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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AITIUST 2fi. ions. omii WKtTHfR rnnr.rT-tiriiir 5T0K CLOSES SATURDAY EVENING TEN O'CLOCK. il 1 Si 77W I Saturday Offerings in Dry Goods C0VJ5RT JACKETS In light and dark silk and serge lining, also black and blue Cloth Jackets these jackets T QP are Worth from $5 to $7.50 Saturday's sale JJrO LADIES' SILK JACKETS In taffeta and peaii de soie tight-fitting back, blouse effects prices formerly ? (IP $6.95 to $15 on Bale Saturday at JZJD LONG KIMONAS In Cyrlen crepe, trimmed with Persian binding col orB, red, black, pink and blue Just a few Saturday'! C( sale ltU SHORT CYRIEX CRKPK KIMONAS Trlmmfid with Persian -1 r band colors, red, pink, black and blue Saturday sale & DC Jffw arrivals of Fall Skirts, Suits, Jackets and Cloaks daily. SPECIALS IN SILKS SATURDAY. 1,000 Yards of Black Taffofa Silk every yard stamped "Wear Guaran teed" this cloth Is 27 inches wide and sells for $1.25 Tn yard Saturday Special yard I JC COLORED DRESS GOODS. 75 pieces new Panamas, Serges, Scotch Mixtures, Mohairs, Berucs, Shep. herds' Plaids, Fancy Chocks and Venetian Cloths all new and Fl up-to-date styles -on sale Saturday at yard JUC 100 FRINGED RED SPREADS Full size, worth $2.50 for f ( Saturday only each 1UU 8-pound Pillows, with fancy art tucks, worth $2.25 a pair 0 Saturday only ' JC BIG RIBBON OFFER Satin Finished Messallne and Loulslne Silk Rib bons warranted washable in fancy floral and plain change able colors 4 to 6 Inches wide worth from 40c to 75c Special Saturday yard .' JaOC CLEARING SALE OF BELTS All our entire Btock of this season's Belts will be closed otit at cost fancy, plain, silk, satin, leather and mercer ized belts, with fancy and plain buckleB lot worth from 25c f f to $2 will go at 3 different prices Saturday each, 95c, 45c 1C NEW FALL CORSETS Straight front, long hip, Coutelle corsets hose supporters attached nonrustable Bteel In white and drab 7 C full line of sizes worth $1 each sale price Saturday i JC LADIES' UNION SUT HALE Fine ribbed, highly finished. Lisle Union Suit low neck, no sleeves, tight knee, silk taped Swiss ribbed French little, low neck, no sleeves, umbrella knee, fancy lace trim- j f Died regular. $1.19 Special for Saturday suit JC GLOVE BARGAINS Ladles' pure Silk Gloves, with warranted double fin ger tips Kayser's lisle milanaise double tipped gloves full line of light shades and white and blacks regular 75c value Sale rn Price Saturday pair. . . GREAT NECKWEAR REDUCTIONS Fancy Embroidered Turnovers, Pique and Lawn Stocks, fancy embroidered and lace trimmed, with or without tabs odds and ends of Cape Collars and Ascot Stocks this line Is worth from 50c to $1.50 each Sale Price Saturday . each HANDKERCHIEFS Pure linen ladles' Handkerchiefs, border of deep Val. lace and Insertions, regular 48c Sale Price Saturday is each JLOC ' '. With Ten Green Trading Stamps, Millinery New Fall Styles ii TURBANS, DRESS SHAPES and MISSES' SAILORS In taffeta silk and a fetching combination of colorings, all the choicest and sauciest New York styles and fads values $8.50-Saturday at 4.98 PyroraLphy Novelty Bargains 69. ra' Pn tapsnrM bmpio Frame.; .InpHnese Lampions, frames. like cut, a distinct in. art, novelty sale price J 1 Two Opening Pyro Frames, c list.... Four Opening Pyro Frames, $1.'J." list nt. Twelve - Inch Wilhelmlna Panels, regular 3.V, at 35c 11. Pyrngraphv Outfits, .LOS $4.50, $3.25 and.. ODCPv .23c 1.69 10x14 Fruit rnncls, regular 3.V, at. . . . .. 