Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Dexter! Two-Em Hit with a Man on
Second Torsi ths Tnck.
Game la Said to Hare Been Most
Exciting- and Contained More Good
Plara Than Anr Erer Seen
In Dri Molars.
DES MOINES. la.. Aug. 31. Dexter 8 two
Backer In the tenth Inning, with Hogrlever
on frond, won for Pea Moines today In
th. hardest fought and best played pimf of
thf season here. Never before hive Des
Moines fan witnessed ft hs.e ball battle
with so many thrills, clone plays and good
plays. It was ft battle royal and 2.310 peo
ple, shouted themselves hoarse. A dumb
play on the part of Kossman allowed Dolan
to bat in the third and his two-sacker
scored Quick, who had scratched a hit. A
Base on balls to Thomas, Bradley's out and
, Gnnrilng's two-hase hit In the seventh gave
the. Champions their other score.
Til Underwriters were unable to score
until the ninth. Pexter waited and took
his bnse. Shugnrt's grounder to Thomas
sent Dexter on another base. Wakefield
was put In to bat for MeNlchols and hit for
two bases, scorlnft Dexter. Wolfe followed,
batting for Iyelfleld. and his single scored
Wakefield. The decision at tho plate was
Omaha failed to score In the tenth, but
Hogrlever lead off for Pea Moines with a
single. Polan's error put Long on first and
Hogrlever on second. Rossman fanned.
I.onfT was cn tight at second on Caffyn's
easy one to Quick and then Charlie Dexter
lifted the hall over the leftflcld fence for
two bases and the winning score. The
AB. R. H. TO. A. Ev
MrCKlvrnv, cf. 5 0 1 1 0 0
Hogrlever. rf-3h 3 1110 0
Long, ss 5 0 2 3 6 0
Rossman, lb 5 0 0 13 1 1
Caffyn. If 5 0 0 0 0 0
Pexter, c 4 1 2 3 0
Shtigart, 2b 3 0 0 4 3 0
MeNlchols, 3b 3 0 0 1 2 0
Wakefield 1 1 1 0 0 0
Lelfleld, p . 3 0 0 0 8 0
Wolfe, rf ; 10 110 0
McKay, p..... .. 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 38 1 1 JO 11 1
Batted for MeNlchols In the ninth.
AB. R. H. PO. A.
Thlel, ir 3
Carter, rf 4
Polnn, ss , 6
Welch, cf 4
Pchlpk. 3b 4
Thomas, lb 8
Bradley. 2b 3
Oondlng, c 4
Quick, p 4
Totals ..84
I 1J
Two out when winning score was made.-
Des Moines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 18
Omaha .,..0 01001000 02
Stolen bases: Carter. MeQIlvrav, Long,
Two-base hits: Dolan, Oondlng, Wake
field, Dexter. Double play: Thomas to
Bradley. First base on balls: Off Ielfleld
: off Quick. 4.. Hit by Pitched ball: Bv
McKay, 1. Struck out: By Ieifleld. 6; by
Wuick, . lime; i:4o. umpire: tarutners.
Attendance, r,.i.
Pueblo Easy for Slotis.
PUEBLO. Colo.. Aug. 81.-Wlth the Pu
eblo team In a crippled condition the locals
were easy for the Sioux today, the latter
winning by a score of 18 to 3. Messltt, Del
ehanty and Elwert are out of the game
with Injuries, and this, together with the
'heavy hitting of the visitors, made the
contest a one sided one. Sioux Cltv cinched
matters In the third, seven hits, one a
three-Dagger, were secured off Faurot.
which, coupled with an error, cave them
' six runs. Faurot was hit freelv in almost
every Inning and the visitors had no trouble
in piling up a big scots, The features of
the game were Pulslfer's one-handed catch
or Barter'! long drive In the fifth and the
" fielding of Knabe. Score:
AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H. O.A.E.
Hawton, at.. 4 III 0 Blake, cf.... 4 1 I 0 o
Sherhan. Ib. 6 1 4 0 0 Onnk. If I 1 0 ft 0
Wtad. lb I 1 I I 0 Knabe, lb.... 4 1 I 0
Pulalfer, rt.. 6 119 9 Minor, lb 4 -1 10 0 1
Knbllt, cf....l 1 2 0 0 tstlmmell, rf. 1 ft 0 0 0
Ctmtj. lb. 1 7 1 ft Molt, lb 4 1 1 t
O'Hara, If... I 4 10 0 SrhrWar, C..4 0 1 0 0
Bhoa 4 14 1 1 Radar, aa ... 4 1 1 1 ft
Newltn. p. ... 6 4 11 ft Faurot, p 4 10 10
Lladaay, p...l 1 0 i 1
Totall 6 II 17 91
Totala 15 S 14 9 4
Sioux City ..; 0 2 6 0 2 1 0 2 13
Pueblo 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 03
Stolen bases: Nobllt, Knabe, Miner. Three
base hits; Oarnvy, O Hara. Cook. Bases on
balls: Off Faurot. 1; off Newlln, 1. Struck
out: By Faurot, !; by Newlln. 8. Left on
l asen: rueoio, ; moux I lty, 0. Time: 1:30.
Umpire: Bhuster. Attendance, 2fi0.
Erltt la a New Role.
DENVER. Aug. 81. Denver defeated St.
' Joseph today 4 to 1. William Everltt. Den
ver a manager, umpired a good game In
the absence of Umpire Harry Mace. Per
rlne's homer over MolllneHiix's head was
the feature. Schaub outpltched Liebhardt.
Singles by Rchllx and Qulllun and an in
field out scored St. Joseph's run. Score:
Mi-Haia. CI-... Illl 1 Reynolda. rt. 4 0 1 0 9
Hartial), 3b.
