THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1905. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Here Is an Opportunity to Save Money The fyhmollor & Mnollor Pinno Co., mnnuaoturors of high grado pianos, nro poinpollod to dispose of 150 instruments regard jess of cost, to make room for new fall stock. It -will pay the shrewd buyer to visit our salesrooms, get our prices and see our various styles. Fifty new pianos, made in Boston and Xew York, regular price $275, .'i00 and $.T)0, our special price $145, $lf5 and $K. These are reliable and well made pianos, fine tone and good action and very durable. Are in mahogaNy, walnut and oak eases. In rebuilt pianos we have a number of Steinway, Knabe, 'bickering and other well known makes, repaired in our own fac tory and in splendid condition, at prices ranging from $75 up. Xot'iee our special bargain list: used rrmciiT pianos. Fanrtiard & Co., phony rasp CoIUro Upright, wnlnut finish ('flickering, row-wood rasp RrrioTson, phony case Vone & Sons, oak case BtPRpr & Sons, ullghtly n.ed, mahogany case Hardman, rosewood case, lieiiiitlful tone .nrf hIzp Rmorson, filthily usm1, only Kranleh & Hach Uaby Grand, only TERMS, $10 CASH AND $5 PER MONTH. USED SQUARE PIANOS - HallPt & Davis $15.00 Dunham 21.00 United States Maker 4o.00 Beautiful Knabe '6.00 USED AN I ) NEW ORGANS Pav State, high top Whitney & Holmes Kimball, walnut rase Ilpethoven, with looking glass Fine Kstey, walnut ease ISurdotte Chapel Also all new makes of New Organs, $30.00, 40.00, $50.00 and up. TERMS TO SUIT THE BUYER. For rpnt, New pianos. $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 per month. Six months tent allowed on run hate lirke. Pianos Tuned, Moved, Stored, Repaired and Exchanged. Telephone 1625. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Largest Piano Hoiirp in the Vest. Temporary Location, 1407 Harney St. SPECIAL ' SALE ON S.H. MACHINES These ninchlneg hure'all been thor tighly overhauled and are the lnteM thing that the different manufactories produce. They are complete with at tachment and are guaranteed to be la Irst cluss condition. The following Is a list of machines, we lave ou baud: Singer, 6-drawer, drop head $20 Davis, B-drawer, drop bead.,... 17 Davis, 7-druwer, drop head 20 Standard Automatic Grand 25 White, B-drawer, irop bead 15 Domestic, 6-drawer, drop head. . 20 Second-hand machines, box top, of very make, from $5 to $10. These are complete with attachments and will give rou good service. We rent machines 75c per week. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 'Phone 1663. Corner Fifteenth and Harney 625 North 24th St.. South Omaha. 834 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Q- AUTOMOBILE SNAPS JJ.300 Royal Tourist, with top com plete equipment, 3b b. p., almost new $1,800 $3.000 Four-Cylinder Wlnton, side en trance, 1!, 36 h. p., new $2,250 $2,600 Two-Cylinder Wlnton, new, car ried over from last year $1,750 $2,S0O- White Bteamer, top, baskets, four lamps, first-class shape $1,200 $1,000 Shelby, 2 or 4-pubenger, full equipment, new 12 h. p $ 750 t 850 Model A, Cadillac removable ton- neau, second-hand, good shape... $ 400 tl.000 National Kleulrlc. Willi too. slightly used $ S50 7oO Bieam Locomobile, second-hand, good shape $ 200 I 760 Model E Rambler, second-hand, good shape $ S25 t 70Ol'ope Tribune, 2-passenger. al most new. first-class shape $ 390 I 425 Orient liuckbuurd, new, 2-pas senger (can be run up the bills)..! 326 All models of 1'." t adillms In stock. 11. E. FREL'RICKSON. 16th and Capitol Ave. The old Stand. HIGH SCHOOL, CADET COAT for sale at a buntain; will tit medium-sized boy. Coat is regulation style and in per Isct condition, toi boy wno has to buy a new uniform parents can save several Collars by taking mid coal. A 41, Ree. Vl-ui'7 10 fl'LLKIS AND COl NTER SHAFTS AT A 11AHUA1N. $0 pulleys, from to inches to 4S Inches in diameter? counter shuns, couipiuie. These are all lu lusl-cluss condition. vV. 1L JtiriUges, engineer, lied iitdg. Q 1U FOR SALE1 Two life scholarships on Omaha ousineas colleges. Address Dwignt Williams, Onmua Bee, Omaha, Nab. W 4- FOR SALE, about fifty feet ornamental galvanised lrou cornice and ornamental iron posts, suiluble lor show window. Ap ply superintendent Bee Bldg. y JUfc-u rOR ' BALE A good eight-room house; want it moved from lot Write me about 11. Address A 5, Bee officii. y 3W x FOR SALE A hard coal stove, Art Gar laud, lu best condition. H14 Charles St. WM521 x FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar nxturts uf all kinds; easy payments. Send fur catalogue. Bi unswick-Balke-Collender, 4o7 S. luili St., Omaha. U Wi COMPLETE 11ns new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. TL )20. ID-HAND aate cheap. L'erlght, 1119 Far- y-Hi (360 Bl'YB good runabout automobile, guar- anteea ii cost 60, anteed lu good running order; original Address iJt narney 61. U-42 IHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Sherman & McConueli Drug Co., Oruaha. Q i43 CHEAP chlclsrn fence, long fir timbers and telephone poles. K'l Douglas. g-tkW MILCH COWS on easy terms. Center. 43d and y 533 W-FOOT oak wall case, with IS drawer and sliding glass doors. 4L6 8. 16lh St. FOR BALE I have some bargains in pure bred poultry, all leading varieties, at sacrifice prices. Write todav before too late. J. W. Miller. Box A, Fret-port. I1L NEW I'nderwood typewriter for P cash: owner must sell at once as he is leaving town; latrit Improved Model No. 6: never vised. Call at one. Room 102. McCague Hldg. Sf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS $ 86 . 105 . 125 . 155 , 190 , 2251 , 245 . 