10x20 Japanese Panels, We are headquarters $1.00 vnlue. at Uu W 1 y ri-jrraphy. Flrture Framing The right place Is Bennett's Art. 2d Floor. in Saturday Shoe Sale Boys' and (tirlf Shoes for school f PA that will give service, at 1 Ladies' Easy Bath Slippers with Qr soft carpet soles, at JJ Misses' and, Children's Linen Ox- Cfl fords, at , JUC Men's Tan Russia Calf Welted Sole f PA Oxfords, at ! JJ Misses' and Children's Tan Vici QO Blucher Oxfords, at 0C Men's and Boys' Canvas Balmoral AO Oxfords, at ZOC School Supplies ART DEPARTMENT Big Sheets Fine Drawing T Paper, at C Water Color Tads, adopted by schools special, O at. : OC Metallic Hold Paint for q water colorings, at Good sized sheets Whatman Water Color Paper, at 1UC Milton Bradley Boxes of paint, fresh supply just iu. Second Floor. We Light Omaha With Our Lamps The nickel plated center clrait burner lamp, 100 candle power, complete with white 1 shade, Saturday, at. . . : Handsomely decorated glass lamp center draft burner 1 . CI ft a $3 value Saturday.. Lemon Juice Extractor The fin est made, value 10c, C Saturday, at .....'' Welsbach gas light, has a 300-candle yrr df till mflf. best mantle and giooe, IDC best mantle all complete, Saturday, at. each Footed .Sherbert or Ice Glass, a regular 15c value, Saturday at 10c BIO SPECIAL SATURDAY 7-inch White Porcelain Plates new shape Saturday a set of six for ZtJS Only one set to a customer. Crystal Table Tumblers with engraved OC 3n a set of six, Saturday J Beautiful Cr decoratlon- A regular 90c dozen. Watch for our Jardiniere sale it will be a wonder. Second Floor. THIRD FLOOR THIRD FLOOR Saturday iiv the Big Hardware Trading Oarhage cans, (extra heavy) Stamps with . 2.65 Ten Oreen Trading- Stamps with 10-q.uart Flaring Tin Pall Twenty Green Trading Stamps sAc with Egg Poacher OtW. Ten Oreen Trading Stamps with ACr 1 dor. tin tomato cans Vw Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps I On with Flour Sifter IVW Forty Green Trading Stamps with 10, 14 or 17-quart Tin Dish Ofir Pans. 43c, 34c SOfc Great reduction on Screen Doors, fall to see them. BASEMENT. 10c Ten Oreen Trading Stamps with tCkn can Stove Enamel Sapollne.... VC Thirty Oreen Trading Stamps fiCiri with X-ray Coffee Mill...:..... OUC 65c 35c (all elies)) we have in stock. Don't Thirty Oreen Trading Stamps with Imperial Coffee Mill..; Twenty Green Trading Stamps with No. 1900 Coffee Mill...:... Window Shades "We have on hand about 500 odd window shades in plain and double faced hand made goods. Most of them are mounted on Hartshorne rollers. Will sell these Saturday at 10 per cent less than the cost of making. Bring your sizes with you. Plain hand made shades, 54 in. by 7 feet, 48 in. by 7 feet, 42 in. by 7 feet and 38 in. by 7 feet. Come early as these goods will not last Jong. Don't forget to bring your measurements. Double faced hand made shades 54 in. by 7 feet; 48 in. by 7 feet and 38 in. by 7 feet. BENNETT'S Big Grocery SATURDAY SPECIALS Fifty Green Trading Stamps with 4K- b. sack Pride of Bennett's Flour $1.56 Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps with 24-lb. sack Pride Bennett's Flour.. 80o Fifty Green Trading Stamps with 3 lbs. Mocha and Java Coffee for $1.00 Thirty Green Trading Stamps with 1 lb. Tea (.any kind). 68c Ten Oroen Trading Stamps with 1-lh. can Bennett's Capitol Coca :'4o Twenty Green Trading Stamps with 2-oi. bottle Bennett's Capitol Ex tract 18o Ten Green Trading Stamps with H-lb. cake Baking Chocolate lie Twenty Green Trading Stamps with 1-lb. can Ben nett's Baking Powder.. ..l'4c Five Green Trading 8tamps with 1 packtige Bennett's Capitol Soda 4o Ten Green Trading Stamps with 1 lb. Crisp Saratoga . Chips c Ten Green Trading Stamps with one frame Pure Honey 15c Ten Green Trading Stamps with 2 packaged Gusto.. ioc Five Green Trading Stamps with 1 bottle Salad Mus tard 10c Ten Green Trading Stamps with one can Table Syrup l:'o Fifteen Green Trading with 3-lb. can Omar Peaches 18c Fifteen