THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1905. 5 SIOUX DROP ANOTHER FAIR f token Low Two to Oaaha Before a Imk Bundy Crowd. KELLY WELCH SHOWS UP IN GOOD FORM ew ritcher from Graad Islaad Makee Favorable Impression by Ilia Work In tha Drcoit of tha Contests. The Champs took both ends of a double header at the Vinton street park Sunday afternoon before a goodly crowd of fan, tha first content srolng to ten Inning and belnir won by the score of ( to i. The second tame wes annexed by the on-lded core of 10 to S. Both McCloskey and Kelly Welch, the Frenchman, were In good form. The latter made a good Impression on hi first appearance on the Omaha diamond In a. Champ uniform. McCloskey waa opposed by Jarrott In the first content. Jarrott held the Champa to three him. while the Bloux tribe made a baker's doaen from McCloskey. But the Bloux played bad back of the Rulo boy, while McCloskey waa riven grand support, aithoigh three errors are recorded. Three double plays were executed by the Champa and all were faat. Carter caught a fly from the bat of Pulelfer and nailed Newton at the home plate, the other two double being a third strike which Qonding caught and then nailed a runner at second. Thlei la out of the game with a broken rib. Ue was hit by a pitched ball at Pes Moines Thursday, but the Pes Moines phy mciana ensured him that nothing waa broken. Sunday morning he was examined by Dr. Porter, who Immediately declared hla rib broken, so he will be out of the game for a weok at least. How Omaha flrored. Omaha made the first run In the third inning, when Lawler led with a single, was sacrificed to second by Gondlng and went to third on Carter's single. Carter then started out to execute his part of a double steal and so played the game that Lawler trotted home. In the next Inning Welch waiKea ana scored on Quick's triple. A regular comedy of errors scored one more in the seventh. After two were out and uondlng on third Jarrott Juggled Carter'i attempt to bunt and Oondlng walked home. The Bloux tied uie score In the ninth In ning, isohlit led with a single, Collins, who naa replaced Carney who was put out of the ground for argufying with the umpire on the mere matter of balls and strikes, walked and after O'Hara and Star nsgle had been retired, Jarrott made a sin gle that scored Nobllt and Shea, who had replaced Newton, singled and scored Col- llns. Bheehan hit a grounder to Eddie iawier, but It was too easy and as he at tempted -to toss It to Captain Dolan to re tire the side, he threw the ball over Dolan's head and Jarrott trotted home. "on me game in the tenth Inn nr. whea O'Hara gave Dolan a life by drop ping a fly from his bat. Dolan went to second when Welch was hit with the ball and scored on Jarrott's error. Second Woi la the First. The second game was practically settled In the first Inning. Volts was sent In to oppose Keltey Welch, another of Pa's finds . from Grand Island. Voltx lasted Just long enough to pass the first three men who iacea mm, and was then sent to the stahla Hatch was called on, but before he could stop the carnage five Champs had crossed tha plate, which waa more than enough to win the game. Hatch struck out nine men, om was nu sareiy eleven times with two errors for his team, on of which he made nimseir. welch was steady throughout and rafter the first fright had worn away pitched magnificent ball. But four men faced him In each of the last four Innings and he struck out three men In the sixth Inning. The same teams will play a double header this afternoon, the first game to be called at 1:30. Score first game: OMAHA. OMAHA MEN AND THEIR HOBBIES """oTia; GUY C. BARTON racing His Caddy. one error figured In the result, and that gave Herman Long life at first, a sacrifice, a stolen base a.vl fielders' choice scoring him. les Moines' second run came on a single by CafTyn and Wakefield's three SHclcer. The visitors scored on Kyler's stn- fle, Reynolds' sacrifice and Schllx's single, t was a hard fought battle throughout in spite of the cold Score: DBS MOINES. ST. JOSEPH. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. McOllvrajr. rf 4 1 2 0 0 Reynold,, rf . 4 0 1 0 0 OSrnlli, 2b ... 4 11 1 Qulllan. lb.. 4 1 i S Zlnk. lb 4 1 15 ftKetchen), ct.. I t 1 0 Dunn, aa 4 1 0 Molnaeul, If 4 0 1 Zlnren, e 4 4 Eyler, p 4 1 0 l U 1 14 If I HntrlaTtr. rf 4 Long, m 4 Rnftiman. lb. 4 Bn, If Wolf, r o Wakefield, c. 1 Shugart. 2b.. I MrNlcsola. 3b 2 Mt-Kar p.... I Carter, rf. Dolnn, ss Welch. II. cf. . flchlpke, 3b. , ?ulck, If homas, lb. , I.awler, 2b Oondlng, c. .., McCloskey, p. Total AB. R. 4 87 H. PO. A. I 4 1 5 0 4 SIOUX CITV. s so 1 10 E. 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 ihea. If Newton, ss Sheehan. 3b Weed, 2b Pulstfer, rf., Ih. Nobllt. cf , Collins, rf Carney, lb OUnra, If., ss.. Starnagle, c. ... Jarrott, p Totals ...42 0 1 0 0 t 0 0 2 t 0 1 1 0 2 0 ! 1 10 0 0 1 12 0 0 1 1 1 10 111 a is t t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 10 E. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 t 0 1 1 4 1 10 0 1 0 - Totals.. Totals 2i f 27 12 I Pes Moines 00010100 2 St. Joseph 0000100001 Stolen bases: Kong (2). Two-base hit: Ketchem. Three-base hits: Qulllan, Wake field. Double play: Eyler to Qulllan to Zlnk. Bases on balls: Off McKay, 2; off Eyler, S. Struck out: By McKay, 4; by Eyler, 5. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Caruthers. Attendance: 1,000 Denver Wins Both Games. DENVER, Sept. . By superb rallies, which set the packed stands madly roaring, Denver nosed out Pueblo in the first game of today's double-header In the tenth and pounded in a half dozen tallies In the sixth Inning of the second contest. The score of the first game was 5 to 4. At the close ef the first Tialf of the seventh Inning of the second game, when the captains agreed to quit, Denver lead, 10 to 4. The second game was apparently lost to Pueblo In the first Inning, when the visitors scored four runs on a couple of bases on balls and three hits. In the fourth Inning the Cubs evened up the account on singles by Randall and Perrlne, passes to Belden and Everltt and errors ty Shriver and Hader. The sixth Inning proved the Water loo of Pitcher Mutter, a recent Pueblo Im portation. Five hits, a base on balls, sev eral stolen bases and a bunch of errors al lowed the Cubs to tally six runs, and caused Hiiriver to agree to can tne game on as hopelessly lost In the seventh Inning. Hickman pitched his first game for Den ver since his Illness and, considering his condition, dtd creditable work. Kngle pitched steady ball In the second game. Miner was the best of the twlrlers that performed during the afternoon, but went into the air in the eighth and came down too late. Score, first game: DENVER. PUEBLO. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. six errors In the seventh inning, but rallied in tne nintn. score: k.m.c O. U. P 0 0000060 1-7 7 Grand Island... 0 00110004-48 Batteries: Scully and Clair; Bennett and wnitcomD. , GAMES IS THE NATIONAL LEAOIE Brown's Effective ritchlng Enables St. Lonla to Shut Ont Cincinnati ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Sept. 3. Brown's pitch Ing was too much for Cincinnati today Grady's two triplets was the feature, each una scoring runners, score: ST. LOl'I.. CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E PunlMTjr. rf . 4 0 0 0 0 Hu,tn, 2b. 4 1 2 2 0 0 Barry, lb.... 4 2 7 0 0 Oaormour, ef.. 2 I 0 0 Corcoran, aa. 4 1 1 2 2 0 lb 4 1 1 1 2 10dw.ll. It.... 4 1 4 0 4 OBrldwell, rt. 4 0 1 0 0 0 Sc-hlal, e I 0 2 t t OEwlns. p.... 10 0 1 Shannon. If.. Ill 8moot. cf 4 0 2 Beckley. lb.. 2 1 II 8hr. 2b 2 0 2 Gradr, c I 2 2 Mrlsaide, aa. 2 1 2 Burr,, 2b.... I 1 t Brown, p t 0 0 By Peterson. 10: by Fsrley and Hopnlch. 10. Time: 1.15. Umpire: Meadows. GAMES M AMERICA ASSOCIATION Indianapolis Ontplaya Colambas and Leaders Narrowly Esraae Shntoat. IXll.fMRIH Bert 1 Indlsnnnolls out played Cr.lumbiis today, snd the league eaunr narrowly rnissa a enuiout. woore: INDIANAPOLIS. rOU'MM'1 AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. VrCrwj. ef. Mnran. aa.... Hrrra. Ih.... Miar, lb... Thonay. It... Ferrell. rf... Carr. lb Wearer, e.... Martin, p. TotaH. . earn on the Memphis grounds this after noon, losing the first game hv a score of to 7. and winning the second ry 9 to 7. ntterlea: Chrlstlnnsnn and Dummy, far tort; Hall and Owen for Memphis. 1 I I 0 0 rirkrrlnc. cf. 4 1 1 0 0 2 I t Parle, rf.... 4 0 0 1 I I t I I Ryan, e I I 4 0 4 0 I 1 Cin,alton. If 4 2 1 0 0 4 110 Klhm. lb.... I 1 0 0 4 1 1 1 Hulwltt. aw. 10 12 0 4 2 110 firmer lb.. 4 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 4 0 Barteau, lb. 4 t 1 2 1 4 0 0 0 0 Vail, p 1 0 0 4 0 Hruwn 4 10 t7 II 2 Total! 24 27 17 2 Batted for Veil In the ninth. Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 t Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Stolen bases: Clymer, Bruce. Sacrifice hits: Bruce, Weaver. First base on belle: OfT Veil. 1; off Martin, 4. Two-base hi's: Barbeau (2), Moran, Fsrrell. Carr. Hit by pitched ball: Klhm. Btruck out: By Veil. by Martin, i Time; umpire: Attendance: 7.S33. Toledo Wlaa Two Game. TOLEDO. Sept. S Toledo won both game of a double-header with Louisville today by timely hitting. Score, first game: TOLEDO. LOUISV11AE. AB.H.O.A.E. AB H.O A E. Cllntman. lb I I 0 1 0 Kanrln. cf ..I 2 4 1 IIS a rianman, ir.. a l l v 1111 Woodruff, lb 4 2 2 t 0 114 1 Shaw, a 4 0 4 0 0 101 Daly, lb 4 0 0 I 1 1 11 1 1 UiTatt, aa... 