Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    Telephone 4.
Ba decent to the
under dof he
may b on top
; Tailored laits this season are the demand of fashion. It la now safe to
ajr th. coraet will be the moat Important part. When It cornea to a question
of cut and fit Sapphire Corsets lead It Jl made to fit American figures. French
manufacturers with a deprecating ware of the hand are creatlre, artistic, but
they cannot touch American corset manufacturera for fit. We fit each Sap
phire Corset without extra charge. Prices $9.00, $10.00 and $16.00 each. Bee
. Beginning with September our store will remain open on Saturdays until
6 p. m.
Y. M. C. A. Building,
powers of treaty revision, and recalls the
attempt to assassinate Okum, saying-: "The
people never remained quiet when the na
tional Interests were menaced."
It (further declares that the nation will
be humiliated unless the people act strongly
asks: "Why should the victor be concilia
asks; "Why should the victor be concilia
tory and the vanquished arrogant?"
They declare that the people's quick ac
tion alone will prevent national disgrace
after a record of brilliant victories on land
and sea. , .
"Otherwise," It says, "our brothers who
have been killed In the field have died an
Inglorious death. Great .concessions have
been made by our plenipotentiaries. A
peace concluded upon such terms can never
satisfy the nation."
The Malnlchl says:
We are disappointed. We onlr hoped that
there would be a suspension of the peace
conference. Tt Is Impossible under the cir
cumstances to conclude an honorable peace.
The fruits of our arms have been lost by
weak diplomacy.
Japan victorious In the field has been de
feated In the conference chamber.
The Mlchinlrhl says:
Wo feel surprised and wonder that peace
could have been concluded when every
thing Indicated the Impossibility of making
Russia accept the vital demands of our
In the absence of official confirmation of
the terms It la Impossible to form a final
opinion, but the Indications are that noth
ing will ensure peace with terms that are
The minor papers are generally angry and
aay that peace obtained upon the terms re
ported Is a humiliating one.
Ruilssl Are Dissatisfied.
ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 3I.-Judging
from the press comment today on peace It
would appear that while pleased with tho
prospect of the removal of further blood
shed from the far east, a large portion of
the public Is unable to reconcile Itself to
the loss of territory, however Insignificant.
The national pride seems to be offended by
tbe cession of part of the Island of Sak
halin. Yesterday the people spoke of "today's
shame," meaning peace. Many of the ut
terances show evidences of regret that the
army had not been given another chance to
try the fortune of war, though no one
questions or underrates the humanity of
the oourse followed by President Roosevelt,
the plenipotentiaries and Emperor Nicho
las. ' The tone of many of the utterances
concerning peace Induces one to believe
that a further sacrifice of human lives
would not be unacceptable If the national
self-respect could be regained thereby.
One word of disapproval of tbe terms from
Toklo suggesting that Japan-did not desire
to be bound by the terms might result In a
flare up here la, defense pf.war and the na
tional honor.
Embittered by what they declare to be a
dishonorable peace the extreme patrolts do
at, aJways refrain from criticising Presl
ftaot Roosevelt and the American people,
Wtio, they declare, have offended Russian
sentiment by underrating the Russian prep
arations, strength and ability to cope with
the Japanese. The people, almost without
exception,-, welcome peace and express the
hope that the shackles which kept Amer
ican enterprise out of Russia will be re
moved. Preference for American enter
prise tn Russia as against German Is ex
pressed, ,'" '
Expressions of the Press.
The Russ says:
All we could have expected was avoid
ance of 'diplomatic defeat. This seems to
have been accomplished.
The Novoe Vremya says:
Japan Is dissatisfied with the peace. So
are we. President Roosevelt was In favor
of Russia ceding the Island of Sakhalin
and paying an Indemnity. This does not
please us. This peace Is only one phase in
our relations with Japan, which are only
beginning. We shall rest and then doubt
less go on. As men who have spent eight
een troublous months together we now
shake each other by the hand and say au
if voir. .English and American capitalists
should rejoice, over the peace.
The SJovo.. says that peace should have
been concluded before the battle of the
Sea of Japan, ' adding: "Than wa would
not have lost any territory. Tha present
agreement with Japan may result In rela
tions which will reward us and heal the
wounds Jnftloted on Russian patriotism by
the war." . .
Tha Syn Orchestra says:
Whatever we may have paid at Ports
mouth, It was not the price of peace, but
of war. We fear that secret articles have
been signed which are disadvantageous to
Tha Kasha Shlan remarks:
We must acknowledge that the peace
terms are most disadvantageous. We can
not rejoice aver them. We have lost too
much, . .