6 0 8. hlli. 2b 4 1 1 1 A
Randall, rf.. 4 1ft
0 0 Oulllan Ih .. 1 I t 1 a
Balden. If ... I 1 1 ft 0 Zlnk lh 1 in n i
rvrnnw, ao. . a i I a o neu-nem, cf. 4 0 I ft 0
noeiaa r, ta. all
BobannoD, lb 4 9 16
Lucia, c... I ft 4
Vhaub p.... 19 1
1 9 Dunn, aa 4 1111
0 0 Moll'ux, If... 1 0 t 0 9
1 0 Zinran, c ... 1110 0
1 0 Llebbardt, p 1 ft 1 1 1
Totala 11 I 17 14 1 Totala Jl " 24 11 1
Denver 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4
St. Joseph 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
Buses on balls' Off Schaub. 1 off Lieb
hardt: 1. Struck out: By bVhaub, 3; bv
Liebhardt. 1. Home run: Perrlne. Two
baso hits: Randall, McHale. Double play
j 0TtS FOR
' A bore all other things we strive to
are the ' thousands of young and
tnlddle-aged men who are plunging
toward the grave, tortured by the
woes of Nervo-Suxual Debility, the re
sult of youthful habits, excessaa, etc
We have evolved a special treatment
lor Nervo-Hexual Debility and special
weaknesaaa that la uniformly success
ful Id caaea where success was before
oy ouier aociors aeemed Impossible.
By OUr System Of Clec.tricltv and
and thoroughly all diseases and weakness of men after all others have
failed. Our object Is not so much to do the work that other doctors can do.
but rather to cure obstinate diseases which lliey cannot successfully combat.
Ail that deep knowledge, expert skill, vast experience and thorough scien
tific ofnee equlppmenl can accomplish are now being done for those who
ooma to us for help they need. We Cura Quickly, Safely and Thoroughly.
Strlctura, Varlcocsli, Emission!, Norvo-Sexutl Debility.
Impotjncy, Blood Ptisan (Syphilis.) Rs;tal, Kidney
nd Urinary .!.'
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, ex
cesses, sail -souse or me result 01 specinc or private diseases.
1308 Farnam St, Batwam 13th and 14th St., Omaha, Nab.
t.lehhardt to Zink. Time: 1:3 Umpire:
William Everltt. Attendance: 5".
atandlntr of the Teams.
Pes Moines 1:3
Denver 1-2
Plonx City 1J0
Omaha 117
Pueblo US
f?l Joseph 121
Won. Iyost. Pet.
11 43 .?1
74 4
M F4 .Wo
til M .Ml
7 M .49
(James today: Omaha at Des Moines;
Denver at Pueblo.
ritUbnra: Wins Two Exciting Con
tests from St. Loots,
riTTSRCRCJ. Aug. 31 All kinds of base
ball was dealt out in the two games today.
The first was a pitchers' battle pure and
simple and the second game was a slugging
match throughout. Brown pitched an ex
cellent game until the ninth Inning, wln-n
he lost his temper and was put out. Plt'
burg scored Its first run In the first game
on an error and won on Clarke's slngl i.
roiiowed by Leach a two-bagger. Score, first
HH'tirandt. rf i o 1
0 PtittleeT, rf. I 1
( lark. If... 4 1 I
s Shannon. If . . B S
A smnM. rf . . . . 6 1
ft Berkley, lb. 4 I
0 Cnar, 2b 4 0
ft beahr e I ft
6 MrBrlilc. It. I 0
0 Burt. 3b ... 0 0
1 Arnilt. lb ... 4 1
0 Brown, p I 1
Learh. rf-ra. 6 1 i
W etner, H. . 1 1 0
Flaherty, et. I
HnwarH.. lb., i
1 I
e 16
Brain. Jb ... 4
l i
filtrhar, 2b.. 4
o 1
0 I
0 0
Glhann. c 4
Fhllllppe, p. 4
I I ft
p 1 0
1 ft 0
rotait i 3? h i
Tntale 17 SO II I
No one out when winning run scored.
Pittsburg 1 000000000 1-1
Kt. LouIh 1 0 00000000 01
Two-bsse hits- Leach. Shannon. Sacrifice
hit: McBrlde. Stolen bases: Shannon, Beck-
ley. Double pleys: Rltchey to Howard;
Brown to McHrlde to Beckley. First base
on balls: Off Phlllfppe, J; off Brown, 4.
ntrucK out: By i'hi unre. 4: by Brown. 4:
by Egan, 1. Hits: Off Brown. 3 In eight and
one-half Innings; off Egan. 8 In three and
one-half Innings. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Ems
lie. Score, second fame:
piTTsni-Ro. t. Lorrs.
Hll'brandt, rf 4 0 1 I A Dnnlavr, rf I 0 1 0 9
1 0 0 0 Shannon. If.. 6 14 0 9
t 1 9 0 Senont. rt ... 4 I I 1 ft
Warner, at... 4 I 1 I 0 Berkley lb.. t T 0 ft
Howard, lb. 4 0 11 0 1 Shay. Ib I 1 1 0 0
Brain. Ib. ... 4
Rttrhejr. 2b.. 4
Pelta, c 4
Flaherty, p.. t
I 1 b 1 Grady, t 1 ft I 0 ft
I I I 0 beafw, e I I 0 0 0
1110 MrBrlde. aa. . 4 0 0 I ft
9 4 ft ft Burke, lb.... I 0 I 0 ft
10 1ft Thlelman. p. I 1 0 4 9
Cae, p 2
Totall 17 14 37 11 I Totala..... 1(1114 10 0
Pittsburg 4 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 -10
St. Louis 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 2 06
Two-base hltti: Leach. Brain. Pelts. Beck-
ley. Three-base hits: Clarke, Thlelman.
Sacrifice hit: Smoot. Stolen bases: Wag
ner. Brain, Ritchey. Double play: Rltchey
to Wagner to Howard. First base on balls:
Off Flaherty. 2; off Thlelman. 1. Hit by
pitched ball: By Case, 1. Struck out: Bv
Flaherty, 2; by Case, 3.; by Thlelman, 2.
Wild pitches: Case, 1; Thfelman, 2. Hits:
Off Flaherty, 7 In five Innings; off Case, 4
In four Innings. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Ems
lie. Attendance: 5,390.
Philadelphia Beats !Sew York.
