Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1905, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
Appearance of the Flague in Pmiti
Cuiei Excitement.
Thirty-Four Cseei in Town Scattered
Over Large Area.
Btrong Fight KeceJtary to Keep it Within
Cautionary Sotleee Posted In All
Village In Districts Affected
l.xperta Make Inapeetlon
Tour a.
BERUN, Auk. :U.-The spread of cholera
from two loralltieii on the Welchsel river
five days ago to thirty-four cases In twelve
localities, extending from the Baltic to the
Warthe river. 15'1 miles south, and Its ap
pearance In Hamburg has given an un
pleasant tlirlll to the people of Germany,
for It muy mrnn a long and steady fight, as
In lKQ-m, to prevent the disease from get
ting beyond control. In those years It la
estimated that &r,o00 persons died In Russia
from cholera.
The I'russlan government Is keenly aware
of the. possibilities of the danger, which
o far Is not regarded as giving occasion
for apprehension. A committee of the
cabinet consisting of Dr. Btudt. minister
of madlcal affairs; Heir von Sudde, minister
of state and minister of public works; Herr
Moller, minister of commerce and industry,
and Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg, minister
Of. the Interior, has the direction of the
preventative mensures.
Numerous bacteriologists have been sent
Into the Infected district to assist in the
surveillance of the prisoners who have con
tracted cholera. Cautionary notices are
published In all towns and villages in the
affected area.
Two Deaths Near Raatenhnrn,.
RASTENBUHG. East Prussia, Aug. 31.
There has been one death, believed to have
been caused by cholera in the village of
Paarls and one In the village of Warnl
keim. and In both villages the government
commissioners have discovered several sus
picious cases.
sla, Aug. II. Two deaths from cholera have
occurred among the river men in a village
at tne Intersection of the Warthe and the
Rnsalnn Craft Quarantined.
EINLACE. West Prussia. Aug. 31 No
boats or craft nor any fishermen from Rus
sia will be allowed to pass the locks here,
All arrivals ore detained under Inspection
In three divisions. The first, for cholera
cases, contains one pntlent; the second, for
suspects, also has one; the third, for those
exposed to disease, has forty-seven river
One C'pae on Steamer MoltUe.
LONDON. Aug. 31. The Hamburg-Amer-.
Kan Steamship company telegraphs the fol
lowing to the Associated Press from Ham
burg: Ou August 38 a Russian emigrant, who
anived on the previous day, died in the
city hospital at Hamburg under circum
stances Justifying the suspicion that death
was due to cholera. The Hamburg-American
Steamship company consequently de
cided to dispatch on the Moltke cabin pas
sengers only, the steerage passengers be
Iiik detained at Hamburg for further ob
servation, although t lie Hamburg authori
ties have given posltlvv assurance that
there Is not the least danger.
Two Deaths In Austria.
LEMBKRO. Austria. Aug. 31. Two
deaths from c-iolera nave occurred here
and several suspected cases are under ob
servation. The deaths occurred In the
family of a river boatman who has been
working In ths Vistula district of Prussia.
New Treaty Guarantees Protection of
Interest of Kacjl. In t'aae
of War.
LONDON, Aug. II. The report that an
Anglo-Japanese treaty was signed August
12 by Forelgfl Secretary Iansdowne and
Minister Hayashl is confirmed.
While secrecy is maintained for the pres
ent regarding the exact terms. It may be
said that the document is of far-reaching
.Importance. It affords mutual guarantees
for the protection of British and Japanese
interests,, even If the two contracting pow
ers ura only threatened by a single hostile
power, and assures the maintenance of the
status quo in the far east. The new treaty
was found to be a powerful factor in in
suring the peace of the world, at any rate
so fur as the far east Is concerned.
Resnlts of Observation of Eclipse on
Island of Majorca Are
I Indifferent.
LONIK3N, Aug. 31. A telegram from Sir
Norman Lockyer. chief of the eclipse parly
at Palma, Island of Majorca, says: "The
results wre Indifferent owing to unfavor
able weather,"
Professor Hugh Callendar of the Royal
Collegs of Science. I-ondon. reports from
Castellon de la . Plana, near Valencia,
Spain, that ths first and Jast contact were
observed In a clear sky and thst good
records of the radiation and temperature
were obtained.
Miss Roosevelt Receives Many Pres.
ents from the Natives After
She Embarks.
MANILA. Aug. 31. Secretary of War
Tsft and party sailed on the transport
Logan at noon today for Japan.
There was a notable demonstration In
the bav lust before the Logan sailed.
Many valuable presents were presented to
Miss Alice Roosevelt by the natives after
she bad gone aboard the Logan.
Darwin at Johanaeaburg.
JOHANNESBURG. South Africa, Aug.
a Prof. George Howard Darwin, second
son of the lats Prof. Darwin, and professor
of astronomy and experimental philosophy
at Cambridge, England, addressed the
British association st the meeting Just
held hre on the subject of
Evolution "
Swedish Order far 'America.
