TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1005. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE D. V. Sholes Company, 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. I 7'A-noH Elm St., 5 roomi, good repair. I UjO 3316 Parker St., 4-room frame cot tage, city water. Lot, 'xlj; (ol, good plac. 11,000 Ml N. nth St., 4-room frame cot tage, first clans repair. Lot, li'.xi.i feet. Nrw barn. 1.4t0 a..L'4 Charles St., lot 60x127 feet, 4 room frame dwelling; city water; nice shad?; corner lot; easy terms. tl.ViO li.a 8. 2Uh St., rooms, inod rn except furnarc, bexl50 feet, $50o cash, balance monthly. $1,750 1320 Park Av-., lot 50x150 feet. 2-story S-rnom house, 3-room cottage, all specials paid. $1,850 4o" N. 2lst tit., nice, new modern 5 room cottage, 14 block to car, good neighborhood, ljuy terms. This is Just the place for a street car man. 12,300 720 N. lsth 8t 44x66 feet, -room house, sewer, water, gas and toilet. Rents for $22 SO per month. If you want something close In you can't beat this. $3.100 1026 Spencer St.. corner. 4xl24 feet, with modern 7-room house, porce lain bath, good furnace, cemented basement, permanent walk and pav ing paid. A (rreat big bargain. S3, 500 New square strictly modern hous", rear 2'ith and Cass, east front, well built and very desirable. $4,000 Bemls park, a beauty, new l-rnnm square house, strictly modern, oak finish and floors down stairs, maple above, gas mantels and grate, best Carton furnace, with cemented cellar, extra handsome reception hall; south front on Lincoln boulevard. Terms reasonable. This Is the best bargain In Remis Dark $6,500 West Farnnm home. H. W. corner of S5th Ave. and Howard, -room mod ern house, beautiful lot ROxl'iO feet, cement walks, everything in nrst class shane. 15,500 An elegant 10-room residence, ad joining Brownell hall, lot 5fix137Vi feet hot water heat, oak finish down stairs, all paving paid. House is in perfect condition and is one of the Monthly Payments 1114 Seward St., 3 rooms, $on. 8116 Seward St.. 4 rooms, o. 2917 Dupont 8t., 4 rooms, SriOO. Sioo down, and balance on monthly pay ments. BEM1S, Faxton Block. RE 793 10 Do You Want This? An elegant 12-room brick residence. In best district of Omaha, slate roof, hard wood floor and finish, modern throughout, also large brick barn and frame carriage barn; In first-class condition throughout. Will sell or exchange. Make your offer quick. Will give or take difference. See R. Beecher Howell & Co. Telephone 1836. Karbach Block. RE 7S5 10 Money to Loan Any amount on Omaha Improved real estate at lowest rates, with privilege of paying all or part of loan before maturity and stopping Interest. Quick action. We It as on security. GARVIN BROS. 1004 FARNAM ST. RE 745 10 FOR SAL.Fi OR TRADE-320 acres good al falfa and wheat liind In South Dakota mr urnan property; win take or pay uinerencc. Aauress A to, tsce. R&-7S0 lOx GEORGE & 1601 Farnam St. $4,750 for 8128 Chicago St.. 8-room modern house, oak finish first floor, barn, paved street, lot 60x120 feet, very reasonable terms. $4,250 for 144 N. 33d St., 8-room modern house. In good condition, lot 50x132 feet. $4,000 for desirable 10-room modern house on Yates St., large barn, fine lawn, per manent waiKS, pavea street, improve ments alone cost over $7,0u0, lot 5oxl37 teet. $3,500 for good 7-room, modern house, with hot water heat, on Chicago St., near 30th, south front; lot 66x120 feet. $3,150 for good 8-room, modern house In Dundee; large burn; slate roofs; nice lawn; lot 100x135 feet; near car line. $2,650 for 2447 Spauldlng St., well built 7-room cottage, modern except furnace, with good barn. In perfect condition, beautiful shade trees, puled street, coiner lot, 5"x 128 feet; house nearly new and very de sirable. $2,650 for 1918 Corby St., new well built six room modern cottage, mantel and grate, underfeed furnace, etc.; fine shade trees, paved street, near Boulevard, conveni ently located, lot 47ViXlo4 feet, or Im provements with 47Vixl734 feet, double frontago with room to build another house, fbr $3,000; reasonable terms. $2,500 for 1518 Madison Ave., 8-room. mod ern bouse, with barn. In good condition; lot 45x127 feet. Price reduced to $3,000 for quick sale. $2,800 for 2668 Burt St.. 6-room modern cot tage In good condition, large barn, nice lawn and shade trees, only $.'.00 cash down, balance on easy terms, payable monthly. $2,150 for 1111 N. lMh St.. 7-room cottage, modern except furnace, easy terms, close In. J. W. ROBBINS BARGAINS IN HOUSES $1,000 6-room cottage and half-acre lot. Easy terms. A fine place for chick ens or garden. $1,600 6-room collage, newly painted and papered, 816 N. lhth. $3,000 J-roora modern house and barn, cor ner of Farnam and 44th; tn tine re pair. $4,000 5-room modern house and barn, with t east front lota (lnoxlffi), nn 3-d Ave., at corner of Hanscom park. $5,000 8-rooin modern house, and barn, team heat. A tine corner lot, 1 block from Hanscom park. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS (IfiOFJast front, on 33d, near Davenport. 4i0 South front, corner, on Karnam St. 'H 60 feet on lratt. west of 24th. $ buu 76 feet on Hamilton, near 3th; will subdivide. I $00 A hue front on I-afayette Ave., be tween Soth and 3m 0; a neighborhood of nice homes. SNAP. $1.000 60 feet on S.Mh, north of Davenport. $l,0uO South front, on Chicago, west of 30th, paved street. $1,12645 feel on a7th. near Farnam. $1,6 Fast front, on Georgia Ave., near Farnam. $2.100 Oe feet on Sxth Ave., north of Dodge; street Improvements made and paid for. $,250 Corner, $7x137, Farnam and 38th. Vt'HV CHOICE. SEE ME FOR OTHER BARGAINS AND IAHT 4 0l'H PROPERTY WITH ME FOR A OUICK SALE. JOHN W. KoBiiiNa. 1S0J FARNAM ST. RE 730 10 BARGAINS $1$ ACRES SARPY COUNTY AT $'. AC It Ed SARPY COCNTY AT $70. 14 ACRES WASHINGTON COUNTY AT I. So ACRES IH M1I.ES CITT LIMITS. $125. ACKtS GOOD SARPY COl'NTY. $40. W ACRES ON MILITARY ROAD. $Ml. lou ACRES WASHINGTON COl'NTY, $55. 40 ACRES WASHINGTON COUNTY. $u5. to ACHES CLOSE IN, $125. k ACHES EAST OK PENSON, $30. 10 ACHES HOI'THWEST, $1-V iiOl'TH EAST COR. UTlt AND CAST EL IJAH, $1,700, Ci'MlNG. NEAR tlST. $)X120, $l.(Wrt. fJ17 CASS, s ltc M.MS. MODERN. 13 it. TWO NEW BRICK FLATS, RENTAL $ BRICK HOUSES. RFNTAL $1 320. $10.M. B HICK FLATS. RENTAL $2.62 $-".0uU JOHN N. yiUCNZtm, tAfP. Ol J P O. iUi-7U ID FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE most desirable homes In the south eastern part of the city. The owner says to s ll and we want nn offer this week. The aajolnlng lot, 5xi:i7', feet, can ix had cheap If purchaser de tires. VACANT $ 360 Three lots In Clifton hill, two very choice, on Erskltie, south front, owner anxious to close out at tola very low price. $ 750 linixliip teet, very choice, on 41st St., between California anil Burt. $ 200 N. E. corner 34th and Boyd, beauti ful corner, finxlWl feet, two hlia-Ks from car, $.'.0 down and $10 per month. $ 75ft 75x12ft feet, west front on ISth St., 150 feet south of William. Snap. $ 25042x110 feet, west front on 25th St., between Maple i.nd Blnney. Two lots. B E. corner Military Ave. and Seward, each 40x140 feet, lie fine, all specials paid, $150 for corner and ") for inside. SUBURBAN 24 acres In Benson, with 4-room house, barn, chicken house, and hits of fruit, 7 blocks from car, $l,giin. 'V4 acres, 3 mil's, from Florence on the Calhoun road, 4-room house, barn, well, beautiful grove, 6 acres apple orchard. 700 cherry trees, plum thicket, an abund ance of small ftult. 1 acres alfalfa, 10 acres timothy and clover, price $4,&oO. INVESTMENT Three 2-story brick flats, all modern, near 2Sth and Jackson Sts., renting for $106 per month; price $10, two. This Is a splendid place to put your money for a regular return. Wxl20 feet south front on Dodge St., 06 feet west of 17th, this has buildings on It now renting for $100 per month; It Is tho choicest location down town for Hats, apart ment house or family hotel; price IJIO. Parker St. Bargain 6-room dwelling, porcelain batn, gas c iy water, large floored garret. 101 oui, !- high and sightly, nicely terraced; street paved with vitrified brick; permanent brick sidewalk; all special assessments fully paid; title, perfect. Price only Act quickly If you really wth to pick up a decided snap. BEM1S, Faxton Block. r WORTH 0)l WHILE TO INVESTIGATE Close-In residence, 9 rooms, modern; price reduced from $4,500 to $4,000; even a little less might buy It; must be cash; first class tenant or possession at once. Brand new 6-room house, very best con struction, porcelain lined bath tub, best open plumbing, tine combination fixtures, Bioull larn, located on Harney car line; for quick sale reduced to $3,100. Fine 7-room new and completely modern house, oak finish, attractive arrangement, larae lot. on Webster St., near Harney car line; price only $3,230. innihw new bouse nn Burt St.. 6 rooms all modern, cemented cellar, fine large lot, shade and siiruuoery; oniy .,iuv near two car lines. On Franklin St., good 5-room cottage with beautiful lot, space ror anomer nousu, . shade, shrubbery and fruit: only $2.3uO. On Burt St.. near 31st, good 6-room cot tage and large lot, city water, gas and sewer, easy terms; price $1,500. VV. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. RE 771 10 COMPANY 'Phone 7J6. 12 460 for 2642 Canlto! Ave., new 6-room modern cottage. In best of condition, built for a home one year ago ny present owner, nice lawn, near High school. $2,000 for good 6-room house, modern ex cept furnace, In first-class condition, near 4!st and Hamilton Sts. ; nice shade trees; reasonable terms; lot 45x120 feet. $1,8"0 for 1T6 Corby St., 6-room house, city water, sewer, gas, etc., In best of con dltlon; easy terms. $1,500 for 3502 S. 20th St., 6-room cottage cltv water, gas, etc.; near Houlevara lot 35x120 feet; $500 cash, balance at 6 per cent. $750 for 4116 Browne St. (In Central Park) 5-room H4-story house, good well, near Ing fruit trees, high and sightly, lot 5."ixl25 feet; will submit any reasonable offer. ACRES $1,250 for 10-acro block In Benson, on Mill tary road, only 8 blocks from street car. VACANT $900 for 46x127 feet, a F. on Madison Ave., 19 feet or Sherman Ave. $90 for 74x127 feet, E. F. on S. 25th Ave., 214 feet 8. Woolworth Ave. $850 each for S lots. 42.9xl."