Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Trouble Otsr, Belajtog of Pnement
Settled by tb Caunail.
Day mm SIM Wtphml tn Be
Employed to Look After the
Dredge Which U ow
Lying Idle. "
ast year, with an as;Tee;ate consideration
Of $109,941.68.
The city councfl did not do anything; seri
ou to Contractor Wlckham hn It met
yesterday afternoon In pclal session to
decide what ahould be done In tlie matter
of the conduit laying on South Main stret.
Wlckham's persuasive eloquence again won
the day and all the council requested him
to do waa to haul the broken atona and
Kranlte blocka he had carried away to the
cltya yard on Bryant street. . This Wlck
ham consented to do, although he said he
would much prefer leaving - them where
they were In hla yard on North Main street
and that the cfty get them when It ned,d
the blocka or the broken atone. An In
spector at the expense of the Independent
Telephone company la a! no to be placed on
the work.
Alderman Tlriley yenturad, the opinion
that Wlckham ahould be required to relay
a large part of the paring cm Main atreet
where It waa admitted that too much dirt
and not enough crushed atona had been
placed under the granite blocka. but ha
declined to make a motion to that effect
and aa none of the other aldermen seemed
Inclined to do bo the matter waa dropped.
The ball was started rolling by the mayor
who told uf personally witnessing several
loads of crushed stone being hauled away
from Main street and of seeing at least 100
graWte blocks Which had not been relald
In the places from which they had been
torn up.. Alderman Weaver hastened to
the support of Wlokham with a statement
to the effect that the blocks had been taken
up to make room for the manholes for the
conduits. ' The alderman had progressed
but a little1 way when Mayor Macrae called
mm .10 m nail, ow, oexore you go any
further, Alderman Weaver, I want you to
understand that I am not talking about
manholes, but about the excavations made
(r the conduits, and, furthermore, I hap-
N-n to know what I'm talking about." Al
Firman Weaver resumed hla seat and the
fnayor proceeded- to atate how he believed
that seeing the property owners did not
want the f aw granite blocks the city should
have them and not the contractor.
Wlckham States Ills aide.
Contractor Wlckham addressed the coun
ell at length stating that he had no desire
to do anything but what waa right and any
defect tn the relaying of the paving would
le remedied by htm. He had no uae for
'tie granite blocks or crushed stone and
would only he tod glad If the city would
haul them awav.
At this, point City Solicitor Snyder took a
hand tti tba same and with some warmth
disputed the statement of Wlckham that
In relaying granite block paving all of the
orte-lnal blocks could not be replaced. The
city attorney Insisted that If the workmen
were given sufficient time they could relay
every block. This brought Wlckham to hi
feet with an offer to bet the city attorney
IfiOO that he could not relay a block of
granite paving without leaving out a num
ber of the blocks.- Mr. Snyder declined to
accept the bet, although still maintaining
that he waa correct In hla assertion.
At the suggestion - of Alderman Ttnley,
Captain, J A, Brown, was Appointed In
spector of the work, his compensation to
be paid by the Independent Telephone
company, which It waa Incidentally stated
during the discussion, waa responsible to
the city and not Wlckham, for any defect
In the relaying of the paving over ita con
duits. The Indian Creek dredge came up for an
other round, the committee, of which Alder
man Weaver Is chairman, reporting that
It had been unable to secure a suitable man
ot U 1 day to take care of the machine.
Then once again the former action of the
council In ordering the placing of a 12 a
day watchman was rescinded and after
considerable discussion, the committee waa
instructed to secure two watchmen, one
for the day and the other for night, each
to be pad $1 M p day.
Manager liart aaoressea me council reia
.ttve to the cutting off of the rental of two
f ihydrants from the half year's bill allowed
' at the last meeting. Mr. Hart showed that
the hydrant on Twenty-eighth atreet had
been covered un by the motor company
when It commenced to tear dewn Its old
barns and that the motor company and not
the waterworks company ahould be made
to pay for this. The hydrant was In work
ing condition and that It had recently been
used by the fire department was shown
k h lei tf-ilf Wtahnlaon
A.otlon was deferred until the regular meet-
flng next week, the council deciding that
the matter' could not be considered at a
special ' session called for other sped no
Those Who Participate to Assemble
at Oi.TO.
