Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1905, Page 2, Image 2
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, IMS. Telephone 604. Tke ky te wi t i A rmm aIdeae Se . aee-d sta There is a certain dignity dominating the stylos we are now showing in separate waists, which is very apparent and marks theru . distinctively as different from the commonplace and mediorce. New Lingerie Waists from 13.75 to H2.60. New Waists, In black nuns' veiling, at New Waists In cotton plaids, light ground, t tl.BO. New and beautiful creations In Lao Waists at SS.OO to $75.00. Separate skirts. All our own exclusive and up-to-date styles In Voiles, Panamas, Broadcloth, Serges and Fancy Mixtures are now being shown. riaal Clearing; Kale of Men's Negligee Shirts. Baturday, September , ws will place on nHOMP30N.PELDEHQ Y. M. C. A. Building, Cor. 10th and Douglas. . . tratlon were announced as follows: Alabama George F. Jackson, Birming ham. Arizona J. H. Crelghton, Phoenix. ArkanM O. E. Newman, Jurtsnnls. California Charl F. Klce. Riverside. Colorndo V. B. Holllster. Denver. Connecticut V. O. McNeil, New Haven. Delaware Jnmcs McDowell, Wilmington. Florida Joseph Brumby, Nashville. Georgia C. A. Buchcr, Fltngerald. Idnhn Snmuel Wllace, Pocatello. llllnnls-.Thomas W. 8-ott. Fairfield. Indians W. H. Armstrong. Indianapolis. Indian Territory Lyman Creston, Musko gee. , Iowa J. S. Lathrop, Sioux City. Kansas Oeorge W. Saunders, Msyfleld. Louisiana Francis Richards, New Or leans. Maine George S. Smith, Houltoa. Maryland It. F. Taylor. Baltimore. Massachusetts John Hlsy, Springfield. Michigan Charles K. Foote, Kalamaaoo. Minnesota T. W. Collins, Minneapolis. Missouri G. M. Sterrott, St. Louis. Montana G. B. Sterling, Helena. Nebraska James D. Gage, Mllford. New Hampshire G. B. Woodbury, Con cord. New Jersey Claylnod Gllden, Jersey City. New Mexico John Y. Hewitt, White Oak. . New York M. V. B. Lucaa, Potsdam. North Dakota F. Hlenlan, Jamestown, i Ohio J. C. Wlnsns, Troy. Oklahoma M. Fitzgerald. El Reno. Oregon B. F. Pike, Moro. Pennsylvania Thomas U. Sample, Alle gheny. Potomac (Washington) O. M. Husted, Washington. Rhode Inland Charles p, Brayton, ProvU dence. South Dakota J. I,. Turner, Springfield. Texas J. 8. Dunlap, Dallas. Vtah N. D. Corser. Vermont Daniel W. Davis, Chester. Washington William Badger, North Ya kima. West Virginia N. M. Pritchard. Man nlngton. W isconsin Phil Cheek, Baraboo. Judge Lee S. Es telle. Inspector general. of the Grand Army of the Republic, has re turned from Denver, and reports the en campment there the biggest one on record. "The Intelligence that Minneapolis, Minn., had been selected as the plaoa for the en Stork Goods AND AIX THE NECESSARY ARTICLES FOR BABIES. Stork Pants, &0o. Stork Bibs, 80c, Btork Sheeting, $6 Inches wide, $1 yard. JUST RECEIVED A Urge shipment of baby Ham pers, Baskets, Bassinetts, Stands, Moses Cradles and Toilet Cabinet One or more of these should be In cluded In every wardrobe. Wicker Baskets, 660. 75c, S9o, IH. 15 and M $i.i6 HEW BABY CLOTHES All the new thing now here dresses, bonnets, cloaks, booties, skirts, shawls, vests, bands, bibs, gowns, shoes, moccasins and all the things that help to make baby comfortable Come, look the stock over. Miss Goff, In charge. Long and Short Coats, excellent values St $1.60, $1.76. $27S. $34o and .od New Illustrated catalogue ready Soon. Writs for it. Long Distance 'Phone, 170L SUITS FOR. Boys and Little Fellow's Clothing All ready with all" the latest wrinkles in knee pant1 and knickerbocker suits. Ytfur boy will look and feel his best in one of them. Prices, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $8.00. New illustrated catalogue ready soon write for it. BENSON CfTHORNEB OMAUAaliEO: Bee, September 8, 1!KX. New Silk Waisti, , New Lingerie Waists, New La.ce Waists. special Hale all odd and broken llns of men's soft shirts at rreatly reduced prices. Fine quality of Madras, some striped, some figured; also a few plain colors, sold all through the season at $100. atarday at BOe each. Finest quality Of Madras, either dark or light colors, some have attached cuffs, other are detached. Sold all through the season at $1.26, $160, $1.78 and $2.00. atarday at 79c each. We advise you to come early, as they will not last long at these prices. Special sale of colored silk midget string Ties at 10c each, or $ for 2So. campment for 19n6," he said, "will be espec ially gratifying to the Nebraska and Iowa boys, fchd the central west generally. It