Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1905, Page 2, Image 18
cepTrrnoer 8, ltoo TI1E OMAnA ILLUSTRATED HEH. Omaha Boy in he South Pacific Seas I TDNET, Aupatralla. Aug. 10.- (foriTuponrtonf of The ne.) Far down In southern ramie ran Ilea the larRest Inland rontl nent In the world. From east to weat It measures 2,1 miles and north to anuth I. "no miles, .or as large almost aa the ' T'nlted State. Purronndd by balmy sens, delightful aurf learhea, capacious harbor and ao favorable a climate It hna been well said the whole might lie turned Into a gnr clen of flowers and troplcr.l fiillage. Geo logically It la one of the oldest portion of this old earth of our; historically It ha scarcely begun. Put when Australia ahull take Ita proper plare among the world na tlona, and Ita hlHtory cornea to be written. It will tell of another new world aa large rs that found by Columbus; a vnat empire. Indeed, won without the greedy atrlfe and horrible bloodshed that ha usually ac companied the dlacovery and winning of new countrlea. Toward thla wonderful country beneath the Southern Croaa the course of our good ship the Ventura was directed. The twenty-flrat dax the hour of expectation came when the Australian coaat should loom up. But the ahadea of night fell and found the anxloua eye of many peering out through the misty gloom for some light, the welcome algn of land. Eight hells tolled the midnight hour, the deep hoarse voice of the lookout for'ard had cried "all'a well." when again hla deep, solemn voice sang out "Light ahead!" It waa the famous Hornby light on Sydney Heads, visible at sea for nearly fifty miles. Tha news spread quickly and from their cablna men and women came out In the biting cold of that winter morning to look Upon' a light flashing nut through the dark nesa, high above the rocks of a coast where many a ship has met awlft dlsaater. "All' well!" ao sang the lookout, his word drifting away In the dark night, to ba caught up by the winds and borne far out ocrosa the Taamanlnn ea. Those words Tvere a happy ending to a long voyage, full of restful hours and pleasant pastimes, but also surrounded by the dangers which do accompany all those who go down to tho aea In ahlps. Dann on the Australian Coast. ' When the first soft streaks of dawn were coloring the Australian aklea the Ventura passed between two bold, lofty headlands Into one of the finest and most capacious harbors In the world, the harbor of Sydney. Gradually the morning brightened and re vealed the headlands, hills and bays In all their refreshing loveliness, while the aky above became tinted with the most delicate and exquisite coloring. Here It must be confessed waa the most beautiful dawn we have ever seen. Guarding the harbor mouth were two glnnt frowning walla of rock, over which the golden beams of the early morning sun were Just stealing. The anchors dropped, the voyage ended and soon we were ashore In a land of rare and strange contradictions, where eagles are black and awana white, where kangarooa have four legs, but run upon two only. A land atrange Indeed where Christmas comes In midsum mer, where warm winds blow from the south? where the sun shines while we sleep and the trees shed the bark and not the leives in winter. Here nature has most bountifully cast her favors fiver a country less than one-nfth amaller than the whole of Europe, providing at the same time all those needed resources that are used In the process of building up a great nation and assuring It also of future prosperity, greatne and Independence. For auch de velopment Australia possesses, with a mild seml-troplrnl illmnle, a pure soil of great fertility and a magnificent coart line In dented with the finest liurbors, and above oil this sunshine and skies that rival even sunny Italy. . Xoted Features of Sydney. Sydney, our port tf arrival, capital of New South Wales and largest city In Aus tralia, has a population of about Cin.nnn. The thing that Impress one most favorably about Sydney are It's, beautiful harbor, a fine beach at Manly, a world-famed botan ical garden and the charming Farramatta. river. The rsotanlcal gardens are worthy of some passing mention. Situated in the' center of the city they are classed among the finest In the world. These gardens com prise about fifty acres and are laid nut In terracea leading down to the shorea of the bay. Plants and treea are found here from every part of the world. Though It was July and midwinter, yet I found roses, pansles, fuchiaa, tulips. lilies and gera niums clothed In a wealth of gorgeous coloring and growing In the open air. There were also some fine specimens of the giant fern tree, which grow to the height of fifteen feet or more, while exactly re sembling the small common fern. The principal buildings of note In Sydney are the city hall, pontoffice. art gallery, free public library, a university