuK extruded to the uniaha dcKt. It can lx said that no scumUl tins ever attached to the quarter matter s dejt at Omaha, although the Omaha aepvl is one tpf the largest disti ll. jung army iii pels in the country. A vast unmunt of miscel laneous army supplies is k pt here fur dis tribution to the various military pons, not aione of the Department of the Mis souri, but other western 6 pnrtnients. The convenience and aci eSKll.illty of the Omaha orpot as a shipping point has long been l ecognlxed and millions of dollars wort a of army foods have been assembled here and distributed In years past and continue lo be down to the present. Very few supplies pertaining1 particulgrly to the quartermaster's department of the army are bought here at Omaha. Most of the suppllea. such as general quarter master s stores, camp and garrison enul page end clothing, are nousbt elsewhere and are sent here for distribution The only exception Is la the matter of mis cellaneous repair supplies, which are largely bought In the Omaha markets. An official long connected with the Omaha depot aatd: 'There aas never been any serious com plaint of army equipments that have been shipped from Omaha to the various posts it may occasionally occur that there wl!l be a d active pair ef shoes or a damaged piece of clothing sent back from the Is suing peat or command, and la suca aa event the defective piece of property 1 at once sent to Washington and traced to Its original contractor and the defi ciency j.uide good. The stores assembled at th.s ilupot are always moving and few are kept here for any length of time. The depot always has been in charge of an officer of the army who Is always re quired to be on the alert fur suppllns fail ing to come up to the required standard. In the ntturaj order of things It would be impossible for any Irregularities In contracts to occur at the Omaha depot, as It is not a purchasing depot, being simply a storage and supply depot." TINNER IS HURT BY FALL Hears- KlaW Planar Tweoty.rive Keel from als While t Work. Henry Fink .f 1 South Seventh street sustained serious injuries Saturday morn ing at the l-ear of the buum Iron company's building. Thirteenth and Harney streets, by fallmj: over twenty-five feet from a swing in which he was working. Fink s spine was diflucated anu one of his ankles friic.und. Lr.-.ides reviving a grneial shak ing up. The injured man was removed in the police ambulance to the Clarkson hos pital, where he Is now resting In a miinn. r that gives encouragement to his attendants. Mr. Fink, an employe of Cox Bros , tin ners, was placing a new drop water spout at the rear of the Baum building, when the three-quarter-Inch rope, to which his swing was suspended, snapped, landing the man In a sitting posture on the stone pavement of the allay. Fink is a cousin of County Treasurer Robert O. fink and has a wife. Bankers 1.1 fe Paper. The Bankers Reserve Lite Insurance cvn.jany l.aa lsi4 the hrt Eumlier of The Winner, an attractive pamphlet, snow ing well executml portraits of the orhcial staff and a biographical sktlin of each ih-ae include I resiuent B&xcom H Robl fci.n. Rohe't I.. Rol.iaon. vice '.resident. Kay t Warner, secretary. Walter G t'restnn treasurer; John A Wmpster superintendent of agents: Thomas W Biackburn. auori.ey. and Edward F. Trefa, agency and publicity manager. It is an nounced that the publication is to be a 1-ern.aiirlit affair, devoied to the Interests of the company. Mr. Trefs e name ap pears as editor. A full history of the con cern Ik rin and an exposition of the meiiious ot the company. JAIL AHEAD OF NOSE RINGS Efisi Ilia sacs ZImuii for Tronble and says He Will Sot Sabmlt to Him. President Zlmroan of the city council Is accused by the majority members witn heaping up all the trouble in contempt pro ceedings, anti-gas contract ordinance In junction and the various degrees of grief In which the majority five rinds itself plunged. "Zimman't behind the W' -'e game." said Councilman Evans, einpliif .icaily. "He is willing lo try to send us to Jail because we won't let him put rings in our noses and lead us every place he wants us to ru. For n.j' part 1 think jail is better than submission." . Councilman Schroeder echoed his senti ments. Mayor Moore was at his office Saturday morning, bury signing Warrants. "1 have been advised not to sitfn the gas ordinance." said he. "I have come to no decision on the matter." BERNARD