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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1905)
The Omaha Daily Bee. For News Qnlltj and Quantity . Tht Bet Grtatly Excels. Omaha's Preferred Advertising Medium is The Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1!03 SIXTEEN PACES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. DISORDER IN KOBE SutM of rjii lu Dngpd Throngk EtreeU by Mob. AGAIN PREVAILS IN TOKIO O'JIET Police and l1din Bucaeed In Rtitoriog Order Daring t Sight. LEADERS URGE SPECIAL SESSION OF DIET ' onfirencs Agrees that Preient Coiditieni Border Closely on Anarchy. VTTACKS UPON CHRISTIAN CHURCHES oTfrnmut Officials Say They Are Result of Local CoalHIoaa aad Not an Aoti-IForrl Feel Ins. TOKIO. Sept. I. Following an anti-peace meeting at Kobe last night, a crowd esti mated at one hundred went to the Mina togwa temple, where a statue to Marquis (to had been, recently erected, attached a ope to the statue, hauled It from Ita prd stal and dragged It through the street. The crowd then charged three police boxes ahere there wee some fighting. This waa followed by much excitement and disorder. Dfnclal dispatches Indicate that the situa Jon Is not serious. The police report one rioter killed, one sadly wounded and sixty arrest In the !TnnJo and Fakngwa districts since mid night. Toklo la (inlet. At noon the city la quiet. Complete re ports from metropolitan and outlying dis tricts Indicate that there was no disorder throughout the night or early morning jThe quietness of the night la ascribed to nmuw rain wnirn if.ri.rpn rn i r ri w 1 1 . ... . . . . . . Jlthough the presence of military guards la having a beneficial effect. The street car service has been suspended at night and the suspension will continue while there Is danger of the destruction of cars. The government has suspended a total of five newspapers and It la expected that the publication of others will be auspended. Diet Mar "r railed. The government has not Indicated Its In tention with regard to summoning a spe- ivai session or tne met. out 11 is Denevea I i call will soon be Issued. The government officials and the better class of Japanese clttnena are expressing regret over the attacks on Christian churches. They explain that the affair was the result of local conditions and does not Indicate a serious antl-forelgn or antl Chrlstlan feeling. They say there has been local feeling over the refusal of native Christians to contribute to tempde sub scriptions and over their efforts to secure the closing of business houses on Sunday. Many declare that native Salvationists ad dressing a meeting In the Asakuaa'dlstrtct started the trouble by rebuking the crown for acts of vlolencn. It was reported Inst night that a moh Intended to attack the Catholic cathedral at TsukiJI but no demonstration was made. Foreigners In Toklo generally are uncon cerned over the situation.: Some elements continue to express regret that Japan con sented to the Portsmouth conference, but there Is no Indication that the sentiment, la general. Preparations are progressing to present claims to the government for the foreign church property which has been destroyed. The members of the Harrlman party have gone to Nlkko, having cancelled the local program for their entertainment. PA1US. Sept. 8. The Foreign offic has received a dispatch from Toklo saying that the French legation is guarded by eighty soldiers and that the security of the per sonnel of the legation Is not considered In danger. Measures have also been taken to protect the French religious establish- menla In Toklo. The Asahi asserts that the obstinacy of ' the government is responsibly for the at tacks upon the Christian churches, adding: Had the government lent an ear to the popular voice and refrained from enraging III people by Ha obduracy Toklo would have been spared the shame and humilia tion of the mob, resulting In the destuctlon of the mission properly. Foreign suscepti bility has thus been touched. We regret the occurrence greatly. The Asahl blames the home minister and chief of police and declares they should not remain In office. The JIJ1 resents the humiliation of the proclamation of martial law and demands the resignation of the cabinet. Proclamation bjr Sakumo. Thursday, Sept. 7. General Sakumo, commander-in-chief of the Toklo garrison, has Issued the following Instructions: By Imperial ordinance I have been au thorised to suppress the disorder In Toklo and Its vlutnity and maintain peace and order In the same locality. Judging by the occurrences to dale, numerous people as sembled at several places lu the last several days and during this period riotous sets, such as the burning of government properties and Christian churches and destroying cars. oc curred. These acta are deemed to be the outcome of temporary exoltement without calm consideration, but every measure will now be taken to stop a re currence of the aots and I have to give the following Instructions to the force under my command. It la necessary that every person behave prudently and warn and guide their do pendents In order to prevent a recurrence ana extension or iris rioiose acts. i nose not engaged in the acts are warned against assembling lest they incur unforeseen acci dents. In ordering the dispersal of crowds and In stopping riots the guards are re quired to do so verbally and. In case words prove to be Ineffectual warnings, by tiring blanks. Should the preceding measuses Drove to be Ineffectual they must resort to tho actual use of arms as , a last measure. The leader of the political parties and leading members of the lower Diet met at luncheon today at the residence of the speaker of the house and Informally agreed to urge the cabinet to promptly rail a special session of the Diet. It was agreed to represent the present condition as being on the verge of anarchy, resulting from the outcome of a collision between govern niont forces and the people and to urge speedy measures to restore order by peace' ful methods. An extraordinary session of the Diet, ft Is believed, will tend to peace ful ends. The municipality la using fireman for police duty la the districts from which the regular patrols have been wimarnwn. DISORDER WDD1CIOAI MIGHT Toklo Conacll Aaka Mikado to Hatase to Ratlry Treaty. TOKIO, Sept. 7.