Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
For News Quality and Quantity
The Bee Greatly Excels.
Omaha's Preferred Advertising
Medium is The Bee.
tfl"rxfcl Mac.inEt:nlrna Anecr PlrAi.r
&etken cn xUnxe Ftrd.
Victims kuvb: cv;r thirty-one
Or. Wo-at. it aUi'.J and fir Pcnon
rl'j Hcrt.
Oa Efport BT. Boa. Wu Placed
EfncAti Trt by Child.
Mas flraaBkt tha Esplaalra
Park Waa Isjirtil
Ita Prtaaatar Dla.
tkari a.
ta tba
BARCELONA. Spt. XA b".n.b eiPioled temfic forcr trua eenlrl m ti.a ;
Marin parade which wa thrtnpevj al.h ,
holldaynjaker Mntc tr.fued and th '
air waa rent wit to trie nriek and irar.ii'I aeanr.g a jlain elow teliand rt. j
of the VKtltn aho numhtrtd from thirty
to nty. inudir.g one a..'r.n killed and
f.. fe:or- iii..rtali wocdd
Trie bomb m in iape ar.d a
Cf.vtrrd aith venn-nt The perpetrator of
the outrage is unknoat 'i.t a.
state that early tl.i morning a child was
seen to deposit a boioh at the fio: oi a
tree, while .nother vtrelon 1 that the
lmti ts ilixrd at the fool ol a tree this
afterrvTon. and thai ibe man aho u
eeen to placa tt ttiere'aa injured t ia
prtroatute explosioi.
After the tuplflon Panan.a luiis. pTa -
ol and wearina arrrI were l..ut.d
rrfta about and here and there aere
pools of biood. The deioiia".Kn was heard
.hroughout the n", and the force of the
rxplosioo threw a eoathman from the e a t
of hi carriage fifty jarus . The
bomb a as filled with naii and s rap iron.
A aorkman. tovered with bld. ahiie'and to hake hands with her
running away frooi the oei. m puj-
ued bjr a mob wbkh believed him lo be '
responuble for the outrage and. being
i-aught. a as nearly 1ik hed. The man was
taken to a hospital, a here he demed I
had exploded the bomb.
Caat Xtuirartl la Hiahrr la
Great Brltala Thaa la
lONTWlV &e r. : a .Rr-ial I'tHUtrlm In 1
' 1
ins orri-ioe lerKlil Oiscusnon mrouj 1- I
u . ,
cut urejl rlntaia and the continent 1.1 1
Europe a hlch haa followed the rh.ictio-, '
, . ,k. Vm.i.a ku , '.
AWJianoe oojeir of America has again
started discussion m Ixird n a to
w better after all life insuiance does not :
coat too mvKh arx whether, economically
considered, the people arid the nation aou.J
not be belter off If tne life insurance bust- j
re&s of tne country were carrfc-d on by the
govrrThftV..T,, ' ' " '
rtj'ur a in fe paat. though the extent to
hich cheap life Insurance 1 carried on.
arnorg the rower- rlasse of society tht
manner In whi'h wnrkingnien insure their
.Ives and th-.r children for . few pennia.
per week. 'n hardly be ur,der'ood In any
country outside of England. j
Vpon the ubect of whether the life m-J
surance of Greai. Britain costs too mucp.
T. F. Manning, an expert, in an interview '.
aaldi ,
O. leg perhap. more to the rashlr
roethods Ihe companies than to the fore-
thought of the puboc.
me aasuran-e r.a .
lapxily increased. i
From the lat-at returr.s published pv
the Bevard of Trade we learn tha, .&.'!
It.M eem In.nreJ ... r-m V .h- . . . . .. '
bee of assurances are In force, for a roni
many Uvea are covered by several !r.ur-ane-ea
Anvbow. we may take It for granted that
half of the prop! of the l'nlte-1 Kincdom
.re insured for greater or lesser sums
TKe bt way. In fact the only war. to
ascertalu whether a corcirwny is doma ns
work ex" rav-aganrly S to corr pa r the e-ot
of management with the premiums paid
But this give result which cannot always
be irieed upon Sjeh. as it is we may apply
It to two close- of our life
At jr-sent eighty-four .companies do ati
-"e-rdlnary" life Insurane-e husine-a and
twenty-one an "Industrial " busineas. Theee
overlap, aa there are. only Mnt-ty-ix Brit
ish e-c-m paries in all eeven'y d'!ng ordinary
". T.. ..Jil JLTJILT. . 1 Z P"'M
only artd nine companies doing Insurance
cf both kinds
Last year the eighty-four ordinary com-
pan.-. itct,.-i, .. v ,.. ,. ,n premi-
u a. and
t . alrwwvnfl lit i t ra . cn awvn- .
aion. and the expense of management. That
Is to say. tvearlv 14 per cent of the pr-mi- !
ua paid by the public went In salaries, com- i
mission, rent and other expenses We may)
to aareirtthlera. amounting to gr tKio a
eemiT.gly "-Il amount, but the capital is!
aia.. nil. H :.' With this addition the
compaaie. spent on themselvea nearly ,t
jr vent f t lee premiums received
The total cf premiums received by the
tweali-one Industrial o mpanke. last year
was appr"tmat-i) Si (m And the-ir i
expenars of management and oorrm!i..rji '
aaUir.itd to Lit verv laige .urn ot li.uuu!-
(.. No leas than l p-r cent of the pre- i
mueia w a therefore spent ln getting aai;
Tliuiina Hien I
If w add the dividends lo the .Kare.
re- ! 1
1 solders tt?:vii. to the eaper.dnurea and
i-.e latereav a- ureo ..- .. to n e re-
r ,nIrr1yfe?rceVtPeC "
' manage tne busin-sa better in Ger.
lug her.
many The c.-et of adn u-lstratem of the
I m: j . . ; ( ueuntUCT in lOAt
country waa
per ornt cf the income
In 1M or.e-ix!h of w 1 at it t with u
How the German manage a" e.non.ioal'v
la not obtlova Our own Industrial com.
paniew. i. ptt ef th high ratso ahown.
expend oaly ta fd all round, and cornd
enng the labor Involved It doe not seem
.hi to cut expense, below that figure.
kak l. Ita Caar.
