Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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i w.' w wuv-wouiuixai i
I k krnl tt
l 1 I In the
f ft V d' nl
Autumn Suits
"We are now offering the most varied se
lection in Men's Fall Suits. The now style
of suits this fall are decidedly different from
any previous season. Coats show a tendency
to lengthen and the lapels to widen. Oreen
mixtures will be much in vogue, while all the
handsome gray mixtures will also be very
popular. "We are ready to shw the new
Fall Suits and ready to sell tftem. "We care
more about the showing than the selling just
now so come in and let us give you a good
square look at the correct styles.
i n a-1. i . -j e
The New Autumn Coats
and Cravenettes for Men
Our autumn line of Top Coats
and Cravenettes fresh from the
finest clothing manufacturers in
America is ready for those who
wish to equip themselves for the
coming of the first chilly autumn
$7 to $25
A Rain Coat is a welcome sub
stitute for an umbrella when it's
just damp and drizzly, or when
one wants something long and
swagger to wear over a full dress
suit. See our new fall line at
'$8. $25
Commereial News from All Point! Con
tinnti Most Satisfactory.
Uidaatrlal Prosreaa la Accelerated
bjr Broadening Demand (or
Iran and Steel
Prod acta.
NEW YORK j Sept. 8. R. O. Dun & Co.'
Weekly Review of trade will say:
Commercial news continues most satis
factory, Improvement being noted In al
nioRt every case except the further decline
In prices of securities. Crops are being
ksrvesled under most favorable conditions
ind a few weeks more without severe frost
Kill put the yield of corn and cotton be
Dtu1 danger. Industrial proRreHS Is aocel
.r.ited by the broadening demand for Iron
ind steel products. Textile mills nd shoe
factories are well supplied with orders.
Considering the prosperous condition, labor
Itrupgles are except loiuilly few. Jobbers In
many lines are unablo to handle the busi
ness offered.
Wholesale firms report a wholesome dls
i,ii,,,ir,r of merchandise, and there are
few complaints regarding collections. lib
eral consumption has caused a further rise
ie level 01 comnmuuy i'i n;-. ,n, o m
nuniber of September 1, advancing to
from W.M6, a monin previoiui, ana
a year ago, wnen ousineisa wan ninrn
tgnroos. Borne congestion or trame
i. nntiii nnrt railway earnings in auiuh
were 68 per rent larger than In the same
.mih of l(ft4 Forelun commerce at this
port for the week showed gains of 11,248.4(10
In exports and in imports as uom
mi roH with the movements of a year ago
A firm tone continues to prevail In the
hide market although there Is some evl-
Hnnr of tri-earularlt v.
failures this week numbered ISO In the
T'nited States against 200 last year and 23
In Canada compared wnn lo a year ago.
Production and Distribution Are Rear
the Hlah Water Mark...
NEW YORK. Sept. 8. Bradstreet'a to
morrow will say:
whoinnMln distributive trade, already of
full volume, has received new Impetus thts
week from bin-era" excursions at the south
west, state fairs In the northwest and the
Keneral assurance that the corn crop Is
bevond dnnter of frost damage through
out a very wide area. Cool weather and
I le ending of the vacation seaHon, coupled
with the partial reopening of schools, has
tiiRde for more nctlvltv In retail lines north
eit and eaV.t, while the prompt marketing
at good puces of the first pick of the cot
ton crop has Improved both wholpsale and business at muny southern points.
In Industrial llnex the feature baa been un
precedented activity In rail buying by lead
Ins- companies, the placing of further or
ders for rolling stock, a number of
puchasee aggregate a considerable vol
of ni iron sales and a stiffen
Ing In prices of coke and bituminous eoo.1
thin latter being regarded as a very sig
rlrtcant item. Anthracite coal ha felt the
stimulus of cooler weather.
Accompanied by marked activity In
millinery, d:y goods (probably the more
exiH-nslvo makes of cotton goods), cloth
ing, shoes, hardware and lumber at lead
ing srtii'in markets, are reports of good
Kvl.lences that past and present heavy
purchases of commodities, coupled with the
tibiia! movement of crops to market, will
severely tax the railway interests of the
country are already visible.
JUiolness failures In the I'nlted States
for the -eek ending September 7 number
117 agninst 161 last week. 144 In the like
week of 1W4. W in 1M, 197 in IXiJ and 1!
In ISTO. In Canada failures for the week
Wonderful Change In a Night.
In Month Face was
Clear as Ever.