means another big encampment. The last national encampment held at Minneapolis In 1884, and followed the national encamp ment of the previous year at Denver." WOMAN'S ORGANIZATIONS ELECT Mn, Abble A. Adams of Nebraska Chosen President, DENVER, Sept. 8. Mrs. Abble A. Adams of Superior, Neb., was today elected presl dent of the Women's Relief Corps. There were originally Ave candidates and the bal loting continued for three hours. The con test Anally narrowed down to Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Carrie E. Sparklln of Bt. Louis The decisive ballot was: Mrs. Adams, 205; Mrs. Sparklln, 193. During the afternoon session the follow ing officers were chosen: Senior vice presl dent, Mrs. Julia Stlne, Chicago; junior Vice president, Mrs. Eunice Munger, Oklahoma City. Okl.; treasurer, Charlotte E. Wright, Hartford, Conn.; chaplain, Catherine C. Kennedy, Denver; executive board, Dr. Or- pha Bruce, Tampa, Fla.j Sarah E. White RookvlUe, Ind.; Florence S. Babbitt, Tpsl- lantl, Mich., and Maria E. Dean, Chatta nooga, Tenn. The ramp adjourned sine die. The Daughters of Veterans today elected the following officers: President, Miss Bertha Martin, Masslllon, O. ; senior vice president. Miss Clara Hoover, Chicago; Junior vice president, Miss Millie C. Leigh ton, Clinton, Mass.; chaplain, Miss Anna Freeman, Denver; treasurer. Miss Carrie B. Kilgnre, Philadelphia; Inspector, .Mrs. Gertrude Soderburg, Buffalo; patriotic In structor, Genevieve O. Hannan, Cam bridge, Mass.; council members, Mrs. Ida E. Warren, Worcester, Mass.; Miss Lillian Phillips, Chicago; Miss Florence Parks, Littleton, Colo.; Mrs. Adelaide Freer, Blng hamton, N. T.; Miss Minnie Gutttford, Al liance, O. The following officers were selected by the army nurses' association: President Fannie T. Hazen, Cambridge. Mass.; senior vie president, Clarissa F. Dye, Philadel phia; Junior vice president, Frederick A. J. Cole; treasurer, Salome M. Stewart: chap lain, Elisabeth Chapman, Bt. Louts; con ductor, Mary H. Lacy. Bait Lake; guard. Emily Alder, Clarion, la. The secretary. Miss Kate Bmlth, was re appointed. The Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic elected their officers today and wound up their nineteenth annual meet lng. The following were chosen: Presl dent, Ruth E.' Foote, Denver; senior vice president, Margaret Stevens, New Jersey; Junior vice president. Minnie Barnum, Min nesota; treasurer, Ella Jones, Pennsyl vania; secretary, Catherine Ross Colorado; chaplain, Anne Weaver, Iowa; council or administration, Genevieve Long, Illinois; Abble Krebbs. California, and Llxsle Grif fin, New York, Armoar Car Lines Answer. WASHINGTON. Sept. t-The Armour oar lines today filed- with the Interstate Com merce commission a denial that the com mission feas any Jurisdiction over Its re frigerator charges, taking a position Iden tical with that of the Santa Fe Refrigera tor Dispatch that It is not a common car rier and It Is not the agent of a railroad. Feafleld te Stady Trad Conditions. OYSTER BAY. L. I.. Sept. t.-It was announoed by the presides t today that Judge William L. Penfield. solicitor of the state department, had been designated to make an Investigation of the trade relations between the countries of America and those of Europe with a view to Improving Amer ica's commerce with the countries lying south Of the United States. YOUNG MEN Father and mother call them boys from 15 to 19 years, but in the matter of clothing we know we must cater to Young Men, and we put all the care into supplying stylish suits for these fastidious chaps that has made us so popular with the better dressed big boys. New Fall lines now ready. Coats made broad shouldered, single or double breasted -trousers quite roomy or regularly fashioned. Fairest of prices, $10.00, $12.00, $13.50, $15.00, $16.50. RAINCOATS-Stylisu rain and chill proof garments that are better values than the prices indicate, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00. AFFAIRS OF NEW KM LIFE lew York Investigation Brir.pi Oat Borne Peculisritisi of Infnrtote Fintnoe. MESSENGERS SIGN NOTES FOR LARGE SUMS Method by Which I ndeslrabl Assets Are Removed from Compeer's Books Linus May Testify. NEW YORK, Sept. 8. Today's session of the legislative life Insurance investigating committee was devoted exclusively to the affairs of the New York Life Insurance company and a searching examination was made of Its officers. Beginning with the salaries paid to the officers, the line of Inquiry extended through