AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAIIA Uty ConQoil Fftei Twntj-ronrth Street Eond Ordinance. BIDS ON USUt AR MOW INVITED Advertisement lntrrtr at One la Asking for Tenders l to the Evening; ol Sen. lmb,r 11. "en the city eouncll met yesterday the twenty-fourth street paving bond ordi nance M pissed. Mayor Koutsky at once signed the document and City Clerk tiillln was Instructed to advertise for Mda Jor the bonda. The advertisement for theae ond It now running In The Bee. Blda will be received from bond buyera u to p. m Beptember 11. Each bid must be iccompanled by a certified check for $1,000 .nd the mayor and council reaervea the . Ifht to reject any or all blda. la order j pass thla bond ordinance thla week three adjourned meetings of the council were l.eld, commencing with Wedneaday night. Tin ee bonda are divided Into two portion. One Issue la for i.000 general Indebtedneaa bonds to be Issued In the denomination of VO each and to be numbered from 1 to 1J0. The other issue Is Intersection paving bonds In the sum of 20,0O0, each bond to be for 1600 and numbered from 1 to 40 In clusive. Both aeries draw Interest at the rate of 4 per oent per annum. Interest It payable March and Beptember each year at the state fiscal agency In New York. These bonds bear date of Beptember 1 and run for twenty years. The municipality of courae reserves the rlitht to redeem the bonda at the expiration of five years. This clauae Is Inserted In all bonds Issued by South Omaha. Judging from the spirited bidding when the Missouri avenue paving bonds were sold there will be quite an Inquiry from bond buyera for theae securities. Laying; Brick Sidewalk. Ous Hamil, the city permanent sidewalk contractor, has been engaged all the week putting down brick sidewalks on Twenty fifth and Twenty-sixth streets, from J street north to the city limits. These walks are being laid mostly In front of the prop erty of nonresidents who have either acr ranged with Hamll or where notices have not been given attention. In the latter cnse the cost of lnylng the walks will be taxed to the abutting property. Several miles of permanent walks have been laid In South Omaha this year, as the work commenced almost as soon as the frost was out of the ground. It la Im possible to tell at thla time the total length of permanent walks In the city, .as the work will not be measured until this kind of work ceases In the fall. An attempt was made to have cinder, walks laid In some portions of the city where the streets were not to grade, but property owners objected to this kind of walk and many of the ordinances for the laying of cinder walks are being held up by the Judiciary committee and will not be taken out of the pigeon holes thla year. Club Electa O racers. Thursday evening the Highland Park Improvement club met at the Lincoln school building for th purpose of electing officers and talking over Improvement mat ters. . The officers: J. M. Guild, president; Charles A. Dunham, vice president; H. D. Waldo, secretary; O. K. Paddock, treas urer. C. W. Miller A. L. Hunter. J. F. Chase, T. J- Bulllvan and C. W. Smith constitute the executive committee. One of the Improvements talked over was tha grading of F street west from Twenty alxth street aid also the grading' o the north end of Twenty-seventh street. R waa decided to hold a picnic at Highland park some evening soon. This picnic will be for the residents In the Highland Park Improvement club district. Vnloa Pacific Pays Taxes. City Treasurer Howe received a check from the Union Pacific yesterday for 15,403 as payment In full for the paving tax on Railroad avenue. Thla paving tax 1 due In ten annual Installments, but tha railroad officials decided to pay the en tire tax at one, thus getting the matter out of the way. When the queatlon of vacating a portion of Twenty-seventh street between M and N streets for depot purpose waa before the council a member of the Commercial club opposed the pass ing of the ordinance on the ground that It had been rumored that the Union Pa cific .intended to conteat the legality of the Railroad avenue paving tax. The pay ment of the entire eum yesterday shows that the railroad company probably had no Intention of going to law about thla paving tax. Matlo City Uosalp. J. A. Cavers Is spending a short vaca tion In Canada. s Sherman R. Cox has returned from a trip to the Pacific coast. James H. Bulla is In South Dakota look ing after some land claims. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burke are entertaining Mra. Charlea Tanner of Memphis. Edward Hanlon haa gone to Newcaatle, Wyo., where he haa aecured a good posi tion. Martin Tlghe la reported to be danger ualy 111 at his home. Twenty-fifth and O streets Praising Ood" will be Dr. Tlndalle morning topic at the First Methodist Epis copal church Sunday. Mrs. Charlea E. Scarr and eon. Bernard, have returned from Iowa, where they visited friends for a week. Rev. W. D. Patton will occupy the pul pit at the First Presbyterian church Sun day morning. - No evening service. If a South Omaha resident wants to start somethlngyjust ask Senator Olbson about that ball game at Manawa Thursday. Rev. George Van Winkle has returned from a month's vacation apent In the east and will occupy his pulpit at the First Uaptlst church Sunday. Funeral, services over tha remains of John C. Carroll were held at St. Brldget'a church Friday forenoon. Interment waa at Holy Sepulchre cemetery. John Whalen, son of Mrs. Mary Whalen, SM South Twenty. fourth atreet, died at Kansss City Thursday. The remains will be brought to South Omaha for Inter ment. or 0 got back and found too many shirts in stock.! .... all $1.50, -fl.75 and f2.00..... S S3 1 ITS CO SATURDAY AT 107 South Glxteenth ACE OMAIIA MEN AND TIIOS. B. M THEESOX VINSUNHALER WILL NOT ACT Oonntj Judge Formally Denies Request to Appoint Appraiien. COUNTY ATTORNEY WILL AT ONCE APPEAL Jndo SlabanaTh Will Go to Supreme Coart of State and Try to Make Inheritance Tax Law Operative. Judge Vlnsonhaler Friday morning de nied the demand of County Attorney SU baugh for the oppolntment of appraisers for estates now In courae of probate or which have been probated since 1901. The county attorney will go to the state su preme court for a writ of mandamus on the county court as soon as the Justices of the aupreme court return to the state capi tal early In September. The writ will cite Judge Vlnsonhaler to show cause why he should not appoint the appraisers as enjoined by the state Inheri tance tax law. It Is thought the high court of the state will take early action In the matter because of the Importance of the case and because all the counties In the state are vitally Interested In the final de cision on1 the constitutionality of the law. The order denying the request of the county attorney, signed by Judge Vlnson haler, to make up the agreed cane 'for' the supreme court, sets out that the appoint ment of appraisers Is denied, "for the reason that said Inheritance tax law Is un constitutional and void and no Inheritance tax or contribution contemplated by such statute Is therefore due from said estate of Roxena Kendall, or any property of said estate." While the order made applies only to the Kendall estate. It was agreed at the con ference of attorneys and administrators last Tuesday that the right or wrong of the state law should be decided for all the estates Involved by the aupreme court de cision in this case. BREEN SAYSJJEED NOT PAY Water Consumers Should Refnseto Settle at Thlrty-flve-Cent Rat and Take Chances. Cltlsena In large numbers are keeping the city legal department busy answering ques tions about the water bills which the com pany has been presenting at the 35 cent rate, despite the order of the Water board cut ting It to 26 cents per 1,000 gallons. The uniform response from the department advises the customer to pay 29 centa for every 1,000 gallons; to pay no more, and If the company threatena to turn off the water to dare the corporation to do lta worat. "Many of the persons who come In here perplexed at what they shall do are poor and Ignorant," said the city attorney. "They have heard a rumor that something has been done to the water rates. They and many others who have not even heard reports to this effect, do not read the news papers or keep Informed on current news. They don't understand the matter at all, and It is fair to presume that most of them pay their bills at the old rate, not being aware that they do not have to do so. "No one should allow himself to be bull dosed Into paying for water at water rates contrary to those ordered by the Water board." TWO JAILED ON ARSON CHARGE Meat Owned Stock of Merchandise Burned In Cnr at ' Pender. A car loaded with merchandise was dis covered to be on fire at about 7 o'clock yesterday morning In the yards of the Omaha road at Pender. The car was loaded with the goods of A. Spigle and David Helphand, who have conducted a general store at Pender, but recently dis continued buslneaa there and had pre pared their goods for shipment to Council Bluffs, where they were to continue their business. The officials of the road hold to the theory It waa a case of arson, and Special Agents M. D. Breanan and Oscar Troy were put on the case. They came to Omaha