'I had ccictna on the face for fire
months, during which time I was in the
care of physicians. My face was so di
fiured X could not go out, and it was
going from bad to worse. A friend
recommended Cnticnra. The first
night after I washed my face with
Cuticura Soap, and used Cuticura
Ointment and Resolvent, It changed
wonderfully. From that day I waa
able to k out, and in a month the
treatment bad removed all scales and
scabs, and my face waa aa clear as ever,
(signed) T. J. Soth, ji; Stagg SUeet,
BrookJja, K. Y.'i
tS At A
" l
number 26 as against 25 last week and 14
in this week a year ago.
A feature deserving note at present Is
the activity In all lines of building ma
terial reported in the central west and
Wheat. Including flour, exports for the
week ending September 7 are 1.W4.315 bush
els against 1,429,260 bushels last week, 1.9,
621 bushels this week last year, 3.046, W0
bushels In 19U8 and 6,444,146 bushels In MQi.
From July 1 to date the exports are 10.
100,696 bushels against 14.460.2K3 bushels last
year, 31,266,liW bushels in 1903 and 48,496,743
bushels In 1902.
Corn exports for the week are 1.404,662
bushels against 1,163,870 bushels last week,
476,2.11 bushels a year ago, 844.818 bushels
In 19(18 and 916.B12 bushels in 1902. From
Julv 1 to date the exports of corn are in,.
632,479 bushels against 6.750,132 bushels In
1904, 10,038,854 bushels In 1903 and 867,267
bushels in 1902.
Attorney for School District Brings
Action Agrnlnat County Treas
urer Fink.
Attorney C. E. Herring, acting for the
Omaha school district, baa brought suit for
mandamus to compel County Treasurer
Fink to pay over to the school district the
aum of $1,159.60. This amount Is alleged to
be due for out-of-town pupils who received
tuition In the Omaha lllgh school during
the years 1902-8. There were in the first
mentioned year 641 weeks of such tuition
and in 1903 981 weeks. The rate of tuition
fixed by law la 76 cents per week for each
such pupil.
Treasurer Fink, through the county at-
tomey'a office, baa filed a demurrer, and
the matter, which is largely formal, will
have an early hearing.
Chamberlain's Colic, ('holer and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
There la probably no medicine made that
is relied upon with more implicit confidence
than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. During the third of a cen
tury In which It has been in use people
have learned that It is the one remedy that
never falls. When reduced with water and
sweetened It Is pleasant to take.
Announcements of tiie Theaters.
Between the hours of 7 and 11 o'clock
a publlo reception will be held at the Or
pheum tonight. The Orpheum orchestra,
under the direction of Alhln Huster, will
be in attendance to render music while
visitors are given a chance to view the
cosy theater as it has been renovated for
the new season hat opens tomorrow with
matinee and evening performance. Here
is the vaudeville menu selected to create
a pleasant taste for this popular form of
theatricals: Heading the bill will be Beit
Leslie and Robert Dailey, the Utter
brother of "Fete" Dailey, in their od.l
conceit, entitled, "Going Abroad." Like
Leslie and Dailey and the majority of art
Ists on the program, the De Koe trio,
wiiropean gymnasts, come for the first
lime, werue r owier. styled the merry
rmnologue maid." will be recalled as one
of the stars of the Orpheum Road Show
Taibot and Rogers are singing comedians.
Knight brothers and Sawtelle are known
as the twentieth century dancers. Fredo
and Dare have a versatile musical turn
Scherp's dogs and ponies. New inotio
pictures will be projected by the kino-
This afternoon and evening and tomor
row afternoon and evening "The County
Chairman" will be offered by the Boyd
by the same splendid company that made
a hit with the piece here last season. This
comedy shows Its author, George Ade, a
his best, telling a decidedly Interesting
story In a merry manner, painting ptc
tures of real life with careful detail and
outlining characters so that you can easily
recognise people you ha,ve known In the
parte. Theodore Roberts heads the com
pany in the role of Jim Hackler, and George
Thatcher Is still doing the work of the
town darkey, who Is so funny and yet so
natural. The play la under the direction
of Henry W. Savage. Its stay In Omaha
is limited to four performances.
Harry B Davis, undertaker. Tel. 1228,
Pennsylvania flcale.
The Pennsylvania club of Omaha and
South Omali:i will hold a banket picnic at
Krug park Friday afternoon and evening.
