TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEEt STNTAV, SEPTEMBER 10, 1P05. 9 r HUNT ILIB CLASS FEATURE Tew Attraction to B kiitl to Horn tkow Ttit rail HOST PICTURESQUE OF THE PROGRAM and Wanri la amy Hmmt Oar aaenfa, with Their flora anal Parka, Will Stake This Beaatlfal Mht. A special effort is being mad by the bora chow directors to make feature of the hunt club class at the horse show, which will be held at the Auditorium October I to 14. No more picturesque number could be AT THE FLAT RD'JUS. The foiltr rhalraiaa" at the Boyd. Henry W Kavase's mmpnr In "The C'ountv Chairman." a corr,edy-rarria In four acts, by eorge Ad. The rast: H"n Jim Harhler Thervtnre Babcork Tilfnrd r,eei-r Ella K'gbv P. )v Cleaver i:nn rrwitt J ipiter I'ct'away Sanfras Livingston.. Je(Tr"n p.rt"C"e Vide Vk Mllibury..- Vance Jlmmlson Joe Whutaker Cal linn u j "Chub" Tolllver I Amni WhiTney, u i u I -1 n'i Hermann Lib ... Illrhard J I'lllon ... ;ore R. Caine .... Edward Gorman John Qor'rian Georg Thatcher Jam's H. Fra-lburv ... .Charley A. Purk .... Marcus Morlarty Will F. I'hilltps Joseph I'alev Harold urau memtier of fife and Claude O Hover C1h Overton, merrber of f fe ami drum corps Harry C"!ilns rawn Montgomery. mpmtr of me placed on the program than the hunt club and drum run Oeotge O. Clement team. Theae hunt club team claaaea con- j Lucy Rigby, daughter of Elll,,,u),"bjrl,ir 1st of a t-am of three huntrri. qualified or Mr, ' Eiia; ' Ri'i'.v' Orace R.mln! rreen. to be ridden by member rf an or- i Mm Jefferson Briscoe Iaura Avers aanlaed hunt rluh or hunt servant, in , lxrena Wstkln 7a nalde Williams hunt unlfsrm. Horses are shown over the ! Tlll'y0 jump aa a learn inree aoreaav. i run mr a beautiful right, with the women and men In their. gay hunting garments and th horns and the dogs. The competition In thla rlaaa la very keen and the riders must Indeed be moat aklllful If they can keep their eata on the Jump. The director are now negotiating with th famous Warrenton. Va., hunt cluba. the Lake Forest Hunt club, the Mlaaouil Hunt and Polo club of Kanaaa City, the Fenvr Polo and Hunt club and the Cudahy-Morton club of Nebraska City. Thl combination will endeavor to form a club composed of the young men and wo men of this vicinity and will itrlve to make a good showing against the cracks of the east. No more fun wa had at the lat Hore Show than the potato race which was Florid Klnslv Katherine MacDonald Two big house were thoroughly delighted with "The County Chairman" at the Boyd theatre yesterday afternoon and evening. This engaging conceit about the effect that politic has on the domestic relations and the domestic relation on local politic was here last seaon and received a critical analysts In thl column. It 1 almoat suffi cient to asure theater-goer that the com edy Is In the hands of a capable and en thusiastic company and they will know It has not lost Its charm. "The County Chair man" is not clever; It la something letter. being merely good ao constructed that It Interest one like Dickens or Victor Hugo. After the third act when curtain call are chronic It 1 George Thatcher who ap pears last and alone and bow and smile and resist appeal for "speech." Mr gotten up for the benefit of the South 1 neon ore rococ i... me prx ..i in. r.h. Th. s.r r.. .t cnn. i chairman and doea It right well but It 1 fined to thl claa and aome of the moit I tne 'd minstrel who gets the mighty hand c,ji.,.i ...... th. ...t.rr. hor I One adjective wa made for hlin. It 1 owner who entered lut for devilment. 1 r'c"- . . i I ne only tauit wun Mr. uancoc. la mat lit- till miT-r iai n i a i u i. iiriiiei , y . .n . . One night will be glvan over to gymkhana. Thl u found to be very successful at a charity horse show given In Si. Louis and furnished all sort ot amusement. Quad rille were danced on horseback, fight wrra Indulged In with lances, a la knight (if ye olden time. Another feature of the gymkhana night will be the Jap&neae flower race. A flower la pinned on a gent lapel and the women try to take It off while all are on horseback. Th cigarette race 1 one that will furnish all aorta of fun. A row of bandboxes are placed at one end of the arena, the men race for these boxes, open them, and, taking out a costume, don 1U and then, after lighting x cigarette, and raising a