ST. PETERSBl'RO. Sept. I -Tt e .hah
ij rii. vitej ih. liuperial family at
Peierhof thi. afternoon and wa enter
tained tot . gala dinner at the palace this
evening At tne Oinoer tne emperor pro- j
poaed the health of the hah ln warm
term of friendship and regard The shah
- IB rosponoutg expreaaeo ma prorouna
thank for the warm welcome accorded
mi. ana crwn. io vne aeait. or Ibe Im
perial family and the prosperity of Rua
aia ere. Tkaaaaad H eases B.r.ea.
Adrtaiiopie Saturday caused ervonuou
oansaga. terta thousand bouae. wera de
atroyed Is th. Oreek. Artnetiiaa. Bulgaria,
and Jcwtah . quarter. There were many
yscrL-na With th except ton of tha Catholic
ohu-cto. tha moaquoa. th. achoota. . cob vetit
aad a teiwTw.a tifflca, Xw kwllditog. war.
Mwaienr, uie iviiiaou iruin, i ... . ........ , .v. v . . . - t- r leninotenTiaries ot tne two govern- i '
pgureo out that If the life Insurance com-: W"a tJ v , 'TI T"' ' H r T her were M.rv r pX,l rn-nts die-ly !n Interest and will pas LJ"- "nrlng their comrade, t
Pan c-ntinoe to In. during the next 1 "'' b"" I r"; J '" " h" 'n ! " . V" "Tt '. into hl..orv a, ,h. of Port-mo-ith to g-t more than r..., veteran, Wfc
tr-e.ty.eve years a. rr,dly aa during tfeaK-r1ed away, but in nvany district French . feeo Er,M K. some r.. .paper , " 1 Prt-ice, R re,, passed the grea-er ' rot Gr.-s, Army cf the Republic rem
ix,, ,a.., yra tha, they wow. 1 ! T k,;,e.d are calling ur-n h. government to U,J' b4 r M'K the dav a, Sagamor- HiH. He ; bcrs to .eslyl,. , this way they .asert
cwn all tire.? BrltaJn-th- real estate. ' r-l-t who escaped into French t-rrl- means for the cont-ol cr exclusion t.f Rus- ! Coxsaclue ; P R.. w of 1h.;r ,h. g-.t decrease in membership through
farm laada. a, well as Indo realty, the t the Ho.ek,- . ! emlgran , Th. l"";'!: ' "t.r, serves at ' 'slity can be me, for the present.
railroads. ..1 cf the banking interests. . ; "X ,h- " ' C. . PnP C, aig nCCCDT TOAtriCP i e ue'reT rZ J T Orla. Fpie-or, ehur-fc. Notwithstanding
of g-eat n.r.l,rMini4 interests ,n Prt. that the urnsir.g .- aev ati-lden tha? EUROPEANS' DESERT TANGIER P the t-emendoTT wind and min storm which TRIPLE TRAGEDY IN CHICAGO
fact .1, that goo,. ,o mke up cmpiex . 'h "V"' .P'-"v Trls Tl ;- ; TIS " w.r: ever this part cf u.r, is.and. be- 1 n,rLC '""
modern cvniaatlon Ho-ever, there is 1 repr-rted tr-.t twelve reiss.on houM . A.erw. Are aeekl.. t. KJd... For- j narrow r,P of "''' -' g ,M oontinurng un-il Ge.r.e C. Miller. Retired Brokrr.
t. livei.nocd that Ife insurance -ill con. . 1- "h ko w-r. burred and In the out- !... ... Hold Tkea. fo, ?T?1 Vo a this afternoon. th. President and, Hl. nisoreed Wife Her
tmue to proportionate!,- ;n ! Ra.a.a , ftter "-. 'he Amtr.r. afcoot. HI. nisoreed Wife. Her
iarrim Philanthropists Speed T1 we
la llsltlaa East aide rrtead.
ad Relative..
xjN. frept. .Special Cablegram
B.t-Whn J 3 Phelps Etokia.
w Tork -millo-aire. was her mr.h
tit th-v vimt-1 the GhiUo. whi.h
en the chi.dh.-fd home of tin
Their relatives ia the Ghetto were
' "i' of Salomon Levine. After the
: the Lir.-f the nth IndegToorn
ycur.g brlci-. It) her short life
-en a h'juun li.iTnifnr.l Ghe'.to
naker. factory hand. New Tork girl jojmtlui and p:.iau
ist, drove ia their ntoto tar 10 the
e.urt where she lived yftri ago as a
child Fiak Lion Court. Stepney. They
contented theme-he with driving past
houae. where .he lived In poverty
an3 ha-
ln t food l.k it It. for nir.Sff on livt i
is tht place Vlvtd: tht eld atrttts a.iJ
i !!( crr;f back to lh formtr "Jhttto jlrl.
! "When I KO rfk tl AmtrV-a n.y
I l.uahai.d ' I.t raid 1 !-aJl work hard
j aroon tht rrp of Nta T jrk Et S.J.
J for Nw Tork fcat itt poi trty-ntrjcktn
! ai'jrr.a a wtll Lonjf.n '
fln Udy now " said a prettT
""She it a fir. Udy now " said
yo - ir.f Jeaera t.o n et Mr Stoke "t-t J
' 1 rc' ore-half ao grand a 1 wouid 1
it niUilonalre nia rr)0 rr,e Why. h waa I
j -rid never a ffa'her. and hardly a ril-bon I
'about her" j
' M Levlnt in ar, lc".eriw aa:d. ' P. .e
! t'aid - to v!s;; and lerr.ained for aevtial !
j I our The jtreet aere full of people for i
. the righh"tr had heard that Mr. and Mr j
' Bloke had driven down here in U "I- i
' motor car I have lne1 In Uondi n for I
j twer.t -three ;! 1 c-arr.e from Poland
I 1 have been for free jet's here in thl !
1 l.ou. It 1 rot a Id nirhborho-.d vry '
t d.fferent from what it t a before the ,
j t-oundar" street a-ca as cared Or.ce i. -.
js rcar-ely safe to wa:k d-iwn thee
I t'et It I differ-: " i
' I suppes that Mr S;L,
was inter-
ested to alut tr.e ihanges'
"I don t knn :l: s1" sp'ke abut th'
place very much I could say very little to
Ver There were so nar.y friends to speak
lo her. They all a anted a word with hr
Rf psrlf H Marder of Ulls.laaarlea aad
Other f'arelaaers h Kalnhas. aa
Oraaaltallsa I Ike the Bo sera.
