Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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How Ready for Diitribntion to Iptniih
Amtrictn War VeUraot.
W. J. Aryan Delays Drpartirr oa
Tonr Aronnd the World Vatll
After the Demoerntle
'From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. ..-(Special Telegram.)
The money recovered from the general
government for payment of etra time
served by the members of the First ami
Second regiments. Nebraska volunteers. In
the Spanlsh-Anierioan war will be ready
for distribution beginning next Wednesday
morning and will be paid out as rapidly
possible to those entitled to participate.
Distribution will be mode from the office
of Adjutant General J. H. Culver. All
members of said regiments having an In
terest In the funds arc requested to call
la person at the offlre of the adjutant gen
eral. If possible," and effect settlement after
the date above mentioned. They must bring
with them the necessary proofs of identity.
(regar Mar Have to Kaplaln.
i: N very probable that C. II. Gregg,
Member uf .the State Normal board, who
rtlrd h claim egalrst the state for payment
of Xl.tAo for hardware furnished the Kear
iey Normal -vhool by the Kearney Hard
ware company, of which h) Is president,
will have to make explanations to others
than the state auditor. Mr. Gregg as
nppolntcd a member of the Normal board
by Governor Mickey, and the fact that he
Is a member of a corporation which fur-nl.-hes
supplies to a state Institution Is In
direct opposition to the policies of this
administration and It Is safe to predict
that governor Mickey will not allow the
Incident to pass without some explanation.
U was reported today that the contract
was transferred to the Stoddard company,
which wo succeeded by Mr.' Gregg's com
pany, at the personal solicitation of Mr.
Uregg. Just why the transfer was made
or for what purpose the records In the
atate superintendent's office do not dis
close. It is not unlikely that Governor
Mickey will call upon Mr. Gregg for an
explanation, and . that In the very near
In the meantime Auditor Searle will not
Issue the warrant for the payment of the
claim until some other member of the
board signs the receipt showing that the
hardware has been delivered to the proper
authorities. Thin statement Mr. Searle
made this afternoon.
Omaha Man Arrested.
Ned Morris was arrested here this morn
ing and lodged In Jail on complaint of
Cackley Brothers, liquor dealers of Omaha,
wno charge him with embezzlement. The
particulars of the case .were not received
by the police, but according to Morris he
has been traveling for Cackley Brothers
for about a year and quit last Friday with
out making a final settlement with them.
He says he has collected some money,
probably $70 or $xn, which he has not yet
reported to the firm and probably this Is
the reason for his arrest. It is customary,
he said, for a liquor salesman to use the
firm's money he has collected when he
runs out of expense money, and that Is
what he did. He thinks Cackley had him
arrested merely to get ths settlement. Mor
ris has a wife residing In Omaha. He
was taken to Omaha this afternoon.
Colonel Matter Lands Again.
Judge Alton B. Parker, late candidate
for the presidency on the democratic
ticket. Is to visit. Nehraska on a hunting
trip next yAr. and during his stay In the
west he will be the guest of Colonel John
a. Maher. The latter Intends to take
Judge Parker and a number of friends who
will accompany him to the west, to his
ranrh, where It Is said, the best chicken
shooting In the world Is to. be found, and
keep him for a couple of weeks. A num
ber of prominent Nebraskans are to be
Invited to go with the party on the hunt.
Colonel Maher recently sent an Invitation
to Judge Parker to . visit Nebraska this
fall and yesterday he received a reply from
the New Yorker that owing to a press of
legal business he would be unable to get
away this year, but that next year he
would be glad to come to Nebraska for a
couple of weeks on a hunting trip. Oilonel
Maher will endeavor to get Judge Parker
to time his visit so that he can be here
during the atate fair next year, and then
after a few days In Lincoln visiting the
fair to take him to his ranch for the
' Bryan to Attend Convention.
Contrary to expectations William J.
Bryan will attend the democratic state
convention to be held here September 20.
