TTTE CM AIT A DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1903. CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS Office, 10 Pearl 8t. Trl. 43. BETTER ROADS ARE NEEDED rmrt lik Commercial Club to Help Thsm lonre Belief. den, Macdnnia: John Caretcn. flhclhv; Walter H'-itike, M. A. HrlfTtth. K. F. Orw, Hancock; Fred Zcelcr. V. N. Rates, n. V.. Slvers, H. S. Hctrlrk, J. E. Pullock. Ouktnnd; Ed Hlack. Oris wold. DRIVES MUCH TRADE TO OTHER TOWNS Colonel Baker Saraet I nine fortloa ! of Road Cuiid Collected In the City for Iniprorlni Thfi Thoroughfares. That better roads leading Into Council Bluffs are needed-Is demonstrated from a communication to the Commercial club from a number of residents living over the Pottawattamie county line In Stlllary's township, Mills county, which was referred to the Board of County Supervisors at Its fission yesterday. Qwlng to the bad roads leading Into Council Bluffs, the signers of the communication, some thirty In num ber, are compelled to trade In Glen wood, while, aa they say, they would prefer to trade In this city. The communication In part reads as fol io wai We desire to call your attention to the fact that we reside much nearer to Council Bluffs than to Ulenwood, but that during a large part of each year and. In fart, the greater part of each year, the roads are so bad to Council Bluffs that we are com pelled to go to (Jlenwood to do our trading. The roads to Olenwood are kept In good shape til the year round while the roads to Council Bluffs are not graded and are Impassable a part of the time. We would much prefer to come to Council Bluffs to trade. We therefore request your club to tako this matter up with the Board of Supervisors of your county for the Inter ests of your merchant and, If possible, se cure for us good roads and roads that are passable the year round. Colonel W. F. Baker, the member of the board from the city, suggested that the city be requested to permit the expendi ture of that portion of the county road fund levied within Its municipal limits on the main thoroughfares leading into the city In place of being expended for the Improvement of thoroughfares within Its limits. As the law Is, the city has the right to decide where its portion of the county road fund Is expended, provided uch work la done unties, the supervision or by the Board of Supervisors. Makes Tax I.evr. The board yesterday completed the fixing of the total tax levy for 1906, Including the ltvy for school and other special pur poses. The total tax levy In Council Bluffs will be B4V mills, made up as follows: Mills. Mills. City CV4 State end county 12 Speelnl health... S . School 28 Total MMi The total tax levy In the other towns of the county is as follows: Mills. Mills. Ivnra fc4 Neola to Carson 67v4 Oakland 7"4 Hancock tVi Macedonia 4S Mlnden 6 Trevnor 8S Vnderwood MH Walnut 63 CARNIVAL CROWDS ARB GATHERING Attendance for Friday Pally Kotr teenThoasand. That the street fair and carnival has not suffered any loss in popularity this year was demonstrated by the large attendance yesterday, the biggest of the week. As to night will mark the closing of the carnival the attendance Is naturally expected to be the record breaker for the six days. The crowd last night was conservatively esti mated at close upon 12,000 while at least 4,000 passed the gates during the afternoon. Yesterday was Farmer's day and at least 1,500 people from the country were in at tendance. Many of the farmers reeldlng In the territory adjacent to Council Bluffs have since the first year of the street fair made a custom to bring their families and stay in the city at least two days and even longer while taking In the festivities and at the same time taking the opportunity to do their fall trading. In the afternoon the members of Abe Lin coln Woman's Relief corps attended the carnival in a body and In their honor Co valt's band played a number of patriotic elections. Omaha added materially to the attendance at night. The executive committee has sent out a special request that every member of the "White cap" brigade be on the grounds this evening to assist In maintaining order. It being the last night a dense crowd Is expected and the management Is anxious that there should be no rowdyism to mar the closing of the carnival. These have volunteered to act as ticket takers at ths different attractions today: Afternoon Oate, J. E. Price, W. E. Tutny, Kdward Canning; stadium, F. I Chllds, John A. Churchill; plantation, K. IW. Davenport; Steeple chase, M. F. ' Bohrer- or my house, Chris Straub; lost child, tfiev. 