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 Smith, lb.... 4 10 4 1 t 0 0 Millar, rt.... 4 0 1 0 0 111 t FarguaoD. p. 4 2 t I ' GAMES IN TIIE AMERICAN LEAC.IB Cleveland Defeats t hlcaaro by Timely Ise of the Stick. CHICAOO. Sent. . Bv opportune hitting Cleveland defeated Chicago thres o one today. Chlcsgos lone run ime In the hlrd when Jones doubled, stole third and scored on a fly to right field. Score: CHICAGO. CLEVFI.AVn. AB.H.O.A.E. An H.O A S Holmaa. If., onaa. cf !. aa hall, lb... onohna. lb. allahan. rf. alllvan. e... annehlll. lb I Pattaraon, p I J. Clarka, If. 4 Laa. cf I Damont, aa... I Nanca, lb.... Boy la, lb.... I Nalshbora, rt 4 Lad a 4 Camnlla, p... 4 Touts 17 11 27 It 4 Totals It I 24 It I Toldeo 0 0 4 3 0 4 0 0 -ll Loulsvllls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 02 Bases on balls: Off Camnlts, 2; oft Fergu son, 4. Two-base hits: Boyle,, iNeigii bors, Camnlts, Clark. Woodruff. Double play: Woodruff to Daly. Struck out: By Camnltx, I: by Ferguson, 2. Stolen basca: Cllngman ), Woodruff. Time! 3:06. Um pire: Owens. bcore. secona game: TOLEDO. LOVISVILLB. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Clin. man. lb. 112 1 Kerwln. cf... 4 0 I 0 0 if. a T o 9 v Hantnan. it . i i v 1 t 0 1 Woodruff, lb. I 0 0 2 OStonar. a I Oil CL'aly. lb I 110 OLorett, 2 Nelihbora. rf t I 1 0 0 Smith. Ih I Land, t 2 I 0 0 0 Millar, rt I Mlnnahan, p. I 2 0 1 1 Scott, p i J. Clarka, Laa. ef Damont, Naara, lb. Boyla. If Totala 10 MM I I Totali 27 I II I 0 Tnl.Hn 0 1 2 0 0 2 t.milavllle 0 1 0 0 0 0 13 rp on hulls: OfT Mlnnehan. 2: off Scott 1 Two-base hits: Clarke. Lee. Neighbors, Mlnnehan, Scott. Double play: Boott to Lovett to Daly. Btruck out: By Minnenan. R hv Ofntt 4 Stolen bases: Cllngman, Mailman. Dalv. Sacrifice hit. Woodruff. time: 1:1&. Umpire: Owens. Attendance: 2,500. v.wn nreak In Kansas City KANSAS CITY. Sept. i-Kansas City anl Milwaukee divided honors In a doubK honrfar here todav. Ragged fielding marked both games. Milwaukee s loose playing was In the first game and Kansas City's in the second. The second game was called at the end of the fifth inning on account oi oars, ness. Score, first game: KAK'KAS CITY. MILWAUKEE. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E Totala xt 7 27 10 0 Total! 11 1 27 14 0 Cleveland 0 0000200 1-J Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Left on bases: Chlcsgo 6. Cleveland 3. wo-base hits: Jones. Bay. Donahue, Flick. Callahan, Clsrk. Stovall. Sacrifice hits: Sullivan. Donahue. Stolen bases: Donahue. Jackson. Bav Double plays: Tannehlll to labell to Donahue. Struck out: By i'atterson 1. bv Dotmhue 1. First base on balls: Off Pstterson 1. Time: 1:2. mpires: O'Louehlln and Connelly. At tendance, 10,493. St. Lonla Wins la Tenth. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 3. St. Ixiuls won a en-inning game from Detroit today, S to Olade was effective after the first. lsch was belna hit when he was taken out of the box wltn the score tied. Score: One out when winning run scored. ST. LfiVli. DETROIT. AB.H. O A E. AB.H O A E. Stona. If 4 I I 0 OMrlntyra, If . t I I 1 0 oi k'Oald. 2b 4 0 2 2 0 Llndtar. lb . I 2 11 1 0 rnak, rf t 0 0 1 0 Srhaatar, 2b. 4 2 4 4 1 Willara, h. I 0 2 0 Crawford, rf. t 0 0 0 0 onai. lb I 1 II I OCobb. cf 4 1 I 0 0 Olaaaoa, lb.. 4 lit OCmiihlln. lb. I I 1 II Keahlar. cf.. 4 1 I 0 OO'Laary. as.. I 0 i I e par. car, ... I 1 I 0 0 Warnar. c... 4 0 10 0 Glatfa. p 4 112 0 Dlach. s 2 0 0 0 0 Clcotta, p.... 10 0 10 Totali 12 I 10 17 0 Totala It It St. Loui 0 00001100 1-3 Detroit 2 00000000 02 Earned runs: St. Ixiuis 1. Detroit 2. Two- base hit: Cobb. Tliiee-base hit: Stone. Sncrlflce hits: O'Leary, Jones, Spencer, Double plays: O'Learv to Lindsay , Schnefer to Lindsay to O'Learv, Mclntyre to Coughlln. Base hits: Off Dlsch S in seven nnlngs. oft Cicotte 8 In three innings. First base on balls: Off Olade 1, off Dlsch 2. Struck out: Bv Olade 8. Left on bases: St. Louis 5, Detroit . Time: 1:2. Um pires: McCarthy and Conners. Attend ance, 6,260. Gilbert. If... I t aaalday, sf. t Hill, rf I Douglai, lb.. I ratttro. 3b.... 4 Donahua, aa. I Luetlka, lb.. I Butlar. a 1 Durham, p... 4 Moran. p... 0 .11 10 24 10 i 8 0 0 IS 0 2 2 0 t Two out when winning run was scored. Omnha 0 OllOOlon 1 I Sioux City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-3 Three-base hit: Quick. First base on balls: , Off Jarrott 2; off McCloskey 1 Double plays: Carter and Oondlng; Oonrl Ing and Dolan; Oondlng and Lawler Struck out: By Mct'Joakey, I: b jarrott' t. Sacrifice hit: Oondlng. Stolen bases' Lawler. Carter. Hit by pitched ball: Bv Jarrott, 1. Wild pitch: McCloskey. Left on bases: Omaha, ; Sioux City, 10. Time: 160 Umpire: Scheuster. Attendance. 3.500. Score, second game: OMAHA. Carter, rf Dolan, ss Welch. II., cf... Hrhipke. 3b Quick. If Thomas, lb Lawler. 2b Freese, c Welch, K., p.... AB. R. H. po. A. 0 1 0 1 2 4 1 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 0 '? I i J i Totals SS SIOUX CITT. AB. R Newton, ss 3 3 Bheehan, ,30 1 Weed lb 4 Pulslfer, rf., lb 4 10 11 27 14 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 "s H. PO. A. 1 I 1 I 1 0 0 E. 0 0 f 6 0 1 0 1 0 Nobllt, cf v 4 Collins, rf 3 Carney, lb 2- O'Hara. If 4 Shea, c 4 Hatch, p 3 Voltx. p 0 Totala 33 3 24 3 3 Omaha S 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 in Bloux City 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 03 Two-base hits: Lawler. Newton. Bhee han. Carney. First base on balls: Off Volts., 3: off Hatch. 