Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Legal and Illegal
The Royal Baking Powder is a pure,
grape cream of tartar powder. Its greater
healthfulness and absolute superiority over
other powders are shown by the United
States Government official tests, and are
so universally recognized that its use is
approved and encouraged by health officers
at home and abroad.
Guard your food against tho
alum backing powders.
Alum baking powders are considered so injurious to health, and
their promiscuous sale a source of such danger, that their use is univer
ally condemned by physicians and health officers. In many States the
law requires that they shall be branded to warn consumers that they
contain alum.
In the District of Columbia, under the laws of Congress, the use
of alum in bread, biscuit, cake and other food is a misdemeanor.
Alum baking powders may be known by their price. Powders
sold from ten to twenty-five cents a pound, or twenty-five ounces for
twenty-five cents, are not made of cream of tartar.
forces Art Reduced by Board in Com
pliance with the Charter.
Two Chiefs Say This , Action Will
Tend Greatly to Impair the
Service They Most Glv
the City.
our city patrolmen," iald Chief of Police
Donahue. "With a total of ninety-eight
men the department Is pushed to the limit
all the time to police the town In any
decent way."
Mayor Moores has estimated a deficit of
KOOu In the lighting fund. This being true
a curtailment of both electric and gas
lighting during November and December
may be necessary.
Action was taken by the Board of Fire
and Police Commissioners Thursday morn
ing toward reducing the Are and police
force because of lack of funds to carry
the present quotas to the end of the year.
The comptroller supplied statements
showing an estimated shortage of HS.Ono In
the fire fund and 19,006 In the police fund
If the full forces are continued to Decem
ber SI. According to the commissioners
nothing remains, under the stringent
provisions of the new charter, but to put
about half the 119 men In tho fire depart
ment and about one-fourth of the ninety
eight men In tbe police department on fur
lough, without pay, for the months of
.September, October, November and Decem
ber. This resolution, drawn up by Com
missioner Rrontch, was adopted by the
Whereas, The funds provided for the
maintenance of the fir and police depart
ments Is Insufficient to keep theae depart
ments at their present standard to the close
of the present fiscal yenr, to do so creating
an overlap of about In the police and
118,000 In the fire department.
And, whereas. The laws hold an official
personally responsible for any expenditure
In excess of the levy;
Therefore. Me It Resolved, That the
finance committee report to this board the
feasibility of reducing the fire and police
departments that the expenditures may
come within the amounts fixed by law.
Cltr Vp Aralast It.
"It Is worth a councilman' or tbe
mayor' liberty and peace and happiness
for a long time to come to attempt to vote
dollar' worth of expenditures over the
current year's revenues," said Assistant
City Attorney Herdman. "I don't say that
tho new charter treat the city justly, but
a far a I ran learn the municipality ha
no more right to have a police department.
If it hasn't the money to par for It, than
It ha to buy balloon. This town 1 up
against It, that alL There 1 nothing to
do, far a I know, but to cut the fire
and police departments to a point where
they rtU no more revenue than W per
eent Ot trio current lanes and as much
more ot the current taxes as may be paid
Annually for year shortages In the fire
and police fund towards the close of the
year have been announced, but by some
city hall legerdemain the' department have
been maintained a usual and overlaps
created,' which were paid out of the fol
lowing year- Incomes. This left the two
department perpetually behind the game.
Depart meat Will Be Crippled.
"If a reduction In the Are department I
mad the town will be at the mercy of
flame and the department will be com
pletely disorganised," said Fir Chief Sal
ter. "W hav been doing our best with
Insufficient appropriation for year and
w cant do any more. Our small depart
ment I now stretched to the utmost limit.
A reduction In force of one-half cannot be
made without practically ruining It."
"A one-fourth cut will take off fifteen of
Attack of Dlarrlioea Cored by One
Dose ot Chamberlain's Collo, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy.
t was so weak from an attack of diarrhoea
that I could scarcely attend to my duties,
when I took a dose of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Clarrhoea Remedy. It cured
me entirely and I had been taking other
medicine for nine days without relief. I
heartily recommend this remedy as being
the best to my knowledge for bowel com
plaints. R. G. Stewart, of the ' firm of
Stewart & Bro., Greenville, Ala.
"Bob" tlets "D- Reed."
