Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1905, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. OAKS CROW FROM ACORNS BEE ADS BUILD BUSINESS BIG BUSINESS OR LITHE BEE ADS WILL BOOST IT. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31, 1!)0," TWEIAE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. IT IS UP TO FRANCE Vorocco Rtfnsei to Release Algerian Mer chant Under Arrest. SAYS FRANCE HAS NO CLAIM ON HIM Beplj States that the Prisoner it Bubjeoi to the SulUn. MINISTER WILL SUBMIT AN ULTIMATUM Unlets Van is GWen Hia Liberty He Will Leare Fei at Once. CRUISERS ARE READY TO PUT TO SEA Is Warahlpa at Tnolnn Mar Be Seat to Make Demonstration to apuort Diplomat's Action. TANGIER, Aug. 80. The sultan has re plied by letter to the French minister. St. Rene Tallandler, that he continues to re gard the recently arrested French-Algerian merchant Bouzlan aa a Moroccan subject and will refuse to comply with the demand of the French government for his liberation. PARIS, Aug. 30. The Foreign office haa Issued sn announcement to the effect that In a day or two the French minister at Fez, St. Rene Tallandlcr, will be able to address a final summons to the Moroccun Foreign office, relating to the release of the French-Algerian merchant, Bouzlan. The mlnlHter at the aame time will advise the Moroccan government of his Intention to leave Fes If the demand of the release of Bouzlan and the redress for his arrest he not complied with. M. Tallandler will be Instructed leach Tangier by the surekt route and to take such steps as may be deemed necessary after his arrival there, If In the meantime the demands remain unsatisfied. Dispatches from Toulon to the French newspapers announce that in view of the trouble with Morocco the cruisers Charnler, Brulx, Pothua, Chancy. Latouche-Trevllle and Requln are being held In readiness. Rays Boaslan Is Released. TANGIER. Aug. 30.-A special courier who has arrived here from Fez announces that the French-Algerian merchant Bou zlan has been set at liberty. According to later advices Bouzlan la ill as a result of bad treatment received while In prison. NORWAY AND SWEDEN MEET Commissioners to Settle Terms of Dissolution Will Hold First Session Today, CARLSBAD, Aug. 30. The opening of the negotiations here tomorrow between the Swedish and Norwegian commissioners on the question of dissolution Is awaited with Intense Interest. The Scandinavian news papers are largely represented. The ques tion mostly discussed Is as to what fort resV S weden will 'call upon Norway to abolish. The Associated Press has reason to believe that these will be the fortresses of Fredrlksten, Kongvtnsger, Orje and Dln grud, but It Is understood that the Nor wegians will refuse to abolish those of Fredrlksten and Kongsvlnger. The Norwegian delegates arrived tonight. Their hands are tied by the decision of the Storthing that nothing shall be de cided by them without Its consent. The Swedish delegates will arrive In the morn ing. CHRISTIANIA, Norway. Aug. SO. The Norwegian commissioners appointed to con fer with commissioners from Sweden on the question of the dissolution of the union, left for Carlsbad this evening. All the evening papers express a conciliatory senti ment and the best wishes for the result of the conference of the representatives of the two countries, referring to the examples set by the peace conference at Portsmouth, and urging the commissioners to come to an amicable agreement. The first meeting of the commissioners will be held at Carls bad, August U. JAPANESE ACTIVE IN COREA Will Take Chart of Customs Service, Dismissing Man Who Im proved System. SEOUL, Aug. SO. John McLeavy Brown, who for twelve- years past haa been at the head of the Corenn customs, Is to be dis missed. This Is probably due to the fact that the customs administration has been undertaken by M. Megata, the Japanese adviser of the Corean government, and Is part of hla general plan to reorganize Corean finance. Under the new arrange ments the customs service will cease to exltt as a separate organization, but will be arranged on a plan similar to that of the Chinese mailne customs. In 1901 Russia attempted to oust Brown, who wss retained, however, owing to the support of the governments of Great Britain and America. Since the Japanese Influence hss predominated at the Corean court It has been expected tha,t they would take over the control of the customs, but it wss recently reported thst, even then, the contract with Mr. Brown would be re newed. Consequently the news that he Is to be dismissed comes aa a surprise. Mr. Brown lighted the coast and Improved the harbors during his long service In the de partment which waa the only one honestly administered In the government. STRIKE AGAINST MOBILIZATION Business Tied l at LI ban by Men Mho Dislike to Enter Army. LIBAU, Russia. Aug. 30 A general atrlke has been brought about here by the order for the mobilization of troops. No factories are running, port loading has been discon tinued and the afreet railways have stopped operations. Steam railroad communication has been Intetrupied and there are no newa racera Issued. The arrival of revolution ists from the country districts hss auued to the confusion as well as to the possi bilities of the disorder. The situation la growing Intense and many soldiers are p rolling the streets. NIZHNI NOVGOROD, Russia. Aug. an. The Sarmovo Works which had been closed for some