4: off K. tVelch, 1. Stolen bases; Welch. Dolan. Passed ball Freese. Hit by pitched ball: Hatch, 1 Btruck out: By Hatch. ; by Welch 1. Left oa bases: Omaha. 11; Siuux City . Sacrifice bits: Carter, Quick, Bheehan Time: 1 4f. Umpire: bcheuater. At tendance. 3.300. Doe Molnaa Wins Close Gaaae. DEB MOINES. Sept. 3 In a pitcher' bat tle Dea Moines defeated St. Joseph by guod base running and fortunate bluing. But A I 1 A BtWQntH vT j utu uigar i m ' Havana Burprlea ful- tUled. 10c, 2 for a quarter and 16 straight .CIGARS MfHila. cf... 4 HartiHI. lb. 4 Randall, rf.. 4 Baldan, If.... 4 Parrlna. tb... I H'afcoatter, aa 4 Evarltt, lb... 4 Brown, 4 Hickman, p.. 1 Bog la, p..... 1 0 Blaka, cf.. 0 Cook it 0 Knaba. rf-lb. Elwart, lb... 0 Huttar, rf.... 0 Mott. lb 0 Bhrlvar, c. .. 0 Radar, aa. ... 1 Jackaon, lb.. 0 Miner, p 1 I 2 10 Total! 27 0 20 11 1 Total! 27 1121 t 1 One out when winning run was made. Denver 0 00000030 2 S Pueblo 0 101001r00 14 Stolen bases: McHale, Hartsell (2), Ran dall, Blake, Mott. Three-base hit: Mott. Bases on balls: OfT Hickman, 3; off Englc, 1; off Miner, 4. Btruck out: By Hickman, 3: by Engle. 1: by Miner, t. Left on bases: Denver, 8; Pueblo. 3. First base on errors: Denver, 1. Two-base hits: Perrlne. Knabe. Wild pitch: Engle. Double play: Brown to Perrlne. Time: 2:05. Umpires: Bohannon and Mace. Score, second DENVER. Pl'EBLO. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Mi-Hale, cf.. 4 0 1 0 0 Blaka. cf 110 0 4 114 0 Cook If 4 110 1 1 1 0 0 0 Knaba. rf.... 4 1 0 0 0 10 2 10 Huttar, rf.... I 1 0 I 0 4 1 2 4 0 Mott, lb I I 2 2 0 112 0 Ehrlyer.. ... 12 10 1 1 T 0 Bader, aa I 1 t 0 t 0 4 1 Jackaon. lb.. 1 0 0 1 0 0 110 Miner, lb.... 1101 Totala 27 12114 Totala 27 111 I I Denver ,...0 0 0 4 0 3 10 Pueblo 4 0 0 0 0 0 04 Stolen bases: McHale, Hartxell (2), Ran dall tl) Everltt (2). Bases on balls: Off Engle, b off Hutler, K. Struck out: By En- fle. 4; by Hutter. 2. Left on bases: Denver, ; Pueblo, 7. First base on error: Denver. 2. Sacrifice hit: Hoelskoetter. Two-base hit: Shriver. Double play: Hoelskoetter to Perrlne to Everltt. Time: 1:30. Umpires: Bohannon and Mace. Attendance: 4:300. Staadlac of the Teams. Totals 21 27 II 1 Totala SI t 24 t St. Louis 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 A Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Earned runs: St. Louis 3. Three-base hits: Grady (2). Sacrifice hit: Brldwell. Douhle plnys: Brown to Grady to Beckley. Passed balls: Schlel. Stolen bases: Burke, McBrlde. First base on balls: OfT Brown 3, off Ewlng 2. Struck out: , Bv Brown 1, by Ewlng 3. Left on bases) St. Louis 2, Cincinnati . Time: 1:25. Umpire: Emslle. Attendance, 4,600. Double Shntoat In Chicago. CHICAOO, Sept. S.-Plttsburg and Chi cago split even today, both games being won and lost by the same score, one to nothing. The first went eleven Innings and was won by Chicago on Casey's long throw to the plate. Lelfleld, Pittsburg's new pitcher from Des Moines did his first work In the major league In the second game and did good work, both with the bat and In the field. His team supported him perfectly and won on Clarke's double ",. . " 1I" secono game was called at the end of the sixth Inning to allow both teams to catch a train. Score first game: CHICAGO. PITT8BCRO. - . ffO!!; AB.H.O.A.E. '"'". :.... v a tnnier, rf... 4 0 10 0 1 0 Clarka, If.... 4 0 4 0 0 4 0 Laarh. ct 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 Wainer, aa... 4 121 2 0 Howard, lb., t 0 12 1 1 0 4 Brain, lb 4 0 1 4 1 1 0 Rltrhay. lb.. I 1 1 2 0 2 0 Gtbaon, o.... 4 1110 t 0 Phllllpps, p.. I 0 0 I 0 TOtala M I II 10 0 Totali tt jl 17 4 One out when winning run scored. Chicago 0 000000000 11 Pittsburg 0 000000000 00 Left on bases: Chicago. 7; Pittsburg 1 Three-base hit: Casey. Sacrifice hit Howard. Struck out: By Wicker 9- bv Phllllppe. 1 First base on balfs: ' Off Wicker. 1; off Phllllppe, 3. Time: 2 K Umpire: Klem. Score second game: CHICAGO. PITTSBrrtO. AB.H.O.A.E. AB H.O A C Caacy. lb 112, lb. I 0 10 Srhulte. If... 4 0 2 Tinker, aa.... I 1 I Malonay, rf. 4 0 I Evera. tb.... 4 0 1 ONell. e 2 0 11 Wicker, p.... 4 0 0 I 0 0 OnoMnaon. aa. b 0 2 1 0 10 OO'Brlan, rf... t t 2 0 0 4 0 Matrman. lb. I 0 I 0 t 7 2 (l .mphlll. ef. 4 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 Clarke, lb... t 1 2 2 2 110 Den 11c. c... 4 1 7 1 112 2 McCor'Ick, 2b 4 2 2 1 1110 MrChaancy, If 4 2 0 0 Oil t Goodwin, p... 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Total!... Totals 22 10l I . Goodwin out on Infield fly. Kansas City 0 4 0 0 1 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 1 Two-base hits: Castro, ponahue. Three hM hits: Castro. Ooodwln. Sacrifice hits TVinahue. Luettke. Stolen bases: Hill T.uettke. Double nlavs: Butler to Luettke Douglas to Donahue. Struck out: By Durham S. bv Ooodwln 4. First base on balls: Off Goodwin 7. Wild pitches: Dur hum. Rfiodwln. Base hits: Ort ijurnam in eight innings, oft Morgan 1 in one In nlng. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Kane. Score second game: Hll.Wil Kin KANSAS CITY. AB.H.O.A.E.. , AB.H .O.A.E, Rnblnaon aa. 4 0 2 2 OOnbart. If... I 1 1 0 O'Brien, rf... 1 0 0 0 CaaaMay, ct. 2 1 0 0 Bateman, lb. 4 4 t 0 e HU1. n w i Hemphill, ef. 4 1 1 0 eDoatiaa, lb.. I 1 t I Clarka, lb... 4 10 0 OCaatro, lb... I 0 0 0 Towna. c... 4 2 11 OPonahue, aa.. I 0 0 1 McCor'Ick. Ib 1 1 3 ousavuia, id. i u a a MrCheeney, If 1 1 1 0 0 Zaartoaa, C. 1 0 1 1 Hlcker, p.... I 0 0 0 OMorgan, p... I 0 11 Total! V 1111 1 I Total! 17 111 I Milwaukee 1 0 8 6 814 Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 Two-base hits: Bateman. McCormlck MeChesney. Three-bnse hit: Towne. Home run: Hemphill. Sacrifice hits: O'Brien i3. ' Stolen bases: Castro. Struck out: By Morgan 8. by Hlckey 2. First base on balls OfT Morgan 3. on Hlckey l. lime: i.u, umpire: Kane. Aiienaance, a.ouu.- St. Panl Wins Both Games MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 3. St. Paul took two games from Minneapolis today by op portune hitting. Neither side scared in the nrst game until tne eieventn. wnen two singles, a sacrifice and a long fly gave the visitors one run and the game, rvoonan home run over tne lert neia fence was tne feature of the second game, part of which was played in a Driving rain. score nrst game: MINNEAPOLIS AB.H.O.A.E 0 Jonas, cf 6 1 7 0 OD Sulllaas, rf 4 1 4 1 Freeman, lb. t 0 10 0 0 Coulter. If... I 0 I 0 OGremlncer, lb 1 I 1 8 OMarahall. c. 4 1 4 1 t Drier, aa 4 0 4 1 0Po, Ik 4 0 1 4 1 Thorn aa, p.. 4 1 0 4 Hansell. 3b. Randall, rf. Beldaa. If... Perrlne, lb. H akoetter. aa I Erertll, lb... I Lucia, r I Engle. p 1 Blasle, cf.... 2 Caary, lb.... t Hofman, lb.. I Schulte. II... I Tinker, aa ... I Malonay, rf. 2 Erera. 2b 2 ON. II c 0 Wetmer, p... t Kiln 0 Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Des Moines 26 82 43 .66 Denver liii 77 49 .611 8loux City US 6 67 .fJ7 Omaha 130 64 64 .6 J Pusblo 119 43 71 .401 St. Joseph lli 31 82 .2,2 Games today: Sioux City at Omaha. Pu eblo at Denver, Bt. Joseph at De Moines. Hnvelock Shata Oat Saerlelaa. HAVELOCK, Neb., 6ept 3 (Special.) One of the best ball gauir of the season was played her today between the Sheri dan. Wyo., team and Havelock. Bhuman fur Havelock pitched a great game; not a hit or a run did he allow, and hla support inumrae. over sv cnangea nands. This makes thirty-six games played by Havelock, winning twenty-eight, there be ing no shutout. The team play at th state fair on Wednesday. Senna: HAVELOCK. HCRIDAN AB.H.O.A.E. Bcnieneia. n i i t SMcKem. Ik.. 4 n a s 0 tcorbia, lb... 4 0 I 1 1 1 OLueate. a 4 0 t 0 1 0 Jchnaon, cl.. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Heater, aa. ... t 0 1 1 0 t 0 Klmmel, rf... I 0 0 0 t t Coa, cf I 2 0 0 tnank. lb.... 10 14 0 1 0 Thoaapeoa, p t 4 I Oanler. rf 0 Clarka, rf.. 1 Leach, cf... 0 Wagner, aa. 4 Howard, lb. Brain, lb... 0 Rltchay, lb. 1 Pelti. a OLelBeld, p.. 0 Totals 22 I II II o Totals II I II i , Batted for Casey In the lxth. rumour- 0 0 0 0 1-1 -'"cago 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Lett on Dases: Chicago, 4; Pittsburg 3 Two-base hits: Clarke. Sacrifice hits! yj ntn. rumen oui. By Yvelmer . "y a-einem. . r irst nsse on balls: Oft j-iuriu, i. nu wun oau: u Nell. Time 1:06. Umpire: Klem. Attendance. 19.SW). Standlnar of the Team. Played. Won. Lost ii ....lib' ....Zi ...Mi ....ia lift 12 11 New Tork .... Pittsburg Chicago Philadelphia, .. Cincinnati .... St. Louis Boston Brooklyn Oames today: Cincinnati at Br ti. Chicago at Pittsburg. Philadelphia at New aura., oivukin i xaosion. 84 81 73 A3 61 47 a 34 44 tl 7 83 82 Pet .651 .689 .tat .604 .448 .330 .811 Mr Vlllouah.ll I Korea, Ik.... I t Wood, rf 1 t Mee aaltk. Ik I 1 II Cala. lb I 0 Lena, as t 0 1 neiir. a bunas, p. I 0 t 10 ToUla 21 I 17 It 2 Totala..... 7 114 1 1 Havelock 1 0 2 0 3 Bherldan 0 0 0 4) 4) t 0 0-0 Itouble play: Wood and Mesaersmlth; Lang, Novas and Messersmlth. Baae on balls: Oft Shumsn. 2; yff Thompson. 4. Hit by pitched ball: CSe. Btruck out: By Shuman. 8: by Thompson, 7. Umpir; Ballance. Attendance: 3u0. ral.a P.clae than Teaaa Wlaa. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Sept. 3. (Special Telegram.) Following tha i to 4 game at Kearney Saturday, the Omaha Union Pa cific shop team today won aa cloae a game from Or ad Island. The latter bviacirrd up VICTORS GET AWAV FROM HOODOO Defeat B. .letters by Close Score la a Faat Game. The Victors slid off the toboggan yester day and landed on the B. Jeuer team on tha latter lot in South Omaha. The game was faat and interesting tmm finish. The Victors by bunching their hits riiuugn iu win iue game I Bellinger of the Jeuer pitched a an game, allowing nine hit, passing thi and striking out ten. but Hlnton Was k 1 n,m ou1, "'lowing only oi mil, iin iKJiiB ana struck out eleven men. and his work waa clearly tha feature of the matinee. The Victor Mav th W. Q. Clark next Sunday at Jetter m lot-a good gam; follow the crowd. Score- n.iuna JETTER. a h o . a n. a m o a kaoera, as... t 1 Kill. Ik Ill Bowea, rf.... Hlutoa. .... tit f rank, lb ... Oil Maaok. If. 1 1 0 kautmaan, Ik 1 I 10 Vohne. rf.... 11 Ones. 1 11 a l Daaia lb.... 10 11 l 1 van Clove, ill I M 0 0 Collier, lk I 1 11 4 0 Diamond aa. 1 1 1 1 tMcMakon, lb. I 1 I 0 I Blllnar, .! 