Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Tiir Omaha Daily Bee.
TKRM8 or rMllSCftll'TION.
Pally H" (wlth'.ut Sunday), ope par. M 00
Wily Be nn'l Hund.y, one yeO
Illustrated Bee, one )r I "
Hundsy lie", ont year ' M
fciturday U, one year 1-'
Twentieth Century Viirmer. one year... 1 uO
Dally Bee (without B'inri."i . per cpy.
Ihlly Re (without Humlay), ier
Ialiy Ue tut ludlng Huhdav). per week. .17c
Evening ee (without Surxlav). per week Tc
Evening lira (Including Sunday;, per
week 12C
Sunday Bee, per copy &o
Complaint of Irregulnrltle In delivery
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partment. OFFICES.
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totals of Nebraska, Douglas County, es. :
George B. 'lucnuck, treasurer or The Be
i'ublisnlng Company, being duly aworn,
aaya thai the actual number of. full and
complete copies o The Daily. Morning,
Evening and tiundny Bee printed during llio
.in .lull of Auguat, waa aa followa:
17 ilO.lMMJ
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Lean unaolu copies .
Net total eales Dl.-4
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Subscribed in my present" aHi sworn to
bxiore me luls first uay of Augual, ltwo.
taeai) M. B. iiLUNOATU,
Notary 1'U una
wuum otr or town.
gabaorlbers leaving tUe ens- teaa
yvrailly aliould liavi lt !
mallet tfeesa. It Is better titan
u dally letter Iron borne. Ail
Ureas tvllt no vlntugril aa tteu
Cossacks are to guard tiie cmr Uiia
wiiiKT, but wlio ure lo KUaril die C'oh
Bacas i
The Statu lair wuUm nave been n
recurtl-broakr but for the butiIus of
People who art bcuiouuing the panning
of the veterans should look at the peu
sloii roll uud be coin Tort ei.
If the arguuieiUB coutuidu It may be
ueoi'SHary to apiolut a referee to act be
tween the KrLtt anI Nrltoii maiiagerfi.
If that mob in tue Caucasus which
captured KunhIuu guna had been lu Asia
a few months ago the luater ou the czar's
army might le bvlghter.
Dallas miKhi have run a belter race
for the Uraud Army reuulou had not a
uogro beeu burned In Texas the day be
fore the vote waa taken.
The emperor of Germany la still ap
prehensive that he sueeexs of Japan
will result In some sort of Injury to tlie
wextern world. Id conversation with
the Amerlesn mngressmen whom he In
vited to rail upon him the kaiser Is said
to have dwelt on the 'yellow peril" aul
expressed the opinion that the Japanese
would follow up their military succesBes
by closing the open door, -and, by their
command of cheap labor, forclnn Europe
and America out of the oriental mnrkets.
He expressed the opinion that the Japa
nese would Indirectly own China and
urged that It waa necessary for the white
nations to stem the yellow peril by unit
ing. It Is thus apparent thot all the assur
ances which Japan has given of Its Inten
tion not to put any obstacles In the way
of the trade of other nations In the
orient has had no effect upon the uilnd
of Emperor William. He evidently does
not find la that, article of the pence
treaty which gives China a free hand
In the Industrial and commercial de
velopment of Manchuria the agreement
that neither party to the convention shall
put any obstacle In the way of Chinese
measures there any reason for changing
the opinion which he has more than once
expressed, that the domlnancy which
Japan has attained In the far east
means only 111 for the other nations that
have Interests In that part of the world.
Of course he Is not alone In this view.
It la entertained by many In Europe and
by some lu this country. But we think
It Is by no means so largely held as
when It was first advanced. The world
has since then formed a better opinion
of Japan, remembering that that country
as never failed to fulfill its promises
nd to act In good faith toward other
Japan Is fully committed to the princi
ple of the open door so far ns Manchuria
concerned and the treaty with Kussla
binds her to that position. However
great her influence " may hereafter be
ith China, and doubtless It will be very
potent, she can obtain no trade conces
sions or privileges In the Chinese terri
tory from which Russia has been driven
that cannot be shared by other notions.