The Regent Shoe company, 206 South Fif
teenth street, has opened the season on fall
and winter shoes. The stock this year Is
much larger, and the popular "Onlmod"
shoes will probably be fitted to more feet
than ever before. "Bob" Haaker, the Re
gent 8hoe company man. Is nearly as
widely known as his celebrated Onimod
shoes. Both are popular with all men.
Bob" has been selected as the exclusive
Omaha agent for the Dr. Reed's cushion
sole shoe. lie has a complete line of this
comfort-giving shoe, and any one who Is
afflicted with very tender feet would do
well to call at the Rggent Shoe company
store, 2U6 Soutn Fifteenth, and get a pair,
Destoni Will Enlarge.'
The Beaton Drug company will enlarge
Its quarters November 1. to take In the.
barber shop of k. v. t rench ana tne
clsar store of Murray Hill. The lease
dates from September 1, but owing to de
lay In securing new fixtures the drug
company will not take possession until
November. The store will be remodeled
and the new addition will be used as a
soda fountain narlor. A new twentieth
century fountain costing xiZ.WO will be
placed in the store.
Terrln. Fate.
It s a terrific fate to suffer from serious
bowel trouble. Ward it off with Dr. King's
New Life Pills. 25 cents. For sale by
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Announcements of the Theaters.
Monduy night next the regular winter
season will open at the Boyd theater with
one ot the best attraction that will be
offered during the winter. Ethel Barry
more, supported by a Frohman organlxa
tion In a play that has been tested and
found good. Is to be the offering, and the
request for seats Indicate that the two
nights of her stay will see the house filled
to Its capacity. "Sunday" will be pre
sented at the Boyd on Monday and Tues
day evenings only, and seats are now on
sale at the box office.
"Look at tbe Map"
And you will see that the Pennsylvania
Line Is the direct route Chicago to Phila
delphia. September 16-lft-17th excursion
tickets will be sold Chicago to Philadelphia
at one fare for the round trip plus one
dollar. Ticket good returning until Sep
tember 25th. Return limit may be ex
tended to October 6th upon payment of one
dollar and depositing ticket with Joint
agent Philadelphia Immediately upon ar
rival. For full particulars call on your
home agent or address Thos. H. Thorp,
T. P. A.. 28 U. S. bank building, Omaha.
Sam'l Burn sell crystal water eta,
even piece for JL
Unprecedented Trartl to Denver Putt
Officials on Their Mettle.
Extra KnsTlne Standlaa with Steam
t'p at Colorado Capital Ready
to Rash Back the Car
Seeded Her.
The moving the tens of thousand who
re going to Denver In connection with
the Grand Army of the Republic celebra
tion show to what perfection the handling
of th buslnes of a great railroad ystem
has been evolved. Both the Burlington nd
th t'nion Pacific are figuring on hauling
In the neighborhood of Sft.OOO people each
between the Missouri river and Denver be
tween Wednesday of thl week and next
Monday Inclusive. To do thl will require
an Immense .lumber of cars, as well a
necessitating the use of the same car two
or three times. Engines stand ready at
Denver with steam up to hustle the cars
back to the Missouri liver a soon a they
are emptied.
The business will surpass all prevlou
estimates, and It Is dally Increasing at an
enormau rate. The Burllnirton had five
sections of the Chicago and St. Ixnils fast
Denver train into Denver Wednesday
night. There was also five eectlons of
No. S west of Oxford Into Denver Thurs
day morning. The Burlington has also two
section of the through Chicago-Denver
train enroute today. Two section loaded
to the guards of the St. Ixiuls train and
other southern point are also enroute to
Denver. There were two sections of the
train from tbe north into Denver Thursday
morning, and two section of No. S from
Omaha Thursday afternoon, and also two
section of the St. Joseph train.
Nebraska Contributes Heavily.
The Vnlon Pacific estimates that Its busi
ness from the main line In Nebraska out
side of Omaha will be S,000 people, and the
special business which will be turned over
to the Union Pacific by the Northwestern,
Chicago Great Western and Milwaukee, will
demand three, four and five sections of No.
3 Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
The Massachusetts Grand Army of the
Republic club special of twelve car will
arrrlve over the Northwestern Sunday and
leave over the Union Pacific at 2 p. ni.