all the details of the company's participation in various underwriting syndicates for railroad se curities; the New York Life company's connection with trusts, and Anally, near the close of the day developed the fact that It Is not an unsual thing for clerks or messengers In the employ of the com pany with salaries as low as 1600 a year to sign notes for millions of dollars to be used by the company In relieving Its books of undesirable securities. Lawns May Testify. An Interesting feature was the statement that Thomas W. Lawson of Boston might be called as a witness. The committee's chairman, State Senator Armstrong, said that if the information Mr. Lawson Is supposed to hold could not be secured from other persons, the Boston financier would be asked to testify. Not being a resident of the state, Mr. Lawson cannot be com pelled to give testimony. Officers of the New York Life company testified today that on one occasion It be cams necessary for the company to sell certain securities in order to satisfy the Prussian government. Two clerks signed notes aggregating 12.250,000, "and on the books the securities appeared as sold to these parties, although they really had been turned over to the New York Trust com pany as security for the loan made on the notes of the two Insurance company em ployes. Salaries of Employes. "The salaries paid to the officers of the New York Life Insurance company were the subject of the open inquiries when the Insurance Investigation was resumed today, Edmund Randolph, treasurer of the New York Life, testified that the salary of Presi dent John A. McCall of that company had been Increased from $40,000 In 1832 to $50,000 In 1S83, $76,000 In 1396 and $100,000 since 1901. The salary of George W. Perkins, vice president of that company, Mr. Randolph testified, was Increased from $20,000 in 1833 to $26,000 In 1837, $30,000 In 1900. $76,000 In 1901, and then reduced to $25,000 In 1902. The reduction in salary was due to Mr. Perkins going into partnership with J. P. Morgan. Mr. Randolph's statement of the salaries of the other officials showed a steady In crease. John Claflln, a director and member of the finance committee of the New York Life Insurance company, was the next witness. Mr. Claflln described the com pany's method of making Investments through the finance committee. The list of Investments, as a rule, was prepared, he said, not by Individuals, but by a great number of financial Institutions, practically the whole financial community. The pro posals were first passed on by a subcom mittee, which eliminated the Impossible ones. If the proposals came on the day of the finance committee's sitting tho whole finance committee considered the proposals. Bis Loan to Trust Company. Mr. Randolph said that the object of the New York Life In keeping such large sums with the New York Trust company at an Interest of 1H per cent less than the current rate was to provide the New York Trust company with deposits against which it could make loans. During the first three months of 1902 the New York Life Insur ance company kept $10,000,000 continually on deposit with the New York Trust com- ' pany. Mr. Randolph said in explanation that this was due to the fact that largo blocks of preferred stock of the Chicago A Northwestern railroad and of Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul had to be removed from the assets of the New York Life Insurance company to satisfy the Prussian govern ment. They were taken from the insur ance Company by the New York Trust company. Later the transaction, at the wish ot the trust company, was changed Into collateral loan from the trust com pany to the Insurance company. Then col lateral notes were signed by two employes of the company, one ot whom, named Mar shall, was a messenger of the company at $500 a year. It was customary In banks for employes to sign notes for their banks and notes Involving millions were often made by clerks and messengers. Mr. Randolph said he supposed It was to prevent the names of the principals from appearing. Mr. Randolph explained other transactions arising from the sale ot securities necessi tated by the provisions of the Insurance laws of Prussia. In another transaction In volving United States Steel bonds Mr. Mar shall gave a note for $1,000,000 and John A. Newbery, another olerk. signed a note for $1,335,000. By means of these notes the bonds were removed from the assets of ths New York Life Insurance company. They appeared on the