HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1903. CARTER WINS IT IN TENTH Little lick SnaUhei Lmrtl from CUtx and Crowm P'i Utroet NTCHERS' BATTLE FULL OF LIFE Jack Pfelster Lets Dowi Visitors with roar Hits an Tea Strike, uts, Passing; hat Oaa ' . Robert Carter both saved the gnme and won It at Vinton Street park Saturday afternoon, when the Rourke family won a ten-Inning conteat from the Sioux before a splendid crowd, considering the high wind and blinding; duat. Carter saved the fame In the fifth Innlnic, when, with two men on bases and two out, he climbed on the right-field fence and grabbed the lone fly from the bat of Weed, the elongated aecond baaeman of the Bloux tribe lie won the same In the tenth In ning, when, with Gondlng on third he hit the ball o fast by Mr. Newton that that fielder was unable t get his claws on It, although he had been taking everything; that came his way and some that looked to be out of Ms reach. Newton made two phenomenal (tops after hard runs and won the applause of the crowd, the Omaha crowd always bestowing Its applause on the visiting player aa well as on the bom boy If the play warrants It For nine Inning they battled and neither side had the advantage, although It did look In the seventh Inning a If Lawler might score after having made a triple to right wtth only one out. Fate, however, had decreed that Omaha should not win In that Inning, for McCloskey attempted to hunt; the. ball popped Into the air and a double, catching Lawler off third, was the result. . Welch Fans Twice. ' In the sixth Inning and In the ninth Dnlan was the first man up each time, and the same thing happened In each in ning. Welch received his Instructions from the bench to bunt, no one being out, and he struck out each time. This Is the game that won the pennant for Omaha last year, and usually wins, but It fell down on both attempts Saturday. In the ninth, after Dolan had singled and Welch and struck out; Slugger Bill came along with a single, which sent the captain to third, with but one out. The hopes of the fans arose, but hope was all there waa to It, for Thomas struck out, his third for the day, and Lawler flew out to Pulslfer. After the Bloux had been retired, one, two, three, in the first half of the tenth Omaha came to bat with McCloskey to lead off. He hit to second and one waa down. Gondlng drove one near third that went so fast Sheehan could not stop It, and again was hope on the ascendency. Pfelster struck out, but on the third strike Gondlng stole second and Shea threw the ball so wild that Gondlng went on to third, and It was up to Nick, the sleuth, to do something for his country. He was Johnny-on-the-Bpot and hit for the single that brought In the only run of the game. Pfelster the Star. Both slabmen pitched magnificent ball throughout the entire game, Pfelster strik ing out ten and passing but one. while Cadwallader struck out eight and passed four. In the eighth Inning Pfelster struck out Sheehan and Weed with six balls pitched.' The same teams will play a double header both this afternoon and tomorrow, the games to start on each day at 2:80 and all for the one price of admission. Mc Closkey and Welch, the Grand Island men, will pitch for Omaha, ' The scorei OMAHA. AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Cnrtar, rf, Itolan. ss., Welch, cf.... Tchlpke. 3b... Tiiomas, lb,. iJawler, lb... MrCloskey, If Gondlng, o... Pfelster, p..., Total! ... ... "0 H. PO. I 1 - I '' Ir 0 8 S 6 2 0 1 0 0 . I ", 1 1'l 10 0 11 0 Newton, ss. Sheehan, 3b. Weed. 2b.... Pulslfer, rf.. Nobllt. cf.... Carney, lb.. O llara. If.. Hhea. c... u i SIOUX CITT. AB. B, H. PO. A. E. Cadwallader p .. 5 ,.. 4 ...... 4 8 .. 4 1 1 1 1 8 10 0 1 Totals S5 0 4 12 I Two out when winning run was made. Omaha 0 00000000 11 Sioux City 0 c 0000000 0-0 Two-base hits: Ke, on. Pulalfer. Three base hit: Lawler. First base on balls: Off pfelster, 1; off Cadwallader, 4. Double play: Sheehan to Newton. Struck out: By Pfelster, 10; by Cadwallader, 8. Left on bases: Omaha, 8; Sioux City, 8. Sacri fice hits: Bchlpke, Lawler. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Schuster. Attendance, 1,000. St. Joe Shows Some Life. ' DE8 MOINES, Sept. 1-Manske pitched himself out of a bad place In the third Inning today and from that time on Dee Moines was In no great danger, although the visitors earned their one score In the eighth. Qulllan opened with a hit and went to second on Zink's walk. Ketchen flew out to Rossman and Qulllan stole third. Dunne hit a slow one to Hhugart, who re tired Zlnk at second, but Qulllan scored. Maruike fanned Molyneaux. Dee Moines scored In the first, inning on two hits by Long and Rostiman. In the fifth Dunn's fumble gave Manske a life and he scored on Long's two-sacker. Singles by Mc- Ollvary and FTogrlever and another two SWrker hit by Long brought In the final score In the seventh. It was cold and raw and the crowd waa small. Score: Dgt M11KCH. ST. JOSEPH. AB H O A ABU O A a. t-ailTrr. Ill I t B.rnnl4. rf I 1 S ft t n . hill, in 4 l HorlTr, ft 4 1 1 Long II 4 114 OQmllln. lb... I I I ft tiMinu, lk I 111 1 ft Zlnk, In... Caeys. Ileitee, ft t I I .. 