!2 feet each, 8. F. on Bristol St.. 12S feet W. 24th St. $550 for 60x128 feet, S. F. on Tratt St., 150 feet E. of 27th St.. choice. $350 for 50x120 feet, N. F. on Grant St., 100 feet east 4M St., fine. $000 for 30x150 feet. N. F. on Webster St., 85 feet K. of 2Mh Ave. 30 choice lots, close In, between 28th and 33d St., and Davenport and Webster Sts., from $750 up. according to size and loca tion, one-fourth to one-fifth cash down, balance on easy payments at 6 per cent. RE- Shimer & Chase, Builders of Modern Houses West Farnam Six rooms, all modern; soutn iront; cun t be L'eat for the money. Only $ 3,200. Eigltt rooms, all modern, underfeed fur nace, paved street and made stone walks; near car line; Evergreen and other shade trees; all In Hue condition. Worth $5,000. If sold soon, only $3,500 East front, surrounded by good homes, convenient to church, school and car; six rooms, all modern and new; (2, "00. Five rooms, nearly new, modern bouse except beat; on South Omaha car line; only $1,700. Fine six-room house on North 24tb St; oak finish; all modern. A gem of a little home rejits for $30; price $3,250. Two five-room cottaRes, paved street; lot 125x142; certainly cheap; for both, $1,0X). SHIMER & CHASE CO., Tboue 3i07. WJ Farnam St. RE Vacant Lot Bargains $654 for 60-foot lots, fronting north on Wirt St., just east of Sherman Ave. $7i.4 for some the Kim situ fronting south on Rlnney, Just eat of Wih. $000 for the last lot left in Bluff View ad dition, J urn east of Sherman Ave. on Evans St.. just north of Ptnkney. $400 and $jn0 lota In Summit addition, along the new boulevard, between 34tn and Inton and Hanscom park. $250 and $4ri for 60-foot lots on Browne St., between 26th and 27th. $150 to fJiO for full lots In Omaha View, on Miami. Maple, Ohio and Corby Sts., near 33d. near school and car line. Many others In all parts of the city. Open Monday evenings till o'clock. Hastings & Heyden, XSOJft Fwmuu tU. (around Floor J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE S-ACRE FRUIT AND WINE FARM T miles west of postornYe, 2 acres In fine bearing grapes. 25 bearing apple trees. 12 clu rry trees, several plum tiees and all kinds of berrbs, -acre In pasture and t...tnMA v... .. 1 r - ...... 1 . ..... 1, . 'nam r- inn in ii!-i, i iiiiu-ii nuin, fair tW'i-story houe, large wine and stork cellar, good barn. 24x24 feet, chicken house and splendid soft water well; every thing In flrst-i-hiss condition. Only SI. Art, half c's'i, balance at t'"o. This Is surely a bargain. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 791 10 H Satisfied Customers H Are worth more to us than the profit on any one sale. To have satisfied customers we must build good houses. BETTER HOUSESTHAN THE GENERAL RUN! If you are thinking of having a house built, better see us at once. If you Intend to have It ready to move Into by cold weather. We are building some SWELL 5-ROOM COTTAGES all-modern, with stairway to second floor, upstairs not finished, but can be If more room Is desired. These we build for $1,6). If location does not suit, we can build you one In any location desired. 6, 7 and S-room square houses are always In demand. Our figures are right on these, as we have built so many, we can figure them out as to actual cost. If you figure with us, we can show you new houses we have built, so that you can see Just what you will get. It Is tinrd to tell how a house Is going to look by yst looking at the plan. We have lots In all parts of the city. Open Monday evening till 9 p. m. Hastings & Heyden, 16f!V4 Farnam St 'Phone 1606. RE 425 10 BARGAINS Lot 140x150. house of twelve large rooms, twelve closets, two bath rooms, large recep tion hall, twelve mantels and laundry In basement: hot water plant In first-class con dltlon; big barn, cost $l,0u0 when built. This property is located in first-class neighbor hood, only short distance to street car. church and school. Inquire for price. A seven-room house, all modern. In first- class condition, both outside and in; good neighborhood and close to street car and school. J2.5uO.0O. A verv nice four or five-room cottage. Just a little south of Hanscom park and 19th; city water In house; no money needs to be spent for vears to come. X ne lot is 50x125. Trice. $1,100. Lot 117x116. with a three-room house, city water: close to 7th and Bancroft; $050 will buy this property. Three acres and half, about two blocks from Benson street car. In Benson; nicely located; $1,20". T.nt 50x140. located on Grant. In beautiful Clifton 11111 addition; for a low price, $450. M acres, with three-room bouse, south east of South Omaha: about 12 acres under cultivation; some fruit; $1,000. I also have good acre property north of Florence, and