Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Ticket on pal AugriBt 30 to
Sept. 4, inclusive.
Aski Bnprame Oomrt to Order Assessment
of eere Fond.
Secretary Shaw to Address the lfext
Co.Tratloi of the Nebraska Bank
era Which Meets at Lincoln
In October.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Auk- 31. (Special.) Upon be
half of Governor Mickey, Attorney General
Urown today filed a petition for a peremp
tory writ of mandamus to compel County
Clerk Drexel of Douglas county to enter
upon his records the assessed valuation of
the reserve fund of the Woodmen of the
World and of the Woodmen Circle, the
former amounting to $407,550 and the latter
$40,177, each being; one-fifth of the actual
value of the fund. -
Oovernor Mickey makes affidavit as a
taxpayer and a cltisen that under the
'(w these funds are subject to taxation and.
' Jhftt the county assessor has so assessed
them Jthat County Clerk Drexel, though
reneatedly reaueated by him as rhnlrmtn
of the State Board of Equalization to ex
tend the assessment to his records, had
refused to do so and therefore that unless
the court compelled him to do so, an In
justice would be done the other taxpayers
of the state tn that they would have to
bear burdens which should fall upon this
order. '
The supreme court will not meet until
September 19 and this case will be heard
then. An early decision Is expected as to
the right of the assessing officers to assess
a reserve fund of a fraternal organisa
tion. Dra Bills Held I p.
The Board of Public Lands and Buildings
Tield, UP the claim of A. M. Clark, a Hast
ings druggist, for two gallons of cascara
sagrada for $30 and will settle with the
druggist providing he Is willing to take $S
In full, payment. The contract for drugs
for th Hastings asylum has an Item read
ing "Fluid extract cascara sagrada $4 per
Use the Best
, For any um where gooi coal Is
NUT $6.00 LUMP $6.25
AU OradM of Hard and Soft Coal.
J. A. Johnson, Pre. O. T. Bruekar, Tree
J. F. Mers. W.
. 119 raran 31 'PbaaollO?
gallon." Under the contract this would
have made the bill for the two gallons
$8 and the druggist was so notified by
Record Clerk Adair Galusha. In 'explana
tion the druggist cited the board's attention
to another item in the contract which read.
"Fluid extract cascara sagrada $1,26 a
pound." He then said at $1.26 a pound the
two gallons would amount to $20, there be
ing eight pounds to the gallon. The board
failed to see It that way and Mr. Clark
will have to settle on the gallon basis,
which Is Just the wholesale cost of the
stuff. The claim of the Harley Drug com
pany for medicines furnished the state
penitentiary were also held up because
Prison Physician Holyoke bought drugs
without permission of the board and which
were not enumerated In the contract for
drugs, thus paying a higher price than that
at which the board could have purchased.
The board will not pay any bills which it
has not ordered. Another Item held up was
the salary of a music teacher at the In
dustrial school at Kearney. The teacher
was employed to be paid out of the emer
gency fund but the board failed to see the
Ansra.t Bills Allowed.
The State Board of Public Lands and
Buildings met this afternoon and allowed
all claims for maintenance for the month
of August and thus saved the remainder of
the 1903 appropriations from lapsing. The
board discussed buying some land near the
penitentiary, but the matter went over for
the present. The, board has about $23,000
with which to buy this land and it has an
option on about 225 acres for $22,000. As
the railroads have run through the land
since the board secured Its option and It Is
about eleven acres lens than at that time,
Secretary of State Galusha and Land Com
missioner Eaton objected to paying the
haw Talks In Lincoln.
Leslie M. Shaw, secretary of the treasury,
will deliver an address In Lincoln October
24 before the meeting of the Nebraska State
Bankers' association. The notification Of
the acceptance of the bankers' Invitation
was received from Secretary Shaw today
and at once plans were started for his en
tertainment. The meeting will continue
two days and a large crowd of bankers is
Gage WorkUg New Law.
Gage county Is slightly overdoing the
thing under the new dipsomaniac law
enacted by the late legislature, so the stats
officers declare. That county now has
twenty-two patients In the asylum and, ac
cording to reports, whenever there Is a
troublesome character in Beatrice or
Wymore the police take them before the
Insanity commissioners and that body
promptly sentences them to Lincoln. Here
after it will be up to Gage county to prove
beyond a doubt that the person committed
Is really a fit subject for the Institution
The county has to put up $46 under the law
when it commits a person, and It Is said
this Is cheaper than the old Jail sentences
More Tremble at Norfolk.