and two cnthe drala. St. Mary's Catholic cathedral and St. Andrew'a Episcopal are two tine ex amples of Gothic architecture. The univer sity, also of Gothic design, overlooks the city from high elevated grounds. This In stitution gives a liberal course of education to all without creed distinction. Walking through the streets of Sydney, or In fact any city In the commonwealth, one meets no algn of being In a strange, foreign country. On the contrary, every thing seems to have an air of the old world about It, serving to remind one of Bnpland. Tho people are English In their habits and customs. The public buildings are English In style and many of them out of date In architecture. Barrooms and that other regrettable English Importation, bar maids, are to be found meeting one every where. Such an occupation for woman place. her at once outside her proper sphere. Though well aware of many evils at home, we In America have too much re spect for our women to allow them to be come aervera of beer or dlahers of whisky. On the streets one also sees a great deal of the rags and remnants of former respect ability, who, shameless, unahaved and dirty, parade the streets with soles flapping from ,hoes and with no remarkable adornment save a red nose. These professional boocers are found loitering, laxy and thlrsty tongited. outside every barroom. Such specimens of humanity are a degradation and a disgrace to the country. Amerlrnn War In Melbourne. Melbourne Is a fine city that must Impress every visitor. Tossesslng broad, well laid-out streets, magnificent churches, large warehouses and public buildings of modern design. It Is not surpassed by any city In the colonics. The Melbourne people adopt American methods more quickly and agreeably than their Sydney neighbors. They are extremely polite, sociable and warm-hearted. Indeed this Is a trait that belongs to the colonial people as a whole. One cannot travel In that country without making friends; nor can he leave It without carrying away the most happy Impressions of a people who have always time to be courteous, kind and friendly. Combined with this the colonial people are lovers of home life. They cultivate It. The women, too, are more domesticated than ours. Home life and domestic attachment after all play no unimportant part In the life of a nation. It this respect must we admire the colonials, and regret that the bustle and excitement of a great Industrial and commercial life in America has somewhat smothered the finer appreciation of home life with ltB kindred-blessing, domestic attachment. Perhaps In these character istics the Australian people possess the keynote to more harmony and ease In everyday life, more happiness In the home, and more genuine satisfaction with life Itself. "An Australian Woman In America" has lately written some very condescending arti cles about her travels In America. It la well known already that railroad travel In Amer ica Is the finest and fastest In the world. Tet this colonial woman found there was "nothing extraordinary about tho observ ation car on a New York Central train;" that "meals In the dining cars cost a dol lar," and that "you pay for a colored at tendant who doesn't wait on you, that the barber shop on the train Is for mere men, and that there was really nothing superior In American trains to Australian trains." A alight acquaintance with Australian trains lately convinced me that no compari son can be made between the two. The rail ways In Australia are controlled by the government, and like all governmental affairs they are alow. They have no ob servation cars, dining cars, or even Pullman parlor cars with all their familiar conveniences. No barber's shop Is found on the best Australian train; perhaps they had them for "mere women." Two trains run dally between Sydney and Melbourne. The distance Is 582 miles. The mall train, the slower of the two, takes twenty-seven hours to make the journey, while the other express takes eighteen hours, or same time as the New York Central Flyer travela 1,000 miles between New York and Chicago. The most Improved trains In the colonies are modeled after American trains, and even then we must be timid in making comparison. Time In Australia Is the same as else where, nut the people are slow. They take lire easy without hurry or bustle. Rualness begins at 9 a. m. and punctuality la rare. That age of progresslveness has not yet arrived when railroad guides are to be found free of nrcess to all In the reading room of every hotel. Stamps bought In one Australian state are, of no use In another state. There are a thousand and one opportuni ties for greater progress and Improvement on all sides, but the people have not yet awakened to the fact that there Is crying need for a more strenuous every-day life In their midst. Country at a Stnndatlll. Australia Is world-famous on account of Its gold