K0ESTERS BURIED Oamann Pioweer Is Laid mt Reel 1 Cersnaa Calnelle Cemetery. The funeral of the late Bernard Koee tere. who died last Wednesday morning at the family residence, 1116 North Eight eenth street, was largely attended Satur day morning. The body of the venerable pioneer was removed from the home at . to Bt. Mary Magdalene ofcurch. Nine teenth and Dodge streets, where Re. Bernard Slnne conducted the service. Burial was at the German Catholic ceme tery. The pallbearers were: Peter Mies, Frederick Bchaff. Joseph Beckman. Philip Wagner, Peter F renter and Andrew FVtck. all old friends of the dead citisen. Ber nard Koesters lived In Omaha fifty years last June and was U years of age at the time of death. Hie mat lllneas was tit but short duration. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS DRAW Farochit.1 Inititntiom Tike Many Pupil" from Pielio Schools. LATTER SHOW DECREASED ATTENDANCE Superintendent Usildioi Caw Assign No Other Reason, la View of Coaataat Growth Omaha Is Making. In the opinion of Superintendent David son Increased attendance at the Catholic parochial schools is at least partly re sponsible for decreased enrollment in the public schools. The first week of the public schools this fall shows the enrollment to be IM less than the first week lust ear, the totals being H.MT against 15.:i&. For the year of lHy4-t& the total enrollment in the public schools was but U K5o. against 19.1'; In 1SU3-M. lSt.llT; in 19CI-U3, lH.Tt.4. in 1S1 -UU. 1P.3M in lstm-01 and in UniHSwu. All this tiuie the p&rochiaj schools have b-eiu grow ing and more than absorbing the defici encies. Last year a nem school for the lower grades and an academy for girls was opened in the Sacred Heart parish at Twenty-third end Hmney street wi'h large attendances The other Catholic schools have been ahead, under the constant urging of obedience to the orders of the Baltimore council of VM. So rkarare to Poor. Besides Increasing the number of par ochial schools, and equipping all thein with additional facilities, most parishes suspend the charges to poor parents and some have a rule making payment for two chlldrei the maximum from any single family. "There can be no question but that Omaha la having a substantial growth from year to year," says Superintendent Davidson. The number of new dwellings constantly built and the tenanted condi tions of almost every house and flat proves this. Then we have report coming In from various schools showing new enrollments as high aa fifty la a single buUdug of chil dren who have been brought to this city within the last yar. "The inroads made by the Catholic schools is the only way to account for the de crease. The first week this fail has been made up principally of rainy days, and this will account for part of the poor show ing the first week, but I doubt if It would cover all of it. Some of the decreases at certain schools are due to tiansf erring pupils to new buildings or to houses where additional facilities in the way of room have been provided." Losses by Schools. Casa school shows a loss of 21 the first week under the same period a year ago; Castellar. 85; Clifton Hill, 60: Comenlus, 60; Farnam. S4; Kellom, 10; Leavenworth, Jf; LoYg. 114; Monmouth Park, a gain of Omaha View a shortage of 24, 1'aclfic, 34, Saratoga,. 8s; Sherman. II. Saunders, a s'aln of 3j; Walnut Hill, a gain of Si; B-al. a gain of 113. Train, a loss of 37, Webster 4. and Windsor, 40. Most of the other schools have small gains. The high school is thirteen short of last year. As fast as conditions warrant It Superin tendent Davidson is closing rooms In build ings where light attendance or the re distribution of pupils warrant it. and give the Jobs to icpuMichhH. We al ways have plenty i.f them these days. It DEMOCRATS SCARCE IN OMAHA Sot Essifi to Go Ronnd la Filling Oat 1.11 of Hek'lelrara and C lerks. "Democrats in Omaha must be mighty scarce," remarked Councilman Schroeder Saturday morning after the council had held a special meet ins and apjnilnied reg istrars, who, with two clerks for each pre cinct will serve as Judges of primary elec tion. The clerks were named, also. "In the Eighth ward I find that Council man O Brlen. the only democrat emot.R the city fathers, haa selected two rej.jr.. licans. one as registrar and the other as a clerk." said Schroeder. "Whether he could not find democrats enough -to go around I don't know, but