NEW TORK. Aug. 31 Philadelphia Na
tionals sprung a surprise on the locals to
day at the Polo Grounds by knocking Mc
Oinnlty out of the box In the second In
ning and finally winning by a score of 8 to
6. Nichols was driven to the bench In the
eighth. The visitors batted and fielded
much better than the home team. Score:
Thomai. cf.. 4 1 i 0 0 Browns, rf... 6 110 1
Oleaaon, lb.. 6 Oil 0 Donlln, cf...t 1100
Courtnry, lb I 1 I 1 0 MeOann, lb.. I 110 9
Maa-ra. If ... 66 1 1 9 0 Clarke lb... 1 0 10 0
Tltua. rt 4 I I 1 0 Mfrtfi If.... 4 0 10 0
Branaflold, lb 6 I 7 0 0 Dahlan, aa.! 0 4 1 0
Dnolln, ta.... 4 1 1 I 0 DcTlln. lb... 4 1 1 I 9
Dooln, o 4 1 t 1 0 8tranf. 2b... I 1 0 6 0
Nlrhnla, p.. 4 t 0 0 0 Breanahtn. el 1 I 1
PUIIniar, p. 0 0 0 1 0 MeOlnnlty, p 0 0 9 1 9
Wlltta. p.... 4 I 1 4 0
Totala 40 14 171
Totala.:... t! mil 2
Philadelphia 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 38
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 16
Left on bases: New York, 7: Philadelphia,
8. Bases on balls: Off Mculnnlty, 2; off
Wlltse, lj off Nichols. 3; off Pittlnger, 2.
Struck out: By Wiltse. 6; by Nichols. 3;
by Pittlnger. 2. Home run: Bransfleld.
Three-base hits: Donlln, Titus. Two-hase
bit: Dooln. Stolen bases: Bransfleld,
Doolln. Double play: Courtney to Brans
fleld. Hit by pitched ball: By Nichols, 1.
Passed ball: Dooln. Hits: Off McQinntty.
6 In one and two-thirds Innings; off Wlltse,
8 In seven and one-third innings; off Nicn
ols, 8 In seven and two-third Innings; off
Pittlnger, 1 In one and one-third Innings.
Time: 2:00. Umpire: Johnstone. Attend
ance, o.ono. . .
Standing of the Team.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
New York 117 83 84 . 710
Pittsburg 123 80 43 . 651
Chicago 120 70 60 .63
Philadelphia 118 63 65 . 634
Cincinnati 118 61 67 .617
St. Louis 122 46 . 76 .377
Brooklyn 117 37 80 .316
Boston 122 89 83 . 320
Games today: Cincinnati at Chicago, St.
Louis at Pittsburg.
Philadelphia Shots Ont Cleveland by
Timely lie of Stick.
CLEVELAND. Aug. 31 Philadelphia
made It four straight from Cleveland today,
Waddell pitching his second game of the
series. The batting of Philadelphia was op
portune, ocore:
Hartael. If... 4
Hoffman, cf. . 4
8 0 0 Bar. cf .
10 19 9
4 9 10 0
1 0 0 Flick, If....
7 0 OBuelow, lb..
I 1 OLaJole, lb...
1 ft ftsiorall, 2b.,
1 1 OJackann, If.,
Ill Turner, aa. .
I 0 1 Clarke, c...
18 9 Joaa. p
Davia. lb.... I 1
L. Croaa, lb. 1 1
Feybold, rf.. 4 1
Murphy, lb,. . 4 1
M. Croat, aa. 1
Schrerk. ... 4 0
Waddell, p.. 4 1
4 10 19
4 1 11 0 9
4 0 119
I 0 1 0 1
4 116 0
4 19 4 0
I ft 0 4 1
Totala..... 31 I 17 t S Totala
Philadelphia 1 0 0 10
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0
II 4 17 II 1
0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0-0
First base on errors: Philnrteinhia
Cleveland. 2. Two-base hits: Davis, Wad
doll. Sacrifice lilts: L. Cross, M. CroBs.
Stolen bases: Murphy, Hoffman. Double
play: Joss to Turner to Lajule. First base
on balls: Off Joss. 1; off Waddell, 8. Left
on buses: Philadelphia, 4; Cleveland. 8.
Struck out: By Joss, 6; bv Waddell 8.
Wild pitch: Waddell. Time: 1:30. Um
pire: Sheridan. Attendance: 1.728.
Boston Wins from St. Lonls.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 31.-Boston took the
final game of the series from the Browns
this afternoon, 8 to 2. Dlneen and Pelty
lid the pitching and Dlneen was the
It does not stimulate temporarily, but
restores permanently. U allays th-5
irritation of tho delicate tissues sur
rounding the lax and unduly expanded
seminal glands, contracting them to
their normal condition, which stops
night emissions, dries up day drain
and prevents premalureness. It tones
up and strengthens the blood vessels
that carry nourishment to weakened
and wasted parts, restoring them to
full power, size and vigor.
mwtl,.no , r..nlln. .1 m- nnra ouloklv aafelv
.1 yuu uiiiwl call write tor syrrotom blank
.'Tlce Hours a a. m. to a p. ov Sundays. In to i only.
steadier of the two. though St. Louis hit
him harder than Boston did Pelty. Score:
AB H O A . AB H O A K.
RurketL. lf..i I 4 ft Stnne, If ... 4 I 4 0 0
Parent, aa... 1111 t KcvkHM. 2b t 1 I I
S'ahl. cf .... 1 I 9 9 Frlak. rf 4 ft l 9
Outfit, lb . 4 1 I I 9 Wallar. at. . 4 0 6 I
Freeman rf. 4 9 1 9 9 Jones, lb I 1 II I
Ortmahao, lb 1 14 ft 1 Oleeeon. Ib . 4 I 1
Farrte, lb.... I 9 9 t 9 Koehler, cf . I 19 9
rnr, c 4 0 9 1 9 Siigden, c... I ft I 0
Dlneen. p.... 4 1 ft 1 9 Peltr. P I 10 1
Tola It II 7 17 II I Totala II I 17 14 0
Boston 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 08
St. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-2
Earned runs: Boston, 2; St. Louis, 1. Two
base hits: Rockenfleld. Jones, Burkett,
Orlmshaw, Stone. Sacrifice hits: Rocken
fleld, Parent. Ferris. Pouble plays: Ferris
to Parent to Orlmshaw, Gleason to Jones.