books as a sale, but had really been given as collateral to the New York Trust company for a loan on the sig natures of the clerks Marshall and New bury. The money borrowed was deposited with the New York Trust company. The committee then adjourned until 10:30 o'clock next Tuesday morning. HUNTING ALLEGED MURDERER Illinois Coal Miner Threatens Wife with Death and Disappear Irons Home, ST. LOtriS. Sept. I. John Trappe, th coal miner of New Athena, 111., who Is charged with shooting and killing Henry C. Link at Belleville Monday night, and who escaped Into a swamp from a sheriff's posse, returned stealthily to his home last night and Is reported to have choked his wife and threatened to kill her, but upon the woman's piteous appeals told her he would spare her to take care of the chil dren, and then disappeared Into th dark ness. Sheriff O. W. Thompson of Belleville, with eight deputies, immediately went to Trappe's home at New Athens today. rwwoLa to Gaatd fa. ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. .-Arrangements are making to provide winter quar ters for the large numbers of Cossacks In all the villages and hamlets around Tsars koe Belo. Cooaack cantonments will thus form a close cordon around ths Imperial residence. aese Maalatrate Imprisoned. SHANGHAI, Sept. i. The Chinese magis tiate of Qulnsan, near ShaaghaL has been arrested and imprisoned. He la reported to have tortured a British subject ot Chinese descent employed on ths Shanghai-Nankin railway, though Informed that the man was a British subject. Three Dead Are ReeoTered. NEW YORK. Sept. .-Three bodies have been recovered thus far from the Italian tenement st No. SOS East Seventy-ilrM street, which was purtially burned early today. The dead aie WUllaia Cullstto, I years old; an unidentified man and a girl, about 12 years old. While not positively known It Is believed all the other tenants escaped. Michael Anjflnn, his wife and daughter, were severely burned. Anglun'S condition is serious. DISORDER IN KOBE (Continued on Becond Page.) telling the crowd that If the cathedral wtu imlt destroyed he and the guard Would comm suicide. The crowd agreed not to touch the the cathedral. There-was considerable disorder and noise In the district, but there was no destruction of property and no serious clashes between the people and the police. Demonstrations egnlnst the metropolitan police headquar ters continued until a late hour. Crowds swarmed around the Jail and hooted and threatened. The newspapers generally assail the police ' authorities for withdrawing street patrols and leaving the city unprotected. Soldiers are proving to be more effective than the police In handling the crowds. The soldiers are popular and the crowds generally oboy their orders. Accompany ing ths ordinance declaring martial law Is an urgency ordinance. Increasing re strictions on the press and giving authority for the suspension of papers guilty of ln creasing the excitement and other branchea of order. Under this ordinance the govern ment has suspended the publication of the Mlyako, the Yuroxu and the Nlroku. The Tokio municipality has passed S resolution denouncing the terms and favor ing the Abandonment of the peace treaty. Tho municipality had planned a mass meeting at Illbaya park today, but on ac count of the danger ot disorders voluntarily cancelled the meeting. ioldlers In Readiness. - p. m. (Delayed In Transmission.) Strong Influences are working toward calm ing popular excitement and checking the rioting. The opinion Is expressed tonight that the worst violence has passed and that conditions will speedily mend. General Sakumo, who assumed charge of the capital today under the authority of the general ordinance has, In his proclamation, created a good Impression owing to the Con cilatory tone In which It I expressed and its note of firmness in declaring that the soldiery will resort to extreme measures if forced to do so. He has refrained from making a display of heavy military force In the city, having only detailed guards to pre serve order, holding the main garrison of reserves st the barracks, from whence he will only call them when forced to. The municipality has also greatly re lieved the situation by cancelling a mass meeting called at Hlbaya park, which Is the. rallying ground for all elements ot disorder. Political leaders are counselling the people to remain quiet and are con ferring with the government during the epcedy calling of a special session of the. Diet. Many