and placed A. Spigle of 13 South Eighteenth atreet and David Helphand of 1821 Nicholas street under arrest, with the assistance of Detectives Patullo and Hqrne: Pending a further Investigation of the case tn two men are being held at the city Jail on a charge of being suspicious characters. They both positively deny any knowledge of the origin of the Are. Memory of William Renlaaon. William Robinson, who died at Papilllon waa a figure In some of the earliest politi cal fights in Douglaa reuoty. He lived for years at Bellevue ami as a atanrh defender of that town's rights to the rapltol as opposed to Omaha. He Is well remembered here by the old timers and was a past master of Nebraska lodge No. 1 of the Masons, holding the nfllce from 1T74 to 17. A number of old Masonic and ether friends will go to Pepilllun to attend IUe funeral liu moral U- at 1 o'clock. THE OMAIIA THEIR HOODIES Roping the Cattle. OUR LETTER BOX. Heannrd Gives His Version. HOT SPRINGS, S. D.. Aug. 24. To the Editor of The Beei I have read your ac count of the hearing1 of Father James Hayea before Judge Cook, charged with criminal assault, In your Issue of August tl. Tour report says: "There not being any evidence against him" the case was dis missed.. "An old grudge acema to have been the cause of his arreet." Please permit me to say through the col umna of your paper that I have no grudge against Father Hayea and never have had, having had very little acquaintance or deal ing with him. It Is not correct for you to say there was no evidence against him. It Is true the magistrate ruled out the dying declaration of Mrs. Marie Hesnard, as not proper evidence, and that the remaining evidence waa circumstantial and stajements made by Mrs. Hesnard to others soon after the events complained of; but that there was aome evidence la shown by the fact that the state's attorney prosecuted the case, the police Judge Issued a warrant for the arrest of Father Hayes after the facts were submitted to him and that the police Judge refused the application of the defendant to have the costs taxed to me. FRANK T. HESNARD. BANNER . SHIPMENT ... OF TEA Biggest Lot Eve Brought Into Omiaa Consists of Three Carloads from Japan. One of the biggest shipment of tea ever received In Omaha In one lot came to Pax ton 4 Gallagher's warehouse yesterday. It consists of three car loads, or 1,500 half chests of Japan tea, the first to arrive of the May, 1905, picking. It Is put up under customer's special label and will be sent to the retail trade at once. A large force will be busy this afternoon, which la or dinarily a half holiday, and all day Bun day "marking up" the tea. Moat of it will be sent out, by Monday night. Terrlfle Fate. It'a a terrific fate to suffer from sertoua bowel trouble. Ward It off with Dr. King mew uie nils. 28 cents.- For aale Sherman dt McConnell Drug Co. by OWE FARE TO HOT SPRINGS, ARK. Plus 12 for round trip, dally, good for 30 days. Summer la the beat time for treat ment. Aak any ticket agent fO.SO to Clear Lake and Return Via Chicago Great Western Railway. Tlcketa on aale every Friday and Satur day. Final return limit the following Mon day. Good fishing, boating, bathing and other outdoor sports. Reasonable hotel rates. Tourist sleeping cars run on Satur day night train. For further Information apply to S. D. Parkhurst. Q. A.. 1513 Far nam street, Omaha, Neb. On of tka Longresf Stretches Doable Truck in tho Wold of under one management la that of the Grand Trunk Railway Syatem from Chi cago to Montreal and to Niagara Falls The Grand Trunk-Lehigh Valley Double Track Route via Niagara Falls reaches from Chicago to New York. Descriptive literature, time tables, etc, will be mailed free on application to Oeo W. Vaux, A. Q. P. T. A.. Grand Trunk Railway System, 138 Adam St.. Chicago. I1L St. Pant and nttars tlJ.40 DULUTH. A8HLAND AND BAT FIELD and return tH. to DEAD WOOD AND LEAD and return IIS. 75 VERT LOW RATES NOW TO ALL POINTS EAST via The North-Weatem Lin City Office 1401-1403 Farnam Street Excursion, Chicago o Philadelphia. Over Pennsylvania Short Lines. Tickets on sale September 15-lo-lTth. Good returning until September 26th. Return limit may be extended to October 6th If deposited with Joint agent Philadelphia Immediately on arrival, upon payment of one dollar. Rate one fare for the round trip plus one dollar. Full Information of Tboa. H. Thorp, T. P. A., ti V. S. Bank building, Omaha. Iowa State Fair. For this occasion the Rock Island will sell excuralon tlcketa to De Moines and return at one far for the round trip. Datea of rale, August 24 to September 1, Inclusive; return limit. September 2. Trains leave Omaha 185 a. m.. T:1B a. m, 11 W a. m.. 4:30 p. m. and 1.40 p. m. For fur ther Information call or address F. P. RUTHERFORD. D. P. A., .133 Famam Street, Omaha, Neb. The funeral of William Robinson will be held at hi late residence In Paplllion at IS a. m.. Saturday. Masonic Brthren will conduct services at the cemetery. Harry B. Davia, undertaker. Tel. ITT. wedding rlai. X4i4uUq, j weler. DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUOUST 26. 