STOCKHOLM. Sweden. Aug. M.-Klhg
Oscar has conferred ths honor of knight
hood of tne Royal Order of Vssa upon
B. Lowensteln of Memphis. Tenn. Mr.
Lowensteln has been a constant visitor to
wedea tor tweUa )sara
Strike of Job Prlntera In the lnT
Rrirhn an
CHICAGO, Aug. SI. An acute stage has
been reached In a new labor war In Chi
cago. Nineteen of the larger Job printing
houses o' Chicago were without union
romp. this evening, the result of a
series v rlkes Inaugurated by Tpo
grapMc 5 " on No. 1H against members
of the "o Typothetae, the purposa
of the 1J, being to compel the Typo
thetae a. rganlzatlon to accept the
demands ? "closed shop" and that
eight hour 5 Itute a day's work. Fur
ther strike expected In case other
houses unde to do work for concerns
at which str. .ve begun as the result
of posting res of an intention to
Inaugurate "o p" and "nine hours"
where It Is t. .. .1 cnnlrary conditions
had been the nne. Pending such assistance
to strike affected firms, the strike leaders
pronounced the strike complete and de
clared the outcome a matter of endurance,
a spread here or to other cities not being
contemplated for the present at least.
Not counting other employes in the nine
teen printing houses Involved, printers to
the number of nearly are idle.
The strikers claim that eight large es
tablishments will remain neutral, not ac
cepting work for houses where strikes are
In progress, and that In the eight and
elsewhere, 2.5TO members of the union
would be at work, helping to supply funds
for strike benefits. Among the establish
ments at which, today, the latest strikes
were Inaugurated were Poole Brothels, M.
A. Donahue & Co, and the Methodist
Book Concern. Contrary to the assertion
of the officers of the Typographical union,
Secretary Hamm of the Typothetae says
emphatically that he does not know of a
single desertion and that the effect of the
strike here would be overcome In short
At union headquarters today It leaked
out that union printers from various parts
of the country are talcing advantage of the
offer of Chicago strike affected prtntshops
to come to this city in the guise of strike
breakers, ull traveling expenses paid.
After reaching here the unionists desert
Statement that It Provides for Defen
sive Alliance and tiunrantees
Terms of Portsmouth Treaty.
LONDON, Sept. 1. The conclusion of the
new Anglo-Japanese treaty of alllunce,
which the Associated Tress announced on
August 25 had been signed, has only now
become definitely known to the English
newspapers, which are keenly Interested
In It and are anxiously discussing Its prob
able contents.
An Important modification binding either
power to come to the assistance of the
other if attacked by one, instead, as in the
old treaty, of two powers, causes dis
quietude in some quarters, where It is
thought to add enormously to Great Bri
tain's responsibility, but on the whole
complete satisfaction is expressed as to
the scope of the new treaty, as far as it Is
at present known.
The Daily Telegraph, representing the
views of the government and well reflecting j
.... opimo... o. inujocy o. .ne new.-
papers, in an editorial says:
The new Anglo-Japanese treaty will guar-
ntee the terms of the Portsmouth treaty.
It will check any Insane idea of Russian
revenge, will render Impossible anv atiti-
Japanese coalition and effectually terminate
the scramble lor China.
It is supposed that the new treaty estab
lishes an unqualified defensive alliance be
tween Great Britain and Japan and It IB
believed not unlikely t hut India Is Included
In the sphere of territory over which the
treaty alms for the preservation of the
status quo. Should this prove t lie case its
value to Great Britain will be enhanced.
Love I.oaea No C'harma for Colored
Woman from Dixie Who Paaaes
Her Hundredth Milestone.
An odd character Is enjoying the hos
pitality of Matron Etta Anderson at the
city Jail, the visitor being Sarah Johnson
of Warrington, W. Va.
Mrs. Johnson is enroute from Philadelphia
to Los Angeles, at which latter place she
Intends to take unto herself a husband
when she arrives there. Wednesday she
lost her purse and ticket and called on the
police for assistance. It was reported by
the Council Bluffs police that the missing
articles were found at the Bluffs transfer
station. Mrs. Johnson will proceed on her
Journey at once.
The old colored woman does not know
how old she Is, but believes her age is
over 1UU years. She looks the part, al
though her eyes twinkle yet when she talks,
especially of that husband. She wears a
wig and has lost most of her teeth.
She was enjoying a llttt siesta Thursday
when several bold reporters were shown
Into her apartments In the matron's de
partment at the city Jail.
"Ah doan know how ole Ah be, chile,
but Ah knows Ah cooked lots ob meals
foh dem Yankee solyers. But dey'a got
mail age In Massa Nlch'laa' old Bible. Dat
wss de bes' family In Ole Varglny. Only
one thing Ah hud agin dem and dat was
dey sole niuh husband. Ah have neber
seen him no inoah. Ah'm going west,
honey, an' am going to take another hus
band." y
Former Employes of Parking Inter
ests lu Kansas City Will Testify
In Chicago Trlula.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 81. W. D.