believe that the Issuance of the summons for the special session of the Diet will fully restore tranquillity among the public. The report that trouble has spread at Chlba, forty miles distant from Toklo, has been partly confirmed. It seems certain that the police station waa destroyed, but the destruction of the prefectural office and court house Is not confirmed. Japanese reporters of the Associated Press who have been watching the rioting report that the character of the crowds has changed materially of late. They say that earlier In the trouble thousands of responsible citlsens Joined In the rioting, but that now the crowd s largely formed from the disreputable classes, students and yoUng rowdies. The day has been quiet In Toklo and no trouble Is expected tonight. A heavy rain began to fall at dusk which drove the majority oft the streets and Indoors. The church property destroyed or dam aged on Wednesday night and early this (Thursday) morning. Included a Cathollo church school and the priest's residence at Honjo, which were destroyed. Four smaller houses at Honjo were burned. The Protes tant church at Honjo Is under the pastorate of Audubon Armstrong, whose residence was burned. Three mission churches In the Asa Kusa district were partially or completely wrecked. The members of the Honjo church, anticipating an attack, re moved their own fences and raised a white flag. The mob then contented itself with destroying a few chairs and tables. Ths mob attacked ths Methodist church on Okachlmachi street, wrecked Its walla and fences and carried part of the furniture Into the street where It was burned. The Yonokura Snd Hamacho churches In ths Nlhonashl district were burned. NEWSPAPERS DEFEND RIOTERS One Toklo Journal Demands Resig nation ot Cnhinet. TOKIO, Wednesday, Sept 18 a. .m. (Delayed In Transmission.) With the ex ception of the Klkumin, the government organ, the newspapers this morning gener ally express anger over th action of the police In closing Hlblya park and attempt ing to suppress meetings. They say the measures of the police were unwarranted and foolish and served to exclt ths crowds. The J1J1 says: Such deplorable phenomenon In the city Where the emperor resides Is highly signi ficant that the only course open to th cabinet Is resignation. The Hochl deplores such occurrences In the capital of a victorious country and says that Tokio has been converted into a St. Petersburg. It further urges a refusal to ratify the treaty of peace, which. It says, Is the sols cause for "th shameful and sad occurrences." The Malnlchl says: Hear the voice of th nation. Heed th expression of the nation's desire. The na tion's voice is full of anger. The resigna tion of the cabinet might appease popular Indignation. All the papers avoid th us of the word "mob" and openly sympathise with th destruction of the police stations. 9:60 p. m (Delayed In Transmission.) The city was quiet throughout the day, al though there was a tensity of feeling every where manifested. Nightfall brought a verification of th prediction oT renewed trouble. The streets In ths center of th city began filling at dark. The first dis turbance occurred in the vicinity of the residence of Minister ot Horn Affairs Kat sura. A mob again attempted to fir th structure, but were restrained by the guards. Considerable roughness and fight ing followed. Menacing crowds gathered In th neighborhood of th metropolitan police headquarters, but .they refrained from attack on account of th preseno of a strong police reserve. The passage of street cars through th crowded streets angered th people and they began attacking and destroying cars. They drove oft the crews and passengers and set fire to the cars. Ten large cars were speedily destroyed. Later an outhreak occurred In the Kanda district ot th city, where a fir was started. Becaus of popular enmity, largely di rected toward the police, street patrols have been withdrawn and the. police have been centered at th danger points. The withdrawal of the patrols have left th streets unguarded and has given license to much minor disorder. Up to tonight ths number of arrests totals 00. They srs On charges generally of rioting and Inciting riot. Th Barristers' association has decided to defend all ar rested free of charge. The number of persons known to have been killed thus far Is six. Canal Eaglaeers Meet. WASHINGTON, Sept. I The board of consulting engineers of the Panama canal met today. Th discussion related to the sis of th locks and of th canal liselt MOB TARES RUSSIAN CONS Artillerists Art Unable to Cope with Workingmen at Balathsa. TARTARS PLUNDER CITY DESPITE TROOPS Men Take Refuse In a Hospital aad Throw Rnrnla Oil on Soldiers Who Fire t'pon Them. BAKU, Caucasia, Bert. .