1903. DEALERS DENY TI1E CHARGE Omaha, Wboleials Lumber Hen Eaj The Do Hot Control Retail Prices. ONE SAYS THEY W0UL0 IF POSSIBLE These Statements Are Brought Out In View at the Report that Norrls Brown May Begin Artlon. , Several of the leading wholesale dealers and Jobbers of lumber were interviewed Friday morning relative to the alleged Lumber trust Into whose transactions At torney General Norrls Brown proposes to Inquire and relative to the statement com ing from Lincoln that they are In collusion with lumber scalpers for the purpose of annoying the retail lumber dealers out In the state. The Omaha wholesalers gener ally deny the allegation that they make and control the prlcea of lumber In the state. They Intimate that their relations with the retailers a.e amicable and they wish to keep them so. They are subject to the prlcea established by the lumber manufac turers and have little or nothing to do with making pricea. "The statement that the wholesalers and Jobbera of lumber In Omaha are Seeking to control prlcea la absurd on Its face," said George A. Hoagland. "In the first place, all prices are made by the lumber manufacturers and not by the dealers. I have nothing to do with acalpers, but at tend to my own bualness without regard to lumber associations. The Lumber Dealers' association Is composed of the retail deal er and the wholesalers have nothing to do with the organisation." Calls It an Absurdity. "The statement that the wholesalers are backing the scalpers Is an absurdity, and no one knows that better than the man who mado that statement," was the state ment given out by the Bradford-Kennedy company. "In fact, the wholesalers and Jobbers would give their shirts to eliminate the scalpers entirely from the business. We do not control or make prices, for In the very nature of things we cannot." Manager Colpetier of the Chicago Lumber company said: "There Is not the slightest truth In the statement that the wholesalers control the prices of lumber or make them. If they could control the prices they would gladly do so, but they would do It In a legitimate way. But wo cannot control prices. The man who made the statement that the Omaha wholesalers were back of the scalpers don't know what he Is talking about, and certainly does not know any thing about the lumber business" Manager White of the H. F. Cady Lumber company said: "The statement that the Omaha whole salers are back of the scalpers Is absurd on lta face. There la nothing In It and the story Is an absurd one throughout We could hardly afford to pay our traveling men 32,600 per year to go about the state to cut prices, or raise prices. The parties responsible for the Irregularity of prices are the scalpers and we have nothing to do with them, nor do we want to." THREE DOLEFUL HAT STORIES larns About How the Wind Affects the Headarenr of Soma Very Prominent Men. Three doleful hat atprles were told at the city hall Friday. I was coming downtown on a Farnam street car last night , with Jack Phllbln," said Councilman Huntington. As the car whlzxed down the. hill, east of Twenty. fourth street Jack's, new straw hat blew off and scooted down' the aisle of the car. which was one of the closed variety. The back platform was crowded with men, but that hat seemed to find a hole In the eolld phalanx aome place and It shot through and out on the pavement At least we sup posed It struck the pavement sooner or later. We could not see. The conductor didn't get the car stopped until we reached Twentieth, and then Jack decided to let hi lid rest in peace. If anyone is wearing a nice, new hat that doesn't belong to him. picked up on Farnam street, It's Phllbln's." "Huh." said Assistant City Attorney Herdman, who had listened to the yarn. "That's nothing. Not long ago I went down here and bought a 36 Dunlap derby one both stylish and respectable. It made me feel a though I could meet the Russian and Japanese peace envoys on perfectly easy terms. Went Into a barber Shop, hung the hat up. Fifteen minutes after buying It I had no nice new hat. "But- you can't keep a good man from wearing a hat. Bo I went down to the aame place and got another Juat Ilka the first Another 