-4 a. in. Last night's disorders wero not serious. Thirteen cars and one railway kiosk were destroyed. Thirty persona wera wounded slightly, by stones and in the crushes or tne crow as. The disturbances In the Kanda district of the city proved not to be serious. The crowd first threatened to burn the Russian cathedral, but a sergeant of the guard cleverly prevailed upon them to desist by CvoUaue4 (rout JJTUat J . YELLOW FEVER INCREASING Fortr-Fonr Tiew ( lira at ew Orleans Yesterday and Xhiit others In the Country. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. "..-Report "f 5 el low fever situation to fi p. m. Fiiday: New cases II Total to dste 2.-1 Delths t Total 3"" New foci Cases tinder treatment Cases discharged 1.HT There Is no accounting for the Jump in the record of new cases today except pos sibly the fact that physicians have lately been reporting more positive cases and less suspicious cases. A case was taken to the Marine hospital from the steamship West over, which piles lietween New Orleans and Tampa. Fla.. but It ruts been In port long enough for the man to have contracted the Illness ashore. 1 The only new point of Infection In th country reported today wns by Dr. Brady, who discovered a nest of twelve cases on Woodlawn plantation, twenty miles below New Orleans, and another case two miles below. Interest among the yellow fever fighters centered today In the trial before Recorder Moumargle of Dr. Phillip Bcrge, who wns arrested a week ago on a churge of falling to report cases of yellow fever. Refnre the trial was completed Dr. Rcrge derided thnt he would plead guilty to one of the throe charges against him on condition that the other two would be dismissed. He did so and paid a fine of IS. JACKSON. Miss.. Sept. . The Mississippi yellow fever summary tonight Is as fol lows: Oulfpnrt. five new cases, no deaths: Mis sissippi City, no new cases, no deaths; Natchez, two new cases and two new foci, making a total of seventeen esses na fve fuel to dale: Vlckshurg. t'e;irkinetrtn and Hnnshorn report no new cases. Puigeon Wasdln of the Marine hospital service diagnosed the suspicions cases In Sharkey, nine miles from Angullla. as yel low fever. This Is the only new point of Infection. PF.NSACOLA. Fla.. Sept. . The reports of physicians tonight up to o'clock showed eleven cases of yellow 'fever today and one death. All the new cases are traceable to the original Infected district. CHOLERA CAUSES EMBARGO Snnltnrv Mate of Siege Rxlsta in Large District in King dom of Prnasln. RERLIN. Sept. S. A sort of sanitary state of siege exists In the district that now extends from the river Oder north westward to the Russian border, about 150 miles, and from Danzig to Grodzisko, south of'Posen, about ISO miles, but It Is a stats of siege In which all the Inhabitants are auxiliaries of the medical authorities and the only enemy Is the terrifying rholera bacillus which Is traveling In the streams or moving slowly overland from one local ity to another attached to articles of use or In the systems of persons. The only friend of the bacillus, the doc tors proclaim, la ignorance. An official bulletin Just Issued announces that nineteen new cases of cholera and seven deaths were reported during the twenty-four hours ending at noon today, making a total of 123 cases and thirty-nine deaths. MARIENWERDER, West Prussia. Sept. S. Four new cases of cholera were re ported here today, of which two were at Oraudenz and two at Nleder-Ausmaass. BROMBERfl. Prussia, Sept. 8. Two new cases of cholera have been reported In this district. One of them Is In the village of Eollchno-Hauland. NAKEIi, Prussia, Sept. R. Altogether six teen cholera cases and six deaths have oc curred In this town. DANZIG, Prussia, Sept. 8. Two new cholera cases have been reported here. Culm reports one new case. PRINTER PALMER REMOVED President Directs Him to Turn the Office Over to Foremast Rlcketts. OYSTER BAY. L. I.. Sept. 8-Presldent Roosevelt this afternoon took summary action In the case of Frank W. Palmer, public printer and head of the government printing office at Washington, by removing him from office. Last Monday the President directed Mr. Palmer to send him his resignation to take effect on the 15th lnst. At the same time he directed him not to take any further action In the cases of Oscar J. Rlcketts, foreman of the printing, and U. C. Ray. a division foreman In the govern ment printing office, whose resignation Mr. Palmer had requested. Mr. Palmer had given Rlcketts and Hay until Tuesday to show cause In wrl'lng why the charges he had made against them should not be operative In removing them from their positions In the event of their failure to resign. Ha was therefore removed from office by telegraph and di rected to turn over