It was the Intention of Mr. Bryan to start
for the orient about that time, but for
some reason he has changed his plans and
will be In Lincoln on the date of the con
vention. He, with Mrs. Bryan, will leave
within a few days after the convention
en their trip around the world.
, The populist state convention will hold
forth at the same time as the democratic,
but It Is given out positively by a prom
nent democrat that no conference commit
tee will be appointed by either convention
and that this year the democrats will go It
lone. Of course,, this mand said. If the
democrats nominate Chief Justice Hoi
comb, as it now seems probable they will
do, then the populists and democrats will
likely trot again In double harness. Each
convention, however, he said, would act
on Us own responsibility and there would
be nothing In common between them. Judge
Holcomb Is still In the west and whether
his health has sufficiently Improved to
There is a reason, and the best Kirld of a
reason, why Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair
grow long and heavy.
It is a hair-food. It feeds the hair and makes
It healthy and strong.
Healthy hair grows, keeps soft and smooth,
does not split at the ends, and never falls out.
Give Ayer's Hair Vigor to your gray hair and
restore to it all the deep, rich color of early life.
Mad. ky la. 1. C.
sTtl'l CVnW WCTOBit Fst ooei as.
iiw l aAiUkAr-AaiiXA-Vut Us UuU.
permit of him making the race Is not
known here.
Forty-one years ago today Charles P.
Manderaon, then colonel of the Nineteenth
Ohio, later brigadier general, then United
States senator from Nebraska and at pres
ent general solicitor of the Burlington,
was shot through the hips In the bsttle of
Lovejoy Station, Oa.. an Incident of the
battle of Jonesbonf. The Incident was re
called today at the headquarters of the
Grand Army of the Republic by Captain
Davis of the adjutant general's office, and
Assistant Adjutant General S-otliorn.
who were present at the battle of Jones
boro as members of the Nineteenth Ohio.
tate Fair Xotee.
The final preparations for the state fair
have been completed and everything Js In
shipshape and now nothing remains to be
done but to press the button and the great
est fair ever held In the state will be on.
President MHIor. who has churge of the
base ball tournament, lias closed contracts
for two rattling games of ball during the
week, and when asked by what teams
the games would be played and on whnt
days said: "You may say that I have
not yet decided Just what teams will play,
but I have a number of good ones to
choose from and the games will be played
by the very best amateurs In the state.
The first game will be played Monday."
Yesterday was the busiest day on the
grounds of the week on account of the
arrival of most of the county collective
exhibits and many others which are now
In place In agricultural halL Among them
Is a' 'forty-olie-pound watermelon from
Cuming county and a twenty-flve-pouna
beet froai. York county.
The Richardson county exhibit, which Is
a good one, Is being looked after by Adoiph
Aikin and Vincent Arnold. Mr. Arnold
presented Secretary Bassett with a large
pumpkin with the name "Bassetf In
rained letters upon it, of which the secre
tary Is very proud.
The woman's building, near the adminis
tration building. Is nicely fitted up and
furnished with chairs and cots, where all
tired women are cordially Invited to come
In and rest. The building Is presided over
by a matron who will make It her business
to make things pleasant for the visitors.
The Igorrotes arrived over the Missouri
Pacific this morning 'and are located on
the grounds. They were too late to give
an exhibition of dog eating prior to the
opening of the fair, as had been planned.
Commercial Day a Grand gaccess
.tnlon Services.
STROM SBVRG, Neb.. Sept. 2.-( Special )
The Young Men's Christian association
meetings which have been held here this
week have been a grand success through
out. Commercial day was splendid In every
detail, the president of the flub, J. W. Wit
son, having charge of the program. G. W.
Wattles of Omaha delivered an address In
the large tent to a large and appreciative
audience. The singing by the male quartet
and Miss Cora Conway of York was de
lightful. K. H. Packard of Omaha, the
"Funny Man." took part In the program
both afternoon and evening and was highly
appreciated. Prof. C. A. Sands of Lincoln,
the cartoonist, did some excellent work
Commercial day ended with an elaborate
display of fireworks on the public square.