September 15, beginning at 2 o'clock and
ending when the lights go out. Arrange
ments have been made with the manage
ment of the park for some special amuse
ment featurea, which will come in the way
of a surprise. An interesting program, aside
from r-aulir park program, will be
given in the iuve just ci uf tua merry-
v . )
Bring the leys Here Today
It's the Best Place to Fit Him
Out in a Dependable School Suit
Buying School Suits for the boys is the problem that now
confronts thousands of Omaha parents. "WHAT to get him
and "WHEEE to get it is best answered by the vastness and
completeness of the stocks now assembled here. There's no
demand the boys of Omaha are likely to make that this store
cannot meet in the amplest manner.
Omaha mothers decided long ago that the "Nebraska
Store" is the best store for Clothing the Boys. Head the
reason in the following:
- vv ojuiis
Saturday a new lot of Boys' Suits. These are of the same
6turdy quality that the mothers of Omaha have been buying the
boys for the past ten days but the large quantity that we placed
our order for dwindled down like a snowball in a hot oven.
Saturday a new assortment will be here for your selection.
It's our second shipment this season of our "Special" Suits.
Everything that is good, stylish and dependable is embodied in
these suits or $3 and $4. The materials are strictly high grade
woolen fabrics, splendidly lined and beautifully tailored all
seams are sewn double. Don't care how strenuous the lads are
these suits are built to stand the hardest kind of -wear.
They are unmistakably the biggest
value ever crowded into a suit
at these prices
To fit boys from S to 16.
go-round. It Is the wish of the society
that every native-born Pennsylvanlan, with
his family and friends living in Omaha,
South Omaha, Council Bluffs and vicinity,
will be present to enjoy this picnic, given
on the lines of an old-fashioned, backwoods
Pennsylvania picnic. A special Invitation
Is extended to the Pensylvanians living In
Washington and Burt counties.
A Delightful Water Trip
between Detroit and Buffalo via the De
troit and Buffalo Steamboat company with
out extra expense (except for meals and
berth on steamer) Is the privilege of hold
era of tickets from the west reading via
the Grand Trunk Railway System (double
track from Chicago to Montreal and
Niagara Falls) to or through Suspension
Bridge, N T.
Further particulars, Including illus
trated descrtptlve literature, will be mailed
on application to Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. &
A., Grand Trunk Railway System, 135
Adams St., Chicago.
ffkRO to Clear I.alce and Return
Chicago Great Western Railway.
Tickets on sale every Friday and Satur
day. Final return limit the following Mon
day. Good fishing, boating, bathing and
other outdoor sports. Reasonable hotel
rates. Tourist sleeping cars run on Satur
day night train. For further information
apply to S. D. Parkhurst, G. A., 1512 Far-
nam street, Omaha, Neb.
The returns of the Brltt-Nelson fight
will be received at Ed Rothery's, 11th and
Harney, by direct wire, by rounds.
. Death by Accident,
An Inauefit over the body of Thomas M.
Tlerney, the young man killed Thursday
afternoon at the new Crane ' building.
Tenth and Harney streets, was held Fri
day afternoon at the coroner's office. The
Jury round i lerney came to his death
through accident. The body will be sent
XV Whs. feCrt F
at aim
5 naraest Kind ot -wear.
$3 and $4
to the young man's home at O'Neil. Neb.
Tierney fell fiom the top of the sixth floor
to the bottom of the second floor and met
Instant death.
About a
Doscn Men Meet and Elect
Officers for the Organ
isation. About a dozen men responded to a pub
lished call for a meeting to organize an
Eleventh Ward Republican club at Wash
ington hall last night. The principal per
formers were E. A. Benson, standing can
didate for mayor; Joe Crowe, ex-postmaster;
Simon Trostler, ex-councllman; J. L.
Kaley, ex-county attorney; J. B. Haynes,
private secretary to Senator Millard: F.
P. Butts, former organizer of the Patriotic
league, and Lawyer Frank Crawford. The
meeting resolved Itself Into a branch of
the Fontanelle club by endorsing the
Fontanelle candidates for county commit
teemen from the several precincts. Mr.
Benson announced that he had had one
of the voting places changed to suit the
convenience of his friends, and by unop
posed motions officers were elected, giv
ing Crowe tho title of president; Benson,
vice president; Butts, secretary, and en
trusting the money that might be col
lected for the club to the custody of
Trostler as treasurer.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have been
Name and Residence.
Ralph Surle, Jr., Iowa Falls, la....
Frances Maynard, Schuyler, Neb..
Harry Appleton. Omaha
Lena Schill, Omaha
... 24
... 24
... 21
... 19
Joseph Yeman, Omaha
Marie Pavelka,
Omaha 24
22-K wedding
rings. Edholm. jeweler.