the government print ing office to Foreman Rlcketts. The lat- ter's appointment la believed to be tempor ary. The president has not yet determined who he may appoint as successor to Mr. Palmer. M'GILTON TO MAKE THE SPEECH Lieutenant tiovernor Decided I pon mm Temporary Presiding Officer of State Convention. fFrom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Sept. I. (Special Telegram.) At a meeting of the executive committee of the republican state committee this evening Lieutenant Governor E. O. McQil- ton of Omaha, was chosen as the temnor- ry chairman of the coming republican state convention. Other names mentioned In connection with the honor were George bhelton of Cass, Samuel Rlnaker of Uage and W. F. Qurley of Douglas. Members of the committee present be sides Chairman Burgess were L. L. Lind say. S. H. Claridge. C. H Kelsey, A H. Kldd. . C. A. Robinson and William Hay ward. CARRIERS TALK INSURANCE Opposition to Committee Report Recommending' an Advance of Forty Per Cent. PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. ?.The conven tion of the National letter Curriers' as sociation spent much time today In a dis cussion of the proposed advanced lnnur ance rates of the benefit branch of the order. A majority report of the Insur ance committee recommending an increase of about to per cent ln the present rates was opposed by a majority report, which contended that the advance to the rate prevailing among the fraternal organisa tions would tend to drive letter carriers to other fraternal Insurance organisation. SOUTHERN ITALY SHAKEN UPED,T0R murdered in room Seismic DiitnrtaD.ce Felt All Over Calabria and Fart of fiirily. OVER FOUR HUNDRED PEOTLE ARE DEAD Tnent-Klve t llWifcoa Are Reported Completely Dctroed and Som ber of Injured Cannot Yet lie Estimated. ROM K, Sept. 9 The newspapers this rive heart-rendlna- accounts of morning the calamity caused by the earthquake. At Mountcleon houses were razed. The rati- Scholer was with the Injured.. -way depots at Plzzn, Snular and Enter- end, hoping he might regalv mlcla had to be evacuated, as they were : and niHke a statement. considered unsafe. At Messina a severe The theory of a crime Is concurred shock was experienced, but It wns slighter , than that In Calabria. I start agreeing in the statement that Mr. The earthquake centered In Calabria, rle- : Thompson had been beaten. There Is. how stroylng over twenty-five villages, leaving I ever, no known motive for a murderous thousands absolutely destitute, killing up- ward of f and wounding nearly t. The shock was felt at 2:i o'clot k this morning. It lasted for eighteen seconds . . . . . . at i Messina. Martinnno. Stefacoinl. Placniio, , Trlparni. Zammarro. Cessanlttl, ?aiua, i trig tne oeutn or the Injured man, attributes Ollvadl and other points. i ""' fatality to a fall following a stroke of People Are Terror-Mrloken. apoplexy. ?cen-s of Indcr-crlbiib'.e terror ensued. ! A sharp division of opinion occurred he Women, aroused from their sleep, rushed i tween the coroner and police on one hand half-clothed Into the' streets, screaming : and several physicians on tl.'e other, the ., H ft,ar crrvlng their babies and drag- first mentioned party declaring that a fall ging along their other children and calling ; for help on the Madonna and the saints. ; The men escaped Into me open wn.i v ...... their i famtll-s. all calling on tneir ivran ... for protection. The cafes were taken by- assault bv the strangely garner, crow a, . . ... i.i . Am.llt Inn Of I as daylight Prose wuiiom " ii- the earthquake the crowd gradually m-i. , away until by o'clock the streets naa almost assumed their normal appearance, except In the ruined villages where the In habitants had no homes to go to. The general confusion was added to by dreadful erle. from the tails where the prisoners beside themselves with fright, but , were fortunately all the prisoners were Kepi within bounds. , Troops, engineers and doctors have been hurried to the scenes of disaster to assist In the work of rescue and salvage. The ministry of the Interior sent for the relief of the destitute, and Minister of Pub lic Works Ferraris, left for Calabria this evening. Many Village are Destroyed. C AT NZA RO. Province of Calabria. Italy. Sept. ft - According to the latest toie- i grams received nere, me rnrnniu""- -serious dnmaee to houses In San Floro, where one person was killed. At Jonadl ten persons were killed and loft wounded. At Dafflna hulldlngs were damaged and a number bf prrBnn killed or wounded. At Rnrgla two persons were killed and ten wounded. Many houses coiiapsea. At Oirtfalco houses were badly dainagea, i sens' of uneasiness prevails, and this Is but there was no loss of life. accentuated by the complete silence ob- At Montauro several houses collapsed. Iserted In official circles regarding the At Ollvadl several persons were killed and r,roftress of the negotiations, many wounded. Houses were badly dam- j Even the most pacific circles the alt aged. I uation is looked upon as having an ele- At Nlcastro and Cortall there was much mpnt of danger and the prevailing nerv damsge to property and many persons were i ,,, hH t)Mn ip,,, by the tone wounded. ' ' At Flladelphla two persons were killed and there were serious property losses. At Clmigllano there was no loss of life, but the loss In property was considerable. At Jaruno the houses were badly dam aged, but no one was killed or wounded. I At Nalda one person was killed and . thirty wounded and property suffered se verely. ' At Martlnnno there were many victims. but the number Is unknown. Out of a j population of a little more than 3,000 there are 2.200 without shelter. At Serrastrelta the houses suffered con siderably, but there were no victims Troops have been uispatcnen to tne si-e.m j r,c,,p(,t gpotlon ot Norway, while the .cor of the disasters and engineers hive been ; rcsponalnB. IOI1B ln SwPa(.n. t , pointed dispatched to Martlnano, Nalda. Qlmigllano i ,g ..unlmportant aid has never been and Monteleone dl Calabria MAJOR MILLER IS ELECTED Cousin of Late President McKlnley Chosen Commander-in-Chief of Spanish War Veterana. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Sept. 8.-S0 far as the business to come before the second annual encampment of tho I'nl'eJ Spanish War Veterans Is concerned, tho reunion s at an end. The contest for yttfim... wtAaw ! .l-.l 9 m u m - anli-ltAI nilA anil ...... , . , -.w..i rcsulted ln the election of Major Charles K. Miller of Cleveland, O. Major MI1W, who is a cousin of the late President Mc- j Klnley, Is a leading lawyer of Cleveland, j For senior vice commander, Major John M. Harlar.d of Buffalo was elected, and i Captain E. E. Kirk of California was chosen as Junior vice commander. Washington, whose claims for the next reunion were put forward by Captain Wal ter Mitchell of that city, wns chosVn over San Francisco. The date of the 1906 en campment was set so as not to be earlier than October 16, so as to make It con venient for President Roosevelt to attend. A resolution favoring a larger scope of the pension laws was adopted and resolu tions affecting the statute laws of ' the I I'rilted States were referred to the com mittee on legislation, which will bring them to the attention of congress. One of the most Important of these Is that asking; for the establishment of a national war museum at Washington In which to keep relics of all wars In which the United States has taken part. The Indies' auxiliary elected Mrs. Mary E. Gedney of Mount Vernon, N. Y , presi dent, and Mrs. Jessie Booth Perry of Chi cago, vice president. The veterans and ladies enjoyed an evening of entertainment tonight ln one of the amusement parks. Installation of officers, a parade and canp flre takes ,placa tomorrow. PENSION MONEY FOR NEBRASKA State Gets Over Two Million While Iowa Men Draw Five aad a Half Million. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, S-pt. 8.-!Speciat Tele gram.) W. A. Richards, commissioner gen eral of the land office, who has been ln Utah fur several weeks supervising the opening to white suttlement of the Uintah Indian reservation, returned to Washington today. Mr. Richards said that the opening of this great reservation, conducted along lines similar to those which prevailed when the Rosebud reservation In South Dakota was opened, was accomplished without a hitch of any sort. The annual report Of the commissioner ot pensions wss made public today. It Is shown that on June 30, 106, there were borne on the pension rolls the names of 16.175 residents of Nebraska, who during the fiscal year of VMH drew pension aggre gating I2.1K.1M. Iowa, during the same period, had 36. too pensioners on the rolls, who drew K.tM0,H. South Dakota had till pensioners, drawing to?0,3M and Wyo ming an jyenslwnsrs, diaalnff fU3.Z3u Kmploie of ew Vork Times Beaten and Stnhhrrt In Itrslh Im IiiI rientlfled Assailant. NEW YORK. S"Pt. 8 -Jacob II. Thomp son, cm ! ngc editor of the New York Times, who was found unconscious In his apartments In the Ft. Jamea hotel today. riled at Flower hospital at :.V o'clock to night without having regained conscious ness. Mr. Thompson was fully clothed when found and In an apparently dying condition. There Is much mystery surrounding the case, Coroner Scholer expressing his belief that the Injuries sustained by Mr. Thomp son were the result of a fall after a stroke of apoplexy, while the hospital surgeons maintain that murder was done. Coroner ( In by the surgeons at the hospital, the entire j auacg upon tne editor. The police, who earlier In the day had held the crime theory, switched around to night and agreed with the coroner as nvattikt tUe n . , I i . . V. i I. 1 . i ne nnnl police report on the case, record- I dining an apoplectic attack caused Me. Thompson's Injuries. Three doctors, be- i o m. nm uimi mi , sides Hf!aiiHni strangiea .Mr. lnonipson round i thnt In addition to other Injuries, their patient's Jaw was broken, that he had Ave I Bpnln Wniinris nml thnt hrttfo Mn At-ca niArA i ....... ... ....... .. ; ,M.i. i,.-,,.,,. i iiey ncciaeo, nwvrr, mat i what at first appeared to be a stab wound had been made by the breaking of Mr. Thompson's glasses. The coroner's opinion was supported by the hotel officers and by the chambermaid who flrst found the in jured guest. She said that he was In a sitting posture and was acting as If he wished to grasp his throat. Is collar had been torn open. She saw this- about 9 o'clock In the morning. An examination j of the room revealed trnces of blood on the walls and on the furniture against which Mr. Thompson might have fallen. Me was known to be subject to attacks of vertigo. Mr. Thompson was about t!0 years old. RUMOR OF HITCH AT KARLSTAD He(nrn of Norwegian Commissioner to I hrlstl.i nla (ilves Rise eerlona Rumnra. to CHRISTIANIA. Sept. 8. With the return today from Karlxtad of the Norwegian commissioners suit to discuss with the commissioners of Sweden the question of the dissolution of the union, a decided of the Swedish newspapers, which are now calling upon the goveiMnnent to mobilize 