also north of Krug's park, at very low prices. J. A. LOVGREN, 638-7 Paxton Block. RE 796 10 R. C. PETERS & CO. Oronnd Floor. Bee Bldg. Six rooms, modern, nicely papered, fine lawn, good shade, J-'.wO. Eight-room, east front, fine condition, city water, $1,600. On easy terms. Six-room, modern except furnace, very fine location, near car line, east irom, on easy terms. s Eight-room, thoroughly modern, two fine lots, nice shade and fruit, best bargain In Dundee, $3,1j. Nine-room, modern, fine Interior finish, on corner, 95x115, In West Farnam district, $o.600. Twelve-room, modern except furnace, ar ranged fur two 6-room apartments, best location in South Omaha, $4, 400. Fine corner, 112x122. with four good houses, close In and nn Income paying propoal tlon; want offer. VACANT 66xf28. fine laying corner, $000. I"6xll0, well located. $900. HiOxllD. well located. S&00. 125x150, well located, on corner, handy to cars, $2,200. K IntH iMvtl near Vinton street enr hArnl. choice and level, $2,100. No better site In Omaha to build upon for investment. DUNDEE 76x135, fine couth frontage, near car line, 11 (nVI 100x135, fine south frontage, corner lota, 51. 0. 100x135, fine north frontage, on car line, $1.2' Ok 50x135. one of Dundee's best, $800. 10iixl3o. on Dundee's best street. $1,600. I&xi:t5. absolutely the best In Dundee, $2,7U0. R. C. PETERS & CO. Corner 17th and Farnam. RE-732 10 COnn 2118 Military Ave., 4 rooms. Paved str reet. CI flAil 2i31 Burdette St., a good little Jpl.VAA cottage, only two blocks to i4th street car. Convenient to new car reDalr shoDS. OA v 6-room cottage at 2608 Wirt, l,OW House has gas, city water, cis tern, cemented cellar. Lot tx.xl.J2. with nlc shade and fruit trees. Owner will trade for Lincoln property. ! rrf 2.14 uecatur, e rooms, gas ana -), jvvs city water. Mouse in tip top shape. Rent, $16 per month. tfrj ro f-room nouwe uu 41111 ei.f Jpti'JO tween Woolworth and Popple ton avenues: east front: lot dOxiaz. iftn nil -New 7-room house at 2.h5 Web, jp,OvAJ Bter St.; owner will trade equity for small place. Of-) rn -M4 tapuoi Ave., new (-room 9i. )w house; gas. city water, sewer. etc., large closets In every bed room; cheap place for the money. Owner will take lot as part payment. ' CrT - i'" Bo- Sotn Ave., a nne, 8-room, JO.jUV all modern home; paved street; close to Farnam car. Vacant $SV for two good lots, 60x140 each; one corner. $120 For fine lot on Boulevard, Just west of Hanscom Park. 60x118; shade trees. n Boulevard, , 60x118; shad $1750 Choice lot on 81st Ave., Just north of Dodge. A big bunch of lots in all parts of the city at all prices. The Byron Reed Co., Phone 237. 212 8. 14th. RE 621 10 411! Farnam St , price $3.8"0. 4.",-'2 N. Soth, Florence boulevard, price $3.2.0. 1514 N. 40th St., price $2.7X. 1733 8. 2sth Bt., price $2.5l. 218 Ames Ave., price $l,7o0. Three houses on 2oth St., price $1,700 each. 2Hd N. 2Mb St.. price $l.Sn. Three flat building, price, $4 600. Tlire brick bousea,all modern, pries $6.2'. One frame Mat building, five apartments. One store, price $4.00. Ek'troiu Co.. 541 l axton Plk . Omaha, Neb. RE 798 10s FOR SALE Beautiful 12-room horn near West tuUl bU Addiass Uu. care bee. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE THOMAS REAL ESTATE. $3,500 will buy splendid modern houso in Kountze Place. South front, street paved, everything in lirt ohss order. $5,000 will buy modern brick residence in West Farnam street district. This is a bisr, bargain. $8,000 will buy three houses on 25th avenue. "Will rent for $1,()S0 a year. This is a good investment. $15,000 will buy brick business block, 3 stores and "2 rooms on a leading street. This will net 6 per cent ' on $20,000. $G,500 will buy two houses on Georgia avenue. Every thing in first class order, and rented for $(50 a month. $2,500 will buy that neat house and lot at 1815 Cass St. $1,500 will buy that newly painted cottage at 2(32 Cap itol Ave. I have several modern houses in Ilanscom Tlace and "West Farnam Street districts which I oiler at very low prices. Thomas Brennan, Room No. 1 New York Life B!dg. "W. II. Crary, Manager Real EAST OMAHA 8-room cottage; 60xl28-foot lot: good barn and chicken house; right on car line; $100 cash and $16 per month. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 7W 10 VACANT Fine south front, corner lot, West Fnr iiara district; cheapest lot In that part of the city; $1,500. Corner lot on Hamilton. This lot otifrht to be picked up Monday. A sure snap; $450. East front lot near 30th, car line, and paved Btreet; only $300. 2 choice lots on car line and paved street; corner, lou will have to hurry up If you get these. Such snups are getting scarce; only $800 for both. Choice south front lot on Tratt St., near 24th; only $750. I. X. HAMMOND, Manager Real Estate Dept. SHIMER & CHASE CO., Thone 3807. 