1 ft t KMrh,m. at. 4 ( 4 ft ft I 1 I ft ft Dunn, m I t I I 1 ft I IHolrneeut. It 4 ft I 4 1 ft ft 4 1110 ShunrL lh. . 4 ft I MnNlchole. Iti t 1 ft llnreo, c Manuka. .... 9 ft f I Jonn, a Tetale M ft It II ft Totals 14 I 14 ft I Pes Moines 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 8 St. Joseph .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Stolen bases: Qulllan. Shugart. Two base hits: Qulllan. Dunn. Long 8, Roes man. Bases on balls: Off Manske, I: off Jones, 4. Struck out: By Manske, t: by Jones, 4. Time: 1:35. Umpire, Caruthers. Attendance, 700. Dearer lias Off Day. PlEBLO, Colo., Sept. 2. Pueblo cele brated Its net game or the local season this afternoon by playing all around the Grtsxlles and taking the gitme by a score or 6 to 1. Ith the team In a crippled con dition It gave Stlmmel errorless support and batted Schaub freely. Stlmmel pitched shut-out ball and his support was sensa tional at times. The Grlxzlies went to pieces, nine bobbles being chalked up against them. The features, besides the pitching of Stlmmel, were the field work of Knsbe and Mott's stop of Helden's drive over third In the ninth. The -score: PUEBLO. DENVER. AB.H.O.A. E. AB H O A K. Blake, cf t I I ft OMrHil. cf... I 1 4 4 I I ft OHartiell, lb.. 4 I i eanaaii, rf.. i l I Belden. It... 4 1 I tParrtne. U... ft ft I I III eiioelak't'r. Mill 1ft ftMohanoa, lb.. I ft I ft I 1 ft Brawn. ....; 1 ft ft , I ft ft ft ft Schaub, ..,.! ft I I ft Vollendt, cf. 1 ft 1 4 ft 17 1ft IT 1ft ft Total. ....jo rr ii Pueblo 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 E 0-6 Denver 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Three-base hits: Blake, Bader. Two-bane hit: Blake. Stolen bases: Cook (2), Knabe, Bader, Faurot, Miner. Bases on balls: Off Schaub, 1; oft Stlmmel, 1. Struck out: By Schaub, 4; by Stlmmel, S. Left on bases: Pueblo, 7; Denver, 4. Earned runs: Pueblo, 1; Denver. 1. Sacrifice hits: Randall, Stlm mel. Wild pitch: Schaub. Double plavs: Belden to Brrrwn, Bhrlver to Knabe, Bo hannon (unassisted). Time: 1:30. Umpires: Everltt and Lindsay. Attendance, 6uo. Sandln- of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Xes Moines U. 81 4.1 .853 Denver 124 75 49 .06 Sioux City 121 65 55 .648 Omaha 118 A2 6K .61'5 Pueblo 117 48 69 .411 St. Joseph 122 31 81 .2(4 Games today: Sioux City at Omaha, Denver at Pueblo, St. Joseph at Des Moines. Cook if Knabe. lb.. Mnu, lb Bhrrrar, a.. Bader, aa. .. Faurot, rf... Mlnar, lb..., Btlmaial, .. Totals.... I lift 4 t I 4 1 I 4 4 4 111 1 ft ft 1 ft 1 I I 1 I I GAMES IS THE NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburg; Benches Hit In Third Isslsg and Beat St. Lonla. PITTSBURG, Sept. 2.-Pittsburg won In the third Inning with two hits, assisted by an error and three bases on balls. Score: FITT8BLRO. gT. LOUIS. AB.H O A . AB.H.O. An. Oanler. rf... 4 ft 1 ft ertunlearr, rt i I I 0 ft riarka. If.... I ft 1 ft OShannon, If.. 4 0 10 0 Leach, cf 4 1 ft ft lgmoot, cf....4 I 1 ft ft Wanner, I 114 1 Berkley, lb.. 6 I ft 0 ft Hneard, lb.. I 0 11 1 0 8hy. 2b I 1 0 ft ft Brain, lb.... I 111 ftGradr. o S 0 I 1 ft Rltchey, 2b.. I 0 I I 1 McBrlda, aa I I I I 1 Plti, 0 I 1 t 1 0 Burke, 3b.... 4 I 4 4 0 Lynch, p I Oil ftTajlur. p.... 4 I 0 I 0 ToUla 11 IT II I Totala 1 14 24 I 1 Pittsburg 01400000 6 St. Louis 1010011004 Earned runs: Pittsburg, 1; St. Louis, 2. Two-base hits: Wagner, Dunleavy, Beck ley, Taylor. Saorlnce hits: Howard, Lynch, Shannon, Shay. Stolen bases: Smoot, Mo Bride. Double play: Ritchey to Wagner to Howard. First base on balls: Off Lynch, 2; off Taylor, 4. Struck out: By Lynch, 5; by Taylor. 1. Time; 1:50. Umpire. Emslle. Attendance: 4,080. Chlcaaro Wine (roan Cincinnati. CHICAGO, Sept. 2,-Chlcago won from Cincinnati today In a game full of weird fielding, all the runs but one resulting from queer misplays. The double plays on both sides were fast and anappy. Score: . CH1CAOO. . , CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.E. Stasia, of.... I 0 10 OHuftlna, 2b.. I 1 I I o Cater, lb.... 4 110 1 Barry, lb.... 4 112 1 McCarthy, lb I 0 I 1 1 Seymour, cf.. I 1 I 1 ft grhalta, If... I 0 ft 0 ft Corcoran, aa. 4 0 14 ft Tlnkar, aa... I 14 1 1 Btalnfaldt, lb 4 1 II 0 Malonay, rf.. 4 110 ft Odnali, It.,.. 4 0 I 0 ft Hotmaa, lb.. I 0 10 ft grldwall, rf. 4 I ft ft ft Kllng, a..... I 111 J 8c h lei, a I 0111 Haul bub, . I 1 1 4 Chech, I ft ft t ft Tout II lni I Totala II 1 24 11 1 Chicago 10011 000-3 Cincinnati 00000 02002 Left on bases: Cincinnati, . Two-base hit: Casey, Sacrifice hits: Tinker, Slugle. Stolen bases: Tinker, Maloney t2K HugginH, Odwell. Double play: Reulbdch to Tinker to McCarthy (21, Corcoran to HugKlns. Struck out: By Reulbach, 6; by Chech, 8. First base on balta: Off Reulbach, 4; off Chech, 4. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Klein. Attendance: 6,800. Boston Shntn Ont Brooklyn. BOSTON, Sept. . Boston today defeated Brooklyn In a pitchers' battle, 1 to 0. Both box men pitched excellently, but Willis waa steadier than Mclntyre. Score: BOSTON. BROOKLYN. AB.H.O.A M. AB.H.O.A. fj. Abba-eh lo. sal 1 I I ft Dobba, cf.... 4 1 I ft ft Tanaay, lb... I 111 Oglieckard. If. I 0 I 1 1 Dalaa. rf 4 1 1 0 OUumley. rf... 4 0 1 1 0 Dalehanty, If 1 ft 1 ft ft Oaralar, lb... I 0 I 1 0 Cano.ll, cf.. I ft I 0 ft Babb. lb I 4 10 0 ttaymtr, lb., I ft I 1 Lawla, aa I ft I 1 0 Btroabal, lb, 10 0 1 0 Malay, lb.... I ft 1 I ft Koran, ....! ft I I 0 Bergen, c... I 0 t 1 ft Wlllla. p.... I 0 I 8 ft Mclutyre, p. I I 1 1 ft ToUU 84 8 87 13 Total Vft 8 14 "I Boston 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Brooklyn 0000000000 Two-base hit: Abbatlcchio. Sacrifice hits: Lewis, Connell. Stolen base: Dolan. Dou ble Play: Ruymer to Tenney. First base on balls: Oft Willis. 8; off Mclntyre. 2. Hit with pitched ball: By Mclntyre, 3. Struck out: By Willis, 8; by Mclntyre, 8. Time: 1:RS. Umpire: Bauswlne. Attend ance: 1.143. Game Postponed. At New York-New York-Philadelphia game postponed; wet grounds. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. New York 118 84 84 . 713 Pittsburg "...124 81 43 .653 Chicago 122 72 (0 .6M Philadelphia 118 3 66 .n.'S Cincinnati la) 81 69 .503 SU Louis 124 44 78 .871 11 11 OF s35 09 S35OO Top Buggies and Runabouts Johnson & Danforfh Have purchased the immense stock of Top Buggies and llunabouts from the SATTLEY . MANUFACTURING CO. and will place thera on sale at half price. $70.00 Top Buggies for $35.00 $80.00 Top Buggies for $40.00 $00.00 Tp Buggies for $45.00 $100.00 Top Buggies for $50.00 J0IU1S011 & DAI1F0RTII, S. W. C0E. 10th AND JONES STREETS Entrance from west side of Tenth Street Viaduct. Pnetnn 14 41 M . Urooklyn 11 87 82 . 811 Oames torlay: Pittsburg at Chicago, Cin cinnati at St. Louis. OAMES 11 AMERICA ASSOnATIO Milwaukee Wins Both Contests from Kansas City. MILWAT'KER, Wis., Spt. t-Mllwaukee took two games from Kansas City today, the first by a score of 11 to A. and the sov oftd, 3 to 0, Score, first game: MlLWAt'K KK. KANSAS CUT. AB H.O.A C. AB.H.O A C. RnhtnwiB, aa I 1 4 I 1 Olltxrt, If... I ft I ft 1 ft ft a ridr. cl... I a I ft ft ft ft Hill, rf I 1 ft ft ft I 0 ft f'miglaa. lb.. 4 I I 1 I lift 1'mre, lb 4 I 1 1 ft I ft 1 Dnnohtla, aa. 4 1 I I 1 ft 1 tFranta. lb... I I I I ft ,ft ft Butlar, e lift laball, p 9 ft ft ft I 0 Talall.. O Brian, If .. I Batman,lb-rf Htmphlll cf I Clark, lb I Towna, c-lb. 4 SK'nrm'k. lb 1 B-tiii.. a.... I M Ch.nr. rfSb 4 louthartr, p 1 Jackaon, p... I 10 1 .41 I ft I ft II I 14 II I f ft" Totals 11 11 17 I I Milwaukee 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Kansas City 0 0 0 t 0 1 0 0 03 Earned runs, Milwaukee, 6; Knnsns City, 1. Hits: tilt Jackson, 8 In eight Inning. Two-base hits: Bateman, Frants (2), Hill. Stolen base: Mcchsney. Base on balls: Off Jackson. 2: off 1smI1, 1 Hit by pitched ball: Gilbert. Wild pitch: Jackson. Struck out: By Lougherty, 1; by Jackson, 1; by Inbell, 3. Double plays: Robinson and Clarke; Donohue, Frants and Douglas. Sacilnce hits: Hobinson, Jackson. I .eft on bases: Milwaukee, I; Kansas City, 11. Time: 1:60. l'mplre: Kane. Score, second game: MILWAUKEE. KANSAS rtTT. AB.H.O.A C. AB.H.O. A C. RnMnaon, aa 4 O'Hrlan. If . 4 Bateman lb. 4 Hemphill', cf 1 Clark, lb.... I Towna. o I McCornVk.' lb I M'Chaanar, rt I Douguarty, p t ft I I ftOllnart. If.. lift ftCaaoldv, ct. ft II ft ft Hill, rf ft I ft ft Dnuglaa. lb 111 ftCaatro. 8b.. ft I 1 ft I'onohua, as. 1 ft 4 ft Franta. lb ft I ft ft Zearfoaa, 1 ft I ft Grip, p .. 1 I I 4 4 4 .... 4 ..."I .... I 1 ft ft .Bargains in Idsmobiles This is the best chance anybody ever had to get ai Oldsmobile Totala 17 4 If It ft Totala 17 I 14 II I Milwaukee .....0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1-8 Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Earned runs: Mllwaukoe. 1. Home run: O'Brien. Stolen base: Hemphill. Base on balls: Oft Dougherty. 7: off Eels. 3. Wild pitch: Eels, btruok out: By Dougherty, 6; by Eels, 2. Double plays: McCormlck. Robinson and Uuteman: Eels and Doug las; Zvarfjss, Donohue and Frants. Sac rifice hits: Clarke, Towne, Cassldy. Left on bases: Milwaukee, 6; Kansas City, 8. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Kane. Attendance: 2,366. rolnmhns wins notn Oames. INDIANAPOLIS. Sent. 2. Columbus won both games of a double-header from In dianapolis today through the effective work of J'ltchers Berger and Dorner. Score, first gamei COLUMBl'S. INDIANAPOLIS. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O. AC. Plckarlni, cf 4 1 1 1 ft McCraary, cf 4 1 I ft ft V Moran, aa..., 4 ft Bnira, lb... ft MaBBtr, lb., ft Thonay, If. 1 Farrcll. rf. ft Ckrr, 3b 0 Weaar, e... Morgan, p.... Pavla. rt 4 Hran, e 4 fongalton, If I Kihu, lb 1 Hulawltt, as. 4 Clymer lb... 4 llarb.au,' lb.. 4 Berger, p.... I 1 1 1 7 I 1 0 1ft 1 I 1 ft 0 4 0 ft 1 1 ft I 1 I ft I 0 1 ft II 1 I ft 1 Total II 7 17 11 1 Total! 31 4 17 10 ft Columbus ., 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 02 Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 First base on balls: Off Morgan. 3: off Berger, 8. Struck out: By Morgan, B; by Berger, 7. Two-base hit: Ryan. Home run: Hulswltt. Sacrifice hits: Klhm (2). Stolen base: Clvmer. Passed ball: Weaver. Left on bases: IndtanaDOlls. 7: Columbus, 7. Time: 2:10. Umpire: King. Attendance, 2,800. The second game was called In the eighth Inning on account of darkness. Score: COLfMBlS. INDIANAPOLIS. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O.A.E. Plrktrlng. cf I I I ft ft McCrwr, cf. 4 I 4 ft ft o Moran, aa.... I 1 1 I Hnire, tb... 1 MUMIT, lb.. IThonejr. If.. 1 Farrcll, rf... ftrarr. 3b tiZaluNky, c... OHerdy, p... IyI rf I Congalton, If 3 Klhm. lb.... 4 Hulswltt, aa. I Clymer, 2b. .. 4 Rarbeau, 3b.. I Itrown, c I Lorner, p. .. . I 0 10 Totala II 7 14 7 I Totali 10 I 24 14 4 Columbus 1 0 2 0 111 08 Indianapolis 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 02 First base on ballsj Off Reldv, 1; off Dorner, 1. Struck out: By Reidy, 2; bv Dorner. 7. Wild pitches: Reidy (2). Hit by pitched ball: By Roldy, 1. Two-base hit: Congnlton. Three-base hits: Picker ing, Hulswltt. Home run: Moran. Sacri fice hits: Moran, Massey, Dorner, Brown, Barbeau, Congalton. Double play: Roldy to Moran to Massey. Stolen base: Thoney. Passed ball: Zalusky. Left on bases: In dianapolis, 7; Columbus, 1. Time: 1:46. Umpire: King. Toledo Khnts Oat Louisville. TOLEDO, O., Sept. 8. Toledo shut out Louisville today. Three local amateurs played on the Louisville Infield and fielded well. Platt equalled the strike out record, fanning eleven men. Score: ' TOLEDO. LOUISVILLE. AB.H.O.A.E. AB H.O.A.C. Clint-man. lb ft ft ft 1 ft Krrwln. cf.. 4 I 1 ft 4 1. Clarke. If 4 1 I 1 Hillmenfl If.. 4 1 I ft 4 ft ft Woodruff, lb 4 t I Daly, lb 4 ft ft Btoner, c 4 1 ft Lovett, aa... 4 ft ft Smith, lb.... 4 ft ft Srott, rf I 1 I Dickie, p.... I Lee, rf 4 Demont, aa.. 4 Nanoa, lb.... I Boyle, lb.... I Netahbora, cf I Land, c I Platt, p...... 1 ft I ft 1 1 I I I 1 I 0 11 ft ft Oldsmobile 10 h. p. 2-Cyl. Touring Car It may seem unusual to the public to see a bargain sale on automobiles advertised. But that is just what we are doing now. The cars weagree to take for fall delivery must be sold quickly. We cannot have our money tied up any longer. These prices are lower than ever before and lower than they are likely to be again, and the rars are all regular standard Oldsmoblie models. Look over these prices and then come and see the cars at .once and have them demonstrated to you. Oldsmobile 20 h. p. 2-Cyl. Touring Car, QiRfM Regularly $1400 V I UUU Oldsmobile Standard Curvr9dosDa,h Runabout, q ccn Regularly $650 U U Oldsmobile Touring Runabout, 1905, 0 enn Regularly $750 . M U U U If you do not fully appreciate the unusualness of this offer, we know you will after you have examined the cars, but above all, do not put this matter off, as they are likely to be sold out in a very few days. If you are out of the city and want us to hold any special car for you, telegraph us. The 1906 Oldsmobile Runabout, known as Type "B'V $650, including lamps and horn. THE POWELL-BACON COMPANY, 2044-46-48 Fan St. home team meeting score of S to 1. defeat again by a OAMES IN TUB AMERICAN LEAGUE !ew York Shuts Ont Boston, One to Nothing. NEW YORK, Sept. 2. In a pitchers' hat tlo between Orth and Winter the New Yorks won from Boston today by a score of 1 to 0. Score: NEW YORK. BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.E). AB.H.O.A.E. 1 4 0 0 Enrkett, If.. 4 1 1 0 0 10 14 Parent, aa... 4 1 1 T ft 0 111 gtahl, cf 4 ft I 0 II ft ft 1 ft Freeman, rf.. I ft 1 ft ft 0 4 11 Orlmehaw, lb 4 ft 14 1 ft ft 10 1 ft Ferrla. Ib... 10 14ft 0 4 0 0 Cmer, c I 0 I ft 0 Ollft Winter, p... I I ft 1 ft ft 0 I ft Collins, Ib... 4 1 ft I ft Hahn, If 4 Keeler, rf.... 4 Elberfeld, aa I Yager 3b... I Wllllami, lb. 4 Cnnror, lb.., I Fultt, cf I MrOuIre, a.. I Orth, p I Totals it ft 17 II I Totala 12 I 14 1ft ft New York 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hit: Hahn. Sacrifice hits: El berfeld, Freeman. Double play: Elberfeld to Williams. Left on bases: New York, ; Boston 5. First base on errors: Boston, 2. Struck out: By Orth, 2: by Winter. 1. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Hurst. Attendance, 2.CU0. Detroit Defeats t. Lonls. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 2. Detroit defeated St. Louis In the opening game of the series to day and won 10 to 1. St. Ixuls tried a new pitcher, Hsrry Abies ol the Texas league, but Detroit hammered him off th slab and hit Buchanan hard. The fielding of, both teams was poor. Score: DETROIT. , IT. LOI'IS. AB.H.O.A.K. AB H.O.A.B. Mrlnlyre, If 4 I I ft ft Stone, It ft ft ft ft lie Ho k neld, lb I 0 I 4 ft 14 1ft Friak, rt..... 4 1111 lift ft Wallace, aa.. 4 I 1 I ft 0 1 ft ftJnnea lb I 1 11 1 ft 1 t I ftOleaenn, lb.. 4 114 0 .4141 1 Koehler, cf.. 4 ft I ft ft .41 I ft 0 Sudden, C.... 4 0 4 1ft i 4 1 I ft Ablea, p 0 0 ft 0 ft Buchanan, p. I ft ft I 1 40 14 17 1 1 Kolh 1 ft 0 ft ft Llndaar,' If.. 4 Bchaefer, lb. I Crawford, rf. S Cobb, of t CouihllB, Ib I O'Learr, Drill, . Kltaon, Totals.. Totala II I II I ft Totala 14 I 14 II 4 Toledo 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 ' 8 Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-bB hits: Kerwln, fitoner. Base on balls: off Dunkle, 6. Btruck out: By Platt, 11; by Dunkle, 4.' Left on bases: Toledo, 4;. Louisville, t. Double plays: Dunkle and Daly; Dunkle, Smith and Daly. Sacrifice hits: Cllngman, Platt. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Owens. Attendance: 1,000. Game Postponed. At St. Paul Mlnneapolls-8t. Paul game; wet grounds. StnndlaaY of th Teams. Played. Won. I-ost.' Pet Columbus .'.133 SI 46 .063 Milwaukee 1S1 78 U .696 Minneapolis 129 7 . 63 .W9 Louisville 130 ft 62 .b'ii Indianapolis ........131 61 70 .46 Ht. Paul V 01 68 .473 Toledo 1SI 49 R2 .174 Kansas City 12S 40 84 .110 Oames today: Columbus at Indianapolis, Louisville at Toledo, Milwaukee at Kan sas City, St. Paul at Minneapolis. Doable-Header nt Jetter Park. The B. Jetters and victors will cross bats for the second time this season and a good game is looked for. as the Victors have won one and want the second. The way the Jetters are playing lately they will have to play fast ball to get It. The game win start promptly at i p. m., as tne Non parella and Starlights will Play immedi ately anerwara. iineup lor nrst game: Jftters. Position. Victors Kennedy Third Kell Diamond ihort Kuoera Van Cleave JtlRht Voherls B. Collier .....First.. Clark Ueft M. Collier Center.... McMahon lecond... 8ml Hi Catcher.. Foran Catcher.. Bell ?lther... Sullivan Cltcher.., Judah Itcher Kaufman .. Moucka J. Bowes ... Franek Orub E. iBoWes ... Hlnton .. Barrett Lyons Wins nt Decatur. DECATUR. Neb.. Sept. l.-(8peclal.)-Lyons defeated Decatur yesterday in a ten-inning game by the score of t to i, Stilts winning his own game with a hit on top or Keicnie s two-bagger. The fea ture of the game was the pitching of Stilts and the batting of the Lyons team, who knocked rage out of the box In the uvenlh i-oik was replaced Dy Bradley, the St. Jo- sepn man, ecore: H.I I.E. Lyons 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 0 1 12 3 uecaiur i uuuuuzoi o 6 7 Two-base hits: Relchle (2), Cook, Brad ley u). uouoie piay: nrner, Bradley and Ellis. Struck out: By Stilts. 7: bv I"hk 4; by Bradley, i. Batteries: Lyons, Stilts ana i arrant; iecatur, 1'age. Hradley and Matney. Umpire: Heath. Time: 1:54. This is i ne last game or tne season witn Lyons, Deeatur having won two out of a series of six games. Hhopaaen Lose to Normals. KEARNEY, Neb., Sept. I (Special Tele gram.) The I'nlyu Pacific shop base ball team of Omaha, considered the best ama teur team In the state, played ball here today with the Kearney Normals and was defeated In a close game, the score stand ing ii to 4 Batteries: Kearney, WrUurol and Zalusky; I'nlon I'aclllc, Nllson and Clair. Home run: David. Three-bane, hit: Barta. Struck out: Welsbrod, 6; Nllson, 4. Score : Kearney A i 1 0 0 I 0 ( 1 Union Pacific .0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-4 ( t Boon la MARSH ALLTOWN clal Telegram. hat Out. T. a .... . 1 ne local team. 2Hpe- itnoutfii badly dilapidated, succeeded In walloilng noons touay. i to v. i oons. a lad rrom Newton, waa in the Ikii for the locals and waa opposed by MrKenna. Not an earned run was made, all resulting from errors. Store: , R.H E Marnhalltown .. 0 0 0 J 0 0 1 7 t Boone 0 0 0 0 0-0 7 1 McCook Again Loser. McCOK. Neb., Sept. t. Special Tele,. gram.) The carnival closed tonight with a ?eneral tolllncietlon on the streets. The eeture of today was the base bell gam between UcCuwk and Hayes Center, Mi ft Totala U ft 17 II 1 Detroit 1 6 0 2 0 1 1 0 0-10 St. Louis 0 000000101 Earned runs: Detroit. A. Two-base hitat O'Leary, Schaefer, Crawford, Coughlin. Sacrifice hit: Llndaoy. Double plays: Wal lace to Rockenfleld to Jones; O'Leary to ticnaerer. rasaea ball: suguen. btolen base: Bchaefer. Hit by pitched ball: By Kltson. 2. First base on balls: Off Kit- son, 2; off Buchanan, 1. Struck out: By Kltson, 2. Hits: Off Abies, In one and two-thirds Innings; off Buchanan. 10 In seven and one-third Innings. Left on bases: St. Louis, f; Detroit. 6. Time: 1:45. Um pires: Connora and, McCarthy. Attend ance, 2.400. . Cblenae) Dofenta levalaaA. CLEVELAND, O., Sept. 2. Chicago de feated Cleveland la a five-Inning game, called on account of rain ana darkness, by the score of .6 to 3. Score: CHICAOO. CLEVELAND. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Holmaa, If... I 0 4ft OJarkaon, if.. I 1 I ft ft 1 Bar, cr 1 1 ft 0 1 Flick, rf I ft ft ft ft Rtnrall, tb... I 1 ft ft 1 Turner, aa... I I 1 I Leber, lb,. ICarr. lb... Buelew, ft. Hesa, p... loaca, ct. Devla. aa. lebetl, tb Ponohue, lb.. Callahan, rf. MoFarland e 1 Tannehlll, Ib I Smith, p I Sullivan, lb. I .. I ft ft 1 .. 1 ft T ft .. I ft I ft ..1001 Totala 11 1 IS ft 1 Totala IS I II 7 4 Chicago 0 1 H 0 4 Cleveland 0 2 0 0 1 t First base on errors: Cleveland, 2. Two base hits: Callahan, 2. Sacrifice tilt: Don ohue. Base on balls: Off Hess, 2; off Smith, 2. Hit with ball: Smith, 1. Left on bases: Cleveland, o; Chicago. S. Struck out: By Hess. 4; by Smith, 1. Paaaed ball: Huelow. Wild pitch: Hess. Time: 1:20 Umpires: O'lxiughlln and Connolly. At tendance: 2.603. (lame Postponed. At Philadelphia Philadelphia-Washington game postponed; rain. Standing: of tb Teams. Played. Won. Lost, FAVORITE FINALLY WINS Glenwood If Takes 2i09 Trot at Uarragan tt Park, Unfinished Friday. BARON GRATTAN WINS 2:06 PACE Final Contest of the Meeting Proves the Most Eicltln The Friend Flnlahea Second. PROVIDENCE, R. I., Sept. 2. An excit ing contest in the 3:06 pace brought the Grand Circuit meet at Narragansctt Park to a close today. The event was won by Baron Orattan, driven by the veteran Geers. The unfinished 3:09 trotting event from Friday's. card was the first race to be de elded and was finally won by the favorite, Olenwood M, who, at the time of post ponement yesterday evening, did not havo a heat to his credit. The Boman and Jim Ferry having one each. (He took the third and fourth heats in good time. Summaries: Trotting, 2:00 class, two in three, purs 31.600 (concluded): Glenwood M., br. h. (I McDon ald) t Jim Kerry, g. g. (Frank) t The Roman, b. g. (Roths) 1 Direct View, br. h. (De Ryder) 4 Runa. b. m. (Curry) 8 Brownie Wilton, b. h. (Benyon).., Oracle Keller, b. m. (Coxe) Kent, ch. g. (Brlckenhoff ) Kid Shay, b. g. (Kosenmeler) Time: 2:10V. lOSfc. 3:08V. 2.10. Trotting, 2:11 class, purse 11,000: Robert Mc, b. g. (Jolly) Roberta, b. m. (Hnyden) Hardwood, blk. g. (Saundors) Thorn Boy, g. g. (Patterson) MiRs-ln-Law, br. m. (Thomas).... Time: 2:13, 2:(i, 3:10. Trotting, 1:07 class, two In three, purse ll.BflO: Wentworth, blk. sr. (McCargo). George O, b. g. (QeerS) McKlnley. b. g. (Benyon) Snyder McGregor, cfi. g. (Hogan) AUTO tlaU t 1 ,.4 4 .8 3 .6 7 .3 Sdr .7ds .ds 1 1 3 1 5 3 2ro 4ro 6ro ..3 ..1 ..4 ..3 .Bds 4 8 3 4 tds Philadelphia Chicago Cleveland .., New York . Boston Detroit Washington ....113 ....112 ....116 ....lo0 ....HI ....US Ill St. Louis 118 Oames today: Detroit Cleveland at Chlcagf). 67 1 M 64 (A 47 41 at 44 4& 65 53 66 60 65 76 St. Pel .(ill .tin .614 .6"5 .478 .4J0 .363 Lould, St. Louis Wist Ulvlnir Championship. NKW YORK. Sept. 2.-Dr. George H. Sheldon of the Missouri Atlantic club of St. Louis won the diving championship of the United States at Travers inland this afternoon. It was one of the greatest competitions ever seen In this country. C. M. Daniels of the New York Atliletic club easily won the 2lo-yard Amerlean chamtilonshln by ten yards from Build Goodwin with Schwarts of St. Louis third. Time: 2:46. Southern I.eagae Games, At Atlanta New Orleans, 1; Nashville, 0. At Chattanooga Montgomery, 4; Slireve- pr. ..... At Memphis first game, xuempnia ; Birmingham. 2. Second game, Memphis, 13; Birmingham, 0. At Little Rock First game, Atlanta, ; Little Rock, 0. Second game. Atlanta, 6; Little Rock, 5. (Called on account of dark ness.) "Kid" Parker Visits In Omaha. 'Kid" Parker, a Nebraskan by birth and Coloradoan by adoption. Is visiting his cousin in Omaha. H. 8. Parker. "Kid" Parker Is on his way to Portland, wnere he will meet Harry Queenan In a twenty round bout this month, parser was born t Arlington and has been there vlxlting his mother. He Is making his headquar ters In Denver. Two Doable-Headers. A double heuder Sunday and a double header Monday will be played at Vinton Street I'sik by Slous ( Ity and Omaha The managements have decided to plsy off a poatixini'l game Bunuuy. I ne rormer games begin at 2:3U p. in. Jack Pfelster ms he will pnch both games Monday. tors Play at Memphis. The Btors team goes to Memphis today for two games, and Labor day plays at WetUM. Charley Herr. b. h. (CahlUJ. Time: 2:lOH. Pacing, 2:06 class, two In three, purse $1,600: Baron Grattan, b. g. (fleers) 4 1 1 The Frlond, blk. h. (Tyson) 1 4 3 Joe Pointer, b. h, iRosenheimer), 2 8 3 Charier Hot, br. h. (Lntlmer) I ids Black Hal, blk. g. (Walker) 6ro Time: 2:06, 2:06V 2:06. RYBONBY WINS CENTURY ITAKEI Keene's Chnmslon Colt Sells at 1 to SO In the Betting. NEW YORK, Sept. I Before a crowd of 20.OUO persons James H. Keene's cham pion 3-year-old colt Hyspnby, winner of the Great Republic, Lawrence Realisation and the Iroquois stakes today sdded to his al