70,000 troops, st the same time pointing out that Norway Is only able to command 30.000 troops. While the Swedish Riksdag demanded that the "fortresses recently erected be no longer maintained." the Swedish newspapers In sist that the fortifications of the old fortresses of Fredrlksten and Kongsvlngor shall be destroyed. No suggestion could mafle whlch wouW more deeply wound the national principle of the Norwegians. Kongsvlnger Is thirty miles from the frontier and holds a commanding posi tion for the defense of Christlanla, tin fortified." Responsible persons here say that the arrogant tone adopted by the Swedish press, unless It Is modified. Is likely to lead to serious developments. ENVOYS GIVE TO CHARITIES Japs and Russians Each Donate fto.OOO to State of ew Hampshire. CONCORD. N. H., Sept. . Letters from i the Russian and Japanese peace plenipo- I . tentlaries on the eve of their departure from this country, which accompanied checks of 110.000 each for charitable pur poses ln the state of New Hampshire, were I made public today by Governor John Mc Lane. The envoys wrote ln cordial ap i preclatlon of the hospitality and courtesy j shown them by the state and leave the ; question of disposition of the funds to the discretion of the governor. Two letters accompanied the check from the Japanese and both were signed by Baron Komura and Mr. Takahlra, while the letter from the Russian envoys was signed by Baron Rosen. UNITED STATES TAKES HAND Threat of Strikers to Interfere with Malta Causes Activity in New York. NEW YORK. Sept. 8.-Under guard of policemen and occasionally showered with sticks and stones the United States mall delivery wagons, whose operation ln New York's busisat centers Is threatened by 3U0 striking drivers, carried the malls without delay today. Upon receipt of Informatton from Jersey City and Hoboken that attacks were being planned ln thoe cltlea upon New York mall wagons, United States Marshal Henckal communicated with the chiefs of police in those places, who said that they v.ould have special details of policemen to meet the wagons from New York at the ferries and to escort them through the streets. I nlted States secret service agents made the report of threatening conditions In the New Jersey cities. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Rural Carriers Are named for Roatrs in Iowa and Month Dakota. I From a 8taff Correspondent ) WASHINGTON. Sept. I. i Special Tele gram.) The following rural earners have been appointed: Iowa Bennett, route 1, Samuel E. Ttmpleton carrier, Clarence F. Toms substitute; Llvermore, route 1, Lee R. Cornlck carrier. Cells B. Cornlck sub stitute. South Dakota Mitchell, route 2, Arthur B. McKeel carrier, James W. Clark substitute; route 3. Carl 8. Bates carrier, Martin Bolce substitute. Edward R. Brooten has been appointed postmaster at Huntervllle. Wapello county, lews, vie sVaaa aVUnuuavn, tesueU. RIVAL BIDDERS CRY FRAUD Chargei Grow Out of Contract for Coramis ear y Sji:em for Panama. J. E. MARKEL OF OMAHA HAS CONTRACT la not of City and llnilnraa tssnclotes Know Nothing of tbe Affair, bnt Incline to Make l ight of It. NEW VORK, Sept 8. Chairman Shonts of the Panama Canal commission an nounced today that he had awarded a ' T feeding and housing the 1rctm!'t t the canal employes to J. E. u umaha. Following a month's visit to Panama, Mr. Markel has worked out a comprehensive scheme, which eludes the early establishment of ten hotels I along the canal anil railroad, each of them to accommodate from ISO to 2S0 laborers and twice as many diners. These hotels. It Is declared, will compare favorably with the better class of com mercial hotels In this country and will be used chiefly by the higher salaried em ployes. The average for board and lodgings will be nbout .t a month. For the laborers employed In the canal, or In any way Iden tified with thnt project, the concessionaire will at first establish twnty commissary camps and later PXI additional ones, eaoh with kitchen and dining rooms. laborers will have the privilege of buying their food cooked or uncooked at these camps, and In either case will be furnished with the necessary is nie appointments. 1 ne average rate to laborers for cooked food will be about $14 a month. Part of the contract provides for trans- . . I . ... - 1 . niiiioti m con 01 an loon euppuen nini materials used by the concessionaires. It is the Intention of the concessionaire to run a train across the Isthmus every dny from Colon, supplying the proposed hotels and camps with fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, bread and laundry; also dally supplies of Ice. The amount Involved In the contract, which covers a period of Ave years, and will become operative as soon as Mr. Mar- kel concludes certain preliminaries. Is not disclosed, but runs Into millions of dollars. Protest of Rival Firms. II. Malfe & Co. and Hudglns A Dumas, both Arms of this city, who were tho only other bidders for the Panama concession, today sent telegrams and letters to. Presi dent Roosevelt at Oyster Hay, protesting against the award of the contract to J. E. Markel. At the same time the two firms addressed letters to Chairman Shonts with drawing their bids In the belief that this action might Invalidate any award to Mr. Markel by leaving only one bidder In the field. In a statement given out today the protesting firms declsre the Panama con tract Involves no less than Bn.nofl,ono Hudglns o Pu'as assert that after pre senting their bid they received a letur from Mr. Shonts, In which he Intimated