parasol, race back to the other end of the arena. A ladie' race which will furnish con siderable fun la one in which they race from one end of the arena to the other, ttop before a makeup stand, put on a wig ind makeup and then race back. Two-thirds cf the Horse Know boxes have been re3erved in conijllance with letter from Secretary Cowglll aaking last year patron If they wished to reserve the same boxea for this season. Applica tions have also been received from eighteen new box holder not In last year, but tboae who were box holder at the Initial show will be given the preference If they will make their wants known. There will be plenty of popular priced seals, according to come of the directors, although the ex act number will not be decided upon until the director get together ome t:me dur ing the next week or so. Headquarter hsve been opened In The I lee building, where Dr. Gray may be found at almoat any hour. A stenographer haa been installed and the place present a buina-llka appearance. Herman Lleb is a capital Tllford Wheelei "only the candidate" and carrle the cli max at the close of the second act In fine order. Mr. I'illon comes a near being the villain km It was intended Ella Rjghy should, and Messrs. Edward and John Gor man look like the real things in country editor. At any rate they have their pockets filled with newspaper and copy paper and don't seem erer to do anything In partlcjlar. One of the hits Is made by Mr. Brad bury, a the familiar specific of all national Ills but a lamb In the presence of his wife. For the benefit of the curious It may be stated that Mr. Burke, who play the part of the oldest inhabitant and heard William Penn "make a speech once" really hasn't any upper front teeth. He take hi false ones out before fixing up an artistic make-up. Of the women Mls Bridge is weet and put her heart in her voice; Miss Williams carries off feminine character honor a the fllrtatiou milliner, and Grace Romlne make a dear old lady. As the play 1 about politics forty-nine cigar are consumed during Its progress. It stay for Sunday. Matinee and evening. Great Law gait Decided. The supreme court, the people, haa de cided that Dr. Kins' New Discovery win against cough and colds. K cent and II. Tor sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug. Phi Kapaa 11 Ulaaer. The Omaha members of the Phi Kappa Pal Alumni association met at the semi annual dinner at the Millard hotel lust night, at which covers were laid for thirty-eight guefts. Impromptu talks were niaile by several of those present and a most enjovable time was had. I. C. Oberlies of Lincoln was at the fathering and scted toastmaster peeehes were male by Attorney J. M. Mucfurland, V. A. Korsmeyer, H. G Shedd nd other. The drift of ail th talks wa the furthering of the nolul work of the society and for the betterment of all ao rtal conditions. The meeting adjourned after all present had made speeches, and another htwiuei will likely be held later n the season.. MANY VOTERS ARE MOVING Large limber of Certificates Issaed Allow Votlaa: la Sew Precinct. Either there ha been an extraordinary moving about of families In Omaha during the paet year or the approaching primary election to exciting a great deal of interest. Judging from the number of certificate issued by the city clerk to voters who have moved from one precinct to another Bince last fall. Saturday night, when the city clerks' poll closed, 44 paper of this kind had been handed out. Most of them went to republicans, but a fair sprinkling waa democratic. Fifty-eight affidavits were sworn to by non-registered voter. Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy cure diarrhoea and dysen tery In all formn and In all ctages. It nver fails. Cigarette Makes Trossle. A dry goods tox, some hay. a small boy and a cigarette were the causes of some trouble and a little excitement at Seventeenth and Chicago streets last night. when the fire department was called to extinguish a blaxe which had started in the box by the boy throwing their Ut-hled cigarettes Into the hav. One of the boys wa smoking when he saw his male parent coming in his direction and the cigarette made a hurried exit. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Mt on Fot to Tjiue Sewer Bond for $125,000. QUESTION LIKELY TO GO TO THE VOTERS Adroewtea of Early Artloa Argae th Coastt-aetloa at Mala ewer Rest prta; Will Avoid Mack Troahle. It is rumored in official circles that on Monday night an ordinance will be Intro duced providing for the Issuing of sewer bonds In the sum of I'.SK W Thl matter ha been under consideration for ome time. A portion of the officials seem to favor letting the proposition go ever Until the election next April, while other eem to think that now is the time to present the question to the voter of South Omaha. Vndr the existing law the mayor and council have the right to Issue bonds In the sum of $20.non for building a complete sewer system for the city, providing, cf course, that the voter favor the proposi tion. It does not appear to be the inten tion to ask the voters for the full amount allowed by law at this time. The Idea seems to be to secure funds enough to construct a large main sewer from the south of Swift plant to the river. Writi this is done then the question of enlarging the present sewer and the building of laterals can be taken up. Those who favor taking up the proposi tion at the present time think that if the bonds carry at the fall election there will be ample time during the winter to adver tise them for ale. complete the histories and secure the proceeds. Then when spring approaches the contract can be let and the work started a soon as the frost Is out of the ground. By the building of thi main sewer first a stop will be put to litigation regarding the so-called Mud creek nuisance. Another feature Is that the suit brought by Guy C. Barton month ago wa continued on the promise of the city offi cials that steps would be taken as Boon as possible to construct a main sewer to the river. Plan for thl proposed main sewer nd for the construction of a complete swer system for the city were drawn last spring by Andrew Rosewater. city engineer of Omaha, and accepted and paid for by the city. It Is estimated that the main sewer will cost nearly I126.CW. In the past there has been some oppol- tlon to the city expending this amount of money on a main sewer, but a new house are being built the sewer are being used more and more and the need of a better system 1 becoming apparent. At any rate the voters will more than likely be given the opportunity of express ing their opinion on the question on No vember 7. Paving: Bids Monday Sight. On Monday night the city council will open bid for the bonds to be Issued for the repaving of Twenty-fourth treet from A to Q streets. The ordinances call for '!f,0(lo general Indebtedness bonds and TJOXfO Intersection bunds, the issue ito draw Interest at the rate of m per cent and run for twenty years. Judg ing from the number of Inqulrie the bidding - will be brisk. The council ex pects to secure a premium of not less than V SO0 on the issue. George Parks, head of the firm of Park. Johnson and Park, the contractor who secured the work, said Saturday that he would be ready to start paving Just a soon as the bonds had been sold and the money placed to the credit of the city treasurer. Mr. Parks said that according to hi contract the paving would be dur able. All of the old pavement, including the concrete base, is to be removed and a new baee of concrete five inches deep 1 to be put down. Then an inch of Band 1 laid on the concrete and then the Puring ton brick block. When completed the pave ment will be ton Inche thick. One ide of the street I to be paved at a time and Ml Park expressed the opinion that if there wa no delay In getting the money he could get one side completed before real cold weather seta in. Sehool Opea Moaday. Final preparation for the opening of the public chool were made Saturday. In the forenoon the faculty of the high school held a, meeting all of the faculty being present except Prof. Holcomb. In the afternoon a meeting of principal wa held and an adores on school work wa delivered by Supt. McLean. Nearly all of the teacher hav returned from their vacations and are ready to take op their work on Monday morning. Jani- 4? 