This Is speclficolly and explicitly pro-
lded In the treaty. Of course the Japa
nese will endeavor to get all the trade
they can In China and It Is to be ex
pected that they will become very active
nd formidable competitors with other
nations for oriental trade. Hut this
would have come about If there had
been no war. Japan was making stendy
headway Industrially and commercially
and she has no advantage now that she
did not poasegs then. Her since acquired
political prestige gives her greater po
litical potency and she has won a larger
field for the fruits of her people's energy
nd enterprise, tAit she cannot wholly
outrol that field. The rights nnd in
terests there of others she Is bound to
recognize and respect. '
If other countries cannot successfully
compete with Japan In the Asiatic mar
kets they will have no cause to complain
at loss of trade. All they can ask la a
fair field and no favor and this, it Is not
to be doubted, they will have. All there
s to the so-called yellow peril Is the
possibility that the Japanese may out
strip Europeans and Americans in the
race for trade and certainly our people
will not yet admit that they can do this.
Marquis. I to appears to be gaining
some of the houors of the early Christian
martyrs without the satisfaction of pre.
paring a confession of faith.
PInce western learning is to be the
basis of preferment in China's civil gerv
Ice some Innovations In the methods of
"graft" may le expected In the empire.
How does It come that the Senior Vel-
Mow possesses tho only reliable source
of Information concerning the move
menta of Pat Crowe and his where-
n bouts?
That scandal lu the War department
should be an eye-pener to the Interior
department, as an Inspector has been ac
tually found whose report is questioned
by his superiors.
The Union Pacluc cut off between
Omaha and Fremont will be much more
satisfactory to Omaha business men
than the Ilurllngtou cuCaff between Fre
mont and Ashlnnd.
There cau be little hope for recovery
for the insane Nebraska farmer who left
his crops standing In the field to take a
trip to Chicago. The asylum was bta
logical destination.
Pcoplo who rejoice because the volume
of curreuey is greater now than ever be
fore In the hlwtory of America have ad
dlttonal cause for Joy lu knowing that
there Is not a RO-cent dollar in the lot.
ii army omccra are to be held re
sponsible for the substitution of Inferior
goods by army contractors, the course of
tudy at West Tolnt will have to be en
Urged to cover several Industrial sub
The Ilarrlman rcceptUm at Toklo wa
not quite aa much of an ovation as the
reception of Secretary Toft. With th
Japanese, aa with all other nationalities.
It makes a difference liefore aud after
service regulations and the numler of
them In the public service Is not very
much less than the number of republicans.
Omaha and Douglas county have for
years been kept In ignorance about the
Inner workings and financial deals of
the county court, which Is not only the
custodian and judicial guardian of the
widows' aud orphans' estates, but also
a mystery. The prosperity of the concern
that sold such systems shows that there
are plenty of such Chicagoans, however.
It also shows that the fool-killer must be
"loafing on the Job'" In emulation of the
water pipe extension force.
ebraaba Dolus; Qwlte Well.
New York Bun.
Nebraska Is doing very well financially,
fllnce May 29 the deposits In the Omaha
national banks have Increased KSOO.oiw, th
Increase being largely due to the farmers,
who are overloading their local depositaries
with CRfh. The wheat rrnn la atill In the
the custodian of the funds deposited in hands of the producers. The corn
the condemnation of right-of-way by ; crop has not been sold yet, and the live
railroads aud other corporations that ac-; !f;k ,h ta,' ild a great return.
qulre the property of private cltlr.ens
for public Improvements. Whenever the
owner of any reul estate appraised un
der condemnation proceedings refuses to
accept the sum awarded to him by the
appraisers the money is deposited In the
county court aud held there until the
superior courts decide whether or not the
aword Is rcosonable.
In the course of the last ten years
these funds deposited for the benefit of
property owners, whose lands have been
taken for public use, have aggregated
hundreds of thousands of dollars. It Is
an open secret that these moneys are
deposited ou Interest In some bunk or
banks, but, so far ns we can learn, not
a penny of Interest has been turned
over to the parties finally adjudged to
be entitled to the money.
In his capacity as probate Judge, the
County Judge has eole supervision over
executors and administrators and fixes
their pny for service rendered. Such a
sacred trust should le administered in
full view of the public and subject at
all times to public scrutiny, but under
the system that fins prevailed In tho
county court no such publicity hns been
given. The entire administration of the
probate department of the court hos
been under cover nnd no one but the
Judge and his confidential clerk ' has
ever been able to ascertain Just exactly
what Is being done with the deposit and
disbursement of heirship funds. The
most conservative estimate of the num
ber of estates that have passed through
probate during the Incumbency of Judge
Vlnsonhaler Is 2,2uo, ranging from $500
to a million or more.