15 paid out. That night I had to see a client downtown. It rained: also blew and waaery nasty. Tripping across Farnam street I slipped on a cob blestone and measured my length on the paving. When I got back on my feet, wet muddy and demoralised, my new hat No. t had disappeared. I never found out where It went. "Then I bought the tougheat looking lid In town for 31.60 and have It yet." "You aee this hat," asked Councilman Huntington. "Notice It Is of good straw, but the cojor of vitrified paving brick. Just bought It and wore It down the street. First the dust blew In great clouds; then It rained. I had a new looking hat exactly twenty-seven minutes." LETTER CARRIER DELEGATES Four Omaha Men Will Go to Conven tion at Portland, Convening; In September. B. J. Cantwell, national secretary of the Letter Carrier' association, of Washing ton, was In th city Thursday, enroute to Portland, to attend the meeting of the na tional association, to begin there the first Monday In September. He waa accom panied by his sister. Miss Cantwell, and hi clerk, Mr. McGee of Washington. The party left for Portland Thursday afternoon via the Union Pacific. Omaha will be rep resented at the national convention by Fred Jorgensen. H. W. Lehmann, D. L. Camp and A. P. Hansen as delegates, who will leave here for Pwrtland Auguat 30, return ing September It LITTLE ABOVE THE AVERAGE Man Appears In Police Court Owning Twenty-One mira of Trousers and Yet la Law-Abiding. It was demonstrated in police court Fri day morning that a man may have twenty one palra of trousers and yet remain a law-abiding cltlsen. Joseph Myers was ar rested as a suspicious character because he had twenty-one pairs of trousers. When arraigned In police court Friday morning he satisfied Acting Police Judge Foster that he traded two watches at Ames, Neb., for twenty-one pairs of trousers, expecting to dispose of the nether garments In Omaha at a profit. DeOraw Will Be Here. Postmaster H. E. Palmer haa received a letter from Fourth Assistant Postmsster Genersl P. V. DeOraw at Washington, accepting the Invitation to be present at the meeting of the Nebraska PoMinasier convention tc be held In Omaha In June. 19. postmaster Palmer is tha n.w nr..i. dent of ths slat) association and Intends to make the meeting one of the moet Boiav ever aeia py lit associativa. 4 llll MEN'S ODD PANTS Today your choice of several hundred pairs of high grade pants that we have greatly reduced in price. Men's Pants that sold up $4 choice today, $.50 WE AIIE Cl'TTIXQ THE PRICES ON Trunks and Suit Cases Suit Cases worth $2 now ....91.48 Suit Cases worth $2.60 now. . 91.89 Suit Cases worth now 92.08 Suit Cases worth 9A now 93.08 Suit Cases worth 910 now . . . .$0.08 CUT TRICES IX TRUNKS. Trunks worth $10 now 97.fi0 Trunks worth 915 now 910.00 STORE OPEN SATURDAY TITT 10 P. M. MffflBfO'Mlri'!Uf iTikB Every one who goes to Colorado reports "a splendid time." ' ' No wonder. From the moment you get there until you leave the days are fully taken up with splendid outdoor sports a score of different forms of recreation. And the Colorado air and sunshine, mountain scenery and crystal drinking water constitute the best medicine possible' to find. Fast through trains on the Rock Island equipped with standard and tourist Pullmans, wide-window, electric lighted chair cars and coaches cooled by electric fans. Direct line to Denver as well as to Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Lowest rates of the season in effect August 30th to September 4th. Full information at this office. F. ELBOURN WANTS TO BE SHOWN City Clerk Fiidi Something Else on Which Ha Viedi Light. BREEN SENDS BACK A CURT ANSWER Telia City Clerk. Sine He Has A mule Leisure, to Go Take Jump at Him self. An opinion aa to whether or not tha recent electric atreet lla-htlng contract 1 valid haa beert asked by City Clerk tlbourn from City Attorney Ilreen. In view of the kilter's recommendation that bids for 1.11 "Finds of atreet lighting should be requested In the gas atreet lighting matter. Kl bourn thinks he has discovered a gross Incon sistency. No bids were sought for the electric lighting and the contract was made by accepting the 75 proposition from the electric light company. The clerk's latest demand upon the city attorney reads like this: In your opinion to the city council and Its street lighting committee of August 21. 