The fourth annual street fair and car
nival parade will take place Monday, Bep-
ember 4. st in l' clock ft. m. Everybody
Intending to participate In the parade will
report promptly at : o'clock on Pearl
street In front of the carnival grounds.
The parade will move at 10 o'clock sharp.
The formation will be aa follows:
Platoon of police. '
Mayor and cltv nfnrlals.
Covalt's hand of thlrtv pieces.
The famous white esp brlsade. consist
ing of all the live, progressive business
end prnffS'lnnal men or Council tiiurts
who contribute their money and services
to make the fair and carnival a success.
Iiodse Light Guard.
Carnival band.
Patterson & Brainard Carnival com
Maces nees.
Grotesque carnival features.
High school cadets.
The line of march will be aa follows.
South on PeTtrl street, from carnival
grounds to main street, north on Main
street to Broadway, east on Broadway to
First street, west on Broadway (counter
march) to Eighth street, south on Eighth
street to Willow avenue, east on Willow
avenue to carnival grounds and disband.
Major George II. Richmond will be mar
shal of the parade.
of congratulation to President Roosevelt In
appreciation of his accomplishment In se
curing peace between Russia and Japan. A
committee was appointed to prepare a let
ter to the Japanese government expressing
appreciation of Its magnsnlmous action In
giving up Indemnity for peace.
Hew Battleship of the I nlted States
Navy Is Successfully Usnrhil
at Qalncy,
QW.VCV, Mass.. Aug. Sl.-The new 1.0X
ton battleship Vermont, built for the
United Stales government by the Fore
River Shipbuilding company, waa sucess
fully launched today.
Thousands cheered and waved their hats
aa the hull rushed Into the water. Among
those who witnessed the spectacle were
many distinguished citizens of Vermont.
Massachusetts and other places. .
The guests of honor Included Governor
Bell of Vermont, Governor Douglas of
Massachusetts, Assistant Secretary of the
Police Officials Glean Borne Startling
Iuformatien on forgerj.
Contends that Himself and Partner,
Harry Marks, Are Only Gnllty of
Vettlna- Coin I aider m
False Pretense.
Soma most remarkable Information la the
result of the arrest of Ben Shadduck and
Harry Marks, two alleged forgers, now to
await trial In the district court.
These two young men were arrested
Wednesday night, charged with having
forged and passed worthless checks, full
particulars of which were published in
The Evening Bee Later In the day they
were arraigned on a complaint filed by
Deputy County Attorney Murdock before
Navy Charles H. Darling and Commander Judge King on the charge of forgery and
Bontakoff. Russian naval attache at Wash- uttering false endorsements. They pleaded
ington. After the launching the guests not guilty as charged and waiving prellin-
were entertained at a luncheon by the nary hearing, Judge King held them to
-ore Kiver company. the district court In the sum of 1500 bond
Informal speeches followed the luncheon.
Matters In District Ooarf. .
The hearing of the application for the
appointment of a receiver for the North
western Trust company, which was to
have been had before Judge Wheeler In
district court tomorrow morning, will
have to be postponed. Judge Wheeler
who Is holding court In Sidney, notified
Clerk Battey yesterday that he would be
unable to be here, and the hearing will
probably have to go over to the September
Lena Hollenberg secured Judgment for
Sua against the Northwestern Trust com
pany In the court of Justice Gardiner on
a claim for salary aa typewriter, and yes
terday the company appealed to tho dis
trict court.
One effect of the postponement of the
opening of the September term of dis
trict cqurt here, from September to Sep
tember 11. will be to prevent a hearing in
the school vaccination case bef "'' tho
schools reopen. The hearing had l""n set
for the first day of court, with t ex
pectation that it would be determined be
fore the opening of tho new school year.
As the schools reopen Monday, September
11, the caao cannot now be determined by
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed wore Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Resilience. Age.