Miles, formerly manager of the d reused beef I
department of the Armour Packing com
pany of Kansas City, and Thomas P. Hudy,
presldnt of the Interstate Ice and Cold
Storage company of this city, have been
served aith subpoeuaes ordering them to
appear In Chicago early In Octoler to tes
tify in the trial of packers Indicted by the
federal grand Jury in the beef inquiry.
Mr. Miles testified before the grand Jury
st Chicago as to methods used by ths Ar
mour company to secure business.
Giving; Exhibition ef Van
Dynamite from Balloon Killed
la Mid Air,
GREENVILLE. O.. Auj. 31.-Aeronaut
Baldwin of Losanteville. lnd., was today
blown to shreds with his balloon at a
' h'ht ot 10,0 ,eet- H wa sivlng an
exhibition ot tne use oi aynamite from a
balloon for war purposes and had three
sticks of the explosive with him. When
he was 1.000 feet In the air. In full sight
of thousands of people attending the ouun
fair, by some accident the dynamite 'ex
ploded and the balloon and man were liter
ally torn to frsgments. Baldwin's wife
Waa a witness of tea horrible scene.
Forty-One Hew Cases and Four Deaths at
New Orleans Teiterday.
Disease lias .Neurly Hon Its
Coarse In . Leevllle Another
Doctor Is stricken by
Aug. 81. Tellow fever
report to 8 p. m. :
New cases
Total cases to date
Total deaths to date
New foci
Another doctor was stricken today,
. e
. 277
. 6
Homer J. Dupuy, who resides on isortn
Rampart street. Of the deaths all but one
are Italians.
Surgeon Von Eidorf returned today from
Leevllle and reported that while conditions
have Improved, there Is nothing to be done
but supply their needs and allow the dis
ease to run its course through the whole
settlement. He says that 273 of the people
there have already had the yellow fever, of
whom If are now under treatment. Ha
also found two cases at LaRose. thirty-five
miles north of leevllle.
The most interesting news from the
country was brought by Dr. Brady, who
made a thorough inspection of the planta
tion between Houma and Sehrtver, In
Terre Bonne parish, finding upwards of
sixty cases scattered among the Italians.
Qulfport reports three new cases and one
The new business year in New Orleans,
opening tomorrow, finds the yellow fever
situation so evidently under control, that
based on April conditions, businessmen
and financiers are looking forward to ex
ceptional activity in all lines of Industry
when the fever Is finally stamped out and
free Intercourse resumed. '
Telegram from Rooaevelt
Evidencing his deep sympathy with New
Orleans, President RooBevelt today sent a
notable acknowledgement to Mayor Behr
man of a telegram applauding the presi
dent's service to humanity In restoring
peace between the warring nations in the
far east.
The president's reply follows:
OYSTER BAY, Aug. 31. Hon. Martin
Behrman, mayor. New Orleans. No tele
gram has touched me as deeply as the
telegram from you showing that In the
midst of her great trial. New Orleans Is
so keenly alive to all that affects the In
terests of the world and the honor of our
country. You have given fit expression to
the feelings of your brave and gallant
people, for only those with lofty souls can
In the midst of their own grief find time to
think of others. I trust I need not say
how deep and constant my anxiety Is
for the welfare of vour city and state.
Director of Pnblle Safety of Phila
delphia Orders Policemen to
Make Showing.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 81. Director of
Public Safety Potter today Issued orders to
i the various rtnllce lieutenants of thin cltv
UlHnl to deta, to ap.
a,ges8or, of the,r regpe0.
,,,,. ,,....,. ,k. n.
....... t .
' fepfmber 5 and present to the assessors
an nctmous names ana tnose or persons
I who have died, moved or are Illegally upon
tne voting lists, ana request the assessor was arresieo. tor imoxicauon ana cununeu
to strike the same from the roll. After a at the city Jail. There he complained of
recent canvass by the police it was an- feeling 111 and the city physician was called
nounced that they discovered more than for when the discovery was made that ho
60,000 names illegally upon the election lists. I came from near New Orleans. The time
The department of public safety has pre- for his breaking out with the disease has
Tared 60.0HO affidavits, sworn to by police- j passed, according to his statements, but he
men, and these will be presented to the as- was locked uff anyway as an extra precati
sessors when the demand is made upon I tlon.
them to strike off the alleged bogus names. ! Special Agent Myers of the federal land
Peter J. Wagner, assessor of the Thirty- office at Washington was In Des Moines
seventh division of the Twentieth ward, I today on his way to Red Oak to Investigate
was held in Jl.Bno bail todav and Lewis J. the alleged land frauds there which re-
L. Buck, William G. Turner, Lawrence
Farrcll, election officers of the division,
were each held In $1,000 ball, charged with
conspiring to make false returns of the
February election. John H. Fulmer, re
publican leader of the division, was arrested
in the hearing room and held in SoOO ball,
charged with Intimidating a witness and ob
structing Justice The Twentieth ward 1s
In the fashionable section of the city. This
was offered to show that men who had
been dead for years were voted, and that
persons who had not lived in the division
for years were placed on the assessor's list
and their names voted.