Green Stamps with Ulnar Pears Trading 3-lb. can ISc Ten Green Trading Btamps with 1 2-lb. can Strawber ries IRo Ten Green Trading Stamps with 1-lb. can Sliced Pine apple 1240 Ten Green Trading Stamps with one 6-lb. sack pure Salt lOo Ten Green Trading Stamps with one can Marshall's Kippered Herring 20o Ten Green Trading Stamps with one can Marshall's Tomato Herring 20c Five Green Trading Stamps with one bottle Sweet A sin. Pickles 10c Ten Green Trading Stamps with one doxen new Ger man Dill Pickles 12o Ten Green Trading Stamps with one quart Sour Pick les 10c Ten Oreen Trading Stamps with one pint Large Queen Olives i3o Potted Ham or Tongue, per can 4o 9c cans Cream for 60 6c box Ball Blueing for.. 2c 4c box Blueing for lo Sweet Corn for Bo 2 bars Castile Soap for... 5c 10 bars Diamond C Soap.. 25c Twenty Green Tradltrg with 1 lb. Swiss Cheese.. rc Ten Green Trading Stamps with 1 lb. N. Y. Cheese. .20o Twenty Green Trading Stamps with 1 lb. Sago Cheese 2oc Ten Green Trading Stamps with 1 lb. Brick Cheese.. Doc Five Green Trading Stamps with 1 Jar French Cheese 10c BCTTEHMIL.K Ice Cold Buttermilk, all you can drink, at butter counter. Bennett's Capitol Creamery Butter, per lb 23c Bennett's Candy Section Special Stick Candy Sale New and deli cious. Five sticks lc Twenty-fire sticks. .5c Optical Ten Yenr nrnted Gold Flllrd Spectacles and Kjre A O . Glasses 1T'0 Regular 13.00 value. Those glasses are fitted with good quality lenses and are thor oughly dependable. Visitors specially Invited to hare their eyes tested FREH. Clothing Section Blue Serge Coats and Trousers novelty cheviots sizes 28 to 36. Something new for early fall buyers including a white or fancy vest in the above. $20.00 values at $10.00 f $18.00 values at $9.00 $15.00 values at $7.50 DUTCHESS TROUSERS. 10 Cents a Button, $1.00 a Rip. Jewelry Section, $1.50 and $1.0$; Purees, slight' y shop worn, while they last your choice 49c Meat DepartmenCity L1 t - 1M ,r -- .vr--'-h Bennett's Great When you consider quality you will fiM that we sell at the lowest prices in town. CHICKENS! CHICKENS!! Your choice of about 3,000 fresh dressed springs, average from 1 V4 to 2 pounds, each per lb. 1 14 c Pork Shoulder Roast 7 He Spare Ribs, 4 pounds for 25c BEEF! BEEF!! ' No. 1 Round Steak of our choice No. 1 native corn !.( t' lea steers, none oeuer, at, per pouna iuc No. 1 Klb Boiling Beef of the same choice beef If 4" jjuuhuo -vr. . .....,...... VEAL! VEAL! ! "Veal Shoulder Roast, four pounds for 2ffc Veal Stew, six pounds for 25c FISH! FISH! t A full line of all kinds salt fish, mackerel, cod fish, smoked Halibut, sun white fish, fancy bloater, sugar cured salmon, new Holland herring now on hand. ; Good things to eat at our Delicatessen Counter. LARD! LA HI)! ! A fresh lot of Bennett's special lard, guaranteed strictly fresh kettle rendered, expressly for family trade, on sale in 5 pound pails, at 55c, and Thirty Green Trading Stamps with each pall. HAMS! HAMS! ! Sugar cured regular Hams, average ten to twelve pounds, at, per pound 12 He $5.00 Trousers at ....$2.50 $4.00 Trousers at ...$2.00 Boys' $3.00 Trousers at $2.00 Boys' $2.00 Trousers at .$1.00 Shirts A one-hnlf rnrlond of shirts Just re ceived. The very best materials and se lected patterns. White and black stripes and figures; solid colors, blue, tun, white nnd gray. Collars attached, separate collars and other styles. Con sidering the future, you can't overlook this sale. 50 Ceivts And Thirty Green Trading Stamps . - Underwear To avoid carrying over at ... Worth 25c and 35a HaJ Department LAST CALL. Choice of any Straw Hat that sold up to $2.50, at .BOc Choice of any Straw Hat that sold up to $1.00, at 25c New Tate Stiff Hat for fall $3.00 ! HELLO GIRLS' ALARM CLOCKS VebngkV