The Union Pacific will haul from Omaha
west the New York state Grand Army of
the Republic special of fourteen car and
260 people, leaving Omaha at 8 p. m. Sun
day the Massachusetts department of tho
Grand Army of the Republic with twelve
cars and 260 people arrives over the North
western and loaves at 2 p. m. The Ne
braska division of the Grand Army of the
Republic will go west In second sections
at 3 and 11 Sunday. Another special
of eleven cars from the Milwaukee will
leave over the Union Pacific at t p. m.
A special from the' Northwestern of
thirteen cars and 250 people will leave Sun
day at 2:30 p. m. A special from the Mil
waukee 'of nineteen car with the Grand
Army of the Republic of Iowa and Min
nesota will leave over the Union Pacific
Friday at 2:30, going via Cheyenne, where
a stop will be made on account of the
Frontier day celebration. Colonel Burn
ham's party from Syracuse, N. Y., will ar
rive over the Milwaukee and leave over
the Union Pacific Friday at 4:10. The
New Hampshire delegation In two standard
cars will leave over the Union Pacific Sat
urday at 4:10 p. m.
A coach from Chllllcothe, Mo., will arrive
over the Wabash and leave over the Union
Pacific at 4:10 Saturday. , The South Da
kota Grand Army of the Republic special
will arrive in Omaha, Monday over the
Northwestern and Milwaukee and leave
at 10:30 over the Union Pacific, returning
after the encampment on the Burlington.
Train In Bewildering" Number.
Other trains which the Union Pacific will
haul west are the Minnesota Grand Army
of the Republic special of eight car at
8:30 p. m. Saturday. Thl delegation Is to
return over the Burlington, the Cincinnati
delegation in four sleepers at S p. m. Satur
day, the Hoo Hoo Toronto delegation In
one car Saturday morning, the Nebraska
division with six extra cars on No. 8 Satur
day afternoon, the Des Moines delegation
in two car Saturday afternoon, a special
of fifteen cars from Omaha at 11:60 Satur
day night, the Valparaiso delegation Sua
day morning, the Rhode Island delegation
Monday at 7:45 and the Brook, Ind.a dele
gation Monday morning at the same time.
All regular train will run In two and three
section oiid a midnight train will run on
the Union Pacific September 4. consisting
of twelve cars. The Woman' Relief corps
will leave Omaha at 4:10 p. m. Monday In
three special cars.
Department Commander Iett and staff
with comrade to the number of 1.000 will
go to Denver on the special train which
will be run in three sections. The train will
leave Omaha at 4:10 Monday afternoon
and will leave Lincoln at 6:t5. One tourist
car will start from Grand Island, two
from York, one from Seward, one from
Nelson, one from Omaha and one from
Hastings to help make up this official
If not ready to buy, why not
rent a Piano PlayerT to IS
per month. This Includes free
access to our entire music li
brary of 4. On) rolls.
New shipment of Ceclllsn
Piano Players, with 1 Im
provements. Just received.
See our Bargalnalui) to S200
each. See the L'eclllan Piano,
the Piano ef the future: player
built Inside the FUno,
1518-1520 Harney St
E. F. BKAILEY Caggirjg the Game.
"The Confession ef a Wife" at tho
A play In which the wife bends her ef
fort to concealment rather than confes
sion and whose story would have been
easily told nd as easily forgiven were It
not to th purpose of the plot that It b
complicated with the designs of a number
of person more or les collaterally Inter
ested, was presented to a falr-slxed house
t the Krug last night. The best thing that
can be said for "The Confessions of a
Wife" is that It Is lavishly and In some re
spect beautifully mounted. The setting of
the first scene la very pretty and the elec
trlo effects, simulating a waterfall In th
background and sunset, are very Natural
and artistic. Other scenes are garnished
with equal realism. The story of the play
I a rather trite one, with the customary
meoldratnatlo episodes and the company
having It In charge Is no better than It
might b. 'The Confessions ot a Wife"
will be the attraction until after Saturday
night, with a matinee on Saturday.
Artistic Work by the Trlnter In
Getting Ont the statements.