11. H"stetler; moonshiners, TV M. Nleholl: day in the Alps, F. B. Liggett; Texas wonder, A. P. Fair; Ferris wheel, W. W. Ixomls; glass show, L. T. Shugart; kstsenjammer, John B. Keellne; boney boy, Painter Knox. Evening Oate, C. A. Wiley. II. A. Chis hsm. Oeo. H. Nleholl; stadium, P. J. Mc Brlde, R. D. Rutherford: plantation, C. H. Bradley; steeple chase, C. W. Mullls; crazy house, C. A. Cooke; lost child, John C. Small ; moonshiners. IT. L. Tlnley; day In the Alps, T. V. Edwards; Texas wonder, J. E. llollenbeck; Ferris wheel, John H. I-ong: glass show, J. P. Mulqueen; Katxen- ismmer, C. A. Beno; boney boy, Fred tapp. Bank to Be Located Today. The location of the proposed new bank to be established In this city by the Na tional Bank of Commerce of Bt. Louis Is expected to be decided upon today. The representatives of the St. Louis bank, it Is understood, have narrowed down their selection to two sites on Pearl and Main streets. The choice is now said to lay between the Dodge property Just south rf the Baldwin block and the Stewart building. Both of three properties have frontages on Pearl and Main streets.. O. B, Baker, one of the representatives of the St. Louis bank, denied yesterday the report that the purchase of one of the local banks had been contemplated and said that It was the Intention from the first to start an entirely new bank. fiood Seed I'rodnres Itrsnlta, Trof. P. O. Holdi n or th Iowa state college nt Anion, who is making a tour of the stste, visiting county fairs and other gatherings for the purpose of Instructing farmers In the cultivation of corn, with special reference to the Selection of S'ed, was In the city yesterday, accompanied by Joseph TrlRg of Pes Moines and W. R. Perkins of Ames. Mr. Holdon said teat preaching the gospel of good seed was already commencing to bear fruit, s an Improvement rould be marked In the quality of Iowa corn. He made the assertion that the carful selec tion of seed for the n"xt few years would double the quantity and quality of the Iowa crcii. IOWA MEN ARE DROPPED OUT Anotbor Chapter of JJeyelopmenU in Korth weeiera Life and Trait Compeny. STREET RAILWAY APPEALS TO MERCHANTS City Coancll Passes Favorably on llrenery Petition, but Fight Against It is to Be Kept I P. Blah School Faenlty MeeMna. The members of the high school faculty have been called to meet with Principal Thomas this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the high school for a general conference In regard to the work for the new school year, which commences next Monday. This morning nt 9 o'clock all teachers will meet with the principals of the re spective buildings to which they have been assigned for the purpose of preparing for the opening of school. ' Ileal F.state Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Be September 8 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company cf Council Bluffs: Ella Flack and husband to F. C. Louge, nwV, se'4, nc'i wt, part s'4j nwVi nnd part nw swV, 11-75- 4.1. q. c. d 11,542 Etta Chapman to Nina Rpnur, lot 24. block 8, Sackett's addlton to Council Bluffs, la., w. d 750 Two transfers, total $2,291 Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. :....v John Roost, Mlnden. la Catherlnna Arp. Mlnden, la. Hugo pteffnn, Mlnden. Ia Llzxlo Krohn, Mlnden, Ia N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 230. Night, F667. MINOR MF.NTION. Davis sells drugs. Btoekeft sells carpets, numbing and heating. Bixby aV Son. Drs. Woodbury, dentists, SO Pearl street Woodrlng-Sehmldt. undertakers. Tel. 339. Leffert's Improved torlo lenses give satis faction. Choice pictures for wedding gifts. C. E. Alexander, 333 B'way. Merry Mav eamn No. 8 .Tuninr iVAm tot America, will meet this evening. wignt school Western Iowa college opens September 18. Office open evenings. Western Iowa college fall term now open. Enroll any week day. Catalogue free. Farms for sale all sizes, easy term Squire ft Annls. Council Bluffs. Iowa. Fryer Printing Co., 31 Main. Tel. 205. Let us figure on your next order of printing. H. A. Qulnn has purchased the McKesson property on Oakland avenue and will shortly occupy it. For sale, a horse, young, gentle, sound, broke double and single, fast. Mar. Bourl clus, 336 West Broadway. Rev. Henry DeLong's Industrial school will meet this afternoon'at i o'clock at the new mission, lOiW Avenue F. Miss Marcla Waples, recently elected teacher of Oerman In the high school, has arrived from Dubuque. Save money Buy your paints and var nishes at Berwick's, 211 8. Main St. Tel. Sa. All goods guaranteed. On the ground floor. Morehouse ft Co., printers and binders, are In their new building now. IS North Main St. The new finding lists ordered bv the library board have been completed and will be ready for distribution In about a week. Contractor E. A. Wlckham has completed the paving on Fletcher avenue and has commenced vork on North Second street. Wanted, three stenographers (young men) si saiuries xo, ' and i& a month, respectively. Call at Western Iowa college odlce. Mrs. E. E. Harvey, who was called here by the death of her father. County Sur veyor Thomas Tostevln, returned yesterday to her home in Denver. Edward Mnrgal drove over a transit be longing to City Engineer Etnyre Thursday afternoon and seriously damaged the in strument. Morgal claimed the accident was due to Ills defective eyesight. Mrs. Susan Morris of Weston, this county, has been brought to Mercy hospital, In this city, suffering from the dislocation and fracture of a shoulder, caused by falling on a sidewalk. Mrs. Morris Is C6 years of age. The suit of Robert Little against Potta wattamie county( In which he seeks to re cover damages placed at 8-UOtiO for per sonal Injuries received by driving through a defective county bridge, has been spe cially assigned for trial before Judge Oreen at Atlantic Cass county, next Monday. Despite the crowds at the carnival the city has so far been free from crime and no arrests have been made. No reports of pocket picking or other robberies have been made to the police and the department Is consequently feeling much elated. For the carnival week Major Richmond has In creased the force and the night detail has been more than doubled, with the result that the city has been more thoroughly patrolled. Harrison County to Hold Fair. LOGAN, la., Sept. 8. (Special.) The an nual exhibition of the Harrison County Agricultural society will be held at the fair grounds near Missouri Valley on October 2. 3. 4 and 6. The first day will be entry day. At the race track $1,750 will be awarded as prizes for speed. The officers of the society this year are as follows: President, E. F. James of Missouri Valley; vice president, Frank Zahner of Modale; secretary W. H. Wlthrow of Missouri Val ley; treasurer, W. J. Burke of Missouri Valley; superintendent of grounds, William Treuflnd; superintendent of hull, N. L. Lawrence of Magnolia; superintendent of speed, Sam Balrd of Dunlap. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Ia., E.upt. 8.-(Speclal.) Another chapter was written In tho Insur ance squabbles of the stockholders of this state and the officers and authorities of the i Northwestern Life and Trust company I when it was learned thnt all the men who went to Minneapolis at the time of the nb : sorption of the Northwestern Life and Sav ings with the Minneapolis vomimny are to I be relieved of their places with the com I pany. ' Cordy Heeler, one of the best known of ! the Insurance men of the city, was relieved I of his place roon after the change wns ef I fecttd and at the beginning of the month j all but one of the other men were sent I notices that their services would not be i needed after the lStli Inst. The nrtarw' rf Tl P WlftRi" In thm fltv disclosed that he would not be a member of the force of the Minneapolis