The time has come for lifting the lid.
Thnt can only be done by a change of
administration in the county court with
the beginning of next year. For tills
reason, if for none other, the candidacy
of the chief clerk of the present Incum
bent should receive no encouragement
at the hnnds of republicans. It would
certainly be very improper to allow the
present Judge to bequeath his place to a
successor and It Is not presumable that
the man who has been his confidential
clerk through his three terms would
stop the abuses to which he has been a
party, willing or unwilling, during the
past six years.
High gphnol Fraternities.
Chicago Tribune.
The Minneapolis Board of Education does
not approve of fraternities In the hlgli
schools. It thinks they are too advanced
for the high school boys and girls. It has
adopted a rule debarring members of fra
ternities from participation In literary, so
cial or athletic exerelaes under the control
of the school. The Chicago Board of Edu
cation set out to do something of thla kind,
but was Mopped by an Injunction, and let
the matter drop. Instead of fighting It out.
The Interesting legal and educational ques
tions Involved In the controversy never
have been ful diacnasHcd and determined
by the courts, aa they should be. It Is
the general opinion of educators that fra
trnltics have a bad Influence on high
school youth, that they Interfere with
stud!", and create clannish and often
snobbish groups among pupils. The power
of the school authorities to deal Indirectly
with the fraternities never has been de
termined. They have no direct control
over the children outside the school. They
cannot say pupils ahall not form cluba,
lodges or fraternities. If they have the
right to discourage these things when
studies are Interfered with, as the Minne
apolis school board has done, they should
exercise the right. If they are powerless,
they should ask for power.
la now evident why the board of dl
.ctora of other New York l.lfe Insur
ance companies did not fa ft out. They
were satisfied with the division of the
profits. While Hyde and Alexander each
wauted them all.
With the Portsmouth conference
ended, the Norwegian-Swedish confer
ence taking a recess and the sultan of
Morocco making amends to Frauce, war
correspondent can take a vacation or
begin engagements with the magaxlnes
telling bow they foretold bow the many
IncMeul would close.
It appears that the southern states
have not their quota of federal appoint
ments under the civil service law and
the fact Is ascribed to the reluctance of
southern democrats to become applicants
for places In the classified service In
the regular way. Very generally they
are not believers In civil service reform,
but still bold to the view that the spoils
belong to Uie Victors and therefore not
many of them take the examinations
which are necessary In order to obtain
positions In the civil service of the gov
ernment. Another explanation Is that
most of the adherents of the democratic
party In the south feel that regardless
of the showing a democrat In that sec
tion might make he would really stand
very little chance of an appointment.
As everybody Is aware who knows
anything about the civil service examina
tions, nothing even resembling partisan
ship Is permitted. The rules of the
service explicitly prohibit the inclusion
in examination papers of any statement
or suggestion which will disclose the
politics of the applicant. This rule Is
strictly enforced nnd the person who
violates It Is punished by having his
examination cancelled. A member of
the civil service commission, who re
cently visited the south, has called at
tention through the newspapers to the
nonpartisan character of the appoint
ments made under the civil service law
and to Insist that the only reason repub
licans are so largely In the majority in
the minor federal offices of the south Is
because democratic cltlsens hove per
sistently fulled to take the examinations,
thus giving the republican applicants
practically a clear field and leaving the
commission with a list of eligible com
posed almost wholly of republicans. -
The democrats of the south are at least
consistent lu this matter. As the Wash
ington corresioudent of the New York
Evening Post points out, southern public
men, with rare exceptions, are uot civil
service reformers. In congress they
have declared their opposition to that
policy whenever the opportunity offered
and thus have emited among their con
stituents the feeling which manifests
Itself In the failure of democrats In that
sectlou to take the civil service examina
tions. The effort which the commission
Is making to Induce democrats In the
south to prepare themselves fof entering
the civil service of the government Is
altogether commendable, but It cannot
le confidently predicted that It will have
the desired result, so general and strong
seems to be . the prejudice against the
merit system. I'nquestlonably that pre.