Perry L. Myers, South Omaha. 13
Flora E. Alistot, South Omaha lit
B. R. Johnson, Omaha CO
Ella Norman, Omaha ..4 49
Thomas H. Altrop, Council Bluffs 35
Sarah Lewis. Fossil, Wyo 27
Mention of the president threw the assem
blage Into a must enthusiastic demonstra
tion. Every one present arose immediately
and cheers filled tha lulu
The Vermont la one of the largest and
most powerful of the ships of war that has
been constructed for the United States
navy. It Is of M.0O0 tons burden, with a
length of 450 feet and extreme breadth of
76 10-12tha feet. It will be required to steam
eighteen knota an hour for four consecu
tive hours. The main battery of the Ver
mont will consist of four 12-Inch breech-
Tlie Interesting part of the story Is that
the alleged forgers rather pride themselves
upon the success they have had In tho
business elsewhere. Shadduck, who la an
alert youth with auburn hatr and an eagle
eye, made this statement to Captain
'You can't charge us with anything but
obtaining money under false pretenses. I
know what the game Is. I've had occasion
to get posted. We have been doing this
kind of business all over the country. At
Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minneapolis. Des
(per 1 ntv cubic feet. It Is contended that
the probable reduction In Omaha will at
once apply In South Omaha.
City la Healthy.
The general sanitary condition of South
Omaha, according to the last report of
the city sanitary Inspector, Frank E. Jonea,
Is very good. Mr. Jones reports but two
cases of contagious dlseasea during the
month of August. Local physicians report
the general sanitary condition good, and a
comparatively small amount of sickness
for this time of the year.
Maale City Oosslp.
Dr. Marcus King has gnne on a western
trip to spend his vacation.
Mrs. John E. O'Hern Is entertaining her
mother. Mrs. F. A. Keefe, of Chicago.
Dr. E. L. Ielanney will go to Colorado
today for a few days In the mountalna.
General Manager Robert C. Howe of the
Armour plant is In t'hlcitgo on business.
The annual picnic of the First Methodist
Episcopal church will be held this after
noon at llanrcnm park.
The South Omnha High School Alumni
association will hold a meeting tonight at
the high school st 8 o'clock. New officers
are to be elected and the class of 16 Is
to be Initiated.
Miss Nettle B. Harrington has resigned
her position aa general delivery clerk al
the poetoffice and will wed Mr. P. J. yulnn,
a postofflce clerk, next Wednesday at the
St. Agnes church.
William Clifton, formerly cattle buyer
for the Hammond company. Is In the city
on account of the serious Illness of his
mother. Mr. Clifton now resides In Colo
rado. He will visit old friends a few
ur. D. K. .Tindall announces next Sun
day's service as "rally day," being but
tw aunflavs before the conference. Mrs.
H. C. Richmond will sing a solo, and Dr.
Tlnnalls subject will hi- "My lioU. My
Christ. My Cnurch." Evening topic, "My
Visit to Uallilee."
loading rifles, two mounted forward and Molnp8 and gloux CUy we have pgescd
two aft; eight 8-Inch breechloadlng rifles
and twelve 7-Inch breechloadlng rifles. In
the secondary battery will be twenty I-lnch,
14-pounder rapid fire guns; twelve 3-poundcr
many a check for amounts ranging from
14 to $1S. We never try to pass big checks.
It's too dangerous. But It's easy money In
small checks, 'cause most any old saloon
and semi-automatic guns; six 1-pounder or cheap cIo,h,nt Jolnt wtt c&nh a imaI
automatic guns; two 1-pounder semi-auto
matic guns, two S-lnch field pieces; two
machine guns and arx automatic guns.
check If you make a small purchase."
Th police, however, and the attorneys
have entirely different opinions about the
The 12-lnch piecea will bo mounted In pairs Kravity 0f the offense, and they claim that
In two electrically controlled, balanced,
elliptical turrets. The f-lnch guns will be
the two boys, one claiming to hull from
California and the other from Sioux City,
mounted in broadside on pedestals on the are breeding a lot of trouble for tliem-
gun deck behind 7-Inch armor.