This was the first celebration of the newly
organized Commercial club, which promises
much for this town and vicinity.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday union evan
gelistic services are being held at all the
churches, under the leadership of the Young
Men's Christian association's president.
Erie Forslund, and the local pastors. The
visiting pastors are Dr. J. R. Beard of
Roseville, III.; Dr. Presson of Mllford, Neb.;
Rev. L P. Smith of Unroln. Rev. Mr. Med
lar of York, Mr. J. P. Bailey, state secre
tary Of the Young Men's Christian associa
tion; W. J. Hill, chairman of the state ex
ecutlve committee, and Secretary Mead of
York, with other prominent Young Men's
Christian association workers taking an ac
tlve part.
Conntr Offers I'nlqae Exhibit at the
State Fair.
YORK, Neb., Sept. 2. (Sjeclal.)-York
county s exhibit at the state fair will In
measure give an Idea of the wonderful
productiveness, wealth and prosperity of
the county. Last year the wonderful ear
of corn on exhibit from York county was
tne wonder of the farmers who saw It and
hub year mere win ne on exhibit a corn
boy made out of York county corn by Miss
Mary Harris of this city. The boy will
occupy the place of a pupil in the model
rural school presided over by a teacher
made of grass. The teacher was made by
a Rock county woman. In the educational
department will be a map of York cbunty
made of corn by Alex Bulgrln, a farmer
who raised the corn, also drawings, water
color sketches, paper cuttings, etc. This
exhibit will be presided over by Miss Nel
lie Schlee of Lincoln.
Pickpocket Is Caasht After Ckaae.
AUBURN, . Neb., Sept. J. (Special.)
Charley " Fox of Omaha, but formerly of
Brownvllle, this county, yesterday at the
fair picked the pocket of O. W. Mershon
and stole from him his gold watch. Fox
was detected In the act by Mershon, who
gave chase, calling for assistance as he
ran, and In a few moments about loo men
were In pursuit. Fox Jumped the fair
grounds fence and made off In tbe direction
of the Missouri Pacific depot, but was
overhauled by Henry Culwell, a farmer
boy, and arrested. Fox was turned over to
the sheriff and lodged In Jail and this
morning a complaint for larceny from the
person was filed against him. It Is said
Fox Is a dope fiend and hardly responsible
for his acts.
Art Oa . La wall. Mass.
i er
SYIB'S PtLLcPar eeastlaatlea.
!' Atolia CUuE-at aatiam Sad
Candidate! Irs Pledged to Esfnie Fr
Transportation la Ten. .
Resolutions Ala Endorse President
Roosevelt's Klabt for Railroad
Rate Herniation and
Against Trusts.
YORK, Neb., Sept. t-tSpecial Telegram.)
Today's York county republican conven
tion was the largest held In recent years
nd, while there were some lively contests,
the convention was harmonious and the
best of feeling prevailed after the con
vention. The convention met In the large
court room and was called to order by D.
W. Hoyt, chairman of the county central
committee. W. O. Downing was elected
chairman and J. E. Hart of G res ham was
elected secretary. R. Price of Thayer, E.
W. Morrison of Bradshaw and B. Camp
bell were appointed a committee on creden
tials and I. W. Baker, O. V. Post and T.
E. Sedgwick, committee on resolutions.
There was a cail by townships on the first
vote for treasurer and R. R. Copsey, the
present deputy, received every vote. For
county clerk William Miller of Tork re
ceived a majority of votes. County Judge
Taylor received the unanimous vote for
county Judge. For sheriff John Afflebaugli
was nominated. Charles O. Stewart was
nominated fur superintendent of public
schools, A. B. Codding for surveyor snd
Dr. HIrsch of Gresham for coroner. The
convention decided to nominate r candt
date for register of deeds and Harry Bel
cher of Bradshaw was nominated. Captain
N. P. Lundeen, the present register of
deeds, did not realize that the convention
was about to nominate a candidate and In
the convention received a nice complimen
tary vote that came without any work.