company after the first of the year. Witter has been the strongest opponent of the methods of the company nnd as his contract with the com pany expires at the end of the year the de cision has been reached that he will not be a member of the force for another year. Street Railway Makes Appeal. Following the announcement of the suit of the Civic league to make the City Rail road company and the Interurban com pany secure a franchise If they continue to operate their cars on the city streets the companies have taken an appeal to the business Interests of the city, declaring that the suit will have the effect of put ting a stop to the Interurban development of the city. They show that they had 300 miles of Interurban planned, which would give the city a population of TBO.ono more than they can reach directly at this time. In the meantime the company Is being assured by press, league and people that all that is wanted is a fair understanding, the withdrawal of the half-doxen parts of franchises that are in partial operation at this time and the substitution of a new franchise at this time. Brewery Petition Passed. The petition for the establishment of a brewery has passed the city council with the loss of about 300 names and the pro moters of the brewery claim that the rent of the names are good. There Is still a chance for the anti-brewery forces to get enough men to withdraw to invalidate the petition and the opposition believe they will be able to do this. lovrana Lead Western Shooters. The Iowa team to Sea Girt arrived home this morning, tired by the three weeks' Jaunt, but more than happy in the place they received in the competition. Two of the Iowa men ranked among the first twelve of the shoot. Lieutenant Albert Bowen of Waucon and Sergeant Fred HIrd of Dubuque being the men. In individual shooting the Iowa team ranked eighth In the list and in the team shoot they received a rank of fourteenth. They were the highest in individual shoot ing of any of the teams of the west. Petit Jary for Avoca. The following petit Jury for the district court at Avoca for the September term, which opens September 24. was drawn yes terday: O. W. Cranev. Adam Eckert, C. C. Rob. trie. H'nry MatrUs. Walnut J. E. For sythe, E. Fmliurr. Canton; o. G. tauter. Henderson: 8. K. Van. D. K., Grisold: Frank Blelcii. 6am D. Klais. Joe Oreen, John Dugo, Avoca; C. B. H a- soGTi;i::a syrup Mbenaaedbr miuoasof Motaen for their fiaiares vuiie Teeitiiiw f o.m- yif Tm ' "ruS "f" i7aI3 1 & Ui ISIMI fUl CEWTg A JtOTTL. LEWIS CUTLER 1 MORTICIAN I 28 PEARL ST.rTOB' I J Fraternal Society Electa. MISSOCUI VALLEY, Ia., Sept. .-(Spe-clil.) The local chapter of the Knights and Ladles of Security have elected the fol lowing officers: President, L. L. Hosklns! first vice president, Mrs. Gumb: second vice president, Mrs. Charles Treuflnd: prelate, Mrs. Ed Casey; conductor, Mrs. J. N. Fltsglbbon; flninclat secretary, Mrs. L. A. Lewis; corresponding secretary. Mrs. J. C. Conroy; treasurer, Charles Treuflnd; trus tees. Mrs. J Brtnker, I. W. Myers and M. Mcintosh; Indoor sentry, Mrs. Sullivan; outer sentry, M. Haley. Fraternal Picnic at I. nam a. LOQAN, la., Sept. (Special.) Many preparations are now being made for the fraternal picnic to be held here on Thurs day. September 14, by the Modem Wood men of America and the Royal Neighbors of America. Hon. F. K. Korna. state lec turer for the Modern Woodmen of Amer ica, and Dr. Cora Wlttlch. state lecturer for the Royal Neighbors of America, will be the orators of the day. A program of sports will be rendered In the afternoon and $- In prises will be awarded for these events. Two Doctors Indicted. MARSHALLTOWN, la., Sept. . (Spe cial.) Two doctors giving the names of Kraus and Anwlme were indicted by the grand Jury here this morning. They are charged with Leing Itinerant vendors and with practicing medicine without a license. They furnished bvnds to the amount of 11, -U0 each. Fatally Hnrt tn Well, PORTSMOUTH, la., Sept. .-(Speclal Telegram.)