The hull of the battleship is steel through.
out. It Is protected at the water line by a
complete belt of armor 9 feet 8 inches wide.
The police say, however, that the story
of the boys la Interesting Information, and
that they will profit by It In the future,
having a maximum thickness of eleven a ther, are manv ppUy forg.rB Rt Urga
inches ror aDout zw reet amiasmps. for- an(1 many complaints of attempts of this
ward and aft of this the maximum thick- Kind. The pollca declare It will have a
ness la nine Inches within the limit of rood effect also on the saloon men and
magatlnee. from which point the thick- others who are In the habit of cashing
ness Is gradually decreased to four Inches checks which they know npthlng about Fl
at the stem and stern. The 12-lnch bar- ept on the wora 0f the person who pre-
bettes extend from the protected deck to I Brnts them.
about four feet above the main deck and voflnsr Machine. Comlns;.
consist of ten Inches of armor in front and I . e th. t-u.,.i o..t.
Ron! Estate Transfer.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
August 81 by the Title Guaranty and Trust
company of CouneH Bluffs:
L. A.' Cary and wife to Core. M. Ware
et of lots S. a. T and 8. block 1.
Walnut. Ia.. w. d t 1.80
Agnes Folsom to Lola M. Stewart,
lots M and 21. block 82. Central sub-
dlv, Council Bluffs. w..d 400
Charles H. Cove and wife to Lenora
l elnard. lot 8 and ett of lot 4, block
li, Carson, la., w. 4 1,800
James O. Mfgeath and James L.
Drulen and Wife A William Hill,
lot 1R. block 88. Central aubdlv, Coun
oil Bluffs, w. d 17S
X. C. Ware and wife to I.. A. Cary.
part of lot T. block IS, Walnut la.,
w. d. .. .0"0
Qeorge W. Llpe and wife to Dora
Crowl, lots 13 inn M. oiocg , nan
road add to Coimdl Bluffs, w. d
Total six transfers
Fnaeral of Thomas Toatevla.
The funeral of the lata Thomas Tostevln
will be held Friday afternoon at o'clock
from the family residence, 2i Park avenue.
Rev. Jb.nes O'May, pastor of the Broad
way Methodist church, will conduct the
services and burial will be In Walnut Hill
Out of "respect to Mr. Tostevln. the county
courthouse offices will be closed this after
noon at 8 o'clock and the county officials
will attend -the funeral In a body.
AH of the surviving children of Mr. Tos
tevln are here except tha eldest son, who Is
In California and who could not be reached
la time to enable him to ooana.
Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Son.
Drs. Woodbury, dentists, 80 Pearl street.
Woodr1ng-8chmidt, undertakers. Tel. 338.
Leffert a improved torlo lenses give satis
faction. Evans laundry, 621 Pearl. Lowest prices,
best work. Tel. 290.
Thomaa Askln, formerly of this city, la
visiting friends here.
Pyrography outfits and supplies. C. E.
Alexander. 333 Broadway.
Fall term Western Iowa college opens
August 28. Send for new catalogue.
Farms for sale, all sixes, easy- terms.
Squire Annls, Council bluffs. Iowa.
Council Bluffs lodge of Elks will hold its
regular monthly meeting this evening.
Duncan, 23 Main St., guarantees to do the
best shoe repair work. Give him a trial.
Fryer Printing Co.. 88 Main. Tel. 206. Let
us figure on your next order of printing.
Judge Scott of the superior court has
gone to Loup City, Neb., on a hunting trip.
Dr. Luella 8. Dean, homeopath, diseases
of women and children. Room 8, Brown
Bldg. Tel. 908.
The Western Iowa College had the largest
opening Monday since the existence of the
We have the finest line of pictures and
moulding In the city. Borwick, 211 South
Main street. Tel. 6S3.
Rev. II. W. Starr, rector of St. Paul'a
Episcopal church, and wife, are home from
Suwanee, Tenn., where they spent the last
two months.