Passed ball: Sugden. Stolen base: Parent.
Hit by pitched ball: By Pineen. Jones.
Wild pitches: Pelty (2). Bases on balls: Off
Pelty. 4. Struck out: By Pelty, 2. Left on
bases: Boston. 7; Pt. Louis, 4. Time: 1:37.
Umpires: McCarthy and Conners. Attend
ance: 1,200.
Detroit Shats Oat Near York.
PETROIT. Aug 81. By batting Powell
opportunely the Detrolts made It three
straight from New York. Donovan pitched
splendidly and the visitors never had a
chance to score off him. The fielding was
exceptionally good, Coughlln and Elberfeld
starring, while Lindsay's batting was a
feature. Score:
AB H O.A.B. AB.H. O.A.E.
MrlntTra. If. 4 I 4 1 0 Habn. U I 1 I 1 9
Llndaav. lb.. 4
I 10
1 ft
ft Keler. rf.... I
Schaefer, 2b. 4
Crawford, rt. 4
Obh, rf 4
Ouihlln. lb. 4
O' Leery, aa. . 4
Warner, e. . . . I
DonoTtn. p.. I
Elherteia, aa 4
Yatr, lb.... 4
ft Wllltama lb. 4
0 Onrny, lb. . . 1
9 Fulti, rt 4
0 MeOulre, e. . 4
1 Powall, p.... I
Totala 14 II 17 11 1 Totala 10 t 24 II I
Detroit 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 -6
New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hit: Hahn. Three-base hits:
McOuire. IJndsay. Sacrifice hit: Keeler.
First base on halls: Donovan. Left on
bases: Detroit, 6; New York, 8. Struck
out: By Donovan, 8; by Powell, 2. Double
plays: Mclntyre to O'Leary; Fulti to Con
roy. Time: 1:35. Umpire: O'Loughlin.
Attendance, 1.20ft.
Chicago Shots Out Washington.
CHICAGO. Aug. 81 Chicago shut Wash
ington out today, 2 to 0. Only twenty
eight men faced Smith, no one reaching
first until Stahl singled and stole second,
where ho was left when C. Jones flew to
F. Jones, who made a beautiful running
catch and scooped a low ball, retiring
Washington. Chicago bunched hits In the
first and the seventh and scored a run In
each Instance. The excellent pitching of
Smith, coupled with the perfect fielding of
the locals, were features. Score:
Holmes. If... I 9 10 0 CataldT. St.. 4
0 4 I
P Jnnaa, cf. 4 1 I 9 ft Hill, ib
Darla. ta 4 111ft Hickman, lb. I
labell, rf I 1 0 0 Anderaon, If. I
llonohiie, lb. I I 10 ft 0 Knoll, rf
McFarland. e I ft I I 0 Stab I lb I
Tannrbill, Ib 8 0 ft I 0 C- Jones, rf . . I
Dur.doo, lb., 19 9 19 Heydon, e... 9
Smith, p 119 10 Hughea, p... I
Totala II 7 17 10 0
ft 0 1
0 1 I
0 10
9 10
1 10 0
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 ft
Totala II 1 24 14 1
Batted for Hughes In the ninth.
Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 -S
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Left on bases: Chicago, 4: Washington,
1. Two-base hit: IsbelT. Three-base hit:
Isbell. Sacrifice hits: F. Jones, Holmes.
Stolen base: Stahl. Struck out: By Smith,
9; by Hughes, 2. First base on balls: Off
Hughes, 2. Time: 1:25. Umpire: Con
nolly. Attendance, 6,220.
Standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Philadelphia 113 69 44 . 611
Chicago U0 66 45 . 691
Cleveland 114 61 63 .6.15
New York 108 55 63 . 509
Boston 110 66 64 .59
Detroit 114 64 60 .474
Washington 112 47 65 . 420
St. Louis 115 41 74 .3:6
Games today: Chicago at Cleveland.
Columhoa Shots Oat Minneapolis by
Seore of Two to Nothing:.
MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 31. Minneapolis
was shut out today by Columbus by the
score of 2 to 0. Both Hart and Slevers
pitched good, steady ball, but Minneapolis
was unable to land on the ball when hits
were most needed. Score:
Pickering, cf 4 1 I 0 0 Jonea. cf I 9 I 0 1
Davta, rt.... 4 bio o suiuran, rf..4 1100
Ryan, c 4
t'ongalton. If 4
ft 1 1
0 Freeman, lb. 4 1 11 0 0
6 Coulter. If... 4 1 1 1 0
1 4 0
Klhm. lb 4 I 11 ft
Hulawltt. aa. I 1 I 4
0 Orem gar. lb 4 1 1 1
Marahall, 0 .4 1 6 1
0 Oyler. aa 1 1 1 1
0 roi. lb 1 0 1 1
0 Steer, p 1 1 0 4
i lyroer. lb... 4
Barbeau. lb.. 4
Hart, p 4
ft I 1
1 1 1
1 ft t
Totalt 16 I 17 11 9 Totala 12 7 27 10
Columbus 0 0 0 1 0 1 O'O 02
Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hits- Gremlnger, Oyler. First
base on balls: Off Slever, 1. Struck out:
By Slever, 6: by Hart, 4. Stolen bases:
Gremlnger, Clymer. Davis. Hit by pitched
ball: Jones. Left on bases: Minneapolis. 4:
Columbus, 8. Double plays: Sullivan to
f reeman; Munwiu to Kinm. Time: 1:25.
Umpire: Sullivan. Attendance: 800.
St. Pan! Wins Two Games.