Tha Bvet aays: .
Oeneral Llnevltch's army is not destroyed.
The present treaty puts off but does not
exclude war, nly a bucket of cold water
has been poured over It out of the fountain
of humanity ,wlth which President Roose
velt Is now Irrigating all the world.
Tha Bourse Oasette aays:
Tha war has forced Russia to open Its
eyes to its rotten political foundations and
to its Ignorance of the disorder in the
army, and In fact in all branches of tha
national, administration.
Tha St. Petersburg Gasette remarks:
Wa have been overcome not bv Japan,
, . . .
t See announcement la to-
)rrov$ daily papers.
Be., Aug.' 11, 1905.
Cor. 16th and Douglas.
but by our dishonesty and happy-go-luckl-ness.
The dreadful lessons of this war
will not be fruitless and will force us
toward better forms of life. America and
Its noble and brave president have rendered
us great service.
Views of Japanese Financier.
LONDON, Aug. Jl.-Koretiyo Takahashl.
tha financial commissioner of Japan, In
an Interview today said:
The Japanese government, In prosecuting
the war, never had In mind the question
of having to depend upon an Indemnity.
The - government had prepared Itself for
any emergency, and at the present mo
ment there is no less than $1i5,0u0,0o0 un
touched In London, Germany and the
United States. This being the case, I see
no necessity for the Issue of a new loan.
Uad peace not been concluded my govern
ment would have raised an Internal loan
of $lofi,ouo,000 for the further prosecution
of the war. This was the plan of the
government at the time the conference
met. I consider that the present resources
of Japan are ample for clearing up the
war and meeting the Incidental expenses
thereby Involved. So, If Japan has In view
a new plan for the Issue of a fresh loan, It
will be for the purpose of converting a
previous loan bearing higher Interest. I
have not heard that my government has
any such Intention.
When questioned regarding the conditions
of peace, Mr. Takahasht continued:
All far-seeing . Japanese will hall with
satisfaction the conclusion of peace,
although there must be a feeling of gen
eral regret that Russia did not display a
more reasonable attitude in recognising
that Japan's terms were not only rrason
able, but very moderate. In tha circum
stances all Japanese who take a broad
minded view of the situation must recog
nise that the decision of their emperor
was the wisest possible. Had the govern
ment Insisted on an Indemnity It Is clear
that the war would have continued. The
objects for which this war was waged
already have been more than achieved, and
to continue the war for a pecuniary con
sideration would not have been worthy of
the Japanese nation. I do not share the
view that this is a patched up peace or
that fresh conflicts are likely to ensue.
Such a contingency has been amply pro
vided for by the Anglo-Japanese alliance.
Mr. Takahasht looks for one of the earli
est developments In the far east In the
education of China by western methods,
which has already commenced.
Elimination of Lively Part of
Gooden'a Complaint Hobs Salt
f Ita Sensation.
The Royal Highlander caae continues to
drag Us slow length along In the United
States circuit court with but little Interest
aside from the reading of the grist of affi
davits and depositions filed by both plaintiff
and defendants. The . reading of . these
affidavits occupied about alt of -Thursday.
Nothing new appeara In them outside of
what has hitherto been published In the
The elimination of that portion of the
complaint of the plaintiff. Dr. W. F.
Gooden, which prays for his reinstatement
In the position of chief medical examiner
of the organization has robbed the case
of any sensational Interest. The affidavits
as now being read before the court show
principally the purposes of the organisation,
and an explanation of the rules governing
It and the powers of the executive castle
In the formulation and changing of the
Meetings to Be Held In the Second,
Sixth and Ninth Wards for
The North End Republican club of the
Ninth ward will meet Friday evening at
Twenty-seventh and Cuming streets. Good
speakers will ba on hand to discuss tha In
teresting topics of the day and all are In
vited. There will bo a meeting of tha Second
Ward Republican club on Friday evening
at tha hall, corner Nineteenth and Vinton
The Sixth Ward Republican club will
hold Its regular monthly meeting on Fri
day evening, September 1, at t o'clock.
Hon. David H. Mercer ("Our Dave") will
be the principal speaker. All republicans
and all candidates are invited. '
Great Western Aarcnt Will Hit
Charge of BtlckneyWattles
Elevator in Omaha.
