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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1905)
TITE OMAHA ILLUSTRATED BEE. Gossip About Plays, Players and Playhouses X - - HE last week ti a busy one with manager all over tha country and by tha end of the coming weak the theatrical Mason of -) will be well under way. Styles vary and much of man's being that of method tastes chanx, but that nature Is apparently Immutable. AY hat little w know Is so Inftnltexlmally smnll compared with what we do know that From every city come reports of theaters sometimes endeavor seems useless, but the opening and of companies start) nc, and the mall Is full of m&nacerlal notifications as to their Immediate Intentions, all point Ins;' to the busiest season the stace has known in many years. No trepidation, owing to the more or less serious disasters Inherent desire to learn the unknown Is always ready to spur the Investigator on. Present day problems afford as much In terest to the Inquirer as ever, but the widening of human experience has been fol of the last two seasons. Is Indicated by the lowed by an almost equal broadening of i'i vpB.rn.wonF, ana it is plain that the men who have their money Invested In amuse ment enterprises are confident of sharing with others In the general prosperity now being- enjoyed by the country. Omaha Is sure to share In this activity, the addition of the II ur wood theater adding Just that much to the Importance of the city from a theatrical business standpoint. This bouse will very likely be ready to open on the Kith Instant. The Boyd will begin Its regu lar winter season on tomorrow night, and a probabIei .olutlons for veed questions have 11 uiu kyua.j wie urpnuuui win open. The Kruff has bean rrindlnr tv&v Inra human thought, one effect of which has been to reduce to almost a minimum the element of speculation In dealing with the various factors of social existence that come under consideration. It Is to this conservative attitude that much of the so called romance has been removed from the drama, for authors and actors alike are more and more attracted by realism and undertake to faithfully present facts rather than mere theories. Possible, If not early In August, and la doing a very satis factory business, although It has bad to compete with the parks In some decidedly hot weather. With the coming of cooler nights the crowds that go to see the melo dramas will grow to their old-time propor tions. All the local theaters were bright ened up during the summer vacation, and were never more attractive In appearance than now. Manager Relter will have the box office at the Orpheum open ail this week, in anticipation of the opening of the season next Sunday. One of the greatest blessings vouchsafed to man U his Inability to forest what la coming to him. lie may Imagine certain events as likely to occur, and can plan his future on a speculative basis, but the only certainty he wots of deals with what has already transpired and Is reckoned aa past. This Is why we are continually turning our eyes from the blank wall Just ahead of us to the easjr. and oftentimes satisfactory retrospective vista that leads back along the highway of human achievement. The only regret that can seriously affect this is that our Judgment of the present Is likely to be warped by remembrance of what baa occurred. Nowhere Is this more manifest than In connection with the stage. So universal haa the custom- become to compare present performance with past achievement that even the most optlmlstio and cheerful of the reviewers are tinged with a spirit of disparagement In their dealings with the drama and its exponents. Now and then someone undertakes to In sist that the present Is as good as any thing the past had, and places left vacant are being very acceptably filled; even go ing to the occasional extreme of saying that In some ways progress has been made. But these ebullitions of hope are quite apt fee) met by frowns of scepticism or the VMralouR shrug of Incredulity and the voice of hope is again silenced. Every age has had Its genius, and none has been utterly devoid of worthy achieve ment, and as the present is heir to all the past, It Is not at all flattering to ourselves to admit that we are not doing things aa well as they used to be done. Along cer tain lines of endeavor we may not have ac complished Just what was done before our day. In certain directions a limit may have been reached, but this Is by no means established. "What man has done that man may do" Is a trite saying, but It Is alwsys applicable, and nowhere does it apply with greater force than It does right here. It Is probably true that the present age seems more prosaic and matter