1. relative to lighting the streets of our city with gas, you say: "Permit me to further recommend and suggest that the city charter contemplates thai, as fur as practicable, all supplies for the city. Including lis supply of gas for lighting, aa well as all other public necess ities, shall be secured by and through com petitive bidding. ... and, I. therefore, recommend that when blda are again ad vertised fur lighting the streets mat pro posals be Invited nut only from, gas com panies, but si no from electric limit com panies anil all other kinds of street light ing appliances which are leing aucesafully ud throughout the coutry, and In (his way and In this only can you secure com petitive bidding." la view of tUs foregoing, pleas furnish mtm TODAY! TODAY! TODAY! VERY IMPORTANT SALE OF BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS Boys' School Suits that sold up to $4 tl CjfV reduced to 1L Today we will place on special sale several hundred rHolof and stylish boys' School Suits that lire far botow regular value Tliejr . are- all the odds and ends of salts carried over from last spring and fall together with seven lines of sample suits purchased from several high class manufacturers. Thejr are the best values offered and an opportu nity to save nearly two thirds on the boys school suits all styles 11 . ffJ Frt sixes-worth np to $4.0O-TOIAY, CHOICE 4JI.JU ANOTHER SALE OF to Men's Pants that sold up choice today, $2.50 More Reductions on MENS' FURNISHINGS TODAY Men's balbrlggan underwear Kf 50c and 76c values reduced f"" Men's colored hemstitched hand- Cp kerchiefs, worth 10c for Men's fanry madras and percale En shirts, 1 values reduced to cs Boys' fancy colored and plain white waists 75c values Qp today at :(: i. J"" P. Rutherford, D. P. A. 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, me your opinion, In writing, aa to whether or hot. on April 11, 1906. the date of passage and approval of ordinance No. 6478, provid ing the contract for lighting the atreeta of the city of Omaha with electricity and pre acrlblng the terms of such contract, there existed any authority for the making of such contract without first asking for com petitive bids, as recommended by you. When the document was delivered to Mr. Breen by the deputy city clerk, the latter read It and looked ateadfastly out of the window. Then he aald. "You tell the city clerk to lock the doors of his office and do no bualness until he hears from me, leat the fair name of our great city be Irreparably Injured. Then say to him that being at leisure he may go run and take a Jump at himself. Mean while the nation lives and Cuba Is free." GETS A DISCOURAGING STROKE Mas front Baltlsuore, Looted bjr the Philistines, Hikes Back to he Terrapla Ton a. Samuel Nelso of Baltimore met three men In Omaha Thursday evening and Is I0 loser, at least so he reported to the police Friday morning. Mr. Nelson was a stranger In town, In quest of lodging. Three strangers ofTored to help htm find bed and board and he promptly allowed them to guide him through the mystic mass of a real city. The men escorted Nelson to the railroad tracka at Thirteenth and Nicholas streets, where Nelson waa hit across tha head and robbed. About 1 a. m. Friday morning he was found by a railroad watchman, who reported the Incident to the police. Mr. Nelaon told Captain Moatyn he la going back, back to Baltimore. Eatrrlnlalaar aa Uneasy. Don't entertain a chronic, running sore or wound. Cure It with Bucklen's Arnica Balve: IS centa; guaranteed. For sal by ohcrman McConnell Drug Co. 3B STORE OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 10 P.M. to $5 STORE OPEN SATURDAY TILL 10 P. M. DOCTOR GCARLEO AND GEARLE8 W use our own nan In our bualness; yot know who you are doing bualneas wits. CeasHllatlea Pre. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without pain or loss of Urn. CHARGEo'LOW. BLOOD POiSCII .7.rr1.V.o"o"r.V'orn body. In mouth, tongue, throat, hair and eyebrows falling ouU disappear completely forever. Weik. limn, Men I'..0,, "wMS,"i nervous d.bllty, early decline, lack of vigor and strength. URINART, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Weak Back. Burning Urine, Frequency of Urinating. Urine High Colored or with Milky Sediment on atandlng. Treatment by mall. 14 years OF BU CES6FUL, PRACTICE IN OMAHA. CW nsr of lttb and Douglas. Omaha. Neb. MEN AND WOMEN. Cm Bif f.r asa.iarsl SleS.rf.s,laa.Mtton, Irrll.iioa. e. ilMnilsH ef M.nvr.SM. 1,1.1m. h .at ..In.. tEvtstCsUtiOMCs. or soiMs.iu. M M m 1 s 1 1 i 1- SIS SSATI.t r y snnisi, rf 1 et is wrps-r, ; I ki .istm, r'i4. fur Xii 'I OS. t ( Willi-. it. CircelM sbI e rete'.sfc n jV M tllllllMI l ll fc KiSOl.lSrt rv - i . l.L.i.ukr.. R.liwa S Svl S.a44tli.M mm 4 Im.ii.. I (K Mm. S.f f y.r 1i..m. mi mI 4. t I jf msm S. r.rtlr.i.-. 1wlaa.W 1 O 44 SSm for l.4lm.M iM.r 9f r. if mm Staii. 14 .1. rwu.Mai af Msmm SS.vw-1- MiSlns --. fat