The following are delegates to the state
convention: J. A. Johnson, R. B. Price, E.
B. Crownover, Thomas Fisher, H. M. De-
trich. D. W. Morris, A. L. Sandall, J. M.
Tucker, W. O. Downing, Robert McCon
aughy, George f Shreck, C. E. Wheeler,
Henry Chambers, H. W. Fay, James Ilgen-
frlts, Robert Henderson, A. J. Pursel, G.
W. Henry, B. Campbell, T. E. Sedgwick
and H. S. Harrison.
The convention endorsed the administra
tion of President Rooeevelt, "under whose
administration the country Is enjoying un
precedented financial prosperity, peace and
honor with all nations and tranquillity at
home." Other resolutions endorsed Gov
ernor Mickey and the state administra
tion, and the course of Congressman Hln
shaw, "who Is supporting the president,
correcting abuses and establishing . rural
mall routes In this dlBtrlct."
A resolution was adopted demanding the
abolition of railroad passes and free trans
portation of any kind or character In this
state except to actual and boneflde rail
road employes, and requesting that no one
be nominated for office who would not
pledge himself to decline all passes. Each
candidate nominated In today's convention
pledged himself not to accept a pass.
A resolution was adopted "that the action
of Attorney General Brown In his efforts
to break up the Grain trust In this state
has our approval and we trust that he
will continue such prosecution until all
unlawful combinations In this state are
made Impossible."
After the business of the convention Con
gressman Htnshaw addressed the conven
tion. But few knew that Mr. Hlnshaw
would be In attendance. His speech was
highly appreciated and enjoyed. York
county will again bring In one ' of the
largest republican majorities of any county
In the state.
Lincoln Also Opposes Passes.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. Sept. I (Special
Telegram.) The republican county conven
tlon of Lincoln county met this morning
and affected a temporary organization. F.
H. Longley was chosen chairman and Ray
Langford secretary, and a committee . on
credentials appointed. The ' afternoon
session began at 2 o'clock with 103 dele
gates out of 112 present.
A committee was appointed to select
thirteen delegates to the state convention
which committee named Thomas Orton, O.
A. Bacon, A. P. Kelly, F. H. Longley, Lin
coin Carpenter, L. H. Dow. William Yost,
W. V. Hoagland. Andy Seharmann, Irs,
Bare, Oscar Neale, Charfea Spafford and
D. T. Qulgley. The action of the commit
tee was approved. Resolutions were tin
anlmo'usly adopted commending President
Roosevelt generally and on his stand
against the trusts and for railroad rate
legislation In particular, and congressmen
from Nebraska were urged to support him,
The . atate officers were commended for
their efforts ' to compel the railroads to
pay their share of taxes. Such a revision
of the national tariff as would operate
against the trusts and their effective com
bines was adopted. Another resolution de
manded that passes be given only to rail
road employes and In no event to office
Voting for county officers then began,
County Judge Elder was selected by a vote
of 64 to 3S, Mart McCullough being the
opposing candidate. Clyde Trotter of Brady
was nominated for county superintendent
on the first ballot, with a vote of 4 to 46
for William Ebrlght. There were thirteen
candidates for county clerk, and after four
ballots Frank Elliott was nominated. Ira
Miltonberger defeated Lincoln Carpenter,
the latter being a candidate for a third
term, by a vote of 6 to 26. On the first
formal ballott Paul Meyers was nominated
for county surveyor by a vote of 58 to 17
for Morey. F. H. Longley was renamed
for coroner by acclamation, as was E. 8.
Davis for county treasurer.
In the First district quite a scrap oc
curred for county commissioner. On the
first ballot Fred Kade, the present Incumb
ent, got fourteen and C. C. Hupfer thirteen.
The second ballot resulted In Kade getting
thirteen and Hupfer fourteen votes. Ksde
arose and protested, declaring that certain
parties were not allowed to vote separately,
but voted with the North Platte Ssrond
ward against their will. The Third district
named B. C. Willis for commissioner after
a nsat.