Judlee Is shared to a very considerable
exteut by northern democrats, but It
does not deter them from seeking gv
mmeAt jusUlou Uu'i art uader civil
In the case of'the city of Omaha en
Joining the appraisers of the water
works from Including in their estimates
the value of the South Omuha plant, the
water company has filed a disclaimer
and the water lniurd Is expecting to file
a re-clalmer, then the city attorney will
file a re-Joinder, und then the water com
pany will file a re-Joinder to the re
Joinder; then the water board will file
a demurrer to the rejoinders, and then
the appraisers will file their bills for
$r0 a day, and then, after the city treas
urer has cashed them with his noted
celerity, the legal quadrille will be re
sumed, and all will promenade to places.
In the meantime the water works have
not changed owners and the water board
continues to draw salaries with great
regularity and Its special attorneys ure
milking the cow while the litigants are
tugging at the horns and the tall of the
Colonel Uryan'a Plan for Settlement
of Labor Disputes.
New York Sun.
Colonel Bryan addressed a Iabor day
picnic in Omaha, Neb., Monday and con
tributed a suggestion for the settlement of
disputes between employers and employes
that was more sensible than the oft
repeated cry for compulsory arbitration.
Colonel Bryan said:
"There ought to be In every city, In every
state and in tho nation a permanent arbi
tration board with power to Investigate and
report on any labor trouble.
"The compulsory Investigation of a labor
trouble must be distinguished from the com
pulsory enforcement of the finding of the
board. It Is far more important that tho
Investigation shall be compulsory when
either party desires It than that the finding
shall be binding, because public opinion will
surely enforce a fair and Impartial finding."
The plans for compulsory arbitration that
have been advanced from time to time have
been defective In thnt they provided no
practical method for the enforcement of
tho awards to be made under their opera
tion. In specific cases the parties In dis
pute might consent in advance to be bound
by the decision of a board of arbitration,
but no general rule has been devised to
compel such consent. Under the present
legal system no rule could be laid down
covering any and all cases that might arise.
Colonel Bryan wisely abstained Monday
from an attempt to.formulate such a rut
Instead, he would have compulsory Investi
gation, apparently with full publication of
the findings in each ease. The rest would
be left to tho operation of public opinion.
What vnluc there Is in the plan thus out
lined Is a question. To determine the scope
of such Investigations might prove perplex
ing. The selection of competent Investiga
tors would offer many difficulties. In prac
tice It might be found that -hat seems so
slmpls In theory would prove Impossible of
execution, but Colonel Brynn Is right In his
estimate of the piwer of public opinion to
correct any abuse of sufficient Importance
to receive .Its attention. This, In fact, the
leaders of the movement for the "closed
shop" are learning, and the strong senti
ment In favor of Jhe open shop manifested
In many parts of America now Is the result
of the abuses the unions hnve fostered un
der the guidance of fanatical or corrupt
Itepubllcuns in Omuha and South
Omaha who failed to register last fall
by reason of sickness, absence from the
city or by reason of their being under
age or residing In Nebraska less thau
six mouths, should at once apply to tho
city clerks of tho respective cities for
registration papers that will entitle them
to vote at tlie coming primary.
The Harbor of the American Order of
Protection has closed a harmonious ses
sion at Lincoln, while tho rain was pour
ing over the State fair grounds. The
Harbor of Protection Is a fratertinl In
surance order and claims to be doing
business In fifteen states, chiefly for the
protection of Its officers from want of
The democratic nominations for tlie
Board of Education have gone by de
fault, because no democrat seemed will
ing to file bis name for the primary bal
lot, even though there Is no expense at
tached; but why should there be any
democratic school loard nominations
The mayor of Atlanta explains that his
toot at Toledo was confined to a few glasses
of beer. Wise politicians should take their
favorite with them on their travels and
avoid mixing drinks.
Robert Bacon, the newly appointed as
sistant secretary of state, Is a great lover
of athletics, and Is well known as a horse
man and polo player.
President Palma declares there Isn't a
single dishonest official In Cuba. The re
port that the Island was thorougly Ameri
canized Is premature.