of fact than any, but this la very likely be cause It Is the one we live In. Research and discovery hare done away with a great deal of the material from which the romance of the past was manufactured, but the progress made has not in the least extinguished the desire for further advent ure latent in the nature of every well con stituted and normally healthy individual. Men and women are just as prone to go on quests today as ever, the main difference been offered, although the deeper questions that concern man In his gregarious state have been but lightly touched upon aa yet. The great dramatists who have dealt with these subjects have applied themselves to a more or less superficial consideration of some of the minor phases, realising as do all Investigators, that knowledge has scaroely begun to unroll "her ample page rich with the spoils of time." They there fore feel constrained to move carefully in what they undertake, believing that the next day likely will bring forth new dis coveries which may u;set all existing theories, and compelling the reformation of thought. The advantage of this Is that It dispels dogmatism, which was so great a part of the working capital of the men but lately called to their rest. With the abolition of dogmatism has not come a loss of faith, and hope bums brighter than ever. Patient endeavor moves slowly for ward, and. If the drama of today does not glow with the genius that marks that of other days, it Is not because the genius does not exist, but because It Is grappling nearer than ever with problems of life, and feels more keenly than could Its predeces sors the uncertainty of the path along which It proceeds. It may not get Its meed of contemporaneous recognition, but It Is certain that future generations will pay to some who live and work now the tribute due to those who build better than they know. Quite a distinct departure from the beaten path, and one that Is fraught with great possibilities, Is "The Maker of Men," ture. even If they should be disappointed in their expectations, and when she has gotten him Into a responsive mood she tells him the truth. He takes the blow philosophically, and the act ends with the husband feeling It Is better to have such a wife and two such fine boys than to be manager of any bank. The lesson taught Is that of healthy content. This has been preached to us since the time of Solomon, at least, but it Is rarely given such prac tical application aa In "The Maker of Men." Tills sort of content Is not tnt which breeds sloth and stagnation. It Is the content of a healthy mind, which Is not satisfied with conditions that can be Improved, but which does not give way In face of what seems the Inevitable. It Is a content that does not cease to struggle, but looks forward with the dawn of each new day In the bright hope of doing some thing worth while. "They also serve who only stand and wait," but not nearly so well as they who do the humble appointed task because It has been set for them, keeping always mind and body In condition to take up a higher and more responsible place If called upon. The discontent that leads one to discouragement and a cessa tion of effort because success seems un attainable Is the thing to be avoided. The truly happy man is the one who tries every day to make himself useful, and who has sufficient self-respect to believe that the world Is better each day because he is living In it and trying to make It a bright and cheerful place for others to live In. And this Is happiness that can only be purchased by work. It Is not for the Idler, but is within the reach of everyone who will take hold and do something. Coming; Eventi, The scenes of "Sunday," the new play In which Charles Frohman presents Miss Ethel Barrymore at Boyd's theater on Monday and Tuesday, and which ran for three months to crowded houses at the Hudson theater In New York, are laid In a western mining town and In England. Sunday is a young girl, the daughter of an Englishman who had tried his fortune In the far western mining town and had died, leaving her a baby In the care of his four partners rough, big-hearted fellows. When the play begins she has become a young woman, tenderly cared for and educated by her guardians. They have realized that she Is entitled to a better schooling than Is available at home and are about to send her to a convent. But a young English man, the black sheep of a wealthy old family, has taken a fancy to her and draws a glittering picture of the life they two could lead In London. Sunday thinks he tlnn and Mr. Ponaldson relates with con siderable pride how he aided the distin guished Norwegian In many ways and was afterwards vaccinated by him. Becoming interested In