VICTORIA H C. Sept. S wer 1
received frtm Peking t) the steamer At he-
e.tee t e-a f-a n-4.i. , k a v-.:..,.
.' '.. ' 1
iKflniui similar io I ne nin is aa- '
suming serious rror-irtte.ns in southern !
Bhansi The iaj-ge-ts have burned many
government ofTc and yamer.. lmpertaj
- ,
trc.p. several t ho-isa nd strong, corsistlrg
.-..y ).
" August 1 to put 4r. n the Insurrec tion.
1 but were repulsed ly the riote:a
! Several high officials t.ave been kille-d it
: Talrvjanfti and it la renoned aoine mission
lane, have also been killed The fore-tn- j
ers In the aect'.on .ere taking refuge in the ,
government yawr Further detail re- 1
relv-d or the rp-lymg against the Roman
.... .
(Stlmtie rieo to-Tvrman svae - h i
1 er1"unes to be greater than prevtouslv
,ge of church proper
The refuge, stated that the uprising wa
due to . gn.rl rtl-for.lTi movement,
spreading through tht .outh of China.
lasaa by Aaaerlra. Merchaata
aha.ahal to Isaul I Exceeded
Half wllllaa Dollars.
VICTORIA. B. C. Sept. X Arrival from
Chin by the Athenian today stte that
I while the boycott wa aerx u Indeed, there
"rre sign of weakening
There are rase-, i
where merchant eek to deal
tiously w,,h Amertcar.s and cases a here con-
tract, have been made and antedated r.ri,.,
.. - -
Japanese Advertiser reports the loss sus-
tained by American merchants at Shang
hai to August 1 amounted to
At Soo Chow a Chinese merchant turad
over all the American g'-exis he had In
ork for a public humirg in front of a
. temple. The goeds burned were mostly
curarette. and cologne
, The North Pe'ly News points out
i that the Irfluen-e of American tralring I
j strorjTiy shown In the manner the boycott
is being promoted, the mayor part of the
l b.,,,. r. rri vr
" " '
I men trained
In Arvrle-an missionary
. .
' Awother atatesae.t tk.t He Will tot
Allow Swedish Priwe to Bale
Oser Xor way.
. . . .
STOCKHOLM. Sept. I -The ae-rl-cfflcial
Tgblad ln strong term denies that Kir-g
Oscar haa changed hi mind and declare
' ,n-' r' "ry
i cf the house of Bemadotte ascending the
I Norwegian thrope. King Oacar. the ir-er
h" Mfwelf aa being deeply
( wounded at the report that he Vs ln favor
, of the randidacy of a Swedish pnnce. de
plte his repeated statements to the con
trary. KARUTAD. Sweden. Sept. XThe Nor
wegian commissioner, who are meeting
hexe arltn the Swedish commissioners, dis-
I Cuaaing the quertica of the dissolution of
th union, have been reinforced by tha
tat advocate. Cacar Kyerarhow. By In
vitation of the Swedish govtrrment. th
comm1"rer of both ecur.-rjc dined to
gether leeterday.
Alia. 1 Agroaad.
MONTREAL. Sept. t -Tht AlUn liner.
Vic. .aria, which is agroond at Cape
A'.arocbe. fifty ar.llea above Quebec, will
probably be Boated by Tueaday. The mail
hav e been forwarded by .ay of New
York, and aoro of the pa at tiger, have
gone that way also
warder, la ladlaaa.
SHELBTVILLE. . Ind . Sep-.. X-faniel
W i.s.t s shot .nd killed Harvey Rah. m
a ourcfield at im ouiaaarta of Loni n t
d.y. Accompatited by hi wife. Wlkirji
the. walked to town, tuid of th srejot.
lr aod where the body ceud be found,
and la.iarding an Inter urban car. can. to
ShelbyviUe. where b aarrewdered to th IsabO a body waa found lairr la
the corr-hrld wmi a ln th
fore-, ad retwara U giv. axj
anitiv. tor Ue aoaauunc
&rcu 02gialt Tak Fucnt Froi
tioAi to Keep it CfTOetia Tew It.
All Mr race Puirtirn la gteaaaer
with Cholera Vletlase at Haa.
bar. Art Detalaed far
Uheervat low.
BERUN. Rpt 1 t'r Nwht. t.lrtor ;
Phv)ci.n for tht a&vtrnmtct of Himtu. '
rtply to iC(Uin made by th Aaocj
attd Prtaa oonrcrnii.i choltra. ttitgrah
as foiioma:
Tht tri.i.a-hirrrtrt of Riaiin t't larait
'-"ving ortn ij;naii at riamourf i -inner
V 1 rJVh. ,. h.
a iitrh; attack, hut othtrwii all tht n;-'
raj-it are health).
1 hrre tn.iirrin'.a aue
to aail latt
dav cn tte ;t;ntr Maltke (for New W.ri '
if re land-d and .n then hat ttr. ur.- i
1 T ":tl ot-rvaton Ail are h-allhv. ;
I iiit.-.iv an MdTiic ta utlikt lv.
- ia.ur. . .n p..e i . - .
,,, di.,,r t,i,' fj. si trart 1 am ,
vnMr.cej all tie mar.s for ppi'ing i
t;- in We -e g-irg t.
.... h. r.o cr .--i ,1. f..r '
disquietude. Nch'HT c1it.oti.