Making 'Em Look rieasant.
Two of Younger Elemtat Want Secretary
ship of County Committee.
No Salaries Are to Be Paid for
This Work Is Announce
ment that Has Gone
A vigorous little fight In the democratlo
camp Is being pulled off over the secre
taryship of the new county committee,
which Is to be selected at the primary.
Two men want the position. H. S. Daniel,
a young lawyer and a nephew of Senator
Daniel of West Virginia, was the first to
announce himself for the place and try to
line up the committee candidates, but Joe
Rapp, who will quit service under Ben T.
White of the Northwestern as stenogra
pher September 15, declarid his candidacy
and started out to make good. Mr. Rapp
Is going on the supposition that the secre
taryship will pay $26 a week during the
campaign. It Is said, while Mr. Daniel will
be satisfied with the honor and prestige.
The announcement is made by the poli
ticians who expect to rule the new com
mittee that no salaries are to be paid,
and this Is supposed to be a resolve that
will cast a dampness on Mr. Rapp's ardor.
The lattei, however, has not given up, and
Daniel Is busy trying to stay on the Inside
Few Contests Coming.
There will be contests for committeeships
In only a few Omaha precincts. These will
be In the Second, Seventh and Tenth wards,
where a few districts have two or more
candidates on file. The Issue is merely
over the respective merits of John Power
and Tom Flynn for sheriff.
Outside of the eight precincts concerned
but one committee candidate has filed from
each district and these are said to be of
a mold that will give a young element In
the party control one that has not hereto
fore held the whip hand. Deputy Comp
troller Cosgrove ranbe the chairman of the
new committee ir ne will accept u.
The hottest of the primary fights Is in
the Third precinct of the First ward, where
C. O. Cunningham, Dan J. Connell and
Charles Young have filed. Cunningham Is
a Power man, Connell favors Flynn and
Young's attitude Is not clearly defined.
North Sixteenth Street Improvers De
cide to Bay Balldlns as a
The organization of a stock company
for the purpose of buying a building on
North Sixteenth street between Dodge and
Cuming streets, negotiations for which are
about to be opened, was the chief toplo
of discussion by the officers of the North
Sixteenth Street Improvement club at tl)e
Midland hotel parlors last night. It waa
not the regular meeting of the club, but a
few of the officers and members got to
gether for the purpose of discussing the
project of purchasing a site for speculat
lng purposes. In all probability a build
ing will be purchased by the club members
In the near future.
Whether or not the club has a site in
mind, or whether the members will ap
point a committee to investigate the pro
ject and ascertain the probable price set
on a site. Is not yet known and the mem
bers decline to state for the reason that
the property owners would probably raise
the price of their property when It be
comes known that the .club la after a build
ing for speculation.
The meeting last night adjourned with
out taking any definite action on this
matter. The club meets the first Friday
ot each month.
Report on Pneumonia.
NEW YORK, Sept- In a preliminary
report by the medii'&l commission for the
Investigation of acute respiraiury dineasea,
which under the department of health otli
clals of this city has conducted fur a year
experimental work with the microbe of
pneumonia, it is asserted that In this city
during the winter months the majority of
inhabitants, ill or well, carry about this
lnf.ctlou and much-dreaded organism In
their mouths. Tne minute microbe waits
fur a jirepiUoua time fur Inersaaing its
New Fail Hats
for Men
"Asbury" Hats arc S2.50
Ask to see the new "Asbury"
Hat. It's the best hat for the
price we know of and we know
all about hats. Its equal cannot
be bought for less than $.'1.50.
It's got all other $'2.50 hats boat
by a long ways. Since hats have
been worn, never has there been
a hat produced quite the peer
the "Asbury" at the price.
You'll seek no further if you're
good destinctive, stylish hat at
"NEBRASKA SPECIAL" HATS AT $1.50 are far more
than the price suggests. The new ones are here. ,
The home of the Stetson Hats is right here more
style to select from than any western hatter
Men's New Fall Shoes
Special Showing
Special Our line of Men's $2.50 Shoes are man-els of tho
shoemaker's craft, and you get no better shoes at $3.50 and
S3 I
kind before Its body becomes enfeebled, and
I?n.n;H I colds and pneumonia iollow In
natural sequence.
Jadge Hear Amument and Takes
it t'nder Adi lueroent for a
Few Days.
Judge Day has taken under advisement
for a few days the case of State against
John Alperson, for violation of the state
antl-ctgarette law. Alperson la charged
with giving away or allowing to be taken
clgaret papers and "the makings" as the
term has It, of clgarets.