It Is very evident that another outbreak
has occurred between Superintendent Alden
and the steward of the Norfolk
asylum. Yesterday Mr. Peters and for
mer Senator Young were here and the
senator called upon the governor In behalf
of Peters. In a nutshell the trouble seems
to be which Is boss of the Institution. The
officials at the state house refuse to give
out facts.
Pnlna; Ont Inheritance Tax.
While the county Judge of Douglas is
holding that tha inheritance tax law is un
constitutional, and .while the attorneys
are figuring on testing the law In the
courts. State Treasurer Mortanaen Is all
but through paying out the little loss than
$10.00 which under the old law was paid
into the state treasury. In fact, he has
settled with all but one county. The only
difference between the present law and the
U.d law. It sail, la 't.VnWng tUt Prti-
Special Trains Leave Omaha , 11.00 P. M.
Trains Leave Omaha 7.43 A. M,
Train9 Leave Omaha 4.10 P. M.
Trains Leave Omaha (via Cheyenne) 4.20 P. M.
Provided with extra chair cars, extra tourist cars, extra standard sleepers, etc. .
Gtop-overa allowed on all through
ent Jaw the money received from an estate
is paid Into the road fund in the county
In which the estate is settled, while under
the old law the money is paid Into the
state treasury. It is a peculiar fact that
out of the large amount of money received
by the treasurer not a cent was paid in
by Douglas county. Prominent attorneys
here say there Is no doubt but that the
courts would uphold the law if it were
Spends All of Appropriation,
By strenuous hustling the university re
gents managed to wipe out the remainder
of an $8,000 appropriation for the purchase
of land today before it lapsed back to the
state treasury. The amount was $2,700 and
two lots were secured with it for an athletic
field. The deal has been hanging fire for
some time.
Kcw V. M. C. A. Bolldlng.
Plans are on foot here to build a Toung
Men's Christian association building, to
cost from $90,000 to $100,000, to replace the
building recently destroyed by fire. An
architect is at work on plans now for such
a building, only a portion of which Is to be
constructed at a time. It Is planned, it is
said, to first build a large gymnasium
with offices in front and baths beneath
and then build around this when the
money is raised for the purpose. The di
rectors will meet next week to consider
plans for raising the necessary money.
Plana for Labor Day,
The labor unions of Lincoln met last
night and decided on the order of their
lineup in the parade to be given in Beat
rice on Labor day. It was decided that
Instead of taking along a band the "Cal
liope" quartet would be taken along. A
large crowd contemplates going.
State Fair Notes.
Everybody and everything will be at the
State fair. The biggest com, the finest
wheat and. in fact, the best farm products
ever exhibited in the state wilt be there.
Never In the history of the country have
there been such products to exhibit. From
the north, south, east and west people are
coming, many of them bringing with them
the best they have for exhibition. The live
stock show will be as good as that of the
farm products, and together will make the
biggest show ever seen of the kind in the
All the members of the board of agricul
ture will be on the fair grounds each day
and will be pleased to meet and have per
sonal talks with as many of the visitors as
No one who attends the State fair with
his eyes open this year will be sorry he
went, as there will be practically no limit
to the number of good things to be seen.
Last year there were 80,343 admissions and
it fs thought the 90,000 mark will be reached
this year, but if the attendance should
reach . the 100,000 mark the management
will not be at all surprised.
Secretary of Agriculture Bassett's office
is by the far the busiest place in the state
house this week. He has a lot of extra
clerks, all as busy as bees with the final
arrangements. ,
Objects to Prisoners Diet.
OSCEOLA, Neb.. Aug. 31. (Special.)
About twenty days ago Judge Ball of the
county court sentenced Oscar Erlckson and
Earl Hare to the county jail, and the last
twenty days of the sentence was to be oa
bread and water. The boys are In Jail yet.
and the time fr the taking of the bread
and water begins today. The sheriff is
going to folio out the mandate of the
court and give the boys the feed they have
been ordered. . Lawyers Beebe and John
ston have Interested themselves In the boys'
caaes and they have applied to the district
court judge, Evans, for a writ of habeas
corpus, alleging that the judge had no au
thority to the boys to so inhuman,
barbarous treatment as bread and water for
sustenance, and more -especially as a ju
Utuntftl.ter luisleruttner.
4-7, 1905,
tickets to attend celebration of
Sept. 2, 4 and 5, 1905.
PHONE 316.
Fifty Delegate! Present Representing
Churches in Eastern Fait of State.
Rev. George Van Winkle of South
Omaha Elected Moderator and
Rev. R. F. Fellman ot
j Omaha Clerk.