4r 4i 4 4 4 4i 4i: 4i 4 4V 4 4; 4i! ti 1 1 t li J i i li u I li u 1? t t c t THIS T RflEDDl)KI FOR THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS IS KMK3 11 111, 11 UJLflft 3i Siomack B liters. I it i m t When the stomach gets "out of order" the liver and bowels are immediately affected and unless remedied at once sickness results. Severe Headaches, Coated Tongue, Bad Complexion, Poor Appetite and Sleepless flights are warnings that should be heeded. Get a bottle of the Bitters today and take a dose before meals and at bedtime, and good health is soon re gained. A 59 Years Record is back of it. It al ways cures Sour Stomach, Bloating, Heartburn, Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Insomnia, Liver and Kidney Ills, Headaches, or Malaria, Fever and Ague. Here's con vincing proof: K. Moorrhcms', Long Branch. X. J., tare: ' 1 suffered for years with Indignation and Drkpepcla, bat jour Bitter goon rwrd mr. It Is now oar family Medicine." Daniel Firming. Dublin, aaj: "Your Hitter c-urrd me of Indignition, Dyspepain and liver Trouble, and I willingly reconirued it. ,1 j e I I i I it I I tor have h-n working all week Rettlnc the school buildings in rood condition and pupils will find everything a neat a a pin when the opening session Is called to order. None rf the additional rooms are ready for occupancy and pupils will be assigned to the same bulldlncs and rooms a last year until the ad.lltlon are completed. The larger portion of the annex is now on It new site In Brown park but cannot be used at present because there has been ome delay In securing brick mtrm to aet the foundation. Indication point to a large attendance on the opening day. Cmmm Capital Cmmmtu. On of our business advantage is ample cash capital. W are known In every market a cah buyer and as everyone knows nothing Induce low prices like spot cash. We can buy for lea and sell for leaa. Our advantage 1 your gain If you trade at our store. We want your trade. We stand between you and high price. Mora than that, we tnd for only fair and quar buiinea principle. Bring u your trad. D. 8. Clark, The Leading Druggit. Joaa Kllleea Waated. City Clerk Olllin received a letter Satur day from Mr. 3. O'Brien, Paulina street. Chicago, asking the authorities here to try and locate John Kllleen. Mr. O'Brien stated in her letter that Kllleen started for South Omaha a year ago and has not been heard of lnce. She a that the young man has some money com ing to him from his father and that the fund 1 tied up until he can be heard from. In th meantime KUleen mother 1 In tralghtened circumstance. The police are asked to look for the man nd the clerk I requested to look over the death record for a year and ascertain if Kllleen died here. Kllleen is described a being about five feet eleven Inche tall, dark complexion, brown eyes, rather good looking, smooth shaven and urper teeth not even. On Monday the clerk will search the death record and In the meantime the po lice will make Inquiries. Aa4ra-Qwarfoot 'VI eadlnar. Kasmua Anderson, engineer at the Ar mour plant, and Miss Esther Quarfoot of Omaha, were married last evening at the home of Mr. and Mra Hjelm, l2 South Nineteenth street. Rev. Mr. Hendrickson of Omaha performed the ceremony. Mon day morning Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will leave for Wahoo. where they will rlit friend for a few day. After the visit they will make their home In South Omaha. Card f TTaaaka. We wish to thank the many friend and neighbor for the kindness and sympathy shown us In the sickness and death of our loved one. and for the many beautiful floral offerings. DR. DE LANNET. MR. AND MRS. CALKINS. ARTHUR CALKINS. Coopers Talon Picnic. At Barrett's park today the laboring peo ple of South Omaha will hold a picnic tin der the auspices of the South Omaha Cooper' union. W. C. Keeler, interna tional secretary of the cooper organiza tion, and W. T. Brlgga. general organ leer, will be present and deliver addresses. One of the objects of the gathering 1 to obtain the view of South Omaha labor ing men on the proposition to amalgamate all of the labor organizations of this city. The benefit of uch an organisation Is to be pointed out by Messrs. Keeler and Briggs It i expected that a large crowd will attend the picnic. Magle City Gossip. Storage and hauling. Brewer. Tel. No. SO. Mrs. C. F. Oliver pent last week with friend In Denver. John Nlckols. a Z street, report the birth of a daughter. Mr. Harry Miller of Nashville, Okl.. is here visiting friends. Miss Anna Pnrk ha gone to Sioux Cv to visit Mr. and Mr. William Weldon. Mr. John F. Schultx spent last week visaing relative In Washington county. The voting machine In the council cham ber still attracts a great deal of attention. William Wheeler and familv ot Fairfield wffe'' r 'ue,"t of Dr'' 'heeler "nd The Bohemian Catholic Turner of South Omaha will picnic at Courtland Beach today. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spoar hve moved into their new home at Sixteenth and H street. Mr. E. G. Rouelle wa confined to her home last week with a severe attack of neuralgia. Mr. and Mr. C. W. Wright are now oc cupying their new home at Twentv-elghth and B street. Rev. D. K. Tlndal! will preach morning and evening today at the Firt Methodist Episcopal church. The Presbytery of Omaha will meet Mon day evening at Cedar Bluffs, Neb. Dr. Vt heeler will attend. Chsrle A. Dunham, assistant cashier of th Packer National bank, is' away on a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. W. I. Derbyshire and children have returned from Kansa. where they spent the summer with relative. Miss Verna Todd. Thirteenth and I streets, has returned from Ashland, where she visited friends for a couple of week. The English .Lutheran will meet for wor ship thl forenoon at Maonlc hall. Twentv fifth and N street. Rev. Liver will preach. The Ladie' auxiliary of the Young Men' Christian association will meet with Mr. John Fields. Jj North Twenty-third street, Tuesday evening. "Where to Put Life' Emphasis" Is the topic of Rev. Wheeler morning sermon at the First Prehyierian church. Mr. II. C. Richmond I to sing. St. Martin auxiliary will give a dinner Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mr. J. B Waikin Dinner i to be served from i jn p. m. until 10 p. m. Z. Stambaugh editor of the Tooter, th organ of the high scl.ool. will leave Tues day for Lincoln to enter the Nebraska Wesleyan university for a full course. Regular services will be held at the Lefler Memorial church today, witu baptism and reception of member. Rev. fctanihauxh. the pastor, leave on Tuesday for Albion to attend the annual conference. "The Triumph Through Difficulties" i Rev. Andrew Renwlck auhject at the morning service at the I'nited Preshy. terian church. In the evening th tiasior will preach on the theme, "(setting Ready to Live.'' MAN WIO ROUTED J. J. HILL lamiel E. Tn SBt, x-GoTmor f Kin fi3ta, Gunt of Irothcr. UNIQUE FIGURE IN NATION'S AFFAIRS Initiates Fight Against Hill' Rail road Mera-er la orik Star at that Enseal la Olgaal Trlaraph. Former Oovernor Samuel R. Van Sant of Minnesota I In the city visiting hi brother. A. C. Van Sant, S Dewey ave nue, president of the Van Sant Business college. Governor Van Sant Is returning to St. Taul from Denver, where he at tended the Grand Army encampment. j The name Van Sant will remain famou In the annal, pot alone of Minnesota, but of the country, as the man who put to rout Jame J. Hill on the celebrated merger proposition which Hill did not make stick In Minnesota where' the law of the state prohibit the consolidation of parallel and competing lines of railroad. For two terms Van Sant was gevernor and he gave the state a trong and vigor ous administration each time. He ran for office the first time against tremendous odd It ws in 1 when John Llnd. th first democrat ever elected governor of the North Star stte. wa in office. Llnd had given the state good administration and had a powerful political machine or ganlied to upport him for the second term. Being of Swedish nativity In that tate his nationality alone became a most potent factor in hi tx half and equally a potent against Van Sant. Before the con vention which nominated Van Sant It wa the general belief that Moae E. Clapp, who ucceued the latt Cusr.man K. Ei aa senator from Minnesota and ha been elected for his second term, would be nom inated by lie republicans for governor. He was considered by many aa the logical candidate. But, though it was a national campaign year, several men fully as strong a Clapp shrunk from precipitating them--lves against John Llnd and the Clapp forces yielded to the universal feeling that two years hence would be a better Ume for their man to run for governor. Van Sant throughout his private and pub lic career has been absolutely fearless and undaunted, accepted the nomination when It wa tendered him. Clapp