Colonel Henrv Wattersnn says that no
first class man can afford to go to con-
The fighting men of Nippon bulla little
toy gardens In the fashion of their na
tive land. They grow plants and flowers
with loving skill and amuse themselves
with handicraft of various kinds. Wrest
ling matches entertain them. But they do
not make themselves the prey of appetite
or passion. Perhaps a greater marvel la the
Japanese army's abstention from drinking
water condemned by the remarkable med
ical staff, which has done much to make
the death rate from disease almost Incred
ibly low. The .Tapanese are great water
drinkers. They are said by some authori
ties to average a gallon a day apiece. But
they have fought through hot summer
days, from early morning till night, close
to Inviting streams snd wells, and let the
water remain tintasted because It had been
declared unfit for drinking. All this Is
wonderful beyond . the belief of western
soldiers. Americans snd Europeans. In the
heat of combat or made reckless by tho
Inertia of camp life, show Scant respect
for orders which conflict with their thirst
or their hunger. An army so careful to
live, yet so willing to die; so obedient and
so bold, so sound In health, so strict In
discipline, so rich In Individual Initiative
and so respectful to officers, has no paral
lel. It deserves the triumphs It has won.
The navel section of the Imperial Rus
sian Technical society has Just completed
an Investigation as to the possibilities of
constructing a new Russian fleet In Rus
sian shipbuilding yards and has arrived at
the conclusion that this con be done. In
five years time. It Is stated, the Baltic
works can build eight first-class cruisers
and the Galerny Island and New Admiralty
yards twelve first-class battleships. Kron
stadt, with Its reter dock, Is In a position
to construct armored cruisers of the im
proved Bayan type and sea-going gunboats
or torpedo transports. Torpedo cruisers and
submersibles may be ordered of the Neva
works and of Ijinge's work" In Rlpa. Sea
going torpedo boats (Including destroyers)
and const defense torpedo boats can be suc
cessfully built In the small shipbuilding
yards of Finland. Riga. P.eval and Mbau,
which may also take In hand the construc
tion of part of the torpedo transports or
storeshlps required. The Putlley works
can eomplote In the same period four
emlsers of tne Bayan type and a number
of torpedo boats and gunboats. As to the
works In the south of Russia, It Is estl
mated thnt Nlknlaleff and Sevastopol can
complete four battleships, four cruisers of
tho Bayan type and some torpedo boats.
The gold output of the Transvaal In
July was the largest on record, amounting
to tS.673.n00, or at the rate of over tlOO.000,
000 a year. Apparently the maximum has
not yet been reached, and It Is expected
that the remaining months of this year
will show still further gains. It Is prob
able thnt the monthly production inay ex
ceed $9,000,000 ,by December, but local auth
orities doubt whether It will go beyond
that point, at least until some of the newer
deep-level mines begin to add to the re
turns. By that time, however. It Is likely
that several of the older outcrop mines will
drop out of the producing list. It Is well
known that some of them are nearly ap
proaching exhaustion. There are now over
40,000 Chinese In the mines of the Wlt
waterstrnnd, and they are still coming.
They seem to be generally well organized
and fairly steady, though there hove been
several outbreaks among them, which in
dicate thnt the Chinese Is not quite as
peaceable as he has credit for being. The
management of 40,000 laborers (It will soon
be 80,000 or 60.000) of a race wholly alien to,
and not easily understood by, the white
managers is not an easy task.
England smiles at two Mohammedans
from Afghanistan who have come to con
vert Englishmen to Islam. The two mis
sionaries have no end of seal, however,
for their cnuse. They walked every mile
of the distance from Kabul to London, ex
cept where It was necessary to take ship',
and the Immensity of their task, now that
they are face to face with Christian Eng
land, can scarcely daunt such simple,
ardent, unterrlfied bouIs. In much the
same way the first Christian missionaries
went to the orient. When the Jesuits first
appeared In China, several centuries ago,
the Chinese regarded them exactly as the
English now regard these two followers of
the prophet. The Afghans would In time
get converts enough, If only they carried
with them a material civilization superior
to that of the west. Suppose they were
possessed of a medical knowledge far su
perior to that of the English physicians
and, besides, had in their support gunboats
with which the British navy could not
possibly contend, the extent of their
spiritual conquests In London, Manchester
and York might be appalling. As things
stand, they may gain some adherents. It
Is something of a surprise to lenrn that
a man in London named Qullllam, by auth
ority of Abdul Hamld, is the shelk-ut-iBlani
of the British Isles, and that he has
already opened mosques In London and
The Paris correspondent of one of the
London newspapers points out that In
ense the emperor of Morocco should prove
obstinate. It would not be absolutely nec.
n ...;.' y
W 'vV'-'.v
There are no less than four
teen remedies in this standard
family medicine. Among them
we might mention sarsaparilla root,
yellow dock root, stillingia root, buck
thorn bark, senna leaves, burdock root, timi-
cifuga root, cinchona bark, phytolacca root.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is certainly a medicine, a
genuine medicine, a doctor's medicine.