For Roosevelt and Against Passes.
SCHUYLER, Neb.. Sept. t-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The republican county convention
to select delegates to ths stats convention
was held at the court house here today.
The convention passed resolutions endors
ing President Roosevelt's -action In regard
to railroad rate legislation and declaring
against the pass system as an evil tending
to corrupt legislators. The following were
selected delegates to the state convention:
I W. Dickinson. George Werta. Q. W,
Kibbler, C. M. Johnson. J. M. Mundill,
Thomas Walker, J. J. Hansen, 8. C. Web
ber, E. T. Hodsden and Fred L. Werta. It
was decided to hold a convention for ths
purpose of nominating a county ticket at
Clarksnn, but no date was set. It will
probably be held Inside of a month.
Johnson Connty Ticket In Field.
TECUM 8 EH, Neb.. Sept. t (Special Tele
gram.) The republican county convention
for Johnson county met at the court house
In this city today. There was a contest
for ths offices of sheriff and county clerk
and nominations were made by call of
precincts for both. AU other nominations
were made by acclamation. Following Is
the ticket: For treasurer, John Ward; for
clerk. W. C. Redfield; for sheriff. W. H
Woolaey; for superintendent of public in
struction, B. E. Dill; for aounty Judge,
James Livingston; lor coroner, Dr. a. J.
Rubenmsn: Tor surveyor. R. A. 8wartwout;
for commissioner. Third district, J. J.
Brown. The convention adopted resolu
tions approving generally the actions of
President Roosevelt and commending the
heroic Intercession made by him for the
purpose of securing peace between Russia
and Japan. Resolutions were also adopted
Instructing the delegates to the stste con
vention at Lincoln to use all honorable
means to secure the nomination of Judge
8. P. Davidson of Tectimseh for supreme
Judge. Congressman E. M. Pollard was
present and addressed the convention on
the Issues of the day.
Adams Names a Ticket.
HASTINGS. Neb., Sept. 2.-(8peclal Tele-
gram.) In a harmonious convention, pre
sided over by .Fred P. Olmsted, the repub
licans of Adams county this afternoon
nominated these candidates for county of
fices: Robert RadcllfT, for clerk: James
Crowley, for Judge; Robert Williams, for
sheriff; A. Downing, for superintendent;
D. M. Morris, for treasurer; C. A. Heart
well, for surveyor; A. W. Achley, for
Harmony In Antelope.
NELIGH, Neb.. Sept. 2. (Special.) The
Antelope county republican convention was
well attended, complete delegations being
present from nearly every voting precinct.
Although there was no contest over the
three leading offices the present Incumbents
being renominated by acclamation. Reso
lutions were adopted congratulating ths
pisple upon the prosperity attending a re
publican national administration, indorsing
President Roosevelt and especially com'
mending his successful effort In bringing
peace to the, warring nations; favoring
reform measures and the correction of the
abuses of the pass system and equal taxa
tion of corporate interests; denouncing all
unlawfulness and commending the efforts
of the attorney general In pushing the
suits against the elevator combination,
Delegates to the state convention were
elected as follows: C. H. Kelsey, C. El
lington, George Hughey, Dr. Fletcher
E. T. Nellor, M. A. Decamp. F. Schmidt.
L. Wattles, F. Hales. J. R. Nlchol
John Scott, B. B. Barkdoll, B. W. Mc.
Kean, George N. Seymour, George Coup-
Traveling Man Gives Bond.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept. 2-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Charles F. Ash, traveling sales
man of the Kincald Lumber company of
Lincoln, was arrested here today on a
complaint sworn out by Isaac Casebeer of
Blue Springs, charging him with assault
with intent to do great bodily Injury. Ash's
arrest was the result of an altercation at
Blue Springs last night In which Case
beer was cut several times with a knife
The case was set for hearing October 7,
and Ash gave bond for his appearance on
that date In the sum of $500. He left for
Lincoln tonight.