2S5 . 310 i.uu 16.00 18.00 24.00 28.00 35.00 POR HALE One Round Oak heater, prac tically new, $13; also some oil paintings. Smith, 2W1 Ohio St. Q 766 lOx FOR BALE I have 42 disc records for Kramophone: take the lot for $5. R. L. Chumbley, 2626 Hamilton St. y 682 10x EVERYTHING FOR HOI "SICK EE PINO We don't charsre Installment store prices. Our stock Is the best In Omaha. Terms, $Jf worth, $1 a week. OMAHA FCRNnVRE & CARPET CO. Between 1-tli and lUth on Farnam. Q 785 10 $15 WILLhuv a Radiant Home base burner, Hood condition, cost $42. 2(-63 Ohio St. Q M2 lOx SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain in steam fittings call and look over the following supplies; 1.8-lnch Austin horizontal soparutor. l.S-lnch Austin's horizontal separator. 1.4-tnch Austin's vertical separator. These have been taken out on account of changes in our steam plant and are in good condition. Address Bee Building Co.. or see W, H. Bridges, engineer, Bee Bldg., Omaha. Q 63a FOR SALE One large Sherwood Ave. sideboard. 1414 W 607 11 ONE young Jersey cow 3-y ears-old; giving milk; $. Call W. Ucst, ism Saratoga St, MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. W. r amain omitn dt Co., liJJO larnam St. W 964 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-965 GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. City loans il lowest rates; no delay; get our terms. W fc LOWEST rates, city property; 6 P. C. on iarms in eastern ieo. liemis, faxton Blk. w w HUILD1NG loans on residence property; per cent. W. IS. Melkle, Ramge block. W 968 FR1 VATE money. P. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas V a69 $1,0(0.000 TO LOAN on huslness and resi dence properey In Omaha; lowest rates; no oeiay. i nomas urennan, xv. x, N. i. Life, W 70 WANTED-Clty loans. R. C. Peters & Co W-971 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W 972 LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or to build with: can pay it back in monthly payments. Hastings & Heyden, 1iWj Far nam Bl. w Vii Low Rates, Private Money, $100 and Up, C11A3. t;. 1L1AS1SU. CO. W WANTED TG RENT WANTED Two rooms suitable for kinder garten and primary school West Farnam vicinity, is. j. wanng, iiOf park Ave. K-Mi42 10 WANTED To rent, by family of three adults, small furnished house or cottage until spring. Good care will be taken of the house and a reasonable rent paid references exchanged. State location and price In reply to A 86, care Bee. K-362 lOx WANTED Two or three furnished rooms with board in refined private family by family of three; no objection to distance; references exchanged. Address A 47. care Bee. K 612 Vix WANTED Hy traveling man and wife one or two rooms, furnished or unfur nlshed. with board near. Private family preferred. Heference exchanged. Ad dress, A 45, care Bee. K 719 lux WANTED To rent, suite of 1 or S unfur- nisned rooms, prefer private family, wes or southwest part of city. A 4. care Bee. Jx M732 llx TRAVELING man. with wife and child aesires rooms witn board; must be pleas am iim clean. Aoaress A 01 He. K-627 15x W ANTED 8 or 10-room house, modern, close in. A 67, care Bee, K 800 lOx WANTED Two or three furnished rooms in modern nouse tor housekeeping, b gentlemen and wife; rrefer vicinity o o. n'ln oi. Auaress A v, care Bee. K Msr WANTED, to rent. 7 or 8-room furnished noiise ror winter; responsible party 4 uoiiw fvcu-oiTw, or snaress a no Mfi K-W lOx PATENTS H. A. STCRGES. registered attorney; pat ems, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un t ien Buccesiui, on r. r. ute, umaha. -96T PiTrVTfl W'e procure the valuable kind. I anllel cases from those who appreciate the best work obtainable L. C. Sharp Machine LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTOK Ntia rrtrvwhrn Th. v.-, cn Church Co.. main fl.. N. T. Life. Phone 133. J, M. MacfarUnd. 4 N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. 165 FOR RENT HOUSES Hf II IW-i n" l"ts of tle city. R llUUJtSu Peters & Co., lice Hldg. 1 kal THIS Omaha Van & Storage Co. rank. move mid store il. H. goous. Storehouse. 1 1 .lii V lull, I .Ml i : , liJ'-:'4 N. ?vu. Willie, r arii'titi. L Ss3 Tel. 155. WE MOVE r'anos. Maggard Van Stor age Co. Tel. UW. Ottice, 1713 Webster St. HOimP I" all parts of the city. The O. F. Davis Co., (ViS tiee l;ldg. HOUSES. Insurance, Illngwult. Parker Blk. KOU.MS, houses, stores. Tlzard, 2J0 N. 23d. llol "SEFl'RNISH I N !S can be bought tf lis fully -."i per cent cheaper than at install ment stores. We have the best sunk In Omaha. Terms. $J.r worth, tl a week. OMAHA Fl H.N'ITl HE CARPET CO., Dtlween and l.lth on Famum Si L 7!sJ 10 PIANO moving-; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1621, bchmuller 6l Mueller. 214 St. Maiy's Ave., modern; $10. D MUSS 3Jb MAItCY ST.. 9-room modern house, porcelain bath, new turmue, all in choice con. limn; etuliie luce lawn and shade; vacant Sept. 1; Wo and water. 13(0 H. 27th ft., S-room house, modern ex cept furnace; In Htst-class order; $.'-t. UARV1N URoS., Ku4 FAK.NAM ST. D-MS10 8-ROOM house, modern, good repairs. J1S. 2KI and Wright Sts 'i'lione 523. D 127 KOR RENT "-room and 8-rootn houses, all modern, near high school and Crelgh tnn college; $30 and $32.00. Inquire at jl N. 19th St. . D 411 SEPT. ft 8 rooms and bath, hot water heat, steel range; owner pays water rent; first-class tenant may apply; rent $30. 810 North 33d. Inquire In rear. D 404 14x 1541 8 . 29TH AVE., modern. 2-story brick dwelling. 9 rooms, facing Hanst'om Park; rent Inquire 1115 S. 321 St. J. N. Richards. 