6T. pai.l, Aug. 31. at. Paul won a
double-header from Toledo today. Camnlts
was hit hard una was wild In the first
game while Kilroy had good control and
allowed but four hits. The second game
was called in tne nun to allow the visitors
to catch a train, score, first game
Oeler. rf 6 1 0 0 0 Clingmtn, lb 4 1 1 2
Hemphill, cf. 4
Wheeler, lb. I
O'Brien, it.. 6
Flournoy, if.. 6
Kelley, lb... 6
Marcan, lb... 4
SullliaQ, 0.. 4
Kilroy, p.... 4
a i o
Clarke, if.... 1
0 Lee. rf 4
1 Demont, ta. . 4
9 Nance, lb. ... 4
0 Boyle, lb 4
0 Nelghboni, cf I
0 McAleena, c. I
9 Camniti, p... t
1 II 0
0 0 1
ToUla 19 14 V 11 1 Totall 10 4 17 11
St. Paul 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1-6
Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 02
Two-base hits: Wheeler. Hemnhlll. Flour.
noy. Demont. Stolen bases: Flournov f2
Struck out: By Camnits, 8; by Kilroy, 7,
Hit by pitched ball: B- Kilroy, CamniU
Bases on balls: By Camnlts, 5; by Kilroy
2. Wild pitches: By Camnlts, 2. Paused
balls: McAleese, z; buiuvan, 1. lime: 1:60.
Umpire: Haskell. Attendance: 666.
Score, second game;
Getar, rt i i u v a rnngmtn. 3b 1 0 0 6
Hemphill, cf I
Wbeelrr. Ib. . I
P. O I
Flournoy, if. I
Kelley, lb... I
Marcsn, lb. . I
BullUan. c. . 1
Blagle. p.... I
u v v i lars, 11 2
110 Lea, rf I 0
0 0 0 liemont, aa., I 9
8 0 0 Nance, lb 1 1
6 19 Boyle, lb..., I 9
4 9 1 N.i th bora, cf I 1
110 McAleeae. c. 1 9
119 O'Brien, p... 1 9
1 1
1 0
Totalt 14 II li 9 1 Totala 1C 4 15 11
St. I'aul 1 0 1 0 V
loledo ,.0 0 0 0 0-0
Two-base hits: Geler, Sullivan, Kelley
Stolen base: Sullivan. Double ulav: Hlairl
to Sullivan to Kelley. Bases on bulls: lty
j Dnrn, a, vy Diagit:, i. jm vy piicnea bail
Oeler. Struck out: By Slagle, 1; ly
u orien, i. ottcriuue mis: wneeier, r lour
noy. Left on bases: St. Paul, 1; Toledo, 1
lime: i:i. umpire: nasKeii.
Loalavllle Beata Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY. Auf. 31 Justus w.
wild and he was batted freely by Iouls
allow the vllstors to catch a train. Score:
vllle, who won with ease. The game was
called at the end of the eighth inning to
Kerwln, If . I 111 Gilbert. If... a 1 1 0
Sullivan, lb. I
19 11 Caaaldy. cf... 4 0 1 1
9 9 9 9 Hill, rf 1 1 1 0
14 11 Douglaa, lb.. I 1 7 1
9 7 19 Cairo, lb ... 4 0 0 0
9 10 0 9 Donahue, aa. I 1 1 1
1 9 9 9 Fraiili, lb... 4 i I 1
1119 Butler, e.. . 0 9 9 0
Clay, cf I
Braahear, Ib. I
shaw, a 4
Scott, lb I
Hallinan, rt.. 4
Wulnlan, at. . 4
Ferguaon, p. 4
lea 9 Zrarfoee, 9.19911
Juelua, a I 9 9 9 o
19 I 14 19 t
Totalt II I H A
Louisville 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0-0
Kansas City 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 02
Earned runs: Kansas City, 2; Louisville,
t. Two-base hits: Sullivan, Qulnlan.
Three-base hit: Qulnlan. Sacrifice hits:
Donahue, Braahear. tSolen bases: Gilbert
(. Cussldy. Sullivan, Braahear (2). First
base on bulls: Off Justus, 7; off Ferguson,
1 Struck out: By Justus, 8; by FerguKon,
7 Passed rwll: Butler. Left on basa.
Kansas City, K: Louisville, t Double plays:
Dougluss to Donahue to Douglass: Sulli
van to Brashear to Scott. Time: l.ti. Um
pire: King.
Mssdlsg of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost- Pet.
85 46 . 664
127 77 50 .ft
....128 76 M nxa
Columbut ...
Mllavtukee ..
Lomaville) ...
Iuiilantipoll .
6t Paul
Kansas City
....1J 68 61 .5.'?!
....18 61 67 .477 I
....128 61 ; .477'
....130 48 fi .39,
....124 40 .317
Games today: Columbus at Indianapolis.
Louisville at Toledo, Kansas City at Mil
waukee. atkera Lea-at Garnet).
At Chattanooga 8hrvtport, I; Mont
gomery, L
At AtlanlaNaahvtlla, 6; New Orleans..
At Little Kock-J-Ul.e Rock, 4; Atlanta, I
Gold Challenge Cup for Amateur Driten
Goei to Pittsburg.
Major Delmar Rednres Track Record
to Waaoa from 2iOO to SiflBaVS
Results of Other
CHICAOO. Aug. 81. The amateur drivers'
gold challenge cup, which was won last
year by the Cleveland Aerolite, owned by
H. M. Hanna, was this afternoon captured
by 8. A. Pickering of Pittsburg with the
prey gelding Dr. Strong In two straight
heats. There were four entries: Prlnca
of Orange. C. K. Q. Billings, Cleveland;
Aerolite, H. M. Hanna, Cleveland, driven
by Harry Devereaux of Cleveland; Tom
Axworthy, F. O. Jones, Chicago, and Dr.
Strong, entered by S. A. Pickering of Pitts
burg and driven by Callery of Pittsburg.