time, owing to Ubor disturbances, reopened today. The steel foundry was the first to resume. The other departments will follow gradually. Realising on Ships. TOKIO. Aug. 301 p. m. It is aeml-offl-cislly announced that the former Russian turret ship, Poltava, now known as the Tango In the Japanese navy, waa brought to the naval atatlon at Maisuru on August from Port Arthur under her own steam. The former Russian auxiliary steamers Zla and the Moorish have been refloated sw rort Axtnur, CLOUDS OBSCURE THE ECLIPSE Harvard Observatory' I nahle to Ob serve Phenomenon and Rew Tork lot More Fortnnate. CA MRRTDGF.. Mass, Aug. 3". Observa tions of the sun's ellipse at Harvard ob servatory tortny were Impossible because of the clouds. NEW YORK. Aug. 30,-The partial eclipse of the sun, which was due to be seen 'ew York today, was completely Obscu y rlnud and foggy atmosphere. WAl -3TON, Aug. Sn.-The eclipse of the su V lay was only partial at this point it i. ir a part of the time of Its duration sun waa obscured by clouds. Neverthe . n phenomena was observed with Inte 5 observator tronomers. consisted o ' Messrs. Prl. was never ol than six-tent. it the United 8tates naval d by Many amateur as party at the observatory s. Skinner and Hall and " 'd Hammond. The sun d to the extent of more Its diameter and the obscuration at ..ihed Its maximum at 6:30 a. m. The observatory astronomers used their five-Inch comet-seeking telescope and were enabled to observe three spots on the sun. This was no discovery, however, as the presence of the spots had become known before. 8T. IyOUIS, Aug. SO. A clear sky enabled a fine view of the partial eclipse of the sun today. The moon's shadow on the sun was visible from dawn at 5:30 until :!S. and thousands of persons utilized smoked glass to see the phenomenon. CHICAGO, Aug. 30. Thousands of citi zens arose at dawn today to witness the partial eclipse of the sun. On the south side they were successful to a considerable degree, but along the north shore the clouds and smoke rendered the phenomenon Invisible during all tho period of the eclipse, except for about ton seconds. A good view of the eclipse was obtained nt the Yerkes observstory, Williams Bay, Wla. About a dozen direct photographs were taken with the twelve-Inch telescope and as many more with the spectrohellograph. It is not expected, however, that these photographs will be of any sclentiflce value except as a matter of record. At an angle of about 30 degrees from the zenith and to the south of the rising sun a star of great brilliancy was visible to the naked eye. while nearly at the zenith those with telescopes of even ordinary power caught a glimpse of Jupiter. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 30-The eclipse of the sun was visible here under favorable conditions. ASSOUAN. Egypt, Aug. 30 The eclipse was observed here by the British, American and Russian parties In perfect weather. The corona was of moderate size on account of the haze. The totality of the eclipse was two minutes and twenty-four seconds. GUELMA. Algeria, Aug. 30. The Ameri can astronomical expedition, headed by Rear Admiral Chester, superintendent of the United States naval observatory, suc ceeded In obtaining a splendid photograph of the eclipse of the sun. The expedition also, by means of special apparatus, sketched the protuberancea. LONDON. Aug. 30-The solar eclipse was not visible In London, owing to cloudy weather. Efforts were made to tske ob servations from high altitudes by means of balloons. The eclipse was seen from points In the northwest of Ireland with perfect distinctness. The umbra at the greatest made the sun look like a cres cent moon. PARIS. Aug. SO. The eclipse waa ob served here under the most favorable con ditions. Dispatches from Burgos, Spain, report that excellent results were obtained by all the scientific, expeditions. Military balloons took part In the observations there. The astronomers gathered In the various districts of Tunis successfully carried out experiments and established valuable astronomical data. CASH FOR DEVLIN CREDITORS Syndicate May Purchase Claims and Take Oter All the Assets of Kansas Promoter. TOPEKA. Kan., Aug. 30. A plan to finance the properties and Interests of C. J. Devlin, bankrupt, la now on foot. It Is the Intention of a number of eastern capitalists. Chicago and New Tork, to form a close corporation for the purchase of the claims of creditors and secure the discharge of the receivers by the United States circuit court. The creditors of Dev lin will under this plan. If It Is carried through, receive the full amount of their clalma. The company will then secure ab solute control of the Devlin properties and manage them according to a policy which will be outlined by those Interested. C. J. Devlin will secure a certain per centage of the surplus remaining after all obligations are met. This percentage will be agreed upon by him and the per sons forming the underwriting corpora tion. To secure an accurate idea of the amount of the assets and liabilities In volved In the properties, expert account ants have been engaged to go over the accounts and report their findings to the members of the company which Is being promoted. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Offcrtnas of Hobs Fully Up to the Current Wants of the Pack. Ina; Houses. CINCINNATI. Aug. S0.