11623 FOR RENT 2524 Caldwell St., 8 rooms, all modern, $.'6 per mo. 1433 So. lHh St., 3-rooni cottar". $7.50 per mo. GEORGE & CO., 1001 Farnam St. 0560 9 OCTOBER IS. modern house of seven rooms ana reception nan, it.' s. .mm at ; rent $40 and water. W. A, Smith. IT. 3. Bank Hldg. Tel. 34r.S. D-M570 14 HOI'SE to rent. Mr block from alnut IIIII cur line; win sen rurniiure. ri. Har ney 2214. D-Mf.75 llx DESIRABLE 8-room house; large barn; fine yard; stirs Chicago street, mngwnit Bros.. Barker hlock. T 601 11 LARGE two-story barn. ZTth and Leaven worth Sts. N. i: oodge & Co.. iii4 Far nam St. J 63 llx FOR RENT On 2fith Ave., aonth of How- nrd, a cottnRe or 7 rooms and larce nnth- rnnm; price $25 per month. Apply Ills Douglas St. TEN ROOM modern house; all conveni ences; perfect repair. 7'i6 N. 19th street. 1 B'.!! 13?2 So. lulh Ave., seven-room house, bath; stable. ts. Inquire next door. r-04 ir,x n 2 Charles St., six rooms; modern. ?5. K. J. Sullivan, 3 8. 13th St. D fiofi EVEN-ROOM, alt modern, brick house, 10H3 No. 2ftth St.. $2 Good and warm. Turklngton. 602 I!ee Bldg. D MfinS 12 TWO new hlh (trade houses In cbolce part of West Farnam district. Will he reinlv for occupancy about September 15th. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. D-773 10 1112 R. 32d 9 rooms, modern, barn, $40. 20O2 Farnam 9 rooms, modern except fur nace, $42. 1914 N. 27th 8 rooms, partly modern. $17.50. M7 S. 21t 5 rooms, modern except fur nace, $20. 227 Spruce 4 rooms, first floor. $10. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Fhrtinm St. il 772 10 FOR RENT New brick apartment, strictly modern, 6 rooms, reception hall, hot water beat furnished; opposite Brownell Hall 817 Pine St. D 775 l"x FOR RENT 7-ronm house, modern except neat, paven street, splendid neighbor hood. Barlght, 14 Arlington Rlk D-765 lOx FOR RENT Modern 7-room cottage. 2420 Caldwell St.; rent, $2G. D 768 lOx TO RENT Furnished 6-room cottng-e In South Omaha. Address H. R. Balvlllo, care U. P. Depot, South Omaha D-M754 llx FOR RENT. $30.00604 N 23d St., 7 rooms, modern, good repair. $25.002154 8. 33d St., 7 rooms, modern ex cept rurnace. $27.50 3-i31 Mnrcy St.. 7 rooms, modern. $.'0. on 6-j N. 41st St., 6 rooms, modern, new. $30. 00 KU7-13 Jlarcy St., 9 rooms, modern. J. V. Sholes ComDany. 721 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. D 753 10 FOR RENT. 2602 Ponpleton Ave.. 8 rooms, all-modern first-class condition. 209 S. 2Mh Ave., 7-room modern house. walking distance. $25. 4024 Nicholas. 7 rooms, splendid location, mooern except rurnaee, tsi.w. 1115 N. 17th, 6 rooms, walking distance, $22.50. .26 Wirt. (I rooms, barn. etc.. 117. 4013 N. 2.'.th. 6 rooms, partly modern. $18. 4012 N. 2oth, 6 rooms, city water and barn. 1314 S. 84th. 6 rooms, city water and cas. 112 2314 N. 27th St., 5 rooms, city water, sewer. puou repair, iurnisnen, incnimng piano, base burner, etc., $1S a month. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 17SL D-749 10 FOR RENT 1615 Howard St., -ronm mod ern flat. $25 per month. Gefirge Co. 1601 Farnam. M D 760 1 0 FOR RENT 9-room modern house, 1060 Georgia Ave. $40 00. 8-roim modern bouse and barn, 2210 8. 32d JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. JJ M(Jl 14 FOR RENT Cottage, 6 rooms, modern ex cept furnace. 1541 N. 18tn St., $-'). D-636 llx FOR RENT 1340 9. !7th, 7 rooms $"3 no 3048 California, 8 rooms, modern ex cept furnace no 423 N. 8Mb., 8 rooms, modern, barn... $27 50 SOUTH OMAHA. 1021 N. 21st. 6 room ex heat tv nn 613 N. Y. L. SWEET & BEST. Tel 1472. D 630 10 9V)S TTamtlton. 5 rooms. $12.50. 2-2 Harney, 8 rooms. $17.'. T , ll I V V I'll I V I T : ,,im .-, . itr,i.-, i- iiL.i.r.u, J 1 I , Vlvl r . t D 744 10 44TH & DonoE ST.. 8 rooms, modern $19 BEMIS, Paxton Block. D 794 10 EIGHT-ROOM furnished house for rent $172 Farnam. D 799 l)x ' 12-room house, partly modern, &H8 N. 21st. 8-room house, modern except furnace 29"i Farnam. 8-room house, modern with furnace and barn. 9b N. Z5th St. l-room house, modern except furnace, 2629-35 Dcwtra. 8-room house, modern except furnace. 630 8. 21st Ave. 8-room house, modern except furnace. 2712 Caldwell St. ' 604 N t3d"'8t modern wl,tl 001 furnace, 6-room house, modern except furnace. 26"9 Charles Bt. 6-room house, modern except furnace, 8519 Lafayette Ave. 6-rooni house, modern except furnace, with barn. 119 8. Bth St. 4-room cottage, neat home. 8568 Leaven worth. F. D. WEAD 1524 Douglas St. D-778 10 $27 50-1314 S. 17th. St., 7 rooms, modern. $6u0 70s 8. 28th, 6 rooms, modern. $22.501912 8. 34th, rooms, modern. I t .00 28' 1 8. J2d. 6 rooms $16.00 Smo Franklin, i rooms. $15.00-4434 Spaulding. 8 rooms. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co. Ground Floor pea Bldg. D-767 10 MODtR.N bouse. Inqulra 17 Clark Bt. P-MTW 11 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Large, dctntrhed 14-room resl- oenrn; jytn and Lenvenwonn; newiy painted Mtlt.m 'tinted and papered; steam heat. Apply Rogers & Sons Co.. 14' h and Farnam streets. D-.MM4 11 PAYNE, P.OBTWICK A CO. 341 So. lMh, 3-It; city water; close to 8. O. car; nicely papered; 17. 342 So. 1Mb. 6-R; nice shape; barn; good yard, $15. 34f3 1urt, 6-R ; strictly modern; cheap at f.. 1224 Hi. 27th, B-R; rlty water; nice yard; paved street, etc.; $11. 1546 and lf4 So. 27th; two splendid houses; 7-R; all modern; $2f; real bargains; see them. 4022 Fartiam; choice 8-R house; strictly modern; new plumbing; good barn; fine yard; $.15. 3214 Emmett; nice P-room house; city water; good shape; only $16; a snap. We have others. P.-e our list hefore you move Pivne, Hostwlck & Co., 01-3. N. Y. Life building. l-4i.1 10 SPECIAL. 1Nc.'