that their figures were too low and set forth a number of conditions which were not mentioned In the draft of the proposed contract, on which the hlda were based. Hudglns & Dumas declare that they re ceived this Information at S:30 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon and were told by Mr. Bhonta' secretary that his principal re quired an answer by 4 o'clock. Deducting the time consumed In type, writing, they assert they had only ten min utes to revise their bid. Telegram to President. In their telegram to President Roosevelt, Hudglns A Dumas says: Circumstances connected with the award ing of this privilege seem to indicate a collusion, one entire section of our bid having, as we discovered by examination yesterday, been credited to Mr. Markel as an original nroduetlon. while the pre cipitancy with which bids were called for, without public advertisement and with no regular time set for receiving and open ing said bids in the presence of bidders, warrant us ln the assumption that there waa a purpose to nward the contract to Mr. Markel and that other considerations were sacrificed to this end. Shonts Surprlaed at Protest. When Mr. Shonts n'aa Informed In hla home ln Greenwich, Conn., that the un successful bidders had appealed to the president and after he had heard the na ture of their charges, said: This Is most surprising, particularly so far as Mr. Balfe Is concerned. He was in mv office yesterday and said: "I have never heen better treated ln my life. I jwlsh to congratulate the successful bidder and offer him any assistance in my power." I Invited Messrs. Hudglns and Dumas to look over the successful bid In my offlco, but so far as I am aware they have not done so. As to their charges, they are absurd. Everything was open and above board. We did not advertise for bids be cause there was no necessity for It. It Is not a government contract. It Is a Panama rallwav matter. The railroad designates who shall conduct the hotels and aupply provisions and what they shall charge. It does not compel lt employes to stay In thfse ho'els In awarding the contract to Mr. Markel we took Into consideration the personality of the bidder, his experience, his power of organization and also the fact that he had been on the ground and studied the conditions there. His hid was the lowest, except In one particular. My letter to Hudglns & Dumas suggest ing a correction of their original bid was written because It was plain that they had not understood the specifications. So far as the similarity of sample menus goes that might easily have happened, be cause we specified that the highest class of employes was to have certain things and that laborers from Jamaica and the tropica should have certain diet to which they are accustomed. Mr. Markel Is out of the city, but Philip J. Partenheimer, secretary of the National Hotel company, of which Markel la presi dent, was at his office last night and the dispatch was read to him over the tele phone Just before Mr. Partenheimer left to catch a train. He laughed heartily at the message and then said ln response to an Inquiry: "I really don't know anything about that matter and therefore can say nothing. I reoelved a telegram today from Mr. Mar kel saying he was just leaving New York for Chicago and would be In Omaha Sun day." "Do you know whether or not Mr. Mar kel has succeeded In obtaining the contract for which he bid to supply food to the Panama workers?" was asked Mr. Parten heimer. "No, I do not; I don't know how he came out, though he has been back from Panama three weeks. All I know is that he was anxious, of course, to get one of these contracts, but as to his success or failure I am Ignorant." J. E Markel Is known all over the west, where he has, for years, been engaged In the hotel business in various forms. For many years he held the contract on all the ; Union Pacific railroad eating houses and dining car service. He had the lease on the Millard hotel of Omaha for many years up to a few years ago and the Natkmal Hotel icompany, of which he Is president, did own the Lincoln hotel at Lincoln, which has. within the last year, been sold to D. E Thompson, minister to Brasll and pros pective ambassador to Mexico. Mr. Mar kel Is a very wealthy man. Ills home is la Ouiaha. THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for eliraskn fa and n n day. Page. 1 Population of Kobe tre Tnrbnlenl. Many Killed In Onnfhern Italy, t'linrae Fraud In Pnnnmn Contract. Tanner I onmi.inder of 'i. K. II. 3 l ook Into ctt York l ife Company. Russian Onus t'nptnred by a Mob. St Npnl from til Parts of Nebraska, "randal In the War Department. 4 Shopa for the I nlnn Pacific. Polntera Unut Yntlna Machines. B fJrent Western Hoail to K.ximnd. Currier I'laeons for Hotel Dinner. Affairs at south Umaha. 0 Sporting Cventa of the Day. T Council Hlnffs and Inns errs. l General fireely Visits Fort Omaha. Councilman cited for Contempt. 10 F.dltorlal. 11 Commercial Review of the Week. Democrats Have Their Troubles. IB Financial d Commercial. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday i Hour. Ilea. . tlft . . . HB . till . .7 . ll . 72 Hour. " 1 p. 2 P- 8 p. 4 P. B p. p. 7 P. t p. 0 p. Ilea:. . . 72 . . 73 . . 7B . . 711 . . 7 4 . . 7.1 . . 72 . . 7t . . : B 7 a. ' n a. to a. 11 a. 14 ni. ! PRINTERS STRIKE WILL SPREAD Fmployea. In Tjpothetae ghnpa at Indianapolis tin Ont Today and Those In Other Clttea Follow. CHICAGO, Sept. .