-Speelal Tele gram. -The Price Current says: The mar keting of hoga continues with no Important changes and the offerings appear to have been well up to the current wants of the packers. Total western packing wss StO.nno. compared with 3w.0OO the preceding week and 35.010 last year. Since March 1 the total is ll.320.OJf against 10.3no.ou0 a year ago. Prominent places compare aa follows: ... 1 1904. Chicago I.tti.tao 470004 Kansas City 1.4Ain 1 s'njrt Mouth Omaha l.lfwt.OO 1 0nv St, I-ouls 8J6.C.O '8lf,'(o I bt. Joseph Kt.'.(i Mi.' Indian? polls fM.oro ftf' vt ; Milwaukee 3o1.C s (" Cincinnati yn.ftjO IcA ! Ottuinwa Zu.oo Sor.) Cedar Knplds :3l.(k) Ji3-ia) Sioux City 4! rr lrrto! iui 'Mao 3rti'v0 Cleveland 16,000 FIALA REACHES UNITEDSTATES Commander of l.nst Expedition to Arctic Returns to America. NEW YORK. Aug Jtt.-Anthony Fiala. commander of the Zelgler polar expedition, arrived In New York on the steamej Oceanic from Liverpool. The expedition, under Flala, consisting of two shlpa left Norway In June. 190S, and waa rescued by the Terra Nova under command of W. 8. Champ, whose ship arrived at Honnlng avsJLg. Norway, on August 10. Among the other passengers on the Oceanic waa Chief Justice Fuller of tho 4,VnUxl But vtprema oourt. TUCKER REPORT COMPLETE Department of Justice Refuses to Ifafce it Public at Present. SOME OF THE CHARGES ARE SUSTAINED Contract for Const rnrtlnn of the Pathfinder Dam Is let to n Denver Firm Good Prog ress at Shoshone. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 30. (Special Tele gram.) The report of F. II. lwrence, an attorney In the Department of Justice, on the charges against Judge Eugene Tucker of Humboldt, Neb., who Is an associate Justice of the territorial court of Arlzo.iu, has been received at the Department of Justice. Solicitor General Russell of the law department of the government sta'ea that the report had been sent to Attorney General Moody, who is at his summer home In Massachusetts. Mr. Russrll refused to discuss the nature of the report on the ground that until It hud been passed upon by the attorney general It would be a breach of confidence and would tend to seriously cripple the orderly work of the depart ment if advance Information should be given out. From persons wholly discon nected from the law department It Is learned that some of the charges against Judge Tucker have been verified In the re port, but to what extent and how serious the verifications go does not appear. The most serious charge against Judge Tucker was that he entered Into collusion with persons In Globe, Ariz., to provide him with a house and office, In which event he would establish his court In Globe, although other towns In the territory were much more ac cessible and better adapted for holding of district court. Minister Dawson Snlls for Post. Thomas C. Dawson of Council Bluffs, min ister to Santo Domingo, who bas been on leave for sixty days, much of the time hav ing been spent at his old home, sailed to day from New York for his post, greatly benefited by his vacation. Pathfinder Dam Contrnrt I.rt. The contract for construction nnd com pletion of the Pathfinder dam and auxiliary works of the North Flatte Irrigation proj ect In Wyoming has been awarded by the secretary of the Interior to the Geddlss & Seerle Stone company of Denver. The amount of the company's bid was SIS2.000. According to the terms under which the bid was made work must begin within thirty days after the signing of the contract and the entire work shall be completed on or before November 1, 1908. Good Progress at Shoshone. Official reports received by the reclama tion service from Cody. Wyo.. Indicate that rapid progress Is being made on the Sho shone Irrigation project. The secretary of the Interior has advertised for proposals for furnishing 26.000 barrels of Portland cement for this project, bids to be opened st Billings, Mont., September 2G and on September S and t bids for construction of the Shoshone dam and Corbett tunnel will be considered. If these latter proposals are satisfactory contracts will be let and work on the actual construction will begin aa soon as practicable. It is expected work will have reached a point where water can be delivered In the spring of 1908. Field parties are now busily engaged making topographic and reservoir surveys and lo cating canal lines, and the work of road construction Is being vigorously pushed. BIG ATTENDANCE AT STATE FAIR Forty-Right Thousand Paid Admis sions at Des Moines Wednesday. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Aug. 30.-(Speclal.)-There were more paid admissions to the state fair today than yesterday, though the at tendance was not quite so large. The at tendance yesterday was found to be about 68.000. The count of the tickets collected waa not concluded till thla morning, and It waa found there were SS.00O paid admls slons, old soldiers and passes, and It was estimated that there were 20,000 children. The children were admitted free, without tickets and no count kept. Two gates were kept open and they went through In streams. Today the number of tickets counted by evening gave Indications that the attendance would be about 4S.000. At the meeting of the rural mall carriers today C. M. Adams of Davenport was elected president. B. F. Rossi ter of Preston vice president, Ed S. Gray of Terry second vice president, B. B. Child of Storry county secretary and George B. Haugbey of Charles City and A. J. Wood of Farley directors. The national