The itatemer.t hy Vr SocM that the em- The k.r at thl point tr pra'tl wlly ur.-
rar.t Oid not aail or: the n.mi W.-l'-kf ' lr.!"&M:ed and It waa iwrmrt t.-, w:k
and are now in cj-arartine t correct. J Tt.iie to th r.earetat fam. h i;e H'te
i hcn br the foli"!r.g lelpra.-n re- ; a!! were .areJ for. while meese-iger a re
ce:ed f-on. Hanibcrg j Cisnatehed through the fore' t
Aty.-ut eiaht errjlgrar.t had traveled frm ' The tug Karroa. waa at once aent out
P.uaaia with a man aho did fron. cholera with t'aptaln Arderaor, In corr.mard of
Thty j assed two mediral stations on the ' vol :r.teer life sarer on beard Ns word
way and a portion of the detachment wo ; ha yet len recM-md fron-. t'.e other bo.
on bcia-d the steamer Moltke. ahirh w.ijwrh h p-jt off from Th wrek and it
in the lower EH when word reached th i htllevert to have fovindered
nafiiracr cf the death from chi i-ra. The i The Sevonla was a Meel rteamer of T.VZ
aerate was mon-d anci a representative j tons built In :5. It earned a crew of
f the Har:bur-Anieriiau Sv-arr.ship com- ffteen rier. J SlcErler pf ITrie mas the
par..r was !nvitd to t present. It wa d-
cided to i'l.iredtateljr debark the emigrants,
a hit h a a dor.e
"Or. the Pretoria which sailed yesterday
(Saturday i aere German. Italian, and Hun-' resjit cf the a re. k of the Sevma which
, garian emigrants, tut no Russian r.l m went ashore on Sand Island reef in Uk
. all. At the emigrant station at Veddel are ' Sjper?r The tt-g Harrow, which t,l
I Ss None of them is ill " ; out from Rayf!ej with a re tr'ng party.
The e,jnion i tipr-essed In Eerlin that ; retumod at o clock tcnigv.t !-i charge
'the Vnlted State aeaboard has more :oof Captain Barrow of Bayfeld and ac
! fear from emigrants shipping at Trieste j corr paniei by Enginer Phillips of the
! than from German ports, a cholera 1 al- j doomod steame'. a ho guided the craft to
t ready in Austrian Poland. the scene of the disaster. They report that
i ,-.. ii.t,.r P...I..J ' nothing was seen of the mer. left on the
American lire s'earr.shtp Eluecher. the first
' 1 arrive f-oni Hatrbcrg sine the
Ifcrr-wrance of cholera in Germanv a-as
et.tsi-erf .t ,..r,i,e.e f, i
- - - - ... . .
-r today while Health Officer Doty and
assistants subjected the passengers and
rorrterahle alsrtr. ss it
"sd cons' neranie alarm, as it
. . . . . . .
that the d'sesse or its symptoms had been
found on board There wa ct.nseTuently '
j much rejoicing when it was roade known
save for a case of meai'es which had d
loped !n the eter;e. the essel aa a o-
""J- "f i!!n.
1 a.d. a the lsktai.
LONDON. Sert. Tr.e port sanitary u
thorltle are adopting all necessary rneas-
.raa lo deal with the reestHe rnvarxm of
cholera. A la-ge roe1!eal s-aff has
TANGIER,. Sept S-A French Jew was
found murdered here Saturday night. The
murderer, escaped.
The powerful tribe of Arenas I seeklrg j
to force the brigand Raisull to meet it In
open battle, r-lylrg on their .uperlorlty In
ntiT.ber to win
The Ageraa raided th-e. Tillages undr ,
; Raisull authority near Tangier, car-
J rylng off large herds of cattle and sheep, a !
! portion cf which wa th property of Euro- .
J p-ar.. Raisull collected a band of his fed-
lower and -arted in pursuit, and In ev
' era! k1rmihe that enrued several men
j on both aides were killd or wounded
, i i.e iai.uri ci lanater nave rem
h tk. .
" ,r. J7ro-r. a,a hi !T
-"""Z??? r,S;hoM '
i'r ninicm. ice "rex-can au-nontlea are
, powerless, aa they fear Raisull and the
' aefr.
Tte Moroccan .Minorities have lodge, a
protest with the German consul at Casa
blanca, accusing Ms colleagues at Bohat
with complicity In the land'ng of a lrg
mount of cont-.eand of war at the port
of Fella Ah.
BUBONIC PLAGUE AT COLON a f the Disease Ca.sea
Blockade of Port, oat
the Istkaa.a.
COLON. Sept. 1-Tl.t report by the medi
cal authoritie of the canal zone that the
death on August X of laborer employed I
on the whan at LA Boca, waa due to bu
bonic plague has given rlae to much dis
cussion. Jerontmo Ossa, the Ecuadorean
consul at Colon, declare officially that the
a is I at. Ti fa. aa I TTw JWI 1 m tt-iM 1 H ' : T l-M T r ",-1 r w If.. T ri .r I a. w .al al Uiaalf
report la falae and that there hare been 1 plr" COUB,' trrk hurtled to the
no additional cases of bubonic plague on : ground Uta tonight Of th 13 horses
th isthmua. Tte direct reault of thi re- iuartered there seven perished. The fall
ported prevalence of the plague ia that ,,c" ' xhr Cotton I'rivlng Park a so
Central American and Mexican ports ar ' ration open tomorrow arid many of the
refusing to receive freight sent bv? wav l't torae from Cleveland. Toledo and
of th Isthmua. Coata Rl-a and Nicaragua
i v t" "Hogether eloeed to Uthmian
: Prt- Several thouaaod tons of freight
for Central America and Mexico I now
tied up on the and thi freight ia
in ere aai rig with th arrival of every vessel,
Change, ar. taking place la the manage-
meet of the Panama railroad H. G Bierd.
who arrived her Thursday from New
Tork. ha. assumed th. dnh-a of auparin-
tended of the road And William Rodman,
who accompanied Mr. Bierd. haa been ap
pointed road master .
eeretarr Row at Halifax.
HALIFAX N B-. Sept X-Ellta Root,
Vnited State. CTt.ry of state, accom
panied by hi two aoc and Colonel Sarjjer
of New Tok paaaed through Halifax to
night on hie way home from hia trip in
Half Mlllloa tor Charity.
LONDON, Sept. I A retired London
stock breeder. E. J. Bawdon, has donated
t'sc w for chart tab It and aducaUunaJ pur
pose and haa trusted the local funds to
Edgar Ppeyer of Soever A Co. banker.
New York.
Hoaorary Ihe.rew for Carnegie.
GLASGOW, Sept. X On the ooaalon of
th. Installation of Andrew Carnegie as
lord rector of St Andrew . university Oc
tober 17. the university will confer th.
tonaraurr de-rca uf law Mr. Carnegie.
Fire Mri Art to Halt
Drir4 1 tlttt ft aa
Beard will probably Br La.