-According to the offi cers of the International Typographical union the war between the United Typothe tae and the International Typographical union over the Istter's demand for an eight-hour day. to go Into effect January 1, Is to become general. Reclnning tomorrow the strike will spread to every city ln the country where the employers refuse to grant the eight-hour day. Thus far the strike hns affected only Chicago and De troit. Tomorrow printers will be called out of the Typothetae shops of Indlannpolls and from day to day strikes will lie or dered In other cities. The Information that the executive coun cil of the union had decided to press the fight was received by President E. R. Wright of the Chicago union today ln the following telegram from James M. Lynch, president of the International organiza tion: INDIANAPOLIS. Sept. 8 - E. R. Wright: United Typothetae convention at Niagara Falls yesterday refused to accept reason able proposition for settlement of eight hour difficulty. Indianapolis makes demand this afternoon. ("In suggestion of executive council other unions will make demand ns soon as telegrams can be placed on wire and the struggle will be made general ex cept where contracts prevent Immediate action. JAMES M, LYNCH. With the exception of Denver, Salt Lnke City and Springfield, where the elght-hnur agreement la now ln effec, the order will affect practically every city of any slie In the United Ststea where branches of the United Typothetae exist. New York has a contract, which exempts It from a strike untH January 1. The contract between the Omaha Typo graphical union and the employing printers expires October T of this year. Neither side, so far. has made any move toward an agreement on the eight-hour question. CHINA THANKS THE PRESIDENT F.mperor F.xtenda Congratulations Becnnse Pence Has Been Declnred Between Russia and Japan. OYSTER BAY, I j., Sept. g.-The em peror of China has extended to President Roosevelt his congratulations upon the suc cess of the president's efforts to establish peace between Russia and Japan and to "promote the welfare of mankind." In his congratulations the emperor Is Joined by the empress dowager, who extenda to Presi dent Roosevelt her "hearty felicitations" on his "grand accomplishment." The emperor's message was received ln the form of a cablegram from Peking. As Is usual with Chinese official communica tions. It Is undated and unsigned, being ln the shape of a greeting. Following is the text of the document: The emperor of China to the president oi ine i nitea states or America Greeting: The Joyful tidings respecting the satisfuc- tory issue of the peace negotiations be tween Japan and Russia having been re' celved by all friendly governments wltu profound gratification, we congratulate you, Mr. President, upon the success of your If. . I .. . I . ..I ., . . . 1 , i . . . .1 I..U boring powers concerned Into harmony and to promote me weirare or mankind, witn the cessation of hostilities and the estab- Usliment of a good understanding, we earnestly hope that all nations will here- after enjoy the fruits of peace without In- terruption. to the end that the thref ' Man- p nil rl u n nrnv 1 riAai fT I riiiiu m fiv ha h auuai witn complete tranquility and lasting wei rare, io the oeneni ot tne wnolo world. Her majesty, the empress dowager of China, being mindful of the friendly rela tions that have always subsisted lietween China and the United States, desires to Join us ln offering you hearty felicitations for your own grand accomplishment. SWEDISH METHODISTS CONFER Members from Iowa., Kansas, Col orado and Nebraska Meet at Lincoln. LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. g.-flwedish Meth odlsts of the states of Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Colorado began a four davs' conference here today. Bishop Hamilton Is presiding. Carl Froman of Iowa was elected secretary. Carl J. Mellberg of Ne- braska statistical secretary and O. J. Swan treasurer. Reports were received from the theolog ical school of the church at Evanston, III., also from the Mutual Insurance society. The reports Indicated prosperity and growth. Reports were reefived from C. O. Free man, presiding elder of the Kansas dis trict; A. R. Melllne of the Iowa district and Peter Munson of the Nebraska district. amnel Stlckuey Promoted. ST. PAUL, Minn.. Sept. It was offi cially announced Imre today that Samuel ntukney, Heretofore general manager of the Chicago Great Western railroad, has been made second vice president. L. H. Can. assistunt to the general manager, has been made third vice president. Mr. Stlckney will also retain the title of gen eral manager. Movements of Ocean Vessels Sept. H. At New York Arrived : Koenlg Ixnilso, from Nanles At I A) mburg Arrived : Batsvla. from New YoT. At Boulogne Arrived : Ryndam, from New York. At Plvinouth Arrived : Grosser Kurfurst. from New York; Hamburg, from New York. At Queenstown Arrived: Celtic, from New York. Sailed: Noordland, for New York. At Dover Sailed: DeuUchland. for New York. At Copenhagen Sailed: United States, for New York. At Naples-Sailed: Cltta dl Torino, for New Yolk. TANNER IN COMMAND Forairr Fortion Commissioner Now at Head cf Grand Army of tbe Eepnblio. CORPORAL ELECTED ON FIRST BALLOT General Eobert 6. Brown of Ohio ii Hii Principal Opponent MINNEAPOLIS GETS THE NEXT MEETING Only Oppositioi Coming from Friendi of - Dallai, Tei&a. LETTER FROM PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT t hief Executive t onaratnlates tho Comrades and Regrets Ho Cannot Meet Them In Person. DENVER. Sept. S.