some of Ibsen's manuscripts, the embryo actor Joined a traveling com pany and played a wide range of parts. He came to this country ago and starred In "Ton Tonson" and "Ole Oleson." The actor has many experiences to relate of life In the northern lumber ramps where be played with these com panies, the audiences being made up wholly of Swedes who voiced their approval not In the conventional hand clapping, but In loud voiced whoops. Mr. Donaldson has appeared as "The Prince of I'llson" over a thousand times. cation of Mr. HrP." the clever Gibson cnmeily bv Augustus Thunins, which hod such a long run In New York last year, to the preparation of a cook book. In It he threatens to toast and roast everybody he knows, and It Is feared by those fainlllnr with the sharpness of his sarcsstle moods that he will turn out several novel recipes. R It Rothern and Julia Marlowe are re number of years hearsing In the three Shnkesperlan produc tions In which naries r ronman win pre sent them this season. Mr Sothern. Ml Marlowe and the principals ate rehearsing at one theater, scene light and music re hearsals are taking place at another house, while auxlllarlm are In rehearsal at a large hall. The plays for this season are "Tam ing the Shrew," "Merchant of Venice" and "Twelfth Night." Edna Mav opens the season at Paly's theater on Mondav night In "The Catch of the Season," the Fngllsn musical piay now AMI HKME3T9. AMI SF.MC1T, if' The London Dally Express says In a re cent Issue: The long run Is very much in evidence at the moment. Last night "Veron Ique" was played at the Apollo for the four hundred and fiftieth time; "The Catch of the Season," at the Vaudeville, for the three hundred and ninety-fourth time; "Lady Madcap," at the Prince of Wales, for the two hundred and forty-sixth; "Leah Kleschna," at the New, for the one hundred and eighth, and "The Walls of Jericho," at the Garrlck, for the three hundred and fourth. The long run is therefore a timely topic, and It will be Interesting to recall a few of the remarkable things that have been achieved In that direction. A few particulars, also, about record short runs may appropriately be given. approaching Its rth night In London. Blie Is supported by an entirely English com pany and a bevy of French girls from the Folles Hergere. Ambassadeurs and other Paris music halls. The authors of "The Catch of the Season" are Seymour Hicks and Cosmo Hamilton, lyrics by Charles H. Taylor and music by Haines and Baker. Messrs. Lasky, Rolfe Co.. whose mu sical noveltv, "Ye Colonial Septette," was one of the great successes in vaudeville last season, will shortly put forth a mili tary spectacle In three scenes, entitled. "The Military Octette and the Olrl with the Baton." It will be one of the most elaborate productions ever made In vaude ville, as three massive sets of scenery and a company of fifteen are required for its presentation. E. S. Wlllard will sail for Montreal by the Allan Line turbine S. 8. Victoria on Thursday, September 14. and begin his season in that city Octoter 2. The English .u.rH..n ,f htm fnrnnnnv whlnh Includes Mr. Frank Dyall. Mr. Ernst Stallard. Mr. H. 1 WOODWARD & BURGESS, Managers. OPENING OF THE REGULAR SEASON. To begin with, here Is a list of some Cane, Mr. Walter Edmunds, Mr. Ivan Simp. famous successes, with the number of their consecutive performances in London: Charley's Aunt.. 1.4 our Flat Our Hoys J,J A Runaway Girl The Private Sec- The Gondoliers.. retpry 1,000 Niobe The Chinese The Shop Girl... Honeymoon .. .1.W0 The Girl From Dorothy Vil Kavs San Toy The Circus Olrl. U Poupee 778 (jualltv Street... The Geisha 7'W The Yeoman of A Country Olrl. 70o the Guard Sweet lavender T'" I"lanthe 338 Patience W The Pirates of The Toreador.... 675 Penzance 261 The Mikado 672 645 fii'S Hit K.D MB 500 4.' 423 a one-act play by Alfred Sutro, which was means to make her his wife and Is about produced at the Lyceum theater. New York, by Margaret Illlngton. Its possibili ties He in the fact that It deals more di rectly with one of the greatest problems of life than has been the custom, and in troducing, as It does, a homely and prac tical phase of existence,. It teaches a most valuable and needed lesson In that practical philosophy which sustains the healthy minded under adversity and disappoint ment. The play Is a dialogue between bus band and wife. The man is a bunk clerk, poor and more or less harrassed by bis poverty and the Increasing needs of bis growing family. He tells his wife that he soon expects to be made manager of the bank, with a corresponding Increase in salary, and that then their troubles will be over. While they are discussing this pleasant prospect a messenger arrives with a letter from the