Justice Gardiner performed the marriage
ceremony yesterday for Perry L. Myers
and Flora E. Alistot, both of South Omaha,
and B. R, Johnson and Ella Norman, both
01 Omaha.
Harmony chapter. Order of the Eastern
Star, held memorial services last evening
In memory of its departed members. Mrs.
Q. H. Jackson, state secretary, delivered
tne euiogy.
Rev. H. P. Cleland, a former pastor of
tne irst fresDyienan cnuren of tnis city
now of Duluth, is here visiting friends. The
report that he might be recalled to the
pastorate here la denied by Mr. Cleland and
uia xrienaa.
The mutual protective societies of
uoomer and Hosel Dell townships will hold
a Joint picnlo in Parish's grove tn Hasel
Dell township tomorrow. A program of
speeches, tnusio and game has been ax-
Contractor Wlckham has begun the work
of putting In the coping around the Car
negie library grounds. When this la com
pleted the Library board intends to have
tne enormous crop of weeds, sunflowers
ana comsiaias garnered.
The Woman's Christian Temperance union
win meet mis afternoon at tne Dome or
Mrs. Maggie Frank, (ill South seventh
street, for the election of officers and other
important business. All members are re
quested to be In attendance.
The congregation of the First Presby
terian cnuren win meet mis evening to
taae nnai action on the resignation or Kev.
W. B. Bamea, which lias been in the hands
of the church board since he and his fam
ily went east about two months ago.
Reuben Russell, who wa paroled from
Bt. Bernard s hospital by the commission
ers on insanity that he might visit his dy
ing father, wss reported yesterday to have
become violently demented. Word waa re
ceived from River Sioux that Russell was
in that vicinity and for the Pottawattamie
authorltlea to come and get him. The es-
(0 act location of Russell however, has not
Deen learned Dy erienrt canning up to a late
K.135 hour last night, but he expects to go today
m narnaun county to try ana get mm and
return him to the hospital.
The fire department was given a heavy
up hill run at 9 80 o'clock last to the
residence of J. Chamberlain, 41 i'ark ave
nue. A lighted lamp had been left In an
upstairs 'twd room ana
seven and one-half Inches In the rear above
the gun deck.
The engines are of the vertical, twin-
screw four cylinder, triple expansion type,
of a combined horsepower of 16,500. There
I are twelve boilers placed in six watertight
compartments. There are three funnels.
each 100 feet high above the base line.
The Vermont was designed as a flagship.
The arrangement of the quarters provides
accomodations for a flag officer, a chief of
staff, nineteen ward room officers, ten
Junior officers, ten warrant officers and no
fewer than 761 men, including sixty marines
Irrigated Farma la the Little Empire
of the Western Mope.
Profitable farm lands are scattered all
along the line of the
"Scenlo Line of the World."
In the valleys of the Grand,' Gunnison,
North Fork and .Roaring Fork .rivers, and
In the San Luis .and Vncompahgre valleys
of Colorado, and the Farmlngton district
of New Mexico farming, stock raising and
fruit growing are carried on in a way that
la a revelation to the farmer In the east.
For those who desire to make new homes
there Is no other region that offers more
and better advantages than western Colo
rado, a land of blue skies and sunshine.
with a temperate and even climate, where
the erstwhile desert needs but to be tilled
and watered in order to verily "blossom as
rose." Several Illustrated publications,
giving valuable Information in regard to
the agricultural, horticultural and live
stock interests of this great western sec
tlon, have been prepared by the Denver A
Rio Grande rallaoad and can be obtained
by addressing
8. K. HOOPER, G. P. St T. A.,
Denver, Colo.
voting machine company of Rochester, N
T., will arrive In South Omaha about Sep
tember 12 to help set up and Instruct the
local authorities In the use- of the ma
chines. The machines, will be on exhibition
at the city clerk's office and will be used
at the November election. 8. C. Hamilton
Is the name of the representative of the
voting machine company who will come to
this city to help familiarize the author
Hies with, their use.
Gas May Re Lowered.