ASHLANth Wii. P-rt X -Five men. a bo
left the wreck of th. Hiiwr Sevor.ia in
a boat art urped to have been lo in
the fjrlou rait thai haa been p-evailng
en Lake Superior. Another coniair.
:r( eleven people, includlrg four wt n.
reached shore after battltr.g with the heavy
hi all Friday r.jtht. during which t!m
: all rjffered temtily from tht t-"M frd
! firii-t Sn firmbrra of '.h rr. In-
ci'JJit.g tht rap tain. two two f
whtlrr.n ard a dtck bard art MU on I
tht wrrck and It t- f-rrd thnr rr.ay
cumb b-f"rt avatiitanrt rtairh them.
Tht 8tvi.nla. boi n4 fron. Agouti.
to i
Erit. ajth a mrro of iron or ran ashcr-
curlna; tht aalt FYldar r.iht
arJ !
i'- far out In Lake "up-ricT
Lake autricrf". oon
after :riklp the hoat brok- in tao.
after etid i::;t!r.
In r -ter Two
off from :ht 1fon3
" " u
raft. The flrat. which wa
In cherrt
the chief ergnneer. oonttiwed eleven prop
v'' i
women were in the party. Ail riaht th
anat tot batt!ed with Uie ware When
,u n brc'K'' w" ,n n1 ,f:T
- eral atteriinrs a landing asp made t
U'tie Rand bar and a!i or tne pnj'.y man-
u " rr" It! an irai,'e-i
-on- i
ager and
A special to the News-Tribute from Ash
iard Wis . says: There ! rrna every Ind -
ation twat e"even live were lost as a
hen the tao yawls were loaered. It
is believed that Optain E. S ! T"onald
of Nor'heasi. Pa.. First Mate I ui rar-
w!n of MediD. Pa , the aeoond mat srd
watchmen ha-e t-en Iov as were the
; men cn the second boat that left 4ht Sevcna
! whts.
I-UUH TUUIMlj WUMtli UKUYVNtU Vss( Anaerlra) Raa Tsarrai
Ferryboat trir didioi
'ew Tork.
i-:t-tson. n.
Y.. Sept 1 Foj
romen. two of
er ret-JT-iinr from
. . . . m - . . .
"' "", u.- n In
i "'JeJoon river jje-e torul
rhea e ..-. 13
young women passengers to their !esh
There were three other persons on b"rd
the Tour.g America including the captain
and engineer They were rtacued
,CV C" C alUnW ln nCVI "JP
1 early Fo.r laches of R.l. fall
Wlthla Thirty Ho.ra f aaaea
Heavy Dacaaate.
NEW Tork. fep? xa rain ahd wind
torm of unusual seventy swept ever Ne"
York early today and wrought much dam
are in The wav rf flooded ceils-
. . v o, - r.t .k. . -
' 1Bm ' f lr crstru'tion.
According to the ofhcl.l r-r-rt of tfc-
; ....k..
tu-eiu the storm reran here at
S o'clev-k yesterday a'ternoon nd rontin"M-l
! nn'il 11 a m trday. I'urlrg that time 1M
, inches of rain fell
This flrwd of watr taxed the sew a re fa
ctiiiieit of the city and in the downtown
section overran the g-;:ters and poured in-o
cellar. The underground conduits of the
' surface railroad hame filled with
causing numerous tieups. Along west and
rm.VeLTen.,h rtw '
In Brooklyn several partly constructed
housa col la peed
i Stahlea at Bare Track at Co. tow, O,
roatalalaar wa.y Trotter, aad
Pacera Deaarayed.
CANTON. O.. Sept. X The .table at th
0'h.r cities had arrived. By n.ldnight the
; tr
' m"f
had pent it force. A the stable.
ere out of th city liTit no Pre pre.iec-
. tto. wa to r had The men about tht
.table worked heroically in th flam, and
t mok to aare their tcrtea. It 1 thought
' the fire started from a lantern that had
' ten carrlesaly upset. Two of the horse
burned were CT-anito nd Mikado, entered
J by Ge-orge Teare of Cleveland
Eigkt Exewr.lo.lsts Bww.d for
Dearer la w reek
tear Bat, Colo.
PlE3LO. Colo.. Sept X The f.rrt sec
tion of th. westbound Atchison, TopeUa at
Saota Fe paaaenger train No . caxryitig
hundred of Grand Army xcurlotaat
wa ditched one nil east of &.oce late
today. Eight passenger were injured. The
two moat eriOu!y hurt wer Mr. Vary R.
Barley of Lawrence. Kan., head aad apine
hurt, and Mra. Martha E Woodward cf
Lawrence. Kan., tead badly cut
Th. wreck w as caused by live truck, of
th tender leaving the track Th tram
wa going at such a rat of .peed that It
as 1-Dpoaaible to stop before tha e&aria
and fir coaches were overturned.
The tra.a wa bu-ught into Pueblo over
IX kUaauurl Paciii U..U
; pleasure steamer Tounr Arncrin waa run " - -im
PreiidfBt Ebcit t I error al CgtifgTa-a
froa Iijerrr lcu:h:t.
ttttrii Grattfal A rarrla t loaa
UlitlnUit4 Tart Takea kr
EmtratlTr Riatri al Dla.
aatlafartlea Sat at
OYSTER BAT. S-P: t-Pres deht R sc
veil received at 1- e p r... from ihe ein
pttor of Japan aartn thanks for his dis
interested arid unremitting effort in tie
Interests of neaoa and hjminin '' and aa
eipressn.n of the Ja;n e- err.jeroi
j "grateful appreciatM-.n of the disunguished
; ran" the president ha taken ;r. the es
tablishment of pea- in the far east
The cablegram, aas i-eoened Jr.m
rn,iv .e?i rr.a o . i j;iv.f.
TOKIO. Sept . IStThe Presicieci I
Ut iroeivexj w th gratification joui
.i.e nuuir iraoraiiy. loi.oas:
ol congrat oorveeo thro-a'ti
oui piempotent :ane and thar.a you aarm.y ,
t--T 11. 'lo our o."i.nirsi"d nd unrem-t-
ttnr e"f..-" ir. .e jn'.r.i.'t of rrf-M r a r.d 1
i. u;.. 1 tt-h tr.e h:ge. value whi h
tnejr ti e and aasure ru of ir.j grateful
app:t- .at Hn o( the r.guisr.ea ;kri ou
1.4. i.,k.n in ti e eMa., ol l'i acr
I lased Jpon pnno.ples eKer.iiii to the p
nnt st.iirt and inng'. i. : ol 'ne ur j
eaat- MLTSiHllO. .