Kane br r twsu, Mass
Also muuMn:
ATER'8 HATH VtOOR-For the hair.
rers of
AVER'S PHI For eenrttpsrloa.
ITER'S AGUE CURB tot malaria ana agl-
Some Variations In Former Methods
Abont to Be Tested.
Baltimore American.
It Is gradually dawning upon those hu
manitarians who would solve the problem
of betterment for what has been called the
"submerged tenth" thnt charity does not
even afford a partial solution. The charita
ble Institution pure and simple, under what
ever pretentious name It may be disguised,
soon destroys every instinct of Independ
ence, and hence all self-respecting emo
tions. It pauperises and kills individuality.
In recent years there has been an elabora
tion, In practical devices, of the Idea of
helping people to help themselves. There
Is no longer any doubt that philanthropic
effort can best be directed along the line
of the theory that those efforts are most
helpful that aid people to aid themselves.
The puzzle yet to be worked out Is as to
how this can be best accomplished.
The farm colony proposition is being tried
under more than one variation, and there
Is abundant reason to hope that a great
aggregate average of relief will be found
through some of these colonizing efforts.
Farm colonizing schemes are not by any
means all alike. There Is a vast room for
variation In details of management, as well
as in the diversity of industries, and the
ultimate success or failure of theae plans. It
seems already assured, will depend chiefly
upon the Intelligence with which the under
takings are planned and made adaptable to
the natural 'predilections of the people thnt
are expected to be benefited.
John Arbuckle, a New York coffee mer
chant, has a farm colony In contemplation
to be made operative next year that will
differ In some respects from other such
schemes that have been inaugurated. For
his purpose he will utilize the Mary and
John Arbuckle farm and upon this he will
erect it building having a housing capacity
of 200. Tower will be provided, and not
farm work alone, but various light Indus
tries will be undertaken. It is to be In
ferred that every branch of farm Industry,
from bee keeping and poultry raising to
fruit and vegetable growing, will be en
gaged In In a colony having a membership
as large as 200.
old people, married couples or unmated,
and the part of hlo scheme which Mr. Ar
buckle feels has not been satisfactorily de
termined Is as to how the older element
shall be employed. He oflers a prize of
$100 for the right Idea concerning this
phase of the difficulty.
The distinguishing feature of the Ar
buckle colony, however, will be that men
and women will be allowed to work to
gether and to associate during leisure with
out espionage. The colony will be con
ducted. In other words, Just like any other
business organization, on the assumption
that men and women are to be trusted to
look after themselves. The colonists will
be thrown upon their own responsibility
and their own self-respect, for good con
duct, and the founder of the scheme be
lieves that the free Intermingling of men
and women will be the feature that will
make the colony happy, prosperous and a
by the owner of the Wentworth, but they
hsve been used to the utmost to boom
Portsmouth as a summer resort, and thrift
may hare had something to do with the
entertainment of the envoys by the stats
of New Hampshire, ostensibly, but really
by Oovernor McLane and several other
gentlemen, who are footing the bills and
expect the state to reimburse them. The
promoters of publicity would not neglect
the opportunities afforded by the peace negotiations.
"He runs his new automobile through the
street every evening so as to create an Im
pression." "Does he succeed?"
"I Judge he does by the way the people
on the porches all sniff." Cleveland Plain
Aurellus Noble sir, who Is yon garrulous
citizen who for the last half hour hath
harangued the plebs In the forum.
Peronlus That, your lordship, Is Prog
nosUeus, the Roman Augur.
Aurellus In very sooth, I knew well he
was some sort of a bore. Shall we llbate?
Cleveland Leader.
starts to do anv
succeed If he onlv
Polk When a fellni
thing he can always
sticks to it.