-Wesley Knauss, a wealthy and prominent farmer living, seven miles from this city, met with an accident today which will probably cost him his life. He was down In a well on the farm of a neighbor when a heavy Iron bucket fell on him. Knauss was looking up when It fell and the heavy bucket struck him In the face, breaking the cheek bones, both Jaws and nis nose. He was brought to this city, where his Injuries were dressed by Dr. Doyle, but there is little hope for his re covery. Missouri Valley Schools Open, MISSOURI VALLET, Ia.,-ept. .-(Spe-clal.) The Missouri Valley public schools are now in full blast and the attendance has reached 700. The First and Third ward schools have the same attendance. 206. Delegate to Farmers' Congress WOODBINE, la., Sept. 8.-(Specla'l.)-Oovemor Cummins has appointed Peter Lewis, a prominent farmer living near Woodbine, as a delegate to the National Farmers' congress, which meets next week at Richmond, Va. DEATHRECGRD. Captain G. It. Itnston. CENTERVILI.E. Ia- Sept. 8 -(Speclal.) News wrs received here this morning of the death of Captain G. R. Huston of Allerton, Ia. Interment will be in this city Saturday. Captain Huston was a prominent Grand Army of the Renubllc man. a member of the Thirty-sixth Iowa. He leaves a wife and seven children and seventeen grandchildren. He was the father of J. K. Huston, editor of the Cen tervllle Citizen. John Albert Copeland, WOODBINE, Ia.. Sept. 8-(Speclal.) John Albert CopVland, aged 19, only son of W. E. Copeland. died here this week and was buried In the ' local cemetery. Rev. C. N. Dawson of the Methodist Episcopal church delivered the funeral address. The deceased . graduated last year from the Woodblpe Normal s hool and at the time of his death was attending the 8lmpson Conservatory- of Music at Indianola. General A. oa Bowaslawskl. BERLIN, Sept. 8. -Lieutenant General A. von Boguslawski, well reputed as a military writer since his retirement in 1&90 and an officer whose opinions were often quoted by the Associated Press during the Russo-Japanese war, died yesterday, aged 71 years. Chief of Police of Davenport. DAVENPORT, la.. Sept 8.-(Special.)-Frank Kessler, for twenty-two years the chief of the Davenport police force, died at his home here this morning from a stroke of apoplexy. He has not been a member of the .force for a year or two. John Woods. WAUNETA. Neb., Sept. T. (Special Tele gram.) John Woods, a prominent rallroaj contractor and owner of large ranch inter ests in Chose county, died suddenly at his home near Wauneta at o'clock this evening. Fairbanks at Oyster Bay. OYSTER BAY. L. I., Sept. 8-Vlce Presl dent Fafrbanks called on the president to-' duy. Lis visit was purely personal. - Bee Want Ads are the Best Business Boosters. Tavitart Caso to Arsrameat. WOOSTER, O,. 8.-The final testi mony in the Tagart divorce case has bwn taken and the arguments will begin tbis afternoon. The only witnesses examined today were Detective F. F. Dow. who was r-cl!ed by the defer.... and William Tsg grt. No new facts of Importance devt-1-o:d Two days will be allowed fur arguments. EH WE TOY SETMiS' WES LMJ WEST AHD ffliSTWEST n i SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 31 FRGIYJ OMAHA San Francisco. Los Angeles. Portland. Seattle $25.00 Spokane and Eastern Washington $22.50 Butte. Helena and Salt Lake City $20.00 Cody. Wyo., (Big Horn Basin)... $16.75 Daily tourist sleepers and through car service Omaha to Montana and Puget Sound points. Daily through tourist sleepers Omaha to California, via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City and Southern Pacific. Tourist sleepers from Omaha Thursdays and Fridays are personally conducted. Daily through tourist sleeping car service from Omaha to Los Angeles via Denver, scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City, thence to Southern California over the San Pedro Route. Through tourist sleepers from Omaha every Saturday night for Southern California via Kansas City and the Santa Fe Route. These tourist sleepers provide high grade 1 facilities at half the rates for standard sleepers. The cost of double berth Omaha, or from Nebraska points, to the Coast is but $5.7. Let me send you folders about these colonist rates and our through service. Describe to me your trip and let me advise you the least cost and the best way to make it. J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam St., Omaha. 