I Tne rahiegrain fron. tne jeimnese mi-
j pror put an ead to the runtor that tht j
i fn;ror a dissatisfied with the term
! r.nally c-onrluded by hi pleclvoteniiat it s
a ith those of the emperor of P.usia . . He I
anords Pres.dei.t Rouaevelt full credit fr '
; tie part he txk in bringing al-out !'' ;
t upon pr'.nv p'e essential to tne perina
j ter.t aelfate and irario.uil!".y of ihe ir
Knits far the Delay.
The c-or. eluding of the
gram is especially, fi ant it evtoer.t.y
voice the belief cf the Japanese emperor
that the .reaty about to be oorjcl'iOed at
Portsmouth will be for a permanent peace
It can be Raid that the president has !
pressed r.o anxiety a, the delay of tne
cablegram from the emperor of Japan U
wa kno.n here that the term finally con
cluded at Portsmouth aert dictated by the
Japanese emrror himself and that they t
cotid not b otherwise than satisfactory j
to h m and his adv.ser. Th delay 'n re-spond-ng
to the Japanese plenlpoteni .arles
was due it Is surmised, to the desire of
. the f mr-eror to be assured that the terms
: agreed on would be Incorporated into a
I treaty without the probability of a seriou
' hifh That assurance. It i said was con
: veyed to the Japanese em.pero.- last r'gl.t
upon the practical eor.clusion of the 5rft
of the treaty, nie cablegram to President
Roosevelt today followed in natural course.
Treaty Ready far Slaaafare.
iDforr-iatioti reaching the president todsv
front Ponmouth Indicates that the trea'v
will be concluded formally and slgnM
early th week, probably toroor-ow or
Tuesday. The suhstance of the treaty J
! being reduced to engrossed form. In two
textsr;r--t!h and French
t ' aoon as tnis lonr.siny snsu r.ave oeea
. . .iuf ien. ... i7i rni iufi mi iirr-orijini
' . ,
1 n ewiiv io : : - iw, oe.iig t -nx powers. .-
1 church In a carria. and thenshe
walked the three miles to Sagamore Hill !
' 1n t he Etrm
o omrlal Visiters.
Ko official rlsitor were received during
i'" RpresnUtive Wads-
worth cf New Tork. and Mr . Wadswonh ,
were acie-ta or tr,e r-reewen. l.l
Mrs Roosevei. The president .
that be will d.v-ote the remainder of his
i sojourn a, Sagamore Hill panic-ularlv to
j recreation, and that he will revive as few '"H unharmed. The shooting occurred
jv1i-o-s as possitl. and will transact no ' the home of the Hills. S3 ChK-ago ave
'. b" that is riot of pre-sirg importance, hue.
He hs been ratly cv-cuptM thi summer Fo'tre Inspector S.ippy stated toP!rht
with riibil'- business ard has had scarce! v "hat 1n this sh-v-.tir.g the police lli-ve
opportunity to enjoy
h's vacation. Ie
will endeavor now to
have some time to
P....r-. Trlk-.e ,. B..ere.
NEW YORK. Sept. J-Rev I.nald Sg
Mack.y. pastor of the Fifih Avenu Col
leg.ate church, during the curs f his
sermon today took occasion to pay a tribute
to President Roosevelt, who for thirty
1 vear has been a member of this tntcii
, Reformed corgregatjc.n Vr Markay sand"
f Inasmuch as our president. Tbeevioee (
i r.w'iri., iiia'J- mr ri'.Ifel'tn rI r.lS Tft.Tll
lr. tnis church th'rtv rears m rr ar,4 r-&
I otr? "tT.." rhtrorto'irr-: ;
! LLX"' ilZLl
the who.e civnlird 1 w.rid by the n.aaterful
n.aruier in . i. . ' ( . i . I jee icmi la ee-uring '
rw-ace tetwee- Russia and Jaran Nfj omv '
in tne magnificent work consummated last,
week ha president Roco-relt added en-
f-aTs-i rvVn anw inen""':- America!
aa the arbiter of peace in tne council, of
in- i..ii"..' nu -i.i on. -t
SrtJetment of'Vrn. ffi
In the iignt e.f what our president ha ac-
the nations. More and more wiii other
crwnpl shed In ending thi blooiy .nd dis
astrous war We rejoice with Russ.a and
Jajn in concluding a pea. ahi'ti will ornethlng ttt-- and mort pern.a-n-nt
than cessai.on ef l-lcodshed.
The president s spr.dd service will be
but half acoornpl ar.ed if It I not recog
nised by all the great powers aa a rr.ear.a
of bnr.a-r.g atut an alliance that will safe
guard the Interests cf peace kT)d Christian
c.v.lixation in the far east foe many year.
Captala Hsrriaoa of Daaillle.
aad Tkree Garata Berlowaly la
tared by Baaaway stack I ae.
COVINGTON. Ind. Sept. I Captain
Harrtaon. a member of the Joliet. I'.!.,
prtaon board and editor of the Danville.
111.. Commercial New; hi mother. Mr.
Mint. Harrlaon. and Colonel and Mra. J.
H Harrison of Ottawa. Kan., .ere all
badly Injured near here thi afternoon
when Mr. Harrior." titom.obile plunged
over n embankment while goir.g at
higt rate of id- All will recover.
The party was driving from Danville
to Attica. Ind. In a tearing car. Going
up the grade a bon distance west of thi
city tte ractilM becam unmanageable
and went over the embankment John
Harrison waa caught beneath, one band
leing caught under tt engine and
burned- He alao auaiaiued severe in
ternal Injur He I expected to re
cover The other occupama wer throw,
out and Mr. VirLa Harrison sjtaiwd a
dislocated ankle ated waa considerably
brula-d Captain Harrtaon". collar bone
waa brokea r-i LA wife arm waa dia-localtd.
ill Wirati
Tratrttirt at Omaha Yratardayt
Htir. pri. Hoar. Or a.