Jolk Not always. How about when you
start to remove a sheet of sticky fly paper
that you've sat down on? Philadelphia
"No. thanks," snld Mr. Pneer, politely de
clining the fragrant Havana thnt had been
offered him. "I can't afford to run the
risk of spoiling mv liking for the stogies I
smoke." Chicago Tribune.
"Bllgglns must have money. He bought
an automobile two months ago."
"That " answered the man who exhales
sadness and gasoline, "merely means that
he used to have money." Washington Star.
Mrs. Whlttier Lowell In disobeying me,
Emerson, you were doing wrong and I am
punching you to Impress It upon your
Emerson Aren't you mistaken, mamma.
In rerard to the location of the mind?
Brooklyn Life.
"Yes," said the red-eyed clerk, "I'm a
little late this morning. The midnight oil.
you know"
"H'mV Interrupted his emplayer." oil,
eh? Well, the next time you paint the
The colony Is to be open to ! -.Velv-Phl.idolohPress"1"
Tlie demand of the hour for nn anti-
pass plank In the republican state plat
form for 1005 will doubtless be com
pile.? with, but will the 2,.vs) a year
Justices of the supreme court and court
commissioners reco idle themselves to
the anti-pass plank and pay fare?
Comptroller I.obecli is eminently cor
rect wheu he declares that the responsi
bility for deficiency In some of the mu
nicipal funds rests with tlie clairter
tinkers. What else could be expected
when a blacksmith Is employed to make
a watch?
Aeesrser rent Mlads.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Emperor William thinks that Maine Ii
the state of cyclones. Congressman Norrls
of Nebraska thinks that his state has the
'loveliest climate In the world." Which
Is nearer right?
Inertia of lb root Killer.
Chicago Chronicle.
That the gudgeon crop contlnuea to In
crease Is manifest In the activity of tho
get-rlch-qulck experts who are occasionally
routed out by the postofflce authorities.
There Is some excuse for the agriculturist
who buys a gold brick at bargain counter
rates, because the gold brtck has the ap
pearance of the real thing, but how a sup
fosedly astuts Chicago citizen can pay
mon-y for a sure-thing system of "beating
the races ' Is sc-metlilnf that must remain
gress for S5.000. Th colonel forgets that I essary forfrance to make a naval demon-
many first class men need the money.
District Attorney Jerome of New York
turns down all attempts to hsve him en
ter the race for mayor. He proposes to
stand for re-election to his present office
aa an Independent.
Philadelphia authorities are movlig
against the graveyard voters with much
spirit. Forty thousand names have been
stricken from the voting lists, and tho
work Is little more than half done.
Former Mayor Bookwalter of Indianapolis
Is dtermlned to vindicate himself md
wipe out the defeat for re-election two
years ago. He holds the republican or
ganization of Marlon county In the hollow
of his hand and will try conclusions with
11 comers In the November ballots. A
feature of his campaign Is a war cry
against Vice President Fairbanks and his
Oovernor "Jeff" Davis of Arkansas
Charged Attorney General "Bob" Rogers,
candidate to succeed him. with having
threatened to kill nlm. under certain con
tlngenclea, and ' Attorney General "Bob"
turned on him with the retort: "Kill you?
Why, I can take a corncob with a lightning
bug on the end of It and make you Jump
Into the Arkansss river." And the Hon.
"Jeff" made the only reply possible by
keeping still.
Congressman Joy strolled Into a Waah
lngton bllllurd room or.e evening and
found Comptrolkr Tracewell playing a
game with a mutual acquaintance. Trace
well was Just putting some fine cut to
bacro In his cheek and Joy asked for a
chew. "I don't chew enough to warrant
me In buying any." he said, as he stowed
away a full grown heinlng. Said Trace
well, dryly; ; You've got that the wrong
way, Joy. The trouble with you Is you
don't buy enough to warrant you In chew
ing any."
Before accepting his present position aa
eecretary of the navy Charles J. Bona
parte regularly passed six. months of evvrr
year on his farm, Bella Vlste, fifteen miles
from Baltimore. He arose dally at ID
and after a look over the place bad break
faat. Then he drove to the city, arriving
there about the time the average Baltl
morran was getting out of bed. In the
afternoon he drove back with a different
team. In this way he kept six horses at
work. 'Mr. Bonaparte does not expect bis
farm to pay dividends; It la merely hut
I la j thing or means of recreation.