The first heat was a hard fight for three-
quarters of a mile between Prince of
Orange and Aerolite, with Dr. Strong trail
ing and Tom Axworthy so far In the rear
as to be of no consequence. At the head
of the stretch Dr. Strong came up on the
outside and In a hard drive to the wire
won by a length In 2:0H- In the second
heat Dr. Strong led all of the way, closely
pressed by Tom Axworthy and Prlnca cf
Orange. Neither of them was able to get
closer than a length, and In a aee-eaw
finish Tom Axworthy beat Prince of
Orange by a head for second place. Tom
Axworthy was very lame and but for this
he might have been a much stronger con
tender for first honors.
Major Delmar, driven by C. K. O. Billing.
his owner, went two miles against the track
wagon record of 2:09, finishing In 2:06 and
The summary of the race for the gold
cup and results of the other races follow.
All events were best two out of three to
Dr. Strong, gr. g. (Callery, Pittsburg).. X 1
lorn Axworthy, ro. g. (F. Jones, Chi
cago) 4
Aerolite, g. m. (Devereaux. Cleveland! 4
Prince of Orange, br. g. (C. K. G. Blll-
hks, . leveianat 3 3
First race. 2:21 trot. Mllariv nlimm.
wold, driven by Arnold Lawson of Boston,
Won first and Second beatm and rnf In
2:lSi, and 2:IX; Belle Isle, driven by
Hamilton of Cleveland, second; Surena,
driven by 8. R. Jewett of Chicago, third.
bt. allant, driven by F. C. Jonea of Chi
cago, fell In the first heat and was dis
tanced. Second race. 2:1. nnre- V T Port,.
driven by Hamilton of Cleveland, won the
ui-i:onn ana iniro neats and race In 215V
and 2:16: Harry R.. driven hv 11
of Chicago, won first heat In 2:16J; Marl-
fit 1 ..', " i-uoney 01 inicago,
third; Silk Patchen, driven by C. W. Marks
of Chicago, fourth. Herbert Rollins, driven
ny j. Kynearson of Chicago, fell In the
fu-st heat and was distanced.
Third rare, 2:l trol: Kvelyn Byrd, driven
by J. A. Cilessenkamp of Pittsburg, won the
first and second heats and race In 2:124 and
2:14i,; Joe N driven by J. B. Barnes of
Pittsburg, second; The Questor, driven by
C. K O. Billings of Cleveland, third. Solon
Grattan, driven by J. R. Thompson of Chi
cago, finished last in the first heat and
y nn uinnii,
Fourth race, trot for the gold cup.
Fifth rape 2-10 nana- 1 i , 1 r v..
Harry Ih?vereaux of Cleveland", won the
first and second heAts .mi ru,- in nit
and 2:UM; Tilly Baal, driven by F. U. Hart
well of Chicago, second; Babe Allerton,
driven by C. K. G. Billings of Cleveland.
third. Dutch Mowry. driven bv C. A Otis
Jr., of Cleveland, and Dot, driven by J. M.
Koaeh of Chicago, tied for fourth place.
mam race. 2:1b trot: L,uzon, driven by
. C. Brown of Chlcniro won firf an
ond heats and race In and 2:1S4; Maid
of Dreamland, driven by Arnold Lawson
of Boston, second. William H., driven by
R. M. Weaver of Pittsburg, and Frank A.,
driven by F. G. Jones of Chicago, Ued for
third place.
Seventh tuce, ' 2M pace: Green Una.
driven by C. K.'-Ct. Billings of Cleveland
won the first and second heats and race In
2:08 and 2:lHi; .Terrace Queen, driven by
&' P,' ,Vhltro'ib -of Pittsburg, second.
rimm iimm, driven ny j. . Bennett of
Pittsburg, finished second in the flr.t
and was drawn in the second.
Wagon In Which Players Are Rldln
"track by Trolley Car,
KANSAS CITV. Alls:. 31 Fiehf r-i
df the Louisville Base Ball club were In
jured In a collision today between a trolley
" "ou Bmeiie, in wnicn the club was
being taken from the ball park to a hotel
The Injured:
Ed Kenna, pitcher, bones of left arm
fractured and dislocated: allarht mnn,,..u.
of the brain; bones of right hand fractured;
...,., .itC ,u r-j o injuren; condi
tion serious.
Roy Brashear, second baseman, con
tiiHlons on thigh and hip.
.Jfr:!d S,!ay- centerficlder, contusion of
thigh and knee.
Irry Qulnlan. shortstop, arm cut and
ii.iih:u, nnsir ppruinca ana hands lace
rated. Suter Sullivan, captain and third base
man, two toes hroken; hand sprained.
Nathan Wilbur, secretary of the club
back sprained; possible Internal Injuries '
Billy Hallman. rlghtflelder, back sprained
Pitcher Stetsher, knee torn and bruises.
The wagonette had reached Eighteenth
and Olive streets, one block from the ball
grounds.' when the accident occurred. The
trolley car, going at a good rate of speed,
struck the rear wheels of the wagonette
squarely, turning It over and dragging It
several yards. Pitcher Kenna, who was
most seriously Injured, was caught in the
fender of the car, while Centerfielder Clay
was under the car In front of the front
trucks when the car was stopped.
The driver thought he could clear the
track In front of the car, misjudging the
speed with which It approached.
Kenna was bent to a local hospital and
Clay and Brashear were so badlv Injured
that they will be taken to Louisville at
once, aa they will be unable to play ball for
some time.
The club left for Toledo on a late train
tonight, where It was scheduled to play to
morrow, but the train will not reach To
ledo In time for the game. Secretarv Wil
bur stated tonight that none of the Injured
players would be able to play for several
das and that the new players would have
to be secured for the games to be played
during the next week.
Maraliallto wn Wins Two.
MARSH ALLTOWN, la.. Aug. 31-(Spe-cial
Telegram. The locals pulled together
today and won both games of a double
header from the tallenders, the first by a
score of I to 1 and the second 4 to 1 In six
and a half Innings. The second game was
catch a train home. Score, first game:
Marshalltown. 00140000 5 8 1
Burlington .... 000100000141
Batteries: Marshalltown. Parkin and
Bruggeinun; Burlington. KUIIen and Han
son. Three-base hit; Williams. Two-base
hits: Parkin, FrlHble. Stolen base: Wil
liams. Struck out: By Parkin. 7: by Kil
llen, 4. First base on balls: Off Kllllen. 4.