-1xo7 Mason St.; 0-room each: city water Inside; nice shape; close In; only $10 each. Payne, Hostwlck & Co., 6nl-3 N. Y. Life. D X02 10 EI. E' J A NT 7-room brick house, farnam and 25th Sts. Inquire 241" Jones St. D M4 10x 8-RHM house, nil modern. $37.60; 11-r. house, modern, $:5; l-r. house, modern, $30; S r. house. $23. Anson & Co.. 42fi Piix ton block. H 816 lox BUSINESS CHANCES MANAGER wanted for Immigration and land otllce; must ho man of character and business snitaelty; guaranteed salary and comnilssion from $4,0eO to $10.o per annum to right paity, with free trans portation over lines operated upon; must Invest from $1.03 to $2.0no; fully guaran teed; best of references required. Address Oklahoma-Texas Land Co., American Ex press Hldg., Oklahoma City, Okl. Y-6S3 10 WORTH $5.0000 with $1,000 additional ex pense will clear $3,oco annually; Investi gate this. Box 67, York, Nen. Y-M709 12 "THE K IPS OF GOI.D"-net It gratis, by sending bame and address a postal card will do. "Worth Its weight In gold" Is the way orte enthusiastic correspondent .puts It; tells all about the big gold mines of the west, how to invest In mining properties for profit, also gives detailed Information concerning other safe securll ies how to mnke your money work for you, nlKht and day. Write at once and we will send you a copy of 'Southwestern Success'' along with "The Kiss of Gold." Southwestern Securities Company, 5th floor E. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Y 687 lOx $2 Ot'ARANTEKS six winners; Inside race track Information; three horses tele graphed dallv; Aucust $2n.O won $565.00. Scadler, 26 East lttli St., New York. Tf-6M 10x $!25,0v Or part, for Investment In good enterprise without services. 1. K,. Cam eron, Sentinel Bldg., Milwaukee. Wis. Y-702 10x WE BI'Y and sell stock and bond Issues; companies organized by law department: new enterprises supplied with capital; milekly. Todd & Co., 112 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Y 721 lOx BIG MONEY $10 buys puts or calls upon ln.ino nusneis wneat; no runner hsk; movement of 5 cents makes you $.'A. Write for circular. The Standard Grain Co., Cleveland. O. Y-713 10x FOR SALE A staple, clean, well kept stock of general merchandise. In a new, live town, with a Inre productive territory, in central Nebraska; 111 health forces owner to sell; will Invoice about $5. Oik); must be cash; no trade will be considered; excep tional opportunity for securing a well established business In a good town; will bear closest Investigation. Address A 5S, Bee. Y 813 lOx L'P-TO-DATE stock of farm implements, nuggies ami wagons, invoicing $i,k), in Nebraska town of 30,0tt; annual business $lfi,uno to $1i.h.pu. Reason for selling, other buslnws. win discount slightly for cash, or would take some good real estate In exchange. Si IOLE9-A RMSTRONO CO., 722 N. Y. Lite. Tel. 49. Y-746 10 FOR SALE-Bakery. Bee. Address A 38, care 157 lux IF YolJ want to buy, sell rent or exchange real estate or business QL'ICK see (Joinp-ton-Waits Co., 635 Pax ton Blk. Y 946 PARTY owning a large and rapidly growing huslness ot lu years stanuing in tins city desires to place some uf his slock on guar antee of 1 pur cent dividend per annum, payable semi-annually. Address lOU, Kee. Y-806 13-RooM boarding bouse for sale; desirable location. Add it ss 130, care Bee. Y A1189 S12 BOARDING house at a bargain, 13 rooms, close in. Owner leaving city, tui N. lhtn, Y-M520 S13x WE have run two of the most successful generul stores in southeastern Neb. for several years, with stocks staple, clean and well kept in fact, the largest stores and sales in cither town, with liberal proflte. After a recent sickness of 90 days and other business plans, we will sell either or notn stores tor caafi, or not over Mi cash, bal. clear Neb,- land. Rtocks will Invoice about $12,000 each. These are safe, well paying Investments for live business man. Address 136, Bee Y-248 BANKER wants to buy country bank, or local ion for a new bank. Correspondence confidential. Address A l, care Kee. Y-M367 lOx FOR BALK Itestaurant ana conrectlonery in good town of about 850; good lunch counter in connection. A snap If taken at once. Address A is care Bee. Y 471 13 $700 buys a new clean stock of drugs, In county seat; snap u taaen at once. Ad dress A 19 Bee. Y-475 lOx FOR SALE A first class Jewelry and sta tionery slock In a good northeastern Ne braska town that has 2.000 Inhabitants. Will be sold cheap for cash if taken at once. For further particulars write to J. P. Falter, Plattsmouth, Neb. Y 480 13 FOR SALE Old established book, station ery and news business. In tnrlvtng town In southwest Iowa; a bargain If Ukn In thirty duvs. Address beecher & Miller, Creston. la. Y-5A8 13 FOR SALE I.nrgest bakery In one of Nebraska's best towns; will give easy pavments to reliable purchaser. Address A 24, care Bee. Y 610 lOx FOR SALE Manufacturing plant, estab lished six years and making money all the time. Employs twelve persons, run ning steadily and on paying basis. Price $1,000. SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., 7,2 N.Y. Life. Tel. 49 BLACKSMITH SHOP for sale In eastern Nebraska. leading shop In town; mod ern; two set of tools; gasoline engine and trip' hammer; doing good business. For sale cheap if taken soon; tired of busi ness. Address A 23, care Bee. Y 512 12 FOR SALE By owner at Ord, Neb., a good building and best location, with bar fixtures therein; now renting for $W per month. Address Postofflce Box 211. Long mont. Colo. Y-538 1.x FURNISHED HOTEU modern improve ments for sale or rani, imi .V. ' Corning, la- Y-M545 14 FINANCIAL firm, established 1849. Is open for high class bond or stork proposition of merit. Industrial or