Telephone Company Will Not ' Out Off Tbii Accommodation, EASTERN COMPANIES ARE DOING, IT rmr of Yoanar AVomrn at the Switch Boards Dot! Many Thlnas (or Public as Fa rors. Efforts of the eastern telephone compa .'nles to nhut down on the use of their Oitrtors aa early-morning alarm clucks AAd other uwful functionaries beside con nection rnaJters for suhncrihers will not be followed In Omaha, according to General Manager Vance Iane of the Nebraska Tel e-phone" company. In New York the alarm clock business got so big- It Fwamped the night forces, so an order was Issued forbidding It. I?e tween the text, however, the girls were j!lven to understand that soma room was given, .for the exercise of their Judgment If they feel good, therefore, the Qotha- mite may . titlll be Jingled out of a heavy slumber Ir, lime to catch a train. But he must be very, very good to get the service. "We. are not to a point where we have to stop extending every convenience and courtesy to our patrons that Is possible even thnugh such matters are not nomi nated Jn the bond." aa Mr. I-ane. "The extraneous work lias been expanding along with the growth of the business, but, at moat, Of it is at night, we can still take care f it. We probably do us much for our .latrons besides making connections as anyone ran ask." Maar Depend oa featral. WltlJn the last few years more or less trustworthy alarm clocks have been sold ior oia junk out of many Omaha homes. It Is a simple and surf matter to call up central after 10 o'clock and tell her to keep the 'phone ringing from 8:30 a. m. until you respond. She will do It. and you are certain to be drawn from between the covers no matter how chilly the morn ing. Then, If you have s. generous heart, you will get the girl s name and address and some day send her a nice little pres ent, or an automobile or an order for a new hat or a bale of flowers. All these things help. Every night and morning not less than 2fO Omahans tre waked by the cheery tel ephone girls. Railroad and travelling men I are the biggest workers of the system. As ! It Is all done at nighi or In the early j morning, when the business on the wires j is num. n is easy ior the operators, and their memory Is kept good by written slips giving the number and time for culling. MKht Girls Do Lot ol Kitra Work. Hut the night girls do a lot of other work for which they get little credit. If a fire breaks out the whole force Is used to xillect Information and answer in quiries. The chief operator makes It a point to Inform the persons and firms di rectly Interested in the blase. Once In a while a man Is hurried from his sleep In time to pull out valuable papers from the flames. In cases of accident where physicians or other assistance Is needed It is the duty of the girls to help matters ajnng all they can. Often they are able to get a doctor on the ground long before anyone else could. A separate Information bureau gives quantities of all kinds of useful knowl edge to the public at night, when the or dinary Information sources are not avail able. The time of day, the time of arrival and departure of trains, ban ball scores. calamities, big news happenings and any manner of knowledge is delivered gratis without loss of time. ' CUTICURA GROWS HAIR Scalp .Cleared of Dandruff and Hair , Rtatored by One Box of -Cuticura and fJNE CAKE 0FCUT1CURA SOAP A. W. Taft 'of Independence, V., writing vndrf 'date of Sept. 15, 1 904, ays: "I have had falling hair and dandrufi for twelve years and could get nothing to help me. I-inally I bought one box of Cuticura Ointment and one cake of Cuticura Soap, and they cleared my scalp of the dandruff and stopped the hair falling. Now ihr hair is growing as well as ever. I in highly plcaaed with