Time: 1 :2u. Umpire: Tate. Attendance:
?. Score, second game: R.H.E.
Marshalltown 1 0 2 0 0 1 '4 4 1
Burlington 000000 1 171
Batteries: Marshalltown, Parkin and
Bruggeman: Burlington, McMillan and
Hanson. Three-base hit : Barto. Two-base
hit: liarto. Wilkes Double play: Parkin
to Middleton to Brown. Struck out: by
For 30 days, Wsliiiiinai Sft.
1st, we will sell a 125 Talking
Machine and 25 worth of rec
ord for Ji. Payable, 11 down
and Jl each week.
Now Is your opportunity to get
a first
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alklna; Machine
at your own rr'0". This Is un-
doubtedly the best proposition
ever offered In Omaha.
Our Machines are shipped us
In carload lots, and our records
&,ai at a time. Ituylng In such
quantities we get the right
price. That la why we save
you 60 per cent on Talking
1518-1520 Harney St,
Storz Malt Extract will Make You Feel Better
It has the flourishing qualities of pre-digestcd
barley in highly concentrated liquid form.
It has the soothing, nerve quieting essence of
of the best imported hops.
It will tone the stomach, build bone and sinew,
add flesh to the body, power to the brain.
YOU who read this it will benefit you. Order
a case today.
Phone 1260 Omaha. For Sale by all First Glass Druggists
at West Point Park, Nebraska,
Special Excursion Trains via
Union Station, Omaha, I Hi; MONDAY, SEPT. 4th
To West Point and Return.
Parkin, t: by McMillan, 4. First base on
balls: Off McMillan, 2.
Boston Tennis Player Defeats Holder
of Title In Mrnla-ht Bets.
NEWPORT, R. I , Aug 31. After many
years the aspiration of Heals O. Wright,
of Boston, for the national tennis cham
pionship was crowned with success In his
defeat of Holcombe Ward of Orange, N. J.,
the title holder, on the Casino courts to
day In straight sets. The scores were 6-1,
tf-2. 11-9.
The pair won the championship In doubles
last week for the second time and having
played together for so long a time ana
knowing each other's gume so well,
the contest today was looked upon with
much interest. Wright's superiority, which
for two sets was almost masterful, and for
a greater part of tho third was well
marked, was the feature of the contest.
Both men played a strong, resourceful
game, but Wright was able to carry off his
strokes, while it was not until ulmost the
eleventh hour the game of the third set.
that Ward managed to gauge the half net
or the boundaries of the opposite courts.
With Wright within two points of the
match, Ward began to get the balls some
what out of Wright's reach, and within a
very short time this had become a deuce
affair. For ten games the crowd, which
numbered more than a thousand and In
cluded hundreds of followers of the gamo
throughout the country, saw some of the
best tennis ever piayea on a tasino court men covered the court in a marvel
ous manner. Seemingly Impossible balls
were reached and not only turned over the
net but were placed in u way mat auoweu
t h, r.luver In tret back In HOBltion. Both
men ran in on llieir service aim umii ininru
off their service games. As it was Ward's
first service he was always getting the
vantage game, only to lose It when Wright
won his own service and brought the set
back to deuce. Once Ward was within a
stroke of the set. At last after eighteen
had been played Wright found a wetk spot
In Ward's defense and won the vantage
game. The next game, which was the last,
was easy for the Boston man as aid
drove out of bounds and the championship
went to Wright
Oakland Defeats Hooper,
OAKLAND, Neb.. Aug. 81-(8peclal Tele
gram ) During t lie last week Oakland de
feated Herman at Herman to 1, and hers
today thev best Hooper 6 to 4 In an Inter
esting game. The locals bunched hits on
Wilson In the second and seventh Innings,
winning easily. The stop of a hot liner by
8. Zellers of Hooper was ths feature.
Score R.H.B.
Hooper 0 1 J 0 1 0 0 0 0-4 8 6
Oakland 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 11 S
Batteries: Hooper, Wilson and Jensen;
Oakland, Leslie and Fagan. Struck out:
Bv Wilson, 6; by Leslie, s. First base on
balls: Off Wilson. 1. Earned runs: Oak
land : Hooper. 1. Two-base hits: W.
Jensen, l-und. I nree-nase mi;
Left on bases: Oakland. 7;
5. Tims: 1:3U. Umpire: Palm-
Herman Claims Championship.
HERMAN. Neb., Aug. 81. (Sjieclal )
Herman easily took the second game from
Tekamah today by a score of C to 3. Bradly
continued his underhanded tip-shoots, whic h
Tekamah failed to solve. This makes three
out of four Herman has won and it now
lavs claim to the championship of eastern
Nebraska. Score: rue
Herman 0 ! 1 0 M 0 1 M I I
Tekamah 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 4 3
Batteries: Herman. Bradly and Tarrant;
Tekamah, Bucklln and Copple.
Captain Lajole Attala Injured.
CLEVELAND. Aug. 31. Captain Lajole of
the Cleveland American league ball team
was struck on his Injured ankle with a
batted ball today and will have to quit the
game for an Indefinite time. Third Base
man Bradley and Catcher Bemls are on the
sick list.
Harvard Too Swift for Kearney.
HARVARD. Neb.. Aug 31 (Special Tele
gram ) Harvard won today front the fast
Kearney bunch la aa Intcrestliig gams of
Torchlight Procession - Refreshments -
' 1
ji ...i ii iii -
ball. Both sides played hard ball and only
a few errors were made. Bender caught
his old pitcher. Morse. The same teams
flay again tomcrrow. Score: R.H.E.
larvard 1 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 06 4
Kearney 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 02 fi 7
Struck out: By Morse. 6; by Pendergraft.
6. Batteries: Morse and Bender, Pender
graft and Sealusky.
A picked team won two games last night
from the Krug Parks In a close and In
teresting series. Eighteen pins were the
most that separated any game and every
result was In doubt up to the last frume.