WAHOO, Neb., Aug. SI. (Special Tele
gram.) The Omaha Baptist association,
comprising the Baptist churches of the cen
tral district of eastern Nebraska, met at
the Wahoo Baptist church and was called
to order by the moderator, Rev. George
Van Winkle of South Omaha. It is a dele
gated body and twenty churches are repre
sented by fifty delegates.
The Introductory sermon was preached by
Rev. B. F. Fellman of Omaha on "The
Mission of the Church." He asserted that
the church, scrlpturally constituted. Is a
body of saints, whose mission is not to
save its members, nor should its energies
be devoted to moneymaktng schemes, but
to a spread of the gospel over the world in
our generation.
Rev. Samuel Z. Batten, D. D., of Lin
coln gave an exposition of the first chapter
of Revelation. He said that the book was
an unveiling of Jesus Christ and one con
taining most Important truth for the church.
No book had suffered moie at the hands of
commentators, he said. It set forth the
Christ no longer in humiliation, but in
Rev. L C. H. Biggs of Omaha declared
that the world never more than today
needs the truths taught by the Bible. Men
may be conscientious, but are only free as
they know the truth. Loose thinking is re
sponsible for error and sin.
The boy problem was discussed by Rev.
E. R. Curry of Omaha. He declared that
the environment of the boy of today Is
fraught with peculiar dangers and made an
earnest plea for a studied and strenuous
effort to reach the boys.
M. G. MacLeod of Omaha spoke from the
standpoint of the teacher and lamented In
competence In instruction and especially
deplored a tendency to disregard the nature
of boyhood.
The following officers were elected: Mode
rator, Rev. George VanWInkle of South
Omaha; clerk. Rev. B. F. Fellman of
Omaha; treasurer, George Haskins of South
The sixteen churches which reported to
the association had baptised 129 converts,
bad paid $46,319 for local expenses and edi
fices and $5,000 for missions. '
Rev. P. H. McDowell of Omaha precipi
tated an Interesting discussion on Christian
literature, making a strong plea for Chris
tian newspapers.
Holdapa at Beatrice.
. BEATRICE. Neb., Aug. $l.-(Speclal Telegram.)-;.
F. Klmberly, while en route
home with his wife, was held up and
robbed of $1 In cash last night by two men
who accosted the couple on the South
Sixth street bridge. Two men giving their
names as Gus Alcorn and J. C. Griffin were
arrested in the railroad ya,s this morning
and lodged In Jail, suspected of being rn
plicated In the holdup.
Oakland Maa Commits Salclde.
OAK DALE, Neb., Aug. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) J. 8. Dewey, one of the pioneer
settlers of Antelope county, and for many
years engaged in the hardware business at
this place, committed suicide today by
shooting himself tn the head with a re-
valvar, u a as jeara ot ag- V
-T3 L
spondency is the supposed causa of his
Large Gathering; Helps Old Settlera
Celebrate the Event.
DAKOTA CITY, Neb., Aug. 31. (Special.)
Today marked the twenty-fourth time the
pioneers and old settlers of Dakota county
have gathered together in their annual
reunion and picnic to recount the hardships
endured in the early settlement of Ne
braska to make the state what it is today
one of the best in the union. The picnic
today was held In Clinton park, near this
place, where for several years it has been
held. The day was an ideal one. nature
seeming to assist In making this, the
fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of
Dakota county, an epoch in the history
of the Pioneers' and Old Settlers' associa
tion of Dakota county. Every train brought
large delegations from nearby towns, there
being large representations present from
Ponca, Emerson, Pender, Sioux City and
Serseant Bluffs.
Reed's Fourth regiment band of Sioux
City opened the exercises by discoursing
music along Broadway, when at 10:30 the
exercises were commenced at the park,
being opened with music, followed by a
prayer by Rev. Dr. J. W. Frlxsell of the
First Congregational church, Sioux City,
which was followed by "America," sung
by the audience, accompanied by the band.
A. T. Haase, president of the association,
delivered the address of welcome, which
was followed by more music,.' when the
principal address of the day was delivered
by Dr. L. P. Ludden, D. D., of Lincoln,
Neb. Dr. Ludden's address was compli
mented as being one of the best ever de
livered at these gatherings. Then came
the big basket dinner, which to many Is
the event of the day. "The Pioneers," a
poem written by L. McCarthy of 81oux
City, was read by Miss Nellie Davey of
Jackson, after which the mortuary report
was read. The afternoon was devoted to
sports, there being ball games, horse races,
etc. The attendance was estimated at
6,000. A. T. Haase was re-elected president.
The event closed with a dance in the even-
Palisade Succeeds In Taking; Liberal
Share of Prises.