31 OLD EPHRA1M AND HIS IDOL Foremost Yankee Father of 7 Years Fondles a Baby Boy and Says Things. Ephraim Wright Is New Hampshire's foremost opponent - of race suicide. He Is 17, and when a reporter called on him at his cottage In Acworth he was playing with his 17-month-old son, who crowed joyously on his knee. "This Is my little boy, Raymond Alfred Wright, and he looks just aa I did when I was a youngster," said the youngest old man of Sullivan county. Sullivan county has always been noted for Its vigorous old men, but Farmer Wright holds the record. He cultivates his eighty-acre slde-hlll farm with the same vigor with which he raises a family. Tn 1S92 Mr. Wright married Miss Nellie M. Jennings, who was then 27. The hus band had already seen almost three-quarters of a century roll over the mountains. Nevertheless three children have blessed the union. The first two died, but the last one, born after his father had passed four vore and five years, promises to have a long life. Mr. Wright was born In Newport, N. H., In WIS and at 25 married a Vermont girt, by whom he had four children, who grew up. but who are now all dead. Had they live and had children at the usual age those grandchildren might now have chil dren who would be older than their great grandfather's latest son. "I used to carry on a farm of 150 acres of tillage," said Mr. Wright, "but have a sore leg now and eighty acres Is all I can tend to well. I do like to put things Into the ground and see them grom "I have knocked off cider because I think It makes trouble with my leg. T like a sip of something hsrd once In a while and when I can get It I always take brandy. It makes you feel warm and makes a man younger." "You don't think drink shortens life?" "That Is an old woman's whim," re sponded the 87-year-old parent of a baby, with a chuckle. "It has not shortened my life and I have taken a nip ever since I was a youngster. Jam going to take It just as long as I want it. "But liquor is not what It used to be. You have to drink more to get the same effect. I never got drunk, but I always keep a bottle in the house and when the spirit moves me I take something." "How about tobacco?" "Just the same. 1 have smoked and chewed since I was 18. A chew between meals tastes good. The trouble with this generation In using liquor and tobacco Is that the boys start In at too fast a clip and get shipwrecked. Moderate use pro longs life." "What advice would you give young people In regard to eating?" "Well, feeding has always been my stronghold. I can put away more potatoes than any one of my family. Codfish and cream spread over four potatoes makes a good breakfast. Corn cakes are the thing for steady bread, with wheat biscuits when the minister calls." The old man admitted that turkey was good enough for Thanksgiving and plum pudding for Christmas, but stuck to It that codfish, eornbread and potatoes, with hard cider for a beverage and hard liquor and tobacco between meals, were all that was needed to enable one to live long, conduct a farm and raise children. New York Sun. Victor Okaw, owned bv Dr. N. B. Poulter of Illinois, handled by W. J. Wilson. Accident tn Aoto Race. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Bept. 8. At the height of a spurt In which Walter Christie expected to lower the automobile record for the Atlantic City beach course today the four rear cylinders of the car blew out, wrecking the motor. Christie and a companion who sat almost over the cylin ders escaped serious Injury, although Christie was struck In the back by a flying piston, which penetrated the steel shield pack of tils seat. Another piece of flying steel tore a gash In the hand of Walter Jones, who was assisting Christie in run ning the car. Christie, fearing to apply the brakes, ran Into the soft sand, where the two men tumbled out. Great Law Salt Decided. The supreme court, the people, has de cided that Dr. King's New Discovery wina against coughs and colds. 