0 Clark. If , ON. Collier, et 0 0 1 0 0 atlta. 1 t 10 ToUla t t 27 t I Totals 4 t n a Two-base hits: Hlnton. Mcldahon. Three- Mil, ijiiii, tan . leve. trouble plav Kucera and Kill. Struck out: by Hlnton ii, i'jr oauiniir, iu. Baae on balls- Off Balllnger 8. Batteries: Victors, Hlnton Umpire: B. Ruben. Lyons Defeats Beueraft. LYONS. Neb., Sept, .-tBpecial.) The Lyons Originals won from Bancroft on the latter s grounds by a score of 7 to 1 The feature of the gam was the pitching of f'"" a w v v 1 a 07 t I Bancroft 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 t ! base on bail: OS Farley, t Struck out ST. PAt'L. AB.H.O.A. Geler. rf.... 4 0 1 0 Hemphill rf t Wheeler, tb. 4 O Brlen, aa. . 4 Flournoy, If. 4 Keller, lb... 4 Marcan, 2b... 4 Sullivan, e I Slaile, p 4 I 1 1 1 t 0 18 1 I 0 I 1 0 Totala 27 4 II It 8 Totals 40 7 tl II St. Paul 0 000000000 1 Minneapolis ...0 000000 000 00 Two-base hits: Marshall. Oremlnaer. Sacrifice hits: D. Sullivan, J. Sullivan. Hit by pitcher! Pall: Marshall. Struck out By Thomas 3, by Slagle 3. Double play Marcan to Kelley. Left on bases: Mlnne. spoils 8, St. Paul 6. Time: 1:35. Umpire ouutvan. Score second game:. ST. PAl'L. AB.H.O.A.E. Oelae. rf I Hemphill, cf. I Wheeler, lb. t O Brian, aa... 4 riouraoy, If. 4 Kelley. lb... 4 Marcan. 2b... 4 Nounao, o.... 4 Wbllertdfe, p 4 t 8 11 MINNEAPOLIS. AB.H.O.A.E Olenea, ef I I Sullivan, rf .. 1 a rreemaa. lb. I 1 Coulter. If... 4 OGrenilnier, lb 4 0 Kaboe, ier, aa. .. lb... 0 Kellnm, p. i Oyler, 4 Foi. .J II 17 10 1 Totala 0 0 10 2 0 10 0 0 17 t 27 II 3 0 0 0-8 0 0 0 1; Total.. t. Paul Minneapolis ... btoien pase: Kelley. Two-base hits Wheeler, r iournoy. Home run: Noonan Hit by pitched ball: D. Sullivan ? w,r,,.L out: By Kellum 4, by Whlterldge 1. Left um ueiana: aiinncipum , OI. fa,ui S. Wild "'tn". ivenurn i. niteritlge 1. Time l;8o. Lmplre: Sullivan. Attendance, 3,0u0. Standing; of the Team. Played. Won. Lost. Pet .667 OJarkeon, If.. 0 Pay, ef oril.k. rf.l.. OBtnrall. lb... 0 Turner, aa... 0 Leber, lb ... OCarr. lb C lark, c 0 Ponahue, p. . 0 14 Standing: of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. .113 ..113 ..117 ..109 ..111 Philadelphia Chicago .... Cleveland . New York Boston Detroit 116 Washington 112 St. Louis 117 Games today: Chicago at Detroit Louis at Cleveland. Washlnatun at Phila delphia, Boston at New York. 69 67 2 64 W 66 47 42 44 4 56 63 6S 61 66 75 Pet. .611 .m .630 .611 .66 .474 .4-t) .369 St. DISTURBS RIFLEMEN STORM Camp at Sea Girt Nearly Swept Away by Wind Revolver Sqnad Today. SEA GIRT. N. J.. Sc-Dt. 3. A severe wind and rainstorm struck the camp of the visiting riflemen here early today. Half of the tents were blown down and it was only by the hardest kind of werk on the part of the militiamen that the others were saved. Under the revised schedule of events for thla week, the riflemen will be engaged to morrow In the revolver squad, the inter club match, inspectors' match, carbine team match, Hule trophy match and cadet match. Megargel Coming; Again, Percy F. Megargel. who last year passed through this section In the "Pathfinder" and this year In "Old Steady." will shortly drive another motor car through here, his latest machine Ming the "Reo Moun taineer." a slxteen-horse power tonncau. touring car. made by the Reo Motor Car company of Lansing, Mich. The object of the trip is to prepare maps nd data for the American Motor league. which organisation Is made up of enthusi astic automoblllsts residing all over the United States. Megargel is a member 01 the American Motor League Touring com mittee, and has been selected for this task owing to his large experience as an auto- motille tourist during me ibsi two years. The present schedule Is as follows: De Moines, September 2; Omaha. September 4. Brltt-Xelaon Seats AH Sold. hatj FRANCISCO. Sent. 8. Practically all of the seats of the Britt-Nelson fight have been sold. It Is said that the man agement could have sold at least 3.000 more tickets, Put as tne srena is now ciiiiiuiuicu It would be physically Impossible to enlarge the seating capacity. Nelson seems dis turbed over the fact that he is not an even chance In the betting, but followers of the ring declare that Brltt la logically tne ta-vorlte. Jettetrs nnd Fnrrells Today. The n. Jetter and Farrell & Co.'s will celebrate Labor day by giving amateur ball patrons two nice, last game oi Dan. Game starts at 3 p. m. BIG THRONGS AT LAKE MANAWA Sunday Afternoon and Evening See Great Crowds at the Water Resort. An Immense crowd attended Lake Man