president. F. A. Cunningham, waa present and addressed the convention. Judge Robinson of the Board of Control returned today from a trip to the Institu tions In the northern part of the state and says while there are Indications that the corn crop will be enormous In that part of the state It will need all of a month In which to mature before It can stand frost. Imposing ceremonies today marked the removal of the civil war battle flags from the casea on the second floor of the state hoirse to the specially prepared airtight caaes In the niches of the rotunda on the first floor. Military men of prominence and atate officials from every department gathered about as the veteran colorbearers of the various regiments took the colors from the cases to their place on the first floor. General Weaver and Governor Cum mlna each made addresses appropriate to the occasion. Iowa postmasters today met at the Wel lington hotel with about 100 present, and after a discussion of topics of interest to the members elected the following officers: President. C. O. Barry, Walker: vice presi dent. M. H. Davis. Mitchellvllle; secretary, W. G. Swsln, Everly; treasurer, G. p. Bur gees, Graham; executive committee, J. J. Heverly of Center Point. Phil Berggren of Sheldahl; delegates to national convention, F. W. Jameson of Ashton, F. II. Howard of Moneto. CONTRACTOR UNDER ARREST Coroner r ises Responsibility for Col. laps of Department Store at Albany, X. Y. ALBANY, N. Y.. Aug. SO.-John Dyer, Jr.. contrartor. was arrested today and Clark L. Puggett. hla superintending architect, waa grdered to be placed under arrest on charges of manalaughter and criminal neg ligence In connection with the collapse on August 1 of th central portion of the de partment store building of the Myers com pany, which resulted In the death of thir teen and the Injury of upward of forty othera. Dyer was arraigned before Coroner van Uuvstlng and pleaded not guilty. He was held under ball for Taminatlun. Mr. Vug. (it U out of the citj TROUBLE IN ROYAL ARCANUM Deleaates from Kleveti States Protest Against It cent Increase -In Assessment Rite, rUT-lN-BAY. O. Aug SO.-The first ses sion of the special meeting of the supreme council of the Roynl Arcnntim to hear pro tects from delegates representing a number of states relative to the recent advance In assessment rates mido nt the Atlantic Cltv meeting was held here this afternoon. Pro testing delegates, representing Massa chusetts, New York. Rhode Island. Con necticut. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Illi nois and New Jersey, have organized nnd adopted resolutions advocating thst the su preme council's action as to rates be re scinded and If It falls the protesting dele gates will call a meeting to determine on future action. The public meeting of the Roral Arcanum this evening was given over to the protest ing delegates, several representatives of whom addressed the meeting. S. W. Rey nolds of Boston opened the discussion by presenting, he claimed, on behalf of eleven states, of which he represented a majority of the members, the objections of the pro testing delegates against the new rates. He contended that they changed the contrac tual relations entered Into at Initiation. Action at Atlantic City was In no sense tho voice of the members, he said, and was not necessary, and he advocated that the rates of assessment of members whlrh hereto fore had been used should be adhered to. He said there was In his mind a grave question aa to the legal right of the su preme council to change the basis of as sessment and the contractural relations of their members, but he and those he repre sented did not wish to raise this point and hoped that by the supreme council and the representatives of tho members getting to gether It might be obvisted. If the mem bers are appealed to and shown that It Is merely a question of retaining the relations existing originally, It will meet with tliefr general approval. Others who spoke against the measure were John Walsh of New York and Fiank II. Culver of Chicugo. Howard C. Wlgjrlns, supreme regnt, in his address set forth that the changes In rates had been made to maintain the In tegrity of the order and said that the new rates were based on deep research. He urged, however, that the opinions of others should be respected. About 200 delegates are present at the conference, which will continue tomorrow. HILL TALKS TO FARMERS Head of Grrnt Northern Makes Ad dress nt Meeting of North Dnkota Pioneers. ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. 30.-A special to the Pioneer Press from Grand Forks, N. D., sa.s: James J. Hill today attended the meeting of the Old Settlers' association of North Dakota ut the state fair and made an ad dress, saying: A good farm of liio to 320 acres is a com fortable, happy home. A man can be a prince on his own farm. You rob your children of their heritage when you sell the farm. Keep, the boys on the farm. Leurn to do letter mid more ; intensive farming. The state of North DaMuttt could not ralso gsVi .nough to lujke i, "hjn'-ul'j w c.Mp. Ita. for tlm Inhabitants 0 Ch'nit. Now, ten biscuits would be short rations (o:- a vear's supply, and 1 don't know th it you could raise enough grajn iyou certainly don't raise enough grain to make two biscuits per capita. That Is u market that seems to me to be unlimited. J want to see bet ter farming because if in the state of Min nesota they got the snme