Under ordinance No. 832 it Is contended
that the prospective reduction in the price
of gas In Omaha will be. correspondingly
reduced In South Omaha. The ordinance
was passed and signed by. Acting Mayor
Barrett In August, 198, and provides that
the same rates as prevail' in Omaha shall
apply in this city anywjaere below 81.33
City Physician Koutsky of South Omaha
was married at his home on South O street.
South Omaha, Wednesday night to Miss
Domacka, Rev. Mr. Reynolds of the Cas
tellar Street Presbyterian church, Omaha,
offlciatlhg In the absence of the pastor of
the Bohemian Presbyterian church, who Is
In Europe.
LOGAN, la., Aug. 81. (Special. )-The
marriage of Clalhourne F. Johnson and
Nellie Ftoote occurred last night at the
Ioran homo of F. A. Foote, the bride's
father. Rev. E. Bodenham of the Logan
Baptist church officiated. The honeymoon
will be at Portland, Ore.-
Incorporations for Aitont.
NEW YORK. Aug. 81. Incorporation
papers filed this month in the eastern
States by companies with an authorized
capital of 8l.oro.uuo or more, as well as ln-
cre.-ices ot a like amount hy other concerns
previously in existence, loot up
These figures compare with 181.3l5.uu0 In
juiy ami j.ip,w in August a year ago.
With the single exception of Julv. how
ever, ine current montn s snowing is the
least Important for any similar period this
yesr, the large total being due mostly to
Increased capitalization by old companies.
Firemen Kleot Ofllce-ra.
KANSAS CITY. Aug. Sl.-The principal
business todav of the annual convention of
the National firemen's convention was the
election or omcers. it was almost a fore
gone conclusion before the convention met
that James D. McNeill of Fayette, pf. C
the national president, and Secretary Mr
Carty would be re-elected. The convention
anoptea a report providing ror the appoint
ment by President McNeill of a committee
composed of representatives from each
state, 10 worK ror state ana national legls
latlon in favor of a uniform insurance tax
Fatal Rxploalon In Pennsylvania
LANCASTER. Pa., Aug. 31.-Three Slavs
and an Italian were blown to pieces by the
premature explosion of a blnst near Safe
Harbor last night. Another Slav is miss
ing and Is believed to have been blown
Into the Susquehanna river, and two Slavs
ana a negro were Dadiy injured. The
men were engaged in ioadlng a blast
hole fifty feet deep and had Just placed
in the dynamite and detonating cap. It
Is supposed the tamping rod struck the
cap. The concussion exploded a similar
charge only four feet away.
Japanese Diplomat Ooaee te Uaited Bta'.ee
to Etndj Eoenomio Conditions. . N
Says Hope erf Asia Lies In Introducing
American Civilisation and It
lylngr on Friendliness
of t nlted atatee.
NEW TORK. Aug. II Baron Kaneko,
former minister of sgrlculture In the cabi
net of Marquis Ito, concerning whose mis
sion to the I'nlted States there has been
much conjecture, gave out an Interview
Inst night in which he declares that his
business In America. Is purely of an eco
nomic nature. He denied absolutely that
he had anything to do with the peace nego
tiations at Portsmouth. In his self-appointed
task, he declares, he has accom
plished much and sees as an ultimate re
sult the economic salvation of his own
country aa well as an enormous amount ot
good to America.
"Throughout my life, and particularly
during my terms In the cabinet of Marquis
Ito, I have taken a deep Interest In eco
nomic questions." said the baron, "which
led to my being placed In charge of tha
Japanese exhibits at numerous expositions.
Including that at St. Louis,
In the year and a quarter that I have
been In this country I have been studying
constantly. My sojourns In Europe proved
to me that the European markets were
filled with their own products and I saw
here that If the front door of the American
market waa dosed the back door was open
to Asia. In the course of my Investigations
I have talked with all kinds of people and
have learned a great deal about what I be
lieve to be the glorious future that lies
before the United States In the far east.
Hope l ies In America.
"America Is our nearest neighbor. In It
our hope Is bound up and since our country
wss opened up by America In IWil we have
ever maintained cordial relations and been
the slncerest friends. To me the l'nltd
States has always seemed a second home
and If I can bring about the economic alli
ance that I am now free to talk about I
shall feel, on account of the good that will
accrue to this country from such an alli
ance, that I have paid a part of my debt
of gratitude.