"Associated Fraternities" and "Fra
ternal Congress" tn Be In
vited In One society.
MILWAUKEE, Aug. 31,-The agreement
reached by the committee for consolidation
of the Associated Fraternities and the
National Fraternal congress was submitted
to the convention and ratified today It
provides for the name "International Fra
ternal congress," a basis of representation
giving societies with 0,000 members two
votes, 60,000 to 100,000 three votes and an
extra vote for each additional 100,000 mem
bers. The executive board will be the
governing body between conventions.
The committee on consolidation was con
tlnued and will meet in the near future
with the full committee of the National ! lected by the commissldn bearing on
Fraternal congress In order to decide on ,he IV-5" ot the proposed canal. The board
details of amalgamation. It Is expected ! I" ' nink its recommendations to the
that the two national executive boards j isthmian canul commission, which in turn
will call conventions ojr the respective as- will report to the president,
soclatlons to be held early in December ! Today General George W. Davis, chalr
at the same place and time, when the con- nian of the consulting board; General
ference committee report will be submitted Ernst, General Halns. Admiral Endicott
and probably ratified. There was an In- j and Major Hurrod, members of the lsth
terestlng discussion of the subject of fed- mlan c.tnal commission, held a meeting
erul supervision. The discussion was edu
cational In, character and purely for the
edification of the delegates.
Installation of officers followed and after
some minor matters Incident to the closing
up of the convention's work was disposed
of, the gathering adjourned.
Refused License I
Go to Wyoming; and Try
DENVER. Aug. II. (Special Telegrams
James A. McCllntock of Omaha was re
fused a marriage license In the courthouse
today because he had been divorced in
Colorado last January. McCllntock de
clared that he had never heard of a law
which prohibits remarriage of any divorced
person within a year and mas greatly de
pressed when he learned that he could not
make the woman of I. is choice his wife
until next year. McCllntock was divorced
from his wife In the district court last win
ter on a charge of desertion and nonsup
port. He said that he would go to Cheyenne
in eiitc to evade tne Colorado !
Commission lasnea Rnllnsr on Differ
enttala Between Missouri River
and Tactile C aat Points.
WASHINGTON, Aug SI The Interstate
Commerce commission
today decided that j
the present freight clwrges on corn pro
ducts and corn from Missouri river points
to Taclflc coast terminals Insofar as the
rate on corn products f more than t cents
above the rates on corn, constitute a dis
crimination against corn products and pro
ducers thereof at places on the Missouri
It was shown by the decision that he t
rates on corn and corn products from
Missouri river points to California ter
minals for about one year after January L
1890, there was a difference of I cents
against corn products. Then for about
one and one-half year it via t cents In
favor of corn produrts. The rates were
the same between July, 15S2. and March,
18P5, when a differential of 8 cents against
corn products was established. In Decem
ber, 1H97, the differential was increased to
10 cents, and in July, 19(1. it was made
30 cents. During March, 1!H. the differ
ential was fixed at , 17Vi cents, and In
October of that year it was reduced to 10
cents, and has since remained at that
Changes In the relations of rates on
corn and corn products from Missouri
river points to north Pacific terminals were
not greatly different frpm those mentioned
except that in December. 1TO7. the rate was
made the same on cord and corn products
and there is now not aiiy difference unless
the minimum carload for corn Is the
marked capacity of the car. In which case
the rase shows a differential of 10 cents
against corn products.;
A derision was rendered also In the mat
ter of rates on corn and corn products from
Missouri river points to points in Louis- ,
lana. It was held that prior to July 1,
1906, rates per 100 pounds from Missouri
river points to points in Louisiana were
6 cents lower on cornmeal than on corn,
but on that date the differential was re
moved by respondents and the rate on
corn and cornmeal made the same. Such
action having obviated the complaints
herein no order Is considered necessary.
Inanrea Extensive Improvementa
on Gronnda for Next
(Prom a Btaff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Aug. SI. (Special.) Offi
cials of the state fair sold today that there
is assurance of a big profit in this year's
fair and that this Rssured elaborate Im
provements In the buildings and grounds
for next year. The afternoon nnd evening
crowd was so large yesterday that the at
tendance far exceeded the expectations of
the ticket superintendent. There were 4V
121 gate tickets sold yesterdny and the total
receipts were It3.7M.R3. where for the same
day last year they were $n8,347.35. The total
attendance yesterday was a little less than
flO.000, as announced today noon at the con
clusion of the counting of ths tickets and
There will be no further letter from Gov
ernor Cummins In reply to the last lettter
of Secretary Shaw on the. French treaty
George W. Johnson,' a negro, who came
to this city from within twenty-five mllei
of New Orlenns and was unable to show a
clearance card, has been locked up In the
Detention hospital In this city. The negro
suited in the arrest of H. M. Seymour of
that city on an Indictment charging him
with selling what he claimed was govern
ment land for 11.25 an acre. There is no
government land In Montgomery county.