annual return per acre of cultivated land that they get in Iowa the state of Minnesota would have Sftl.uoo.Oial a yeur more money and that is too much to waste. Now suppose that you did cultivate all this land and double the vlcld what would you do with It? You must find a new mar ket. Can you find It In South America, where we are Hiendlng hundred of mil lions of dollars to build a. canal to bring that trade to 11s? This morning we learn that Russia and Japan have made peace. I am glad they have agreed hut I want to say this: The agricultural people of the I nlted States rind in Russia their greatest competitors. Russia raises what we raise; they export what we cxiiort. In the trans-Caspian country they are opening through Irriga tion great a reus of country whore they can raise cotton In competition with us and they will. On the other hand. Japan, a little island densely populated cannot begin to raise enough to feed her own people. Now the Japanese people, whether we like them or not. are going to be customers Russia never would be our customer. "For that reason we must look If we are going to find a market In the orient, to the men who live along the sea. the densely populated portion of that country, because Man churia and the Interior of China Is a mar velously rich agricultural country and the Inhabitants are not by any means the kind of burtarlans that many people would think they are. They are Intelligent people and very good farmers. But we have got transportation that they cannot coniete with, the lowest In the world. Thus with low transportation and the lands that will raise the crops we are in a position to feed the hunger of the orient. i LANSTON CONTRACT STANDS President Roosevelt Approves Pur. chase of Typesetting Machlnea for Government. OYSTER BAY. N. Y., Aug. 30-Presldent Roosevelt prohahly will not make publlo the findings of the Keep commission on Its recent Investigation of the government printing office before his return to Wash ington, as there are some questions con nected with the management of the estab lishment which he wishes to look Into fur- j ther. 1 In the main part of the Inquiry the con j tract made by General Palmer, the publlo printer, for the purchase of seventy-two Lnnston typesetting machines, the presi dent himself today authorized the state ment that the contract would be allowed to stand. He was Induced to make thla an nouncement by the report that reached him about rumors of the report of the Keep commission were being used for stock Job hlng purposes, and he determined to put an end to this at once. STEEL SAFECARRIED AWAY Strong; Bos Containing- Money and Jewelry Taken from Summer Home Near Stamford, Conn. BTAMFORP. Conn.. Aug. SO. A steel ssfe ..f considerable weight, which Is uadet.tuod to have contained $150 In cash and Jewelry valued at over $2o.0n0, mysteriously disap peared from the summer residence of Paul Bonner at Nlrvana-on-the-8nund during last night. The family believe that bur glars entered the house through a window on the lower floor and conveyed the safe to the shore and placed It aboard a vessel. It was learned tonight that one of Mr. Bon ner's servants found a note In the place from which the safe waa removed which read as follows: "If we are deprived of our freedom this plsce n ill be In ruins " The writing was In a scrawling hand on a small piece of paper. It la In the hands of the police, who say tonight that eo far they have been unable to And a Slogl elu on w hich to work. GOLDEN FLOOD FOR OMAHA Tide of Prosperity Rises with Millions to Mark Increase. BANK DEPOSITS GMJGE THE GROWTH 'plendld shovrlna Made by Ranks In Uinitha and Month Omaha Indi cate the Wealth of Nebraska. Deposit of Omaha national bairks May 29, 10O3 $ t2, lfl!..V.V.V August 23, 1903 87,834,0 le.nfi Increase $ 4.HH4.431.40 Innns and discounts May 29, 1903 $20,083,677.43 August 23, 10O3 20.387.f23.38 Increase 432,147.98 Deposits of South Omaha national 29, 1903 $7,103,888 August 03, 1905. 7,000,1 22 Increase 9 490.234 Ixians and discounts May 29, 1903 $3,400,114 August 23, 1903 3,281,599 Decrease $ 181,313 Statements of ihe Omaha national banks, issued August 25. at the call of the comp troller of the currency, show the largest increase of deposits ever known In the his tory of the city. The aggregate Increase in deposits since the statement of May 29 la $4,884,431.46. The increase In loans and discounts for the same length of time Is $152,147.93. Never between two calls of the comptroller of the currency has the Increase In deposits at Omaha made a near approach to that for the period Just passed, from May 29 to August 26. Bankers aay that the magnitude of the Increase Is due to the Increased deposits from country banks. They are overflowing with money and are sending It to the bin banks of this city. At the same time a substantial aggregate Increase has been made In city deposits and several of the banks show large gains In this respect. Show (irontli of Omaha. "The figures show the growth of Omaha as a financial center." said Luther Drake, president of the Merchants National. "Ne braska Is a vast empire of wealth which is finding its outlet and distributing agencies at Omaha. The crops are enormous this year and the farmers are prosperous. Coun-1 try merchants are also pleased with their big trade. As a result the country banks are Increasing their business and deposits have grown wonderfully. They are pouring their