1000 Farnam St. RE WANTED HUSBAND. Who will pay $3 or $4 per week to secure wire or child one ot the homes we oner like rent $-i&0 to $1,400; small payment aown. CHAS. EL "WILLIAMSON CO. RE 757 10 COUNTRY We have three new houses In Benson Heights, 4 rooms on first floor and 2 unfin ished rooms above; each house has 2 acres of ground on Orphanage road. Just north of Benson. Ground Is high and sightly and easy terms. Purchaser can buy more ground If desired. See these houses today and put your money down on Monday, as thote houses will sell this week. N. P. DODOE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. HOUSES $1,800 7-room house, with new plumbing, In complete repair and newly painted, mall barn; lot 64x125, east front, hondsonie shade trcei, near 27th and Cuming Sts. $3,000 8 rooms, all-modern. In perfect repair, newly painted inside and out: largo, roomy house and barn; Hanscom Park district, on 26th, near Poppleton; full lot and handsome shade trees, paving paid. If you want a really good home, see us about this. $2.250 8-room, all-modern house, east front, on 42d, near Cuming St. Excellent neigh borhood; 60-foot front lot. You can't match this for the money anywhere In Omaha. $2.350 8-room, all-modern, two-story house, near 20th and Inke Sts. East front lot, 40x130, good barn, nice shade trees, double cellars, new furnace. $1,800 5-room new cottage, near Ames Ave. and Boulevard. Built by day labor this year. Owner leaving city on account of bank consolidation. Will sacrifice if taken at once. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1U14 Farnam St. LOTS $(3o Twenty-two-foot, south front, on Cuming, near 27th St., grade with street, paving paid. Good place for store. $.100 Corner lot, near 20th and Lake Sts., south and east front, one block from car. $260 Inside lot next to the above, near 29th and Lake Sts. $4u0 to $ToO Lots on and near Boulevard at 2th Ave. and Cass; south front, on grade, city maintains broad park in front, shade trees and sidewalk; city water, sewer and gas for each lot. Only 2 lots left on Boulevard. Three handsome homes now building. , LAND $1,200220 acres In Chase county, 3 miles from Lamar and 7 miles from railroad at Venango. Rich, level land that will raise good crops. Will exchange for Omaha Income property. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. N. P. DODGE & .CO.. 'PHONE 829. ONE OF TUKEY'S BUNCHES R600 FOR 51,075. These houses, which we have Just bought, were built at a cost of $1,600 each. They were owned by an eastern party, ho. needing the money, sacrificed them, hence we are able to offer them at one-third less than the cost of the houses themselves. They each have six large rooms and city water. 2102 NO. 29TH AVII. H.025 2104 NO. 29TH AVE. $1,050 2106 NO. 29TH AVE. 1,075 Take the Dodge 8t- car and go to 30th and Lake, walk south to Burdette, three blocks. The houses stand on the slope, Just south of Burdette, and front east on 29th Ave. Lots run through to 30th St- A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444-445 Board of Trade Rldg. 'Phones: Office 2181, Res. 6153. RE ONE ACRE ground, l-rnom house, fine condition; mod ern except heat; rents for 125; barn; one 4-room cottage renting for $a.50; room fur four more houses; cement walks; right in town, being at 31st and California. Here la one of the best bargains In Omaha. PRICE RFDt'CED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE TO $4,600. SWEET & BEST Tel. 1472. 613 N. Y. Life. RE-632 10 Call and Get a Copy Home Builder and Investor Shimer & Chase Co., 1609 Farnam St. Tel 3867. - RE 64$ I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BRENNAN TELEPHONE 1264. Estate Dept. RF3- Near South Omaha. Elcht rooms, two full stories, all In good condition, full 50-foot lot. fruit and simile trees, located a few blocks south of 20th and Vinton Sts., $1,800. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 7S9 10 H 2 Cottages 51,700 on H Miami between 20th & 21st One large 4-room and one large 2-room cottage on a 60-foot lot, good location. Live In one and rent the other, or it will make a good Investment; will rent for about $20 per month. Fine New Home. JOOG Maple St., 7 rooms, 4 down and S up; strlctlv nil modern, furnace, electric and gas light; house built a little over a year ago. Price, $3,750. Hastings & Heyden, 1809H Farnam St. Thone 1608. RE-623 10 2 NEW COTTAGES Four-room cottage, Just completed, east front lot 45x125, brick cellur; everything first-class; for quick sale, ONLY $900. Lo cated at 20th and Taylor. Five-room cottage, same location, corner lot; this Is ii beauty. Don't fall to see It. These cottages have never been occupied. If you are Interested see this quick. SWEET & BEST Tel. 1472. 613 N. Y. Life. RE 631 10 FOR SALE 6-room house and 2 lots. 4010 Burdette St., Omaha. RE HOMES has never been broken. Price $1,500; on 1614 FARNAM ST. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. Sixth Floor N. Y. Lile BUff. DWELLING HOUSES 19th and Plnkney, facing Kountze park, near blvd., two-story -r. house, with 50 ft. lot, strictly all modern; good barn, nice shade; price 3.4oO. In the West Farnam district, corner lot. KS.X124, with a good 6-r. modern hous, with mantel and grate In parlor, gas, bath, hot and cold water; entire property for $3,250. Room to build three more houses. This is a snap and will go to the first party making a deposit. In the Hanscom park district, two-story, 8-r., strictly modern house, with gas and electric light, nice cellar with laundry, furnace, four bedrooms, south front, good neighborhood: property renting for $35 per month. Will sell for $3,500. '4 cash. In the wm nut Hill HiMtri..t -.,,.,.4 a.- h. ....... niricuy uu mouern, witn corner lot; Hurt shade; one block from car; In flrst-clasd condition; for $3,6o0. VACANT PROPERTY South front building lot. only three blocks .iu. vinikllliill.iltllCKq, Ull UIOCK irOlll Harnev car: nlcelv ImMlrrl- Two lots in the West Farnam district, fine place to build two cottages, fur $700. In north part of city, one block from 24th bi. car line, a good 50-ft. lot, sewer, watar and gas In street; will sell this week for $). Corner lot two blocks from Harney car line. iiuriri m iiniiu parK, nigu ana sightly, for $375. Rig snap. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE H $2.50 & $3.50 Land in Western Nebraska We are offering several sections of fine, rich, level land In the western part of the state for $2.50 and $3.60 an acre, on terms of about one-tenth cash und the balance In ten years al 6 per cent. These lands are bound to he worth double and treble In a few years. No one should be without a piece of IhU land when you can buy on such easy terms and low prices. You can see good crops grown on adjoining pieces. See us about this at once. We will be pleased to go out with you to show the land. We Just returned from a trip last week. Hastings & Heyden, Farnam St., Omaha Neb. RE H22 10 FOR SALE Large house, two barns and two full lots, on North lith 61., only $4.5u6. This Is a bargain. THOMAS PHKNNAN, Room i. ew Xuik Lite Bldg Rtt-Mltt FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Payne Investment Company Oinaha, Xcb. First Floor New York Lifo Building. In Remls Park, on Lincoln boulevard, a 10-room strictly modern bouse, large rooms. wll arranged, one fireplace, one gs crate, large grounds, nice shade, good barn Price. $10,(i0, which la a great deal less than It could be duplicated for. A double brick house In the park district. rents for $44 per month. Price, $.t.6n. One block from car line, a 9-rooin house. has gas, bath, city water and sewer connec tions, beautiful shnilc. two Imge lots. Price, $.1,600. If you are looking fur something within walking distance this place will suit ou. 87F-S Webster st . 7-room house, modern except furnace, south front, half block from boulevard and one block from car. Price, JJ.isn. 2.115 South 12lh street. -room cottage, gas. city water, bath and sewer: splendid condi tion; almost new. price, ',tii. UU South 24U street, two cottages, east front; owner very anxious to sell. Price, $2.4oO. 3219 North 15th street. 6 rooms, fine yard, cily water, gas, good cellar, etc. Price, $2.i"J0. On North 20th street. 8-room cottage, east front, on boulevard: gas. cliy water, per manent walks. Price. $l,Ron. SMK Jones street, lot BOxlSS, nice 5-room cottage, city wnler and sewer. $1,800. 44 feet on North 24th street, between Onice and Clark, on which there is a snrill house and store building. Price, $2,000. Payne Investment Company 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., A BARGAIN Two south front lots 50x135 feet, good five- room cottage, Imrn and chicken house, corner lots and fenced, near 41st and Cali fornia Sts., $1,500, with reaaunuble terms. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 78S 10 AN IDEAL HOME Nine acres; 4 acres In fruit; one acre of grapes, balance raspberries, strawberries, cherries and apples; 7-room house; barn; well; granary and chicken hnuse Just the place to make money. $3,000. Payne Investment Co.. 1st. Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. Desirable Cottage Home $2,C50 for 1918 Corby St., new. well-built o-room modern cotluge, mantel and grate, underfeed furnace, etc., line shade trees, permanent walks, paved street, near boulevard, built for a home, lot 4;vxlon4 feet, or Improvements with 47VxxlT3' feet, double frontage, with room to build an other house, for $3,000. Owner leaving cily; will give possession soon. UEORGE & CO., 1001 FARNAM ST. RE 604 9 WE lUfY, SELL AND TRADE FARMS, RANCHES AND C1TV REAL ESTATE. WEBSTER & MILLER, OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BLDG. RE 6 O10 W. G. SHRIVER 1023 New York Life Blda. Bargain Fine lot, fine 8-room house, mod ern except furnace, almost new, line cel lar, sliaue treeB, lawn, etc., house and 60 feet of ground, $3,100, with 30 feet of ground, $2,3o0. 10th and Dorcas Sts. RE 779 10 FOR SALE and exchange: Corn farms In tne Missouri valley. Free lists, pi. i Craven Co., Onawa, la. RE . W. H. GATES. 