bank which the husband thinks contains notification of his promo tion. He hands it to his wife to open and she discovers 1tl It the announcement that one of the Junior clerks haa been given the post to which her husband was looking forward. With that wonderful sympathy that distinguishes the wife and mother from the mere companion she sets about to picture him the happiness they have enjoyed in their station, how well they have gotten along in spite of the poverty both have felt and how much they have to hope for In their two boys. She con vinces him that they have been so badly off that they need not worry over the fu- SCHOOL9 AND COLLEGES. THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME NOTRE DAME, INDIANA. Twe bears' rUe tress Chisago. 123d Session opens Tuesday. September 12, 1905. . COURSES OFFERED Classical jrtars A. . English 41 r hitt. B. Mlstery mmi teonomics 4 years Ph. B. Jearaallsm Post Graduate, 1 rtw-Ulk M. Osaeral Scleace 4 years B. a. Chsailstry years-B. S. la Blolegy 4 years B. a. la BioL Pbarsaacy Eaglaeerlag alKhaiitoal hortWhanl t I i ua. lbiotnol M t. la B. B. Mart KlMtrkml J rttn. The Calverslty offers every facility for a complete Collegiate Training ia the AncUnt an4 Modern Claasioal Courses, Econemlcs and History, Journalism end Sclonoe. The Law, Chemical and Pr-Mdlcal (Biological) Courses under an Increased oe rps of professors adore students spe cial advantages la tralalag far prateasioaal life. Technical Course The gradastes la lbs Otrll, Mackanlcal, ana Klortrtoal Knglnoorlog Course are Is eoeetaat .na. for too train ing Is thorough la orery respect. There 1 e two year or short course fa both Electrical and atauhanlcal Koglassr- Architecture This course has been Introduced as a natural outgrowth ef the splendid Civil Englneorlng Course and Is deelgnsd to work In hanaony with It. The rourse combines s mathematical education with a complete courss of archi tecture. The olueee are under the direct suporvUtoa of a distinguished architect from Chloage. Pharmacy This coarse opens broad Bold to young men. attontloa given to laboratory work. Special Preparatory School Architect are 4 Vearo-B. S. la Aeon 1 torture. S LL. B. The studies In the Preparatory Department are equivalent to the meet advanced High School cotira. roeicelled op portunities for student ia grammar school grade. Commercial Course Notre Dame give Commercial students a complete busi ness training. St. Edward's Hall for boys under tl Is unique In tb completeness of He equip, ment. It afford puplle the rare adTcntages of the Pre- riaratory School and tho tender care of lb Sl.t.r dur ng study hour. The Gymnasium with a track hU 100x10 feet -a Phjretr! Culture room its 10 feet perfectly oqulrsed. a 10 er athletic Bld. apaclou recreation ground. t-e lake for aquatic eports, a lrg Indoor awlmmlng poal 10 1 7 feet, leer nothing to b de sired for the upbuilding f the physical man. Free Rooms for Students ever IT who r adml'etbl to the Sophomore. Junior or Sonlor year ef any rolleglat court. Room to rnt to studenU er 17 who cannot qualify for the clue. Catalogues Free Tb PVMldftnt Solicits a Mrtnn.1 tnenactlnit nf .- ITI vereitT and It equipment on the part of parents. auardlna and student. Tb c nlrerelty mr be reached br the Lake maw m skiiih Bouinem. in ursna Truua, to vsndalia, tb ladlaaa. Illinois A Iowa, and tb allchlisn ntrl rail- wts. ana in inieruruan aircinc rallwaj of Northern Indiana and Southern Mtcalgaa. Adare.ti THE REV, JOHN CAVANAL'QH, C. S. C, Box SOU. NOTRB DAMS, INDIANA. r parent, guardians SPECIAL COURSES Elecatlea Parliamentary Artlstle Drawla Practical Mechanics Applied Electricity Phonography Typewriting Mulc, Instrumental and Vcl Telegraphy Physical Culture BROWNELL HALL -OMAHA Home School for Toung Women. Advanced seminary and college ireparatory ooursee Certificate admits to Vassar, Werlesley, Mount Holyoke, Bnilth. the Univer sity of Chicago and the University of Nebraska Kxcepiioiial advantage In music, art and tho modern languages. Well equpiied gymnasium. Tennis. AHd lux-key and other out-d.jor sports. Instructors colletia graduate of large leaching experience and extended advantages In European travel. Students muthered s nipathetu-aUy by experienced women who appreciate the needs of young womanhood, bend fur Illus trated prospectus, alias Macrae, rrlncipal. ST. DERCIIMANS' DAY ACADEMY FOR YOVKQ LADIES. ISDF.H CAKE OP SISTEKS OP MEHCV. Thorough courses In Academic, Preparatory and Primary departments. Kinder garten for little ones; Be miliary for small boys. Music and Art unU.r competent Instructors. ' SCHOOL REOPENS SEPTEMBER 6th- tit AND ST. MARY'S AVENUK to consent to fly with him when he arnv gantly states that, of course, his