The fine showing made by the Omaha
banks In their statements Just rendered
In response to the comptroller's call la
prompting them to advertise more exten
sively the advantages they offer to their
patron. The banks have been doing more
advertising of late In both the newspapers
and by issuing their statement In attrac
tive booklet and circular, which In turn
ha unquestionably had considerable to do
with their Increase of business. The First
National bank has just gotten out Its latest
statement In a handsomely printed folder
executed by A. I. Root, (Inc ) In red and
black on hand-made paper especially Im
ported for this work, which Is a gem of the
printer's art. It Is said that 10,000 copies
are being distributed in this form to out
side banks and home depositors. The Root
establishment has alBO gotten out a neat
circular for the United States National
bank, giving its comparative statement.
Th Root company Is taking special pride
In producing booklet of this character
which coll for the most careful workman
ship known in the printing trade.
riM IUI1II Willtn
Nanaiva Iabor Day.
As a special feature for Saturday, Sun
day and Labor day the Venetian carnival
will be put on at Iake Manawa on a more
elaborate scale than attempted heretofore.
A far larger and more brilliant display of
fireworks will be given. For those who
prefer a delightful entertainment to the
average Labor day ceremonies the program
at Manawa will be suited. As the season
will be brought to a close Labor day the
remaining days to enjoy the bathing at
Manhattan beach are few. An extra good
car service will be kept on to the close.
The Sixth Ward Republican club will
hold Its regular monthly meeting on Fri
day evening, September 1, 8 o'clock. The
Hon. David H. Mercer (Our Dave) will be
the principal speaker. All republicans and
all candidates are cordially Invited to favor
us with their presence.
By Henry E. Ostrom, President; John N.
Westberg, Secretary.
And Return Via Chicago Great Writ
ern Railway,
J1S.50 to Duluth, Superior and Ashland.
Tickets on sale till September 30th. Final
return limit October 31st. For further In
formation apply to 8. D. Parkhurst, General
Agent, 1512 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Bee Want Ads are the Best Business
Harry. B. Davie, undertaker. Tel. 12C6.
22-K wedding rings. Edholm, Jeweler.
Mr. and Mrs. August Borglum left Thurs
day afternoon for two weeks at Harding
camp, Colorado Springs. They will return
September 15.
J. H. Dumont has let contracts for the
erection of three eight-room two-story
dwelling houses on Thirty-eighth street be
tween Hamilton and Lafayette streets.
City Connrll Seeood f hole of Man
Who Lose Job with Yoar
Uncle Rani.
William Cowger. formerly assistant cus
todian at the federal building, 1 seeking
reappointment to that position and ha
already a numerously signed petition com
mending his reappointment. However,
there are some of the officials about, th
building who have not signed the petition.
Among them if Superintendent Llewellyn
ot the Omaha division, rural free delivery.
Asked as to his reasons for not signing
the petition, Mr. Llewellyn stated that a
Mr. Cowger' removal from office waa dur
ing his absence from the city, he waa not
familiar with the circumstances of Cow
ger' deposition from office, and as he did
not care to mix In what he understood to
be a sort of family row among the federal
official he could not consistently sign th
petition for reinstatement.
Mr. Cowger has. however, Industriously
cast an anchor to the windward to assura
himself of a public salary, and seeks to
represent the eighth ward In the city coun
cil. He I laboring diligently to secure th
antl-machlne republican nomination for
next spring. He may, however, be asked
to explain th real cause of hi removal
from the government employ before he
secures a clear title to the Eighth ward
Surprise to Ih Pastor.
The member and friends of South Tenth
Street Methodist Episcopal church sur
prised their pastor. Rev. I). W. McGregor
and family Wednesday. While the pastor
nd his wife were at prayer meeting a mul
titude of people, young, middle-aged and
old. took possession ol" the parsonage and
plied up the tables with good things. Mrs.
Victoria Hlldebrand acted as chairman and
railed for speakers on the following- sub
jects: "The Toung People and the pastor."
Miss Frances Kler; "The Ladles of the
Church as Helpers ot the Pastor," Mrs. I.
T. Ixihnes; "The Si-nday School as Helped
by the psstor." A. 8 Gaymon: "The Trus
tees and the New Church enterprise: How
Helped by the Pastor," E. L. Cain; "The
Progressive Church and Pastor," Mr. Mat
ters, attorney of Harvard, Neb. Responses
were given by Mr. McOregor and the pas
tor. Mr. McGregor was the recipient of a
goodly purs. Anions til Cuius was a guod
aiaed gulden agl.