awa yesterday and enjoyed the program. In the evening Uie crowd was especially large, the cause of which was the Venetian carnival with a brilliant and beautiful dis play of fireworks. It easily surpassed In quantity and quality any pyrotechnic dis play that has been given at the popular resort. The Labor day program this after noon and evening will bring the season to a close. The boat parade and fireworks will take place at 8:43 tonight. For today Covalt' concert band will render after noon and evening concerts. H. L. Heff ner, the Illustrated balladlst. will be heard at the Casino, where timely klnetoscope pictures will also be shown. There will be a base ball game between the Neumayers and Nonpareils, "Dare Devil" Fackler will perform the slide for life afternoon and evening, and numerous other features will contribute to the enjoyment of the last day. .6) .616 .4 .41 .314 .313 l olumnus 134 88 4ti Milwaukee 133 - 79 64 Minneapolis 131 78 66 Louisville 132 63 64 Irldianapolls 132 62 70 Bt. Paul 131 61 70 Toledo 13 61 82 Kansas City 131 41 go Oames today: Toledo at Columbui iouiaviiie ii inaianapous, Milwaukee jievnsa city. bt. l aui at Minneapolis. First In Foot Ball Field. The Colombia of South Omaha have or ganlxed as a foot ball team and are In the field to play any team under 135 pounds. Tim players are: Center,- Holman ; guards Bowman. R. Casey, Williams; tackles, Kn nlaon, Wehde, Nester. Akofer; ends. Marsh (manager). Millet; quarter, Fitzgerald; half backs, Jim Cavanaugh. John Cavan augh. 8. Casey; full back. Callahan. Out-of-town games desired. Address Ienny C Marsh, lul6 North Twsnty-thlrd stirol' south Omaha. NEBRASKA STATE FAIR. Special Trains Via the Burlington Rout. For the tate fair at Lincoln, September 4 to 8, Inclusive, the Burlington will run special trains, leaving Omaha at 8 a. m.. Tuesday, September 5, and Thursday, Sep tember 7, In addition to regular dally train leaving at 8:60 a. m. Tickets, tl.fifi for the round trip at City Ticket Office, 1502 Far nam street, or Burlington station. Tenth and Mason street. A a tt n in nm Bake Dig Powder A perfectly healthful powder made by improved chemical methods and of accu rately proportioned materials. Trait Baking Powder etl for 45 or SO cents per pound and may be Iden tified by thi exorbitant price. Tbey are menace to public health, as food prepared from them coa tains large quantities of Rochell salts, dangwoa caUiaxteS drug. SCHOOLS AD COLLEGES. THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME NOTRE DAME, INDIANA. Tw bear' rid treat Chicago. 123d Session opens Tuesday, September 12, 1903. COURSES OFFERED Classical 4 rear A. B English 4 rears Lltt B. tllstery and tcosem cs 4 rears-Ph. B. Jearnalltra Peat Graduate, 1 year Lltt. M. Oeneral Science 4 year B. 8. Chemistry 4 yesrs-B. S. In C'hcm. Biology 4 years-B. 8. Biol. In Pharaiscy Orss In rtisr.. I years i'h O. fhar. Chemlet. years Ph. C Engineering 4 rears Civil O, K. Mechanical Short Mechani cs I t years. Electrical S E. Is K B. Bort Electrical 1 years. Architecture yeare B. 8. la Architecture. Law S rears-LI B. Coopers Win at Bella-va. The Omutia Cooperage company team went to Bellevue Sunday and defeated the liellevue team on the diamond. The fea tures of the game was a home run bv Lao and the pitching of Mason, who struck out fifteen men. Boor: R H E. O C. Co 1 0 10(001 08 10 1 bellevue 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 02 4 8 Itatterlea: Mason and Zlebell: Graves and Matties. Booao Beata Marshall tawn. MAR8HALLTOWN. Ia.. Bept. 8 tSpecial Telegram.) The locals lost a poorly pla)v, fame, 8 to 11, today. Score: HUE one 8 0 0 0 8 0 11 011 it j Marshalltown.-O 01020010 8 10 4 Batteries: Wallace and Bruggeman; Corns and Meeks- Stora Teaaa Win aval 4 Uses. ASHLAND. Neb. Sept. 8. iSpeclal Tele gram ) Th Stors base ball team of Omana played a doubl-bdr with th Mmphl When planning a business or pleasure trip from Chicago to Buffalo. New York, Boston or any eastern point, you should Investigate the satisfactory service afforded by any of the three express train operated by the Nickel Plate road. Colored porters are In charge of coaches, whose duties are to look after the comfort of passengers while enroute. Special attention shown la dles and children, as well as elderly people, traveling alone. No excess fare charged on any train on the Nickel Plat road. American club meal, from 15 cents to 81.00, served In Nickel Plate dining cars, One trial will result to your satisfaction. All trains leave from La Salle Street station, only depot In Chicago on t- Elevated Rail road Loop. Call on or address John Y Calahan. General Agent, lit Adam St Room, 238, Chicago. Modern Woodmen Dary a Brother The funeral of William G. Wilson, who died Friday at his late home, iii4 North Twenty-fifth street, was largely attended Sunday afternoon. Several lodges of the woodmen or tne worm ana the Ancient Or der of United Workmen attended. The burial