social position would make their marriage Impos sible. She is Indignant at the Insult, and as be seizes her In his arms, Jacky, the youngest of the four miners, appears and shoots him down. Sunday Is sent at once to the convent, from which she Is later taken to England by her father's relatives. Sunday meets and loves Colonel Brlnthorpe of Brlnthorpe Abbey. He Is the brother of the man killed by Jacky.' It Is not long before he proposes marriage to Sunday, and It is not until then that Sunday fully realizes her position. She cannot marry him without telling him his missing brother was killed while insulting her, be cause that would incriminate Jacky. She Is obliged to reject blm and gives as her rea son "A man Is between, us." He supposes It to be a former lover, and she, to stop further Inquiry that might lead to Incrim inating Jacky, allows him to think so. The last act Is laid in her far-western home. The four miners are delighted to have her back again and the old life Is going on In much the same old way, when Colonel Brlnthorpe arrives. Sunday tells him the story of the shooting. The colonel loves Sunday and Is satisfied that his blackguard brother deserved death. A merry, bright and clean farce, "Mrs. Temple's Telegram," which ' comes direct from Powers' theater," Chicago, after a successful of run of three months, will be the attraction at the Boyd theater on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday even ings. The play tells of the adventures of one Jack Temple, who, having been com pelled to stay out all night, returns to his wife in the morning and endeavors to ex cuse his unavoidable absence by telling her the truth. Finding that this is disbelieved he resorts to a lie, which for the time being serves his purpose, but which Anally Involves his entire family household and friends, stirring up a condition of affairs and tangled situations that furnish abun dant amusement for everyone. George Ade's great American comedy drama, "The County Chairman," will be offered at the Boyd on Saturday and Sun day next with matinee on both days. The cant Is headed by Theodore Babcock, whose rugged personality tits him for the role of Jim Hackler. Others who All important roles are George Thatcher. Richard J. Wl lon, James Bradbury, Charles Burke, Mar cus Morlarty, Will Phillips, Ruby Bridges, Ijiura Ay res, Zemalde Williams, Florida Klngsley and Grace Romlne. "Arizona," which Is announced as the attraction at the Krug theatre for two nights and two matinees, starting with a matinee today, promises to be one of tho dramatic treats of the season and Is too well-known here to need any description. The story Is of a rancher's daughter marry ing an elderly colonel of the United States cavalry, and tiring of his attention, she plans, or rather Is forced to submit to the planning of Captain Hodgeman to flee Ith him and leave the stifling , sands of Arizona, forever. The plan Is balked ' by the daring conduct of Lieutenant Denton, the special friend of Colonel Bonham. As to be expected, the situation turns against Denton and Hodgeman escapes for the time being without even the suspicion of guilt, only to receive his Just deserts in the end. There will be a special popular priced matinee on Monday (Labor day,) September 4. For two nights and Wednesday matinee, starting Tuesday night, "A Girl of the Streets" will be the attraction at the Krug theatre. This play exposes to public- gaze a social strata that haa never been seen on the stage before. It is said to be one of the moot vitally human plays written In years. The engagement la for two days only. The patrons of the Srug theatre will have the pleasure of witnessing a new play Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The play Is IJncoln J. Carter's latest, 'The Eye witness," showing the struggles of a young man to save his home from falling into the hands of his cousin, "the vllllan." During the action of the play the principles are carried through all kinds of exciting ad ventures and hairbreadth escapes, and gor geous scenic and electrical effects. There will be the usual matinee Saturday. Over. tAbout. Augustus Thomas, as may be recalled. Is of the strenuous sort. And he believes that he has brought his family to look upon the art of self-defense In the right light. "My eldest boy, Luke." said Thomas recently, "has always been my chum and comrade. Wishing to bring him up with a proper respect for the strenuous life, I taught him most carefully and showed how, If attacked, he could counter a blow and so strike back as to land on the point of his opponent's Jaw and put the other fellow out. He had the thing down pat, and aa he had had con siderable trouble with a neighbor's son. Tommy Perkins, I told him to be sure and land on Tommy's Jaw the next time he got sassy. Two days later Luke came Into the house with his right eye In deep mourn ing. 