8. D. Park hurst, general agent of the
Chicago Great Western at Omaha, la to be
manager of the new Independent elevator
at this place. Mr. Parkhurst says tha ele
vators have been delayed by the electri
cians and they are responsible for the de.'
lay, as everything else In Connection with
the big plant Is ready for operation. The
elevators will be ready for the handling of
grain In about ten days. E. 8. Carrls has
been appointed foreman and practical man
In charge of the elevators and will report
at once. He was formerly connected with
the electric elevators of Minneapolis and
la a practical elevator man.
Will Ba Instituted with a Charter List
of One Hundred Members by
Depnty McLean.
Friday evening, September 1. at Benson,
there will ba Instituted a new aerie of the
Fraternal Order of Eagles. The new aerie
la to begin with a .charter list of about 100
members, composed of tha substantial men
of Benson and surrounding country. State
Deputy Dan W. McLean will coaduct the
Institution of the aerie, and he will ba as
sisted by the degree teams of Omaha, South
Omaha and Council Bluffs aerlea. Two trol
ley cars will take the visitors from Omaha
to Benson and will wait for them at tha
suburban end of tha line.
Batertalainn- an Knemy.
, Don't entertain a chronic, running sore
or wound. Cure tt with Bucklea'a Arnica
Sal re; a cents; guaranteed. For sale by
Sherman 4k McConnall Drug Co.
Will I era for Hla Wtfa.
D. Parmenter, the young man who
was bound over from tha police to tbe dis
trict court Thursday morning on the charge
of throwing a bottle of carbolic acid Into
the face or hla wife, has ben released on
bonds for bis appearanca at the fall term
it court. The husband stated Wednesday
evening he Intends to go and lake care of
tils wife and la anxious to back to
work aa a looouioUve Areiua.
Emplajes Being Fat on by Union Pacific
to Maat Hea7 Demands.
Enormous Grain Crops of Nebraska
Throwa Tremendoua Demands
on tha Shopmen of the
Overland Ronte.
Skilled carmen ara In demand at the
Union Pacific shops, where good men are
being put to work as fast as they apply
or can be secured. This applies only to the
car department, for Superintendent Mc
Keen says the machine shops are running
at full capacity now and have been for
some time. The enormous grain crops In
Nebraska and all over the west Is making
a heavy demand upon the car service de
partment for every available car, so that
a hustle Is being made to get Into shape
all possible cars.
As a matter of fact, fifty men have been
put to work In the ear department In each
of the last two days, and fifty more ara
wanted. The men have returned to tha
ten-hour day Instead of the nine-hour, re
ceiving extra pay for the extra hour.
Motor car No. 1, almost a duplicate to
gasoline motor car No. L will be turned
out of the shops In a few days In a fin
ished state. No decision has been reached
as to where this car will ba put Into
Railroads Short on Cars.
Reports come that several of the rail
roads are somewhat short of cars to handle
the grain, which Is beginning to move In
goodly quantities. Most of the roods deny
any shortage, while ..some others admit
they are having to bustle to handle the
grain that Is being moved In various direc
tions. The Missouri Pacific had to hustle
to get cars for the enormous wheat crop
which Kansas grew this year, a consider
able part of which was put right on the
cars. The price of wheat was good and
the farmers thought that because of tha
enormity of the crop and the good price
they might as well dispose of what they
could. The northern wfceat Is not ready
and tha Minneapolis millers took a great
deal of mixing wheat from the south.
Corn also Is moving, although the big
fall movement haa not opened out. There
la a good price on grain, which will be
raised hi cent October 1, and this Is some
Inducement for the farmers to ship at this
time. The Burlington says It haa not been
Short of cars, but that the movement
started so suddenly It took a hustle to
get the grain oars In motion and to have
them where they were needed. There Is
considerable grain moving to Chicago for
export and corn Is being sent In all direc
tions for feeders. It having been realised
long ago that It was cheaper to ship grain
to stock than to ship the stock to the
New Shops for McKeen.
Julius Kruttschnltt, director of mainten
ance and operation of the Harrlman lines,
was In the city for a short time Thursday,
enroute east. He spent the time of his
stay In company with W. R. McKeen, Jr.,
superintendent of motive power of the
Union Pacific. Mr. Kruttschnltt said:
"I suppose you have had full reports of
the millions which the Union Pacific Is
spending to Improve the lines in Nebraska
and west. We are replacing miles and
miles of the old rails with new ninety
pound rails and are alBo working out the
double track scheme as fast as possible,
not only on paper, but on the right-of-way.