mines, coal fields and Its sheep grazing. Gold, silver. Iron and copper are found In the mountains lnexhnust Ible In quantity and rich In quality. The principal coal mines are found In New South Walea and Queensland, between Brisbane and Sydney. The New Castle mines are of audi vast proportions that a whole fleet tf steamers and Billing ships are employed In carrying away the enormous and dally out put of coal. Sheep graxlng Is carried on extensively, the land being well adapted for the pur pose. T'pon the sheep runs, aa they are called, Immense numbers of sheep are kept graslng. It Is not uncommon for one man to own 20,000 to 30.000. In a aeaaon of drouth great numbers of theae animals perish, the ownera Buffering frequently financial ruin. The natural conditions of the country are, however, otherwlae so favorable that at present over 8.000,000 head of cattle, l.iinO.OOO horses and 65.000,000 sheep are amply fed by the Australian graxlng fields, while In the vegetable world oata, rye and wheat, besides the choicest tropical fruits, such as the orange, the olive and the grape find easy growth and cultivation. Notwithstanding conditions so favorable, men are to be found Idle all over the country. Many, Indeed, are willing to work without wages In order to obtain food to eat. Every ship leaving Sydney for America brings large numbers of Aus tralian young men, who, discouraged with life at home, have resolved to try a land where so many have gone before them and aucceeded. Among them are ma chinists, carpenters, tailors, engineers, clerks and various other occupations, they are men of bone and muscle, the very life blood of the country they are leaving. The obstacles that seem to He In the way of Australia's development are want of population, dry seasons and bad govern ment. Yet In spite of these drawbacks some measure of praise must be given to the people who have bo far helped to build up the country. Industrious and busy seaports surround the continent on every side, railroads connect the Inland towns with the coast cities, and the tele graph and telephone have Invaded some of the wildest solitudes of the Australian bush. VICTOR T. NOONAN. Some Quaint Features of Current Life 0 Eceentrlo to tbe Finish. HE most remarkable burial on rec ord In Illinois was that of W. B. McClelland of Peoria county, which occurred recently In a cem etery near Elwood. No hearse conveyed the remains to The last resting place; no minister of the gospel stood over the bier; no relatives were present and no mourners assisted In the final rites. Tha Interment, however, was exactly In con formity with the dying request of the de cedent and of the wishes frequently ex pressed by him during the remaining years of his life. For flfteen years McClelland waa engaged In business at Nokomls, 111. Recently he became 111 and was Informed that his days were numbered. He betrayed no emotion over the Information, but aent for two residents of Nokomls. John Thorp and R. C. Hanlon, to whom ha Imparted his lost wishes. He swore them to compliance by a solemn oath and they regarded his last requests, atrange and unaccountable as they appeared, aa sacred. The Instruc tions were as follows: First That no undertaker should embalm hla body or have anything to do with It. Second That no car wheels should .turn under his coffin. Third That he should have a metallic) casket, which should be placed In a spe cially constructed vault. Fourth That his remains should be in terred In the cemetery at Elmwood, Pe oria county. Fifth That no preacher should be around when he was laid at rest. Sixth That no hearse ahould be used. Seventh That none of his relatives should be notified of his death until one day after his burial. . Hanlon and Thorp carried out these In structions to tha letter. Ckarae on Red Klmonoa. To be chased by a bull In a department Stora waa the thrilling and novel expe rience of a number of women and chil dren at Norrtatown, Pa. ' The animal escaped from a herd being driven down Main street, when at De Kalb it made a dash for the store door. Bales women screamed In alarm to the shoppers, and there was a scramble for the tops of counters and showcases, while a number of the salesgirls sought refuge by climbing up the shelving. A counter heaped with kimonos, many of them fiery red, proved especially attractive for his bovine highness, and he oharged upon them and was throwing them helter skelter when the "cowboy" took a hand and drove him Into th street. Several of the women had fainted meanwhile. Stopped la the Middle. A curious Incident Is reported from Colchester, England. Owing to various de lays a wedding did not start until eome time after the hour set for it. The offl rlatlug clergyman hastened the ceremony aa much as possible,- but waa unable to finish it before 3 o'clock in the afternoon. after which hour weddings cannot legally be performed