'Met Perkins, eh?' I asked. 'Did you follow my Instructions and land on his Jaw?' "Yes, father,' answered my son. 'And did he go out?' 'Yes, f.ither. He went out all right, but about five minutes later he came back wrth a brick." " Richard Golden tells an amusing anecdote of a Scotch property man who was con nected at one time with the same organiza tion of which Guidon was a star. The Scotchman was prone to drink a little too much occasionally, notwithstanding a sin cere devotion to religious principles and a prefunctory compliance with his Idea of worship and reverence. On one occasion ho got home among the "wee sma' hours," undressed himself wltb some difficulty and went down, on his knees beside the bed, where he sent forth some Incoherent mut terlnzs. "What's the malter, John?" asked his better half. "Are ye no feelin' weel?" "Am feelin" a' rlcht," replied John, "but a cunna mind a dumued wlrd o' ma prayers." Western Military Academy viatl9m' nth year. New fireproof buildings. Modr equipment. Delightful location. Numb, limited. Strong faculty. Trorough mili tary and academic department. Local refer nc. CL Albert M. Jaeksea, A. at, Prealdeal Iota Aetar ftories. Arthur Donaldson, who is tha original "Prince of Pilsen" In the sterling musical comedy of that name, has had an ad venturous career both on the stage and off. He comes of Norway atock and like the vikings of old Mr. Donaldson has Inherited the love of the sea. He went with his father on many cruises and finally landed In Christlanla. At that lime Ibsen was a struggling author seeking a publisher for his first work, "Katallna." In a smallpox plague w hich broke out in the city Ibsen s services fee a doctor were called Into rtquisl- Wlllls P. Sweatnam has become a trading stamp fiend; that Is he "was until recently, when he gave up the herculean task of accumulating enough stamps to get himself something valuable. Ills wife was desirous of a new piano and the actor started In to smoke cigars with which coupons were given. He was told that If he got together 6,iX) of them he would be given a late model upright. He stuck at the task bravely and at the en I of a month had a wonderful bunch of the green tags. Although a little pale, his determination was unshaken. At the end of the second month he walked into the cigar store and throwing his pre miums on the counter said: "You tell me If I get 6,000 of these you will give me a piano." "Yes," replied the clerk. "Well," continued the actor, "by the time I get that many I'll not need a piano, but a harp." A Maaeland Gossip. N. C. flood win has returned east and Is busy In rehearsals of ''Beauty and the Barge," which opens at the Lyceum theater. New York, on September . In addition to rehrarslng all day with Robert Loraine In "Man and Superman," Kay Davis Is playing her original part In "Mrs. Letnngwell's Boots" at the Lyceum theater. New York. Grace van Studdlfnrd haa been added to the Shubert ranks and goes out this season as the star of "Lady Teazle," the comic opera produced last season, with Lillian Runnel! in the titular role. George M. Cohan says he Is not a knocker, but here Is one of his boosts, which will be endorsed by several millions of people out f west: jay uarnyaro viman, trie man witn the knock In hU voice, played pastors, last week. Poor Tony." Henry B. Harris has secured the latest work of Charles Klein, the author of "The Music Master." The play, which Is yet unnamed, treats of a prohlem of to day. It will be produced with a special cast In October. When Miss Nella Bergen, who In private life Is Mrs. De Wolf Hopper, made her dehnt In vaudeville at Proctor's theater. New York, she was given an ovation by the entire I-anibs club as a testimonial of the regard for the popular comedienne. Henrietta Crossman's company in the new modern comedy, "Mary. Miry, Quite Contrary." includes Louise Gtlloway, Miriam Nesbltt. Blanche Weaver, Ida Vernon, Boyd Putnam. Walter Thomas, Oeorg Woodward, Addison Pitt, John Marble and C. A. C'handos. Henrietta Crosman will make her first professional arpearanre In Ixndon In the fall of Ilk). It has been definitely settled that she will play a Ixindon engagement at one of the leading theaters, but no de cision has been reached as to the plays she will present. It Is likely, however, that she will appear in repertoire. The engagement of Sam Bernard In "The Rollicking Girl" at the Herald Square theater. New York, continues so successful that Charles Frohman has extended the time to October 12. The timo Mr. Bernard was to play in Boston will be taken