Agent Myers is hopeful of finding more
extensive frauds than was at first sup
posed after the arrest of Seymour. It la
claimed now that Seymour will be brought
before the federal grand Jury.
State Veterinarian Paul ltoto said today
that the prompt measures taken to stamp
out Texas fever among the cattle In the
southern part of Madison county had re
sulted In effectually stopping the spread
of the disease, as no new cases have de
Conaaltlna; Board to Decide Between
Sea Level and I.ork Construc
tion for Panama Ditch.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 31.-The board of
consulting engineers of the Panama canal
commission, which is to make recommenda
tions as to whether the Panama canal
shall be constructed with locks or should
be a sea level canal, will meet here to
morrow. This board Is made up of army
officers and eminent engineers of America
and foreign countries. The board was
created by President Roosevelt in the
executive order made last June,' and to it
I be referred all data that has been col
1 and discussed the preliminaries of to
I morrow's aathering. with a view of brine.
lug before the board the data which the
commission has on hand In a manner to
secure the best results and expedition.
The data consists of reports, surveys, maps
and other documents bearing upon the sub
jects to be considered. Several members
of the consulting board have personal
knowledge of conditions on the Isthmus as
they have served on other commissions I cnmmander-ln-chlef, received his reslgna
whlch have msde a thorough study of the ! tlon few days ago. and will announce
canal nroblem.
OYSTER BAT. Aug. 31. President Roose
velt today slgoed an executive order fixing
the compensation for the members of the
advisory board of engineers of the Isth
mlsn canal and the amount the govern
ment will pay hem for personal expenses.
Each member of the board will recelva
ISA) on the completion of the repert on
the canal plans which the board Is to
make snd an allowance of 115 per day for
personal expenses In addition to cost of
rroaa-Exaastnattoa of Mrs. Tassart.
WOOSTER. O, Aug. Jl. The cross-examination
of Mrs. Tasgarl by Attorney
Stealing in the Taggart divorce esse con
tinued today, the questions being generally
along lbs sum Unas as those of esieiday.
Land Syndicate Settles with Equitable
Li Assurance Booiety.
Sara "eenrlty for the Loan Was
Ample at Time It Was Made and
There Was Jto Intention
to Defrand.
NEW YORK, Aug. 31. Announcement I
was made today by the officers of the
Equitable Life Assurance society that the
indebtedness to the society of the Depew
Improvement company was paid this after
noon, the principal and Interest amount
ing to 393,AS0,82. The correspondence in
cident to the transaction was also at the
suggestion of President Paul Morton made
public to the end, Mr. Morton said, that
an Impression unjust to Senator Chauncey
M. Depew might be removed.
The correspondence onnslsts of three
letters of even date, the first addressed to
Mr. Morton by Henry B. Anderson of the
law firm of Anderson A Anderson, at
torneys for the Depew Improvement com
pany, announcing that the reorganization
committee of the Depew Improvement
company, having perfected the title to the
property not covered by the Equitable
mortgage was prepared to take over the
property which secured the loan, paying
In cash to the Equitable the face of the
loan and interest. '
The second letter, also addressed to
Mr. Morton, is from Senator Depew, who
states explicitly his part In the transaction
between the Improvement company and the
Equitable Society and points out what he
"ares are Inaccuracies In published state
ments. through which a grave injustice has
been done him.
Senator Depevr'a (explanation.
Among other tilings, Senator Depew says:
I had nothing to do with the organisation
of the Depew Improvement company, not
even authorizing the use of my name, nor
was I in any way connected with it until
five years alter Its Incorporation, when 1
purchused for Ilou.OOo In cash, a one-tlt-teenth
Interest In the stock of the comp.uiy.
iV.,h f "l '.""A " ,r"' I
...iiv. ,i,munK U houui i.ieij nuo-uivuieu , . . it
lot3 and 2ti acres not sub-divided.- I sued by the Ijihor day parade committee
The Equitable Life loaned upon and by the Teamsters' and Freight Hand-
w "UcfedaTc " " t1"
valuable tracts there. At the time the l "ay-
mortgage whs made these lots were selling ! Some months ago, the Chicago Federation
-"! U'al a' an1. the. h'Khest at IM of Llibor declared that all union musicians
each. 1 lie valuation placed upon the plot ... , . . ,
by the Equitable appraisers at the time ) nould wear a uniform of a certain de
was HK3.76I.I, and upon the balance of the ; sign, and a flying squadron has been ap
lam! owned by the company V.m ,a total ! pointed to see that no musician appears
HI UO IH'II V' MIC I'lMff! 'I t.'"'. ' I
appraisal was at the same time made and
submitted to the Equitable by William U
Cutter, one of the leading real estate men
of Buffalo, In which he appraised the value
of the lots loaned on at JTiW.iUO.