Coming's Bis; Bank Deposits.
WEST POINT. Neb., Sept. 2.Speclal.)
The deposits In the three banks of West
Point, as shown by the reports at the close
of business on August 25, are a trifle over
110,000. This magnificent showing Is the
greatest ever made In the history of this
city. It represents deposits of over $.130 for
each man, woman and child In the city and
over (40 per capita for the entire popula
tion of Cuming county.
News of Nebraska.
BEATRICE- The Beatrice nubile schools
open Monaay, eeptemner t.
BEATRICE Rossell Bros. snd John
Cramer left for Lincoln today with a car
load of fine hogs to be exhibited at the
state lair.
PLATTSMOUTH Mrs. Weber, wife of
Police Judge Weber, fell down a flight of
stairs last night; sustaining a palnrul trac
ture of the collarbone.
BEATRICE I-overs of the national game
at this place are trying to arrange a series
or. games to ne piayea nere neiwcen me
Wymore and HavelocK rail teams.
BEATRICE The King's Daughters gav
a carnival at the home of Mr. and Mrs
A. S. Maxwell last evening. It was quite
a social event ana was largely attended.
BEATRICE At a meeting of (he Fourth
ward hose company last night Charles
Munee was elected rorematr1 to succeed
Ollie Blxler. wno nas locator in UKianoma
I.EIOH The first day of the onen season
for prairie chicken hunting brought out
manv hunters yesterday. Those who were
out report the chicken crop light in this
WE8T POINT Work has been begun on
the actual survey of the new town of
Cehllng, on tne ureat wortnorn railway,
three miles east and a hnlf-mlle south
of the southeast corner of Cuming county.
BEATRICE Norcross Bios., who recently
purchased the grain business of W. N.
Snellman at this nolnt. are enlarging their
elevator and making other necessary Im
provements toward modernising their prop
erty. GENEVA The management of the Fill
more county fair feel greatly encouraged
over the prospects for an unusually suc
cessful fair September 12 to 16. There will
be good races, with full entries In all
PLATTSMOUTH The Board of Educa
tion has appointed Miss Patty E. Matthews
of Auburn, Neb., as teacher In the Latin
nd German departments, taking the place
made vacant by the resignation of Miss
Ethel Beatie.
WEST POINT J. C. Pinker, clerk of the
Cuming county district court, has been
notified by Judge Graves that the Septem
ber term of court has been postponed until
December 18 and that there will be no Jury
called for that date.
BEATRICE Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sonde-
regger, who have been spending the summer
at their old home In Switzerland, arrived
home today. They were accompanied by
their daughter. Miss Clara Sonderegger.
who has been In Swltserland for eight ears.
BEATRICE F. D. Kees. who has lust
sold his hardware store and building to
p. p. Pearson, late or nattamouth. will
build a factory and engage in t lie manu
facture of screen door hinges, cornhuskera,
etc., on a much larger scale than heretofore.
BEATRICE About forty friends of Mrs.
Peter Watson assisted her in celebrating
her birthday anniversary last evening. Re
freshments of Ice cream and cake were
served and the hostess was the recipient
of many nice presents as light tokens of
BEATRICE The rcnuhllcan primaries to
elect delegates to the iiuubllcan county
convention, to be ' eld he-e next Tuesday,
were held today. The only contest was in
the Fourth ward, where the McCallum
ticket won over the ticket headed by Saund
ers, after a lively fight.
WEST POINT The annual county Sun
day school convention was held In this city
last week, t-very acnooi in tne county was
represented and the meeting was one of
unusual Interest and profit. Prof. Steldley
and Miss Haunes, state workers, were here
and addressed the convention.
LEIGH Mrs. William Herbst died at the
Mercy hospital at Council Bluffs, la., yes
terday morning, after an operation for ap
pendicitis. The funeral will be held from
the Congregational church here. Sunday
morning. The deceased had lived on a firm
north or town for several year.