617 N. Y. Life 'Phone 1294. $750 4-room house and full lot on Lindsay Ave., near 30th. $1,000 6-room house, and lot 60x132. sotn and Wirt. $1,600 6-room cottage, 2025 Miami. 1,600 6-room house, 2028 N. 19th, rent $17. $2,000 New modern 6-room cottage, well located. $9uo New cottage, 6 rooms and attic, bath and gas. Lot, 6oxl24. RE- LAND! LAND! LAND! 320 acres, the finest of Wood River valley land, 6 miles from Kearney; biggest bar gain we ever offered, price, $41 per ac.a. Urassmeyer & Smith, Kearney, Nob. RE-726 10 A PECULIAR AD. Am here to sell quick for $S,600 cash, the best section of land near Middle Branch P. O.; level, finely Improved,' all fenced, spring stream and fine well; will cut 850 tons of hay now; alno corn, blue grass, orchard, timothy and clover; fine groves. O. B. Manvllle, Orchard, Neb. RE-M7S1 llx FDR BALK Large modern house, and barn, No. 2518 Chicago St.; Inspection In vited from 2 to 4 p. ni. : arrangements for selling by agents may be made by apply ing to W. 11. Griffith at above address. re ma iox FOR SALE New modern 8, 7 and 8-room houses. See owner, M. Sorensen, 3206 Lin coln Boulevard. 'Phone Red 0028. RE 436 llx THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY'S abstracts of title are the best. Our customers are protected by a $1,000 surety bond against loss by errors. When you buy or sell real estate, demand a "Midland'' abstract, 1614 Farnam St., N. Y., Life Bldg. N. P. DODGK, JR.. PRESIDENT. RE 976 FARMS-$5 PER ACRE UP. Several new listings of Nebraska farms, variouB counties; also a couple fine ranches, one acres, at head of famous Elkliorn valley, in Rock county. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. RE 759 10 FOR SALE OR KXCHANOR Beautiful, strlctlv modern 12-rooin brick residence; also brick stable and frame carriage house.: In best part of Omaha, on hand omest paved street In the city; hard wood finish and floors; positively one of the most desirable properties In every re spect In Omaha. Price. $20.0uO. Owner wants STOCK FARM with or without stock. All Inquiries answered. Wine quick to R, Beecher Howell & Co.. Omaha, Neb. Kt; coo 10 42J N. 39th, 8-room modern house, fine condition; barn: everything In nrst-class condition (in and see this property. Would take smaller property in exchange, price re auced to SWEET & BEST Tel. 1472. 61S N. Y. Life. RE 32 10 WRITE for illustrated parr.phet descrlh ing two ranches in tne coin ana airma belt. Willis Caldwell. Broken Row. Neb. i;h-i( CHAS.UjUiorr,er f r U. 8, Bk. Bldg.. E. V 1IIIUIHJ J I I xvs. 1st Floor. RE-930 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska. Kansas. Colorado and Wyoming low prices: ten years time. Ixiud Dept. U. p. M. K., Omaha, iseu., Dept. A. RE 97$ GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES Wholesale and Retail. BURGESS - GRANDEN CO., Formerly F M. RUSSELL FIXTURE CO. $13 South lain bl. Telephone 681. RE 978 51.700 EI'iHT room practically modern, except uinace; cement cellar; nue shade trees 51,400 Six room; cement cellar; fine shade: two blocks from car: live from school: all new; built by day labor; will take $2X and W' llrst payment; balance same as ,',.11 ir L, .. , .i. -J ..--a... u. RE W0 10 FLORISTS HESS A 8WOBODA. 141$ Farnam.. -120 Xl. 1$. FOR SALE FARMS Owner Is anxious to sell and might take less. 2!0-2 Grant street, one fi-room and on 4 riMim cottage; rents $19 per month. Price. $1,500 Kl'.H North 25th avenue, R-room cottage. cltv witter and newer, beautiful shade Price, $10. 2722 South 12th street, S-ronm cottage, south front, lot 2f.xl49. Trice. $1,250. 8023 Pratt street, a neat 6-room cottage, lot 30x140. Tuu must have $.:n cash, bal ance $10 per mouth. Price, $50. Southwest corner of 3Mb. and Fort, 8 room cottage, full lot. This Is certainly the, best bargain In tse north end of Omaha, Price, ti0. 4'M2 North 25th street, 8 rooms, good repair, city water and sewer, barn, lot 60x140, one block from car Una. Frloe $1,600. VACANT Northeast corner of 41st and Lafayette) avenue, soulh front, fine surroundlngsi owner is anxious to sell. Soe It and make us an offer. 60x126 In park district; good surround Inss. Price. $o. $:O0 for a corner, 50x125. on S6th street. In the park district; fine view. The choicest corner In tho Hanscom Park district. Price, $2.oi; south and east front, 2:xl32, between 8th and 9th, on Farnam, Price, $2,800. This is surely cheap. Tolepliono 1781; FARMS FOR PALE. 150 ACRES Washington county. 2H mile east of Calhoun: 1-0 acres tlllahle, 40 acres l((e; "(!! Improvements, but Al land. Price t;i2 50 ner acre. 4W acres Dawson county, 14 miles from Overton, li0 under cultivation, 5 acres al falfa, 45 acres wild buy, balance pasture; running water the year around, all valley land; good Improvements. Price $37.60 por acre. Reasonable terms. acres Boone county, 10 miles from AN blon; good Improvements, some alfalfa Price $12.50 Per acre. 320 acres Cass county, near South Rendl small Improvements; KO acres cultivated. Price $40 per acre. 6t acrs Crawford county, Iowa. 6 miles from Dunlap; three sets of Improvements, first-class In every particular. Price $tt ter acre. 4i0 acres of river bottom land. 8 miles from Blair. Part of this Is good, DaKi.nee pas ture. Make us an offer. l,5ii acres Dawson oounty, adjoining IT, P. railroad station; good Improvements; $23 fer acre. 50 acres Holt county. Mo., good land and 'well Improved, to exchange for city ln come property. D. V. Sholes Company, 723 N. Y. Life. TeL 49. 