In 1901 a real estate depressoln set In and
about Buffalo, which lowered values and
checked the growth In the town of Depew.
It was at this time, October 7. 1001. nnd not
when the loan was made In January, 1W,
that the Insurance company appraised the
part of the property covered by the Eqult
able's mortgage at tloO.OCO.
Charsrea Are Denied.
Mr. Depew then recites the charges that
have been made against him, denying each.
Of the charges which related to transac
tions resulting from the default of the
company and the foreclosure of the loan by
the Fqultiblf, he ays that as a result of
the company's embarrassment a reorgani
zation was determined upon, and though
there were unavoidable delays the plan
was progressing as rapidly as possible. The
company was to be Incorporated and was
to issue bonds for $730,000 to supply funds j advertising for proposals for the construe
to take up the Equitable mortgage, prlncl- I tlon of an earthen dam and appurtenances
pal nnd Interest, nnd to pay the other debt'. ' and seventeen and a half miles of canals,
of the company. There was never any j Involving about 2,SnO,0OO cubic yards of
other purpose than that the Equitable ; earthwork, 3,000 cubic yards of rock excava-
should be fully protected.,
Discussion on Change of Assessment
Continues Before Supreme Council
at Pat-ln-Bnr, Ohio.
PT'T-IN-BAY. O., Aug. 31. At the meet
ing of the Royal Arcanum today the mat
ter of the change of rates was threshed out
pro and con by prominent members from
various sections of the I'nlted States.
Edwin Heben of Baltimore recommended
that what is known as "Table A" in the
new ruteB be made operative by the su
preme council as to the age of entrance
and not of present attained age, and the,
maximum age of admission be fixed at 43.
The committee appointed to hear, the pro
testing delegates and pass upon their sub
missions Is:
Chairman, S. M. Llndslcy, New York: A.
R. Robinson, Missouri; P. F. McGowan,
New York: Z. T. Brlndlev. Pennsylvania;
D. R. Benedict, Colorado; H. C. .Miller. Illi
nois; J. M. Washburne, New Jersey; M. J.
Murray. Massachusetts: George T. Hughes
Missouri; Rev. F. T. McFadden, Virginia;
Bernard Mcllugh, Illinois.
The hearing of protesting delegates Is to
be continued tomorrow.
Breaking Ip Scrap Iron
at St.
Louis Blinded for Life by
EAST 8T. LOUIS. 111.. Aug, Sl.-While
engaged In breaking up scrap Iron with a
sledgehammer at the Republic Iron and
Steel plant today, George Jones was proba
bly blinded for life by the explosion of
! an old cannon which his sledge struck.
The sledge was hurled through the roof,
tearing a great hole. Jones was badly
lacerated and burned. At St. Marys' hos
pital the physicians say he was probably
permanently blinded. He
the old cannon was loaded.
did not know
Adjutant General of the I'nlted Order
of Spanish War Veterans v
LAFAYETTE. Ind., Aug. Sl.-Colonel
Russell B. Harrison of Indianapolis, who
is here attending the annual reunion of the
One Hundred and Sixtieth regiment, Indi
ana Infantry, has resigned as adjutant
' general of the United Order of Spanish War
! Veterans. Captain William E. English.
the appointment ot ins successor at tlv
national encampment to be held next meek
at Milwaukee.
Action Accompanied br a Letter
Which Does Not tatlsfr
French Demands.
PARIS. Aug 31. The French minister at
Fei, Morocco, telegraphed this morning
that the sultan had releised the Algerian
citizen Pouzaln, but that he had accom
panied his release with a letter not giving
satisfaction for the French demands. The
government Is determined to press Its
claUn until they ais fully satisfied.
Partly Clnndr Frlrteyi hnwera and
Cooler In Hast Tortlon. ntnrdnr
Temperatnre at Omaha leeterdavi
Ilonr. Dea. Ilonr. Den-.
K a. nt . . . . . . IT 1 p. m A
0 a. m I7 2 p. m fT
T a. m 417 , 3 p. m
R a. m fl 4 p. m "T
a. m 7.1 R p. m Ml
1 a. tn 7ft O p. m M
11 a. m 71) 7 p. m M
13 m a n p. m PO
(t p. m 71
Fifteen Thonsnnd Visitors Heach City
Yesterday Local O. A. R. Com
mittee Caught Napping.
DENVER. Aug. SI. Although the date
for the opening of the thirty-ninth annual
encampment of the Grand Army of the Re
public Is four days distant, crowds of visi
tors began pouring Into the I'nlon station
today and by night the estimated number
of arrivals was lS.onf.
Regular trains leaving Chicago and other
mid-western points soon became over
crowded, necessitating additional coaches
and engines. In one Instance the regular
Burlington train had grown to such pro
portions thst when Denver wss reached It
was running In six sections, each larger
than the original train.