BEATRICE Gus Alcorn and J. C. Griffin,
the two men lodged in Jail here, suspected
of being the parties who held up and
robbed F. K. Klmberly of $16 in cash at
the South Sixth street bridge Wednesday
night, were released yesterday, as Mr.
Klmberly was unable to Identify the men.
KEARNEY Philip Manshls. a farm hand
who has been working for Henry Newman
of Prairie Center, attempted to commit
suicide by slaahlng his throat and both
wrists with a pocket knife In a cornfield
on the Newman farm yesterday afternoon.
Tbe wounds did iiot reach aiiy allelic, and
the man will recover.
STANTON A horse was stolen from the
barn of August Zllmer. living two mllos
west of this place and one of the old set
tlers of this county. The horse la a black,
chunky animal, about years old. weighing
about l,3uu pounds and valued at $110. The
sheriff has offered the usual reward of $00
(or the arrest and conviction of the thief.
BEATRICE TTie Beatrice delegates to
the national firemen's convention at Kan
sas City returned home last evening. J. L.
Schlek of this city, who la chief of the
Beatrice volunteer fire department, was
re-elected treasurer of the national associa
tion and Albert While landed the office of
vice president of the Nebraska association.
FREMONT-Fred Graver was arrested
yesterday on the charge of violating the
city ordinance by leaving his team un
hitched. There were a number of hogs
in tils wagon and some aacks with wire
over their mouths. Grover was unable to
give a satisfactory explanation as to how
he came by the hogs and flatly told the
officers It was none of their buslnesa.
He was put In Jail and will be held until
the caae can be investigated. It la thouaht
they may Lave been siulea from a farmer
near Valley who reported the loss of sev
eral head.
PLATTSMOVTH The home of Michael
Bajeck, in the west part of town. fauK"1
fire Saturdav evening and was totally de
stroyed. The fire started In the kitchen,
on the north side of the house, and the
wind caused the flames to spread rapidl .
Nothing In the house was saved. The loss
is estimated at $3,000. partly covered by In
surance. FREMONT In the district court today
Mrs. Clara 8tewrt was granted a divorce
from her husband. R. W. Stewart, on
the ground of failure to support and also
received $EW alimony. The P" "J
prominent In social circles. HaJvy
Streator. also of this city, was given a di
vorce from his wife on the ground of de
sertion. Sne mane no
WEST POINT-During a severe wind
storm the framework of the tower on th,
new church at Monterey wna blown down
Snd cmnpletely wrecked The tower was
100 feet high, fifty-eight feet of brick and
fortv-two of frame and galvanized Iron.
The" carpenters had Just finished the frame
work of the upper portion when the torm
arose and blew It down. No one was in
jured. WEST POINT The first case In Cuming
county under the Inebriate law was heard
by the Board of Insanity this week. A
complaint was filed charging Joseph i Mc
Keegan of Bancroft with lelng grossly
addicted to the use of intoxicants. A large
number of witnesses were heard and the
accused admitted his condition. He was
adjudged a fit subject for treatment and
was conveyed to Lincoln by Slreriff Kloke
Monday morning.
FREMONT E. Williams of Leavltt is In
the county Jail awaiting a hearing on the
charge of bootlegging. The sugar town Is
dry, but the employes of the factory have
apparently had plenty of booze lately,
which was brought to them from Fremont.
It was found that after Williams came to
Fremont considerable . drunkenness fol
lowed and It Is claimed he had done quite
a business peddling liquor by the drink.
FALIS CITY P. S. Heacock, one of the
largest buyers of grain In the southeastern
part or ine siaie. uo .
rr i m i. niv anil mi l run
iiam iouKiu linn .--.'
. .rain hn.lnes. The
mill Is one of the largest In the east ha.f
of Nebraska ana ib a now !"'
with the latest and best mill machinery.
Heacock has quite a string of elevators n
the southeast comer of the state and Is In
a position to run tne mm ami m a a
institution out of It.