M'COOK. Neb., Aug. 31. (Special Tele
gram.) Woodmen day brought a largely in
creased crowd to the carnival today. In
the log rolling for prizes Palisade camp
won first. Beaver City second, McCook
third. G. W. Trlmpey of Culbertson was
first in the wood cutting contest. He also
won last year. William Stock of Culbert
son was second. Palisade camp also won
the tug-ot-war. The McCook team won the
sword and belt tn the district drill. It was
decided to hold the next annual log rolling
at Beaver City and that city is given au
thority to name the time and officers of the
association. The base ball game today be
tween Arapahoe and MeCook was won by
Arapahoe. Tomorrow is Traveling Men's
day and the flower parade, which la ex
pected to draw the greatest crowd of the
Old Master and slave Meet.
SPRINGFIELD, Neb.. Aug. 11. (Special.)
Born in slavery In Clay county, Missouri,
in the year 1M0, at the home of Ashby
Peters, soli' at auction along with his
mother and five brothers and sisters, but
through th.- Intercession of Madam Peters
not delivered to his new masters, remaining
upon the old homestead, and finally given
as a present to the elder son of the family
Mason Peters, now a prominent stockman
of Kansas City, Mo. Such is the history of
the life of Harry Edmonson, colored.
well-to-do farmer residing on a farm two
miles northeast of this place.
Suimocsob located big old. master througU
Tickets on sale Aug. SO to
Sept. 4, inclusive.
a clipping from The Bee some three months
ago. He wrote to htm, and was happily
surprised at receiving an answer and an in
vitation to make him a visit, which he did
last week. He leas just returned, having
had the pleasure of seeing face to face his
former owners, whom he had not seen since
one night In the winter of 18K4, when his
mother, calling ner six children about her,
set out to obtain her own and her children's
freedom, having lost faith in Uncle Sam.
They made their way to what Is now Kan
sas City, Kan., where they found friends,
and from that time young Harry, like
"Topsy," Just grew up. Today he Is tha
happy possessor of a wife and family and
a fine eighty-acre farm, and says Nebraska
Is good enough for htm.
News of Nebraska.
BEATRICE Today F. D. Kees Bold his
hardware store and building to P. P. Pear
son, late of Plattsmnuth, for $K,000.
BEATRICE Robbers entered the home of
Thomas Irvine on North Ninth street yes
terday morning while the family was away
and stole $6,60 from a pocket hook In the
bureau drawer. There is no clue.
WOOD RIVER In addition to the sixteen
new residences which have been erected In
Wood River since January 1, H. H. Brown
and A. Lapolnt both have the material on
the ground for up-to-date cottages.
WOOD RIVER The roller mills of this
place have recently Installed a largo
amount of new machinery, being forced to
do so by the Immense wheat crop which is
being threshed In the Wood river valley.
WEST POINT The funeral of the late
Mrs. William Malchow, sr., took place yes
terday afternoon. The deceased was one of
the first settlers of Cuming county, coming
here with her family nearly forty-two years
OSCEOLA There is considerable grain
coming to market here, rnd while the
quality is growing better every day, yet
the price declines in wheat, oats and corn.
The market today Is: Wheat, 6Hc; oats,
lK4c; corn. 41ic; hogs, $5.50.
NEBRASKA CITY The unveiling of the
Arbor day memorial statue of the late J.
Sterling Morton will not take place until
some time in October, ftuttolph Evans, of
Paris, the sculptor, Is In the city arranging
for the unveiling of the monument.
BEATRICE About fifty members of the
Grand Army of the Republic and the
Woman's Relief Corps, of this city, went
to Wymore yesterday to attend the Inter
state and district Grand Army of the Re
public reunion being held mere this week.
WEST POINT Another copious rain fell
In this locality yesterday. Corn is matur
ing very fast and Is not a little above the
rormal for this time of year. Late planted
fields are coming out In good shape not
withstanding the handicap of wet weather
early in the season.
BEATRICE Harry Root, the 15-year-old
boy who had his right leg severely mangled
by getting nis loot caugni in a Duggy wrieei
near the home of Noah Wrlghtsman Tues
day afternoon, necessitating amputation at
the knee joint, oiea lust evening irom ins
effects or nis injuries.
PLATTSMOUTH The Kansas Town and
I .and company has filed a petition In the
district court protesting against the incor
poration of the village of Murdock. The
company objects to the Incorporation of
that part of the village occupied by the
Rock Island station and grounds.