B a. a M I a. a
a. m pa I p. a ?
7 a. aa H3 .1 a. aa "
a. ai US 4 p. aa
l a. aa B7 B a. a ?
10 a. aa . aa AT
11 a. aa a.1 7 a. aa T
IS aa t . aa M
p. aa ea
Aaaaal rirtaparil af Graad Araar
f Ike Iteaahllr Beglas la
Dtnr Tadar.
I-ENVER. Colo. Sept t The thirty-
r.lnth annual enoarr.r rr.ert of the Grand i
Army of the Republic Pill begin In this !
I tit;, torrorrcw The city is crcwd'-d with !
guests and heavily loaded trains are arrlv- i
ir.g from all directions
In order to facll'tate the handling of
rser.ger train the Santa Fe rallrvad ha
o-de'ed al! fre:ght anruKed for the reit ,
twenty. four hour The travel on this line
is e.oe!;r.g:v heavy Other road where .
is heavy are cocsiderlrg the advisi-
bility of taking similar action Members 1
!of the kw-al eecut,ve committee per,: in '
1 thefr belief that the c.mlna encamrrrent I
will be the largest In the history of the
At heado ;a-:
hottis alrady
ers and in the lobhies of the
is heard the d.cusion
the election cf offloer and th plae of the t
next meetir g There are five candidates
for the offce of o:.n.n-ander-ln-chef.
inanely: Corporal Jam- Tanner of New
; Tork Rolen Brown of Ohio. Colonel B-r-i
roughs of New Jersev. ex-Cor.ressman
, Charte Burton of Missojri. and "general
jGeorge Ptor.e of California
j Four cities are In the race f .r the ( s.gied Tuesday morning. The plentpoten
j mee:ir g place They are Chattanooga, tiaries have invited Governor Vclane t
Tenn.: Columbus. O : M:nneapo;i and;W;tnes the s.gnatur of the treaty. nd h
Birr-' lhas b-en teleg-aphed for The Japanese
Some of the Important to be con- . . . . . . ,K B. .
.... hot to get awar Tuesday and th K.-
siaerea ry tne encampment In Its secret
sessions which begin cn Thursday morn
ing will be proposed changes In th con
s'ltvition and rec-ommendatlor.s to the con
gressional committee. The latter will be
ask'-d to endeavor tc have eorgrc-ss tss a
service per.sion bill that will hve
ace limit.
One proposition is to per.s-on veterans of
the civ-ll war. whether injured or not. on
a per diem basis, that is to say. a certain
amount for each day of service
There is a proposition under considers-
tion to charge the constitution so a to
' provid for a new cf". ce. that of a patriotic
' instructor, earh post to have an instructor
whose duty It mill be to officiate in the
, public schools as a teacher of patriotism
' A department official to be created, will
' have supervision of the post Instructor and
a rational of.cer will be in charge over ail
' of them. Each shall have an Insignia of
off ee
Another propose' conslttitional amend
ment Is o-e rhsngir.g the ratio of represen
tton In ire rational encampment from one
rejirc-ser.iative for every TTrt members to one
' for every iflo members, and still anothe-r
propose to make It obligatory upon poot
; , suspend members in srrears for twelve
nths" ftotiflcaon ha
CHICAGO. S-pi .After trvirj to kill
his divorced wife and Iouis B Hill, a
grain broker, to whom she was married
last November. George c. Miller a re
tired broker, tonight shot himself in the
head fatally wounding himself lust as
t!e police arrived to arrest him. Mr. Hill
will lof his arm a th. result of the
shot from Millers revolver, but Mrs Hill
they s-e a solution of the mys-ery or the
k IMng of Mrs. Mite near the tl Prado
bo-el about two weeks ago. Mr HtlL
11 I id. very much resembles Mrs Mix.
Mrs Hill state, her divorced husband has
be -en see-king her fir months and had
threatened to kill her on sight. Miller s
revolver, the police say. held three empty
carttldges Two of these were emptied
las' night, while the other apparently had
been fired some time ego.
' Wl"-
i Tweitr-rnt rm oi wairr.
PI'IeTTH. Bept I The steel steamer
X. The .teel steamer
i Vnnh wind Caotaln Thomas S-evenaon.
" M! "f y. me, with
a eertou diaarter after baring ridden out
' the gale on Lake Superior. ju i, rii.
ine gair on is- r-i-n.-i. n
i".d waa only a few hundred feet from
fety. Th steamer wa lifted by a huge
wave and thrown violently aalnt the
s..uth pier of the canal and a hole w
stove In It port bow. which caused It
sink in twecty-flve feet of water aa it wa
entering the Northern P.c,flc . Lake avenue
Il.f jTUaiij Jt sv i. unu-T '.rr, u ji
i. 1. e.x-w aa Aaa. ir.earisirt V e -. iw
. . ,..""
. lliJUiru ill X I w ""in , ' k u.c vai 'J . i
. e.-, .rs.-.. ,t w .h .-.
Jf uncl.-ifed merchandise, i.
now being
lightered. j
Iseestelssi Maa Crrli froaa
Beaalla to Tlptoa by Mlaaoarl
PwelBe Trala.
Bl. Lot Id. Sept. I A special to the Re
public from Sedalia. Mo., aay.: Warren
pnne. SS year. old. wa. found today un
conac lous .nd badly Injured beside the
Missouri Pacific track, near Tipton, having
been carried t went) -seven mila In an un- J
conscious condition an an engine's pilot I
When revived he said h had bee. struck j
by an eaathound train In the outaklrt. of .
beoana ana sonea en in pijt, and knew
r.ot.nlng more until found and revived near
Tipton, twenty-aeven rr.ile. d,rtant It ia
believed bo will die.
Moseaaeata of leer. a eaeela Bept. S,
Al Mjvi1 Sajsed: Furneaeia. for New
At aVoutharoptoa Arrived i Philadelphia,
froa New Tork
At U-eenstown flailed: Etruna. for New
At Dover Sailed. Pretoria, for New
At Kan FYaoiC'-afcce Arrived Martpoaa.
months when trre
TtxtofTrttU BetwffB Jpi Bid Boat: a
i Agreed Upon,
Lut ProTidM for Ixc-hisf of BAtiStiotJ
Witb;A Tifty
IUjtTLiT ii TrfocB Cpy
asd Adult t EiflitL
.eraaer Me. aa. Pkatoatra rktrt
Will Xat Br Allowed ta He
Prraeat A hea Earara
AfH aiaaatarra.