Men gore ml Hopeless. Walking out of the convention, one prom inent republican aald to another: "We had better nominate Van Sant than to elect a governor." It wa not urprislr.g tht thi man hap pened to be an anti-Van Bant man and a strong Clapp supporter. When the election returns came even me aatute Tarn Blxby, who guided the hip of state during the 'Van Sant cam paign tor tne republican, wa surprised to find the "little captain" elected elected, though, by a very narrow margin, over the most powerful vote getter in the state jonn una, tnree time congressman a a republican from the old Second Minne sota district, once governor as a demo crat and since that time he served a term in congress from the Minneapolis district a a democrat. But Van Sant wa not elected by a nar row margin the second time. He got there over L. A Rosing, who had been Llnd private secretary and run hi campaign, by over 66.000. Mr. James J. Hill did not support him. Nor did Mr. Jame J. Hill support him when last winter he entered the enatorlal race against. Clapp. Aside from his unique political career, Governor Van Sant wa prominent in the buslnes life Of Minnesota for many year before he occupied the executive chair For year he ha owned and operated steamboats up and down th Mississippi river, from which busine he ha amassed a snug little fortune. Governor Van Bant will return to St. Paul, his home, Monday night. BOARD WILL NOT REDISTRICT A FIRST CLASS USED PIANO IS FAR BETTER VALUE THAN A NEW ONE OF MEDIUM CRAPE Last month our factory wm ordered to tako every used Tjhno In tho establishment, no matter how slightly used, and make It UKe new. They all go on wile this week, easily the bet lot of HIGH CLASS pliino bargains shown here for year. Steger & Sons, No. 7586. Emerson, No. 81326. Stvle I". beautiful cabinet grand up- Style n. fancy mahogany, look new, right In fancy walnut case, only fret purchaser forfeits Ms equity, slightly used, looks new The sale price is balance due. $500 for $265. $500 for $275. A. B. Chase, No. 42980. Hardman, No. 44102. Style A. mahogany, colonial style, a Style S, rosewood, good a new strictly artistic piano in every way, Taken in trad toward a Stelnway looks new. Grand. $600 for $315. $600 for $250. Vose & Sons. Chickering & Sons. Stvle K. cabinet grand, splendid Largest site, rosewood, big bargain, tone and good a new, golden oak Taken In trade toward a Stelnway case. Grand. $400 for $195. $450 for $135. Nedham. Kranich & Bach. Style S. colonial walnut, used on Baby Grand, rosewood case, new year Taken In trade toward a pianola hammers, new strings, in fact all piano. wearing parts replaced with new. $350 for $190. $550 for $290. Arlon, Erbe & Co., Crown. J. P. Hale. Slnper, PavU A Sons. Well ington and many others, all guaranteed in Al shape, for 6, $105 to $135. OUR PRIVATE CREDIT SYSTEM MaVes buying: easy here, breaks up the payments In'o small bits, arranged convenience to your Income, and best of all secures your piano at the CASH PRICE. "Stelnway" and over twenty other famous makes sold at lowest prices. Call or write for catalogues and lists. AVe ship pianos every where. CITY PIANO TUNING. MOVING, REPAIRING AT LOWEHT KATES FOR RELIABLE SERVICE. TEL. 162.V SCHIYIOLLER a MUELLER THE OXE TRICE PIAXO HOl'SK. TEMPORARY LOCATION, 1407 KARNET STREET, OMAHA. NEB. mWVftV TWHi Wri-aVal Mill ItlllBagMBasaaaTMBaM 1 an DOCTORS for FJuSuaI Commissioner Refase to Cwt Coaaty to Co form with Ward Boand. THE GENUINE IS FOR. SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DONT ACCEPT ANY OTHER. -CC""iTereOs ( VVwVVw SECOND MOTOR CAR READY Peraaaaeat Iaveatloa of NtEns'i tarta Oat I ! Facile at Oaci. Motor car No. t of the Cnlon Pacific railroad 1 ready to go on tbe road. Su perintendent McKeen ha built thl car with an idea to service, and trial trip will soon be made. Gasoiln motor car No. 1 wa thirty feet long and wa built aa an experiment and fulfilled the require ment, except that it waa not large enough to handle th business which waa re quired of IL Th new oar 1 fifty-five feet long and it a beauty. Equipped with all of th latest devices known to the car builder's profession, it 1 really a thing of beauty and comfort. It ha tbe subdued side lights and the latest Idea in ventlla tlon. A trial trip waa mad laat week to South Omaha and all