-The thirty-ninth an nual national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic elected officers today as follows: Commander-ln-Chlef-James Tanner. New ' York. Senior Vice Commander-ln-C'hlef George W. Cook, Denver. Junior Vice t 'onimander-ln-Chlef Silas IL Towler, Minneapolis. Surgeon General Hugo Philler, Wauke sha. Wis. Chaplaln-ln-Oilef.-Rev. Father J. G. Ieiiry, Chapman, Kan. Minneapolis wna chosen as the meeting place for 19o . The contest for rommsnder-ln-chlef was the most Interesting feature of the sessions today. Besides Corporal Tanner. R. It. Brown of Zanesvllle. O., Charles Burrows of Rutherford, N. J., and Charles G. Burton of Nevada, Mo., were placed In nomination. Burrows' foame was Immediately with drawn. As the roll call of departments pro ceeded It became apparent from the number of departments seconding Tanner that his elertion was n certainty. Although George Stone of San Frnmisco wns not named formally as a candidate, the Department of California and Nevada cast Its fifteen votes for him. The total vote for Tanner was t17. Brown received 1S7, Ohio and Pennsylvania giving him their full vote and Iudlnna a majority. The only larga delegation that voted for Burton was that of Missouri. His total strength was forty two votes. Ovation for Sew Commander. When the adjutant general announced the result the convention went wild. The old veterans leaped from their seats, shouting and cheering and throwing their hats In the air. Amid the din General Brown mounted the stage and moved to make Tanner's election unanimous. Messrs. Burton and Stone both seconded the mo tion, which was carried with a roar of ap plause. Commander-in-Chief King then appointed the defeated comrades a com mittee to escort Corporal Tanner to the stage. While the four were walking down the center aisle the delegates made a rush for Tanner, and, lifting him Into the air, carried him bodily to the rostrum. The delegates then rose enmasse and cheered for several minutes. In a brief speech Corporal Tanner thanked his comrades. "There Is one man," he said, "whose esteem and assistance It Is necessary for the old soldiers to have. There are three men ln the encampment whom I will call ln council In meeting President Roosevelt." Another great shout went up as Corporal Tanner Indicated the person he referred to ln his veiled remark and as It died down he said that he expected to have the benefi cent counsel in all his undertakings as commander-in-chief of Senator William Warner of Missouri, General John C. Black of Chicago and General Gienvllle M. Dodge of New York. Other Officers Fleeted. The convention proceeded to ballot for officers at the conclusion of Mr. Tanner's address. George W. Cook of Denver was the only nominee for senior vice com mander, and he received an ovation when his unanimous election was announced. For Junior vice commander, James G. Everest of Illinois and Silas H. Towler of Minnesota were placed before the conven tion. The ballot resulted: Everest, K-9; Towler, 328. Hugo Philler of Wisconsin and Fred '. Brothers of Nebraska were nominated for surgeon general, the former receiving Sit votes and tho latter 2(3. The vote for chaplaln-in-chlef was aloea. Father Leary of Chapman. Kan., winning ! rrm" Je88e Cole of Iowa y vote of 382 i io .is. j previous to the election a letter from I . . . . , . 1 . ' . . ' President Roosevelt to Commander-in-Chief I King asking him to "extend my warmest j congratulations to the comrades there as- sembled, and say to them, how I regret that I cannot In person meet them and express the affection and regard I feel for them," was read and a telegram was sent. The recommendations ln the annual re port of the commander-in-chief were ap proved, as were also those made by the surgeon general, the chaplaln-ln-chlef and i the quartermaster general. The newly elected commander - ki - chief announced three appointments and said they were all thaf he would make until he returned to Washington. Lieutenant Colonel Tweedale, retired, waa made adjutant general, and Allen C. Bake- ' well of New York, national patriotic In- "tructor. Thomas O. Sample of Allepheny, i Pa- wa '""tlnued as a member of the I counsel of administration. I Mr Sample Is reported on his death bed and Corporal Tanner explained that ha wanted to be ln office as long as life lasted. Minneapolis Rents Dallas. The first business before the encampment today was the choice of meeting place for next year. It had been practlcall) settled In advance that the national encampment In l&ifi would lie held ln Minneapolis. The only other city that asked for the encamp ment In the convention today was Dallas, Tex., whose offer was presented by John A. Ewton, manager of the Dallas 150.000 rluh. On a viva voce vote the delegates seemed to be about equally divided between the two cities. A roll call was then or dered and Minneapolis chosen. Tiie encampment gave a vote of thanks to Mr. Ewton and the Texas organizations which extended the Invitation to meet In Dallas. Commander-in-Chief King Invited Mr. En ton to go to Minneapolis next year and repeat the Invitation, promising to use his Influence to secure the national en campment In l!u7 for Dallas. The' Invitation from Minneapolis was pre sented by Pust Commander-in-Chief Iee Torrance. In an eloquent spech he spoke of the advantages of the Minnesota city and urged lis claims on the ground that It has not had the national encampment In twenty-two years. Comrade Caftle of Min nesota seconded the nomination of Minne apolis Connrll of Administration. The ineiiibets uf the council of adiulal ) i