-Street fighting continued until late last night. The con sulates, bknks and government buildings are guarded by truvim. Halakhan was completely burned out after the Tartars had plundered It of everything valuable, and although shot down In masses by the artillery, the Tar tars were not deterred from their work of wreckage and looting. Fierce fighting and great slaughter oc cured at the Balakhan hospital, where 1,000 Armenians and workmen gathered. Gen eral Shtrlnkln sent a detachment of artil lery with three guns to the scene and the commander of the detachment summoned the crowd to surrender. The latter replied with vollevs of stones and some shots which killed one of the gunners. The commander of the troops thereupon opened fire. The first discharge of the three guns miscar ried, the shells falling Into the sea, but the second discharge sent the shells crash ing Into the hospital, where they exploded, killing an Immense number of men and wrecking the building. The maddened crowd charged the guns and captured them after deluging the gunners with burning oil. The latter fled. Cossacks and Infantry reinforcements attempted to recapture the abandoned guns, but were driven back by th suffocating smoke. Canse of the T-roaMe. ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. $.-The first and principal cause of the disorders at Baku Is the Moslem hatred of the Armen ians. This feeling is of long standing and Is never absent. . The Armenians have been detested as parasites and exploiters of the Mohammedan and other populations In the Caucasus and for several years the Russian authorities have had much diffi culty In restraining the Tartars from cruel and bloody reprisals. The Armenians un derstood the situation, and, aware of their danger, armed themselves." The Baku mas sacres In February showed how well they could defend themselves. This was evi denced 'again in the last seven days by the large number t Tartars killed Inthe rltotlng. The- Tartars, however, seem bent on exterminating the Armenians by killing them and destroying their villages, homes and churches. The Armenians have the upper hand In commerce and Industry In the Caucasus. This superiority galls the Tartars and Increases their hatred. This outbreak was predicted almost to a day three months ago, but the government even forbade the refinery owners to organise private militia for the protection of their property. The losses are so great that they will be felt all over Russia. The need of crude and refined oil will be felt In In dustry, transportation and In every house hold. Indian Killed While HontlnK. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Sept. 8.-(Speclal Telegram.) While duck shooting on Lake Andes, Joseph Kayukan, an Indian, was killed Instantly by the accidental discharge of a shotgun. While standing In a boat wi'ti his brother, the craft was capsized and the gun was accidentally discharged. The full charge struck the unfortunate In dian in the back. He was an industrious farmer and leaves a widow and two. chil dren. Kayukan was about 26 years old. Cotton Comes to Gins, WASHINGTON, Sept. I. The census office today Issued a report of the cotton ginned, of the growth ot 1906. to September 1, 190S, as follows: Counting round ball's as half bales, 4GS.600 bales, as against 871821 bales for 1904. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Convention Ends Work. MUSKOOEE, I. T., Sept. S The consti tutional congress of the proposed state of Sequoyah completed its work at noon todav. and adjourned. The constitution as a whole was adopted by a unanimous vote, after several amendments, more or less import ant, were made. The convention adopted an (appeal to congress asking that the tribal schools, wnicn cease 10 exist auer siarrn 4, 1908, be cared for by the national govern ment until the state government shall be established. AMCSEMENTS. BASE BALL VINTON STREET PARK OMAHA vs. PUEBLO Sept. 9, 10, 11, 12. Two Oamas Saturday, Sspt 9th Two Oimti Sunday, Sept. 10th First Oams Called 1:30. Monday, Sept. 11, Ladies' Day Oam Called 3:45. KRUG PARK Omaha's elite Resort Eight Big, Spaetaeular Nights Sept. 10th to 17th inclusive taiNNIHa SUNDAY sss CLOSING SUNDAY Messier rV. V. Cole Pressnts The Union Galling