Friday afternoon Alperson's attorney,
Judge McHugh, argued that the title of the
law la defective, as It covers only 'the
manufacture and sale" as being prohibited
within this state. City Prosecutor Tom
I,ee argued that the title served notioe on
the legislators of what the Intent of the
law was.
This is the first test case of the anti
clgaret law In the state and Judge Day's
decision Is expected to set a precedent.
Ten Thousand Dollars Asked by
Woman for Alleged Breach
of Promise.
Annie Zaloudek, In a suit filed in dis
trict court, is seeking to secure from
Charles Posplsll $10,000 as balm for
or a.
ts jT
breach of promise to marry. She se
that the promise was first made eleven
years ago, when she waa 25, and reneAved
often since, but always broken. I .
Minnie E. Cook is being sued fof di
vorce. In the suit it Is alleged that iMlnnle
E. deserted her spouse In Januar-r. 1900,
after three years of married life.
Fanny Galpln asks a legal separation
from Charles. She alleges that tlcy were
married In Kansas City In 198; that ho
Induced her to come to Omahii shortly
afterward, but never came hlmffelf.
19.2S Chicago and Philadelphia and
Via '
MlWilgan Central, "The Nlfra Falls
Route," good going Sept. 15, it and 17, 1SW5.
Particulars, I D. Heusner, fieneral West
ern Passenger Agent, 119 Adams St., Chi
cago. Byron R. Hastings and Edward T. Hey
den of the firm of Hastings 4 Heyden re
turned yesterday from aj trip to the west
ern part of the state, fhere they bought
a large tract of land or themselves and (
others. This firm thinfa western and oen- !
tral Nebraaka has a sreat future. j
The Woman's Socialist union will hold a
reception Friday evening, September 8, at j
the home of Mrs. Clrlrnoldby, 408 North '
Nineteenth street, for Comrade McCaffrey
of Kansas City. All comrades are invited
to attend.
Grant Hnt"'"ln" Envoys,
NEW YORK, . riept. S.-M. Wltte
Baron Rosen. Ihe Russian pence uleniuo
tentlarles, were guests of Gene al Fred D.
Grant at luncheon today at the irmy head
quarters on un- ' - a.-,., in. viiie i
conferred for r"een mlnutea during the 1
morning with Charles R. Flint, who has
Just retilrned (rom RuRKla. where he had
an Interview w"n me emperor.
Mots" of Joy. ,
ST. LOl'IS. fi't- -Joy because of tha
return of her on after a year's absence
caused the dea'n cf Mrm- Bophle Erllnger,
aged til! years. was a wldnw and Henry
Krlinger, her wnly son, had been In the
west a year, returning Tuesday from the
Portland expalt,on, where he had been
plaving In a nd. She was overjoyed at
eoeng. him n-vJ suffered paralysis, followed
by her death rday.
and Bimiiw diseases in thei
worst; for113 can be proinptJy
cured by . -1
It neye' aIls-
C9 yea.tne fading remedy.
JUl rjs;i8U BU it)
Ask to see
in quest of a
a popular
the "Asbury."
$3 at other places, lhey are
made in all the leathers, such as
Corona Patent Colt, Box and
Velour Calf, Vici and Surpass
Kid also tho new popular
Gun Metal Calf. All shoes
are Goodyear welts, in lace,
blucher and congress styles.
up-to-date styles of lasts,
every pair guaranteed to
give good wear
Our "Nebraska
Our new fall stock is
ready for your inspection.
A new line of Fall Styles in
Men's, Women's and Chil
dren's Clothing on Credit.
New line of Men's Suits, Hat,
3Iioh, Top Coats, Cravenettes ajid
Rain Coats.
A fine line of Boys' Suits, In
both (wo and three piece suits -In
Ihe new styles.
Ladles' New Fall Suits.
Ladles' New Fall Light Coats.
Ladles' New FaU Styles of
Ladlf' New Fall Skirts.
A new and up-to-date line of
Fall Millinery.
Call at our store, select
what you want, take it home
with you and pay us later,
as you can spare it conveni
ently. Your Credit is good.
1417 Douglas St.
f i'fuluoua the CTOwlh of fhe haJr aiut
gives U the lustre auu Uklws of youth.
When the balr is gray or faded IS
It prevtBU Dandruff and hair failing
and keepa the scalp clean and healthy.
ai -wfc.
.V'fUUblMllbMI l.ktMMAw. nWta-A
U ... S.kMll.llMM Mi Immmi
im sal. i.m immm. m
tm... si..aii.ta