manufacturing ; un developed propositions not considered; hive large clientele throughout I nlted States and Canada; corporations formed, details attended to. William Harnev & Son. Stock Dept.. Grove and York Sts., jersey City. K. J. T-6u8 lox MAKE CANDY FLOSS Pure, healthy, good to eat; daily profit $20 to $70. Stamp for particulars. Small investment J. Tallant. Clarlnda, Iowa. Y 67 log Address Me For My Monthly Magazine, INVESTING FOR PROFIT." It shows how money is made and how It grows Into fortunes large, or comfortable; how to Invest Judiciously. It Inspires the love nf financial Independence; points the way to Investments that pay best, yet are safe, and Is Indispensable to any one before In vesting a dollar, and every one who can save $")) or more, per month Just now I II send It for ONE FULL YEAR FREE L'unviu to Ihnsn who sk ror n. r. ORFOORT, 4- Great Northern " Chicago. Y-672 U'X I II AVE $5.0O to Invest In any legitimate business. A 60. Bee. Y-638 10 DENTAL office partner wanted; good prop osition to the right man wHn a little Bivney. A 53, car Bee. Y-619 1U BUSINESS CHANCES CASH for your real estate or business, no mHlter where located. If you desire a quick snle send us description and price. Northwestern Huslness Agency. D 312, Hank of Commercu Hldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Y FOR BALE A first-class hotel, with good business. In southwestern Iowa; a snsp for someone. Address G. M. Porter, Hox 663, Flattsmouth. Neb. Y MY FREE BOOK m. and tells: How to tell a good investment; bow to Invest small sums; how you can convert $bJ Into $.158. 83; how to guard gainst poor Investments, etc., etc. If yo.i are able to save $10 or more a month from your Income, you should not fall to own a copy. Not an advertisement of any Invest ment, but full to the brim with Information that every one should possess before they Invest a dollar. Afck for It on a postal anil I'll send It FREE bv return mall. W. M ostrmer. T27 North American Hldg., Philadelphia. Y PATENTS SECURED. OR FEE RETI RNEU. Illustrated Guide Hook and 1.1ft of Inventions Wanted, free to any address, patents secured bv us advertised free In World s Progress. Sam ple copy free. EVANS, WII.KINS A CO., &SS F ST., N. W WASHINGTON, L). C. Y tOV can never profit by business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L. Brandels A Sms, Bankers, 16th and Douglar Sts. Assets over $400.00 00. Y- BLt'E BOOK OF PATENTS and list of In ventions wanted, free to any address. Patents secured or fee returned. Geo. S. Vashon & Co., 924 F St., Washington, D. C. Y WANTED Large, well established Chicago manufacturing company, making staple line of goods widely known, wants satis factory man with $5.iJbo cash to establish and carry on branch business; $260 per month salary and all expenses, with share of profits extra; safe Investment; per manent engagement and high class busi ness; good for $6.0"0 per year or better, with big future Increase. References re quired. For particulars address; Henry Weston, 1108 Trude Bldg., Chicago. Y-679 lOx FOR SALE Laundry, old established and good paying; nw doing $JUU to $250 per week. Machinery up-to-date and in good order. Price $4,mX SHOLES-A RMSTRONO CO.. 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 4H. Y-74S 10 ATTENTION IN VESTORS One of the best on proposition on the market. New field, unlimited possibilities. For particulars, address The Mutual oil Co., 34 Broadway, Fort Madison, Iowa. Y 718 lOx FREE Six months; a mining paper worth reading; It shows how to make money; write for It. North American Miner. 84 Broadway, New Yor, Y 734 lOx MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. EASY TO GET. EASY TO PAY. WHEN YOLT WANT MONEY Why not go where you can get It cheapest and from an old established firm who handles their own mnnev. Establish a credit with them that will he of value to you in the future. We loan on furniture, plsnos. live stock and salaries. Small WEEKLY or, MONTHLY PAYMENTS, which are suspended In case of sickness or out of employment. Facts are, we want your business. Established 1889. Duff Green Loan Co. S and 9 Barker Block. TEL. 4034. X451 Our Money Is loaned on furniture, pianos, live stock and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. Our rates are as low as any; our service Is quick and quiet, und we never, charge for making papers or notary fees. We want your business if you ever borrow money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO,, 306 South 16th Street. Tel. 2295. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. (Established 1S92.) X-108 LOANS. LOANS. THE PLACE TO GET MONEY ON FURNITURE PIANOS, JEWELRY ON SALARIES AT THE LOWEST RATES. THE WESTERN LOAN CO. 813-314 Neville Block, Cor. 16th and Harney. X797-10 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE AND PIANOS. AT LoWLSl' RATES; QUICK EST SERVICE AND MOl' CONFI DENTIAL TREATMENT. The annoyance of owing bills In several places may be eliminated by obtaining enough money of us to pay all your debts and at the same time establishing credit with an old, reliable firm, where you can obtain money whenever you need it. Lib eral rebate If paid sooner than agreed. Pri vate interviewing room. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. S07-8 Paxton Blk. X 306 Money to Loan on Real Estate Payne Investment Company, First Floor N. Y. Life Building. Telephone 1781. CHATTEL LOANS. We have money to loan at a reasonable rate on diamonds, pianos, household furniture or oilier good chattel securi ties to parties wiioee position in life re quire it at such transactions be made and held in strict cunndence. Union Loau and Investment Co., 212 Bee. Tel. 24. X 115 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy tavments. Ofllces in 53 principal cities. Toltnau, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-114 BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cows. Plain note if steadily employed. 