The Influx of visitors, beginning early this
morning, was unexpected by the local ex
eutlve committee of the Ornnd Army and
when they awoke the first Intelligence they
received was that several hundred old sol
diers were waiting at the t'nlon station for
assignment of quarters. These visitors were
hurriedly attended to and arrangements
made to station guides at the I'nlon station
at once. Other incoming trains were met
by these guides and the Grand Army people
(riven attention.
Conflicting; Orders Aboot Mnslclnns'
t nlforma May Lend to Clash nt
Chicago Monday.
CHICAGO. Aug. 31,-Confllctlng orders Is
In the parade without this uniform. If
one Is discovered, the orders of the "flying
squadron" are to take the musical In
strument away from him.
The Teamsters and Freight Handlers
unions have contracted for bands, whose
members, although union men, do not
wear the uniforms prescribed by the Chi
cago Federation of Labor, and they assert
than any attack upon their musicians by
the "flying squadron" will bo promptly re
Proposals Asked for Construction of
Belle Foorche Irriga
tion Dam.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
WASHINGTON, Aug. 31.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) The secretary of the interior is
tlon, 24.000 cubic yards of concrete masonry
and 45,000 pounds of steel and cast Iron.
This work is In connection with the Belle
Fourche Irrigation project In South Dakota,
located twelve miles northeast of Bello
Fourche. Proposals will be opened Sep
tember 26 next at Belle Fourche.
A cablegram from Rio Janeiro states the
transfer of D. E. Thompson from ambassa
dor to Brazil to that of ambassador to
Mexico Is officially announced at that city.
Annual Meeting; of Association Con
cludes with Banquet at Waldorf
Astoria M. E. Stone Presides.
NEW YORK. Aug. 31. A dinner of the
Old Time Telegraphers and Historical asso
ciation and the society of the I'nlted States
Telegraph Corps tonight marked the dose
of the annual convention of the organiza
tions. The dinner was served at the Waldorf-Astoria
hotel. Among the speakers
were R. C. Clowry, l N. Bethel), Thomas
F. Clark, H. D. Estabrook and W. B. Wil
son. The dinner company burst into cheers
when Melville K. Stone, as toastmoster, de
clared that with the whole world ringing
with the Joy of peace, he offered no apology
for proposing as the first toast of the even
ing the health of President Roosevelt.
Standing, the diners drained their glasses
and then sang "My Country, 'TIs of Thee."
Thomas A. Edison and Clarence H. Mac
kay were among the guests.
New York Newspaper Publishes Pur
ported Message Addreaaed to
Witte by Americana.
Aug. SI What I
the full text of a
i an
i nounced to be
concerning Russia's treatment of the Jews
submitted to Serglus Witte, the Russian
peace envoy, by a committee of Hebrew
bankers and merchants, is published to
day by the American. The communication
Is signed by Jacob H. Schlff, Jacob Belig
man, Adolph Lewisnhn and others. It
covers arguments and contentions of the
committee made before M. Witte by the
delegation recently for the amelioration
of the conditions under which people of the
Hebrew race now live In the land of Em
peror Nicholas.
Civil and political liberty for the Jews
on an equality with all other Russian sub
jects, is the keynote of the communication
Movements of Ocean Vessels Aug;. 81.
At New York Arrived: Peninsular, from
Lisbon: Main, from Bremen. Sailed: Ham
burg, for Hamburg; La Touralne. foi
Havre; Grosser Kurfuist for Bremen;
Parisian, toriiasgow.
At Liverpool Arrived : Noordland. from
Philadelphia; Baltic. from New York
Sailed: bouthwark and Virginia, for Mont
At Hamburg Arrived: Graf Waldersc.
and DeutKchland. from New York.
At Havre Arrived: Bordeaux, from New
York; Pomeranian, from Montreal fui
At Cherbourg Arrived : Fredrli he d
Grosse. from New Vo-v Silled: Knit'
Wllhelm II, for New York.
At Naples Arrived: Frinzess Irene, from
New York. Sailed: Italia, fur New York
At Bremen-Sailed: Neckui.
At Queenstown Sailed: Majestic, f"
New York. Arrived: Arabic, from Nev
At Genoa Arrived: Prlni Oskar. Iron
O'sw Voik,
Envoys Instructed to 1'rovide for Suspen
sion of Hostilities.
Ten of the Fifteen Articles Are Already
Com plated.
M. Witte is Anxious to Sail for Europe
September 12,
Mchnlua Sends tnhlearam Express
ing Gratitude for Action of
Sir. Roosevelt as
PORTSMOUTH, N. H.. Aug. 31-Japan,
through Baron Ko:uura, has agreed to the
Immediate conclusion of an armistice. At
11 o'clock tonight Mr. Tskahlra went to
Baion de Rosen's room and explained thst
he and Union Komiira received Instruc
tion to arrange terms of an armistice.