Mr. McKeen must, have some new shops
and there probably will be started this
fall. The plans are about completed, but
you know about the plans for -shops.- They
roust be drawn, and then we" have found
that the easiest way to suit everyone on
them Is to .nail them to a tree and let all
Interested parties take a shot at them.
"We have large forces of men at work
on the Maryvllle line, which will give the
Union Pacific a practical line from Omaha
to Kansas City. We hove the line to To
peka already, and the Maryvllle branch is
building, so by the use of the St. Joseph
& Grand Island to Hastings, we will have
an Omaha-Kansas City line. The use of
the Burlington line from Hastings to Kear
ney has been chewed over considerably,
but nothing definite has been done."
Mr. Kruttschnltt went west with Mr.'
Harrlman when the latter passed through
Omaha enroute to the Onent.
County Clerk Drexel Gets Notice at
Early Arrlvnl of Machines for
Voters Scrutiny.
County Clerk Drexel has received a letter
from the United States Standard Voting
Machine company, which promises that .he
voting machines heretofore ordered for the
foil election will be In Omaha about Sep
tember li. There will be four extra ma
chines In the shipment, so that In case a
machine "bucks," as most any machine
will sometimes do, there will be no need to
wait for the shipment of another from the
Tha early shipment of the machines will
enable the county clerk to have them set
up for examination, ond possibly for prac
tice. In the booths where the primary vot
ing will be done.
Nebraska Boy Released.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Aug. 31. (Special.)
Frank Stevenson, o 16-year-old boy, who
was arrested at Hillsdale a few days ago
In company with two other boys of his
own age, charged with the theft of W0 In
money ond considerable personal property
from a bunk car at Archer, was yesterday
released upon the payment of a fine of
by his parenta, who live In Grand Island,
Neb. It was conclusively proven that young
Stevenson had no hand In the stealing and
simply Joined the other two after the
theft, being given part of the stolen prop
erty, which was found on his person at
tha time of his arrest. The other two boys
ara awaiting trial and will probably be sent
to tha state penitentiary.
ia Omaha Savings Banks.
The statements of tha two state banks,
the City Savings bank and J. L. Brandela
dt Sons, shows a further Increase of de
posits for the city of 151,700.69. The condi
tions of these banks May 29 and August
IS are shown by the following tables:
May 19. August 16.
Loans 1661.144 23 ll MiB
Cash on hand 4t.r7.31 70. 577. so
Deposits 47.474 91 $41.829 61
Total resources 699.241. 64 66t.CH2.S2
May 29. August 25.
Loans and bonds ;.l4i2.W7.Jl lols.071.71
Cash on hand 191. 013. G8 163, i26v)
le posits 626.149 14 621.414 9
Total resources SM.OuO 99 6sO,497.75
Alleged Horsetnteres Arrested.
AFTON, Wyo., Aug. SI. (Special. ) Wil
liam Htnk of Bedford and Lyman Hem
mert of Thayne have been arrested here
on tha charge of horse stealing. They ara
out on bonds of 11.000 each until tha data
of trial.
Lumbermen to I'nlte.
DETROIT, Aug. SI. An amalgamation of
lumber Interest, intended principally to op
erate tn the redwood districts on the pa
cl do coast, was effected hero today and the
Paclflo Lumber company was organised
with a capitalisation of !10,oau,uu0. Articles
of Incorporation will be filed under the
laws of Maine. The new company Is an Out-
Jrowto of the Pacific company of New
ersey. Among the directors are W. H.
Robinson of Pun Francisco aud i at. Mur
phy of Arlaona.
Mr. Flemlnsr to Mr. Fink.
OMAHA. Aug. $1. To the Editor of Tha
Bee: Please my for me, answering Mr.
Fink's wondering questions, that there Is
r.O connection whatever between the order
of court td re-offer certain properties In
West Side and my desire to facilitate the
assignment of tax certificates now held by
the city.
The order of court Is wholly on the in
stance of the city legal department and I
have nothing to do with It In any way. Pre
vious to reading what .Mr. Fink Is reported
to have said, I knew nothing of the trans
action except that the assistant city at
torney told, me within the last two days
that the property was In West Side, and
had been bid In hy'yny predecessor, repre
senting the city, at the February scavenger
sales at full amount of the tax tn place of
the scale adopted by the city, and a cor
rection watt' necessary. I have had no oc
casion to 'know who th owners are, ona
or many, what or where the property Is
or take any part whatever In the transac
tion. Mr. Fink has gone put of his way to In
sinuate unworthy motives and a connec
tion, neither o" them existing, and I advise
him to be a little mora careful. I am
quoted by Mr. Fink, aa saying there was
1106,000 of certificates held b$T the city, while
ha soys there are nearer !3D,000 worth. My
statement was that tha city and county
had bid In on property within the city llm-
lta on May and August alone over 1100,000.