golden flood into the bunks of Omaha, the nutural financial center of this part of the country. The banking conditions hen are more than satisfactory." "I was out in Colorado last week." said F. W. Judson, chairman of the executive committee of the Commercial club. "They were getting along well out there; trade was good and the banks were handling lots of money. When I got back and stopped two or three days out In this state, I-tell you there , was no comparison. Nebraska was far ahead of Colorado. The crops ure good and the farmers are getting good prices. Retail merchants are reaping a harvest and the wholesale Interests have experienced a remarkable growth in busi ness this summer. It Is no wonder that the bank deposits have Increased $5,000,000 In three months." Details of the Statements. Following are the deposits of the vari ous banks according to the statements of May 29 and August 20: May 29. Aug. 25. $!i).47.139 Sll.0M.M5 51 8.870.7"9 92 10.4S2.9.".7J 8,022.12.74 R.KX.1.617.0!i 4.030.914.54 6.tWO.Mi0.2l 1.744.854.92 1.911.728. First National . Omaha Nstlonal IT. 8. National , Merchants Nat'l Neb. National .. Total $32,469,085.53 $.17,354,016 99 Following are the loans and discounts as shown by the two statements: May -J9. Aug. 25. First National $ 5 373.015.25 $ Omaha National.... 6.597.0.",6.69 144M052 IT. S. National .V635.480.lf. 6.315,0;'9 97 Merchants Nat'l.... 2.M6 sTtl.99 8,131.301.29 Neb. Nntional 913,247.37 Mo', 661.63 Total $20,085,677.45 $20.537,825.3S In both of the above tables the figures for the United States National for May ?9 are the aggregate for the United States National, Union National and Commercial National, consolidated under the name of 1 the United States National subsequent to that date. South Omaha FJqnally Prosperons. South Omaha has three National banks and the statements Just prepared show that these Institutions are In a decidedly pros perous condition. The previous call waa on May 29 of this year. Since that date the deposits have greatly Increased as well aa the cash on hand. On August 25 the deposits at the three banks, the Union Stock Yards National, the South Omaha National and the Packera National amounted to $7,600,122. Thla Is an Increase of $496,234 as compared' with the May atatement. Cash on hand August 25 amounted to $4,431,642 as compared with $8,791,201 on May 29. an Increase of $M0,440. Loans and discounts on August 25 totaled $3,381,599 aa compared with $3,466,114 on May 29. Thla la a decrease of $184,816. Bankers In South Omaha are well pleased with the showing made and predict a large Increase In business now that grain Is being ! moved and cattle are coming to market One well-known banker said last evening I that the conditions In the west are such now thut there Is no necessity for sending east for money to move the crops or to buy feeder stock. There is plenty of money In the west now for all demands of this sort. In fact the Nebraska farmers and stock feeders are loaners of money now, Instead of borrowers. Conditions, the bankers assert, never looked brighter for a prosperous commercial year than at the present time. ACCUSED OF STEALING GEMS Chicago Jewelry Salesman Charaed with Taking; 12.(HM Worth of Gooda fro an Sample Case. CHICAGO. Aug. SO-Charged with steal ing diamonds and Jewelry valued at $12,ono Sol Caro. a traveling salesman for a Jewelry firm here, was arrested today. Caro had been employed by tie firm for many years and waa Implicitly trusted He carried hla atork with him and traveled over a wide territory. It Is ssld the short age waa discovered some time ago. Caro on hla return to Chicago waa confronted with the accusation. He denied the charge, but a warrant wss secured by Martin Msd aon, head of the firm. Fred Gilbert Is Hlah Gun. COLORADO SPRINGS. Aug. $a-At the first day a events In the Interstate trap shoot today Fred Gilbert of Spirit Lake, Is., made the highest average. 164. and W. R Crosby of o t'aUou, UL. waa second wlUk Ut NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Tbnrsrinr nnd Warmer In orth Portion. Friday Partly ( londyl Showers nnd nnler In Sorth nnd Fast Portions. femperntnre nt Omnhn Yesterdnvi Honr. le. lloar. Pea. " m 7H I p. m Hi n " Tl It p. m 7 a. m Tl a p. m " 7.1 4 p. m H2 w m Tl B p. 111 hi 10 n TT O p. m. 7t 11 " 7l T p. m Tt ,a TH si p. m 77 n p. m 73 TORNADO AT CARBONDALE Houses and Itarna nioarn to Pieces In Pennsylvania Mining: Town. PfR ANTON. pa., Aug. So. -A tornado struck the northern part of Carbondale at 850 tonight and demolished a score of houses, barns and railroad cars, but for tunately caused no fatalities. The storm came from the west and whirled towards the east, having a path of 200 yards. Its center had the appearance of n funnel shaped cloud, not black, but luminous. There uas no accompaniment of lightning, thunder or rain, and the stars were shining Immediately before and afier it passed. A peculiarity of lis effect was that ad.lolnlng buildings were blown In diametrically op posite directions. The pranks of the storm seem almost In credible. A barn was blown away and a cow, which It housed, left unharmed lying on the floor calmly chewing her cud. A horse was found bruised and maimed on the porch of Its owner's residence. 