it happens that the clerk In question is one that I hit upon myself Therefore we are one clerk short. The democrats are entitled to representation on every board, but. of course, if some pre cincts lack members of this political faith. ttere le nothing left to de but to go ahead SCHOOL BOARD PRIMARIES Flection W ill Be Coadopted mm la tbe Paat by tbe Directors Ibrukrhtl. I -aw on the subject or not, the mmhn of the Board of Education have decided to assume direction of the school board primaries and Secretary Burgess has been instructed to prepare poll books, ballot boxes and other in.pedime nta and prepare to stay up all nlttht receiving the ballot' and the semi-'-Wcial returns Scho-.' Board Attorney Heriing advised that tl.r was the only way he could see out i.f the Dodge law's muteness on the su'-.ject. I'nless some one objects vig.,iuus!y th school board will run Its election The sm as In the past, using the regular piiniHrv officers und polling places. The ffi ial noil, e of i tie school dlstri' ; election, giving the- polling p laces. wh issued by City Clerk Ibourn Sturd:i morning. NEWS FORJTHE ARMY. First Lieutenant Fvert R W!l.n. Elev enth Inlantry, Foil Rjssm-11. has u.en granted leave of for one Mont;, and tnenty-three days. Private Patrick J. McGulre. Oon.j.anv K. Thirtieth infantry, Fort Crook, has ' n ordered taken 10 the g'. ecnmei.t hosi!t il for the insane at Washington for tiea:- ll.fbt Second Ijeutenant R. M. Lyon. Eleventh Ititat.try. has been grunted leave of ah sence. on surajeon n certi'Valc of disah.!n ..r one month and six davs to takr- eT, . i on the expiration of t.ia present le-ave Cn -tolr t. Frank P. Turner, master electrician 'n the signal coil, from Sea-ttle Wash., is visiimi uld-time friends in on ;i tno months' leae if absence. He is ass -elated tt.e Alaskan signal and i-i,ie service on the I'a'ilic coast Mr. Turner was formerly rn.pued at Department of the Missouri headquarters in this city. Captain T. R Hacker chief commissary. Iiepartmenl of the M.ssourt, bit gone to Tennessee on a short leave Mrs. Ha. ker accompanied him and will remain wth friends and relatives there for aji Indenmie period until she re-overs her health, w hich has been much enfeebled for some months Second Lieutenant K. J. Eby. Fifteenth cavalry, was a vuuior at army Lcaduaj icrs baturday. EDUCATION HELPING BLACXS (rent Proa res In Advancement evf Colored Race oled by oath era Speaker. The Nebraska and F.astern Iowa Colore! Baptist association, which le holding Ite annual convention In tbe 7. tun Baptist church on Giant street, concluded Its busi ness Saturday by receiving and discussing missionary reports. The rejmrt of State Missionary Alexander precipitated quite a discussion among the delegates, after which the report was accepted. It waa the opin ion of the delegates that more aggresaive) urk 1 needed along the l.nes of state n.lsfinnarv work among the colored people. At the Zion t hurcli Friday evening Prof. ". W. Rogers of Newport, Ark , delivered a talk on the conjltlon of the negro la the South and mob violence. prof. Rogers) held that by sticking closely together the negro of the south Is today making more substantial advancement than hi brother lu the north. "The southern white men ere aa goo4 ur.Js of the negro a the whites of tbe north There are great opportunities for icy race In the eouth," declared Prof. Rogers. Prof.. Rogers said the negro needs educa tion of tl.. heart us well tut of the heal aii J hand, loucatlim. he stated, is dwinej much tor his race. tun. lay evet li.g the closing meeting of '-l.t convention will be heid at the Zioa hutch, w here Rev. J Thomas, moderator of the- association, will preach the farewell sermon. At the same church P.ev. J. A. Ring-am n. pustor. will talk Bunlay morn ,i li on the 'Perpetuity of God's Kingdom. " At i o'tl.s k Sunday evening a mass meet ;r:g ul Zk,n i hurr ii will be held. Prof. Rog, rs to U- the principal stieaker in a dismsslori of the presnt statu of the i.igro taie in the 1'iiHed Stales. Jf you have anll,u.. to trade, advertise it In the For Exchange column of The bee a-ant ad pfvge. Death on Klaulna ship. BtHJTON. Sept. -The death of Captain Isaac Pur.rer by suicide and the loss of i t .s-l.t ii n by going astray In a fog waa reported by the remaining members of the Iciew of the Boston fishing schooner, Jo . seph H Cronaeti. w Le biuugut lae trwaoal i Into this port twCajv