ready long list the S20,u)0 Century stakes at Sheepshead Bay. Bysonby was held at the prohibitive price of 1 to 20 and many books refused to put up any price against him. In his two years of racing Sysonby has been defeated only once, and that was last year In the Futurity, when Artful and Tra dition led him home, including his vic tory In the Century today he has won the enormous sum of 180,0u0. The Century Is for 8-year-olds and up, weight for age, a gallop of one and a half miles. Sysonby won easily by two lengths. Broomstick took the place with Eugenia Burch third. Yankee Consul won the 810,000 Flatbush stakes at seven furlongs. He took the lead at the start and won by a length from Timber, who waa a head before Whimsical. First race, steeplechase, full course: Buck O'Dowd won. Pious second, Grandpa third. Time: t:l4k. Second race, six furlongs: Pat Bulger won. Madjoram second, Cloten third. Time: 1:1 SH- Third race, seven furlongs: Yankee Con sul won. Timber (coupled) second, Whsm slcnl third. Time: 1:26. Fourth race, mile and a half: Sysonby, 115. Nlcol (1 to 20) won. Broomstick, 1M. Martin (12 to 1) second. Kugnnla Burch, 133, Uealman (30 to 1) third. Time: 3:36. Fifth race, five and a half furlongs: Iso lation won. Sterling second, Oddella third. Time: 1:07H- Sixth race, mile and a sixteenth, on turf: Don't Ask Me won. Pronta second, Fleur de Marie third. Time: l:4H- MRS. DEHIXG WIS! CHAMPIONSHIP x Defeats Mrs. Anderson of Hlnsdal 4 Up II to Play. CHICAGO, Sept. 2.-Mrs. C. L. Derlng of Midlothian country club today defeated Mrs. W. France Anderson of Hinsdale, 4 uo 2 to ulav In the finals for the western golf championship at the Homewood coun try ciuo course anil earnen tne title re llnquloli.Nl by Miss Frances Everett of Fx- moor, when the latter succumlied In the Seeond round to Mre. Anderson. Not since the days when Mrs. B. S. Horne, Miss Bessie Anthony, the Pittsburg rlrl. used to rapture the premiership of the west annually, has there been a more clear cut victory than that of the sturdy rlsyer rrom Midlothian. Htie ntialinen vfltn lie only three to score less than l'Xi. and won from Mrs. J. W. f'rlver. Mrs. A. T. II. Brower. and Miss Ruth Steele, to get Into the finals The runner-up todav hsd beaten Miss Everett. All square at tho turn becauHe she failed at vital times to make her deadly Iron shots come off. the new champion soon cllnehed the victory by some marvelous midlron strokes. Never un in the malcn until tne eigntn green. Mrs. Derlng look a derided brace and thereafter It was easy work. Last nlcht s cloudburst had made some of the lower half of the course unplayuhle rd provisional nine-hole course waa se lected for the Championship eltrhteen-hole luials. constating of the hist, second, third, fourth, fifth, the cross-over to the fif teenth green and the sixteenth and eigh teenth holes. A driving rain prevailed dur ing most of the play for the first half, dranching lioth principals and the gallery Of enlhustnats following them. Mrs. Anderson won tlis first bole, Mrs. The 1906 Queen Model $1,000 Side Entrance Car KARBAGH AUTOMOBILE AND VEHICLE GO, 13TH AND HOWARD STS., OMAHA Derlng knocked her rival's bai. In the! hole for a three. The match was squared at the next hole and again at the seventh and ninth. Mrs. Derlng then forged to the front and dormle three, won the decisive hole with a perfect midlron shot of 150 yards dead to the flag. AVERAGES OF THE OMAHA TEAM Record of the Players for the Entire Benson I'p to Date. Following will be found the playing rec ord of every man who has worn an Omaha uniform during a championship game this summer. It will be noticed that the extra men, with the exception of Lawler, and Bradley's fielding, havee fallen away short of making good, and weree In every game an element of weakness. This has been but a portion of the hard luck that hits attended Omaha during the seuson. Law ler'a record In the sixteen gameso he has played Is a splendid showing. The figures: BATTING AVERAGES. Last Quick Schlpke ., lawler .., Ixilan ' .... Thlel , Cartor H. Welch. Thomas ., Gonding . Brown ... Hall Freese Llebhardt Games. AB. R. H. Ave. Week. .... 80 104 8 20 .279 .24 ... 122 462 61 122 .IMS ... 16 M 6 1 5 . 269 . 2-'2 ... 114 460 65 115 . .261 ... 117 44 79 100 .248 .26,1 ... 121 412 6i H .217 .147 ... 121 4t. 68 112 .244 .1T.2 ... H0 SS6 62 ii .242 .246 ... 92 823 32 77 ,m .r ... 80 2 7 .233 .2:U ... 7 26 3 6 .231 .2i ... 37 12 16 29 .226 .232 ... 2 10 0 2 .2V .20 1 , 4 10 0 3 .2'.w .2'0 ... 115 372 48 70 .1S8 .18 .. 36 120 IS 21 .175 .ITS ... 17 65 4 8 .145 .Uj ... 3) 12 5 1 .',7 ... 14 60 6 I .130 .120 ... 8 11 H 1 .wm ... 1 3 0 0 ... 3 3 10 ...122 4004 611 983 . 233 . 234 McCloskey S'tnders .. pfle.trr ... Hentlne .. Bradiey .. K. Welch Howard .. Team... FIELDING AVERAGES. Sanders .... Llebhardt .. K. Welch... Gondlng .... Thomas Brown Freese If, Welch... Pflester Martin Wulck Iiwl'er Carter McCloskey . Thlel Dolan Bchli ke Brad ev Companion . Henllne .... Hall , Howard ..... Team..... O. , 10 7 0 6S8 m no 1S6 .'6 4 26 8 40 154 12 219 376 123 I 2 ! 