Btratlon. Thev have more convenient
means of bringing pressure to bear en
him In a quarter where his prestige would
be practically destroyed by a demonstra
tion that would cost the republic little
trouble. I'Jda. where the Sheereeflun
troops recently secured a victory over the
pretender's forces, is but a short distance
from the French frontier posts, and could
easily be occupied Vy the troops on ths
spot within a couple of days after the
receipt of orders. Salda, which the sultan
has recently shown a disposition to convert
Into a harbor. Is also within easy resell
of the French frontier, and, like VJda.
could be promptly occupied. Por the
French authorities a movement of troops
In this region would Involve no more dif
ficulty than ordinary maneuvers, while
for the sultan It would Involve the rulti
of his newly acquired prestige among the
tribes throughout eastern Morocco.
On the eve of ar Japan's waa the small
est of the seven leading navies of the
world. The fleet ol Russia, at that time
was Inferior only to that of Great Britain
and of France During 1WS Russia spent
on Its fleet ovrr lo5.Gu0.ofl0, while Janxn,
for the whole of Its navy, expended only
about fll.000.GOn. Consequently, Russia laid
out In naval equipment nearly five times
as much as Japan, whose naval fighting
strength, at the beginning of hostllltWs,
was only half that of Italy. Alexleff said!
"The fleet of tne Island kingdom Is only
an exotic which we will cripple at the
onset." In the anxiety to Impress Ada
with Its might, Russia sent ponderous lmik
Ing men-of-war to the far east with too
few mechanical ratings, and with seamen
who. In a confession made to me by a
Russian officer, were only "agricultural 1
borers." not enly unused to sea life, but
also unveraed In even the simplest me
chanlcal knowledge. It was In this condl
tlon that Japan found Its enemy when it
opened Its attack.
Echoes of th Peace Conference.
Philadelphia Record.
Quill pens, produced by nature and merely
sharpened by man's device, were used In
the signing of the treaty, because if any
gold or steel pen were used one manufac
turer would experience a business boom
and all he others would gnash their teeth.
Over the variety of champagne used in
naming the kaiser's yacht a German am
bassador lost his place. It Is not true that
the peace negotiations were carried on In
Portsmouth In order to boom a beer brewed
San Francisco Call.
Man has no sure grip on the monopoly
of anything any more. He dare not let go
to spit on his hands, lest his plsce be taken
by slater woman and tie lose his Job.
Heretofore the trousered tyrant has had
burglary and stage robbing to himself, but
now he Is in danger of losing both. It Is
announced from Oakland that a "lady"
burglar U operating In thai loon.
"Here y' are! F.xtry! yelled the news-
bov. "Big accident!"
"What was the accident, boy?" asked
Kloseman. .
"Why, rte accident win dat anudder
stingy cuss like you onct found out de
news frum me wldout buy-In" a paper."
Philadelphia Press.
Clinton Scollard In the New York Sun.
From the mountain glen and the salt sea
Bv trail and eke by train,
A cry rings up to the autumn sky:
It's "Hey for the town again!"
We have had enough of things In tho
rough, 1
Of the rural moon and star;
Weil be glad to hear, though tt may sound
queer, '
The gong of the trolley car!
We have trouted and trolled, we have bar
. caroled,
Where the long lake's ripples gleam:
We have scaled the height of youth's de
light, Dreaming the oldn dream;
Now the echoes come, with their haunting
From the opera and the play
From the gay frou-frou of the avenue.
And the deep din of Broadway.
That we long to march In the grip of starch
All proper, precise and prim,
With a "Howd'ye do?" and a "How are
i true, though It's somewhat grim.
' Back from the free of the open sea,
From the green ot gann ana lane.
To the round and rack of the treadmill
track , ,
Yes, It's back to the town again!
rowning, Ming k Co
"A penny saved on
apparel," said Beau
Brummel. "Is a real
saving only If the
clothing Is good."
ool Suits
The school bell is ringing
again and school clothes are nil.
ready for boys of all sizes.
Fabrio strong mating
strong sewing strong weak
places made strong our remark
able prices and the appearance of
our suits make the inducement
to buy here strong
High quality and modest
prices are in happy accord
$5.00 to $8.50
New tailor-made coats for the
girls and misses.
FUteenth and
Douglas Sis.
Brat4wair al S2aUI fttrettS