Cuticura Soap a toilet soap, (signed) A. W. Talt, Independence Vu' THREE ST0RY WAREHOUSE Bolldtaa- roatlasr Twenty-Ki v Thoa. sand Dollars to Be Erected by Seed torn pa nr. The Nebraska Seed company will erect a new brick on Jones street between Twelfth and Thirteenth. It will be three stories In height, fitixTI feet, and Its construction will allow additional stories when needed. The building and Improve ments in It will cost about t-.".00. F'lans have been drawn and work will begin soon. Ulnar's Hiiinair Still Leads. I'p to Thursday even'ng Hie tabulation of the postal c.ird vot being conducted hv Samson and his committee figures as fol lows: King's Highway 62 KXpUnade '. Paseo f78 fiar-Fen's lane l.t Omaway t. iir: Gridiron J.. 1,'J Streets of Cibola ...17 Rialto 1. 9 Kraal )i Craay , lul EX-CONVICT ON A RAMPAGE Omaha Man Paroled from Penitentiary Ooes Wild ai of Dope. WILL RETURN TO THE STATE PRISON Telephone Message from Warden Beemer tomes Just at Time W hen Police Jndae la About to Release Man. Frank Betts, an ex-convlct of the Ne braska penitentiary, broke his parole In Omaha Thursday afternoon by creating a scare at Nineteenth street and Capitol ave nue while on a "cocaine Jag." Betts created some excitement In that neighborhood by running up and down the street, brandish ing a revolver and knife. A hurry call was sent to the police station and after an ex citing chase Emergency Officer Pan Bald win brought the frenxled man to bay. When arraigned In police court Friday morning Betts was fined $10 and costs and was about to be released, after paying his fine, when a telephone message was re ceived from Warden Beemer of the state penitentiary saying that Betts had broken his parole granted four months ago an.l asking that the prisoner be held for an ofheer. who would be in Fild.iy evening. The conduct of Betts Friday afternoon will mean. that he will have to serve two and a half years In the state penitentiary, which part of his sentence was allowed when he was paroled four months ago. Betts was sentenced from Fremont, where he was convicted of forgery and horse stealing. He was caught In Iowa with the stolen rig with an Omaha girl by the name of I.lpn, returned to Fremont and tried on the two charges. . Cines Back to Ills Dope. In police court Friday morning he said he had used cocaine Thursday after having gult the drug for a long time. According to the evidence of Officer Baldwin In police court Friday morning Uetts created quite a scare In the neigh borhood of the high school Thursday after noon. All of a doxen persons telephoned the police station that a crazy man was running wild In that vicinity and Imme diate help was asked for. Officer Baldwin was detailed and he proved equal to the task. He chased Betts for half a mile, the fugitive running with a revolver In one hamf and a knife In the other. At Twentieth and Douglas streets Betts stum bled and at that moment Balwln was on him and pinioned his arms. At police headquarters Betts gave four strong po licemen a hard tussle before the handcuffs were removed. Belts is but 24 years of age. He Is the son of John Betts, i'15 North Seventeenth street. North Thirty-first avenue. It Is expected Mr. Cook will be able to resume his duties after a few days. In some manner an erroneous report galnr-n circulation wmi was unconscious anu in ..w........ as the result of heat prostration. Mr. Cook Is one of the oldest carriers In the local service. NOTES FOR THE ARMY. Captain T. B. Hacker, purchasing com missary for this district, will shortly adver tise for SO.iWi pounds of hums and bacon for the use of the I nlten oiaies army m m Philippines. At Fort Crook. Major O. R. Cecil, Cap tain C. W. Castle. First Lieutenant O. 11. Guild Thirtieth