I had no means of. knowing the amount
remaining In his hands, so did not attempt
to name It. Tho more there Is tha better
field to operate In and as already expressed,
I propose to do nothing to Interfere with
Mr. Fink's prerogative or contrary to law.
His Imagination haa been very fertile lately.
I have no thought to do anything but pro
mote and facilitate- the sole of certificates
In which the city la Interested, Just as I
first suggested to him (he did not. as ha
states, make the suggestion to me), which
he approved. Anything I do In the direc
tion will have the authority and sanction
of the city legal department and city coun
cil and no Interference with the county's
rights or interests or of the oounty treas
urer will, I am sure, either be allowed or
Tax Commissioner.
New First District Congressman
Favors Railroad Commission '
Elected by the People,
Congressman E. M. Pollard Is In Omaha
on his way home from Shubert, where he
delivered the principal address at an old
settlers' reunion 'Wednesday.
Congressman PollaVd Is specially Inter
ested in the questions which wore made
the Issue In the platform on which he was
elected and thinks that the coming re
publican state convention should declare
the position of the party on these sub
jects. "I took up something In my address yes
terday which I think should be empha
sised," said he.. 'Weihave a constitu
tional amendment submitted by the last
legislature for an elective railroad commis
sion, and although this is not to be voted
on until next year. It ought to be thor
oughly agitated, so that the people do not
lose sight of It. I am advocating also that
the legislature to be elected be pledged
by the party platform to vest the railroad
commission, assuming that the amend
ment carries, with powers over rates on
Nebraska btiatnesa,' trreaponding with the
powera which' president Roosevelt has rec
omnjanded fox. Ua-, Interstate' Commerce
commission aa respects interstate business.
Unless thla Is dontr the 'program of Presi
dent Roosevelt cWnnot be fully carried
out. I expect to be at the state conven
tion, but not as a delegate, because our
precinct will send Senator Sheldon, who
has been selected for temporary chairman
of the convention. I am planning to have
a field day at our farm at Ne
hawka for representatives of all the news
papers in my district, In recognition of the
cordial support given me in my campaign.
This will take place the last week of
Boundaries of County Commissioners
Bailiwicks Proposed by
Commissioner Brunlng at the meeting of
the county board Thusday morning offered
a resolution to establish the boundaries
of the new commissioner districts. This
is made necessary by the redisricting of
the city under the new charter. Under
Mr. Bruning'a resolution the districts would
be constituted aa follows:
First First, Seventh, Eighth and Elev
eath wards of Omaha as at present con
stituted. The old First consists of tho
old Fourth, Seventh and Eighth wards
of Omaha. . .
Second-First, Second. Third and Tenth
wards. This district now comprises the
old First, Second and Third wards.
Third Benson, Chicago, Douglas, Dundee.
Elkhorn, Jefferson, McArdlo. Millard
Union. Platte Valley. Waterloo. Florence!
Clontorf has been taken from thla district
and attached to South Omaha.
Fourth South Omaha and Clontarf.
Fifth-Fifth, Sixth. Ninth and Twelfth
wards and East Omaha. The district now
consists of the old Fifth, Sixth and Ninth
wards and East Omaha.
When the resolution was read Chairman
Kennard at once referred it to the com
mittee of the whole. This committee, com
prising the whole board, will meet Friday
or Saturday for consideration of the new
It Is understood that there is some dif
ference of opinion among the commis
sioners as to where the new Twelfth and
Ninth wards should be placed. Chairman
Kennard would. It Is understood, like to
have the new Ninth ward In his district,
giving to the Fifth district the Twelfth
ward aa at present made up. This la not
agreeable to Commissioner McDonald, who
thinks the Fifth district should retain the
Ninth ward In Its boundaries.
Hnaband Deserts Hla Wife for the
Company of Strumpets In
Her Hour of Agony.
James Hlldebrand of t30t South Twenti
eth street was arrested in the proscribed
district Wednesday evening by Officers
Ring and Murphy at a time when his
wife was home with a 1-hour-old baby
dead at her side. When booked at the
station It waa learned the police have
been holding a warrant for his arrest ever
since last May, when he Jumped through
a plate glass window at a resort to es
cape from Officer Ring, who was trying to
arrest Hllderbrand on a charge of assault
and battery.