The Cam of Mis Irn Crosby la On
of Thousands of Cure Mads by Lydla
E. Plnkh&m'a Vegetable Compound.
How many women realize that men
struatlon is the balance wheel of a.
woman' life, and while no woman is
entirely free from periodical suffering-,
It la not the plan of natnre that women
should Buffer bo severely.
Thousands of American women, hovr
rer, have found relief from all monthly
suffering by taking Lydia E. Pinkhans
Vegetable Compound, as it is the moet
thorough female regulator known to
medical science. It cures the condition
which causes so much discomfort and
robs menstruation of its terrors.
Miss Irene Crosby, of 113 Charlton
Street East Savannah, Oa., writes:
" Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Is a true friend to woman. It has been of
great benefit to me, curing me of irregular
and painful menstruation when everything
else bad failed, and I gladly reoomniejtd it to
other suffering women."
Women who are troubled with pain
ful or irregular menstruation, back
ache, bloating' (or flatulence), leucor
rho?a, falling, inflammation or ulcera
tion of the uterus, ovarian troubles,
that "bearing-down" feeling, dizzi
ness, faintness. Indigestion, nervous
firo&tration or the blues, should take
mmediate action to ward off the seri
ous consequences, and be restored to
perfect health and strength by taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coin-
round, and then write to Mrs. Pink
am, Lynn, Mass., for further free ad
vice. Thousands bay been cured by
ao doing.
end UrfMI IB MKM1 Wat.
lAllAwTV. MM.
We are now ready with a
most complete otock of Fall and
Winter Shoes. In any and all
styles, all leathers and fashion
able and plain toes. You will
find in the
Shoes, the same perfect-fitting,
comfort-giving and well-wearing qual
ities they have always had. The euual
of the "ONIMOD" Shoes are Bold by other dealers at
$4.00 and $6.00, while the celebrated "ONIMOD"
Shoes are always sold (direct from maker to wearer)
for $2.50 and $3.50.
We have been appointed the exclusive agents
Omaha, and have on hand a complete stock of
these comfort-giving shoes.
egent Shoe
205 South 15th Street.
Lot dalles
to PMade!plhi5a
From Omaha to Philadelphia and return,
September 14, 15 and 16. $33 via standard
lines, or $32.75 via difTerental lines, in "
connection with the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
Return limit September 25, with pro
vision for extension until October 5 on
payment of $1 additional. "
Leave Omaha 7:55 a. m., 5:45 p. m., or
8:35 p.m. route of the Overland Limited.
Complete information about rates,
routes and train service free on request.
Let me help you plan your trip east.
General Western Agent,
1524 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
A fine room with a vault heat
light water janitor service in a
fire proof office building for $18-00
The Bee Building.
Omaha Trunk Factory
SUIT CAKES and Repairs Trunks.
Genuine MATTING SUIT CASES, leather bound,
$3.50, 3.75, $4.00.
1209 Farnam St.
Established 1899,
. . . .
a . ' - . i
.-.., ,. ,. ,
. A chool of th highest Tor boy of good character above twelv years o
(rs. OrnlM4 on th. military j.lan. but irlctly adupUiiB military work to f J!c2
tional nieds. Most complet. nd elaborate equipment in the Cntral Stat estbiuu
ed at a cost of over Mw.uijO. Main bulldln absolutely fireproof fimsle roomJ com!
pletely furnished Perfect sanitary arransem-nt. Fine climate I'autlfCri'.oomll
cov-ring thousand acr-s with lk-s and wSoded hill. iJt
S T l'' Q "1 PPd y rn na. I u m with swimming pool. Attendance llmUed. E,BZ
Tor Catalogue and full Information address
General F. W. V. BLEES. President. 167 Fort Blees, Macon, Missouri.
Thorough courses In Acmdejnlc. Preparatory and Primary department. Kinder.
iSHfrScion. n": Bem,nry ,or mu '"J" Mu'c Art Unii o
Western Military
Academy VnZJSTt
nth year. New fireproof building. Modern
equipment. lellhtful location. Sumkv
limited. Strong faculty. Trorouxh mill.
paxuueuc. Local
tary and acadcniM
CwL Albert M. Jaejess. A.M. rsal'