Not a man rolled under the aoi) mark, and
from all the practice scores the outlook
Is bright for some tine averages during the
coming season.
1st. 2nd. 3d. Tot.
GrlmtliS 1 25 178673
Williams 156 174 litiV--,(
Sutton 13 150 1 6.(8
Snyder K1 191 l'K-ol4
Marble 1S 214 234 m
934 W0-2791
3d. Tot.
177 64 S
llai o43
1S6 69
195 ous
Clay ..
Wood .
Zimmerman 169
Totals m
918 9'B-27bl
Anbnrn Rselng Resnlts.
Arni'RN, Neb., Aug. 31 (Special Tele
gram.) Tne outcome of today spaces were
as tollows:
The i':a5 pace was won by The Captain,
nt.. I.u I. It Vtu)na nf OlllhriM I lift In
2:17; second, Allan A. Dale, owned ' by
t. . - ljei:eioi oi ureeniieui. i. , mnu,
Rena Wilkes, owned bv li. B. Huston of
The 2:16 pace was won by Harry C, Jr.,
owned by Frank Dully of St. Joseph, In
2:U: second, Fred It., owned by Heine
ttros. or Hooper, inco. ; tniro. omega, owneu
by H. C. Hulcomb of Lincoln.
The mile dasti was won by Squid, owned
by J. M. Whiting of Hiawatha. Kan., In
1:47; second. Turn reed, owned by Hughes
of Tecuinseh: third. Stanley, owned by Ed
Ho'nwen or rairnury.
This was the third day of the race meet
and a larue and enthusiastic crowd was In
Woman Colters at Home-rood.
CHICAGO, Aug. 31. With practically no
choice between the contestants In each
of the four matches play was resumed In
the second round of the Women's Western
Golf association championship at Home
wood todav. The results of the play will
decide which quartette shall be In the semi
final contest tomorrow.
Today's play so resulted that Mrs Der
Ing and Miss Ruth Steele and Miss Talme
tler and Mrs. Anderson will come together
In the semi-finals tomorrow.
Miss Frances Everett of Esmoor, western
champion, was defeated by Mrs. Frances
Anderson of Hinsdale by ont down In nine
teen holes.
Potter Defeats Korh.
"Cub" Potter won the flnsls In the Junior
tennis tournament which has been In prog,
reas Rt the Omaha Field club during the
past week. He defeated Koch In a hard
fought match, every set being a contest
of skill and endurance. Koch Is looked
upon as ohe of the comintr players of ths
town and the victory of Potter Is all ths
more creditable on that account. Scores:
Junior singles, finals:
potter beat Koch 6-4. 7-6. 4-.
Junior doubles, seml-flnals:
Potter and potter beat lloel and Pollard
6-4, 6-J. -&.
BARMEN, Germany. Aug. 31 The final
games of the International thessn.asters'
tournament were contested si the Concor
dia here todsy. Marocsy of Budapest, win
ning his unnnlshed gsme with Oottschall.
after- a prolonged struggle, tied Janowsky
cf Paris for first place with 10U points.
A na two leaner, win umuw ...w ...- -.,.
j .ona vrue. of Loot and 1.0UI marks, rs-
spectlvely, but will play a series of gamo
to decide the winner of the tournament.
Marshall of Brooklyn, with 10 points, se
cured the third prize of 700 marks.
Rnrlnnr at Ilnttle Creek.
BATTLE CREEK. Neb., Aug. 21. (Special
Telepram.) Knee results today:
3-year-old class: Miranda won, William
Tanic second, Shadv G. third, QomokJ
fourth. Best time: 2:30.
2:2i trot: Little Henry won. Moore sec
ond. Parplnna third, Astromont fourth
Best time: 2:25.
Special 2:18 class: Nibhs won. Honest
Abe second. The Rebel third, Star Oiilda,
fourth. Best time: 2:17.
Running: Pat Oran won, Kitty O. sec
ond. Willie P. third. Time: 0.52. '
Federal Team Tnkes a 'part.
SEA GIRT, N. J.. Aug. 31. -New York
remained well in the lead at the conclusion
of the flrlnp today In the national team
match. The Infantry team of the t'nite,
States army, however, took a spurt and
passed Ohio. All of today wns devoted to
skirmishing. Barring accidents and ad
verse weather conditions the winner of
the nstlonal trophy will be known tomor
row night.
Crloket Club ln Dulld.
The Cricket club Is brglnnlng to talk of
a club house. At the Inst meeting a com
mittee was Hopnltiteil pi coiis'der the ad
visability of building and to make a report
of its investigations to the club. The Park
board has allowed the club the use of
grounds In Miller park fr the panic and
It Is probable that a club will bo
built there. If It Is decided to build t!.o
house will be erected next spring.
Miss "ntton Defeat. Miss Dodd.
CINCINNATI. Aug 31 Miss May Suttnn,
national Hnd English champion, and Mi.-
Helen Holmes of N'ew York, bv wlnnM.1T
to day from their Cincinnati opponents will
play In the finals of the ladles singles t"
moirow .Miss Sutton defeated Miss I'id'1
and Miss Unmans won from Miss lielileiu
Itaeea Postponed.
The grand circuit races. scheduled fur
todny, were postponed on account of wet
Indians One Run to the flood.
(Special Telegram. Nebraska Indians, ft;
North Manchester. 4.
Like Wild Animals
that tear and rend you are the pains of
biliousness, kidney trouble. Cure guaran
teed by Electric Bilters; M cents. For sain
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
' Strike Pnrtlnllj Broken.
NEW YORK. Aug. 31. The strike of fire
men, switchmen and hrakemen employed,
by the contractors In the excavation work
for the Pennsvlvanla railroad terminal t
this cltv was partially broken last nUM
and several of the men were taken back.
It Is expected tint the balance of Its
strikers will return today.
weet, sntlsfT- Xvi
r . ,i.i i.. x
ill a;, tHKJiJJiiiaj auioav.
W hen you find qual
ity like It you won't
find a price like tt
Ask your tobac
root) Mil