60 cents and fl. For sale by Sherman & MoConncll Drug. Co. RAILWAY TIME CARD CXIOX STATION TENTH AND MARC Y, rnloa pael.o. Tjeavo. Arrive. Overland Limited .......a :40 am a 8:11 pm California Express a 4:10 pm a 9.30 am California ft Oregon Ex. a 4 X pm a 1:10 pm North Platte Local a 7: jo am a 6:20 pm Fast Mall a S:St am a S:S0 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7:44 am Beatrice Local b 1:15 cm b 1:80 pm ana in. St. Louis Express 8:30 pm 1:20 am Bt. jxuls Local (from Council Bluffs) :U am 10:80 pm Shenandoah Local (from ccuncu tiuiTBj i: cm 1:50 pm Chicago, a3k Island EAST. a 8:35 am a 7:3i am ,.bll:4.1 am ..a :S0 pro Pa ci He. Chicago Limited Chicago Express .... Chicago Ex.. Local.. les Moines Express Des Moines Local... Chicago Fast Express . .a t:40 pra a vtrtBT. Rocky Mountain Lim'd..a T: am Colorado Express a 1:30 pm Oklahoma ft Texas Ex. a i-M pm Colorado Night Ex a tM cm Chicago, Milwaakea 4k It. Paal. Chicago Daylight Ex.. .a 7S am all 00 pre lallloriua-uregon ex ...a :s pin Overland Limited a 8:86 pin Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:25 am Chicago Limited a 7i6J pm Minn, ft St. Fau.1 Ex....b 7:26 am Minn, ft St. Fsul Ltd. ..a 7:60 pm Missoarl rarlaa. Bt. Louis Express a 9:00 am K. C. ft St. L. Ex aU:ls pm l blcago A Northwestern. Local Chicago ail JO am Fast Mall I lit un Diu(ru Si Faul a 7.W ..- L'aylight Chicago a t.W) am Limueu Chicago a 4.34 pm Local Carroll a 4. va Fast St. Faul a Local Sioux C. ft St. V. a l.uO pm t an uau a 7:10 am a 8:W pm a :I0 pm bll:M am 9:65 pm pm a SO am a 4:6o pm aU:40 am a 7 J6 am a 8:10 pm a 7:36 am ai0:3i pm a 4:08 am Dl0:8a pm a 8;ut pm a 1:80 am a 6:w pm Chicago Express a b.W pm Norfolk ft Uouesteel ....a ?:fc iin Lincoln ft Long Pine 7:10 am Casper ft Wyoming 2 50 pm Deadwood ft Lincoln ....x 2:61 pm Hasilngs-Alblon b 2.60 pm Dea M. ft Okobojl Ex. ..a 76 am If m 6:8b am 10 .oo pm 11 ft pm 9:16 am i.6o am !:( am t (:8a am 8:60 pm a '1 :30 am ;t'ai am 10:40 pm e:18 pm pm pm :l :li W I LblMis Groat W oatera. 8l Paul ft Minn a s.SO pm a 7:16 ass t. Paul ft Minn a 7:t6 am a 7:6 pm Chicago Limited a 6:w pui alv:iu am Chioo impress . 6.06 am a 9.JU pm One Faro to Hot vrlags. Ark. plus 82 for round trip, dally, good for 80 days. 8ummer Is the best time for treat ment. Ask any ticket agent. Alpine I .ad Heads Prise Wlaaers. O'NEILI Neb.. Sept. 8. (Special Tele grain.) The prise winners' rice in the cuursing matcli was completed today and prises awarded as follows: First prise V, won by Alpine Ixid. ow n"d hy Sol Proctor of Indiana, handled by Kd Garr. Second prise. 75. won by Bret's Sport, owned and handled by Charles Asklns of O Neill. Tt.ird prise. 850. divided between Count's Clip, owned by H. A. Klrby of la laud, haudled by W. H. UauirauuU, aud Bl!U.tGTOS ITATIOa1-lWTH Uarllagtoa. Leave. Denver ft California a t.m pm Northwest Express ...,aU:10 pm Nebraska points a 6.60 am Llaoolu Fast Mail b 2:67 pin Ft. Crook ft ruttsct'th b I U pm beilevue ft Plaitsm lu..a 7.60 pm Itellevue ft Pac. Juno....al2:16 pm beilevue ft Pac Juno.. ..a am Denver LimKed Chicago Special a 7 26 am ChwiMlo Express a 4 00 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:us pm Iowa Local a 9:15 am tit. Louis Expresa a 4:41 pm Kansas City ft St. Joe..ai0:46 pio Kansas City ft SL Jus. .a 9:16 am Kansas City ft Su Joe-.a 4.46 pm 4k MASON Arrive. 8 89 pm a 8:04 pm a l:i0 pm atf;t pm iv am : din ..... - ... , a 7:10 am a'i':65 'pm a t.26 pm alO:U pm SU.W a ia a l.tin, a (.u6 pat Make it pleasant lor ilubbj Ia 'A M la.? Jyff You Li he AT The Mod Pop whrBuBtm Beef FORTHE HOME Telephone fJ2Q ) UNION PACIFIC U . EVERY DAY WEBSTER DKPOT 10TII A WEBSTER Nebraska Local, via leave. Arrive. Weeping Water b 2 60 p:a bl2 80 pm Chlcaao. St. Pnal, aflnaeapolia 4k Omaha. Twin City Passenger... b 9 80 am b 9:19 turn Bloux City Passenger.. .a 8.00 pm aU:0am Oaaiand Local d 6.46 ira am a dally, b dally except Sunday, d daiis cil aattuday, tUiif eaoept Monday, From September 13, to October 31, IOCS 6HORT LINE FAST TRAINS NO DECAYS 2? ur your ticket read over thit line . , Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1824 FAUX AM ST. Phona 316. i