708 N. Y. Life. MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. 1'r. Prlbbe now, ro Jin 214, at 2u9 8. 15lh St. Tel. BJiM. X 112 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry horses, cows, tic. C. F. Reed, 319 8 13. ' X-11S CHATTEL and SALARY LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO , Tel 745. 32-8 Paxton Block. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR . , . . . .-. , . r, . -v'-r. .v n i u- V lint CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. IM farnam oi. a iv trim h T j-n n Office, reliable, acrommodat lng; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. A 11" FINANCIAL i rnr-n tmfV Is called "How MI TIAtti UOJI Money Grows," nd tells: How to tell a good investment bow to Invest small sums; how you can convert $100 Into $35S.W; how to guard . Investments, etc.. etc. If you 1 .1,1k to save 110 or more a month from your income, you snouiu uui ja ,u wwi, copv. Not an advertisement of any invest ment, but full to the brim with Information that every one should possess before they Invest a dollar. Ask for It on a postal and I'll send It FKEfc. by return man. W. M. OeTRANDKR. m North Aroerluaa Lj4 i'tiiladj;! s I LOST AND FOUND BLACK cow. white fare: suitable reward If returned to 2616 Poppleton Ave. Ixst-4-.5S I-ST-At Krug Park or on street car, lady's small open face gold watch and chain; Intlsl In tck, E. K. Reward for return to 27u7 Farnam. Inst 6R1 10 PI BETA PHI fraternity pin. (arrow), Kate lleacork, (name on back), Friday on Georgia Ave. Please return to 1125 Geor gia Ave. Valueless except to owner. Lost -733 llx WANTED TO BUY I HAVE $2.0X) to $3000 to Invest In a com mercial hotel of 30 to 40 rooms. Address A 64. care Bee. N 637 10 A GOOI.) ten-horse power steam engine and boiler; must be i help and In good order. Call W. Best, 2508 Saratoga St. N-821 10 CLAIRVOYANTS Palmist M ME BUDDH A Clairvoyant, located over 113 8 16th. upstairs. Result ful predictions guaranteed. B 947 YOUR fortune told by the most reliable clalrvo ants. Send blrthdnte, dime and stamp.' Profs. Carl A Rollln, 4W N Clark St.. Chicago R-U49 lOx DANCING ACADEMY MORAND'S adult classes are now open; lessons Tues. and Frl 8. p. m.; 12 lessons, ladles, $6; gentlemen, $7; former snd high school pupils and college students, $4. Tel. 1041. Private lessons dallv. 242 Ol to get a home Is to take shares In the Omaha Loan and Building Association. The greatest blesglng an Ameri can can have Is his own HOME. This Association has been aiding Its members to get homes for over twenty-two years. Call for infor mation. 1704 Farnam St. Roe Building. G. AV. LOOM IS, President. . M. NATTINOEH. Secretary. CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR STREET IM PROVEMENT. Sealed proposals are Invited and will be received by the City Clerk of the City ot Omaha on Tuesday, September 12, 190o, at 8 o'clock p. m In the Council Chamber In the City Hall, for the improvement of that part of Capitol avenue from the east Hue of Twenty-sixth street to Twenty-seventh avenue, in Street Improvement District No. 847, by curbing and paving, In accordance with Ordinance No. 6592. Bids for such Improvement must be upon asphalt, stone, vitrified brick, vitrified brick block, artificial stone or macadam, and all bidders are required to designate the lo cality, quarry, kiln or factory from which will be furnished the specltio material to be used by them with its commercial designation. - Proposals must be made upon printed blanks to be furnished by the City Engi neer, who will also furnish instructions to bidders, together with specifications and form of contract and bond, upon applica tion at his office, and as evidence of good faith and guarantee that contract will be entered Into and good and sufficient bond furnished, should award be made thereon, each proposal must be accompanied by cer tified check, payable to the City of Omaha, in an amount not less than 10 per cent of the total of each bid, but In no case to bs less than $100. Proposals must be addressed to w. ii. F.lbourn, City Clerk. Council Chamber, City Hall, and marked "Proposals for Street Improvement District No. 847." The City Council of the City of Omaha reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Omaha, Nebraska, August i"t. W. H. ELBOURN. Aug29 DHt City Clerk. RAILWAY TIME CARD CMOS STATION TENTH AND MARCY. t'nton Pacific. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 8:40 am a 1:1 pm California Express a 4:10 rm a t JO am California & Oregon Ez.a 4:20 pm a 6.10 pm North Platte iocai acsuam a e:ai pm Fast Mall a 8:55 am a 8:20 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:44 am Beatrice Local b 1:15 pm b 1:30 pre W nnmn. St. Louis Express :30 pm 1:20 am St. ixmis Loeal (from Council RlutTs) :u am iu:u pra Shenandoah Local (from Council Jiurfs Dm i:w pm Cblcago, Hook Island PaeiOo. EAST. Chicago Limited a 1:S5 am a 7:10 am Chicago Express a 7:35 am a 8:50 pm Chicago Ex., Local bll:40 am a :30 pm Les Moines express. .. .a tiau pm ou wjam Des Moines Local :6 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:49 pm a 1:1a pra W E.B-- Rocky Mountain Lim'd..a 7:20 am a 1:30 am 4 oiorano express a i.ou ym a .oo pm i Oklahoma & Texas Eg. a 4:30 pm all:40 am j Colorado Nlgnt fc.x a : cm a i. am Cblcago, MUwanfcea m Bt. Paal. Chicago Layllght Ex.. .a am all:00pra California-Oregon Ex.. .a fc:46 pm a 3:10 pm Overland Limited a S:36 pm a 7:36 am Illinois Central. Chicago Express a : am alO:3S pm Chicago Limited a 7:60 pm :W tin Minn, dt St. Paul Ex....b l:ib ant ulb.Sj pm Minn. St. Paul Ltd... a 7.60 pm a 6:06 pin Missouri Psollc St. Louis Express a 9:00 am a :J0 am K. C. & St. L. Ex ail. 16 pin a 5.00 piu Cblcago Kortsnoltrs. Local Chicago ail:30 am .....a pm a 7.W- i.