In police court Thursday morning the
prisoner waa fined 11 and costa on the
charge of drunkenness snd 16 and costs
on ths charge of assault and battery. He
pleaded guilty,
Mrs Hlldebrand says her husband baa
neglected bar since last winter, but If be
will return and promise to straighten up
she will not prosecute him for abandonment.
Hlldebrand's father and neighbors have
beea assisting her for some una
Tbe City Barings Bank
is the oldest, largest
end strongest Bnvtnirs
Bnnk In Nebraska, ond
pays 4 per cent com
pound Interest on
monthly balances. All
deposits msj be with
drawn without notice.
We operate strictly a
Barings Bank and In
vest our funds only In
the highest grade of
Investment securities.
Write for circular
I hi
Chaser of Prairia and Lake Birds at
Liberty to Start.
Killing of Prairie Prises Must End
November 80, but the Game Water
Fowl and Snipe Are In
All Winter.
Today Is the date set for the opening
of the prairie chicken season In Nebraska.
Sage chickens, grouse, Jack snipe, Wilson
snipe and yellow legs may also be killed
beginning with today, likewise wild duck
and geese and all game water fowl.
The season for killing prairie chicken
and kindred birds extends to November SO,
while game water fowl may be shot until
April 15, and Jack snipe and the others
of that breed mentioned from September 1
to May IS following.
Not more than ten prairie chickens may
be had in possession during September.
The state game law as to other game says:
"Not more than ten wild geese or brant
and twenty-five game birds of other va
rieties to be killed In one day, and no person
allowed to have In possession more than
ten wild geese or brant, fifty ducks and
fifty other birds at any ona time."
No night hunting Is allowed and .only
ordinary shoulder guns are allowable.
The license fee for non-residents Is HO
and for resident hunters 11.
Benstne Bssales Are Urged by Chief
Instead of Horse
Police patrol automobiles are being con
sidered by the Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners for use In Omaha. Chief
Donahue Inclines toward their use and says
many advantages will result over -the
clumsy horse power wagons now In. use.
It Is up to the department to get a new
wagon, and 'In making the change tha
chief .thinks. Jt would be well to look up
the practicability of autoa for the service.
He says they are In use In Los Angeles,
Cleveland. Akron and other cities and the
police officials are enthusiastic about them.
Ha believes the Omaha department should
have two gasoline motor cars, to be bought
at an estimated cost of 13,000. One, in the
chief's opinion, should hold about fifteen
passengers and have a maximum speed of
sixteen miles an hour, and the other
should be smaller, with room for a squad
of five men and capable of traveling twenty-five
miles dti hour or faster.
"A burglar working at Fortieth and .Far
nom streets can hear the present wagon
almost as soon aa It is driven out of the
police station at Eleventh and" Dodge
streets," says th- chief. "The result Is the
burglar gets away every time. An automo
bile would help a lot in this way, as well
as contributing a great deal toward speed
In any kind of a hurry-up call. I think
they would work a saving under the main
tenance of horses. Our shoeing bills alone
run from 130 to 140 a month and repairs to
the steel-tired Wagons Is another expense.
There are few places in Omaha where an
automobile can't go."
Chairman of County Committee Acts
on Tradition of Federal
Chairman Robert Cowell of the republi
can county' committee has returned from
the east and. bright-eyed and smiling,
took up his work where he dropped It
three weeks ago at Thomas Kllpatrlck at
Co.'s. He did not seem In tha least
alarmed by the reports that the antl-ma-chlne
faction of the committee had been
planning rude deslgna upon the dignity
of his position while he was away from
home, buying goods in New York and
Boston and taking a small vacation with
his family at Lake Chautauqua. He. an
swered that he will cal a meeting of the
county committee for Saturday, September
I, to arrange for sending delegates from
Douglas county to tha state convention,
September 11
"I shall be guided by the majority of the
committee, as I have been In the past, and
have no Intentions of assuming to be a
dictator," said Chairman Cowell. "If the
antls believed there was any legality la
their claim that a primary election could
be held under the Dodge law to select
delegates to the state convention, why was
the matter not brought up before I left?