Spt -The.
teenth a-.d concludina artic of the
,-aU wttr wUtm f ,J d" af;r
r-att-r by the pier.lpotentiarle The Ru
sian ratification w
11 be communicated to
goverrmett ty the French
okio. and Mr. Meyer, th
American TlM"r at St Petersburg.
i will comv-unicate the Japanese ratification
, to the Russian govtrrment.
i if the Russians art read) the treaty will
be signed tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock.
; th's date having been suggested by Baron
; Komura. otherwise the treaty will h
hot to get away Tuesday
an Tuesday or Wednesday.
After be-ir.g treated te every variety of
weather, the ;aoe conference promise to
nd in the midst of a ragir.g northeaster.
Sirre lat night it has been blowing a gale.
no 1 aivDirjiarii-o o? ii'iirui. v . n n.iv.u
! lng to local tradition uch northeasters
. . . ... . . - - f I S-A-
, continue for three days, ao that It will
! probably lar over tht day en whl'h the
j 'reaty is s gred.
Work af Faarraaaaaeat.
i The pie nipotenljarte and the attaches of
1 the two missions eem to be fully as anx
ious for the rvirtain to ting down on the
final act of the drama a the little colony
of newspaper correspondent and aummer
guests who are waiting to be "In at the
i death " The work of engrossing the treaty
has already begun. M. RoJetvenky doing
the cahgraphic work of the French and
' Mr. Adahi of the English text. Contro-
' yers'rs over the phraseolevgy stfll continue
ard there were several conference today
between M de Marten and Mr. Pennison.
' dtf erence being referred for adjustment to
the principals. The Japanese are proving
" great stickler for word. They cling
tenaciously to their idea. Careful prepara-
, Uon and methods hare beea the awet of
; their s v-cess-r- cm land .nd ea and In
thei- d'plom.ttc .trticgle. at Port.mout h
o I the sime o'laiitiea have been displAJ ed.
-.Oj In the sittings of th conference, B-amn
Komura always s'ated the Japanese po
sition uoon a given point briefly, but wUh
grent car, and w h.n M. W'itte. wlwso
method was entirely different, would try
to draw out explanations he would stick
doggedly to th. statement he had mad.
M Witt., a r an cf affairs, reaotircef u! and
M'en'e as he is admitted to be. had hia
esse in hi head. He never brought any
paper with him. He met everything
which came up in an offhand way. weigh
ing i: Instantly in his mind, analyrlng It.
srgiiing the logic pro and con. .nd attr.g
his view ejiiite bluntly, never asking for
time to coisiner
Koaa.r. .tick to Text.
Baron Komura on the other hand, could
with the gres.test difficulty be Induced to
, enter the region of argument. He stnek
to the brief before him. Speaking alway.
nui-e, he would repeat over and
again what be had r-.a'ed. . If h hd
learned hi lesson by ro,e. Fever? t'-rte.
M Wttte would say: "Tea. ! undrtand
perfectly what you aay. bet what do you
mean, what i your real object T" Then
Baron Komura would go back and re
nal his propevsiti'vn almost exactly .. ha
had done onglnally. Both systems hwl
thejr advantage. By Inrtstlng. Insisting.
Insisting. Baron Koinur would aome
times catch M W'itte off his guard and
provoke him into s-atement which wera
always eagerly seraed upon. A a. final
resort Baron Komura was alway ready
, with a written solution of a question and
I we.uld produce it suddenly, saying- "Thi.
i i wrat we propose. What have yon grt
i Then the nil of preparation
is-d fsrsiehTerlneAi was mnsrent K
j "v- r?rvr
1 .Jlr wH, :e!;,br:
(leading hi adversary Into the realm of
argument, where previous preparation
j availed nothing, he had Baron
, availed nothing, he had Baron Komura
I . . uvirm. One of thoee msnt
, k,ned Baron Komur. to . bora. ,
, --bUndera." a long a he waa on the beaten
i real with hi. work cut out aneaj
' "i-mlngl,". bu, ,h
, l f. w off the road Into the wo
- .. 1Ih vo, work cut out ahead of him.
h Instant
ood. with
i ,hr hiinders" rerr.oved. h appeared to be
' 1.rf...a 0t ,nA haa'ened hack a.
speedily a. possible to the road b. bad
mentally traversed so often and with
! ,v.ry ftt0. t wr.ieh he wa familiar..
j wlt Be,0.r. ,...
Now. when the Japanese are tlll contlno-
! ihir of ininnc upria word
i cr -r.rsi e.
M Witt i showing consider-
a- lev lav, iar. Ka iul W. t at avf raW r k t r Lforfl at
' Jh treaty finished and signed at
' the earliest moment, to preclude the poasl.
bility of pressure from the hom govern
ment ur'-n minor p int.
EepelaVy .1 St. Petersburg there I. on
ttar.t danger that lr.tructioc at th taat
n-Kiment may com to try to get thi. ton
cession or that concession, and th u being
only diplomatic discussions which might
icdefir.itely prolong the negotiatic n.
ore of the attache, illustrated the poat
lion of th home govtrtimer.t by telling the
story of the rtian who tad asked from a,
i tailor a sack suit He was satisfied with
aack suit until at returoea wna aoraa
friend lo try on the coat. It wa. only
ten they uggeted that frock coat or
cutaway wouio r.av oeen more
i tnat tne n-ean grew ai scon wo tea. vs .
j don't want that to arise." .aid th .ttarha.
"The pler.ipotentiane are th tailor, and
if tbelr at tome object now they
can only aay. 'You should have thought
of a tall coat bef re th cloth for tha tail
a a cut off "
Oil of the article of the treaty provid.
for the prx.jt.t,,, of private right, and
properly acouired under Ruasian coalr.l
In south Sakhalin and in Daley. Port
Arthur and other plarea ln the Liaa Twag
pet, insula Th Ross an gov-tran.ent U
had Uinuiietrabie petitions urn ILas .uhjotl.