Infantry, for the examina tion of Color Sergeant Charles Morgan, Thirtieth Infantry. At Fort Riley, Captain E. M. I-eary, Elev enth cavalry. Captain V. H. McComack. Ninth cavalrv, Second lieutenant G. H. Baird. Kleverith cavalry, for the examina tion of Kirst Sergeant David Tucker, Troop A. Ninth cavalry. leaves of absence have been granted the following officers of the Inited States army: Captain Munroe McFarland, Eigh teenth Infantrv, Fort Iavenworth, one month; Captain Zebulon H. Vance, Kleventh Infantry, Fort McKenrle, Wyo.. one month. The following enlisted men have been or dered honorably dls haig.d from the I'nlted States army bv the War department: Privatu Willi. im li. vValtersperger, Troop I, Elev enth CHvalry, Fort f'es Moines, and Ser geant M. C. Conway, Company K, Eleventh infantry. Fort D. A. Russell. Boards of officers have been ordered to meet at the respective posts herein named to examine Into the UMllticatlons of cer tain candidates for the position of urdnanc s-meant fnited St.ites army: At Fort 1 es Moines. Mijor 11. W. Wheeler, Captain S. (J Jones, First Lieutenant T. B. 'lay lor. Eleventh cavalry, for the examination of First Sergeant Hobest J. Hughes, Troop U, Eleventh cavalry. A general court martial has been ordered to convene at Fort Rol inson. Aimust .'. for the trial of such cases as may be properly brought before it. Ietall for the court: Captains C. P. Johnson, Harry L. T. I 'avanaugn: First I.ieute'iants N. M. Cart- mell Wwlter J. Scott; been mi i,ieuietianis C. H. Muller. William W. Edwards. E. F. flraliain and First Lieutenant Bruce Pal mer, Judge advocate, all of the Tenth cav alry. The following general court martial sen tences have Just been promulgated from Department of the Missouri ln-adnuarters: Private William Walker. Troop F. Ninth cavalry. Fort laven wot th. uVHertion, dis honorable discharge and eighteen months imprisonment; Private Jackson S. Cherry, Company C, Eighteenth infantry, Fort Leavenworth, violation of the fortieth and sixty-third articles of war, dishonorable dis charge and three years Imprisonment; Re cruit Frank J. Macnianus. mounted service. Fort Ies Moines, desertion, dishonorable discharge and one ears Imprisonment; Private Fred H. Gardner. Troop D. Sixth cavalry. Fort Meade, ri. D , violation sev enteenth article of war. dishonorable dis charge and eighteen months Imprisonment; Recruit Cnarl.s I). Jackson, mounted ser vice. Fort lrf-a'enworlh. desertion, dishon orable discharge and one year's ImpilMon ment: Private Robert C. Byron, Company J, Eighteenth Infantry, Fort Leavenworth, iolation sixly-sei ond article of war. dis honorable discharge and tlnee months lin pris timent: private Lexon Carlin, Company B. Tenth Infantry, Fort l-Henorth, de sertion, dishonorable discharge and one year s Imprisonment. Letter arrter Heats Kaallr. James J. Cook, mall carrier at the Omaha postofiica, la resting easily at tils home, HI liuildlaa Permits. The city has issued permits to Michel Mass'ira for a fvSot' brick lesidence at South Twenty-sixth street. N. J. An derson. tEMMi frame dwelling at 27i6 Mere dith avenue. and to the Stors Brewing com pany for t-X alteration to lh ruof of shlngton balL LAWYER SORE AT WITNESS Cunningham B. Scott is Trimmed to a Standstill in County Court. WOMAN ON THE STAND WAS VERY CLEVER Irascible Attorney Ran Against Femi nine Finesse and Innocence to the Point of Paying; Oppo nent sv Compliment. A case Involving possession of a garden lot In Murphy's addition to Omaha has oc cupied the attention of Judge Vlnsonhaler for two morning sessions of the county court. The title of the case Is Joseph H. Had k lnson against E. L. Burrls. Mr. Had klnson was accompanied to court by his wife, who was the responsible