17 ACRE FRUIT FARM Four and one-half miles from postoflleef htgh rolling land; only ht mile from the macadam road which runs west on Center; only miles from the southwest oorner of Blmwood park. A 1 story house with 4 large rooms; could be made 6 reoms; corn crib; buggy shed and other outbuildings; one acre of fruit; 1S4 acres In alfalfa; balance In high state of culti vation. Not one foot but what can ba cultivated. This farm has a frontage of n mile on a main traveled road be tween Center and Dodgo streets. This land could be easily divided Into several small tracts, all having a flue road front, age. Payne Investment Co., 1st Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. 178L WE have 30,000 acres of land in South Da kota, all tine clear farming land, at rea sonable prices; also the best horse ranclt In the state, fully stocked, cheap; also it heep ranch In Colorado at a bargain. HART & SMITH, 402 N. Y. LIFE. M267 FOR SALE 1,960 acres of fine land ly ing in shallow water basin, in Finney county, Kansas) 1,100 acres alfalfa land, water from 6 to 15 feet from surface; bal. about 22 feet to water; land all clear of encumbrance; good soli; abundance of good water; price, $18 per acre. Address Lock Box 38, Spencer, Neb. -636 20 FOR SALE A fine farm of 148 acres; all fine corn land except 20 acres of pasture; 8 miles from a good market and 6 miles from Missouri Valley, la. Good improve ments. Will consider $3,000 In good In come Omaha property. Irlce $05.00 pef acre. Address Lock Box 675, Missouri Valley, la. 800 CALIFORNIA LANDS, have five large tracts of splendid lands In San Joaquin valley, near Stockton, Cal. Splendid climate and soil, and fine for cultivation purposes; low prioe. I have good tracts of 80 to 300 acres at $20 to $40 per acre. Write me at once If you and your frjends want to come to California. A. F. Connett, I.and Agent. 1223 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. 693 10 TWENTY-TWO ACRES. mproved 'farm, 2V4 miles northwest of Florence, near fonca cnurcn. t'rice w.p'n Call at place or address Jacob J. Chum, bers, Florence, Neb. M741 llx FOR EXCHANGE EXCHANGE 2516 Bristol St., nice little 5-room cottage. water and gas, to exchange for 7-rooui modern house; will pay or assume the difference. Three 4-room cottages, centrally located. ? a veil street, renting for $47, to exchange or good central 7-rooni modern dwelling; will pay or assume difference. Four modern cottages, 3 blocks from new street car barn, 24th und Vinton; rent for $17 per month each; price $S,5u; will trade for land or take part value in good va cant property. Brick building, containing three stores and. three b-room flats, located on 8. 2itli St., good neighborhood ; bringing in $: pur month rental; will exchange for good faria land of the same value at $lo,0u. Three ft-nxim cottages, leslruble central lo- tauuil, mvmi Burn, it-miiig lor Vf exchange for good central 7-room model u dwelling: nay or assume difference. Brick building, three stores and threa 6-room flats, good neighlsjrhood, on 8. 2oth; rental $lo per month; price $l,0oo; will exchange for good farm laud of the same value. New brick apartment house renting for a.9iu per year, to exchange Tor good farm land; property Is gilt edge and pays s, net Income of 7 per cent. CHICA(K INCOME We have two of ths finest apartment houses In Chicago to ex change for clear, cheap land In Nebraska, or the Dakotas. This properly Is some what encumbered, but is puytug 9 or 10 per cent on tho price asked. D. V. Sholes Company, 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. 2r IF YOU do not find what you want In this coi.min, put an ad In and you will so.. a get it. Z 9i GOOD lot in Nebraska City with new four- reom house, etc.; rents for $i per mouth: price $l..Vi; will exchange for lund ot equal value Address J. M. Uvlngitort, Nebraska Cily. Neb. ' - tiA 10x FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS GOOD hand-made gardener's wagon, near ly n(w-W. Top delivery wagon- J25. Leather-top carriage-$40. Two fine traps. Runabouts and top buggies. Rubber-tired phueton-$'!5. DRUM MOM) CARRIAGE CO . 1Mb, snd Harney. P 187 630 ELEGANT Stanhope, with rubber tires, at half price. Also wire wheel runabout, with cuklilon tires and ball bearings. A big snap for someone. Johnson At Dana forth, H. W. Cor. loth and Jones Sts. . P-5- FOR SAI.E-Fine saddle horse. Inquire Rome Miller, Iler Grand hotel. P 90 U OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. (15 N. Y. bldg. TeL 14. -in MRS. JOHN R, MU8ICK . Osteopathy Phr. loUo; bfflo. jXavUi Wk, Jtl iti. -4.1$ , 4X1 t