There was plenty of time for It, and every
one knew all the conditions Just as they
exist today. I waa even approached by a
prominent antl with a proposition that both
factions be given equal representation on
the delegation to the state convention, to
be selected by the county committee. I
gave no definite reply, but merely asked
whether If the antls had control of ths
committee, would they be that kind to the
machine faction. My visitor made no re
sponse. Peace, Theme of Musle,
The choir of St. Mary's Avenue Congre
gational church, under the direction of
Mr. Thomas J. Kelly, will resume work
for the season on Sunday morning when,
the musical part it the program will
be In the nature of a Thanksgiving
service for peace. Mrs. Kelly will again
be the soprano soloist and the choir will
be better then ever, the choir portion of
the church having been remodeled In order
to give the most advantageous arrange
ment possible.
Funeral Notice.
The funeral of Herbert E. dates, who
died In Denver, will take place Saturday
afternoon at 1 o'clock from St. Matthias
church, Tenth snd Worthinrton streets.
Intermenr at Prospect Hill cemetery.
Friends are Invited.
Barns Kneeka Out Barry.
Burns knocked Dsve Barry out tonight In
tbe twentieth rougd of a glow fight.
Aged Philanthropist Geti Tint View of
Memorial to Brother.
Hew Dental Collese to Be Finest la
In I ted Stntes and Lawyers Are
Also to Have Palatial
An Interesting occasion was the visit of
John A. Crelghton and a party of his
friends Thursday afternoon to Investigate
the Edward Crelghton Institute on Eight
eenth street, opposite the city hall. Though
he had furnished the means for equipping
and furnishing this magnificent Institution
this was the first time Count Crelghton had
entered the building. He left the construc
tion to the president of Crelghton univer
sity, Father Dowllng, who reported to him
from time to time and kept him Informed
of what was going on.
Though Mr. Crelghton Intended this edi
fice as a worthy monument to his brother
he waa surprised to find that It far ex-
reeded his anticipations. It Is a building
SxlW feet, fourtories. and each floor fur
nishes about 8,000 square feet of space. He
was Informed by Dean Metsler that the
dental department, occupying most of the
third and fourth floors. Is, without excep
tion, the best equipped dental college In the
United States. It will be news to the peo
ple of Omaha to hear that they have such
an establishment in their midst. All
branches of study except anatomy will be
conducted In this building. Dissection will
be taught In the Crelghton Medical college
on Fourteenth and Davenport.
Palatial Law Library, s
The law department and law library oc
cupy the second story. The lawyers of the
city will have palatial quarters In the
southeast corner. A large lounging and
smoking room Is set apart nearby for pro
fessors and students who wish to enjoy
their Havanas while reading or consulting.
T. J. Mahoney Is dean of this department
and Miss E. F. McCartney Is registrar.
The lower floor Is devoted to pharmacy,
under the charge of Dean Edmund Thorp,
who formerly conducted the Omaha College
of Pharmacy, which has recently been
merged Into Crelghton university aa a de
partment. The faculty of the John A.
Crelghton Medical college will be largely
employed In the scientific work of this new
The extensive assembly hall In the (lrst
story will furnish accommodations for large
meetings of various kinds.
The pharmacy department will open Sep
tember 5; medical, Tuesday, September 1;
law, Tuesday, September 26; dental, Mon
day, October 2. The Edward Crelghton In
stitute Is strictly a high-grade professional
school, which enlarges to a great extent the
facilities enjoyed by Omaha for higher edu
cation. This new Institution Is expected to be of
great benefit to Nebraska and the adjacent
states, as well aa to the youth of Omaha.
Count Crelghton has established numerous
landmarks In Omaha and this latest Insti
tution will be one more enduring monument
to the name of the Crelghton family.
Among the visitors with Count Crelghton
were C. J. Smyth. J. M. Woolworth. H.
Baldwin, P. Heafey, Edward Hayden,
Joseph Hayden, John A. Schenk and T. J.
Steps to Bulla Ip the Work Will
Reeult from ' Dinner -
LSt. Wln-bt... .
The first annual supper given to the boys
of the Toung Men's Christian association
took place last night, when some fifty boys,
members of the association, sat down to a
spread In the auditorium of the association
building, which had been gotten up for
them by Mr. Dennison, who has -charge of
the boys' department.
The Idea of the. gathering was to talk
over the possibilities of enlarging the mem
bership of the boys1 department, and a
campaign will be Instituted at once whereby
it Is hoped to secure at least 100 new mem
bers. Each boy who is at present a mem
ber Is vested with full authority to go out
and got all the members he can, and a great
deal of enthusiasm was shown by those
present last night.
Speeches were made by ,W. P. Graham
of the boys' committee of the board of di
rectors of the association, and Ralph Doub
of the boys' executive board.