Probably within a few weeks I shall go
back horns and shall tell my people the re
sults of ray study. I shall tell them that
the United States Is a country without a
thought of territorial agrandlxement; that
the American people will defend the rights
of other nations as they will defend their
own, because they love Individual right and
Individual liberty. I shall tell my people
that the way to open Asia, securely and
peaceably. Is through the introduction of
American civilization.
"And I shall do more than that If I am
allowed to do It I am ready to serve as a
loyal subject of Japan and as a sincere
friend of America in bringing about an
economic alliance not a treaty signed on
parchment, but Imprinted In the hearts and
the minds of the people of Japan and the
United States. That Is my ambition. To
achieve It I came here on my self-appointed
mission, and I trust that my efforts will be
crowned with eurcess."
When Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Pimple,
tr other skin diseases mate their appear
ance it is a sure sign that the blood is
filled with humors and burning; aciJs.
These beinjr. forced through the pores
and (lands burn and Mister the akin, pro
ducing the enrptioni which are usuallt
accompanied with intense itching, and
are disfiguring and humiliating.
Tears ago my blood Was bad. as evi
denced by skin eruptions on different
parts of the body, and other symptoms,
so I concluded to try 8. S. 8,. knowing li
to bo highly spoken of. After using a
number of bottles do not remember now
just how much ray. blood was thor
oughly purified and enriched and I waa
relieved of all eruptions and manifesta
tions of impure blood. I believe . 8. S.
to be an excellent blood medlolne, and
any one in need ot such a medicine
would do well to use It. They will find
It a perfect cure as It proved to be In ray
oase. MRS. O. K. BHOBMAJUiiU
AiUanoe, O., 616 B. Patterson St.
While external treatment relieves tern
porarily it doea not reach the real cauea
of the disease, because it does sot go into
the blood. S. S. S., a perfect blood pu
rifier, neutralizes these acids and humors,
and by strengthening and toning up the
Liver, Kidneys and Bowela. the natural
channels of bodily waste, disposes of
then ioatesd of
allowing them
to be forced to
the a u r f ace
through . the
kin. S. S. S. ia
PURELY VEGETABLE. 4 greatest of
all tonic for
building up the entire system, increasing
the appetite and helping the digestion.
S. S. S. cures all akin diseases promptly
and permanently, leaving the akin soft
and smooth. Only by keeping the blood
pure can we hope to have a clear ekin.
Book on Skin Disease and any medical
advice you may wish free of charge.
Dangerous coughs, coin's, sore throats are
quickly cured by Dr. King's New Discov
ery. 50c and II; guaranteed. For sale by
Shetman 4 McConnelll Drug Co.
Find them every day
by watching the an
nouncements tn TUB
BEE'S Want Ad CnV
' urns.
Diseases of
Men Only
SO Years' Experience.
:0 Tears. In Omaha.
Varicocele, Stricture,
blood rolson. Weak
ness. Hook free.
Box 70. Office, 21S 8.
14th St., Omaha, Neb.
TTarlan, Iowa., Sept. 13-1S, 10OS.
The Chicago Great Western Hallway will
sell round trip tickets to Harlan at only
one fare plus one-third for the round trip.
Tickets on saje September 11th to 15th. For
further Information apply to S. D. Park
burst, General Agent, 1512 Farnam St.,
Omaha, Neb.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tnt
Night, ran.
Realty Transfers' Moaat t'p.
The transfers of real eatat for the
raonth of August show an agfragate con
sideration more than double that for the
ene month last -year. One hundred and
frny-two transfers were recorded, with a
totnl consideration of Stavmia, as against
1M transfers filed during the same month
28 PEARL ST."""'
I4y Attendant Cf Deatrea.
on one ot the family
fulng 10 tlie room later the lamp was
ound to be biasing, tba oil in some man
ner having become Ignited. The flames
had communicated te the table on which
the lamp was standing The lamp was
thrown out of the window and the blase
extinguished with but little damage before
the arrival of the department.