200 feet from the demolished bnrt. In which It hnd been stabled. A six-Inch beam which came from no one knows where passed through a door of a residence, thence through the ground floor and then passed Into the ground for a distance of three feet. A carpet was blown from a floor and landed In a lump In a sink. This wss the only extreme damnge In this house. Whether the storm did any damage In the country region to the west of the city could not be learned because of the wires being down. AFTER QUANTRELL RAIDERS Move to Prosecute Men Indicted for Murder at Lawrence, Knn. lu eendlnry Talk Resented. LAWHENCK. Kas., Aug. 30 A movement bus been started here growing out of the annual reunion of the C miotic 1 1 raid sur vivors held yearly at Independence, Mo., to have the men who were Indicted for the famous raid brought here for trial, be cause of their alleged Inflammatory utter ances November 18, 1S0.1. the grand Jury returned twenty-three Indictments against the raid ers for murder In the first degree. I'nder the law these Indictments do not outlaw and now many citliens of mwronoe want them revived. They want to put the ques tion up to Governor Folk whether or not he will send the men hack for trial. At the recent reunion nt Independence one man waa quoted as saying that his only regret was that the raiders hud not "wiped out the whole town." There Is an Indict ment on file here against this man. Judge S. A. Rlggs drew the Indictments at the time. He said today that he was ready to assist In a vigorous prosecution. WILL OF MRS. SAMUEL COLT Widow of Flrenrms Inventor Dis tributes Nearly Three Millions In Public Bequests. HARTFORD. Conn., Aug. 30 The will of Mrs. Samuel Colt, widow of tell Inventor of the Colt firearms, was presented for prnhate today. Practically the entire es tate, which Is thought to be above $3,000,000 In value. Is distributed In public bequests. The city will receive the magnificent grounds around Armsmcre. the Colt mnn slon, for park purposes, at the death of Mrs. Coifs brother. Richard W. II. Jarvls The house will be for the use of a home for widows and orphans of Protestant Epis copal clergymen. A fund of $sno,ONl In trust Is to be used for the mslntensnce of the Church fit the Good Shepherd, the Memorial Parish house, the dwelling at Armsmere and the Caldwell H. Colt memorial. All Mrs. Colt's paint ings, pictures and curios are to go to the Wadsworth Athanaeum with the sum of $50,000 In trust. The sum of $10,ooq Is set aside for the completion of the memorial to Samuel Colt. The small bequests are many In number. FIREMEN HOLDJUSY SESSION Question of Reoruanlsatlon of Asso ciation to Come I p at Kansas City. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 30. Today's session of the National Firemen's association, now holding Its annual convention here, was taken up principally in listening to papers and In dlacusslons. Chief J. R. Canterbury, of Minneapolis, read a papr on "What is the Part of the Firemen In the Science of Fire FlgUdng," and Chief Charles E. Swlngley, of St. Louis, spoke on the sub ject. "How to Abolish and Rnder Im possible the American Theatre Holocaust." The question of organising the sssocia-' tlon on different lines, suggested by Presi dent McNeill, is up for consideration. MRS. TAGGART ON THE STAND Wife of Army Officer Denies Every Charge of Misconduct Made Aaralnst Her. WOOSTF.R. O.. Aug. SO Mrs. Taggart was put through a trying cross-examination by Attorney Sterling In the Taggart di vorce case todsy. She was questioned closely In regard to her life at Fort Thomta and at other places Her replies were Invariably prompt and to the point. She strenuously denied every Improper act charged against her. Attorney Sterling then took up the family history at Fort Leavenworth. Mra. Taggart s attorneys raised objections and the examination pro gressed slowly. Movements of Ocean Vessels Ann-. HO. At New York Hailed: Rhvndnm. for Rot terdam; Teutonic, for Liverpool; flc-HIa, lor Naples, Oscar II. for Copenhagen. Arrived; Oceanic, from Liverpool. At Uueenstown Arrived: Noorrtland, from Philadelphia; Hslllc, from New York. Bulled: Baxonla, for Rostnn. At Naples Arrived : Georgia, from New York. At Copenhagen Arrived: I'nlted States, from New York At Southampton-Sailed: Kaiser Wllhelm II. for New York. At Hong Kong Arrived: Minnesota, from Seattle. At Liverpool-Sailed: Malestlc. for New York; Merlon, for Philadelphia. At Gibraltar Sailed: Koemgen Lulse, for New York. At Plymouth Arrived: DeutschUnd, from Nw Ywik. DRAWING TIIETREATY Do Martens and Penninon Begin Work on Pr t of the Potmment. NO MEETING OF ENVOYS YESTERDAY Confertuco Adjourns Subject to Call of the Plenipotentiaries. BOTH SIDES ARE DISSATISFIED Russian War Party Thinks Witte Could Have Made Better Terms. NO REJOICING IN FLOWERY KINGDOM Not n Word Allowed to Get Thronrs Ahont Reception of Tidings- Henaons for Mikado's Actions, PORTSMOUTH. N. II., Aug 30 -Mr. Den nison nml M. de Martens worked until S o'clock tonight on the draft' of the treaty. They completed the wording of the pre amble anil three articles and were discus sing the articles relating to the cession of the Chinese Kastern railway when they ad journed until tomorrow. I'p to 1 o'clock tonight neither the Japanese emperor or t!:e Russian emperor had responded to the appenls sent by their respective plenipo tentiaries yesti rd.iy usklng for the conclu sion of an armistice. Actunl work of drafting the "treaty of Portsmouth" begun today. It was done by M. de Martens and Mr. Oennlson. acting as legal advisers for the respective shies. AVhlle the "buses"' of peace have been ac cepted by the