NEBRASKA CITY John Mattes, sr.. and
John Mattes, Jr., officers of the Mattes
Brewing Co., were fined $ and costs la
the county court today on a charge of sell
ing liquor to a minor. It is alleged that
the defendants sold beer to a 14-year-old
boy. The case will be appealed to the dis
trict court.
WOOD RIVER About forty or fifty of
the members of the Eastern Star and their
friends are enjoying a picnic on the farm
of James Williams on the banks of the
Platte, six miles south of Wood River, to
day. Several loads left town early this
morning and the day Is proving a pleasant
and enjoyable one.
WEST POINT Joseph Jerman, a partner
In the general merchandise firm of the
6tleren-Jerman company, returned yester
day from an extended trip to his birth
place In Bohemia. He reports conditions
generally In Europe much Improved during
the twenty-five years of his absence, but
still thinks there is no place like Nebraska.
BEATRICE Yesterday at noon at the
home of the bride's parents. Judge and
Mrs. J. E- Cobbey, ao urred the marriage
of their daughter. Miss Luclle Cobbey,
to Mr. J. William Thomas, a newspaper
man of Kansas City. The ceremony was
witnessed only by the immediate relatives
and a few intimate friends, following which
a wedding breakfast was served. Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas left on an afternoon train
ior a Uiv Iff Mvaial la Cuiviad
They will be at home In Kansas City aftei
November 1 '
PLATTSMOl'TH A stranger purchased a
handkerchief at the clothing store of Wil
liam Holly yesterday, after which he wat
granted permission to go to the rear of tin
store to remove an electric bell. A few
minutes lajer he walked nut with two pnlr
of troupers, which he wore over his old
ones. When the theft was discovered the
stranger had disappeared.
AINSWOKTU Deputy United States Mar
hall H. A. Homan arrived here on thn
midnight train last night and by the .iil
of the sheriff here and four deputies th-y
surrounded the reaidem-e of Squire Jones
at daylight this morning, where they ha I
been Informed a halfbreed Indian, one nf
the Sutler gang, was slaylnis, hut after a
thorough search he waa not found. Ho is
wanted for various crimes.
BEATRICE The funeral of William
Cook, who was drowned In the Blue river
northwest nf Beatrice Tuesday afternoon,
was held this afternoon from the family
home at 4 o'clock. The services werii
conducted by Rev. Edwin Booth, Jr., of the
Congregational chumh, assisted by Rev.
G. W. Crofts. The services were unusually
lmpreastve and the attendance very large.
Interment was in Evergreen Home Ceme
tery. WOOD RIVER-The dry wind Of the lust
few days puts thn country In need of
another rain, although there Is nothing suf
fering. Corn in some Instances Is already
dented and out of the way of frost, but
there are some lute planted fields that ha f
not matured yet. Haying operations are
being carried on along the Platte on a larrfe
scale. The amount of fall plowing dona
this fall is more than ever known In this
section of the state.
BEATRICE New wheat has dropped a
cent the past few days, the price quoted
being 72 cents per bushel. Corn Is steady
at 44 and oats at 21 and 22 cents Plenty
of wheat Is being marketed here, but thero
has been a slight dropping off In the
amount of corn and oats brought to tho
local markets. Corn has been ripening fust
the past few weeks and many of the farm
ers believe that it will be out ot the way
of frosts by September 15.
Going VilIi a Rush
The pianos which met
with the accident in
the railroad yards,
shipped to A. Hospe Co
which damaged nearly all of them to
the extent of scratching the edges and
marring the mouldings on some, and
damaging the keyboard fronts, hub
been satisfactorily adjusted.
These pianos are now being put' on
the market, less the allowance for
This will enable the buyers to get
brand new pianos at prices usually
asked fur second-hand instruments.
We have already disposed of a num
ber of them. The buyers are de
lighted to get his advantage on pianos,
since they have been rennished where
ever hurt, so that the damage is en
tirely effaced.
Here Is an opportunity on small
monthly payments to put a fine in
strument Into your parlor and save
an even $1U0. The prices are marked
In plain hgurea. You make no mis
take, for you can get then pianos at
$145, $160, $175, $liw, $.'10, fca. $240,
$'7& and M) for pianos that for
merly have sold up to $D00.
We make terms of $5 per month or
M. 17. U and $10 per month.
You get stool and scarf. You get a
guarantee that is as good as your
If you want to see some bargains,
just see our list. Knabes, Kimball.,
Kranlch at Bachs. liallet Dsvla,
Sterlings, Krell. Cable-Nelsons, Cra
mer, Hospe, Burton and other pianos.
We tune pianos, repair plans, move
pianos, box and ship them.
1513 Douglas St,
! L.
i jaataMM', HIM