manager of the place In question during her husband's absence. Burrls was supported by Mrs. Burrls and four children, ranging In age from 6 years to a baby In arms. The law yers In the case were J. Q. Burgner for plaintiff and Cunningham R. Scott for de fendant. Mr. Hadkinson's examination passed oft without much sign of war. though Attorney Scott did exhibit considerable fierceness at times. It was when Mrs. Hadklnson came to the stand that Cunningham R. Bcott was brought to make the admission, "You ought not to be managing a garden patch; you ought to be a lawyer, ' the last part of the sentence with a floodtlde Inflection. Woman Worries Him. Mrs. Hadklnson, comely, calm and caus tic, gave the Irascible old lawyer as bad a half hour or so as any legal light ever got. When he tried to put affirmative questions to her, Mrs. Hadklnson rode him down the line In a way that made every Individual hair on his head to stand up like the quills upon the fretful porcupine. And Mr. Scott's gorge rose and he gave evidence that the woman's way was not for him- at all a pith. Scott la gray and quite spunky. The wit ness was superior to his tactics and side tracked him while she demolished his ques tions in the Innocent but aggravating way that female witnesses have. Even Judge Vlnsonhaler, while admonishing her to be specific In her answers, slid one hand over the lower part of his face to sustain the frontal dignity of the court. And opposite Scott sat the dark, smooth and slightly deaf Mr. Burgner. In protecting his wit ness he add,ed a few lines to the gayety of the legal soiree, almost unintentionally. At the conclusion of Mrs. Hadklnson testimony there was not a genial spot In Lawyer Scott's makeup, while the woman was still smiling and unafraid. The court found that owing to a defect In the Infor mation the ease should be dismissed; but It will have another day In court. land ten days on a charge of vagrancy. It was charged Sutherland was one of a gang of men who have made their headquarters at the "gravel pit," which Is In the rear of 1 i V. .. ...n.iV.o.l , ) I j r ) f ' 11 ' H a r. men ONIgirnnic ., uuri. ...... B delegated to go oisl and beg on the streets - . . . villi nhlfih trt hllu twel EIGHT-HOUR CONTEST IS WON Boston Arbitrator Derides in Favor of Vnlon Carpenters on w Scale. BOSTON. Aug. 25. Six thousand union carpenters of Boston receive an advance of wages under the decision of Judge T. Wentworth, to whom as special arbitrator the employes and unionists submitted the question of a new working agreement. Judge Wentworth grants, the five main demands of the carpenters, including an Increase of from 3"i cents an hour to 41 cents, or from 13.00 to $3.28 for an eight hour day. double time for all overtime In stead of time and a half and an eight In stead of nine-hour work day for all shop and mill hands. and John Doe of Fourteenth and Howard streets were hauled from South Omaha to Nineteenth and Vinton streets by a faith ful animal that would have taken the men nil the way home had not Officer Relgle man of the Omaha police force Intercepted. Patrolman Relgleman noticed the moving rig with the sleeping men and thought it his duty to have a look, and he arrested Jones and Doe on the charge of being drunk. Both were fined and costs bv Acting Police Judge Foster, when arraigned In police court Friday morning. Railroad Files Its Plats. PIERRE, S. D., Aug. 25 (Special Tele gramsThe Missouri River & Northwest cm railway from Mystic to Rapid City, has filed Its plat with the state land depart ment and asked for an appraisement of tiie state lands which It crosses. I.lheratl'a Concert at Krnit Park. The audience rhlch greeted Llberatl and his military band at Krug park last even ing was In quality one of . the best w hich has ever been seen there. In quantity nothing was wanting and the additional chairs the second Increase by Manager Cole was not sufficient to seat the crowd Llberatl has certainly established him self by the generosity of his encores and the superb playing of himself and his as sociates. This afternoon and evening will close the engagement of Llberatl and his band. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS II. E. Fonda of Oenoa Is In the city. Mls Eleanor Thlele of West Point Is the guest of friends In Omaha. ; I'nlted States District Court Librarian Charles W Allen, has returned from a ten days' visit to Chicago. E. J. Barnhart of South Auburn; W. L. Chenoweth of Columbus; P. N. Agan of Pender; J. B. Thomas of Lyons and R. C. j Hecox of Denver are at the Merchants. Col. J. Estcourt Sawyer, chler quarter master Department of the Missouri, has been granted a two months' extension of leave of absence. Oeorge C. Yates has returned to the Mid land hotel after seven weeks In the St. Joseph hospital, where he went with a bad case of rheumatism. Dr. D. F. Lee has returned from a two weeks' trip through Colorado. After en- Ioylng all the scenic grandeur of Colorado, r. Lee says It Is good to get back to Omaha and Nebraska. 1)111 Vlandry. R. O. Pugh and Charles W. i Allen of Men lnian, Neb., are at the Mer chants hotel. The first named Is one of the largest land owners In that section and says that the mini In the section of Ne braska where hw lives are simply Immense, the best for msny years. i A party of Missotisi Pacific railroad offl clsls was In the city Thursday night, stop- rilng off from a tour of lnsiection of the ines. The officials were: A. W. Sullivan, general manager; J. W. Hlggins assistant I general manager; M. L. Ityers, director of maintenance and ways; A. Gould, gen eral superintendent, and J. Russell, superintendent. LOCAL BREVITIES Member of t.raJ ptt Cams;. In police court Friday morning, Acting Police Judge Fustsr sentenced A. E. Suther- When arraigned In police court Friday morning It cost Bailey Gtngross 15 and costs for not knowing that there Is a city ordinance prohibiting the burning of rub bish on the paved streets of the city. Git. gross was arrested by Officer Crowe while burning a lot of rubbish at Sixteenth and California streets. Agnes Crick Is suing the Travelers' Acci dent association for !',' "I. alleged to be due on a policy taken out In defendant company by her former husband, itay I. Brock. Mr. Brock was killed in a railroad wreck at Altamont, Mo., a few months ago. Mabel Hooker Rock ford and Ma Stewart have filed petitions for divorce in the dis trict court. Both petitions alhgu cruel treatment and neglect against William F. Kockford and Myron V. Stewart. To advertise the Ak Har lien festivities and to get additional people to enjoy them the Dansk Folke Tidende, a local Danish weekly, has offered a prize of a silver table set to the Danish society within 2"i miles of Omaha, that registers the largest numtier of visitors at headquarters in Washington hall during the ten das' frolic. Tne lodges of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs are barred from the contest, but there are sixty others in the territory admitted to the competition. Bat the Horse Was Sober. An unusual case of equina Instinct oc curred Thursday evening when John Jones DIARRHOEA and similar diseases in thelj worst forms can be promptly cured by WAKEFIELD'S BLACKBERRY BALSAM, It never fails. f9 years the leading remedy, till druggists sell it. DR. MoC RE W SPECIALIST Diseases of Men Only 10 Tears' Expert. nee. 20 Tears In Omaha. Varicocele, Stricture, Blood poison. Weak ness, book free. Box 764. Office. 81 8. UU bC, CMmalia, Nab,