The boys' gymnasium class will reopen
on September 11, and the night school will
open Its doors on September IS. On 8unday,
September 24, D. Burr Jones, the weli
known lecturer, will start the first of the
Sunday afternoon meetings after the sum
mer vacation. Mr. Jones comes direct to
Omaha from the Philippine Islands.
Nsnti and Other Kinglets.
Vp to Thursday noon the Ak-Sar-Be
vote stood aa follows:
King's Highway
Esplanude ,
Bar-Ben's Lane '
Streets of Cibola !'"
One-day admission tickets for the Ak
Bar-Ben street fair are being sent, out by
Samson to svery twenty-fifth voter In the
postal card vote. A partial list of the
names Is given below:
J. C. Donkup.
Marie Mackln.
Mrs. Jennie Johnson. .
Esther Chrlstensen.
Mrs. J. J. Case.
6. North.
W. F. Weber.
Maud Peck.
Q. Shorrock.
Maud Hatch.
Ella Seward.
O. O. Paughlan.
Nellie Davis.
Mrs. W. A. Gardner.
Mary E. Morse.
Mrs. Mary Doherty.
I.oretta Masters.
M. Burns.
A. A. Bass.
Mrs: George Peters, Norfolk, Neb.
Augusta V. Armstrong.
W. H. Brown.
Mrs. O. P. Masters. Norfolk, Neb.
Mrs. C. K. Thlem.
Mrs. C. S. Eiickion.
Henry Mostyn.
Byron Clow.
Zelde B. Woodward.
Mrs. O. W. West. St. Paul, Neb.
Perry E. McCullough.
Margaret Johnson.
Mrs. E. B. Haynes.
One Record Free
On Saturday, Sept. t, we will
present to every person making
a purchase amounting to 60o or
over, one 10-Inch Oolden Label
Record. This does not apply
to contract machines.
Why pay tl for poor 10-Inch
Alec records when you can buy
tha Famous "Oolden Label
10-lnch Records fur toe? .
1518-1520 Harney SL
Genuine Money-Saving
; TO 50
The ready confidence which this, as
well as all our former sales, Is met
with by the plnno buying public
prompts our earnest apprrclstlon and
our equally earnest desire to make
this, the last week of the sale. Just as
attractive te buyers unable to call be
fore. '
MENT we offer the greatest piano
values In the west, Steper Sons,
Emerson. the genuine Chlckerlng.
Needham, Bauer, Vose St. Sons, Kra
nlch A Bach. Hardman. Davis and
many others upon which the generous
discount prevails for quick disposal to
make room for fall stock, arriving
JUST RECEIVED, a carload of
beautiful "sample" upright planes
from a new eastern factory, who wish
to get them quickly Introduced In this
section. Choice of oak, walnut or ma
hogany and fully guaranteed. No
more can be had at the reduced price
after this car.
Regular $275 to $350 Pianos,
Reduced to
$210, $185 and $158
Terms $10 Cash, $5 Monthly
Magnificent display of new pianos
from Btelnway & Sons, Steger A Sons,
Emerson, Hardman, McPhatl, A. B.
Chase, Steck, Schmoller A Mueller and
20 other makes from the best factories
In the world. A showing of quality
not found elsewhere.
No More Asked No Less Accepted
& Mueller
Owning and operating Mi Leading
Tlano Stores in Five Cities.
Temporary Location
Find a
Every thing you hays)
to Bell Is wanted by
somebody If price and
quality are right A
Bee Want Ad will
find tt customer.
I her. a no Rdlphelto "site. Alum.
Ime or Ammonia in food made wltrr
4 01 in THt BAKine rowDi nuir-
1 makee pure food
V U 3 BURGESS, Mgra.
Opening of Regular Season
rrxt Moxnav An tiebdiy.
In a Four-Act Play, Entitled
PrlresKc, 5bo. 76c, II 00, 1.60. Free List
Suspended. Seats on Sale.
Prices 16c. c. Mo. TJo
Sun. Mat. 10c. 26c. too
Wednesday and Satur
day Mat. all seats tU
The Oreat Metropolitan Melodrama
A Melodrama With a Moral. "
dunday . ARIZONA
Clan Gordon's Picnic
Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 4
Ron ad Trip Tickets, gl.OO. Children
fft to IS) 50e. On sal at leading
tores and at secretary's office, lOOs)
Howard St.
alTrilB on Webster St. Oepet 9 A.M.
li I(E IfMUA
SaWng r;