Section OF THE OMAHA GUARDS Presenting Tbslr Original Bptclaels "Storming the Old Mill" WAR BALLOON SUNDAY. Royal Canadian Band All Weak. Ne Advsaee la Prises. DOYD'S rtfASK Mgrs. THIS AFTERNOON TONIGHT SINDAY MATINEE AKO RIGHT HENRY W. GAVACE Offers George Ade's Play THE COMITY CHAIRMAN Prices 25o, 60c, T&C 1100. $1.60. Matinees, t&o, Wo. 7oc, tl.00. Coming THE TEKDERFOOT. KRUG Prices 15c, Bc, M. T5e Sun. Idat. 10c, t&o. frjo Wednesday and batur day Mat. all Seats lie MATIN EH TOUAV TONIGHT, 8:16 Uncoln 3. Carter s Great Melodrama THE EYE WITNESS lisssy-TDu SILT AM OF Sl'LV. CRCIHTOrf mm Paene 44. Opens Suniby Matinee, Sept 10 Will Modcra Vssdttille- Boi Office No Opto. fmnmnimnimmmininmnmifmnnmimininminHnn "It Was IM Like This in the Olden Days." MODERN Installment credit is so vastly dif ferent from "The Installment Plan" of several years ago, and has been elevated to such a higher plane that it now deserves, and occupies, a place of dignity and desirability in the world of trade. What is Installment 3 Credit? As practiced by this house, it is the 3 modern method of relieving the wage earner 3 of his burdens. It is the easy, comfortable, humane way of purchasing what you need. 3 Our absolute guarantee goes with every 3 sale. If the goods are not the best at the 5 prices, and if we do not sell' them at as low prices as cash houses ask, we desire to return your money immediately. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES mmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmnmnmmmBmBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi WOMEN'S STYLISH TAILORED SUITS, COATS, I - SKIRTS AIID MILLINERY FOR FALL WEAR you flies. will sell Special Price 8.50 Saturday 8.50 Men's fine all wool black cheviot suits single or double breasted styles, well made and neatly trimmed well worth $12.50, on fffi sale Satur day, at,... . 0 g School Boys' Suits ZZZ. If you have not purchased that new suit 2 or pair of shoes for your b"y, then come and see ui. Good goods, low EE prices. School suits, at B 1.98, 2.25, 2.50 and 2.75 3t fADNAM TT (The Peoples Furniture A Carpet Co.) uiiiiiiiiuiaiiiiuiiiiiaiiiiiuuiuuuuuuiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiuiiiiiiis: I Made from heavy planished cold rolled steel, lined with heavy asbestos, guaranteed perfect bakers and to be economical in the use of fuel. Many styles and sizes with high warming J7 ff closets, at prices up from iS.UU Stoves and Ranges Sold on Payments. OPEN SATURDAY EVENING MILTON ROGERS & SONS COMPANY 14th and Farnam Streets HOTELS f When in Chicago Stop at The Stratford Hotel iIhuI, qolrtt hUmk t earn a e.rt ot .L..iii, Hi roatrnirnt o .... . nL.,r ami ku Mri froat aia 8f rill ooia.. Xott. 4 corner c.1 tL'"? aad Ltk flout F.rk tliu. Inntrlua ifllnkuul btNia .11 uoi..ri B roa.. W arlrale ri B roa.. tlo. aaa rpt.oa lou fl j tTiXoub.a(i braai f.m., taW'lwM la arf ai.e f- Itik aa f I tat. lrloa. Uoa Birds..' CktcafO " tuh., Imurlo.,. artlio. aaH rp.oa roo aaa all Mto 1 rn cuinl tutlaiaa at daat. a lfichljkl ssl JscUos 3 3 3 3 3 Specials for Saturday 3 Cool nights and mornings make one think of the new coat. We are offer ing for tomorrow a new fall coat that 3 3 n 3 3 can wear from now until the snow We know you will 7.50 like It. Our 312.50 ladles' top coat, at. . A peep At our now suits trill show you the most popular styles that are to be worn this coming eeaBon. Our suit special for tomorrow is made of fine cheviot coat Is the fashionable length, satin lined, skirt In new pleat ed effect. The entire suit magnifi cently tailored. Regular $20.00 value, at 12.50 3 MIIXIXEHV. In order to make known to the publlo our new Millinery Department, we for tomorrow only. 2.98 ladies' new fall elvet bats for. . These are our regular line of $5 bat. Cfl STREETS, OMAHA. 3 v 3 The Monitor The malleable The Quick (Yioal The Puritan DOCTOR GEARLE3 AND, GEARLES Ws use our own nam la our business; yot know who you are actus business wits. Ceaealtstlea Free. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE BLOOD POiSOH F?&mSSrZrZ body, la mouth, iungue. throat, hair sr4 sytbrews tailing eut disappear eomplettly forever. WMt KenoQS. Ua U?t, "IXZI n.rvous d.blltf, early decilue. laok ot vlf or snd strenctb. I RINARr, Kidney and Blaader Trosblee. W.ak hack, burning L'line, Frequency el 1,'rlnatlns. Urlns Hlsb Colored or wits) UUky fcWdlineni oa standing. Treatment by mall. 14 ysars OF SUiV CEhBFL'L, PRACTICE IN OMAHA. Cam I aef of lets no. Ievslaa, Cpisbe. Nee aim ii A