Baron Rosen immediately communicated
with M. Witte and It is probable that a
meeting will be hold tomorrow morning for
the proclamation of a complete suspension
of hostilities preliminary to the arrange
ment of the details by the two generala
upon the battlefield.
Rapid I'rnareaa on Treaty.
Rapid progress has been made today in
the drafting of the treaty of peace. Baron
Komuia. at M. Witte s request, tomorrow
will probably fix a day for Its signature.
Russia's consent to a suspension of hos
tilities reached M. Witte tonight in a cable
gram from Count Lamsdorff whom Em
peror Nicholas has empowered to deal with
the important phase of the negotiations.
So rapMly and well is M. de Martens,
with Mr. Dennlson, performing his delicate
anj Important task, of drafting the treaty,
that he was able to return from the navy
yard tonight to report to M. Witte the
practical completion of ten articles of the
treaty. It Is expected the treaty will In
Its entirety consist of fifteen articles ex
clusive of the preamble.
Japan's original demands are enid to have
numbered thirteen. Only twelve, however,
were presented to the Russians, as Presi
dent Roosevelt is credited with persuading
the Japanese plenipotentiaries before the
convening of the conference to withdraw
one of the conditions which he regarded as
Whether this thirteenth demand dealt
with the fortifications at Vladivostok can
not be learned.
Having waived three of the demands pre
sented, the Indemnity, the Interned ships,
and the limitation of Russia's naval
strength in the far east, the Japanese final
conditions were nine. Several of these,
however, will he divided In the treaty and
grouped Into two or more articles.
M ill Be Binned Next Week.
K Witte is r ,iiiny anxious to sail
for home on September 12. In the mean
time he is to take leave of President Roose
velt and personally present the thanks of
his emperor for the president's asslstanoe.
He is therefore doing what he can to
hasten the drafting of the treaty, which he
would probably be prepared to algn by
Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, at
the latest, unless some obstacle should
arise. The only difficulties which have thus
far appeared, have been due to the ambigu
ous language of certain parts of the dally
protocols which form the framework of the
treaty. It Is here that the long experience
and recognized authority of the famous
nternutlonal lawyers are proving of assist
ance to Japan as well as Russia, Both M.
de Martens and Mr. Dennlson, who is also
well grounded In International law, are
selecting with gTeat care the language
of each article in order that the treaty may
furnish no ground for differences in the
future, and accurately record the exact
spirit as well as the substance of the
agreements concluded In the conference bf
the plenipotentiaries. It thus happens that
the framers sometimes spend an hour in "
the selection of one word to find finally
that they are both striving to express tne
Identical Idea.
( lar Thanks Roosevelt.
OYSTER BAY, L. I., Aug. 31. Emperor
Nicholas of Russia hos recognized grate
fully the great part which President
Roosevelt played in the successful negoti
ations for' peace. In a cablegram received
by President Roosevelt today Emperor
Nicholas congratulated and thanked the
president for his efforts. The cablegram
PETERHOF, Alexandria, Aug. 81. Presi
dent Roosevelt: Accept my congratula
tions and warmest thanks for having
brought 1 1 if peace negotiations to a sue
cessful loniiiisiun owing to your personal
energetic efforts. My country will grate
fully realize the great pall you have
played in the Portsmouth peace conference.
Ml ItUliAO
That the Russian emperor should thank
President Roosevelt for his efforts to in
sure peace between Russia aM Japan was
to have been expected, but it is particularly
significant that in his cablegram Emperor
Nicholas extended to President Roosevelt
Ills "warmest thanks for having brought
the peace negotiations to a successful con
The dispatch is regarded as one of the
most remarkable of its kind over sent by
the head of one nation to that of another.
Congratulatory messages by the score yet
are pouring in upon the president. The ex
ecutive office force here is completely
swamped and It will be many days before
acknowledgement of the receipt of all mes
sages can be sent out. It will be Impossible
for President Roosevelt himself to respond
to the fellcltallons of his friends every
where, but In the course of time the sender
of each message will receive a response.
Japanese Are Dissatisfied.
TOKIO. Aug. 31.-4 p. m. The attitude
f the Japanese government indicates that
there Is no lin.iicdiate intention to issue a
formal statement relating to the. result of
the peace conference. It is possible that
Japan's envoys to Portsmouth will publish
a statement at the termination of ll.rlr
labors. The Foreign office intimates that
there will be no publication here until a
Mgned copy of tile treaty reaches the
emperor and Its approve I Is -nztted. whlh
will probably be a month hence, or until
Baron Komura appears before the diet and
makes a report on the peace conference
and Its results. The date for the assem
bling of the dlei nas not yet been deter
mined. Premier Katmra and Marquis Ito sre the
recipients of numerous protests and me
morials against the versions of settlement
of the war as given by the newspapers.
The Yorozu Siiiinbun, an Independent
radical newf paKi , attacks the peace pact,
opening Us tiitici.Mii with the words, "Arise
brethren." U thtn reviews the agitation
, v. itivsciilalive govtmiusnt, wlta. ..Iftfc