the machinery worked to perfection. General Manager Mohler aald: "These cars are just as th locomotive were twenty year ago, in an experimental stag, and th machinery will b perfected a Improvement prese-.t thtmreiveg." By a vote of t to 2 Saturday morning the Board of County Commissioner refused to rcdtstrlct the county to correspond with th new ward boundaries fixed by the city. Thl action wa taken after a meeting of the committee of the whole, at which Chairman Kennard and Commissioner Mc Donald and Hofeldt lined up against the resolution offered list Saturday by Com missioner Brunlng providing for five new district. When the report of the commute of the whole wa called for in open meeting the three member named voted for It adoption. The report lmply recommended that tbe Brunlng resolution be placed on file and that no further action be taken In the matter. Bhortly afterward a communication wa read from County Clerk Drexel calling the attention of the board to the necessity for outlining th commissioner districts under the new ward arrangement, so that j ne couia go aneaa ana get up tne d&iioi In proper shape. Commissioner Brunlng again tried to get the majority to back up, but in vain. Ha suggested that the clerk communication be referred to the county attorney for an opinion, but Chairman Kennard and Com missioner McDonald both took the posi tion that the board had already acted and that the matter wa ended. Bo Clerk Drexel communication wa filed. Bpe&klng of the matter afterward. Mr. Drexel said: "I don't ee how I can place the name of the candidate for county commissioners on the primary ballot. I do not know the district they live in ander the new arrangement of city ward and ao cannot properly place them' In th district which they represent and wherein they must b nominated." Are you weak, nervous and debilitated and can you see evidence from day to day that your physical system is going to decay? If you are losing the strength of vouth if your physical, mental and sexual power are being de pleted or have at some time been polluted with poisonous private disease you hould commence an active and energetic coure of treatment at once. Do you exrlence pain In different part of the body, feel momentary pell of weakness, th periodical loss of memory, dullness of brain, drowsi ness; if you feel depressed, debilitated, weak, tire and worn out. It 1 na 'ture appeal to vou to arouse yourself. Th- victim of weakr.es generally know tho cause. Lous of power gradually develop. Occasional wenkneas is Invariably the first sign of failing powers. The mm who atop the cause and begins proper treatment then Is restored so quickly by our- method of treat ment that he often does not appreciate what he ha avoided. Don t allow dl euse or weakneas to take away all the pleasure of living. Don't permit the trouble to insldlouslv progress and tenaciously fasten itself upon the system, knowing that vou are growing older and weaker each day. I-onk how many about you are 'suffering bemuse they did rot secure proper medical attention In time. Manv do not enov life; they simply Mist. In the faces of thousands can he read tlie story of a wasted life; .1ovs and pleasures are unknown to them because their vitality has been sapped. For a speedy cure of the diseases that o Insidiously destroy the intellect, s-trength and very manhood secure te service of the eminent specialist con nected with the Electro Medical Institute. They will top these unnatural drains with thilr terrible results, and restore to sound health the pitiable vlc tlme of nervo-Rexual debility, brain fatigue and wrecked manhood. We cure quickly, safely and thoroughly Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases. and all dlseaae and weaknaa of men due to inheritance, evil habits, self abuse, excesses or the reault ot peclflc or private disease. If yow cannot cavil writ OfBoe Hour I a. m. to I p. m. for lysit'om blank. Sunday. 