-u , a 6:u0 am a t.M pni , a 4:W n ... .a S.-xpm 1:46 pm .k am 10 ou pm 11. M pin 6 :16 am l.tW am J:u6 am Fast Mali .... Oa light bl. raui .. Daylight Chicago ... Llmlled Chicago ... Local Carroll Fast St. Paul Local bkoux C A St. o 2:64 pn I 36 am Fust Mail Chicago Express ..... Norfolk . Bouestee! Lincoln & Long Pine Casper & VV yuiaing Lead wood & Liiioola I.Mi pm ..4, 6:60 pm a V .ju am ...a V4J -iio Id 86 ain ...d T:lu am 10 36 pin ...a 2 60 pm 6:16 pin ...a H.U, piu 6:16 pin ...b 2.60 pm t.ik pm Hastings-Aioion Lies M. & Okoboji Ex. ..a 7.66 am a l.a piu t.ulcago Great V eatersu BL Paul Minn a 6:30 pra a 7:1$ am Bt Paul Minn a 7:46 am a 7:56 pin Cbiougo Limited 6m alu.Ju am Chicago Lxpieas s. (.06 am a I W pre DIRLMGTON iTAHON-lOTH UilOl Bnrllnctosw . Leav. Arrive, a :io pra a .$o pm all. 10 bin a 1:0 cm Denver A California Northwest fcxpres Nebraska points .a 6.60 am a 7:0 pm Lincoln vmi Mail b 2.67 Din alx.ijfi Dm Ft Crook & liattsnVth b I 61 pm alO ti am o,'iiavue Sl Plalisiu tU..a 7 .60 pm b : .in Hellevue at Pao. juiiu.....;! pm Bellevue & Pac. June. .a J" am Uenver Limrted a 7:10 am Chicago epeciai Chicago Express Chicago Flyer .. Iowa Local ..a 7:26 am ..a 4 Ou pm a 1:56 pm ..a 1:06 pm a T.H6 pm ..a 815 am alO.ij pm ..a 4;4i. pm all.!) am bU Louis Exprtsa Kansas City U bi. pm a v:u am Kansas City 4k St. Joe.. a K16 am a .u$ put Kansas city m- '- WEBSTER UEPOT-16TU WEBITEH Missouri Paeiae. Nebraska Ixcal. via Leav. Arrlv. Weeping Water blMpm bl2:30 pm Cnlcaao, $Jt. rnul, altaaaaaoll A Untaba. Twin City Pasengr...b 6 $0 am b :1 pm Eloux City Passenger... a x.uO pin all:) am Oakland Local o 6:46 pin k 6.1 am Emerson Local e 1:4a am t t:i Ii a daily, b dally except unar 1 daily except Saturday, 0 baud Only. Aaliy except Monday, CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Beport that Bate War Hal Been Finally Esttlfd, MERCHANTS WILL RUSH FOR SUG4R It la Predicted that Trices Mill Rise Coffee Movement Continues Light Herein and MeeUerel Are Vers- Utah. Fall trade has begun In earnest at th Omaha wholesale houses and merchants In all lines are noticing the stimulus which comes wlili cooler weather. The feature of trade are the reappearance of the shoe salesmen on the road und the reported set tlement of the sugar rate war. Hard are house are preparing for a heavy trade In winter goods. Reports from country merchant are to the effect that the corn will be safe from the frost In ten or fifteen days and Nebraska will have an enormous croi. The only material change In the dry goods market for the week was a slight advance In ginghams and cambrics. The cotton market continues very linn. HotU house trade and order trade is good with local Jobbers and collections are satisfac tory. Coarse cotton goods manufacturer are getting better price than they have for years. The actual cost of goods to th consumer Is not as high as It has been at times, but there is a larger percentage of profit to the mills. There Is a call for ad ditional cotton and wool blankets that shows the retailers are not overstocked with these goods. Prices on blankets are somewhat higher than they were last sea son and this fact has acted as a check Id buyer placing large orders early in th season. Hat War Reported Settled. Sugar prices are the same a last week. Raws are a little easier. The demand con tinues good, taking everything into con sideration. The question of freight rate has been under discussion by the railroads Interested for some time. Information was received Friday by Omaha Jobbers to the effect that a satlefartorv adjustment had been made In New York, but the paitluulais had not been made public yet. The well Informed are of the opinion that th old rates will go Into effect In the next few days. If this Is true, there will be a scram ble for sugar by the retailers, as restora tion of rates means Increased cost of sugar of 204125c a hundred in this market. Ttiere was a break of twenty-live points In coffee options the early part of the week, but It had been partly regained Fri day. The break was owing to the heavy decline In sterling exchange, which affect the prices of lirazlllan currency. Spot coffees are toe easier to unchanged. Th only buying is done by wholesale houses which have to have the roods for rtellverv. whil speculators are holding off. The world's visible supply showed an lncreaso of 635,000 bags for August, against an In crease of S1J.350 bags last tear for thu same month. Cheese continues strong. There was an advance of Ve on twins for the week. The demand Is very heavy and present Indica tions are for higher price between now and October. Salt Fish High. The feature of the fish market continues to be the marked firmness In spot salt mack ereland herring. There have been advances on the latter durinir the week. The enieli Is said to be 90,000 to 160,000 barrels less lhan last year. Mackerel are very scarce. The demand for rice Is beginning to show a broadening tendency. Prices are firm and any spurt In the demand will un doubtedly result In higher prices. The har vest Is being pushed rapidly on the Atlantlo coast. W ith the opening of the fall season, deal era are generally anticipating