was at forest Lawn cemetery. SCHOOLS AKO COLLKtiKS Q WENTW0RTH XT MILITAIV ACADEMY TrN OtosM an Uraest la Mtddj Wasa. .1 efl 1411 liar Th University offer every facility for a complete Collegiate Training In the Ancient soil Modern Classical Courras, Economics and HUtory. Journal lain snd Science. Tb Law, Chemical and Pra-Merllral (Biological) Cearas timlor an Increased corps ef professors afford etudsnt spe cial advantages In training for professional lit. Technical Courses Tb gradustes In tbs Civil, Mechanical, sod Electrical Engineering Courses ars In conatant demand, tor the train ing Is thorough In ernry reapact. There ia a two year or ahort oeurs la both Electrical aa Mechanics! Knglaeer-Ing- Architecture This course bss been Introduced as a natural outgrowth of tbs splendid Civil Engine ring Course and I deelgoed to work In harmony with It. Tb conn combines a mathematical education wltb a complete eourae of archi tecture. Tb clauses era under tb direct upervlloa at a distinguished architect from Chlcag. Pharmacy This ceurs epane a broad Held to young BQeu. attention given to laboratory work. pedal Preparatory School The atuflloa In th Preparatory Departmsat ar equivalent to the most advanced High School courea. l7nexoUd op portunities for students to grammar school grades. Commercial Course Notre Dim, gives Commercial students a complete busi ness training. St. Edward's Hall for boys uncr IS I n ntqu In tb eompletensss ef Its equip ment. It affords pupMs tbs rare advantage ef the Pre- ftarstory School aad the tender car of to Sisters dur ag study hours. The Gymnasium with a track ball lOOxlW teat a Physical Culturs room 4ft. 100 feet perfectly equipped, a 10 sera athletlo 8 eld, snacleas recreation grounrla, Iro lakes for squstlo sports, a larg Indoor swimming pool 80x76 feet, leav nothing te be de sired for th upbuilding ef the physical man. Free Rooms for Students over IT who are admlealMs to the Sophomore. Janlor er Senior year ef sny collegiate course. Rooms to re at to students over 17 who csnnot qualify far these class. Catalogues Free Th President solicits a paraonal Inspection of the Uni versity snd Us equipment on the part of parenta. guardians and students. Tb University may be reached by th Lake Shore A Michigan Southern, th Orand Trunk, the Vandalla, th Indian. Illinois A Iowa, snd tbs Michigan Centrsl rail ways, and th Interurbsn electric railways of Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan. Address: THE REV. JOHN CAVANAUQH, C S. C, Box X08, NOTRB DAME. INDIANA. SPECIAL COURSES BUeutla) Purltamsatary Law ArtlstU Drawing Practical Mechanic Applied Electricity Pbagrphy Typewriting Maslo, lastruuisBa and Teoal J Tdsfrsphy Physical Carter MILITARY ACADEMY Established 1899, 1 " i I - ..a-- i, V- ' J"T . in. - - -. i-'.--:Zrt'-'.r,:i':. j , ,- i-rr.Vv:.'!('wV.-."''-f.?'f,'iiJ''- ;;s ...''-'..::.- ."if.v-'.' ?; ' ': - .'- :' . ",.,-i... ..f W-V'ivW!.;,; A school of the highest grade for boy of good character above twelve year ot age. Organized on the military plan, but strictly adapting military work to educa tional need. Most complete ana eiaDoraie equipment in tne central estates, estaDUsli ed at a cost of over looi.OuO. Main building absolutely fireproof. Single rooms, com pletely furnished. Perfect sanitary arrangements. Fine climate. Heautlful ground coveting thousand acres, with lakes and wooded hills. Large athletic field. Com pletely equipped gymnasium with swimming pool. Attendance limited. Exception ally large capable faculty. Bhool recognized and inspected by both the National and State uovernments. Tuition, twxj.oo no extras. For Catalogue and full. Information address General F. W. V. BLEES. President, 167 Fort Blees, Macon, Missouri, HOTELS HOTEL MARLBOROUGH Broadway, 30th and 37th Streets, Herald 8quare, New York. MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED HOTEL ON BROADWAY Under New Management Since Janu sry 1. UK. Completely RENOVATED snd TRANS' FORMED in every department The largest and most attsactlTS Lobby) end Rotunda In the city. Two bemutlful new DINING ROOM-, Superior TABLE D'HOTE DINNER every day from 0 to 9 P. VI. THE FAMOUS GERMAN RATHSKELLER, Broadway's chief attraction for Special Food Dishes. Popular Music better than ever before. EUROPEAN PLAN. 400 ROOMa. 200 BATHS. REDUCED RATES for Permanent Guests. Rates for Rooma, $1.60 nnd upward; $2.00 and upward with bath. Parlor, bedroom and bath $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 per day. Parlor, two bedrooms and bath. $5.00, $0.00 and $8.00 per day. $1.00 extra where two persons occupy single room. Writ for Booklet. bWEENEY-TIERNEY IIOTEL COMPANY. E. M. TIERNEY. Manag-af. 11 ' j M Bate T I si aa On area . - s i lie - t VII I w k-l I M-i t n."Ka n . The janitor service in The Bee Building is as near perfect as it can be, remembering that janitors are human. Offices from $10 to $4? per month several desirable ones from which to choose. ,.