. . . n tv. n a ha. hMn eon.tner
able complaint In Falls City recenUy that
the owners ana ami-ri i aui...i.....---been
disregarding the speed limit fixed by
. i, A , V, m at a I a TaUnt
tne city oruniam w - - ---
Thursday Roy Farmer was arrested for
driving a macnine tasier uimi um num.
his trial vas neia aiurutt.y """"
. . . . i , ... n T t u. u nroven that lie
lore juui- ... ,, - - - - - -
had run his machine faster than the law
allowed and he was fined $6 and costs. The
city officials have Instructed the officers to
watch for any runner vioianou . " .
Grain Report Delayed.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 1-The Agricul
tural department has announced that the
monthly grain report for September will be
Issued on the 11th Instead of the 10th Inst.,
because ths last named date falls on Sun
day. Fenrfnl Carnage
occurs every day from cuts. Injuries, etc.
Stop bleeding and heal ths wounds with
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 26 cents. For sale
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Fair la Nebraska Today, Warmer in
North Portion Fair sat Warmer
WASHINGTON. Sept. i Forecast of the
weather for Sunday and Monday
For Nebraska Fair Sunday, warmer In
north portions; Monday fair, warmer.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair Sunday and
For South Dakota Fair and warmer
Sunday and Monday.
For Colorado Fair Sunday and Monday,
warmer In west portion,
For Wyoming, Montana and Utah Fair
Sunday and Monday.
1 .octal Record.
OMAHA. Sept. 1 Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of Uie last three
years: I 1W6. 19. 19U3. laoi
Maximum temperature.
Minimum temperature..
Mean temperature ....
M so
73 68
.00 .eg
Temperatures and precipitation
turea from the normal at Omaha since
March 1 and comparison with the last two
Norma! temperature
Deficiency for the day
Total excess since March 1.
Normal precipitation
Deficiency for the day
Precipitation since March 1..
Deficiency since March 1...
10 Inch
10 tuch
..146 Inches
1.14 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 1t04... $ 86 Inches
Escesa tut eor ertod, tit laches
The Sorosis Store announces
the arrival oj the most ,
complete line of Ladies Fine
Shoes for Fall ever shown in
this vicinity.
Seventy-four different shapes
and styles of Sorosis, assuring
the most difficult foot
a perfect fit.
Sorosis are now ready for your inspection
203 S. 15TH ST.
Back and Front Views of a Paddock Overcoat Designed by Mr. A.
H. Proud, Designer for Dresher, for One of
. Omaha's Leading Men.
.. ' .
Winter Will Soon be Here-You Need Clothes
Come in and let us show you our large stock of the latest Fall
and Winter Patterns.
Fit and satisfaction guaranteed.- Expert workmanship.
Jit G9rlmmly 1515 FAR NAM ST. OPEN EVENINGS.
4 4 Too Busy Making Clothes to Close. " k T
Cheaper and better than ready.-made. Made of all
wool goods by good tailors. Style, fit and finish guaran
teed. Other suitings and overcoatings up to $45.
Trousers to order $5 to $12.
We carry a large line of fine imported goods, all ex
clusive patterns.
By contracting for the entire output of one woolen
mill we get our woolens at very litle above the actual cost
to the manufacturer.
We offer our patrons the benefit of this splendid buy
ing arrangement. It means that the price of every suit or
overcoat is from $5 to $10 less than former prices, with
the same good workmanship and the Barae close personal
attention to style and fit that has made our store the
Mecca of good dressers.
Mr. J. A. Kylen, formerly 44Rylen, the Tailor," 320
South 15th street, is at tbe head of our cutting depart
ment. Mr. Kylen is a first-class cutter, fitter and tailor,
and has direct supervision over the making of all gar
ments, f
No clothes allowed to leave our store unless satis
factory in every respect.
MacCarlhy-Vilson Tailoring Co.
304-306 South 15th Strt
Pheae H0. Nest Deer te Wabash Tlsket Otflee.