by Lawrence D'Orsay In Augustus Thomas' new comedy, "The Kmbaasy Ball." Blanche Ring; ha been engaged by Lew Fields aa the principal feminine member of his company this season. Miss King has been with Frank Daniels In "Sergeant Brue" from the time the English piece was brought out In this country late last sea son. She fills the void In the Fields forces caused by the defection of Marie Cahlll. Milton Royle and Oeorge V. Hobart are responsible for the lyrics of most of the onts which will be used In "Moonshine." the comedy with music, which they wrote for Miss Marie Cahlll. and In which she will star Jhla season under the management of Daniel V. Arthur. It Is said that the verses are Immensely r lever and that the miic, which Silvio lleln has composed for them, assure success for the songs. eon. Mr. J. W. Lawrence, Mr. W. Banter, Miss Leila Repton and Miss Mabel IMibois, sailing on the same day per the Dominion Line S. S. Ottawa. Henry B. Harris has re-engaged the en tire company seen last season with Rob ert Edeson In "Strongheart." It Includes Edmund Breese, Mary Boland. Frank Gheen, Frank J. Mclntyre, Francis Bonn, iAiulse Drew, Richard Sterling. Marjorle Wood. Tavlor Holmes. Lucille Stanford, Harrison Ford. Gertrude Yerxa anil F. A. t Turner. Mr. Edeson begins his fifth an- nual tour with a four weeks' engagement at the Savoy theater, New York, com mencing August 28. An Interesting event at the opening of the Lyceum theater. New York, was the first presentation In this country of the work of Alfred Sutro, the brilliant author of "The Walls of Jericho" and "Mollen trave on Women." It was In lhe shape of a one-act play. "A Maker of Men," which preceded Augustus Thomas' comedy. "Mrs. LefflngweU's blnots." Margaret Illlnglon made a genuine hit as the wife and Ernest Lawford gave a good performance as the husband. There are but two parts In the play. The latest tip Is that when Sam Ber nard's New York season In "The Rollicking Girl" comes to a close Joe Coyne will leave the cast and Join the Henry W. Savage forces. If Raymond Hitchcock continues n success In "Easy Dawson" Coyne will have the star part In "The Yankee Consul." In case Hitchcock falls back on his old suc cess Coyne, It Is sHld, will go Into a new production as a featured member of the cast and will subsequently be added to the Savage list of stars. Coyne is one of the In dividual hits of "The Rollicking Girl" at present and has long been regarded by shrewd managers us a star possibility. Mabel Taliaferro has been selected to play the principal role of Nance Olden, tho reclaimed thief. In "In the Bishop's Car riage," soon to be presented In stage form. This Indicates that the management will utilize the youtlif ulness of the leading character to excuse the moral shortcomings of the heroine of this story. Miss Talia ferro Is a splendid selection for the role, as she Is youthful to the extent that but a season or two removed this clever young actress was regarded as a child prodigy. Arthur Byron will play the role of Lati mer, in support of Miss Taliaferro. The dramatization by Channlng Pollock was given a few trial performances In New England a week or two buck, and was highly spoken of by those who witnessed the original performances. Isabel Irving has consented, that Is, to wear tights when she appears as Roxana In Clyde Fitch's play, "The Toast of the Town," which he. has written for Viola Allen. It was left to Mr. Fitch to break the news to Miss Irving gently. He took Percy Anderson's costume plates and lay ing them before the actress, asked her If they were not very attractive. Miss Irving looked them over with expreslons of pleas ure, until finally she came upon one of the Romeo affairs, when she cried; "What in Heaven's name Is this?" Here is where Mr. Fitch's persuasive powers came into use. The fact that Miss Allen had worn much the same aorl of thing In "Twelfth Night" carried a good deul of weight with Miss Irving. Anyway, rather than dis appoint Miss Allen, she has consented to weur the costume In question. The one hundredth performance of Frank Daniels In "Sergeant Bruu" was obsorvod last Thursday night at the Knickerbocker theater, New York. In a way unique in the atrical annals. There were no souvenirs. Mr. Daniels In his inimitable speech after the ' second act referred to his pleasure that "Sergeant Brue" had rounded the century murk, and suggested that, though he believed souvenirs to be out of fashion, anyone wishing a souvenir could take home a chunk of Ice from the waer cooler. Mr. Daniels has been playing "Sergeant Brue" to record breaking business In New York and now, having completed a run which has exceeded In receipts all hot weather records at the Knickerbocker