Convention Ends with
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., Aug. Si. (Special
Telegram.) The Iowa Society for the Ad
vancement of the Deaf closed Its conven
tion with a big banquet and addresses by
prominent cltixens. Resolutions favoring
placing the atate school under the Educa
tional Board of Control were' adopted. J.
Schuyler Long of Council Bluffs, waa chosen
president, Owen Q. Carroll of Austin, Tex.,
first vice president and F. E. Ward of Rice
ville secretary. The society meet at
Waterloo next year.
Fall May Prove ratal. ,
CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. Aug tl.-6pee!al
Telegram.) Charlea Dewroae fell through a
hatchway in the cereal mills from the first
story to the basement, alighting on his bead.
He has been unconscious for twenty-four
hours and may nt recover.
OSKALOUSA. la., Aug .a The yearly
, meeting ot mads today sent a message
Partly Clondy In Nebraska Today
Showers and Cooler In Kast
Portloa Fair Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON. Aug. Sl.-Forecast of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska Partly cloudy Friday;
showers and cooler in east portion. Satur
day, fulr.
For Kansas Fair and cooler Friday.
Saturday, fair.
For Colorado Fair Friday; cooler In
north and east portion. Saturday, fair.
ror Wyoming Fair Friday; cooler in
southeast portion. Saturday, fair.
For South Dakota Fair In west; showers
and cooler In eust portion Friday. Satur
day, fair and warmer.
For Iowa Showers Friday; cooler la west
portion. Saturday, fair.
ror Missouri Partly cloudy Friday;
snowers and cooler at night or Saturday.
Loral Record.
u.uAnA( Aug. 41. umiiai record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
tne corresponding day of the last three
years; ix, isx. Ita. 1901
Maximum temperature... fc 82 7$ 79
Minimum temperature... 6? 64 M 61
Man temperature 78 73 t 70
iTccipiiauon uo .00 .Uu .o
Temperatures and precipitation depar-
mi iiuiii tuv uvrmai ai umint alnce
March 1 and comparison with the last two
formal temperature 70
F.xcea for the day , g
Total excess since March 1 "fcj jji rcjpiiauun 10 Inch
uenciency for the day 10 inch
precipitation since March 1. 14 12 inches
Deficiency since March 1 I U inches
Deflciency lor cor. period. !... I 7 inches
Excess for cor. period, 19o3 4. a inches
Reports from Stations at T P. If.
Station and State Tern. Max. Rain-
ui raiiirr. j p. ni. Tern. fall.
(, uia, v iv vicar ..,.... fu S2
v iiyrimr-, i iror . 1 M Of
Chicago, cloudy us 7j
(.avenpori. clear 73 84 .09 1
A'viivtrr, iiuuuy ........ SX VI J
pari ciouay 3 M .00
nrirni, urar M 60 Q0
Huron, cloudy 74 ss t
Kansas City, clesr 84 6 .09
unn naue, pari ciouay.. 4 T
umana, clear M M AO
Rapid City, clear H ) .00
I1' Ixu,' ,cleir M W .00
"'. c.uuuy a gs .OJ
? -, ciear 7s SO .SO
alentlne. clear 74 $ ot
WHllston. clear t2 U '.Q
t indicates trace of precipitation.
mmmm. m a
The Lowest Rate This
Dates of Sale August 30 to September 4, inclusive.
Destinations Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo.
Final Return Limit September , but extension to October 7
may be secured on payment of fifty cents to Joint Agent.
Stopovers These are allowed at all Colorado points on going trip
and at and west of Denver on return trip.
Service Leave Omaha 4:10 p. m.; arrive Denver 7:30 a. m.
Standard and tourist sleeping cars, Burlington's latest models of
chair cars (seats free) and dining cars.
The Burlington the short line is the Official Route for the
G. A. R. of Nebraska and for the National Offi cers of that organ
Cdl on me for tickets, berths, Colorado publications free.
J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, 1502 hmm SL, Omaha.
iiiflifEi j
Fofewaf tsry