an increased demand from the trade for ail grades of molasses. Stocks are not large. Little has developed In th tomato mar ket during the last week, unless It be the doubly assured fact that deliveries on con tracts are not going to be made even lu full of the 75 per cent guarantee, let alone delivering 100 per cent. This, of course, lend strength to the situation. While there Is something of a carry-over from tho 1904 pack, It doe not look possible even with this now to make a pack at all ade quate to the needs of an ordinary season. It 1 thought that price will run high throughout the season of lti6 and lDoft. The corn market Is easy with both Job ber and packer pressing for business. Salmon continue to sell remarkably well on the basis of lower price recently Inau gurated. Not only red Alaska, but other grades, are selling well, particularly the Puget sound good. The market Is easy on sardines, with ? acker pressing to sell. The catch seem o have been very much better during the last three or four weeks and strife among the packer themselves ha contributed to the conditions now ruling. Conditions on both dried peaches and apricot are about the same as last re ported, with a slight advanre In the mar ket for peaches, and both Items are well sustained on the basis recently reported. Lower prices on either article do not eem to be among the possibilities. Prune have ecored a further advance, making now an advance of lyd'Hio above the opening prices. There seems to be tho very best of reason for this condition. Th crop prospects seem poorer as the harvest approaches. There Is very strong feeling on spot ral 1ns, the market being well cleaned up on both seeded and loose. Some few outside packers are naming prices on raisins for fall delivery, but the probabilities are that the association will open at slightly higher prices than are now being quoted. Prospect (or Hardware. September has opened with very satis factory condition and excellent prospects. There Is a good volume of current busi ness, as the trade Is purchasing with con fidence In view of tho general strength of the market and the probability that good stocks will be required to take care of the demand, which is expected to Increase with the advance of the season. There lu, however, little evidence of speculative buy ing, although In some lines It Is thought not unlikely that values will be higher, with a possibility that manufacturers will be so laden down with orders that they will not be In a position to make prompt shipments. In this state of things many of the Jobbing trade have been placing orders a little earlier than usual and for somewhat larger quantities, and the result Is that manufacturers In the line most directly affected are well sold up. While the market Is generally steady and In Horn-- directions strong, there are a few lines In which a less confident tone, If not something of weakness, is found. Heavy goods are generally commanding slightly higher prices, but In some branches, such as bolts and nuts, while general conditions should give an advancing market, the com petition which exists tends to keep quota tions down to a lower level than would otherwise be maintained. The advance In copper Is having a decided influence on prices of goods Into which tills material enters largely, and a very active business Is d ilng The market generally Is thus In a condition which repays the best atten tion from those who are charged with th purchasing of goods and gives opportunity for the exercise of Judgment and skill In buying. Fortunutely there Is not con nected with It the depressing Influence which comes from a weak or declining market. It Is gratifying lo note the en couragements which thus exists for enter prise and energy In the prosecution of biislness, and the conditions which Justify taking a hopeful view of the trade of th season on which w hav so auspiciously entered. CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR QRALINO. Under aulhoiliy and direction of th Major and City Council, sealed proposals ar Invited and will be received at th office of the City Engineer, room 4)l. City Llali. Omaha, Nebraska, until t o'clock, p. in., Monday, September U, 1U05, fur the grading of Howard street from a point IM) feel went of iuth street to 2l!d street In the City oi Omaha, the City of Omaha to pay one-halt of th cost and expense thereof, as provided by Ordinance No. 6u90. Also, for th grading of th aUey between Vlntun street and Eim street, from lbtn street to 17th treet. In th City of Omaha, the City of Omaha to pay one-half of lh cost and expense thorcoi, as provided by Ordinance No. (514. Also, for the grading of the alley between Grant street and Uurdette street, from 41d street to 43d street, in the City of Omaha, the City of OmaUa to pay one-half of th cost and expeu thereof, as provided by Ordinance No. 6GJ7 At wnicn lime saia proposals w:ll be publicly opened and th bids read and tabulated by the City En gineer and transmitted to the City Council lor it action. All worn to he done In accordance with plans and specifications on file In the offlo of the City Engineer. Proposals to be made upon printed blanks, which will be furnished upon application, by the CMy Engineer. And as evidence ot good faith and guaranty that contract will be entered into and good and sufficient bond furnished should award be mad thereon, must be accompanied by a certi fied check, payable 10 th City of Omaha In th sum of Kitty ($o Lollars for eacfi proposal. Th right I reserved to reject any or all bids. Omaha, Nbrska, September T. 1W JLMvRBrV JiObEWATER, 8 lT-tfiaQ. UtiUr, :