the ater, he will make a tour of the principal cities. The big "Home Folk" production, under the direction of Joseph Brooks, Is to open its season In Indianapolis, Monday, Sep tember 11, where It will be presented for one week. Following this engagement comes several more Important cities of the middle west. An especial feature of the production Is the lifelike representa tion of the old swimming hole In the third act. Here the boys of the village are surprised by the man owning the riparian rights and he hides their clothes, leaving them to get home as best they can, which they manage to do by covering their nakedness with a lot of empty barrels. "Home Folks'' Is by C. T. Dazey, who wrote "In Old Kentucky" and a number or niner successes, ana tne scenes or ine play are laid In southern Illinois Just after the war of the rebellon. TWO NIGHTS Alonduy and Tuesday MR. CHARLES FROIIMAN Presents ETHEL BARRYMORE IN A NEW FOUN-ACT PLAY S,U 3T ID -A. "ST y THOMAS) RACIWARD Prlcaa 5c, SOc, 7Se, $1.00, $1.80 THREE NIGHTS Wedixeid&j, ThvrsiUy, Fridtxy WALTER N. LAWRENCE Present THI LAUONINO-ROOM-ONLY SUCCESS Mrs. Temple's Telegram 100 Nights Madison Squsr Thostsr Nsw York. Coming Direct from Its Threa Mentha' Successful Run at Power ' Theater Chleaga CLEAN, CLEVER AND BRIGHT. ELABORATELY 8TAQEO AND COMPANY OF UNIFORM EXCELLENCE Prices 28c, 50o, 78o, 91.00, $1.50 TWO NIGHTS TWO MATINEES Saturday and Survday Matinees EacK Day THI BIST AMIRICAN PLAT BY THB GREATEST AMERICAN HUMORIST HENRY W. 8AVACE OFFERS GEORGE ADE'S MASTERPIECE OP HUMOR AftO HEART INTEREST THE COUNTY CHAIRMAN A PLAY OP LAUGHTER PRE-EMINENT Produced with all the massive elaboration of scenic appointment and detail which distinguished Its NEW YORK RUN FOR ALL ENTIRE SEASON And Enaeted by A CAST OP PAMOUS PLAYERS and 78 Auxiliaries. Prleea-aSo, SOo, 7So, $1.00, SI. 80. Positively N rraa usi KRUG I'RICKS 15c, 25c, SOo and 73c. MAT1XKKS, ALIi SEATS. 23c. Rl"MAY MATINEE. 10c. 2.V and BOf. Two Night and Two Matinee", Starting With Matinwn TODAY. Special Matinee, LABOR DAY, September 4. ijirr1" ARIZONA G8S THE SAME GREAT COMPANY. One year each. New York, Chlcnsro, London, Ens. Grand Production Complete. Two Nights and Wednesday Matinee, Starting Tuesday Night, SEPT. 6. DECKER & VERONEE Present tho Big New Melo Dramatic Farce-Comedy, GIRL OF THE STREETS With Miss Laura Allxrta and Superb Oo. Every women should sea thla $lay. aaaHMHagnMaHlaHaaaaHnlHMMaaHBBHaHnMaaaMaaM Three Nights and Satnrdny Matinee, Starting Thursday Night, SEPT. 7. LINCOLN J. CARTER'S LATEST SCENIC WONDER, p g A Mammoth iTodno- Detail. Combined The Moat Startling Effects. The Most Thrilling Situations The Most Exciting Climaxes. The Funniest of Comedy. The Most Costly Equipment ever accorded a play of this Character. ML-- - 1 Dramatic ic Splen r for the) on of the To Believe you must See. "W ITNESS Coming: "THE SULTAN OF SULU." SEAT SALE MONDAY MR. THOMAS J. KELLY . TEACHER OF SINGING Wishes to announce the opening of hia season. It is suggested that those who wish to secure the best results should begin work at once as Mr. Kelly's season will close earlier than usual. Studio Residence, 2550 Dodge St. Appointments made by 'phone 2027. rv'cpjEiehTOrf Phone 404. Anna Lauchlln. the pretty little Dorothy of 'The Wizard of Oi, who hss been with that piece from It original performance In Chicago three seasons afro, g to be a mem ber of the "Iand of Nod" company, now flavins; at the Chlrag-o opera house. Bho will succeed Mabel Harrison and later goes Into vaudeville for a brief period to fill out nine bookings originally made for her be fore the new Chicago engagement came up. Dlgby bell la devoting his spar tlm, while on the road as the star of ' f Uo tdu- OPENS SUNDAY. SEPT. 10. With Modern Vaudeville RESERVED SEATS OX SALE MONDAY SEPTEMBER 4. Sherwood EYaUsic School Fine Arts Building, Chicago. William H. Sherwood, Director. FACULTY OF UMINRNT INSTRUCTORS. Most Artistic. Scientific. l-Tactical and Thorough Courses of Study. Completely equipped and offers the best modern advan tages and methods In all departments -at moderate cost. Fall Ttrm Will Opn September 11, 1905. For Catalogue address, L. HUMPHREY. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER SUNDAY--M Bhe CALUMET Ghatslaln School of Languages FRENCH OQStl GERMAN Sept. 5tll r SPANISH OAYigfiULM., 1ITJLAJI0 f AfLSAU STS. AT September 4 to 8 SPECIAL TRASWS VIA Will Lcavo Omaha Sept. 5th, 6th and 7th at 8:15 a. m.f Returning Leave Lincoln 7:30 p. m., Stopping at Fair Grounds Other Trains Leave Omaha 7:20 1, m.. 1:30 p. n., 4:35 p. n., 8:55 p. n. Rate One Fare Round Trip For further Information call 1323 Farnam 6t., Omaha F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A.