10 to 1 only. CONSULTATION FREE. ELECTRO MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1308 Farnam St., Bstwsen 13th and 14th St a., Omaha, Kab. IBHtilax IIJ&lMIEJU-.Jl't'M-l f Bricklayer, notleol Special meeting. No. 1 Nebraska, Tues day evening. September U. T: i.irp. Im portant business. By order resident. TOO I. ATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED One each. dry good and clot rung salesmen, who can accept posi tion at Address W. D. Rumer. Alliance. Neb., smuu age, 4iiuce attd salary ut4 PRINTERS PLAN FOR FIGHT Employer Employe In Jots OSBce Aatlclaat Troable. Proprietor of th Omaha Job printing house feel that the printer' union will not call a strike In Omaha untfl th present contract between th employer and em ploye end October . Nevertheless, both sides, since the National Typothetae de clared againt th eight-hour shop, ar pre paring for the atruggle over the eight-hour day and open (hop issues, which I to be f juglit uut In nearly every l.rga city cf the eountry. The local Typothetae held a meettr.g yea terday to hear tbe report of Samuel Reea and A. T Klopp. who were delegate to th national convention at Niagara Fall, where Mr. Bee wa elected a member of th execu.lv committee, which : in practical charge of the fight for the employer. Be (ide hearing the report of the delegatus and the plan made by the national organi sation, th local Typothetae made prelimin ary arrangement tomard recruiting non union men to take the place of the striker aa fast a tl.ey go out. In accordance with th decision of the national body tep were taken, also, to arrange for a school for tho Instruction of incompetent cora putuea in order that they may be able to dn tbe difficult work In large houe Tho irluiw uxaoa wlU hold special Just the Scratch of a Pen Will Bring Abiding Health. y iw r-ITH as little trouble as tbe mere scratch of a pen you can And 5E the- way to abounding, abiding health. Just a line a tew 2 words will brlnsT. our booklet, "Tle Battle Creek Idea." pm ssi, rJ Ji We hope to send a copy into every home in America. IiV It ought to be read by eerjr man vho desires to hav physical strength, to do bis full ttiare in the world's work, fcverjr woman who wthe to perform her whole duty to herself and family, should not only read It, but carefully, thoughtfully study it. There is nothing pedantic in the booklet no exploitation of fads or fancies just plain, straightforward talk and practical truths. It tells of a rational life you can lire in your own home, whereby you can secure per manent health. It tells the cause of sickness and weakness. It shows tba part that diet plays In making or marring careers. You can follow 1 ts teachings without interference with business or home duties. There is absolutely no charge no obligation on your part if you ask for the booklet now, or la the future. So write today NOW. Address BATTLE CHEEK KAMTAR11M CO Ltd., DepU, Battle Creek, Mkh, meeting Bunday afternoon at I o'clock to take up th matter and prepare to act In accord witw order from President Lynch and th executive committee. Ha Sold Tfcoaaaad of Bottle of t hamberlalo' C olle, C holera sal Diarrhoea, RrmeSr Sever Had a Ulatiaed easterner. Mr. E. E Kuhan'.ts. proprietor of the Corner Drug Store. Johnton City, 111., say: "1 have been continuously engaged In the retail drug business since April. and hav sold during that ttm thousands of bottle of Ci'-atr.berlaln's Colic. Cholera and Lilarrboea Kerr.edy. I can truthfully aay that I have never been askd to refund a customer money who was dissatisfied wltb this remedy. I take pleasure in recom mending It to all of my customer who ar In need of such a medicine " All druggist are authorised to refund th money to any customer who I not satisfied after using thl remedy. W '-swat jl 't1i7 Yellow Wrier at Batoa Boose. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. I Advtoea wer received here tooay i.'.at eliow fever ha appeared si batua Ruuxt. Its capitaL 00GT0R GEARLEG AMD GEARLE9 Wi us our own nana In our bualna; yov ki.ov w ha you ar dolnj business with. Ceaaaitsttoa FY. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE rursd. Method new. without aaia'or toas f Uili CHA RUE1 LOW. Bl m I DD tfli crd for Ufa. aooa evory BLLUd ru.ua ,;n symptom ore 04 body. Is mouth, u-ngue. throat, hair and eyebrows lolling out disappear eomplotal w7.r.enocs, Un "s, "JlS nervous debitty. early docilLe. lack of vigor and strength. IRlNAflr. Kidney and Blasder Trouble. Weak back. Burning Lrine. Frequency of t'nnatlr.g. L'nn High Colored or with ad t: a y Bdlmnl oa standing. Treatment by m.il U years OT STJ.V CefX'L PRACTICE IN OalAHA. Co aor til liLb mum Loughs, T -t