In that country. The cere mony had to be stopped in the middle, and the pair remained unwed for the day. The London Globe says: "Instances of mar riages being interrupted In this manner are naturally very rare, now that the legal limit has been altered from 12 o'clock, but before that weddings had very often to be postponed owing to there not being suffi cient time to finish the essential part of the service," Strange Recovery. A remarkable case of the recovery of the use of power of locomotion was that when Ethel VanderBloot, daughter of Edward rr. Vandersloot of York, Pa., who had not walked In twelve years, said to her father: "Papa, I want to get up and walk," straightened up, raised her feet and pro ceeded to cross tha room unaided. For a dozen years she had been an in valid and for the first time In six years the girl ate dinner with her parents at tho table. The beat physicians In York pro nounced her case hopeless, and the father has spent thousands of dollars In the effort to effect a cure. Mr. Vandersloot aays that he knows of no other reason to which he might ascribe her cure than that of the prayers of friends. Physicians have been unable to diagnose her ailment. Gallantry of Sick Man. A sense of humor and a delicate compli ment was that of a Holton (Kan.) boy who was lying in a hospital. The pretty nurse overheard him exclaim: "Oh, my Lord!" Wishing to rebuke him kindly, she came to his bedside and laid: "I think that I heard you call upon the name of the Lord. I am one of His daughters. Is there any thing I can do for you?" He looked up Into her lovely face and with every mark of respect and admiration remarked: "Yes; ask Him how He would like me for a son-in-law." Canoed a Ball Moose. Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Jencka of Woonsocket, R. I , are the first Maine visitors to run down by canoe a bull moose within sight and sound of the hotel at Ktneo, but they accomplished the unusual feat and a num ber witnessed the chase. The moose was first sighted by Mrs. Jencks while on the way by canoe to the fishing grounds. On rounding the northerly point of Klneo cove she noticed an object in the water near the shore, which she at first took to be a log. Closer examination showed that It was moving rapidly out into the lake. She called the attention of the guide to the objtct. "It's a moose. Reel in your lines," he whispered. For a while the guide held the canoe In the shadows near the shore, al lowing the moose to put sufficient water be tween him and the shore so that retreat would be Impossible, and then the race be gan. With a good start a moose can lead the best of canoelsta, but in this case the guide had matters his own way, for head whichever way he might the moose wpuld be losing ground. In the course of due time the canoe was alongside and the occupants were stroking the shaggy back of the tired and frightened animal with their fly rods, as he surged on, snorting and grunting furiously. After a time the moose was driven ashore half a mile down tbe lake. Comforting;, Very. A young Virginia woman, who was very 111, was approached by her colored servant, who said: "Miss May, mah mothah dun had a cousin what had de same ailments what you dun got." "Is that so, Cora?" replied the woman. "Yessum," responded Cora, encouraged, "but mah mothah's cousin she died, 'deed she did." "Well, Cora," said her mistress, angry that she should tell her such a tale at such van inopportune time, "If that's all you have to say to me you can leave the room and don't come In again. I don't want to hear such stories." Cora was thoroughly frightened at what she had done and wished to ameliorate her Ill-chosen story, so she thought for a mo ment and, turning to go, said: "Well, Miss May, mah mothah tole me she died mighty easy.' Oldest Horae In Iowa. The supposed oldest horae In Iowa, aged 52 yeara, lives three miles from Stanhope In Hamilton county, and is the property of a Scandinavian farmer. Last winter he was bereaved by the death of his Juvenile mate, a horse that died in the full bloom at the age of 32. The horse that has Just completed more than half a century of life Is In fairly good flash and Is fed on bread baked with on additional ration of sugar each day. His owner is proud of him and money would not tempt him to make a sale. It Is said that all the signs of great age are present. Ills coat has not been shed for several years, and his muscles have lost their power to a degree. With all this, however, he covers four miles of country roads every day, hauling the cream from two cows to the creamery, two miles from the farm. Counted for Him, Ex-Representative James Hamilton Lewis, who was recently made corporation counsel of Chicago, told at a recent po litlcal gathering there a story of the late General Fltzhugh Lee. "It was when he waa a candidate for governor against Gon era! Mahone, the day following the elec tion, which left the count In uncertainty He came down by the way of the tlnlver' slty of Virginia and ran amuck of our old Janitor. He said, 'Zebe, did you vote for me yesterday?' Zebe replied, 'Yes, Massa Fltas, I voted yesterday.' 