3 IiSt A. E. TO. Ave.Week. 64 0 64 l.O'i 1 "0 9 0 16 l.OO l.MU 3 0 3 l.uiO l.uiO 110 6 674 .!'l .!2 42 30 918 .97;! .il 5 3 fit .99 .Mr 44 8 M .970 ht ,346 ,t3 74 4 e4 .951 .947 348 38 6M2 .944 .944 91 6 li6 .943 . 946 38 ( K3 .( .948 14 11 170 .9311 .9(7 76 7 4 .926 .930 60 23 291 .924 . 924 310 62 74S .918 .915 236 4 ?: 9m .904 13 3 20 9"0 Jl 8 16 .87 .8 if 3 4 24 .KJ .U3 10 8 14 .7-6 .M" 3 t t .667 .Ui7 1560 254 6H22 .910 .951 2:11 this was the fastest four-heat race on a half-mile truck in the state. OHIO WIXR DRYDKN TROPHY Buckeye Militia Rifle Team Finishes First with Srore of II.'IH. SEA GIRT. N. J.. Sept. 2.-Thls. the flnnl day of the military rille shoot tournament here, was given out exclusively to the pryden trophy match, the principal prlzo In which Is the I4.00O trophv presented bv John F. Drvilen, United States senator from New Jersey. The rom(etit!on wus open to teams or eight members each from (ii Infantry end cavalry branches of thn army of the United States, the navy, the marine corps, the United States military academy, the naval academy and the Na tional Guard of the several states and ter ritories Including the District of Col urn bla. The match was won by Ohio, with grand total of 979 out of a possible 1.200. New Jersey captured the trophy last year, took second prize today with a total of 956. The third prire went to the Infantry team of the United States army, whoso score was 938. Miss Rntton Wins Championship. CINCINNATI. O., Sept. 2.-Mlrs May Sut ton won the championship of the trl-stat tournament todiiy by defeating Miss Me Atoer of Pittsburg. The Pittsburg gi.l was outclassed at every stage of tho game and could not score a game off her cele brated antagonist. Krelgh Collins of Chi cago defeated R. D. Little of New York In straight sets. In so doing Collins won the right to play Heal C. Wright for the championship of the tournament on Mon day. Miss Sutton wns defeated for the first time since she has galnu prominence hi the tennis world today, when, coupled wltn Miss Lubi Hi Mrii of Cincinnati, she whs defeated by Miss Helen HomauB of New York und Miss McVteer. Golf Field Club. The golf match nt the Field club Sat urday afternoon was for the I'lsher-Ia wi I" trophy, thirty-two to iiuallfy, without ha ndlcaps. These gtinllfled: Buyer, O. Allen. W. C. Davison. Prlnr. Trlsiile, P. (V fiavlson, Jones, Nichols, l'almatler. Griffith, Porter, Epmnter. Thomas. Shields, J. Allen. Townsend, Colt, Chambers. J. Ii. Clarke. Hunt, A. C. Davi son. 11. M. Perkins. Kemper. I'a'sh. Hill. Sholls, Cuiidlff, Morrell, La Doucleur, Iloel, McNaughton. Reckard. Chicago Races Postponed. CHICAGO, Sept. 2 The Intercity Driv ing club races at Washington Park were postponed today until Monday because of u Entries for State Fair Haees. LINCOLN, Sept. 2.-(Speclal Telegram.) Entries for the 2:27 and 2:3i paces at the slate fair, the former to be run Mond.iv and the latter Wednesday, are as follows: l'srlng. 2:27 cls: Mllford Vincent, b. h., C. W. Murray (TFllley: Dutch, b. g., W. 1U Adams of Lincoln; Rebel, b. a., M. Gallt gher of Fremont; Jenr.le l.ee, s. m., J. Neir fon of Raymond; Rene Wilkes, g. m., H. 11. Huston of Omaha: Marcouettes. b. m , J. LundKren of Lincoln; Major l.ee, b. s., J. M. Patterson of Humboldt. Paring, 2-85 rinse- Hed Hob, s g . J. M. Patterson of Humlx.Idt; F.dille Ward, g. ., R. D. Conroy of York; Jennie Lee. s. m., J. Neglon of Raymond; Maccourttes. h. in., J. B. I.undgren of Lincoln; Kena Wilkes, f. m., H. B. Huston of Omaha. At IHiughcrty arrived with Han Antonio Pete, the trotting steer, this evening. Racing; at Battle Creek. BATTLE CREKK. Neb, (Special.) The Closing day of the race meet here, yester day, aaa a record breaker in point of at tendance. In the 2:4u trot or pare. 1'1 purse. Macknetta won in three straight heats; Lorket, aecond. Time. 2:S3. In the free-for-all trot or pace, $JO purse, John A. Hicks won In three straight heats; Plenty, second. Time. 2.17. In the free- for-all running. IT! Kittle O second. YOU'VE NO IDEA Of the wonderful merit In Hostetter's Htomnrli Hitter or the amount of good It will do you until you try a bottle You'll be agreeably surprised and won der why you suffered so long when tbU medicine wait within reach to cure you. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters Is the only medi cine to take when m 75 purse, St. Time. 0:61. Ledger won; Fast Tim at Aabarn. AUBURN. Neb., Sept. 1 (Sperlal ) Among the rsres at the county fair yes terday the 2 10 pace was won by Pplll. ltiere wars four beats, lbs Urns being fit iVi STOMACH mm poor, tongue coat ed, head aches or bowels constipat ed. You'll find In It sure relief. Thou sands haye already been cured of emaVe Ills r Malaria, Fever and Ague.