plenipotentiaries, consider able detail remains to be worked out In the elaboration of the articles of tho treaty. This Is especially true In regard to the articles dealing with the Chinese Kast ern railway nnd the surrender of Mie lenses of the Uaotung peninsula and Port Arthur and Tallenwan (Palny). Mr. Pokotiloff. the Russian minister to Peking, who was formerly manager of the Russo-Chlneso hank ut Peking and who has Intimate knowledge of all the details relating to those matters. Is assisting M. de Martens, Roth ldes Are Dissatisfied. A very anomalous situation exists as to the Impression created by the conclusion of peace. While the outside world applauds. In Japan there Is evidently great disap pointment In the terms, and In Russia, where It would seem that there should be universal rejoicing over the great diplo matic victory M. Witte has won, the gov ernment seems to have received It coldly. With the people It will make M. Witte a great and popular figure and add to bis laurels, but at court evidently the very vic tory that M. Witte has achieved makes It nil the more bitterly resented. It Is an open secret that when the emperor ap pointed M. Witte chief plenipotentiary tho "military party" expected him to fall. They did not want pence and It was freely pre dicted in St. Petersburg when M. Wltto left that he had born given sn lmposslblo mission. They expected him to fall In the negotiations or to "make a bad peace," and either would have Srlled political ruin. In stead, upon the very terms upon which the emperor told M. Meyer he would make peace and upon which the military party did not believe It possible for peace to be negotiated. M. Witte succeeded In securing a treaty honorable anil under the clrcum stnnces favorable to Russia. This has evi dently only exasperated his enemies the more and intrigue is again at work to dis credit him. Since Japan was In a concil iatory mood they say he made a mistake In sin rendering half of Sakhalin. , Yet he did so by the czar's orders and himself In sists that personally he would have stuck to the end to his original declaration not to cede territory or give Indemnity. o Word from Japan. Not a word or a line about the receipt of the news comes out of Japan. In view of the situation both at Toklo and St. Peters burg nlnrmlsts are Inclined to make much of the fact that the minutes of yesterday's fateful meeting hnve not been signed by the plenipotentiaries of the two powers. It Is pointed out that either side could still repudiate the agreement, but both plenipotentiaries refuse to admit even the possibility of ruch a happening. The following statement of the Japanese argument which governed their decision to waive Uie question of indemnity can bo accepted as authoritative: Japan realized fully she was making a sacrifice fur peace, but she wus looking to the future. It was not a question of whether the war could be successfully con tinued, but of whether peace was not now more advantageous to Japan. Japan had already gained all she fought for. It was only "the spoils of war'' that remained and having achieved the real objects of the war she could afford to forego the spoils rather than be placed In the position of fighting for monev. While Juoan hellrVed she was entitled to the spoils, she felt thst her position was so strong, her successes so comolete that she could yield without detracting from the force of her victory. !o Demonstrntlon In Russia. ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 31.-3:1 a. m The news of the successful completion of the preliminary negotiations for peace at Portsmouth has been received without re mark, or even notable expressions either of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Tran- quilllty Is perhaps the best term with which, to convey the sentiment of practically aii classes. Including the officials. The general pervading sentiment among the thinking element is that Jupun arrivs4 at a recognltlun of t he fact that it waa really impossible for Russia to make aay further concessions because It desired to avoid arousing among the people at horn sentiments, which would constitute a more serious menace in the future. It Is recog nized here that Japan also realised tho necessity for a lasting and stable peace, i and It is believed that the success of the j conference was due to the fact that both I nations sincerely desired to effect an un derstanding. The hope Is expressed here that the same high spirit so necessary to the success achieved at Portsmouth will obtain until the work of the plenipotentiaries haa been finally concluded. To this feeling can be ascribed the fa-t thst the more Intelligent Russians do not regard the outcome at Portsmouth as being altogether a diplo matic victory or a success won at the ex pense of Japan There are undoubtedly certain divergen cies of opinion among Russians In one or another of the points set forth In the pre. ltiuJiiary eaee understandings. These dl verRenc.ies can easily be attributed to the existing Industrial conditions In Russia, but It Is no exaggeration to aay that all classes are deeply and sincerely apprecia tive of the efforts made by President Roose velt to bring about peace. Furthermore the Interests of the American people In the en tire matter find due recognition and full I appreciation here. President Roosevelt's efforts. It is declared, supplied the lubrl- I cants needed to overcome l&a I lie tlon arul 4