'I know, but did you vote for me? Now, honor bright. Zebe, tell me the truth.' To which Zebe said: 'Well, boss, the truth is, I'm a mem ber of de church; I can't tell no He. No, I didn't vote for you. Mass' Fits, but they count It for you, Jes' the same.' "New York Tribune. Freaks of Royalty and Others with Money to Burn (3 TvtnnnnnTSk Is an ordeal -vrhich all jJil U UJ women approach with inucsiiiuauic icar, lor I n n fln'Tr FT nothing compares with ZJ UUUiJJ U irJLLtfU ths Pn nd horror of . a child-birth. The thought of the suffering an da.iger in store for her, robs the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipations of tha coming event, and casts over her a shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of woro-a hare found that the use of Mother. Friend during pregnancy robs confinement of all pain and danger, and insure safety to life of mother and child. This ecientific liniment is a god-send to all women at tho time of their most critical trial. Not nlr does Mother's Friend Carry women safely through tbe perils of child-birth, but its use gently prepares the system for tha coming eTent, prevents morning ickness," and other dis- ' containing valuable information free, lbs) Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, G. HE sultan presents his compli ments to the englner in charge and wishes him to open the bridge In course of erection. In order to let a ship from the dock yard pass through at once." When thla message was delivered Into the hands of the contractor responsible for the construction of the bridge he was thunder struck. He had been working on the bridge day and night, and when the orders for Its opening came from the Sultan it waa not half finished. He approached the mlnistera of marine and finance and said it was impossible to obey his majesty's command, as ha would have to pull everything down, and It would take months to replace the scaffolding and pile driving machines. "It cannot be helped," replied the mlnistera. "If the sultan said the bridge must be opened it must be opened, or we shall lose our places, if not our heads." So the bridge waa opened, and the ship came out of the dockyard at a cost of over SSOO.OOO. It afterward transpired that the sultan bad found his Infant son crying bitterly in the harem because he could not see tho flag hoisted on this particular ship from the nursery windows. To humor the child's caprice the sultan ordered the bridge to be opened at once and a large Ironclad to be brought out of the dockyard and moored In front of Dolma bagtcheh. This no doubt pleased the boy, but It caused enormous Inconveniences to the people of Constantinople, to say nothing of the waste of money which had Indirectly come out of their pockets. The .late of Massachusetts lost f3.000.000 because a man living In Boh ton left his window open over night. He was a silk grower, and In the hope of producing a new brand of silk he experimented with some gipsy moths that had been sent to him from France. He left the moths under a glass shade by an open window one night, and next morning they had all disappeared. The shade had been overturned and the draft blew the moths into the street. Eighteen months later ' Massachusetts wu swarming with gipsy moths and they ate the leaves off every tree and bush for mites around. The damage done in two years by the Insects totaled $J.00u,tW. and the stat authorltiea apent another 7V),xio trying to exterminate the peats. One of the worat famines ever known In lower Egypt waa caused by a couple of John Hull's gunboats. The vessels went up into the marshes beyond Khartoum to capture slave traders. The slavers, who had made up their minds not to be caught easily, made a bold bid for freedom by cutting channela through the mass of vegetation which lined the main stream of the Nile. The majority of them escaped In this way, but the channels they cut In their anxiety to get away brought ruin and famine to lower Egype. The current carried the masses of loose vegetation down the river, and so completely blocked it that the Nile flood failed. United States Senator George L. Turner of Washington lost his fortune and poverty stared htm In the face. Turner was a law yer, and one day a party of miners, well known to him, who had struck a lode up in British America, near Victoria, came Into his office and asked him to make out some papera for them. "We can't pay you cash for your aerv- lcea. Mr. Turner," aald one of the party, after their business had been transacted "but we will give you some stock and call It square." At first Turner refused to take the stock as his clients were old friends of his and he preferred to do the work for nothing, but on being pressed he took the certificates and tucked them away in his safe. Two years later Senator Turner was a millionaire through these mining shares and the mine that brought him the money and made the fortune of his friends is the famous Le Rol, one of the richest In the west. Two tourists camped on the ridge of mountain lake near Como, a mining town in Colorado. While In want of something to pass the time one suggested that the other should dive Into the lake and try to discover the bottom. His friend stripped and dived in. He came up half a minute later, saying that he had found the bottom with hla head. After he put on his clothes he begun to rub I Is bead with his handkerchief. "Look at the sand," be aald, laughing, but Ills friend, who had been a gold miner, sprang up with a cry of surprise. "George." he shouted, "it's gold!" And gold It waa. The man who had dived into tha lake had struck a placer gold mine of the richest kind. Today the little lake near Como la the finest placer mine in the whole west, and perhaps the most remark ably discovered one on record. London Answers. Dollar Botfle I oa iPSiera Free We will send you free on request, one full size DOLLAR bottlo of tho Great Woman's Remedy, ZOA PHORA. reaoVr of this publication a dollar size ($1.00) bottlw of Zoa Phora tha omen's woes. The world'., groatrat cure for the monthly troubles peculiar Free absolutely to every woman Internatlnnallr famous rpmedv for wonif to women. Feminine afflictions, female weaknesses, and the ailments and diseases of womankind are strange.y subject to the curative power of Zoa Phora. Zoa Phora has rured thousands not hnndred. my sirter, hut thousands of your sister sufferers who now know health and true life, the ronifort, ftlow and plnmpn"" of girlhood days. Women In every state and neigh borhood throughout the whole country bear willing witness to the marvelous curloc qualities of thla soTerelgn remedy, Zoa Vhora. Zoa Phora Is In truth women's friend. Zoa Tliora Is orrullnrly the relief and cure for the monthly troubles which afflict all Women, the well and the ailing alike Women's weaknesses and disease, leucorrhea, falling of the womb, displacement, growths, painful and sup pressed periods, extreme menstruation or flooding, expectant motherhood, child-birth, change of life, kidney and bladder troubles, nervousness, tendency to cry, hysteria, pain over the spine, etc. these and those kindred sym pathetic troubles which women suffer yield at once to' the wondrous cure of Zoa Phora. . This Is the first and only free dollar offer of any woman's remedy ever made, and It Is made alike to ona and all mothers, wives, daughters, to any and every woman, to you my suffering sisters and to the ailing ones of your friends and acquaintances who will only even try to he well and strong again. Nowhere now In all the world can any sufferer say. "I have no hope no help no friend to aid me In my silent misery." There Is a help. There Is a cure. There Is a friend. There is a way. The help Is Zoa Phora the cure Is Zoa Phora--woman's best friend and the way Is free Zoa Phora Is free no papera to sign, no re ceipts, no promises, no letters to write, not one single task to do nothing asked In any form or manner only that you be willing to try to be yourself again and teat for yourself at our cost, free, the marvelous merit of thla sovereign oure. When you send your name and address tell us simply that you want the dollar bottle of Zoa Phora free. You will receive the full size regular dollar bottle without one cent of cost. Every penny of the ex pense Is ours, for Zoa Phora free. Address ZOA PHORA CO., 363 Free Distribution Dept., Kalamazoo, KYIich. ! Ll227 tHr fc2r' t " flDM r': 'V" In'f jj A. I. Root, Incorporated 1210-1212 Howard Street Omaha Very Good Printers Likewise Book Binders and Makers of Blank Books Labor mttm 3C Da m d f iris at West Point Park, Nebraska, AND GRAND GERMAN CELEBRATION OF SEDAN DAY Special Excursion Trains via From Union Station, Omaha, I a;C MONDAY, SEPT. 41b Only 111 Only To West Point and Return. CHILDREN HALF FARE Torchlight Procession Refreshments Fireworks. BAND CONCERTS ON THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS IN THE STATE. THE PUBLIC INVITED. TltMfFTft AT UNION RTATIOW. m Msaa atF ? av J sw wm m s -w w w m u Gives strength to the weak energy to the exhausted. Sup plies nourishment to nerves and blood. Af Ml Druggists For the well to keep well for the convalescent to get well quick. 7IJEWIJIC YOU MIL Omaha Trunk Factory Manufactures THINKS, TKAYEXING 11AQM and Kl'lT t'AHKS and Itepalnt Trunks. (iiuuliif MATTING HUT t'ASKK, Wilier bound, 33.5U, $3.75, s4.00. 1209 Farnam St. OIHYROYAL PILLS rl'Mry mw-m m wuiu mm imi. ' l h m Mt, 71 S Vf liUulaliw H la.ll I flf SUmu. m., jJ ;' bMut, m. A. ! I jf WH Parti.!!, T